bon-is-gone · 2 months
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POV: you're Loid taking the picture
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Thank you once again @unknownmelodies for collabing with me! This was such a delight to make with you :DDDDD
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unknownmelodies · 6 months
Blossoming of dreams a book inspired highly by @arkunder 's slasher band au is officialy on ao3!
Ill be posting chapter very soon on both places!
Stay tuned for more dears have fun reading ★!
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i-am-mldy · 6 years
I have a really unpopular opinion about a certain character in the Percy Jackson fandom and I would like to discuss it with people who may not agree. It has been on my mind for a while and I'm hungry for some debates
DISCLAIMER: this is not a hate post and I am not trying to attack the fans that do like this character. It's completely fine if you like her and this is just a personal opinion. I just want to put it out there and create some discussion here because no one is really talking about it.
So, here it goes.
I don't like Annabeth Chase
I'm sorry it's just that prideful and know-it-all people are my pet peeves. Throughout the entirety of the PJO books I don't really see any character growth from her. I even preferred Rachel over her because Annabeth was SOOOO unlikable for me.
I found her constant jealousy and frustration towards Percy so unnecessary. The series was nearly coming to an end and she was still angry at Percy for trusting Rachel— a mortal. And don't get me started on how she treated Tyson. I never understood the logic of hating an ENTIRE race just because one person from that race did you wrong. Her constant coldness and hostility towards him really angered me. Ya, she eventually came around, but I can't overlook the fact that she never gave an honest apology, EVER.
She just reminds me of those tsundere girls in anime who get mad at EVERYTHING and attack the guy for no reason. It angers me more how they're not even called out for their behavior. The same goes for Annabeth.
Fortunately, she was much better in the HOO books. I liked how she came to realize that knowledge isn't everything and that we still need our emotions to find the right answer. At least it humbled her a bit.
I guess my opinion just stems from the fact that I really can't relate with this character archetype? I never understood the behavior and mentality of intelligent yet painfully arrogant characters. I understand that these characteristics make her human and relatable to most people, but I guess I've never really come across people like Annabeth.
Again, that's just my honest and personal opinion and this isn't coming from an objective and criticizing place. I don't mean to attack or be mean and if you want to disagree with me, I'm up for discussion.
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bon-is-gone · 4 months
Heya bon!!! Saw your slasher band au content and immedietly fell INLOVEEE with em but then I also saw unknownmelodies ocs and thought of how would they get along with eachother cause that would be FREAKING COOOLL!!! Love your art bon keep up the great work !!!!!!!
I'm so glad more and more people like my characters and stuff in general ahgshagsgag ^^
I have actually talked to @unknownmelodies about our oc's interaction (Aka an art collab) and we were both really happy to do it, but because I was going thru a burn out so we couldn't do it 😔
And I'm more then ready to do it now! I even have an idea what type of comic we could do 👍 now I just gotta ask the lovely Melody to do it.
And also find the words to explain what my idea is since I'm honestly terrible at explaining stuff
Anyways, thank you once again and have a great day/night anon :D
Also I'll probably ask melody tomorrow since I am extremely tired because I have slept for only 2 hours for the past 3 days. That's not very healthy now, is that? :/
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bon-is-gone · 7 months
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With the permission of @unknownmelodies , i drew their lovely slasher oc Lianne! Drawing this was honestly kind of relaxing, since the design is simple. (Hair was giving me a hard time tho lol) Hope you like it =D
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bon-is-gone · 7 months
@unknownmelodies has asked for more art of my slasher oc's in @arkunder slasher band au.
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I swear I am this close to snapping today its unreal.
Oh and just incase the arts resolution is crap, I have an excuse: I still suck at Medibang 👍
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Self explanatory, it's just Charlotte in a playboy magazine. I've been trying to test out techniques on drawing shine on clothes and stuff.
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Aces and Kanaros parents! I always had an idea of how they would look like, but never the color schemes because Kanaro has white-ish purple-ish hair while Ace has black hair. And then I remembered that hair dyes exist.(Ace is blonde and so is Kanaro)
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Hooray, the comic is finally done! And now i shall go continue fighting school tests.
But i promise, more art shall come again =DDD
(And I apologize for any grammar mistakes, english is not my main language, Czech is.)
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bon-is-gone · 5 months
Ik this is random but I think you and @unknownmelodies could do some comic together or something with your amazing slasher band au ocs you both are extremely talented!!!
YOOOOOO that's actually a super cool idea! :D it would be so cool if @unknownmelodies oc's and mine like, met or something. Maybe we could like draw a collab illustration together (or how you said a comic! However, comics do take wayyy longer to make then an illustration). However, I'm not sure when I would have the time and motivation to do that since I'm currently training for a talent show to get into an art school (I plan on being an illustrator 😌). So we'll see
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bon-is-gone · 4 months
I wonder how lyn other ocs of the slasher band of @unknownmelodies would get along with yours!!
*Laughs in upcoming art collab comic*
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i-am-mldy · 6 years
A Dragon's Hunt
"Sooo... I'm guessing you didn't like him?"
The dragon's feirce golden eyes merely narrowed down at the princess's rosy and plump face which was ridden with worry. The emerald beast with his viper-like tongue licked off the dripping blood off his snout and teeth, then growled in frustration.
The dragon's form towered dauntingly over the biding princess in her tower. She, however, simply leaned on the edge of a window, with her doe-like eyes staring straight at him.
Shuffling awkwardly with eyes downcast, she asked "So... What did you do with him?"
"Why must you keep asking me that?" He sighed, exasperated.
"Because seeing you with blood all over your face is kind of unnerving! And uncomfortable."
He resisted the urge to torch her as well. He just replied "Yes, I did. But I was considerate enough to give him a quick death, and I buried him as well."
She raised a skeptical brow. "And by bury you mean you threw him in a hole somewhere?"
He growled lowly and she held her hands up.
His gold feline eyes rolled at her, and a bright white light surged from within him. Slowly it enveloped his entire body. His figure began to morph, his head, body and tail shifting and disappearing. The princess angled her torso downward as her friend grew smaller and smaller. And at a certain height, the light faded, revealing no more a majestic dragon, but a young man.
"Helios! Come up here."
A long rope dropped down from the princess's window in no time, and with another sigh he climbed up.
The boy was belly down on a fluffy pink bed groaning, while the princess was gently patting his back.
"Maybe next time, you should try not killing the prince. He can't exactly prove himself worthy if he's, you know, dead." The princess said, her voice sweet and light. It only annoyed him.
Helios lifted his face to raise a bemused eyebrow at her, but she just shrugged. He plopped his head back down with another groan.
"Genevieve, I have to try to kill him so that he I could test his worth. I can't know otherwise."
"Ok, so how will you know if a prince is worthy before you kill him?"
For once, no snarky remark came to him, and Genevieve certainly caught on on the slight stutter in his reply. "I'll just...know. Father said I'll know it when I feel it. If I can't, I'll kill him."
He always found it hard to explain these sort of things to his princess, though to him they came as natural as air. Dragons deeply valued their natural, predator instincts. Draconian culture calls for them to always trust in their beast and listen to them, for whatever they say to do, they're there to keep them alive.
On the other hand, humankind was different. They craved knowledge and built things based on logic. They see endless possibilities and persistently pursue them, because why not? Wherever they are, they want to go farther. Whoever they are, they want to be more.
A dragon can never understand that, for what could they possibly be that is better than a dragon?
Helios flipped himself over so he's facing the intricate and detailed mural on the ceiling. Admittedly, painting was the only human skill that he envied. Painters could copy reality, and twist it into something unique and beautiful. And to think that the sheltered, naive Princess Genevieve did that all on her own.
Humans are praised just by doing something worth remembering, either by daring acts of heroism or by controversy and scandals. But when you're a dragon, you can only be remembered by one thing: the worth of your prince.
And he can't even find one.
The creaking of the bed made him snap from his thinking to face the rather silent Genevieve. She laid on the spot beside him and twisted her body to face him.
Her gentle smile was plastered on her face. "You'll find him. I know you can. There's nothing I know you can't do."
He scoffed. "Well what makes you think that?"
She lightly patted his shoulder. "We'll, you have been with me for the longest time. Your my best friend, and best friends say these things to each other."
He smirked at her. "What makes you think we're best friends?"
He had to apologize several times to stop her from crying.
Genevieve sniffed as she rubbed her teary eyes. "It's late. You should go now. It's been a long day."
"Ya, just another day of barbecuing humans." He said lowly, his voice laced with bitterness. He stood up from the bed and stretched his body.
"You will find him, Helios. That's what I'm here for. I will get you your prince, and that I swear." Her sheer determination almost surprised him. This is the same princess who just cried from a joke.
He didn't say anything back. He grabbed the rope hanging out the window and pulled himself on the ledge. After he steadied himself, he jumped on the rope and tightly pressed his feet on it. Bit by bit, he lowered himself down the rope, and soon he was gone.
His motivation was at its lowest point the next day. For nearly the whole morning, his dragon form snoozed away by the tower, while the lone princess in her tower sang sweet lullabies and embroidered, you know, like how annoying princesses should.
Her tower shook almost violently and she yelped as she nearly dropped her needle. She huffed in annoyance and bent her body down to reprimand Helios, but she saw that he was no longer there.
Her eyebrows scrunched, and she scanned the ground for his green reptilian body. It seemes that he had abruptly left.
Suddenly hot wind blew on the other side of her face she swirled around to find his head inches from her window, his ears upright in alertness.
"What is it?"
He didn't reply. His pupils were slits, and his breathing was abnormally fast. It sent gusts of hot humid air to continuously hit her face.
She coughed and waved the air in front of her, attempting to get his attention. "Helios!"
Still no answer. She stared at him curiously; his eye was twitching, which happens when he's anxious. That's when realization dawned on her and she quickly got off of the window ledge.
"Is it a prince?" She askes, her voice quite uncertain at the possibility. Princes don't normally come immediately following another one. The time they'd normally have to wait was a up to a week. The longest was a year.
Finally, he nodded slowly, his face still anxious, more so than usual. After a moment of contemplating, she sighed deeply before heading back in towards her vanity. She sat down on her pink cushioned stool and started her "pre-prince" ritual her mother had taught her right after she taught her how to speak. It was passed down from princess to princess for generations, and Genevieve did each task gracefully and accurately. As a child, when ever she performed otherwise, it would mean a spanking in the rear.
She took out her crown, sitting on a royal blue velvet cushion, from it's glass casing and placed it on her head—the most important part, is always the last.
She tilted her head in various angles to examine every detail. When finished, she slumped her aching shoulders forward and sighed tiredly. For years, this routine had melded itself into her life as an everyday norm, which was now starting to weigh on her.
Another day out, as the bait for the dogs.
She had hoped to finally catch a break from all this. She could finish her portraits, and Helios could finally rest properly, without the continuous occurrences of princes having him on edge.
She looked back to the window, where Helios's head was still poking through from the outside. His eyes still held that uneasiness; something was a little off. She didn't know what.
To tell the truth, she doesn't even know why princes were so important. She was given to Helios as his princess at an early age, just to lure in a worthy prince, but beyond that is still a mystery. Helios would constantly ignore the question, as if the answer was something she could never understand, and honestly, she didn't understand a lot of things, so he might be right.
The rush of wind and the sound of wings flapping had Genevieve rushing back to the window. Helios hovered just above her tower, breath still heavy and face hardened with aggression. The prince is near; Genevieve straightened her back and steeled herself for the impending gore.
All was silent, except for the rustling of the leaves from the afternoon wind. Sun was nearly overhead; nothing on the ground can go by unnoticed in a dragon's eyes.
Helios instantly caught the trotting of hooves, and he prepared for battle. His unease poured through his twitching eye, and that frustrated him. He didn't know if this prince would be different, or if he had to wipe the ground clean of blood again.
Screw it. His hesitance careened out of the window, and with a booming roar, he spread out his wings, and propelled towards the woods. He caught a silhouette of a prince on a horse and done faster. He took in a deep full breath; his chest up to his throat slowly glowed red orange, his mouth ajar to prepare for the flames igniting in his throat. The second the sunlight hit the gleaming silver horseshoe, he released a blast of blazing fire at that exact spot. Flames instantly ate up nearly half of the forest from the surrounding area.
He stopped, and the smell of charred earth instantly filled the air. One look at the damage and you would've thought a flaming giant set his fat round foot on the ground. Bits of flame remained at the outer edges and pillars of smoke rose to the air. Even his keen eyesight strained to see through it spreading the area.
Usually, fire breathing would be saved for the the finishing blow, but somehow his body decided to do it right then and there. Maybe in the inside he just wanted to get it over with and sleep the day away again.
With his patience dangerously wearing thin, he lowered himself closer the ash filled ground. The beat of his wings slowly fanned away the smoke, and it dispersed throughout the air. He felt his body heat up, readying to scorch the earth once again, and he barely put up any resistance-- mercy be damned.
In a nick of time, before he burned a hole to the ground, the flames came to a halt just above his throat. It was a smell, a very weird one. It was an uncommon one, ... yet it stirred the depths of his subconscious, like a forgotten memory that goes back to when he was little.
A smell of another dragon.
However, the smoke revealed, not scales and wings, but a, very much alive, horse and prince, both adorned in blood red armor, with very familiar, scaly patterns.
The clouds uncovered the sun, and its rays lit up his armor. At that second, Helios couldn't breathe.
No dragon can never not recognize the skin of his own kin.
And before Helios realized it, the prince in the blood red dragon armor, charged.
(Part 2: ???)
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