brwnerinq-89 · 1 year
i'm. so. sorry
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trwsibit · 1 year
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"One day they will have dreams"
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nelsonbeauchejason · 1 year
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..Too-Bee UND-3RSTOOD-D ..
TIER[UNO,] permission appate 😀***
In you.R Way; <WAYWARD>
0¶>∆>÷; .
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lazeenadark01 · 2 years
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Katze x Usr ~ @scourgecats19
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7zileinfo · 1 month
Biroul Electoral Central a respins înregistrarea Alianței Dreapta Unită
BEC a anunțat duminică, printr-un comunicat oficial, că a decis să respingă protocolul de constituire a alianței electorale USR – PMP – FD Biroul Electoral Central justifică decizia prin faptul că la Registrul partidelor politice apare Cristian Diaconescu în calitate de președinte al PMP. Conform comunicatului oficial, protocolul de constituire a alianței ar fi fost semnat, din partea PMP, de…
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massourcing · 3 months
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usrofficial · 11 months
Third Issue of the ANS
READ THE ISSUE HERE https://issuu.com/almendrian-news/docs/ans_vol._i_no._3_1_ The Almendrian News Service – a weekly newspaper that publishes news around the USR – has published its third issue today. This week’s issue mainly covers news about Taksovia – including the recent election of its Consuls – and includes a report on the affairs of its Senate, indicating a drop-off in motions proposed.…
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stiridinromania · 1 year
Eroare. Ultimul sondaj de la ziaristii.com nu mai functioneaza.
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Recent, publicatia ziaristii.com a inceput sondajul Pe cine ați vota în 2024 pentru funcția de președinte al României? Optiunile de vot ale romanilor, pareau destul de bine definite la primele ore ale diminetii. Din cele 2644 de voturi, Diana Iovanovici-Sosoaca (SOS ROMANIA) era pe primul loc - 31%, cu 910 voturi. Pe locul 2, cu 15%, Catalin Drula (USR) cu 434 voturi. Pe locul 3, tot cu 15%, era Laura Codruta Kovesi, cu 429 de voturi.
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Din pacate, dupa cum se poate vedea in poza de mai jos, la momentul scrierii articolului, sondajul nu mai functioneaza. Chiar daca optiunile de vot pot fi vizualizate, acesta da eroarea "Failed to Verify Referrer" in urma votului. De asemenea, nici rezultatele obtinute pana acum nu mai pot fi gasite.
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Read the full article
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jurnaldeoltenia · 1 year
USR Craiova vrea electoratul pierdut odată cu majorarea impozitului pe clădirile nerezidentiale prin fake-news-uri!
USR Craiova vrea electoratul pierdut odată cu majorarea impozitului pe clădirile nerezidentiale prin fake-news-uri!
USR Craiova vrea electoratul pierdut odată cu majorarea impozitului pe clădirile nerezidentiale dar nu prin proiecte pentru cetateni sau prin alte initiative .. Ei aleg sa arunce diverse teme in mediu online care nu au nici o relevanta fata de ce se intampla in administratia craioveana sau daca aduc unele subiecte nu prezinta defapt intregul continut si apeleaza doar la franturi … Primul…
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jonathantaylor · 1 year
I have left the party since I made the video. Still, I do regret that this book will have limited traffic due to the language barrier. I don’t think it will be translated much, to be honest.
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USR se opune creșterii salariilor politicienilor
USR se opune creșterii salariilor politicienilor
PSD, PNL și UDMR au votat astăzi pentru creșterea salariilor politicienilor. USR s-a opus. USR a transmis opiniei publice un comunicat de presă prin care au atras atenția asupra faptului că PSD, PNL, UDMR și AUR au votat ca politicienii să beneficieze de o creștere a salariilor cu 25%. Reprezentanții USR transmit astfel că partidul lor este singurul care s-a opus acestei măriri salariale din…
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acumtv · 2 years
Bogdan Ababei si-a dat demisia din USR și a trecut la PNL
Bogdan Ababei si-a dat demisia din USR și a trecut la PNL
Șeful organizației județene PNL Bacău, deputatul Mircea Fechet, a anunțat vineri, 13 mai, în cadrul unei conferințe de presă că președintele USR Târgu Ocna, Bogdan Ababei și echipa acestuia au trecut la PNL. Bogdan Ababei a confirmat în conferința de presă că și-a dat demisia din USR  și a depus o adeziune la PNL. De altfel, presedintele PNL Bacău, Mircea Fechet a semnat adeziunea acestuia chiar…
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cosmosnout · 9 months
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They had to nuke Sasha bc she would have solved everything in like a week. Fly high queen
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xiaoswrld · 7 months
userz w "vamp" and/or "parker" ? tyyy...
vqmparker / vampqrker
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the-banana-0verlord · 5 months
May I request a platonic Diasomnia (separate of course) x Riddle’s twin sister reader where they’re teaching the reader how to swordfight
Sorry for taking so long to answer this ask!!! (っ °Д °;)っ
How Diasomnia would react to teaching Riddle's twin sister how to swordfight(platonic)
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Notes: Fem! Reader
Since Childhood, you had always been more rebellious than your brother. He had quietly accepted his fate to follow Mother's steps and become a doctor, while you would outright refuse it and want to become a fencer. Unfortunately, your mothersaw such a hobby as unladylike and banned you from it. So, you practiced in secret, but there was so much you could do as someone self-taught.
You finally saw an opportunity to learn after your mother fought mightily with Crowley to accept you as a girl in Night Raven College. Much to her dismay but very much to your liking, though, you were sorted in Diasomnia instead of Heartslabyul, like Riddle. Maybe someone there could teach you how to swordfight...
Malleus Draconia
🐉Approaching him is usually very hard, but you were lucky enough to have been born hot-headed and fearless. 🐉He found your attitude incredibly amusing, so he decided to indulge you and do what you wished for him to do. 🐉Normally he wouldn't know much about fencing, but he did watch over Silver and Sebek's training regiment, so he knew just enough to teach a beginner like you. 🐉In the end, you gained a teacher and a friend.
Lilia Vanrouge
🦇Ooh, another adopted kid! 🦇Yeah he's integrating you into his found family. 🦇Anyhow, his technique of teaching is very peculiar, to say the least. 🦇He believes the best way of learning is on the field. 🦇You go through the same training as the two that came before you: Mountain climbing, survival camps, impromptu battles, etc. 🦇But you learned, so it's all that matters. And now you can complain with Silver and Sebek about him.
⚔Straight up the best teacher out of the four members. ⚔He shows you each movement in slow-motion before attempting battle. ⚔And he gently corrects your position if needed. ⚔Don't get me wrong, your training is still hard and you're on a tight and tough schedule(when you're not on nap break) ⚔Yet you couldn't be more grateful
Sebek Zigvolt
⚡One of the hardest. ⚡LITERALLY an army training. You have a strict schedule and you're obligated to stick to it under the yelling of your instructor. ⚡If you hadn't gone through your mother's training before, you probably wouldn't stood a day under his supervision. ⚡The best part, though, was when it was clear he has taken you under his wing like some sort of big brother. ⚡He would bring you your water bottle(in a tsundere way, but it's the thought that counts) and he would stop you when he knows you're pushing yourself too hard.
Hope you enjoyed! Have a good day/night!
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wieqo · 10 months
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ 🌬️ ⠀ ᘍ ⠀ イ
jeonjgi⠀ jjgkors
svnjgk⠀ wfejjg
jgksoup⠀ yrjgko
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