#very fun question anon thank u so much for sending it in!!
inkykeiji · 1 year
I was rereading tag youre it and when tomura asks why dabi is acting so paranoid and if he was on something and Dabi gets defensive and says he doesn’t do that anymore and it made me think, obviously Dabi had experience with addicts (like his mom) and it is shown when he has to explain rock bottom and what gets it really through an addicts mind to reader. But did Dabi have a rock bottom moment with whatever he was taking at that time or was he just speaking from experience with his mom? If he did what was his rock bottom moment?
anon what a brilliant question!!!
tw: drugs
okay, so! when it comes to tag dabi’s drug use, it was almost exclusively cocaine (maybe some party drugs like ecstasy or psychedelics on occasion but his drug of choice when having a good time was cocaine) and he was an entirely casual user, meaning he was not dependent on the drug in any sense of the word (so not mentally or physically) and his use was extremely sporadic + entirely for fun. as such, he technically wasn’t ever an addict, so he never had any need to hit rock bottom because he was able to halt his use entirely on his own and with extreme ease. so to answer your question, he is speaking from both his experiences with his mother and his experiences with addicts in general due to the nature of his job. he knows how they think, how they behave, how addiction is a sickness that fundamentally decays their brains, and what has to happen for the majority of them to even consider getting better.
i’d say that most of his knowledge comes from his time in the underground as a dealer, but his mom definitely plays a part and had a huge impact, too. the reason why he brings up his mother and her addiction is to show reader that he does get it; in fact, he might even get it more than she does, because his mother hit rock bottom in such a gruesome and horrific and dangerous way, in a way that was much worse than what he thought/asusmed keigo’s rock bottom would be (losing his lil sister) because she hurt her children in more ways than one—or, at least, that’s the narrative dabi’s pushing.
his mom he hasn’t seen since he left home at 13, but he knows she was slated to be in the psych ward for a long, long time. his mother’s situation is a little different than keigo’s, though; rei’s drug use heavily exacerbates her pre-existing mental illness, and rei turned to drugs initially to escape. rei definitely hits some sort of rock bottom, obv, and rock bottom looks different for everyone, but the biggest similarity there (and what dabi was trying to get at) is that he knows what it feels like to love an addict, and he knows how unbelievably painful and devastating it can be.
fun fact! the full sentence that tomura cuts off is actually “i haven’t been high since i started seeing [reader].” reader has no idea that dabi used to do drugs recreationally, and would probably have some choice words for him about his hypocrisy if she did know, irregardless of the fact that he wasn’t a full-blown addict (which, to him, is a crucial distinction). it almost begs the question of whether dabi gave up recreational use because he genuinely did not want her to have another addict in her life, or if he gave it up purely to give himself the metaphorical moral high ground,,, or some odd mixture of both,,,,,
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neteyamkink · 1 year
What if the reader tries to make neteyam jealous to see how he would react but he ends up fucking her to show he’s the only one that can make her feel this good⁉️😨
Paring: aged up!neteyam x reader
warnings: filthy smut, degrading, neteyam calls reader a whore, neteyam fucks reader like a whore, choking, VERY RUSHED!!, uhmmm idk i think that’s it
likes and reblogs are appreciated :)
“Be as loud as you want, baby. Everyone needs to know who you belong to,” Neteyam growled in your ear sending chills all the way down your spine. Your back was starting to ache against the rough forest floor due to his hard thrusts.
“Neteyam!” you let out a loud moan everything was starting to become way too much to handle. Your back was pushed against the floor, his nails digging deep into your hips, the chill his voice sent down your back, and the way his cock was filling you up perfectly like your walls were made for him.
Hold on, let’s rewind and see how you got here.
“I mean it’s just to see if he really cares about you,” your friend, yu’ri, added. Currently, yu’ri was trying to convince you to make neteyam jealous as a test. Now At first, you were against it but the more she keeps arguing her case the more she is tempting you. You are typically not the type of person to play with someone’s feelings just for fun, but his reaction would help you understand where you guys stand right now. I mean you two weren’t dating yet, but there was surely something there right? Well, I guess today you’ll find out.
“Alright alright,” you finally give in to your friend, waving your hand and signalling her to calm down. “I’ll do it at the bonfire.”
“hey kumi, let’s dance,” you said, before he could even speak you were wrapping your hand around his wrist and pulling him into the center where everyone was dancing. You pushed through the crowd of people and attempted to get closer to the other side where neteyam and his friends were. Just when you knew you were in view of him you started to dance with the boy, nothing too provocative, but something just to get him riled up.
“I thought you didn’t like me?” the boy randomly questions before beginning to dance with you.
“I don’t,” you said looking past his shoulder and towards Neteyam whose back was against a tree one leg bent so his foot could hold him up on the tree. Neteyam stared you down, yellow eyes piercing through yours. You swayed your hips to the sound of the elders singing and the kids playing instruments. The beat pulsates through your body and fired up something inside you. You were determined to get a reaction out of him.
You pulled kumi closer to you, close enough to the point where your bodies were almost touching. You didn’t want to go too far with this, though. Deep down you knew you were Neteyam’s, off limits to anyone else.
“oh?” Kumi questioned your motives, but you were dancing with him who was he to question you? The thought left as fast as it came and he could only pay attention to the sway of your hips now. He wasn’t the only one, Neteyam’s gaze on you was sickening. If looks could kill, Eywa knows you would be with her now.
Neteyam’s throat started to burn with jealousy, his palms were sweaty, and his heartbeat was fast.
“Neteyam… are u listening?” Ao’nung spoke up. Fuck, he couldn’t even pay attention to what his friends were saying. The only thing that mattered to him right now was how your hips were swaying against that beast-looking na’vi.
“Yeah yeah keep going,” Neteyam flagged his friend off nonchalantly. he didn’t bother to take his eyes off of you.
“for fucks sake just go talk to her,” Roxto let out a huff tired of this silent feud between the two of you. Neteyam knew he should go and put you in your place, but part of him just wanted to see how far you would take it. But the way you were practically grinding on that random boy you were just begging for attention. Poor little you just wanted to get fucked, huh?
He tilted his head, rolled his tongue to lick the inside of his cheek, and scratched his head before puffing out his chest and stomping his way over to you. Before you knew it his big hand was wrapped around your upper arm and you were being dragged into the forest.
“Hey! what the hell are you doing,” you shouted trying to free yourself from his grasp. You knew exactly what he was doing.
“No what the hell were YOU doing?” his face was scrunched up, he was angry but fuck he was so hot like this.
“What did it look like,” you rolled your eyes giving up on freeing yourself at this point. You were too deep into the forest to go back and frankly, you didn’t even want to.
“It looked like you were just being a fucking whore. My Eywa, if you wanted attention why didn’t you just say so?” He gritted through his teeth.
that’s how you ended up a whimpering mess under him.
“Fuck, you’re mine, nobody else’s. understood?” he grunts as he fucks his hips into you. You could barely even speak so you pathetically nodded your head. Your non-verbal answer wasn’t good enough for him, because suddenly his hands were around your neck applying little pressure, “use your words.”
“yes, teyam!” you choked out desperately nodding your head. The pressure of his fingers on your neck was making your head go fuzzy. The only thought in your head was him and his dick.
“Say your mine, baby,” his breathing was harsh and rushed, you could feel his chest heaving up and down on yours.
“I’m yours,” you spat out between moans, he was fucking you so good that you could barely talk.
“cum for me, my love,” he spoke, and with those few words, you were a moaning mess, crumbling and whimpering underneath him. With the pressure on your neck, you could barely even breathe. Not even seconds after your climax he was cumming with you, releasing his hot seed inside of you with throaty moans.
“All you needed was to get fucked, huh?” he shushed you.
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haechvn · 2 years
Dating Shuri Udaku Headcanons
Pairing: Shuri x F!Reader
Warning: Fluff, Angst and Smutteroni
Summary/Request: pls do something that has to do with how it’s like to date shuri ! it can include fluff, angst, smut ( if you’re comfortable w that ), etc. with fem!reader <3 thank u for doing gods work !!!
Word Count: 0.87k
Author’s Note: Thank you for the request Anon! Working on multiple request simultaneously so here's one that's short and sweet. I want Shuri to be my girlfriend ong
Taglist :  @melodykissess, @blackhottie25, @tonakings, @coalmistyy, @szalipcombo, @prettyluhlaiiii, @yelenabelovasgff, @callmeoncette, @clqrosmgc
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Constantly staring in your eyes as a way to let you know that she is always there and present with you. 
whenever you walk into a room, she’ll grab your hands and kiss all of your knuckles will she stares into your eyes 
Never lets anyone talk to you in a disrespectful manner
Puts you before anything and anybody bc you are all that she has left. You have been with her through thick and thin and she feels like her owns you all the best parts of herself
Names science experiment after you and your name nicknames she gives you
Speaking of, she loves to call you princess, my love and lover
melts when you call her kitten, i wonder why
Devote as much time as she can reminding you of your gorgeous looks on a daily basis because “Bast, how did I get so lucky with such a beauty like you. I just wanna eat you up!” Then she does. 
She enjoys kissing you more than breathing no cap.
Loves tickling you from behind so she can kiss your neck and feel that ass on her–
Always flying you out when you feel upset or down or just because.
five star hotels, exquisite cuisine from all around the world and anything designer is yours
Shuri may be a Princess but she is definitely you sugar mommy holyshit
if you cry for any reason at all, sends $200k and spends the rest of the day with you so you can feel better
Treats you with the utmost respect and loyalty.
never has wandering eye, not that anyone else could ever get her attention
Lets you in on who she is fully and trusts you with every fiber of her being
Never puts you in harm’s way and is always by your side when you need it.
She is very precious and gentle with you. Her love feel like a warm cup of tea honestly
Dating Shuri is so fun and it’s like hanging out with your best friend all the time
Constantly having to have conversations with Shuri about how she can’t live her life in her lab if she truly values your companionship.
“Babe, I get that you need to figure out the molecular level of whatever you just said but if you miss one more date with me, you’ll have to miss me.”
which follow with her trying to argue back before realizing her faults and preceding to shower you in gift, money and that DI-
Tends to close herself when she thinks about her family for too long
Buries herself in work whenever she questions her scientific skills to try and proves herself wrong 
usually leads to her forgetting to contact you to let you know how she’s doing or what she may be up to. 
Punches herself if she makes you upset but she has learned a lot recently about dealing with other and has formed more mature and effective forms of communication so it’s not a big issues for the two of you
Overall pretty healthy relationship so there aren’t any actual problems that you don’t talk through
Shuri is a scientist. Which means she is always building sex toys for the two of you from scratch
She made you your own black panther suit bc she’s a horny fuck and thinks the suit would look so sexy on you.
Fucks your face with her pretty kitty until she has cum at least twice
likes making you eat her out on places that make you nervous so she can watch you freak out while your face is stuffed between her legs
She also love fucking you in her black panther suit
the same way her helmet can disappear, so does the part of her suit that hides her pussy and something about tribbing you in her suit drives her crazy
she can also sync the vibranium strap to her suit and fuck you that way if she wants as well
Off rip, the two of you would make such a sexy couple so there’s do denying that you won’t be able to keep your hands off of each other.
I feel like during sex is when she tends to use a lot of her leadership skills on you
She looking to see you shake and quiver under her just by the slightest touch
She could eat your pussy 24/7 everyday in the week. And she definitely tries to 
HAS A KINK FOR YOU CALLING HER QUEEN/HIGHNESS (that’s why she gives off daddy vibes yall!)
Would be drilling your pussy from the side almost every morning before sunrise since it is a part of her morning “Queenly duties”.
Shoves her soaking panties in your mouth if you are being too loud and she doesn't want people to come by to wake her up early
Loves spitting in your ass/pussy before devouring you then spitting it back in your mouth so you can taste the reason why she’s in love with you
Adores fucking you outside on her bedroom balcony at 3 am because it’s just you, her and the stars
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whore-era · 1 year
collage!ellie x reader hcs? <3
a/n: im gonna assume u meant college!ellie so HERE IT GOES just for you anon friend <3 sorry for how short it is kfkdkkd
tlou 2 university: college!ellie x reader headcanons <3 18+
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i have a feeling ellie is either a biology major, engineering major, or a physics/astrophysics major (cuz our girl loooves space), meaning she's extremely intelligent and does very well in class!! she's always answering the professor's questions, taking notes, paying attention. when you struggle with any science/math related subjects, she's ALWAYS willing to tutor you. but, this doesn't mean she's just gonna give you the answers, she's gonna make sure you actually learn and study, even using any means possible — like having you strip off a piece of clothing every time you get an answer wrong and making it a fun time for the both of you.
when you have important projects/papers/quizzes/exams to do that day, she'll make sure to send an encouraging message. don't get me wrong, she always does, but on especially important days like these, she'll always make sure to send an extra special one <3 'good morning baby! you're gonna fucking KILL this chemistry exam babe! you worked your ass off and you're gonna do amazing and get the highest score ❤️ i love you my smart girl let me know what you get when you're done' 'ty els <3 i love you most babe ! i'm abt to start talk to u laterrrr 🏃🏻‍♀️'
ellie will always fulfill her girlfriend duties and walk you to and pick you from classes! even tho she's always a tiny bit late because your class was all the way across campus from hers, but she wants to make sure you're protected and safe so she doesn't care either way! and she'll always carry your books for you, making sure you don't strain or 'hurt' yourself (her words not yours). "els, i have two, capable working arms!!" you whine, as she takes the textbook off your hands, "and so? what if you get a muscle spasm? or you sprain your hand?" she retorts, "by a two pound book?" ellie shrugs, "the possibility is never zero, babe."
when ellie has a project or an essay to work on, it'll be a little difficult to reach her as she gets in the zone when she's working. you'll probably send her some texts throughout the day to check in on her, but as the day progresses you'll find yourself worrying and thinking about stopping by her dorm with dinner because you already know she hadn't ate all day from being cooped up in her room typing away:
you - 9:30 am: els! just got out of class!! gnna go get some lunch w jesse :) hope ur doin okay <3
you - 11:45 am: miss u babe hope ur work is coming along great !!!
you - 2:21 pm: havent heard from u......kinda worried....hope u have been eating n staying hydrated missy >:(
you - 5:56 pm: ok i'm On my way! to ur dorm rn w/ dinner i already know u haven't ate yet n ur gonna feel my wrath
you - 5:56 pm: ignore that extremely enthusiastic On my way! it autocorrected im still mad at u
hearing the booming pounding on her door, ellie takes off her earbuds and walks to the door, opening it. to her surprise, you're standing there, take-out in hand, and a grumpy expression gracing your face. "do you know what time it is? have you even ate yet, ellie williams-miller?" ellie grimaces at the sound of her full, government name leaving your lips. "i'm so sorry, babe. i was working all day, i didn't even realize how much time had passed 'til you showed up," ellie mutters, her stomach grumbling on cue. you hand her the take-out from her favorite spot on campus, and she graciously takes it from your hands. "you better be thankful you have a very caring and worrisome girlfriend, els," you say, "i really missed you today." a smile curls on ellie's lips, "i know, baby. here, let me take a little break from my paper, and i'll make it up to you, yeah?"
and that night, ellie was extremely thankful she worked on most of her paper, as she completely disregarded anymore work as she decided she'd rather fulfill her appetite by eating you out instead. leaving her take-out cold and untouched. but hey, she held her part of the deal and indeed made it up to you.
that was also how 5 papers ended up taped up against her dorm-room door, complaining of the 'fucking loud ass moans' the morning after.
"how'd they even know it was us?" ellie queries, reading over the complaints. "oh wait, it says here 'please tell your girlfriend to keep it down. she was screaming your name all night. thank you for reminding us who lives in dorm 114.'" needless to say, you were red as a tomato and it gutted you to leave her dorm, feeling everyone's eyes on you as you walked down the hall.
let me know if yall would like more college!ellie hcs!! <3
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daisies-and-domming · 2 years
Hey!! Would you do a sub!billy hargrove/dom!reader smut? Thank u <3
Boy Next Door (NSFW)
S3 spoilers in my author’s note, and vague reference to how S2 ends!! 
Summary: You’ve lived in the trailer park nearly your entire life, long enough to know that nothing in Hawkins was ever normal. So when the new king of the school starts dropping by your trailer at ungodly hours, you don’t even blink - why would you? Weirder shit’s happened here, and you’re certainly not complaining either, not when the king decides to get on his knees for you.
Warnings: swearing, smut, dom!reader, reader has an undefined hole, p in said undefined hole, sub!billy, oral (reader receiving), frottage(?), edging, praise, little bits of degradation (reader calls billy “slut” and talks condescendingly at some points), unsafe sex (wrap it before you tap it kids!!), a lil bit of a breeding kink, billy likes when reader pulls on his hair <3
Let me know if you think I missed anything!!
All characters are over 18 :)
Oh my god anon I didn’t know I needed sub!billy until you sent this in and now I’m scouring the website for more… I’m a whore for subby men, what can I say 🤷 He’s a little ooc but I firmly believe that billy is secretly a soft with people he trusts - sure, he’s mean to max, but I think that’s because he doesn’t want her involved in his life of alcohol and flirting - and I’ll die on that hill. This is set between S2 and S3, but in my universe billy doesn’t die during S3 anyways because I’m the author and I said so >:O Anyways, I had so much fun writing this, thank you for the request!! It takes like 1000 words to get to the smut, I’m so sorry ;-; But the smut is like 2000 some words, so hopefully that makes up for it ahaha I went batshit
– – –
You’ve lived in this dinghy trailer park in the middle of nowhere, Indiana, your entire conscious life. When your parents were really drunk (which, in all honesty, was far more often than you were willing to admit) they would talk about their “golden days”: when your parents were something other than full-time alcoholics, living in the suburbs of Cleveland in a nice neighbourhood. You were told you were born there, in that nice suburb house near the coast of one of the great lakes, but you’ve never had the nerve to ask what happened that landed them here, in Hawkins. 
But Ohio was none of your concern now. There were supernatural beings practically on your doorstep and the only people that seemed to care were the children that your friend Steve seemingly adopted, which would make for a good movie. But the fact that a ragtag bunch of kids were the ones saving your very real world left a nauseating pit in your stomach. Sure, the angry buzz cut kid who they called “Eleven” put an end to the last thing that came after Hawkins, but something tells you this was just the beginning. No matter. At the moment, you had bigger things to worry about. Like the fact that there’s a soft knocking on your door, despite the little analog clock reading a blinking “2:34am”.
Peering through the peephole, a clearly drunk Billy Hargrove stood, wobbling slightly. You’d seen him around school - it’s hard not to when he drives a flashy car and insists on poking at Steve - but certainly hadn’t spoken to him before. Opening the door slightly, you make eye contact with the man in question.
“Hi,” you say, tentatively. “Can I help you?”
“l/n!!” he slurs, eyes lighting up. “What’re y’doin in my trailer?”
You frown at him. “This is where I live, dipshit. Your trailer is more than a few down.”
“Mmm, I don’t think so,” he said, nudging at you. “Lemme in, will ya?”
You stood firm, skeptical. “Why should I?”
“Because,” he drawls. “You’re pretty, I’m pretty, we should do pretty people stuff together.”
You snort, but move to the side. You didn’t know what his home life was like, but, nevertheless, sending him away in the middle of the night, piss drunk, was dumb. If he had gotten hurt on the way back to his trailer because you had sent him away you would never forgive yourself. Sure, he seemed like a pretentious douchebag, but even pretentious douchebags deserve a chance. Besides, the ‘rents were out, which meant there wouldn’t be any “did you use protection?” or “you aren’t pregnant, are you?” questions the following morning.
“l/n,” Billy whined out, making you turn in time to see him flop onto your couch. “Why aren’t we doin’ pretty people stuff yet?”
You shut and lock the door, plopping yourself down on the floor in front of the couch in an attempt to set an unspoken boundary. “Because you’re drunk. You’re welcome to come over here sober some time and try this whole song and dance then, but I believe in full consent when doin’ that tango. You’re inebriated, so no ‘pretty people stuff’ for you tonight.”
He whined dramatically. “But that’s half the fun of getting drunk!!”
“God, you’re really drunk,” you say, wrinkling your nose at the smell. “We can talk if you want, but you’re not getting any tonight, lover boy.”
“Ooooh, you wanna hear about the crazy shit that Tina did at the party today??” – – – 
This became a recurring event. Billy would go out and party, then come over, drunk out of his mind and strangely soft. You had learned a lot about him - about Max (who he seemed to truly care about, despite how he acted when sober), about his dickhead father, about his mother, about why he drowned himself in people and alcohol all the time. You weren’t sure why he chose to keep dropping by, but you weren’t too perturbed. In any other situation, you might even consider him your friend. But, you remind yourself, he’s always drunk or high or some combination of the two. You don’t make friends when you’re drunk. And you certainly don’t fall for them, either.
A knock resonated at your door and you froze, staring at the clock. It was 3:24pm on a Saturday afternoon, unless Steve had decided to give you a surprise visit there should be no one at the door.
“l/n! Open the goddamn door,” a voice rang out, one that you recognized immediately. “I don’t have all goddamn day!”
You stumble to the door, opening it embarrassingly quickly. “Hi???”
“Hey,” he said, shoving his way past you.
“Wait wait wait,” you said, spinning around to him. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“What I normally do, dickbag,” Billy said, refusing to make eye contact. “We gonna talk or what?”
You close the door gently, clicking the lock almost tentatively. “You’re sober.”
A flash of hurt crossed his face, but he quickly covered it up. “Am I not allowed to be?”
“That - that’s not what I’m saying!” you exclaimed, exasperated. “I just - I kinda figured you didn’t want to talk to me, normally. I’m not exactly your usual crowd.”
He groaned, running a hand over his face. “Look - how do I say this? I… don’t think you’re that shitty, or whatever. Sure, Tina’s a hot piece of ass, but if I tried to actually, I don’t fucking know, talk to her, she’d just laugh and tell me to ‘shut up’ or somethin’.”
“I don’t think you’re that shitty, either,” you say, slowly. “Is that all you wanted to talk about…? We could’ve done this on the porch.”
“It’s a trailer, there’s no goddamn porch,” he deadpans, rolling his eyes but still not making eye contact with you.
“You’re dodging,” you say, walking over to him and crowding him a bit. “What’s up, buttercup?”
“I don’t want to go back home,” he said bluntly, still dodging your prying eyes. “Deadbeat dad is on a rampage again. Dropped Max off at the arcade and found myself here.”
You blink up at him and back up a bit, feeling awful for prying. “Shit man - sorry I pushed you. You’re welcome here whenever you want to escape your place, sober or not. Or if you just want to come over. You can bring Max, too, she seems nice!! My ‘rents are never around, like ever, and even when they are they’re drunk and hiding in their room, and there’s a key under the doormat in the back if you need an escape and I’m not here - though I’d be careful about my parents, they get pretty drunk sometimes too, it’s not pretty. That’s not the point though! Point is, you’re always welcome, I’m sorry for prying-”
He pushed you to the couch, a small smile on his face, and were his eyes a little teary?? “Shut up, loser. I got it, I’m welcome to be here. Not shocked, though, people love me, of course you’d want me around.”
You roll your eyes at his smirk, trying to tug him down to the couch. However, you hadn’t anticipated him resisting, and your knee jerk reaction was to just yank. He stumbled and landed on top of you, knees straddling your legs. He blinks at you, owlishly, face flushed and pupils beginning to dilate.
You grin up at him, jokingly winking. “Just where I wanted you, baby.”
“Can I- can I take you up on your previous offer?” he said, voice lacking its usual bravado and confidence. 
“Previous offer as in…?”
“Sex,” he said, straightforward. “You said if I was sober we could fuck.”
“What eloquence, Mr. Hargrove,” you said. “And I believe we referred to it as ‘pretty people stuff.’”
“That’s a yes, yeah?” he said, hands resting on the couch on either side of your head.
“Aw, look at you, asking for consent,” you said, grinning up at him deviously. “Mmm…maybe if you beg me.”
He looked at you, incredulous. “If you think I’ll ever beg for something, you’ve got something coming-”
You cut him off, pulling him down into a harsh kiss. He groaned into the kiss, grinding down into your clothed sex. When he pulls away, he smirks down at you, cocky.
“You’re going to be the one begging for me, babe,” he said, head tilting. “So how ‘bout we hear it, hm?”
Well that wouldn’t do. Using all your strength, you flip your positions, grinding down on him once you’ve settled above him.
“If we’re doing this, baby boy,” you said, sultry. “We’re doing this my way, got it?”
You could see the struggle in his eyes, and began to grind down on him lightly. 
“Come on, sweet thing,” you murmured against his lips, rolling your hips in a way that had his eyes rolling back. “You can be good for me, can’t you?”
“Mm- yeah, yes, I can be good for you,” he groaned. “Now get on with it, will you?”
You frown at him, faux pouting. “Thought you were gonna be good. But that’s fine, we can play that game, I don’t mind.”
He opened his mouth to object but was cut off when your grinding turned harsh and fast, his words turning into a breathy moan. He slapped a hand over his mouth but you weren’t having it.
“Listen here, Hargrove,” you growled. “You’re going to let me hear those pretty little sounds or you’re not going to come. Understand?”
“No way in hell-”
You reach a hand down to his straining cock and squeeze, hard, revelling in the way his head rolls back and his hips jerk up into your hand. His mouth opens and closes uselessly, and you lean your weight onto your knees so you can shove your fingers that aren’t cradling his cock right down his throat. He gags, eyes glazed and unfocused.
“God, look at you,” you groan, voice strained. “Made for this, made for me to use, huh?”
He tries to respond but all that comes out are choked moans, drool dribbling down his chin as he gags on your fingers. You other hand kickstarts, rubbing him not-so-nicely through his pants. He looked gorgeous like this: choking on your fingers, eyes unfocused, hips bucking uncontrollably into your harsh touches. God, you just want to drown yourself in the feeling of the power you had over this man, this man who insisted on so much control in his everyday life. But here he was, on your couch, gagging on your fingers like he never wanted anything else. 
His bucking gets more erratic and his breaths get shorter, signalling an incoming orgasm. You paw at his cock a little harder, removing your fingers from down his throat so you could hear him when you tear his orgasm away from him.
“You wanna cum, baby?” you coo, letting your hips take over for your hand and grinding down on his clothed erection. “Wanna cum for me?”
“Yeah - gonna cum, gonna cum, let me cum-”
His hips jolt upwards as you lift yourself from his lap, chasing after your heat. You smirk sadistically at him, chuckling at the glare he gives you in exchange for your denial.
“What the fuck?!” he yells, hands clenching at his sides (but not moving to change his predicament, you noted). “I was so fucking close, why would you-”
You put a finger on his lips, shushing him. “You were a brat earlier, so I’m treating you like one. Maybe if you get me off I will consider letting you come.”
“Yeah?” he said, still panting from his lost orgasm. “Yeah, I can fuckin’ do that.”
“Good,” you say, getting up. “Get on your knees in front of the couch.”
He snorted at first, but his face contorted when he realised you were serious. “You’ve got to be kidding me, right? You’re not going to get me on my knees, sweetheart.”
“Then you’re not going to cum,” you said matter-of-factly. “Eat me out on your knees like the little slut you are or you don’t get to cum.”
His nose scrunched up angrily but he moved to get down in front of the couch. “There. That make your sick little heart happy?”
“Maybe if you weren’t such a mouthy brat we wouldn’t be here in the first place,” you said, discarding your pants and undergarments god knows where. “Don’t touch without permission, m’kay?”
He growled but kept his hands obediently at his side. In spite of all his back talk, Billy didn’t ever make a move to take control. He wants this, you realise, but he doesn’t want to admit it.
“How cute,” you coo, pinching his cheek as you settle yourself in front of him. “Now eat me out - no hands though, baby. Just put your pretty little mouth to better use for me, mhm?”
He begrudgingly folds his hands behind his back and buries himself in your hole. Your head rolls back, a low groan escaping your mouth. If he wasn’t drowning himself in you he might see your composure slipping, but he seemed just as out of it as you. Hips jerking up into nothing, hands clasped behind his back, face red and teary, Billy looked like so fucking good that you felt yourself clenching around his tongue, rolling your hips into his lapping. 
“God… so good with that tongue, baby, shit - keep doing that, y-yeah, just like that,” you blabber out, a hand flying to grip at his hair. You give an experimental tug and grin when he moans, breathy and high. 
“Y-yeah? You want me to tug on your - ngh - hair? Shove you deeper into me?” you say, chuckling lowly when he nods into you. “Your wish is my command, sweet thing.”
You could feel your orgasm drawing nearer as Billy’s talented tongue ruined your insides. His movements were precise, even without the use of his hands, and when he nicked your sweet spot you came, clamping your thighs around his head as you tugged harshly on his hair. 
Panting, you try to regain enough composure to address Billy. “God, sweetheart, your so fucking good with your tongue.”
“Yeah?” he said, tone cocky despite the straining bulge in his jeans. “You gonna let me use you now? I know you want it darlin’, you can’t keep pretending to have contr - mph!”
You yanked him up in a kiss, effectively shutting him up. Your legs were a little shaky from your previous orgasm but you were stubborn: there’s no way in hell after all this you would give Billy the satisfaction of fucking into you.
“Get on the goddamn couch,” you said, panting as you pulled away. “I’m going to ride you until all you can think of is me.”
“Fuck, pretty thing,” he groans, dropping onto the couch. “You better hold true to that or I might have to take over.”
“If you think you have a say in how this goes you’re dead wrong,” you said, straddling his hips. “You don’t cum until I say, got it baby?”
“Easy peasy,” he said, ever the fucking brat. “Think you can hold it sweets? Because I can guarantee that you’ll be creaming around my cock in no time.”
“Mhm,” you murmur, unimpressed as you help him wiggle out of his jeans and underwear. “Whatever you need to help you sleep at night.”
“You scared you can’t take it - shit!” he moans, cock twitching as you sink down on him in one slide. “Fuck, you gotta give a man a warning-”
You don’t. Bouncing up and down on his cock at a harsh pace, your trailer is filled with the lewd sound of skin slapping skin. You’re sure the neighbours can tell what you two are doing - hell, the whole trailer park probably knew - but you didn’t have the heart to care. His cock stretched you wide, so goddamn girthy that every bounce had white bouncing at the edge of your vision. 
Billy wasn’t much better. He had a death grip on your hips, finger-shaped bruises already forming. Tongue sticking out, eye half-lidded and staring up at you reverently, Billy was a fucked out mess already and you’d just started.
“Mmngh, feelin’ good, pretty boy? God… just look at you, takin’ - ungh - t-takin’ it so goddamn well, shit,” you said, still slamming yourself down on his cock like your life depended on it. 
“Mmm, fuck, please, please please please-” 
You couldn’t even tell what he was begging for anymore. “What do you - ngh - what do you need, babe - fuck, just like that pretty thing - huh? Got to be specific, darlin’ - god…”
“Cum,” he moans out, eyes shut tightly as he bucks into you. “Need t’ fuckin’ cum!”
You clench around him as he bucks, eyes rolling back a bit. “Ngh, yeah? You wanna cum? Wanna fill my pretty little hole - ahn, do that again, jesus - fill my pretty little hole with your cum?”
“Yeah, shit. Gonna let me?”
“Mhmm, I don’t know…” you said, pretending to ponder like you weren’t desperate to feel him fill you up. “Have you been - jesus fucking christ - have you been good?”
“‘ve been good!!” he wails, eyes teary as he stares up at you. “Been so good, such a good boy, please let me cum, please, jus’ wanna be you good boy, please please please!”
Your eyes roll back. Fuck, you hadn’t expected him to beg in return. Slowing down a bit, your bounces send him slow and deep, causing you to clench. His eyes cross and his grip on the couch turns his knuckles white, trying so goddamn hard to hold himself back.
“You can cum,” you groan, his cock rutting against your sweet spot just right. “You can cum, baby, cum with me, want you to cum with me-”
Your vision goes white and you clench, gripping his cock harshly. He near screams, fucking himself up into you as he came. You both melt into each other, a panting, post-orgasm mess tangled on the couch. When your brain was finally back online, you winch, gently sliding his softened cock out of you.
“Fuck, really did a number on me,” Billy murmured, ragdolled on the couch looking like he never wanted to move. “Didn’t know you had it in you.”
“Fuck off, Hargrove,” you say, trying your best to walk (or waddle, rather) your way to the kitchen to start cleaning off.
“You love me and you know it!”
You roll your eyes, grabbing a washcloth and dampening it. God, he was such a doofus. You couldn’t believe that the rest of the school considered him the king, but maybe your friendship was something special. You sure hoped so - you were certain he wasn’t just submitting himself to anyone, after all. 
“Where the fuck did you go, dickhead? The great Billy Hargrove demands cuddles!”
God, he was such a dork sometimes. You snort, but make your way back to the living room, water bottle and damp washcloth in hand. 
“Have patience, great Billy,” you said, handing him the water bottle before gently cleaning him up. “Great things come for those who wait.”
“Oh shut up,” he said, melting into your touch. “I didn’t come here for you to philosophise.”
“Course, course,” you say, jokingly. “Okay, all done. Let’s pick up all our shit and go to my room, yeah? Really don’t want my parents to come home and find us naked in the living room.”
“That’s ‘cause you’re boring,” he jokes, wobbly as he stands to help you grab your discarded clothes. “Half the fun is getting caught.”
“Perv,” you shot back.
“Says the one who rode me on their parents' couch.”
“Ew!! Don’t fucking say that, I don’t want to think about my parents in the afterglow!”
“You’re the one who brought them up!” “Yeah, because I don’t want them involved in my post-orgasmic haze!!” you say, exasperated. “Cmon, this way.”
Dumping your clothes unceremoniously on the floor, you lock the door and drag Billy towards your bed. Wordlessly, the two of you melt into each other. You’d worry about sneaking him out under your parents’ radar later - right now, you had much more pressing concerns.
Word Count: 3374
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merakiui · 1 year
Mera! I'm losing track of the days lol, but so long as i send an ask a week, i think i should be okay 😂
Also feel free to post your hsr hair thoughts bc i love to read your rambles as much as your fics! I'm looking forward to the jade one and him imitating floyd is really amusing. I like to think jade has a sort of pride about him where he loathes being compared to floyd but also jokes it off when someone does or when someone mistakes them, so i can imagine his pride and ego taking a hit but he endures it for sake of reader. Almost like he gets addicted to acting like floyd bc everyone likes floyd better anyways, right? So why not give the people what they want! He receives such a positive response when he acts like floyd that it rewires the hurt in his brain and suddenly the thing he hates is now cathartic for him but theres still that underlying hurt underneath >.<
BUT thats not why im here hehehe, for this weeks questionnnnn......
Who do you think would be the 'final girl' in a slasher film from each dorm? And then if u can, who do you think would be the ultimate survivor? You can optionally bestow the other titles; the virgin who lives but is hurt, the killer in hiding and the idiots who are the first to go, etc :D i read a yandere slasher fic here on tumblr where reader goes into a cabin with her friends and they get killed off one by one until the yandere presumably fucks reader and it has me back in my horror phase 😅 just pretend its Halloween in june, like xmas in july hahaha
-🐔 anon!!!!
:D hi hi 🐔!!!! Thank you for enjoying my writings and ramblings and for your interest in the upcoming Jade fic!! He'd do anything for you, even if it means he has to endure bittersweet pain just to see you smile. >_< all he wants is a chance with you and he gets that when he acts as Floyd. It may be uncomfortable and it may chip away pieces of his pride as an individual, but you laugh at his jokes and look at him like he's the only one in your world. He'll do whatever he can just to receive a crumb of your affection, even if it's all meant to be reserved for Floyd. Aaaa I love writing this version of Jade!!!! He's just so interesting and obsessed!! orz
Ooooo final girls from each dorm!!! That's such a fun question. Here are my thoughts!!! ^w^
Heartslabyul's final girl would be Cater. He's so perfect for the final girl trope! You think he might die first because he's pretty and can't let go of his phone for the life of him, but when he gets serious he can be very cutthroat. <3 the idiotic duo would have to be Ace and Deuce. Deuce hears a strange noise and wants to check it out because he's definitely not scared of demons or killers and he'll beat up anything that tries to hurt him and his friends. Ace thinks he's trying to prank him, but he begrudgingly follows him, thinking it's either nothing and Deuce is trying to scare him or it'll just turn out to be something with a completely natural explanation. It's neither, and while they're both bickering the killer looms from behind. Riddle is the logical one who tries to put everything into perspective and figure out a logical reason behind everything. Trey is, unsurprisingly, the mom friend who just wants everyone to stay in one place because hopefully the authorities will show up soon (they never will).
Savanaclaw's final girl is Ruggie. He's resourceful and cunning; you think he may die first, but he's actually very good at survival. He'll live, but he comes out of the horrific night covered in blood after he's just fought the killer to the death. Jack is your typical jock, kind-hearted and caring, who doesn't believe in any of that ghost stuff or horror movie trope stuff, but when it becomes too real he gets even more serious than before, determined to survive and protect those close to him. Leona strikes me as the type who, upon the first sign of something suspicious or dangerous, promptly leaves. He will not be swept up in any murder plots, no thank you. <3 either that or he sleeps through it all and the killer thinks he's dead at first glance LOL.
Octavinelle's final girl would be Floyd. As goofy as he is, he's also another cutthroat guy who can and will survive. He may throw himself directly at danger, but somehow he always comes out of it alive. Jade is your typical killer-in-hiding. You won't suspect him until it's too late, and by then nearly half the cast is dead. Azul is the type who acts like an ally to everyone, but he's secretly either plotting with the killer or planning to sacrifice everyone in order to save himself.
Scarabia's final girl is Jamil. Most of his decisions are made solely to protect Kalim (who naturally is the comedic relief/carefree friend who is just too sweet for this world), but there's a build-up in this movie where the plot twist is that Jamil ultimately ends up tricking Kalim. Is it possible for both him and Jamil to survive? Perhaps, but this isn't that kind of movie. :) and from the bloodshed, Jamil emerges, alive, exhausted, and traumatized. (Or I could also see Jamil as a killer-in-hiding and Kalim as the final girl; it fits either way in my mind hehe!! :D)
Pomefiore's final girl is either Epel or Vil. It's hard to choose just one of them for the trope because I feel like it can fit them both in different ways. Rook is obviously the killer-in-hiding or he's just that really unnerving character who happens to know too much about how a killer thinks. >_< Vil as a final girl would be so cool because I think he can also be quite cutthroat. He's the character type who spends most of his focus on himself throughout the movie, yet he still manages to survive. How, you may ask? He weaponized various beauty products or, my most favorite idea, he fought the killer in heels and won, by which the heels absolutely became his weapon. >:) Epel as a final girl would be somewhat surprising because he's the character who no one really expects to live because he's "so petite and cute and omg how will he ever survive the big, scary killer!!!!" D: but then Epel shocks everyone when he ends up arming himself with brass knuckles or a baseball bat to go hunt down the killer himself.
Ignihyde's final girl is Idia, but then he also fits into the loser nerd category. Idia as a final girl is a little frustrating because he spends the entire movie being prideful and rude to the other characters, so everyone sort of wants him to be killed off first because he's so unlikable. But because Idia's seen all of these tropes before and knows his way around a horror movie, he ends up surviving. Ortho survives as well, but then I can also picture him being something of a sci-fi horror villain (i.e. technology becomes bad and targets humans). It's something like in book six where he was giving the students little tests in order to advance to the next level. Just a little villainous and devious!
Diasomnia's final girl is Silver. The stress of the situation manages to keep him awake, and so he's mainly in survival mode for the entirety of the film. Silver does his best to protect everyone, even putting himself at risk if it means he can save his friends. Sebek likely puts up a good fight, but he's far too stubborn and can't be quiet to save his life, so he ends up getting killed. I feel like Lilia could be a killer-in-hiding, or he's just the mischievous trickster type. Malleus could also be a killer-in-hiding, or he's the trope of "misunderstood character with a reputation that is solely rumors who turns out to be quite sweet and helpful to the main character."
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aphroditelovesu · 2 months
Hellooooo I missed you soo muchhh!!!! I wanna give a review of TLQ ch12 if u don’t mind like I did to ch11, ok let’s start with how Perdiccas is so obsessed with our girl so much that he betrayed his king to have her but it puzzled me how Darius found out about his little crush, did he have spies in Alexander’s army? That’s the only logical explanation for him finding out about this and about the pregnancy. Also, what is Alexander’s reaction when he finds out that some men hugged his wife casually because if in the story he did care about her being a virgin, does he cares about her being touched by other men?, I’m still intrigued to see his reaction when he realises that she’s been kidnapped 😭😭😭 but I’ll be honest it took me by surprise when we saw the man who is the reason for all of this, my personal theory is that he is a time traveler from the past who wants to “correct” the history of Macedonia because in reality Alexander’s death was it’s downfall due to him not having a direct heir and how he died very young and it wasn’t natural ( I still believe he was poisoned by his own army) so let’s say this strange man was from an organisation or a cult of some sort who was born AFTER Alexander’s death wanted to bring back the glory of the Macedonian empire by travelling through time to fix it.
One final question, are you planning for this fic to be long? It has so much potentials and I really like to read it it feels like its some type of a tv show for me, keep it up and I hope your study goes well for you 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
I love reading these reviews!! Always feel free to send them!!
Perdiccas really is obsessed with our girl and it's not going to end well for either side. He chose to become a deserter, a traitor just so he can have her.
Ohhhh 👀 how did Darius find out? I'll explain it better in chapter 13... But let's say he has eyes and ears in the macedonian war camp.
Alexander doesn't like it when other men touch her, but he won't freak out over a hug. But he won't react well when he finds out about his Queen's kidnapping and... Well, you'll find out 👀
Your theory is good! The man who sent her to the past is an important piece in the story and he will be the cause of some chaos. You'll find out eventually... But remember him.
Hmm... When I started writing this sheet, I planned for it to have 20 chapters at most but there will be more due to recent events. I think about 30? I don't say for sure.
Thank you very much!! I'm really glad you like it and are having fun! I have fun writing too. I confess that I would watch a TV show like this, it reminds me a little of Outlander lol.
Thanks, anon! I hope to see you more often! ❤️
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terezis · 7 months
hiya it's me again, the anon with ~questionable~ taste in fictional men i guess (is this really how i want to be known help)
thank you so much for the recs!! i've read/am reading some of those, but i've dutifully put the rest onto my read list—cannot wait to dive into some new stories o7 (also, i used to do a similar thing w/ranking stuff, except in a notebook LOL lost the notebook after i moved and my life has been in shambles ever since. but i digress.)
if you're up for offering some book recs as well i am most certainly 👀 !! i haven't lost myself in a good book in so long & i really miss it.
anywhoo, gonna cut myself off here before my rambling gets outta hand. sending you lotsa good vibes, cheers!
LMAO i'm sorry but that's your official title now. questionable taste in fictional men anon. hello <3
i hope you end of liking them!!! i am going to make ur to-read list a bit longer now hopefully. most of these are ya but to be fair ya fucks
gideon the ninth by tamsyn muir OBVIOUSLY
only a monster by vanessa len - i think the romance falls a little flat which does seem to be partially by design, but the premise/world/plot are all SO fun and fascinating and i love her draco malfoy-knock off friend
the scarlet alchemist by kylie lee baker - i have read a couple of wu zetian stories now and i think this is definitely one of the better adaptations. the pacing IS a little weird but i feel like the twists are interesting enough that i was fine with it LOL
the cruel prince by holly black - i love the cruel prince and that's all there is to say. ruthless protag done believably imo. fairies. romance with a questionable man
every heart a doorway by seanan mcguire if u haven't read it already
the beholder by anna bright - big fan of this one and its sequel bc it does not do what u expect it to do as a ya romance, in a very nice way
tiger, tiger by petra nordlund - bonus webcomic rec, volume one is published but also you can read online on her website for free. IT IS SO GOOD i read it all in like 3 days and now wait on the edge of my seat for new pages
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bunnieshoneys · 2 months
Hii! Im the anon that asked about watching F1, thank you for the lengthy answer I really appreciate it!
Karting is so fun but I never realised before going how hard it was on your body. It’s difficult to imagine how these F1 drivers do it tbh, it’s crazy!!
I ended up watching the Suzuka race live after sending in the ask and you’re right I did learn a lot just from watching it (also crash almost gave me a heart attack, was not expecting anything like that to happen..). I really love learning about the strategy, I never realised how much really goes into racing before this. I read a few more chapters of the fic too and learned a lot from that. Actually I really love learning about racing in general just from the fic it makes it a bit more digestible when there’s so much to learn.
I have adhd too so I totally get not being able to like things normally haha.. I’ve spent all of today so far reading about F1 and I’m looking into tickets for the British GP since it’s somewhat close to where I live (which is funny bc less than 48hrs ago all F1 is to me is cars go zoom..). I blame your fic but in a good way! I’m really glad I started reading it, I already feel like this is gonna be my new obsession.
And as it turns out one of my friends used to watch a bunch of races at the Shanghai circuit so I’ll have someone to annoy with questions for the Chinese GP, I’m really excited to watch that! I still don’t know in what ways the track influences the race technically, but what an interesting looking track! It looks like it’d be fun to drive on that.
Also can I ask why you like and support Ferrari and Leclerc in particular? And do you think they could win this year? Since from what I see Verstappen/Red Bull Racing have been stuck in the top spot the past 3 years
Thanks again for your answer!
so many opportunities to yap about f1….
lap 1 incidents are pretty common, but suzuka in particular has a very high rate of safety car use (ie crashes occuring) because its so technical and driver heavy. its one of my fav tracks for this reason!
silverstone is a brilliant track and the atmosphere is amazing - its one of the classics! however what i will say is that the prices are EXTREMELY inflated. if ur european (even if you live IN england) its cheaper to go to races abroad if thats an option because silverstone is SOOO expensive. ive never been to a race bc of money but if you can spare it silverstone is definitely one of the best especially in terms of the racing.
tracks influence a couple of things : drivers and cars. mostly cars, since f1 (unlike f2 and f3) is equally a constructors series. there are a bunch of concepts that effect how a car will perform on a certain track, but the main ones are downforce and straight line speed. downforce mainly effects cornering. diff tracks will have corners that are taken at different speeds (high speed v low speed corners) and different cars will be weak or strong through corners depending on their characteristics (RBR last year was weak in low speed corners, hence singapore being SO bad for them, and mclaren was in incredibly strong in the high speed corners (qatar, japan) but lacked straight line speed, making them weaker in other places.
why ferrari? the legacy. micheal schumacher won 5 of his WDCs with them, the iconic red, the passion. it feels like a cult and i love it
leclerc… oh my god leclerc. first of all i just think hes a little bit funny in an insane way. but aside from that, he won f3 as a rookie, then won f2 as a rookie. that is RARE. only Rosberg (WDC 2016) Lewis Hamilton (7x WDC), Nico Hulkenberg (uuh), George Russell and Oscar Piastri have won the support series as a rookie, and of those only hamilton, russell, piastri and leclerc won f3 / f2 or their equivalents back to back. (f1 fans u can correct me if im wrong on this)
his f2 performance is the most dominant of all time. the sprint win in bahrain 2017 (f2) was genuinely one of the most jaw dropping pieces of racing ive ever seen. he went to sauber (midfield/backmarker team) in 2018 for his first year in f1 and scored the vast majority of the team’s points - 39. 39 points in that car was insane. he signed to ferrari in 2019 as a second driver to 4x WDC sebastian vettel. instead of backing down and playing nice, he then proceeded to outqualify him over two seasons, and outrace him too. his win in monza 2019 is POETRY in motion. verstappen rates him very highly and said in 2018 that he hopes theyll have a rivalry like hamilton and vettel. god he makes me INSANE
as to whether ferrari/leclerc can win this season… i wouldnt be a fan if i didnt say yes. RBR bought a major floor update to suzuka and they still didnt run away as much as last year (at least perez, verstappen is inhuman). despite having a couple of poor qualifying runs, leclerc is racing at an incredibly high level and is on pace with verstappen. with a strategy generally considered slower (and definitely much more difficult) he advanced from P8 to P4 today. vassuer (the ferrari team principal) has said hes optimistic about the upgrade trajectory, and that it can be developed aggressively. those first upgrades will come in Imola.
basically the season is long. max had a dnf in australia and leclerc is still within touching distance of perez. i think we need a little luck but it could be possible if the upgrades go well. leclerc couldve fought for P2 today with a decent quali. (charles also seems to do really well on sprint weeks. and china is a sprint week) :)
tbh though i think the real battles will come in 2025 and 2026. leclerc v hamilton in equal machinery, and then ferrari v RBR:3
thankyou anon<3
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jangmo-othewarrior · 1 year
DMC Questions Anon here!
Before you read this next question:
I was informed that it would be a good idea for my questions to be answered with a specific tag so if people wish to block it they could. Please tag your answers to any question I send you with "dmc questions anon" and I think that should work.
If you wish to be taken off the list, ask. If somebody wishes to be placed on the list, ask. If your anon asks are off and you wish to participate, just make a post answering the question you see going around.
Remember you do not have to answer every question, so please don't feel pressured to do so.
Please also remember to take as long as you need! Do not rush yourself, this is supposed to be a fun activity and I don't want anyone to feel stressed out by trying to rush to answer questions.
Now onto the actual question:
How would you rank the 5 games in the Devil May Cry series? (By story)
Separately, if you want, how would you rank extended material? (The DMC1 Novel, The DMC3 Mangas, The Anime, The DMC2 Novel, Deadly Fortune, Before the Nightmare, and Visions of V, all of which can be found (along with other stuff) here: https://originaldmc.github.io/DivinityStatue/Downloads.html)
If you wish, how would you rank all of it together in one big list?
Okay, I'm gonna do everything together, but i will preface this by saying i have a lot more exposure to some things than others, thus I will have varying degrees of 'much to say'.
I'm definitely biased for this (it's the one that got me into the franchise) but I digress.
I just adore the main cast so much u do not understand. So much hype shit happens with em too, it's great. The characters are simultaneously over the top but also very real? Like Dante is the wacky woo-hoo pizza man but also horribly in control of his emotions and how to express them.
The Vergil reveal was so obvious but I dont care. It's good. The depths given to his character through V and Urizen are VERY good.
And NERO- lord everyone in this family has trauma
Also SDT was introduced in this game I'm sorry but no piece of DMC media will be able to top this because of it.
2. DMC 3
is anyone surprised
I love the bois so much, with their stupid catchphrases and horrible family dynamics. it's so weird looking at them like
I was nighteen once. I wasn't like them but I was nighteen.
Also the THEMES once again center around family, especially with the addition of Lady and Arkum. I also love this cast SO MUCH
except arkum fuck arkum all the homies hate arkum
Literally the only reason this is lower than DMC 5 is because no Nero, Trish or Nico. That's it.
3. Visions of V
i haven't talked about him much but I would also gently hold V (and by extension Vergil)
Really I just love this manga because of how much is shown and revealed through it. Everything is really visceral and hits so hard.
Literally everything in this manga stabs u in the feels especially the final shit GOOD LORD
but it really is tied with #4 because it can't really stand by itself? It needs DMC 5 to be whole, in a way.
4. DMC 4
I really wanted to put this above VoV but my DMC 5 bias shown through in the end IM SORRY
also yeah Sanctus as a villian is dogshit, i agree
and some characters REALLY needed more screen time (see: Credo, Angus, KYRIE) but also this game has the Shakespeare scene so....
also I just love Nero and his teen angst can u blame me
But GOD did Kyrie need more screentime
5. Before the Nightmare
Wow the DMC 5 bias strikes again, huh.
IDK man I just love the prequel shit. Like, Nico and Nero meeting is so fucking funny
Also Lucia makes an appearance for the first time since DMC 2 so thats cool
It also expanded the lore on how devil arms work through Balrog which I am SO thankful for.
Also Roc Goldstein exists now and everyone should know about one of the ONLY GOOD DADS in DMC history
Really the only other one I give my full respect to is Sparda, and he died when his kids were like, six. (Dante and Vergil r getting there tho, give em time.)
6. The Anime
Look Patty is the only reason this is so high I love her and if u look at my previous posts u can tell I love her and Dante's father daughter relationship u can pry it out of my cold dead hands
Also the lore with Sparda's apprentices, demon smoners being a thing, and the introduction to Morrison is very nice.
But also Lady was WAY off the mark almost the entire time, and the plot with Patty only really took center stage towards the end so :(
capcom if u put Patty in more shit I will forgive you (maybe)
7. DMC 1 novel
This novel is weird because it was written before almost all of the other shit so Canon often either ignored it or bent over backwards to avoid it until the DMC 5 era
But I like it. All of the new characters r very good and I love them all.
Grues death STILL hits me in the feels so hard.
Dante has lost so many parental figures ya'll
One of the only reasons it's so low is because of Gilver, the fuck
He made NO fucking sense for the longest time until the timeline rewrite and the retcon that he's a Vergil clone.
That fits his character so much more bur looking at him as Vergil makes no fucking sense. Everything about his character contradicts what we know about Vergil, even back with only DMC 3 as a reference.
Despite those issues, i am very happy we are seeing some rep for this book in the games and other media. U do not understand the screech I let out when Grue's daughters were shown years later.
8. DMC 1
is this sacrilegious?
Yeah the gameplay is good and it was a hallmark of its time but also Dante is as stale as cardboard here I'm sorry
Like his plot is the most uniform and overdone revenge plot I have ever seen and his relationship with Trish....
it's funky in this game, let me tell u. Thank whatever higher power exists that they leaned more towards siblings in later installments because I would be pulling my hair out otherwise.
But the quips r also really good and all of the Nelo Angelo stuff is my favorite part of the plot, so I guess that evens out?
This game was a very good launching point for the rest of the series except u know what
Also fuck mundus all the homies hate mundus he sucks
9. Deadly Fortune
Uhhh yeah it's just.... DMC 4 again with some things changed?
Honestly the reason this is so low is because of my preferred way of absorbing story is through video games than manga.
It's okay. Not trash or anything. It's just alright
10. DMC 3 Mangas
They're ... fine? I guess.
Like the first meeting between the twins in YEARS is very good, but also the manga is unfinished and all...
So I'll just leave it at that.
11. DMC 2 Novel
Gonna be honest I've never read this one.
So I'm giving it the benefit of the doubt
12. DMC 2
Yeah remember when I said Dante was cardboard in DMC 1? Yeah now he's silent, emotionless cardboard.
the villian is bad, the location is okay i guess, really the only saving grace for this games story is the concepts it introduces
Demon civil wars? Artificial demons created by people? Those are cool concepts! So cool that one was reused in a much better game, but I digress.
Honestly the story is probably one of the least sacrilege parts of DMC 2, and it still isn't the worst piece of DMC media based on story. That goes to our surprise contender....
13. DMC: Devil May Cry
DMC questions anon did NOT ask for this, but I'm putting it here so that everyone understands that this games story and characters are SO BAD that I'm putting UNDERNEATH DMC 2
But what can I say that hasn't been already stated?
Vergil is so far out of character he's basically an OC and his turn around at the end makes no fucking sense
Donte is an asshole who has functionally abandoned what made Dante likeable in ANY GAME
The plot itself is the most rehashed 'the government is evil and we must resist it' plot EVER
Even the new shit they added for this game doesn't even fucking work well.
Having demons that look like angels be the antagonists is much more interesting that just having angels and having them do NOTHING
Kat is literally the only thing that I don't have a super negative opinion on because she was NEW and I hadn't watched them fuck up a character I love. They just made a mediocre one at best
Needless to say, I utterly despise the plot of this game with my entire being.
Thank you for the question, DMC Questions Anon! I'm sorry I went a bit off script, but I hope it was at least entertaining.
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veneritia · 4 months
1, 2, 6, 8, 13 & 14, 24, 41 for Euphemia!
...I went a little berserk haha sorry, but I'm curious about her!
i want you to know that the second i saw this in my notifs the first words out of my mouth were "jesus christ" and "anon i love u"
ok so Euphemia is a little tricky because she's a much newer character compared to the rest of the cast, and she has the most screen time in book 2, so there's a good chance a lot of these answers are gonna change in the future. But honestly this is the perfect excuse to start developing her
What motivates your character?
It's the same thing that motivates every vi Aetier: survival and ambition. While the vasiliers of the empire have many children to their name, at the end of the line, only one can succeed the throne. Everyone else is competition. Everyone else is the enemy. Everyone else is out for blood.
2. How does the public view them?
Euphemia is extremely well-beloved by the public. And by public I mean the noble circles of the empire. She's charming and talented and the physical embodiment of the phrase 'pretty in pink.' She is the jewel of the imperial court, the subject of much ardor, the muse of poets, the sole princess of aetier, etc. etc. If we go beyond the courtiers and the vieux riche, the majority of the common people in the empire have passing knowledge of her. Mostly positive, but generally in the sense that they view her as "Dantalion's child."
6. What, if anything, sticks out about their appearance?
Feels like a cop-out answer but I have to go with the eyes. the vi Aetiers have this weird genetic quirk where everyone born in that family has silver eyes, so meeting euphemia (and anyone on her father's side of the family) is just the people with blue eyes meme
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The second trait...has to be the smile, I think. Euphemia always smiles as if she's in on some big secret and is secretly laughing because you don't know what she knows
13 & 14. Who is the closest person to your character? How did they become close?
That would be her mother, Eudocia vi Kallystos. Eudocia has always kept her daughter close, and is Euphemia's staunchest advocate in the sociopolitical scene at Court. Euphemia looks up to her mother a lot. Outside of the family, though, possibly one of Euphemia's reiakomes (lady companions), whose been raised with her since she was young.
24. From childhood to their current age, how has your character changed?
Euphemia's twice as cunning, thrice as ruthless, and infinitely better at hiding it. As a child, she would've been the little girl that had all the adults wrapped around her finger and knew it. I wouldn't say that she's changed all that much since she was a child, just gotten a lot better at smoothing or hiding the more vicious parts of her personality...until it was time to strike. Roses have thorns and all that
41. What kind of clothes does your character wear?
Expensive ones. Imported silk and gold brocade, brightly colored cloth (hues of pinks/reds/purples are her favorites), and all the jewels. She was an imperial princess and wanted everyone to know it. As for the specific style, wctd is loosely (and i mean very loosely) based off of the various styles of byzantine court dress (no specific century though bc this is fantasy and we play fast and loose lmao)
This was so much fun! Thanks so much for this ask anon!!
📩 Send me one of these 50 OC questions! 📩
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
i have contemplated a lot sending this.But I had to ask. sorry in advance if this offends you or hurts you. That's not my intention.
Don't you feel guilty for over sexualising jikook ? They are real people. Do you do this to everyone you see..? or just because they are celebrities its okay to do it..? or is it what they don't know won't hurt them ..? and today you even shared an fake edited video of them making out. Of course you will say it was sent to you and you are only sharing it. This is exactly what the vermin does too you know..they don't actually have any footage of taekook so they make fake edits like this and share it.I don't think we need to do it..no..? we have like years worth of content and you especially have the knack to find stuff nobody knows either..I know you are all about say it like you see it. But don't you think its a bit bordering on vermin territory..? I mean we all know jikook are together and happy and they do whatever they do. You have such great content you know even without the nsfw stuff. I love reading your blog. You are equal parts savage and funny. Its really very entertaining to watch you answer anons. except for the nsfw parts. It feels very wrong to sexualise real people whom I adore so much. I get it they are very sexy. Its okay to be appreciative of their assests but what you have been doing feels very icky. Obviously you will say I am a prude or that I don't have to actually read your blog if it makes me uncomfortable. But you are all over the jikook tags and jimin tags and bts tags too. There is no escaping you on Tumblr it seems.
Obviously I can't tell you what to do on your blog but maybe if you could put warnings for poor prude souls like me..?
Again teribbly sorry if this hurts you or offends you. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
You don't even have to answer me. I just wanted to send in my appreciation and my two cents.
All my love.
You have answered your own question. My blog. My rules. And anon, dw this ask doesn't offend me at all. I would like to point out though that there IS a way to avoid me. By blocking me. But I have a feeling you already know this. So since it appears you still like my other posts, when I post the Jimcock and the Jungkonda I use the #don't look down challenge
So feel free to go to the settings and filter that. Then u never have to see the outlines of their dicks again if you don't want to.
And to add, I don't think people editing their ship of choice making out is wrong at all. Heck not even the vermin. People can have all the fun they want provided its harmless. So stop judging because that does make you a prude, yes.
Anyway, I will repeat again for the sake of this anon here and any others that followed me today. My blog is only suitable for people aged 25+ I'm not your fucking mother, so I won't be monitoring what you see on my blog.
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beautyofsorrow · 7 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @ceruleanphoenix7. tagging @zannolin (u can skip the stats questions <3)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
91 visible to the public, which will go up to 92 in a couple weeks. 100 counting the ones i've perm-anoned
2. What's your total A03 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
various star treks, some original work, and a lone yellowjackets and murderbot diaries fic each. plus some fringe, tho most of those have been perm-anoned
oh yeah and a barbie fairytopia: mermaidia fic that i wrote for a forthcoming zine. y'all aren't ready for that one
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
lol. seeds of order, how shall i touch you unless it is everywhere?, what i have shaped into a kind of life, do you love the colour of the sky?, and bruised hips and salt-stained cheeks
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
if i have something to say, yes. i like it when readers really engage with what's on the page, because so often i have loads of meta or research or lore-building or background info that never made it into the fic but which i'm really excited about and enjoy info-dumping. comments that invite that kind of response are my favorite. i also really like it when they tell me how they felt reading it, or -- if the fic mentions a book -- that they went and read that book. i LOVE that shit and will talk books with people for days.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
discounting all my high school fic, which thankfully is no longer accessible to the public, we do what we do in the dark. love a good fucked up seven/jay fic
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
they pretty much all end happily? but the "happy" that feels most "me" is the end of the way old friends do, where seven leaves to go heal from bjayzl and icheb in her own way, alone, and tom and b'elanna send her off with the assurance they're there when she needs them. that felt very happy and healthy and aromantic to write. and aromantic endings are extremely important to me.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have been vagued about, sure. a few flames back in the day
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes <3 femslash, always. it's pretty much just friends with benefits and/or angsty alterously attracted grief!sex now. no more romance for me <3 feels good feels organic
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i write trek crossovers all the time. i'd say my jadzia/raffi fic was pretty gutsy. as was pioneering the b'elanna torres/ro laren/kira nerys tag with a 3k post-canon oneshot on religious doubt and belief.
the weirdest like, true crossover (and only true crossover) i've written was a star trek: voyager/murderbot diaries fusion that i wrote in order to be matchable in a gift exchange. stupidly fun. i did not expect anyone to read that fic but people really really liked it, and i am so thankful for all the kind commenters, because that fic held a lot of personally important elements to me.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
nottt that i know of, and i don't go looking, because that's just a lot of work i don't need in my life
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i don't think so
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yeah, i think about 3 times?
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
probably the b7 griddlehark au i'm APPARENTLY writing now. it takes two 500+ page books as inspiration. yes. it's a multichap. i swore them off. i know.
16. What are your writing strengths?
oneshots, nailing the character voices (or knowing when i didn't), pretty sentences, rhythm, lore, sensory details, queering the narrative, smut
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
finishing shit. also plot. who the hell has the attention span for plot? not me [stares in despair at WIPs]
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i'm monolingual, so i don't
19. First fandom you wrote for?
lord of the rings
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
probably come on and prove it. i reread it weekly. no one wants to admit they like it on main but i see ur private bookmark count and your 50% guest kudos rate lol. i knocked it out of the park with that one.
honorable mention to of warm limbs hooking your heart to the world and it's not the weight you carry but how you carry it. my beloveds.
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pomellon · 11 months
this is awkward but I just really want to say thank you for being so kind and open to us anons because I really like your art and your aus but I'm to embarrassed to be off anon and it feels like I'm taking away from the attention you deserve for all the hard work you put into your blog and I wanna support you any way I can but when I see your in depth responses or doodles in response to our anons it makes me feel really happy knowing I'm not completely ruining your day when I send stuff
Oh my gosh anon you're literally the sweetest ; o ; <3
I wanna make it very clear that you absolutely a 100% make my day when you send asks! I don't care if it's something small, or something you think might be a bit weird, or several questions in the same ask, or something really in depth! It gets my brain juices flowing, it makes me super excited to create something YOU want to see and know about, and it makes me super happy people enjoy what I'm making to the point where they're interacting with it :DD
But I also get it because like the main reasons I post on tumblr instead of twitter is because attention really scares me at times. It's why sometimes I shove my au rambling in the tags instead of the post itself, and sometimes I will skip adding the main tags to posts because I don't really want them to pop up in search and go outside my blog. I just feel self-conscious about my ideas and rambling sometimes ; u ;
But this year I've been super excited to make things for this blog because it's just been so much fun! I have so many lovely anons and mutuals and it makes me so hyped to share stuff with you, I literally appreciate you so so much <3!!
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lepidopteragirl · 1 year
hi there, sorry to bother but I had a genuine question, how do you make such close online friends? it never seems to work for me and you and your friends look like you're always having a blast so I was wondering if you had any advice? thanks, sorry to bug
hi anon!! im so sorry this is so late, i was planning to answer it right when i got it but i wanted to make sure i got u a good answer and had time to think about it and then it was the holidays and then. well i forgot im so sorry please please please forgive me
mandatory disclaimer that i dont know if im the best sort of person to talk to about this because most of my online friendships have grown rly naturally, and ive gotten lucky to find a rly cool group of mutuals by almost by chance lol <3
i think whats helped me get so close to my mutuals is partly that we've been mutuals for a while now, relatively, and group discord servers :]. obviously, pls be safe talking to ppl on discord etc etc, but i think putting together a private discord server for a circle of mutuals you'd like to talk to more is a rly cool way to get to know ppl better. i personally am not at all good to talking to people in dms (mutuals if you have every tried to talk to me i am so sorry), and if u are also bad at that ! it can help :] also its fun. squad.
also! talk to your mutuals! send them asks to say hello, send stuff for ask games off anon! say smth funny under their posts if you've got smth funny to say. and if someone thinks you're weird, who cares, its tumblr dot com! it truely does not matter!
smth i stole point blank from a tommyinnit stream which is so embarrassing to admit, but its always worked for me lol... if u want to start a conversation w someone, talk to them about music they like! usually they'll be at least a little common ground and there u go now u have a common interest already. obvsly if you're tumblr mtuals u already probably have some interests in common already too so i suppose this might be a little less helpful but im leaving it bc i think its good advice for anything jlskfdsfd
also as a last thing! know that you're not going to click w everyone and thats okay! <- advice my mom gave me in elementary school that unfortunately is so very correct. it happens, things happen like they're supposed to. if someones meant to be in your life, they will be
ty so much for asking me, and i rly hope this helps!!! sorry this is so long!
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inkykeiji · 10 months
HELLOOOO I LOVE CHATPLOTS!!! I have a question that i can’t find if you’ve answered yet, so sorry if it is a repeat pls just ignore!
Is the scenario u gave us for the beta testing “current” day in regards to your whole story, or is it somewhere in the middle of the story, or is it timeless/kind of an au within everything? And what about the other chatplots chats u are writing, if you are willing to spoil? 😏 (and a more specific spoiler question would be about the timeline specifically with bmb dabi bc he is my fave! Will that be set after everything happens, and also I know you said there would be sfw with bmb dabi- will there also be nsfw?)
THAT IS SO MUCH HAHAHA PLEASE IGNORE ANY AND ALL THAT YOU DO NOT WANT TO ANSWER! Ok thank u i love your writing and creativity so much thank u for giving us what you do!! <3 and stay safe- covid is on the rise again!!!
HELLOOOO HEHEHE I LOVE U!!!! <333 i’m super happy you’re enjoying it!! yes yes i shall answer them!!
is the scenario u gave us for the beta testing “current” day in regards to your whole story, or is it somewhere in the middle of the story, or is it timeless/kind of an au within everything?
this is actually a very good question and something i had been thinking about recently, especially as i begin to release more chats and the catalogue builds. i think the best answer for this tnii acting naughty at a family gathering chat is that it’s either fairly current, or it can just be considered timeless, taking place any time after the main series. for certain chats in the future (especially bmb ones) i will have to specify where exactly in the timeline it takes place, and i think that’ll probably just end up in the lil warnings box at the beginning <3
can you spoil any other chatplots chats you are currently writing?
EEE HEHE i am going to keep these a secret because surprising u guys is so much more fun but i will tell you that one is another smutty touya-nii one and one is a sfw bmb dabi one set between part one and part two. there is another one that’s technically completely finished but that i want to revise and heavily edit, and that one is smut with bmb tomura!
will there also be nsfw with bmb dabi?
yes omg of course!!! i already have a few smutty ideas jotted down for him!!
all very good questions thank u anon!! and thank YOU for supporting my work and taking a moment to send in this ask!!! i appreciate it so much <33 aw hehe you too!!
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