#please have a marvellous friday <3
inkykeiji · 1 year
I was rereading tag youre it and when tomura asks why dabi is acting so paranoid and if he was on something and Dabi gets defensive and says he doesn’t do that anymore and it made me think, obviously Dabi had experience with addicts (like his mom) and it is shown when he has to explain rock bottom and what gets it really through an addicts mind to reader. But did Dabi have a rock bottom moment with whatever he was taking at that time or was he just speaking from experience with his mom? If he did what was his rock bottom moment?
anon what a brilliant question!!!
tw: drugs
okay, so! when it comes to tag dabi’s drug use, it was almost exclusively cocaine (maybe some party drugs like ecstasy or psychedelics on occasion but his drug of choice when having a good time was cocaine) and he was an entirely casual user, meaning he was not dependent on the drug in any sense of the word (so not mentally or physically) and his use was extremely sporadic + entirely for fun. as such, he technically wasn’t ever an addict, so he never had any need to hit rock bottom because he was able to halt his use entirely on his own and with extreme ease. so to answer your question, he is speaking from both his experiences with his mother and his experiences with addicts in general due to the nature of his job. he knows how they think, how they behave, how addiction is a sickness that fundamentally decays their brains, and what has to happen for the majority of them to even consider getting better.
i’d say that most of his knowledge comes from his time in the underground as a dealer, but his mom definitely plays a part and had a huge impact, too. the reason why he brings up his mother and her addiction is to show reader that he does get it; in fact, he might even get it more than she does, because his mother hit rock bottom in such a gruesome and horrific and dangerous way, in a way that was much worse than what he thought/asusmed keigo’s rock bottom would be (losing his lil sister) because she hurt her children in more ways than one—or, at least, that’s the narrative dabi’s pushing.
his mom he hasn’t seen since he left home at 13, but he knows she was slated to be in the psych ward for a long, long time. his mother’s situation is a little different than keigo’s, though; rei’s drug use heavily exacerbates her pre-existing mental illness, and rei turned to drugs initially to escape. rei definitely hits some sort of rock bottom, obv, and rock bottom looks different for everyone, but the biggest similarity there (and what dabi was trying to get at) is that he knows what it feels like to love an addict, and he knows how unbelievably painful and devastating it can be.
fun fact! the full sentence that tomura cuts off is actually “i haven’t been high since i started seeing [reader].” reader has no idea that dabi used to do drugs recreationally, and would probably have some choice words for him about his hypocrisy if she did know, irregardless of the fact that he wasn’t a full-blown addict (which, to him, is a crucial distinction). it almost begs the question of whether dabi gave up recreational use because he genuinely did not want her to have another addict in her life, or if he gave it up purely to give himself the metaphorical moral high ground,,, or some odd mixture of both,,,,,
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moonpascaltoo · 2 months
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╰┈➤ 18+ none of these stories belong to me! this is a masterlist of all bucky barnes stories i’ve read and reblogged! just thought it would be nice to have them all in one spot! (if your fic is on here and you wish not to be, please let me know!) some will have summaries if provided <3
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★ part one
★ @kinanabinks
☼ jealousy and flirtation
☁︎There's nothing you want more than Bucky Barnes - but you and his best friend, Juniper, seem to have that in common.
☼ sesame and the sweetheart
☁︎ You've been on a few dates with Bucky now, and the sexual tension is at an all-time high. After another cute date, you realize you can't keep your hands off him for very much longer.
☼ the sound of love
★ @bucksangel
☼ beneath the milky twilight
☁︎ Being Mr. Barnes’ personal assistant has been tough, balancing a full time job while taking care of your younger brothers has you running yourself thin. Then, things take a sharp turn after a dinner with your boss when you disclose your financial situation.
☼ give me a minute
☼ the spark
☁︎James Barnes, the bane of your existence, the man you swore to stay away from. Though his naturally good looks and charming smile may fool many of the women around you, you refuse to fall into his trap. It gets harder to do with every interaction you have with him, and when Bucky gets taken by Hydra, you're forced to face your feelings or risk losing him forever.
☼ until we meet again
☁︎ The Blip changed everything and everyone. With Bucky now gone, and a toddler to raise, you find yourself leaning on Steve for support, as he does with you. What happens when, five years later, Bucky returns to find his best friend and best girl raising a kid? His kid.
★ @adrinktostopyourthirst
☼ sniper
☁︎ Reluctantly, you get thrown into an assignment with Bucky and Yelena, but Bucky doesn't trust you as far as he can throw you. When he's proven to be correct, it turns out you're still a hell of a good team.
☼ pride and privacy
☁︎Bucky works on himself as he gets used to a roommate. Turns out, she has a much better room than him and he crossed the line.
★ @lives-in-midgard
☼ don’t tell bucky
☁︎ After a night out with Natasha and Wanda reader gets drunk and tells someone about her secret crush on Bucky.
★ @thestarkinternship
☼ mine
☁︎When you went out for drinks with the team one Friday, you had no idea that this was how the night would end: with your back pressed flush against your bedroom door, a shaking thigh hitched over your boyfriend's shoulder and his pretty mouth daring you to completely let go for everyone to hear.
★ @winterarmyy
☼ welcome home…soldat? pt2 pt3 pt4
☁︎ Y/N had make a habit of greeting Bucky a warm 'welcome home' every time he came back from his missions, but there was one particular day when she unknowingly greeted someone else.
☼ until then
☁︎ A mission back in time brought Y/N to an unexpected encounter with the man she fell in love with.
★ @amathslutsguidetofandom
☼ guess i’m just good with them
☼ big, strong man
★ @scoonsalicious
☼ unwanted
☁︎ When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn't be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
★ @lanadelreyscokewhor3
☼ sleepwalking
☁︎when your boyfriend bucky wakes up with the winter soldier mindest, you do the only thing you know how to do- comfort him. he does the only thing he knows how to thank you- possessive sex. 
★ @wkemeup
☼ masterlist
☁︎ all their works <3
★ @seventven
☼ masterlist
☁︎ all bucky works
★ @allyouneedisbuck
☼ i’m begging for you (take my hand)
☁︎ bucky doesn’t do love, you love bucky. being friends with benefits makes sense, right?
★ @jurassicbarnes
☼ please thy neighbor
☼ what a night
☁︎ Bucky Barnes is out in the new world, navigating through everyday life and its trials and tribulations. His therapist insists he tries new things. He has collected a few new hobbies. But when it comes to making new acquaintances, what’s a better way to meet new people than a little dating site called Tinder.
★ @watchmegetobsessed
☼ paper thin walls
★ @onceuponastory
☼ upstairs
☁︎Bucky Barnes is constantly annoyed by his cat Alpine going to visit his upstairs neighbour for treats. That is however, until Bucky meets his new upstairs neighbour Y/N. Who Bucky definitely isn’t in love with. Not at all.
Turns out that a 106 year old man might know more about love than he first thought. And that cats can make excellent wingmen.
★ @dreamwritesimagines
☼ burn the witch
☁︎ There’s a thin line between mission and love, and spies aren’t allowed to cross that line.
★ @bccky
☼ unrequited
☁︎ you realise that you are in love with your best friend, only for him to confess that he loves someone else.
★ @buckysboobs
☼ raw
☁︎ she just wants bucky to fucking destroy her insides and rearrange her guts, but bucky's scared so he rejects her before another one of their love making sessions. she gets mad so making him jealous is the only way left to get him to fulfill her fantasies.
★ @bucksfucks
☼ after hours
☁︎ it’s hard to focus on your PhD when your supervisor is none other than Professor Barnes.
☼ stress relief
☁︎ they say an orgasm reduces stress—bucky puts that to the test.
★ @bucky-bucket-barnes
☼ the two of us
☁︎ You and Bucky go to investigate the phenomenon happening in Westview, New Jersey. While attempting to understand the issue, you yourselves are sucked into Wanda's world of pretend. Now, you believe yourselves to be the happily married Mr. and Mrs. Barnes; in real life, you are most definitely not a happy pair. It is up to you and Bucky to piece together what's happening while dealing with one another inside the hex.
★ @honeybunchesofbucky
☼ crawling back to you
☁︎ After your breakup with Steve Rogers left you heartbroken and lonely, a night in with a bottle of wine gets interrupted by a familiar face; Bucky Barnes, who’s on a mission to show you what you’ve been missing out on.
★ @samingtonwilson
☼ little boy blue pt2 pt3 pt4
★ @inkedbybarnes
☼ his baby
☁︎ bucky won't call you by your name.
★ @lanabuckybarnes
☼ damn bear
☁︎ Sgt Barnes wins you a bear at a carnival. What he doesn’t expect nor like is when you give it more attention, Bucky shows you that he’s better than the bear.
★ @imyourbratzdoll
☼ angst request
☁︎ bucky flirts with sarah to make you jealous, forgetting that you aren't as secure as you come off.
★ @buckys-wintersoldier
☼ home is where you are
☁︎ when you hear someone talking about Bucky you offer them your help to find him.
★ @duuhrayliegh
☼ fondue
☁︎ bucky and steve’s daughter have been dating secretly for over half a year, this is how steve finds out.
★ @veltana
☼ unleashed
☁︎ During a mission, Bucky is exposed to something that removes his inhibitions and all he wants is you.
★ @thevillainswhore
☼ a forbidden invitation
☁︎You think a one night stand from the summer, the best fuck of your life, is a done deal — a single, heated encounter that now lives vividly in your memories. But you learn that your actions have consequences when you befriend a new student, starting in the new term, and she invites you over to meet her Dad.
★ @jobean12-blog
☼ donut: the hole story
☁︎ When you stop at your favorite donut shop to grab some sweets on the way home from work they only have one left of your favorite flavor so you do what any other person would do...even though it's your husband's favorite too.
☼ fancy restaurant
☁︎ Nat works her magic and 'accidentally' double books you and Bucky for babysitting. The kids don't want either of you to leave so you end up babysitting together and thanks to some imaginative play the night progresses perfectly.
★ @navybrat817
☼ goes with the theme
☁︎ Bucky thinks his suit goes with a gala theme. You slightly disagree.
★ @sarahghetti
☼ loose ends
☁︎ He picks up a photo on a bookshelf and Bucky sees her face, her smile between him and Steve and-
He’s breaking down a door, she’s screaming. Metal around her throat, nothing more than choked gasps from her mouth-
-he does not want this memory back
★ @buckyalpine
☼ actor!bucky
☼ blackwidow!reader
hopefully all links work, let me know if not <3
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Web of Lies.
Spencer Reid has always been good at keeping secrets. You just never thought he'd keep any from you.
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Pairing - Spiderman!Spencer Reid x Female Reader
Word Count - 3750
Age Rating - 18+
Warnings - cursing. mentions of violence and blood. potentially smut in the next chapters.
Author's Note - i am so excited to share this with all of you!! i saw a tiktok comparing marvel characters to criminal minds characters, and couldn't get the idea of spencer as spiderman out of my head. this will absolutely have more than one part, but i'm not sure how many just yet. please let me know what you think!! as always, reblogs, comments and feedback are always immensely appreciated <3
Masterlist. Requests.
Series Masterlist.
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You probably should have noticed something was wrong way before you did.
That's the thing about elusive people - and Spencer Reid is one mysterious man.
In many ways, he wears his heart on his sleeve. He doesn't filter his words like most people do - he'll tell you exactly what he thinks, exactly what he feels. He doesn't sugar coat, he doesn't exaggerate. You can always count on Spencer to tell it to you straight.
But he's not exactly an open book. You know he had a difficult childhood - you've pieced some of it together based on anecdotes and passing comments. You know he's the youngest person to ever work for the FBI, never mind the esteemed Behavioural Analysis Unit. You know he's gentle, kind, loving, supportive, and the best friend and colleague you could ever ask for.
It's just that some days, it feels like there's still so much you don't know. Which is why you never really saw this coming.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
It's Monday.
Spencer Reid has a black eye.
It's not unusual for you to show up to work on Monday with Fridays injuries. Bruises, scrapes, broken bones. They all come along as a part of the job. But the last case you worked didn't involve any physical altercations. No, in fact, it was a surprisingly easy arrest. So why is Spencer black and blue?
He sits down at his desk and turns on his computer, unaware of the way you're watching him like a hawk. Reading him like a book. You're replaying the events of the last case, trying to piece together exactly when Spencer had gotten hurt without you knowing.
"Hey, Spence?" you call, making your way over to where he's sat cross legged in his chair.
His eyes flick up and meet yours, and something in you churns. An alarm bell goes off somewhere in your distant mind, but you silence it, perching on the edge of his desk.
"Are you okay?"
He smiles at you gently, enamoured with the care you reserve just for him.
"I'm good. How are you? How was your weekend? Did you go to the new farmers market in the end? Did you start that book I got you?"
It's not unusual for him to ask you twenty questions at once, so you try to answer them as best as you can, eyes still glued to his shiny bruise.
"Yeah, I'm good. It was good, despite all that rain we had. Luke took me to the farmers market, and we tried these new grapes. Did you know they made grapes that taste like cotton candy? I saved you some, they're in my bag. I'm on chapter three of the book, so nothing has really happened yet. Where'd you get the bruise, Genius?"
You're hoping that your rambling will catch him off guard, and he'll answer without thinking. He looks at you carefully, considering his reply. No such luck.
"Fell in my kitchen. Tripped over my own damn shoes, smacked my face straight into the counter," he chuckles.
It does sound like Spencer. He's clumsy on the best of days, always dropping something or stumbling next to you. It's not far fetched that his own feet have caused him an injury.
You drop the issue, and laugh along with the team when they tease him about his physical ineptitude.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
It's Tuesday.
Spencer Reid is a bad liar.
You're both settled into the cushions of your couch, eyes glued to the television screen. You're watching reruns of a 90s sitcom, the laugh track echoing around the apartment.
"That paramedic was totally checking you out today," you tease gently, poking him with your foot.
A blush instantly rises to his cheeks, the rosy tint a familar picture.
"No she wasn't," he counters, tripping over his words. "She was just doing her job."
"If by doing her job you mean undressing you with her eyes, then yes, she was doing her job."
You're both laughing - you at Spencer's bashful expression, him at your obliviousness.
"Are you jealous?"
He means to tease you, but it comes out more serious than intended. Your smile drops into a surprised smirk, eyebrows raising in shock.
You sit in silence for a minute, before you confess quietly.
"Maybe a little."
Spencer tries to process your words, but his brain doesn't want to work, apparently.
"Wait... you are?"
"I guess," you mutter lowly. "I just... forget I said anything. She was really pretty. Maybe I was just a little intimated."
You jokingly nudge him with your shoulder, and go back to watching the TV. Spencer's brain finally reboots and starts running a mile a minute, thoughts flying around like comets shooting through the night sky.
You sit together for hours, slipping into sleep gently. It isn't unusual for the two of you to doze off on the couch. Sleepovers happen regularly, both of you completely comfortable with the other person.
It's 3am when Spencer shoots up, pulling on his converse frantically.
"What's wrong?" you panic, trying to rub the sleep from your eyes.
"Nothing. I just, uh, I have to go."
He grabs his bag and beelines for the front door without so much as stopping to explain himself.
"Spencer!" you call after him, willing him to slow down for minute. "Has something happened?"
"No, it's fine. I'll, uh, explain some other time. Just... just get some sleep. I've really gotta run."
And with that, he's out the door, leaving you bleary eyed and confused in the middle of your living room.
You fall asleep on the couch, head resting on the sweater that Spencer left behind in his rush to leave.
You're half convinced you've dreamt the events of the evening.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
It's Wednesday.
Spencer Reid isn't at work.
Spencer Reid is always at work.
Emily regularly has to remind him to take time off. Luke teases that he'll steal his vacation hours if Spence doesn't use them. He's always sat at his desk, waiting for everyone else to arrive every morning.
Which is why his absence is making you worried.
The occurrences of last night are still replaying in your head like a stuck video tape, repeating over and over again. You're over analysing every word he said, every move he made. Leaving in a hurry without reason is so unlike Spencer. You consider supernatural forces, or possession, or Freaky Friday style body swapping. There's no logical explanation for his behaviour, you're convinced. Monday's black eye floats back into your mind, and your heart rate rises ever so slightly.
You march up the stairs and knock on Emily's office window with a bit more force than originally intended.
"Come in."
You swing the door open and slam it shut behind you, anxiety coursing through your veins.
"Hey, hey. Are you alright?" she asks, watching the way your eyes are flicking around the room, looking for clues.
"Where's Spencer?"
"Emily. Where's Spencer?"
She gets up from her chair to stand in front of you, placing her hands on your shoulders.
"He's sick, some sort of flu, he thinks. I've told him to go back to bed, and to call if he needs anything."
Her words don't reassure you like she thought they would.
"Did he sound sick?"
"Did he sound sick, when he called?"
"I don't know, really. I guess so."
"You're a profiler, Emily. You should be able to tell if he's sick or not," you snap.
"Woah," she counters. "What's wrong? Talk to me."
You sit down in the nearest chair, and run your hands over your face.
"I'm sorry."
"Don't be sorry," she reassures, kneeling in front of you. "Tell me what's going on, and I can try to help."
"It's nothing, I'm sure," you rationalise. "I'm just worried about him. Something's off, but I have no idea what it is."
You take a deep breath, Emily rubbing soothing circles into your knee.
"You know, if he were to talk to anyone about what was wrong, it'd be you."
"You think?"
"I don't think, I know."
It's no secret that you and Spencer are close. You've been best friends from the minute you joined the team, forming a connection instantly. As the years have gone by, the feelings have gotten stronger, but the both of you are too scared to admit it to yourselves or each other. You'd do anything for him, and he would do anything for you.
"Maybe you're right. I'll go over there after work and talk to him, see if I can get him to open up."
Emily leans down and gives you a hug, squeezing you a little tighter than usual.
"I'm always here for you. Both of you."
"I know," you smile gratefully. "I appreciate it, boss."
Just as you're leaving her office, Penelope calls you all into the briefing room, giving you no time to think about what could potentially be going on.
You look at the victims faces on the screen, and every single one seems to look like Spencer Reid.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
It's Thursday.
Spencer Reid is having a panic attack.
He's back at work, making a seemingly miraculous recovery from his short lived illness. You went to his apartment last night after work as promised, but your knocking went unanswered. You don't know where he was, but you're worried.
You've been watching him across the bullpen all morning. You're surveying him carefully when his breathing becomes rapid, eyes flickering around the room. He stands up abruptly, practically running from his desk. You follow him instinctively, all the way into the men's bathroom. He's leaning over the sink, hands gripping the porcelain, knuckles turning white. His eyes are locked on himself in the mirror. He looks as if he doesn't recognise who he sees.
"Spence?" you urge gently, careful to keep your voice low. "Are you alright?"
His gaze meets yours over his shoulder, and he tenses even more. A wave of anxiety rolls through you. Usually, Spencer sees you and relaxes - you're like a breath of fresh air. Suddenly, you're not sure where you stand with him.
"Spence, please. Talk to me. I'm worried about you."
"I'm fine," he snaps.
He's never taken that tone with you before. It doesn't make you as sad as it probably should. No, it makes you angry.
"Don't you dare speak to me that way," you hiss, pointing your finger at him. "I am trying to help you. Don't push me away."
"What's it gonna take for you to leave me alone?" he asks viciously.
Your mouth drops open in disbelief, shock painting your features.
"You know what? Fine. Message received."
You turn on your heel and stride towards the door, stopping when you've swung it open. You look at him over your shoulder, and shake your head, a humourless laugh escaping you.
"Fuck you, Spencer Reid."
You slam the door behind you, leaving him alone, chest heaving and hands shaking.
You're marching back to your desk when JJ calls the team together. You take a deep breath and try to release the anger from your body, but it proves difficult. It's tangled itself around your bones, running through your blood like a flash flood. You paint a smile on your face, and take your seat in the briefing room.
Spencer joins a couple of minutes later, choosing to sit across the table, rather than in his usual chair next to you. Luke takes the place instead, and reaches over to rest a hand on your thigh.
"You okay?" he murmurs lowly, careful to not make a scene.
"Yeah," you whisper back, fingers tangling with his where they rest on your leg. "I'm okay."
JJ pulls up the case details on the screen, and Luke doesn't let go of your hand.
"Where are we jetting off to today?" Matt asks, all eyes on the blonde at the front of the room.
"Nowhere, actually. Local, this time."
Everyone breathes a sigh of relief, glad to stay close to home.
"Okay, the nearest PD have just sent this case through, and it's... weird."
"Weird how?" Tara enquires. It's not often that JJ comments on a case before she's shared all of the details.
"It's a man hunt, of sorts. They're calling him a vigilante."
"Ooo, like a supervillain?" Luke chuckles.
When JJ doesn't laugh, he doubles down.
"Wait, we're not actually catching a supervillain, are we?"
Everyone turns to JJ, who looks just as confused as the rest of you feel.
"Well... kinda?"
You allow your eyes to flick to Spencer, who's still breathing heavily, hand gripping the edge of the table. JJ clicks the remote in her hand, and a picture of a man in a red suit appears on the screen.
"This is the guy they're calling Spiderman. He's been spotted at multiple crime scenes over the last few weeks. He's making a hell of a lot of people very suspicious."
"Spiderman? Why is his costume red?" Tara asks, a hint of laughter in her voice.
"Aren't there red spiders?" Rossi counters.
"Reid, are there red spiders?"
All heads turn to look at Spencer, who's gone completely pale. He tunes into the conversation, clearly not listening.
"I said, are there red spiders?"
"Yeah," he replies shortly. Everyone waits for him to spit his facts, to explain the different species, but he doesn't. His head drops slightly, a signal that he's done talking.
Everyone watches him in puzzlement, confused by his sudden silence.
"Anyway," JJ starts, "he's been linked to a number of local crimes. It started off as battery, assault, GBH - but last night there was a murder downtown, and he was spotted at the scene. He's prime suspect."
"Apart from, we don't know who he is," Matt adds.
"Exactly. That's why the police department have called us in. They can't handle it on their own."
Penelope starts to pass around case files, everyone flicking through at their own pace. Spencer doesn't even open his, just stares at it where it sits on the table.
"Reid, are you alright?" Emily asks, concerned.
"I'm fine. I just need some air," he replies quickly, taking his papers and striding out of the room.
You watch him go, squeezing Lukes hand a little harder.
✵  ✵    ·  ✵    *  · ✵
It's Friday.
Spencer Reid is in trouble.
He's in too deep.
He can't remember the last time he took a deep breath.
His shoulders are so tense, it's a struggle to pull his sweater on.
His hands shake as he reads the case file from yesterday again.
Spiderman. Male. Mid twenties to early thirties. Slim build. Tall. Local - knows the area. Must have a connection to the police - perhaps his own radio.
Spencer accidentally knocks his knee into the desk, and winces. The wound he haphazardly stitched throbs beneath his corduroy trousers, and he prays he's not about to bleed through the material. People are asking enough questions as it is.
"Reid, Alvez, grab your jackets. You're going to the crime scene," Emily calls from up the stairs.
You watch as Spencer rises from his chair, making note of the way he's carefully putting more weight on his right leg. He rolls his shoulders once, twice, three times, before picking up his bag and heading out the door. Luke shoots you a wink as he follows him out, making you smile gently.
You decide to take a trip to see Garcia. She always knows how to take your mind off things.
You cruise into her office, instantly sitting in her spare chair, twirling in circles.
"God, you and Genius are like the same person," she giggles. "He does the exact same thing when he comes in here."
You smile instinctively, and then remember the way he spoke to you yesterday. The way he's treated you this week. The way he's acted as if you didn't exist all day. Your smile fades, and she notices.
"Is everything okay with you two?"
You sigh, and take a deep breath to try and prevent yourself from crying.
"I don't know."
"Oh, honey."
Penelope rolls over to you in her chair, wrapping her arms around you tightly.
"He won't tell me what's wrong, and pushes me away when I try to ask. We had a fight yesterday, and now he won't even look at me. I don't know what I've done to make him hate me all of a sudden," you sob, tears running down your cheeks.
"He doesn't hate you," she murmurs soothingly into your hair. "He loves you more than anyone in the entire world."
"I'm not so sure that's true," you whisper.
"It is. I promise you. He's never been good at talking about his feelings. I'm sure whatever it is, he'll tell you soon enough. You'll work this out - you always do."
You let her hold you for a little longer, sinking into her embrace. Maybe she's right. Maybe it'll all be alright.
After work, you try to relax.
You cook dinner, run yourself a bubble bath. You watch a cheesy movie, eat the good chocolate you've been saving. You snuggle into the couch, pulling a blanket over your legs. But you can't settle.
Usually, a Friday night would mean a sleepover. You and Spencer order takeout, tangle your legs together and fall asleep, chattering about nothing and everything. But tonight, you're alone. You can't stand it anymore.
Throwing on the sweater that Spencer left on Tuesday, you slip on your shoes and get in your car. You drive on autopilot, mind zoned out completely. Before you know it, you're parking on the street below Spencer's apartment building.
You're met with silence when you knock on the door. You try again, and still, nothing.
A choked sob escapes you, and you rest your forehead against the wood. The tears flow freely, forming a puddle on the welcome mat.
The welcome mat.
You pull it back roughly, and find the spare key that he irresponsibly leaves there. Letting yourself into his apartment, you inhale deeply. It smells so distinctly like Spencer. The familar scent used to bring you comfort. Now, it just makes you cry harder.
You collapse on his kitchen floor, letting your head fall back against the cabinet. After an hour or so, you allow your eyes to drift closed, knees hugged tightly to your chest.
You're abruptly awoken by a door slamming shut.
You jump to your feet, and let out a startled sound. Running into the living room, you expect to see Spencer, but he's nowhere to be found. You tune in to the sound of running water, and assume he's in the shower. You perch on the edge of the couch and wait.
"What are you doing here?" Spencer asks as he makes his way into the room.
He doesn't sound scared, or confused, or shocked. It almost feels like he knew you were here.
"I couldn't sleep," you reply cautiously. "Where have you been? It's 4am."
"I couldn't sleep either."
"Yeah? Then why are you bleeding?"
He turns towards the mirror on the wall, and lays eyes on a gash across his cheekbone. He definitely didn't see that before.
"Slipped in the shower."
You jump to your feet, rage fuelling your movements.
"Stop fucking lying!"
Now he looks shocked. He's taken aback, stepping away from you slowly.
"I... I'm not," he says meekly. He doesn't even believe his own lie.
"You're doing it again! What did I do, Spencer? What did I do to lose all of your trust?!"
He tries to calm you down, but it just makes you angrier.
"Tell me!" you scream at him. "I'm going insane, Spencer! I'm going fucking insane!"
"It's not your fault," he tries to explain. "You haven't done anything wrong, I promise."
"Then why don't you love me anymore?" you sob. Your knees give way, and you fall to the ground, cries wracking your exhausted frame.
Spencer's heart breaks so hard, he's convicted he can hear it shatter.
He strides over, wrapping his arms around you as tightly as he can. The contact makes you cry more, tears soaking into his t shirt.
"I could never stop loving you," he whispers. "Nothing in the world could ever make me stop loving you."
You pull back to look at him, astounded by his confession.
"I'm trying to protect you," he continues quietly. "I'm doing this because I love you."
You thread your hands through his hair and pull him towards you, pressing your lips to his urgently. He cradles your face and kisses you back, ignoring the way your tears drip down his face. You tug him closer, desperate for this moment to never end.
He's finally here. Back in your arms, where he belongs.
Eventually, you pull away, gasping for air. He looks at you like you hung the stars in the sky, and his eyes well up with emotion.
"Hey," you soothe, stroking his cheek with your thumb gently. "It's okay. You're okay. We're okay."
"I feel like I'm drowning," he whispers.
"Whatever it is, Spence, we'll figure it out. We always do."
"What if we can't this time?"
"Then we come up with a plan B. And a plan C. And a plan D. We've got at least 26 plans before we run out of letters."
He chuckles, but there's no laughter in it. You tilt his chin towards you, so your eyes are locked.
"I'm not going anywhere," you murmur. "No matter what it is, I'm not going anywhere."
He takes a deep breath, and releases it shakily.
You smile gently, and take a deep breath to mirror his.
"I promise."
He nods slowly, and moves to sit in front of you cross legged. You match his movements and do the same, facing him assuredly.
"I have to tell you something. And you can't tell anyone, ever," he begins. "It's going to change the way you look at me. It's going to change the way you love me. It's going to change everything."
"You can tell me, Spence," you reassure. "You can trust me."
Spencer takes a deep breath - and then a second, and a third. His eyes bore into yours, and he inhales again, before uttering the words that will undoubtedly change both of your lives completely.
"I'm Spiderman."
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@twsssmlmaa @evansflowers @sourskywalker @butterflylilacsverse @acornacreacure @yourrrrrprefffffect @shadowhuntyi @valenftcrush @n3x5t3rra29 @wittlewowa @slay-hamster2006 @ceruleanrainblues @sad-ass-hoe19 @dezibou @starksfavouritedaughter @lexie0037 @beautyb1ade @spencerzakwrites @thataltdisabledgirl @wannabecoolakid @cassiestars777 @min-jianhyung @lazylexiiii @convolv0 @laurenofatlantis @golden-guide @olive-gb @thebiggestscamislife @wyrdxwitch @rizosrizos26 @whore-of-the-pumpkin-patch @frogers @sun-fiower-seed @dancinwyourghost
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The Pull Of You - Part 3
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader x Bucky Barnes
Soulmates - Feeling the pull between each other indicates a bond. A kiss confirms it.
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Summary: You meet Steve and Bucky on a Tuesday. Steve ignores the soulmate pull, Bucky can't. There's something about you that neither can shake, even when you're wearing one of Clint's t-shirts and your unicorn slippers. After weeks of slipping into your bed Bucky decides he can't hold back anymore. He's telling you after the mission, whether Steve is all in or not. When you don't come back from the mission, they are both ready to burn the world down and the team have the matches to help. But is everything as it seems and have they been betrayed by someone on the inside.
Chapter Summary: Something is definitely off with you and Bucky's worried.
You were quiet when you stepped off the jet, even as Bucky barrelled through the doors to the landing pad, Bruce close behind him.
He gave you a tight hug and planted a kiss on your head as he rocked you both side to side. It didn’t go unnoticed that you didn’t hold him as tightly as you usually would. He pulled back and checked you over.
“You OK doll? Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine bubs, just tired.”
Bucky didn’t like the distant look in your eyes and he reached to brush the hair out of your face. You’d usually lean in whenever he’d touch you affectionately, even more so when he’d touch you face and you’d often move to kiss his palm when he cupped your cheek. This time though you just looked at him, still the distant look in your eyes.
“Babydoll, are you sure you’re OK?”
You nodded but stayed quiet. Bucky leaned forward and kissed your forehead softly. As he pulled away Bucky shot a worried glance at Nat and Clint, who were signing back and forth with Bruce.
Nat shared his expression and nudged Clint before heading towards you.
“Come on sestra, let’s get cleaned up.”
Bucky went to stop her pulling you away but Nat shot him a look and flicked her head towards Clint.
“Clint needs to speak to you, something about one of his guns jamming. Can you take a look before it goes in for repair? Tony will be pissed if he’s broken another one. Please?” Nat asked as she looped her arm in yours and pulled you away.
Clint gestured for Bucky to come over as he stood with Bruce, Bucky not missing their concerned faces as they watched you both walk away.
“This isn’t about a gun is it?”
Fifteen minutes later Bucky had slipped into your room with a pair of his boxers and a t-shirt for you to wear to bed, along with your hot water bottle. He slipped it into the centre of your bed, your spot, where you always were whether he, and now Steve, were with you or not. He thought back to when he’d first got the hot water bottle ready for you. Your fingers were broken from a mission and you were muttering in frustration under your breath as you couldn’t get it open. He’d been pacing around, wondering if he should check in on you post mission. You hadn’t been in the compound long, brought in by Nat and Clint, with a little help from Tony. Your knack of breaking and entering, and negotiating making you a an asset to the team. You’d been back for an hour and Bucky felt like he was climbing the walls. He’d tried his best but he couldn’t avoid the pull he felt when he thought of you, even when he didn’t think of you there was something there, a weight in his chest and he’d found himself gravitating towards you.
When F.R.I.D.A.Y had notified him you were back the pacing had started. It’d worsened when the AI had said you were injured. Once Friday had said you needed assistance, he had a valid reason to seek you out and he was down the stairs two at a time. Everyone else was out the compound on missions or meetings so he obviously needed to check on you. Right?
Whatever this was between the two of you had had started to become more of something then. The pair of you ignoring it or trying to before.
The post mission routine had started then. A water bottle in the bed. Your favourite PJs laid out, or Bucky’s clothes, and in the last week sometimes a t-shirt of Steve’s. Today though Bucky was a selfish bastard and all the items laid out were his.
You’d reciprocate when he returned from missions, making sure his bedroom lights were on low and that the soundproofing was on so he could have peace and quiet. A blow to his shoulder would lead you to run him a bath, adding in the oils you used and his towels were always the softest in the compound, even though he was pretty sure you’d stolen them from Tony and Pepper’s apartment when there weren’t any fresh ones. You’d reach out a hand to him to see if he needed you, if he nodded you’d embrace him and hold him until he’d had enough (he’d never had enough). If he shook his head you’d stay nearby, until he found you. Bucky had never gone more than an hour before seeking you out. The pull of you and him something that couldn’t be ignored.
He was passed hiding anything with you or anyone else. He knew what he felt for you. The pull throughout his body, how his thoughts strayed to you. He’d doubted it at first. It made no sense, his soulmate being here and now. ‘I must have been rewired wrong’ he decided. He’d faked an issue with his arm to get a meeting with Shuri, but she was no fool.
“I see how you look at her, are you questioning yourself or my work?”
He didn’t fake an issue with his arm or question Shuri’s rewiring of his brain again.
When he knocks you’re perched on the end of the bed looking at your phone, you’re quick to lock the screen but Bucky sees it’s a photo of you, him and Steve at one of Tony’s events. You practically throw the phone on to the bed like it’s burnt you and jump to your feet. Bucky notices you’re wearing your own clothes and his heart sinks.
He needed to talk to Steve.
@imdoingbetternow @mcira @abaker74
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
Under Your Spell
model!Tom Hiddleston x fem!Reader
Summary: You're a photographer and just landed a big job. You try to stay professional, but the model you are working with is quite the distraction...
Warnings: almost nudity, tattoos, piercings, thirst, fluff?
Word Count: 2,1k
a/n: Yep, you read that right... model!Tom... 😏 Well... @multifandom-worlds texted me a few weeks ago and gave me the inspiration for this oneshot. 😁 We regret nothing. 👀
Tagging: @lulubelle814 @km-ffluv @eleniblue @muddyorbs @loz-3 @vbecker10 @jennyggggrrr @mochie85 @chantsdemarins @peaches1958 @multifandom-worlds @fictive-sl0th @loki-laufeyson-1054 @lovingchoices14 @simping-for-marvel @stupidthoughtsinwriting @vanilla-daydreaming @lou12346789 @lady-rose-moon @evelyn-kingsley @the-princess-of-loki @acefeather2002
Part Two -> Still Under Your Spell (written by @multifandom-worlds )
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(Credit for the picture goes to @multifandom-worlds 😁)
"Got a new job for you." Sam, your boss turned friend said, making her way over to you. You were currently in one of the studios, cleaning up after the photo shooting you just had. You were a professional photographer, working for a quite big agency. Turning to face Sam, she stood beside you now, grinning broadly. "And a real big one at that." "Sam, if that's another joke-" "This time it's not! I swear! This is real!" The blonde, curly haired woman giggled, lifting her hands in surrender. Sam tended to prank you from time to time, telling you that you've got a big job; hired from someone like Prada, Gucci or even Nike or Adidas. Well, it never was the case... Until today. You crossed your arms over your chest, looking at her expectedly. "You might want to sit down, 'cause it's going to blow your mind." "Sam, please, I don't have to sit down, just because-" "Calvin Klein, male model." "Ohhh gods. Okay, yep, yep, I-I need to sit down." Sam laughed, guiding you to sit on one of the stools. You wouldn't say it was one of your biggest dreams to do a photoshoot for Calvin Klein, but it was definitely in the top five. You needed a second to process this, taking a deep breath. "Sam... Really? Like... Really, really? The Calvin Klein?" Your boss giggled, nodding. "Yep, really really. The Calvin Klein." "Wow... This is... wow..." Sam smiled, knowing very well that this was a small dream coming true. "Congrats, sweetie. You deserve this." You returned her smile and couldn't help but to hug her. "When is the shooting? Where? And oh gods, who is the male model? Do I know him?" You had turned from a stunned girl into an excited energy ball within seconds. Sam laughed once more. "Friday next week. I don't know where yet. I'm still waiting for the management to tell me that. And the model... Well, I don't think you know him, 'cause he's pretty new in the business." "Well, who is it?" "Name's Tom. Tom Hiddleston."
Ten days later, you were pacing around the spacious, yet cosy looking room, preparing everything for the photoshoot. You had arrived over an hour earlier, checking on everything twice - just to be on the safe side. You wouldn't want anything to go wrong. Not on such an important shoot. After all, this could be the chance to prove yourself. The stepping stone into a big, successful career as a professional photographer.
You were readjusting the tripod, totally lost in thoughts, when a deep, yet smooth voice brought you back to the here and now. "Hello?" You spun around at the voice, a hairsbreadth away from knocking over the tripod with the camera. "Apologies. I didn't mean to scare you." The voice spoke up again. "It's okay, I-" You turned around without an incident this time, facing the man to whom the sensual voice belonged - and almost fainted right then and there. Before you stood a tall man with deep blue eyes and a charming smile on his face. His blonde-brown hair was short and curled itself in soft waves over his head. His facial features were utterly defined, with a razor-sharp jawline and high cheekbones. A tattoo adorned his neck. From underneath the white shirt he wore, peaked out another black tattoo as well. He was absolutely gorgeous.
You swallowed hard, tried to regain your focus. "S-Sorry, hi. I, uh, was so in thoughts and... You must be Tom, right?" His smile widened a bit, as he stepped closer. "Please don't worry. I should've knocked or something... And yes, I'm Tom." A smile like his could light up the whole world. You were sure of it. Tom stretched out his arm towards you. Your eyes fell to his outstretched hand. He has such big hands, you thought immediately, biting your lip, before you took his kind and polite offer, and watched how his hand swallowed yours whole. "Y/N." "Very nice to meet you, Y/N." You gave the man a smile, trying to cover up your nervousness. "Likewise, Tom." Your hand left his again, and to prevent an upcoming awkward silence, you spoke up again. "Shall we begin?" "I'd love to."
Sam joined you no minute later, informing you and Tom about the details of the shooting, before she went on her way again, leaving you and Tom to work. While the man went into the adjacent locker room in order to get changed - or well, rather half naked (After all, it was an underwear commercial photoshoot.), you checked your camera one last time.
You knew from the first look at Tom, that he was definitely born to be a model, with the breath-taking good looks he had been gifted. But what you saw when he emerged from the locker room, your heart seemed to stop beating for a moment. You had expected a lot... But not this. Not what your eyes witnessed in that very moment. Tom was naked, of course, except for the grey Calvin Klein trunks, which sat snugly around his hips... And crotch. You swallowed hard, tried not to focus on this, of course. Like you had already recognised before, he had tattoos - but not just the two you had seen. Oh no... Tom had a lot more. In fact, was almost his entire body covered with tattoos, starting with that tattoo on his neck. Although, his upper body was not entirely covered, but mostly. Flowers climbed all over his torso, starting at the waistband of the Calvin Klein trunks, up his hips and sides, kissing his left pec and spreading all over his shoulders and arms. It looked stunning and utterly beautiful. You understood to 100 per cent, why Tom became a model.
Tom's legs were covered with a few flowers as well. You could see a flower tendril on both legs, winding itself upwards from his ankles over his calves and knees, ending on his muscular, thick thighs. Speaking of muscles... Tom's body was well shaped. You could tell that already by the blue shirt he had been wearing. Biceps bulging underneath the soft fabric. His shoulders were broad and strong and you could definitely see the fade outlines of his abs, forming into a sixpack. That, combined with the smattering of fine hair in between his pecs and down his belly button was enough to almost got you hyperventilating. You had photographed a lot of people by now, but nobody had swept you off your feet like Tom did. Not just because he looked like a prince, straight out of a novel, written by a woman, no... Because he seemed to be such a nice, kind and charming man.
Though, the tattoos and his utter good looks weren't the only things which caught your attention... Although he looked like a sunny boy with all those flowers, he had something to balance out the 'bad boy image'... Piercings. Tom had a black, curved barbel piercing on his left eyebrow. His lower lip was pierced as well with a black labret piercing. You even caught a glimpse of his tongue piercing, when he licked his lips, which got you thinking about how good it would feel to kiss him with those piercings.
And you weren't just talking about the three on his face... Oh no... There was more. When your eyes wandered lower to his chest, you could see that Tom had both his nipples pierced; causing you to almost drool on your t-shirt. For fucks sake, Y/N! You internally screamed at yourself. Get a grip! This is work! Not a strip club! Stay professional! You swallowed hard, "Alright!" and took a deep breath, hoping that Tom didn't notice your wandering eyes and lusting stare. "Are you ready, Tom?" The handsome man rubbed his hands, smiling and nodding. "I am ready when you are." "Perfect. Let's start."
You had prepared something for the shooting, of course, trying to implement your customers wishes and perceptions. On the left in front of the big white screen stood a rather old, almost vintage chair and on the right a pallet, turned bed, with a soft mattress, some pillows and a white duvet. "Chair first?" Tom asked you, pointing towards the furniture. "If you'd like, sure." "Alright." He smiled, walking over to the chair. You repositioned your camera, thinking you'd start with the bed first, but well... In the end, it didn't matter.
"What do you want me to do? How should I position myself?" You instructed Tom to brace himself with one hand against the chair first, making him stand sexy, but chilled. After that, you told him to sit down, but the wrong way round, so that he sat with spread legs on the furniture, facing the back of the chair. He placed his arms casually on said back, bending his spine slightly. You had positioned the old chair to stand a bit skewed, so his trunks were clearly visible. After all, this was an underwear photoshoot. Well, you were glad that your direct gaze was shielded. Unless you probably would've been expired already. Cause of death: Sensory overload.
When you were done with the first item of the photoshoot, you told Tom to move to the bed, which sent a tingle down your spine. You couldn't deny, that photographing Tom in a bed got you quite a bit hot and bothered. This was a whole new level, causing you to lose concentration and focus slightly once again. You literally couldn't take your eyes off him - and luckily you didn't have to. You were supposed to look at him, weren't you? As the photographer?
"What would you like me to do in here?" Tom asked with a smile, referring to the bed, of course. Take off your trunks and then my clothes. Wait, what? You blinked, shaking your head slightly and hoping Tom didn't notice how you were struggling to keep a cool head. "U-Um... Feel free to try any position you like." He did notice. The man wasn't stupid - and you were bad at hiding your visible attraction. A soft smirk graced his lips; feeling utterly flattered. "Okay, whatever you say, boss." He firstly sat down at the edge of the makeshift bed, placing his elbows on his knees, getting into a kind of thinking position. You quickly snapped a few pictures, watching him change into another few positions. After taking another photo, you looked up at him and said something you regretted afterwards. "I like the way you pose, but I think we should do one more. Perhaps one in which the trunks are very good visibly? Kinda... on full display?" Whoops. You realised immediately how sexual this just sounded, causing you to stumble for an explanation. "I-I mean not that, uh, Calvin Klein complains, because their product isn't to be seen, y-you know? S-Sorry…" You added a small, awkward giggle, hoping your cheeks weren't that red. Tom smiled, shaking his head. "No, I understand. Don't worry. You are probably right." Like you said, you regretted saying this, because Tom took this very seriously...
He returned back to the bed and got on it. Placing himself towards the camera, he laid down on his side, propping his upper body up on his elbow, while he spread his legs, placing one foot on the mattress, so that his leg was bend. The trunks were on full display now. And you? You had to swallow very hard, fighting so hard against yourself to not look. Though, you could swear it looked at you first. Shit.
His thick thighs were perfectly outlined by the grey trunks, causing them to even look stronger. The waistband stretched around his torso deliciously, desperately holding on. "Is this position alright?" "U-Um, yes, sure." With shaky hands you took a few pictures, trying hard to stay professional. Why must he be so sexy, though?
The rest of the photo shooting was absolute torturous for you. Knowing that you were allowed to look, but not to touch. Oh and how you would've loved to touch... You were kind of glad when Tom was dressed again, but also very sad at the same time. "It was a great shooting, thank you. You are a very good, talented photographer." You couldn't help but blush at Tom's words. "Vice versa. You're a remarkable model." The man chuckled. "Well, thank you, Y/N. It was a pleasure working for and with you. Hopefully we get the chance to... work together again." He winked at you, causing your knees to almost give in. Gods, why was he like that? "Well, I-I hope so too."
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daffi-990 · 8 months
Fuck it Friday
Tagged by @wikiangela. Thank you lovely 🥰
The words are not flowing today, it’s like pulling teeth. Which is getting me all down because I want, no need to finish the angsty part of this fic. But ahhhhh I’m finding it so hard to write certain parts 😩.
Anyway, here’s some Eddie alone with Buck in the hospital room after Chris snuck in to visit (Hen is a good friend and knew Eddie needed a moment so is taking Chris to the gift shop).
Obviously from The Lightning Amnesia Fic because it is constantly consuming my thoughts.
The room falls quiet as Hen closes the door behind her, the only noise the machines keeping Buck alive.
Hesitantly, Eddie steps closer to Buck.
He looks so small right now, so young. There’s a five o’clock shadow painting his jaw and Eddie’s hand twitches, wanting to reach out and run his fingers over it, to feel the coarse hair on his fingertips. Not even two days ago he’d used his tongue to trace that jawline, marveling at all the noises it drew from Buck’s lips.
He moves to the bed and takes a seat on the edge by Buck’s hip. Reaching out, he carefully curls a hand around Buck’s wrist, fingers on his pulse, feeling his heartbeat. The touch, the subtle thump thump thump of Buck’s heart is comforting. A reminder that he is alive.
“Hey sweetheart,” he delicately strokes his thumb along the skin above Buck’s wrist, “you gave us all quite a scare there for a minute. Well, 3 minutes and 17 seconds, but who’s counting?” He huffs at his lame attempt to use humour to lighten the mood, knows that it would’ve received a fond eye roll from Buck. “God I miss you. I miss you so much.”
Eddie abandons Buck’s pulse to take his cold hand in between his own, bringing it up to his lips and placing a kiss to Buck's knuckles. “Don’t leave me, Buck,” he whispers into their hands, “Don’t leave and go where I can’t follow.” His breaths begin to come in short, ragged gasps, tears stinging his eyes like shards of glass. He bows his head to rest upon their clasped hands as the reality of the situation overwhelms him. “I can’t do this without you. I don’t want to do this without you. Please don’t make me”.
He feels like he’s drowning in an ocean of anguish, lost among the waves and current, trying desperately to reach the surface but not knowing which way is up. He wants to break free of the water, to be able to breathe without feeling the hollow ache of not having Buck by his side.
No pressure tagging: @callmenewbie @devirnis @disasterbuckdiaz @exhuastedpigeon @eddiebabygirldiaz @eddiediaztho @fortheloveofbuddie @forthewolves @giddyupbuck @honestlydarkprincess @hippolotamus @jesuisici33 @lover-of-mine @ladydorian05 @loserdiaz @monsterrae1 @messyhairdiaz @princessfbi @rainbow-nerdss @rewritetheending @spotsandsocks @thewolvesof1998 @try-set-me-on-fire @wildlife4life and anyone else who wants to join in 🙂
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andydrysdalerogers · 20 days
Love Lessons
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Pairings: Sebastian Stan x Reader, Chris Evans, Scott Evans, Sebastian x Alejandra Onieva
Word Count: 3.1K
Summary: Being an associate producer was never the goal but the stepping stone to be a writer. So when you work for Jimmy Fallon, you never know what will happen.  Or who you will meet...
Warnings: Language, Alcohol use
Song: Jessie's Girl by Rick Springfield (performed by Mary Lambert)
Part 1 of 3
Banners by me! Dividers by @firefly-graphics
I don't consent to my work being copied or translated at all.
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Love lesson #1: Meeting your potential soul mate can come from anywhere. You don’t really know. Whether it’s a chance meeting, a prearranged date or fate hitting you in the face.  All you know is that it always comes from the place you least expect it. Always keep your eyes open. 
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Being an assistant is never a glamorous job. But it is the stepping stone to get to any producer, anchor or executive job.  Everyone starts at the bottom.  Including you. You are an assistant on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.  Fate had gotten you the call for an internship a couple of years ago.  Destiny placed you in the way of your future and hard work had gotten you to be one of the show’s assistants.  You rarely got star struck anymore but every once in a while, it did come.  You are human after all.  
Tonight, it was your job to have all of the guests comfortable before the taping.  And you knew it would be a more difficult night as the men of Marvel were on the docket for the week.  Monday, it had been Robert Downey Jr., who had to be one of the nicest humans you had ever met.  Tuesday it had been Mark Ruffalo and Paul Rudd, who were complete sweethearts.  Wednesday brought Chris Helmsworth, Paul Bethany and Benedict Cumberbatch, or the international contingent as you had called them.  Thursday was Anthony Mackie and Tom Holland, which went as well as you thought.  
But now it was Friday, and it was the final night of the week.  You had a list of things that you needed to bring to the first guest room.  You knocked but didn’t hear anything.  You knocked again and thought you heard a muffled acknowledgement You entered.  “Hello Mr. Stan! I have…oh I’m so sorry!”  You had interrupted an intimate moment between him and a blonde.  
“Oh, god, sorry, I thought you were Evans.”  The man grabbed his handkerchief from his pocket to wipe away the lipstick on his mouth.  
“I’m so sorry.  I was just bringing in the Evian that was requested.” You dropped the bottles of water into the fridge and headed back to the door.  “Please let me know if you need anything else.”  You spun around, your HC ponytail swinging around.  
“I don’t have your name to call you.” Sebastian smiled in your direction as the blonde scowled. He took you in and absorbed the natural beauty you had in a simple white button down and black slacks. You had minimal makeup on, highlighting just your eyes.  You were a stark contrast to the blonde next to him and it was a breath of fresh air.  
“It’s YN, Mr. Stan.”  
“YN, thank you for the waters.  But please call me Sebastian.  This is Alejandra, my girlfriend.” He pointed to the blonde, who gave you a pointed look. The look of fuck off and leave me and my man alone.  Sebastian missed it, still captivated by you.  “I don’t think you were here last time I was on the show.”  
“No, I started about two years ago.  I think you were here right before I joined.” You looked down. “Well, it’s nice to meet you both. If you’ll excuse me.”  You head on out and let out a long breath.   
“Cariño, why are you staring at the door?” 
“No reason. She was nice.”  Alejandra rolled her eyes.  “What Ale?” 
“Nothing Sebastian.” She went back to kissing his neck.  He shrugged her off. “I don’t want to get lipstick on my collar.” In reality, he wanted to go after you, find out more about you.  You were an enigma that he wanted to puzzle out. YN, the name of a mystery.  
You headed to the other dressing room and knocked, waiting this time until you heard, “Come in.” 
“Hi Chris,” you greeted.  You had met Chris a couple of time, so you were way more comfortable with him.  
“Hey YN!” He came over to give you a kiss on the cheek and a hug.  
“I’ve got your waters and scotch as requested and…  Eeekkkk!” 
You screamed and dropped the glasses as none other than Scott Evans scared the pants off of you when he jumped from behind the door.  He doubled over in laughter as he had gotten Chris and you in one go.  You had dropped to your knees in fright and clutched at your chest.  
“Scott!  What the fuck man!” Chris yelled at his brother.  Sometimes he wished that Scott and Jimmy were not as close friends as they were so maybe he wouldn’t have to had keep bringing him along every time.  
Scott was still trying to breathe, “I’m sorry YNN.  You both made it too easy.”  
Sebastian, after hearing the commotion, ran to Chris’s room and looked around the corner and saw a sight that made him weak.   It was you, on your knees, looking so seductive, your white button-down shirt basically see through from the dropped water and scotch, allowing a glimpse at the dark colored bra you wore underneath.  He swallowed at the sight until he saw all of the glass and the liquid that covered you.   “Are you alright?” 
“I’m fine.  This jackass scared the crap outta me,” you said pointing to Scott. Sebastian was shocked with the choice of words you used. You carefully got up with Sebastian and Christ helping you, so you didn’t get cut by the glass.  Everyone was chuckling until they heard another voice scoff and say, “Pendeja.” 
You froze, unbelieving what you were hearing.  That didn’t stop Scott.   He was fluent in Spanish and had a complete look of rage on his face.  “What the fuck did you just call her?”  
Alejandra paled when three male faces whipped towards her.  She was speechless, unable to defend herself.  
You got up and touched Scott’s arm to calm him, gave Chris a small smile and left the room.  As you walked away, you turned back to see Sebastian looking like he wanted the floor to swallow him.  You turned back and headed to your office and pray for a change of clothes, so you no longer smelled like scotch and humiliation.  
Back in the dressing areas, Chris had called maintenance and they cleared the glass as Sebastian pulled Alejandra back into his dressing room.  “What the fuck!” 
“I’m sorry cariño, it slipped.”  
“It slipped to call someone you don’t know an insulting name?”   
“It… it wasn’t….” 
“Don’t tell me it wasn’t Ale.  Scott speaks Spanish and his face was what told me you said something derogatory.  What did you call her?” 
“I called her an idiot.” The voice was small and afraid.  
“Really Ale, really?   What the fuck for?” 
“She made eyes at you, and I was upset.”  
“A lot of women do Alejandra.  Are you really that insecure in our relationship that you had to treat someone like that?” 
“Cariño, I’m sorry.”  
“Nah, forget it.  Just go home Alejandra.  You embarrassed me in front of my friends and in front of a perfect stranger.” He grabbed his bag and headed to Chris’s dressing room. He knocked on his door.  “Can I hang in here for a while?” 
“Sure Seb,” Chris replied as he sat with Scott.  
Sebastian placed his bag in the corner and then sat of the opposite couch.  “How the fuck did I end up with a bitch like Alejandra?”  He dropped his head in his hands.  
Chris cleared his throat, uncomfortable with the comment but knowing his friend needed him.  “Did she tell you what she called YN?” 
“Yeah, and the reason behind it.  I mean this is the first time I’ve ever met this girl and all of a sudden Ale decided she needed to be a she-wolf.”  
“You’ve never met YN?” Scott piped in.  
“No, should, have I?” 
“I mean, I thought…” Scott is stopped by Chris.  
“He doesn’t come on the show as often as we do.  I think this is the first time in a couple of years, right?” 
“Yeah, I think so.  She mentioned something about only being here recently.”  
“For the last couple of years, yeah.”  Chris is nervous suddenly but Sebastian chalks it up to his famous anxiety.  They chat for a bit, waiting for the show to start. 
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You head back to Jimmy’s office, after changing into a black dress you happened to have, making sure that he is ready to go. “Hey Jimmy!” 
“Hey YN!  Ready for the last night of Men of Marvel week?”  
“Kinda, all this testosterone is getting to me,” you said with a giggle.  
“How are Chris, Scott and Sebastian?” 
“Ready to roll, boss.  Although Scott did scare me earlier.”  
“Oh god, tell me we got that on camera.” 
You sighed and pulled the flash drive from your pocket with the offending footage. The hallway had a camera and captured Scott jumping out and you falling.  Jimmy plugs it in and views the tape.  He laughs until he sees the confrontation with Alejandra.  “What did she call you?” 
“Pendeja.  It means idiot or dumb ass in certain countries.”  You look down at your hands.  You knew what she said, and it hurt.  She had never met you, didn’t know anything about you.  And here she was, trying to make you feel insignificant.  
“YNN, you know none of us think that way of you.  This was an accident from a scare.  You didn’t make a mistake.”  
You wipe away an errant tear.  “I know Jimmy.  Thanks.”  
“You know Chris and Scott would never think of you that way.”  
“I know.  I know.”  You take a deep breath and square your shoulders.  “You ready boss?” 
“Oh, we all know you are more the boss than me,” he says.  “Let me go say hi to the guys before we get started.”  You grab his suit jacket and follow him to the dressing rooms.  You’re surprised to see Sebastian in the Evans’s dressing room, but you didn’t say anything.  Jimmy greeted everyone.  “Scott, I know you are not in the Marvel universe, but you know we love you here at the Tonight Show.” 
“Well if it wasn’t for YNN, I wouldn’t be here; she convinced Chris to bring me,” Scott replies, getting a chuckle from everyone else.  You blush at the attention.  
“Had I known I would be covered in scotch, I would have told Chris to leave you at home,” you say with a smirk, leave Scott with an open mouth and hard laughs from Jimmy, Sebastian and Chris. 
Sebastian stands and asks, “um, YN, could I have a moment of your time.”  You nod and head to the hallway.  Sebastian pulls the door almost all the way closed and turns to face you. “I am sorry about Alejandra.  Her comment was way out of line.  She was rude and I just wanted to offer my apologies.” 
“It’s ok Sebastian.  Thank you for the apology.  I’m used to snobs like her.”  You play with the end of your ponytail.  A nervous habit.  
Sebastian gulped not sure how to convey his attraction.  “It doesn’t excuse her behavior.”  He slipped into Romannian.  “Din tot sufletul, dragă, îmi cer scuze pentru ea.” (With all my heart, beautiful, I apologize for her.) 
You look at him curiously.  And reply, “Ar fi trebuit să alegi o femeie mai bună pentru ca inima ta să fie fericită.” (You should have picked a better woman for your heart to be happy.) He looked stunned and you continued. “It’s not a problem.”  
You turned to head back into the dressing room, but Sebastian touches your arm.  “I was wondering if I could buy you a drink after the show.”  
You blush at the invitation.  Sebastian Stan asking you for a drink is like the dream. However, you already had plans. “Oh, I would love to but I’m meeting someone after.  Rain check?” 
“Oh. Yeah sure.  Here,” he took his phone out and gave it to you.  You entered in your number and messaged yourself.  “I live here in the city so whenever you have time.”  
“Sure, I’ll text you.”  You walked back into the room.  Chris gave you a questioning look and you smiled and shook your head, letting him know you were ok.  
You and Jimmy left the room and got ready for the show, stopping in the control room with the video, making sure it was edited to just show the scare.  The show started and Jimmy did his thing, the monologue going off without a hitch.  You waited for the cues, doing your thing.  Sebastian came out first.  
“Sebastian welcome back to the show.  It’s been a couple of years.”  
“Yes, thanks for having me.  I wasn’t exactly sure if you’d have me back, considering the last time.”  
“The last time…  oh, yeah well.”  
“C’mon man no need to be shy.”  
“Not shy.  Embarrassed maybe.”  
“Now I’m hurt because we basically made out.”  This drew out gasps and giggles from the crowd.  
“We did not make out.”  
“We did.  I feel like we did.  We should show them.” 
“Yeah, I guess.”  Jimmy points to the director. “Let’s show them last time.” 
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And a video play of musical cups where Sebastian accidentally takes a drink of one of the beers before the music stopped and had to spit the drink back into the cup.  When the music did stop, Jimmy landed with the cup. The crowd roared with laughter watching the exchange.  
Sebastian and Jimmy laugh it off and chat for a few minutes.  Chris joins Sebastian on stage.  
“So, Chris, we heard a rumor.”  
“Ok.  Lots of rumors.  But hit me with it.”  
“You have a new lady in your life.” Jimmy smirks at him.  
“You do?  You can do that?” Sebastian questions, drawing a laugh from everyone.  
Chris blushes.  “Yeah, well if I had a girlfriend, I would say that she wouldn’t want her name out there.  Because she’s probably a private person.”  
“Ok,” Jimmy says. “That’s fair.  So, is that a yes?” 
Chris just shakes his head and laughs.  
Sebastian interjects.  “I’m sure if Chris had a girlfriend, he would have told me.  As far as I know, it’s just him and Dodger.  And me but I’m like another puppy.”  
Jimmy laughs and Chris punches Seb’s arm. They show the scare video, and they introduce you as an assistant that Scott is friends with. Scott comes out to explain what happened.  
“Did you mean to get YN as well?” 
“No, that was a happy coincidence. She’s a great girl and we’ve stayed close since…” he swallows, like he’s nervous… “since Chris and I met her a couple of years ago.”  
“That’s great.  Well, thank you to Sebastian Stan, Chris and Scott Evans for stopping by…” The show is ending.  You had already finished and were putting on your coat while watching the closing.  You said bye to the crew and headed over to the bar.  
Ordering a lemon drop martini, you sit, waiting and get a message 
I’ll just be a few.  
You sigh, knowing he would be late.  You take a sip and look around the room.  
Sebastian couldn’t believe his luck when he went to the bar Chris had suggested.  He wanted Seb to meet someone and said he would be a few minutes.  In looking around for a seat, he saw you sitting at the bar.  You were elegant still in your black dress, a change from the white from earlier.  Like two sides of you in one day.  He approached you out of your line of sight. “Fancy seeing you here.”  
You turn to see Sebastian next to you with a smile. “It’s not hard to find me. I’m here every Friday.”   
He took a seat next to you. “So, you know Romanian?” 
You smile softly. “Yes.  My best friend was from Romania.  She taught me since I loved linguistics so much.”  
“You are a polyglot?” 
“Yep, English, French, Spanish, German and Romanian.”  
“So, you know what Ale said?” 
“Perfectly.   Just because I don’t look like, I don’t know, sophisticated and shit doesn’t mean she should assume that I am lower than her.”  
“I kicked her out.  I’m so sorry she treated you that way.”  
“Like I said, I’m used to it.”  You sip your drink, wishing you could forget the entire day.  
“So, you’re waiting for your friend or were you lying?” 
“I just got a message that they are running a few minutes late.”  
“So, is it a boyfriend or a friend?” 
You blush, “a boyfriend.  He wanted me to meet one of his best friends tonight.”  You chew your lip slightly, starting to feel nervous.  
“Oh, so its new?” 
“No, we just never went public really. We’ve been dating for about a year and a half.” You take a sip as you can feel your cheeks are rosy.   
“Oh, how’d you meet?”  Sebastian felt like he couldn’t just walk away since he was meeting Chris.  But he didn’t want to stop talking to the enchanting creature in front of him.   
“Hey beautiful.” Chris walked up and threw his arm around you and kissed you softly.    
“Hey baby,” you reply as you look at Sebastian who looks like a fish.   Scott comes up as well.  
“Hey YNN! You started without me!” he pouts. 
“I run on normal time not Evans’s time,” you tease.  “You’re always late Scotty.”   
Sebastian finally closes his mouth.  He swallows, realizing his been hitting on his best friend’s girl.  “You and Chris.”  
“Yeah,” he replied.  “I met this one and we just wanted to keep things quiet.  Didn’t want it to affect her job.”  
“I was just asking how you met.”  
“Well, I was out at a bar, The Kinckle Club for a blind date and he didn’t show.  So after about an hour of waiting and two glasses of wine, I was going to head to my friend Jon’s for his birthday.  Well, I literally ran into Chris in front of the bar.  He helped me up and then I guess the rest is history. He said he knew Jon too and was supposed to go to his party as well, but we ended up talking all night that night.  Never made it to Jon’s that day.”  
“Best day to not meet up with you by the way,” he told Sebastian. 
Sebastian thought back to when he would have invited Chris to Jon’s, and it hits him.  He had stood up a date because he was too busy making moves on Alejandra, whom he met through Jon.  The date was supposed to be on Jon’s birthday.  The blind date was the date with you.  
You hadn’t made the connection between the man who stood you up and himself. He mentally cursed himself the rest of the evening as he watched you interact with Chris.  
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Love lesson# 2: never standup a blind date.  You never know if it’s your soul mate that you were destined to meet.  
More lessons to come…  Part 2 // Part 3
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21 notes · View notes
natashasnoodle · 2 years
𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝑯𝒐𝒎𝒆 - 𝑾𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒂𝑵𝒂𝒕 𝒙 𝑭𝒆𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒆 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓
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Masterlist | N.R Masterlist
Words: 7.3k
Summary: Your entire life is turned upside down when you discover a book of the supernatural, propelling you into days of horror just before Halloween. What or who is causing the curse?
Triggers/tags: Ghost!WandaNat, dark!WandaNat, mind control, kidnapping, blood, visions, death, burns, an all round a spooky fic. No smut but minors DNI due to dark themes and implications please and thank you &lt;3
A good ol' Halloween fic to end off the month, was multiple days of planning and writing so I hope yous enjoy 👻
The chill of October air passed through you as you headed towards the campus library of the University that you attended. The way that the wind whipped the sides of your coat to the side, letting the awful freeze of the air wrap around your torso made you curse yourself for choosing to do a Master’s degree after your Bachelor’s. If you had just gotten a job like the rest of your friends had, then you would not be traipsing to the library every evening, and instead would be at home, snuggled under the comfort of many thick blankets after another day at the office. 
But instead, you were wrapping your arms around yourself in a hug, angry at the universe for your broken coat zipper as the hands of mother nature kept clawing their way through your outfit, yanking your tote bag repeatedly down in the process. By the time you arrived at the library you were already frustrated with the universe, and you hadn’t sat down to start your essay yet. 
Sighing a large puff of air from your already agape mouth thanks to the struggle of climbing stairs, you collapsed into a rickety old chair, slumping down and staring at the wall ahead, trying to mentally prepare yourself for the late night that was to be had. Thanks to your procrastination, you were missing pumpkin carving with your roommates, an activity that you adored, making this essay your arch-nemesis. 
Due to it being the Friday before Halloween, there were no fellow students also slumped in their seats, society beating them down as their burnt-out minds kept pushing on the invisible barriers that tried to stop them from working. 
You were all alone.
Taking the opportunity, you unpacked all of your things and laid them out on the desk in front of you in a haphazard way, not caring about everything being neat in front of you. You were simply here to rush through your essay, put in the absolute minimum effort, and get home to the likely ‘after pumpkin carving party’ that would be happening. After all, C’s get degrees. 
Usually, you would find any books or papers in the long line of the library resources before unpacking, in case anyone ran off with your laptop or bag, not that you had anything truly of value, your laptop was ancient. It looked like a slab of concrete and felt like one at that too, your shoulder consistently being weighed down. Every day you made a mental note to use a backpack next time, and every day you ignored yourself. 
But thanks to the emptiness of the place, you wanted to walk around without your laptop. You felt silly that it felt freeing to be walking around without holding anything. It felt as though you could walk on air. There was no rush to get back to your seat, especially because your mind was still procrastinating, so you decided to fully immerse yourself in the giant bank of knowledge that this building held, having never had the opportunity to do so in the past. 
You marvelled at the various books that students in other degrees would most likely groan at seeing due to reading them all the time for their assignments. It’s a funny thing. Most of the time you could do copious amounts of research in your own time and never get bored, digging down all the rabbit holes that you could find, but as soon as you needed to research something for a class, all interest is immediately tossed out of the window and stomped on. 
As you mindlessly ran the pads of your pointer finger along the row of books, a small smile tugging at your lips as you slowly walked on, you missed the gust of wind that passed through the closed door and towards your desk, moving all of your items before turning the corner and running past your boot-clad feet, the thick material enough to make you oblivious. 
Though when your finger landed on an old, worn-down-looking book, the gust of wind that was pooling at your feet, waiting to pounce, lifted itself into the air in a column around you, your hair flying around at the disturbance. You gasped as you felt the cool air around you, but before you could check your surroundings your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your hands grabbed the shelf in front of you to keep yourself steady.
When everything went dark you couldn’t feel your body anymore. You desperately tried to scream out in hopes that anyone in the library would be able to help you, but it was as though your voice box was clamped shut by an invisible force. No words that you were pleading to escape managed to pass through into the air. 
A low humming noise whistled through the air, overpowering your senses, your mind now completely distracted by the sound. Something had control of your mind as the humming continued, getting louder and louder. It was beautiful, rough around the edges but in the perfect way. As you allowed yourself to get lost in the symphony, the edges of your vision glowed white before a blurry room came into your sights.
A dim, yet beautiful ballet room, with mirrors on every wall and pine wood flooring, revealed itself to you, and suddenly a young woman with auburn hair appeared. Once her presence was made known to you, the humming increased in volume, and as she twirled around the room in a gorgeous choreography in a black bodice and tutu, you realised that the humming was coming from the woman herself.
She danced along to the beat of her own voice, moving her body in a way that had you mesmerised, captivating you in a way that had never captivated you before. You could watch her forever, it felt like you needed to see more like you needed to walk up to her and let her gaze meet yours. It felt as though at this moment she was the only thing in the universe that mattered. 
As the vision slowly moved closer to her, you could easily make out the flow of her hands. How her fingers danced along too, her entire being, every atom, going into this dance. But then it stopped. 
With the humming gone all that you could hear was a painful ringing, its pitch getting higher and higher with each passing second. The woman in the room stood, head looking down at the floor with her back to you, her breathing deep yet steady as she stood still. You were forced to watch as she recovered from the dance and slowly started walking towards one of the mirror walls, her head still pointed down.
It was only when her hands grabbed onto the wall railing that you realised how cold and lifeless her skin looked, how it looked as though she could break at any moment. It was at this moment that your consciousness came back to you, but your body didn’t. You were stuck in the vision. Panic flooded your system as once again you tried to scream out for help. You didn’t know this woman, and you didn’t know where you were. But maybe she could help you.
You begged whatever divinity was out there to just let you communicate with her, to let you ask for help so that you could go home, and just as you did, she looked up. Her eyes met your gaze through the mirror and you wanted to scream in pure terror. Her face was just as paper-white as her hands which only accentuated the blood pouring from her mouth as she looked at you blankly. All that she offered you as you were begging for help was a smirk and a wink before everything went black again.
Your chest heaved and you knew that you were back in your body, but with your eyes tightly screwed shut you didn’t know for sure. The column of wind that had surrounded you slowly dissipated and was absorbed by the scratchy carpeted flooring, allowing your extremities to warm up again. However long you were under that spell, the wind had made you feel freezing to the touch. Your tight jaw chattering only proved this further, though that could also be from the fear and adrenaline. 
Tentatively, you allowed your eyelids to flutter open, and you were met with the sight of your hands gripping tightly onto the shelf in front of you, knuckles painfully white as you held on for dear life. Your mouth felt dry as you tried to take in everything that had just happened, it didn’t feel real, it couldn’t be real, and yet why was your heart pounding? Why was your chest heaving with anxiety? 
You shook your head and looked up, the old book directly in front of you. An internal battle began as you fought the Angel and Devil that sat on your shoulder. The Angel telling you not to take the book, you touched it and the vision started, that couldn’t be a coincidence. But the Devil told you to take it, to put it in your bag and leave. 
The Devil won. 
Shakily, your hand reached out and gently pulled the book out. You stared at the cover, not being able to make any sense of it, it was like nothing you had ever seen before. The brown and black book looked as though it could fall apart if you dropped it, and the patterns on the front made you want to run your finger along them, so you gave in to your instincts. 
As the pads of your fingers ran along the intricate patterns, you felt a warmth run up your arm, followed quickly by a cold that made a whimper fall from your lips, the severe cold making your skin prick painfully before the feeling stopped completely, leaving as fast as it came. 
You had to take the book home, it was telling you to. Ordering you to.
With haste, you moved back to your desk and stuffed the book into your bag, not caring that you hadn’t bothered to check it out. If the book told you to take it home, then you would take it home. It was like you weren’t in full control of your movements since the book was in your hands, but you didn’t notice. 
Though when you looked up to begin packing your other things, you did notice that all of your stuff had been moved to the opposite side of the desk from where you had initially placed it. Though you just pinned it down to paranoia, you had just had the life scared out of you, so it was only natural for you to be overly paranoid now. 
So, with a shrug you packed the rest of your things, your hands still just as shaky, and you rushed out of the library without making sure that you had gotten everything, you just needed to leave, and you never wanted to step foot in there again. 
The walk home was much nicer than your work there. Other than your mind racing and being on the lookout for any sort of danger. But you felt warm, your bag felt like it weighed nothing, even with the additional book added, and no gusts of wind were hitting you, even though the trees around you were swaying with gusto, looking as though the trunks could quite easily snap. A frown rested on your forehead as you carried on speedwalking down the street, a storm was clearly coming, and yet you were feeling nothing.
It was like the book was helping you get it home as quickly as possible. Instinctually, you looked down at the book in the bag resting at your side and your feet seemed to pick up the pace, pushing you through the dark autumn night and towards the apartment you shared with your roommates. 
As soon as you pushed through the people that were at the small party that you had predicted would occur earlier on in the day, you ignored the weird looks from your friends as they saw your mindless body walk through the room and into yours. Your mind was on a mission, and nothing was going to stop you from giving that book a place in your bedroom. It would be safe with you, not out in the open for just anyone to touch. 
When it was placed on your chest of drawers opposite your bed, you let out a sigh of relief. The book was safe, and its hold on your mind eased. As you slowly regained some form of control of yourself, it was only then that you realised how crazy all of this was. Snippets of the terrifying vision flooded your senses again and hot tears began streaming down your face as you curled up into a ball on your bed. You didn’t know why this was happening to you and you didn’t know what to do.
If you told anyone then they would think of you as a crazy person, or someone spewing some ghost stories to freak people out before Halloween. So you did the thing any normal person would do, resorted to sobbing in your room whilst simultaneously trying to block the whole experience out, trying to allow the soft fabric of your sheets to give you some semblance of security.
It was an impossible thing to have happened, and you didn’t know if you believed your own mind. You didn’t trust yourself, and that was a scary thing. 
You needed to get rid of the book. 
After sniffing and wiping your nose with your sleeve, you stood shakily, your knees almost giving way, and slowly moved over to where the book lay, looking innocent as though it hadn’t just traumatised you for a lifetime. You inhaled a deep breath and closed your eyes, preparing yourself to take the leap and touch the book again, but when contact was made, a sharp pain spread across your hand, and a brief flash of an image appeared in the back of your eyelids.
You could just about make out the image of the small cabin surrounded by forests before it disappeared and you stumbled back, clutching your now wounded hand. The pain was excruciating, and you had to bite your bottom lip to avoid crying out, but when you extended your fingers and looked at your right palm, you had to stifle a scream. 
An hourglass symbol appeared as your hand continued to burn, etching itself onto your skin as you stared with wide eyes, your chest once again heaving. “What the fuck”, you whispered as your body began to shake like a leaf, very aware that your clock was mocking you, reading as 04:00. 
As you stared longer at the symbol a flash of recognition passed through you, you had most certainly seen this symbol before. It was plastered around years ago. A series of freak “accidents” had been slowly killing off the group of Earth’s mightiest heroes, the “Avengers”. It had been put down to a serial killer once more evidence was found, and the fact that they hadn’t been found had made the situation all the more terrifying until it all got shoved under the rug and everyone moved on with their lives. 
But something about a certain death or rather, two certain deaths confused you. Most of the Avengers were murdered in plain sight, the killer clearly on some sort of power trip trying to prove to people that they were just as vulnerable as regular humans. But Black Widow, whose symbol was now burned into your skin, was found dead alongside her wife, the Scarlet Witch, in their safe house after they went into hiding once the killing patterns had emerged. Very much not a public space. 
It also became clear to you, that the woman in the vision also looked like the Black Widow, a few years younger maybe, and most certainly not how she looked exactly when she was alive, but definitely her. The faces of all the Avengers were plastered around everywhere during their world-saving days, so you were sure that it looked like her.
You just wondered what this book had to do with her, especially as she was very dead. The idea that this had anything to do with the supernatural chilled you to the bone, but you shook that thought away. There must be a reasonable explanation for all of this. There was no such thing as vampires, zombies, or ghosts. They didn’t exist, and so you were safe. This was just a freak prank, nothing more nothing less. You nodded along to your train of thought, trying to convince yourself that everything was indeed okay, as you ignored the searing pain in your hand. 
Lifting up the soft duvet covers of your bed, you crawled underneath them and got into a foetal position, clutching your hand that was clenched as a fist close to your chest, your bottom lip trembling as you fought back tears, desperate to fall asleep so that you could wake up and pretend this never happened. You knew that you needed to go and get something to care for your new wound, but the bathroom was across the apartment, and there was no way that you were going to risk waking up your roommates as they would most certainly ask questions. So, you would have to wait until you awoke in a few hours' time and waltz into the room as if nothing was wrong. 
Eventually, your trembling body passed out from exhaustion, and your mind was finally at peace. For the time being.
The following day came with no issues, aside from the pain ebbing and flowing through your hand. Your roommates did wonder why you had a bandage wrapped around your hand, but you eased their fears by telling them that you had been stupid when trying to cook something new for breakfast. They believed you. 
You counted your lucky stars that the damned book resting in your room did not give you any nightmares or visions that day, and just put it down to a weird fluke. It was just a prank. A very painful prank, one that made you want to kick the creator of it in the shin, but a prank nonetheless. 
Having not started the essay the day prior, you had to work at double the speed yet you could only use one hand. The maths weren’t adding up, but with your mind fuelled on caffeine via various cups of coffee and cans of energy drinks, enough to make your brain go full throttle before an energy crash, you finished your essay. 
Smiling, you were satisfied with the day. It had been productive, yet calm. You sat on your bed and just let the world pass you by that evening, grateful for the peace, grateful to be able to watch the sunset, and grateful to be able to fall asleep with no issues. Your sleep went undisturbed, but what you didn’t know was that the book a mere few steps away from you was awake. Wide awake, and it had been watching your every move. 
The next day you went about your business once again. Attending your classes you typed out all the notes that you could, yet again with a singular hand, and the one that wasn’t your dominant one. It was tough but you pushed through, willing your body to continue so that when you got home you wouldn’t have to make notes on the slides in your own time. Whilst on campus you hung out with friends and engaged in some lovely chit-chat, all of them concerned for your bandaged hand but yet again you waved them off with a little white lie. 
You allowed yourself to romanticise the day, that’s how you got through most of your University days. You brought yourself an iced coffee to sip on whilst studying with friends, organising your notes in a way that was aesthetic, yet effective; colour scheming everything with titles of cute yet readable fonts. It was all for vanity reasons but if it meant that you would go back and read your notes then you didn’t see the issue. 
You also took the long route home, letting your scarf get ruffled in the wind as your boots quenched your thirst for standing on the crunchiest leaves that the local flora had to offer you. After seeing a quaint, run-down bench you decided to take a seat, resting your weary legs that had taken you from class to class that day. Though that was a mistake.
The very second that you planted yourself down on the hardwood a dizzy spell hit and it felt as though your head was spinning. Out of breath and confused you clutched onto the cool, metal armrest with your good hand, and held on for dear life as you had no choice but to let whatever was coming hit you like a brick. The nauseous feeling that was crawling its way up from your abdomen came to a swift halt when your vision went black. Though that feeling was replaced by the feeling of a pit as you anticipated what was to come, expecting it to be like the previous night.
You were pleasantly surprised at seeing the same cabin as prior instead of a dead ballerina, but it still left you feeling unsettled. Unlike with the vision of Black Widow, you were in full control of your consciousness and thoughts, which allowed you to ponder why this vision of the cabin wasn’t a quick flash like the other one had been, you were again stuck, and that feeling of dread came in full swing.
It did give you time to take in the full view of the cabin, however, and it looked to be a lovely one at that. It was solitary and looked to be a good place to get away, or to hide. The wood was dark which only made it seem more cosy and hidden away, and the large size of the building allowed for a lot of windows, each with a hanging basket coming from the windowsill, full of colourful blooming flowers. The roof was made of slate slabs, with a chimney coming out of one end, the smoke slowly billowing from it completing the aesthetic. 
It was peaceful.
But then the vision changed. You were moved to see the interior, it looked just as quaint as the exterior, but something felt off. The quiet was eerie instead of comforting, and as you were moved down the hallway against your will, you spotted a photo of Natasha Romanoff and Wanda Maximoff nailed to the wall in a beautiful mahogany picture frame with golden accents on the corners. It didn’t take a genius to conclude that this was most certainly the safe house in which they met their demise. If you could feel your spine in this vision then you were sure that you would feel a chill go down it. 
As you were forced to move more forward the eeriness was ever more present, and you just wanted to go home. It wasn’t until you turned the corner and into the kitchen that you saw the reason as to why. You wanted to scream when you saw the bloodied hand and arm belonging to one of the women peeking out from behind the kitchen counter, and your fear increased tenfold when you turned to see the body of Wanda Maximoff lying on the stairs, her lifeless eyes staring at you.
With all of your might, you willed your eyes to screw shut, but it was to no avail, you continued to be met with the awful sight. The vision once again changed, though you were in the same location. The only difference this time was that you could feel your body, and as you looked down at yourself you could see your hands, your torso, and your legs. Somehow you were there, so you did the first thing that you could think of. You tried to escape. 
You attempted over and over again to move your legs, but much to your frustration it was as though they were glued to the floor. As tears began to pool at your waterline you screamed out for help, which was your second mistake of the evening. As soon as you shouted, “Help!”, Wanda’s mouth formed into a smile, and you felt your heart drop to your stomach as you froze, staring in horror at the corpse in front of you slowly start to stand and walk down the stairs, right towards you. 
A whimper escaped your lips as you tried yet again to move backwards, the tears freefalling down your cheeks as she walked with purpose towards you, eyeing you as though you were her next meal, yet smiling at you as though you were an old friend. “Hi”, she spoke with such a gentle tone that you tilted your head slightly, showing your confusion, but you instantly leaned back as she reached out to cup your jaw, her cold skin touching your warm one. 
Your bottom lip trembled when she made contact, which only made her eyes darken as she upheld the same comforting smile. “Shh, it’s okay”, she cooed and lifted her other hand, cupping your face. You cringed as her ice-cold thumbs rubbed your tears away, perhaps an innocent enough gesture if she hadn’t also been smudging blood, her blood, from her hands at the same time. 
“You’re okay, sweetheart”, she whispered, and somehow you felt calm, like whoever was in charge of your visions was willing it, getting impatient with your reactions. You wanted to scream out again, you wanted to run away, but it was like your mind wasn’t yours again. “Come home, detka, come home to us”.
Your eyes snapped open and you were met with the sight of your hand gripping the bench as you sobbed. Nausea ebbed through you as you panted, why was this happening to you? What had you done wrong to warrant being tormented, haunted like this? It was a fear that you had never felt before, and you immediately got up and began sprinting home. Maybe it was because you were in possession of the book, if you got rid of the book, then you would be free of whatever curse you now held. You nodded to yourself as tears streamed down your cheeks, confirming your plan in your head. To anyone who saw you on the street, you would have looked crazy, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. You just needed to get out of this nightmare. 
Your feet padded heavily against the concrete as you tried to avoid any wet leaves that would send you slipping and tumbling to the floor, and weaved in and out of people who were just trying to go about their lives. With the speed you were sprinting, it took you a mere five minutes to complete a twenty-minute walk. You tossed your apartment block door open and took to the stairs, not having the patience to wait for the lift, taking the steps two at a time. 
After reaching your floor, legs burning from the lactic acid, you basically slammed your door down, thankful that none of your roommates was in the living room, and flung yourself into your bedroom, staring at the book on your drawers that now had a gold glow radiating off of it. Your face hardened as you stared at it, hatred flowing through you. That book had ruined you, and it was time for it to go.
Without hesitation, you reached your hand out and grasped it, but immediately you had to pull away from it as the same burning feeling hit. You cried out in pain as you clutched your ex-good hand, and watched in horror as the silhouette of the Scarlet Witches’ crown appeared on the palm of your left hand. The pain was excruciating, it felt like all of your skin was on fire, like your body was covered in tiny soldiers, stabbing you repetitively. 
All of your energy drained as you stumbled back onto your bed, your lungs rapidly filling up with oxygen before dispelling the air as you began to hyperventilate. You were at a loss for what to do. A few weak whispers escaped your lips as you tried to call out for help, but your body betrayed you, and you passed out at the bottom of your bed.
A pounding on the door followed by multiple yells of your name rudely awakened you from your lengthy slumber. Your eyes opened in narrow slits as you groaned at the light streaming in and attacking your retinas, drowsiness clouding your mind, rendering you unable to comprehend what was happening. Though when a series of harsh knocks yet again pounded on your door, your eyes shot open and you jumped up off of the bed, “What?!”, you moved towards your door and shouted through.
“What do you mean ‘what’? It’s halloween, we all said we were going hiking before the party later, we’re about to go and we haven’t seen you all morning”, your roommate Sharon shouted back, followed by a sound of agreement from your other roommate Maria. “Fuck”, you whispered under your breath before shouting back through, “Right yeah, my alarm didn’t go off, give me ten minutes”. You heard a couple of groans from the other two due to you making them wait, but they agreed as you stood frozen on the other side of the door. You were far too spooked to be able to go on a friendly walk with your roommates, not when you were sure that this curse was somehow going to kill you soon with the way that it was progressing. 
But, you still didn’t want to tell anyone, because they would think that you were a certified crazy person, so, you rushed around to get ready for the day. Donning some leggings, a long sleeved fleece for the chilly weather, and hiking boots, you toussled your hair a bit to make it look more presentable and like you hadn’t literally collapsed hours before. Though once you were about to leave and your nerves had eased ever so slightly thanks to the drowsiness wearing off, you noticed that your hands didn’t feel as though they were burning anymore.
You looked out your outstretched palm which sported the crown, and saw that after just a night it had faded into a scar rather than a fresh burn, a nasty scar for sure, but it was confusing how quickly it had healed. After a confused huff, you ripped the bandage off of your other hand and saw that the hourglass too had formed into a swollen scar instead of an active injury. Before you had any real time to ponder, strong hands pounded on your door again. “It’s been ten minutes hurry the fuck up”, Maria’s voice sounded through, and you shook your head, lurching across your room to grab some gloves before opening the door, shooting them an innocent smile.
“I’m ready, no need to get your panties in a twist, Hill”, you smiled and walked past her towards the kitchen, seeing Sharon rolling her eyes at you with an amused glint as you reached for your water bottle, though she quickly got up to take it out of your hands. Before you could protest she hoisted her backpack up from off the floor, “Already packed you one to save time, let’s go”. 
You allowed yourself to be dragged out of the apartment by your friends, laughing at the way they had practically picked you up off of the ground. When they had put you down in front of Sharon’s car you gave a faux-pout, “That hurt my arms”. 
“Awh”, Maria cooed and mimicked your expression from right next to you before placing a playful kiss on your cheek and shoving you lightly into the back door, “You’ll live”. You gave a dry laugh as she threw herself into the passenger seat, your mind now taken over by worry once more, wondering why your hands burned when Maria had kissed your cheek, and how it stopped as soon as she was out of your eyeline. Though you shrugged it off when the car horn sounded, urging you to get your ass into the car. 
The hiking trail that you had all decided to take never failed to amaze you. The wildlife that you would see as you made your way up the steep, rocky hills made your heart flutter every single time. The smell of fresh oxygen left your nose feeling grateful as you were able to escape the city air, and the way that the sun shimmered through the canopy was enough to put a smile on your face. 
Plus your friends were a welcome distraction for the horrors that had recently started occuring in your life. Many laughs were shared and you all complained about the copious amounts of work you had all been doing for your studies. It was a nice change of pace, it felt like you could finally breathe through your lungs again, the hand that had a tight grasp on them momentarily released, even with the small nagging voice in the back of your mind that wouldn’t go away. 
Eventually when you were at the halfway mark of the gorgeous walk through nature, you all had to make a pitstop to go to the toilet. Luckily you had all walked this trail so many times that you knew where the toilet shack was planted, and so you all made a beeline for it. You finished first and headed outside to wait for the others, wiping your damp hands on your leggings as the dryer was broken, as it was every time. 
As you looked ahead, taking in the sights, something felt off. Your mind started to feel clouded as your eyes glazed over and the skin of your hands started prickling, and it wasn’t long before your consciousness was taken over once again, making you a passenger in your own mind. Desperately, you wanted to yell out for Sharon or Maria to help you, to snap you back to reality, but it didn’t work. Your mouth wasn’t following your commands, and without your permission your legs began moving of their own accord, bringing you towards the treeline and off of the designated trail.
Your legs stung occasionally as a bramble or thorn pierced your leggings and drew blood, but like before, no sound could escape your mouth and you could make no movements to prevent the pain. After a few minutes of walking like a zombie, you heard your friends shouting your name in the distance, their voices getting more and more panicked the more that they shouted for you, screaming your name as they moved around to try and see where you were, scared that something bad had happened to you. They weren’t wrong. 
Another minute later their voices were finally drowned out by the distance, and your heart began to thump painfully in your chest even more than it already had, you were too far to hear them now, which meant that even if you could shout and plead for your life, they wouldn’t hear you. They wouldn’t be able to find you now. 
You were all alone. 
There were many futile attempts over the course of the walk to regain control of your mind, but none of them worked. Whoever had you under their spell was a lot stronger than you, and you had a grim feeling that you knew who it was, even if you didn’t want to admit it to yourself. 
After what must have been an hour of traipsing through the wilderness, all signs of civilisation long out of your sights you saw something in the distance. If you could have, you would have furrowed your brows at the familiarity. A small cabin sat solitary in the clearing, worn down and old. Untouched for some years, quite possibly a decade. Flower pots lay on the windowsills, dull and dead, the old soil in there the only proof of what once was. 
Your breath hitched as the realisation hit you like a truck. The cabin from your visions, the one owned by the deceased Avengers, older and unused, but the same cabin. You wanted to scream bloody murder as your feet carried on marching towards the front door. You would rather do anything else than go in there, but you were like a robot as your journey continued, up the rickety wooden steps that were clearly the victim of water damage as they creaked under your weight. 
Heart rate elevating to a dangerous rate, the door opened without any external forces, as your body entered the threshold of the cabin. Only when the door slammed behind you and the sound of the lock clicking shut echoed throughout the hallway were you granted access of your own body again. Sobs racked through you as you turned around and yanked on the door, putting your foot up on the wall to try and gain more momentum. Nothing was working. 
As your cries continued, you heard a noise in the next room, and immediately you turned your body to see the door to the living room slowly creaking open. The only other sound that could be heard were your sniffles, your cries abruptly stopping as even more fear flooded through you as you watched the door open. “Hello?”, you said uncertainly, cursing yourself for being so stupid. People in horror movies always got killed as soon as they said that. 
Almost as though the entities within the four walls could read your mind, you heard a raspy chuckle a few metres away, though you couldn’t see anyone in the dusty room ahead of you. You whimpered as you tried to gain control of your breathing, aware of how pathetic you must sound, but not finding it within you to care. For all you knew, you were about to die. You didn’t want to die.
As this train of thought passed through you, a gust of wind appeared from nowhere and flew through you, but through the whistling sound of it, you could make out a comforting voice trying to shush your cries. Your head snapped to the side to look towards the kitchen, the direction of which the wind came from, but again you could see nothing. “Hello?”, you tried again, your voice weary from how quickly your sobs drained your energy, “Please let me out, I won’t tell anyone, I promise just please-”, you tried to bargain for your life. 
However, you stopped when you noticed a faint glow coming from the living room as two people slowly came into your sight, starting as transparent and slowly coming into their full forms. You gulped as you took in the sight of them, they looked human, but they were clearly dead, their pale skin, almost white exaggerating their respective hair colours, red and brown. 
You couldn’t seem to find your voice as they slowly approached you, though this wasn’t by any mind control, you were terrified. “Sweetheart”, the brunette, Wanda, started with a small smile as she rested her cold hand on your shoulder, “We can’t let you go”, her voice was sweet, but the dark look in her eyes showed you otherwise.
“Please, I just-”, you tried again, but Natasha’s finger came up to your lips to stop you from speaking, the contrast of cold and warm sent shivers running through your body, “Nuh uh. We’ve waited for years for someone to find that book, the Darkhold, we planted it in so many places, we’ve been so lonely after all these years after having our lives ripped away from us”, she seemed to be getting frustrated, but when she looked into your eyes again she immediately calmed and remembered that you were here, “But you were the first to find it, and we’re so glad”, she whispered the last part into your ear with parted lips before pulling back with a smirk at your new flushed state. 
“So glad”, her wife repeated and cupped your jaw, her grasp firm as she moved your face from side to side, examining you. You stilled whilst she did this, and tried to move backwards, but her painful grip held you in place. Once she was done she looked satisfied, as though she had just won a prize, “Look at her, Nat. So pretty”, she spoke with sparkling eyes, Natasha nodding and running a hand through your hair.
“All ours”, the redhead added on, making you stumble out of Wanda’s grip, your back harshly hitting the door. Theirs? No. You needed to get out of there, and fast. “No, I- no”, you shook your head and reached for the handle, but your wrist was painfully pulled into the clutch of Natasha as she shook her head at you, warning you not to try that again. “Oh, but you are”, Wanda continued with a voice smooth like honey, “The branding says you are”. Branding?
Confusion must have been evident on your face, as the two chuckled at your expression, making you shrink further into yourself, humiliated. Wanda and Natasha each took one of your gloves off, revealing their sigils on your palms. You looked down, wide eyed as the meaning of the marks was revealed to you, and panic ran through your veins as you attempted to pull your arms away, you just wanted to go home, you just wanted to see Maria and Sharon.
Both women scowled at your thoughts before looking at each other as though they were silently communicating, and looked back at you with gentle smiles. “It’s time sweetheart”, Natasha’s words brought you out of the trance your anxiety had put you in, and your mouth opened and closed like a fish as you tried to find words to say, but Wanda distracted you. “Don’t fight it, okay?”.
Before you had time to ask what you were supposed to not be fighting, both women pressed the pads of their fingertips to the marks on your hands, and you screamed out as white hot searing flashes of pain erupted and travelled around your skin, your entire body feeling like it was on fire. “Stop fighting”, Wanda spoke with authority as they pressed harder on the marks, making the pain increase tenfold, and you were sure that you were going to pass out. Your knees went weak, but they quickly held you up with hands on your waist, white spots beginning to cloud your vision.
You were trying so hard to get out, to escape the clutches of the ghosts that wanted you to stay with them. You wanted to go home, you wanted to see your friends, you wanted to continue going to your classes, you wanted to… you wanted to stay. 
You wanted to stay.
Your eyes glazed over as red clouded your vision momentarily, before everything cleared, and the pain stopped. You drew in a breath as you stood up straight, and the two women in front of you looked at you expectedly as they cautiously withdrew their hands, wondering if the spell had worked, but when you offered them a dopey smile thanks to your brain being full of thoughts about them, they knew the spell hard worked. 
Their grins were genuine as you stared at them adoringly, and they both reached forward to pull you into a hug. Their cold touch no longer felt cold, the warmth that radiated off of them reserved only for you made you feel the safest that you had ever felt. As you melted into their embrace the two women smiled at each other and increased the grip they had on you, afraid that you would disappear into thin air if they let you go. 
“Welcome home, detka”.
Comment if you want to be added to any taglists <3
Taglist: @fxckmiup
Natasha Romanoff Taglist: @diaryoflife @unlady-like-12-25-36
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could you do a marvel cast (or the avengers, if you want) x reader where she comes out to them as asexual? thank you! <3
Weird Places
Pairing: Avengers (Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Natasha Romanoff, Peter Parker) x reader
Warning: Peter gets a boner, Talk of weird places people have sex (water, Ferris wheel, park), an allusion to toys and ropes, Romeo and Juliet
A/N; I'm sorry if this isn't my best work. I don't identify as asexual so I don't know if this is written well for those who identify as such. Once again my apologies if i offend anyone. 
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Fridays are Movie Nights at the Avenger Tower, and you being the newest avenger also meant you got to pick the Movie, and you chose to watch your comfort movie Romeo and Juliet the 1996 version. You thought it was a good pick with the diverse age group you had tonight. The commentary that Steve, Sam, and Bucky provided throughout the movie.
Everything was going great, and then it came to the 1,000-time goodnight scene when you looked to the right of you and saw Peter squirming uncomfortably with a pillow on his lap. And you weren't the only person to notice this. “Dude you have a boner from this?” sam said to the boy. Peter’s Cheek instantly went red, redder than before. “No,” he said as he continued to shift in the sit. You decided to help everyone at that moment, so you reached for the remote and paused it. “I'm hungry so quick snack break,” you announced as you went to the Kitchen to get some refills on popcorn.  You couldn't help but notice the young boy got up and walked quickly to the restroom, his hands right in front of his area. 
“That was the most vanilla shift ever, how does he get turned on by that?” Sam said as he went into the fridge and got himself, Steve and Bucky another beer. “Come on, it's okay. He's young and just got with MJ. He is turned on by anything right now.” Natasha said and she refiled her water. “Now if they were having sex in the water, I would get that.” Bucky said as he opened his beer with his metal hand, “I've done that before in the 40’s, and woo, that is something.” he spoke as he took a swing of his beverage. 
“Sex in water is nothing, Peggy and I once did it in the middle of our run. She was wearing these nice leggings and I couldn't resist.” Steve spoke to the Five of you. Sam let out a quick laugh, “That doesn't compare to a night where my date and I were stuck in a Ferris Wheel cart and did it in there. That was risky, but so goddam GOOD,” he replied. 
The boys and you looked at Natasha, but she just shrugged her shoulders. “Public sex isn't my thing. Besides, you can have more fun in the room. More stuff to play with.” she said with a wink. “What about you Y/n? What is the sexiest place you have done it?” Steve said as he looked at you. 
“Well, you have to be interested in sex to want to have sex.” you quipped back. The boys and Natasha looked at you with confused faces. “What do you mean not interested?” Bucky asked with a look on his face. “I'm asexual,” you spoke and you put fresh popcorn into your mouth.
“Oh, you get romantic feelings but not sexual feelings,” Natasha spoke. “Bingo,” you replied with a wink. “So you never looked at someone and thought ‘I want to bang that person’?” Sam questioned. You laughed as you shook your head, “never did. I thought people were cute and I want to be in a relationship with them. Just not have sex.” you said. “That's cool. Want to go finish the movie?” Steve asked the group. You all grabbed your dishes and made your back to the viewing room where Peter was back on the couch.
“You all good son?” Steve said as everyone laughed along. “Aw come on guys, Parker here is just missing his girl,” you said as you jokingly pinched his cheeks. Peter pushed your hands away from his face. “Shut up Y/n, can we please just finish the movie?” he said with an annoyed look on his face. You turned the movie back, happy to be able to come out of your shell a little more today. 
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ohcaptains · 1 year
leah's 12k blurb night<3
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hi all, so this happened the other day!!! holy shit!! thank you to all you lovely lovely people who have followed me and stuck by me over the past year (or two? or three?) & to those newer followers too. words, ironically, elude me. thank you for always being so kind and encouraging about my fics<3 love u all lots and lots.
in celebration, I thought i'd host another blurb night. this'll be similar to my other blurb nights, so if u wanna join, just send in a little blurb idea and I'll see what i can come up with<;3
blurb night will begin Friday 14th April at 6pm BST, but you’re more than welcome to send in ideas before then.
rules & characters i'll be writing for are under the cut !
pls keep requests short and sweet<3 they can even be a small idea that you want me to briefly expand on. they can be smut, fluff or angst, but i will not be able to fill them all, so please don’t be disappointed if i don’t fill yours<3
i'm sticking to only w|w fics this time around.
abby anderson ellie williams
sevika vi
a league of their own
jess mccready lupe garcia
kate bishop
if someone isn't on this list and u want me to write for them, please send me an ask and I'll have a think.
okay bye mwah<3
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1-800-adoreyou · 2 years
a/n: This took too damn long to make. My advice, school sucks please never go. Also "You Can Be the Boss" was literally on repeat while I wrote this. The song is at the end of the piece. Anyway, have some lovely smut with Greaser Harry<3
The Drive In
Warnings: smut, public play, fingering, dirty talk, mentions of sex. 18+
The following is set in "The Outsiders" universe.
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There were many ways you saw your Friday night going- one of those ways was definitely not being your boyfriend’s fingers curled up so deeply inside you it made your head spin. Your slick coating his rough, ivory fingers seeping into the leather chair of the car he borrowed from his best friend. At the drive in, nonetheless, with the new movie with Elvis Presley playing on the big screen. 
It had been intended to be a normal date night with five cent coca cola's, popcorn and a movie. Accompanied by your secret lover, who it seemed you only saw a few times a month. It was always hard finding time when Harry wasn’t with his friends or taking up shifts at the DX, but it was even harder when your father was the chief of police. With a deep hatred for ‘Greasers’ and anyone who wasn’t a Soc.
So, you and Harry would have to sneak away whenever you both could. Those were the nights where you would stay up all night staring at the stars and dreaming of a better life. A life where Socs and Greasers didn’t mean a hoot and you could sit at your boyfriend's lunch table without the thought of being skinned. Of course, there were some nights that wound up like this as well. 
If it were up to Harry, he would have taken you right then and there. Lifted up the perfect baby blue skirt to reveal your dripping honey pot, as he called it. He would have lowered you onto his cock slowly and made you stay like that throughout the whole movie. But, his fingers pumping in and out of you was a far better option. 
Your hips lifted off the seat unbeknownst to you, teeth gnawing at your bottom lip so fiercely the taste of metallic flavor coated your tongue. His fingers were so deep inside, up to the knuckle, searching for something with the desperateness of a man who depends his life upon it. He teases the spot that aches and burns to be released, stoking it with a sly smirk spread across his pretty pink lips. The same lips that were smoking a kool as if he wasn’t committing such a ghastly sin that could easily make the devil blush.
His hand left the cigarette in his mouth to reach over to silence you, marveling at the way your eyes were rolling back. He can tell how close he’s barreling you to that edge, but despite the loudness of the movie and the scattered voices, he knew your sweet noises could overpower the entire lot. 
“Be quiet, Darlin’. Shh.” He cooed into your ear, the ghost of his lips curling up. He pulled his fingers out of you to mix the fluids alongside your folds. Harry wanted to feel your juices going up his wrist and forearm, then knowing how good he makes you feel. 
Your things jolt at the sensation, looking around in hopes no one can see or hear what was going on in the car. His fingers move to your swollen nub, rubbing chaste circles. It was almost laughable how wet you were. You could feel it dripping down your thighs and making a sinful pool on the seat. A wanton moan spills from your lips at the sensation of his magical fingers. “What di’ I say about you staying quiet?” His voice is slow and hot against your ear. 
“C’mon, be a good girl for me.” He rubs with more pressure, lazily watching as you squirm around. It was one of the most beautiful sights in his eyes. “What’s gotten into your, Darling? Walking around in that pretty little skirt thinking I could keep my hands to myself?” 
You shake your head vigorously, his deep drawl making everything so much better. A look of desperation crosses your features as you glance over at Harry, his circles becoming sloppier with each passing second. “Fuck, you haven’t been this wet before.” His chest rose and fell quickly, his breath coming out in hot pants. 
It was true. Maybe it was the adrenaline of possibly being found out, or the fact he had never done this type of thing before had you so needy for him. This was the most risky thing you had ever done with him. But it was also the sexiest thing too. A glance of plead was shared between the two of you, begging for his permission to cum. 
With his eyes glued to the screen, he inserted two fingers into your core. His thumb was still set on your clit, showing it no mercy. The stimulation becomes too much as you dig your fingernails into his denim clad thigh, trying hard to contain yourself. 
He can feel your velvety walls clench around his digits, and he holds back a moan in his throat. Blood rushes to his cock, his jeans becoming far too tight. He smiles look at the way you’re so fucked-out. It makes him swell with pride, knowing how good he makes you feel. That’s all he wants to do. Please you. He works his fingers at the same rhythm, noticing how close you are. “Ya’ so beautiful like this. I’m taking you home with me- get ready for a long night, Doll.” 
Your eyes flutter shut at the thought of intimacy with him, knowing you would be clutching onto his thighs and firm arms all night. Your knuckles turn white gripping the dashboard. “You wanna cum?” He taunts in your ear, a devilish smirk spread across his beautiful face. 
You nod in distress, ready to release all over his fingers and the seat. You wanted to scream his name so everyone in the drive-in would know who belonged to him and him only. 
For a second guilt washed over you. Before you could really register the feeling, your orgasm blacks you out. You’re consumed in the wonderful feeling, consumed in Harry for making you feel such a way. Harry slowly finger fucks you for another few minutes then pulls out once you whine. He glances over at you and leaves a kiss to the corner of your mouth. 
“You’re my whole damn world, Y/n.” 
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nekoannie-chan · 4 months
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Title: Kiss.
Fandom: Marvel, Captain America.
Ship: Jack Rollins X Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.!Reader.
Word count: 400 words.
Rating: Teen.
Summary: Jack wanna a date.
Major Tags: Fluff.
Additional tags: This is my entry to @sweetspicybingo, Sweetheart Bingo Card & square 3:
"Kiss me.”
You can read it on Wattpad and Ao3 too.
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My native language is Spanish so I wanna improve my writing skills in English if you notice any mistakes, please let me know and I will correct them.
I don’t give any kind of permission for my fics to be posted on other platforms or languages (I translate myself my work) or the use of my graphics (my dividers are included in this), I did them exclusively for my fics, please respect my work and don't steal it. There are some people here who make dividers that anyone can use, mine is not this type, please look for the other people. The only exception is the ones I gifted 'cuz now belong to someone else. If you find any of my works on a different platform and are not one of my accounts, please let me know. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Marvel's characters (unfortunately), except for the original characters and the story.
Add yourself to my taglist here.
My other media where I publish:  Ao3, Wattpad, ffnet, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter. 
If you like it, please vote, comment, and give me feedback to improve my skills and reblog.
Tags: @sinceimetyou @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad @navybrat817 @angrythingstarlight @shield-agent78 @charmed-asylum @pandaxnienke @real-fbi @smokeandnailz @white-wolf1940 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @xoxonotme @bluemusickid @leyannrae @harrysthiccthighss @marvelatthisone @caplanbuckybarnes @sapphire-rogers @lizzieolseniskinda @notyourtypicalrose @hallecarey1 @nana1000night @talia-rumlow @writingshae @alexxavicry @azulatodoryuga @daemonslittlebitch @chaoticcollectivenightmare @endlesstwanted @chemtrails-club  @marigoldreamer @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @here4thefanfics @theestorm @patzammitt @kmc1989 @somegirlfrom
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Jack kept watching you while you were in the dining room, almost as if he were hypnotized by your presence; he wasn't even listening to what Brock was saying to him.
“You should tell him," Brock commented, annoyed; he had practically been talking to himself for the last ten minutes, maybe.
“Tell who what?" Jack asked, mentally cursing himself for being so obvious.
"Well, Y/N, if you're lucky, she won't turn you down, although I've been seeing her with Rogers a lot lately."
Jack didn't let Brock finish the sentence when he got up and went straight to where you were talking to Natasha.
“I just needed a push," Brock murmured attentively to the scene.
"Rollins, “Natasha uttered when she saw him standing next to you. You turned around, still smiling.
“Y/N. "
“What? “ You and Natasha turned to look at each other in confusion. He had never referred to you by your first name before.
“Can I talk to you?" Jack was starting to get nervous. You nodded as you looked at Natasha, as if you understood each other.
“What's wrong?" You questioned me when you were alone.
“What are you doing this weekend?"
“Sleep in and then watch movies with my dog as usual," you answered.
“We're going camping or dinner, whichever you prefer." Jack was beginning to think he was sounding pretty stupid.
“Dinner is fine; how about Friday?"
“I'll pick you up."
On Wednesday, you and Jack had a mission. You and Jack were guarding the enemy, but the place was very quiet. Jack approached you, and his hands lightly brushed yours as you walked.
“What do you think? “he asked.
You smiled, still keeping an eye on the target.
“I love it here. It's so peaceful and beautiful."
Jack nodded. Nothing could go wrong that day; nothing was going to stop him from having that date. He didn't even mind having to endure Brock's teasing.
“There's something else I like even more here."
You stared at him, waiting for him to continue. Jack stopped and gently took you by the arm.
“Kiss me," you whispered, his lips just inches from yours. A few seconds later, he kissed you.
“I was supposed to save it for dinner," Jack said when you broke apart.
“We can do it again that day," you proposed without stopping smiling.
He couldn't answer because Brock interrupted you on the intercom.
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80pairsofcrocs · 2 years
baby scarab || 31
anon - Ok I’ve like uh never done this b4 but for baby scarab what if you did like a freaky Friday thing where reader and Marc have like a nasty fight and then they wake up in each others bodies the next morning and they basically have to go through the day as each other lmfao
anon - Hear me out plz plz plz do a freaky Friday thing 4 baby scarab where Marc/steven/jake and reader have a nasty fight and wake up in each other’s bodies n have to go through the day PLZPLZPLZPLZPLZPZL
A/N : :) is all imma say
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
A/N : this is all over the place- sorry if its hard to read lol
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader
TW : medicine (pills), language, spidey stuff, tiny angst, body switch, you make the moon boys uncomfortable numerous times. let me know if i missed anything
last night marc ended up falling asleep before you did, which ended up in you gently pushing him down and laying on top of him to sleep yourself.
khonshu sat on the top edge of the couch the whole night, watching over you both.
both of you woke up around the same time, which was good since you had to get to work anyways and you know they would freak out if you were gone when they woke up.
so on your way to work, the crows followed you, and one even dropped another bottle cap on you.
you stuck it in your pocket and waved to the bird of course, before it flew away.
work was fast, and you were already back home, at 5 on the dot.
you sent a text to the guys phone saying you wanted a half hour to get yourself cleaned up after your long day, to which they obviously said that was fine.
so you did; you were now fresh and showered, hair still a bit wet while you gather some of your belongings and go back to your dads’ place in your comfortable clothes.
“feel better?” steven asks you from the mirror by the door as soon as you walk in.
“mhmm” you trail off, seeing that marc was staring at you from the couch, which made you get nervous for some reason.
“we are patrolling tonight” he starts and you nod, thinking back to when he said you could go with them.
“..and?” you gesture for him to continue.
he sighs and nods to himself. “and if you want to come with us, you can” he ends the sentence quietly, as you begin to buzz in excitement.
“you meant it?” you ask excitedly.
marc smiles and nods. “of course i meant it, it was a promise” he answers and you move over and around the couch to pull him up and hug him tightly.
marc hugs back until you decide to let go, looking up at him with a smile.
“when are we-“
“in like five minutes, so go back and get your suit”
“already done” you unzip your bag that you dropped by the door, revealing all the items for your suit.
“of course you carry it around with you” he says sarcastically, khonshu appearing and tilting his head at you.
“the little arachnid is coming too?” the tall bird asks, and you nod.
“yes! that means more windpipes can be broken!” he exclaims, making you snort.
“now i don’t know about that..” steven trails off, while you gather your suit in your hands and go to change in the bathroom.
you changed in record speed, leaving your goggles and mask in your pocket.
when you walked back out, marc already had the suit on, except for the mask.
marc, steven, jake, and khonshu all looked at your suit closely, never really seeing it up close before.
“and you designed that yourself?” steven asks and you nod, adjusting the gloves on your fingers.
“it’s not much, but it’s better than nothing” you say, and he hums.
“it’s very cute, good job” he tells you with a smile, and you fail to hide yours.
“yes, but it won’t protect you very well” khonshu tells you and walks so that he’s right behind you.
you’re confused when he presses the tip of the crescent on your back, and get even more confused when you feel like something is crawling up your shoulders.
marc looks at you and khonshu in shock when you all see the faded red and blue bandages wrapping around you, similar to marc and jakes suit.
the only thing different was the golden spider in the middle of your chest.
you look at you arms- legs- anything, since khonshu just decided to randomly give you a suit.
the pale red and blue bandages fit you perfectly, even over the baggy ‘suit’ you already had.
“this is amazing” you whisper to yourself, running your finger along the metal of the gold spider.
“oh my gosh you look so cool!” steven exclaims and you nod, holding your arms out.
“this is the best thing that could happen in my life” you say and turn to khonshu.
“i’ll get you some more stickers, thank you so much” you tell him and he nods.
“it is healing armor, so it will keep you safe” he added before disappearing again.
“oh thank god” you hear marc breath out as you turn to glare at him.
“i’m not that reckless” you complain and he chuckles.
“okay- fine, let’s go” he nods to the window, as the mask envelopes his face, yours doing the same.
the mask khonshu decided to give you had golden spider like eyes, two big ones where your actual eyes were, and six little ones, one set above and two below the big ones.
plus the cool this is that when you squinted your eyes, the ones on the mask did too.
“nice” you murmur to yourself, loving the mask as you look at yourself in the mirror before following marc out of the window.
he just jumped up and landed on the roof, while you had to maneuver yourself out onto the wall to climb up.
marc was already walking around on the edge of the roof, you following like a lost puppy.
“what exactly do you do when you’re patrolling?” you ask, walking beside him on the roof.
him being on the ledge meant that he was even taller than you than he was before, so you actually had to look all the way up to see him.
“just wait” he says bluntly and you groan quietly.
even though it was a bit muffled due to the mask, he still heard it.
“calm down, we’ll find something” jake tells you and you nod while looking at the stars up in the sky that are slowly making appearances as time goes on.
you feel ringing in your ears all of a sudden, making you stop and close your eyes, the golden parts on the mask closing too.
marc notices this, and stops as well. “what is it?” he asks, hopping off the ledge to stand right by you.
“it’s coming from a couple blocks down- the gas station” you inform him, the ringing going away.
you’re so happy you accepted peters help, otherwise your senses wouldn’t be able to tell you exactly what was happening.
“good, then let’s go” was the last thing marc said to you before running off and basically flying a few blocks down.
luckily there were tall light posts, so you could swing there after him.
you two ended up peaking over another ledge of a roof, seeing two people trying to break into the closed gas station.
“we have to make a plan” marc tells you but you just keep staring.
you look at marc for a split second and nod quickly, waiting until he looks away from you to make your move.
would marc get mad at you?
will it be worth it to prove that you can handle yourself?
also probably.
so once marc looked away, you hoped steven and jake wouldn’t rat you out as you jumped off the roof and onto the wall, sticking to it before swinging over to the gas station.
you do hear someone rushing after you though. that being marc obviously.
you approach the two people who keep failing at breaking open the door.
you shoot a web out at each of them as marc gently shoves you behind him, making you lose your focus and making your webs land beside the people instead of on them.
“hey- what the hell?” you exclaim, marc taking care of both the bad people.
“stay back” he points at you. “you can try again at the next one” he tells you, taking care of the guys himself, you glaring while your arms are crossed.
“i had them!” you exclaim at him once he’s done, and walking back towards the alleyway across the street.
“no you didn’t, you didn’t listen to me when i said we needed a plan” he says sternly, pulling you along by your forearm.
“but i-“
“zip it”
“marc, be nice she’s trying her best” steven argues.
“her best could get her killed”
“she has healing armor now, idiot” jake cuts in, you just listening while following marc along while he makes sure you’re with him by holding onto your arm.
“yeah, marc i had it” you say kind of sadly, making him sigh.
“i know, i’m just nervous” he starts. “i can’t see you hurt again” he tells you and you scoff.
“i was caught off guard last time” you say offendedly.
“you were kidnapped, y/n” 
the conversation died there, not having anything else to say.
you two did find someone trying to break into a car, which resulted in you almost being shot by the man before jake fronted and beat the shit out of him before marc came back.
you did get a few good hits in, but so did the man and you could already feel a bruise forming on your cheek and shoulder.
marc basically pushed you through the window when you guys got back home, the armor khonshu gave you fading off at the same time marc’s does.
“what did i say the first time?” marc asks you, waiting for you to answer.
your back was turned to him, as you sigh. “you said to wait for a plan” you mumble and marc nods.
“and you didn’t do that, you just jumped right in and played hero again”
“successfully” you mumble.
“yes but that’s not the point” marc starts, but is interrupted by steven.
“how about we all calm down a bit, yeah?” he states nervously.
“do you not care?” marc asks steven and he immediately denies his claim.
“i do care! i just understand y/ns reasoning” he responds and you sigh, rubbing your eyes.
“you obviously don’t-“
“he does, puta.” jake starts. “the bird gave her healing armor, so even if she did get shot she would be fine”
“how can you say that so calmly?” marc exclaims, while you watch the three argue with wide eyes, standing with your hands in your pockets.
“because she knows what she’s doing” jake defends you, and you sigh, finally speaking up.
“if you hadn’t pushed me out of the way i could’ve handled it” you say, and marc gives you a look.
“you just worry me” marc starts. “it’s just-“
“you don’t think i’m strong enough, i get it” you cut him off, turning around and taking off your short sleeve shirt, leaving you in the thin hoodie.
“no that’s not what i’m saying” marc follows you as you walk around the counter and into the kitchen to get an ice pack from the freezer.
since you finally bought them one for a five month anniversary gift.
“it is what you’re saying, i know how you feel about me going out and fighting crime” you say quietly, holding the ice pack to your face.
marc doesn’t say anything, his demeanor just changes, and a more relaxed figure takes over.
“he’s sorry, love” steven tells you and you nod.
“i uh.. i understand why he’s worried” you begin, steven nodding.
“i’m no hero” you take a breath. “anyone could’ve been bit by the spider, and it just happened to be me”
“i just.. i didn’t want to waste an opportunity like this. i want to be someone” you stammer over your words.
steven sighs and cokes closer to you. “you already are someone” 
“you just need to find out who” stevens position changes again, jake now present in front of you.
“both of these idiots are right” jake starts. “the bite doesn’t define who you are, you don’t need to let it stop you from doing this or that”
you nod, and jake pulls you into his side. “we don’t want you to feel bad about yourself, you’re our kid” he tells you softly and you chuckle breathily.
“thank you, papa” you bring your hand up to squeeze his arm, then moving to go into the bathroom.
“i’m going to change and-“
“and then you’re coming to bed, you need rest”
you snort and do as he said, sitting on the bed next to him once you’re done changing.
“is marc still mad at me?” you ask jake, noticing that steven and marc weren’t seen in the reflections, signaling that they were done interacting for the night.
“he’s not mad at you, princesa” he responds and you hum, letting jake push you down so that you’re laying beside him.
“but he sounded mad” you retort and jake sighs. 
“he’s not mad at you” jake tells you.
“he’s just worried?” you guess and he nods.
you hum again as jake puts an arm around your shoulders, pulling you close to him.
“don’t worry about it, just get some sleep you’ll feel better in the morning” was the last thing jake said before you fell asleep.
but what you didn’t know, was that you wouldn’t feel better in the morning.
it was the exact opposite.
let’s just say you won’t exactly feel like yourself.
A/N : sorry its short, ive just been busy for the past few days, hope you like the first part to these requests, stay tuned for part 2 <3 love you guys :))
taglist ---
@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @magnificentcreatorpenguin @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28
214 notes · View notes
barnesafterglow · 2 years
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hello friends! i recently hit 2k and wanted to do something to celebrate! i've done a lot of sleepovers and such but only one writing challenge, and i wanted to try it out again.
being on here, despite any ups and downs i've, has been a loving and safe space for me. being able to make new friends and have a creative outlet has been amazing. i want to thank every single one of you that follows me, i never thought i would have one hundred followers, let alone two thousand of you. you all are the reason i'm still here, and the reason i decide to stay
thank you so much to @demxters for helping me out with this! i'm so grateful for you
you can find the masterlist for this challenge here!
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- this challenge, as always, is 18+ only. minors please dni.
- please no dark fics or anything including waterspouts, scat, non/dubcon, incest/stepcest, underage relationships between characters, suicide or self harm, eating disorders, or anything involving sexual assault
- please tag me in your work as well as tagging the post #sweet as sugar challenge. if you have tagged me and i haven't reader within two days, please send me a message or link because i may have missed it!
- message me or send me any ask if you have any other questions!
- this challenge will last from friday november 4th to saturday december 31st. i understand some people write slower so if you need more time please don't hesitate to reach out! whenever you can! i don’t want to rush anyone and there’s plenty of time for everyone to write :)
- i will be posting a masterlist and updating it as i read finished fics
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2 large eggs
choose 1-2 characters to write your fic about. this can be any combination of a poly/hinged relationship or character x character. however, i do not read for sambucky (as a couple) or buckynat (in any capacity). any other combination of characters should be fine, but if you have any questions feel free to message me
characters can include:
- any mcu characters
- any sebastian stan characters besides tommy lee, jeff gillooly, or steve kemp
- any chris evans characters besides curtis everett (i will also accept rpf for chris evans only)
- misc characters: steve harrington and matt murdock
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3 cups of flour
choose one au to set your fic in or you can write in the mcu universe
aus to choose from:
- modern au
- college au
- decade specific au (70s, 80s, etc)
- coffee shop au
- abo au
- band/singer/celebrity au
- soulmate au
- athlete au
- royal au
- detective/fbi au
- summer camp au
- teacher/professor au
- bookstore au
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1 cup of sugar
choose 1-2 tropes to include within your fic. at least one must be included.
tropes to choose from:
- the classic "only one bed"
- friends to lovers
- friends with benefits to lovers
- enemies to lovers
- exes (back) to lovers
- roommates
- grumpy x sunshine
- fake dating
- tutor x jock
- hero x villain
- neighbors
- sibling's best friend/best friend's sibling
- established relationship
- strangers to lovers
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1 tablespoon vanilla extract
your fic can be any combination of smut, fluff, or angst, or only one if you prefer. once again, please no dark fics
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toppings (optional)
this can be anything extra you want to your fic, such as moodboards, playlists, etc
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tagging some mutuals but no pressure!!
@pellucid-constellations @itistimeforusalltodecidewhoweare @treatbuckywkisses @sweetascanbee @sweetdreamsbuck @bucky-barmes @thornsnvultures @inklore @irisofeden @smokeinherperfume @abovethesmokestacks @imaginearyparties @lilacletter @fandoms-writings @writing-for-marvel @foreverindreamlandd @jadedvibes @atlaese @nacho-bucky @sidepartskinnyjeans @navybrat817 @lavendercitizen @scrumptious-delusion @emerald-chaos @bubblebuckys
84 notes · View notes
strangermarvelss · 2 years
welcome to my page
hi! thanks for stopping by. i’m here to share with you just a few rules/ guidelines of blog and a little bit about myself so we both can have a good time :)
1. age appropriate content warnings
i know it can be difficult to determine who is telling the truth when talking about how old someone is/ hard to find out. when viewing adult content, minors should not engage. i sometimes write nsfw fics and prompts, so please be aware of those specific warnings when viewing my posts. i do not feel comfortable sharing that stuff with a younger audience as a 23 year old, so be mindful and truthful when viewing my work/ my reblogs. if need be, i will turn this blog into an 18+ only blog.
2. taglists:
i currently do not do taglists as they have been very tricky for me in the past to keep up with. if you want to be updated on when i post, turn my post notifications on and see what it is i’ve shared.
3. requests
my request are currently CLOSED and are in line with my who i write for/what i write post, which is tagged below. please keep your requests under those qualifications, otherwise it most likely won’t get picked.
4. do not copy my works/ repost my works anywhere
this seems like a bit of a given, but please be respectful to the work i create and do not copy my writings or repost the work i put on here anywhere, especially without my permission. when that happens to fanfic writers, they usually find out one way or another, so again, please be mindful and respectful. this includes reposting my works to other websites
a little about myself
i go by sava, and i’m a 23 year old bisexual woman (pronouns she/her). i love writing my silly little fics, which gives me some much needed joy. i love playing the sims and mario kart, drawing, movies, marvel, disney, and making new friends (so my inbox is always open)!
important links
my masterlist- ✰
who i write for/what i write- ✰
tagging masterlist- ✰
note: my fics will usually be posted on mondays, wednesdays, and/or fridays (not necessarily 3 times a week, but aiming for possibly 2 times a week) and will drop at 7pm US EST (unless i'm feeling extra generous and move it up a bit hehe)
i appreciate you all for understanding these guidelines i have in place for my blog and thank you again for following and/or looking at my blog. enjoy!
146 notes · View notes
The Ultimate F/O list!
Note: this is very randomized, aka not in order!
(If we share an f/o that's not a main, but you feel uncomfortable sharing no matter if I am okay with it or not, feel free to block me <3 Ill always understand the reason behind it, so don't worry!)
(and PLEASE, if we share the same f/o who I don't wanna share (colored black), I would appreciate if you blocked me, or at least don't interact ^^)
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🖤- not willing to share, sorry :(
💜- selective sharing
💚- okay with sharing
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Main F/O:
Hanami (Jujutsu Kaisen) - 🖤 (I do have some exceptions here though ^^ *winks to Eri*)
(tag: 🌹serenity upon a flower field...🌸)
Queerplatonic/Crush F/Os:
Sukuna (Jujutsu Kaisen) - 🖤 (tag: #🐅worthy of my benevolence...🎐)
Dark Cacao Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom) - 💚
Longan Dragon Cookie (Cookie Run Ovenbreak) - 🖤
Mahoraga (Jujutsu Kaisen) - 🖤
Aku (Samurai Jack) - 💜
Calcharo (Wuthering Waves) - 🖤 (tag: #⚡️the only one who can tame me...🎋)
Justine Courtney (Ace Attorney) - 💚
Trudy Chacon (Avatar) - 💚
Enrico Pucci (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) - 🖤
DIO (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure) - 🖤
Boothill (Honkai Star Rail) - 💜
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney) - 💚
Megatron (Transformers Prime) - 🖤
Solazar (Friday Night Funkin) - 🖤
Kisame Hoshigaki (Naruto) - 🖤
Shadow The Hedgehog (Sonic The Hedgehog frandchise) - 🖤
Knuckles The Echidna (Sonic the Hedgehog frandchise) - 💜
Kakuzu (Naruto) - 💜
Enderman (Minecraft) -💚
Shockwave (Transformers Prime) - 💜
Logan Howlett/Wolverine (Marvel Movies - X men) - 💜
Terminator T-800 (Terminator) - 💜
Godot/Diego Armando (Ace Attorney) - 💜
Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher) - 💜
Lady Dimitrescu (Resident Evil) - 💚
Morgo (Little Misfortune) - 💚
Sephiroth (Final Fantasy) - 💜
Bayonetta (Bayonetta) - 💚
Venti/Barbatos (Genshin Impact) - 🖤
Dr. Veritas Ratio (Honkai Star Rail) - 🖤
Silent Salt Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom) -💚
Mystic Flour Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom) - 💜
Svarog (Honkai Star Rail) - 🖤
Luocha (Honkai Star Rail) - 💜
Thranduil (Lord of The Rings) - 💜
Galadriel (Lord of The Rings) - 💚
Smaug (Lord of The Rings) - 💚
Tobirama Senju (Naruto) - 🖤
Mito Uzumaki (Naruto) - 💚
Capitano (Genshin Impact) - 🖤
Wanderer (Genshin Impact) - 💜
Rukkhadevatta (Genshin Impact) - 🖤
Spider Noir (Marvel - Spiderverse) - 🖤
Gakupo Kamui (Vocaloid) - 💚
Shi-Long Lang (Ace Attorney) - 💚
Barok Van Zieks (Ace Attorney) - 💜
Kokushibo (Demon Slayer) - 💜
2BDamned (Madness Combat) - 🖤
Hank J. Wimbleton (Madness Combat) - 💚
Gyomei Himejima (Demon Slayer) - 💜
Arataki Itto (Genshin Impact) - 🖤
Master Chief/John (HALO games) - 🖤
Colossus/Piotr Rasputin (Marvel - X men) - 💜
The Vigilante (Pizza Tower) - 💚
Welt Yang (Honkai Star Rail) - 💚
Argenti (Honkai Star Rail) - 💜
Legolas (Lord of The Rings) - 🖤
Vyn Ricther (Tears of Themis) - 🖤
Himeko (Honkai Star Rail) - 💜
Wildberry Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom) - 🖤
Pitaya Dragon Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom) - 🖤
Black Swan (Honkai Star Rail) - 💜
Zhongli (Genshin Impact) - 🖤
Marvin The Martian (Looney Tunes) - 💚
Nahyuta Sadmahdi (Ace Attorney) - 💚
Kinger (The Amazing Digital Circus) - 💚
Platonic F/Os:
Junior (Original Character) - 🖤
Peppino Spaghetti (Pizza Tower) - 💚
Gimli (Lord of The Rings) - 💚
Gustavo (Pizza Tower) - 💚
The Noise (Pizza Tower) - 💚
Noisette (Pizza Tower) - 💚
Soundwave (Transformers Prime) - 💜
Odahviing (Skyrim) - 🖤
Alduin (Skyrim) - 🖤
Godzilla (Monsterverse) - 🖤
Hange Zoe (Attack On Titan) - 💜
Jing Yuan (Honkai Star Rail) - 💜
Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) - 💜
Gangle (The Amazing Digital Circus) - 💜
The Auditor (Madness Combat) - 💚
Sampo (Honkai Star Rail) - 💚
Omori (OMORI) - 🖤
Clara (Honkai Star Rail) - 💜
Gepard (Honkai Star Rail) - 💚
Jogo (Jujutsu Kaisen) - 💚
Mahito (Jujutsu Kaisen) - 💚
Dagon (Jujutsu Kaisen) - 💚
Choso, Eso and Kechizu (Jujutsu Kaisen) - 💜
DJ Cookie (Cookie Run Ovenbreak) - 💚
Sonic The Hedgehog (Sonic The Hedgehog frandchise) - 🖤
Deadpool (Marvel - Deadpool) - 💚
Tankman/John (Newgrounds) - 💚
Dvalin (Genshin Impact) - 💜
Thor (Marvel - Avengers) - 💚
Groot (Marvel - Guardians of The Galaxy) - 💚
Dave (Friday Night Funkin) - 💚
Bambi (Friday Night Funkin) - 💚
Bandu (Friday Night Funkin) - 🖤
Expunged (Friday Night Funkin) - 💚
Toph Beifong (Avatar The Last Airbender) - 💚
Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney) - 💚
Miguel O'Hara (Marvel - Spiderverse) - 💜
Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney) - 💚
HuoHuo (Honkai Star Rail) - 💚
Dark Choco Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom) -💜
Sea Fairy Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom) - 💚
Moonlight Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom) - 💚
Lychee Dragon Cookie (Cookie Run Ovenbreak) - 🖤
Stanley (The Stanley Parable) - 💚
Sokka (Avatar The Last Airbender) - 🖤
Kokomi (Genshin Impact) - 🖤
Natasha (Honkai Star Rail) - 💚
Familial F/Os:
Enmei (Original Character) - 🖤
Paarthrunax (Skyrim) - 🖤
Optimus Prime (Transformers Prime) - 💜
Tony Stark/Iron man (Marvel - Avengers) - 🖤
Sundrop/Moondrop (Five Nights at Freddy's) - 🖤
Kel (OMORI) - 🖤
Narrator (The Stanley Parable) - 🖤
GingerBrave (Cookie Run Ovenbreak) - 🖤
Milky Way Cookie (Cookie Run Kingdom) - 💚
The Marionette (Five Nights at Freddy's) - 🖤
Whitty (Friday Night Funkin) - 💚
Minato Namikaze (Naruto) - 🖤
Nahida (Genshin Impact) - 🖤
Fischl (Genshin Impact) - 💚
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ty for reading <3 if we share the same f/o that I'm (partially) okay with sharing, you can reach out for me in DMs or follow me! ^^
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