#what this selection means is: i have not been thriving lol
quixoticanarchy · 3 months
tagged by @curiouselleth thank you <3
shuffle your repeat playlist 10 times and tag 10 people
Old Friend (Stay Alive) by Laura Jane Grace
In a Razor Town by Jason Isbell
The Dark by Thrice
Escape by Seeming
Dreaming My Dreams With You by Waylon Jennings
The Blue by Jason Isbell
State Road 25 by Thoushaltnot
Укравший дождь by Aquarium
Oh Sarah by Sturgill Simpson
Remember to Breathe by Seeming
anyone who wants to be tagged, consider yourself tagged :)
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fluffle-writes · 10 months
So, I saw your twst isekai idea post, and had IDEAS!
so I'm not super familiar with most of those series/fandoms, BUT...
What came to mind for me was Stardew Valley (since it's been on my mind recently). I don't know how familiar you are with the game, but I think that if he was isekai'd there, Jade would THRIVE as a farmer! I mean, he's got a green thumb and knows about plants. There's a mountain (with a mine), plenty of local flora to forage, and a possibility for a MUSHROOM CAVE on the farm. He'd LOVE IT!! Plus, the people in town are incredibly interesting - he'd never get bored there. And he's sketchy clever and resourceful enough to know how to get what he wants. His family are suggested to also be 'businesspeople', after all :)
Epel would also do just fine there, obviously. He already comes from a farming family, so I imagine he'd do a good job setting up an orchard in Stardew Valley.
On the other hand, I think that Idia would STRUGGLE in that situation. He's very clever, but NOT GOOD with new people, or much manual labour. And unless he already knew about gardening/farming/foraging/fishing/etc. from a game or series, he'd probably be totally lost on how to manage. (It would probably be pretty funny for us, but very stressful for him.)
(I put a buncha stuff under a 'read more' because I wrote. Many words lol)
Just,,, Demetrius showing up at Jade's house and being all 'hello I could set up a mushroom cave for you if you want' and Jade showing off his already thriving mushroom colonies completely filling the space lmao. I wonder if they'd be mycology buddies with how Demetrius is a biologist (iirc)
He'd love to forage in the surrounding areas and hike around the forests - and fishing! I remember him being super passionate about everything in the Camp Vargas stories he was in and I just love how he can get so happy when he's able to indulge in his interests.
(I wonder if he would mess with some of the villagers by swimming in the ocean in his merform... I may end up shipping him with Elliott if I think about that too much - typical bachelor on the beach falls for the mysterious merperson in the ocean typa story idk my brain is running away from me haha)
He would be in his element! I can imagine him with expertise from what his family taught him on his farm - how to selectively breed plants to make the best produce, how to graft two parts of heirloom species of plants together to get the best traits from both (like the roots from a tomato plant bred to resist root diseases and the stem from a plant that produces large, delicious fruits! I've seen a video about it and it was really cool lol)
And he has the type of face and vibe that I feel like would make older ladies fawn over him a little if that makes sense? Like Marnie, Caroline, and Jodi - their group. Like, he's polite because of his time with Vil, he's quite short and has a boyish face, he's hardworking etc. I can see him receiving cookies from Evelyn and stuff like that.
I'd say that he'd get along with Sebastian but I doubt that they'd end up meeting with how neither of them really go outside (I know from waiting outside Sebastian's door before I thought to look up his schedule online haha)
Idia's internal dialogue would probably be an absolute disaster haha - he is NOT built for this environment! There's too much focus on socialisation! And his noodly gamer arms cannot do farming! He would be having a Bad Time and it would definitely be funny to watch it pan out haha
At least there's a chance that he could have some meta knowledge due to the fact that he's a gamer. Maybe it'll be exactly like some sorta game from Twisted Wonderland called 'SunMist Hollow' (I just searched synonyms for that haha)
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allylikethecat · 9 months
i think it would be a crime not to request this on for the cuddle prompts, i live for matty being a small tiny baby
^ like i mean they're all curled up and look small, covered up so much that all they can see are big eyes peeking out and innocently blinking at them from the blanket. how do you want them to keep a straight face.
I agree! Not filling this prompt would have also been a crime! Thank you so much for sending it in!
I told myself when I started this whole prompt thing that I was going to complete them in the order that they were sent, then you, you lovely Anon sent this one in and I couldn't get the mental image of Fictional!Matty hiding in the blankets out of my head, SO I ended up finishing it next. I hope that was okay! Thank you for sending it, and I hope you like it! Please let me know what you think! (Even if you weren't the one that sent it you are also welcome to let me know what you think lol I thrive on constructive feedback!)
(If anyone else wants to send in Cuddle Prompts they can be found here)
Thanks again!
melting because they just look so cute all bundled up in blankets 
^ like i mean they're all curled up and look small, covered up so much that all they can see are big eyes peeking out and innocently blinking at them from the blanket. how do you want them to keep a straight face. 
George frowned as he walked through the living room into the kitchen and found it absent of Matty. He had been feeling under the weather that morning when George had left for the studio, yet he hadn’t expected him to still be sleeping at nearly two in the afternoon. His frown deepened when he stuck his head into the bedroom and realized Matty wasn’t in their messy bed either. 
When he found Matty, George was going to have to have a talk with him about the fact that even if he wasn’t going to make their bed in the morning, he could at least refrain from shoving all of the blankets and pillows into a large pile in the center. It didn’t help anything in the slightest and just made it more difficult for George when he  inevitably had to put their bed back together himself in the evening, so they could get in it and go to sleep. He turned off the bedroom light, not wanting to waste electricity and shut the door- lest Mayhem decide to test his boundaries and climb up onto the bed. 
George resumed his search, brow furrowing as he realized Matty wasn’t in the office, the music room, the back yard or the guest room either.  George’s concern grew as he went room to room with no sign of Matty. His car was still in the garage so he couldn’t have gone far, and George really couldn’t imagine him going for a walk, without Mayhem, when he was feeling poorly- especially in the London rain that Matty resented on a good day.
“Where is your Dad?” George asked, sitting down on the couch next to Mayhem and reaching over to scratch behind his ears. He pulled out his phone and quickly selected Matty’s name from his recent calls list. He bit his lip, a weird sense of dread settling in his stomach as it rang and rang before going to voicemail. George ended the call and hit Matty’s name again, relief flooding his chest when this time Matty answered on the fourth ring. 
“‘Ello?” he slurred, his voice rough and nasally, thick with sleep, causing George’s confusion to grow, even as it became tinged with irritation. 
“Where are you?” he asked, jumping straight to the point. 
“What do you mean?” Matty asked before cutting off abruptly, George could picture it clearly, Matty turning away from the phone to cough into his elbow.
“I mean where are you right now?” George asked, not sure how he could be any clearer. 
“Em, in bed?” he said, his words coming out like a question. 
“Where?” George asked, growing frustrated. 
“What do you mean where? Our house? Where else would I be?” Matty asked, breaking off to cough again. “Can you stop and get me some Lemsip on your way home? I think I’m proper ill, I haven’t gotten up to check but I’m pretty sure I have a fever.” 
“I’m already home and you’re not here, also there’s some in the pantry with all that tea your mum keeps bringing that you don’t drink.” George said.
“Why is it in the pantry and not the medicine cabinet that’s fucking stupid, also what do you mean I’m not here I am, literally in our bed.” Matty said, his voice taking on a weak crackling quality after his coughing fit. George winced, he sounded awful.
“I just checked and you weren’t there,” said George stubbornly, if Matty was that unwell George didn’t understand why he had left and why he was lying about it. 
“Babe,” Matty rasped, “I am literally in bed right now come see for yourself.” 
George sighed and stood up,  giving Mayhem one last pat as he did so, his phone on speaker as he made his way back into the bedroom. He turned the light on and glanced around, still not seeing Matty. 
“Are you trying to gaslight me or something? I know that’s something you’ve been working on with your therapist- oh my god.” George started, breaking off when the pile of blankets in the center of the bed started to move and suddenly Matty’s big dark eyes were peeking out of the mound, the rest of his face hidden by the blanket pulled over his head. He blinked sleepily, reminding George of the soot sprites in Spirited Away, he couldn’t see the rest of Matty’s face among the blankets giving him the appearance of just a large pair of eyes. 
“I’m hanging up now,” Matty said, ending the call as George started laughing, wheezing as Matty continued to stare at him from the pile. 
“I had no idea you were in there,” he giggled, “god you really are fucking tiny,” he said, stepping into the room as Matty shifted, sitting up so that more of his face was visible. He had never in a million years thought the blanket pile was big enough to hide Matty.
“I resent that,” he said, “I was just really fucking cold.” 
“You probably have a fever, baby,” said George, coming to press the back of his hand to Matty’s forehead as if he knew what he was feeling for. Matty let his eyes fall shut, humming softly as he leaned into George’s touch like a cat. His forehead felt hot, though George wasn’t sure if it was from the fever or the fact that Matty had been trying to suffocate himself by hiding under every piece of bedding they owned. 
“Probably,” Matty agreed, snuggling back into his blankets, he cracked open his left eye again. “Also stop laughing at me, I’m ill.”
“Could you even breathe under all those blankets?!” George asked, and Matty wrinkled his nose in indignation, not bothering to respond. God, thought George, at thirty four years old Matty shouldn’t still manage to look so adorable, especially ill and unshowered, his curls greasy and askew, two day old stubble shading his jaw. 
“You’re so fucking cute,” George said verbalizing his thoughts, as he kicked off his shoes and undid his belt so that he could step out of his jeans. 
Matty preened as George grabbed onto the edge of one of the blankets, lifting it up so that he could climb in next to Matty. He specifically decided against commenting that Matty had settled in the bed backwards, so that his head was where their feet usually were. Matty let himself be maneuvered into George’s arms, now orientated correctly in bed as George leaned against the headboard.
Matty sighed contently, burying his face in George’s tee shirt covered chest, George’s fingers carding through his hair.  
“So,” said Matty after a moment, “I should have said this before we got comfortable, but about that Lemsip you said we have...”
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okthatsgreat · 5 months
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@lottiematthewsgirl ENABLER!!!!!!! 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻
still on the topic of ultimate talents coming with a time limit, a LOT of entertainment talents have to keep this in mind. the idea that eventually their target audience will abandon them because they have grown out of the talent they were initially famous for. honestly this kind of applies to ryobe even (considering his content creation is catered heavily to a teenage audience, and eventually he can't hold that relatability any more), but he has the possibility of pivoting into different content yknow? but ocs like erin and rie, whose entire lives revolve around a "character" (one is definitely more of a character than the other LMFAO) they must maintain in order to succeed in their industry, do NOT have that much of a choice. for a pageant queen and a children's entertainer, they are extremely limited in what they are able to achieve in their selective industries. not to mention, they only have so much time before they grow up and out of the age range that each industry calls for. this kind of pressure on two teenagers is a lot of the motivation of why they act in the way they do and why at times (especially in erins case) they act selfishly!
i've definitely touched on it already, but beauty and being seen as young and gorgeous is something that is so pivotal to rie's career. her entire livelihood frankly depends on her youth and beauty, and she only has so few years to capitalise on this before she is seen as expendable in the industry. it is an absolutely horrifying sentiment, but rie is in her prime at SEVENTEEN. which should be NOBODY'S prime. but she knows it, the beauty world around her knows it, and she must do literally everything she can to survive and thrive while she is able to before she becomes washed up and irrelevant. this is a lot of reason why she is so difficult to crumble personality-wise, because if she is seen as disagreeable that is a HUGE dent to her already flimsy career. thats why she keeps on that practiced smile of hers and answers every single question like it is the interview portion of a beauty pageant--- unbiased and vaguely compassionate :)
and i think something so interesting about pippy/erin especially in regards to time limits is that while rie is currently IN her prime, pippy is actually PAST it already. she is only a teenager and she is literally already past it. this is not pippy's prime and she knows it. the peak of her career was when she was a child!!! an actual child, when her tv show was the most popular and pippy made the most sense as a character!! so much of erins personality is a desperate attempt to maintain that child persona of hers that has gotten her into the industry and sustained her entire household. she cant AFFORD to grow up--- growing up means shedding pippy and losing everything. erin has been conditioned into this almost "do or die" mentality where even if there ARE other areas she could go into, she has been so greatly frightened away from them and considers her life to be over once her show ends. she is on seriously borrowed time, and the more she ages and keeps up this relentless, overly chipper persona the more obvious it becomes that she is a grown teenager in a children's costume trying desperately to cling on to the only fantasy world she has ever known and been loved for
yeah anyways they both make me insane. girls on borrowed time that consider their lives over when their careers end LOL. lol......
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nightfury-2001 · 6 months
Was just thinking about HTTYD 3 and was thinking about something particularly weird. That being that they were trying to show that the dragons had been domesticated like dogs. Here’s the problem, that isn’t true in the real world. When I was a baby my Mom put me on the floor so she could quickly do something. My Grandmom tried to pick me up and move me and one of our dogs growled at her (teeth and all) till she put me back down. A lot of people don’t seem to understand that just because dogs are domesticated doesn’t make them any less dangerous.
Tbf, I would say that domesticated animals are generally quite a bit safer to be around than tamed and especially untamed wild animals - they've been selectively bred over many many generations to have desirable traits and behaviors. That's not to say that domesticated animals can't be dangerous or cause harm, but a Labrador or whatever that's literally been bred to be friendly, playful, and to enjoy being around people is going to be far less likely to kill or seriously injure you than an animal that has been conditioned to tolerate and perhaps even like being around humans but still has the instincts, behaviors, and wants of a wild animal.
But anyway yes while I may not agree with your exact reasoning, "The dragons have been domesticated and that's why they're like that!!!" shit makes little sense because:
1. They're not even domesticated, like that's not what domesticated means, the word they're looking for is tamed. At best you could say the Berkians are in the earliest stages of domesticating certain species like Nadders, Gronckles, etc.
2. They can't even decide what they want the dragons to actually be (especially Toothless).....are they like cute "domesticated" pets? Wild animals that belong in the wild and only truly thrive and feel at home there? Sapient beings that are maybe not at literal human levels of intelligence in some areas, but are nonetheless much smarter than any real non-human animal (and so it's a bit weird to be like oh they're "just animals")? It's like they want them to be all three at the same time and it's just a mess lol.
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Honest question from a fellow Azul fan, wtf do you think is under Azul's tentacles? Because normally there's a beak down there, but I highly doubt he has one. Is it just smooth? Is there an ink sack in addition to releasing ink from his face? Is it where he releases his "waste?" If so does that mean "parts" are there too? Does he have the typical human/mermaid situation going on or does he have the "special" tentacle male octopi do? Both? It's been haunting me ever since I saw his mer form.
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First off, don't be sorry 🥺 I actually found the ask entertaining and pretty unique! Sorry it took so long.
I'm putting my answer under cut, though, since not everyone might be comfy with the topic. I will say as a general reminder that I am an SFW blog and don't entertain NSFW asks, but I'll still take this ask since it leans more onto biology and speculations.
Okay, now that you're here, let's address the first question: What is under Azul's tentacles?
Some people have thought that he has a beak under the tentacles, aka his second mouth. Yes, in octopuses, there is an ink sac near the anus area (but inside his body) where ink is produced. And since I said anus area, then yes, we can say that that is where Azul excretes. (Lawdy this is weirdly invasive to say)
The short answer I'll give you is this: I think under his tentacles is an anus, and he still has an ink sac, but he has no beak.
The long answer?
Here's the thing we have to take note of: Azul is a mer, not a full octopus. He has a human upper body, which includes a mouth. Assuming Little Mermaid's events took place around ~200 years before TWST"s story (which is set in contemporary era), that means octopus merfolk already go pretty far back. Thus, this means that that is a lot of time for the octopus mer species to evolve and change.
You probably heard in your biology class this theory called the theory of evolution by natural selection, made by Charles Darwin. The most rudimentary explanation I can provide is that the organisms whose traits ensure their survival in an environment will have more offspring than organisms with traits that don't ensure survival. Therefore, there is more of a chance for the former to produce offspring with the same traits as the parent.
Part of the evidences of this theory is this funky thing called vestigial organs. Basically, it's organs that have become useless over time because the species found no need for it. When the species finds no need for the organs, they weaken and/or disappear with each generation.
Let's go back to octopus mers then. They have a human upper body, including a mouth that has a pretty powerful jaw. So it is safe to say that the beak for octopus mers eventually had no use and slowly disappeared as the species evolved.
However, with the anus and ink sac, well octopus mers don't have a human bottom half (and therefore no human butt), so the hole under all the tentacles serves as the anus. The ink sac is honestly the one I'm most unsure about, but the reason why octopuses dispel ink is to distract predators and make their escape. The ink also serves to propel the octopus to swim faster. To this day, Coral Sea's social environment is still pretty vague, but there is the implication that it isn't as nice as the social environment on land. So it's possible that Azul has the ink sac still.
Now, onto the second question: Does Azul have the "special" tentacle?
Well 🤔 I don't see why not. Mer biology gets pretty funky when it comes to This, but each species evolves differently. Fish mers probably underwent the funky human/mer thing, while octopus mers were probably like, "lol wut" while flexing their one tentacle. It's important to also remember that male mers are built to mate with female mers, so whatever keeps the species thriving. 😂
Hope that this helps? 😅 I'm not sure which tags to put this under, but let me know if you need me to tag this under a certain topic.
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heredis-sanguinis · 6 months
Name: Cella
Pronouns: She/Her
Preference of communication: I prefer Discord. Tumblr's IM system is spotty as hell and most of the times does not update for me. Especially on mobile, which is where I'm at most of my days, because of my work schedule being all over the place. I'm willing to exchange Discord handles if people ask for it.
Name of muse(s): Active: Vladimir, Vayne (In process of re-making blog theme and sorting out archives) Inactive: Kalista, Karthus, Thresh, Illaoi, Swain, Veigar, Scarlet (LoL OC), Emperor Mateus (FFII), WoL (FFXIV OC), Erza Scarlet (Fairy Tail)
Experience / How long (Months/Years?): Oh man, I lost track of that stuff. I've been in the League rpc since before the lore reboot, back when we still had summoners and the Institute of War and the single circular-like continent. And before that I've been in other fandoms. I'd say, including ttrpg rping I've been at this game for over 20 years now (yes I am OLD) I've used Tumblr, Skype, Discord, MSN Messenger, PlayByWeb among others as mediums.
Best experience: I can go over the various specific threads and interactions that are close to my heart. But I really think that the lasting friendships I've build with past and present partners to be my best experiences. To meet so many different flavours of people, with their own lives and interests and stories, and become a part of their life (and vice versa) is what matters more to me than whatever rp-ing does.
RP pet peeves / dealbreakers: I'd like to think that I'm fairly easy-going as a writing partner. But, like anyone, I do have some lines I do not cross. Aged-up canon muses are a big no-no for me. I've had horrible and unpleasant experiences both personally and in fandoms with those. i.e. Annie is a child and someone rp-ing a young adult version of her just creeps me out, because obvious reasons are obvious. I adhere very strictly to the canon ages of canon characters, especially since Riot gave us an actual timeline to work with, or at least moderately accurately deduct dates with.
As far as pet peeves there is actually only one I can think of right now, my muses not being taken seriously and being ridiculed and made silly or memed at. This has happened to Vlad a few times and I just hard-pull the plug on interactions if it happens. He's a 1500+ year old homicidal tactical-thinking bloodmage, who is bored out of his mind most of the time. The fact he may crack a joke or two, or act aloof at times, does not mean he will not turn your muse inside out when insulted. This does not mean, in any way, he is unavailable for more casual interactions, but there is a very fine line between casual talk dare I say banter and downright memeing on him, and pushing him around. Luckily this has not happened in a long while, but it is something I can be sensitive on.
Muse preferences fluff, angst or smut: Angst > fluff > smut; though it can change depending on vibe and muses. Smut is something I rarely post publicly or write with someone else. I become extremely self-aware of my writing and over-analyse each and every word to the point it can take literal weeks until I come up with a reply that I do not want to gouge my eyes out at. Angst works wonders for my singular brain cell that thrives on it. Fluff is something that does not often happen, especially with my selection of muses. But it can be nice every once in a while.
Plots of memes: I can work with both. I don't mind plotting at all, but I prefer to not plot every little step out of an interaction between two muses. I like to be surprised by a partner's muse's reaction or response. And it feels a lot more natural, because there is always a certain level of compromises when it comes to plotting. Memes are a perfect ice-breaker as opposed to a first-meeting interaction (because let's face it, those can be pretty boring if it falls down to 'hi my name is x, who are you?') It makes us writers think out of the box slightly to have our dumbass children play together.
Long or short replies: It depends on the setting for the interaction. But I try to at least go for several paragraphs to give my partner something to work with and also offer development for both muses and give insight into mine's thoughts and actions. I'll never expect to be matched in length and will never fault someone for this either.
Best time to write: Since I work in three different shifts, which alternates per week, my activity hours shift a lot. So my 'best time' to write also changes. It mainly depends on a mood to write, especially with a manchild like Vlad as a muse.
Are you like your muse(s)?: Somewhat? I share some interests and personality qualities with my muses, for sure. But I wouldn't say I am a lot like them per se.
Tagged by: @blackrosesmatron Tagging: Anyone that hasn't done this yet and wants to do it. Consider yourself tagged!
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ruki--mukami · 2 years
Hello admin. I'm the same anon who asked about Ruki's redemption arc. I wanted to ask you how YOU would write Ruki's MB redemption arc. Or how you would conclude his MB route as I trust your writing more than Rejet's inconsistency.
🧩 To be honest with you, Anon, I’m flattered you trust my writing more than Rejet’s (I believe they change their writers with each game, which explains their inconsistencies) but I don��t have an answer as to how I’d redeem Ruki in the context of his MB route in particular. Not yet, at least. Maybe one day I’ll write my own version and post it. That’s something I’ve always wanted to do: take the original chapters of his route and expand upon them because omg are the originals short. 
If anything, I see the three routes (MB > DF > LE) as three parts to a larger story. I know they tried to redeem Ruki by making him seem like a character you can sympathize with, with the whole turning human by the end of DF cliffhanger and him learning the truth behind Karlheinz in LE. I believe they tried to turn him human again to use the common trope of making villains select right over wrong in hopes of redeeming the character (except Karl chose it for him and he just… agreed, of course, which doesn’t make it a redemption per se). And the whole aristocracy plot twist is supposed to make you feel sorry for him, which is ironically what he hates.
I guess what I’m trying to say is, after all the awful deeds Ruki has committed, at this point he is an immensely difficult character to redeem. And I am no skilled story writer by any means. I’m more so good at tapping into Ruki’s character and riding off of other people’s ideas, using him as a devil’s advocate or even antagonist to their stories more often than not. My redemption might look like a lot of torture and suffering inflicted by Ruki in the beginning, only for him to gradually help you with challenges that come your way. You soon learn that, despite him hurting you as much as he did, he’s adamant about being the only one who has the privilege of doing so.
For instance, perhaps they could’ve explored more of Ayato kidnapping Yui. It would’ve been interesting to see Ruki fight harder and formulate an elaborate plan to take her back after realizing the Sakamakis don’t love her like he does. Instead, canonically he just lets her go, and is shocked when she returns to him. But I know most people don’t like a story where the writers introduce a bigger villain to mitigate what the original villain did. Hence, why I’m not a very good storyteller, ahaha. I am working on my own Ruki route, though. 
I also think I’m probably the last person you should ask about redeeming Ruki. My love for the character really shows in my failed attempts to redeem him, because I often make the mistake of thinking people will grow soft on him because he shows one or two vulnerabilities amidst all the torture. He could step on me and I’d probably thank him, so there’s that. In a lot of the RP threads I have going, you may have noticed typically OC’s will develop a hatred for Ruki, and reasonably so. However, on a case by case basis I’m willing to allow him to compromise on some things. For example, in one ship I made him relinquish his master-livestock dynamic (although I really normally wouldn’t do this because the master complex is actually one of my favorite traits of his lol, so don’t expect that to recurring).
There are many ships I want to see thrive on this blog but even I don’t know how they’re going to get past the conflict. I try to have a mix of bloodsucking scenes and regular “bonding” scenes where they just share a normal conversation and find potential common ground, but whether or not you can call that redemption depends on the person’s tastes, which makes redemption for any character very, very difficult to write. And truth be told, I’d rather not diminish Ruki’s sadistic nature to make that happen, since I love the idea of this powerful, feral Vampire being obsessed with your blood only and the moment someone else tries to hurt you, he snaps. The “how dare you touch what belongs to me” possessiveness. Perhaps there should’ve been more scenes where you fall ill or sustain an injury outside of his punishments and then he shows genuine care over you, since even his possession is not allowed to hurt themselves and all that, but I’m just brainstorming now. These are just ideas on a whim that should be taken with a grain of salt, but when I write my fanmade route I will definitely take the time to flesh out these ideas into something workable.
TL;DR: I think my problem with redeeming Ruki is, I love him the way he is canonically, so to take away from his sadism in an attempt to redeem him never turns out well for me which is why I continue to make him sadistic, but just sprinkle bits of fluff here and there and then hope for the best. 🧩
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thewatercolours · 2 years
For a nice lol selection to go through, 5, 13, 36, and/or 48
OK, this didn't turn out short... but thus and so.
36. "Total Control"
Anticipation crackled inside King Graham’s fingers as he crossed the courtyard, Fall’s first frost crunching underfoot. The cocky feather on his newly mended cap fluttered in the wind. His cloak swished about his legs, its sturdy pockets full of supplies. A fletching kit for replenishing his quiver. A dark lantern, and an ordinary one. A hand mirror (oddly useful out and about.) Warm blankets and woolen wraps to give away. Pouches of coins from Llewdor and Serenia, which wouldn’t be so unknown in further climes, and hopefully wouldn’t draw worries about counterfeiting. All these items clattered about in the cloak, and about a baker’s dozen more. It felt odd to already be so loaded up at the outset of an adventure. He did enjoy starting fresh and unburdened. But this was a different kind of adventure. He wanted a challenge, yes, but if he was going to leave his kingdom for a time, saving the day competently had to come first. It was only responsible.
At his elbow, equal parts sternness and begging, walked Number One. “This is ridiculous – ridiculous,” he muttered, clenching and unclenching the fist at his side nervously. “Someone ought to have put their foot down before we got this far.”
“Someone did,” said Graham cheerfully, without breaking stride. “Several times. And every time you ended up coming round to seeing it my way.”
Number One continued as though Graham had said nothing. He doubled the speed of his words as though he needed to ensure every one of them was aired before they reached the drawbridge. “Back when the royal house of the Daventry had some prestige, a wandering king might have had some authority abroad and done some good. But sire, it’s the here and now. Beyond our borders, you’ll only be able to help the people as much as the next vagabond could.”
“As much as the next knight errant could.”
“Hmph. Even knights aren’t so respected as they were back in my, ahem, back in my grandfather’s day.” Number One paused, as though about to add something, seemed think better of it, and pressed on. “Especially those from Daventry. There’s a reason recruits tend to sign up for our tournaments as a last resort. But all this is besides the point. Here you are vested with power to make a difference. And even if you mean to do all kinds of noble things out there, why not leave it to those who have no power in the first place, and do your duty here? This is like going out to start a fire by rubbing two sticks together when you’ve got a tinderbox here in the palace.”
Graham gestured broadly at the view of the distant mountain pass that was coming into view as they neared the gate. “That’s exactly why I have to go. They haven’t got a tinderbox out there.”
Number One harrumphed again. “Forgive the analogy falling apart, but the whole point of what I’ve been saying is that the tinderbox doesn’t work out there.”
“But we’ve already got a fire burning in the hearth here.” Graham stopped, and looked Number One in the eyes. He didn’t let the smile leave his face, but let something new creep into his voice.
Number One had to see this was not a decision in process. They’d been preparing for this diligently for months, carefully plotting addenda and changing protocols, finding ways to ensure Daventry would thrive, not falter, if her king were also a wanderer. Number One had done the better part of this work. He had to accept the plan was already in motion.
“Daventry is getting back on its feet,” said Graham, more decidedly. "You yourself said it. We’re past hope being in the air. Our hopes are coming true! These past few years, we’ve put everything into restoring this kingdom. Now that the logs have finally caught fire, we can’t act like we’re still just blowing on sparks. We’ve made this work.”
Number One stared at the cobbles.
Graham reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder. “Number One, no one has what it takes to be my regent when I’m away like you do. I could not be more confident.”
Number One shifted away from his hand stiffly. “When Edward’s health began to fail, I was also a regent of sorts for him. Look where that got us.”
“Here,” said Graham firmly. “It got us here.” Again, he swept an arm out. This time he gestured not toward the mountains, but around the courtyard, bustling with life. Merchants queued up outside Number Two’s office to acquire permits to sell their wares on Daventry soil. A pair of good will ambassadors from a desert nation lounged against a merrily flowing fountain. A bevy of seamstresses chatted as they stitched away at pennants and banners in the king’s own red and blue. Autumn flowers bloomed in the castle windows boxes, and a ring of children from the recent influx of families to the town chanted a schoolyard rhyme. “Do we need to stroll down to the town square for me to show you more of where your decisions got us, Number One?”
“All this has happened since you took up the throne, sire. You know that perfectly well,” said Number One gruffly, though Graham noticed his head continuing to turn, taking in the whole courtyard.
“I wouldn’t have known the first thing about ruling if it weren’t for - ” He drew a breath, and rerouted. “This is stupid. I don’t even need to argue this out with you, because when I come back in three months, my point will be proved.”
Number One didn’t respond. Slowly Graham began walking again, and the guard fell into step with him.
“You always criticize me for not giving enough orders,” Graham said to him as Number Three raised the portcullis for them. “Maybe you’ll approve if I give you one now. Royal Guard Number One, I command you to take total control of Daventry until I return, and to justify my faith in you.”
“Yes, sire.”
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loreofthegayuma · 1 year
Lore/Mira/Fritz here and this is a personal side-blog!
Last Update: Mar. 11, 2024
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System, SEAsian, and bodily 26. Follows from @loreofthefritz (main/dbz blog).
This is a blog of us making text posts about issues, our life, or a little bit of both. There are also a lot of media we're obsessed with and a lot of things we find interesting.
A lot of us are semiverbal/nonverbal/selectively mute and we struggle with hearing so we ask that you kindly share a caption or transcriptions of your videos especially if you're sharing it to us specifically. Thank you for understanding <3
What we mean by semiverbal/nonverbal/selectively mute is...
That most of us have a hard time verbalizing our thoughts because we don't use words on each other when we talk. Sometimes we experience a verbal shutdown; we won't be answering asks, DMs, and won't be talking in the tags. Please be patient when that happens, we will be back shortly. Even if you find us posting text-heavy content, it doesn't mean we're currently not experiencing a shutdown, sometimes we just post those that have been in the drafts a long time ago during this time.
Some of us write and we intend to post some of them here and the other things we create. However, please do enjoy our blog for the meantime!
❗️This blog may post suggestive things on extremely rare occassions but never fullblown NSFW❗️
If there's any issue or problem at all that you want any of us to address, feel free to slip an ask or DM!
We mostly no longer tag for rbs unless we want to see them again. Anything else you want to know you can find in our carrd.
@loreofthefritz - main + dragon ball blog (don't follow this one unless you really like dragon ball). 《Fritz》
Other blogs:
We usually share blogs but I'll put under here which alter is mostly using the account:
@lore-loves-animated-shows - pixar, dreamworks, and disney side-blog. 《Fritz created this but they dont use it as often as our littles》
@loreoffandoms - sideblog of random fandoms (check its pinned post to see which they are) 《no one in particular》
@thedemon-mirajane - fairy tail, naruto/boruto, undead unluck, hunter x hunter, to your eternity, zom 100: bucket list of the dead, and yu yu hakusho sideblog! 《Rein and Mira》
@soccerpunching - sports animanga + mob psycho 100, dr. stone, bakugan sideblog (mostly inazuma eleven) 《Lore》
Tags I use for my own posts:
#lores of fritz - personal experiences, thoughts, and opinions of fritz
#lore dumps - personal experiences, thoughts, and opinions of lore
#rein-y days - personal experiences, thoughts, and opinions of rein
#demon hauls - personal experiences, thoughts, and opinions of mira
#fritz in rants - just our rants
#autihd fritz - personal experience or own memes about undiagnosed autism and adhd
#fritz gets asks - me answering asks
#anon cannon - getting anon asks
Tags for reblogs:
#suggestive - we won't be reblogging much of this but we'll definitely tag it so you can mute them
#serious misc - for stuff we should take seriously
#silly misc - for funny ones
#wholesome misc - for really heart-wrenching content
#autihd misc - anything related to autism, adhd, and sometimes just generally neurodivergent things
#disabled misc - news, discussion, helpful tips, etc. about being disabled and about disabled people
#gay misc - anything related to being queer specifically
#history misc - concerning history
#science misc - science side of tumblr lol
#food - anything about food
#misc - when we don't know where to put it
#creative help - important rb of things that may help creatives
#academic help - important rb of things that will help in studies and papers
#writing help and #writing advice - rb of writing advice
#language learning - anything about languages
#writing inspiration - rb of posts abt tropes. scenarios. or dialogues that may inspire writing
#thriving consumer help - saved resources that are helpful to us common folks. also says fuck you to the capitalists
#read and recommend #read list #others writing - writing of other people I want to reread
#adulting help - adulting tips
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it was really interesting to read your last few asks about the uswnt. i’m an english football fan so most of my football world is mainly about the PL/WSL + our national teams (rife with our own issues ofc), and my awareness of uswnt players in anything more than a general sense is only for those that play/ed over here.
c@rli has always given me sketch vibes and i’ve never known why, so nothing you wrote actually surprises me.
from the outside, it seems christen has been overlooked by the set up for years - is it a case of the system not supporting/recognising her (or even actively diminishing her) or were there genuinely people who merited selection above her?
getting to see christen + tobin play in matches over here last year was exciting af, i’ve developed a weird defensiveness over them lol (calling tobin a himbo? perfection)
(😂 toby is the most devoted wife i mean himbo in the absolute fondest most positive way lmao i love her & relate, it’s great to get to just vibe w your wife who is more competent than u in all ways lmfao)
& i mean discounting abby wambach who is definitely one of the absolute best players of all time, & kind of an anomaly, i think it’s sort of both the “way” the uswnt “likes” to play & also cp just being diminished or dismissed, like u brought up — as a 9, alex seems more built for what the us wants sometimes bc she’ll sit in & draw fouls. it’s not particularly productive a lot of the time, & she’s been terrible at club for a while. cp was a better player in college & club & then waited years for a uswnt call up. i don’t think in any world that alex (or arod, even, early on) are better players than her.
cp is also like…. incredibly smart & tactical & just brilliant off the ball, which i’m sure u know lmao. the us has relied for a long time on sheer athleticism to win games (which, now, is why u see the rest of the world beginning to catch up — teams are smart & tactical & incredibly athletic at the same time, & it pushes us to have to be the same). cp is all of those things — precise, terrifyingly fast, lethal around goal, when shes given consistent opportunities in systems that make sense, & with teammates who understand (& adore) her style of play.
what’s frustrating to me (& i’m sure this isn’t a new take) is that alex has gotten tons of accolades & that’s mostly bc jill just constantly played her. she’s also white, straight, wealthy, not even particularly liberal — the all american girl next door, prolific queen of sponcon, etc. of course that’s the kind of player the uswnt LOVES, especially pairing her w wambach (i love abby infinitely, to be clear, she’s just less palatable a person to the american dads who pay for their daughters to play soccer). it’s not even an alex-only thing obviously, the 99ers kind of set up uswnt to look & be one way — female athletes who were entirely non-threatening to femininity.
i think if u look at alex, who works in a “traditional” kind of us play, u can kind of say like oh maybe she’s just a more traditional kind of player. but tobin isn’t at all a traditional kind of player (in the BEST way) but she’s always been a uswnt darling. tobin is like hot & soft butch & Clearly presenting as queer now (& she seems SO deeply happy!!! love that for her) but when she was younger she was actually also pretty femme a lot of the time. it looked so uncomfortable but she fit the bill of like. what a uswnt should look like, dress like, etc: thin, white, wealthy, able-bodied, relatively conservative, christian, patriotic, not out as gay (i’m not abt to say tobin was straight lmao but u know what i mean).
& so i think ur hitting on both points — the us system favors a particular kind of bruising play that is becoming less & less effective, & that’s why you see cp THRIVE when systems are smart & encourage off the ball movement, especially out on the left wing. (she can kick ass at a 9 tho). but there’s a rly gross underpinning of a lot of just gross racism & lots of other intersections. it’s not just cp obviously but i think she’s probably the most glaring example of a brilliant player who has never been honored for her incredible skill (crystal too) — even listening to commentators talk about cp & crystal, mix them up sometimes, describe their play as “fast” & “aggressive” Only, etc, just sheds light on how widespread & deeply rooted an underpinning it is.
however, if u look at cps goal involvement over minutes played, she’s actually prolific as hell!!! i genuinely cannot imagine how difficult maintaining her level of play within such harm has been, & she seems truly happy & peaceful & emotionally/mentally well on top of that (w her wife aka a golden retriever). seriously tho i gain more respect for her all the time. she’s a little neoliberal for my politic sometimes but like. she’s pretty fucking awesome
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songofsongs214 · 3 years
Hi friends, I’ve got some thoughts I wanted to share. And for the record I’m loving all of our speculations, analysis, and the fact that we’re all freaking out over a 3 second promo 😂 I love this show.
So let’s discuss this whole undercover Lucy story we’ve got going.
First off, I will say that I’m not a fan. It was hard watching those scenes where Lucy’s ptsd was triggered and the “party scene” meh. Could have gone without. Although, Lucy is a badass and Tamara there added a dilemma I wasn’t counting on. I didn’t think Nyla would go that far but probably necessary. I honestly enjoyed Tim and Nolan more in that episode.
So now that I’ve got my bias out of the way , it makes sense to me for Lucy’s character to go into this arc. This character has been wanting to prove herself since the pilot. We knew from her backstory that she was floating though life with no direction and was fighting for her parent’s approval. So then She joined the police academy, met Nolan and Jackson and finally found that support and encouragement she was craving. Then she dated Nolan. Which makes total sense she gravitated toward an older man who was in the same place in life as her. He was recently found and found companionship there.
Now as we go through season 1, the dynamic with Tim is established. Now I think there was an attraction with the characters but both didn’t really want to acknowledge it and subconsciously never considered it (now us as the fans watching it know better lol). Lucy is a natural born test taker so she complained so much about his tests and some of those Tim tests were pretty unkind but they trained her to perform well under that kind of pressure. I think her character secretly not so secretly loved it. She thrives from the banter, the push-pull, pranks, and ultimately the challenge. It was what we enjoyed the most as an audience and it bonded her and Tim without them even knowing it.
Another aspect of Lucy Chen is that this woman craves a stable loving romantic relationship. Peppered throughout seasons 1 and 2 she makes multiple comments about romantic relationships and how she is upset that she’s still single ( honesty pretty realistic for this age group considering I find myself personally in this boat 😂). Then Caleb happens.
She is tortured, branded and buried alive. This is a huge trauma and I wonder if the writers took the route of showing her suffering through her trauma in a more subtle way and realistic. I work with trauma survivors pretty regularly and a common thread is that trauma affects more than just the physical parts of an individual. One sign of there being existing trauma is numbing. Lucy went forward with Emmett and she physically was present with him but not emotionally. Which is why I think he broke up with her. And Tim calls this out into the light too. She jumps into work and continues to excel with Tim tests and feels a little less alone when she glimpses the softer side of Tim and feels safe enough to share parts of herself.
Then, her first taste of undercover work. From the outside it looks exciting, fulfilling, dangerous and requires a high level of skill and improvising. It’s appealing as hell because not everyone can do it; it’s for a select group of people. Shes drawn to it because it makes her important. It gives more meaning in her mind. She is someone unique and it makes her traumas obsolete or even an asset to her.
That “confession” to Tim was a turning point in her relationship with Tim. Not only was he starting to consider it and reflect on his feelings for her, she did too. All those reasons were too specific to just pull out of her bum. Plus it was prpbobally easier and less scary for her to say these things she was prpbobally already thinking on a controlled way where she was in control and hoodwinked him. Then that beautiful scene in the garage. Tim gives her exactly what she needs and continues to be her encourager and she got to end with a flips bomb, a bit of fun.
Then she graduated from the fto program. She knows what happened to her during this program and she feels an accomplishment. Then her mom and her have that scene. Not only is her mom disappointed in her, but she invalidates who she is based on the choices she’s made. That would break any person. Because it’s not just they don’t like her job they don’t like her. They love her but won’t support her.
Which brings us to these crop of episodes. Lucy looks up to Nyla. And she remembers how she helped her after she came back to patrol. She sees the undercover world as a challenge and something she can make people proud. It was very telling to me to hear the dialogue with Grey that she “wouldn’t let him down”. Grey makes it a point to tell her you don’t have to do that. But she’s already in that mindset.
Again the natural born test taker in her takes over when Nyla starts to test her. And that narcotics guy was honestly a shadow of Tim Bradford. ( no offense to the actor, just not a fan of the character). He wasn’t set up for me that I would want to get to know him better. Tim Bradford was a much more hardened character who spiraled out the first half of season 1, but I always wanted to know more. This guy: no thanks you can go now.
Finally, this character wants to do undercover because honestly in her mind she doesn’t have anything else going on. She’s still a cop but like “the elite kind” doing this mission. She’s proving to herself that Caleb didn’t “ruin her” ( I read that in a fan fiction, it belongs to Emma). Her trauma has meaning. She wants to prove herself and she doesn’t have a romantic relationship that she cares about and no backing from her parents. I think she’s realizing her feelings for Tim, but that’s all it is at this point ( oh the slow 🔥). It’s a realization. Now this wedding will reveal to her and Tim maybe there’s more that she can do with her life than be another person to feel like herself.
In conclusion, Lucy’s character would be drawn to undercover but we as an audience have seen so many examples of how undercover work ruined people’s lives. Starting with Isabelle then Nyla and now Mack. But I think it’ll take some time for Lucy to see it for herself, because to her she thinks she’s invincible and it won’t happen. Which is why we need this not to be a seris finale, there’s too much to get into.
And my plea is that everyone who has loved the rookie would watch on Sunday and on streaming sites after to boost those ratings to the highest it could be. Because even if we all get clowned on Monday, if we get another season there’s more story to see.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk :)
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bluewinnerangel · 3 years
People are just quick to make conclusions about songs’ interpretations. An album can be about your relationship without being a whole tribute to your lover. There kinda is a red string for both FL and Walls that is their relationship, simply because it’s one constant for most of their life ? They change as individuals, their environment evolves all the time, but them being together is the one thing that stayed put for the last 10 years. So yeah, a lot of their songs are gonna imply each other somehow, but it doesn’t make it any less about their own self growth. They’re just. Kind of part of each other now. Seeing them as solo artists and individuals doesn’t mean totally erasing their partner’s existence, but singing about your relationship doesn’t mean you’re forgetting yourself either. The catch with Larry is that we have now 11 years of context, so we tend to forget about creative process in songwriting and focus more on timelines and "proofs" and stuff (like the princess park line). Everyone has an agenda to push when it comes to Harry and/or Louis’ songs lol (rads want them broken up so they see walls as a break up album, solo harries live for the pussy anthem push..)
Oh god it's a ramble:
Yepyepyep. But is it really the case that people have made these conclusions? A lot of it just comes down to not taking the time to say things in a nuanced matter on the internet right? Which accounts for... everything. I mean you can read some of my posts and conclude that I'm always making everything about larry at all times. See some others and think she must be fun at parties just trashing cute "larry proofs" or whatever. Like it's about what shit reaches your eyes, and you bet 9/10 times it's going to be that hot topic serotoninboosty pairing of 2 lines in their lyrics stuff that is quick to spread rather than a longwinded breakdown about their individual growth even though lots of us appreciate both, one is just a see-hehe-reblog, the other one is a gotta get myself some tea and biscuits and the right mindset and I might not have that right now but I totally agree(nevermind that there's no room for these kinda things on any platform but on blogs).
But also I have never been this deep in a fandom (or anywhere close even) so I might be full of shit here but to me Harry, and Louis, but especially Harry is in a pretty unique position where his fanbase is divided in so many little sub-groups that have wildly different ideas of him but all are reading deep deep deeply (but some... selectively) into his shit. The only other person I can think of being in a similar position would be Taylor Swift. Like which artist has got this "problem" (I don't think it's a problem, I think there's a reason their fandoms are like this: because these gayvinci bullshit artists thrive in this shit and keep feeding it) really where else is there this much speculation about what their songs are about, that people are trying to decipher what's going on, and land on many many different conclusions. And that a lot of sides of their fandom, even if they draw wildly different conclusions, are able to recognize the same hints, one being for Harry that he is and has been in a longterm relationship, another one being that he's gay, and welp with that some just go UNO REVERSE CARD and somehow end up on another ship but ok. But I do think this kinda... euh.... with lack of a better word conspiracy factor really enables this focus on cracking a code, trying to read between the lines, all that, and sometimes that just overshadows that that whole part of their work is just an added layers and first and foremost they're just.. people. Living their life. Singing about the things they have been through. About the thing they care about. And sometimes that's going to be about their partner, sometimes not. Like. Any artist.
good lad good lad nice little ramble.
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hisunshiine · 3 years
Escape ✈︎ Chapter 1
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✈︎ chapter 1: dear lucky ARMY...   | ✈︎ Escape Series — 18+, Mature
   ✈︎ genre: none this chapter future smut, fluff, angst
    ✈︎ word count: 1,143 words
    ✈︎ pairing: none this chapter
    ✈︎ warnings: none this chapter
 ✈︎ summary: It was a running joke within the fandom that you all should just buy an island, move there, and have Namjoon be the president. That is, it 𝘸𝘢𝘴 a running joke, until one day on Twitter, it all came to a head. When the GoFundMe receives enough money and instructions to purchase said island, what choice is there to make but to do it?
✈︎ a/n: hi! this story is near and dear to me and @mrsparkjimin18​′s heart! we started this story last year to help cope with covid-19 for both us and our friends who are readers! we hope that we can do the same for you and provide an escape. the first 2 chapters are short and start off slow, but i promise it picks up chapter 3 with our first pairing and some smut and then it doesn’t stop. lol
   | series masterlist | next chapter | hisunshiine | mrsparkjimin18 |
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It has been a few weeks since you and the girls came up with the idea to start a GoFundMe, and donations have been flowing in. You receive a message from Vanessa, saying it’s urgent and to call her immediately.
“Nessa, what’s going on? What is so urgent?” You ask. You can hear her rapidly clicking the keys on her keyboard.
“Have you checked our GoFundMe today?” she asks. You wonder why she is asking, feeling nervous at the tone in her voice.
“No, have we reached our goal of twenty thousand dollars?! That would be amazing and it has only been--”
She cuts you off.
“Girl… no… w-we, I mean somebody, an anonymous donor donated an extremely generous amount, just check the account. I have to make sure I am not losing my mind.”
You open your laptop and pull up the account, when you see the donation you drop your phone and scream.
“Is this real?!?! I-I….WE ARE GOING TO BUY AN ISLAND!!!!!!” You remember that Vanessa is still on the phone.
“Hello?! Y/N!!!! What the hell? So I’m not crazy?!” She is just as excited as you are.
“No, you’re not...the donor also put a note of a few islands we could purchase. Well, what do you want to do?”
Vanessa answers quickly.
“We need to start looking into this donor's suggestions, like now.” You both agree to let the other admins of the page look into the islands and you will have to decide by tomorrow.
After researching all night, everybody has agreed to purchase a Caribbean Island: Long Caye, Belize. The island already has standing properties, enough for a decent amount of people to live in for starters, so there wasn’t any work that needed to be done right away. 
Since everyone had come to an agreement on which island to choose, Vanessa  reached out to the donor, notifying them that you all were thankful to them for not only their donation, but also their list of islands, as it made it easier for you all to make a choice. After a few days, of which you were growing more and more nervous, the donor finally messaged back and disclosed that they were willing to pay for a charter plane to transport 14 lucky people to the island. 
Of course the seven of you will all be going, since you were the ones who came up with the idea. Vanessa suggested a Twitter Giveaway, with 7 lucky winners to come live on Bangtania Island. The giveaway contest will run for two weeks, and then upon it’s closing, the 7 winners will be chosen and then announced two weeks after. This would give you all enough time to go through the entries and select the 7 lucky people who would join your group of seven and fly to your newly acquired island, Bangtania.
The amount of people who entered the giveaway was insane. Of course there were those who didn’t believe that such a thing was real, but Vanessa posted the proof of the purchase on the giveaway account page, along with a video made with you and the 6 other girls, and now it was almost draining watching the notifications rack up. Daily you each took turns monitoring entries and adding the names to the raffle, cross checking entries with the word document to make sure there weren’t double entries from the same page. 
You couldn’t wait till it was over, having already packed up your stuff as soon as you had seen the donations on GoFundMe had exceeded the amount needed; you just wanted to be done with all the bullshit and go live on your own island with other ARMY that you had made friends with on Twitter.
Sitting on the plane, 13 girls surrounding you laughing and drinking the complimentary champagne on board, you read over the email that everyone had received a few days before departure.
Hey guys, the donor sent this email to me and asked me to forward it to you all!
Dear lucky ARMY,
Congratulations on being one of the 14 to kick off this new venture. I ran across your GoFundMe while looking for worthwhile groups to donate to, and I saw what you had written about everything your fandom has gone through, and how you needed an escape. In these trying times, I can understand that need, and I hope that my donation was able to help you with your goal so that you will enjoy living on the island. We may not know each other, but I was so moved by your passion for your favorite group, that I have decided to continue to help you all out. The charity I have extended doesn’t just end at the plane, as I have decided to continue to donate to help your small island nation thrive, as it is a very good tax write off for me. Since you have no source of income from the island just yet, I will be helping send shipments to the island of what you need. It would be best to appoint someone to be in charge of things, like keeping track of food, water, toiletries, etc. so that you can stay stocked up for everyone. I will be sending a delivery to arrive before you get there of some basics that will help with getting started. You will find it in the main house. I trust Miss Vanessa has received the key to get everyone situated upon your arrival. I have already sent someone to set up the water and electricity, as well as internet access. Once there it will be prudent that you set up some type of form of government, unfortunately a country cannot function without one, but with so few people, this should not be difficult. Trust one another, and as your favorite boys say, love yourself, and love each other, and enjoy.
The rest of the email provided the addresses of the different buildings on the island, like the main house, the empty building that could be seen as a sort of town hall, and the convenient little storefronts off the very small port area for docking boats. 
The storefronts were not actively in use, and one shop was an open room that was full of mailboxes for deliveries, and each of you was given your own for post, which was nice. You were all able to share your address with friends and family before leaving, instructing them with how to send you care packages and letters.  
You looked up from your phone as you could hear a rather loud chorus of laughter; Talia had said something funny and Vanessa was hunched over wiping away tears from laughing so hard. Everyone on board was in good spirits, you couldn’t imagine it getting any better than this.
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↣ all rights reserved © hisunshiine & mrsparkjimin18 2020-2021. please do not repost. translations & modifications are not allowed.
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4 & 7 please
Word: Test
Sure!! Okay i'm assuming u mean 'test' as the title lol!
tbh the first thing that comes to mind is my EM academic rivals AU 😂 but that's no fun since that's already a thing so I feel like it'd probably be some kind of game or like an actual test they're both working towards. Maybe a more serious dystopian survival kinda test, i'm leaning towards something similar to the chunin exams in Naruto or like final selection for demonslayer where you have to prove yourself, or like goldie pond in TPN. UGh EM in like a survival test scenario 😭 If they come out alive, they're doing well, they're probably fighting monsters too, not sure what kind and they just have to survive a few nights or something. Of course they probably hate each other or rather maybe Eren hates Mikasa, Mikasa is too above him to hate him, he's like dirt under her shoe. She's not even concerned with him as competition, and of course this fires up Eren more that his percieved rival doesn't even acknowledge his existence. He always picks fights with her in (demon hunting school?? idk some sort of academy situation, we're combining naruto and demonslayer ideas here) And Mikasa is so fucking unphased, it's all about her, and the competition so they get released into an evil forest of monsters, are expected to survive the night, thrive actually, and Mikasa is doing well, great actually, but then during battle a demon sneaks up on her and her leg is injured. Of course Mikasa is still trying to battle it out to her last breath and is growling and snapping and Eren should of course leave her cuz it's real cut throat and he's probably going to get eaten if he sticks around but he's like DEEP SIGH I can't let my rival die. So he grabs her, the whole time Mikasa is like cursing him that she doesn't need any help and they probably argue as they escape and hide and Mikasa of course goes on to win the competition regardless bc he wakes up and she's gone, off slaying demons again with nothing but a crudely written note that says 'i didn't need your help'. But they develop kind of a soft spot for each other after 🥺🥺🥺
7. This one is really tough because honestly a lot of my favourites are from stuff i've already written 😂 Like I was rereading Yeagerist Miaksa the other day and cackling because Eren was losing his mind about it. But i think some of my fave lines are from MMDS when they're fighting, I wrote this entire fighting scene around Eren's line 😂
“Mikasa why would I cheat on you? Why? Please explain, please give me one good reason I’d cheat when I’ve loved you for not one but TWO FUCKING LIFETIMES.”
and Mikasa's makes me laugh too bc I can just imagine her with crazy eyes thinking about cutting someone's spinal cord bc it's so familiar to her 🤣
“I’ll break her Eren I swear to god, chop her into little bits, I’ve got a clear line of her spinal cord, it’d take one swipe.”
Hard to believe a girl right out of high school could go that dark.
But that's not as fun, so here, this is from Switch! I have a lot of stuff written for that fic that I don't know if I'll have the opportunity to share and when so I'll share it now just in case I switch up how the storyline is going 😉
But its no fun to just give old lines lol so here's something from Switch! It's not necessarily my fave, but I don't know when I'll be able to share this if it'll be next chapter or if i might change things up plotwise so here u go 😉
Since they’ve started this little game, Eren has quickly come to realize how much he loves teasing her, especially sexually. Before, it was just little barbs back and forth with words, but now, he can bring her to the edge of orgasm and make her wait, claiming it’s just in her head.
He fucking loves it. One day, he just can’t resist slipping it in while they’re watching a movie. She’d been bouncing on his lap so excitedly, her rhythm so good, as she chatted about the movie he couldn’t help it.
She’d whined breathlessly, “Ren, we can’t you said—“ He cuts her off with a slam of his dick up into her messy cunt. “Baby I think we should amend the rules."
Mikasa can do nothing but nod against his shoulder, trying to hold back her sweet little whimpers.
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lady-charinette · 4 years
Adrien Agreste =/= Sociopath - About Adrien Salt
I've seen a lot of posts going around about Adrien being a sociopath or the other (harasser, abuser...etc.)
What I find most of those posts lacking is looking at the big picture, or just zeroing in on certain moments of the show and even disregarding the context of those selected moments to unfairly rule judgement on a child (in canon) no less.
Definition of sociopath: A sociopath is a term used to describe someone who has antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). People with ASPD can’t understand others’ feelings. They’ll often break rules or make impulsive decisions without feeling guilty for the harm they cause.
People with ASPD may also use “mind games” to control friends, family members, co-workers, and even strangers. They may also be perceived as charismatic or charming.
We have to analyze the context and the surroundings Adrien is in.
Family, social life, relationships (platonic and romantic), personality, age, environment...etc.
We know Adrien has a father who is controlling, preferring to micro-manage every aspect of his son's life to continue to have a semblance of control at all times. We assume (heavily implied in the show), that his mother was kind, warm and emotional (whether that emotional is the "out-there" kind her twin sister has, it remains to be seen.)
According to a snippet from "Simon Says", Adrien also has "Quite a temper, you remind me of someone" according to Gabriel's own words, we can assume the "someone" is Emilie, Gabriel says this when Chat Noir refused to follow his orders and told him to basically "get off his high horse". In this context, anyone who defies Gabriel in such a way would either be branded as "disobedient" or to "have quite a temper".
According to Adrien himself in "Adrien's Double Life" (from Miraculous Secrets) he describes being Chat Noir as "...I can finally do whatever I want to do, say whatever comes to mind." He doesnt feel as restricted and controlled since that's the one aspect of his life his father has no knowledge of.
Social life:
Adrien has had no or very little interaction with peers.
Evidence: Chloe being his childhood friend. Felix commenting on Chloe's appearance in the video she sent for Adrien's birthday, saying "Chloe. Just as annoying as usual." suggests he knows her from before, maybe even as early on as their childhood days.
This makes Felix and Chloe the only kids, of spoiled and rich background, with whom Adrien interacted.
Felix is shown to be good at manipulating people and keeping up appearances (potentially connected to insecurities within the family? Not confirmed), Chloe is openly mean and bullies others (with underlying insecurities also connected to her parents).
The only positive adult (if Gorilla isn't as involved and Nathalie had been solely Gabriel's secretary and not Adrien's caretaker since there was Emilie) in Adrien's life would be his mother, who also fell into a coma during Adrien's formative years (and still during a time where he's figuring himself and his emotions out: puberty), leaving him with his father.
Moving on, even if the writer's sometimes may not always successfully show Adrien being awkward in social interactions, it doesnt mean they dont exist.
This interaction between him and Marinette, asking for her autograph, very formal in his question, awkward in posture:
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He's picked up on some speech patterns from his frequent interactions with Nino ("dude", "Hey man." "Totally dude.") showing he's, like many people, mimicking his friend's behavior and speech to grow more favorably in their eyes.
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The same pattern can be observed with Gabriel and Adrien: Adrien adopts his father's formal speech whenever talking to him, since that appeases him.
Adrien has had very limited friendly interactions with his peers, romantic interactions are basically non-existent. The scenes where Adrien is being chased by his fans, who obsessively adore him, cant be linked to Adrien experiencing healthy romantic contact (Lila doesn't count since she only uses Adrien to further her goals). Marinette doesn't count since Adrien's isn't even aware of her romantic feelings for him. (Again, difficulties picking up social cues due to only ever being homeschooled > limited social contact with peers)
So no, in my humble opinion, Adrien sometimes doesn't understand other people's feelings not because he's a sociopath, but because he's an awkward kid with very little experience about making friends and having healthy relationships with them.
Let's be direct here: Gabriel is an abusive as*hole.
If the writer's wanted to show Gabriel struggling or having remorse for his actions being Hawkmoth and putting his son through danger, well... They blew it. "Gorizilla" was a 5 second reaction of Hawkmoth showing concern after letting Adrien fall from a skyscraper. Applause. After that? Not much.
Nathalie: Adrien likes, she takes care of him, his schedule, was the one to convince Gabriel to let him attend public school. There are moments in the show where she softens up towards Adrien, but always carries that air of professionalism on her to (possibly, assumption) not grow too close. Gorilla is...Gorilla, but at least the man tries with his nonverbal support and affectionate grunts. Lol.
Gabriel: He loves his father. It's his parent, after all. However, Adrien's reactions to him are vastly different than to how he reacts when thinking of his mother. He shows signs of fear (tensing up, growing obedient...etc.), he excuses his father's excessive controlling tendencies to just be "he's just worried about me", "that's the way he always was", "father cares and protects me". Adrien shows to be frequently disappointed with Gabriel, one of the first scenes being that Gabriel couldn't attend parent's day at school, Adrien was talking on the phone alone in the school hallway. He was genuinely surprised by the blue scarf his father gifted him (not knowing it was Marinette), since all he used to get were pens (again, not even from Gabriel, but Nathalie). This is my assumption but: Adrien has previously begged his father to go outside more or attend public school, but this time it worked only because Nathalie managed to convince him.
Friends from school: Nino is his best friend, Adrien seems to be good friends with Alya too, basically everyone in class, with varying degrees of closeness. Chloe is a childhood friend whom Adrien is fond of but also grows exasperated with and corrects her behavior if she's too harsh.
Marinette: likes and respects her, but can't read her well or at least when he thinks he's got her figured out, she claims the opposite. Marinette has been sending mixed signals, on one hand even making Adrien believe (and fear) they weren't friends. "Chat Blanc" contrary to popular belief, showed that Adrien is delighted at the prospect of Marinette being Ladybug (he'd severe doubts when Chloe or anyone else was brought up as a possible option).
Kagami: likes her, respects her, admires her fencing skills, learned to have fun hanging out with her and playing as kids usually do since she also has a controlling parent and they both know some ways/tricks around their boundaries to sneak off and meet their friends. Adrien and Kagami have similarities in that respect, Gabriel pushing Adrien to be a model, Mrs. Tsurugi pushing Kagami to be a master fencer.
Lila: At first defended her, was friendly towards her since she was a new student from overseas he sympathized because surely it would be lonely? The new girl would need a friend who supported her through all this things that were new for him too. However, as soon as he caught wind of Lila's schemes, he changes his tune. He feels uncomfortable around her overstepping his boundaries, expresses anger when Lila accused Marinette of crimes she didn't commit and even makes a deal with her to not bother Marinette again (but use him instead, doing photoshoots together...etc.) to keep her safe.
A 14-15 year old, having lost his mother, the only positive, healthy relationship in his life. Surrounded by a controlling father, not much free time, many extracurricular activities and being a superhero alongside Ladybug.
Some of the signs of being a sociopath include: Breaking rules and being impulsive.... Didn't Ladybug do those too?
Breaking the rules: (since LB and Marinette are the same) stealing phones, sneaking into places where she shouldn't, using the miraculous for personal gain (latest example: getting Kagami away from Adrien), giving Adrien the snake miraculous due to personal preference instead of drawing logical conclusions. Sneaked into the Agreste mansion.
Impulsiveness: Marinette's daily fantasies (sharing a future life with Adrien and their hamster-who-must-not-be-named), when Lila's "precious family heirloom necklace" was "stolen", Marinette was quick to include her classmates in the list of potential perpetrators for it (without ill intent, but still..)
You know who the real potential sociopath in the show is?
Some of you might include Lila too (since she fits all the criteria for being a sociopath), but the key difference is: Lila is still just a kid.
We don't know much about her family life. Just that her mother is busy with work, we don't know where her father is, who her friends were/if she even had them. She might be lying and manipulating people to follow her own agenda, but she thrives in attention, when people notice and praise her. In some aspects, that could've been Adrien. With one neglectful parent, a missing parent, no friends (prior to going to school)...etc. There is also a lot we don't know about her.
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