#you aint seen nothing XD
cpcposting · 1 year
my fave hobby is crossing cpc over with media that is the complete opposite of it
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shower-phantom-ideas · 9 months
You guys just don’t understand
You can’t even begin to grasp the amount of pranks Danny could pull on super heros (is that one words? Superheros?)
Added a read more because I hate long posts
Danny as a ghost is so powerful. Like our boy can walk through walls, disappear, and fly! Do you even grasp how much more unique he is than the others guys??
Jokes aside just imagine if you will. Danny could leave batburger cups next to Batman all the time (he comes back later to toss em out of Big ol B doesn’t)
Like hell we talk about Danny just showing up basically stalking the heros but ok hear me out. He didn’t mean to figure out Batmans identity ok but he was in the right place at the right time and over heard some stuff. Now he follows Bruce Wayne around instead. Always spitting out if a batburger cup. Maybe Bruce makes eye contact with him and one time Danny just leans his drink out to as one does to offer a sip xD the man is horrified.
For the ?Robins? The other bats maybe he leaves gifts of sorts. Stuff they would like made from his ice or something. He can understand becoming a hero young and most (if not all) of them did that. He plays favourites with the younger Heros for sure. But hes still making them have there “God?? Is that you” moments like everyone else.
Hell he could follow Superman around and always make his cape flow against the wind and the Hero wouldn’t know wtf is going on. Maybe Superman hears a very slight snickering maybe but the prank is harmless enough so why worry too much. I mean it’s probably bad someone can do this without getting detected till they give themselves away by laughing but nothing harmful yet. (Yet would emphasise Batman)
I don’t know anything about GreenArrow but I assume he uses a bow and arrow so I could imagine Danny grabbing his arrows and making them fly in crazy wild paths before hitting their mark.
Idk honestly how he would fuck with GreenLatern besides like using his ghost powers to try and one up his ring. Like Lantern makes a shield? Danny makes a better one next to it or in front of it. Tbh it’s actually helping Danny get better at his powers so he does this a lot rip Hal (I did not know he was played by Ryan Reynolds maybe ill watch the newer movie)
He refuses to mess with Wonder Woman because the Phandom has told me she is his fav thus he refuses to prank her. He respects her too much and is a huge enough fan that hes too nervous to even approach. Thus she thinks she is this pranksters least favourite since she is never bothered.
Aqua-man (thx for the correction siri) is pretty fun to prank because Danny can follow the man underwater. Idk anything about science of it but imagine Danny like making a space he can talk in with his ice powers (making a bubble of sorts) to make spooky noises at ?Arthur? (R we seriously going with Arthur in this one?) like I assume without actual fish related powers, or with them I havent seen any thing aquaman, you can’t talk underwater. But also if Danny figures out his real name hes 100% gonna be playing the Hey Arthur theme at this man all the time.
He just lowkey overshadows cyborg. Not in a controlling way but just along for the ride kinda way. He was gonna make remarks about his tech but ended up being stunned by how good it is. “Fam I aint gonna lie. I came here to follow you around and make comments like a streamer but your tech is crazy cool. I mean you could have saved a little room with a more compact cooling unit but I mean this is probably some of the best stuff I have seen outside my family!” Or something idk. Maybe he goes full on antman in coldwar
As for the Flash thats pretty simple. He doesn’t let the Flash run from him. I don’t think Danny could keep up with the Flash at all. Like man cants have everyones powers (can’t he tho) but he just hangs on and pretends to have followed. I mean hes invisible the whole time so not like anyone can see lmao though if (idk who the flash is? So ill use Barry cause thats why google say) if Barry goes too fast he might get Danny to give up the game cause boy is on the side vomiting. Barry is pretty smug about probably being the first to throw the prankster for a loop but Danny is just on the side like “how can you go that fast and not be sick dude”
Like tbh I was gonna just make a list of pranks he pulls on Batman but yall seem to enjoy the Justice League so here go off I guess.
Honestly I had to charge my phone so I forget a lot of the post rip this kne
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frostythefrostedfox · 4 months
I don't even have a witty caption to make, y'all know this is true, stop coping, I've seen Fallout cutscenes with better animation than this show, putting same 8 characters in the same 4 locations for 23 episodes aint funny.
Boom wasn't trying to take itself seriously and that's why it was funny, but y'all doing the same shit that Boom made fun of and acting like Kojima directed the show, Idris Elba voiced Shadow and Nolan North voiced Sonic
Nine is as threathening as an Ipad kid at Walmart
Alexa Rose gave a minute long speech to a robot like it was able to understand anything.
I can already hear y'all yapping "m-muh mandates", "r-rushed production", "b-budget", how about y'all get a new argument for a change, I can watch Liar Liar every day of my life until I die and still crack my ass off laughing at it, but y'all aint Jim Carrey so get new material, please.
BTW, where is your lord and saviour Ian "Jesus" Flynn preaching his gospel? Because last I heard this man wasn't shutting his trap about how "Prime is 420% canon my dude, how? I can't tell you lol xd because it would be a spoiler, but trust me bro, I know shit... How do I know? Because I made it up like everything I say!", y'all been real quiet ever since the middest of the mid, the ultimate corporate gobslop, dropped
Sonic X wasn't the peak of the peakest-est peak-er either, but damn, it was enjoyable and consistent with itself, at least have some self awareness.
I'm glad I only saw like 2 episodes of this thing before watching S3, and guess what, I didn't needed to watch the whole thing because the exposition dump in this show makes backwatching unnecesary.
And don't think I am going to agree with the other side either, people acting like that bunch of mismatched sprites in one of the introductions killed your grandma or something, dude chill out, is a cartoon blue hedgeheg, yeah it was cringe as fuck but y'all acting like Sonic just said something like "Team Magma did nothing wrong, N was right", you can criticize something without acting like its the end of the world, stop overrreacting, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but by doing this, you aint making Sonic want to come to your birthday party.
Stop pretending this show is Edgerunners 2
Stop pretending this show is The Room 2
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fanficwriter284 · 11 days
Omg have you wrote a fic about them getting into a fight in front of the kiddos? You said you were wanting angst today, that's pretty angsty I think
I have in the past! But sure! Sorry if it's short it's been a while since I've written XD Let me know whatcha think!
A moment. That’s all he needed. Just a single moment, nothing more. But there was never a dull one when it came to his wife. Good, Bad, and downright ugly. But never dull. Nothing was ever dull with her. He knew that all too well. He couldn’t recall how long he’d been in this endless stalemate with her. Could be minutes or hours, he couldn’t tell nor did he care. He’d already given her what she wanted, a human body. One where she could live a fleshy mortal life, it wasn’t his fault the spell backfired and fused him and everyone else in the room as well. He never wanted this. He wasn’t made for it despite what his first body said otherwise. He wouldn’t allow himself to be dragged down again. Not by her. Not again. It’d been well over a decade since he lost his first chance of being a father…that was another life. A human life. One that was now a fantasy. But…why was the pain so real. His stoned heart ached everyday. Why did he long for it? Back in the days of misted memories that were better left forgotten with his original body. But nothing ever stays dead. 
The redhead could feel another throb in his temple, the pulsing underneath his skin, the salty liquid stinging his tongue as he pressed his teeth to his upper lip. He didn’t want to look at her but he couldn’t pull his eyes away from her figure. Something had always drawn him to it. Perhaps it was the way her body curved, or the slight glint of mischief in her eyes, or her cupid lips that he loved pressed against his. He’d never know. All he knew is that she was his, and he was hers. But in moments like this he wanted nothing more than to ruin her. The subtle shakes of eagerness in his hands ready to tear on disfigure but he never let himself succumb to it…Not now. He could only stand. His body cemented. His mouth practically wired shut as he listened to her talk down to him. All he could do was gnaw at the inner part of his cheek feeling the meat loosen and crimson leak down into his throat. No point in speaking. Not yet. 
Tiffany’s mind raced as she spoke, her voice getting louder by the second. She wanted him to change. She wanted him to be there. She wanted him to be a present father. She wanted him…That’s what she wanted…Him. But he made it so difficult. Any time he’d feel an anchor dragging him down he’d cut the chain and let it sink into the abyss. Forgotten. But not this time. She wouldn’t allow it. She had their family to think about. She knew that he was capable, she’d seen it before oh so many years ago when they were first human. The innocent concerned glint in his eyes at the idea of a family. Tiffany could see him letting the anchor pull him down to a stop back then at the news that having a family would become a reality. But in life things never go the way they plan. When that figment of reality died, he’d cut the chain and refused to let go of the bolt cutters. 
Tiffany pressed on her body seething “WELL THAT ISN’T MY FAULT! YOU’RE HUMAN NOW DEAL WITH IT”
The woman could only glare, wanting nothing more than to dig her nails into his iceberg eyes and remove them from his skull. She wasn’t a hypocrite. She knew that…or she’d tell herself that at least. 
The ray twins, both 6 years old, sat together, their hands intertwined and their backs pressed against the wall, silently listening. Glenda shuttering everytime Chucky barked back at his wife, and Glen cringing everything Tiffany yelled back in hysteria. 
“Hey Glen”
Glen pulled back from the wall turning to the curly redhead
Glenda sighed nuzzling closer, “You think mom and dad are gonna get a divorce?...I--Is dad gonna leave?”
“I don’t know…I hope not” Glen whispers desperately trying to hold back hot tears. 
“IT AIN’T FAIR TIFF” Chucky screamed jolting his body toward her.
“I DON’T WANT YOU FUCKING LEAVING US CHARLES” Tiffany lunged back pushing back to his corner.
“Leave? Who the hell said I was gonna leave?”
Tiffany pulled back, folding her arms inward, her frame shrinking downward into her chair. This time she broke eye contact with her husband.
“Oh please Chucky…you always left back then” Tiffany whispered her voice breaking with each word. 
The redhead felt his face soften, and sat himself beside her, leaning in attentively, gently turning her face toward his.
The blonde wiped away a stray tear from her eyes, sniffling trying to find something to say.
“I–I was always alone….and then you died….just like that…Gone like nothing….you left me Charles…” 
Chucky didn’t speak. His jaw tightened again and locked back in place. It reminded him when he was a doll and the metal skeleton restricted him. Aware but still. A mere observer until the human functions came in. 
“I–I don’t want the twins to go through that…I don’t what them deal with constantly moving…and seeing their dad wanted for murder on the news…I want them to live a happy normal life…don’t you….”
The redhead’s brows furrowed a he sat in thought, his mind drifting, and his eyes locked. His body in the room but his mind elsewhere. With another sigh Tiffany stood exhausted from their quarrel but was stopped by a hand pulling her back down to a sit.
“Things will be different this time…I promise…But we both know I can’t just quit Tiff….”
“I know…” She nuzzled her head closer to his chest listening to his heart beat. “ …I know…”
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am-i-sans · 6 months
dnd adventures 35
tori is eeby deebyd right now. and dess. dans gets to walk into an awkward encounter. he passed the guard who was beat red.
'uhh did i miss something?' cam is just blushing and ignoring him. dans gives them a shit eating grin. 'cam did something happen?' all grown up now xD he puts an arm around cam and says they have a better shot with the guard than undyne and they shove him off. undynes confused lol. 'ill tell you later.' 'do not!' he gives cam another shit eating grin and heads toward soupnik.
frog is waving the goober. dans starts telling everyone about berdly and steve. dans tells undyne we dont gotta kill berdly, hes too stupid to understand what steve is. cam gets flipped off for saying dans is totally going to work for steve hint hint.
frog runs back into town oh no. gotta follow them now. suzy goes back to chicken and vani follows. fuck yeah she gave him chicken! then she locked him out of the building xD cam is trying to bathe soupnik.
frog goes book shopping! dans gives them 100 gold they deserve it. now their going to buy potions. vani tries to give cam some chicken and drag them into town. vani tosses cam onto his back and starts trotting into town. soupnik stops vani sadge ;-; sad ferret noises. then soupnik pins cam down lol. vani goes over and also sits on cam.
frog is picking potions at random. they pull out a bottle of fucking viagra and dans puts it back. 'is that one of those sex things?' 'uhhh yeah so dont tell your mom.' undyne fucking asks dans what it is and he aint talking in front of the kids.
we bump into suzy and head back to soupnik. gotta get on steve's trail. cam is still pinned down lol. 'what do you mean protecting your reputation?' frog dont ask that lol. off we go to the other town!
hey theres people alive in this one! nice. the towns a bit bigger than the last one. 3 churches, some general stores. a river and a park. a library, a butcher, gift shops. a news station? mossville. tori pops out of eeby deeby! frog waves hi. dans tells tori that berdly gave us a steve tip. a town of mostly humans.
undyne heads toward the cemetary. dans goes with her. this town is all hills lol. tori casts commune with nature. she learns there was a fiend here. a river. lots of moss. some goblin eating moss lol. suzy points out the goblin to cam and frog. cam says they cant eat moss. frog goes over, grabs some, and shoves it in their mouth.
dans and undyne get to the cemetary. its built on a hill. yep bad magic was here gotta stop it. undyne uses dispel magic. nice now to visit the other churches to see if they got ganked too.
frog is still eating moss lol. 'tastes like green!' cam and tori desperately want them to stop. their just eating it out of spite someone stop them. they stole that goblins dinner. suzy also eats some oh no. suzy comments theyve seen them eat rocks its fine. tori scoops them up and cam says their supposed to be looking for stuff. gonna go ask the shopkeeps whats been happening. suzy is trying to escape oh boy.
cam walks into a cafe and asks the owner if theyve saw steve. yep he got a cake. cam asks when he left or where he went. left same day. then cam orders a small cake lol. some other people saw him since he was distinctive so ask around.
nothing was wrong with the other graveyard so dans and undyne go to regroup. wrong gift shop undyne, lol. we find tori and kids nice. dans lets tori know we got rid of the bad magic. tori still wont put the kids down lol. undyne what is moss counted as? fungus? that aint true wtf. vani slides in and gives frog and suzy some moss. dans also takes some and eats it. blobbo also partakes. cam walks in and lets us know what they found. dans says since hes hiring people maybe someone left with him.
dans asks the giftshop guy if anyone suddenly left recently. just steve hmm. except charon?! oh no. oh shes the town bicycle. doesnt know where she lives though. welp we have nothing on steve. cant track him. random pattern. geez.
dans suggests trying to use vani to pick up a scent. the shop man tells us to try the general store for info. cam goes to the one no one goes too lol. frog says they can go with suzy to a different one. nope. the rest of us go to another one. its a bit busy so dans picks up some supplies. getting frog some choccy milk. he also grabs a small ice box. getting snacks and shit alright.
its burgerpants! nice! dans asks about steve. nope but he keeps giving tori looks. 'you could tell me their being kidnapped and i wouldnt care.' 'fair enough.' another guy comes in and calls the cashier bagelpants lol. they need him to sweep hes so pissed. 'im 19 and already wasted my entire life.' 'have you thought of getting into acting?' dans insuinates killing the lead actor if he wanted a role. dans pays and puts the food in the icebox and then into the bag.
back to cam! congrats on the empty store. their just hanging out with the shopkeeper. the keeper tells them about steve and how weird he was. real cagey asking about the cemetary. cam perks up and says that was the necromancer lol. gotta try and regroup. but first they buy some birdseed lol. 'do you have a bird?' 'oh no thats for me. wait i was raised by arakawkra.' 'doesnt that upset your sto- nevermind.' cam offers to teach them salesman ship lol. they realize how shitty that was and backtrack saying they just love tradesman shit. they can leave tips anyway lol.
dans takes a detour to the butcher! frog doesnt wanna go in cause it smells weird so dans says they can wait outside. suzy really wants meat lol. cam sees us by the butcher nice. cam hangs out with tori. guy said steve was heading to rogueport. dans and undyne comes out after getting the meat nice. cam tells them what happens and dans pulls out his map to find it. frog points it out nice. cam offer undyne a nut lol. dans gives cam the bag of birdseed and the assorted nuts. dans, frog and suzy eat some birdseed. 'itll upset your tummy!' 'ive eaten worse.' dans wtf. suzy is still mad they cant escape. she fucking bites tori lol.
going to soupnik! its late for them so they set up camp. frog goes to find herbs for soup. dans preps stuff for the soup and waits for frog. cam tries to play music. frog comes in and tosses in random plants so dans pulls them out to check. their fine so dans puts them back in with the other ingredients. dans butters some bread and waits for soup. where tf did suzy go? vani starts sniffing around and follows a trail. suzy is trying to spear fish. vani just watches them. suzy comes back, hands dans a fish, then eats one raw lol. dans lets undyne taste test the soup. tori helps dans dish it out. he also gives everyone a cookie and calls everyone for dinner. long rest!
dans starts making breakfast and undyne is stretching. theres a troll in the camp! (my internet got a little fucky) undyne told the trolls to fuck off and dans went to wake up everyone. the troll just stares. undyne points away lol. it looks then looks back at her. she points at it then away again. dans asks if anyone here speaks troll. dans picks up some breakfast and hands it over. he takes it and leaves. the other trolls are talking to each other in the distance. dans makes a little care package and sends vani to deliver it. they leave nice.
dans makes some coffee lol. tori goes into the woods and does commune with nature. undyne goes back to stretching. tori learns theres a feywilds portal nearby. she heads back to camp to do a headcount. yep everyones here. after breakfast back on soupnik! on the way dans and cam try to teach each other their languages. frog is learning too. dans switches it up and speaks primordial and scares the shit outta cam.
Rogueport! its not a port. the guards stop us and tell us a criminal escaped and to be careful. we ponder if steve broke them out. just trading info now. they tell us to talk to their boss and we follow them. we see a red light district lol. we arrive at the guard station. theres even a few paladins.
its commander barbie! we give her the rundown of the situation. she tells us about the prisoner. he went crazy and a runaway troupe? he worked for a circus? (is it jevil?) he did seem powerful, like when he broke out. (ken walks in and says hi xD) yep its jevil. frog says they know him?! they used to travel together then he went nuts. he left after a performance, talking to a man, then he went funky. (cam vaguelly recognizes the name.) jevil hurt and blinded one of the magicians then ran away. dans asks barbie if they have anything of his but no. gonna check his cell.
going down a fuckton of steps. dans asks why he was kept down here, cause he liked the dark. ken saw a weird guy in town. his eyes were spotify green xD. tori tells them to check the graveyards. vani starts sniffing around the cell! he squeaks and starts following the scent and everyone follows. he goes in circles for a while then shrugs.
dans asks frog if jevil could teleport but they dont think so? invisible? yep. ohno. tori uses detect magic. nope hes not there. undyne uses divine sense. nope. we ask frog how far they can teleport. dans says dimension door can go 500 feet. frog gets covered in dirt and injured from trying to teleport. tori heals them. time to find a spot jevil wouldve appeared at and find the scent. tori casts wildshape and becomes a wolf to also find the scent.
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toriliashine · 4 months
Why are you shipping an abuse victim with his abuser that sent him to the worst, most drawn out and gruesome death in the Danganronpa series? Literally WHY? It’s like some people in the Witch’s House fandom shipping Viola and Ellen, you know, the person who exploited Viola’s trust and kindness only to betray her in the worst way possible
Except Ellen HAD TO drive Viola to despair to ensure that she dies and wouldn’t try to come and take her body back in the future (witches in the witch’s house universe can only die when they completely lose their will to live) while Kokichi had a million ways to avoid dying to Miu without driving someone to homicidal despair and making them kill her. And I don't know where did you get the idea that Gonta and Kokichi were in any way friends, Gokuhara didn’t even trust Kokichi because of how he tricked him into gathering everyone in chapter 2 by saying that they didn’t like bugs.
And Gonta asked everyone to forgive Kokichi before he was executed because he has serious problems with being angry at people, even when they did everything to deserve it. One of Gonta’s flaws was that he had too much empathy and compassion in him, even to the people that absolutely didn’t deserve any compassion or sympathy (like Kokichi).
It wouldn’t be that big of a stretch to assume that part of the reason behind Gonta’s declining mental state was because HE WAS BEING ABUSED, with Kokichi messing with his perception of reality and already fragile sense of self-worth, making sure to make Gonta feel even more useless that he already felt, leaving him as nothing but an empty shell. By Chapter 4 Gonta was feeling that he is useless by nature, that there was nothing to do about this, BECAUSE HE WAS BEING EMOTIONALLY ABUSED by Kokichi, who did this in order to make Gonta desperate enough to be willing to do anything in order to make himself useful. Because he has planned to drive Gonta to murder since the start.
And surprise, I actually believe that Gonta isn’t an innocent child that can’t think for himself. He isn’t a moron in the slightest, despite what he might believe. BUT. He still was a victim of abuse, and this shouldn’t be glossed over, like you Kokichi fans do.
girl this is the funniest thing i've seen all day. aint giving u a direct answer bc if you've been snooping my blog you'll def find my reasons that i've fleshed out on and discussed with near obsessively. saving this on my blog to have something to smile at when i get bored XD
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pitynostars · 1 year
Just wanna say I've really liked reading your posts abt the costuming interview. It really helped me organise my thoughts on it. You raised a lot of points i hadn't considered or thought through. So thank you
Good luck with fighting the devil that says to fight internet strangers o7
thanks friend!! ive been q conflicted over how i feel about it so parsing it out was mainly to help me but i'm glad it gave u some clarity too XD
its mainly just pissing me off how black and white "RTD sucks" ive seen some people being about it, especially after the whole crap with Graham Norton and JKR was like, what? Last week? there's so many nuances/complexities to the decision, (some of which we probably aren't even aware of !!!) people can be mad/upset about it of course, but calling him a coward/bigot aint it chief. he obviously put care/thought into the decision and ultimately its v understandable imo. (i had more here but i said im not going to talk about it anymore so deleted kasjfkldgsf-)
"Good luck with fighting the devil that says to fight internet strangers o7" lmaoooo god word i dont want to fight everyone i see i promise i understand the frustration this has caused and i've already got my own thoughts out on my blog so there's nothing more i can really ADD now but god... GOD I HAVE SEEN SOME POSTS THAT HAVE TESTED ME TODAY 😠
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neutrallyobsessed · 2 years
hey! here's an alternetive to your rather.... questionable ships...
it's called farabeste (kay faraday x sebastian debeste).
though it's nothing i ship myself, i can see the appealing, and i'm sure you may be able to too.
why? well, here's some stuff:
it's a hetero ship (apparently the most important thing for your ships...)
it's a ship you can get into if you don't quite want to perceive kay and sebastian as siblings.
the age gap isn't problematic!! (yippee!!)
kay and seb have surprisingly good chemistry! (apparently)
goofy antics (remember that valentines post you made? serious uhhh whatever it was x goofy assistant? that works here too)
hehehhe sebastian content
it's wholesome!!!!!!!!! the teenagers in love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
some other stuff, i've only just started playing aai2 and have only seen a bit of their dynamic through playthroughs and fan content.
so, will ya consider it?
Again, if I liked that ship from the get-go, I'd be making content for it from the get-go
But I'll entertain your silly rambles, after all, I am an entertainer~
yes yes yes very good very based, already 6/10 ship, can only go up from there (in theory xd
i dont percive them nor as siblings or friends, there are more like coworkers on friendlish terms, after all Kay is out there being a real criminal doing real crime and Sebas doesn't want to be a corrupt prosecutor like his dad yknow?
i dont cater to your sensibilities sis, and you know what?? *makes sebastian a 25 y/o while keeping Kay 17* >:) now das more like it uwu
i dont think they ever share an interaction in the whole game, they mostly talk throught their lovers companions like:
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5. yes "serious worker x wacky assisstant" this aint it chief, they're both very silly (not in a complementary way) and they'd be both rookies! They could never get the job done! Unless, of course, they are accompanied by a more wise and mature worker on the field, one that not only knows the job but also knows Kay and Seb respectively hmmmmmmmm damn investigation 2 polycule?
6. yeah, i gotta one up my sebastine content, gime me a sec
7. oh the teenagaers are in love alright...!
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8. most of the fans are wrong or projecting (nothing wrong w projecting btw) finish the game
I consider it and tis pretty lame imo, it doesnt have much spice not to mention braincells. But I hope the kysb gang is blessed with a CCC (consistant content creator) cause they are pretty epic and deserve nice things~
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dredgen-nope · 2 years
ur 20s is just realising more an more how much your parents terrible relationship has imprinted into you as a person huh
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Gale Reviews: ML Season 4 Episode 3: Gang of Secret
(Spoilers below)
-So they just beat a villain, and Ladybug is acting SUS. Like she doesn't Want to leave yet. Hmm
-Chat noir YOU SLICK MOFO. (I dare not ruin it, because I am laughing at it)
-She is still not over her break up. So I guess Lukanette stans, get whatever remains of your juice while its there.
-Ladybug ... sweetie. Do you need a hug? Cause you look like you need a hug.
-Chat noir realizing his idea was NOT very smart after that.
-Ladybug ruining experiences for a LOT of couples today
-Chat noir trying to help, but Ladybug aint telling him
-They are going swimming now. Chat noir for once, is not thrilled about hanging out with Ladybug... thats a YIKES.
-She has goggles and a towel, so she did go swimming.
-The Kwami see her in pain, QUICK, TEAR DOWN THE PHOTOS.
-She said no tho, but clearly sad about it.
-So Alya is giving the girl posse the rundown on Marinette. Claiming she is lovesick.
-Rose thought they were cute, and Juleka says nothing. Is it wrong that I want Juleka to have an opinion? Whether positive OR negative
-Juleka is like "Yea, he is sad." shows picture of sad Luka. Though to be fair, that is a decent pic of him.
- So Alya is LAST to know. Double ouch.
-Marinette was crying in the bathroom, baby girl no!
-Alya out here trying to be a good friend. By showing Marinette she has support. (She aint even mad that she was last to find out. She is more concerned about her friend)
-They calling her now
-She didn't answer. She is too sad
-So she won't detransform and talk with tikki. Can I PLEASE give her a hug. She needs it.
-Yo... Marinette has zero concern for herself and only detransformed when she thought it was causing strain on Tikki.
-Mylene offering friendship bracelets. Never change dear.
-Okay so are they witches now?
-Alix is like 'Can I not be in a ritual, Id rather give her some juice'
-Marinette sad cause Ladybug can't have a boyfriend. Cause even if she dated Adrien, it would be the same as it was with Luka.... Tikki knows that aint true but can't say why. UGH! This is pain
-Did Tikki just confirm Kwami can't fall in love? NO! MY CHEESECAKE!
-OH S***! So now she gonna be Perma ladybug?!
-So the girls showed up as soon as ladybug left. This isn't good.
-And of course Marinette is TOO GOOD at making s***, so they curious about the new dollhouse
-And things going to s*** in 10, 9, 8
-Oh no... this... this is not good. Marinette sweetie no. No please.
-Look can we take a second and APPRECIATE HOW HARD ALYA AND THE GIRLS ARE GOING FOR MARINETTE! Did the writers see all of the alya salt and say 'Yea f*** that noise'? Cause I feel like they did.
-Okay so I know Marinette just didn't want to expose her secret... but damn girl... THAT was harsh.
-Marinette literally going scorched earth for being Ladybug... Okay, this episode PHYSICALLY hurts me. SHE DOESNT MEAN IT GIRLS. PLEASE DONT HATE HER.
-Shadowmoth could you not. Like seriously?! COULD YOU F***ING NOT! MY BABY GIRL IS IN PAIN AND I WILL GO THROUGH MY SCREEN AND [Redacted]
-And then you'll have to f*** sideways.
-So first 5 way akumatization
-So can we talk about how the last 3 akuma were after the secrets of Marinette. well 2, but the other one was Adrien. But still. A Lot of Hawkmoth saying 'F*** this individual in particular'
-I wish I could understand Juleka. Can someone please just translate with what she is saying. It was funny in truth, but I want to know
-OH Timebreaker and Horrificator are BACK. Yay, I missed them
-Just realized how AMAZING their Gang of akuma are. Like damn, thats like a super team of evil. Yea sure
-Not to nitpick, but Marinette, you should have led with that box.
-Damn that was a really boss illusion trixx. But question, how was that out of control? Like if anything, that was BETTER then when the user used it.
-Trixx makes a really good point. WHY DOES HE NEED A HOLDER AGAIN?!
-Trixx is now my second favorite Kwami.
-PLAGG! MY SON! HE IS IN THE EPISODE! I MISSED HIM. Also, surprisingly knows.
-Plagg cares about other Kwami.
-Adrien just chilling, watching tv. XD
-Timebreaker casually committing murder
-Hold it, Okay so why are so many people in school right now? Ivan is there, chloé and Sabrina? Oh my tomato son too. Can someone tell me wtf is up with this school schedule?
-Fragrance/Reflekta Power combo is amazing.
-Wow, this gang is MEGA DANGEROUS
-So yea Ladybug. Maybe... idk... TALK WITH CHAT NOIR ABOUT YOUR PROBLEMS!?
-So they really gotta plan this time.
-Ladybug smart to disarm Ladywifi.
-Ladybug trying to get lady wifi to fight the akuma. This is touching
-No, shadow moth, you's a b***
-Loving this Alya- Ladybug friendship
-Chat noir looking boss by fighting 3 akuma at once while on the phone. Chat noir Leveled up.
-So Ladybug can now pull the miraculous out of anywhere because she has guardian status. Thats a cool trick. Makes it much easier.
-Thats a secret tho, Alya got trusted with a big secret.
-And Chat noir is captured... but in his defense. He did have to fight 4 at once this time. So that took longer than usual. So no shame kitty. You did well.
-Lucky charm is an inner tube
-Clever illusion. POINTS! Using the goal of the akuma to distract. Alya gets gull points!
-Ladybug suave catch of rose tho.
-So that was probably the best Group akuma attack since Heroes day (and honestly it probably tops it)
-Marinette patches things up with her friends. That is a relief. She was able to somewhat explain her issues up to the point. Without spilling the details.
-Marinette has some really good friends.
-Alya knows that not everything has been told... Hold on DONT TELL ME.
-Oh wow, Marinette is breaking down.... My poor baby girl is hurting real bad.
wow this episode... This one hurt. This one hurt a LOT. But also, it was really good.
Okay so, 10/10.
I haven't been this enthralled with an episode in a long time.
Are there one or two nitpicks? Absolutely.
Do I wish somethings were not mentioned? A little bit.
Am I glad Alya knows? Out of everyone, she is the second person I wanted Marinette to tell.
(The first one being chat noir, but lets face it, we kind of knew that won't be happening for a while.)
So can Alya salt stop now? Cause Alya CLEARLY showed how much of a motherf***ing boss she is.
But damn I didn't feel this emotional since Chat blanc.
That was OBJECTIVELY, one of the best episodes in the entire series.
This made me rethink my favorite episode. THATS HOW GOOD IT WAS.
Season 4, You keep doing what you are doing. Your writing (minus some very minor nitpicks) has been pretty damn good.
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Hey!! 👋🏽😄 I know you said in your last rant about SK8 and Reki and Renga that you were one of those people that always looks up and learns from others, but after your last Langa edit, I just wanted to remind you how immensely talented you are. I might have not seen your first attempts at editing, but I know how it looks like when you're barely starting something, and I'm sure everyone is proud of the progress you've made and many people looks up to you as the level of skill they want to achieve. You're doing amazing! 💖💖💖
Hi, my love!!!!!! ASDFSDFGHG that’s soooo sweet, thank you so much for saying this, it really means the world to me <3 Oh, haha I’ve deleted most of my old videos so it wouldn’t hurt anyone’s eyes lmao T_T I’m still a bit nervous each time I’m uploading my vids to the day to be honest, even with so many subs rn, but at first I really didn’t have any supporters at all and my god I sucked at this, but I guess the love for my fav ships was stronger apparently haha. So I always get silly happy at each nice comment and feedback, so thank you seriously. 
I really love love love vidding, Idk why but when smth comes out the way I wanted it’s a super addictive feeling for some reason, but many times I just looked at the final result and just threw it in the trash and started over and my god how many times SonyVegas crushed and didn’t autosave the project. I’m like Suga now, I’m pressing the save button each 2 minutes, cause don’t want to lose anything xD Being someone’s inspiration is truly an honor to me, I’ve got some messages that hit me too hard. Still feels weird bc I’m like “but do you know that I can’t even use photoshop tho, how do u like me now then?” lol.
I’m always drawn to talented characters, bc they amaze me, esp the humble ones. Like those who hate Haru or Lanaga just buffle me honestly. I understand that they’re pretty and talented and everything, but they’re also the sweetest and loveliest human beings, so like...??? And I adore those who don’t whine and get what they want. I just can’t help it. I’m a strong believer in the fact that "you can do anything if you put your mind to it”. So far it worked in real life so suck it lol.
People are also saying like Langa doesn’t deserve to win this and Haru doesn’t deserve to be in Olympics, like Langa didn’t snowboard since he was 2 and Haru wasn’t swimming every day since he was born. I’m like.. and you need to check in the mirror if your face is a shade of green. BTW I’ve also been in a professional sports for quite a long time since I was a little kid, ballroom dancing and adored it back then, and I did not get jealous at ppl who were talented than me, I was watching the tapes actually with a popcorn. And oh god those large competition events when you sit there for days and give it all, but then you’re like 296 out of 1000. Why was I proud instead of being sad? Idk xD It was fun.
So thanks for liking the vid, cause I even regretted uploading it a bit yesterday. Sadly everyone already knows that we lost this fandom to the middle schoolers being extra, so they do not care for anything each episode except for this ship, so that’s what I got for posting a just Langa vid:
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And etc. and that just made me sad, cause I do not like such fandoms, like it’s not even related to the video, that I’ve been making... with love.  Also thanks for the "sama” title, I’m flattered, but editor only wants to vid matchablossom for now, so like there’s no need for any warnings. I’ve been in such horrendoes fandoms, that I’m immune to this. I also in fact didn’t know some keep ruining Langa’s page and saying that he steals Reki’s screen time... cause he’s aparently the only main character...? ...lmao? I didn’t even know Langa can be hated tbh. I wasn’t really ready for all the drama that followed me making a vid about him.
I’ve already deleted some comments, cause I’m like what this even has to do with the vid about Langa? No, I am not obliged to make a vid about Reki, too. What if I post a matchablossom vid, everyone will only start commenting “do renga”, cause fuck your efforts? I’m like... I hate such fanbases, seriously. I do not even know where this is going, but their fans are already pissing me off. I’m still trying hard for this to not affect my point of view about the ship, cause it’d be kinda unfair to them, but its getting harder each week istg.
And I maybe can’t take requests, but I love when some try to get me addicted on their ship with passion and great arguments. It happened to me with some nice ppl. But def not with agression and stupidity haha.
Cause apparently its one of the fandoms where you can’t NOT care for the main ship, even if you accept it for the only possible Langa ship (cause he doesn’t give a shit for anyone else, so like what’s the point), but it doesn’t do anything for you. I’m like... thanks for threatening. This will make me on board ASAP. Like it’s not the epitomy of love to me... I’m sorry? LMAO 
Some anon even sent me a “you’re dense” (literally thats it) ask after that Reki ask. I was tempted to write smth like “oh I’m sorry, this is the most epic love story of my life and his character is the most complex in the world and he’s the best friend and the most inspiring human being that ever hit my screen. can I become undense now? xD”. But you know I do not know if they’d realise the sarcasm and my pride sadly never allowed me to sell my life values for a bunch of 12 years olds to love me lol
My sister always laughs and jokingly says “but you’d probably get much more subs if you made a vid about this or that, but at what price that would be lmao”. Cause yeah, I never could make myself vid smth I do not like, cause I love vidding and do not want it to be associated with things I do not like, plus it’ll most likely turn out ugly, if I do not care. My mom says that she can feel love I put in my shipping vids that’s why she loves them. I really don’t think she’s wrong. But that also kinda makes me an idiot technically, cause I’m not into many of the popular ships, and some popular animes I just find really basic. 
Also I’m like 100% sure it ain’t happening, but even if they miraculously suck each other’s dicks while sitting on a skate board, I can still have the rights not to care at the end. Like did I sign some form where I’m obliged to love each and everyone canon gay ship even if it’s not what I like? Like gay is not the type of love in relationships. You can only care about his ass like Lan Zhan for example or you can only care about your ass. Like that’s different types of relationships, and whatever you like you like. So get all the way of people’s backs, please.
Also do ppl know that you do not need to be blind to the bad sides of the characters in your ships? Or you just gonna be like “I suddenly can’t see” for forever.
So really thanks for such wonderful message and liking the video and for the boosts when I need them and not being an ass to me if I’m not being obsessed with smth, when you like it. (like I think we have different ship in bnha, right? but we’re still doing great tho, thanks for being an angel <3)
I still didn’t expect this becoming a Voltron 2.0. situation tho. We in our twenties see everything differently, I guess. I do get extra about “their love is everywhere”, but I do not get extra by anonymously attacking ppl, threatening creators and yelling “queeerbating psychotic blind assholes if these two aint fucking by the end of the season I’m shaving my head and jumping out of the window and shoot the director. you do not ship it HARD? YOU DUMB FUCK. THAT’S THE BEST LOVE STORY IN THE WORLD”. Like damn, take your blinders off and see the world, kid. Firstly, it’s definitely not, secondly, ppl see love differently in general and at each age too.
Ah, also you must kill Adam, cause he’s a pedo apparently. Like he ain’t even a threat to your ship, unless you’re blind, but they’re still at it, like they do not know that this kind of age difference is literally nothing for an anime? And that there are canon ships with a huger age difference left and right, too. It’s like its their first time approaching an anime or smth. Like in anime world character can literally kill 1000 ppl with his bare hands and bathe in their blood and we can still stan them, depends on their story, ok? Also Langa couldn’t care less for his advances, so like separate Adam from your ship pls. Like, fuck off, if someone is interested in his character. Yeah, he’s a weirdo for reasons, but anime kind of weird do not apply to real life. Stop acting like you’re some purist, when later you’re gonna ship smth else and it suddenly will not apply. Also rules do not apply to animes, everyone knows they do not apply. These are not western cartoons, my god. And 24 years old flirting with 16 year old is defiinitely not the weirdest shit anyone has ever seen in the anime. Chinese BL has characters who were 14 and 30 when they met and happily married. Also FICTION is not life. Literally no one cares. If you’re scared for your saint eyes, do not watch animes, you’re gonna have a heart-attack from what you can see there. Also we’ve seen gayer bromances in animes, who are just bromances, so pls do not shoot anyone if it’s not canon.
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So basically I was kinda pissed yersterday, cause fuck them for ruining the tag, but after chatting with my hommies and your ask, I’m okay again, I just have to avoid this fandom and stick to a tight community xD. I just got used to my nice fandoms and forgot for a bit about the precautions you need to take if you’re in one of those. You know. Who make a circus out of lgbt, instead of supporting it, and make other ppl hate being in fandoms.
P.S. sorry for this partially unrelated rant, your messages really always make my heart bloom, so thanks for supporting me, and I know you’re proud of my progress, too <3 and this makes me happy. LY
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baebeyza · 4 years
Pros and Cons of all the TF shows I watched [updated: Unicron Trilogy and BW Neo]
Update info: Whyever the hell I wrote this and why people care about my opinion is beyond my current understanding, but @chaoticgirl23 asked for the Unicron Trilogy I hadn't watched back then, so- Also decided to write down if I actually like the show or not xD
(also I removed wfc, because I cant really judge after all with the show not being finished) My personal opinions + stuff that can be dubbed controversial and problematic, so beware for racism and sexism! But also beware of my idiotic attempts at humour
G1 (loved the show with all my heart)
- The original show
- big cast of loveable characters
- Really awesome human side characters
- Very clever and witty dialogue
- fucking batshit insane
- Rodimus Prime is babe
- apart from Arcee, female autobots being treated like a subspecies and only appearing in like one episode (3 if you are generous)
- Motherfucking country called “Carbombya”
- Some human characters are actually shit (those boys from B.O.T)
- Rodimus fucks as a human and not as a robot
- Everything animated by AKOM
- Galvatron’s portrayal as a person with brain-damage reads as ableistic (Personally I still love his G1 version more than the others I’ve seen)
- The “You’re only truly disabled if you lose your courage” line from Chip, it was explained to me that it’s ableistic as well
Headmasters (loved the show)
- exciting plot
- characters die, fuck yeah
- Planets get destroyed, fuck yeah
- <3 ~ Power of Friendship ~ <3
- Sixshot is babe
- Everything about Cyclonus and Wheelie
- Rodimus fucks off after episode 10 and never comes back
- Arcee going from warrior to secretary
- If you come from IDW I have to break it to you that Chromedome is straight
SuperGod  Masterforce (loved the show with all my heart)
- A darker and more serious storyline if you’re into that
- Lots of character arcs and well-written characters in general
- Decepticons having a more family like dynamic
- Decepticons with a level of depth to them
- Redemption much
- Ginrai is babe
- This show’s focus is on the humans so if you don’t like human TF characters, this aint for you
- The character Cab has a level of racist stereotyping - he comes from a fictional country in Oceania called Karin and the depiction of that country is everyone living in wood homes and having no electricity. (The show plays in the future so that makes it worse) Cab himself gets introduced as a Tarzan kinda dude who can talk with animals.
While I found Cab himself not bad as a character, the problem with how his background is written sure is stupid and insulting. There isn’t a lot of focus on his country in the show however, but it’s still there
- There is a scene in which the boys Shuta and Cab spy on girls during swim class (they get called out and apologize for it though and the “fanservice” scene itself is really damn modest and tame)
Victory (loved the show)
- Similiar fun tone as G1
- lovable cast of idiots
- Exciting episode plots
- Leozack is babe
- The only two prominent female characters are love interests and nothing else (which is drop in quality when compared to Masterforce, which had Minerva as a fleshed out autobot with agency and Mega as an interesting female villain)
- Leozack never punches Deszaras in the face
- Fucking retcons the destruction of Mars in Headmasters
Beast Wars (loved with all my heart)
- Really compelling story and characters!!!
- Well written dialogue
- Wonderful character animation
- Dinobot is HONOUR and babe. Also I’m crying
- Megatron and his bullshit
- Megatron and his bullshit
- That stupid love triangle subplot in season 3
- Some major plotline not being fully developed (the Vok plotline)
Beast Wars II (liked the show)
- The Predacons in general
- Lio Convoy (the Optimus of the show) having a son
- Galvatron is babe and so is Starscream
- Maximals are lame apart from Lio Convoy and the arc with his son Lio Junior
- A lot of uninteresting characters an episodes
- The Jointrons as racist mexican stereotypes
- Only female robot is part of a love triangle (even more annoying than the love triangle in Beast Wars)
Beast Wars Neo (liked the show)
- Big Convoy being a lone wolf turned teacher was a really sweet story to follow <3 How he and his team learnt to trust each other over the course of the show was really nice!
- Unicron in this show was a delight
- D-Navi was always fun
- Magmatron was a rather nice Decepticon leader
- Heinrad is babe
- No girls (Boo!)
Beast Machines (very conflicted, tend to dislike)
- Plays entirely on Cybertron
- Explores themes of technology and organic life forms and really tries to be something different and deep
- The last episode is really nice
- Jetstorm is babe
- No fun allowed - the maximals are really frustrating because we only ever see them being angry and fighting and a lot of them only show us their worst sides
- The maximal character models are HIDEOUS
- You may not actually like the philosophical aspect of the show, especially when you think too long about it and realise it’s kinda shit
Robots in Disguise 2001/ Car Robots (liked the show)
- New continuity! New story, new take!
- Funny and lighthearted
- Cute characters
- Sky-Byte/Gel-Shark is babe
- Ultra Magnus/God Magnus is a fucking jerk and I love it 
- Sideburn/Speedbreaker’s gag about loving red sport cars and chasing after them - it’s played as a joke all the time but I can see that stuff making people uncomfortable when they see the female driver trying to get away from him and his catcalling (Apart from that I do like him a lot though)
Armada/Micron Densetsu (disliked the show)
- Lots of feels between Megatron and Optimus
- Starscream's arc
- The ending arc
- Jetfire was babe
- The pacing was unbearable
- Half the time the characters didn't act like people and I was confused about almost every conflict, action and point they made. It's not a great story when I watch episode and need an hour to figure what the hell the story even was
- The parts I liked in concept are not helped by how unnatural and weird the characters acted at times. I liked the ending, but how they got there was so weird that I just can't enjoy it
Energon/Superlink (loved the show)
- Megatron/Galvatron - Everything about him
- The japanese voice acting was fantastic!
- Really nice death scenes (I love death scenes btw)
- Mirage/Shockfleet being in love with Megatron
- Bringing back old names apart from Megatron and Optimus
- Rodimus being an equal to Optimus was a nice touch
- The few scenes it was 2D animated
- Jetfire/Skyfire is babe
- Animation
- The "for the toys" thing kinda ruined some characters, where instead of getting the toys as completely new characters, they killed old ones and brought them back with a new model. It did suck story-telling wise (and me, loving death scenes, get annoyed when a death scene gets ruined by bringing the character back). So you got all these character arcs that feel like the just stopped
Cybertron/Galaxy Force (loved the show with all my heart)
- Love the setting and world with all the different colonies and how they were explored ~
- Optimus Prime, this one is my favourite version of him!
- Vector Prime, they should bring him back
- All the different leaders
- The friendship between the characters- this show has my favourite set of Autobots from all TF media
- This also has my favourite Mega&Star dynamic
- Starscream himself is so well done here!
- Jetfire/Dreadlock was babe
- Megatron was lacklustre. When it came to him and his dynamics with other characters (apart from Starscream), he was hardly written as a person with feelings. He never reacts to anything happening within the ranks of Decepticons and it is really disappointing, because there was a lot of potential! (with Flame Convoy and Chromia specifically)
Animated (loved the show)
- Character writing, plot and themes!
- Lighthearted tone but enough scenes that dig a little deeper
- Really nice and smooth animation
- Optimus is baby
- The chins
- No 4th season
Prime (loved the show)
- Best friggin fight scenes and animation in general
- Really exciting plot 
- Ratchet is babe
- Predacon Rising exists
- Characters dying for budget reasons (Just don’t hire celebrities when you cannot pay them for more?)
Robots in Disguise 2015 (it's okay)
- ...the Stunticons are babe
- characters never developing and learning the same shit over and over again
- almost no interesting villains
- even the interesting ones being shoved aside a lot 
- no real built-up for the climax
- lots of filler and not enough time spent on the actual plot of a corrupt Cybertron goverment
Prime Wars Trilogy (loved the show with all my heart)
- Megatron, everything about him, he’s babe
- I really like the soundtrack
- Bad storytelling, both narrative and visual
- Horrible or mediocre voice acting
- Static and bad facial expressions
- Static and bad character animation
- Feels like no one involved in the production had any idea how to tell a story
Cyberverse (meh)
- Really cute as fuck
- Big cast 
- Astrotrain is babe
- No time for character arcs, they just jump from set up to conclusion with nothing in-between
- Unfocused plot that jumps from one idea to another
- Megatron broke my heart and I hate him
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medusanaut · 3 years
Live blogging for Reservoir Dogs after like 1 and a half years or something: (IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN DO NOT READ)
Freddy thinks he is acting so damn slick in Uncle Bob’s. He just looks uncomfortable as fuck.
The whole Tobey thing has always bothered me.
Pink is an asshole. TIP YOUR WAITERS! Larry has morals. I dig that he gets pissed at Pink about it and tells him how he’s fucked
FREDDY NARCED ON PINK! He told about Pink not tipping.
K Billy’s Super Sounds of the Seventies *announcer voice*
Timmer of the Roth Though. I dig the old style credits. *chefs kiss*
OOHHHH here we go. The boy be whiny in the back seat. Sounds like he is about to get a cock in his ass but... oh wait XD
QUENTIN learn about accurate blood color and amounts. Please for the love of reservoirs. ArE YoU A DoCtOr?!
Busts down the door of a mortuary (it is btw) holding onto a whiney bloody guy and then loosens his belt and talks to him like he’s a baby. This always looks like they are prepping to have sex... if there was no blood that is.
When Orange says he’s scared and asks to be held thoughhhhhh and Larry cradles him. OH MY GOD I just remembered that time I cranked up the volume super loud to figure out what he whispered and it’s nothing great.
The blood is the wrong color! Quinten needs to get schooled about this shit.
A set up??? A set up??? Really?? How... oh wait.
SHIT Tim moves his eyes and looks at Larry and away from him over and over when Pink is ranting about the cops (almost wrote COCKS XD). He’s worried that he knows.
Freddy is whining for Larry when he is left. 
Literally there are embalming tools and fluid in that bathroom. Subtle. Very subtle. CAUSE THAT AINT a bathroom that’s the main embalming room of that mortuary.
The way that Larry is trying to explain it makes it seem like he knows the truth but is just covering for Freddy. At the end I wonder if the reason why we get that cry is because Freddy announces it out loud and that’s when he knows he has given up.
The way Pink runs tho... hilarious.
WHEN Pink suggests that Freddy is the rat and Larry looses it... hmmm...
Push that woman man thing to long... how about man man thing?
Larry wants to take him to a hospital. But Larry is so conflicted.
Vic be slick.
((DAMN I’m pissed that I deleted my fan fics and have no record of them)) I thought they said ‘Nice guy Yeti��
Oh gosh... Nash. :_(
He tried to FuCk Me!
What’s scary is that Eddie’s clothing is becoming more and more acceptable now. No one should wear a light blue jacket like that except him.  POOORRRRRR NASSSSHHHHH
I GOTCHA doodoo doodoo doo
Larry “No he’s not dead” or at least not yet :_(
All I can think about is that Tim is prolly stuck to the floor right now.
That he started the goddamn chicago fire.. HELL YEAH FROM CHICAGO
I like the hearse that Vic is sitting on. Would drive as a regular human (who may or may not end up going to mortuary school).
Nash is thrashing and it’s so sad.
Vic’s dancing is pure torture in and of its self
What does it say over the arch way? something something head
Hurry up and shoot him Fred. Whatcha waitin’ for.
Every time I hear Stuck in The Middle I think of Grace and Frankie and so now I’m thinking about them being in the film... which ones would they be? Frankie would be White I think and Grace would be Joe...??
Wow... Freddy did overkill.
EWWW I just heard Tim peel himself off the floor
Listen to me Marvin Nash -- wow so formal.
Quentin again with the blood.
Why does the area around Nash’s head get blurry it’s so annoying
Freddy has had enough with Nash’s bullshit. Awwwwwwww he looks like such a geek... 
I love Holdaway. He’s a great friend and work pal to Freddy.
The commode story. I forgot about that!
Freddy’s apartment is great. Really great. Larry please help him with this shit. 
Larry is so blink-y in the bar... is he batting his eyelashes at Freddy? Also he wants to now more. He’s enamored with this guy. He’s practically got heart eyes.
EWWWW air blowers.. Those are nasty nasty nasty! and so fucking loud
For a second I thought Freddy’s phone was a taser. He’ll be right down... hmmmmmm hmmmm hmmmm hmmm.... oh and fool for love playing which isn’t a song from the 70s... someone named Larry has been in that apartment.
Is Freddy actually religious? Cause IDK I never headcanon him as being religious, but there’s a cross on the wall. Oh the bullshit ring and the mirror lecture. You’re super cool.
Gets in the car with Eddie, Pink, and Larry and Hooked on a Feeling starts.
Larry can we not use that word. It ain’t fucking cool or right. You know better.
Larry practicing with Freddy is so cute aww the whole sitting on my ass comment and then Larry laughs like ‘you’re ridiculous’. Let’s get a taco.
((Stopping for the night. Will resume tomorrow?))
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Alright we gotta accept that we’ve entered a new phase of the fandom and we aint getting the same traction as before, but we’re ALIVE and we’RE GONNA KEEP IT THAT WAY OKAY.
And ONE WAY to do that is to support creators. I’ve seen the rec lists and I think I need to update it with some new good ones. Obviously these aren’t the only ones but these are the immediate fics that I remember because they’re 1) SO fUcking Good and 2) the most recent that I’ve read.
Absolutely nobody asked for this but its here now so you have to deal with that by reading all of this. Suffice to say, if anyone has fic recs please don’t be afraid to add them as I will be updating this as I see fit.
1.       Baby, I’m Counting On You by PuddingTown 
Summary: When Richie Tozier breezes back into his hometown of Derry, Maine, he’s expecting to see familiar faces. Of course, he’s not expecting to see an old flame chasing around a baby. With a million questions, nowhere to go, and a help wanted ad for a nannying job, he finds himself at the doorstep of Eddie Kaspbrak.
Comment: this is a 119k long fic of sweet, sweet longing and domestic bliss doused with simmering angst. You will LOVE this repentant Richie in that he actually does work for it (lesson!), and its not the darkest fic out there cause—BABY! THERE’S A BABY IN HERE AND STEVIE IS THE BEST BABY CHARACTER OUT THERE OKAY! SO IF YOU WANT SOME CUTE BABY FICS HERE IT IS, ITS HERE, ITS HERE ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS CLICK AND READ AND LOVE IT!
Its also celebrity/singer Richie and drag queen/mechanic eddie and if that aint enough for ya I don’t know what else.
Status: Complete!
2. Toucha Toucha Toucha Touch Me by Mere_Mortifer » @mere-mortifer
Summary: “Who the fuck are you?” Eddie exclaims before he can stop himself, and the man turns to face him with a shriek. "I have a dog, you know? He’s like half wolf or something, if you don’t get the fuck out my apartment I’ll tell him to attack!” The man, incredibly, laughs again, this time less hysterical and more plainly awkward. “Yeah, uh, about that…”
Or: Eddie brings a stray dog home. Turns out, it's a werewolf.
Comment: this is an 11k fic of nothing but good pacing, gOOD smut, and great characterization! And please, do not worry, Richie is human when they have sex here or else I wouldn’t have clicked xD
Status: One shot
3. Predicament Bondage by dgalerab » @dgalerab
Summary: When Richie is cast in an irreverent sexually charged comedy, Bev suggests he do "research" with Eddie, a professional Dom.
Only problem is: Richie's still in the closet.
Comment: alRIGHT. THIs one I’ve been so excited for every chapter. Its not done yet but the updates are pretty reliable. The sexual tension, the professional dom eddie, the sweet, soft Richie—its all so good.
Status: Ongoing
4. greetings from stardust  by hippieluna @hippieluna
Summary: A few days ago just an ounce of Richie's attention was almost too much to bear. Now, he feels engulfed in it — hot tickling flames that spread from his chest to his fingers when their wrists touch between the seats of the car. It hurts when Richie looks at him and it hurts when he looks away. Funny how much clearer things get when there aren't any distractions.
Comment: ITS! A! ROAD! TRIP! FIC! FULL! OF! NOTHING! BUT! YEARNING! AND! SMUT! I’ve read many a kinky/hard core fics in my time here in the reddie tags, its been filthy, its been fun, but hippieluna writes sweet, fresh smut in a refreshing way! The pacing, the underlying tensions, the necessary misunderstandings, the understandable insecurities—its never boring nor annoying! The pining is so, so good. Sometimes, I could hear music just from the way hippieluna writes and it’s a fucking adventure alright! The sceneries, the mood—if this was a color, it would be if the setting sun, with all its orange and red and purple and pink were reflected in a clear lake. It. Beautiful. The way Eddie just sees Richie—ya’ll, if you want some fresh pining material here it is. Status: Completed!
5. come to me feathered and frayed by Lvslie»
Summary: “You are—free,” he continues, haltingly. His narrow chest is heaving. “Are you happy?”
The frightful, intimate acuity of the question undoes Richie’s volition—he’s disarmed. He stares into the other’s wide eyes, knowing his own to be just as revealing. At length, he swallows.
“No,” he admits instead, softly. “No, I am not.”
[Or; a late 19th century AU inspired by Maurice and Age of Innocence]
Comment: THIS! This took me so fucking long to read cause I had to acclimate my reading prowess. This one reads like classical books I swear to god, but like, so so so worth it. The imagery brings me to Italy, even though I don’t know most of the words cause ive never been to Italy and we don’t have those kinds of architecture but like going to google images and then reading it back- worth it for the mood that it gave me. If greetings from the stardust was the setting sun this one was like sitting in a greenhouse and seeing the reflected green all around. Like sitting on a turtle as it waddles through the water. Very calming, sometimes tumultuous in the repressed department, but somehow overall soothing. Maybe its because of the narrative voice, so if you love fancy and eloquent narratives this is the one for you!
Status: Completed!
6. i've lived and died a hundred times by bughead
Summary: In a rare moment of genuinity, Eddie whispers, “I feel like I’ve known you forever.” 
Eddie and Richie's souls are connected, and they've met millions of times throughout history.
(or, some souls are just meant to meet, one way or another)
Comment: HO HO HO HO HO—HoooOOOOO. If I could HUG  a fic—I WOULD SLAP IT FIRST, FEMALE MAIN CHARACTER IN A YA MOVIE STYLE, BEFORE HUGGING IT. Holy SHIT DUDE. Where do I START? Okay so first of all this is 6k, might be the shortest of my recs right now, but fucking hell did it pack a fucking punch. This has everything I LOVE and WANT in a fic! The mood is somber in that it deals with reincarnations and the wonders of connection. Richie and Eddie’s souls meet each other at various points in history and ive been making teary eyes the rest of the fic. Its just—if the last fic was a turtle on water, this one is floating in the sky, falling a couple miles and then floating again. It leaves you with some kind of feeling—a tug, a yearning (HA THIS WORD.) and a need for closure. And you—you get it, that closure, but it still leaves an impression. Like a warm hand on my elbow, kind of sweaty, large, but comforting. I loved this so much.
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undertalethingems · 4 years
Wow as referring to the other dudes ask i only realised it nw dat its put rite out in le open dat Papy aint in Dreamtale xd (how i nvr noticed dat b4, i hve no idea either)
Yeah, like... I could tell from what little I've seen that if papyrus was in that story, no one talked about him. I didn't know until recently that the two 'sanses' were brothers, which felt like it was just pushing papyrus even further out of the picture, but there was still a chance he served some role in the story...
And then I found out today that it seems like sans is the -only- undertale character in the story, and has barely anything--if that--to do with Undertale's world at all. At that point, can you really call it undertale...? There's obviously nothing wrong with using a canon framework to tell stories about your OCs, but it's also important, I think, to recognize when you've diverged from canon to the point it's barely connected... ^^;
I'm not bashing anyone here, far from it--i just, don't understand =u=;;;;
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elvencantation · 3 years
aladdin 2019 liveblog
OMG THE WAY THEY GOT HIM TO SING ARABIAN NIGHTS WORKED SO WELL. also the kids are adorable. and the ship
though some of the lyric changes are… a bit too on the nose
too cute first meeting
oh yes thank you for the songs give me hope. i didn’t even see mulan but i watched enough reviews that i know i dont rly wanna
jafar aint creepy enough. sorry he just isn’t
ahhh his place is so cool! with the hidden stairs and stuff. love shit like that
its not like what? were you planning to give it back?  OH it was abu that tracks
also this prince is dressed so badly. wow. so gaudy
why did they add him hes so annoying go away boy
can we just let rajah eat him pls
omg jasmine trying to get dahlia to pretend she’s the princess. i mean, im not sure if i quite felt the need to include her character, especially as someone trying to convince jasmine to let go of her well meaning ambition and get married
“why are you being weird” omg i love her
jasmine looks so pleased with herself while dahlia is acting so weird
just stop talking dahlia nobody expect u to talk to him just be haughty
idk how i feel about jafar apparently being ‘a common thief’ once upon a time, ‘just like aladdin’. like for all we know u stole the hair thingy with magic. we know u a manipulative fuck
also like- how are we gonna handle the her not recognizing him when he’s in prince getup? like, she recognized him in weird servant getup
wait since when was the cave a lion? i thought it was a tiger…
i like how abu smacks him to get him out of gem trance XD
ok so abu already touched a bunch of treasure. and nothing happened. uhhh what
omg the carpet is adorable yes thank you
and aldadin is stepping all over the treasure. i am confusion
ooooo pretty lava!!!
omg its time for the genie!! tho i do wish they hadn’t made him literally blue. ah well. excited to see what will smith can make of it. nobody can top robin williams, but there have been other genies. there will be more (yes i mean broadway. tho i haven’t seen any broadway aladdin shows. i do love their blue outfits for the genie)
also damn i love genie’s gold tattoo/ornament thingys under the cuffs on his arms. want some for myself 
oh my god poor abu having to be the accompaniment. pls tell me u replace him with an orchestra genie, u rly do need one for this song
ok that was short
there we go!
oh this is fun!!!
baklava is magic and should be respected as such
ok the puppet thing is a bit creepy tho i do think they did that in the original as well
uhhh can we nix the rap pls
oh man i love his pants!!
omg the splits i cant
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oh ofc its genie magic that makes him unrecognizable. i mean, lying about his identity was half the plot of the movie but still im a bit sad
omg its time for the big entrance omg
oh god genie why the hat thats bigger than ur body
omg dalia’s approving little expression that was adorable
poor boy looks so uncomfortable
why is it so important that he has so many animals? is that the only way to show wealth? or just the flashiest?
“so yummy boy”???!??! i cant im laughing so hard rn
oh my god this is gonna be so awkward when he has to talk to actual royalty tho not looking forward to the second hand embarrassment
aww i do miss genie turning into weird TV personalities when talking about the animals tho
yuppp i knew it was gonna be this awkward
i cannot do this i have to turn off the volume or i will flee this tab and try to skip this scene when i come back
ok i had to scroll down, and still even reading the subtitles made me embarrassed. why am i like this
ok finally he kinda got the hang of it. dont be fanciful genie just copy the other guys pls
bit of a weird dance tho…
oh nooo genie getting fanciful
i went from, oh this is cute to, oh no pls stop
ok now that ppl are clapping i feel less awkward. brain why u gotta do this to me. but also u rly dont have to have aladdin breakdance
ok he jumped on the fountain and this stated going back into ridiculous and why territory
and jasmine ran away. cant blame her. it makes him look kinda like an attention seeking person
awwww dalia’s little ‘excuse me for a moment’ i kinda expected her to scream but this was also cute
my god her room is so pretty. and the moment with the apples was adorable
ughhhh he had a moment where he could’ve come clean
oh i love a dramatic near death experience
omg yes destroy the staff how lovely and yes dramatic. can u tell i like some good drama. not the weird relationship kind
ur not the same on the inside. not quite
see this is what he meant by u changing. u can never forget ur past
oh i love the dark instrumental version of ‘never had a friend like me’. also the pretty sparkly magic. always love some good aesthetic cgi
oh that was a lovely moment. too bad jafar is a massive prick
oh this is interesting! i love a dramatic disappearance. poor guy. drowning, hypothermia, fun stuff to do within a day
love some ice parkour!
the decent part of me is glad they didn’t put jasmine in a slave leia type outfit, but the gay part of me is a bit disappointed…
omg the dark little smirk on aladdin’s face. u HAVE to admit that was hot
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GET YOUR OWN JAMS. that was cute
“also i want children” 😂
omg this is hilarious “stop thief, your sultan commands it” I CANNOT 😂
i also dont mind the more “feminist” storyline they gave jasmine. it worked
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