#yukiko oshiro
yumedeer · 3 months
*Chapter/Book 6, after Yukiko is also kidnapped by S.T.Y.X.*
💀Idia: Oh, chill out! It's not like you've never been kidnapped before, Ortho told me about what happened in Scarabia.
❄️Yukiko: Ugh, sure, but not by a bunch of psychos! Ack! And a piece of sh*t!
💀Idia: Am I? Ok... ok, am I the psycho or the piece of sh*t?
❄️Yukiko: BOTH!
💀Idia: Yeah, that checks.
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gazeta24br · 5 months
Um ato heroico e humanitário em plena Segunda Guerra Mundial é retratado pela peça Desobediência, texto inédito de Renata Mizrahi livremente inspirado no livro “Passaporte para a Vida”, de Yukiko Sugihara. O espetáculo, dirigido por Regina Galdino, segue em circulação por São Paulo. Desta vez, faz duas apresentações gratuitas no Centro Cultural da Diversidade nos dias 7 e 8 de dezembro, às 20h. A peça foi idealizada por Rogério Nagai, que também está no elenco ao lado de Beatriz Diaféria, Carla Passos e Ricardo Oshiro. A montagem faz parte do projeto do Coletivo Oriente-se, em coprodução com a Nagai Produções Artísticas e Culturais. A trama narra de forma não-linear a jornada de Chiune Sugihara, um representante do consulado japonês na Lituânia que, em plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, forneceu de forma não autorizada mais de 2 mil vistos para judeus refugiados da Polônia ao longo de 20 dias, desobedecendo às ordens do Japão – que participava do Eixo, aliança com a Alemanha nazista e a Itália fascista Esses documentos se transformaram em mais de 6 mil vidas judias salvas durante a guerra. A história é contada pelo ponto de vista de Yukiko, a esposa do representante, que narra a saída do casal do Japão, a chegada à Europa, o nascimento dos filhos, os privilégios que tiveram na guerra, o episódio da desobediência, a derrota, a fuga, a prisão, a volta à terra-natal e o reconhecimento de Chiune como um aliado da vida. “Acho que o texto discute como, às vezes, seguimos na vida de forma automática, sem olhar para o lado, e acabamos naturalizando barbaridades, como o fato de alguém estar morrendo de fome na rua enquanto outra pessoa ostenta por aí uma vida milionária. Acredito que a voz da Yukiko é muito importante. Já naquela época, ela falava de empoderamento, de machismo, de sexismo e de xenofobia”, comenta a autora Renata Mizrahi. Já a diretora Regina Galdino acredita que o Desobediência é importante para nos mostrar caminhos em que o humanismo venceu o autoritarismo, sobretudo quando vivemos um retorno da extrema direita em todo o mundo. “Temas como as intolerâncias religiosa e étnica, a perseguição ideológica, as guerras pelo poder e territórios, a desumanidade, os refugiados e as crises econômicas, a desobediência a regras desumanas e a liberdade feminina estão presentes nesta história de esperança e obstinação na luta pela vida, com um elenco de nipo-brasileiros”, complementa. Ela ainda conta que a peça passeia pelo tempo e espaço de forma dinâmica, sem seguir a ordem cronológica, “em um jogo de aproximações e choques entre as culturas japonesa, judaica e europeia”. “O casal Chiune e Yukiko Sugihara contracena com diversas personagens interpretadas por um ator e uma atriz e optamos por figurinos atemporais, que ampliam a atualidade da história. O cenário e os elementos de cena são sintéticos e não-realistas estabelecendo, de forma abstrata, com a ajuda da iluminação, todas as cidades pelas quais o casal passou, desde Helsink, na Finlândia, até o retorno ao Japão, passando por Kaunas, na Lituânia; Berlim, na Alemanha; Praga, na então Tchecoslováquia; Konigsberg, na antiga Prússia, e Bucareste, na Romênia”, revela Galdino sobre a encenação. A encenadora conta inda que o grupo pesquisou como despertar a imaginação do público com imagens abstratas, não-realistas e inusitadas por meio de um cenário surrealista e de tecidos vermelhos utilizados no lugar de objetos. “A expressão corporal e a interpretação dos atores e atrizes convidarão o público, de forma sintética, a imaginar trens, florestas, praias, navios, salões de baile, consulados, prisões, máquinas de escrever e fuzis, além dos vistos emitidos para os judeus. Misturando drama e humor, contamos essa história pouco conhecida pelo público usando figurinos atemporais cinzas, "manchados" por tecidos vermelhos, com diferentes funções; um painel de fundo preto e branco com imagem surrealista; projeções abstratas; e a música original, com um tema e variações para passear por diferentes países e culturas”, acrescenta
Sinopse Desobediência é uma peça inédita de Renata Mizrahi livremente inspirada no livro “Passaporte Para a Vida”, de Yukiko Sugihara. A peça conta, de forma não-linear, a jornada de Chiune Sugihara, representante do consulado japonês na Lituânia que, em plena Segunda Guerra Mundial, forneceu de forma não autorizada mais de 2 mil vistos para judeus refugiados da Polônia, desobedecendo às ordens do Japão, aliado da Alemanha e Itália. Os 2 mil vistos se transformaram em mais de 6 mil vidas judias salvas na guerra. A história é contada pelo ponto de vista da esposa Yukiko: a saída do casal do Japão, a chegada à Europa, os filhos, os privilégios que tiveram na guerra, a desobediência ao consulado japonês, a derrota, a fuga, a prisão, a volta ao Japão e o reconhecimento de Chiune como um aliado da vida. O texto é um drama, com doses de humor. Ficha Técnica Texto: Renata Mizrahi Direção: Regina Galdino Elenco: Beatriz Diaféria, Carla Passos, Ricardo Oshiro e Rogério Nagai Cenografia e Figurinos: Telumi Hellen Vídeo mapping e operação de som: Alexandre Mercki Música original: Daniel Grajew Design e operação de luz: Paula da Selva Produção executiva: Amanda Andrade Direção de produção e coordenação geral: Rogério Nagai Assistência de Direção: Edson Kameda Fotografia: Joelma Do Couto, Rony Costa e Mari Jacinto Mídias sociais: Lol Digital Assessoria de Imprensa: Pombo Correio Comunicação visual: Pethra Ubarana Realização: Coletivo Oriente-se, Nagai Produções e Secretaria Municipal de Cultural - Lei de Fomento ao Teatro Serviço Desobediência, de Renata Mizrahi Centro Cultural da Diversidade 7 e 8 de dezembro, às 20h R. Lopes Neto, 206 - Itaim Bibi Grátis 12 anos 75 minutos @nagaiproducoes
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personaconcept · 4 years
Master Post
I find myself bored without the ability to to much besides write at the moment, so I went and put this little list of years together so you can image how everyone is doing right about now. Bolded characters are characters from my concept. 
1950 - Hiroko Ikeda (70)
1952 - Hiroki Hisakawa (68)
1970 - Ryotaro Dojima, P6 Protag’s Mother (50)
1976 - Maya Amano (44)
1979 - P1 Protagonist (41)
1980 - Hidehiko Uesugi & Yuka Ayase (40)
1981 - Tatsuya Suou (39)
1982 - Lisa Silverman (38)
1983 - Yuuki Kawaguchi, Ren Ueda (37)
1982 - Tsubasa Himura (36)
1981 - Haruka Kawaguchi (35)
1991 - Mitsuru Kirjiro & Akihiko Sanada (29)
1992 - P3 Protagonist, Yukari Takeba, & Junpei Iori (28)
1994 - P4 Protagonist, Yosuke Hanamura, Chie Satonmaka, Yukiko Amagi (26)
1995 - Kanji Tatsumi, Naoto Shirogane, Rise Kujikawa, Mizuki Kazama (25)
1999 - Aigis (21)
2000 - Ken Amada, Makoto Nijima, Haru Okumura (20)
2001 - P5 Protagonist, Ann Takamaki, Ryuji Sakamoto, Yusuke Kitagawa, Akemi Sonoda, Masaru Kazama (19)
2002 - Futaba Sakura (18)
2003 - P6 Protagonist, Sayaka Ito, Yudai Shinoda, Natsuki Yamauchi, Yota Sonohoka (17)
2004 - Nanako Dojima, Miyako Fujimori, Mashiro Oshiro, Jun Sanada (16)
2005 - Hoshiko Akiyama, Shinju Kawaguchi (15)
2010 - Sayuri Shimizu (10)
Also, fun fact: Apparently Jun Sanada gets his name from two different Persona characters; Jun Kurosu from Persona 2: Innocent Sin and Akihiko Sanada from Persona 3. Both of these were by total accident, seeing as I randomly generated all of these characters names and stuck with the combinations I liked the best.
Another fun fact: The men Jun’s (my Jun) family on his dad’s side canonically generally go grey before they turn eighteen. However, Jun went completely white by the age of four. He has a real world explanation for his anime coloring. Akihiko’s hair is also white.
I just... I didn’t plan this? I swear! I’ve just been thinking that if this was to become an actual thing... how many people would make theories about Akihiko and Jun being related...?
Anyways, I’m done now. Until next time!
Master Post
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ravenflier · 5 years
Women of the Illuminae Files
Finally finished Obsidio. Had so much fun reading these, but what stuck out a mile was the number of incredible female characters in the trilogy.
Kady Grant: pink-haired, resolute, determined computer-hacker, thinks of the big picture, never herself. 
Hanna Donnelly: prom queen turned tactical genius and martial artist for whom unlikely odds are merely a challenge.
Asha Grant: compassionate pharmacist atoning for past mistakes
Syra Boll: reluctant captain, steering a hotch-potch crew of refugees as best she can.
Fred McCall: former marine, former head of security, likewise reluctant captain, maker of difficult decisions. Team-player.
Katya Kowalska: the cleverest mouse; resourceful survivor.
Yukiko Oshiro: formerly hardline BeiTech pounder - has a conscience.
Ella Malikova: Pauchok, the little spider, bearer of losses, and partially-paralysed computer genius with brains and a personality fifty times the size of the average human. Wheelchair user; saver of worlds.
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stsgyuri · 6 years
rules: choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better
was tagged by @allisonreynolds thank u omg
tagging: anyone who wants to do this i feel bad if i tag random people oops
answers Below
i choose:
shatter me
the folk of the air
the first character you loved:
juliette ferrars (aka my mother)
kady grant
jude duarte (wow im basic)
the character you never expected to love so much:
travis falk (listen i like villains and his appearance reminded me of warner)
madoc (i really like this green man ok)
the character you relate to the most:
asha grant
jude duarte (this is really loose its just that i too would want to live with faeries and wish i punched Mean People in the face)
the character you’d slap:
adam kent (are we surprised)
fleur "kali" russo (BECAUSE FIRST OF ALL HOW DARE YOU)
taryn duarte (locke is only spared because i like him as a character more)
three favourite characters (in order of preference):
juliette ferrars, aaron warner, kenji kishimoto (no one is surprised also nazeera is like right behind)
nik malikov, kady grant, ezra mason
jude duarte, cardan, vivienne 
a character you liked at first but don’t anymore:
syra boll (she doubted my boys and i would say jackson but lets face it i never liked him ever)
taryn duarte
a character you did not like at first but now do:
haider ibrahim
yukiko oshiro (my woman)
three otps:
warnette, brendan x winston, and what else is there truly
kady x ezra, nik x hanna, asha x rhys (what do you want me to say also bonus: byron x living)
jude x cardan, vivienne x heather, locke x a castrator  
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 7 years
Danganronpa: Ascension
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2fKejKz
by PlummyPlums
Hikaru Negai High School, a prestigious school that gathers only the best of the best. Students who are accepted are known as Ultimates, and each one possesses a unique talent. Follow the protagonists and their friends as they attempt to solve mysteries, cope with horrible situations, and of course, try to survive.
Words: 442, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Multi
Characters: Amber Dore (OC), Miyamoto Ayano (OC), Kita Fuji (OC), Himura Gina (OC), Maeda Haruto (OC), Maeda Hikari (OC), Hamasaki Junichi (OC), Hamasaki Kenshin (OC), Suzuki Kiyoshi (OC), Sasaki Kouta (OC), Tachibana Masato (OC), Saito Minako (OC), Oshiro Nariko (OC), Kurosawa Osamu (OC), Minami Shinju (OC), Watanabe Shinobu (OC), Nakamura Yori (OC), Kita Yukiko (OC), Monokuma
Additional Tags: Blood, Death, Gore, Angst, Poisoning, Blood and Gore
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2fKejKz
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thekuroiookami · 7 years
(Haikyuu) The Cat’s Smile and the Girl’s Tears (Kuroo x Reader) - Part 3
You dragged yourself into the station the next day, your endurance stretched to its limits. You sank into the chair at your chaotic desk with a sigh and closed your eyes. A second later, an enticing cinnamon aroma filled the air. You opened one eye to the glorious sight of a coffee cup.
“You look like you got run over by a train. Slowly. Twice.” Iwaizumi didn’t sound at all sympathetic, but then he never did.
“Morning to you too, Hajime.” You took a long sip of the dark liquid and nearly moaned in relief. “I’ll forgive you for pointing out how terrible I look since you brought the elixir of life.”
He perched on the edge of your desk and folded his arms. “You’re welcome. How are you feeling after…?”
Your jaw clenched at the reference to the abrupt dissolution of your engagement. There was no point hiding anything from him, he’d known you for years now. You looked up into his face, locking your stare with his steady gaze. “I still want to gently change the shape of his face, if that’s what you mean.”
He glowered, barely restraining his own violent tendencies. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
You swirled the dregs of the coffee, contemplating the wreck that your life had become. “I’m managing. That’s all I can do. If I sit down and think about it, I’ll cry my heart out and it won’t help anyone. Maybe if we solve this case soon, I can use your shoulder as a prop for my dejected self.”
Iwaizumi regarded you for a heartbeat longer. He patted your arm and spoke gruffly. “I won’t let you use me as a mop, but I can always drag Oikawa out for you instead.”
You gave your partner a tired yet grateful smile. “You’re a pillar of support, my friend.”
Whatever sardonic reply he was going to make was cut off as a someone approached, his slim frame vibrating with nervous energy. You and Iwaizumi stared, baffled, as the young man executed a perfect salute, sending his mop of shiny black hair flying. “Officer Kageyama Tobio, reporting for duty!”
Realization dawned. “Oh. You’re the new rookie they assigned to us.” You took in his sharp blue eyes, wide with hope. “At ease, soldier. Whose nerves did you get on to get this as your first assignment?”
“Are you sure it isn’t a punishment for us?” Iwaizumi muttered under his breath. You elbowed him in the ribs.
“I- erm- I’m not sure what you mean, Sergeant.” Kageyama blinked in confusion.
You tilted your head back in brief prayer. “Sorry, Kageyama-kun, we’re just…Never mind. This is Iwaizumi Hajime, he’s a fairly nice guy, just don’t let him goad you into a drinking competition. I’m ____.”
Your partner jabbed a thumb at you. “She’s not a fully functioning human being in the morning, but don’t worry. She doesn’t actually eat people.”
You rolled your eyes. “One cup of coffee does not give you diplomatic immunity, Hajime.”
Kageyama’s eyes jumped back and forth between you both, unsure what to make of this. You took pity on him and smiled. “What do you know about the case- well cases – that we’re investigating?”
He pursed his lips. “Only the bare minimum, Sergeant. Six women have been found dead, different C.O.Ds each time, each ten days apart. The only link between the murders is that they all had playing cards with the word Alice written on them, found at the scene. Oh, and all the victims were dressed up as Alice from the books.”
Iwaizumi tapped a yellow binder. “The first victim was Sasaki Megumi. A restaurant owner in her late 20s. She went missing after a party. They found her a couple of days later when a couple was walking through the woods.”
You slid out a photo from the file. “More precisely, the woman in the pair looked up when she felt something drip onto her face. Sasaki had been torn apart and scattered everywhere.”
Kageyama’s face went pale at the sight of a head impaled on a branch, mouth wide in an eternal scream. To his credit, he didn’t look away. “Is that a playing card in her mouth?”
“Yes, the Jack of Spades. Sasaki seems to be the only one without the Alice costume.” You turned thoughtful. “Taken together with the frenzied mode of killing, it makes me think it was a crime of passion. The perpetrator was likely in a fit of rage.”
Iwaizumi picked up the thread and continued, expression grim. “The next one was Kai Sakura, a university student. Similar levels of brutality, but there’s evidence of pre-meditation. Her parents had the whole town looking for her for days. Then they found her in a shallow grave, heavily mutilated.”
Kageyama’s jaw clenched at the next photo. “There’s- there’s a crown. Stitched onto her head.”
You felt the darkness creeping back around the edges of your vision. The pain and terror frozen into her rag-doll face haunted your waking moments relentlessly. Your hand tightened around the paper cup. “It might have something to do with the Queen of Clubs card she had. Anyway, the killer is clearly getting cocky now. That’s why he made a slip.”
The rookie cop bent over to look at the grainy video footage Iwaizumi pulled up. “Where is this from?”
“The third victim’s apartment. Yamane Akemi was a part-time singer in a band. Sang at a small bar in the evenings. Worked at the local konbini during day. Had a sweet, soft-spoken personality by all accounts.” You put a soothing hand on his shoulder as Iwaizumi’s voice became rough. “In a show of real arrogance, the killer abducted her from her apartment, ripped her throat out and left her body slumped on a table for the bar-owner to find.  She had a Diamond King in her hand. Turns out being  that ballsy was a bad idea, because a surveillance camera caught him leaving the apartment, though his face is hidden.”    
Kageyama swallowed, fear turning his eyes glassy. “A-and the next one?”
“The next two,” you corrected gently, “were twins. Oshiro Hina and Hana. They ran a law firm together. C.O.D was poisoning – we found a bottle saying “Drink Me” and a cake with “Eat Me” iced on it. Probably the least violent of the killings, if you can say that about murder. They had half of a card each, the Ace of Hearts.”
“The one we found four days ago,” sighed Iwaizumi, “was Ueda Yukiko, a thirty-something nurse. Her co-worker became worried when she didn’t show up to work. When the neighbourhood police got into her apartment, her five-year old son was sitting by the bathtub, scared to death. Her body was floating in the water, and her hands had been cut off. Her card was a Two of Spades.”    
Kageyama flinched a little when he looked into your face. He didn’t know how far the horrors went, how utterly bleak your soul had become over the last two months. You had to push down the memory of a child who might never speak again. It wouldn’t help him to linger on your own feelings. You came back to reality to hear the end of Iwaizumi’s sentence.
“…and there’s no apparent connection between the victims.”
“As of now, that’s not true.” Both of them focused their unyielding attention on you. “I found out something yesterday.”
When you finished summarizing the events of the previous evening, Kageyama rested his chin on his hand, thinking. You had to resist the overwhelming urge to pat his head. He was so young and unblemished. He piped up, oblivious to your thoughts. “So the club calls all its special guests Alice?”
You nodded. “Presumably the suspect has regular access to the club and the underground areas.”
Iwaizumi was pacing next to the board now, deep in his own conclusions. You saw the beginnings of a familiar resolve building on his face as he spoke. “So how does that fit into the order of the killings? The murderer started off with a lot of rage, probably had no plans to kill the first victim. Then they realized they could do it again, get away with it. So the second one is showy, a taunt. Then…”
The younger male caught on to your partner’s line of thought and straightened. “And then they’re all in cold blood because he just likes killing for the sake of it now.”
You placed a palm on a photo, feeling a crimson thread binding you to the sorrowfully still girl in the picture. “They’re punishments,” you intoned quietly. “For defying his wishes. Whatever they are.”
There’s a moment of silence before Iwaizumi turned to Kageyama. “We can talk about this on the way to the lab. There’s someone you need to meet.”
The lone figure hunched over the table in the forensics room didn’t look up when you entered. “I’m busy, go away.”
“We brought a fresh recruit, Semi.” You tilted your head in amusement. “If you would take your eyes from the microscope for a second, you can register him and go back to brooding.”
Your favourite analyst scowled and pushed back his glasses onto his head, making his silvery hair stand up in tufts. “I’m not brooding. If you had any gratitude at all, you’d leave me alone to the mountain of work they’ve left me with.” He didn’t wait for your reply before looking poor Kageyama up and down once. “Okay, registered. Now disappear.”
You settled your hip against the table and smiled pleasantly. “I love you too, Semi. Have you got any news for me?”
He gave you a flat look of displeasure and pulled a sheet from a teetering stack of papers. “The autopsy results are out. Ueda Yukiko died from asphyxiation by drowning. No big surprise there.”
Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow. “And?”
Semi sighed and pulled another sheet from the perilously stacked tower. You saw Kageyama eye the wobbling paper structure with trepidation. “The analysis finally came back on the poison used in the twins’ food.” He bit his lip. “It’s tetrodotoxin. A neurotoxin commonly found in poisonous marine animals.”
You and Iwaizumi straightened in attention. You leaned closer to Semi. “That would be hard to procure, wouldn’t it?”
The analyst twirled a pen in consideration. “Yeah, I’d say so. It’s not usually synthesized artificially either, so you can’t just buy it. It’s worth looking into the source.”
“I can do it.” Iwaizumi’s eyes slid to the junior officer as Kageyama held his hand up. “I can try to trace the poison.”
Semi nodded like that solved everything. “There you go, the new kid is offering to do it for you. Now can I please get back to this fingerprint sample?”
You nudged his shoulder. “You sure you don’t want to join us for lunch, snow queen?”
“And spend half an hour in interminable agony? No thanks.”
Iwaizumi shook his head as you left the lab, muttering something about cicadas and people with no lives. Kageyama shook his head fervently when you repeated your question about lunch, saying he had something to look up, and ran off. You stepped outside with Iwaizumi, turning left to take the path to your usual izakaya, when an arm suddenly slung itself around your shoulder.
“___-chan, were you and Iwa-chan going to abandon me and go to lunch? How mean.”
You gave Oikawa a long-suffering look. “Abandonment implies we have a choice, which hasn’t been the case since college.”
Iwaizumi bumped fists with you. “For once we agree on something.”
Oikawa’s head drooped to rest on your shoulder. You ruffled his glossy hair affectionately. “How’s life in the limelight treating you, Tooru?”
“Same old, same old. Being a celebrity news anchor does have its downsides, you know.”
You looped your arm through his and dragged him forward. “Like what? All the people in love with you?”
He narrowed his eyes at you. “When they follow you around and invade your privacy, yes.”
Iwaizumi’s mouth curled down unhappily. “Is someone bothering you?”
Your other best friend smiled, eerily reminding you of a cat that caught the canary. “Why Iwa-chan, are you feeling protective of me?”
“Yeah,” replied Iwaizumi simply. “I am. Wouldn’t anyone be?” There was long silence in which Oikawa watched Iwaizumi with a strained expression. You stopped and looked up at the izakaya’s name emblazoned in red.
“Tooru, you’re paying this time.” The tension dissipated as Oikawa gave you a betrayed look.
“But why? You’re punishing me for something I didn’t even do,” he said with a pout.
“You’re paid more than me and Hajime combined,” you pointed out. “I think you can afford to treat us to some ramen without breaking the bank.” Iwaizumi nodded solemnly.
He threw his hands up in surrender. “Fine. You first, ___-chan,” he said, holding the curtains to the entrance open. Oikawa made a grand flourish. “Age before beauty, remember?”
You made sure to step hard on his foot as you walked in. He yelped and followed you to a quiet table in the corner, scowling at you the whole way. Iwaizumi was shaking his head at your collective antics when the server came to take your orders. You noted with amusement the glazed adoration on her face as Oikawa gave her a dazzling smile.
“So,” you said to Iwaizumi when you were alone again, “how should we go about dealing with this?”
Oikawa sipped from a glass of water, dark eyes watchful. “Have you made any progress with the Alice killer?”
You told him what you’d learned at the club. “I think I’ll have to go back there and question them all,” you finished. “There’s a lot more under the surface than they’re letting on.”
“The whole thing seems extremely shady to me,” growled Iwaizumi. “I’m going with you.”
You wondered how to go about this gently. “I don’t think it’s a good idea. I have feeling their trust is fragile, and anything could break it. I need you to look up their files instead so we can corroborate their stories later. It’s time consuming, but Kageyama-kun can help.”
Green eyes locked with yours in a battle of wills as Iwaizumi made his disapproval known. You gazed back until he looked away with a sigh. “Be careful. This perp has no boundaries, no rules. You could be targeted.”
Oikawa gave you a pleasant smile. “I could accompany you, if you like. This club sounds very interesting.”
Before you could say it, Iwaizumi shook his head. “No, definitely not. It’s bad enough that she wants to waltz in there without protection, but taking you along? That’s not happening.”
Oikawa’s face was set in stubborn resolve. He lifted his chin. “I can take care of myself, Iwa-chan. ‘Sides, the killer only targets women.”
That seemed to make the other male falter. His face turned grim again. “I still say no. There’s no guarantee the murderer will continue to follow this pattern, and you might not be able to follow ___ to the underground floor. It’s unsafe for a host of reasons.”
You watched in fascination as Oikawa turned predatory. “Iwa-chan,” he said, lips curling upwards, “are you really just worried for me?”
Iwaizumi frowned, setting his glass down with a tap. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean,” Oikawa intoned, voice husky, “you’re coming up with a bunch of flimsy reasons for me not to visit a club. As if I haven’t been to a million of them. Is there something in particular about this one that bothers you? Like the fact that there’s a collection of attractive, intriguing people?”
You bit your cheek as you saw Iwaizumi’s knuckles turn white. “Are you saying,” he gritted out, “that I’m jealous?”
There was a rustle as Oikawa leaned forward, his gaze fixed on Iwaizumi’s. “I don’t know. Are you?”
It was lightning-fast, but you caught it as Iwaizumi’s eyes dropped to Oikawa’s mouth. Judging from the way his shoulders stiffened, Tooru knew it too. Your partner parted his lips to speak. “I-“
A shrill ring drove a spike into the strange moment building at the table. You finally breathed again as Iwaizumi left to take the call, your chest easing out of a tightness you didn’t know you felt. Oikawa just stared at the table with a dark expression, his frame rigid with tension. You sighed.
“Tooru, when are you both going to stop dancing around each other and just say it?” You had lost track of the number of times they came close to the edge of that precipice.
He didn’t look at you. “I can’t risk it, ___-chan. You and Iwa-chan are the only people I have left.” His voice was quiet, broken. “I just can’t.”
You put your hand over his, feeling his pain like your own. “I’m not going to interfere, but…this isn’t going to last forever.”
He didn’t say anything when you and Iwaizumi left for the station. Your partner’s face had turned into a granite mask, and you knew better than to prod him for answers. After spending a while collecting files to take with you, it was time to leave, so you waved at Iwaizumi. He nodded back briskly. “Be safe, ___.”
Twenty minutes later you found yourself staring at a door, powder blue this time, and wondering what awaited you behind its polished surface. There was only one way to find out. You inhaled for calm, turned the knob and walked in.
A shirtless Kuroo greeted you with an inscrutable smile. You swallowed at the sight of gloriously dusky skin, marble-like musculature and that sinful hair over one eye. “Detective. I see you’ve found the Pool of Tears.”
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yumedeer · 11 months
🦈Floyd: I'm going to club practice with Little Crab and Sea Snake. What about you, Little Shrimpy? Wanna see me play today?
😼Yuu, suddenly nervous: Me? Going to watch you play? Running around in your cool, brand new basket wear? SWEATING!?
😼Yuu: *blushes uncontrollably*
😼Yuu, running away: I GOTTA GO!!
🦈Floyd: Huh?
❄️Yukiko: Don't worry, he'll come around soon.
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yumedeer · 5 months
🪞The twins (somehow) meet the official manga and novel Yuus🪞
🤺Yuuken: My name's Yuuken, but everyone in NRC calls me Yuu.
🥋Yuuka: Same here, I'm Yuuka, but they call me Yuu there.
🖤Yuuya: Same... My name is Yuuya, but everyone calls me Yuu, too...
🍤Yuuta: Look at that! I'm also called Yuu and my name's Yuuta.
❄️Yukiko: I'm Yukiko, but Yuu is my brother's name, so everyone calls me just Yuki.
🍤Yuuta: Wow, at least that's a bit more different.
🥋Yuuka: And what about you?
😼Yuu: Me? I'm Yuu.
🤺Yuuken: Yuu as a short of what?
❄️ Yukiko: *snorts*
😼Yuu: ...Of nothing, I'm just... Yuu.
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yumedeer · 1 year
How is he going to tell them...? 😣😔
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yumedeer · 6 months
When Fellow meets Yuu and Yukiko, he gives them the nickname of "Wishing Stars", not only because they can be "famous stars" on stage, but also because their blue eyes make him think of the Blue Star from the story Wish Upon a Star.
And for some reason, this comparison makes both twins feel very strange...
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yumedeer · 6 months
❄️Yukiko: That suspicious Fellow dude can go and KISS. MY. A-
😼Yuu: STOP!! Ortho and Gidel are still over there!!!
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yumedeer · 1 year
❄️Yukiko: You sneaky SON OF A-
🔔Rollo: Ah ah ah. Watch it. We're still in academic grounds.
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yumedeer · 2 months
Leona feels that a "storm" is coming
🦁Leona: Oh no...
❄️Yukiko: What's wrong?
🦁Leona: I think a noisy storm with thunder and hail is coming... Well, that's it if we get too close to the thunder.
❄️ Yukiko: Huh? What are you talking about? *she spots Sebek on the distance* Ugh, this *sshole again...
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yumedeer · 8 months
//Chapter/ Book 7 part 5 spoilers//
😼Yuu: So... there's this theory/possibility of the headmaster being Malleus' biological father...
❄️Yukiko: WHAT!? Please, NO!! I refuse to believe it! I'm not ready to learn that, if that was the case, Malleus would be technically our... FOSTER BROTHER?!
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yumedeer · 1 year
Too cute to hand away...
(Epel's tsum is all cuddled up in Yukiko's arms)
🍎Epel: Wow, Yuki! My tsum really likes you, it didn't even tackle you when you called it cute by accident!
😼Yuu, teasingly: Oh, I wonder why is that~
🍎Epel, flustered: Shhh! Please, don't say anything!
❄️Yukiko, looking at the tsum: ...
🍎Epel: Well then, I'm glad you two get along, but we should head back to the dorm. Could you give it back?
❄️Yukiko: ...
🍎Epel: Yuki? It's something wrong?
😼Yuu: Yukiko, I know what you're thinking. Don't.
❄️Yukiko: YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!! (runs away with the tsum)
🍎Epel: Yuki!!
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