tu-mint · 3 years
A/N: Sooo I’ve been meaning to share my Mortal Kombat stuff on here for a while, I wanted to wait for the movie to come out first 😅🤣
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TW: mentions of torture & sexual assault
In which Shang Tsung and the Black Dragon are officially put down and Earthrealm's defenders are able to return home, but Raelynn is stuck in her thoughts, but one of the young Kombatants is able to help her reconsider the negativity in her mind. (Based around MK11 & Aftermath but w/ a twist?)
Raelynn knew this all too well. With her entity as a half god, a change in time would do nothing to erase the horrifying memory in her mind back in the Black Dragon's dungeon -- at least, that's what it felt like. Hours upon hours of nothing but brutal beatings, each kick, punch, and swing as harsh as the last. While it wouldn't have hurt too much being that she was stronger than the average mortal, the bindings fused with the dark power of Shinnok's amulet extracted much of her godlike strength and left her as a helpless bait to be shredded and mauled at by the jaws of vicious and starved predators, desperate to take a leap at the prey before them. It still seemed unbelievable how she was alive even after all the bruises and cuts and blood...but she managed. After all, those shallow wounds were all but nothing comapred to--
The demigoddess shivered involuntarily and inhaled sharply. Thankfully, everyone aboard was too immersed in their own activities to notice her sudden actions, but she knew she wasn't stable enough with where her thoughts were treading. Her eyes searched for her son who was currently speaking in a group of the younger Kombatants. A yellow strip of cloth with an intricate design she couldn't make out was fastened around his bicep, and she wondered where it had come from until her eyes peered at the young male he stood beside. Takeda, son to Kenshi and pupil under Grandmaster Hasashi, was missing the usual yellow band that adorned his head as a reminder to those that he was a member of the Shirai Ryu clan. His short onyx locks blew freely but he didn't seem to mind all that much, instead grinning down at Haru who wore the cloth proudly. Cassie and Jacqui mirrored the telepath's reaction, the blonde pulling out her phone and snapping a picture. The sight warmed her heart and she was thankful the young fighters didn't look upon her son with irritation, but rather genuine care and happiness. When Haru had told her of the adventures and stories spent with them, a pang of guilt struck her for the early misjudgement on her part, believing they were just frivolous juveniles that only gained their high positions due to the status of their families.
Wishing not to allow her brooding to draw unwanted attention, Raelynn slipped silently to the back of the ship. Her efforts did not go unnoticed by Raiden who stood near the hull of the ship, but he decided against speaking with her in that moment.
He recalled the time he had found her, bound like a dog and covered in welts and lacerations big and small. She was curled into a ball, shaking and burying her face into her knees. It was then Raiden became aware of the state of her clothing, torn and barely covering her form as if someone intentionally ripped and pulled at it to expose more of her. Immediately he slipped out of his own robe and pulled it across her trembling form, respectfully averting his eyes. As he helped Raelynn stand to her feet, his eyes widened as countless more bruises and marks made themselves visible, tiny splotches of smooth brown skin barely surviving. These people had clearly put her through a very long, thorough beating, and it was evident that they were in no means hoping to show mercy. No, they wanted her dead. Raiden had teleported into the SF ship and rushed her to the infirmary room. People cleared the way immediately and knew better than to question his sudden appearance as he brushed past them while carrying the barely conscious woman to a bed near the back. He knew the Kombatants would be able to handle themselves well, so he stayed and began the healing process.
It was during this time he realized that Raelynn was no mere mortal, but a half god created by the hands of Cetrion. While it was difficult at first for him to fully trust her said intentions due to her creator's betrayal upon the Elder Gods, he had seen her heart's purity during the mission. The thunder god knew that she was making the best of efforts to redeem herself of past mistakes, and Liu Kang recognized this as well. A twinge of concern fell upon him just then as he knew that she still had much she needed to recover from. Whether she would eventually open up to him or not didn't matter, he would be patient and assist her as best as he could.
Raelynn took a seat upon the thick wooden rail and swung her legs over to face the bloody depths of Netherrealm's ocean. She wasn't afraid of falling nor coming across any odd sea creatures knowing that she had flying abilities, but of course she also wasn't dumb enough to try and test her strength or reflexes. A heavy sigh escaped her lips as she looked on at the overlapping waves, allowing her mind to space out and roam. Her fingers tapped on the rail in a rhythmic pattern, and she suddenly was reminded of something. Her hands came together and moved in a circular motion, stretching further until the form of her solar powers had become a guitar. She clutched the neck and hugged the body of the instrument under her other arm smiling to herself.
Upon visiting the islands of the Pacific in the past, she had learned about the aspect of music through vocals and tools that produced a pleasant audio. The demigoddess found that these brought her a sense of peace and tranquility, and immediately she wanted to learn the ways of this fascinating revelation. What came as an interest to her in the beauty of music was the endless techniques for a new sound, new sensations, new reactions, and day by day, there was always the creation or discovery of another. She allowed her fingers to delicately pluck and strum a mix of chords, a tingle settling in her chest at the euphoria beginning to wash over her. Her hands moved on their own accord, finding a steady tempo and following a pattern with an occasional switch. The nerves that built up in the pit of her stomach had eventually disappeared into wisps of nothingness. Her eyes began to slowly close and she hummed quietly wanting no attention to be drawn to the back of the ship. It seemed to work decently, until-
"Wow, you're part god and a singer? Gotta say I'm definitely jealous."
The woman’s fingers froze in place already in position to strum a new chord. She craned her neck just enough to glance over her shoulder at the intruder, already knowing it who it was. “My life is nothing to be envious of, Specialist Briggs.”
Raelynn heard footsteps tread closer and tapped on her guitar. The younger woman climbed onto the rail and threw a leg over the other. They sat for a moment in silence, staring off at the deep scarlet waters swishing and rolling about. “I owe you an apology, Specialist.”
Jacqui’s eyebrow quirked and her eyes fell upon the half god. Raelynn took her silence as a sign to continue. “I apologize for my behavior towards you and your friends throughout most of the mission. Even after I had caused harm upon your lives and nearly killed your fiancé, you still ensured trust in me. That I could never understand, but-"
"It wasn't easy." The half goddess shifted her attention to the soldier. Her face was impassive as she watched the waves. Raelynn couldn't tell if her expression was a good or bad thing, but she decided against trying to get her hopes up. A great deal (if not all) of her acts under Cetrion were cruel and groundless, and she held no anguish up until the time she had to come face to face with the truth of her doings. It tore her day and night, and meeting Hajoon had her convinced that she would be able to leave the life of corruption far behind and start fresh. Of course, the facts couldn't be hidden forever, and the half goddess found herself back in the deep hole of falsehood, surrounded with nothing but fabricated offers to a better life. She scoffed mentally. That opportunity was officially closed off to her. It seemed as though disaster was always a few steps away, eager to ruin her chances at something sound, and risking it a third time was nowhere near appealing.
"There were many instances where I questioned why the Chosen One defended you to such an extent, especially after it was SF that provided for your recovery." Jacqui's voice had brought her out of her thoughts. "Trust me, I was beyond ready to blast a hole or two through your head a hell lot of times." She paused. "But spending time with Haru and hearing your whole deal...I understood you." Raelynn's brows raised slightly, not expecting such a considerate response.
"I couldn't imagine a life finding out that the one who was supposed to be my caretaker, my protector, my safe haven, was actually the one who robbed me of all that. My mother..." Her words trailed off and she peered down into her lap. She tightened her jaw and bit her lip to keep from releasing the tears awaiting just behind her eyes. Raelynn almost reached her hand out in an effort of comfort but stopped, not wanting to ruin the intimacy in the moment. Jacqui lifted her head and continued. "Man, it would kill me if she'd ever done something like that...growing up believing that everything was all good and sweet, and everyone just hated her for doing what I thought was the right thing, thinkin' it was my own folks who were the crooks trynna steal me away and take my power from me..." She scoffed. "Seein' my dad as a revenant then manipulated by Kronika was betrayal enough, and it hurt like hell. Point is, I realized that you truly had no malice in you. You were just takin' orders and tryin' to keep your mother—uh, Cetrion, happy."
And it was true. Raelynn trusted completely in the virtue goddess as any child would their guardian. She worked vigorously in carrying out the Elder Goddess' wishes, longing to eventually gain any sort of praise or affection, but it was rare that those occurrences came to past. Most of her upbringing revolved around unanswered questions and the constant urge to do better, trying at all costs to win approval. But like a fool, she allowed her heart to get the best of her, put her through the worst of hells just to seek out a foolish desire that would never be anything close to genuine. That's what messed her up in the first place, and she couldn't—no, would not dare to do something as stupid as that again. It was only her and Haru. Nobody else.
"I am...appreciative of your understanding, Ms. Briggs," Raelynn spoke after a long moment of silence. "You and your comrades are owed a huge debt on my behalf."
Jacqui chuckled and shook her head, then turned to look at the demigoddess. "You're damn right we are!" The two women shared a laugh on the rail. "Actually, I believe there is a way to pay back this debt."
"How so?"
"Well, Takeda and I's wedding was put on pause due to this whole mission, and it cost a lot to find decent live music. Cassie offered, but we're trying to have a simple proper wedding, not a drunk karaoke session. And you have the voice of an angel—well, a god in your case. If you can strum a few chords and sing a few notes for a few hours, I'll consider you free of deficit."
Raelynn cocked her head and raised a brow. "That's...that's all?" She figured the woman would request of something more extravagant, like a prolonged lifespan or giving her supernatural abilities. Jaqui nodded and crossed her arms awaiting an answer.
"I...very well, Ms. Br-"
"Jacqui. That formality stuff is weird if it's not comin' from General Blade." The demigoddess was taken by surprise again. She gave a single nod and looked on at the waves which now fell into to a more mellow and calm pattern.
Perhaps it wasn't just Haru and her against the world. Every person aboard had their story, their differences, their fall outs, but they were able to cast it all aside at an effort for peace upon a world that did almost nothing for them in return. Some aspects of the Earthrealm were odd, she thought. It was going to take a lot of time to get used to these people, but maybe, just maybe...
There was a sense of hope.
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tu-mint · 3 years
I’M ON AO3‼️
Quick announcement guys! So I am also officially on Archive of Our Own (aka AO3) as I felt that I wanted to stretch my writing platform onto other places. By doing so, I will probably be posting new works there before it reaches my Tumblr platform just because I know that more people do tend to use that. Anyways, hope you guys are all doing well and had a good New Years! Until next time!
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tu-mint · 3 years
“The Lemonade” Guy Pt. 1
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When Jade realizes her feelings for a certain schoolmate go beyond a friendship, she makes a tremendous effort to rid herself of it.
Song Inspo(s): Wicked Games - Kiana Lede; I Won’t Say I’m In Love - Hercules
International AU!
Word Count: 4k+
There was rarely ever something Jade tried to avoid other than the topic of Manu. The reactions that came upon his death were much too triggering to her anger, and she refused to allow that level of rage to overcome her again; thankfully this was not the case. Now while that was a relief, the actual issue being avoided proved to be almost as troubling, and the foreign girl did not realize the matter until recently.
UA High was bustling with noise and movement, people curious about the UA students from different parts of the world. Jade was blessed to have been shown secret entrances and passageways by Ren as to avoid news reporters. While it wasn’t anything she wasn’t unfamiliar with, the second year student knew uncomfortable and personal questions would turn up if given the chance, so she decided staying in the shadows would be safe for now. Stepping onto school grounds, Jade found Maeda, Kubo and Ren chatting with two students she could not recognize. One was a girl with long cyan hair and a bright expression, and the other a boy with his head turned away from the trio. Hm...maybe they're new kids? It was difficult to tell whether or not they were around the same age as her, but Jade concluded they were older looking at their height. The girl craned her neck to look over her shoulder then gasped loudly.
"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygoshisthisher?!" She sped towards the international student and stretched a hand outward, grinning widely. "Nejire Hado, third year here at the original UA! You must be Jade, I was just asking your friends about you, and I heard you were from Los Angeles! Tell me what it's like! Is the food really good? What about the school? Is it different from the UA here? Ooh, what about your father? Is it true about him being a Pro Hero? What's his quirk? Is it like yours? Wha--"
"Easy Hado, she just got here," Ren intervened with a light chuckle. "Well, she already introduced herself, so that leaves the guy hiding behind her, Tamaki Amajiki, also a third year student. He's a bit shy as you can see." Jade leaned on her side to find the indigo haired male from earlier, head hung low and arms crossed tightly. She gave a small smile when he peeked up from the locks curtaining his face, pleased when he gave a single nod.
"It's nice to meet you both," chirped the foreign girl with a bow to which Hado squealed.
"And she's respectful! Ah, such an intriguing new person to meet--oh! I have to introduce you to Mirio, you'll love him, most girls do. Now where is he--" She scampered away with Tamaki in tow, slipping into the sea of students and staff members. Jade watched on with a scowl on her face. Most girls do? What is she trynna say, that I'm gonna be part of some bandwagon? She felt a hand on her shoulder pulling her out of her thoughts.
"She didn't mean it like that," came Ren's voice again. "Hado has a very blunt and unconventional way of speech, don’t mind her."
"It's something she can work on considering she wants to pursue becoming a Pro Hero," Maeda interjected, her tone flat but firm. Jade hummed in agreement and looked amongst the other pupils. Upon seeing the many faces, her eyes became fixed on one that stood out.
In a large crowd of females stood a tall and bulky male, his smile gleaming and proud. He appeared to be speaking to them, a round of giggles following soon after whatever he’d said. There were a few international students Jade recognized taking pictures with him and handing him slips of paper, presumably with some kind of social contact on it. That must be who the girl was talking about seeing he has an entire--wait a minute! It wasn’t until he looked up that she realized why the male seemed familiar. That’s the guy who I ran into at the entrance! The one who gave me that stupid nickna--
Jade cursed inwardly as he advanced in her direction. She glanced at the entourage behind him, their faces surprised or annoyed, and it didn’t help that some of them were now moving closer too. Her feet were glued in place as the male stood before her, a cheeky grin evident on his face. Blonde hair, blue eyes, nice body...definitely the same guy from the first day.
”Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten my name already,” he chuckled, crossing his arms. Jade noted how the gesture made his already defined muscles tighten. An odd tension arose in her abdomen, but she quickly dismissed it and cleared her throat.
”Togata if I remember correctly.” The foreign girl bowed, remembering her manners. It was best to keep a respectful image considering the person before her was not only older, but one of the most skilled students attending the original UA. “It's good to s—“
”Togata, I need some help getting to my classes," a voice suddenly cut in. It came as a realization to Jade that a majority of the girls from earlier were now surrounding them. The person who had spoken was an international student herself, but she didn't look too pleased that all the attention was on someone else. Her hand crawled up Togata's arm in a suggestive manner before resting at his shoulder. "I'm not too familiar with UA Japan's complex," she continued, "so it would help a lot."
"Ooh wait, I think I need help too!" someone else from the crowd piped.
"I do as well!"
"Me too!"
Soon numerous hands were tugging at the tall male with pleads and demands of showing them around the school. Jade watched as Togata weakly smiled and tried to talk amongst the bunch with reason; it proved useless as they continued to grab at him from every direction. An unusual feeling rushed to her torso again, but something felt much different from earlier. In place was a strong stinging sensation, not enough to hurt but enough to generate irritation. What in the hell--
"Something wrong, Lofota?" Maeda's voice snapped Jade back into reality. Ren and Kubo were before her, curiosity etched on their features. From her peripheral line of vision she could see the bulky third year being dragged away with a familiar cyan and indigo haired duo following close behind.
"We saw Togata and his groupies approach you, but you looked as if you were ready to jump at one of them," Kubo remarked. "I personally don't mind, just give me a heads up next time so I can record it for memories." Maeda rolled her eyes at this.
Jade chuckled and shook her head. "It wasn't anything like that, guys, I think my mind was just occupied with something else. Let's try and get to class before news reporters start breaking through the gates." She walked alongside the trio and listened to them explain UA Japan's school system and the events that were set throughout the year. Despite her nonchalant attitude, the sting remained in Jade's stomach; she figured it would go away after some medication and rest.
It took a little over a month for the second year to realize that the peculiar feelings in her system were not an overnight situation. Jade took matters into her own hands and recorded when her stomach fell into any eccentric sensation, noting what, when and how much she ate and any possible patterns. When food appeared to be free of guilt, she tried looking at her sleep patterns and clothing for clues but was met with the same result. Her concern had caught Ren's attention when the medic pupil found her seated on a hospital bed speaking to Recovery Girl.
"Hon, I've ran multiple scans and checkups and found nothing," sighed the elder. "Your health is in great shape and according to your own data, it seems like you're doing just fine. Maybe try laying down, it seems this issue with your tummy is stressing you out." Jade complied wordlessly, but Ren could see that she was still in heavy thought. When Recovery Girl exited the office, she took a seat beside the bed and peered up. "Thinkin' real hard over there, aren't you?"
Jade turned on her side with a groan. "I just wanna figure out what the hell is wrong with me, it's starting to piss me off."
"What've you been doing?"
"School, hero training, eating, sleeping, the usual."
"Any foods you can think of that caused that pain?"
"No, but that's the weird part!" The foreign student sat up and pulled a leg to her chest. "This feeling I keep getting, it doesn't hurt. It just--it doesn't...I never had this before, but I'm not sure if that means I'm doing something wrong that's causing my body to react the way it does."
Ren arched her brows in search of an answer. "Can you maybe describe this 'feeling' by comparing it to something? Or perhaps using a metaphor? Just so I can understand this better."
"It...well, there's usually two kinds of reactions. At one point, my abdomen feels light but constricted, like it can't take anything in because everything is squeezed out. When that happens, I also feel my heart rate pick up, and my body feels overheated." The medic nodded and gestured to continue. "The second feeling is more like a stinging one, or like a burn--yeah, burning would be a more accurate comparison. When my stomach gets like that, I get really annoyed, but there's only so much I can do when the problem is internal. I tend to get more of the first reaction than I do the second, if that helps."
It was an interesting explanation given, and Ren understood why Recovery Girl struggled a bit providing help. She was quiet for a long time, but just as her friend was about to speak, she asked another question: "Does this ever happen around a specific time? Specific person? Maybe a certain group of people or things?"
Jade blinked before lying down again, her attention focused on the ceiling. Is there somebody or something always near me when this happens? She reeled through all the faces and names she'd ever interacted with, staff members, students, strangers, but no exact nouns came to mind that she could recall triggering this reaction. The foreign student shook her head.
"Huh, well...what's the earliest you recall first feeling these sensations?"
"I think the earliest I felt it was when I was talking to Togata and--" Almost immediately the rest of Jade's sentence died on her tongue. Ren quickly caught the abrupt end and tried to make understanding of what had just happened. The memory was clear as day in her mind, meeting Hado and Amajiki, Togata walking up to her with immaculate bulging muscles, the crowd of female students hauling him away and the indefinable feelings in her abdomen, it all began to click. However, looking over the details of that time, Jade realized that the sensations ultimately activated when she was around--
She whipped her head in surprise.
"Togata is the cause behind your odd abdominal feelings," Ren smiled, "which tells me this is definitely not a medical issue." She bit back a laugh at the disbelief on Jade's face. It seemed she understood what was being implied as she began shaking her head feverently.
"No no no and no, you better not say what I think you're about to say, Ishikawa."
"Aw, c'mon now Jade, you can't be upset at me! I was just trying to help you understand the cause of your stomach issues, looks like it was just butterflies the whole time."
The foreign student grimaced. "Ren, please don't."
"But it's actually cute! I personally think that you both--"
Jade sat in irritation until her friend ceased laughing, then hopped off the bed and brushed off her uniform. The medic pupil stood up immediately and pulled her into a hug, chuckling lightly. "Well, now that we found the root of the issue, what are you gonna do? Am I helping you plan a confession?"
"I'm gonna get rid of it.” Ren's snickering stopped. Jade's face and tone was enough to say she wasn't kidding.
"Heh, I uh...I don't think I heard you correctly?"
"Get rid of it. I'll just distance myself from Togata so that my mind can adjust it's thoughts towards him." She hurried after her friend down the hallway. Students buzzed around them, lively chatter and activity surrounding the pair.
"Wait a minute Jade, I'm not understanding how this is being helpful."
"Ren, the more time I am not near him or able to visibly see him, I'm more than a hundred percent sure that whatever these annoying feelings are will dissipate. When that happens, I can go back to being in the guy's presence without any weird aura surrounding me, but until then, I'm following a strict 'No Togata' routine."
The medic student scoffed in amusement. "Routine? Jade, that's the most ridiculous thing I've heard a UA student say. I say just let it happen and see where it goes from there. Who knows, maybe he possibly could return--"
"Ah--" Jade stopped and held a hand up. "I'm gonna stop you there for two reasons. One, the sole reason anyone should attend this school is to pursue some kind of a career, and this applies especially to me. I was sent here as a representative because UA Los Angeles trusts me to execute and display my skills as a potential Pro Hero, not to go messin' around with Japan's kids, let alone the top students. I have an entire city depending on me, Ren, I can't mess this up." She sighed and took in another breath. "Two, if anything, I am far from his type."
"His type? How can you even know that if you only ever said hi to the guy like, three times?"
"Context clues. If it isn't directly in front of you, look at everything around to find your answer."
Ren deadpanned. "And what exactly did you look at to find your answer?"
"Upbeat, lively girls," Jade replied as if it should've been an obvious answer. The pair entered the cafeteria which was more cramped than usual. Staff members were present, most likely by Nezu's word to have travelling students feel more welcomed. All Might stood among the teachers with a countless number of admirers already circled around him, all different years, sizes and appearances. A certain green haired boy appeared to be of his utmost interest as he practically shouted in the student's face. Ren chuckled at the sight, but she noticed her friend's attention was focused elsewhere.
Her gaze was closed in on a table swallowed by a swarm of students. Some were people from earlier that were practically throwing themselves at Togata, and it seemed no different as he sat at the center of the table enjoying his lunch. Hado was seated across from him, her expression as bright as ever, and beside them was a shaking Amajiki, his head rested against the structure’s surface. His nervous movements ceased, however, and Ren smiled seeing the cyan haired girl had slipped her hand into his, returning to her conversation with ease. Jade also noticed the subtle gesture, but she wouldn't help feeling a pang of annoyance at the audience surrounding the blonde boy. She didn't realize she was watching so intensely until his eyes crossed the room to meet hers. Crap! Immediately Jade looked away, unsure if she was more embarrassed about getting caught or feeling irked over a guy. You're here to represent your school, show your worth of an upcoming Pro Hero. Stop getting distracted! Distance! "Ren, let's get some lunch. I'm sure Tokoyami and the others are awaiting your presence."
"Our presence." Jade smiled as they strode across the cafeteria. The medic always made sure she felt included no matter what the situation was; it eased her thoughts greatly, which was something she needed.
Another month passed and Jade had almost become like a second Maeda, so intently focused during school hours and hero training. Even on off days, the international student went about her own activities, only ever seen for meals or rest. Her bond remained close with Ren, Maeda and Kubo in various ways, however, and she was present whenever a hangout commenced, so it seemed like everything was completely fine. Ren's teasing had become more discreet (much to Jade's relief) and she created a codename for the blonde third year.
"'The lemonade'?" Jade cringed. The two met up for a walk through town one day, and it seemed safe enough to discuss the matter since they weren't near school grounds.
"I think it's pretty subtle, and keeping the word 'the' in the codename would have people assuming we're actually talking about a beverage. Plus," the medic eyed her friend, "the guy is a tall glass of lemonade if I do say so myself, heh."
"Ren don't--"
"Lemonade sounds good right about now." She froze. It took everything in the foreign girl to not begin speed walking as soon as she heard the familiar upbeat voice behind her. From the look on her friend's face, Jade's assumption of Togata's presence was true. Unfortunately true. She slowly turned around, a faux smile in place until her eyes fell upon something hiding behind the male.
It was a little girl, she could tell that much, with long snowy locks spilling from behind Togata's calf. The child peeked up from her spot, red irises meeting Jade's indigo ones. The foreign girl was locked in place as she suddenly recalled her family. She thought of her parents' cooking and singing, her brothers' livelihood for sports, but she was especially reminded of her sister. Youngest and the only other girl in the line of siblings, they did a lot together. From shopping together to painting to singing to sightseeing, Jade realized how much she'd missed them. The exchange of words between Ren and Togata were a muffed noise as she crouched down, entrapped by the little stranger.
"I'm Jade, it's nice to meet you." The words slipped out like butter, and thankfully it didn't seem to frighten or discomfort the child. She looked up to the male for approval, then stepped forward and let his hand go. 
"My name is Eri, it's nice to meet you too," she squeaked with a bow. Jade was awestruck by her politeness and shifted onto her knees to bow in return. When they both straightened up, Eri bore a wide smile and returned to Togata's side.
"Gosh, Gemstone, thought you were ignoring me for a sec." Reality hit the foreign girl immediately when she met the blonde's gaze, and her stomach felt tight again. Damn it, not now! Calm down, breathe, breathe, don't overreact. She stumbled getting back on her feet and managed a sheepish expression.
"Oh, I'm sorry!" she apologized more aggressively than she meant to. "I was just so surprised seeing you with a kid, and she just--"
"Oh? Do you think I'm not good with kids?" He raised a brow. 
Crap, why does he have to look cute doing that. "I never said that," Jade rolled her eyes. "I was just surprised seeing you outside of your whole entourage, that's all." She cursed at her choice of words. Now I just sound like I'm hating on him.
"My entourage? Sounds like someone's a bit jealous."
"Ha! Boy, ain't nothin' to be jealous of." The second year held her ground as the bulky male challenged her with a smirk. Ren cleared her throat, acknowledging her presence and causing Jade to force herself back. She didn't realize how close she'd gotten to him during their small banter, but it was definitely closer than what she was comfortable with. "Ren, uh, I believe you were talking about something, yes?"
The medic peered over in amusement. "Yeah, I was talking about lemonade, which since you're here Togata with little Eri, I believe we can all get some together." Damn you, Ren!
Eri gasped before tugging on the male's sleeve. "Can we please, Mirio?"  The sight made Jade's heart swell, and she couldn't be upset if it was an adorable child asking to accompany them. He beamed down at her and nodded his head.
"Ladies, you may lead the way." During the walk to a mini cafe Ren knew of (thanks to Tokoyami), Jade observed how attentive and caring Togata was with Eri, playing games or cracking jokes that made her laugh. Citizens passing commented on their closeness in adoration, many praising the third year for looking after the child with such passion. Even when there were those who tried to flirt with him, the boy paid them no mind and brushed off their efforts. Jade didn't know him too well, but she knew it would be difficult to want to be away from the guy, especially after seeing this side of him, away from the crowds, away from the hero limelight. Togata truly was someone to admire. A familiar tightness returned to her torso, but for now, she was okay with it.
She was pleased being able spend time with Eri herself, learning more about her likes and hobbies. A lot of what the young girl enjoyed Jade discovered was also liked by her sister. "What's her name?" the child asked, munching on a pastry. The horn atop her head glimmered in the sun while she finished up coloring a drawing.
"Her name is Carolei," the international student smiled, "but my family and I just call her Lei."
Eri dropped her coloring utensil on the table and leaned forward. "Can I call her Lei, too?" Jade looked around as though someone was listening to their conversation, then nodded with a wink, much to the child’s delight. They giggled and chatted, forgetting about time and enjoying getting to know one another. The second year felt as though she wasn't in Japan, but back in America with the people she'd cared about and loved; it felt good to bathe in the comfort and reminisce of home. Someone had gripped the back of Jade’s chair; she turned assuming it was Ren until she was face to face with a broad chest and the strong aroma of musk. Her heartbeat boomed in her head and she slowly turned back to Eri, allowing her nerves to calm. Ren bit back a laugh, but a tug on Jade’s hand distracted her from making a slick comment.
"Jade," said Eri in a small voice, "I have to leave now, but...do you think we can hang out another time?"
A sudden idea popped into the second year's mind at the young girl’s request. With a kind smile, she squeezed Eri's hand reassuringly. "We'll have plenty more days to hang out, hon, just me and you."
"Ouch, and what about me, Gemstone?" Togata whined, a hand on his chest in offense.
"Ah, I'd rather not be attacked by your fangirls. Besides, you have Amajiki and Hado to hang out with, and I know you see Eri almost every day." Both parties waved goodbye before continuing on their own paths. Ren and Jade were in a comfortable silence until the medic let out a sigh.
"You literally just missed your opportunity."
"Girl, what? If anything, I'd say I just opened the door for an opportunity."
"Opportunity for what? You literally shut the guy down."
"With good reason," the foreign student argued. She wasn't rude in her response to the older boy, and it was honest! The last thing Jade needed was rumors tainting her name simply for the fact that she hung out with one of the big three alone, especially if they were of the opposite sex. "Anyways, back to the opportunity I was talking about. I think Eri can help me out with this."
Happy New Years everyone! Thought I would just drop by with this little piece since I have been lagging quite a bit lol, anywho, just a little bit of love for our favorite blonde boy since I don’t see too much on him. Be safe everyone! Like, comment & share!
OC Creds to: @gureii (Ren, Maeda, Kubo
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tu-mint · 4 years
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craving you
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tu-mint · 4 years
ff: Jade’s quirk does not require her to use all fingers/toes/legs to activate upon someone; it’s very sensitive thus her wearing gloves and leggings and boots (during school times)
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tu-mint · 4 years
ff: All of the tech gear part of Jade’s hero attire was made by her younger brother, Tony; she only trusts his improvements or manufacturing process
(there’s gonna be a pt. 2 to this bc i wanna expand a little more on the uses of the tech)
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tu-mint · 4 years
Villain! OC Jade/Dome
So I got really bored aaannndddd I decided to go and create a villain look for my girl Jade and...I think I actually like it (a little more compared to the hero costume). Creating this, I actually thought of a future mini series I wanna write...but stay tuned for it!
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tu-mint · 4 years
hey y’all! so i just wanted to give an update on Jade’s design! i liked her original design, but i feel like it didn’t fit the criteria in which she could use her quirk best. once again, bc i suck at drawing anything, I have used a website to create the look (and tbh I’m not too upset), hope you like it (: CLICK HERE
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tu-mint · 4 years
ff: As friendly and social as Jade is, she’s actually really bad at teamwork and prefers to work alone.
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tu-mint · 4 years
ff: Jade will give a name to every animal organism that she comes across. The reason for this is because her quirk requires specification in order to deactivate control over a mind. She practiced doing this until it became intuitive to her.
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tu-mint · 4 years
Hey guys! So regarding my MHA OC Jade, I really wanted to share more little side facts about her without necessarily creating an entire story or continuously adding to her trivia. Hope you guys can enjoy them! ❤️
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tu-mint · 4 years
[OC Jade Lofota/Dome Introduction]
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Hey everyone! Hope all is going well and that you’re all staying safe and washing your hands and wearing masks! So I just wanted to write a little piece introducing my OC to UA High and explaining the AU I chose to have My Hero Academia based in. A very special S/O to @gureii and @camurica for allowing me to add their OCs into my story (follow them on Tiktok to learn more about their characters!)
International AU!
Word Count: 4K+
The goodbye felt much too soon from her family, but her father and mother had firmly assured there was nothing she needed to worry about. She sighed. Lies. There was rarely a time where worry wasn't weighing on her shoulders, contemplating her parents' well-being or if her siblings made it home safely or if the house survived another week untouched...she couldn't allow herself to forget why she was doing this. For them.
She was only a few years into elementary when the news came about of new institutions being established in select locations. UA High, only the highest ranked school for hero education in Japan had eventually received this rating internationally and now began putting forth effort in providing the best of their assets around the world. School boards had apparently been planning this concept for years, seeing it as the opportunity for nations to come together and give the world a "brighter future". It made her scoff in amusement. The program was officially named "UA International: Heroes of Tomorrow", and the idea was to input UA institutions on every continent. Hundreds of thousands of students began registration immediately while retired or fellow Pro Heroes displayed interest in supplying staff; it became the hot topic across the globe. Los Angeles was one of lucky bunch to become an official location and it left townsfolk ecstatic. She overheard conversations between her family and schoolmates and neighbors about the wonders of attending such a prestigious named school, but to her, it didn't matter all that much. Yes, UA may live up to the pedestal it sat on, but to have the best of heroes derive from only there? Fat chance. Her father was a prime example of heroism without the grand background.
Lima was his hero name; it translated to 'hand' from Samoan language and was chosen because his hands were where his quirk was strongest when used. He often liked to tell his children deeper reasons for his name so it wouldn't sound boorish, but they never thought such things. It always filled Jade's chest with pride knowing her father had served as a mighty and fearless leader, never relying upon a title or popularity to carry his duties. Her parents never pressured her or her siblings into joining UA, though they all easily could've been considered because of Lima. While she had no intention of going in the first place, it seemed as though fate made the decision for her one early morning.
Being one of the eldest, Jade often carried out all most of her parents requests, and going to the corner store for chips and soda was a common task. A burglary had taken place shortly after she entered. She recalled a masked stranger pointing a gun at the cashier while holding down a woman by her neck using his knee. The woman was visibly shaking and had a growing red spot on her shoulder. It was the first time Jade had experienced a life threatening situation with no one to guide her, but she knew standing around would do nothing to help. She couldn’t be afraid. Fear will get you killed. Her mind shifted into gear, and swiftly she’d gotten her hands around the burglar’s head, manipulating their mind into moving away from the woman while dropping their weapon. Police arrived shortly after, along with her parents, relived to see their daughter unscathed. In the midst of news reporters and flashing cameras, the injured woman approached from the back of an ambulance and revealed herself to be an admin under UA Los Angeles. “I was passing through and stopped by to get a small snack, but a little altercation took place and I found myself on the floor. My quirk doesn’t aid me in combat, so I really was helpless, but,” she paused and peered down at Jade, “this brave little girl had stepped in and stopped the perpetrator. At such a young age with no help at all, she took a huge risk in ensuring the safety of another; that’s an admirable act of heroism.” The admin bent down to the child’s level and grinned. “It's not often I meet people as fearless as you, little one. You have the passion of a hero, to bring justice and light to the world. UALA is going to be looking forward to your attendance in a few years. I hope to see you there.”
And thus, that interaction was what brought Jade to this point. She and roughly a hundred other kids were flown to Japan as representatives from their schools to partake in a trip to the original UA to learn of its origins and meet with some of the world's best acclaimed heroes. When they'd arrived, two double decker buses were present, each driver holding a list designating which schools would be riding with them. Musutafu was said to be at a far distance, so Jade took time to observe the students among her. Some were rather calm and sat quietly, occupying themselves with a book or music. Others showed more bubbly and extroverted nature, introducing themselves to the students behind or in front of them, laughing and telling jokes in a language she couldn't understand. All kids from different UA schools...if I remember correctly, Principal Tomar told me the people on this trip were handpicked by the national school board, meaning that these are the best of the best. I have to be prepared at all times. I won't let my time here be a waste, not while my family depends on me. "Thinkin' a bit hard over there, aren't ya?"
Jade snapped out of her thoughts and turned to the seat across from her. There sat a slender female who looked about her age with horns that stuck out either side of her head and long, thick waves of hair falling past her waist. Her most prominent features were her eyes, two sets with a cat-like shape, one atop the other, with red irises and deep onyx scleras.
"It's a habit," Jade replied sheepishly, flashing a small smile. It wasn't unlike her to be consumed in thought, she couldn't help it. After all, it was an inevitable tendency that began after her brother--
"Happens to best of us," the girl across shrugged. "Can't exactly blame you, we are training to become pro heroes, am I right?" She moved a bit closer to the walkway of the bus and stuck out a hand. "Kou Maeda, or in America it would be Maeda Kou if I'm not mistaken."
It's a different setting, so respect their culture. In Japan, you address by surname, not first lest they say otherwise. "A pleasure to meet you, Kou. I'm Jade Lofota, or vice versa in the Japanese language, but you may refer to me as Jade." She took the girl's hand and gave a firm shake.
The fellow student grinned and leaned against her seat with her shoulder. "I appreciate your courtesy, but Maeda is fine. Which UA institution are you from?"
"UA Los Angeles."
"Los Angeles? I've heard so much about that place, home to Hollywood and some of the best films I've seen. I've been thinkin' about flying out there with my friends for a little getaway after we graduate, ya know? Enjoy our freedom before hittin' the reality of adulthood and dedicating our lives to being heroes."
Jade refrained herself from saying something negative that would ruin the friendly aura. "That sounds nice, but let me just tell you from firsthand experience, LA is not everything it's made to seem like on TV; it does have its ups and downs. Traffic for one is cra-a-a-zy, and most, if not everything, is expensive over there. I would probably suggest Hawaii, at least there you won't have to worry about drivers with road rage." She smiled seeing Maeda laugh. If anything, angry drivers would be the last of her problems when she saw the crime rate level down south -- but she didn't need to know that.
Maeda tapped her chin in thought. "Hm, that doesn't sound like such a bad idea. I've always wanted to visit that pineapple patch I heard about, and ride a few waves while I'm at it. Any who, I'm actually from the original UA and supposed to be your tour guide, but some of you guys looked a bit too worn out to hear me blabbering." She gestured to the back of the bus at everyone who'd fallen asleep. "I figured that whole travelling process must have been a lot to sort through and you guys didn't get much shut eye."
H O N K ! H O N K !
The sound of the bus's horn abruptly going off shocked the students out of their slumber as they began speaking frantically among each other. Jade heard Maeda swear under her breath before standing up and walking to the front. What the hell is going on right now? She peered out her window trying to see what the hold up was but could only make out a large crowd and thousands of flashing lights. As other students on the bus fought to get a look outside, a voice came over the speakers. "Students of UA International, this is your tour guide speaking. I ask that you please remain calm as we are currently experiencing a few difficulties getting to our designated building. In the meantime, please return to your seats and ensure that you have all your carry on items with you. We are not responsible for any lost or stolen items, though as a hero in training, such an act should not be of a concern lest you wish to face consequences." There was a pause before she continued, "Further instructions will be given at the dorms. For now, sit tight and get to know the people around you, you're going to be with them for the next few months. This is your tour guide, Kou Maeda, signing off. Thank you for choosing UA International: Heroes of Tomorrow." About fifteen minutes passed until the bus began moving again and the four eyed female returned.
"You make quite the speaker," Jade commented cleaning up her area.
Maeda smirked and flicked her wrist. "You flatter me too much. It just gets annoying always having to deal with all those news reporters and the media. They made a barrier in front of the other bus and refused to move, so we had to call in some escorts and extra security."
"Ah, I see," said Jade as she looked at the faces the vehicle passed, seeing a Pro Hero holding off the crowd. They were a lot more compliant compared to the crowds in LA, so she was fine having to deal with that for the next few months. Commotion picked up within the students again as the bus stopped before a huge building. The structure stood wide with three stories and a sturdy looking wall surrounding it. What caught Jade's eye, however, was the overwhelming amounts of people that were surrounding the buses and standing at the entrance. It was a jumble of cameras, flashes, confetti, signs, whistles, streamers -- They're really that excited to see UA International students? Huh, well that means I've got eyes and ears from all directions. Gotta be careful of my interactions. She tugged on her gloves and got out of her seat, taking a deep breath before stepping out into the open.
Automatically, strangers fought their way closer to the students, firing questions and pushing mics or recorders into their faces. Jade was thankful for the great amount of Pro Heroes in attendance, otherwise she would've been trampled alive. After retrieving her luggage, she peered around looking for Maeda, frowning when she failed to spot her. "Hmph," Jade grumbled to herself, "I swear she was right by the bus--" A loud and dramatic laugh boomed in the distance, cutting off the girl's thoughts. The sound had apparently excited the crowd even more, but Jade barely had enough time to turn around before other travelling students were running with their luggage. They're rushing down the aisle to the entrance, but for wh--a gasp caught in her throat. At the wall stood a tall and lanky man, fists at either hip. His chest was puffed out proudly and nose high with pride, but there was no denying the striking blonde hair and trademark smile that gleamed from a mile away. Jade looked on in disbelief, realizing the former Symbol of Peace, the great All Might, was merely a few steps away from her. It came as a shock to everyone the news of his retirement and true form, but even in this state confidence and power radiated heavily from him. She snapped out of her starstruck gaze when more students roughly pushed past her, dying to get close to the world known hero. Jade began moving, but her current speed didn't match those around her and resulted in students now stepping on her shoes or ramming into her shoulder. She growled under her breath in irritation. Keep calm Jade, everyone's just a little excited, don't get pissed off and--ack! In that moment, she'd accidentally tripped over her own foot, too focused on trying to not get her toes squashed. Everything felt in slow motion as her carry on bag slipped off her outstretched arm, flying a few feet ahead of her. She swore up and down in her mind as her body lurched forward. This for sure was gonna be the new hot topic, she thought, clumsy girl from UALA makes a fool of herself before even entering the building. Jade shut her eyes and readied herself for collision with the cement ground...
But it never came.
The girl instead found herself leaning against a solid wall, except this wall didn't feel so...brick like, and it apparently boarded around her arms, stopping her fall entirely. She opened her eyes and was face to face with a bulky arm decorated with a few scars. It took her a second to realize her cheek was pressed against someone's chest and she quickly pulled away in embarrassment. "I am so sorry about that!" she spewed out with a nervous laugh, unable to meet her savior's gaze. Jade noticed they too adorned the UA uniform and mentally swore again. This person had to be a UA student, great! Just my damn luck! So much for first impressions, Jade! "I just got so caught up seeing All Might standing at the entrance, and everyone began running--"
"Hey hey, don't sweat it! I know it wasn't your fault" the stranger chuckled. The girl peered up; before her stood a young male who she assumed was older by a year or two. His physique was hulking and towered over her own, which in her eyes was impressive considering the fact that she wasn't petite nor slender. Fair skin, blonde hair, and a grand smile, he could've easily been mistaken as a younger version of All Might, she thought, observing him. Hm, nice voice, pretty face, takes care of his body...not bad, I'll give him that much. "Heh, glad you're enjoying the view there." Crap.
"My bad, I didn't mean to stare," Jade faked another laugh, rubbing her shoulder in embarrassment.
"It's all good, you're quite the sight yourself," replied the boy coolly, handing her the carry on bag she'd dropped. The girl’s face felt hot at his comment as she pursed her lips. "My name's Togata Mirio, I'm a third year student here at the original UA."
"Lofota Jade, but Jade is fine. I'm a second year student from UA Los Angeles."
Togata tapped his chin and cocked his head in thought. "Jade, like the gemstone? Pretty name for a pretty face, eh?" She couldn't hold back her smile that time and let her head down, face now feeling like it was on fire. Kid knows how to spit game—gotta be one of the school flirts. It wasn't often Jade received this kind of playful attention as many feared her appearance or incredible strength, believing they'd get beat to a pulp for any kind of joke. While that technically was an open possibility, she wasn't one to get mad at harmless banter. Still, it was fascinating to watch this stranger do it so openly, not hesitating on his words.
"Mirio!" Both heads snapped in the direction of a woman attempting to run towards them. She was dressed in all black and held a camera in her hands. Jade noticed how the woman wasn't stopped by any of the Pro Heroes or policemen, and the blonde guy didn't seemed bothered by her, so she remained put. "Thank goodness you were able to get a hold of one of the international students! Many of them zipped past me to see All Might down there," she heaved, moving some locks out of her face. The shades she wore were pushed atop her head as she smiled at Jade. "Sorry if I scared you, hon, I'm Exposure. I work here at the original UA as their photographer, and I'm supposed to be taking pictures of the students coming from overseas. Is it alright if I could snap a few photos?"
"Oh! Well I don't exactly look my best right--"
"Nonsense! You look great, Jade!" All heads turned to find Maeda and two other students walking towards them. A male and a female with young faces. "Sorry for leaving you, I wanted you to meet my friends. We're all second year students, so we'll be seeing each other pretty often while you're here." The two students stepped forward with warm expressions.
"Ishikawa Ren, at your service," said the female student; her voice was light and feathery. She had short silver locks pulled back into a low ponytail, and eyes of the same color. Her snowy white skin gave her complexion that of a porcelain doll's.
"Arata Kubo, nice to meet you." Jade nodded at the male when he introduced himself. While he also had the snowy skin complexion, his hair was a deep umber hue. She was unable to see his eyes as his bangs draped just above his nose, but she swore an electric blue eye peeked out at her. He stood a few inches above her, not necessarily Togata's height, but enough to where she looked upwards.
"Lofota Jade, but please call me Jade. It's nice to meet you both as well." Just before she could continue speaking, she heard clicking and snapping. Jade turned to find Exposure getting to work with her camera, holding it at different angles and pausing momentarily to look back over her images. She smiled at the students.
"Please, go on ahead! This is what I was hoping to capture, our local and travelling students conversing freely and getting to know one another. It really helps people to see visuals of any and everything involving this program."
Jade nodded, then got an idea. "Is it possible if I can take a group picture with these students, miss? I really need to be heading inside the building to check into my dorm soon, but I do wish to remember those who welcomed me first upon my arrival."
Exposure nodded excitedly. "That's a clever and kind idea, Jade. I totally forgot about the sign in procedures, but we can make this quick, I promise!" She used her hand to gesture to the four other students. "C'mon now everyone! We can't have an international student late on her first day here. Quick quick!" Maeda and Ishikawa stood closest to Jade on either side while Arata squatted in front of her. Mirio stood behind at a respectful distance and held peace signs behind her head, a goofy smile stretched on his face. Exposure leveled the camera with her eye and stood immobile, her finger moving at a rapid pace. She suddenly stopped and the grin she initially wore fell; she slowly pulled the device away from her face. Jade saw her eyes were focused on the image she'd just snapped, but she looked concerned, like she'd seen something she wasn't expecting to. The international student's expression also became that of concern. Did something happen while she was taking our picture?
"Everything okay, Miss Exposure?"
Immediately, the woman's look changed into one of relief. She chuckled softly while shaking her head, "Yeah, my screen just went blank for a sec, thought my battery died just now. I would've been dead had that happened, though I probably could've had you help me, Kubo." He and the two female students laughed then chatted among themselves, but Jade kept her gaze focused on Exposure. I don't know if they could tell, but that was definitely a cover up. Her laugh was nervous, and I saw clear as day that she took the picture, no black screen or nothin'! She must’ve seen something caused by her camera, but she played it off saying there was a malfunction. Her eyes briefly met Jade's before she glanced around at the other students. "Well kids, thank you for your time. Maeda, Ren, Kubo, if you'd be kind enough to walk this young lady to her designated room that'd be great. Mirio, I'm gonna need some help trying to snap photos of the crowd." She waved before turning on her heel and walking away, heels clicking on the pavement.
The blonde haired student looked at the second year kids and gave a cheeky grin before following suit. "See ya later, gemstone," he called over his shoulder as he strutted away. Jade rolled her eyes at the nickname and gripped her luggage tighter. Annoying boy. A hand lightly fell on her shoulder; she turned to see it was Maeda.
"C'mon newbie," she said, "we gotta get you in and settled, then we can show you around to some cool places." Jade nodded and began walking towards the entrance. She conversed with the three students, learning about them and their quirks: Maeda could manipulate glass, Arata could possess electronic devices and Ishikawa had blood that could heal whoever consumed it. She shared about her quirk of mind manipulation, being sure not to touch on too many details, and further explained how wearing gloves was in connection to it. Jade couldn't deny how pleasing it was to see the trio and their genuine efforts in getting to know her. It put her mind at ease and for once since arriving she'd felt sedate.
After getting some help from the girls into her dorm room, the ringing of a cellphone went off. Ishikawa pulled out her phone and held it to her ear after tapping it; she smiled and slipped into the hallway, giggling and cracking bird related jokes. Jade raised a brow and looked to the four eyed girl. "It’s probably her boyfriend,” she shrugged in response, moving closer to the door. “Anyways, Ren, Kubo and I are gonna go back to our dorms to freshen up, then we'll meet you at the entrance in two hours. You got my number, so call me if anything happens, okay?"
"Gotcha," Jade replied with a smile. "Thank you for the welcome, I seriously appreciate it from you and your friends."
"Oh, we're not done with our version of welcoming," Maeda winked. "There's a lot we have planned, so get some shut eye, you're gonna need your energy fully restored."
"Heh, okay bet!" Maeda tilted her head to the side with a confused expression. Forgot they probably wouldn't understand US slang. "It's an informal way of speaking, I'm not actually making a bet." She nodded, her lips forming an O shape, then made her exit out of the room.
Jade let out a huge sigh and fell back on her bed. This was where she'd be for the next few months, alone in a completely new environment. She'd almost felt as though she'd returned to that corner store, to the seven year old version of her watching and making heavy decisions with nobody to direct her. Though her life wasn't in danger (at least not yet) in this moment, Jade knew that she could not afford to have her guard down, even with her newfound friends. She would not let her parents or her siblings down. You can't let them down, they look up to you. Mom and Dad are watching you, anything you do can and will affect them. The girl sighed again and stared at a family photo she'd packed with her clothes. Her thumb ran over all the faces, then stopped at a male that stood beside her. They both wore wide smiles and ridiculous poses; she smiled at the picture before a tear escaped her eye and dropped onto the male's face. Don't you worry, Manu, I didn't forget you. This is especially for you, and I know you meant well with everything you did. I'm gonna give my absolute best to take care of Mom and Dad and the little ones. Your spirit resides within the family crest, and I will always honor you with the ancestors. I hope to see you again someday. I love you, brother. Jade wiped her eyes with her sleeve and placed the photo down. She would be strong, she had to be. It was now her who had to take on the leadership role. She would carry on the mantle of her bloodline and stand tall for her family. She would fight to her last breath for them. Anything for them.
For further information on Jade, click HERE to read more (: Hope you guys enjoyed this! School starts up again soon, so updates may slow down, but I hope my character can keep you entertained during quarantine!
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tu-mint · 4 years
OC Jade Lofota: TATTOO
Hey again you guys! So in the midst of inspecting my OCs, I noticed I didn’t really expand on the tattoo that Jade has so I decided to make a separate post about to give insight not only on the ink, but role that it plays in Polynesian culture, specifically Samoan heritage.
So to start off, the tattoo on Jade’s left forearm is actually a family crest. The tattoo is a sacred tradition that is passed down from generations and acts not only as a mark for people to recognize your bloodline, but a form of “passing the torch” to the next era. That being said, every new generation usually adds slight modifications to the design as a means of marking their time period. The way the process goes is the parents decide when their child is ready to receive the crest, but the child may choose where the ink is placed upon their body. Jade was deemed prepared at the age of 15 and chose to have it on her forearm. Her brother Manu had picked his shoulder/chest area, similar to Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.
The tattoo is also meant to bring extra strength and power from ancestors unto those who bear it. Parts (or all) of the tattoo will glow when this is in use, but will require some kind of build up or momentum before being released.
Now, aside from my OC, a little bit on tattoos and it’s connection to Polynesian culture: Tattoos would indicate status in a hierarchical society as well as sexual maturity, genealogy and ones rank within the society. Nearly everyone in ancient Polynesian society was tattooed.
In ancient Samoa, the process of tattooing was especially important to religious and warfare matters. The tattoo artist held a hereditary and by the same vein, a very highly privileged position. A ceremony attended by family/friends would be held to commemorate the tattooing of usually a group of men. The Samoan warrior’s tattoo began at the waist and extended to just below the knee.
Samoan women also bore tattoo markings, but it usually didn’t go beyond patterns that were relative to delicacy and things of that sort (ex: flower designs). Of course with time, it slowly became more common for women to have tattoos with bigger sizes or various designs.
Placement of the tattoo on the body also held meaning. If placement was higher up, the tattoo usually was thought to be associated with the spiritual world, while lower down placement was more associated with the earth.
Jade’s tattoo is on a lower part of her arm, and this section of the body represents creation and the making of things, so you could say she wishes to create safety and protection for her family in the world she views so lowly of.
For more detailed explanations on tattoos and the Polynesian history with it, please check out the link provided below! ⬇️ It’s a really cool website that goes into depth with Polynesian culture.
Aside from that, I wanted to show a more detailed idea of what I wanted Jade’s tattoo to look like:
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Hopefully, you guys enjoyed this little bit of insight on Jade’s background and look forward to more stuff about her!
If you want to read more on my OC, please click/tap here!!
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tu-mint · 4 years
‼️⚠️NEW OC⚠️‼️Introducing...Jade Lofota/Dome‼️🥳
‼️‼️Hey guys! Hope all has been well with you since quarantine! Speaking of which, Tiktok has officially dragged me back into “bingewatch anime and mess up your sleep schedule” mode and ofc I listened. So I just recently got back into My Hero Academia specifically (I started it when it first came out then lost track 😅) bc I’ve been seeing this trend with MHA based OCs and it’s so cool! My personal favorite is Artiste aka Hina Tsukuru which y’all can check out on Tiktok @/mailleur_maker btw! Anywho, I figured why not go on and make one too?? These are pretty much the basic layouts to my character (I used a website to create my character’s look bc I can’t draw for 💩 so I apologize if they aren’t the best quality!) Let me know what you think!‼️‼️
Name: Jade Lofota (Hero Name: Dome)
Age: 18 (DOB: 02/20)
Height: 5’8” 1/2
Species: Human
Ethnicity: Samoan
Hair Color/Type: Brown w/ Natural Highlights; 2C-Type
Eye Color: Indigo, Mint Green (when using quirk)
Physical Description:
Jade has a muscular physique with noticeable curves around her mid section. Her skin is a caramel tone with a diamond shape face. She has thick curved eyebrows that arch slightly upward giving her a natural weighty expression. Her lips are turned downwards and two toned, her upper lip a slightly darker shade. Her nose and ears are wide set, but her ears are slightly pushed back. Jade's hair is a 2C curl texture, but she keeps it in a braid that reaches right above her hips with shorter locks slipping out on the side.
During school hours, Jade wears the UALA version of the UA uniform, which is initially the same without the stripes on the collar or cuffs. Jade also wears black leggings and gloves, along with a pair of boots that stop above the knee. With the hero attire, Jade wears a long mustard top that reaches the top of her thighs with loose sleeves that end at her elbows, along with a hood. Attached to the tip of her hood is an inverted triangle shaped device. The top is slightly opened down to the navel, and the hem has high slits on either side. Under the top, she wears high waisted shorts that are the same color of the hood and the sleeve outlines. At her waistline is a utility belt full of medical supplies held up by a strap that goes across her body. Jade wears tech infused gloves and boots that are a metallic grey color and reach below the knee. On her left thigh is a blunt held up by a black strap with yellow buckles; the blunt can stretch to full length when used.
Manu Lofota [father; retired pro hero]
Lina Lofota [mother]
Manu Jr. Lofota [oldest brother; deceased]
Tony Lofota [younger brother]
Joseph Lofota [younger brother]
Matthew Lofota [younger brother]
Mikey Lofota [youngest brother]
Carolei Lofota [sister]
Jade is a second-year student in class 2-A at UALA apart of the special program they'd developed. (⚠️In this AU, due to its rising global popularity, UA High has now evolved into an international school program to assist upcoming heroes around the world, so there are other UA institutions in select locations (but the original UA in Japan is pretty much the Harvard to all Ivy Leagues). Every year, one student per location is handpicked to spend 3-5 months at the original UA and understand the history behind heroes while getting to personally train and meet with pro-heroes. A special structure created for this purpose is directly across the UA building.⚠️) She comes from a middle class family and was able to get into UALA (UA Los Angeles) school after being scouted by a staff member who she saved from danger. When she was younger, Jade had witnessed her oldest brother, Manu, get shot and killed by gang members he was associated with, thus making the ultimate decision to become a hero. The memory constantly torments her as she believes it to be her fault for not acting quickly enough to defend him, though her parents often try to assure her that it isn't. Being where she’s from, Jade takes a crucial amount of time learning to master her quirk and combat skills as a means of survival. She dedicates her life to protecting her family at all costs, even if it means sometimes committing wrongdoings.
Jade is a cordial person and enjoys any opportunity to meet new people; many often take a quick liking to her because of the comfortable aura she gives. Along with meeting new faces, Jade is observant of those she interacts with and can remember distinct aspects very well, such as body language, habits, facial expressions, and speech patterns. While her observance is meant as a defense mechanism, she sometimes uses it to her advantage. Persuasion is one of Jade's strong suits and often she will use it to get herself or others out of trouble. On the field, Jade is a formidable and aggressive combatant, but impulsiveness is often a struggle she deals with. Sudden flashbacks of her brother's death trigger Jade to act without thinking which in turn ends up hurting herself or others. The passing of her brother also overcame Jade with guilt and made her develop a pessimistic view on life and society. These cynical beliefs drove her to swear complete protection over her family from the world's evil, especially her siblings.
- Quirk: Animal Control: Similar to Shinso, Jade has a quirk allows her to use mind manipulation over any animal classified organism, but the only way it can be activated is if she makes physical contact using the head, legs, hands or feet. She can manage multiple minds at once but must be careful to the extent at which she does because she can put herself into sensory overload. The quirk can be deactivated two ways: Jade verbally declares the opponent free of her command, or sensory overload will forcibly shut down her control (if multiple minds are being controlled, she can pick and choose who is released; if there's no specification, the quirk will deactivate control over all minds). Jade can command her opponent telepathically or verbally, but the deactivation can only be done verbally. Her quirk can involuntarily be triggered by the smallest touch, so Jade must be cautious with her interactions as to not set it off (ex: giving hugs).
- Telepathy: When in close range, Jade has the ability to temporarily share her telepathic powers with someone in order to communicate with them. Using telepathy for too long can leave her lightheaded and susceptible to fainting as it requires a lot of mental strength. This also applies to when her quirk is in use with the exception of range. Since most are unaware of this ability, Jade will use it to temporarily distract an opponent when in combat.
- Enhanced Strength: Jade is physically robust and can endure high levels of pain while fighting. Jade can also handle severe injuries while engaging in combat or using her quirk, which easily makes her an intimidating opponent. At the same time, she has the ability to deliver lethal punches and kicks that are deadly to an opponent if powerful enough and has proved this her first year of the final exams in UALA.
- Enhanced Agility: Given that her quirk requires physical contact, Jade can move at an impressively quick rate despite her stature. She is able to maintain incredible balance between her speed and strength at close and mid range and will occasionally use gymnastic maneuvers to take down her opponent or latch herself onto them. Jade's rapid observations on her opponent also help her in using their physicality against themselves.
Uncanny Balance: One of Jade’s most notable skills during combat is the constant switching of her body position. Whether in direct combat or moving away from it, Jade can quickly shift whatever stance she’s in and hold it for long periods at a time despite its complexity, showing her flexibility, durability and balance. An example of this would be fighting in a hand stand depending solely on the legs and feet for combat. (This is connected to Enhanced Agility.)
- Special Moves:
Footlose: Jade back flips into a hand stand position before the opponent and swings a brutal kick between their legs or to the groin then delivers another blow to the side of the face with her other foot, activating her quirk. She brings both her legs to her chest to deliver one final kick to the opponent's face.
Tama’s Blow: At long distance, Jade sprints to her opponent then leaps and spirals while coming down, allowing momentum to build into her left arm. Her fist connects with the opponent’s jaw before her feet reach the ground, twisting the neck far back and killing or severely injuring the opponent. When this move is performed, parts of Jade’s tattoo will glow.
"Look kid, I’m not here to be the world’s hero—this is for my family."
- Played softball for 3 years but quit before high school
- Jade owns two electric guitars -- one in her dorm and one at her house -- and plays them to relieve stress, worry, anxiety or sadness
- Tama’s Blow was named in honor of Jade’s father as it was one of his finishing moves as a Pro Hero
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tu-mint · 4 years
Hope you guys are doing okay during Quarantine! Since I’m being forcibly kept in, my mind has been running HIGH on random drabbles and creations, soooo I figured why not just post them here?? Some are run-ons and others better put together, but heck I’m tired of writing them and not getting reactions to it bc i refuse to share them 🤣 that being said, I’ll be posting some stuff soon! Be safe & STAY HOME!!
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tu-mint · 5 years
It’s been a HOT minute since ya girl been on here but if y’all don’t mind checking out this book I’m working on, I’d really appreciate it ! Please do share !
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tu-mint · 5 years
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Just clearing out space, but I legit relate hard as HELL to these posts.
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