#MULTIPLE scenes of holding hands and joking with each other after beating someone to death
sketching-shark · 3 months
THE ZHUHOU YAOI MEME LMAO 💀 on a related note i find it interesting how the scraps of zhuhou i see from non-chinese fans tend to cast swk as the "'''femme"''" in the stereotyped yaoi dynamic (presumably bc he's short w/ eyeliner and zbj is a womanizer who ppl otherwise cast as straight 😒) but the zhuhou i see from chn fans tend to joke about it being the other way round bc swk is a king and 86 zbj has a reputation for sajiao and calling swk "gege"
Anon this is so funny I learn so many neat things from my asks, including how I've played right into western assumptions myself (X_X). But it is very neat to hear that we've thus got zhuhou in the east:
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zhuhou in the west:
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And zhuhou in the canon and well, you know the rest:
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xoxo-teddybear · 3 years
Whatever Katsuki Wants - Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou x f!Reader
Warnings: ANGST, violence, blood, cursing, lowkey little yandere Bakugou, smut, toxic relationship
Request: can I get Bakugou comes across a criminal on one of his bad days and he goes straight feral with an insane satisfied smile as he beats the shit out of them till they die. (Dark Ik, sorry😂) but as he beats the man, a video is taken of the scene and instead of posting it the anonymous person sent it to quirkless!FemaleReader. How would that play out?
“Fucking hell!”
Bakugou ran through the dark city chasing an annoying ass criminal. It wasn’t even a villain per say, more like a petty thief wanting to ruin someone’s day. His day. Now usually, the number 2 hero wouldn’t be pursuing this type of crime, but the damn prick ran into a bank, held hostages, and got away with over 5 grand.
The pro was already have a pissy day from the second he woke up. He couldn’t wake up next to his Teddy Bear because you had to visit your parents for something that started before even Katsuki had to wake up, then he burned his breakfast because a damn bird flew into the kitchen window, he was late to work and got put on night patrol, he probably wouldn’t get to see you when he got home before you knocked out because you also had a night shift, and now this.
Every second that passed caused his damn blood to boil. He was mad at....well, existence. Not his, just existence in general. For everything. He was so close to catching this damn bastard that when he finally pounced the guy, he didn’t realize there were footsteps coming his way.
Bakugou pinned the criminal to the ground in an alleyway and completely disregarded his quirk. He needed to take his anger out on something and this poor man happened to be in his grip. Bakugou threw punch after punch, kicked the man in his stomach until he coughed up blood, he stomped on the man’s head, threw him against a wall, etc. He ended it with a strong and fiery blast at the unconscious body. Finally, after 2 minutes of silence, Bakugou began to sinisterly laugh. A psychotic laugh with a crazed look in his eye. He was hunched over with his arms loose as he walked towards the dead man, picking him up by his skull.
“Sorry buddy, you caught me on a bad day,” he laughed out and whispered into the lifeless body’s ear. He threw the body into a pile of trash cans before walking out of the alleyway. When he turned the corner, he took notice of a trembling civilian, holding a camera at him. “The hell?! THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT DAMN CAMERA?!”
Bakugou barked at the random person with devil eyes before sending a blast to the phone. The person ran away screaming, pissed at the hero for doing that. To be petty, the “extra” (as Bakugou would say) wanted this video to be exposed. Not to the media, this person wasn’t cruel enough to destroy someone else’s career, but he wanted to send it to someone to have the hero learn a lesson.
Now it was no secret that the pro was in a relationship. In an article, it was revealed that the two of you had been together for the past 4 years. With that in mind, the damn hacker found Dynamight’s longtime girlfriend’s number and sent the video her way.
At Bakugou’s nice home, his perfect little oblivious girlfriend hummed a tune to herself as she made some spicy curry for her precious Suki. Now it’s not that Y/N was dumb. She was actually very intelligent. But when it came to Katsuki, she was just a cute little “housewife” that loved him.
When Bakugou first met you in the grocery market, he couldn’t help but notice your tiny but voluptuous figure, you were struggling to reach a box of cereal until Katsuki came along and helped.
“Here you go, Short Stack. Maybe next time you should ask your mommy to help you reach the high shelves.” He teased with a wink to the nickname.
You looked at the handsome blonde with a blush at first sight but when he teased you, your blush grew more ferocious with a pout and pointed brows. “I don’t need my mom to help me in the grocery store. I’m 22 for God’s sake!” You said, reaching for the box that he now held over his head.
“Hm, woulda said 17.” He teased again. You ignored his jokes and jumped to reach the box and take it out of his hands. You failed multiple times and he still stood tall with a smirk as he looked down at you.
‘Now she’s fucking cute’ he thought to himself. His eyes traveled down to your busty hips and tiny waist, then taking notice of the way your chest bounced around when you jumped and reached for the cereal. ‘Pretty damn sexy too.’
“C’mon little bear. You can do it.” He said with a shit eating grin. You pouted some more and stomped your foot before coming to a realization and began smirking. You dropped to the floor and swooped your legs to kick at his ankles and made him drop to the floor. As he fell, he let go of the box and you caught it midway before turning your back to him. Usually, Bakugou would be a little pissed, but his anger died down at the sight of your juicy ass.
“Yes!” You cheered.
“Woah..” Bakugou said in a trance. You turned to him with a confused look before he quickly hid it with a scowl. You giggled at his place on the floor and stuck out your hand to help him up.
“Sorry, but maybe you should’ve just given me my cereal. Anyway, thanks for the ‘help’ I guess..uh..” you asked, hinting for his name.
“Bakugou.” He answered and you nodded and gave a soft smile before speaking.
“Bakugou.” You said, finishing your previous sentence. “Well, I’ll be off now,”
You began to walk away but felt Bakugou tug on your arm. You looked back at him with another confused look but was only met with a cute smirk.
“Hey, I helped you with that cereal, the least you could do is give me the pretty girl’s name.” He said. You blushed a bit more before giving him a dumb look.
“Who? Me?” You teased.
“Nooo, the old hag at the cash register,” he joked. You both laughed at his comment as you settled with his hold on you, not minding the contact at all.
“Y/N L/N.” You said.
“Alright Y/N L/N, was nice meeting you.” He said with his hands in his pockets while holding a smile. A real smile and not a smirk.
“I know.” You said with a cocky smile that he could only chuckle at. “Was nice meeting you too Bakugou. I’ll see you around,” you said walking away with a waving hand.
As you walked, Bakugou couldn’t help but admire your curvy body and drool at the sight. He didn’t know what it was but something was pulling him to you. He wanted you. He needed you. That little interaction was not enough. It’s not even that he wanted to fuck. Sure you had a banging body, but your playful self caught his interest. He wanted your mind, body, and soul. He wanted to make you his.
Through the help of technology and his access to police files and hero reports, he was able to find your name, address, where you worked, and all that. He worked hard to “coincidentally” run into you constantly, up until the point where you two became quite acquainted. You eventually asked him to hang out (as friends) and that’s where the relationship grew. A few months had passed before Bakugou successfully asked you on a date, and that’s when you both found love within each other. Or more so, you found love in him. He loved you at first sight and he knew it for a fact.
After a year of dating, Bakugou asked you to move in with him and you of course said yes. Once settled in, he worked even harder to constantly fuck you stupid, break you down but build you up at the same time. He made it clear he was in charge and you were his little toy. A toy he loved with his entire being, but still a toy.
You became his dumb little girl. You had a job but Katsuki encouraged you to not work so much. “I don’t want you to raise a finger pretty girl. Just let Daddy take care of you,” he would say as he bounced you on his cock.
You had a little dance hobby that Katsuki also encouraged you to take a break from. “You don’t need to put on a show for anybody else but me, Princess. Daddy’ll give you all the attention you want.” He’d say as he kissed your cheek and finger you in front of a mirror.
You used to have friends before Bakugou found out they were trying to warn you of his abrasive behavior. Growing pissed at that, he convinced you they were against you and were no good for you.
“Those little friends of yours could never make you feel as good as I do, baby. They’re no good for you. They just want us to be apart. They’re jealous. They want you to leave me, but you don’t want that, right princess?”
“N-No daddy!”
“That’s right princess. You definitely don’t wanna leave me. Because no would could take care of you like I do, right? No one could. Nobody but me,” he would say as he pounded into you and whispered in your ear.
Eventually, Katsuki became your whole life. You would work one day a week so that you had more time for Katsuki. You would wake up next to him and cuddle with him until he had to leave for work. You would clean the house and cook for him, and you would wait for him to come home during the late hours of the night so you could smother him with love. Often times, you guys would fuck. Matter of fact, the day you first moved in, you Christened every place and piece of furniture in his house. It was the same routine that you learned to love. Wake up, cuddle, clean, cook, love, fuck.
Being Katsuki’s precious dumb baby girl, he couldn’t let his baby bear see all the damage he does as a hero. Oh no, that would scare you way too much. Your precious little self wouldn’t be able to handle it. He would tell you he was a pro hero, the number 2 hero, saving lives, and he was satisfied every time he saw the sparkle in your eyes as you looked at your hero boyfriend with a proud look. He never told you about the dark side of hero work though. The bloodshed, the kills, the deaths. Horrid things your sweet baby mind wouldn’t be able to take. He would keep his princess oblivious to the terrible things he has to do as a hero and you being his dumb little bear listened when he said you wouldn’t be able to find any videos of him. Why bother to check if he was right? Your Katsuki would never lie to you. He would never do wrong by you. All and all, Katsuki can’t risk her getting scared and leaving.
That was until....
You were busy finishing up dinner when your phone went off. You looked down to the screen to see a random number had sent you a video. From the preview of the video on the banner, you took notice of that easily recognizable tuff of spiky blonde hair. You grew excited at the small sight of your boyfriend and swooned before you watched the video.
After you pressed play, your smile remained as you watched your boyfriend. However, as the video went on, your smile slowly dropped and became replaced with an open mouth. Your eyes became filled with fear as you watched your “sweet” boyfriend ruthlessly murder a man in an alleyway. You listened to his crazy laugh and felt your heart skip a few beats. Your mouth became dry and your palms grew sweaty as the video continued to install fear in you. Finally, your boyfriend threw the dead body into a pile of trash cans before you saw him look to the camera with those eyes. Those ruby gems that you used to love turned into blood drops as he gave the camera a scary glare. He barked at the man behind the camera before aiming a blast his way. The blast came at the camera and made you jump as it felt like the attack was going to hit you. You flinched and dropped your phone as the video finished and your breath grew heavy as you began to sweat and look around.
You immediately ran to your shared bedroom and pulled out your laptop. Katsuki always said you would never find anything about Dynamight online, but all you had to do was type in his name to find multiple videos of his deathly battles. You watched countless recordings of him mercilessly killing people left and right with his quirk and bare hands. Your body began to shake as your pupils dilated with fear. After a terribly gruesome fight video, you threw your device aside in fear and ran into the living room. You settled the slightest bit before growing nervous once more. All around the house were pictures of you and Katsuki. He was everywhere in the house. And those dangerously red eyes followed you everywhere. You began to hyperventilate until the sound of jingling keys invaded your ears.
You looked at the door in fear and after a few seconds, the main man walked in. Katsuki Bakugou. He seemed exhausted but once he took sight of you, he visibly became at ease.
Bakugou walked into the door, pissed off and tired as fuck. Luckily, that all changed when he noticed his precious Teddy Bear in the living room. He assumed you came to greet him again like you always did and he smiled at that.
“K-Katsuki! Hi..” you nervously said but Bakugou was too intoxicated with you to even notice. He walked to you with a smile and wrapped his arms around your waist before peppering your face in sweet kisses. You flinched due to his touch but Bakugou just assumed it was because of his stronger caramel scent. He did use his quirk a lot today after all.
“Hi baby,” he said. He didn’t stop his kisses as he spoke in between them. “Had such a bad day this mornin’.....was so upset......missed you a lot baby...did you miss me?”
“Mm..y-yes.” You once again said in fear. You definitely missed him throughout the day, but now with this new information, you wanted nothing more than to get away from him. Bakugou moved his kisses to your lips and placed a long, loving one on you. He had his eyes shut and so did you, but his were shut in content and yours were scrunched in fear. The entire time, you could feel your rapid heart rate pulse all throughout your body.
Bakugou started a heavy make out session with you as his hands traveled to the swell of your ass and gave it a grip and smack. He spoke to you throughout the kiss and kept his lips hovering when he spoke before diving right back into it. “Not my best day today......but you can make it better, right baby.....you wanna help Daddy feel better?”
“Mm!” You didn’t say yes but you couldn’t say no either. You didn’t know how to. Not when it came to Katsuki. At the cute little sound, Bakugou picked you up and placed you down on the couch, too eager to dive into you right away.
He placed you on the wide couch and began grabbing at your body. Your tiny waist, your curvy hips, your pretty titties. That was when he finally felt you tense up. A few nervous thoughts infiltrated his mind. Did you not want this? You never said no to him though. What was going on? He pushed those thoughts away as he continued. Maybe you were just extra sensitive today. Things were starting to change when he moved his hand down into your panties and you tried to squirm away from him.
“Baby?” He asked you as he separated from your lips and gave you a confused puppy look. He finally took notice of your nervousness and looked at you with worry. “You okay, princess?”
“Umm, yeah! I’m-..I’m okay it’s just, you don’t wanna take a shower before we do anything?” You asked as an excuse. Bakugou chuckled and a few of his nerves began to settle.
“C’mon princess, I know I just got off of work but it’s always just smoke and caramel with me. Besides you love it, I know you do.” He said and smirked as he began to lick at your neck. You nervously laugh and pushed on his chest to back him up.
“Aha, yeah, but don’t you wanna be a little more comfortable?” You asked again.
“I’m already comfortable right here. If anything, I’d be really comfortable if we were both bare already.” He said against your neck again. You pushed him off again and placed a soft hand on his cheek while giving him the sweetest smile as you spoke.
“Please love, for me?” You asked. You watched as Bakugou gave an exasperated sigh with a smile and roll of his eyes before leaning down and giving you a sweet peck.
“For you.” He said before pecking your cheek. “Everything for you, baby.” He said and finally got up to go wash up.
Once he was out of sight you released a relieved sigh. With him gone, you felt yourself began to shake again as you crowded into a corner on the couch and held yourself. You covered your mouth as you began to silently cry and sob. That-..that killer was so close to you. He was pressed against you. His once loving and comforting presence now became dangerous and scary. You didn’t know if you could take it.
As Katsuki walked up the stairs to the master bedroom, he couldn’t help but feel the nerves begin to bubble back up again. Why were you acting so...disobedient? It kind of irritated the blonde but he settled nonetheless. Maybe you were just having an off day. Bakugou walked right into the room and went straight for the shower after tossing his phone on the bed. The sooner he washed up, the sooner he could get to ravish you. He was quickly in and out of the shower and once he went back into the room, he threw on a pair of Gray sweats. Before leaving, Bakugou went to grab his phone but noticed your laptop opened. He looked to the screen in curiosity and felt his heart drop to his stomach once he saw what he did.
‘PRO-HERO DYNAMIGHT’S MOST LETHAL ATTACKS’ was the video you were watching. Bakugou took notice of the setting and remembered that battle. The battle where he grabbed a villain by their neck and blasted off into the sky before using an explosion to hurl them down to the ground again, killing them in the end.
Why the hell were you watching this? How the hell did you find this?! Why did you even think of looking for this video?! Bakugou felt his heart rate increase as his breath became huffs of frustration. His eyes grew fierce as he grabbed the laptop and ran downstairs. Once he walked in, he saw you cornered in the couch, hugging your knees with your head down. “Y/N!”
You immediately looked up when your boyfriend called your name. He finally saw your teary eyes and feared face when you looked to him. Then it finally clicked. This is why you were acting so off. You found him. You found the other side of him. The Katsuki you knew was sweet, teasing, loving, and a romantic. The Katsuki he hid from you was ruthless, violent, feral, and borderline insane. And you were acting off because you finally found out.
“Mind telling me what the fuck this is?!” He shouted. Now this wouldn’t be the first time Katsuki’s yelled at you. While he was in the process of breaking you down, he had to yell to let you know who was in charge. It’s not like he was heartless though, he hated it every time you forced his hand and made him yell at you. He felt so guilty and made sure to cater to your every need after he would freak out on you. Thankfully, you were a quick learner and it’s been years since you’ve gotten reprimanded by him.
You stood to your feet to try and defend yourself and get a grip. “K-Katsuki! I-..I swear it’s nothing! I wasn’t doing anything!”
“You’re gonna fucking lie to me now, Y/N?! Why the hell did you go and look for this video?” He fiercely asked. You remained silent as you were terrified and just trembled at you chewed at your lip. “ANSWER ME!”
“I-...Someone-..Somebody sent me a video...of you...and what you did tonight.” You hesitantly said. Bakugou slammed to your laptop shut and threw it to a wall, destroying it in the process.
“Show me the video.” He demanded. You were still shaking as you looked to him in fear and shock at what he just did. “NOW!”
You scrambled to get your phone and give it to Katsuki. He watched the video with a numb expression but his grip on the phone gave away all his emotions of anger and fury. Once the video was done, he looked at you with an insane smirk. You stared at him in fear as you watched his every move and right then and there he crushed your phone in his hand.
“K-Katsuki!” You shouted as you looked to your now destroyed devices. He dusted off his hands and walked to you. You tensed up at his approach and when he raised a hand to cup your cheek gently, he felt the way you shook in extreme terror.
“It’s okay, baby. You can tell me whatever you’re thinking right now. I won’t get mad.” He softly said with a smile. He was so close to you now. His hand was caressing your face oh so sweetly that it made you believe him the slightest bit. You don’t know if it was love or fear that caused you to tell him but you did.
“I-..I’m..I’m scared of you Katsuki.” You said with tears in your eyes. Katsuki just continued to softly stroke your face with his gentle smile as he nodded his head and encouraged you to go on. “You didn’t tell me..about anything of that. You told me you saved people..but you were..killing them.”
“It’s how I have to save people baby. People who become too dangerous need to be put down. It’s my job baby, you understand, don’t you?” He asked with his gentle tone. You shook your head as he still held it softly.
“No..I- I don’t.” You looked at Katsuki with hurt eyes and you took a small breath before you boldy said the next words. “I-..I think we should take a break.”
At that, Katsuki tensed up again. His eyes went wide for a second and his smile dropped before he shook his head and the kind eyes and warm smile returned. He stared at you for what felt like forever before his sweet face turned into a scary look and his hand quickly wrapped around your neck to put you into a small choke hold. Bakugou flipped you onto the couch and pinned you there. You began to scream and squirm but he covered your mouth and held you down with his legs to keep you steady.
“Careful Teddy Bear,” he said with a maniacal look, “shout and scream too much and you might just lose your breath,” he said and tightened his hold the slightest bit. “And we wouldn’t want that now, would we?”
You began to silently sob as his hand covered your mouth and you stopped moving under his hold. You nodded your head as tears began to spill down your face. Katsuki pouted at you before leaning down to lick away a tear. “Awe, don’t cry baby. There’s nothing to be scared off.”
At his words, your eyes grew angry and you bit his hand to remove it. He shouted at the bite and removed his hand as he looked down at you in anger. “You! That’s what I’m scared of Katsuki!” You said with anger and sadness.
Bakugou didn’t take too kindly to that and clenched his fist before he smacked your face. Your head turned to the side at the hard slap as you gasped at the contact. Bakugou grabbed your face with his large hand and made you face him.
“Dirty fucking bitch. You fucking love getting smacked by me don’t you?” He said with a crazed look. “Listen to me very carefully Y/N. I’ve loved you since I first laid my fucking eyes on you. So you’re not allowed to leave me. Understand?” He asked. You began to squirm again and he smacked you again to get you to stop. “ENOUGH OF THAT! You’re not leaving me Y/N. If you run, I’ll find you again the same way I did in the beginning. If you hit me, I’ll have to punish you. You remember all your punishments, don’t you? So stop fighting it. You love me and I love you. We’re not splitting up.”
You narrowed your eyes at Bakugou before spitting on his face. His eyes grew feral as his hold returned to your neck to give it a squeeze. You could still breath..but barely. “Answer me this baby. Answer wrong though and I’ll do what has to be done. Do you want to leave me?”
You looked at his eyes to find any hints of danger. Sadly, everything about this whole situation screamed danger. You still had love for Katsuki, you knew you did, but this was a whole different level. You didn’t know who this was. “.....Yes.”
“Wrong answer.”
With that, Bakugou began to rip your clothes off along with his own. You watched in fear as he did everything. The entire time, he had this excited grin on his face with insane eyes.
“K-Katsuki! What are yo-“ before you could finish, Bakugou had taken your panties and used them as a gag for you. He shoved them in your mouth and you made muffled sounds. You were both now completely bare on the couch, just like he wanted when he first came home.
“Relax baby,” he said before kissing your cheek softly as he pulled you to him. “I’m gonna make you feel so good..I’m gonna do something so nice that you’ll never want to leave.”
You shook your head with tears in your eyes. You tried push him away but he pulled your hands down. “Stop that. I’m not a heartless monster baby. I promise you’ll enjoy it.”
He grabbed both your hands and pinned them above your head in the couch. Both your tiny hands were able to be held by his one giant palm as his other hand traveled to your lower region and began rubbing soft circles on your clit. You arched your back at the pleasant feeling. As much as you didn’t want this, as much as you wanted to run away and leave, your body couldn’t deny the pleasure he gave you. He knew you inside and out. He was able to break you from a single touch.
“Feel good?” He asked with a smirk. You shook your head in disagreement. His smirk fell into a determined frown. He knew you didn’t want this now but he would make sure you would soon enough. His movements picked up speed and your legs began to shake. Katsuki finally shoved two fingers in, causing you to shriek with the muffled sound.
His pumps gave no hesitation with their speed as they went in hard and fast. You were practically screaming behind the panties once he gave in another 2 fingers. His thumb played with your clit as he continued to whisper dirty things into your ear.
“My little slut really thought she could leave me? Huh? Cant you hear the sounds your pretty pussy is making. Your mouth may say you don’t want me but your mind and body says otherwise.” With that he slipped in his thumb and you’ve never felt so full. You had his entire fist pumping in and out of you as your felt your legs growing weak. “Fuck baby, look at you. Taking my fist so well. Feel good? Feel full? Hm?”
This time, you moaned in agreement. You couldn’t help it. This was going to be your last time with Katsuki, might as well make it last. However, that was never Bakugou’s plan, no. He loves you too much to let you go. You aren’t leaving him and he’s making sure of it.
As he continued, he felt you tighten around his fist. He smiled once again and sped up his movements. “C’mon baby, let me hear you.” He leaned down and pulled the panties out of your mouth with his teeth. He tossed them aside and allowed you to voice your thoughts.
“F-Fuck Katsuki! M-More! Please!” You begged. He only looked down at you with wide eyes and a grin.
“More? What more could I give you baby?” He said, leaving down to you. “Tell me what you want Y/N.”
“You- you- you what teddy bear? Tell me. Do you want..me to stop?” He teased.
“N-No!” You cried out.
“Do you want me to slow down?” He asked.
“Then? What do you want, baby?” He asked.
“Mm! I- I want you to fuck me Katsuki! Please! Fuck me with your cock!” You cried out and Bakugou’s fist came to a stop.
“Good girl.” He then pulled out his fist and quickly replaced it with his dick. You both cried out in euphoria. He wasted no time in ramming into you, using a quick speed. He held onto your hips as you velvet walls swallowed him in. “S-Shit baby! Fuck, after all that you’re still so- fuck! So fucking tight.”
His fingertips had a grip on your hips that was sure to leave bruises. The way he was pounding into you caused your breast to bounce and dance right in front of him. Not that it wasn’t anything Katsuki hasn’t seen before, but it’s the fact that he loves the scene so much. He licked his lips at the sight of your voluptuous mounds before taking one into his mouth. The feeling of his teeth sinking in had you gasping and your hands found way into his hair, pulling him in closer.
“K-Katsuki!” You cried out. He smirked at the sound and released you from his mouth.
“You don’t even know how good you look. How good you will look when I knock you up and fill you with my kids.” He said against your bare skin. This made your eyes pop as you looked at him in fear.
“W-what?! No! Katsuki! Please, I don’t want thi-“
“Shut the fuck up!” He screamed over you. He placed his hand around your neck as his cock completely took over you. “Yes you do! Don’t you remember baby? You always talked about starting a family with me. Now you can have it!”
“K-Katsuki..please! Please stop, this is rape!” You urgently whimpered. Bakugou merely ignored your cry as he continued his motions.
“I said, SHUT THE FUCK UP! It’s not rape if you enjoy it baby.” He said in response. He continued to touch you in the dirtiest of ways, bringing quiet moans out of you no matter how hard you tried to fight it.
“No! I don’t want it anymore! I don’t want you Katsuki!” You cried. Tears now flowed down your face in fear. You’ve always wanted a family with him. But that was before you knew how he truly was. Your words only angered Katsuki and so he punished you with a harsh smack to the face. Your head turned to the side as you gasped at the stinging feeling that almost felt like pleasure in a way.
“I’m gonna give you brat, and you’re gonna stay. You’re gonna stay with me and we’re gonna be a happy family! Because I love you and I know you love me.” He said. Your legs were growing weak as his relentless thrusts never stopped.
“P-Please. Please, I’ll stay. But I don’t want this. Not now.” You whimpered. At your soft voice, Bakugou slowed down the pace but his hard thrusts continued.
“Sorry baby, but I want this. I’ve spoiled you for too long. I give you everything under the sun and you reward me by trying to leave. Especially over such a small instance? I don’t think so. The least you could do for me is give me the family I want with you. Don’t you agree?” He sweetly said with malice intent.
You only continued your whimpers as you allowed him to do as he pleased. You weren’t getting out of this. Katsuki gets whatever Katsuki wants. If he wanted to fuck his child into you, he was going to do so, one way or another. Katsuki allowed his moans to fill the room as the once sweet sound of skin slapping grew louder and louder, coming faster and faster. Eventually, you reached your release and even squirted all over Katsuki’s chest. He very much enjoyed that and it brought him closer to his climax. He kept to his word and filled you up to the brim. You both threw your head backs and cried out in ecstasy.
Once he was done, Katsuki remained inside of you as he laid on top of you. He peppered your face in kisses as you continued to make soft sounds. You both remained on the couch for some time before he pulled out and walked to the kitchen to get a rag and clean you and himself up. Once done, he picked you up and brought you to the bedroom where he placed you down under the sheets and joined you. He cuddled with you in bed feeling happy and joyous while your head was stuck in thought.
‘If his plan worked, I’ll be a mother soon. There’ll be a baby growing inside of me.’ You silently thought. Bakugou snapped you out of your thoughts with a kiss on your lips before he began speaking.
“..I know what you saw on the footage was scary, but that’s not the only part of me. I’ve shown you every other me. The me that loves you and wants to be with you forever, Y/N.” He said and picked up your hand to give your knuckles a kiss.
“....I understand that your job isn’t the purest. I understand that sometimes, a life will be lost. But the video that was sent to me, showed you killing a petty robber. You took it too far.” You argued quietly.
“Tch. Whatever. He deserved it anyway-“
“And it’s not only that, but you’re the reason why I have no friends, no job, no money, no family, no nothing. In the beginning, it was amazing because I thought I knew you. But now, I’m just scared of you Katsuki and I have no one else to go to.” You began to get choked up. This was the man you loved but you felt like you didn’t know him anymore. Right now, in your eyes, he was a killer. A scary monster.
“If you left me, who would you go to baby? You’re absolutely right. You have no friends. No job. No home. You have nobody but me. You need me. Say it.” He demanded. You remained quiet to rebel against his wishes until he took hold of your face and squeezed it tight. To stop the pain, you forced the words out.
“I-...I need you!” With that, he released his hold on you and his hand rested on your cheek. He stared into your eyes and you looked at him with the sad and confused look you had on ever since he came home.
“I love you Y/N. Do you still love me?” He asked.
“......I do.” You said. A smile grew on his face.
“Then we can make this work,” he said and pulled you into his chest, holding you tight. You whimpered into his chest but nonetheless held onto him tight as well. You did love him. You knew you did. But you didn’t love who he truly was. Or at least, what part of him was. A killer. A murderer.
He was right though. You had nowhere else to go. Katsuki really was your everything. And so, you were going to allow this relationship to go on. His child will come from you and you will start a family with him. Whether you want it to happen or not. As long as he wants it, it’ll happen.
Whatever Katsuki wants.
Tag list: @sxcker4you @aomi04
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netflix shadow and bone s1 e5 pt3: peak darklina
the first kiss scene Alina is so beautiful Her little smile as she picks up his kefta after he hears him call out for Ivan to get it like ooh I'm gonna play a little trick on Alek Her making him smile with a joke that's not even funny The tentativeness of it all, them tiptoeing around each other, testing the boundaries Him being taken aback by her offering to help him put on his kefta but still wanting her to and immediately resorting to business voice asking questions about official sun summoner stuff And putting on his serious business face him trying to explain away the gloves by calling them a safeguard, not a sign of him not trusting her abilities the face he makes after saying spectacle either depicting his distaste for the showiness of the event or depicting his embarrassment at how he phrased the sentence, like what the fuck did I just say (more likely the first one) Her quickly turning around and walking away after the eye contact makes her realise how close they are and him pulling a puzzled look as she does so Just. Just how adorable the energy is. Both of them making jokes to diffuse the tension, her gripping the table to maybe steady or calm herself, the looks they give to each other as if engaged in a delicate dance; god-like Him straight up just blinking and looking down and gulping as she says 'we can offer Grisha and Ravkans hope' (could be multiple things he's thinking at this point, and all of them interest me) 'That means a lot to me, Alina.' *her turning to look at his face* 'You mean a lot...' *her immediately lowering her gaze and tracing where her mal scar used to be lmao* 'to everyone' *her raising her gaze to him again* The music swelling as she walks up to him, her barely grazing her fingers against his collar, his eyes looking across hers as if in disbelief, her looking at his lips, and then her closing the gap between them. Him being a little stiff, indubitably from being shocked, and yet giving into it almost instinctively as if he can't help it. The violin coming in powerfully yet softly to emphasize the tenderness of it all. This thing has been made with so much love and I can't contain myself about it. Him opening his eyes half a second after Alina, almost as if waking up from a dream and then, following a relaxing of his facial muscles as he clearly regains his composure, immediately looking inscrutable. Her doubting herself, not losing eye contact as he stands up from the desk, but her sudden fear, regret, and embarrassment clear on her face. Her sides of her lips slowly rising giving way his own self mirroring her and breaking into smile and composing himself and breaking into smile again before saying 'Not many people surprise me, Miss Starkov'. Her now fully breaking out into a smile, her face a picture of unguarded joy, she looks down only to have his gaze follow her face. Both of them giddy in the other's presence and the audience can feel it. It feels like he is leaning in for another one when the sound of the door opening makes them spring apart, regaining their composures and standing at a respectable distance from each other. Her poorly suppressing a smile, him looking at her visibly, her mimicking him with a glance out of her periphery, causing her to give in to her smile completely. Him looking visibly distracted as he attempts to pay attention to whoever came into the room. the Jesper of it all Jesper the mega idiot not being able to control his face from doing a thing as he realises the person who caught him where he wasn't supposed to be is the same person he was making sexy eyes at before and yet regaining his composure in record time The poor stable hand actually being interested in Jesper and being adorable with Jesper just being like charm itself Can you believe looking at Jesper Llewellyn Fahey in the flesh and having him make sexy eyes at you and then forgetting about it? Because I simply cannot. The line about light role play? Felt a little not right. GO OFF STABLE HAND WHO PUSHED JESPER AGAINST A WALL AND KISSED HIM, HE LITERALLY SAID IM POPPING OFF AND
THEN HE DID Zoya Zoya saying fuck off to the random racist comment made by one of the guests, but she was racist to Alina herself? (I mean South Asian-East Asian hate is not uncommon so idk) David omg the cutie pie adjusting his hair at the fete HEARTRENDER FUCKING HUSBANDS Fedyor insisting on Ivan eating the sweet and Ivan's solemn head shake like no babe im on a diet and Fedyor being like heart eyes please eat the sweet my love and then Fedyor holding Ivan's face to make him nibble off a corner and Ivan's face splitting into a reluctant grin Kaz the actor Seeing Kaz the actor instead of Kaz the master of trickery and plans is an interesting thing Kanej being Kanej cute banter interaction, would recommend, 10/10 hints at Arken being sus The look Kaz gives Arken when Arken leaves, I really should have known, I was simply being a clown Darkling and the dumb royalty We love the Darkling suppressing his anger at these otkazat'sya rulers dissing the grisha and the little palace Alina's entrance The soft hum that we hear when Alina enters but we don't see her face Alina's adorable peeking The Darkling's expression changing despite being done af with these mfers and instantaneously on catching a glimpse of Alina, she really has that power huh He really made it look like his pupils dilated and who knows maybe they did Him trying to call her out for not following protocol but him melting and saying 'you look lovely, by the way' Her saying 'you look like you needed saving' I can't breathe you're so cool ballroom at the little palace I must confess I expected the ballroom of the winter fete to be bigger
GENYADAVID looking at each other and pretending not to look at each other, my fucking heart Kanej being Kanej Kaz implying they're gonna try to trick the people into thinking that the fake sun summoner is real and Inej being done with his shit Alina's demonstration HER NAME IS ALINA STARKOV yes mfer The way people back away as he steps, god the power of this man Inej looking at Kaz omfg Okay him clapping the darkness into the room was cool af I love the shadow summoning effects so fucking much The first bit of light that Alina summons lighting up the gold parts of her black kefta, absolute perfection Alina just enjoying her power and then looking to Alek, his lips parting when she does Aw Fedyor looking at Ivan in a I told you she could do it way Genya and Fedyor exchanging glances as Alina besties THE CROWD SAYING SANKTA ALINA INEJ SAYING SANKTA ALINA WITH HALF A TEAR IN HER EYE DAMN THIS IS POWERFUL Jesper and Dima IMMEDIATELY TRANSITIONING TO JESPER SAYING 'SAINTS' AS A NAKED STABLE BOY GETS OFF OF HIM AGAHSJSJSJKS I CAN'T IM CACKLING AT THE AUDACITY OF THIS SHOW HOW ARE THEY SO PERFECT (his name's dima btw) Poor fucking Dima getting frightening orders from his superior as his hookup sneaks out with horses that are definitely not his Arken the little shit Ah Arken why'd you have to go and do this I was actually amused by you before the malyen factor omg Mal's here and someone saw him getting here apparat and faith? The apparat literally jumping out of the palace walls at Alina lol man I do love the religion angle of this universe and it would have been so fucking cool if it were explored a bit better ew apparat that grab was very violent mal/darkling interaction the darkling's reaction at his recognition of mal was so funny ah yes my arch nemesis, the other angle of this teen immortal love triangle how utterly delightful someone explain the darkling's 'are you alright' to mal, is it because Alina was worried sick, is it mind games, is it curiosity, what is it Im still don't know how to feel with them attaching a literal symbol to the sun summoner, to Alina's dreams and to the stag itself 'not until I see Alina' THE LOYAL HIMBO ENERGY IN THIS ONE ISTFG I have never known nose acting until I saw Ben Barnes, he uses his nose in his acting and it is absolutely wonderful; case in point, the 'i beg your pardon' to mal with the rage making his voice shake okay but why is every mal darkling interaction like, everything the prompt answer our baby mal gives and the satisfaction it brings to his face, fucking amazing the darkling being literally struck by this, his mouth literally agape, king this is a 20 year old lmao Baghra! OMG WE GOT A GLIMPSE OF BAGHRA'S FIRE YES Genya supremacy Genya beating Arken up let's fucking go Marie's plot influence and Racism? Yellowface? again? hmm bardugo (then again, I have no authority over this, I'm south asian) Ive already talked about how I'm interested in knowing if and how changing Marie's time and place of death going to influence the plot much because in the books it caused a chain reaction doing a lot of stuff Alina, my love Alina just, laughing with other Grisha, feeling at home, ah be still my treacherous heart Mal's confrontation scene with Alina that was in the books being retconned to Mal calling out to her body double, hmm, probably to make Mal more likeable, I don't have any feelings about this particularly Nadia and Fedyor Okay the both of them, smiling and walking, hand in hand, cute mlm wlw solidarity moment that I missed during the first watch Kanej interacting with Alina Why is Alina literally so adorable The music picking up as the Inferni catches sight of the 'limping man' (what? it was funny when he said it) Blue Irises Alina's face showing a certain sense of calm when Alek shows up Alina's face after the Darkling says 'for you' and presents her with blue irises is something like gasp okay you've got game sexy shadow man mal fite time omg I thought she was taking mal to talk to Baghra or smth not to kill him 🤡 aren't oprichnikis like
otkazat'sya or am I missing smth? Because Baghra's spy is obvs a fabrikator THE DESK SCENE omg the scene hath arriveth the fact that Alina can't stop smiling gods, the flirting 'I don't recall this, being part of the schedule' him turning back and saying 'it isn't' her hiding her face through the cover of smelling the flowers and just how coy she acts, like the literal eyelid batting Ma'am how embarrassing for you to have feelings rn these two are my absolute favs of all time the camera moving as they move from their spots on which they had to stand on to get the shot of their shadows almost kissing her nodding and smiling at him saying 'she'll probably be alright' like okay I'm ready for smooches kiss me already and him going 'don't you think' trying to savour this moment IM SORRY BUT THE FUCKING SCORE AT THE MOMENT THEIR LIPS MEET YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND I CANNOT COPE the way his hand is so big that he can almost hold her entire face in it the way she grips the back of his head I'm sorry I feel so disrespectful saying this but the sounds they make+I think that's a um titty grab or maybe it's just a holding someone and the placement was um unintended but I doubt it because everything in this fucking show is so intentional+ the lift up onto the desk+ the faces they make+ um god I'm going to hell for this but when they sort of grind into each other (I understand this is acting and they're just good at their job) but god does all of this make my heart race and also makes me happy I guess LITERAL GIGGLES I can't I'm soft 🥺🥺🥺 his little head shake at the knock on the door when he goes in for one last kiss before she gets off the desk and her eyes going all oy you, go get the door, I'm not going anywhere don't make whoever it is wait is so adorable and domestic her just standing there mouth agape to herself when he walks away HIM STILL FLUSHED AND BLUSHING AND HIS HAPPINESS CLEAR AS DAY ON HIS FACE WHEN HE OPENS THE DOOR his gaze flits to her when Ivan says Alina was the target 'I'll be waiting' love, I physically can't anymore Little cheek hold and walk away Her little smile to herself nearly fading before he jumps back in again to her surprise and to ours to hold her face with both his hands and kiss her one last time, and yes, he does kiss like he's being drafted for the war in the morning Her little mouth open and close and then her little smile to herself after he leaves I refuse to watch the rest of the episode right now because no let me steep in the darklina bliss
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bts-roses · 4 years
Spilling Coffee | 1
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➼ summary: You’ve always prided yourself in being a naturally graceful and reliable person. So an internship at BigHit seemed like a walk in the park. That is, until a certain goof slide-kicks you off your feet and makes your life a whole lot harder.
Namjoon is a misunderstood klutz and y/n thinks too much.
➼ pairing: idol!namjoon x intern!reader
➼ genre: fluff, angst (if you squint), idolverse
➼ word count: 3,700
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You have always been proud of your natural grace. Throughout your life, it’s granted you the title of being the responsible and reliable one. The one to do the important jobs. You were always the child the teacher would pick to fill a glass of water up for the paintbrushes during art class. You would do that with a smug grin on your face, holding a big ass jar of water with both of your tiny hands. You would hand it to the teacher, whip your pigtails as you turn around and walk back to your seat looking at your jealous classmates like hell yeah I just did that, you bitches could never.
So naturally, finding out you were about to intern in a big entertainment company, you just knew you were going to unquestionably nail it. Being responsible for mundane tasks like going on coffee runs or carrying boxes to different places? Uhh, you lived for that shit.
Obviously, these weren’t the only tasks and they were definitely not going to help you in the long run of your dream profession. But being able to put down that you received work experience from Big Hit Entertainment sure was. And there was an opportunity to get a job there after your internship! And the internship pays really well! And apparently the food in their canteen was pretty good! In conclusion, it was a win-win situation all around. And how hard could it be?
The answer to that was hard. Very fucking hard.
Namjoon has always been in awe of how clumsy he actually was. Even his bandmates wonder how such an intelligent, grown man can be such a dumbass. Whenever he tried to fix something? Boom, it instantly got 10x worse. His fans even call him the God of Destruction. He would be offended by the nickname, but he can’t hate the truth. And the title is pretty badass if you think about it.
He was more of the kid in art class who was always given small jobs like making sure the aprons weren’t tangled up when it was time to put them away. Even though he wanted cooler jobs like holding those cool big ass glass jars, he understood that sometimes it’s just best to mind his own business and do his own designated jobs. You know, for world peace.
But today. Wow. It’s like the gods above are punishing him or something.
He actually woke up feeling pretty good. Today was going to be his day. Or so he thought. His clumsiness, once again, ruins it for him.
Long story short: he accidentally broke a bit of the toilet seat off. In his defence, he really needed a shit and someone left the toilet seat up again. He was definitely not going to fall into the toilet bowl this time. So Namjoon did the only thing a human could do in such a limited space of time: he slam-dunked that toilet seat down as hard as he could. Not his smartest idea. To his dismay, he spent his morning poo hovering over the toilet, with a piece of the seat held in his left hand. Let’s just say the other members were not thrilled when he walked out to the kitchen holding the piece of the smashed toilet seat from one of the most used bathrooms in the house.
After sitting through another one of Seokjin's speeches about the importance of handling things with a bit more caution, Namjoon decided it would be best to go to the company a bit earlier than the others today. Especially when the younger ones wouldn’t stop roasting the shit out of him. It was when he tripped over walking into the company building he thought to himself.
Maybe today wasn’t his day.
This was the tenth day of your internship. And you don’t like to boast but you think you’re owning this shit. Sure, your boss is scary and likes giving you lots of monotonous tasks. But she’s not that bad. Besides, this is what you signed up for! And you’re having fun. Kinda.
“Intern.” You look up from your desk to see a smiling Joowon, one of your coworkers, “Lee is asking for you.”
Giving him a nod, you swiftly get up from your desk. You knock on your boss’ door and walk in when she acknowledges your presence.
“Yes, Mrs Lee?” you say, beaming brightly.
“I need you to go on a coffee run for the marketing team. We have an important meeting regarding TXT’s comeback and I do not want to see anyone slacking. If I do, I will kill someone,” she says looking up from the screen, giving you a small vacant smile. See? She’s warming up to you!
“Of course! Do you want me to buy you a knife while I’m out? Just in case?” You joke while giggling lightly.
“Was that supposed to be a joke?” She asks, with no amusement in her face.
You immediately stop laughing. Fuck. Maybe she’s just a tad bit scary. You stiffen a bit and nod ashamed.
“Yeah. I don’t need any of that here” she glances at you up and down and then looks back at her computer, “you should leave now.”
You bow and basically run out of her office. Okay. Fine. She’s fucking terrifying.
You knew working in a big establishment like BigHit was going to be intimidating but not this intimidating. It didn’t help that you had a subliminal fear of attractive people. Of course, you liked looking at them but talking to them made you so nervous. Maybe you should've taken that into account before working in a fucking entertainment company. They were everywhere. At least you were working in the marketing team, where your interactions with the idols were very limited. However, you still would have the odd occurrence with one. On your second day, TXT's Soobin asked you for Mrs Lee's whereabouts. You nearly cried... But let’s not think about that.
Thankfully, your department is quite small and you only had to go get nine iced americanos. The lady at the counter also gave you two paper bags that held eight of them which made your life easier. Since you were feeling fancy and had the room, you got yourself an iced latte. Realising you were a bit short on time, you quickly dashed back to the company.
Entering the building, you check the clock on the lobby wall: fifteen minutes until the meeting starts. Cool. That's fine. You can totally get there before it starts. Totally. Deep breath. You'll be fine. After violently stabbing the elevator button multiple times, you hastily enter and press the floor you needed. Seeing no one was going to get on with you, you push the button to close the doors. Just once. Maybe a few times for good measure. Before the doors shut, you catch a glimpse of the clock again. Thirteen minutes. More than enough time.
When you reach your floor, you check inside the bags to make sure nothing has spilt. You can't help but smile. Look at you. Two coffees in each hand? Not a spill. Holding two bags of coffee? Not a single drop. You really did that. You were that bitch. I am the elite intern. You think to yourself with a chuckle. Then you stop yourself and wince. Jesus Christ. You really needed to get a life.
Remembering your task, you carefully pull out your phone from your pocket to check the time; ten minutes. Just to be safe (and to beat your previous coffee run score of having eight minutes to spare), you speed down the hallway.
You can literally see the glass walls of the meeting room. Not even half of the team is there yet. You were that early. On the opposite side of the corridor, you see your boss, who is facing away from you, and Joowon talking to each other. He glances at you and smiles. You quicken your pace, about to return the smile.
Suddenly, you're seeing him horizontally.
What the fuck? Why the fuck? Oh my God. You're too busy soaking up the mess in front of you that you don’t feel the searing pain on your left ankle. You blink hard and freeze on the floor.
The coffee is spilt. Everywhere.
Shit. You’re gonna get killed. You're gonna get fired. Before you start crying on the ground, the floor starts moving... Wait. Floors don't move. Uuugh. And floors sure as hell don't groan.
You look sideways to realise you're on top of someone's chest. That said someone looks down at you.
Your heart drops.
You jump up to stand and you instantly feel the sting on your ankle. You look at the scene in front of you. You feel like sobbing again. You just spilt your drink all over RM. Fucking Kim Namjoon. You know, the leader of the biggest fucking boy group on the planet? That's the one. You aren’t just going to be fired. You're gonna be banished from Korea. Burned at the stake. Mauled to death.
"I'm so fucking sorry." You burst out, desperately getting back down on the floor to clean up the liquid with your clothes, "I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to."
You warily look at him. He's just lying there in this weird, starfish-like position. Not really moving. Oh my God, you think to yourself. You fucking broke him. Did you kill him?
You stop helplessly scrubbing the floor with your jumper sleeve and shakily ask him, "are you alive?"
Abruptly, pulls himself up in a seated position. You flinch. Fuck. He's gorgeous. Great, now you’re nervous. He stares at you blankly and you wince a bit. You mentally prepare yourself to get screamed at and you feel a sting in your eyes. God, you're about to cry. You’re gonna lose your internship. You’re gonna have no future. You're so fucking terri-
All you hear is a deep chuckle.
"Shit. You've done it again Namjoon" he mutters to himself in disbelief, "Did I hurt you?"
He looks at you in concern and shuffles closer. Carefully, he puts a hand on your shoulder. Well, he’s never seen you before. He glances down at the ID card hanging from your neck. There’s a picture of you grinning cheerfully and your name: Y/n L/n. An intern? He also notices that you don’t have the same red lanyard as the other staff here; you switched yours to an Animal Crossing themed ribbon. Cute. He looks back up and his brows furrow when he sees a tear run down your cheek.
“U-uh. I-I’m fine.” you stutter, not really paying attention and avoiding eye contact. You feel yourself shaking.
“Are you sure? I just completely wiped you out with a sliding kick.” He jokes to try to ease the situation, offering a kind smile. Fuck, he has dimples, you think to yourself. You feel him brush his thumb over your cheek to wipe the stray tear.
“Oh my God. Namjoon-ah are you okay?” your boss asks, pushing past you to check on the man, “What is with this mess? What on earth did you do, intern?”
You stumble upwards, preparing for your death. You close your eyes in anticipation. Here it is. Your life was fun while it laste-
“It wasn’t her fault. And I’m fine. Just a bit of liquid.” You hear him say.
You open your eyes and face them. The idol makes eye contact with you and you quickly divert your eyes down. You feel your face heat up from the sudden attention.
“Namjoon-ah, it’s okay. You don’t need to cover up for her. She’s just an intern.” your boss says, impressed with his supposed kindness.
Excuse me? You look up at her disbelief. He was the one who caused you to fall. Before you’re about to defend yourself, you glance at him again and stop yourself. Oh, what the hell? Fine.
“I’m so sorry! I’ll clean this up straight away!” You shout and bow deeply, accepting the fault. It was just going to be easier this way, you’re just a disposable intern anyways.
Namjoon watches you bow deeply towards them. What? This was his fault.
“Wait, no this was my doin-” He started.
“I really expected better than this, intern.” Mrs Lee sighs in disappointment, not wanting to waste time, “Clean this mess up.”
You bow at both of them again as she walks past you, heading for the meeting room. Well that went better than expected. At least you’re still alive. You sigh weakly and started your hunt for something to help clean the mess up.
Before he could intervene again to clear things up, his phone rings.
“Hyung! Where are you? We need you now, the business call is just about to start.” Jimin shouts down the phone.
Namjoon curses himself. He takes a quick look at your back before running to where he was needed. So much for first impressions. Throughout the call, all he could focus on was the cute intern he wiped out and his coffee-stained hoodie sticking to his chest.
Yup. Today was definitely not his day.
After two weeks of whatever that was, you’ve been trying really hard to redeem yourself. Just a few examples: you started colour coding the meeting notes to make it easier to read; you call the coffee shop ahead of time so your coffee runs take no longer than seven minutes; you bring running shoes to work so for any errands you need to run, you literally run. Oh, and most importantly, you steer the fuck out of Kim Namjoon’s way. This step has been proven difficult because you now see him everywhere. (Apparently, their group is heading into more product deals with different companies so your department is becoming a regular for them).
You tell yourself you aren’t trying to avoid the man because that would be stupid. But you know deep inside you’re just really fucking scared of him. Here are some reasons for your new founded fear:
1. He drop-kicked you down to the floor and you would be lying if you said it didn’t hurt like a bitch. You walked with a limp for a whole week. You’re pretty sure you could’ve sued him.
2. He’s the reason Mrs Lee now hates you with a burning passion. (Bit of an overstatement but since when did your mind not blow things out of proportion?)
3. He’s too tall. His mere size towers over you. It’s petrifying.
4. He’s so fucking attractive? Like? Who allowed him to look that good daily? And when he smiles, his dimples show? The thought of them breaks you out in cold sweat.
5. He smells too nice.
6. And oh yeah. Whenever you see each other, he tries to walk up and talk to you.
It scares the living daylights out of you.
Namjoon has never experienced this before.
It’s like he’s the bloody plague. The guilt was eating him alive. For two weeks now he’s been trying to come up and talk to you. And for two weeks you have been running away from him like your life depended on it. He couldn’t stop thinking about it. Surely you knew it was an honest mistake and he did try to defend you against Mrs Lee. He even apologised, right? Did he apologise? Oh God, he didn’t apologise. He needs to apologise.
“Hyung!” Jungkook pushes him, “Were you even listening?”
Namjoon looks up at the youngest in confusion, “What?”
“He’s too busy thinking about his latest victim.” Jimin teases.
Jungkook laughs with him, “It’s not like she hates you or anything. If you feel so bad about it then just go talk to her and sort it out. You said she was on the marketing floor right? So just go find-”
His words get cut off by his hyung groaning and banging his head down to his table, watching the surrounding objects jump up from the force.
“You think I haven’t tried that?” He mumbles sadly into the wood, “She runs away from me.”
The two younger men look at each other.
“Hyung, you’re totally just overthinking this. She doesn’t run away from you.” Jungkook chuckles, offering a supporting hand on Namjoon’s back.
After a few hours of trying to work on some songs, Namjoon yawns loudly and stretches out his long limbs. From behind him, he hears the two yawn straight after and they all let out a small laugh.
“I think we should call it a day,” Jimin stands up, starting to pack his things, “Yoongi hyung said we were gonna have dinner tonight so we should get going.”
Moving towards the elevator, Namjoon sees you, holding a big stack of papers, from the corner. Shit. Instantly, he pulls the two members in front of him.
“Oh my God, it’s her.” He hides and whispers, even though you are out of ear reach.
Jungkook and Jimin look at the small moving figure, who is currently trying to move hair out of her face with her mouth. So that’s the girl who is clouding their leader’s mind. They watch you a few feet away from the elevator. As if they knew what the other was thinking, they exchange a mischievous look. Without warning, they forcefully drag their hyung forwards before he could process their actions.
Jesus. You whine to yourself. These papers are so fucking heavy. When you hear the ding of lift, you walk in and stretch your pinky to the ground floor button. You move to the back of the elevator, resting your back on the railing. You only have this job to do and you can finally go home. Smiling at the thought, you mindlessly look at your feet, oh and the large feet in front of you. Wait, what?
You look up in shock and meet eyes with your greatest fear. He gives you a nervous smile and you notice the two other attractive people on either side of him. Another fear of yours. (Not the biggest fear at hand but albeit still a fear). God. It’s like you were in a horror movie, where the ghosts were unfairly good looking. You feel your heart speeding. You scream inwardly when you see the idol opening his mouth.
Namjoon stutters and starts when he feels Jungkook hit his back, “Hello aga-”
He feels a gust of wind run past him.
You just sprinted out of the elevator.
As the doors close, the three turn around and watch you racing away. Gobsmacked. Before the doors fully shut, Namjoon is the only one that sees you trip, papers flying everywhere. He lets out a quiet gasp. The small room is silent.
“Well,” Jungkook quietly coughs out, “Maybe she does hate you...”
“You think she hates me?” The oldest pitifully questions and watches Jimin hit the youngest.
“No, don’t be stupid,” Jimin weakly persuades and gives an insincere smile, “She might just be nervous or something.”
Namjoon instantly frowns. She hates me.
You lay face down on the floor, soaking up all the embarrassment of what just happened. Did you just fall? You? Over nothing? What in God’s name is happening to you? You look up and instantly wince. All the documents you organised, sorted and colour-coded are all messed up. There goes your early night.
Picking up the stray papers, you think to yourself: what the fuck is wrong with you? If you weren’t such a big pussy, your life would have been so much easier. You think about all of the time you would have saved if you just walked the quicker route, regardless of whether or not he was in the way. You think about all the plants you wouldn’t have hid behind to prevent his attention. You think about all the information you could’ve learned about your dream job if you didn’t reject the offers just because there was a slim chance of running into him.
At the end of the night, you have one question burning into your mind: why were you so scared of him?
“You like him.” Daeun proclaims. You just told her about your most recent encounter with him.
You stare at the fellow intern in confusion, “What?”
“You have a big fat crush on him.” She repeats, taking a bite out of her lunch, “Just think about it, you said it yourself, your heart races when you see him... So you like him.”
“My heart races because I’m scared of him” You point out.
“No. You dumb bitch. Your heart races because you are nervous.”
Oh. Well, this was not what you were expecting when you asked your friend for advice. You have a crush on Namjoon?
“B-but I don’t know anything about him.” You argue, shaking your head.
“You don’t necessarily have to personally know him to crush on him,” she continues, “You find him attractive right?”
“W-well, yeah I guess so-”
“There you go. We’ve cracked it. You’re just horny for him.”
“The fuck? No, I’m not.” you push her and she laughs.
“I don’t blame you, he walks like he’s got a massive cock.”
You shriek and whack her in detest. She screams jokingly at the pain. When you two look around and notice people staring, you both can’t help but laugh hard.
At 9PM, you were laying in bed, thinking about your friend’s words and you couldn’t help but to be curious about him. Sure, you liked his music as much as the next person but you didn’t know much about Namjoon as a person. Since you just graduated from college, you didn’t have much time to spend on immersing yourself in the world of the BTS. Letting your curiosity get the better of you, you start doing research, telling yourself it’ll only take a few minutes.
After watching countless interviews and videos, you wonder how such a person could exist. He’s intelligent, loving, kind, gentle, passionate and- well you just go on for hours. You laugh a bit when you realise his only fault: he’s the biggest fucking klutz.
It hit you at 3AM when you finished watching his UNICEF speech with a big ass smile on your face.
Fuck, you totally have a crush on Namjoon.
a/n: hello! thank you for reading + i hope you’ve enjoyed. i’m also already in the process of writing the second part, if that is something you would like to see!
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realisticallystan · 4 years
I Can’t Leave Them -- JATP x Reader
Warnings: contains death(s), angst, major depression ++ JUST SAD OK, slightly unedited but can probably do a rewrite a week or two after I posted this. 
Song I listened to while writing: 
- Beginning of the End Movement V (The Newton Brothers) + used for death scene
- Somewhere Only We Know (slowed)
(A/N: Idk why I wrote this but it felt really cathartic and it’s how I imagine it would be if someone was friends with them or anything and had to be there when they died... apologies cause this sh*t is sad) 
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She woke up in a start, heart racing as she fought to catch her breath. Her eyes closed as she held a hand to her chest, feeling the quick beat under the soft skin there, moist with sweat.
“Not that night…” She whispered softly, shaking her head gently. She couldn’t help the frustration she felt with herself, for letting herself think she could sleep a single night without going back to that day.
As her eyes opened, she felt the tear gently weld up in the corners, moments away from dropping. The cause being the harsh remembrance that he was gone. Her person who made her feel so peaceful, so present and undeniably content in her day to day.  She often wished she could have him be here, to hold her through the grief, the grief of losing him, but that was impossible.
She knew it was.
Yet she hoped she could see him, feel him, even smell his woodsy scent; riddled with hints of pine and oak. She never really could figure out how he had always used to smell so enticing, but he always was surprising her.
Even till the last couple of minutes before… he was gone.
She sucked in a breath, curling her legs up to her chest and letting her hands rest on her knees. She could still see it so vividly.
Y/N stopped outside of the studio, feeling the gentle, warm breeze kiss her skin as she listened to the boys all chattering loudly over each other from inside. They were laughing heartily and she could make out a small thud before the double doors swung open just enough for one boy to walk out. Her eyes quickly met his blue ones as he stopped outside and let the doors close behind him. She produced a small wave as he moved slowly to lean back against the now closed doors, taking in her appearance of some comfortable mom jeans, sneakers, and a black Sunset Curve t-shirt. She by all means looked ordinary, but the way he looked at her made her feel like she was everything and more.
“Hey gorgeous, how you doin?”
He had nodded at her in greeting, and it made Y/N try to fight back her smile, her lips itching to form a goofy smile that only he could give her. She never could fight her smile with him. He had this effect on everyone, and never failed to charm the people around him.
“Just dandy Lucas.” She teased with a small smirk, looking at the boy who practically bounced his way over to her as he walked. He was radiating so much energy, since today was their biggest day in their whole lives. It was their time to shine.
He neared her quickly and stopped about an arm’s length away, frowning at her with crinkled eyebrows.
“Hey, hey!” Luke pouted, shaking his arms in rejection. “I refuse to be called that and you know that, you she-devil.”
This had made Y/N scoff, jokingly of course, never once had the guitarist ever truly upset her .
“If you weren’t performing a major, life-changing gig tonight,” She raised her eyebrows and pointed at him. “I would not hesitate to punch you.”
“Aw,” He grinned cheekily, swooping down to press a soft kiss to her cheek.
“You do care.”
Now, that did draw an eye roll from Y/N, and she found herself heading towards the house to get a water bottle before going to watch them rehearse. She had heard his jogging steps as he came up beside her and walked with his arm wrapped securely around her shoulders as he followed her lead to the house. As they did this, she felt glad to be in this moment, it felt so human, and right.
It felt like she could live in this feeling forever.
He was as loyal and true as he could be, he owned it even. Y/N wished she could just live as freely as he did but how could she, she was not as confident as him, but oh how he brought out the very best in her. So she was told by all her friends, the boys, and her parents.
“What is on that busy mind of yours?” He questioned, hitching himself onto the counter as he took in the oddly empty house. It never was quiet around here, but nobody minded. It was always something that felt natural to them.
She could go on for days how grateful she was for them being supportive and even letting them store water in their fridge for days like this. Rehearsals before the big moment.
The Orpheum.
“Tonight is going to change our lives!” She explained with amazement, in almost disbelief that this was really happening to them. She loved every boy as her own family, but with Luke… that was something everyone knew was different. Everyone knew that they were meant for each other.
“You are all so amazing Luke,” She finally placed all of the water bottles on the counter, deciding to grab one for all of them. “You deserve this, and… I love you.” She hesitated, but let it flow. It felt right, natural even, so who was she to stop it.
“You love me?” He smiled, sliding off the counter and slowly coming up to her. Y/N thanked the stars that the homeowners were away for the week, heart thudding against her chest. She felt his calloused hands grab hers, letting his forehead come down to rest against her own.
“So much,” She laughed breathily, causing him to chuckle too.
“I love you too,” Luke whispered. “All I want to do is see that gorgeous smile each day and make you laugh, at least once. That is my mission.” He spoke with admiration, making her feel like she was completely his.
And she was.
Luke brushed his lips against hers before capturing them in a kiss. She wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed him back gently, projecting all the love she could into it. He grinned and deepened the kiss, not hesitating to make her feel all the love he felt for her.
“As nice as this is,” Y/N pulled away softly, causing Luke to try and chase her lips with his, but she giggled and moved back. “We need to prepare for the Orpheum, it’s in a couple hours so we should really--”
“-Get going,” He raised an eyebrow at her knowingly. “It’s all good, I hear you.” He poked at her, moving to grab most of the waters she left out on the counter. She was thankful he did that, because Y/N knew she would drop them if she even attempted to do that on her own.
“Yes, exactly, rockstar. You catch on quick.” She praised with an amused tone, grabbing the last bottles as they walked out of the kitchen side by side, continuing to chat about their setlist.
They had just finished their soundcheck, and it was one of the best times they had played, by far. She noticed how they all were just full of energy and it had to be the excitement of the show. Y/N was watching from near the bar and while singing, Luke managed to catch her eye and wink gently at her.
Yet now, Y/N suddenly felt fear as the guys finished chatting on stage and came down, heading directly towards her.  She managed to catch the mischievous glint in their eyes before they nodded all in agreement, suddenly running towards her with determination. Y/N shrieked and slid off her barstool, stumbling a bit, which would cause them to catch her almost instantly.
“Ew.. ew, you guys are all completely sweaty!” Y/N squealed, hoping to hurry by the four rowdy boys and away from their outstretched arms, but she found no such luck.
She groaned in mild disgust at feeling their sticky skin press against hers, but ultimately she gave in, letting them smush her in the middle of their group hug. While it was not her favorite hug  from the boys, she couldn’t help but happily sigh internally at how nice it felt.
“You guys killed that!” Y/N clapped as they pulled back and gave her some room.
“Right?” Reggie grinned, running a hand through his hair for adjustment. “I was worried I would trip over the wires and fall into Luke but it worked out in the end.” He spoke with animation and relief, causing Y/N to pat his arm, smiling at him.
“Good job hun.”
Reggie pouted at the nickname, feeling as if he was a child she assumed. She tended to mother him sometimes but he never complained and she knew the raven-haired boy enjoyed her presence just as much as the guys’ at gigs. Y/N had known him since around kindergarten and they grew up as best friends, they were quite an odd pair she was told. He had so much confidence and was always running around, eyes full of wonder as he always found something to enjoy.  While Y/N was definitely a little bit sensitive; she loved endlessly, was sarcastic and was very funny too, always making the boys smile somehow. When they first met, Reggie had seen the girl get shoved by another kid, she had fallen and had let a small tear run down her cheek in embarrassment. It wasn’t until a hand came into her view that she looked up and saw him, there with a smile and she felt safe. He was basically her brother and she had felt it since that day. If he made her feel safe, she vowed she would do the same for him.
“You know what I mean.” Y/N  nudged her shoulder against his, a knowing smile drawn on his pale face. Their inside jokes just coming straight to both minds, no doubt. 
“Yeah yeah” He teased, when the guys suddenly turned in Y/N’s direction, multiple sets of eyes falling onto her form
“Y/N,” Luke spoke first. “Odds you want to come get street dogs with us?
“Yeah, please do.” Alex chimed in.
“Bobby is chickening out.” He finished with a pointed stare at the mentioned boy. 
You know he was kidding but his expression did seem to hold some truth behind the annoyance. It is important for bands to bond and really get along with each other, so you could see his side.
“Shut up..” Bobby grumbled in denial, causing them all to laugh as he walked up to one of the workers, clearly trying to flirt with the pretty girl with beautiful dark skin and an enchanting smile.
Y/N could see his reasoning for being enamored, she was a truly gorgeous girl, but boy did he not have a chance. He was not good with the flirting, and she had seen him try many different times, all of which had not succeeded.
Goodluck dude, she thought and shook her head as he continued his escapade.
“Well,” Y/N clapped her hands together. “I kind of ate dinner on the way here but I do not want to watch that fall apart, so I’ll just tag along.” She shrugged, watching Luke slip his warm layers on in preparation for the damp alleyway.
“Can’t say no to that.” Alex shrugged and led the way, the rest of the group following after him. Y/N had easily slipped her fingers in between Luke’s and they walked hand in hand with the boys. She could feel his hand squeeze hers ever so gently, causing her heart to skip in her chest.
This boy… I swear. She thought, fighting back her smile and shaking her head.
“Do you think I should tell him I spilt pickle juice on his cables?” Alex questioned quietly, looking Y/N in the eyes with silent guilt. She raised a hand to cover her mouth as she shook with laughter, the sound muffled by her hand thankfully.
She took a deep breath and glanced back at the man grilling.
“It’s kind of his fault for serving them out of the back of his car.” Y/N pointed out, shrugging at the  small mess Alex made. It did not seem like a big deal really, it would dry.  
He sighed and shook his head at you. This was not the first time Y/N had claimed someone got what they deserve and he usually was at the end of it, dealing with the little pranks the rest of the group pulled. Sure, they were also targeted against others, but Alex was always the favorite. This was simply because he tended to have the best reactions and it would make the prank all the better by the end.
That being said, even though she teased Alex, Y/N knew she could count on him for anything. She was nervous earlier in the kitchen, and hours later she still found herself feeling like something was off, something felt wrong. She was not one to say that she felt like something bad was going to happen, but she was anxious for sure. Y/N had just hoped this night would go smoothly, and follow the general plan she had created in her mind.
Be Signed.
And lastly, become legends.
That’s what she had hoped for her boys.
“Uhm, Alex, ” She addressed him, walking beside him as they walked to the seating area. Luke and Reggie ahead of them and both laughing loudly about something the other said.
Alex stopped and looked down at her, being the one with the most height advantage in comparison to you. He could see this look in her eyes, one he knew he felt quite often. She was feeling anxious.
“Hey, tell me what’s going on.” He asked quietly, glancing back at the boys and seeing that they were still occupied. He knows how they sometimes miss signals, so he was glad to see that they were busy and are not likely to insert themselves into the conversation. It was clearly private from the way they had their backs to the boys.
“I’m not even performing... and I feel so nervous.” She confided, she was peering up at him, trying to keep her composure.
“Just a weird feeling in my stomach about something, I suppose.”
Alex used his free hand to reach out and rest on her shoulder, the weight of it being oddly comforting to her. She felt some tension leave her body as Alex, the boy who always seemed a bit anxious,  reassured her with ease.
“It’s okay to be nervous you know,” He chuckled, catching her eyes and she noticed that they showed no signs of lying, and that is how it’s always been. He can trust Y/N, and Y/N trusts him, so he would tell her just about anything.
“We are so close to performing. You just want us to succeed. That can be nerve-wracking, especially since you support us more than anyone.” He smiled, pulling his hand off of her shoulder, but making sure to give a comforting squeeze before that.
Y/N always appreciated Alex’s listening, he always paid attention. He always made sure everyone was okay, and never misses a sign of  distress.
“Now, come sit with us on this dirty couch while we eat these hot dogs, okay?” He nodded his head in the direction where the other two sat, the pair looking over at the two and waving them over. She knew he was right, because Alex was never generally wrong, but also because the instant she saw the other two boys she felt her chest ease up. It was like it felt easier to breathe.
Y/N smiled in agreement, nodding before walking with Alex to the seats. Y/N had sat between Luke and Alex, all four of them managing to fit onto the beaten down couch with some ease. Reggie leaned forward, looked around Luke and at Y/N happily, his hands cradling the hot tub in his hands.
“What were you guys chatting about?”
“Eh girl stuff, and since Alex is the only one with a sister, he is my only viable option.” Y/N shrugged, lying seamlessly. Alex smiled widely and nodded in agreement, managing to make it seem natural. He was never the best liar, even more so around the band since they all spend so much time together… they really get to know little things, like who is a bad liar.
At this moment, Alex didn’t see the point in lying but he also figured that there was no reason to expose the real conversation between him and Y/N so he just followed her lead.
“Okay, well now that that’s sorted.” Luke rolled his eyes playfully, Y/N bumping his side with her own at his remark. “We can really soak in the moments before we make it big.”
Y/N had sat on the musty old couch, watching Luke talk with this passion in his eyes. His hoodie was drawn over most of his soft, brown hair. She could not recall just how many times she had run her fingers through the dark locks, and would mostly do it to see Luke slowly fall asleep in a matter of minutes.
“This is awesome you guys.” Luke gnawed at his bottom lip, shaking his head in disbelief, but anyone could see the happiness he felt as he really absorbed the atmosphere and situation. The boys were also following along, hotdogs forgotten as they listened to the boy who never failed to shine, spoke with so much pride about them finally making it.
“We’re playing the Orpheum!” He beamed, Y/N’s breath had caught in her throat at just how purely happy and carefree he was, how they all were in that moment. “I can’t even count how many bands have played here, and ended up being huge.”
Luke took a second to really glance at all his friends that were present. With Y/N smushed into his side, he could feel her pressed against him and she was almost sure he could feel heartbeat skip when she just watched him look around. He then made eye contact with the two boys on either of his sides and Y/N did not miss the look he shared, the one of true brotherhood and love. He was glad that if he was going to be doing this, that it would be with them.
“We’re gonna be legends.” He breathed out, suddenly catching Y/N’s eyes as he smiled brightly down at her. He pressed a quick kiss to her lips, causing her to giggle quietly. She could feel the gentle pressure of his lips against hers still and she loved it.
“Ew.” Alex winced, looking at them, but was clearly only saying this to tease the two lovebirds.
“Shut up.” Y/N rolled her eyes and elbowed him in the ribs, she didn’t use very much force behind it so he could just lean away and Alex had then poked her in the rib for payback. She hated being tickled so she was glad it was only a single poke to the side.
“Hotdogs up boys.” Luke intercepted, all of the group remembering that they had been in the middle of something. “After tonight… everything changes.”
The three boys all held their hotdogs up, and Y/N had to lean back a little to not be in Alex’s arm path. They tapped their hot dogs together in toast before each one took a huge bite. Y/N had not missed the confusion in each of their eyes, the chews slowing down for each of them as they glanced at the hotdogs in their hands.
“Uhm,” Alex spoke through a full mouth, causing Y/N to grimace a little from the sight of it. “That’s a new flavor?”
“Oh chill man, street dog’s haven't killed us yet.” Reggie had countered, taking another small bite. She knew he could be a little clueless sometimes so she glanced over at Luke to gauge his reaction, and he seemed to have an uncomfortable look on his face. Y/N frowned a little when she noticed and grabbed his wrist that held the hotdog.
“Hey babe,” She spoke up softly. “You don’t have to keep eating that if it tastes weird. We can always grab a slice of pizza instead?”
Luke had sat there for a second, letting her hold his wrist for probably thirty seconds, before brushing it off as just a new type of meat being grilled. He smiled down at her and pulled her hand off, pressing a kiss to the back of it before letting go.
“Already got this guy right here,”  He pointed out before taking another generous bite of it. Y/N snorted and shook her head before leaning her head on his shoulder. The boys all chatted between bites, and she would laugh at the jokes being made.
She distantly recalled her thoughts from earlier, and she was right, indeed.
It felt like she could live in this feeling forever.
It didn't last forever.
She didn’t know what happened, or why it was so fast, but it happened. It didn’t wait for her to be ready, didn’t even let her realize the situation. It was so sudden when Luke leaned forward in pain, groaning as he let the last bit of hot dog drop from his hand. Y/N watched in confusion before he slid off the couch and onto the floor, hunched over on his knees. The other boys were just as confused as Y/N and quickly went to move to his side before they too felt an ache. Something they were not used to at all. It felt so different than anything they had experienced in their lives. She would have asked what was wrong with them, but Luke crying out in pain stole her attention, voice breaking.
“Y/N, it hurts.”
“Oh my god.” Y/N gasped before beginning to panic, thus catching the attention of the patrons around her. Multiple people had turned their attention to the group, some even moving closer to see what was going on. There were concerned looks when people noticed a young boy on the floor and two others slowly hunching over.
“Luke!?’ She exclaimed with worry, falling to her knees beside the boy as he panted deeply, arms clutching his gut. He was sweating like crazy and his skin had gone pale, his hair was sticking to his forehead as he squeezed his eyes shut in pain. She sucked in a shaky breath at his appearance, never seeing him without his tanned glow and warm skin. Yet, as she cupped his face and tried to get him to look at her, he felt somewhat cold, his body shivering a little underneath her touch.
“Hey baby, what’s wrong? Hey…” She pushed, begging him to speak to her. She could fix this, she could figure out something if he could just answer her.
He let his eyes flutter open to look at her, but he couldn’t speak as he took shallow breaths.
“Someone call 911!” Y/N shouted desperately, pulling her gaze away from him and looking at the people around them.
There were two people around Alex, who had collapsed when he tried to stand. They were helping him  sit up and offered some water, but he was slowly starting to look just as bad as Luke was. He was able to talk but he had sounded nothing like he had moments ago.
“The…. food..” He breathed out heavily, pointing shakily at the discarded hotdogs along the floor.
“S-Something in them.”  He whispered weakly, head lolling to the side onto someone’s side. It was frantic after that, people running to try and get rags, water, and some even had gone to flag down the two ambulances when they came. She distinctly remembered singling out the one person yelling that there were two coming. Since all three boys would not fit in one.
Y/N was crying, hyperventilating, as she tried to stay on top of this and stay strong for them. She glanced back at Reggie and he was crying, eyes closed as his lips moved but she couldn’t make out what he was saying. There were people just everywhere, and she wished she could be everywhere.
With each of her friends.
There wasn’t enough of her to be able to hold all three as they worsened with each moment.
“I-I… wan-..” Luke coughed, Y/N then leaned down and touched her head to his, feeling his hand weakly rest on her thigh.
“What is it baby?” She whispered, tears cascading down her rosy cheeks as she ran her thumbs across his cheeks. She did it so softly, as if she would hurt him more if she touched him the wrong way.
“I… wanna go.. h-home.” He managed, sniffling as his breathing slowed, and Y/N would be lying if she said she couldn’t begin to feel it. To see it.
The way his life was slowly going away, the breaths becoming shallower as he fought to stay with her. With his friends and family. She sobbed as he said that, nodding her head as she pressed a kiss to his forehead. Mind wandering to Emily, his mother, who she wanted more than anything for her to be here right now with her son. He was scared. He just wanted to go home, pretend this was a dream. So did she.
“We can do that, let’s do that.” Y/N choked out. “Let’s go home ok?”
“Okay.” He had barely nodded before collapsing, head thankfully being held up by her hands.
Her eyes widened in disbelief at this sudden movement. She then started to lower his head onto her lap, and quickly brushed some of the strands of wet hair out of his face before gently tapping his cheek.
No response.
“Luke?” Another tap.
There was no movement from Luke. He laid eerily still in her lap.
She had felt herself holding her breath. She waited for what felt like minutes before letting her hand slowly rest on his chest, directly above where his heart was.
She waited. 
She waited for the familiar heart beat beneath her palm, but it never came.
His heart had stopped.
“No no no….NO!” She screamed, sobbing with quick breaths, wrapping her arms around his body and resting her head in his neck. Y/N would be damned if she let him go. She rocked him in her arms, not caring how heavy he was on her legs, she would take the pain if it meant he would just breathe.
“L-Luke, I love you so much, okay?” She whimpered out, before she had begun to sob again. “I-it’s... okay.” 
This time, the sobs came out so harshly, that after two minutes a couple sets of gentle hands were pulling her arms off of him, and she would try to fight, but she couldn’t anymore. She had no strength left. She felt every part of her body screaming and crying along with her, her chest aching with a pain she would come to be familiar with. The kind women who helped Y/N up began to back her away from Luke, both gently consoling her to the best of their ability and asking her questions about their parents. She unlocked her phone, wordlessly handing it to one of them, not bothering to stop the stream of hot tears running down her cheeks. They stung her cheeks as they touched the irritated skin on her face.
But, she didn’t care how she looked... she could only feel.
And it was consuming her whole.
“Alex? Reggie?” She cried, eyes wandering over the three boys’ bodies as paramedics checked them. She was suffocating as she watched and her nose was dripping. Her eyes would be puffy for days after this but it didn't matter in the moment as she watched them finish checking the vitals and eyes.
“This one has a heartbeat,” One of them announced, calling more helpers over to load Reggie into the ambulance. She felt some relief, but there was no real way to tell how this would turn out.
Y/N glanced at the other who was with Alex, and saw that he was doing chest compressions, hoping to bring some life back into the boy she had known for years. The boy who was just telling her that it would be okay.
She watched as another paramedic immediately called for Luke’s death. Y/N let out a loud cry when the man had waved over a gurney for Luke’s body. She fought against the people holding her, attempting to run over and bring him back into her arms. She couldn’t leave him.
She wouldn’t.
“No stop, where are you taking him!” She protested with concern, breaking free and falling to her knees beside her boyfriend. She held his hand in hers, lips quivering when she noticed he couldn’t squeeze her hand anymore.
“We’re taking him to the hospital.” The paramedic spoke with sympathy, eyes taking in her appearance. She knew she looked like a complete mess but that meant nothing right now.
“You can ride in the ambulance, do you wanna come with him?” He gestured with a nod of his head towards Luke, who she couldn’t bear to fully look at right now. Not if she needed to think clearly.
“Or with the other two?” Y/N glanced over at Alex still hanging on in between but now placed on a gurney being moved towards the ambulance, with which Reggie was already loaded up inside. 
They had a chance. Y/N knew she had to go, she couldn't leave her best friend alone. She had to be there for him. “We can come get you the minute you get there, if you want, and show you where he is.” The medic suggested quietly, seeing the wheels turning in Y/N’s mind. They were hoping to be some kind of voice in the midst of the fog of her mind right now, and she found herself hearing it.
Y/N glanced at the clock on her bedside table. She had a blurred recollection of the event, but it was still the worst night of her life. She knows no other event could top it. This was her trauma. Luke’s death had broken her, brought her down to her weakest and most grieved parts, but the ride in that ambulance was almost worse. If not tied.
They were six blocks away from the hospital when they stopped trying to resuscitate Alex.
If it weren’t for Reggie’s hand in hers, his pulse thudding weakly, she would have completely shut off. Y/N remembered how it felt like a complete joke, for one second, she thought this was some huge joke.
Then she remembered. 
His body, his… heart not beating.
No breaths.  
No charming smile.
Just nothing left.
He was gone and she would never feel him, see him, or hear him again. Oh, how she wished she could hear him singing softly to her in bed, holding her close and brushing his fingertips across her arms. He would tell her these wild adventures that the boys went on together. All of them deserving the best and loving each other so much.
They were approximately one block away from the hospital when Reggie flatlined.
Y/N sat in the ambulance at the hospital, frozen in the seat with tears in her eyes.  She stayed until it was empty, the medic bringing her mom and dad inside the vehicle to help her out. They were carefully helping her up and out and guiding her, both having an arm, to the car. The boys had been taken inside, stripped of belongings, and waiting for their parents to be collected at their homes and brought in to see them or identify them. She doesn’t really know what happened after she left, and she was glad she didn’t.
Y/N doesn’t remember much from that night.
Just the main portions that took place, but never the specific details. She has tried to shut that night out, maybe only focus on the last good memories spent with each one of them. It was hard, she just couldn’t forget that night.
She had tried.
She went to therapy, homeschooled for a little, and tried to date but she couldn’t. She tried to live and move on, but you can never truly move on, is what she found.
They were her family. She loved them ... so much.
Luke was scared, and was gone so fast.
Alex had tried his best for as long as he could.
Reggie was so close to being saved.
And Y/N ... she considered herself a ghost, just like them, because that's how she felt everyday after.
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thevictorianghost · 4 years
The ATLA Comics and the Character Assassination of Zuko’s, Aang’s and Katara’s character arcs (in one page!)
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Thank you to Emma/jerkbendinq on Twitter for providing me this image!
Look. I knew the ATLA comics were bad. I’d heard, per example, about what they’d done to the Southern Water Tribe. And, especially, the glorification of industrialization in a world where bending exists, which leads to Northern Water Tribe imperalism and colonization. Others have talked about this in depth and have the tools to talk about these topics.
But THIS! THIS I want to talk about!
Let’s start with this. I know nothing about the context of this scene. But I don’t need context. Because there is SO MUCH TO UNPACK HERE. 
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But we do, John Mulaney.
Oooooh, but we do. 
I have too much time on my hands.
I felt so viscerally pissed when I read this that I decided to write this meta. 
So here we go.
Let’s analyze this. Line by line.
Zuko: If you ever see me turning into my father, I want you to... I want you to end me.
Aang: What?!
Up ‘till now, not that bad. Aang’s character’s integrity is kept intact for the moment. Remember the pacifistic monk who didn’t want to kill Ozai? I think he’s here in this reaction. 
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Aang: No, I'm not gonna end it like this.
All right. 
But the emphasis on the words end me make me really uncomfortable. This doesn’t feel like Zuko talking. Somehow, these words feel like they could fit more coming out of Azula’s mouth than anyone else’s. 
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Azula: You mean it’s not obvious yet? I’m about to celebrate becoming an only child!
But we’ve barely started.
Let’s continue to the next panel.
Zuko: Even now, after everything that’s happened, my family’s legacy is still a part of me.
I’M SORRY??!? 
Is this somehow a bastardized version of this scene from The Avatar and the Firelord??!?
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Iroh: Because understanding the struggle between your two great-grandfathers can help you better understand the battle within yourself. Evil and good are always at war inside you, Zuko. It is your nature, your legacy. But, there is a bright side. What happened generations ago can be resolved now, by you. Because of your legacy, you alone can cleanse the sins of our family and the Fire Nation. Born in you, along with all the strife, is the power to restore balance to the world.
(I don’t particularly like this dichotomy either. Good and evil aren’t battling within Zuko. It’s his struggle between doing the righ thing and doing the wrong thing that is. But whatever. I’ll let THAT slide.)
What happened to the “bright side” in the comics?? What happened to the power Zuko has within himself to restore balance to the world?? His entire character growth somehow doesn’t matter anymore because of his father’s and his forefathers’ legacies? The “good” in him doesn’t matter anymore?? 
What happened to THIS scene?!
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Katara: You mean, after all Roku and Sozin went through together, even after Roku showed him mercy, Sozin betrayed him like that‌?
Toph: It's like these people are born bad.
Aang: No, that's wrong. I don't think that was the point of what Roku showed me at all.
Sokka: Then what was the point?
Aang: Roku was just as much Fire Nation as Sozin was, right? If anything, their story proves anyone's capable of great good and great evil. Everyone, even the Fire Lord and the Fire Nation have to be treated like they're worth giving a chance. 
Or this?!
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Zuko: For so long, all I wanted was for you to love me, to accept me. I thought it was my honor I wanted, but really, I was just trying to please you. You, my father, who banished me just for talking out of turn. How could you possibly justify a duel with a child?
Ozai: It was to teach you respect!
Zuko: It was cruel! And it was wrong.
Ozai: Then you have learned nothing.
Zuko: No, I've learned everything! And I've had to learn it on my own! Growing up, we were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest civilization in history. And somehow, the War was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world. What an amazing lie that was. The people of the world are terrified by the Fire Nation. They don't see our greatness. They hate us! And we deserve it!  We've created an era of fear in the world. And if we don't want the world to destroy itself, we need to replace it with an era of peace and kindness.
What happened to Zuko’s stand against Ozai during the Day of Black Sun?? What happened to Zuko’s entire character arc from Book 2 onwards?? Suddenly, because he has his father’s blood in his veins, he’s doomed to carry his legacy? What happened to Zuko creating his OWN destiny, to change the world??
This wasn’t the most insulting line in that entire paragraph, though. 
Zuko: That’s why it’s my duty to heal the scars that the Fire Nation has left on the world.
They keep comparing Ozai with Zuko THIS ENTIRE TIME. He’s terrified of failing the Fire Nation. He’s terrified of failing the world. He’s terrified of failing Aang and the Four Nations.
Zuko is terrified of becoming his genocidal abusive father.
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(But we’ll come back to Katara.)
Let’s keep going or I’ll combust on the spot.
Zuko: But the Fire Lord’s throne comes with a lot of pressures.
Two things about this line.
First of all. It... bothers me that Zuko uses the term “the Fire Lord’s throne” instead of “my throne”. It’s like he still hasn’t accepted he’s the Fire Lord. Zuko’s throne doesn’t feel like it belongs to an individual who is allowed choices in this scene. It’s like he believes he’s all the Fire Lords who were his predecessors. And knowing that he thinks he carries his family’s legacy like a weight on his shoulders... that doesn’t bode well.
And second of all. Where is Iroh in all of this? What happened to Iroh’s mentorship? His kind words to remind Zuko that he can rake control of his own destiny? Is he still in Ba Sing Se? Taking care of the Jasmine Dragon? Has he completely left Zuko alone, enough so that the only person he can ever confide in is Aang, who has Avatar duties to fill?
What happened to this?
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Iroh: You know Prince Zuko, destiny is a funny thing. You never know how things are going to work out. But if you keep an open mind, and an open heart, I promise you will find your own destiny someday.
Or this??
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Iroh: I was never angry with you. I was sad because I was afraid you lost your way. And you did it by yourself.  And I am so happy you found your way here.
(Can anyone give Zuko a hug?? Please??)
Or even THIS??
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Iroh: No. Someone new must take the throne. An idealist with a pure heart  and unquestionable honor. It has to be you, Prince Zuko.
Zuko: Unquestionable honor? But I've made so many mistakes.
Iroh: Yes, you have. You've struggled; you've suffered, but you have always followed your own path. You restored your own honor, and only you can restore the honor of the Fire Nation.
Oof. Okay. Let’s keep going.
Zuko: And if I’m being honest with myself... I need a safety net. The world needs a safety net. That’s what I need you to be, Aang. The safety net.
Again. Two things about this line.
What does Zuko mean when he says “the world needs a safety net”? What does he think ending him will accomplish for the world? Zuko’s DEATH could leave an opening for Ozai to take the throne! Because again, Aang has refused to kill Ozai in cold blood! As Iroh has said MULTIPLE TIMES by now and as Zuko has said himself, HE CAN RESTORE BALANCE TO THE WORLD TOO. It doesn’t all revolve around Aang. 
Speaking of Aang, here’s the second thing. Of course, Aang is the Avatar. But he himself alone couldn’t end the war during Sozin’s Comet. Zuko and Katara, Suki and Sokka and Toph, and the Order of the White Lotus all participated. Why should Aang be the only one to take this godawful decision? Why??
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What happened to cooperation?? What happened to the Four Nations working together to end the Hundred Year War?? 
On to the next line.
Aang: Zuko, you're not your dad! And you're my friend! How can you expect me--"
One more time. Two things about this scene.
First of all, I’m going to be sarcastic, here. Forgive me, but I have to. 
Thank you, Aang, for pointing out that Zuko is NOT his father and that YES, you ARE his friend. 
Let’s go back to Aang’s speech at the end of the Avatar and the Fire Lord.
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Aang: And I also think it was about friendships.
Toph: Do you really think friendships can last more than one lifetime?
Aang: I don't see why not.
Sokka: Well, scientifically speaking, there's no way to prove that...
Katara: Oh, Sokka, just hold hands.
If friendships can last more than one lifetime... why do you have to remind Zuko that you’re his friend, Aang? At least you’re not considering downright killing him and you don’t want to do this, you know!
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Does that mean that if he wasn’t your friend and that if he was like Ozai, you’d kill him, though? Is that what you’re trying to say? Because the LAST time you were confronted with the idea of killing someone who WAS LIKE Ozai, oh no wait, who WAS Ozai, you said this!
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Aang: This isn't a joke, Sokka! None of you understand the position I'm in.
Katara: Aang, we do understand. It's just ...
Aang: Just what, Katara? What?
Katara: We're trying to help!
Aang: Then, when you figure out a way for me to beat the Fire Lord without taking his life, I'd love to hear it!
What happened to that? 
Next line. Once again.
Zuko: As your friend, I'm asking you -- if you ever see me go bad, end me. Promise me, Aang.
Again with these characters having to remind each other that they’re friends! Do you stop being friends while travelling the world and have to remind each other that you’re friends once you meet again? Is that it? (/s)
But that’s not what’s bothering me about this line.
What has Katara said since the beginning of this page?
Absolutely. Nothing.
And this line simply states that Aang is Zuko’s friend. But what about Katara? Are they still friends? They don’t interact much. She barely looks at him this entire page. They don’t talk. This whole scene is about Zuko and Aang. What is Katara doing here? Why is she here?
Oh. Wait.
The ONLY THING Katara does in this entire page...
When Aang looks at her, wondering what to do...
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She gives Aang the push in the right direction to... wait for it...
Is this supposed to be a callback to THIS scene??
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Katara: You might have everyone else here buying your ... transformation, but you and I both know you've struggled with doing the right thing in the past. So let me tell you something, right now. You make one step backward, one slip-up, give me one reason to think you might hurt Aang, and you won't have to worry about your destiny anymore. Because I'll make sure your destiny ends... right then and there. Permanently.
Then what happened to this??
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Or this???
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Katara: I didn't forgive him. I'll never forgive him. But I am ready to forgive you.
Not only is it that KATARA AGREES TO MURDER ZUKO, she does it while being ENTIRELY SILENT. She never talks. She only nods. Katara has been reduced to become Aang’s silent advisor. 
What happened to THIS girl??!
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Katara: I will never, ever turn my back on people who need me!
Or THIS girl?
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Zuko: Katara! How would you like to help me put Azula in her place?
Katara: It would be my pleasure.
Or THIS girl?
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Katara: ZUKO!
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(*Bangs head against keyboard*)
And on to the final line. The nail in the coffin.
Aang: ... Fine. I promise.
There we are. He’s accepted it. He’s going to do it if he has to. He’s promised, right? Aang just... gives in. At least Aang doesn’t look thrilled at the idea of doing this. Which isn’t what I can say about Katara. Who looks damn ready to end Zuko right now if that’s necessary. Not that she says anything. 
But the simple fact that they are, THE THREE OF THEM, considering this SUICIDE PACT... 
...is infuriating.
Then we end with a view of the starry night sky as fireworks come to life.
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Yeah, right. Sure. Talk about reading the room here, folks.
So let me recap ALL OF THIS.
Zuko is a character who has been abused for years by his father, burned at the age of thirteen and sent on a quest to find the Avatar. During the show, he learns that he doesn’t have to obey his father, that he can make his own choices and create his own destiny and legacy. He’ll be the new Fire Lord who will usher the Fire Nation in an era of peace, helped by Iroh and his friends.
Aang is a pacifist who refuses to kill Ozai, Zuko’s aforementioned abusive and genocidal father. Killing is not the answer for him; he desperately wants to find a way out, enough so that he gets into a fight with his friends about the mere idea of killing Ozai. He values his friends dearly and learns that the world doesn’t only rely on himself, that he has friends he can count upon. 
Katara is a warrior girl who doesn’t back down from a fight. After many trials and trebulations, after being betrayed by Zuko and forgiving him in the end, she has become one of Zuko’s closest friends and allies, especially in their fight against Azula. She’s not afraid to voice her opinions and will never turn her back on people who need her.
But according to the comics... none of that seems to be true!
Or didn’t we watch the same show?
What happened to all of that? What happened to these characters?
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I dunno.
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You tell me.
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booksinsteadofdrugs · 3 years
my thoughts on captain america: civil war (2016)
wow i haven't watched this movie in a while everyone looks so different
okay yeah, start the movie with bucky being tortured why not, it's not like i feel bad enough for him already
seb... babe i love you but who made you say отвечач instead of отвечать (okay okay, i'm just joking i know it's a small pronouncation mistake)
steve&nat teaching wanda how to watch her back during a mission is so cute (also wow, my queen has come a long way since this movie)
"he's cute go on pet him" SAM STOP PQJDOWBDIW
i feel like rumlow could've been used more in these movies why did they just kill him off like that
"who's the homeless person on the couch" i love howard
"if that's true you'll be a great man someday" and he did become a great man howard, he did, indeed
tony feels guilty about sokovia, wanda feels guilty about lagos and bucky feels guilty about his past. give them a break marvel
zemo switching into his own accent as soon as he got the hydra agent tied up lmao
"compromise where you can, and where you can't, don't. even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. even when the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree and say no. you move." sharon believed that with her whole heart and look what they did to her now I'M MAD
"staying together is more important than how we stay together" and she gave her life for them at the end no matter how much she didn't want to go
THE KING HAS ARRIVED (we miss you chadwick)
''we have orders to shoot on sight" meanwhile bucky: oooh lemme get some plums
ok so caramel chocolate bars are bucky's favourite, that's good to know
awww bucky couldn't even control his strength in this movie (throwing people off the stairs, hitting them with bricks, punching the shit out of them) and now he is barely even using his metal arm bc he's scared of killing people AWW MY BABY
i swear to god if sam wasn't there to save these two's asses all the time *eye roll*
when bucky grabbed that motorcycle we all felt something right?
i remembered how much it broke my heart when rhodey said "congratulations sam, you're a criminal"
vision cooking for wanda is still the cutest thing in this movie
"so you like cats" SAM
the fact that they were so scared of bucky that they had to put him in an extremely protected capsule thing... THE POWER HE HOLDS
"pregnant?" "uh, definitely not" and a few years later we see morgan wearing her mother's helmet WHY AM I MAKING MYSELF CRY
i love how steve was actually about to sign the accords until tony mentioned wanda
i forgot how much i wanted to punch zemo in this movie, he was literally so desperate to find bucky that he had to turn 7 billion people against him
"let's talk about your home, not romania, certainly not brooklyn no" well, we have some news for you zemo
the look on bucky's face when he sees the notebook and how he immediately starts screaming after hearing "рассвет" hurts my soul
sebastian looked so ripped in this movie holy moly
wtf he really is like a death machine he could've easily killed steve in that helicopter scene
"it's so hard for me to believe she is someone's aunt", "we come in all shapes and sizes you know" AUNT MAY I ADORE YOU
"i retire for like what 5 minutes and it all goes to shit" well he's not wrong
"move or you will be moved" ayo always steals the show with one line (tfaws spoilers guess?)
the scene that started it all guys "can you move your seat up" "no"
"thinks for thanking of me" SCOTT LANG IS A TREASURE ALRIGHT
when the craziest thing happened in the mcu was spidey joining the avengers ah good old times
the airport fight was sooo good omg
i love t'challa is just like ''just lemme kill barnes i don't care about your white nonsense"
scott's "hohoho" will never not be funny for me
this movie got me so hyped up for a possible buckynat storyline dude i'm still mad, they had such potential
peter getting scared of tony approaching him shows how hard their job actually is i feel so bad for them
vision accidentally shooting rhodey OH MY HEART CAN'T TAKE THIS
and wtf did sam do tony for fucks sake
zemo calling the hotel from moscow so they can find the body in the bathtub lsndjsbdjs he's such a diva
avengers getting treated like criminals is still pissing me the fuck off
"you better go get a bad cop cause you're gonna have to go mark furhman on my ass to get information out of me" OKAY MY FAV SAM WILSON LINE
zemo killing all the winter soldiers instead of waking them up is a great way to show his ideology actually
"there's a bit of green in the blue of your eyes" well that sounds poetic
i don't know which is worse: seeing tony watching his mom killed, or the amount of guilt bucky must've felt in that moment, or the way tony managed to keep his cool until he realized steve acted like he didn't know the entire time AGH IT HURTS
"i remember all of them" and that look on his face SEBASTIAN STOP
the fight between steve&tony&bucky was actually one of the best scenes in the mcu in my opinion, especially when bucky's arm gets destroyed (seriously tho, watching the way he pushes tony into the wall, trying to rip off the arc reactor with his metal arm and the fury in his eyes agh i love this scene)
aww zemo deleting the voice message of his wife before attempting to kill himself broke my heart
i remember crying in the cinema watching steve and tony beat the shit out of each other... my friend who's never seen any of the mcu movies before was looking at me like i was an alien
bucky still trying to protect steve by gripping tony's foot i- HE LOVES STEVE SO MUCH
oh when tony lifted his hand to protect his face with that terried look, he thought steve was gonna finish him
i!!! wanna!!! die!!!
"are you tony stank?" stan lee we miss you, you beautiful man♡
"i've been on my own since i was 18" having multiple illnesses, and probably mental ones as well, steve only had bucky on his side. he was the only one who always got his back, making sure he was okay, always protecting him. so he knew he had to do the same. bucky was the best friend he ever had.
soo, this gave me enough trauma for today. i think i'm gonna go cry until the next episode of tfaws.
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Nessian AU // Why me 
Four times Nesta asked “Why me��� when pertaining to Cassian. 
She blinks at her English teacher, a teacher she used to consider her favorite teacher, until he announced Nesta’s name followed by her partners, “Cassian Monte.” 
“You can’t be serious! You’re putting me with him?” Nesta whispers, glancing to the back of the room to where Cassian was leaning back in his chair and a ball of paper at his friend Rhysand. “Why me? Any other girl would love to be put with him.”
Her teacher smiles down at her. “That’s exactly why I am putting you with him. He’s failing and you’re succeeding. I am trying something new,” he shrugs, nodding his head towards the back of the room. “Now get back there.” 
Nesta frowns as she slings her bookbag on her shoulder and moves to the back of the room. Why me, why me, why me, why me, why me, why me. She murmurs to herself as she stops in front of Cassian’s desk. He doesn’t even look up. 
She takes a breath before dropping her books on his desk. He looks up at her, his eyes trailing up, slimy pick. “Can I help you?” he asks, leaning forward on his desk to invade more of her personal space. 
“We’re partners,” she states. “Did you just not bother to listen?” 
He chuckles, as he turns to next to him where a sophomore sat. “Scram,” he states. The sophomore grabs his books quickly and makes his way up to Nesta’s old seat. “For you, madame.” 
Just another reason to add to the long list of why Nesta hated highschool. “Let’s just get this over with, we only have twenty minutes to complete the assignment.” she says, adding more quickly to herself, “then we never have to talk to each other ever again.” 
He chuckles, a genuine laugh, not his usually snicker that he did with his friends. “On the contrary. Nesta. I think this is the beginning to a long beautiful relationship.” 
“Why me?” Nesta shouted as she shoved Cassian away from her. Tears burning behind her eyes as she turns her back towards him and reaches for the doorknob. 
“Nesta, come on, don’t be like this,” Cassian says, jumping up the few steps to the porch and reaching for her arm. She rips it from his grip. “I don’t even know what I said, I don’t know what I did.” 
She pauses, she knew she was being unreasonable, she knew she was being unkind but she was blinded by the multiple emotions swirling in her head. “I just need a second, okay,” she says. “I’ll call you tomorrow.” 
Cassian’s shoulders slump as the door shuts between them and she disappears into her house. Cassian turns away and sits down on the sets with his head in his hands. It all happened so fast. He made a joke about his mom and then she blew up. They had been on ten dates already, he thought it was all going well. 
The door opens behind him and he turns around quickly, slumping back down when he sees it was just her sister Elain. “I am sorry, I’ll be leaving soon, I just-,” he pauses, running a hand through his hair. “I just want to know if she’s okay.” 
Elain gives him a small smile before sitting down beside him. “It’s the anniversary of our mom's death,” Elain says quietly. The joke he made was about how his mom had been nagging him lately. God, he felt like an idiot. “She takes it the hardest, she was the only one that really knew our mom, they had a special bond. That’s why Nesta loves literature so much. Our mom would constantly be reading to her.” 
Cassian frowns. He wanted to talk to her. Explain to her that he was an insensitive prick and that he was sorry. “I didn’t know,” he says. 
“She doesn’t talk about it often,” she explains, reaching out to pat his shoulder comfortingly. “She has a whole thing about not being enough. She blames herself, she begged mom to take her to the park, she didn’t understand how sick mom actually was. She keeps saying that if she hadn’t pushed her perhaps she wouldn’t have collapsed or if they were home they could have gotten her to the hospital quicker.” 
Cassian nods, it made sense now, why she constantly needed assurance. 
“She’ll kill me if she knew that I told you,” Elain says. “But, I think you're good for her. She smiles more when you're around. She's actually putting herself first for once.” 
Cassian smiles at Elain. “I appreciate you telling me,” he explain. 
“She’ll warm up by tomorrow,” Elain replies. “It’s just hard now.” 
Elain pats his back before making her way back inside. Cassian stands up and starts moving to his car, his hand faltering on the door. He moves quickly without thinking, heading to her backyard and scanning the ground for a rock before looking up at the windows. 
He had only been in Nesta’s room once, it had been covered in books, journals, and plants given to her by Elain. He threw the first rock, nothing, then the second. The light flickered on and then the window was open. Nesta pops her head out, he could see her eyes were swollen and red in the moonlight. 
“What are you doing here, Cas?” she asks her voice weak from emotion. “I thought you went home.” 
“You said “Why me?” and I want to tell you,” he says. 
She gives him a quizzical look. “Go home, Cas, it's late,” she states, moving back into her room and reaching for the window. 
“Wait!” he yells. She pauses before looking back out the window. “Your determination, you don’t cower away from anyone or anything. You look at it straight on and don’t shy away from anything.” She sniffles, covering her face. “Your intelligence. I didn’t know someone could just be filled with so many fun facts. You have a fun fact about everything.” 
“That’s not annoying?” she asks, dropping her hands to look at him. 
He shakes his head. “You don’t know how many times you’ve told me something and I’ve run to Azriel or Rhys to tell them. They think I am whipped and honestly, I don’t really care,” he states. “Your giving, if you didn’t have people to stop you I think you would keep giving until you had nothing left to give.” 
“You don’t have to keep saying nice things to me,” she replies. “I am just being insecure.” 
He shakes his head, “I don’t care if you weren’t insecure, you deserve to hear nice things Nesta,” he retorts, “You deserve to know that people love you, that I love you.” 
“You love me?” she asks, her eyes wide and she looks down at him. 
He gives her a lopsided grin, “Of course I do,” he says with a slight shrug. He frowns when she disappears into her room and closes her window. He had scared her away. This was the end of Nesta and Cassian, it had barely started. 
He moves to turn away when the back door opens and Nesta comes running out. She throws around his neck and he takes a few steps back at the impact to steady himself before wrapping his arms around her. “I love you too, Cas,” she whispers against his chest. 
“Oh god, why me?” Nesta groans as she doubles over, gripping her stomach as she feels the child inside of her kick. “I am already contracting, why does she need to add kicking my kidneys to the list of pain?” 
Cassian chuckles as he reaches out for her hand which she grips. “How far apart are they?” she asks through clench teeth. 
He looks at his watch. “Three minutes,” he says as she lets out a breath and falls back against the pillow. 
“If she doesn’t get out of her soon I am going to name her something horrible. No one will know how to spell her name, that will be her price to pay,” she says, as she puts a hand to her forehead. Cassian chuckles and she opens her eyes to glare at him. “Is this funny to you?” 
“No,” he says sobering up quickly but he’s still smiling. “It’s not funny at all.” 
She frowns. “Go get me ice chips,” she orders, but as Cassian stands up the doctor walks in. “Alright, we got your test results back and I think it’s time we get this baby out of you, what do you say?” the doctor exclaims. 
Three excruciating hours later, cries filled the room, and Nesta was finally able to breath fully. She falls against the pillows as the doctor brings the squirming infant to her chest. She blinks away the tears as she looks up at Cassian.  “I am thinking Jessica with a silent x,” Nesta whispers as she looks at the small child who immediately stops crying as Cassian reaches forward to hold the baby's hand. 
“I was thinking Sara with a silent q,” he retorts. 
After some arguments they decided on Harper, after the author of the book that brought them together sophomore year of Highschool, and Elise after Nesta’s mother. 
Nesta grips the hand of her husband, who was lying completely still in the hospital bed, his hand still warm from the machine that was keeping his heart beating. He was pronounced brain dead at the scene of the accident. He didn’t have a DNR so they hooked him up to a machine that would keep him alive. 
She leans her head on his shoulder. “Why me? Why’d you have to make me decide, Cas?” she whispers. Her tears left spots on the hospital gown. He had left to get more formula from the store for their second born. She was overwhelmed with a two year old and infant, so he stopped on his way home from work. 
She wished she had gone that morning like she said she would. Then he wouldn’t be at the light to turn into the store, he wouldn’t have had to make that turn, he would have gone straight. The car that ran the red light wouldn’t have hit him if he went straight. 
Feyre had brought the kids in earlier to say their goodbyes. Rhysand, Mor, Azriel, and Amren had just left. Nesta was supposed to have made a decision by herself. They told her it was up to her. That they would be happy with what she decided. That they would be there for her no matter what. 
She knew Cassian wouldn’t be happy laying here for the rest of his life. He was captain of the track and football team in high school, and took up rock climbing in college. He wasn’t known to stay still. He wouldn’t want this. 
“Have you made a decision, Mrs. Monte?” the doctor asks. 
She nods, squeezing his hand. “You can turn the machine off,” she states her voice cracking with emotion. 
The doctor nods and moves over to the machine. “It could take minutes to hours,” he clarifies. “I’ll need you to sign some paperwork.” 
She nods as the nurse hands her the clipboard and she signs her name on the line before grabbing Cassian’s hand again. “I am ready,” she states. He flicks the machine and the light turns off. “I am going to stay, if that’s okay. I want to be with him until the end.” 
The doctor nods. “We will be in shortly to check up on you two,” he says and the doctor and nurse exit the room. She sits there and holds her husband's hand until the line goes flat. 
Why me? Why did you have to leave me? 
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tvdversefanfiction · 3 years
Origins of Magic
Warnings: I do not own the rights to the television series “The Originals”, “Vampire Diaries”, or “Legacies” and do not own any of the characters within the TVD universe, I am making no profit from this and have no intention for this fanfiction series except for readers to enjoy. 15+ Mild to Strong Violence, Strong Language, Witchcraft, sexual scenes, and sexual references. F/F, F/M, M/M, Other.
Chapter 10 - A Hybrid in Greece (Part One)
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Klaus Mikaelson did not know what awaited him in New Orleans but against better judgement he decided to not find out and take Kayne’s warning from the grave to go to the city of Athens in Greece, despite not knowing what awaited him in that city either, he determined it was time to fight against his cynicism and doubt and follow Kayne’s advice to go to Greece and seek out some solution to his recent woes. He had not heard from Elijah, Rebekah or Kol and his eldest sibling Freya confirmed Henrik had died once again, some small relief was given when she made it clear she would know if they were dead only for more concern to be added when Freya announced her plans to bring back the treacherous Henrik in hopes of him being less twisted without the hollow inside of him and of course there was another Mikaelson to be accounted for, not Hope because Freya promised not to alert her about her family’s current state of promise, but Klaus’ least favorite sister in law, Davina Claire-Mikaelson, who despite Klaus’ protests, had decided to join the hybrid in his trip to Greece eager to get her husband Kol back. Davina and Klaus’ relationship was far from a good one and to say it was strained would be an understatement considering they had both tried to take out the other on multiple occasions, sometimes with Davina winning, others Klaus was the victor, but mostly the two just caused each other more and more chaos until Davina fell in love with his younger brother Kol making the two bitter enemies suddenly family, and one thing they both agreed on was they would do anything for family. “Tell me again why we are blindly trusting the dead member of a family which have taken Kol and the rest of your family hostage for who knows what reason?” Davina asked Klaus, as she stormed into his hotel room within Athens, Greece, to find Klaus sat on the edge of his bed, seemingly in deep thought. “Last time I checked you were anything but trusting especially of a foe.” “Kayne is not a foe, or rather he was not always one…” Klaus replied, as he stood up to face his sister in law. “He started out as a…friend…a very dear friend.” “Kol told me all about the Black siblings, including yours and Rebekah’s romances with two of them so I get that he’s special to you Klaus but so was Aurora and look how that turned out?” Davina advised Klaus, applying a more tender approach with her brother in law than she normally would. “Kayne is not insane like Aurora was, besides he’s a ghost what on earth has he got to gain from lying to us now?” Klaus told Davina, as he reluctantly began questioning his trust of Kayne. “You know as much as I do the dead tend to hold more secrets than the living. Besides the dead are not exactly dead right now since Kayne and his sisters single handily destroyed the natural balance bringing you, Elijah, and god knows what else back.” Davina explained to Klaus. “I do see how trusting this ghost is pretty much our only option but I do not understand why someone like you is so willing to ditch all doubt when you have always been such a narcissistic bastard…no offense.” “Offense taken as always Davina,” Klaus replied with great sarcasm, before going on to say. “I would normally ignore everyone else and handle things my own way but that’s exactly what I did to him before and this time I have to try and make up for the past by trusting him now when I should have trusted him back then.” “And there it is…the great monstrous Klaus Mikaelson’s tiny beating heart beats once again.” Davina joked with her brother in law, gleefully annoying the original hybrid. “The only good thing to come out of this whole mess is getting to see a lovesick Klaus Mikaelson…however if your ghost ex betrays us I will stop at nothing to enact a vengeance on him that will make death seem like nothing in comparison…” “Spoken like a true Mikaelson.” Klaus answered Davina, while both somehow complimenting and insulting her at the same time.
Klaus and Davina spent the next few days searching the city of Athens in search of any signs to why Kayne had sent them to Greece or anyone who would willingly admit to knowing Kayne Black, or as he was known in Athens, Kagién Mávros, by the few who admitted his existence, clearly pointed out the witch and vampire, through reluctance, that the second youngest Black sibling had spent a great deal of time within this city, eventually leading them to the one person who admitted knowledge of Kagién Mávros, his husband. “In all my years I never thought I’d have the misfortune of meeting a Mikaelson never mind two of them.” Kayne’s Greek husband Estevan said, greeting Klaus and Davina outside of one of the many beautiful ruins of a Greek building that can be found within the city of Athens. “Am I supposed to believe that the centuries old witch Kayne Black somehow fell for you?” Klaus instantly insulted the man, looking the gorgeous Greek man up and down, his jealousy growing with every look, as he thought of Kayne with this man. “You’re more of an art exhibit piece than husband material.” “Like you would know what husband material is…” Davina scoffed at Klaus, before turning her attention to Estevan. “However, why would a good husband admit to Kayne’s existence knowing his history with the Mikaelsons is a little awkward to say at least.” “A few nights ago, Kagién appeared to me which only happens when one of us dies…” Estevan answered them both. “Which means I have a ressurection to perform and luckily I have a vampire to help me with the digging and a witch to help me with the magic so its not all taken out of me.” “What do you mean by every time one of you dies?” Klaus asked, curious to Estevan’s comfort with the idea of resurrecting somebody. “Has this happened before?” “Just how well do you know Kagién?” Estevan asked Klaus, instantly seeing rage appear on the hybrid’s face for daring to ask that question. “He has only ever died once before but luckily that time he had a body that time, however with all the lives he’s stolen over the centuries…” “When you say stolen you mean killed right?” Davina chimed in. “Taking another’s life is far more than just stealing although stealing is most definitely a part of it.” “Each time he drains someone’s life form he’s granted decades worth of life for himself…its not exactly what I had planned for either of us when we first met all those years ago but it is what has come to be.” Estevan explained to them both, while keeping a lot of mystery about the whole thing at the same time. “We need to reach a tomb beneath these very grounds if we are to bring Kagién back.” “What the hell kind of magic do you practice? Ressurection should not be easy and if it was then why the bloody hell did Kayne and his sisters destroy the entire afterlife to bring myself and Elijah back?” Klaus snapped at Kayne’s husband, refusing to believe his claims. “Because only I can bring him back from the dead like I did before because only I can bring back the dead without total chaos...clearly Kagién did not want to ask for my help knowing of what that help may require in return.” Estevan cryptically answered the original hybrid. “Okay we definitely need to talk about what kind of witch you are and the magic you practice but for now we should all get digging and bring Kayne back because clearly he must think he can help us out somehow which I really do not get considering he was the first to die at his mother’s hands.” Davina demanded, clearly having enough of Klaus’ jealousy, wanting to get her husband back as quickly as possible, no matter the cost. “His mother has returned?” Estevan asked, in shock by Davina’s revelation. “My ties to the afterlife has weakened recently but I had no idea that she was back…we must move quickly…and I’m afraid the both of you are just going to have to trust me if we are to be successful in bringing Kagién back to life.”
Once again against his better judgement, Klaus had found himself, alongside Davina and Estevan, deep down within the underground tunnels located underneath the city of Athens, as the three of them continued digging until they ground beneath them began to crumble out of nowhere, the tunnels collapsing within themselves, forcing them to fall several feet before landing harshly on to the ground. Klaus was the first to fall onto the cold hard ground of an underground tomb, with the shovel he used to dig falling shortly after him, launching itself into the hybrid’s stomach, causing him to scream out in pain as the shovel impeded itself into his gut. Davina was second to fall to the ground, her shovel quickly following suit too, but this time Klaus yanked out his shovel from his stomach with vamp speed and launched himself on top of his sister-in-law, so the shovel would launched itself into his back, injuring himself once again, while saving the life of his brother’s wife. Estevan fell to the ground shortly after them both, shocking both Klaus and Davina when Estevan’s shovel launched itself straight into the Greek man’s chest, only for Estevan to symbolize no pain before pulling it straight out of his chest, the wound instantly healing before he threw the shovel across the tomb. “So, you’re not a vampire or a witch?” Davina quizzed Estevan, as she pulled the shovel out of Klaus’ back before her and Klaus, former enemies, helped each other to their feet, Estevan quickly standing up shortly afterwards. “You must be one of those creatures who existed before the whole Malivore debacle.” “Explaining my origins would only serve as distraction to why we have come to this place.” Estevan replied, keeping his life a mystery from both the witch and the original hybrid. Klaus’ suspicions over the mysterious husband of Kayne Black only continued to grow, however, he quickly found himself distracted, Davina too, by the archaic, underground, tomb they had literally fallen into, looking around at the beautiful, delicate statues, each of which were magnificent masterpieces in their own right, before all eyes, including Estevan’s, were now focused on the coffin made of stone in front of them. “You need to start talking right bloody know!” Klaus shouted at Estevan. “I’ve never brought Kagién back before without his body, and the last time I resurrected him I told him it would be the last time I took another innocent’s life.” Estevan admitted to both Davina and Kol. “However, the man in there is no innocent…and his body will be the only hope we all have of defeating Sapphire before the world burns to her idealisms.” “So, you’re just going to magically dump Kayne’s body into someone else’s? I know how to do that, hell there was a time where Esther Mikaelson was doing that with her children at the drop of a hat.” Davina insulted Kayne’s husband, clearly infuriated by what she now believed was a waste of time. “There better be more to this or I am going to look the other way when Klaus kills you…” “The body before you both is the body of the supreme witch of the Divinity Coven, the original coven of light magics, Sapphire’s greatest enemy Auxentios…it is said he was as powerful, and as ruthless, as Sapphire herself.” Estevan revealed to a stunned Davina and Klaus. “He fell at the hands of Sapphire; they were each other’s first love and if folklore is to be believed…he was the father of Annabella and Magnus.” “That cannot be right, the Black siblings all had different fathers, I remember Kayne telling me that.” Klaus argued with Estevan. “He also forgot to tell you that he and his siblings are the children of that supreme bitch Sapphire, one of the world’s original witches, so I’m not so surprised he kept this one too.” Davina told Klaus, making a valid point in the process. “That part is mostly ancient rumors' to why the original coven broke off into two opposing covens, there are many other tales, I doubt Kagién ever told Annabella that theory let alone some momentary romance from centuries passed.” Estevan explained, while taking aim at Klaus and Kayne’s past at the same time. “Now if you excuse me, I have a rather difficult ritual to perform.”
Both Klaus and Davina continued to watch Estevan closely as he chanted in a long dead language, a language even Davina did not understand, as they monitored his methods, before being shocked by him pulling out a knife from his jacket pocket, both of them instantly convinced he was about to make an attack on them, only to be left shocked by Estevan’s next revelation. “This ritual requires a sacrifice, and I made a vow long ago to never sacrifice another for no reasoning whatsoever.” Estevan told them both, with a sense of sadness in his voice. “Tell Kagién I am happy with my decision, that I have lived long enough, and I am more than happy to sacrifice myself for him to live once more…” Before Klaus or Davina could respond, Estevan lifting the knife to his neck, slitting his throat straight across instantly, causing blood to pour out, as Estevan fell on top of the stone coffin, choking on his own blood much to the witch and the hybrid’s shock, as Estevan died one last time before their very eyes. “I guess the threating to kill him fell on death ears considering he was already planning to do away with himself.” Klaus said to Davina. “He must have truly loved him,” Davina replied, with tears forming in her eyes. “I just hope his sacrifice was not for nothing…” Suddenly the ground beneath them began shaking viciously once again, but instead of falling once again, Davina and Klaus watched as a bright light began shining from the stone coffin, lighting it up completely, the heat from the coffin disintegrating Estevan’s body to nothing but dust in the process before the lid of the coffin began to levitate, revealing the newly resurrected, yet still unconscious body of the supreme witch of the Divinity coven, Auxentios, as the original hybrid and the harvest witch hoped beyond hope Kayne and not Auxentios would wake up within this body…
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krystabel02 · 4 years
Complicated: Raphael x OC x Spencer Reid - Chapter 1
Authors Note: This is the first story I’m actually posting that I created on my own. I hope you all enjoy this.
It's dark. Everywhere she looked and turned, there was nothing but darkness. Then out of nowhere, a particular turtle appeared in front of her, seemingly out of nowhere. The same turtle Angel fell in love with months ago, the same one who stole her heart, and inevitably, the same one who shattered it. She felt her blood run cold, her heart seemingly skipping a beat. There was nothing Angel could say or do. All she could do was stare at the turtle in front of her. The turtle glared at Angel before pulling out his sai. He made his way over to Angel. She wanted to move, but she couldn't. Once he was close enough, the turtle held the sai up, bringing it down to stab her.
Angel sat up in her bed, panting. Her body covered in sweat, and her heart racing. She couldn't do anything but sit there as the silent tears ran down her face. Eventually, Angel let her head fall into her hands as she cried.
Every night it was the same nightmare. Time and time again, Angel had continued to experience this over and over. It mentally drained her and made her feel as though she was hopeless. Angel quickly shook those thoughts out of her head.
No. Not again.
It had been six months since Angel and Raphael broke up, and six months since she left. Of course, a couple of weeks after she left, she received repeated phone calls and text from Raphael. It was so severe that Angel had to change her number to get Raph to stop. Angel wrapped her arms around herself as she took a deep breath. Looking over at the time, she decided to go ahead and get ready for work. Angel made her way into her bathroom to shower and get herself prepared for the day.
After making sure the water was the perfect temperature, she stripped her clothes off and stepped into the shower. Angel stood under the water for a good five minutes, letting the warm water run down her body as she closed her eyes. A shower was what Angel needed, especially after the nightmare she had. She almost didn't realize how long she was in the shower, but once she did,  Angel had stepped out and dried herself off. Wrapping the towel around her, Angel makes her way back to her room and pulled out a pair of black pants and a black tee, as well as a black belt and a couple of socks.
Angel stepped out to her living room towards her coffee table. She bends down, grabbing a gun holster and hooking it to her belt where she could easily and quickly draw her gun, after grabbing her credentials and badge. Clipping the badge to her shirt, Angel couldn't help but let her mind think about the nightmare she had. What did it mean, and more importantly, why was she still thinking of Raph. It's been six months since they broke up, and Angel should be over him. He certainly was over her. It brought painful memories whenever Angel thought about how he left her for his ex-girlfriend. Angel didn't want to even imagine what they were doing right now. In her heart, she knew it would break her, and there was no time for that. She had her new life now, a new job, a new place. Yet, with all this change, Angel had also built a wall around her heart. She didn't want, no, she wouldn't be able to handle it if it was broken again. Angel shook her head gently before she a cup of coffee and walked out the door. Making sure her door was locked, Angel makes her way out of the apartment complex towards her car.
It took about 30 minutes, but Angel eventually arrived at the FBI headquarters in Quantico. Stepping out of the car, Angel takes a deep breath and closing her eyes, she enjoys the beautiful weather outside. After a couple moments, she makes her way into the building towards the elevator, pressing the button for the 6th floor. It took a few minutes, but eventually, the doors to the elevator open and Angel makes her way out of the elevator. She walked into the bullpen of the Behavioral Analysis Unit.
There, sitting at his desk, was Spencer Reid. Spencer was the first agent she informally met on her first day, and she was lying if she didn't mention he was the most intriguing. Unlike most guys who have a very macho attitude, Spencer was the complete opposite. He was socially-awkward and often stuttered, but he was absolutely brilliant. A genius in straightforward terms.
Spencer had three Ph.D.'s in mathematics, chemistry, and engineering, as well as two BA in psychology and sociology. What's more impressive was he has an IQ of 187, eidetic memory and can read 20,000 words per minute. If Angel hadn't seen this with her own eyes, she would have never believed it. Despite Spencer being socially-awkward, the two had actually become close friends. They both connected through their love of books, Doctor Who, and of course, coffee. During the time they have known each other, they've gone on multiple coffee dates where all the conversation was about was the most recent book they've read or the latest Doctor Who episode.
Spencer looked up from his file and smiled at Angel. It was apparent he had developed a bit of a crush on her. How could anyone not? She was clearly gorgeous, but she also was smart, kind, courageous. The list went on and on. While Spencer really liked Angel, he knew she wasn't ready for a relationship right now. They didn't talk much about her ex-boyfriend, but enough to see that she wasn't available to date anyone at the moment. It didn't matter, Spencer was willing to wait for her.
"Angel, hey. Did you see the new episode last night?" Spencer asked as he stood from his desk, walking over towards Angel.
Angel smiled, letting a small laugh escape her lips before shaking her head. "Unfortunately, no. I was on the phone with my parents last night and ended up missing it." Angel said, laughing as she put her bag down next to her desk and her coffee cup on top of the coaster sitting in the top right corner of her desk.
Spencer faked a gasp, his left hand going up to his chest as he let out a laugh. "Angel, how dare you. You have disgraced the name of Doctor Who." He joked before letting out another laugh, leaning against a desk opposite of Angel before noticing that she looked tired, and almost as if she was crying. "Angel, is everything alright? You look like you've been crying recently." Spencer asked, his voice immediately lowering, his eyes full of concern.
Angel mentally cursed to herself. Of course, Spencer would notice. She works with profilers who see every little thing about behaviors. Angel sighed, biting the bottom of her lip. Of course, she had told Spencer about the nightmare and described it, but it still wasn't easy to admit it. ".....I had the same nightmare again last night," Angel eventually admitted as she looked up at Spencer, her eyes casting so many emotions. Pain. Sadness. Anger, a little bit. Angel hated that she still thought of Raph, especially after seven months.
Spencer sighed as he walked over, gently pulling her into a hug. A gesture he'd done so many times, it felt natural. All he wanted to do was protect her. But how can one possibly protect someone from nightmares? It was impossible. He may not be able to stop them, but he can at least bring some comfort to the woman he was in love with. "I'm sorry, Angel. Is there anything I can do to help? Maybe a Doctor Who session with popcorn and your favorite candy?" Spencer asked before pulling away, looking her in her deep brown eyes.
Angel looked Spencer in the eyes before letting a sigh out, then she smiled at him. "A Doctor Who session sounds amazing, Spence," Angel said as she pulled away, grabbing her coffee and taking a sip.
Spencer and Angel eventually sat down at their appropriate desks, filling out paperwork as the rest of their team made their way in. Not even five minutes after their Unit Chief showed up, Emily walked out of her office, holding up a file and motioning to the briefing room. "Guys, we've got a case. Meet in the briefing room." Emily said in a firm tone as she walked towards the room. 
Spencer and Angel both nodded before standing up and making their way as well. They took their usual seats next to each other at a round table with a screen in front, showing the crime scene photos. One by one, the team filed in. First, Rossi, then JJ, Lewis, Simmons, Alvez, and Garcia. 
Garcia takes her usual place standing next to the screen with her remote in hand. "All right, my furry friends, pack your bags because you are headed to the Big Apple. NYPD is reporting 3 bodies of female victims, ages 20-25, and brunettes. The bodies were all found in alleyways next to garbage bins. They had no clothes on, and there were multiple stab wounds to the chest and genital areas, however no signs of sexual assault. Our first victim is Victoria Duncan, a 22-year old college student. She had just moved to New York about 6 months ago but was reported missing three weeks ago when she didn't show up for her psychology class for a few days straight. Professors say she was a great kid who wouldn't miss school unless there was a reason. Next, we have 20-year old Madeline Nelson. She worked as a waitress at a local diner, and she was reported missing about a week after Victoria when she didn't show up for her shift at work. One of her co-workers went to her apartment only to find she wasn't there, and that's when she called police. Our latest victim is 24-year old Jessie Malcolm. She worked at an insurance company, a typical 9-5 job. She was reported missing last week after she also missed her shift at work. Police say there are no obvious ways their paths would have crossed. They all lived in different parts of the city, hung out at different places, even had different banks. There's no sign that any of the ladies even knew each other." Garcia said as she showed all the victim's pictures of their face, bodies after death as well as the dumpsites. 
No matter how many dead bodies Angel has seen, they always managed to creep her out to some sense of the word. Though, she never let it bother her. Angel looked over the crime scene photos of the bodies, looking for any signs of restraints. "Garcia, is there anyone who's gone missing recently that fits the description of our victims?" Spencer asked as he looked up, leaning back in his chair slightly. 
Garcia shook her head softly before responding to Spencer, "Not yet, but I will double-check and let you know."
Emily nodded before looking to the team. "Alright, if this unsub has a schedule, we've got a few days before he finds his next victim. Wheels up in 30." The team nodded in unison before standing up, grabbing their files, and heading to their desks to grab their go-bag and equipment.
Angel couldn't help but let her mind wander. New York City. The same place she left seven months ago, and the same place that her first love lived at. She prayed to whatever god was up there that she didn't run into Raphael. With her bad luck, though, She probably would.
No matter. It doesn't matter if Angel does see Raph again, she's going for her job, and that's that. Whether she was ready or not, she knew she needed to prepare herself to see him again if the time comes. 
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Please ... | jhs
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A/N: This is longer than anything I’ve ever written and oh my gosh I actually really like it? I recommend listening to Hug Me sung by V and Jhope. It really got me in the mood to write this. Please excuse any mistakes and enjoy (: 
Word Count: 4.5K+
Genre: Angst & Fluff
Warnings: Car accidents, near death experience, slight suicidal thoughts, 
Prompts: “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” + “You can’t die. Please don’t die.” 
Six boys walked into the practice laughing and joking around, as was usual for the members of BTS. When they saw Hoseok sitting in the middle of the room, head in his hands and shoulders slumped, looking defeated and tense they became quiet. Everyone looked at each other trying to figure out who would ask him what was wrong. It was no secret that when Hoseok was angry he needed to be left alone, but they had an important concert tomorrow and they needed to practice. 
Namjoon turned out to be the bravest among them all, “Hobi Hyung? Are you okay?”  He tentatively walked up to him and crouched in front of him.
“We had an argument,” Hoseok’s voice was tense and held some anger. Yoongi, being the one Hoseok usually went to during these situations, walked over and sat down next to him. The rest of the boys followed suit and sat around him, but still giving him the space if he needed it.
Hoseok looked up and stared past Namjoon, staring at himself through the mirror, “She came in here to see me and to talk about how I never help around the apartment. I guess I said something wrong because next thing I knew we were yelling at each other,” he looked at Yoongi with tired eyes and continued, “I was already mad and I took it out on her.”
Yoongi sighed, “Do you know where she is? You should apologize to her.” He really didn’t know how to help his friend, but he knew they needed to know where you were before coming up with an elaborate plan.
“I dunno she stormed off in anger and she’s not answering my calls or messages.” Hoseok looked at his phone in his hands with an uneasy expression on his face. He looked around at everyone surrounding him, “But I have a bad feeling, like something’s gonna happen.” Taehyung opened his mouth, as if he was going to speak, but Hoseok’s ringing phone cut him off.
They all looked at it to see your contact and picture pop up. Hoseok was quick to answer, putting it on speaker, and started talking, “Y/n baby! I’m so sorry please come back so I can apologize to you in person. I promi-” he was cut off by someone clearing their throat on the other end.
“Is this Jung Hoseok?” a man’s voice could be heard and it confused Hoseok as well as making the bad feeling come back stronger.
He looked at the guys before he remembered he didn’t answer, “Uh yes, who is this? Where’s Y/n?”
“This is Doctor Lee at Severance Hospital. Y/n has been in a car accident and you were listed as her emergency contact,” the words from the man made Hoseok freeze. It seemed as though the words went right through him.
His friends stared at him in shock and concern as he didn’t move. He couldn’t even breathe. The only thing he could do was stare at the mirror as tears started flowing down his face. He could vaguely hear the others yelling his name and he could feel them slightly shaking him. It wasn’t until he heard the doctor tell him to get there fast, that the accident was severe and they couldn’t tell if you were going to make it, that he finally made a sound. Hoseok started sobbing with his body shaking at the force of his crying. 
Yoongi pulled him into a tight embrace trying to calm him down, “Hobi, come on. You needa calm down, let’s get to the hospital. Let’s go see Y/n.” Jungkook helped Yoongi pull Hoseok up and led him out to the car that Namjoon had called for.
 “It’s gonna be okay Hyung,” Taehyung softly said as the driver started towards the hospital. 
Hoseok just stared at him, his eyes void of any emotions, “But what if it’s not? What if she’s dead by the time we get there?” Everyone’s breath hitched as he had just voiced what they all feared. Not only would Hoseok lose the one person he loved with all his heart, but the boys would all lose someone who was their best friend and like a sister.
 Jin looked around at everyone as tears fell down their faces, “She’ll be okay. She’s a strong girl.” He put his hand on Hoseok’s knee for some form of comfort.
Before the car could come to a complete and safe stop, Hoseok had the door flinging open and running into the hospital. The rest of the group quickly ran after him and saw him frantically looking for someone to take him to you. They walked up and Jin asked a nurse where they could find you. The nurse explained to them that you were in surgery, but they could wait in your assigned room. Heading towards the room, Hoseok couldn’t help but let your fight flash in his mind. Why didn’t he just let you win? Why did he have to let his anger get the best of him? The nurse that led them walked away as soon as they were in the room. They waited around for an hour: Jungkook, Taehyung, and Jimin playing a game on their phones. Jin and Namjoon quietly discussing on the phone with Bang PD about them missing their practice and not knowing when they were going to be back. Hoseok was just staring blankly at the wall across from him. And last was Yoongi, who was keeping a close eye on Hoseok. By the time an hour and half has passed, the members of BTS stood up quickly and watched as a few doctors and nurses wheeled you in on a bed.
 “Which one of you is Jung Hoseok?” a doctor asked the pale faced boys. Hoseok raised his shaking hand. The doctor put a hand out for him to shake, “My name is Doctor Lee, I’m the one who talked to you on the phone. Would you like to know her condition?” Hoseok could only stare at you with tears slowly filling his eyes once again. You looked so pale and dead. 
Yoongi walked up and shook the doctor’s hand for him, “Yes, we would like to know everything if that is allowed.”
“Right,” Doctor Lee cleared his throat and looked at your chart, “L/n Y/n, hit by a drunk driver at a speed of 95mph. She was immediately rushed into surgery. She had lost a lot of blood and has multiple injuries, some more severe than others.”
 Doctor Lee looked up to make sure they were following along. Everyone looked sad and worried, but Hoseok was the worst of them all. He was trying to keep in his sobs so he didn’t miss anything important being said. Yet, it was easier said than done as cries could be heard from him loud and clear. 
Doctor Lee gave him a sad glance and continued, “Injuries include a broken arm, two broken ribs, multiple gashes on her arms and legs,” he gave them all a sympathetic look as he finished, “possible memory loss and is in a coma with no sign of waking u-” 
Doctor Lee was cut off as Hoseok finally let his sobs out and ran out of the room as fast as he could.
 “Hoseok Hyung!” Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook all ran after him to make sure he didn’t do anything he would regret. 
Hoseok kept running, trying to stop his cries but it was of no use. The tears kept rolling down his cheeks and his breathing kept picking up. His heart beat faster and faster as all the possible outcomes of your condition came to the front of his mind: Would you wake up? Are you mad at him? Are you in any pain? Would you remember him if you woke up? Oh god, what if you died?
As he thought that he looked out at the busy street, taking a hesitant step forwards to the dangerous traffic. He couldn’t live without you. You always helped him through everything. He would miss you way too much. And if him dying meant seeing you again then he would gladly die. He was slow, as if in some sort of trance as he walked off the curb. He was almo-
“Hyung!!” Jimin cried out as he grabbed Hoseok’s arm and tugged him back away from the rushing cars. Hoseok started screaming and trying to get out of his arms. Escaping from Jimin’s arms, he tried to run back to the speeding cars. This time it was Jungkook who took a hold of their brother. Hoseok broke down in the middle of the sidewalk and Jungkook slowly lowered them into a sitting position. The people walking looked on at the strange scene, but they didn’t pay any attention to it. All they cared about was making sure their friend was okay.
Jimin sat behind Hoseok and wrapped his arms tightly around him, “Why would you try and do that Hoseok?” He couldn’t be bothered to use honorifics. Not when his brother just tried to kill himself.
Hoseok just continued to cry, not wanting to say the truth. The younger men wouldn’t like his reasoning. They all sat there for a few minutes all of them crying. Taehyung was the one to break the silence surrounding them, “Are you okay Hyung?”
“It was over how I never do anything. How I don’t take care of our apartment like I should. S-she said it felt like I didn’t care enough. I was stupid. If I had just let her win i-if I had just kept her in the building for another ten minutes she wouldn’t be laying in that bed with the possibility of not waking up,” Hoseok’s voice was shaking and so quiet they had to lean in close to hear him.
Taehyung tried to reassure him, “Hoseok Hyung it wasn’t your fault you couldn’t ha-”
He was cut off by Hoseok’s screaming, his voice filled with immense pain, “Yes it is! It’s my fault she was angry! It’s my fault she got in that accident! It’s my fault she’s almost dead!” He trailed off at the end, not wanting to say it too loud. He chuckled humorlessly, “Wanna know what the worst thing is? If she dies...if she dies the last words I had spoken to her..” He couldn’t finish as he started crying harder and choking, trying to breathe.
“What was it Hyung?” Jimin was timid as he asked.
Hoseok looked him straight in the eyes, no emotions visible in his eyes as he said, “...That I wish I had never met her..that I wouldn’t care if she had died as long as she left me alone.” He took a deep breath in, “I told her I wouldn’t care if she died, and now she might actually die. I’ll have to live with the guilt. I killed her. I was the one who told her I didn’t care. What kind of boyfriend says that!?” He became angrier by the second. How could he have been so stupid as to let his anger make him say those things to you? 
“Come on Hyung, let’s go back to the hospital. We don’t know for sure that she won’t wake up,” Jungkook pulled him up and kept a strong grip on him to make sure he doesn’t run out to the street again.
Jimin walked behind them with Taehyung and quietly said, “I personally think she’s going to make it. She would never leave you Hyung. She loves you too much.” This caused a small smile to grace Hoseok’s face and it made them all feel a little bit better. You were going to push through this and wake up. You’d wake up and Hoseok would apologize and everything would go back to the way it was before. Right?
Arriving back at your room they saw the doctor had left and only the members remained. They were sat around your bed, Yoongi holding your left hand and Namjoon holding your right. As soon as Namjoon saw them come back he let go of your hand so Hoseok could take his place. Hoseok slowly made his way to you, looking your figure over taking in all of your features. You had black, blue, and purple bruises littering your face and arms, along with small and some large cuts. Just the thought of what the bottom half of you looked like made him feel sick. He delicately held your hand, afraid you would break if he held on any tighter. Everyone watched on as he leaned over and put his head by your joined hands.
“Come on guys, let’s give him some alone time with her,” Jin’s voice was quiet as he led them out of the room so Hoseok could talk to you.
As they sat in the chairs outside of your room Jimin spoke up, “Hyungs, we have to tell you what happened.” He spoke softly, almost afraid of Hoseok hearing and feeling even more guilty than he already does.
“He tried to run out into traffic. He said he didn’t want to live without her. That it was all his fault she was in here,” Jungkook took over as Jimin couldn’t get any words out through his sniffling and soft hiccups. The three eldest froze as the words escaped through Jungkook’s lips. Had they heard right? Hoseok was willing to leave everything behind?
Namjoon broke the small silence that had started to form, “What?” The words were whispered as he couldn’t wrap his mind around it. Why would he do that?
“We obviously stopped him, but if she does die, which she won’t, we need to keep a close eye on him,” Taehyung had corrected himself when he received heated glares from his friends.
Yoongi nodded his, “Someone needs to be with him at all times. He can’t get out of anyone’s sight.” They all agreed without any hesitance. They would do anything for Hoseok.
Inside your hospital room, Hoseok looked at you with tears obscuring his vision. His voice was cracking with every other word he spoke, “Y/n, baby, if you can hear me I’m so sorry. Please wake up. I need to see that beautiful smile. I need you to know that I love you.” He sniffled as he waited for a reaction from you. His shoulders fell and he leaned his head on your bed as your body laid limp, your chest moving up and down slowly as you breathed.
The boys walked in and sat in the chairs making Hoseok look up at them with a broken stare. Yoongi walked over to him and put his hand on his shoulder, “We have to leave Hobi. We have to practice for the concert tomorrow.”
Hoseok looked shocked and stuttered, “W-what? Can’t we stay a little longer? Can’t I stay a little longer? I can’t leave her! I need to stay by her side until she wakes up!” He couldn’t leave you. Not now. He had caused you to be here motionless and looking dead. He was not leaving your side. Even if they tried to force him to move, he’d stay rooted to the seat by your side.
“I’m sorry Hyung, but we have to. You can come back after tomorrow. We can’t let the fans down and we can’t perform without you,” Namjoon’s words held sympathy and understanding.
Hoseok looked at them with frantic eyes, “They’d understand! Please let me stay I-I can’t leave.” He begged and begged them, but rules were the rules. The band always came first. It wasn’t fair. How could they expect him to leave you like this? With no one to be by your side? What if you woke up and no one was here? What if you thought he didn’t care?
“I’m sorry Hobi, but we need to leave,” Jin spoke softly not wanting to make the situation worse. Hoseok looked at your face with defeat written clear across his face as he let go of your hand and stood up.
He kissed your lips lightly, “I love you so much princess.”
He followed the boys out with a blank face.
“Hi baby. It’s been three weeks and you’re still in a coma. The doctors say you’re slowly getting better. They think you’ll wake up soon. I-I hope you do. I miss you so much. Please wake up for me baby. I miss seeing your smile and hearing your laugh. I miss seeing your shining eyes when you talk,” he inhaled and continued with a shaking voice, “The boys miss you too and so do the fans. They say they miss seeing you post pictures of me when I’m doing something embarrassing. They can’t wait for you to wake up to post more.” Tears poured down his cheeks, leaving a glistening trail that he didn’t even bother to wipe off.
Sniffling he kissed your lips and then your forehead, looking at you in anguish and with love, “I have to go now. We have a concert tonight, but I’ll come back tomorrow I promise. I love you princess.”
“Today marks a month that you’ve been in a come baby. The boys are here with me for this visit. Do you guys want to say anything?” Hoseok ignored the stares of pity they sent him as he looked up from your face. He was past the point of caring what everyone thought of him talking to your unresponsive body. The doctors had told him that it might help you wake up and he’d be an idiot to not take their advice. He’d do anything for you to wake up. Hell, he’d sell his soul to the Devil if it meant he got to see you wake up and smile at him.
Yoongi saw Hoseok’s face fall as no one spoke and he couldn’t have that. He took your left hand that was unoccupied, “Hey Y/n, it’s Yoongi. We all miss you a lot. You need to wake up real soon okay? I’ll even let you come in my studio and you know I hate people coming in there.” He tried to laugh, but it got caught in his throat. He was really close to you and it hurt to see you like this. He abruptly got up and walked over to lean on the wall. He hid his tears well, but everyone could hear his quiet sniffling.  
“Hey Y/n-ah, I hope you’re not in too much pain. When you wake up we can play that game you’ve been wanting to play. It just came out and I bought it for you. I haven’t played it or even opened it. I want you to be there when I do, ” Jungkook took Yoongi’s place and lightly kissed your hand as he got up so someone else could speak.
Taehyung was next, “Hey loser I miss having you as my model for my photography. I found a really cool place we can take pictures at when you get better. I think you’ll like it. It has so many flowers and I know you love flowers.” He gave your cheek a light kiss, “Get better soon Y/n.”
By now everyone had tears falling wanting nothing more than for you to wake up. No one told or spoke of it when Hoseok was near, but they were slowly losing hope that you would awaken. The doctor said it was normal for most coma patients to wake up after four weeks. They were afraid you wouldn’t be like the others. No one knew what Hoseok would do if you didn’t recover.
“Hey Y/n-ah, you’re looking better. All of your bruises have gone away and your cuts have healed. I came up with a new dance for us to learn if, I mean when you wake up. Hoseok Hyung I-” Jimin stuttered at the end when they all glared at him for his slip up. They then looked to Hoseok and saw his shoulders sink with a look of hopelessness on his features.
Jin pushed Jimin away and tried to reassure everyone, especially Hoseok, “You will wake up and when you do we can do an episode of EatJin!” He brushed some hair away from your forehead and gave it a kiss.
“We’ll work on some songs if you want when you recover Y/n,” Namjoon smiled and gave your knuckles a kiss.
Yoongi looked at the time and put arm around Hoseok’s shoulders, “I’m sorry Hobi but we have to leave now. We got that meeting.”
Hoseok sighed as he looked at you with longing causing the members hearts to clench. He looked so sad and broken. Jimin regrets basically saying you weren’t going to wake up. He probably broke Hoseok even more and made him lose hope.
“You wake up soon, okay Y/n? You need to wake up before we go on tour. Army misses you so much and they need you to wake up. If you don’t want to wake up for any of us then at least wake up for Hobi Hyung. He misses you the most. He loves you so much and he needs you to wake up. Okay Y/n? Wake up for us please,” Jimin’s voice shook as his cries slowly became louder. Taehyung pulled him into a hug and whispered soothing things in his ear trying to calm him down.
Hoseok had started crying halfway through Jimin’s little speech and couldn’t stop even if he tried, “Please wake up soon Y/n, I miss you so much. I’ll see you soon I love you baby girl.” He gave you one last kiss and let go of your hand.
As a group they stared at you one last time and left the room, their hope slowly decreasing the longer they had to wait for you to wake.
“It’s been two months since I’ve last seen your beautiful eyes and your breathtaking smile. We leave for tour in two weeks. I know that even if you still aren’t awake you’ll be cheering us on. If you can hear me, squeeze my hand. Move your fingers just please do something so I know you can hear me. Please baby…” Hoseok was once again crying. Everyone in the room held their breath as they waited to see any sign of you moving. Collectively they let out a sad sigh as you remained unresponsive.
Namjoon cleared his throat, “Why don’t we let Hoseok have some time with her?” Six of the seven members nodded their agreement and followed him out so Hoseok could speak in private.
“Baby please...please wake up. I don’t know how much longer I can go on without hearing your voice. You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you. Y/n baby please, please, please wake up.” Hoseok’s hold on your hand tightened as your heart monitor starting slowing down, “No, no baby please. You can’t die. Please don’t die. Y/n please.” He leaned over your body, grabbing onto you with a tight grip and he started screaming and weeping. Your heart monitor had flat-lined.
The boys heard all of the noise from the hallway and ran in, followed by doctors and nurses. What they saw was going to be engraved in their memories: You were looking paler than you had when they left the room. The monitor was flat. Hoseok was clinging your body to him while doctors and nurses tried to get him to let you go.
All six of the BTS members ran and clutched Hoseok pulling him off of you after a few tries. As they pulled him out of the room, the hospital staff started giving you CPR trying their hardest to revive you. Outside your room Hoseok was still yelling out and trying desperately to get to you. He couldn’t leave you. You couldn’t be gone. He wouldn’t believe it. You would never leave him. He gave up on his plan to get to you and instead switched to trying to run away. The only thing he could think about was being with you. In the afterlife. Realizing this the guys held onto him while forming a circle around him. They wouldn’t let their brother end his life. No, they knew you wouldn’t want that.
Fifteen minutes later and the staff inside your room came out with grave faces. This causes Hoseok to break down even more. Yelling how it wasn’t fair. You were too young to leave the world. You had nothing wrong. How it was all his fault. That’s what kept running through his head: It’s his fault. He killed you. He’s the reason you were dead. You died thinking he wouldn't care. That he hated you. What they didn’t know was that while a nurse was turning off the heart monitor and putting everything away you were slowly waking up. You groaned as the nurse was writing on your chart.
Her head snapped up to look at you with wide eyes. Regaining her focus she rushed to you, “Y/n sweetie? Can you hear me?” You groaned once again as your eyes fluttered open slowly. You winced at the bright light before you got used to it.
The nurse ran out of the room, “She’s awake!!” Everyone’s head turned towards her fast and rushed into the room to see you sitting there looking around in slight confusion. Doctor Lee came over and took your vitals while the nurse hooked you back up to the heart monitor. In the meantime the BTS boys were all staring at you in disbelief as tears flowed down their cheeks. They couldn’t believe it. You were alive.  
“Would you guys like to come over here and see her?” Doctor Lee smiled at them and proceeded out of the room with the nurse following.
Six out of seven of them rushed over as Hoseok stayed rooted to the place he was standing at. He felt as if his legs wouldn’t allow him to move. He desperately wanted to come and hold you but he was afraid. What if you didn’t remember him? What if you hated him? They all looked at him as his eyes watered.
“Hi Hobi,” your voice was soft as you gave a small smile. Seeing you smile and hearing your voice caused him to rush towards you, crushing you in his arms.
He sobbed into your hair, “I missed you so much. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry baby. Please don’t hate me.” His sobs grew in volume as you filled him with great relief, “I could never hate you Hobi.”
You pulled away from him after a while and looked at the boys with a big grin, “So about all those promises you made me.”
“You heard us?” Yoongi asked you in disbelief. They didn’t think you could actually hear them.
You chuckled, “Oh yeah I did and I can’t wait to see your sacred studio Yoongi-ah!” This caused him to groan and throw his head back in annoyance. Although anyone could tell he wasn’t really annoyed seeing as he had a huge smile gracing his face.
“You’re coming on tour with us and I don’t care what Bang PD says. You’re not leaving my sight. Ever.” Hoseok spoke in such a serious tone that everyone knew he wasn’t going to be taking a no as an answer .
You looked at him lovingly, “I love you so much Hoseok.”
“I love you so much more Y/n,” love was heard in his words and he gave you a soft and passionate kiss.
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pseudonymfox · 6 years
Connection (7)
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Bucky joins the avengers and gets the old room of you  with all the memories you left behind. You seem to have a connection and history but you are laying in coma…
This Part: Bucky has trouble letting go, you wake up again and the beginning of something beautiful and the unknown...
Warnings: angst, shock, fluff, cliffhanger?
A/N: I told you it isn’t over ;)
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<<Previous Part
It just felt like seconds as the light enclosed you but as you came back you heard the voices again just much more clearer. Bucky and Steve’s voices. One of their hands tightly wrapped around yours but what confused you more is that Bucky is even here. The last time you remembered him in Wakanda and he is supposed to join the team in a few months. Maybe you are longer out then you thought you would be, the last things you remember are the mission, the bombs and your family but after that you blacked out and more wasn’t there.
“Bucky we should go now. It’s been hours and we can’t let her lie here forever.“ Steve explained to him softly.
Your hands are cold as ice and the colour drained even more from your skin after monitor showed him the flatline. He didn’t want to let go but knew he had to. He couldn’t be this obsessed with you even after your death. He stood up while still holding you hand, looking back to you just to memorize your face for the last time. Steve waited with the guards besides him also waiting for him to leave and he were about to let go but he felt you hand grabbing his. His mind must have made this up. His eyes widened as you grip got tighter.
“Steve..“ he mumbled but didn’t dare to look back to him. He just stared at your intertwined hands with a shocked expression.
“Come on Bucky. Just let go“ his voice still mostly whispering as Steve stepped closer to Bucky and grabbed his shoulder lightly but as he turned him around a bit he noticed his state. 
“Buck? What is it?“ he asked worried about him.
“Look..she holds my hand“ he told him and Steve looked back to your hands but not with the response he thought he would get.
“That’s can happen after..someone died. It’s normal.“ he replied disappointed. They started to argue more and more about rather it’s normal or not.
Suddenly everything became to get more clear again. You could move your toes and your finger more and more. Your hand hold Bucky’s tighter hoping he would catch up. It’s time to wake up you thought and then your eyes shot open and you inhaled a sharp breath. Confronted with the shocked faces of Steve and Bucky. Everyone just stared at you and then the guards came running to you and pulled Steve and Bucky away from you. All of that happened so fast and now guns were pointed at you, the room lights up red and they started to yell at you.
As Bucky saw you waking up his heart literally skipped a beat and everything just stopped working. Your eyes went for a second completely black but turned back to normal. Still unsure if that is a dream or not he got pulled back with Steve from the guards and just landed with a thud on the floor, the lights turned red and a alarm sounded through the room. The guards surrounded your bed with guns pointing at you who tried to sat up from your bed. He still couldn’t believe that he saw you awake...or not? He wasn’t sure since he just saw you die a few hours ago.
You slowly lifted your arms in surrender as you were told and stood up from the bed. Your legs just gave in and the hurt slightly as you fell down just like you forgot to walk. Everything just became to much and the first tears welled in your eyes.
“S-Steve..?“ you tried to say but you throat felt like you didn’t drink for a straight year. Steve finally stepped in and after multiple times he got the guard to lower the guns again even if they highly disagreed with it. He slowly got to you and lifted you up just hugging you at first shortly and then sat you down on your bed again.
“Friday? Call everyone up here as soon as possible!“ he said in the dad voice you missed so much and looked back to Bucky who is now back to his feet just watching the scene in front of him. Not even a minute later doctors came sprinting in and also Tony, Nat, Wanda and the rest mostly stopping shocked. Tony came closer and closer as he just smiled with tears in his eyes and leaned over to hug you tightly.
“Don’t do this again!“ he mumbled in your ear and let go again. Wanda came next and you already opened your arms but didn’t came closer.
“What?” you asked smiling, still confused about everything and about her attitude. The tears didn’t stop and then Nat came into your sight but before she could reach you Bucky just stumbled through the crown and hugged you, almost taking your breath away. You didn’t even know him this much and also never knew that he is normally that close with people he doesn’t even really know but something just felt familiar and you hugged him back just as tight. All you worries faded as the rest hugged and greeted you too. 
Bruce came a little later strolling in still in work clothes even if it’s obviously dark outside and almost everyone is dressed in their pyjamas. He send the team and guards out again just a few doctors and nurses stayed to check you up. You didn’t know why everyone is this emotional about you being back even more Bucky but you missed them too. Still something didn’t felt right.
“(Y/N) welcome back. Good to see you!“ he told you firstly and hugged you just like the other did before he nodded for the nurses to come over to do their check up.
“Can you finally tell me what happened?” you asked finally Bruce hopefully for an answer.
“Well you laid in coma after the mission and that pretty long so because you signed this paper where stands to turn the machines off after your wish and that’s what we did...You passed away yesterday (Y/N) or we thought you did. We don’t really know yet what happened.” he tried to explain it to you in a softer voice knowing how it must sound to you.
“I-I passed away??..How long was I out?” your voice started to crack again and your head began to hurt. Not really believing everything.
“Like 10 months.” he just told you straight away and as you opened your mouth to ask more Steve came back in.
“At least you didn’t wake up after seventy year” he chuckled and hugged you again. It is probably the first time that he made a joke about it, it must have been bad if he did that.
“Very funny Steve. How long is Bucky even here? Is he ok?” you asked slightly changing the subject before you thought about the fact that you were gone for this long. Steve looked now way happier than as you saw him before. Still different but still the Steve you used to know.
“Yeah he is good. He has your room now but we’ll figure it out. Just concentrate on recovery” he turned back to Bruce and pulled him a little over to the side but you could still hear them. 
“Does she know?“ you heard Steve ask Bruce who just shook had head and nodded over to the nurses to do a check up. He thought that you didn’t notice but you always got your way to find things out you aren’t supposed to find out.
“Should I know something Steven?“ you asked and Steve knew that if you used that name that you were probably mad or just curious.
“There was a little accident but we’ll figure that out too“ he assured you but it didn’t change much if he said it like this. Before you could ask again you got interrupted by the doctor who asked you different questions and told you what to do. The nurses did everything they had to do and a young women checked your heartbeat she just looked confused and a little bit shocked. That kinda look is that could make you freak out.
“Dr. Banner I think you should check this.” she said looking back to him and handed him the stethoscope over.
“What is it?“ you asked worried looking between Bruce and Steve.
“Uhm..nothing. I could guess you are hungry?” he did it again. There had to be something if the nurse and Bruce shared the same expression but he was also right about the fact that you are hungry.
“Yes! Please“ you replied and as he turned to Steve again and told him something that was to inaudible for you he had this look on his face and Steve too. Something didn’t felt right. Bucky just stayed in the corner while the rest came walking in and out to talk more with you. Sometimes you would catch him glancing at you and you weren’t how to start a conversation with him but as soon as you tried the door would just open again. Bruce came finally back with your food after a what felt like an eternity.
“I didn’t really know what I should get you so I just took everything I saw you would like“ he explained and showed you the bags he brought with him. You smiled because all of the things he got you were mostly smoothies, salads, sandwiches and the other bag just full with candy, muffins and chocolate. Bucky who just made his way towards the door to leave you alone stopped as you called his name out.
“I just thought that maybe you wanna stay and eat something too?..Just if you want to“ you mumbled the last part nervously and he smiled finally and nodded.
“Yes sure..” he replied and sat on the chair he used to sit in. Steve didn’t want to tell him what is wrong after he and Bruce came out of the room again. He understood why but still not a good enough reason to not tell him.
“Let’s see what we have..Do you either want a sandwich or a muffin or-” you asked him, looking through the bags and he could feel how his smile grew each second you talked with him. Maybe the first moments of your conversations were uncomfortable but as soon as he sat down it was like you knew each other for years. He talked with you like he is used to Steve or even more intimate. That is just the start and both of you knew that there is more than just comfortable talks. You could almost say that you are soulmates, that you are supposed to find each other and neither of you even expected it. Bucky didn’t thought he would get this feeling again after all this years but here he is with a big smile on his face, a familiar and long lost feeling in his chest that just grew everytime you would smile or giggle or just how you would listen closely to him if he said something. How you fiddled with your fingers if you got nervous. All that and more he couldn’t get enough off.
“Bruce? or Tony, you have an explanation for that yet?“ Natasha asked coming into the Lab with the familiar sight of Tony and Bruce discussing things over and over again, to caught up with their technic than everything around them. Bruce finally looked up and just sighed and looked to Tony if he had an explanation.
“Penny for your thoughts?“ Wanda joined them finally needing and answer for things that happened and how you are still alive.
“(Y/N) is playing the walking dead right now..“ Tony said gulping harshly and Wanda just shot him an glance not really catching what he is trying to say.
“..her heart isn’t beating and we don’t know why“ Bruce explained what Tony was trying to do.
>>Next Part
Feedback appreciated!
xoxo Sophie
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spooky-shinx · 6 years
A cliche idea were the unsolved crew is shooting an episode in Nevada and after there done they decided to head over to Las Vegas and stay for a day to have some fun. What the boys didn’t expect was to wake up the next day to someone pounding on their hotel door. Ryan hopes whoever it is has something important to say because he has a major headache from the hangover and he feels like death. So he opens the door and there behind it is TJ who quickly says “I think Shane and you got married last night as a joke”. Ryan can’t believe it since alot of the night is a blur to him, but their tweets, Instagram stories, and Snapchats are enough proof to prove it.
• The crew is starting their night in Las Vegas off by drinking some drinks that turn into having a shot contest. Shane knocks Ryan’s glass out his hand because the shorter man is beating him. Ryan screams “Stop cheating you dick!” at a smirking Shane before playfully shoving the taller man as one of the unsolved crew guys laughs hitting post on his Instagram story.
• Shane and Ryan are at a Ghost busters slot machine when Shane tells the other man that if he wins then he’ll admit ghosts are real. Ryan just laughs as Shane puts some coins into the machine and it’s dumb luck, but he manages to win some cash his first spin and he throws his arm around Ryan screaming “GHOST ARE REAL RYAN” over and over. TJ smirks behind his phone because they finally have proof of Shane admitting that ghosts are real.
• There walking around Fremont street when Shane looks up and points to the zipline above them daring Ryan to get on that. Ryan looks up to and says yeah okay, I will fuck you. A few minutes later Shane is recording an Instagram story with him saying “It’s a bird it’s a plan no it’s just Ryan!” while pointing the camera at the shorter man as he zips by above Shane.
• They walking by a store that just so happens to have a life size cutout of Poe Dameron in front of it. There goes Shane skipping over to it and Ryan pulling out his phone to record this because omg Shane is fawning and declaring his undying love to a cardboard cutout. Ryan laughs telling Shane he’s an idiot, but Shane just tells the other man that he’s just jealous.
• There getting hot dogs when Shane all of a sudden starts singing songs by risky fix-ins and moving his hot dog in the air animating it to dance to his singing. Ryan just shakes his head telling Shane to “Shut the Fuck up"and the taller man just pulls Ryan into his side telling him “Come on Dr. Goondis sing with me”. The rest of the crew laughs as they record Ryan miserably trying to push Shane away while also trying to knock the hot dog out of his hand to get him to shut up.
• There at a party store looking through outfits when Shane puts on a detective hat and does a bad impersonation of C.C. Tinsely. Ryan laughs before grabbing a fake knife and playfully swinging it at Shane, slipping into his Ricky Goldsworth persona saying that C.C. Tinsely will never catch him and he’ll make sure of it. The crew takes pictures and records as the duo go around the store with Shane trying to get away from Ryan who is chasing him around with the fake knife.
• There still at the same party store when Shane pulls out a wedding dress and jokingly tells Ryan that he would look good in this. The other man tells him that he’s out of his mind, that he would never wear that. Shane is persistent on getting Ryan into it until the younger man tells him that he should try it on. Shane just looks down at him and tells him that they don’t have it in his size. Ryan laughs telling him good because Shane would look horrible in it. After that Shane drunk tweets saying that “@ryansbergara is mean and told me I would not look good in a wedding dress ); you guys think I would?”
• That shenanigan ends with them bringing up that getting hitched in Vegas is a myth and not real, after discussing it Shane pulls out his phone. He presses record and tells the audience that on this special episode of Unsolved the Ry guy and him will be investigating if getting married in Las Vegas is easy and legit as the movies make it seem. That by the end of it they will prove that the movies were bullshit and that this will finally be there first solved case.
• They find another party store and Shane is still determined to get Ryan in a dress again saying it would be hilarious for their fake wedding. But Ryan ain’t budging and turns to the phone camera that one of the crew members is holding up recording saying that Shane is insane and who in their right mind would want to marry someone like him. They end up leaving the store with just tuxedo jackets and bow ties, which looks really stupid on them since their both wearing just jeans and regular shoes.
• An hour later someone records them at a store were they are looking through mood rings and Shane is telling everyone that Ryan has baby hands and that they need to find the smallest ring for him so he doesn’t lose it. Ryan just smacks Shane’s arm declaring loudly that he does not have baby hands and that Shane is a dick.
• They find themselves in a toy store that Ryan insist they go into when they suddenly see a Paddington doll. Ryan is ecstatic and even more so when Shane suggests that the doll be their best man at their wedding. Which makes Ryan scream “OMG YES”. TJ is butthurt behind his phone he’s using to record the scene, telling them “No way I’m y'all guys best man!” But Ryan ignores him as he strides over to the counter to ask the guy behind it if they sell tuxedos for bears.
• Ryan and Shane are holding hands, swinging them while they walk down the street ahead of everyone else loudly singing “Marry You” by Bruno Mars. Little do they know that TJ and the rest of the crew all have their phones out recording it while they laugh at the duo.
• They end up at a chapel and everyone from the unsolved crew is randomly taking pictures and recording videos of Shane and Ryan at the front who are laughing as they say their vows to each other and exchange mood rings. Which ends with Shane giving Ryan a sloppy kiss on the cheek and the shorter man picking up the Paddington doll, that he place in the middle of them on the chapel, and throwing it into the crowd as a bouquet. Then Shane attempts to pick Ryan up bridal style, but accidentally drops the other man. He laughs pulling Ryan up from the ground saying “whoops my bad” and Ryan just glares at him saying “You dick, I want a divorce”.
• The last tweet of the night is a picture of their left hands together showing there mood rings on their ring fingers. Shane posts it with the caption “Just got hitched with @ryansbergara. Ha yeah right! We proved that Las Vegas weddings are bullshit. Case Solved!”.
Ryan is mortified. He’s never gotten this many notifications in his life on social media. He’s also never gotten so many text messages from friends, family, and colleagues that are either congratulating him or asking if this is a joke. He looks over to Shane who’s been awfully quite about this whole thing. There currently trying to figure out if the marriage certificate they got is fake or not. Shane claims it’s fake and that these cheap easy marriage chapels are just ways to snag money out of wasted people like them. But Ryan isn’t sure because the certificate looks way to legit. It’s got everything convincing on it, and even has TJ and a few of the others signatures on it to prove they were witnesses ,which TJ apologizes for multiple times. Ryan hopes to god that this is fake because he has no idea what is going to happen to them and their show if it is real.
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buttercream-me-up · 7 years
Happy New Years // Conor Maynard
Word Count- 1892

Summary- Your friend drags you to a New Year’s Eve party, and you have to sing karaoke with someone you’ve never met before. 
Warnings; A few swear words & Alcohol consumption. (Idk if that’s needed as a warning but oh well)

A/n; Got this idea from High School Musical, one of my all-time favorites growing up. It’s inspired by the first song scene. Feedback is always appreciated, and enjoy x
Requested; Nope, Just an idea I had. Requests are always open, though!
“Let’s go Y/N!” Y/B/F cried, exasperated you were taking so long. “I still don’t understand why I have to go to this stupid party thing.” You complained, finishing the last touches on your makeup, and nodding at yourself in approval. “Because if I have to suffer, you do too! You can’t let me suffer alone, it’s against the best friends rules!” She said, rolling her eyes. You just gave her a ‘really, what are you, 3?’ look, and she shrugged, slipping on her heels.
Your best friend, Y/B/F, and her parents were going to a party for New Year’s Eve. You knew faintly it was a sort of ‘business’ party, so they had a separate area for partying, as well as a conference type room. Why? You had absolutely no idea, to you it was quite pointless, but it was required of the family to go, which you also didn’t really understand considering it was holiday, but you were being dragged along and that’s the only thing you were focused on.
You rolled your eyes but still you followed suit, slipping on your heels and followed her out the door. You climbed in the back of her parents car, you two singing to the songs that had come on the radio the whole way down to the party. Before you knew it, you were at the party and you couldn’t have been more surprised. There were plenty of people around your ages, and plenty of cute guys as well. You were pleasantly surprised.
You and Y/B/F walked into the party, grabbing some drinks and dancing to the music being played in the room. Y/B/F’s parents had long since gone, and you two were genuinely enjoying yourselves. That was until you felt a blinding light fall upon you amongst the multiple people in the crowd. You faintly felt yourself being pushed to the center of the dance floor to a small platform. The light followed you, making it nearly impossible to see, but you felt someone reach out and pull you up to the platform.
You saw two microphones in front of you, and frowned. You had to sing. When someone else stepped on the platform realization hit you. It was even worse than singing. You had to sing with a stranger. “I really don’t..” You tried to say, trying to excuse yourself, but the announcer was having none of it. He pushed you and the boy you were singing with up to the mics and smiled. “Someday, you two will thank me for this.” He said, walking off. “Or not.” He muttered, under his breath, but the two of you heard and scoffed.
“Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you
I drink too much
And that's an issue, but I'm okay
Hey, you tell your friends
It was nice to meet them
But I hope I never see them again”
You were surprised by his quick confidence. This boy had an amazing voice, no doubt. It was so raw, you were almost instantly shy. You weren't shy usually, and you loved singing, but your voice was nowhere near as good as this boys and now you felt mortified you had to try and match his vocals. You would just have to sing along and hope for the best, you supposed.
“I know it breaks your heart
Moved to the city in a broke-down car
And four years, no calls
Now you're lookin' pretty in a hotel bar
And I-I-I can't stop
No, I-I-I can't stop”
The boy was smiling at the crowd as they began to gather around the small platform. You were looking shyly at your shoes, while he was dancing along to the music playing in the background. You certainly didn’t have enough drinks to feel that confident, but something about the way he moved made it seem he was almost 100% sober.
“So, baby, pull me closer
In the backseat of your Rover
That I know you can't afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Pull the sheets right off the corner
Of the mattress that you stole
From your roommate back in Boulder
We ain't ever getting older
We ain't ever getting older
We ain't ever getting older”
He sang perfectly with the song, not having to look up at the lyrics on the screen once. As he sang, you glanced up at him, only to see him looking at you with something you couldn’t really decipher. A mixture of emotions swirled in his stunning blue eyes. You returned your gaze to your shoes, not daring to look into his eyes anymore, scared of losing yourself in the swirls of hypnotizing blue.
“You look as good as the day I met you
I forget just why I left you, I was insane
Stay and play that Blink-182 song
That we beat to death in Tucson, okay”
You sang lightly, trying your best not to freak out and run off stage. You took a deep breath, trying to conceal the shaking of your knees and the looks of the many eyes watching you perform. You looked at the boy, who was now looking at you concerned. “Are you okay?” He mouthed, and you gave a weak smile and nodded, returning to the song.
“I know it breaks your heart
Moved to the city in a broke-down car
And four years, no call
Now I'm lookin' pretty in a hotel bar
And I-I-I can't stop
No, I-I-I can't stop”
You sang, slowly getting more confident as you proceeded. No one was booing you, so that was a good sign. In fact, people looked in awe of the two of you. You looked at the boy and gave him a grateful smile, to which he returned a reassuring one.
“So, baby, pull me closer
In the backseat of your Rover
That I know you can't afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Pull the sheets right off the corner
Of the mattress that you stole
From your roommate back in Boulder
We ain't ever getting older
We ain't ever getting older
We ain't ever getting older”
You both sang in sync, looking into each other’s eyes. You could’ve sworn it was a scene straight out of a movie. You couldn’t explain the feeling you felt at that moment. You felt as though a magnet was pulling you towards him. You couldn’t get enough, and wanted desperately to close the distance between you two. He was addicting, and you didn’t even know his name.
“We ain't ever getting older
(No, we ain't ever getting older)
We ain't ever getting older
(No, we ain't ever getting older)
We ain't ever getting older
(We ain't ever getting older)
We ain't ever getting older
(No, we ain't ever getting older)
(We ain't ever getting older)
(No, we ain't ever getting older)”
 You finished the song with goofy smiles on both of your faces, and looks of adoration in both of your eyes. You two gave a quick bow to the cheering crowd, and you stepped off stage, turning to each other. “I’m Y/N.” “I’m Conor.” You two said at the same time, making the two of you chuckle. “You have a beautiful voice.” You complimented him, smiling brightly. “As do you.” He replied, smirking. “What are you, a prince?” You joked at his posh reply. “Perhaps, if I’m your prince.” “Smooth.” You smirked, both of you chuckling.
“Well my dear princess, care to dance?” He asked, holding out a hand and making a grand gesture like the princes in movies. “But of course, my prince.” You teased back, slipping your hand in his as he pulled you to the dance floor.
He kissed the top your hand lightly, keeping a serious expression on his face, that is until you both looked into each others eyes and burst out laughing. You two danced together, getting a few drinks here and there. You weren’t drunk, but you weren’t sober either. The music faded, leaving you confused, until you heard the crowd begin to count down. “5.. 4.. 3..” You turned to Conor, smiling sheepishly.
“2.. 1..” You looked into Conor’s eyes, about to speak, when a sudden burst of confidence washed over you and you grabbed Conor’s shirt collar, pulling him down to your height (as you were shorter), and smashed your lips on his. He reacted immediately, kissing you back. You felt butterflies in your stomach, damn, was he a good kisser. Before the kiss got heated, you pulled away, panting. “Happy New Year.” You whispered in sync, again, and chuckled breathlessly.
The two of you danced a bit more, singing along to the songs and forgetting you weren’t alone. After you started to wind down and got tired, you sat on one of the couches provided and just talked about anything and everything. You learned so much about each other, you may as well have grown up together. Before you knew it, it was 4am.
Your friend stumbled drunkenly through the crowd, gripping your shoulders tightly to balance herself. “Y/NNNNN” She slurred, clearly having had way too much to drink. She pulled you out of Conor’s arms, and you almost whined at the loss of contact. “It’s time to goooooooooooo” She said, barely able to stand up straight. You frowned, looking at Conor who mirrored your expression. You bit your lip, then an idea popped into your head and you smiled slightly.
You pulled out your phone, unlocking it and opening a new contact. You had him enter his phone number, and sent himself a text so he got your number. You were about to drag Y/B/F out the door to the car, when you grabbed Conor and pulled him in for one more quick kiss goodbye. “See you around.” You muttered against his lips. You pulled away, winked at him and left with Y/B/F.
She attempted to ask you about your mystery guy, but could barely speak a single letter clearly, and gave up. You got her safely into the car, where she almost instantly passed out. You sighed, shaking your head. Your phone buzzed, and you furrowed your brows confused. You pulled it out and instantly laughed at the contact name that was displayed on your screen.
Super hot sexy ass talented singer boy 😍❤️💍: You and me. Starbucks. 12pm tomorrow. Be ready, I’ll pick you up, if you tell me your address. X
You: First of all, Miss me already? Second of all, Clearly someone had fun making up a contact name, and finally, are you asking me or telling me?
Super hot sexy ass talented singer boy 😍❤️💍: First of all, yes. Second of all, you know you love it. Finally, Depends. Are you going to say yes if I ask?
You: Touché.. Let me check my schedule 😉
You: Looks like I can squeeze you in at 12, see you then “Super hot sexy ass talented singer boy”.
Super hot sexy ass talented singer boy 😍❤️💍: I’m proud to be given the honor that is your time. Until then, my princess.
You smiled as Y/B/F’s parents dropped you off at your house, you said your thanks and goodbyes, and went straight up to bed, seeing as everyone else in the house was already asleep. You reread the texts, you’d only met this guy tonight and you already felt something you’d never felt before. That night, you fell asleep with a smile and a final thought before drifting off. You had a feeling this was going to be a great year, and this was the start of something new.
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hgfstreamchats · 4 years
El Arca
Hello! Hello there! paused Castlevania for christian lion sex Castlevania would understand. but they just found the giant demon that I very much wish to smooch!!! Is the sound functioning? tis! Excellent! Oh, there we go Sound seems okay Well, in that case, I won't delay! Onto the lions we go. It was being... "funny" he wants a cursed kids show he should go watch donkey ollie agin Deleting my messages and so on OH NO NOAHS ARK Ahh, I see you're ahead of the game! I'm deeply suspicious already. did Saberspark ever upload his edited version that includes *all* the jokes You'll love it, night human. It's got lovingly rendered animal excrement. No, but this is the uncut version. oh good Jesus it does not help that they have regular human hands youre gonna see chicken strips, night When you say "chicken strips"... do you mean that a chicken strips? you'll see mr.... noseybonk.... jesus fucking christ And fire. Uh.... yeaah that's about normal for discord servers As you can see, we're off to a great start. prostitutes thinkin he's Zeus
Ha! HAH! I really dont wanna see that one dude's teeth like that again This seems.  Familiar but not too familiar.... Oh man you are NOT gonna like what happens to those trees when they get soaked in seawater. the children are brats she's dumping him lmao Good for her! This is perverse. "are you... the devil" It really is. Especially your grandparents' trees. -calmly- "that's enough :)" And all those slaves you went into debt to free. I mean hey, at least the debt will be gone too! "what do you mean, the fuck do I know about boatbuilding" That's something! "well then. we're all going to die!" "Oh, finally!" "haha, we're all going to die" Oh. Well, that answers that. this is.... surprisingly well done "No more, no less. I want lots of sickly, genetically doomed animals in this new world." Is this some kind of... antisemitic caricature Probably. "kind of making me feel inadequate" chicken strips! Still less self-centered and malevolent than Primus. Pffff Okay, so, chickens don't have... mammaries.  So is this some kind of weird roleplaying thing? Are the chickens furries?? He's summoned as many animals as he knows how to spell. Sorry, Xoloitzcuintli. this movine needs to slow the fuck down oh my god official favorite character I like how he spent valuable time illustrating each one. "I am SO going to this sex resort" She looks awfully happy for someone who just learned everyone she knows is going to die in a flood And the parents look awfully happy for people who just learned THEY'RE going to die in a flood they're going to spend the end times fragging I would. ...And did, come to think of it. Ayyyy. Her? Ahhh, a liar. I like him! I love her They're one another's beards for the sake of surviving the flood. And that's wonderful. True. Who made that chair. some of these animals are super uggo Wait, did both of those kangaroos have pouches? Hang on, were those--yeah, that They do! lesbians I support them The orangutans weren't the only ones to beat the system. Maybe they're pregnant That'd explain how come there's still kangaroos Ironically, if they got pregnant by different parents, they'd be the most genetically diverse species in the world. *partners Yes, exactly! "what was that last one 8)" ...Want to know a fun fact about kangaroos :) that they have multiple vaginas? ...Yes. that still fucks me up Their genitals are positioned in reverse? Oh, that. All this out of a patch of trees? They are PROUD of that model Y'know, you'd think that a LOT of other people would have survived.  There was more than one boat in the world at the time this is set Okay so what ARE the carnivores going to eat idk why they call her fat. she's got an ass that just don't quit and I think that lion;s a fool for choosing some other lioness But the other one has tiddies.  Lion tiddies. And a clever mouth, apparently. Where's the pig's partner? he is a bi disaster The male lion, I mean he is He'd be dead after that. But what ARE the predators going to eat There was a single, doddering old lion in the group. Maybe they're going to divide him up? Write up her report. "Write up my report" = "Legitimately weighing my choices between mating with you or a watery death." Harsh but fair. Ahhh, Perfect Storm-ing it. Well well well. "See, I'd rather room with that tiger" Hello! Hello! Hello, sorry I'm late--is this that weirdo Noah's Ark furry disaster?! It is! It IS Damn "hey do you guys hear music" ....Carrion. *Dear Unicron, are they feeding on the drowned corpses of the dead?* .... oh hey it's the vampires' plan from castlevania Oh hey, that's a possibility They bob right by and they just scoop them up. It makes as much sense as anything else Although, after forty days... reptile room Heheheheh those snakes just wanted to mlem!!!! hahahah "woah that is NOT the letter I got" okay well that explains how the carnivores arre geting fed FEESH Oh right I guess the carnivores are eating fish Fish aren't people! Considering they haven't broken out into an orgy, I'd say they're showing surprising restraint. a least he feels bad about it She has lipstick THATS THE SECOND TIME They... both have pouches. The good ship Bad Decisions in action The kangaroos got away with it. thats way more than two chickens though I guess to be fair eggs are necessary "THEN we can eat them" FISH AND EGGS YOU DUMB LASS this dude has the right idea What...w as that what is ANY of this Who even knows? Where's your *one* female? I like that he's buds with the pig trying to think of what a panlion would look like given ligers and tigons exist she's giving u the key to her vag I wonder where the male panther is https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/39/Leopon01.jpg Found some. oh cute! Huh. In this scene: shadows are rendered. I'm sorry is her name "panty" Panthy, I think, but that's still BAD How charming and necessary. Wow, what a necessary scene those jerks should be thankful the raccoons helped them out All that craftsmanship and you couldn't rig the piles and piles of excrement to dump neatly into the water? nah that'd be too easy Ease of cleanup and sticking it to your god at the same time. Bah I bet he's not even dead that's three Oh no, they kicked the ladder down.  How will he ever get out now he pinched a tiger's rear Does it even matter who steers, I mean none of them know where they're going "quick, smear this blood on your tits" lock him in the slammer oh so that's why it matters whether they can steer Where's he going to pause or rest? ... this is the worst haka I've ever seen doc I'm begging you to look up real hakas after this film to cleanse my eyes Will do. hahahah That was dark. "surrender, we can have a threesome" how convenient Already so many rabbits Monarchy or cannibalism.  The only two choices. "You're here even though you got to this point in your life without knowing fire does that!" "did that lion just look at me?" holy shit lmao It gets caught in a southwesterly breeze and the ship goes up in flames. hukkhhkhkjhjk well the polar bears will be fine! Right? well I guess it woulkdnt be a south american made film without a huge party at the end Uh They're.  Making her cage dance? I don't think they're making her do a thing LOL ALSO I'M SORRY WERE THE DONKEY AND DEER DOING IT IN THE CONGA LINE They've told her multiple times she's free to leave that cage. that was Well, then! look at that dummy thick jaguar That sure did happen That WAS. Let us be thankful it is over That certainly was a thing that happened. now for a much needed reprieve Peel off the tracksuits. I've seen some vids of the womens soccer team from NZ doing hakas and it's absolutely great Much better than the orangutan doing it. for sure Oh, good, she's sixteen Yikes Ewwwwwww I will be honest I thought this was going to be an LP a Planet Coaster thing It's exactly that, but you know...real. God "due to tax state regulation" ...oh, I bet that was LAX state regulation He's clearly someone who has any business demanding "the prettiest girl." [wasted] The advice in question" "Don't" Right? "We are smarter than everyone and that's why we're building the MURDERCOASTER" That one got to live. that kid's smart Apathetic Child is the smartest one in the video. Well that's not good jesus christ is that blood It is. They certainly did show those idiot mathematicians, physicists, and engineers. JESUS CHRIST Jesus Questions about the inspection process. Something special. "We all have something special to hold onto." Like a severed head. christ I'm gonna bump out for now. take caare all! Goodnight! Good night! Wait, did we watch the roller coaster one? I know I've seen THIS one... hmmmm Oh!  With the giant hole! The giant body trench? Yes! Glorious! In that case, I'm all out of light notes to end on. Suggestions? SNL What's That Name? We could just browse this channel a little bit and look for one we haven't seen! All the ones I've seen have been... fun. This, then we'll browse the channel. I'm for it. God Hahhahaha Ohhh boy Finish that thought God They all look good tbh. True, true. Fire.  I like it. Now I'm slightly nostalgic for Interface on Wheels. Do tell! Ohhhh I've forgotten everything about the game save that my city was called that. Just imagine driving through this place I will not. Well then. Drive into the Void. Hey, it makes sense, you can bet on the games. I'm curious to see how the fire's going to happen. I mean, they seem to be happening on their own just fine Lovely. Oh no!  The orphanage! It's Little Lamplight! Hey, I'm up for another if you are. same! Excellent! THIS is the one. Ha! Dear lord. It lives there now. This is like bizarro Ratatouille It's majestic. How else will the customers get their daily dose of broken glass? So ungrateful \o/ Yes.  Yessss. One more? Sure! Yes. And why wouldn't it be. I like how carefully they rendered the butt. Priorities. VERISIMILITUDE I've known medbay Eradicons that would if they could. Amazing. Oh Boy As a doctor, I can verify every single thing about this. I love it. I love their walk animations.  It's like they're on roller skates. It does! or those wheelieshoes Heelies! yes! those. 24/7 Are those bloodstains Oh yes. Uh oh! I like the blow dryer next to her bed. Amazing. The only note worth ending on, something terrible happening to Grace. You might even call it... a Grace note. ;) Terrible. Shame on you. I love it. It's what I'm here for! It is, in fact, your saving grace HAH! :D Although, frankly, I don't think ANYONE'S saving Grace. She had her chance to run. She sure did. Well--thanks for the stream!  It's been a great time, as usual. :) Thank YOU for gracing me with your presence! Ha! Good night! good night! Good night!
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