#just my luck to get sick on the eve of a holiday
cockslutpadalecki · 1 year
Driving Home For Christmas
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Summary: You’ve been avoiding spending any special occasion with your father ever since Steve became part of the family, but after many years of excuses, you find yourself back at home, and very much the subject of Steve’s affections.
Characters: Stepbrother!Steve x F!Reader.
Words: 2.5K.
Warnings: stepcest, step-sibling relationship, explicit sexual content, female masturbation, hate masturbation :), semi-public sexual acts, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it kids), 18+. MINORS DNI.
A/N: Formerly a Patreon exclusive. Unbetaed so all errors, spelling mistakes and general bullshit are entirely mine. While likes are gold, feedback is golden. Please support our content creators by sharing our work.
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“... Make my wish come true. Baby, all I want for Christmas... is—”
You quickly shut off the radio with a heavy sigh. Sick to death of the constant deluge of Christmas songs filling up every station you switch to, you wish you had taken up your father’s offer to replace your banged up old Buick with something newer. You would’ve taken anything that had a Bluetooth connection at this point, just so you don’t have to spend the next four and a half hours sitting in silence as you reluctantly drive home for the holidays. You don’t need to be in a foul mood before you even arrive.
Spending three secluded weeks holed up with your father and stepmom is bad enough. With the usual no-holds barred questioning about your love life that they expected you to respond to with no hesitation, you can deal with their overwhelming interest in your life. The worst thing of all would be having to spend those same three weeks in the presence of your elusive step-brother. 
Steve Rogers is a real piece of work. An asshole right to the root, his cocksure attitude and poor treatment of women poisons him all the way to rotting petals that are on the verge of wilting. He’s half the reason you always make excuses to avoid Brooklyn when your father asks you when you’ll be visiting, not wanting to sour your trip or free time with Steve’s venomous personality. 
Ever since you got accepted as an intern at a subsidiary of Stark Industries based in Ithaca, you did everything you could to get out of making the arduous trip home— birthdays, anniversaries, thanksgivings, even last Christmas became a battle between you, your father and his attempts of wanting to celebrate any special occasion with his only child. Phone calls would often end with him threatening to drive to Ithaca and bring you home himself, but he never did. The stubbornness you inherited came from him, and while it came in handy sometimes, you would often bash heads because of it. 
This year however, you’ve run out of excuses. No more, “working overtime,” or, “my roommate went through a bad break up,” to get them off your case. You had well and truly exhausted every feasible lie, and ever since you agreed to spend the holiday season with them, you’ve ha an overwhelming case of nausea idling in your gut. 
And when you pull up into the grand driveway leading up to your father’s estate, the weight in your stomach feels heavier than lead.
“Well, well my little thorn is back for the holidays.” 
There it is. That deep, Brooklyn drawl you’ve spent trying to drown out with all nighters, tequila shots and some incredibly bad decisions. 
“This is certainly gonna be a Christmas to remember.” And again.
You thought your luck had changed when you arrived late on Tuesday night. With no sight of Steve’s flashy Porsche in the driveway, you believed you might’ve escaped having to spend time with your conceited step-brother after all. Yesterday was spent happily reacquainting yourself with your parents without Steve’s scathing remarks and flirty stares across the room.
But when you wake up this morning, a casual glance out of the window reveals Steve’s car parked up next to yours, and it changes your mood instantly. You do your best to avoid him, sneaking around the house while you try to make breakfast as quietly as you can, but clearly his mission was to find you in this unofficial game of Hide and Seek.
You turn away from the sink, leaving your dirty plate to soak, and catch sight of Steve leaning against the kitchen door frame, arms crossed over his broad chest. The black t-shirt he’s wearing is far too tight and his biceps bulge beneath the fabric straining over his muscles. 
Has he been working out? 
“Hello Steven,” you mutter. A sadistic swell of amusement toys with the corners of your lips as you watch him stiffen at the sound of his name rolling off your tongue like bitter lemon. He hates that you always call him Steven, but that’s why you do it. To prove to him that his charms no longer work on you. That ship sailed years ago. 
“How’s Mr. Stark treating you?” Hope he’s not working you too hard,” he asks, but there’s a distinct lack of genuine interest in your career.
“I don’t report to h— y’know, never mind,” you sigh. “Since when do you care?” 
“C’mon, I gotta make sure my little sister is taken care of, y’know?” He grins wide. “Make sure someone sees to the stick stuck up your ass.”
Your jaw tightens at his words, muttering “fuck you,” under your breath as you stalk past him, hoping he won’t follow. No such luck. 
Steve’s aftershave catches up to you before he does— the woody, leather scent burrowing into your veins like a parasite. “You know I happily would,” he teases, “again.”
You stop in your tracks, hand already poised on the banister, and turn to face him before you ascend the stairs. His bright blue eyes shine up at you, and you can feel the knot in your lower belly begin to tighten. 
The voluptuous redhead dangling off of Steve’s arm looks like she’s been plucked right out of his wet dreams. Her dress clings to every curve her body has to offer, and the plunging neckline leaves nothing to the imagination as she follows him around the room, smiling wide when he introduces her to the slew of guests there at her parents’ behest. 
You spend half the night with your lips wrapped around the rim of a champagne glass, the crisp bubbles numbing your tongue as you follow the servers from person to person, grabbing a fresh glass before you’ve even finished with your previous one. Your father catches you in the act from time to time, giving you a wary glance before flashing you a kind smile, just thankful to have you home for Christmas. 
After an hour spent listening to your step-mom trying to set you up with Bucky, Steve’s equally egotistical best friend, you retreat to the bar in the hopes that being hidden in the corner of the room will keep you away from more potential awkwardness trying to make small talk with someone you have very little interest in. 
But as if on cue, you make eye contact with Steve across the room and you watch your step brother lean towards his date, and whisper something in her ear before leaving the redhead to sip on her wine alone.
You do what you can to keep your gaze fixed elsewhere as Steve heads towards you, his lips quirked permanently into a sly grin. 
Reaching you, he taunts casually, “where’s your date?” as he leans over the bar next to you. 
He’s too close for your liking, the brush of his arm against yours making small bolts of electricity spark in your veins. 
“Whiskey neat,” he mutters quietly to the bartender before turning his attention back to you. You can feel his stare hot on your skin, his eyes no doubt on the sweetheart neckline of your dress, giving him the perfect view of your cleavage.
“Didn’t want one.” You shift on your stool, changing positions. “Unlike you, I don’t need to keep my reputation afloat by fucking my way through Manhattan.” 
Steve scoffs. “It’s more of a lifestyle than a reputation.” 
“Ass,” you grumble into the rim of your glass, the sweetness of the rosé cleansing the back of your throat of champagne bitterness.
“I remember there was a time you loved my ass,” he retorts. “And those scratch marks you left on it.”
You feel your body twitch at the mention of the night you foolishly spent together three years ago. Steve has never let it go. Loves bringing it up at every available opportunity. You thought once you had slept together, he would back off— instantly bored of you once he’d got his dick inside you, but somehow it has just fuelled him even more.
“I wonder,” Steve shifts, using his elbow to prop himself against the bar to face you, “does your pussy still do that amazing fluttering thing when you come?” 
Your face flushes hot at his words, your cunt clenching around nothing as you fight to keep your stare elsewhere, knowing if you look at him you might not be able to control yourself. Wetness gathers between the apex of your thighs and you have to swallow down the increased moisture clinging to the back of your throat. 
Quickly, you slip off your stool, muttering, “I need the bathroom,” without so much as glancing back at him.
You have no idea how long you spend in the bathroom, staring at your clammy brow in the mirror while trying to convince yourself to leave the facilities. This is exactly why you don’t want to be here— despising the way Steve constantly and so easily gets under your skin. 
The door clicks gently closed behind you as you exit, the soft sound of orchestral music floating up from the floor below and over the balcony in front of you. You slump against the mahogany, letting out a heavy sigh as you attempt to psych yourself up to make your way back downstairs, and hopefully avoid Steve for the rest of the night. 
A deep, “The appetisers not agree with you?” cuts through your trance. 
Christmas miracles don’t happen, after all. You close your eyes for a brief moment, breathing out deeply through your nose before opening them again. 
“Don’t be so crass,” you eventually rebuke, giving the blue-eyed devil a side glance. Casually leaning against the wall with his hands stuffed in his pockets, a wide smirk pulls at his lips. 
God, I hate him.
You quickly push yourself off of the expensive wood, and almost run past him to head back towards the stairs, but Steve quickly follows behind.
“You were in there for quite some time,” he observes. 
“Had to powder my cheeks,” you say flippantly over your shoulder.
“Oh, see I figured that after our little chat, you had to excuse yourself for, y’know, personal reasons.” 
You stop dead, whirling around on your heels to face him. “Don’t flatter yourself, Steven.” 
He takes a step towards you as you shuffle backwards and eventually you collide with the pillar behind you, the smooth marble cold against your back. 
“Don’t tell me you never think about that night,” Steve whispers, his icy cerulean stare piercing your soul. His body quickly closes the already narrow gap between you, and slowly swipes his hand down your bare arm, making you shiver. “That you don’t touch yourself thinking about how how good it felt when I was inside you, how hard I made you come—”
“I— I don’t.” 
He moves closer still, so close now that his lips are inches from grazing yours. “Don’t lie to yourself, I think about it all the time,” he admits softly. “The way you called my name, that cute little whine when I kissed that special spot on your neck—”
Steve’s fingers smooth softly over the waist of your dress and down to the slit open across your thigh. Heat begins to blossom in the pit of your stomach, the resulting warmth causing your cunt to dampen.
“Stop,” you plead with a whisper. 
“Don’t make me stop now,” he says. “I know you don’t want me to.” 
He pulls away from you hastily, spinning you around to face the balcony, your eyes on the unassuming crowd below you. From this vantage point, the plush white Christmas garland hanging from the railings conceals you somewhat, knowing that if anyone were to look up, they’d only see as far as your waist for which you’re grateful. 
As you grab hold of the balcony in front of you, you spot the redhead being shamelessly hit on by Bucky, and Steve slips his hand under the fabric of your dress, manipulating its way past the hem of your panties. You suck in a sharp breath when his skin finally skims yours, fingers brushing through your damp folds. 
“Fuck,” he hisses into your ear. Your thighs instinctively tense as Steve starts working you open— just the tips at first, then as you warm to his touch, he manages to inch them in a little further, but there’s still resistance. “C’mon sis, let me in.” 
Shifting your weight, you slowly edge your feet apart, and Steve’s fingers easily slide in right up to the knuckle. The hard pressure of his palm nudging your clit makes you whine under your breath as he places his feet between yours to keep your legs spread.
“There we go,” he praises. “Shit, how’d you always feel so fuckin’ good?”
Steve’s fingers begin to move, your slick soaking his digits each time he drives them back into you. You’re stunned that even though it’s been three years since that drunken mistake— and countless women for him later— he still remembers every dip and ridge inside you that makes your toes curl. It’s almost as if he studied your body with minute precision, determined to pull every strand of ecstasy from you with just his skilled fingertips.
“Oh god, Steve,” you whimper, clutching onto the balcony for stability. Each drive and retreat of his fingers sends you spiralling, and combined with the added pressure against your clit, your core is alight in seconds. 
“You gonna come?” he teases over your shoulder. “All over my fingers, in front of all these people?”
His lips graze along the curve of your neck until he reaches the spot he remembers, placing a firm but delicate kiss to your skin. And with a whine, you do just as he predicts. The levee inside you breaks, and you surrender to your climax in a mass of hushed expletives and trembling limbs.
Steve suddenly shifts behind you, lifting the back of your dress with his spare hand before hooking your panties to one side with such fluidity, it’s almost like he’s practised this. Slipping his fingers from your sopping cunt, you huff at the loss before they’re replaced with something much thicker.
“Told ya this was gonna be a Christmas to remember,” he laughs, one hand splayed across your belly while the other is curled around your hip as he prepares to pull you back onto his cock.
You hold your breath as he enters you, only releasing it when you feel the taut muscles of his lower stomach pressing firm against your ass, and the fullness of his length stretches you to your limits. You hate how good he feels, how he was made to be inside you, but for now you’ll push away your disdain for the man behind you, and let him take whatever the hell he wants. 
ALL CE: @buckymydarlingangel @broadwaybabe18 @captain-asguard @chamberofsloths @cevansgurl @dreamlessinparis @deanwinchesterswitch @fandom-princess-forevermore @hurricanerin @jvstjewels @kellhems @la-cey @ladybug05 @livstilinski @ladydmalfoy @mugi-chwan95 @navybrat817 @otomefromtheheart @oneoftheprettynerds @patzammit @rebel-stardust @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @sammykb1994 @syrenavenger @straywords @saiyanprincessswanie @sunwardsss @selfsun @threeminutesoflife @vicmc624 @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @wintasssoldier @xoxonotme
4EVS: @amirra88 @andreasworlsboring101 @b3autyfuldisast3r @cheesyclaire @chibijusstuff @callsignrambam @dangertoozmanykids101 @daughterofthenight117 @doozywoozy @foxyjwls007 @geekofmanyforms @heyyouwiththeassbutt @i-opened-the-chamber-of-secrets @ilovefanfic86 @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay @letsby @letsdisneythings @labella420 @mogaruke @maliburenee @notyourtypicalrose @nik2writes @obsessivelycapricious @patrick-hockslutter @princessmisery666 @phildunphyisadilf @roxyfan14-blog @sage-writing @sea040561 @sweeterthanthis @slutformarvelmen @simpformarvelmenandwoman @smokeandnailz @stoneyggirl @stoneyggirl2 @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91​ @thegirlnextdoorssister @unfortunate-brat @wayward-dreamer @warriorqueen1991 @xoxabs88xox
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soobpricity · 6 months
this year to save me from tears, i’ll give it to someone special - choi soobin
kinda established relationship
yn has had not the greatest luck with their exs, so this year they find themselves hesitating to spend christmas with soobin. however, soobin’s words of comfort bring yn to have some holiday spirit.
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soobin’s hands run through your hair, your head placed in his lap. the two of you bursting out into laughter as you fell witness to the silly little moment that the christmas movie granted onto the two of you. a happy, joyful smile sat on your face as the movie came to an end. you and soobin stayed in your positions for awhile, hesitant to even get up. the both of you just loved to bask in the other’s presence.
you and soobin were friends since a few years ago. on christmas eve, soobin remembered the minute that he walked out of his house to throw away the garbage that his family had compiled, he spotted you sitting down on a metal bench. a glossy layer was visible on your eyes. a painted night sky, white shimmer appearing in the sky. as small yet cold snowflakes fell from the sky, two inches or rather 5 centimeters of snow covered the ground. piling up on every item that was outdoors.
“you really shouldn’t be out here, much less out sitting on that bench.. it must be freezing.” he commentated. your eyes flickered up, seeing the blonde headed boy staring right at your hands which were tucked under your arms. he noticed a red tint begin to appear on your hands, signifying that you were definitely being exposed to the cold and it was for sure effecting you.
“i’ll be fine.” you reply, moving your gaze back to your lap. looking at the ground. playing stubborn, refusing to go back inside your home where your boyfriend had just broken up with you in front of your family. they had done a great job at defending you, asking how he could even dare to show up to your family’s house only to break up with their family member in front of their eyes. and while it felt nice to have some backup, the pressure of all the embarrassment made you excuse yourself for a moment of fresh air.
soobin moved to sit right beside you, removing his puffy jacket, placing it on your shoulders. he also removed his favorite beanie that he had on, placing it on your head. he let out a laugh as he witnessed how big it really looked on you.
“you really didn’t have to.” you take off his beanie, handing it over to him, only to receive a head shake as a response. “seriously, it’s okay.”
“your name is yn.. right ? you’re my neighbor..” he asks, finally taking the beanie back from your grasp, only to place it on your head, trying to keep you safe from the freezing temperatures.
“mhmm.. and you are ?” you questioned, deciding to just leave the beanie alone on top of your head, your ears finally gaining some kind of sense of warmth all thanks to the warm hearted boy who sat next to you.
“soobin.. choi soobin… don’t you want to come inside, you’ll get really sick if you stay out here.” he gets up, nothing but a thin jacket to defend himself from the cold. but he was proud of himself for being able to warm you up a bit, his hands in his pockets which was where he had a few heating pads.
“… won’t i be interrupting your time with your family..?” you ask him, tilting your head to one side, quite tempted to join soobin for the evening. you felt as if it would be rude to decline his offer since he had helped you, but at the same time.. you felt like maybe you would intrude on soobin’s quality time with his family.
“course not, they probably haven’t even noticed that i left..” he smiled, he still offered you a hand to help you stand up. you reluctantly took soobin’s hand.
“yn !” you heard a familiar voice yell out, your hand in soobin’s as he helped you up. you turned your head to see your boyfriend.. ex boyfriend. all soobin saw was the inevitable sigh that left your mouth, now soobin may have zero context on the situation at hand.. but it wasn’t hard to put together that you did not want to see this guy at all.
“lets head inside..” was all he said, keeping a firm grip on your hand.
“yah ! i just broke up with you and you’ve already moved on.” your ex exclaimed, loud voice nearly echoing through the neighborhood. your ex was for some reason.. butting into your life, as if he wasn’t the one who just tried to humiliate you in front of your family. and even though it didn’t work, it still hurt you, however soobin wasn’t just going to stand by and watch. he noticed the way that you were so.. anxious.
“and if they are, what are you going to do about it ? it’s not like they’re yours anymore.” soobin repelled, looking at your ex with the most expressive disgusted face that he could make. which really did end up working as your ex then felt quite humiliated. he ended up running away and even in public, any time he would see you or soobin, he would walk in the opposite direction.
“you don’t have to feel like your christmas is ruined because of him… you shouldn’t have to feel that way at all..” soobin spoke up as he wrapped a blanket around you, as you were now sitting on his bed with his christmas pajamas on. the flannel-like shirt ended at your thighs and his pajama pants were a bit too long, but nothing that a bit folding couldn’t fix.
“..it’s just that.. it’s not the first time..” you admitted. soobin simply patted your head, introducing you to his game that he was so excited to play with you.
“mhmm.” he hummed, his hands braiding your hair. you always wondered how he had learned to do hairstyles, and truth was that soobin typically watched youtube videos to see how he can play with your hair to soothe your scalp.
“remember the day we met ?” you questioned, sitting up, causing soobin to put his hands to his side.
“of course i do.. sometimes it feels like it was yesterday.” he grins, gently caressing your hand as he reaches out for it.
“you don’t regret anything.. right ?” your eyebrows raised, as soobin let out a tiny chuckle. wrapping your hand in both of his.
“what do i have to regret ? y’know i’ve had so much fun looking after you thin entire time.”
“but… maybe you shouldn’t come tomorrow..” it was soobin’s turn to raise his brows, the grin disappearing from his face. he still held a firm yet comfortable grip on your hand.
“are you scared ?” he genuinely questioned you, not trying to tease you in any form.
“yeah..” you admitted, not having a single intention on hiding the truth from soobin. the smile reappeared on his face, trying to pull you in with his kind smile. which worked in a different way than he expected, your head was suddenly against his chest. his hand releasing its grip on your, only to come and brush the back of your head.
“i have no intentions on hurting you, love.” he whispered into your ear. “let me spend christmas with you. you’ve got to trust me, yn.. i don’t want you to spend this time alone, want you to be able to tell me about what you’re worried about.. i’ve got your back yn, i always have and i always will. whatever is best for you, it’s the best for me, if you’re happy then i’m happy too.” soobin comforted you, pulling away to look at you in the eye. “is it okay if i spend christmas with you ?”
“… yeah.. yeah, you can spend christmas with me.” you gave in, eye contact being held with soobin.
“that’s what i like to hear, my love.” he pressed his lips on your cheek.
“BUT ! only if you spend the night, soobie.”
“anything for you, my little angel.” a happy smile overtook your face, completely overwhelmed with love and affection from soobin. you placed a kiss on his lips.
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taglist : @run2seob @soobadooba @mrsyawnzzn @matcha-binz @ye0nvibezzn @yutacchin @kittyhyuka (send asks !!)
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ghostofskywalker · 5 months
Here's To A New Year
Peggy Carter/Fem!Reader
Words: 1,492
Summary: Working the night shift on New Year's Eve isn't really that bad, especially not when it's Peggy you're spending time with.
flower and meaning: mistletoe || love, good luck, healing
Note: this is my december fic for the @yearofcreation2023! i know it's technically 2024, but it's been so fun to write things for this challenge, and i really pushed myself to finally complete the year's collection. this month's flower was mistletoe, and i wanted to play on the meanings of it without necessarily doing something that includes the act of a mistletoe kiss, and i had fun writing this :)
Year of Flowers Masterlist • Peggy Carter Masterlist
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No one ever wanted to work the night shift on New Year’s Eve, and you completely understood why. You didn’t work for the police, so there weren’t drunken celebrations to keep track of or traffic safety to worry yourself with, and you didn’t usually have cases that required constant attention at this time of year. You would think that people might try to use the distraction of the holidays to make enacting their diabolical plans easier, but that (thankfully) didn’t happen often. At best, the new year’s eve night shift was spent finalizing case reports, filing a few last minute things, and staring at the clock as you listened for the cheerful shouts at midnight.
Holiday shifts like these were usually traded throughout the year in return for favors and secrets, or they were shouldered by the newest agents hired. There were usually a small group of agents who didn’t celebrate Christmas or Thanksgiving, so lately those shifts weren’t bartered back and forth, but this one always was.
You weren’t even supposed to be here in the first place, but Daniel had called you at the last minute and explained that Jenkins had called out sick, and he practically begged for you to fill in. And after negotiating about what you would get in return (which was the next three days off, all fully paid), you finally agreed. But you would have said yes anyway the moment you found out who you would be working with.
And you were pretty sure that Daniel knew that when he asked you.
Although you had never talked about your feelings out loud, you could never deny that you were fascinated with Peggy Carter. Of course the two of you had spent a lot of time together, and since she was the only other female agent in the office she was the one who showed you the ropes of the SSR (and of course, little tricks and ways to make the best of working in this particular situation). You moved out west when Daniel opened up the office in Los Angeles, and you were overjoyed when Peggy moved across the country to work here earlier this year.
You had watched her knock out assailants twice her size without as much as breaking a sweat, and on more than one occasion gotten a little distracted because you were staring at her from across the room. You desperately wanted to tell her how you felt, but a fear of what might happen if she didn’t return your amorous emotions held you back.
You knew that Daniel had probably figured things out about your little crush by now. You knew for sure that his wife had her suspicions, and you wouldn’t have put it past Violet to say something to her husband and try to get him to help you out a little. But you knew that your affections were usually pretty blatant, so you didn’t really blame them.
The door to the office opened and Peggy stepped back into the room, a bag of takeout in her hand and a look on her face you couldn’t quite read. “What’s it like out there?” you asked. This would mark your second new year on the west coast, but it was her first.
“The traffic isn’t as bad as New York this time of year, but it’s somehow still just as infuriating,” she said, returning to where she had been sitting before, which was the desk the two of you had been sharing for the evening.
You laughed. “I’d love to say that gets better, but I really can’t.”
You could see a smile start to form on her face. “It doesn’t in New York either.”
As the two of you unwrapped the food and began to eat, you were the one to break the comfortable silence. “Now that you’ve been here for a little bit, how do you like LA?”
“It’s different than I thought it would be, but I’m happy I moved out here,” she said. “What about you? Have you completely forgotten what it was like to live on the east coast at this point?”
You smiled, pausing before you answered her question. “There are good things and bad things,” you said. “I like the warmer weather, but everything’s too far apart here.”
“I definitely agree,” she said. “I don’t think I’ve ever driven as much as I have since I left New York.”
“I don’t know if I miss the subway though.”
She scoffed slightly. “I definitely don’t!”
As the conversation moved on to other topics, you could feel the atmosphere in the bullpen get brighter. And for the first time all night, you hadn’t looked at the clock in quite some time.
The three hour time difference between New York and LA meant that by the time you had finished eating, you were too late to tune into the more official celebrations (such as the ball dropping in Times Square), but you didn’t really mind.
The slightly tinny-sounding radio that resided in one of storage closets was soon brought out, and you couldn’t help the way your heart lifted as music filled the tiny room. There was nothing else to do, and the two of you would be stuck here for quite some time, so what was the harm in having a little fun? After listening for a little while, you began to dance, at first moving your head to the beat of the music but soon having fully gotten up from your seat.
If there was anyone else in the room besides Peggy, you wouldn’t have let loose so easily, and you certainly wouldn’t have asked her to dance, but you did.
“Oh, I’m not any good at that,” Peggy said. “I think I’d step on your toes.”
“I’m not any good at this either,” you said, holding your hand out. “But it’s New Year’s Eve, let’s have a little fun.”
You didn’t give up, and soon Peggy was gently holding your hand as the two of you twirled through the room. It was not graceful or picturesque by any means, as you almost crashed into the desks on multiple occasions, but it was fun, and that was all that mattered.
An upbeat song ended and a slower one took its place, you paused, but Peggy didn’t show any sign of wanting to sit back down. It was a bit awkward to shift your dance to a slower tempo, but eventually the two of you got there.
She was so much closer to you now, and you could see every detail on her face. To you, every hair out of its usual perfect place was a symbol of the way she had let loose a little bit tonight, and you wanted to bottle this moment just so that you could keep it forever.
You didn’t know who moved first, or when the eye contact got a little more intense, but soon the music from the radio had completely faded into the background. You and Peggy were the only two people in the entire world right now, and you didn’t think anything could make this better than it already was.
Until she leaned in, stopping right before her lips made contact with yours. “May I?” she whispered.
“Please,” was your breathy response, and you didn’t even have time to act embarrassed about your forwardness before she had closed the gap between you.
You had dreamed about kissing Peggy Carter before, you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t, but this put every single fantasy you’ve ever had before to absolute shame. You always rolled your eyes when people talked about sparks flying between lovers, but in this moment you were ready to eat every single one of those words. She was utterly perfect, of course her kisses would be immeasurably wonderful as well.
When you finally had to pull away for air, you didn’t know what to say. “Happy new year,” was what came out of your mouth, and it definitely wasn’t your finest moment,.
Peggy looked slightly puzzled. “Is it midnight yet?”
You could not try to backtrack now, even if it was only (your head snapped towards where the clock was hanging) eleven thirty. “It’s midnight somewhere, right?”
Your (not-so) suave line did not have the intended effect. “I don’t know, wouldn’t time zones-”
As she spoke you took a risk, and instead of trying to figure out the right words to say, you just leaned in and kissed her again. Any worry you had about her not reciprocating melted away after the very first moment, because she returned every ounce of passion that you poured into the kiss.
Yeah, there were still quite a few things that needed to be figured out with her, but right now, you were more than happy to just relish in the happiness of the occasion.
All of that other stuff would be next year’s problem anyway.
- the end -
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sleepy-gee · 6 months
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stay with me - finnick odair/gn!reader fluffmas ao3 link
The Victory Tour being conveniently placed in the holiday season leads to some lonely nights. Thankfully, you're not alone.
pre relationship/very beginning of relationship, mostly plotless just hurt/comfort, more winter themed than christmasy but shh, pre-canon, read on tumblr v or on ao3 (link above ^)
The Victory Tour being conveniently placed in the holiday season leads to some lonely nights. A lot, in fact. Sure, it's just twelve days, but those days conveniently cover both Christmas and New Years. New Year's Eve is funnily enough your last official night of the tour, spent in the Capitol with a glamorous party. Maybe it's supposed to remind you that in the end, you'll always be with them. You can never escape.
The dull hum of the train you're in aggravates you more than anything, spurring on the bitterness and resentment you feel. Being pulled away from all your families and loved ones to only spend it reliving the horrors of the games- The 23 innocent lives lost, rubbing it in their faces that you were alive to celebrate it all while the others were nothing but a pile of dirt and bones now. Some were a pile of ashes, if their family was rich enough for it. You definitely were. The thought made you sick.
Bitterness turned into anxiety, which made itself a nauseous nest in the pit already formed in your stomach. You couldn't stay still. Not for much longer. All you wanted was to go home and run away from it all, hide in your ridiculously fancy house under your ridiculously fancy bedsheets and pray for everything to stop.
But, of course, you couldn't. You had a show to put on. Smile and wave for the adoring crowd- Just be yourself!
The funny part was, you nearly made it out somewhat unscathed- 18 when you were reaped. You had survived 6 years, and had 1 more to go- But your luck ran out. The odds were never in your favor.
You'd puke if you thought about it any longer.
Not able to stay still any longer, you climbed out of your plush bed and grabbed your robe, wrapping the silky material around your shivering body as you crept down the hall into the main room. The resemblance to your own house was a little frightening- You swear you have a lamp in your living room just like the one on your right, lampshade covered in seashells with a soft green light coming from the bulb.
No one else seemed to be awake, which equally relieved and upset you. While you didn't have to explain your jittery demeanor, familiar human contact would've been nice. You plopped yourself down on one of the sofas in the main room and curled up into a small ball, staring into space as you tried to calm yourself down. Everything felt off. Nothing was right. 
The sound of a door opening caught your attention, and your heart skipped a beat. Footsteps followed, leading to your location.
".. What're you doing out here?" The low voice of your mentor asked. Finnick Odair. Capitol sweetheart. Everyone everywhere loved him, and he managed to guide you to victory. The two of you were.. Acquaintances before you ended up getting reaped, family friends if you will. "It's four in the morning, and we gotta get up unfortunately early for District Ten." He sat down beside you, patting your head sympathetically.
".. Can't sleep." You rolled over onto your back, head nudging his thigh as you looked up at him. "What're you doing up?"
"I fell asleep a little earlier than intended.. So I kinda screwed up my sleep schedule a bit." Finnick said with a small laugh, looking down at you. "I can see it in your eyes. Something else is up. Talk to me."
You bit your lip. ".. Just a little homesick, is all. I haven't spent the holidays away from my family before.. and technically, I won't see them until next year, so.."
Finnick nodded in understanding. "I get that. It's.. It's hard.." He was choosing his words carefully. You never knew who could be listening in. ".. Spending so much time away from your family. It was hard on me too, I definitely get it.."
".. How did you do it? Get through it all?" A question disguised as another. "How did you move on from the Games? How do you live your life after it's been flipped upside down? How do you move on when the old you is gone? How? How? How?"
"Well.." He ran his fingers through your hair. "I try and focus on the positives. They're hard to find, but they're there. I got to see the world, meet new people, eat a lot of different kinds of food.. Fish gets boring after a while." You chuckled. How did he always have such a way with words? "But the biggest thing I kept in mind was that I was safe, and I'd never have to go through anything like the Games ever again. I had my happily ever after."
You nodded, moving your head to rest on his lap. Finnick was the human equivalent of a space heater, always warm and ready to warm others. It was nice. ".. Thank you."
He smiled. "Don't thank me. Just get some rest, yeah? Got a big day tomorrow, and I need my victor well rested."
“I nearly forgot about that..” You yawned. “Mkay.. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight.” Your eyes flickered shut, and you found yourself lulled to sleep by his fingers gently carding through your hair, keeping you safe for the night.
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thevoidscreamer · 6 months
Reclaiming the winter holiday season.
Christmas was not always a hard time for me. When my grandma Yvonne was alive, she made it magical. Every year we would have a holiday tea party with parlor games, fancy hats from the 20s and 30s, amazing food… and her house was always beautifully set up on the inside with simple kitsch decor. She’d set up this little ceramic village and let my brother and me put the people and the snow on it. I would get to see the side of my family that my mother always despised — my witchy aunt, my Peruvian shaman uncle, my sports-loving cousin who’s now crossed over to the other side.
Yvonne was my best friend, and also the kind and gentle hand that kept my mom in check. She lived at my house during her dying days, though she did officially pass in her own home, at her request. She was the epitome of gentle, affirming love to which I have always aspired.
We didn’t spend every Christmas with her. We made a point of visiting my mother’s mother and step dad in Nevada for holidays, too. One year, when we were particularly down on our luck, they came to us. My mother’s mother, Sue, is still around. She was good at keeping up the Christmas magic, always making gifts from “Sandy Claws” and the reindeer. One year, most of us cousins on my mom’s side got to stay over at her house (one of my cousins was in jail so he couldn’t be there. I’ve actually never met him). We had sleeping bags and we played games on the Super Nintendo and my now late aunt made some amazing culinary masterpiece. We played a huge game of hide and seek.
I have only this year allowed myself to voice these sweet and beautiful core memories. For all their magic, there is pain that wells up alongside them. I miss Yvonne. I resent my mother for alienating me from my cousins and aunts on all sides. Other christmases never stacked up because my parents would fight about it constantly during the season. My dad wanted us to have the magic and mystery he did as a child. My mom disagreed with the pagan roots. They both struggled with mental health and dysregulation, which can be exacerbated by the weather and pressures of that time of year. The best Christmas present I ever got was my dog Daisy. But when I reached adulthood, my parents made it clear I couldn’t take her with me when I moved out. It’s just a lot of bitter-sweetness. A lot of grief.
By adulthood I was disenchanted with the whole thing. The commercialism, consumerism, materialism; the politicization of some imaginary “war on Christmas” that demonizes non-Christians; the pressure to give a gift to every single person in your life, lest they feel left out. Plus, I had begun deconstructing my evangelical upbringing. Why celebrate Christmas if I’m not Christian?
I had three best friends who were huge on celebrating Christmas, all of whom invited me to their various holiday events. Slowly, starting in high school, their happy little traditions became cornerstones of joy amidst my struggles with homelessness, depression, dysphoria, anxiety, abuse, PTSD, etc. but it wasn’t until this year, now, as I approach the horizon of 29 years of life on this planet, that I’ve allowed myself to just feel Christmas joy, and the grief that comes with it.
One of the aforementioned besties (in her 60s) is very, very sick. I’m realizing that she may not be around next Christmas. I’ve been thinking about how she’s always included me in her life, kind of like a third kid (she’s got two) and how important this holiday is to her.
I’ve been thinking about how one of the other besties, her mom loved the holiday, but passed away our sophomore year on Christmas Eve. Bestie and I preserved her Christmas traditions for the little siblings, and now that bestie has a kid, she will be passing those down to the little one, whose first Christmas is this year.
I’ve been thinking about my late grandmother, aunt, and cousin, and the ways they all spread Christmas cheer in their own unique ways. Decorating, cooking, being kind. They built a safe space for me, a kid who was struggling to feel loved, accepted, safe, or stable in my own home.
I remember my grandmother saying, “well, what do you think we should do?” Highlighting that my artistic vision matters.
My aunt saying, “well go ahead and try it, and if you don’t like it just spit it out!” Reminding me that I am allowed to disagree with people in authority, and that it’s important to listen to my body.
My cousin saying, “it’s okay if you don’t want to play, sometimes it’s nice just to be together.” Letting me know that I‘ll still be loved, even if I’m not constantly displaying happiness or agreeability.
I still celebrate yule, as has been my personal tradition since 2014, but this year I’m celebrating Christmas, too. I’m hanging stockings. I’m making a little paper tree. Im wearing red and green and dancing to the music in the grocery store. I’m watching Santa Claus is Comin’ to Town and A Christmas Carol and The Polar Express. I’m lighting candles and allowing my joy and grief to mingle. I’m celebrating the lives, loves, and losses that led me to who and where I am. I’m choosing to continue the legacies of the people who loved me when I did not know what it felt like to be loved.
Happy holidays ♥️ I hope yours is full of peace and reflection, kindness, joy, and stable, affirming love.
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fullmetalanglican · 6 months
A religious Christmas
I am a single and a solitary person. I don't have a lot of living family, and I'm not close to those who remain: a niece, her son my great-nephew, a stepdaughter I'm estranged from after divorce and then the death of her father, my ex-husband, from cancer. I live alone with my cockatiel Sunny for company (and I had a lonely year between the death of my longtime bird friend Rembrandt and Sunny's coming home with me a year ago).
I don't say this to arouse pity, just to give you a picture of where I am. It has been a decade since my Christmas involved family dinners, gift exchanges, or children of any age. It's also been nearly that long since my Christmas involved any Christianity.
As a devotee of Antinous, I used to observe Saturnalia, the Roman winter festival that contributed some of its customs (lights, evergreens, gift-giving) to Christmas celebrations. Saturnalia is a topsy-turvy time that harks back to the golden age when Saturn and his wife Ops were the chief deities, before the decline into strife and war, hierarchy and oppression, when the gods' gifts of grain and produce were sufficient for human happiness. For a few days servants become masters, children rule over parents--and then it's over, back to the old grind.
Then Saturnalia kind of faded out, for me. It's been a couple of years since I really celebrated anything at the winter solstice. This year, however, I have actually observed Advent and am ready to welcome Christmas as not just a holiday but a holy day.
Advent is four weeks of anticipation, looking forward to the Second Coming, back to the birth of Jesus, and inward to the presence of Christ coming to be with us. In the early Middle Ages, some places observed a six-week Advent, from around St. Martin's day on 11 November--about the same stretch of time as between Samhain and Yule in the neopagan Wheel of the Year. This year I set up my Advent wreath and lit its candles every night during Evening Prayer; I'm going to try to get a picture of it this evening, the last night for this year, with all four candles lit.
Tomorrow morning at church we'll observe the Fourth Sunday of Advent. Then, in the afternoon, the noble Altar Guild and their helpers will change the hangings, set out extra candles, distribute greens and poinsettias everywhere, set up the creche and a Christmas tree, in time for the first Christmas Eve service at six p.m. (This happens whenever Advent IV lands on December 24th.) Later, the choir will sing a carol prelude and then Midnight Mass starting at ten-thirty.
I have spent many Christmas Eves attending and also singing at Midnight Mass. I used to be a member of the choir at my church, under my then-husband's direction, first as a volunteer, then as a paid performer. I would get the occasional solo on Christmas Eve, and almost invariably catch a cold and fuck up my voice when I did. I still tell myself, every year, "I don't have a Christmas solo, so I'm not going to get sick!"
I'm not going to Midnight Mass; I just don't think I have the spoons for it. Maybe next year... maybe not. But there's a Low Mass, no singing, at ten a.m. on Christmas Day, and I plan to be there, wearing a silly Christmas sweater. I bravely bought myself a proper ham to cook (wish me luck), and I have plenty of seasonal music to listen to. What is important this year is not whether I got any presents (I did get gifts from a couple of friends) or whether I partake of group jollity (did that at work), but the Incarnation, the Word made flesh, the story of the Creator of everything joining the world of their creations and living their life so that we created beings can join their world and live the divine with them. And that makes for a pretty good Christmas.
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, and good wishes for all celebrations at this time of year.
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choking on grapes
Hi Ana,
Happy new year!
We should really write to each other more often as so many things keep happening that they add up so quickly. Now I can't even figure out how to properly update you.
I got sick over the holidays but was okay exactly on New Year's Eve, so I went to watch Novak Djokovic's match here in Perth. Can you believe it? I've been watching the guy play on tv for over a decade, and I remember my countless embarrassing tweets about him especially around 2013-2016 (not that I ever stopped). I thought the match would last a few hours, but there were actually 3 matches for Serbia vs China so I ended up spending until a bit over midnight in the RAC arena. We did the countdown there and everything.
The best part is I was alone. I was sick all week so I didn't make plans - but when I got cleared that afternoon, I didn't even hesitate. I got tickets and planned my day regardless of whether I would have company or not. It was a dream come true and I was so happy.
At midnight I called B (my engineer bestie) to show him the arena fireworks, N (my lover) to greet him a very happy new year and see what he's up to, and Alecks (one of my best friends in Canada).
The next day, N picked me up so we can spend the first day of the year together. I got us grapes so we can eat 12 each - to have good luck for each month. I knew this boy was special because when I said, "Well, I figured if it was indeed lucky then we get good luck all year, but if it doesn't work, then it can't really do any harm."
He so quick-wittedly said, "It can if you choke on a grape."
So instead of going with our plan of just having the grapes slowly and talking about the things we want to do this year, we challenged each other to scarf down the grapes and eat all 12 at once. He had zero problems with this. I on the other hand, almost choked on my 10th grape. I think it's a sign that I'll have a pretty good year.
I know we also caught up on the 1st of January over the phone so it's not like you missed a lot of my updates - but it's been 10 days since and I have recently also just turned 29.
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I also spent it with N, who very thoughtfully organised a dinner with me at this beautiful beach restaurant. Then in the morning made me homemade crepes with blueberries and agave syrup. I spent half of the day embracing him and the other half just giving him kisses. He even said, "You've had at least a hundred kisses today. Minimum."
He was not wrong. And these were very innocent, affectionate and really adorable kisses. I just like being with him. It's always so peaceful and relaxing. We also played Lego Fortnite and watched Scrubs while I rested my head on his chest.
For months, my friends have been calling me out about not being open or likely being too cool or too scared to take it to the next level with N, but if I'm being honest, I like where things are with us currently. Like I have zero complaints. He is the loveliest boy, and if this ends up being the most we can do with each other, then I still have zero regrets. And I mean that - cross my heart & hope to die - I love N but if this is it, I know for certain that we both will be okay.
I actually think it's one of the more beautiful things about our relationship. Neither of us are necessary for each other. We both have plenty of choices, and our pool only continues to grow as we do. And yet - we choose to stay with each other in whatever capacity we can.
I've had a lovely start to the year and one of the online things I've been doing lately, is actually being quite active on Instagram. Every few days, I would post a story or photo collage of things I have been up to, and little elements from this life I have here and I keep getting replies and messages of people saying they love my aesthetic, and how my life looks like it was lifted from pinterest.
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It's not. And it's messy and rough around the edges and I have so many problems I don't even want to think about, but you know what?
I think I like this little life.
So no big plans this year. I just want to do better... drink more water, love more, generally be kinder - to myself and to others. and hopefully, not choke on any grapes.
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COTL AU(ATOTL, MLP BaseEdits Series) 2nd Base Edit(Lambx4LoyalistSpouses) Bios Included.
Hello Fellow Cultists & Cult Leaders, I'm Back with another Finished MLP Base Edit of My COTL AU(a Tale of 2 Lambs) with the first one at least getting only 2 likes on Tumblr(so Screw It posting both on Tumblr.com & DA.Com for More Likes(and Follows). Anyways I'm okay with Dislikes(just don't go plan hating on me, or i'll block u from my Blogs in general)
Now I finished this Last Night before bed, since I wanna debut more Characters(in-game) for this Story Comic of Mine, with Lambert(Lamb), his Big Sis Lamberina(or Real Name being Steel Wool,Yes that's her Real Name but changed it to Lamberina) and Narinder(TOWW) in Fanarts with Lambert Before. So This will be a Full Fanart Debut of Lambert's Full Spouse Relationships(or his most Beloved or Most Loyal to Him & his Sister)
Here is The Finished Fanart(had fun with the last 2, P.S forgot to add Lamb's Red Crown(but will redo in future reference)
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Lamb & Nari's Darling Children(Bo Peep, Lilith, Saturn & Judas) all were asking their Parents how they all met each, gotten married and their birthstories aswell before bedtime. Narinder at First told the excited little lamb-cat children its late and they need sleep but Lambert being the kind soul lamb he was accepted their foals request only if they go to sleep after the stories were done.
The Children Agreed to their Father's request(Nari is a Mother-Father) and Lamb and Nari both told the Beloved but humorous stories of their first meetings, marriages and etc.
LambxNarinder(Lambrinder by the Cotl Fandom)- "After a Hard and Tiring Battle with The Death God Cat himself,Lambert was already getting tired and serverly injured fighting Narinder after learning his backstory through Shamura before slaying him in Silk Cradle. and Soon enough the final battle with the one who waits was near. Lambert wished his Loyal Loving Followers luck and chose three lucky ones to accompany him during this tough final battle(before he met samantha, lady d. or even m3gan at all)
keep in mind this was lambert's 3rd attempt(actually my gameplay during the battle). at first all hope felt lost for lamb but luckily the heavens heard his prayers and he successfully beaten and defeated narinder(who's true form was a follower, to him was cuter than he thought) and spared him instantly. which to narinder was surprised at his descion.
at first Lamb was hard on Narinder by his punishment being wearing a moon necklace(giving him insomnia forever) and even worst fear "Getting close to Lamb or even Anyone in the cult" which was lambert's ultimate plan with some consequences.
as time went by, days past and more, nari made lamb do some simple tasks for himself and the cult to grow in wealth(for now..) from building skull candles(decorating the cult in general) to building the bishop trophies/memorial graves for Narinder's Grief of his Passed Siblings and Sins and finally getting married against his will. which he easily agreed to and was happy in the long-run.
Now Lambert and Narinder are happily married, and as for their 4 childrens births well long story short nari + pregs + mood swings & sickness = pain, suffering, and uncomfrable love and support from Lamb and his followers. but was happier than ever for their 4 children esp bo peep(bo)
Lamb x Samantha(or Lamantha in my own words of a shipping)
10/24/22(9 days before halloween irl, in-game blood moon ritual event/the meeting of samantha bloodsucker)
"Twas The Night of Hallows Eve in The Cult of The Nightosphere, where it was a new officiall holiday by the gods below called the blood moon ritual. Lamb was very excited to try a new ritual and was very special to him since the meaning of the blood moon ritual/event meant 2 things(new decor, follower forms from below and reuniting with old dead followers spirits and catching their spirits into the book of doctrines)
meanwhile every follower was horrified or scared shitless at the sight and scares of the old spirit followers before them including old first followers from the cult's very early days which lamb felt very sentimental about. after collecting all of the new forms and spooky new decorations, one caught the leader lamb's eyes : a bat demon form(the perfect new spouse) which he found absolutely drop dead gorgeous(in a spooky cultist way) from their 3 amazing variations(my irl reaction to this form and the other 2 at the time) but soon enough the gods above(the player/myself) created the adorkably cute lavender bat demoness and named the succulent creature Samantha Bloodsucker(or just Samantha/Sam for short) and she spawned scared and in fear of what her new leader would do to her either spare her life or instantly kill her. but thankfully she was spared and treated with more love and care by Lambert even by Narinder's instant jealously.
Lambert and Samantha formed a bond quite quickly from her instantly getting everything from many gifts to many confessions in the confessions booth from lamb's choosing to finally gaining a skull necklace(living a pretty long life to 600+ yrs in one timeline to age 90-100+ in another alternate timeline=save files i currently created) and soon enough things got even more interesting with Lambert marrying 2 additional Spouses with Lady Dimitrescu(a noir cold white Axolotl follower with lots of vainity towards herself) and Finally M3gan(based on the movie of same title, yes i watched it and was hilariously great) whom is a Pink psyhic female nightwolf as the brains of the spouses and is a memory of ratuu(due to his death from red fox guy.. i hate him btw) while Lamb loves his 3 spouses he still loves his 1st Spouse with Narinder(and considers him his Best Friend after all has happened and witnessed) which Nari himself really appreciates Lamb for as a Best Friend/Spouse despite not really showing it(almost cried tears but holded them in)
and That's the whole story of this Fanart/Post of The 4 Spouses of Lambert(will update soon if i decide to continue) and will show more Fanarts of my own LambertxNarinder Offsprings(from Childhood-Teenhood-Adult Years(Young and Fully) and even more of the Other Spouses like Samantha(Sam), Lady Dimistrecu(Lady D.) & M3gan themselves In future posts(even by the time the update comes around, whenever that happens)
I hope you all like this Post i made today, will try and copy/paste this entire post on my Da Blog hopefully through some success..
Later Everyone
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knightofleo · 2 years
Adrianne Lenker | symbol
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trashlord-007 · 2 years
Ben Solo x Reader
Roommates || Oh god, they were roommates…
   He’s sick.
   There’s always something wrong with him. Either his luck is the worst on the planet or he’s a hypochondriac. You’re leaning toward the latter, especially after watching his Christmas tantrum last year. Who gets that upset over some chick ghosting them anyway? The holidays are a time for celebration, not moping, and he was a total buzzkill. Which is why you bring it up every chance you get, to keep him humble.
   “It wasn’t just some chick. She was my girlfriend and she broke up with me on Christmas Eve,” Ben growls before coughing into his elbow. Sweat trickles down his forehead and his face reddens. “Over text.”
   “Don’t overexert yourself, pal. This common cold might get the best of you if you’re not careful.”
   “Thanks for your concern,” he scoffs, rolling his eyes.
   His shaggy black hair sticks to his skin. It’s gross… or at least that’s what you wanted to think. It’s actually kind of hot. Which is a recurring thought of yours these days. No matter how much you insist on ignoring his rugged, handsome features, your brain insists on daydreaming about him.
   That’s why you’re in his bedroom right now, when he’s an even bigger mess than usual, wringing out a wet cloth. For some bizarre reason you missed him, and it’s easy to check in on him every hour or so under the guise of being his overly helpful roommate. Despite how much he protests your aid, much too proud for his own good, you play nurse anyway.
   “Oh yeah,” you drawl, a chuckle resting on your lips. “Didn’t she even refund the plane ticket and keep the money? Hilarious.”
   “Just go away.” Leaning up into a sitting position, he reaches for the glass of water you left by his bedside. “I don’t need your help.”
   When your fingers brush against each other, you fight the urge to recoil from his fervid touch. Instead you slap his hand away and grab the glass. His face contorts into a grimace which only intensifies as you push him back down on the bed. Dropping the wet cloth onto his head, it makes a plopping sound. Water spurts out and down his face, soaking his hair and pillow. Before he has a chance to complain, you bring the glass to his lips.
   “Open wide!” At this rate his anger will burn the fever right out. Still he does as told, gulping the cool liquid down. A few droplets slip past his lips and you catch them with your thumb. When he finishes, you pat his head and coo. “Good boy! What a good b–”
   “Just get out already!”
Send Me An Idol / Character && I’ll Tell You Which AU/Trope Suits Them
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emma-elsa-0000 · 2 years
Family is what you make it.
By @emma-elsa-0000 for @pogokitten for the @friendly-neighborhood-exchange
Rating: general audience
Relationships: Tony Stark and Peter Parker, Morgan Stark and Peter Parker, slight Peter Parker/Harley Keener
Characters: Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Morgan Stark, Harley Keener, May Parker, Pepper Potts.
My prompts were:
1. Peter, Tony, and any other members of the Ironfam you choose go ice skating.
2. Peter was really looking forward to spending the holidays with Tony but he got sick, so Tony does his best to still give sick Peter a good holiday.
3. Peter and Morgan build and dress up snowmen that look like their family members.
I only did the 1st and 3rd prompts as I'm not very good at writing angst or sick fics, I hope that's ok.
Also I don't have a summary. Mainly bc I can't think of one for it. :DD.
Tony looked up at the time again, wondering where Peter was. He usually wasn't this late, always eager to get started. So what was holding him up? He finally decided it was time to investigate.
FRIDAY had told him when Peter had made it in the building, so he knew that nothing could've happened on the way to the compound, but with Peter, who knows. That kid had worse luck than anybody else he knows.
Tony first decided to check with Morgan to see if maybe she had gotten ahold of him. It was the most likely option as no one, especially Peter, could resist Morgan. So when Tony found them in the field next to the compound, building snowmen that suspiciously looked like the Avengers he wasn't all that surprised. He just decided to put on his jacket and hat, and go out with them.
Peter noticed him first, "Hey, Mr Stark!" Morgan then looked up and ran to tackle him in a hug, "Hi Daddy!!" She said as Tony hugged her back.
He picked her up and walked over to where Peter was, "Hey kid, I was wondering where you got off to. I guess you like Morgan more than me." He said in faux offense.
Peter started to apologize, "Mr. Stark, I'm so sorry, it's just, Morgan asked me to-" Tony cut him off, "Don't worry about it, kid, I was joking. No one can resent Morgan, not even Pepper."
Peter smiled at that and got back to work on the snowman, adding two buttons for eyes. Morgan wiggled in his arms so he let her down, and, like the little Pepper she is, she started giving orders to him about what to do.
10 minutes later, they were standing looking at a completed snowman. Well…. almost. It was just missing one thing.
Morgan ran inside and came back out with a carrot for the nose. Tony picked her up and helped her put it on, then set her back on her feet, "There you go, Little Miss, what do you think?" Morgan nodded proudly, "It's perfect. Can we have hot chocolate now?" Tony laughed, "Yes, we can have hot chocolate now. Why don't you go inside and help mommy make some?" Morgan nodded and bounded off.
Tony looked over at Peter, "How are you holding up kid? I know this is a rough time of year for you, what with it being your uncle being shot on Christmas Eve." Peter nodded, "I'm fine. May is having a hard time though. Every time she tries to pull out any of his old ornaments she breaks down into tears."
Tony nodded, "And you?" Peter shrugged, "I just miss him, y'know? He was the only dad I remember, even if he wasn't my dad." Peter smiled slightly, "He used to take me to the soup kitchen on Christmas after we opened the presents. He would say, 'we may not have a lot, but they have less than us, so we gotta help them out.'" Peter looked Tony in the eye as he finished saying this.
Tony brought Peter into a hug, squeezing tightly. "He raised you well kid, I'm glad you had him."
Morgan ran out onto the porch, "Daddy!! Peter!! Mommy says that if you don't come in for hot chocolate, you don't get any marshmallows!!!" Peter gasped loudly and unattached himself from Tony, running inside, "She'd better put marshmallows in mine!!!"
Tony just smiled as he walked back slowly, thinking of how glad he was that Peter was bitten by that spider and became Spider-Man, bringing him into his life. Although he was fairly certain he would've met him either way, seeing how smart he was.
Peter was vibrating in his seat so much Tony thought he'd fall out, but he parked just in time for Peter to get out, that he didn't.
By the time Tony got out Peter had already gathered all his and Harley's skates from the trunk, and both were already halfway to the lake, leaving Tony with Morgan and Pepper and their skates.
Harley had suggested going out to the lake for ice skating after the rough time Peter was having during the Christmas season. Though he was sad when he heard that May had to work and couldn't join, he had promised her that he'd take plenty of pictures.
By the time he had gotten Morgan out of the car and gathered his and her skates, and gotten down to the lake, Harley and Peter were already on the ice, Harley holding onto his boyfriend tightly as he tried not to slip. Peter, being the agile Spider-Boi he is, had perfect balance.
Harley yelped as he went down, taking Peter with him. Both giggling as they lay there on the ice, Peter pecked Harley on the lips briefly, causing Tony to yell out, "Hey!! No PDA on the ice!!" Which made both boys roll their eyes.
Peter helped Harley up, Harley having a bit more balance this time, but still holding on for dear life.
Peter giggled again at the sight of Harley. Harley looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows, "What's so funny, Darlin'?" Peter grinned as he answered, "You." Harley tried to tackle him, only to miss completely and fall head first onto the ice, Peter cackling above him.
Tony finished helping Morgan into her skates, taking her hand to help her keep balance as he expertly glided over to the two boys, Peter helping Harley up again.
Morgan squealed as they reached them, "Petey look at me, I'm skating!" Peter beamed at his pseudo sister, "You are!! And you're doing so good too! Even better than Harls over here." Peter gestured to Harley clinging onto his arm, who glared at him.
Later, as they all sat by the fire drinking hot chocolate and warming up from their ice adventures, Harley sporting a few bruises from all the tumbles he took, Peter regaling to May his tales, Morgan adding in her own comment now and then, and Pepper reading quietly beside him, Tony felt content.
This was his family.
Family isn't blood. Family isn't living with someone just because you can.
Family is what you make it.
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viviennevermillion · 3 years
Snowed in [Mercury x Reader]
dni if you're aphobic against any identity on the ace spectrum, have nothing nice to say or if anything else on my dni list applies to you
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Last-minute business trips before major holidays weren't something out of the ordinary, neither for you nor your boss. However, Christmas always presented itself a special case in which everyone wanted to get home to their families as soon as possible and tried to apply for early vacation, hoping Mercury Group would go easy on its employees when the season rolled around each year. Given that, even if they got denied their requests, many workers would just magically happen to get sick shortly before Christmas Eve, any workplaces that weren't intending to stay open and in business over the festivities would tend to be understaffed. That's why Mercury decided to bring you along, the only person who, just as he himself, did not have any place to be during the holidays. After all, half-elves weren't particularly known for joyful textbook celebrations and amazing family dynamics. And you didn't mind coming along anyway. If only it hadn't been Pigeon Kingdom and if only the weather didn't look like the end of the world was coming.
Given that it was the 22nd of December when the two of you arrived there and intended to stay overnight, Mercury, unlike usually, had been driving the car himself. Many memories connected both of you to the kingdom and for the most part they weren't good ones. You could only guess the places Mercury had been to, because every now and then he would take his eyes off the GPS for longer periods of time and glance across the landscapes while waiting at road crossings and traffic lights, his expression darkening occasionally.
The business meetings went smoothly, much to your relief, and you expected to be back in Lodden soon. However, neither of you had expected to wake up on the 24th to the hotel windows covered in thick snow and ice, as well as the heaviest snowstorm of the month raging directly in front of the door. It had still been early in the morning, the sun didn't rise yet and you were waiting in your small room with your suitcases packed. Mercury had been in the lobby, talking to the hotel secretary. With a knock on your door he let you know that his conversation was over. When you let him in, he greeted you with a sigh. "They'll need the rooms back by noon, there's other guests arriving who booked them for today", he informed you. "What about other places?", you asked. "Nothing. No free rooms. Everything's sold out."
Noon came quickly and Mercury and you spent your time waiting for the storm to pass in the hotel lobby. He'd play a few rounds of chess with you before burying his nose in a book he bought.
Around 4pm the storm had stopped temporarily and you were on your way back. With the emphasis on temporarily, your luck soon ran out near the border to Apple, as large amounts of snow and heavy wind made it hard to see anything through the car window and uncomfortable to steer the vehicle. That was how the two of you ended up by the roadside in a forest, snow everywhere you could look and with no chance of continuing a safe drive anytime soon.
There was no mobile reception, the GPS was impaired and the radio had sung its final lullaby of suffering. "On the bright side, we won't have to listen to Jingle Bell Rock for at least another 3 hours", you commented. Mercury, slamming the car door shut behind him after having cleared the exhaust pipe from snow and ice and gotten blankets and water from the trunk, wasn't amused. "You seem....very prepared for these types of situations", you remarked. "This is unfortunately not the first time this has happened", he stated dryly without looking at you, "usually I'm alone though." "That explains the gun storage underneath my seat", you said more to yourself than to him.
The car was drenched in awkward silence and you desperately tried to think of a topic to talk about. You weren't even sure whether Mercury even wanted to talk to you. He seemed lost in thought. Fortunately your boss decided to put you out of your misery. "You grew up in Pigeon too. Ever been here before?", he asked. His voice was lacking any identifiable emotion but for some reason you could tell there was curiosity behind the question. "Well, truth be told, I'm not exactly sure where 'here' is. All I can see is snow", you sighed, "how about you?"
Mercury hesitated for a while. Your gaze wandered across his features and your mind couldn't help but marvel at how stunning he looked. As always, Mercury's outfit was flawless and he had his scarf wrapped around his neck to keep himself warm. Several snowflakes decorated his silver hair and the tips of his elven ears were red from the cold. "I've passed the area", he then said, "in my childhood. I've walked along this road in winter as well. Didn't have anywhere to go at the time and I got used to the cold after a while."
You looked up. It was no secret that Mercury seemed a little more open and comfortable around you than other people, even though he was still very reclusive, due to the fact that you were both half-elves and had been cast aside by communities you tried to find a place to belong in. But he never initiated talking about his experiences this openly. Usually his remarks were generalized and vague. You'd understand them and acknowledge them with a nod; no other words were exchanged. But this was different. The atmosphere prompted both of you to reminisce and there was a familiarity in this situation that took you out of your usual business talks and formal interactions.
"I noticed you don't seem to be too bothered by the temperature", you replied and Mercury looked at you. Your ears were twitching and you felt like you were going to freeze any minute. "You're shaking", he remarked calmly but seriously. He turned the keys for the car engine and his fingers went to regulate the heating. "Don't waste too much battery power", you buried your hands underneath the blanket he had given you. "Don't worry, we'll manage. We have enough for now. But I can't have you die on me here, we don't have the reception to call an ambulance at the moment." His tone was so formal and level-headed, while it didn't sound like he was particularly worried, it also made you feel like he'd take care of you. Mercury knew what he was doing, which made you a lot more relaxed in this situation.
That was until he opened his arms and told you to get closer. Your shock must have been evident in your facial expression because Mercury raised his eyebrows at you. "Relax, other people are the warmest thing in reach if you're stuck in the cold and need to save in energy. It's better if we get you warmed up before I have to turn the engine off again." His strictly professional tone made this a lot less awkward than it could have been, so you found yourself rested against his chest soon enough.
The fabric of his coat was soft and his cologne smelled nicely. I could get used to this...., you thought as his arms wrapped around you, covering you in his own blanket to keep you warm. Mercury stared out of the window again, not that there was much to see. The glass was steadily getting covered in more and more snow. But that didn't seem to bother him. He seemed lost in thought and very focused on whatever had crossed his mind. Just how lost in thought he actually was got evident when his fingertips started drawing circles on your shoulders. It took him a while to notice he was doing this. "I apologize", he quickly remarked as formally as he could. "I don't mind", you whispered quietly before you could stop yourself. You didn't think it was loud enough for him to hear but he sighed and soon resumed what he was doing. You closed your eyes and listened to the sound of the wind raging outside of the car.
You just hoped he wasn't way more annoyed with the situation than he let on. "I hope I'm not being a bur-" You tried to voice your thoughts but Mercury cut you off. "It's fine." His fingertips were meanwhile sliding up and down your arm. "Considering the situation and the fact that this is Pigeon Kingdom, there's way worse people to be stuck with", there was a bitterness in his voice that made your heart ache for him. His past wasn't a secret, you had come across many tabloids spreading the gossip about Mercury's childhood.
"Likewise", you simply stated, then the inside of Mercury's car returned to silence. After a while he turned the engine off and with that the heating, but let you remain in his arms without a comment. You looked up when you noticed his breathing getting steadier. His eyes were closed and it seemed as though he had dozed off. You didn't think he trusted anyone enough to allow himself to fall asleep in the company of another person; letting anyone see him in such a vulnerable state, but he seemed fairly exhausted. He probably didn't mean for this to happen.
You rested your head on his body again. You could hear the calming sound of his heartbeat through his thick layers of clothing and feel his chest rise and sink with his breathing. Many would argue the man didn't have a heart. You knew better. Mercury seemed stoic and cold; like he couldn't care less about anything but himself and his business. Like he had left emotion behind him a long time ago. But someone without a heart would never have been able to create designs such as his. His work always brought you glimpses into his inner world that he tried so hard to keep everyone out of. So did the time you heard him play the cello after an event when he thought no one was listening. So did the times he stared off into the distance during walks and car rides, his gaze fixed on happy families and symbols relating to his memories way longer than he himself probably noticed. The way he tended to his cat, how much passion and personality he put into his designs and how he would often give you well-meant but bitter advise that only the two of you could understand showed how Mercury felt. An ordinary person might not have noticed. But you did. You were the same as him, after all.
His calm, steady breathing was soon replaced by sudden restlessness and quiet murmurs that sounded distressed. His eyelids were twitching and he'd occasionally turn his head as if agitated. You tapped his shoulder a couple times, his eyes fluttering open and he took a few seconds to get a grasp of his surroundings. "It seems as though I dozed off", he stated calmly but his heartbeat was still faster than usual, "my apologies." "Nightmare?", you asked.
Mercury paused. "Just some old memories."
You looked into his eyes, worry evident in your expression. You both knew neither of you have had it easy in the past. But there was always this unspoken agreement between you not to directly adress it. A silent promise to, despite looking out for each other, keep everything strictly professional and business-related. And for the first time ever since he hired you to work at his company you broke it. "I'm sorry you had to go through all of that...", you said quietly, avoiding his gaze. Mercury sighed again, refusing to talk about him personally. Not that you expected anything else. Instead, there was determination in his eyes. "There's a lot of changes needed in this world", he said, "changes I will hopefully manage to make in the near future. I aspire to break apart the old structures of this society and to create a future in which our kind can live freed from prejudice and injustice." The way he said those words reminded you of the times he would adress an audience at a banquet and hold a speech. But this time there was so much passion and dedication behind his words. And also anger. A need for revenge. You decided not to read too much into it.
"You already made things a little better", you remarked and looked into his eyes again, "Pigeon nobility might treat you like a scandal but to people like me you're so much more than that. You're an example half-elves get to look at as someone like them who made it from the bottom all the way to the top. Someone might need that." You weren't sure if it was just your imagination, but Mercury let out a barely audible 'thank you'. You mused no one probably ever told him something like that. There was a hint of a smile on his face. "Is that why you applied to work here?" You chuckled. "That and the money." "At least you're honest."
It was one of the rare moments you actually saw him smile. Only then you noticed how close you were. You could practically feel his breath on your skin and your eyes wandered to his lips. Mercury, observant as he was, didn't allow that action to go unnoticed. He rested his hand against your cheek and gently brought your face closer to his. You noticed how soft his lips were when they finally met yours. You couldn't deny that you wanted this to happen for a long time now. His first few kisses were careful and light, way more tender than anyone would have expected of him. It probably had been a long time since he received affection from anyone. After a while he got more confident in what he was doing. The kisses he initiated were still slow, but more firm and passionate. It's like he finally let out part of the emotions he denied himself to have for a long time. Your hands found their way into the back of his neck; your fingertips gently brushing through strands of his hair.
After parting from him, you pressed a kiss to his cheek and leaned your forehead against his shoulder, letting out a laugh and shaking your head. "We're failing at being professional." "I mean, I do have a stack of trading documents in my bag that need to be check-" You pressed a finger to his lips. "Spare me", you grinned, giving him another kiss.
"This would make the light elves in the capital really mad", he remarked. "All the more reason to do it", you gave him a mischievous smirk and he brought your lips together once more. You could feel Mercury smiling into the kiss, something you probably wouldn't have expected a couple of hours ago. But you loved seeing him genuinely happy.
You began trailing kisses along his neck and Mercury relaxed under your touch. His eyes were closed and whenever your lips met a particular spot below his ear, his elf-ears would move in small twitches. He turned his head and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
You spent the time until the storm passed in Mercury's arms. Occasionally the two of you would eat something or talk, but most of the time no words were needed. As the car restarted and crossed the border to the Apple Federation, you couldn't help but miss the warmth of Mercury's embrace. Sometimes he'd rest his hand on top of yours and squeezed it gently.
"We'll keep a low profile at work though, alright?", he said, as serious and professional as you were used from him. "Too bad, I was just about to post 'I kissed my boss in a vehicle' on Moments", you replied sarcastically. A smile grazed Mercury's features as his eyes remained fixed on the road; finally able to see a road sign pointed in the direction of Lodden City at the side of the street.
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some-sick-deja-vu · 4 years
Hannigram fics master list
Hi, I’m Virginia and here is a list of all my Hannigram fics!  You can find me on AO3 as Earthsickwithoutyou, same as my main Tumblr blog (some-sick-deja-vu is my Hannigram sideblog). Most of my fics are rated E for plenty of smut and canon-typical violence, and some of my favorite tropes include Friends or Enemies to Lovers, Angst with a Happy Ending, Fluff and Hurt/Comfort.
I’ve put an asterisk next to the multi-chapter fics.  You can click the titles to link to the stories.  🥰
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Perfect Match series *- When Beverly helps Will set up a dating app profile, he's highly cynical it will ever lead to the kind of happy romantic relationship he craves. But everything changes the night he comes across Hannibal's profile... Drive Me Wild* - Set during Season 2 after Will's release from the BSHCI. Hannibal and Will begin a steamy affair, under Will's strict insistence that they don't talk during sex and they never acknowledge their trysts afterwards. But as the feelings between them grow even more intense with time, it's getting harder for Will to pretend it isn't happening.
The Rooftop* - Will Graham is a loner college student in New Orleans, stuck at a terrible party one night when he happens to run into a handsome, charming surgeon in his thirties, Hannibal Lecter. Just when Will thinks his awful luck in dating is finally turning around, he finds that being courted by Hannibal is nothing like what he expected...it's a whole lot darker, bloodier and scarier.
365* - AU in which Hannibal Lecter is the workaholic heir to an extravagantly wealthy European crime family. He visits the US and becomes smitten with a young man he chances to see on the beach one day. Rather than using a more conventional means of courtship, the wildly possessive and thoroughly obsessed Hannibal kidnaps Will Graham and gives his captive one year to fall in love with him.Based on the premise of the movie 365 Days. Lots more fics under the cut!
What If series* - A collection of one-shot fix-its designed to show what would happen if Will and Hannibal stopped being stubborn idiots and just dealt with their feelings instead of doing literally almost anything they actually did in canon.A chance to stop and embrace all of the beautiful missed opportunities.
The Art of Deception* - Set in Season 2, after Will's release from the BSHCI. Hannibal has fallen into a complacent routine of lying to absolutely everyone about his feelings for Will, but his ability to deceive himself is quickly wearing thin. Does Will feel the same, and can Hannibal fight past his own ridiculousness long enough to find out?  Inspired by the chapter titles in E.M. Forster's A Room With a View. Just Thought You Should Know *- Two years after marrying Molly, Will is restless and unhappy, unable to stop thinking about Hannibal and missing his incarcerated cannibal despite all the reasons why he knows it's wrong. One night, things come to a head when Hannibal finds a way to call him. A series of sensual phone encounters begs the question of how long Will can possibly resist the desire which Hannibal so expertly cultivates. A Dream of Christmas* - Set during Season 2, after Will's release from BSHCI. Hannibal is lonely on Christmas Eve, wishing he could spend the holidays with Will, but refusing to take the blame for damaging their friendship. That night, he dreams of the life he could have if he managed to make things right and be the man Will deserves. Can Hannibal make this dream come true?Inspired by the premise of the Smallville episode "Lexmas." Two Slow Dancers* - Set in Season 1. A dinner party at Hannibal's house sounds like a recipe for disaster to Will, not only because it will require him to be social. He also has a huge crush on the host that increases his nervousness...so it's a good thing Hannibal is more than happy to help him endure the evening's festivities. How to Disappear - After the fall, Will struggles to reconcile his conscience to the happiness in his new life with Hannibal, and all they will become together. Should he try once more to end them both and the madness they inspire in each other, or is there another means of influence offering a glimmer of hope through tenderness? The Truest of Blue and a Love Like a Roar* - He’d tried so hard to fight this, the way Will made him weak with need, made him want to laugh and cry and hold onto him every day forever. He couldn’t fight anymore.Story begins during 3x06 and presents an alternate chain of events where Will and Hannibal give into their attraction. I Know Places* - In order to catch a killer who is targeting "perfect" couples at a high-end planned community, Will and Hannibal go undercover as a married couple who just moved into the neighborhood. The closer they get, the more Will starts to give into his feelings for Hannibal, who can't reconcile his intense desire for Will with the necessity to keep hiding his own murderous ways. Inspired by the premise of The X-Files episode "Arcadia." Takes place in Season 1.
And Then You Kissed Me* - Hannibal is coming down with a cold, and is an absolutely ridiculous hot mess. Will can't help but take care of the killer despite the recent damage to their friendship, but with all that pride, betrayal and heartbreak between them, how close will they let themselves get?
Catching Snowflakes* (HEU - Will x Duncan) - In this fic, Will Graham takes the place of Vanessa Hudgens' character of Camille from Polar. The story picks up soon after the movie's conclusion. Although he's falling for Will, Duncan doesn't think the younger man could ever feel the same about him. Meanwhile, Will finds himself in love with the last person in the world he ever meant to fall for, the man he moved to this town to kill.
Illicit Affairs* - AU in which Will is living a quiet, safe, but deeply conflicted life in Maine, married to Molly but secretly longing for his dark Becoming. Mired in self-hatred and despair, he seeks comfort in the church. But things get very complicated once he meets the new priest at his parish, Father Hannibal Lecter.
Sleepover *- Set in Season 1, after "Fromage." Will is still confused about his kiss with Alana and seeks romantic advice on how to date and be more "smooth" from Hannibal. Little does he know that Hannibal is madly, passionately obsessed with him, and desperately jealous. Needless to say, Dr. Lecter is all too happy to teach Will everything he knows about love and dating.
Dangerous Game - Frederick Chilton hires cruel, cold assassin Will Graham to take out Dr. Hannibal Lecter, the Chesapeake Ripper. Despite having sworn off all affection and intimacy, Will finds himself immediately fascinated by his latest mark, and the feeling is very mutual.
I Think He Knows * - Single dad Will Graham has given up on finding true love, but he’s still writing about it, both in his burgeoning career as a screenwriter and in his hobby composing steamy erotic fan fiction for his favorite t.v. series, Blood Law.  Meanwhile, Blood Law star Hannibal Lecter doesn’t know what hits him when he first meets Will at a Meet and Greet.  For one thing, the hunky Lithuanian actor is still reeling from a recent break-up.  For another, this strange man who’s ranting about his rude behavior happens to be breathtakingly beautiful and clever in a way that catches him entirely off-guard. What will happen when the two have to work together, as Will is hired to rewrite the script of Hannibal's latest movie?
A Christmas to Remember* - Will Graham is looking forward to a peaceful and relaxing vacation with his girlfriend Molly at a luxurious ski resort. Little does he expect to run into his ex-husband, Hannibal Lecter, who is staying at the same resort with his own companion, Alana Bloom. Will thought he left his love for Hannibal -- secretly the brutal Chesapeake Ripper -- deep in his abandoned past as an FBI profiler, but as Christmas magic fills the air and Hannibal begins working his charm to the hilt to try and win his ex's heart again...perhaps Will is not quite so over Hannibal, after all.
A Mess (Happy for You)* - After the bloody disaster of "Mizumono," Will follows Hannibal to Florence, only to discover that his enemy is carrying on affair with Anthony Dimmond. Little does Will know that Hannibal has Anthony pretending to be Will, as this is the young poet's only value to him. When Hannibal and Will finally come face to face, it's with a shocking confrontation of the devastating love between them. Surrender: Will and Hannibal have begun anew together in Cuba, but Will can't seem to find a way to show Hannibal he's ready for their love to become physical. Until one night, the perfect moment finally arrives... The Gentleman Who Fell*: Young teacher Will Graham arrives at Blackstag Hall to tutor Abigail Hobbs, ward of Hannibal Lecter, the seldom-glimpsed, mysterious master of the estate. Will soon becomes tangled in a slow-blooming romance with his employer, a journey riddled with terrifying surprises at his love's true nature...and eventually his own.  (Jane Eyre AU) Plastic Hearts: Hannibal has a huge crush on his favorite porn star, Will Graham, and is blown away when he runs into the gorgeous younger man by chance one night. What will happen when Hannibal's fantasies collide with reality?
Gold Rush:* Season 1 if Will Graham thought well of himself and enjoyed his life. When he meets Hannibal, he can't resist flirting heavily and beginning to court the irresistible, elegant therapist. However, a confident, smooth Will Graham is an overwhelming prospect to Hannibal, to say the least. Can Will get past Hannibal's defenses? One thing's for sure, Will isn't giving up: he's obsessed.
2 weeks:*  After reading the news of Will's marriage to Molly, an incarcerated Hannibal cannot bear their separation or his own jealousy any longer. He breaks out and finds Will, proposing a bet: that Will gives Hannibal two weeks to prove his love and convince Will to run away with him. If Hannibal succeeds, they will be together for life, but if he fails, he'll return to the BSHCI and never see Will again. With Hannibal's heart on the line and Will's inner moral conflict hard to hear above the roar of his longing for the killer, what choice is he going to make?
Tis the damn season* Smooth-talking, debonair Baltimore surgeon Hannibal Lecter and blue collar, Louisianan single dad car mechanic Will Graham have nothing in common. Except for the forbidden love they shared over one perfect, sultry summer many years ago, and the broken-hearted, bitter anger they both harbor afterwards.Now Hannibal is forced to return to his uncle's estate near Will's town at Christmas -- I sure hope his car doesn't break down since there's only one mechanic in town...
Ours*: Dr. Lecter asks an overworked, stressed and infatuated Will Graham to be his very good boy and let Daddy take care of simply everything. This causes new awakenings in the younger man even as Hannibal's own vulnerability surprises him. Their new bond slowly builds to obsession as they become insatiable for each other, but Hannibal's keeping secrets and a lock on his heart. What will it take for Hannibal to give Will the same emotional openness he demands from his boy?        
Crown for Christmas*: Will Graham is a struggling artist and hardworking hotel housekeeper, starved for love, inspiration and happiness until the day he literally collides with the handsome and mysterious King Hannibal of Lithuania. Coffee is spilled and sparks fly -- especially when Will is is hired to be au pair to the King's precocious daughter Abigail at Castle Lecter. Could this be the merriest Christmas for two hopeless romantics from different worlds?
Potential*: A series of fluffy one-shots.  That’s it, that’s the series 😂🥰 hate the club*: After Will’s release from the BSHCI, his zealous pursuit of revenge against Hannibal runs him ragged with more emotional confusion. Then during one fateful session, Dr. Lecter makes the pivotal mistake of noticing Will’s lack of a dating life. In order to prove his nemesis dead wrong, Will decides to throw himself vigorously into the world of dating. When Will meets Nigel and later Duncan, with both of Hannibal’s brothers falling hard for him, what will Will’s heart decide, and how will Hannibal cope with the competition so close to home? closer (madancy): * (RPF) Mads and Hugh harbor deep feelings and desires for each other but both assume it's unrequited and have therefore been hiding how they feel for years. Their sexual tension is pushed to a new limit when they receive an absolutely outrageous offer to make a scandalous movie together... black coffee: Settled in Cuba with Hannibal, Will finds out that his partner is very much capable of fixing anything that breaks or malfunctions in their house, a discovery which blows away his expectation that he'll be the handyman in the relationship. Once Hannibal encourages Will to just relax while Daddy handles all the problems and hard work, it's only a matter of time before the sexual tension between them finally breaks... Interested in early access to all fic chapters, previews, polls that directly effect story choices, and getting a prompt turned into a fic once a month?  Check out my Patreon!  I truly appreciate any and all support for my writing 💜✨
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megan1412 · 2 years
Merry Christmas from The Beatles
Here is a special Christmas fic for you guys. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and I hope you are safe and happy! Love you guys!!!
Christmas Eve
Paul and John rush around, trying to make sure the venue is fully decorated for the party. They had rented a convention center for the EMI and family Christmas party. John and Paul had foolishly appointed themselves as party planners and had been working their asses off pulling this off for weeks. The party was to start in two hours and the cook had yet to arrive. Paul began to go into panic mode as John tried to call his Aunt Mimi to ask her to arrive early to help and to bring the kids. The bartender arrives with his mixology kit and begins to set up. John runs over to him anxiously.
“Have you heard from the cook? Is he coming?”
“How should I know if he’s coming?”
“He’s your brother! We hired both of you for this party and one of you isn’t here to start cooking the food. The party starts in two hours!”
“Look Mr. Lennon. I’m not my brother’s keeper. Call him yourself. I’m busy.” the bartender scowls.
“Someone is getting reduced pay with that attitude.” John growls as he walks away.
John approaches Paul and wipes nervous sweat from his brow. Paul scowls as he fixes a table runner.
“John relax. No one is getting reduced pay. He’s probably just late.”
“I’m gonna call him. What’s the number?”
Paul pulls out a slip of paper from his coat pocket and hands it to his husband. He goes to the phone and dials. A few minutes later, he slams the phone down and exclaims loudly.
Paul drops the glass he is holding and takes a step back.
“Ok. Ok. We can deal with this. Calm down.” He says, breathing heavily.
“Should I call a caterer?” John says through gritted teeth.
“Try and see if they can get here by eight. It’s Christmas Eve. It would be a miracle if they can do it.”
Minutes go by and no luck from any restaurant. John finally gets ahold of a Chinese restaurant across London and they say they can try to get food to the hotel if they pay an extra fee.
“How much extra will it be?” John sighs.
“Your current total is £250. The extra fee will be £30.”
Paul gives John a stern look and John acquiesces. He tells them he will pay whenever they arrive. He hangs up the phone and sighs heavily.
“We are budgeting for the rest of the year.”
“You mean for one more week?” Paul laughs.
“Shut up Macca.”
A while later, Mimi strolls through the door with the kids. The two boys are wearing new tuxedos and Elizabeth is wearing a red and black dress. John takes Elizabeth in his arms and spins her around. All of his worries are temporarily gone.
“Daddy’s little princess looks so beautiful tonight. And the Lennon men look pretty sharp too.” he says excitedly.
“Need any help John?” Mimi says as he puts her purse down.
For the next hour, they finish placing plates on tables and folding napkins. The band playing arrives and begin to set up their equipment on the stage. George and Ringo arrive soon after.
“You guys did amazing!” Ringo gasps as he sets his coat down.
“Look Ringo, mistletoe!” George says cheekily.
They run over like little kids and stand under it. Paul and John snicker as they kiss. Paul motions for John to follow him, but he grabs his arm.
“I have more planned for you. It’s better than some silly mistletoe.” He whispers and winks.
Paul grins and slaps John’s butt. The guests begin to arrive. George Martin, Geoff Emerick, various EMI people, and their families. When the clock is near 8, Paul and John get frustrated as the food hasn’t arrived.
“Ok, now I’m beginning to get angry.” Paul says through gritted teeth.
Just as Paul finishes his sentence, a delivery man rushes through the door. He calls out for John and Paul. They run to the door.
“Are you the Lennon’s?”
“It’s about time you got here.” John sighs.
“Sorry the delivery van got lost. The food is being brought in now. Just sign here.”
The food is placed on the tables and the party begins. Drinks are passed around and music begins to fill the room. John and Paul roam around and say hello to everyone. The kids run around with their cousins and their friends. George and Ringo go on stage and mutter out stupid jokes drunkenly. When the party begins to wind down, John and Paul walk up to the stage and begin to start a toast.
“Hey everyone. I know everyone is pretty smashed right now but I’m just gonna get to it.”
He gets a few giggles from the audience and continues.
“This has been another great year. I wouldn’t have been able to do all of it without the support of my family, friends, bandmates, and my husband. Happy Crimble and you all smell.”
Laughs and roars of applause erupt. Paul pats John on the back and gets up to the mic.
“I would just like to say on behalf of my family and our bandmates, Merry Christmas and I love you all. This year wouldn’t have been possible without all of you. Let’s hope next year is just as wonderful and productive. Happy Crimble and Happy Holidays.”
He gets loads of applause and waves as he walks off the stage with John hand in hand.
Later that night after all the guests have left and John and Paul’s kids have gone home, John stands under the mistletoe waiting for Paul to notice.
“Hey John, what do we do with… hey. Your standing under the mistletoe.”
He saunters over to a very cheeky Lennon. He looks down at Paul and grins.
“This is part one of a very Merry Christmas for you McCartney.”
He pulls Paul in and kisses him tenderly. Paul wraps his arms around John and moans softly. They hear giggles and spin around to see George and a very drunk Ringo laughing from a corner. John screams and flips them off while laughing. They run out of the hall after yelling BYE! John laughs and takes Paul’s hand.
“Let’s get a cab and go home where I can give you an early Christmas gift.”
“And what is that?” Paul says suggestively.
“Some Lennon booty.” He says through a big smile.
Paul laughs and takes John’s hand as they walk out of the hall. John begins to sing Christmas carols loudly as they walk out.
“Santa Claus got stuck in my chimney
Stuck in my chimney, stuck in the chimney
Santa Claus got stuck in my chimney
When he came last year.
Merry Christmas from Me To You!!!
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wrenhyperfixates · 3 years
How the God Stole Christmas
Pairing: Loki x reader Summary: Loki despises Christmas, and after watching the Grinch, he decides there’s only one thing to do about it. But you just might melt his cold heart. Warnings: zip, zilch, zero A/N:  So this is my little spoof of the original and best Grinch, starring Loki. Hope you all enjoy :)
Tag List: @lucywrites02 @frostedgiant​​ @lunarmoon8​ @twhiddlestonsstuff​ @lokistan​ @thelokiimaginechroniclesficrecs​ @gaitwae​ @whatafuckingdumbass​
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Disclaimer: Gif not mine 
Red and green everywhere, the same songs playing in every single store, silly little decorations in every nook and cranny. Yup, it was official. Loki hated Christmas. He couldn’t even place his finger on why, exactly; he just did. So, naturally, this was his least favorite time of year. Sadly, none of his teammates seemed to share that sentiment.
Loki walked into the common room only to hear the same carol that was playing in the last shop he’d visited. He gritted his teeth against the sound of his brother signing along. The Tower was just as heavily decorated as the rest of the city. If there was a Christmas-field version of something, you could bet one of the Avengers had bought it. And if they hadn’t, it was just a matter of time.
At least the sweets constantly being baked weren’t entirely despicable. Though, admittedly, even his notorious sweet tooth was getting a little sick of them. Right now, he could smell the aroma of gingerbread wafting from the oven. It made him consider skipping the cup of tea he was currently on his way to get, but he knew he needed it if he had any chance of calming down. He was glad he’d decided to go to the kitchen after all when he saw you were the one baking, flour smeared on your apron and face in an adorable mess.
The poor God of Mischief was still rather isolated from everyone else. He was trying, but by the time any of the Avengers had gotten over his past wrongdoings, he was sour towards all of them. It was hard to want to be friends with people who spent the first six months of his living in the Tower scorning him. It was also hard to call a place like that home. There had been one shining beacon of beautiful light during those early days: you.
“Hello, darling,” he greeted, heating up the water for his cup. “Those cookies smell divine.”
“Oh! Hi Loki,” you exclaimed, turning around, not having heard him enter. “And thanks. Do you want to help us decorate?”
“That depends on who exactly ‘us’ is.”
“The whole team.” He made a small hum of acknowledgement and blew on his scalding drink. You frowned a little, knowing full well that he distanced himself because of how they used to treat him. But you also knew they wanted to change things, they just weren’t entirely sure how. “It could be a great bonding opportunity. Plus, I’ll be there, obviously, but so will Peter and Bucky. Doesn’t it sound fun?”
Besides you, the trickster god found some companionship in the two aforementioned Avengers. They’d come after Loki had, and Peter’s endless optimism had won him over. As for Bucky, he had gone through much the same that Loki had, their common pasts bonding them quickly. Unfortunately, all his friends loved this despicable holiday.
“Perhaps another time,” he finally replied. “Next year.”
“Ok,” you sighed. “You’ll at least watch movies with us tonight, right?”
“I do not know. Perhaps it would be better if I did not.”
“Please,” you pouted. “Come on, it’s Christmas Eve. I’ll even save a special cookie for you.”
“Your persistence is as relentless as it is adorable,” he laughed. “I will come, but just for a movie or two. Deal?”
“Deal!” you squealed. “You won’t regret it. Oh! And, Loki, come here.”
You wrapped your arms around him, holding him in a tight embrace. It surprised him, to say the least. He still wasn’t entirely used to such signs of affection, but they were welcome, especially from you. However, he never was quite sure how to respond. After a second, he somewhat awkwardly wrapped his arms around you to return the hug.
“What was that for?” he questioned as you pulled back.
“You just seemed like you needed one,” you shrugged.
The joy that that gave him lasted all the way into the evening when it was time for him to join you for a movie, as promised. He’d put it off as long as he could, even considering just skipping and saying he’d fallen asleep. That would upset you, though, and you were the one person he hated to lie to. So, he made his way to the common room where a new movie was just starting. You scooted over a little on the couch so he could squeeze in between you and Peter. Bucky was sitting on the floor close by, and Loki had no doubt you’d specifically requested they be in those positions so he felt more comfortable. He was greeted with a few polite—dare he say, borderline friendly—nods and waves from a few of his other teammates. And, of course, an overly enthusiastic pat on the back from his brother as he passed.
“Loki! Glad you could make it,” you whispered as he plopped down next to you.
“Well, a deal is a deal, darling.”
“That reminds me, here’s your cookie.”
The little gingerbread man you handed him was decorated to look like him in his Asgardian battle armor. It was a wonderful likeness, all things considered. He smiled as he took a bite of the baked good. He tried to let go of all hate for the season as he relished this moment with you, but it was still lingering there.
“It is delicious, thank you.”
“No problem. I’m glad you liked it.”
You quieted down as the movie began and the opening credits played. Loki was already losing interest, and then the title appeared. How the Grinch Stole Christmas. A most intriguing title, he mused. Now that his interest was peaked, he watched with rapt attention as the animated film began. That grumpy, green fellow was possibly the best protagonist in any movie he’d been made to watch yet. He certainly had the right idea about Christmas. And those tiny little voices would have annoyed Loki to no end. It really was no different than what he was going through now, he realized. He thought it rather rude to call the Grinch “mean” though. It seemed to Loki he was just misunderstood.  
As he watched the Grinch load up all the wreathes and toys into his sleigh, Loki was struck with an idea. Why should he not be able to do the same thing? Ok, maybe he couldn’t get away with stealing from the whole city, but what about the Tower? It was his home, too, and no one had asked him how he felt about all this stuff.
Now that he had a master plan blossoming in his head, he didn’t much care to see the end of the movie. He’d gotten everything he needed out of it. So, he went up to get a refill on his drink. By the time he go back, it was over.
“You missed the ending,” Peter said. “Do you want us to go back?”
“No, it is fine. I thought it was perfect just the way it was.”
“But all you saw was him stealing Christmas?”
“Should I be worried?”
“No. In fact, I could use your help.”
Before Peter could ask with what, everyone was getting up and leaving the room, ready to call it a night. You fretted over the fact that he’d only gotten to see one movie, but he assured you it was alright. The matter wasn’t dropped until he promised to watch at least one more tomorrow, too. It didn’t make much difference to him though, considering that after he was through with the Tower, he was sure no one would be much in the mood for Christmas movies, anyway.
“You’re planning something,” Bucky said before exiting.
“Maybe. Are you looking to assist?”
“Probably not. But good luck.”
“Fair enough. Goodnight.”
“Yeah, goodnight, Loki,” Peter said as he tried to hurry off after Bucky.
“Spiderling, may I enlist your help?” Loki asked.
“I, uh, yeah, I guess. What are friends for?”
“Excellent!” Loki exclaimed as the rest of the Avengers finished filing out.
The more he explained the plan, the more nervous Peter became. It did give Loki a bit of a pause, but oh, it sounded like great fun! For weeks on end now, he’d been suffering through this horrid season. It was just a little payback to the universe. That was fair, right? Maybe, but it was not fair to force his friend to help him.
“Listen, spiderling, if you do not wish to help, you do not have to,” Loki said.
“This is going to make you happy, right? Like, is this going to make your Christmas?”
“Quite honestly, I think it will.”
Peter considered for a moment, weighing the pros and cons of this situation. “Ok, I’ll help. On one condition. We leave everyone’s rooms as they are. We’ll just clean out the common areas.”
“That is quite reasonable. Thank you, spiderling.”
The duo got to work, stuffing all the little decorations in their sacks. Peter insisted that if they were going to do this, they had to do it right, and fetched a reindeer antler headband for himself and a Santa hat for Loki. While it was on the one hand entirely ridiculous, it did give Loki a bit of a laugh at the implication of it. Him as the Grinch and Peter as Max, his reluctant but loyal ally. The thought made him smile a little.
Everything was going great until they got to the first of the many large trees in the Tower. Loki stood there with a cocked head, tapping his chin. Sure, he could try to do it like the Grinch had, but life wasn’t a cartoon. So, no, that would pose more of a problem than a solution. Besides, Loki had something the Grinch didn’t. Magic. Carefully working his seiðr, the god shrunk down the first pine, ornaments and all, and put it in one of the bags.
A little while later, he was getting ready to do the same thing to one of the last remaining trees. Then you came stumbling out into the room. Peter did a little panicked dance before slinging a web and sticking himself to the ceiling. Loki walked up to you and laid his hands on your shoulder, trying to determine how conscious you actually were.
“Loki?” you asked, rubbing your eyes, your voice a little slurred from sleep. “What’re you doing? Where’re all the decorations?”
“You tell me. It is your dream,” he quickly lied.
“My dream,” you parroted spotting the filled sack on the ground near his feet “So is this because we watched the Grinch? Does that make me Cindy Lou Who?”
“I suppose it does, darling,” he laughed. “Why don’t you go back to bed?”
“Are you going to put everything thing back, Loki Claus?”
This time the chuckle came from Peter, who was watching the whole thing play out from his vantage point. You were too out of it to notice, though. Instead, you kept looking at Loki with those adorable doe eyes.
“I... Perhaps. Let us just get you back to your room right now, ok?”
You nodded, and he picked up your tired body, using his godly strength to carry you bridal style and lay you down amongst your many blankets and pillows. You gently tugged him down onto the mattress with you, and he remained there for a moment, not exactly sure of what was happening.
“Do you need to talk?” you questioned, cupping his cheeks and seeming a bit more awake than you a had a second ago. “I know things are hard, but we all do really care for you. I really care for you. And I’m here for you. You know that, right?”
“I know. I will be alright, darling. Just get a good night’s sleep for me, hmm?”
“Ok,” you sighed as he got up. “Night, Loki.”
“Goodnight, darling,” he whispered as he leaned over to give your head a small kiss.
He walked back out to his partner in crime, who was anxiously awaiting him. Loki let out a huff. He knew what the right thing to do now was.
“So?” Peter asked.
“Let’s put it all back,” Loki conceded.
And so they did. It took most of the night, but they got every last knickknack and ornament into place. Then Loki did something he never imagined he would; he added even more. His magic made the garlands a little bit fuller, the lights a little bit brighter, and the trees a little bit taller. More little statues and winter scenes appeared on nearly every surface possible. Finally, he nearly doubled the number of gifts under the tree, adding his own to the mix. He gave a satisfied little nod when he was done, then looked at Peter who was beaming at him.
“What is it?” Loki inquired, though he knew the answer deep down.
“Oh, nothing. This was fun, though. We should do this every year,” Peter yawned as they worked their way to their rooms to catch a couple hours of sleep.
“Maybe we will, spiderling. Maybe we will.”
Loki woke up the next morning slightly more cheerful than he had in months. Ironic, considering today was actually Christmas, the culmination of the season he hated so much. Swinging his legs over the side of his bed and stretching out, Loki realized maybe he really was like the Grinch, and the only reason he disliked it so much was because he was so alone. And, like the Grinch, maybe he wasn’t appreciating those he did have enough. Maybe it was time to come out of his mountain cave and live amongst the people in town.
He eyed his Santa hat from last night, hanging from a bedpost. He picked it up and put it on his head, laughing a little in the mirror. He tugged on a deep green cable-knit sweater before he remembered the rest of the team’s plan to wear ugly sweaters today. He wasn’t sure what had gotten into him exactly, but he conjured one up for himself. It was a little ridiculous, but he supposed that was the whole point.
Heading out into the hall, he realized everything was dead silent. Loki wondered for a second if maybe you all had decided to go out for breakfast this morning. He sighed, but he couldn’t really hold it against any of you if you hadn’t invited him. He never said yes on a normal day, and he’d made it a point just how much he disliked Christmas. Regardless, he made his way to the kitchen.
“Merry Christmas!”
He nearly pulled out a dagger as everyone suddenly jumped out in front of him and shouted those words. Once his heart rate slowed back down to normal, he smiled despite himself. That’s when he noticed plates piled high with his favorite foods and realized you’d all must have gotten up early to do this for him.
“Merry Christmas, everyone. What is all this?”
“We just wanted to do something for you, Loki,” you explained. “Oh! And we got you a gift. Here.”
You handed him a small package wrapped in green and gold. It must have been convenient that his colors were also colors for the holiday. He laughed a little to himself, wondering how he hadn’t noticed before. He tore into the wrapping paper to find a small planner. You nodded at him, urging him on as he gave you a quizzical look. It had a bunch of events written in it, as well as which members of the team were attending.
“See, we know you don’t always come to our team events,” Bucky told him, “but we know you might want to start.”
“We have not always been the most... accepting,” Thor added. “Now, though, we want you to be able to come to any and everything you want to.”
“So we wrote it all down for you,” Peter finished. “This way, you know when things are and can just join whenever you feel like it.”
“Do you like it?” you nervously asked, biting your lip.
“Darling, it’s perfect,” he sincerely told you, tears of gratitude welling in his eyes. “Thank you. All of you.”
He was met with a chorus of “you’re welcomes” and “anytimes” as the room was filled with even more smiles. Soon, everyone dug into the feast that had been prepared, and the rest of the day was filled with merriment and laughter. Loki was surprised to see there were even more gifts for him resting under the tree. By the time it was dark out, the team was settling in to watch a few final Christmas movies for the season. Loki didn’t think he’d be taking any ideas from them tonight.
“Darling,” he said as the two of you were alone, grabbing movie snacks in the kitchen. “May I ask you why you all did what you did for me?”
“It’s like we said, Loki. We all do care about you, and we want you to be able to do stuff with us. They know you’re not a bad guy, you’ve more than proven that. For a long time they just weren’t exactly sure how to bridge the gap. But you’re a part of the team, and we want you to feel like it.”
“Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me.”
“It’s no problem, Loki. Plus, you really did go all out with these extra decorations.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” he blushed.
“Oh?” you said, walking up to him so that you bodies were nearly pressed together. “You don’t now, huh Loki Claus?”
Of course you hadn’t bought his lie last night. He laughed a little to himself now for thinking you had. But Loki realized something else, too. What you’d done last night, what you’d said, you’d fully known what you were doing. The way you’d pulled him onto the bed and held his face, told him how you cared. You knew it was real.
“Darling,” he said. “I think I do need to talk, after all.”
“I’m listening. What is it?”
“I love you.”
You pulled him in for a kiss, and he reciprocated immediately, smiling against your lips. Now he was wondering if he was dreaming. But no, just like last night, this was real.
“In case it wasn’t obvious,” you said, catching your breath, “I love you too.”
Hand in hand, you went to join the rest of the team. So maybe Loki’s heart didn’t literally grow three sizes that day, but there was one more comparison to be drawn. Because, you see, in finding his place, Loki realized that Christmas wasn’t so bad after all.
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generallybarzy · 3 years
hey there, stranger. x
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine
an: this was supposed to be out on new years, but oh well! Let's keep the holiday magic going as long as we can!!! It has officially (actually at 11pm later today on the 22nd) been a year since i created this blog, and since Maty played so goddman well tonight, it’s only fitting to finish this. Its been three, beautiful, perfect months since you first met your loving boyfriend, and its the end of the year. time for the ball to drop, and for you to drop a metaphorical ball on mat to ring in the new year. A new year hopefully filled with so much more emotion and growth- both romantic and personal.
taglist: @selenophileangel @deleausvp @dunnwithlyfe @smit41 @softboybarzal @fallinallincurls @matbaerzal @brokeninsidebutnobodyknows @hockeyhughes11 @folkloreflyers @nazdaddy @shawnsreputation @comphybiscuit @aboveaveragehockeyboys @canadianheaters @ifiwasshawnmendesidslapmyself @baby-cat-nol-pat @heybarzy (i’m assuming you wanna be tagged, if not, lemme know), @d-cozens
word count: 3.7k (longer than usual!!)
playlist (specifially the song I Feel Good About This by The Mowgli’s)
The days between Christmas and New Years were always the slowest for you.  Having to spend the in-between of your holidays alone was tiring and the cold winter weather just wore you down more.
This year, though, you couldn’t be happier. 
After meeting Mat’s family on Christmas day, you were on cloud nine. You were becoming more and more confident in this relationship and where it was headed, and for the first time ever, you couldn’t wait to see how it played out. And though Mat’s hands had not traveled further than they had on Christmas, you could practically feel the sexual tension in the air. He just had to hold on for a bit longer. With your three-month anniversary approaching, you still felt it was much too soon to take that step, despite the emotions that were becoming more and more overwhelming every day.
The six days between Christmas and New Years were spent in Mat’s apartment, as your campus was closed for Christmas break and you didn’t want to stay all alone in that tiny dorm when you had such a loving boyfriend who was needy and had stayed in New York for you instead of flying to Vancouver to see his family. The quickest thing you learned during your stay was that the best treatment for the gloomy winter blues was a simple dosage of time with Mat. Though Mat still had three games to play between Christmas and New Years, every second that you weren’t there watching him or watching from the couch, you were together, cuddling on the couch in the central heating of his expensive apartment, baking cookies, and cherishing each little moment. 
Though you had hoped to be able to cuddle him all afternoon before going out into chilly Times Square to watch the ball drop, he had a game in D.C. on New Year’s Eve, and so you’d be spending most of the day alone before he got back. 
Mat woke up this morning, a few hours before having to leave for practice, his arms around your body. He wanted to wake you up so that you could spend time together before he left, but he didn’t have the heart yet to wake you. You looked so peaceful, lying against his chest like this, in all of your glory. Makeup-free, messy hair, but still just as beautiful as ever. Mat’s hand found its way to your cheek, warm to the touch, and his thumb dragged gently over the smooth skin, careful not to wake you.
The night before had ended in celebration, cheers and drinks and laughter, as the two of you had just found out that Mat made the 2020 All Star game in St. Louis, and Mat still grinned thinking back to your reaction. 
“Oh my God, Maty!” 
“Yeah, yeah!” he laughed along as you held onto him and jumped in excitement. “I know!”
“Congrats, baby!! I knew you would do it!” You were easily more excited than him, and he felt his heart swell with pride. Not pride that he had gotten into the All Star Game, he was excited about that, sure, but not as much as he was proud to have made you happy. Proud to have you proud of him. That, that was what warmed his heart. 
“Thanks, babe.” His arm wrapped around your waist and held you close, bringing your celebratory jumping to a halt. 
You looked up at him with confused, pretty eyes. “Aren’t you excited? I feel like you’re not celebrating as much as you should be.”
“Of course I’m excited! This is amazing.”
“You’re gonna be playing with all the stars!! All the players you used to watch and look up to!! You are one of the stars!! I can’t believe it, Maty. My boyfriend is a star!!”
“Hey, hey.” He laughed a bit, trying to keep his modesty. It felt amazing, being considered a star, sure, and he still couldn’t believe it. He was so excited to be in the All Star Game, of course, but he didn’t want you to think that was all he cared about. He didn’t want you to think of him as a star hockey player. No, he was your boyfriend. So, he played it casual. “This isn’t my first one, you know, you don’t have to congratulate me like this.”
“It’s cool, but I mean, it’s not like it’s my first, it’s not as special as last-” 
“Shut up, shut up baby. My beautiful, amazing, talented boy. It doesn’t matter if it’s your first or your hundredth game, alright? I’m still gonna be proud of you. Because you’re talented, and beautiful, and so, so good and passionate about hockey.” Your small hands caressed his cheeks, and as much as he tried to play it cool, he felt the blood rise to his face and a smile breaking through his lips. And you noticed too. “Actually, Maty, you love hockey so much there’s no way you wouldn’t be ecstatic about this. I think you are excited, but you're trying to seem cool. Is that what you’re doing?”
His shoulders rose and fell as he started grinning more. You were proud of him, you supported his career and his dreams and his love of hockey, and he couldn’t ask for more. 
“You know me well.” 
“Yeah, I do.” 
Finally, he laughed breathlessly. “I’m super excited.” 
“I know you are, my talented boy.” 
“Hey there…” 
Your voice pulled Mat from his trance, and he refocused his gaze on your face after spacing out. He smiled, the way he always did when he saw you in his bed, and pulled the blankets tighter. “Hey there, baby.” 
“Looked a little lost in thought, there, buddy.”
“Yeah?” He laughed at your teasing and looked up to the ceiling. “I’m just happy.” 
“Yeah?” You leaned up to kiss his chin. “I’m excited for you.” 
“Not just that.” 
“I’m just so happy with you.” 
You reached out to cup Mat’s face in your hands, stretching up and pressing a soft kiss to his cheek. “I’m happy too.” 
“Good.” He held you to him and rolled to his side on the bed, a big leg coming to hook over yours and pull you closer to his body. From this position, you could kiss him much easier, so, playing with the collar of the t-shirt he’d slept in for modesty, you pulled him in. 
“How much longer until you have to leave?” 
Mat groaned, as if your question had pulled him out of his dreamy, blissful state. “Three hours.” You hummed in response, completely content with spending that time right here, in your little haven with Mat. “Sorry. I really wanted to be with you on New Year’s”
“You can’t help that you have a game. I’ll be watching, like always.” 
“But I wish I could be here with you.” 
“But you’ll be home before midnight, won’t you?”
“I promise.”  
The morning dragged on slow and leisurely, with no reason or will to get up. Slowly, gently, you managed to migrate from bed to the kitchen, to the couch, where you cuddled back down with bowls of healthy cereal, both too lazy to make breakfast, some slow morning show on TV. There weren’t many words exchanged, but there didn’t need to be. You understood each other, and the silence was telling, his hand around your waist spoke loud enough, the way his eyes held your so softly and gently proclaimed his feelings loud and clear, his lips on yours screamed out his love for you without restraint. There was nothing he could do different than he was now to show you more how much he loved you- it was obvious, it was as clear as day, and the further and further along this relationship went, the more confident you were becoming that you loved him back. But you still couldn’t tell him, you couldn’t bring yourself to break down that final wall and give you all to him. You were still running on half of your heart, and you knew he was trying his best to build it back up for you. 
When the time finally came that he had to leave, it took all his strength to pull away from you. 
“I don’t wanna go. Can I just say I’m sick?” 
“No, baby.” You pushed him towards the door, handing him his backpack. “As much as I’m gonna miss you, your team needs you. Go score some goals for me, alright?” 
“Hnn.” He groaned in response but leaned down to press his lips to yours in goodbye.
You patted down the front of his suit, admiring the way he cleaned up so pretty, though wishing he could stay with you in sweats all day. “You look good, Maty.” 
“So do you.” His hands smoothed down your arms, down the sleeves of his jersey you had already put on for good luck. “I promise I’ll be home in time to head out, okay?” 
“You better. Now go play some hockey, bubs.” 
“I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too.” 
His bottom lip jutted out in a look that should not be that cute on a grown man. But, oh fuck, it was. “One more kiss? Please?” 
“Okay. One more.” A smile tugged at your lips as he pulled you in to lock lips one more time over the threshold of the door, toothy and sweet and giggly. And Mat was hoping, in his head, that every game day would be like this from now on. Kissing his beautiful girlfriend before stepping out the door. Never again would he have to return alone after a long night, or find solace in some other woman after a loss. He had you. He loved you. 
He smiled as he pulled away, sighing a soft breath through his laughter. “Okay, bye now.”
“Bye, baby.”
They won.
The perfect, beautiful, Hollywood ending to a perfect year. The best way to ring in the new year, and you couldn’t be prouder of the boys. 
Immediately after you saw the team leave the ice on the TV screen, your phone started vibrating with a call. Mat’s name lit up on your screen and you couldn’t help but smile to yourself at the butterflies that erupted in your chest just at the thought of him, giddy and excited after a game, and the first thing he thinks of is you. It made you feel so special, so cared for, so remembered. So loved. 
You answered the call, your heart throbbing. There, on the screen, Mat was sitting, still in his uniform, helmet perched high atop his head, his locker in the background of the frame. All around him, you could hear the boys celebrating in the locker room. His friends were all celebrating, and he was here, calling you. He didn’t have to. But he did. He chose you. “Hi, Maty!” 
“Babe! Did you see me?”
“I always do!” 
You saw him get jostled around a bit by teammates on the other end, and the giddy grin that lit up his face was just too much. “Hey, hey, I uhh, I gotta ask something.”
“What’s up?”
“I, uhh, I know we planned to go out to Times Square tonight, and we still will, don’t worry! But, uhh, I got a buddy here who got his plans shot down last minute and he's gonna be alone tonight. Think this could be less of a date and more of the three of us? It’s alright if you don’t want him to come, he’ll be oka-”
“It’s fine.” You weren’t sure how the words came so easily to you, but something made you feel as if you were ready. Ready to get dangerously tangled with Mat’s personal life, with his friends and his life outside of you. You were ready.
“You sure?”
“As long as you promise to kiss me at midnight and not him.” 
He laughed on the other end, and you heard the echo of someone else’s laugh next to him and a shout of “Thank you!”. Mat glanced over to his friend for only a second before looking back to you. “Thanks. Hope he doesn't scare you off.” 
“He can’t be worse than you.” 
“Oh, yeah?” Mat cackled again, his cheeks pink and aching from the overwhelming happiness he was feeling. 
“I miss you, bubs.”
You heard his teammates cheer in laughter and roar “ooh!” as if they were high school boys cheering on their buddy in the background, seemingly the entire locker room started eavesdropping on their star player and his girlfriend. Mid-laughter, red-cheeked and flustered, he never took his eyes off the camera. “Miss you too, baby. I’ll be home in a few hours.” 
“See you then.”
I love you!
I love you!
Things felt unfinished as you hung up the phone. ‘Bye’? It didn’t feel like enough, it felt wrong, and your throat was itching to say something else. Stupid, stupid, it’s way too early. 
Way too early, maybe but fuck it felt good. It felt so good.
You couldn’t contain your excitement when you heard the key turn in the door to Mat’s apartment a few hours later. You jumped up from the couch to run over to the door, smiling immediately when you saw Mat’s face. 
"Hey, (Y/N)!" 
"Hi, Mat!” 
“Missed you, baby.” You wrapped your arms around his waist as he pulled you close and squeezed tight, forgetting for a moment that you had company. He was just burying his face in your hair when another man, who you only knew because of all the games you watched and had seen him next to Mat on the bench every now and then. You stepped back from the hug, but kept your fingers laced through Mat’s. “Oh! And hi Mat’s friend."
“Hi, (Y/N)!” His friend spoke up from the doorway. “I’m Anthony!”
“That’s Tito.” Mat said at the same time, jerking his head back to motion towards his friend without looking away from you. You laughed at their antics before Tito continued.
“Nice to meet you, finally. Mat hasn’t shut up about you for at least 2 months.” 
“Dude!!” Mat exclaimed and turned to whack him, causing his friend to laugh. 
“Oh, wow.” Something warmed your heart at the thought of Mat talking about you to his friends. There was something so amazing about the feeling that blossomed up in your chest knowing that you still existed in his mind even when you weren’t there with him. “Nice to meet you too.” 
“Sorry, we’re late. We stopped by my place so I could change. Didn’t want to go out in a suit. Wouldn’t have been really warm.” 
“That’s fine!” You were liking Mat’s friends so far. He seemed sweet. “Speaking of warm clothes,” You nudged Mat a bit, “You should go change so we can head out to the square, it’s getting close to time.” 
“Yeah, I will.” 
“Thanks for letting me crash your date tonight.” Anthony spoke up, interrupting your slight PDA. “I know you had plenty of big plans for ringing in the new year, if you know what I mean.” He laughed and had a suggestive tone as he glanced at Mat, who hit him again, looking frantic.
“Dude!! Shut it!!!”
“Hey, it’s true.”
You laughed a little, but couldn’t help but flush as you locked eyes with Mat again, imagining the things Anthony was suggesting. Plans? Big plans? You didn't have plans like that tonight, unless Mat had planned to try and sleep with you tonight. Was he planning something like that? Would he, knowing how uncomfortable you are with that? Despite you worry, the thought made you heat up all over, and you didn’t want to be so flustered in front of his friend. You squeezed his hand- heavy in your own- one more time, and he squeezed back hopeful, a plea for you to ignore what you’d heard, before you dropped it. “So, Maty. you should probably get ready to head out. Go put something more warm on. Then we can leave.” 
“Right, right.” 
Mat glanced over at his friend, locking eyes and engaging in a silent conversation you knew best friends always have. When Mat finally walked off to the bedroom, Anthony made himself at home on the couch, waiting, a new, tense silence in the air, and typing some texts out on his phone while you gathered up your jacket for heading out. It took Mat a bit longer than usual to get ready, and when he emerged, he had a beanie in his hand, and a black plaid coat paired with the Office hoodie you loved so much, and a grin on his face,, warm and bright like the one you knew. He bumped fists with Tito as he stood from the couch, and came over to you, lacing your fingers together, gazing at you softly.
“Are you ready to head out?”
You tried to compose yourself from how good he looked. "Absolutely.” 
“Not if you two are gonna be all gross all night.” Tito groaned.
“Ha ha.” Mat stuck his tongue out at his friend playfully. “You wish you had a girl like I do.” 
“Aw, Maty.”
“Ew, you two.”
The subway trip and final short walk from the station to to Times Square was how you’d expect it to be, with two dorky best friends, Tito willingly and happily third-wheeling and chirping the two of you every time you ever so much as glanced at each other, let alone snuck a little kiss on the crowded subways. And when you finally made it, standing alone together in the huge crowd of people and counting down each final minute, you knew, there, standing in the chilly New York City air with Mat and his best friend, there was nowhere else you'd rather be, ever. 
You felt Mat’s hand tighten around your, grabbing your attention the way he always did. “Hey, sorry about earlier.”
“Yeah, uhh, when Beau said we have big plans.”
“Ohh…” Your cheeks flushed again at the thought of what that suggested. 
“Yeah.” He shifted on his feet a little,his gaze falling to his shoes.
"Were, uhh, were you planning on trying to sleep with me tonight?"
“No, no, not necessarily. I didn’t mean anything like that. I mean, I wasn’t gonna try to do anything.” He ran a fumbling hand through his hair. "Not if you don't want to. I was just talking to him, about you, us, I guess, and just he thought it'd be funny to mess with me like that tonight. Guess it's playback, I've embarrassed him before."
"You're rambling baby."
"Mat, it's okay." 
"You sure?"
"Absolutely. I mean we're together, I can handle jokes like that. We'll get to that eventually, anyway."
He laughed a bit, cheeks pink. We’ll get to that. He tried to ignore the thoughts that phrase had conjured up in him. "Yeah."  
"And we can have a serious conversation about these things later, before we do anything, okay? Preferably when we're alone and your friend isn't standing like three feet away."
"Yeah, yeah, we will. I promise." His lips found your forehead, before you fell back into comfortable silence, leaning against his chest as Tito took some snaps in the background. Your gaze rose to Mat’s face as he looked up towards the clock, counting down the final minutes of the year. His cheeks were pink and wind-kissed, his jawline sharp and his hair sticking out of his beanie in little dark curls you loved so much. His lips looked so soft, his gaze so warm and welcoming as his eyes met yours again. His lips quirked up in amusement at seeing you watching him, but before he could say anything cheeky, you spoke up, not being able to contain your feelings any longer.
“Mat. I gotta tell you something." 
“Quickly, it’s almost time, babe.” He smiled, bending down closer to you a bit, listening close for your soft words as you leaned up towards his warmth against the chilly New York winter, bringing an arm up around his shoulders. You made sure to be close enough to him to hide your words from Tito or any random eavesdroppers. This was for Mat. Just Mat. 
Only Mat, ever.
“I know it’s still so soon. We’ve barely been dating at all yet, right?” Mat nodded, a small smile at the adventure your relationship had been so far. “It’s only been three months, but they were three amazing months. Thanks to you. You’ve helped me open up, did you know that? In three months. I’ve never been happier. Or felt more comfortable. Or safe. I don’t know what it is about you… you're a special guy.” He laughed, breathless at your words, the look in his eyes soft and begging you to continue. “I’ve been thinking about this since you accidentally let… uh, those words slip, remember? It’s so soon, and we don’t really know where this is going. I don’t know where we’re gonna end up yet, a few months down the road. But you know what I do know?”
His answer was barely a minty breath against your lips, coming out with a puff of air in the below freezing air. “What?” 
“I feel good about this. I feel good about us. And I think this year is gonna be good to us.”  
His cheeks were pink and a cold breeze pushed his hair around. His grin fell into something softer, something more gentle. "(Y/N)...."
"Can I tell you a secret?" He nodded and leaned in closer, fluidly and slow as if in a trance, turning his ear towards you. You could hear the final countdown in the background, the crowd chanting five! four! three! "Mat," Your hand cupped his cheek, your lips found the shell of his ear, grazing across the skin as you sighed. "Mathew, I'm falling in love with you." 
“Hey, lovebirds! It’s midnight!” You could hear Beau yelling at you in the background, but all you were focused on, as you pulled back from your whisper, was your boyfriend.
Mat’s eyes were wide and gleaming wetly, full of visible emotion and unrestrained joy. His lips split into a shaky, breathless string of laughter, his hands trembling, gripping yours with everything in him. His tongue darted out quickly to wet his pink lips, and with one final shaky breath, he sighed:
“Kiss me.” 
And you did.
And with that kiss, you knew Mat felt the same. You could feel his passion, his genuine, hopeful, overwhelming feelings, seeping from his lips to yours, from his fingertips to yours, with every little breath he took against your lips, holding you against his body. Neither of you wanted to pull away, but when you couldn't go on any longer, your foreheads pressed against each other and your eyes gazed into each other's deeply. Mat opened his mouth to say something, cheeks red and lips swollen from the kiss, but before any words came out, Tito was clapping a hand on his back and teasing the two of you about the kiss. His words fell on deaf ears though, as you were still focusing on Mat, the way his lips curled into a smile as he finally let words fall out.
"Happy new year, (Y/N)."
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