#mha hero culture
valenteal · 17 days
I’m still relatively new to the mha fandom and don’t know if anyone has already come up with this yet but I haven’t seen it anywhere so Imma post it.
The thing about Bakugou is that his quirk isn’t inherently heroic. In all honesty it’s pretty terrifying. So why was everyone so convinced that it was heroic and such when we know that people discriminate against people with quirks that scare them?
I think that people who work with younger children are actually trained to push kids with those kinds of easily destructive quirks towards becoming a hero. They’re taught to make sure those kids feel safe and accepted so they don’t lash out to much. They’ll indulge those kids because they’re scared but they’ll also try to put them on a path of selflessness from a young age.
It really feels like Bakugou was manipulated from a young age to see being a powerful hero as his destiny or something. And it makes sense in a short term way. Quirks are appearing and kids have a lot of power at their fingertips and the adults don’t know how to handle it. I mean, how can you discipline a child who could accidentally kill you in a fit of rage? The easiest solution is to get them to discipline themselves, make them draw their own line in the sand, regulate their own behavior because going to far will take away the future they think they decided for themselves.
And it’s not just Bakugou either. I mean, Touya kind of hinted at it and it’s entirely possible that pressure to be a hero didn’t just come from Endeavor in regards to both him and Shouto.
Mina too, we don’t know much about her but she has a naturally destructive quirk and her passions aren’t being a hero. I have no idea why she’s a hero student. She doesn’t seem as dedicated to it and honestly I don’t think she would’ve pursued it without some outside pressure. She seems more like someone who would do into entertainment. If she didn’t have a powerful quirk she wouldn’t have gone into law enforcement, which heroics is.
It’s a short sighted plan that is seriously ethically dubious but for like the first generation of quirk users it makes sense, but it’s not sustainable, as the kids from the supplementary classes proved.
Idk just something I’ve been thinking about. Cause neither Bakugou or Touya were particularly heroic by nature but they both became so obsessed with it at such a young age. It doesn’t seem totally natural but if it’s a larger scale thing that pediatricians and school teachers learn to do because it makes powerful kids easier to manage then it makes sense. Of course the culture surrounding heroes could explain it, like how every kid wants to be an astronaut or a rock/pop star at one point or another, but if it’s actively enforced by the adults that explains why they stick with it, why it becomes an obsession rather than a fleeting fantasy.
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jellojolteon · 2 months
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Now that you've made it to the autumn of
Your years and you feel your best yet
-The Bottom of It, Fruit Bats
Izuocha week 2024 Day 6: Cycle/Miracle
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Children throwing tantrums when adults read material made by/for adults in a fandom space made by/for adults about objects that don't exist. You are a guest here, mind your own business. Your tantrums aren't going to change a thing in regards to fandom, bkdk or mha.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 2 months
Summary: Imagine a world where your quirk determines your path and your worth. A world that has no place for a quirkless boy. Despite that, Izuku is determined to become a hero. Until he realizes no one will let him. So he accidentally creates a helpful (criminal) organization. And he (not so) accidentally steals One for All. May contain Izuku technically becoming a villain but still helping people, All Might running around like a headless chicken to find his stolen quirk, and All for One refusing to just go away.
Author: @gentrychild
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the-real-lordrisley · 1 month
Nothing pisses me off more than sheith and endhawks being labelled "proships" by some people
Both of these pairings consist of two, unrelated, consenting, adults
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youling-the-ghost · 7 days
"bnha was ruined by the fandom" is a sentiment that I'll always hate because guess what? Shipping happens in every fandom. Ship wars happen in every fandom. Yes, it's disgusting that people are sending threats to Horikoshi about making their ship canon, but once again that is not exclusive to bnha. This is just normal fandom culture behaviour, minus the threats.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but how other fans choose to support the series does not affect you whatsoever. If seeing ships that aren't your "canon" straight ships is enough for you to immediately start disliking the original series, then get the fuck off the internet because you're going to see things that you don't like on here.
P.S. your "canon" straight ships are about as canon as the popular gay one. No, todomomo is not "more canon" than tododeku just because they're straight. And no, bnha fans are not heterophobic, get over yourselves.
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avis-fictional-world · 7 months
I just keep thinking about how Yoichi and AFO didn’t have a home/education/anything— they lived outside of society with only each other, until AFO started gathering followers.
When second and third rescued Yoichi were there signs of this? Like I can imagine Yoichi not understanding basic manners—eating everything with his hands— barely knowing how to read— Kudou and third putting this together and teaching him basic stuff.
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fanonbinary8 · 2 months
slowly but surely getting back into BNHA/MHA and realising how many people on the internet suck.
liking an anime isn’t cringe.
cosplaying isn’t cringe.
i hate the word “cringe” because people make it out to seem that if someone’s cringe they’re doing something wrong.
the word cringe basically means that something makes you awkward, or gives you the ick.
it doesn’t give you the excuse to belittle and bully people on the internet just cause you’re anonymous- GOD THE INTERNET SUCKS
anyway, rant over. i will prob be doing tiny bnha headcanons or thoughts on here :)
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iheartdabihawks · 5 months
the connection between the anime bnha and being a bird nerd is such a fucking unexpected twist but like the fandom adapted trait of hawks having an actual hawk quirk and well being a writer you just HAVE to make everything factual well ...
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holy shit i just realised i asked u to write for shoto and awhile u replied to an anon who sent the exact same thing i did but with the emoji i was about to use but changed last minute…. wtf ANYWAYS PLS WRITE FOR SHOTO 😍😍😍😍😍🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 LOVE UR WORKKKK
Hi!! I’m sorry this took a while to get out, but thank you for your request! Now that it’s Summer I’ll be able to write more and quickly, so even though this is a bit rushed, I hope you like it :)
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Pairing: Pro!Shoto Todoroki x Reader
Warnings: fluff; like it’s basically just fluff; so proud of myself for being able to do a single one-shot without writing smut
Word Count: 0.8k
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The vibration of your phone rumbled over your table, effectively grasping your attention.
A bookmark was quickly placed within your novel, some murder-mystery series that Mina had recommended. While the writing was pretty good, you were almost sure that she enjoyed it primarily for the charming antihero, a move that you both respected and related to.
You picked up your phone, waiting a few seconds for the facial recognition to pick up on your features.
Flitting through a few reminders, you read your most recent notification, eyes lighting up.
“Sho!” You called, voice echoing through your shared apartment.
It only took a few moments for the bathroom door to open, steam slipping through the growing crack to reveal your fiancé. Times like this only reminded you how unconsciously angelical he was, damp hair falling over the scar adorning his features.
“Is everything okay?” He asked, head tilting in a way that was oddly reminiscent of how a confused dog would question his owner. “Did you get scared by the drying going off again."
A towel lay low on his hips, an extra detail that only caused you to momentarily forget why you called him in the first place.
Regardless, you shook the thought off, playfully rolling your eyes and holding your phone up for him to see. “That happened once. And no, look.”
Shoto blinked, gaze traveling from the device back to you. “Twitter?”
“Yes, baby, it’s Twitter, but that’s not what I meant.” You pushed it into his hands. “Scroll.”
He complied, bi-colored eyes scanning for anything that would've caused you to need him.
It took a few seconds for him to recognize the reason for your excitement, gaze flitting back up to meet your smile and outstretched hand.
“Pay up.”
Last year, 'The People's Hero Billboard Chart' had been the last thing on your mind.
At least, that was until Ochako called, her laughter bubbling over the line.
It was mainly run by online voting and polls, awarding the Pro's trivial titles such as 'Best Hair' or, your personal favorite, 'Most Likely To Secretly Be Dating a Villain.'
You never would have expected that Shoto would have been receiving that of 'Best Looking.'
Obviously, you weren't blind.
It was quite apparent that your partner was extremely attractive. However, you weren't exactly one to keep track of social media that didn't include funny animal and/or panda-shaped bread making videos.
But this was just another opportunity to appreciate what you already knew was true.
He wouldn't say it out loud, but the whisper of a smile gracing his lips gave some hint as to how much he enjoyed your doting, a desire that you were more than happy to indulge in.
Your actions sizzled off as the months went by, but it only took the reminder lighting up your screen to resume them.
Despite receiving a nomination, Shoto had waved away your harmless teasing, only leading for it to escalate, something that he only should've expected.
"Can you even win something twice in a row?"
You shrugged, mindlessly sorting certain silverware into its rightful spot. "For most things, I guess."
"Like what?" He asked, handing you another spoon.
"Uh..." You thought about it for a second, all prior knowledge on sports or artistic awards that could have provided an instance suddenly vanishing. "Like, maybe when Gryffindor wins all the damn time in Harry Potter."
"What's that?"
The dislike of your deficient, and fictional, example completely evaded you, the feeling immediately replaced by one that could only be described by blunt shock. "You're joking."
"No." He blinked. "Should I?"
"Yes, I seriously cannot wait to see the giant rock you've been hiding under." You playfully quipped, earning a low chuckle from the man behind you. "But regardless, I'm ready to bet anything that you'll win again. I'll give you whatever you want."
"But I already have everything I want."
His words made your heart flutter, a giddy smile creeping over your features. "There's really nothing that you want from me?"
Tilting his head, he took a moment before giving you a smirk that he only ever put on when you were alone. "I mean-"
Laughing, you nudged his shoulder, trying to hide the slight warmth bleeding into your cheeks.
It didn't matter what he asked of you.
You won.
He smiled softly, blunt honesty doing nothing to hide the subtle excitement hiding in his actions.
Taking your still-outstretched hand, he tossed your phone onto a pillow and pulled himself onto the covers beside you. He gently took your arm and moved it over his torso, your head now resting on his chest.
Shoto would've given you anything that you asked, regardless of whether or not you had won some silly bet.
But time spent with him was really all you wanted.
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hail-brod · 1 year
Crush Culture
Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
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This is entirely inspired by the song Crush Culture by Conan Gray.
Figured it would suit Katsuki's view because the moment I was looking for a character to write, Crush Culture came and guess what...Katsuki pops up in my mind.
I know this is has nothing to do with Izuku given that he's all that I see in my mind everyday- ehem. But let us give Katsuki the love he deserves for having a character development.
This is shorter than usual because I was just experimenting with songs to convey it to writing. Getting inspiration from music is fun as hell so don't mind if I do~
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Bakugo Katsuki could only scoff at the called label.
The subject of admiring another person aside from himself was irritating. A weakling that isn't deserving of a high praise and look, it should be directed at him. The one and only living person with solid proof of worth.
Everyone else is lesser than an atom compared to him. He's different. He's superior.
No one is a match for him. You can do nothing to be even with someone like him.
But why does this nagging feeling keep piercing his insides like an annoying feather trying to tickle him? His brows would crease into a glare at little things over talks about these silly damn crushes. 
Here and there, he hears the gossips of people gushing on a boy or girl they give hearty eyes to and running their mouth like monkeys going crazy over stealing a bag from someone in the zoo. He grits his teeth.
Annoying little piece of shits.
It's pathetic how he sees people stare at their phone after talking about having a stupid dreamy boyfriend or girlfriend, waiting hopelessly for nothing.
How could he find himself in such a situation like that? It's pitiful, he'd rather spend all of his time on himself instead of relying on petty love lies.
He's love proof. Falling for a single person is out of his books.
He pretty much knows how full of himself he is and it's better that way. Caring about what other people think is a waste of time and that certainly won't push him to fall into their game of manipulation. People look at him and think how sad and lonely he is for being so bitter and it pisses him off. He doesn't want anything else but for them to drop dead in rejection.
Sympathy his ass, they should watch themselves whine over their worthless crush.
It's makes him want to spill his guts out. 
But he made one mistake. Befriending a certain girl, so innocent and strong willed. She was different from those lovesick fools. She saw everyone as a friend and nothing more nothing less. He didn't want to do anything with her but she's clearly not that easy to shrug off.
She was dangerous. Her eyes were dangerous. Those soft looking pupils that was actually directed at him was something that made his walls crumble.
It's like he was captured the moment he looks at it. She got him.
Fucking dammit.
This time, he couldn't decipher it. Is it just a lie or a beautiful lie? Or neither?
It's not that he's liking it. No, not at all. It's a beautiful lie alright, and he won't fall for it. It's full of bullshit and it's a game that he won't lose.
He will make you turn away from him until you find someone else to bother.
Huh, now that he thinks of it, he's worthy of all the adoration in the world so a mere bug like you should just look at him behind his back. You're just going to be a duckling following before him.
No one's gonna manipulate him into submission.
Yeah, no one.
He won't be drawn to your kind bright eyes with stars that look up to him. Your pure smile won't twitch his own mouth to do the same. Your less annoying voice won't make his day any better. Your melodic laugh won't send his stomach into a frenzy of flutters.
Maybe he is actually going to spill his guts out.
But no. You really should just shut your damn mouth.
Your were loud. So loud and you weren't even rambling like those other extras. You were just...you. In front of him with so much to show and so much to convey. You were telling him something nonverbally.
Your stance alone just makes himself stop on his tracks of going ahead of you. You were just behind him and he plans it should always go like that.
Naturally, he fails to overestimate his own ability to resist. One moment, he finds himself pursuing a person he planned to rule out.
He thought you were too loud for just existing with him.
So by shutting you up with a kiss, he became true to his feelings.
Stupid crush.
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zzleepywulf · 8 months
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✨Day 1- Heterochromia &
Day 2- Self-Insert of Cringetober
Featuring Shoto Todoroki and my self-insert in mha (in my style)
(realistically I would either be best friends or friends with him, since he's pretty cool)
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anime-as-textposts · 2 years
(As someone with ADHD, I can say that yeah, that's exactly what it's like lol)
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Here is a collection of twitter users who are trying to dictate the types of content people can and can't enjoy. It's giving massive colonizer vibes, all over a bunch of bkdk pixels too! Literal objects! Simply insane that people believe that they can try and force others to their wills.
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 5 months
Summary: “Congratulations on getting nine out of ten questions correct! Without further ado, let’s move on to the last question..” Hanazawa paused for dramatic effect as the lights dimmed and the spotlights overhead honed in on their podiums. “What is…your hero partner’s type?” A brief silence. “‘Type?’” Izuku questioned at the same time as Kacchan. “Yes, type,” the host laughed. “Like, who would they date? What are they into?” The blood drained from Izuku’s face and he shot a panicked look at Kacchan. The blond didn’t seem to be faring any better, his gaze zeroed in on Hanazawa as if he could will her to change the question to something else. Izuku... didn't know the answer to that. -- In order to increase their popularity rankings as up and coming pro heroes, Izuku and Katsuki participate in the most popular late night talk show for hero duos - ‘Heroes Rising!’. They’re killing it, obviously, because they know each other from inside and out. Until one question stumps the two of them: “What is your hero partner’s type?”
Author: @sapphicflower-ao3
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catlliecal · 1 year
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Let us all take a moment to appreciate the Kyoka fan club from the sixth light novel. Always a treat to see her get some recognition for her talents. Along with a hint of MomoJiro.
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