#robert downey jr daughter reader
A fic with rdj babying teen reader!
Papa-Bear Mode
Summary: The reader gets a tiny injury during her first fight scene, and RDJ goes full Papa-Bear Mode.
Warning: talks about stuntwork, swearing, little cut on the forearm
A/N: sorry these are taking so long. my bad!
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"All Right guys, shooting in 30. Get ready!" You heard the Russo Brothers speak into the megaphone. You were off talking to the stunt coordinator, Meghan when you heard the announcement. You were about to shoot your first-ever fight scene and were terrified. The shakey breath you let out was evidence of it. "You got this girl, it's a very simple scene, no harnesses. just fighting," she spoke as she rubbed your shoulder, helping you relax. "Yeah, but what if-"
"So Pipsqueak! heard you are doing your first stunt scene today!" you heard a voice behind you say. Robert walked over and stood right behind you, placing both of his hands on your shoulders, giving them. gentle squeeze. "Yes, and I am FREAKING OUT!" you shouted as you pushed his hands off you.
"Hey hey calm down kiddo, okay?" he spoke softly as he turned you around for an embrace. With your head on his chest, he mouthed to Meghan that he got it, sending her on her way. "Now," he continued as you stood still, "why are you scared?"
"Look stunts can be scary, and I don't want to get hurt or injured because of something I messed up," you said looking at the brown-haired man in the eyes. "Well, do you know what you need to do for the scene?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "I mean yeah but-"
Robert made a shushing sound before you could even continue. "And I'm sure Meghan and the rest of the stunt coordination crew have your safety in mind while working out this scene. So you will be fine, you got this, okay pipsqueak?" he spoke to you. You let out the breath you have been holding in. "Okay, I got this. You are right." You spoke confidently before embracing RDJ once more.
"Thanks, Robert, I appreciate you." You felt him give the top of your head and you squeezed him tighter. "And I appreciate you, Y/n. Now you ready to go kick some ass?" he shouted as he raised his hand for a high five. You easily returned it, "Hell yeah, let's go!"
"Alright Y/n, let's shoot that scene one more time, okay?" you heard Anthony Russo speak into the megaphone. You gave them a thumbs-up from up on the railing where you were fighting the villain of the movie (I'm too lazy to decide who it is). You looked to the side of the stage and saw Robert watching you and also gave you a thumbs-up. So far all of the takes have been great, and no one has gotten seriously injured. Once this take was done, you were excited to just go to bed.
"Okay, an ACTION!" They shouted and you and your scene partner got to work. You quickly dodged the punch, went in for a kick, and continued your routine. Everything was going great until you heard some rattling above you. you couldn't look up so you tried not to let your anxiety show through. It wasn't until you got to the part where your partner had you up against the wall that you heard the sound of a part coming undone. Before you knew it, two small boards came crashing down on you and your partner. You felt one of the edges scratch your arm before landing on the floor.
"CUT! CUT!" You and your partner let go of each other and quickly checked yourself over for injuries. "You okay Y/n?" they spoke. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a cut on my forearm. What about you?" you asked them, "Nothing I think I'm - " they were saying before you felt Robert crushing you with his arms. "Oh my god Y/n!" He shouted into your ears. He let you go and held out your arms. "Robert Im fine, I promise. You said as you chucked. You felt his eyes scan your body, checking you for injuries.
"MEDIC! WE NEED A MEDIC!" he shouted as he took your injured arm and tried to turn it into the light to get a good view of it. "Robert I said Im fine! It's just a cut, see?" you said as you tried to pull your arm out of his grip, but he wasn't budging. "Look it could be infected, or worse than it looks. So let's just be safe okay?" he asked as he looked at you with pleading eyes.
You chuckled at him before reluctantly agreeing, " Okay papa bear, I'll get it checked out." You could hear him say "I'm not a papa bear," under his breath as you too made your way towards the medics on set. "Yes you are, and it's very adorable. Thanks for looking out for me." He leaned down and kissed your head.
"I gotta look out for my cubs."
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ramspatula · 6 months
IRON SPIDER| Tony Stark Daughter! Reader
This is the first chapter of my Tony Stark daughter| reader book. If you can’t tell. Reader is going to get bit by a radioactive spider at some point.
You are now part of the MCU! Congrats!
Next part
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2001, 3 days after (Y/b/d)
"JARVIS, these lights are practically blinding me."
"Turning down the exposure, sir."
"I don't know why we have these lights on so bright!"
"I believe your condition may influence you to believe the lights are brighter than they are."
"Just say I'm hungover, I won't disable you over it."
"I wish I could say the same for the lights."
"Well I didn't want such bright lights." Tony groaned, keeping his eyes shut and resting an arm them.
"Mr Stark, your lawyer is here to see you." Pepper announced from the doorway. Tony's face scrunched in confusion, he didn't have a meeting with his lawyer or any of his attorneys for at least a week.
"Am I in trouble?" He asked.
"You should go find out." Pepper said, sternly.
"Are you going to spank me if I am?" Tony smirked and Pepper's face didn't change.
"Your lawyer is waiting on the couch and Obadiah wants to have dinner next week when he gets back, is that all Mr Stark?"
"Yeah, I'll go see what he wants." Tony nodded and swiftly moved out the room.
"James! What brings you to my home? I break something? Someone? Vandalism? I sell something to the wrong people? Get someone pregnant? Noise complaint-"
"Mr Stark, please sit down. This needs to be dealt with in a timely manner." James told him before placing down in front of him an open folder. The folder contained an empty birth certificate and a picture of a newborn baby girl in a hospital crib.
"What is this?" Tony questioned.
"2 days ago, a woman was rushed the hospital as she was in labour and delivered this baby. She gave the hospital no name and no medical information except a contact number and told them to ask for the father of this baby, Anthony Stark." James started and placed before Tony a warn business card that said:
'Call me, Tony ~
P.s the room is payed for and there's a car waiting to take you wherever you want to go outside.'
There was a number at the bottom of the card which was for Happy's work cell. It was no doubt Tony's handwriting but Tony had slept with lots of people and none of them had a kid yet. This wasn't his kid.
"So what does she want? We're speaking if the kid is mine, 50/50 custody? Millions in child support? You know your silence is really nerving me." Tony asked.
"Im sorry, Mr Stark but you haven't heard all the context just yet." James clarified before continuing, "Last night, this woman left the hospital without this baby and no intentions of taking her along. That leaves two options, you claim that this isn't your child and she gets put into the system or your can get a paternity test and decide from there." Tony stared blankly for a couple minutes at the images in front of him.
"Mr Stark, I understand this a difficult situation-"
"She looks like my dad. Right before he died when he became an actual old man only he didn't look as peaceful as she does." Tony found himself smiling, babies has a tendency to make anyone smile.
"Have you thought over your options?" James asked and Tony shook his head.
"If this kid comes with me then there's a high chance she'll become fucked up but the system only produces messed up kids anyway. I think it's better if I'm the one who fucks her up, at least she'll know a sense of stability." Tony closed the folder. "Bring her here, I'll do the paternity test and you guys can be here to see the results. I'm assuming the mother gave up all her rights?" Tony questioned and James nodded, perplexed.
"If you are the father then all the rights for the child will be granted to you but if you aren't she will be put into the system." James told him and he nodded.
"Are we finished?"
"I just need to call the hospital to let them know." James said before standing up and when he was far enough away. Tony threw himself back into the couch and sighed, his hangover felt worse then before.
"JARVIS, what does a baby need and how does a single father give a baby what it needs?" Tony called out.
"Placing an order for baby formula, diapers, clothes and books involving caring for a newborn."
"You're the best."
A newborn mainly only slept, cried, ate, peed, shit and slept again but they're so small. Holding one in your arms made you more aware of your surroundings, more afraid to move even slightly, your thoughts will become so filled with anxiety of things that could happen to them that you feel yourself begin to work up. At least, that's what Tony found out. There were at least 10 people in the room with him, including the baby. Everyone's attention was focused on the two very similar DNA strands shown on the holo-screen.
"Congratulations, Mr Stark. You are a father." Jarvis' voice rung out through the lab and Tony felt a small, overwhelmed, smile rise to his face.
"Well, that settles it. Where's the birth certificate?" Tony asked and Pepper's face dropped in shock.
"You're keeping her, Mr Stark?" She asked and Tony only smiled harder.
"She's my daughter, I'm not abandoning her." He announced picking the newborn up out the temporary crib and nestling her in one arm and turning her around to face the DNA strands. Her eyes weren't open but it didn't deter him.
"You see that? You're my daughter, those are half my genetics. If you're anything like me, you'll understand what that means by the time you're 4." He smiled as Pepper held the birth certificate towards him and a pen. He signed his name and then paused looking at the section where the baby's name would go.
"Leave the room for a bit. I want some time with my baby."
"Mr Stark-"
"Go!" The room soon dispersed and Tony sighed looking down at the little girl.
"What should I name you?" Tony asked but the baby only moved a little hand towards him before silently opening her eyes slightly to look up at him. Her vision wasn't great and wouldn't be for awhile but it still felt as if she was looking directly at him.
"My mother's name was Maria. Maria Stark? Name you after her? She'd like that. No she wouldn't. She’d want you to have your own name okay. Angel? You look like one. Angel Stark? I can't do that to my kid. Uhm... Lets see... (Y/n)? That's cute. I like that. (Y/n) Stark? That's good, nice... (Y/n) Maria Stark? Mom would've liked that. She would've liked you. You might've been able to make your grandad smile. Granted that's if he knew how to do that. My Dad wasn't that loving. He wasn't very nice to be honest but I won't be like that. Although, I do like to drink too so I hope you don't mind. I won't do it often or in front of you! I think I can make this work, being a Dad and a CEO and a inventor. I think my playboy career might take some damage though but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make as I've seen what it has given me. No offence. (Y/n) Maria Stark." Tony said as he wrote her name on the certificate and smiled.
"You really are about to change my life, you know that?" He whispered and in response all he could hear was the almost silent breaths of a newborn baby.
"Tony! What's this business I hear about you having a baby? You want maternity leave? What are you a woman? Get a nanny and let's get to work!" The voice of Obadiah Stane rang through the living room of the Miami mansion and said man was greeted with shushing.
"I have been awake every 3 hours last night! To feed, rock and cuddle that baby! You will not wake her during my hours of peace, it takes me longer to get her back down than it does to reassemble an engine." Tony's hair was everywhere, his t-shirt has a spot of baby sick on and there was a distressed looking baby cloth thrown over his shoulder.
"You look like shit."
"You don't look much better. How was New York?"
"You've got a baby in the next room and you're asking me about New York?"
"Okay let's settle this. Yes I have a baby. Her name is (Y/n) Maria Stark and she was born on (Y/b/d) at 7lbs. Now tell me why you're here because I could be taking a nap right now- you know I'm supposed to sleep when she does?" Tony told him making his way over the kitchen where his new sterilising invention had sterilised 6 of his new baby bottles and 2 pacifiers.
"No I don't -going into the baby business now?" Obadiah asked, staring at all the new baby inventions.
"I think we should because being a parent is hard."
"You've been a parent for like 3 days Tony."
"A week and half."
"She was born 2 weeks ago and I got her 3 days after she was born." Tony told him, grabbing the coffee that Obadiah had brought him and taking a sip.
"You're really keeping her?" Obadiah questioned and Tony scrunched his face.
"Yeah, she's my kid." Tony answered.
"You do realise what a big responsibility this is? No more playboy parties. You can't bring her gambling and partying! Unless you're getting a nanny which I think you should. No one can raise a kid like a woman." Obadiah told him and Tony stared at him with a blank face.
"Just for that, I'm going to prove you wrong." Tony jabbed him in the chest. Before Obadiah could respond Jarvis' voice sounded through the room.
"Miss Stark is awake and hungry."
"You want to meet her?" Tony asked as he prepped a bottle, a little cry could be heard and Obadiah frowned.
"She doesn't sound happy I'm here." He commented and Tony shrugged.
"Be back in a sec." With that Tony left the room and came back with a small figure resting against his chest in a pink sleep suit.
"This is her?" Obadiah asked in shock. He didn't know what he expected but it wasn't to see Tony so comfortable with such responsibility in his arms.
"You think I've got some random baby laying around? Yes it's her, she's hungry. Can't you tell?" Tony asked, gesturing to the way the baby was mouthing. "Want to hold her whilst I sort this bottle out?" He asked and Obadiah looked wary.
"Tony I-"
"Good. Support her head- don't look so awkward. There you go! Now don't move." Obadiah had never looked so stiff. He stood, unmoving, as Tony made his way to the still cooling bottle.
"You know, there's a reason I never had kids." Obadiah commented to which Tony ignored and tested the temperature of the bottle on his wrist.
"Sorry honey, still too hot." He said and Obadiah began to absentmindedly rock a little, the baby was looking up at him with big, judging, eyes.
"She looks like you."
"I thought she looked like Dad."
"Yeah well, I still find it hard to separate you and Howard. Look- she's even got that look you give me!" Obadiah commented and Tony chuckled.
"What look?" He asked.
"Like I don't mean shit." Obadiah told him and he genuinely laughed.
The door to the lab opened quietly. A lone rocking chair could be seen by a desk, a holo-screen was placed in front of the rocking chair where two figures were seated. Colonel James Rhodes made his way towards the chair and paused a few feet away.
"So the rumours are true? Tony Stark settled down." Rhodey said and a quiet chuckle could be heard.
"I didn't settle down, I just had a baby." Tony told him with a smile and from the new position Rhodey could see the little girl.
"God she looks like you. Where's the mother?" Rhodey questioned and Tony shook his head.
"Gone. I have no clue where. I haven't had the time to look into it." Tony told him and looked down at his kid.
"How old is she?"
"1 month. Didn't expect you to be away for so long. What they have you do? Flood out some terrorists?" Tony asked and Rhodey chuckled.
"Nothing as interesting as that or this. She's so small?" Rhodey leaned more towards the baby.
"Do you want to hold her?" Tony asked and Rhodey smiled.
"Really?" He asked, giddy.
"Yeah, come on. Be careful she's asleep. She likes to be against your chest." Tony told him as he helped Rhodey adjust the baby onto his chest.
"I got it- oh she's so small. What's her name?" Rhodey asked and Tony sat back down on the rocking chair.
"(Y/n) Maria Stark." He announced and Rhodey smiled.
"Like your Mom?" He asked and Tony nodded. "That's nice. I didn't think you'd be the sentimental type, Tony." Rhodey commented and Tony smiled.
"Well my Mom meant the world to me and now so does she so it's only fitting." Tony shrugged and Rhodey nodded in approval.
"I can't believe you had a kid." Rhodey shook his head in disbelief and Tony rolled his eyes.
"You do know you're an Uncle now." Tony told him and Rhodey's face dropped, Tony just laughed.
"Todays top story: Tony Stark, Inventor, Millionaire, CEO OF STARK INDUSTRIES and infamous playboy has announced that he has had a child"
"New Stark heir announced: (Y/n) Maria Stark."
"Tony Stark has welcomed a daughter into the world, (Y/n) Maria Stark. The 6 month old..."
"Infamous Playboy is now a single father? Tony Stark has been revealed to have a baby daughter."
"Are we about to see a new Stark generation? More about the announcement of Tony Stark's new parenthood."
"Tony Stark has had a daughter, (Y/n) Maria Stark was born on..."
"No, I didn't know you were going to announce the existence of my infant daughter to the whole world!... No that is not your decision-....I don't care! You had no right to announce my daughter's birth without my approval! At the very least you could've told me you were going to announce her!... I know you announced it. The company doesn't make public announcements like that on its own... I am not going to let my daughter be free publicity for the company!... Obadiah, I don't care what benefit it has for investors to see me as more. What? Domestic. I don't care.... I'm done talking to you. Bye." Just as Tony hung up a cry was sounded through his bedroom.
"Yes honey, I know, I'm upset too." The little 6 month old stared up at him with big watery eyes from where she was sat on the bed next to him.
"JARVIS? Are you recording?"
"Of course sir."
"Come to Daddy. Come on, you can do it!" The 8 month old stared at him for a moment. She was in the position to crawl and had tried numerous times before. "Come on, (Y/n). You've got this, sweetheart- Yeah! That's it!" Tony clapped as the baby crawled slightly towards a toy in front of her and laughed when she saw her father be so ecstatic. She moved to sitting down and clapping with him.
"Da!" She had been saying for the past 2 months. She didn't associate the word with Tony yet but he reacted all the same. Overjoyed and happy. From that moment she crawled she never stopped until she found her father's toolbox. (Y/n) didn't have a clue what any of the tools did but it was a sign to Tony that she was going to have the same brilliant mind that he did. She was a Stark, through and through.
Tony still had to go into work sometimes. No matter how much he hated going to his office nowadays it was still obligation and there's only so much of Pepper's nagging he can take. However, that being said he was still Tony Stark so he was going to bend the rules. That's how he ended up walking into multiple important meetings with a baby on his hip. Sometimes it was meetings with government officials or international ambassadors for militaries that were interested in his technology. It was safe to say they were surprised at the appearance of the baby or at least weren't expecting her.
"Tony, you know you can't bring her here."
"Who says? It's my company, she doesn't effect my work. In fact she helps, she knows what a screwdriver is-"
"-See? My little helper. She's talking a lot now. You should come by more often, you're missing out." Tony pointed at Obadiah as (Y/n) made work of trying to climb over his shoulder to see above the chair they were sitting on. She likes the big glass window behind them.
"Jesus Tony, you sound like a woman." Obadiah chided and Tony chuckled pulling his daughter down and sitting her on the desk where she immediately took offence to some decoration Pepper had put on the desk and kicked it off with a groan.
"I never liked that one either. Thanks, honey. And to answer you, I don't give two shits."
"Shit." (Y/n) repeated with a cross face and both men chuckled.
"You're not telling her off for that?" Obadiah asked.
"No she doesn't know what it means plus I say it too much to kick out my vocab so I'm letting it stay in hers too."
"People are going to criticise you for this."
"The world is cruel to a single father, Obadiah. At least I'm rich." Tony said
"Rich." (Y/n) repeated.
"She already knows she's worth more than me." Obadiah commented and Tony chuckled.
"I've been trying to get her to say millionaire but it's not quite there yet sounds like 'milloner'." Tony told Obadiah who smirked.
"You're close to being a billionaire, Tony. I think this next deal may make that happen." Obadiah told him, placing a folder down in front of him.
"Maybe." Tony agreed and Obadiah picked up at toy on the floor and handed it towards (Y/n).
"I believe this is yours, little missy." He told her and she only frowned and looked upset and he only got an answer when Tony looked up from the file.
"She doesn't like to be handed stuff- just leave it there, if she wants it she'll take it." Tony told him before going back to reading the file.
"The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree, huh?" Obadiah murmured.
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indiavictoriaa · 11 months
Beach Day
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Summary : You and your dad go to the beach with the avengers cast
Your age : 3
“Are you excited to go to the sea side ?” Sebastian asks you as he turns to look at you.
You gave your dad a nod and continued looking out the window.
Your dad could tell that you were nervous so he put on Disney songs to make you more at ease.
“LET IT GOO LET IT GOO.” Sebastian starts singing on purpose as he knows it will make you laugh.
Your laugh echos in the car as your dad starts to grin at your reaction.
“Look baby doll we are here,” Sebastian says as he finds a parking space.
You clap your hands in excitement as you can see your uncle Anthony and uncle Chris talking.
Your dad greets your uncles and then opens your car door and get you out of your car seat and places you on the ground.
“There’s my favourite niece in the whole wide world,” says Chris.
“At least i’m favourite uncle,” Anthony argues.
You start giggling to yourself and hug both of your uncle’s legs. They both take it in turns to give you a hug and shower you with kisses.
Sebastian takes all the stuff out of the boot and then picks you up and places you on his shoulders.
You guys make your way down to the beach and you see all of your other aunties and uncles.
You start to shake and play with your dad’s hair so Chris takes you and whispers soothing things in your ear to calm you down.
“Hey it’s okay baby” “You’re okay i’m here”
Your dad sets up everything with the help of your aunties and uncles.
Sebastian then takes you from Chris and leans your head against his shoulder and takes you to see everyone.
Scarlett, Elizabeth, Robert, Chris Hemsworth, Mark and Jeremy all give you a hug and greet your dad.
You cuddle deeper into your dad until Elizabeth takes you and plays with you in the sand.
She then puts sunscreen on you and tickles you.
Your dad grins as he watches you interact with Elizabeth.
You and Elizabeth bury Robbie in the sand.
Your dad tries to get you to interact with the other children but he knew you weren’t ready for that just yet.
Jeremy helps you build a sand castle and Ava helps you find sea shells to put on the castle.
Chris Hemsworth holds you as he takes you into the water, all of his kids are surfing, Elsa is watching them play in the water.
Sebastian looks at the time and calls you over for a nap.
Robert quickly catches you as you try to run away from your dad.
Sebastian walks around the beach holding you as your cries start to decrease.
He walks back to everyone and lays down on the sun bed with you on his chest, he places a pacifier in your mouth and puts a blanket over you for shade.
After 45 minutes, you begin to stir, so you dad soothes you and waits until you fully wake up.
Scarlett takes you from your dad so that he can get up and she starts to rock you as you rub your eyes to wake up.
Mark then gives you an ice lolly and you say thank you and hug his leg.
Everyone starts packing up and you play with Rose, India and Ava while the others play something else.
Anthony spins you around and runs to the arcade with you.
Him and Chris got you a teddy from the grabbers which took them a million tries.
At sunset everyone says their goodbyes and starts to make tracks.
Chris and Anthony are the last ones to leave as they give you long hugs even though they will see you in a couple of days.
Sebastian puts you in your car seat and gives you your pacifier, bunny and blanket.
As soon as your dad turns the car on you let sleep take over.
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bellarkeselection · 2 years
Attractive Stranger
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Tony stark's daughter accidentally opens a doorway to an alternate universe and Andrew Garfield's spiderman comes though and they need to work together to get him back to his universe
@sessa23 @underoostarks @rosie-posie08 @makeshift-prime
Part 2
Part 3
Laying in a chair in my father's lab filled with Iron Man suits while my father was fixing one of the flight thrusters that was broken. I keep tossing a gold ring in the air that he got from someone named Doctor Strange from the battle with the purple guy from space. "Sweetheart can you hand me that rench?" He asked pointing to the one near my foot that I grabbed playing with the ring until it glows. I hand my father the tool gasping as a orange circle portal opens up behind him. My father raised his brows seeing someone walking out wearing a Spider-Man suit. "Kid, how'd you get in here. This is trustpassing?" The stranger removed the mask and I feel my cheeks heating up at seeing its not our Spider-Man.
"I am Peter Parker and I'm Spider-Man." The guy had brown hair and eyes almost matching the young Parker we knew. But there was no way that he just returned since Thanos wiped out half the universe. Getting to my feet I had to admit I found this Peter attractive if he's telling the truth. "You're pulling my leg, you're not Parker." My father pointed his tool towards him as I got to my feet thinking up something. "Climb the wall or web shooters." I moved my hands in a circle before the new Peter jumped up sticking to the ceiling by his right hand questioning. "This proof enough, Ms..." He trailed off staring down at me where I hold my hand out that he shakes. "Y/n Stark."
Suddenly my father pulled me backwards behind his chest eyeing the guy hanging from his ceiling. "Don't touch my daughter, you space creature." He warned raising his hand so his hand blaster attached to his right hand. Peter dropped down his eyes lighting up at what he just saw. "Woah how did you do that. Do you create that in a lab or were you electrocuted by something metal?" My father knitted his eyebrows together trying to be intimidating towards our intruder. "Nevermind that back to my questions. How the hell did you get here and what do you want so called Peter Parker?" Peter shrugged his shoulders moving his hands around rambling off science terms sounding like my father with his technology terms. "I'm not sure how I'm here exactly. My guess is that is has something to do with uh - String theory. Multi dimensional reality and matter displacement..."
I step around my father who glared wanting me to stay away from him being overprotective. I pick up his wrist seeing a tech sort of thing on his wrist needing an answer. "What are these. Did you make them. Because I thought you get bit by a spider?" Peter smiled bending his head down embarrassed about you holding his hand, even though he wasn't apposed to it at all. "I uh - I did. But I made these to control my web shooting...like in a lab type thing. There were a few mess ups..." He rubbed the back of his neck staring down at me since I'm not as tall as him. "I just don't know how to get back to - um my world. Do you think you could help, Y/n?" I smiled softly up to him getting interrupt my father's shouting. "There will be no romantic involvement with my daughter what so ever!" Whipping my head around I groaned back to him feeling my face turning red and apparently Peter was blushing too.
"Dad seriously. Nothing is going to happen he needs our help that's all!" I throw my hands up flipping my hair over my shoulder. He lowers his hand blaster shaking his head with a serious look on his face. He could see that you got embarrassed around this Peter unlike with the one he knew. So he wasn't taking any chances, Pepper your mother would be on your side if she wasn’t away on a business trip. "Mr Stark, I promise I won't date your daughter while I'm here." Peter held his hands up reassuring him hoping to not get shot. My father plopped down in his rolling chair calling for his AI. "Jarvis, see if you can find Thor anywhere on Earth and patch me through to S. H. I. E. L. D." The AI response suprised Peter. "Yes, sir." He glanced down to me with a shocked smile on his face. "It's just like Oscorp. An artificial intelligence, right?" My father nodded his head to his statement. "Smart answer, Parker." One way or another we were going to get this Spider-Man back home.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
I honestly had fun writing what their interaction would be.
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nicoline1998enilocin · 2 months
And the Oscar goes to...
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PAIRING | Husband!Dad!Robert Downey Jr. x Wife!Mom!Fem!Reader
SUMMARY | Your husband, Robert, is on the receiving end of an Oscar, and you decide to celebrate it differently than you usually celebrate his wins. He trusts you fully as he allows you to take the lead in the bedroom, making it a celebration that neither of you will ever forget.
RATING | Explicit (E)
WARNINGS/TAGS | RPF, established relationship, age gap (~ 20 years), use of nicknames (Gorgeous, Bubba), referenced pregnancy.
SMUT | D/S dynamics, Soft Dom!Reader, Sub!RDJ, use of traffic light system, sensory play/deprivation (blindfold), teasing, dirty talk, praise, Daddy kink, size kink, breeding kink, hair pulling, oral (F&M receiving), face sitting, face fucking, gagging, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!), multiple orgasms, cockwarming, aftercare.
A/N | This story is dedicated to my best friend and the biggest RDJ supporter I have ever met, @ccbsrmsf1! I am so incredibly proud of him for finally winning an Oscar, so naturally, I had to write a story about how I would celebrate with him! This is proofread by the lovely @ccbsrmsf1, for which I'm deeply grateful ❤️
EVENTS Masterlist | @anyfandomfluffbingo | Trophy spouse
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Banners: Yours truly | Divider: @firefly-graphics | Photo: @ccbsrmsf1
Main Masterlist | Robert Downey Jr. Masterlist
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"Robert Downey Junior!" The words still echo in your head as you go home after the award ceremony. Your husband, the Dad of your little daughter, and the love of your life has officially won an Oscar. All his hard work has paid off after all these years, and you're grateful to be by his side through it all.
The award is clutched tightly in his right hand, his left hand interlaced with yours as you enjoy the moment. Comfortable silence hangs in the air as you look at him with a wide smile. Knowing how much it means to him, you're incredibly proud of him for winning the award.
"I love you, Gorgeous," he whispers before capturing your lips with his in a sweet, sensual kiss. Your husband may be around 20 years your senior, but that doesn't take away from your shared love. You've never known true love before meeting Robert, but when he promised to show you what that would look like, you knew you were on board for the long haul. And here you are, almost 15 years later, by his side during the biggest night of his life.
"I love you too, Robert," you whisper to him. You allow your head to rest on his shoulder, your eyes fluttering shut as you take in this moment. When he puts his head on yours, he lets out a content sigh. Nights like these take a lot out of you both, but that doesn't stop you from celebrating when you're back home. You plan on making it a celebration never to forget.
The moment you both step in your front door, the award is put away for safekeeping, and you make your way to the bedroom. You two have perfected this routine over the years, but tonight, it calls for special treatment.
"Robert?" you ask as he walks into the attached closet, ready to remove his jewelry and glasses.
"Yes, Gorgeous?" he says as he turns around, facing you before taking a last glance as you're still wearing your dress. He had chosen the one you're wearing to match your skin tone, and you felt like a princess on the red carpet tonight.
"What do you think of reversing the roles for a night? Me taking care of you for once? You deserve it after everything you've done," you tell him as you walk over. Now that you're not wearing your heels anymore, you must look up at him, as the two of you have quite a bit of a height difference.
"That's a perfect idea, Gorgeous. There's no one I trust more to take care of me than you," he tells you, and the feeling of pride blooms in your chest at his words.
"That being said, I was also hoping we could spice it up a bit if you're open to it," you tell him, and he looks at you with a quirked brow.
"I want to blindfold you tonight so you will be completely at my mercy. You will be allowed to touch me - not yourself - the entire time. That being said, I will also use the traffic light system during the entire session," you tell him, and he listens attentively to everything you're saying.
"Green means that you're good, and we can continue. Yellow means that you need to stop for a moment before crossing a boundary you're uncomfortable with or need to reposition. Red means that we will stop and move on to aftercare immediately," you tell him. He tells you loud and clear that he agrees with everything you said.
"Perfect," you tell him before standing on your tiptoes to give him a soft kiss on his lips. Consent has always been meaningful in your relationship, whether in the bedroom or outside, to make it safe for everyone to explore what they are or are not comfortable with at their own pace.
"I want you to get completely bare for me and get seated on the foot of the bed. And I won't say no to you showing off a little when you do it," you tell him, and the smile on his lips lets you know he's more than okay with doing precisely that.
One by one, he sheds his layers of clothing, each exposing more skin as they fall to the floor. When his entire torso is bare, you can't help but let your gaze wander over his muscled abdomen, your lip pulled between your teeth as you take a peek at his bulge as well. He tends to forgo wearing underwear, instead preferring the feeling of freedom over the confinements of tight boxer shorts.
When Robert is soft, he already has quite a noticeable bulge in his pants, but now that he is slowly getting hard, it's starting to strain against the fabric of his pants. His long, skilled fingers unbutton and unzip his pants quickly before the fabric slides down his thick thighs and onto the floor.
A soft whimper escapes your lips as his cock bobs up and down between his legs, the tip already flushed a beautiful shade of pink with his balls hanging beneath them perfectly, ready for you to play with later. After showing off for a few more moments by flexing his biceps and abs, he sits on the foot of the bed, just like you told him to.
"Good boy," you tell him, and you can see his cock twitch as his eyes flutter shut from anticipation. Meanwhile, you have also undressed yourself, being left in the beautiful lingerie he bought you for tonight. The cups of the bra lift your breasts to the point where they're almost spilling out, and the panties are barely there, just the way you both like it.
Every inch of your body is on display as you step in between his legs, your finger hooking beneath his chin to meet your gaze. The usual dark brown of his eyes has almost completely disappeared as his pupils are blown with lust.
"Ready?" you ask softly.
"Ready." As soon as the word has left his mouth, you bring the silk fabric of the blindfold to his face, covering his eyes before tying a knot in the back. It's secure enough not to go anywhere but not so tight that it hurts him. You do it exactly like he's done with you countless times before.
As soon as his sight is taken away, his hands find your thighs, allowing his calloused fingertips to commit every inch of them to memory.
"What's your color?" you ask when the blindfold is adjusted correctly.
"Green," he tells you confidently, and you smile at how he says it. His trust in you is visible in his voice, making the butterflies inside flutter wildly.
You sink on your knees between his legs, and the soft carpet under your knees makes it quite comfortable. Your hands are on his thighs before slowly inching higher, your fingernails softly gliding over the insides of his thighs to tease him a little bit.
A content sound leaves his lips at the feeling, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. After teasing him for a few more moments, you wrap your hand around his now fully hard cock, but it's so big you can barely fit your hand around it as you slowly work him up and down.
"It's so big I can barely fit my hand around it," you tell him between giving small kitten licks to his slit, his mouth going slack in anticipation of what's to come.
"You taste so good, Daddy," you say, and his cock twitches in your hand, which only serves to make you even more wet. The power you have over him, the trust he has put in your hands, has made you so aroused your panties are already completely soaked, and you're dripping onto the carpet below you.
Without any warning, you take his tip into your mouth, sucking softly to earn yourself a delicious groan that sends a shiver down your spine. At the same time, your free hand goes to grab his balls, rolling and squeezing carefully while you slowly work more of him into your mouth.
"That's it, Gorgeous, suck Daddy's cock like you're made for it," he says as his hands are holding tightly onto the sheets. His knuckles have turned completely white when his tip hits the back of your throat, his head falling back at the combined pleasures you're giving him.
"Feels so good, fuck!" he exclaims as you suck him down even more. Even though you've never been able to take his entire length down your throat, you're certainly willing to try and see how far you can get every time. Before you do that, you pull off him with a loud pop.
"I want you to cum down my throat, Daddy; I want to swallow every drop of your delicious cum," you tell him, and he groans in response to your filthy comment. He revels in the dirty talk you two share during these moments, as it adds to his neverending pleasure.
"Yeah? Does my little slut want Daddy's cum? You better work for it then," he says through gritted teeth as one of his hands is placed on your head, pushing you onto his cock until you're gagging around him. As soon as he hears it, he lets up a little, giving you a moment to breathe before doing it again and repeating this quite a few times.
"What's your color, Gorgeous?" Robert asks you this time, and you tell him that it's 'so fucking green' before he goes back to what he did earlier. However, this time he mainly fucks your mouth and throat enough to be still comfortable; all the while, you never stop playing with his balls, and your hand is still wrapped around the part of him you can't reach with his mouth.
"Oh, fuck, 'm cumming, Gorgeous! Fuck, FUCK, FUCK!" he exclaims before his orgasm washes over him, his cum shooting into your throat as you suck your cheeks in. You moan around him at the taste of his cum as he pulls out, every last drop being licked from his tip as it slides out your mouth.
You get up from your placement on the floor before straddling his lap, being mindful of his sensitive cock as it's lying between his thighs. Your arms are draped loosely over his shoulders as you lean in to capture his lips with yours, his tongue instantly slipping into your mouth.
The taste of him and his cum is still fresh on your tongue, and you swallow down his groan as it is shared between you two. One of your hands tangles into his hair while the other is placed on his neck, his own hands kneading the flesh of your ass.
As soon as you pull away, you smile at the thought of what you're about to do next.
"I believe you have to remind yourself of the moment when I said I was supposed to be the one taking care of you," you say, and a content sound slips from Robert's lips.
"Well, since you did not listen to me, I'm going to have to make you listen by using you for my pleasure instead of yours this time. Does that sound fair to you?"
"Yes, Gorgeous," he says, followed by a small sigh. You carefully push him backward until he's lying flat on his back.
"I am going to sit on your face, and you will eat out my pussy until I cum for you. Your hands will stay on my thighs at all times, and if you have to stop, tap either one of my thighs three times, okay?" you ask him, his tongue darting out of his mouth as he's waiting for you to finish.
"Yes." With that, you pull down your now completely ruined panties before discarding them on the floor and taking your place on his face. His arms are hooked over your thighs, and his fingers dig into your flesh as soon as his tongue makes contact with your drenched pussy.
You let out a loud moan as he slurps up every last drop of your juices before letting his tongue dip into your entrance as well as play with your sensitive clit. One of your hands tangles into his hair, and you pull hard as you rock your hips back and forth, the other one finding its place behind you on his chest to give you more leverage.
"That's it, lick my fucking clit until I cum! I'm so close, Daddy, 'm gonna cum for you!" The words are followed by some incoherent thoughts as the pleasure inside you is bound to explode.
The pace you're setting is brutal, but he doesn't let up for even a second, and before you know it, you're entirely soaking the bottom half of his face as your orgasm washes over you, your head thrown back in pleasure with a loud exclaim of his name. It is one of the most intense orgasms you've ever had, and you let yourself fall forward as you go completely limp for a long moment.
"I will never get enough of your sweet taste, Gorgeous, especially when I can drink it directly from the source," he says with a grin. You sigh in contentment before picking yourself back up, ready to move on with the rest of your scene together.
"What's your color, Daddy?"
"So fucking green, Gorgeous, 'm feeling amazing right now," he tells you, and you lean in to place a soft kiss on his lips.
"Good. I want you to sit up and carefully move backward until you feel the pillows so you can get seated comfortably against the headboard, okay?" you ask, and he nods. He does it all while blindfolded, and you help him get comfortable when he has found his place.
"To finish off our special celebration, I'm going to ride this delicious monster cock of yours until you're cumming deep inside my tight, warm pussy as a reward for you being good tonight," you tell him, and he hums in delight.
"Sounds perfect, Gorgeous," he whispers before you place a kiss on his lips and straddle his hips, his cock fully hard as it's lying against his abdomen. A small dribble of pre-cum leaks from the tip as you grab it and line it up before slowly sinking, giving yourself the time to properly adjust to the stretch of his cock inside you.
When he eventually bottoms out, you both let out long, broken moans, the pleasure threatening to become too much right at that moment.
"Color?" ''Green, Gorgeous, 'm always green with you," he whispers, and you can't help but chuckle at his words.
"You feel so good when you're wrapped around me. So warm 'n' tight," he says as he pulls you against him, his face nuzzling in your neck as he inhales your scent. Warm vanilla combined with a hint of something spicy has his mind going into overdrive.
"I want to have another baby with you, Gorgeous. I want to have another beautiful baby that looks just like you, with your beautiful eyes, nose, and lips. Please, shall we make another baby?" he asks, and you're grateful he's blindfolded; otherwise, he would have seen the bright red color on your cheeks at the confession of his words.
"Yes, Robert, I want that too. I want all of that and more; please fuck a baby into me!" you tell him before you start lifting yourself and sinking back down, finding a rhythm that has you both moaning and groaning.
Robert leans forward as he makes contact with your pulse point, sucking a deep purple bruise there as you keep riding him, your head lulling to the side as he does so.
"God, that's it, Gorgeous, ride this cock like my perfect slut. Can't wait to fuck another baby into you, that's what you want, isn't it? To have every last drop of my cum in this sweet pussy of yours until you're pregnant?" he asks, and you just nod in response, even though he can't see it. You don't trust yourself enough not to let it slip in the heat of the moment that you’re already pregnant.
"I'm gonna cum, Daddy! Please cum with me!" you tell him, and he does precisely that. The second you're both falling over the edge, Robert pulls you close to his body as his hands rub soft circles over your back.
"That's it, Gorgeous. Doin' so well for me," he says as you melt into his embrace. You two stay like this for quite a while, even after he has gone soft inside you. Once the blindfold is finally removed, you're very happy to be looking into your husband's eyes again, a broad smile appearing on your lips as you do.
"I love you so much, Robert. And congratulations again on winning the Oscar; no one deserved it more than you," you tell him, and tears gather in the corners of your eyes.
"I couldn't have done it without you or our baby June," he tells you, and the tears start to roll down his cheeks at the thought of his daughter. She is an exact copy of you, from the hair to the facial features, but she has the character of her Dad, making her the perfect combination of you both.
"Don't cry, Bubba. We will always support you no matter what," you whisper before kissing his nose softly. His eyes flutter shut as the tears keep finding their way onto his cheeks, and you keep wiping them away. You'll always be there to support him, no matter what.
"I love you so much, and I'm forever grateful to have you by my side," he tells you, and you nod.
"I love you too, Robert. But it's about time we get cleaned up and cuddle before sleep. My Mom will be here to drop June off around 9, so we should get some sleep while we still can," you tell him, and he nods.
The clean-up is swift, and before you know it, you're dressed in a pair of panties and one of Robert's shirts, and he's dressed in nothing but basketball shorts. If little June, your 3-year-old daughter, decides to run into your bedroom in the morning, you're both adequately dressed.
That night, you both sleep like logs, and all too soon for your liking, your alarm goes off, but you get out of bed anyway. You have to prepare a little surprise for your husband, so you have told him he can stay in bed, and he happily does as he turns over again.
As soon as your Mom walks through the door with June, she immediately stretches her arms out to be held by you.
"Good morning, Princess! Did you have fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house last night?" you ask after giving her a big kiss on her cheek.
"Yeah! Can I cuddle Daddy now?" she asks, and you shake your head with a smile at her comment. She's a Daddy's girl through and through, but before she can wake him up, you must change her shirt first.
"I want you to help me surprise Daddy, okay? But to do that, we need to put another T-shirt on you that says 'Big Sister' on it! Because that's what you're going to be later this year. You are going to be the best big sister to the baby growing in Mommy's belly!" you tell her, and she looks at you with wide eyes.
"Yay! I'm a big sister!" she exclaims excitedly, making you smile widely. Her enthusiasm is like her Daddy's, and you cannot get enough of it.
"You are, but Daddy doesn't know yet so that you can surprise him," you tell her again. She agrees before allowing you to change her unicorn shirt for a bright pink one with "BIG SISTER" written across it.
"Alright, go surprise Daddy!" you tell her, and she's immediately off to the bedroom, where she knows he will be. You and your Mom are as close behind her as she is.
"Daddy! Daddy! I'm a big sister!" she happily says as she runs into the bedroom. It takes Robert quite a long moment to understand what's going on, but when it finally clicks, he couldn't be happier.
"Do you want to be a big sister?" he asks, and June nods excitedly.
"Yes! I'm a BIG sister now," she says with her arms raised high, and you come to sit on the edge of the bed, where June and Robert are currently cuddling.
"I'm pregnant again, Robert, and if everything goes according to plan, we'll have a beautiful Halloween baby," you tell him, and for the second time in less than 12 hours, tears of joy roll down his cheeks. The last time he felt this happy was when you told him you were pregnant with your oldest daughter, and to have another addition to the family makes him feel extremely proud.
"Did you also know Daddy won a big prize yesterday?" Robert asks her, and she nods.
"Yes, Grandma showed me! Good job, Daddy. You won a big prize, and I am a big sister. Now we're both big!" she rambles, and you cannot stop laughing at it. Her enthusiasm is amazing, and you never want her to grow up. If it were up to you, you would freeze this moment and stay in it forever because this is what pure happiness feels like.
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Tag List Registration
Requests are always open and well appreciated.
So, if anyone wishes to Request something for the characters and celebrities mentioned below, feel free to go.
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Daemon Targaryen
Realm's Desire
Honour of our House (Sequel to Realm's Desire)
The Present as It Is (Sequel to Honour of our House)
Dreams and Dragons
Dancing with Dragons
Never Yours
In The Stories
Blessings of the Goddess
In the Silence
The Dragon of North (Sequel to Never Yours)
False Accusations
For Your Sake
For Them
Without Him
Aemond Targaryen
Not in Our Destiny
In the Darks of Night (Sequel to Not in Our Destiny)
Rage of a Mother
The Crimson Lady
The Crimson Queen (Sequel to Crimson Lady)
Twisted Feelings
Twisted Love (Sequel to Twisted Feelings)
Beloved Sister (Platonic! Also, Aegon x Reader)
Fire of Desire
You Love Me Right?
Being Rhaenyra's Daughter and taking Aemond's Eye Part 2
Being Reborn in Wizarding World with Aemond
The White Dragon (Also, Cregan x reader)
Cregan Stark
The White Dragon (Also, Aemond x reader)
The Dragon of North (Sequel to Never )
Being Cregan Stark's Young Wife Would Include
Aegon II Targaryen (Only on Request)
For A Better Future
My Gorgeous Princess
Beloved Sister (Platonic! Also, Aemond x Reader)
Helaena Targaryen (Only on Request)
Ecliptic Wedding
First Meeting
Being in an Arranged Marriage
Defending Your Honor
You are a Foreign Delegate
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Tony Stark
A Woman of a Kind
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Peculiar Thing
Doctor Stephen Strange
Bucky Barnes
Broken Beings
T'Challa Udaku
Something New
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Carlisle Cullen
Marry Me
Edward Cullen
Jasper Hale
Under the Moon
Aro Volturi
Marcus Volturi
Caius Volturi
Demetri Volturi
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Draco Malfoy
The Kiss of the Dark
Tom Riddle
Percival Graves
Albus Dumbledore
The Fate Awaits (Sister!Reader)
Grieving the Dead (Sequel to The Fate Awaits)
Gellert Grindelwald
The Fate Awaits (Wife!Reader)
Grieving the Dead (Sequel to The Fate Awaits)
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Aleksander Morovoza
Nikolai Lantsov
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Robert Downey Jr.
Chris Evans
Is Air Conditioner Working?
Tom Hiddleston
Beautiful yet Broken Doll
Crazy Cravings
Matt Smith
Indian Dinner
Robert Pattinson
Rami Malek
Sebastian Stan
Mistakes Are Common
Tom Felton
The Harry Potter Reunion
Ram Charan
Ben Barnes
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lnfours · 1 year
Hey!! I'm not sure if you are still accepting requests but I was wondering if you could do a Tom x RDJ niece reader one where Tom and y/n have always liked each other but due to y/n being RDJ's niece they have always tried to deny their feelings for each other but one day they simply can't keep denying their feelings..
this is so 😩 im a sucker for anything where reader is related to rdj/stark!reader UGH okay here we go
also thank u for being so patient while i worked on this, i hope you like it! <333
cleaning out my inbox 💌
ever since it was confirmed that you, the niece of robert downey jr, were going to play tony stark's daughter, everyone on social media lost their shit.
in a good way, of course.
in the marvel cinematic universe, you play the daughter of tony stark. your character takes on the responsibilities of being 'the next iron man', as some will say. your character is as witty, charming, sarcastic and smart as tony is. which is why people thought that having none other than a blood relative of the man who brings tony stark to life play your character was a great casting decision.
they especially went crazy when it was revealed that your character ends up being the love interest of peter parker. the scene between you and tom in infinity war was a fan favorite. said scene being where you realize that thanos had gotten what he wanted. the one where tom's unscripted line broke the heart of millions of people.
the one where your characters share a kiss before he's turned into dust before your character has a full blown mental breakdown over losing the love of her life. where tony pulls your character close, sharing the painful grief, heartbreak and sadness.
and if someone had told you that specific on-screen kiss would change your life, you would've thought that they were crazy.
but here you were, sitting in your trailer as you were about to go onto set. your character was brought back to be in the new spider-man movie. of course, it was no secret that you and tom had real life feelings for each other, but you found each scene to be a little bit harder to hide the fact that you were slowly starting to fall in love with him.
you were waiting for your call-time to come back to set to wrap up for the day, absentmindedly flipping through the paper script before you heard a knock on your trailer door. you got up, opening the door and being met with a familiar pair of brown, warm eyes.
you smiled sweetly, "hey, come in."
tom smiled back at you as he made his way into the trailer, closing the door behind him. you sat back down on the couch. tom had asked earlier on in the day if you wanted to run through a few lines together before going back to film. you had agreed quickly, praying that it didn't sound too eager to make sure he didn't catch onto the fact that you'd do anything as long as you got to be with him.
he did catch on though. but he didn't mind, he was glad you were as smitten as he was. he was glad to know that he wasn't the only one crushing hard on the other.
"which scene did you want to go through?" you asked as he sat down across from you. he flipped to the page where he had bent the top corner, letting his leg slowly start shaking as nerves took over his body.
"we could do page 223, if you wanted to."
you flipped to the page, eyes slightly widening. you were familiar with this scene, it was the one the two of you were doing later. the one where your characters kiss.
oh, fuck.
"sure," you cleared your throat, "where do you want to start?"
"from the top?"
"sounds good."
he cleared his throat, his american accent filling your ears as he reas the words on the page, "sorry for bailing the other night, wasn't cool."
"it's okay," you smiled, "duty calls."
he chuckled, "yeah, we can say that," his eyes looked up from the script as he looked at you, "however, i'd much rather spend time with you than chase shocker through the streets of manhattan."
you smiled, "you like me that much, tiger?"
he shook his head, smiling softly, "no, i love you that much."
you smiled, "it's honor to be loved by you, spider-boy."
you both read the line at the bottom of the page. you bit down on your lip nervously.
"we don't have to kiss right now if you don't want to," he said, his british accent filling your ears again, "i mean, i know we have to when we film, but right now we don't have to."
"i mean," you shrugged, "it's in the script."
he chuckled, "yeah, but we can save it for the cameras."
"i mean, i don't... mind... as long as you don't, obviously." you stammered, cheeks turning hot as a light pink shade dusted his cheeks. he nodded.
"i don't mind either."
"okay," you chuckled nervously.
"okay," he smiled, "did you wanna... c'mere, or did you want me to..."
he trailed off as you waved him off, "i can come over there."
you bit down on your lip nervously as you got up, ignoring the way your legs felt like jello. he watched as you climbed into his lap, like the way you're supposed to in the movie. both legs on each sides of his hips, his hands wrapped around your waist as yours snaked around his neck. he was so close, the smell of his cologne filling your nose as the warmth from his body radiated off of him.
"is this okay?" you asked, slowly starting to be distracted by how close the two of you were.
he nodded, eyes flickering from your lips back up to your eyes, "yeah,"
"cool," you smiled shyly, your heart pounding against your ribs. his hands came up and cupped your face, like his character is supposed to.
"is this okay?"
"it's great," you nodded, forehead pressing against his.
"cool," it was his turn to become shy.
"ready?" you bit down on your bottom lip.
"yeah," he said, "you?"
"mhm," your eyes closing due to how content you were. you could've stayed like this for the rest of time.
he brought your face down to his as he kissed you softly. you kissed him back, his left hand moving has he gripped your waist, squeezing you tighter against him as your lips slipped together. he made the first move, his teeth gently pulling at your bottom lip. you gasped quietly against his mouth, his tongue slipping in as he kissed you passionately.
this was all the two of you now, nothing scripted. nothing but pure lust for one another.
the two of you kissed for what felt like hours, but in reality it was probably only a couple minutes. you hadn't realized, but you ended up moving to lay flat on your back, tugging on his hoodie as you brought him with you. he didn't let his lips leave yours as he hovered over you, pulling away slowly so he could catch a breath.
"holy shit," he panted softly.
you chuckled, "is that a good 'holy shit' or a bad one?"
he leaned back down, shaking his head with a smile, lips brushing up against yours as he spoke before kissing you again, "a very good one."
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Hailee Steinfeld x reader! actress : Reader is in a Marvel movie and plays Kate's love interest and while they're on a break, and whenever Jeremy and Florence catch the two doing a couple thing, they poke fun both for that. She plays Tony Stark's daughter.
Couple Things
Pairing: Hailee Steinfeld x Reader (Platonic to Lovers) 
Summary: You grew closer to Hailee from being on set of the new Marvel movie. 
Fluff | 0.8K | Mentions of drinking |
AC: I recently heard that Kate Bishop is returning for phase 5!! I’m so excited to see more Kate!! 
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Never did you think that your acting career would lead you to play a role in the MCU let along get to work alongside some of your favourite actors and actresses. When your manager contacted you about playing the role of Tony Stark’s eldest daughter, you jumped at the chance to audition. Only after getting the role were, you informed that you’d also be playing Kate Bishop’s love interest. Your heart skipped a beat for a moment when you were introduced to Hailee who you loved in Dickinson. 
Over the course of filming, you grew closer to Hailee and learnt a lot from her. You also grew close to your other cast members such as Jeremy Renner, Florence Pugh, Robert Downey Jr, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evens, Elizabeth Olsen, the list goes on. You felt like you’d just found this big family that were so welcoming, warm and taught you a lot more than you knew. 
During the filming breaks, you found yourself hanging out more and more with Hailee. Table readings always ended up in laughing fits between you and Hailee and whenever you were both free from events outside work the two of you would practice lines together at her house or yours. Playing Kate Bishop’s love interest quickly became one of your favourite roles you’ve done. Hailee made it fun, comfortable, and honestly, how could she not? She’s beautiful. 
“Here comes the work wives!” Florence joked as the two of you entered the restaurant. The cast and crew were throwing a welcome back to filming party for the second season of Hawkeye. “Are you jealous Pugh?” you chuckled as you took your seat next to Hailee. “I can’t believe you actually stole her from me!” Florence replied with a laugh. 
The Bishova fans adored Florence and Hailee’s characters on Hawkeye which made you slightly nervous for this second season to air and having to see their reacting to beloved Kate Bishop not date Yelena. “Hey, don’t take it out on her, you know I still love you” Hailee pitched in on the joke. 
Throughout dinner, everybody took notice on how close you and Hailee had gotten over the break. You both shared each other’s food, picking at it more like it. The two of you shared a large cocktail, Hailee would have her arm resting on the back of your chair throughout the night keeping you close to her. As the night went on, the more drinks were drunk, and the more laughs were shared around the table.  
“Did you both know there was a slight change in script last week?” Jeremy asked looking over at you and Kate. “No?” you looked slightly confused, “first I’m hearing of it” Hailee replied. 
“Oh, well, I guess you’ll have to wait until next week” he threw you both a wink which confused you both but laughed it off and enjoyed the rest of the night. Florence and Jeremy kept making jokes at the two of you looking more like a couple rather than close friends, but it didn’t faze you both as you both just went along to tease them back. 
The following week, you were in your trailer going over the new script when there was a knock at your door. “Hails, what’s up” you smiled, letting her into your small trailer. 
“I just sawt the slight change that Jeremy was talking about, have you seen it?” she asked with a smile. You shook your head, “no I’m only the 5th page” you chuckled, “is it juicy?” you added. “Look at page 107” Hailee looked down at the script in your hand. 
Flicking through the script you saw what she was talking about. “Well, then” you looked at her with a soft smile, “are you comfortable with that?” she asked. “Yeah, of course, it’s no big deal” you replied. “Awesome, I just wanted to make sure” 
You thought it wasn’t going to be a big deal, but the scene was all you could think about until it was time to film, the director called action and your nerves got worse. 
“Kate, I don’t care about what my father thinks” you stepped closer to Hailee, “if he loves me, he’ll understand” you added. 
“Is this really want you want?” 
“More than anything”
Your heart skipped a beat when Hailee’s softly and warm hands cupped your face, she gave you the softest smile before pressing her lips on yours for the camera men to capture. 
Unscripted, your hands found Hailee’s waist. The director called cut but neither of you pulled away, you pulled her closer and deepened the on-screen kiss. Hailee smiled against your lips when you both stopped for air, “tell me you felt that” she spoke earning an instant nod from you, “you have no idea” you returned the smile. “Good” Hailee whispered before kissing you once more. 
“Pugh! Check this out” Jeremy watched as you and Hailee wouldn’t get enough of each other. “About damn time” Florence chuckled when she saw you both pull away from the second kiss. 
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Taglist: @red1culous | @bentleywolf29 | @natasha-belova | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz | 
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xtom-darling-x17 · 1 year
Hi! I love the stuff you write and I have an idea that I hope you like. Tom and the reader play lovers in the MCU. When they're filming the scene of Peter and herself dusting away, the reader gets emotional (her character does anyway but she goes slightly over the top) and Tom comforts her after filming saying that he's always gonna be there for her. RDJ is with them as well.
Hope you like it!
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Dust to comfort
Pairing - Tom Holland x Reader (Actor)
Summary - You and Tom are lovers on and off screen, playing Tony Stark’s daughter! One particular scene makes you overwhelmed, Tom and Robert JR is there to comfort you.
Warnings - Sadness
A/N - Thank you for requesting, I’m glad that you like my writing and I hope you enjoy! I Appreciate all the love and support towards my content! 🥰
Your finally filming the scene in the marvel movie, infinity War where C/N and Peter dust away from Tony Stark. It is the last scene of the day, your really excited about recording it.
You stand leaning on Tom, who plays Peter Parker, yourself playing Tony Stark’s daughter and Peter’s girlfriend before getting position to start the scene.
“TAKE 2, S/N, ACTION!” The Director said as someone uses the clapper-board to start the scene.
“Mr.Stark,” Tom says in his American accent, turning around nervously holding his breath to seem breathless, “I don’t feel so good,” He stumbles, just before he saw you, “Y/C/N,” he trembles as he sees you.
You was running In between the other superhero’s and creatures, trying to find your dad and Peter, your boyfriend.
“Peter,” You gasped, running towards him, “I found you,” you seemed to got lost between all the mayhem that was happening between Thanos, “I don’t know what’s happening!” Peter rapidly, threw himself into your arms.
Tony just standing there watching, he couldn’t do anything as Peter and his daughter cry’s for each other, it’s quite painful seeing his family being split.
“Dad! What is he on about?” You performed tears into your eyes to see your boyfriend lying limp into arms as you hold him tighter, Tony didn’t have time to answer as Peter trembled out words with tears in his eyes.
“I don’t want to go, I don’t want, want to go, I love you Y/C/N!” You burst out crying, “No, no Peter pls don’t go! I love you too,” Before he dusked away, By this point you are crying on the ground, “What happened!” You shouted at Tony, your dad.
“Sweetheart, I’m glad I found you again,” Tony hugged you, “Dad, it hurts,” You breathed heavily, “It hurts, what is happening?” You feel yourself drifting away into small little pieces, tears in your eyes as you say your finally words, “I love you dad,” Tony hugged you tighter, “Love you too, sweetheart, I’m so sorry,”
Just like that Tony had nothing left, no Peter, No daughter.. barely any family left.
“AND CUT,” The director shouts, “That was good guys, don’t think we need another scene!”
You nodded, getting off set to see Tom standing behind the curtain, talking with Robert Downey Jr, “Hey, Darling, Are you ok?” Tom questions concerned as you still had tears in your eyes, “Yh, I’m.. I’m good,” You sniffled.
“Well, your clearly not kid,” Robert spoke up, “But hope you feel better, Holland you better cheer her up,” He pretends to be in overprotective dad mode, “Yh, thanks Robert,” You give him a weak smile as he walks off, “Will do,” Tom smiles.
“Come here, Sweetheart,” Tom hugs you tightly, “Do you want to go back to my trailer? We can get comfy,” Tom suggests, you nod as he takes your hand leading to a more cozy room.
“What’s wrong, love?” Tom questions as he shuts his trailer door, you lay down into his bed under the covers with Tom following you, “The scene just made me emotional, it hit hard,” You whisper, letting tears fall down your face.
“Oh, love, it’s ok! I’m here, no one is going to leave you,” Tom reassures wiping your tears and stroking your head as you snuggle into his chest, “I’m always going to be here for you, Darling,” he kisses your forehead.
“I know,” You smile, relaxing to Tom’s touch, “See, there’s that beautiful smile,” Tom smiles wider, you peck his lips, giggling.
Tom flickers his eyes from your eyes to your lips, leaning into to see kiss you passionately. “I know you was upset, we all do! It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” he speaks sense to you, always.
“Thanks Tom, for always making me smile!” You kiss his cheek, “You make me smile more,” He winks, playfully, kissing your cheek.
“Your warm!” You sigh, lying back down on his chest, “Aren’t I always?” Tom says confused, “Yep,” you laugh.
“You know, it’s quite fun playing lovers on screen and then actually being lovers in real life!” You giggle, “It’s like our own movie,” Tom gives you a look, “I hope not, movies have endings!” Acting devastated, “You what I mean!” You pout.
Tom laughs, “Of course, love,” kisses your forehead again, “I like that,” You hum, “What? Me kissing your forehead,” He questions, smiling.
You nod as you look at him, your hands fall to his soft, brown locks. “I’ll it again, shall I?” Tom smirks, kissing your forehead again, “That’s nice,” You softly trace your fingers over his hands, “I like your hands too,”
“How come?”
“They are soft and bigger than mine,” You giggle, “See,” Matching your hand to his.
“Lovely, Darling,” Tom pulls you closer into his embrace, “You always find weird, things to talk about!”
“Says you,” You tease, “Mr. Holland!”
“I can say because I’ve got..” You cut Tom off from being a smart ass by kissing him.
Tom kisses you deeper, taking your jaw into his hands as he slips his tongue into your mouth.
“You are beautifully, breath taking, Sweetheart,” Tom breathes out, kissing your temple.
“And you are handsome,” You smirk, tracing your finger over his jaw line, “have I said I Love you so much today?” Tom asks, Smiling.
“Don’t believe, you have Mr.Holland,”
“Well, I love you so much, Darling,” Tom presses his lips to yours, “Mm, Love you so much too, Tommy,” you smile into the kiss.
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You are so Strong
REQUEST: Hi Emma, would you mind writing a piece about fem reader who was sexually assaulted (doesn't have to be written in detail) who comes running to her trailer and all/some of the civil war cast are there (focusing on the male cast members maybe Chris H and Robert) and they comfort her from a panic attack and take her to the hospital and maybe a bit about her talking about the situation a few years later on a panel. I know that this isn’t always in everyone's comfort zone so you don't have to do it x
Warning: Sexual Assault, Crying, talk of domestic abuse, mean reporter
Paring: Robert Downey Jr x reader, Chris Hemsworth x Reader
AN: Thanks for being so Patience with this. it was 3 months ago I was asked to write this. I personally never went through something like this so if it is wrong or too fluffy I'm sorry. 
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Taglist: @slutfortaylorswiftandzendaya​ @winter-soldier-vibes​
You Hated the Press
Like every other of your co-stars, you always got bored of being asked the same questions repeatedly. As a young female in the industry, you always got questions about your clothing, Love life, and you were so sick of it. Were there some fun press memories? Yes of course but the majority of them are the same old same old.
For example, right now you were in Hall H promoting Civil War. For the first time in Marvel history, they released a behind-the-scenes video before the movie was released. the video consisted of Chris Hemsworth walking around interviewing the cast of Civil War about the movie, and it was shot mockumentary style. Since Chris wasn't in the movie, but he had his own movie being released a week earlier before Civil War, both PR representatives from the respective movie thought it was a great idea to gain press. The video was being played on the screen and the audience was laughing and really enjoying the video. However, you were feeling very uncomfortable because this wasn't a fun day for you. You were trying to hold back the tears in your eyes and were taping your knees to keep your anxiety in check. Robert Downey Jr was sitting next to you and knew why you were anxious. He took your hand and squeezed it, to let you know there he was there for you. 
The video ended and there was a round of applause, you Quickly dry the tears off your eyes and started applauding with the rest of your friends. The interviewer saw you do that and looked at you. “Hey Y/N were those happy tears?” she laughed. Robert Downey Jr gave her a look that basically said don't ask her any more questions. But the interview didn't see it that way. 
“Describe how it was that day on set. I know you've worked with Chris before in a different film, what was it like working with him on the Marvel set?” she asked again, trying to understand why you were crying. You look towards Robert who gave you a squeeze before turning back towards the reporter. 
“It was super fun to have Chris there, but the day wasn't all fun and games. Right before I was interviewed something terrible happened to me and I feel if I stay silent about it does nothing for other victims.” You said into the microphone. “ Just to let those in the audience know I'm going to be talking about sexual assault so if this is too heavy for you go ahead and leave and we'll have something to let you know when you can come back in.”
You were sitting in your trailer waiting for a new costume piece to be delivered when you heard a knock on the door. “Come in,” you said, still scrolling through your phone. The door opened and you saw Chris Hemsworth walking in. “hey sweetheart” he said with a big smile on his. “CHRIS” you shouted as you hugged him. The two of you were in a family comedy where you played his daughter so you were very excited to see him again. 
“ How are you doing sweetheart, how is Life here on the Marvel set?” he asked as he sat down on the couch in your trailer. “It's super fun and I love it so much. I wish you were doing this movie with us” you said as he gave him a side hug again. “yeah but it doesn't make sense plot-wise thought but I'm excited to see it in theaters” Chris said with a smile on his face. 
“So when are you going to interview me,” you asked as you turned to face him. “I'm going to come by After I do Downey’s interview because you have a costume fitting. once that's over I will come and do the interview.” he said. “sounds good.” you said as he stood up and went towards the door. 
“Stay out of trouble until then, got it?” you rolled your eyes at him in a playful manner. “Yeah Chris I got it, I'll see you later,” you said as you waved goodbye to him. Just as he Left he held the door open and this man came into your trailer with a black bag. You haven't seen him before but you assumed he was a new member of the costume crew.
“Hi!” you said as you introduced yourself. “I haven't seen you before. is this your first day?”
“Yeah, my name is Cody.” he held out his hand and you shook it. “Nice to meet you, Cody! thanks so much for your help with this movie it wouldn't be possible without you.”
“I appreciate it,” he said as you went to unzip the bag and pull out your suit for the movie. It was light blue, tight, and had belts and hooks to holster the fake weapons. “so this is just one of the possible costumes we have for the fight scene you're filming in a week. We wanted to see it on you and make necessary adjustments before shooting.”
“That makes sense. Just give me one second, I'm going to head to the bathroom to change into it,” you said as you took the suit very carefully to the other side of your trailer. It's not that you didn't trust Cody, he was just a man that you just met and didn't want to get naked in front of him.
“You don't have to I'm perfectly fine if you change in front of me, I've been doing this for a while,”  he said as he sat down on the couch. That comment made your stomach turn a little bit. It was weird of him to say that. “Understandable Cody however I just met you. the other customers can tell you this, it took me a while to get comfortable in my undergarments around them.” You quickly took your suit and went into the bathroom. You felt a little uncomfortable with him but you just brushed it off.
Once you came out of the bathroom with your suit on, Cody stood up from the couch. “How does it look?” you asked him and you turned around. Cody smiled at you, “You look hot as hell” he said as he scanned your body with his eyes. 
You quickly wrapped your hands around your stomach. “I appreciate that, but don't you think it's a little inappropriate?” you asked as you notice him coming toward you. “I don't think so, I'm a customer and the goal is to make you look good to the audience. So I'm just saying what the audience would say.” it made some sense to you but still made you uncomfy. As he looked more at the suit, you notice a hand graze your butt. “looks like there's some extra fabric here.” he said as he touch the fabric on your butt, pulling it down. you backed away from him quickly.
“Cody, I really don't appreciate you touching me without asking if it was okay. Can you please just take some notes and give them to Jen?”  You said looking at him, a little freaked out. “no can do that, she wants me to do the adjustments and put the pins in were needed now.” He then put the pin in where the bunch of fabric was he's made his way over to your front side.
“can I ask you a question?” Cody asked. You nodded your head. “Do you find me attractive?” he said as he slowly tugged on the fabric that was on your breasts. “Can you please stop, this is really wrong,” you said as he felt him move your hair to expose your neck. 
“We are two very attractive human beings and you're in a tight suit. Getting me a little hard thinking about what I would do to you in this.” Cody was behind you as he rubbed up and down on your hips. You took this advantage and kicked him with the back of your shoe in his area. 
“You BITCH” he yelled and he bent down to recover. You took this opportunity to run out of your trailer towards Downey Village. You remember Chris was there with Downey doing their portion of the interview. 
You rushed into the fake lawn set up and bumped into some camera crew. “Hey we are filming here!” you heard someone shout. Tears were streaming down your face that you hadn't noticed before. You pushed everyone out of the way until you saw the God in front of you and hugged him. Chris and Robert were confused as to where you came from, but they heard your sobs as you clung to Chris. Robert made a cut motion to the crew and they turned off the cameras and left the set, sensing there was a big issue. 
“Hey, hey Y/N. It's okay, you're safe. Do you want to go inside?” he said as you started to move towards one of the trailers. You shook your head as you held onto him tighter. “Okay, let's sit down then, okay? There we go.” Chris sat on the ground with his legs out, giving you room to cuddle into him as he slowly stroked your back. 
The tears were still coming as you felt another hand touch your shoulder. You flinched at the contact before you heard a comforting voice. “Hey sweetheart, it's Robert. Can you open your eyes for me?” You slowly opened them. “There you go, sweetheart.” He then proceeds to do the 5-4-3-2-1 technique with you. (sorry I didn't feel like writing it all out loll)
Once he felt you were calm down, he took your hand and squeezed it. “Do you want some water or something to eat?” he asked quietly. ”water please,” you said. He squeezes your hand again before getting up and going inside his trailer. Chris continue to rub your back and you relaxed a little bit more and more. “Wanna talk about it?” you shook your head. “In a bit, just not know. Still shaken up. I'm sorry for ruining the-”
“Hey, it's okay. You are way more important than some Stupid interview. Anytime you need something you'd come to me okay?” he said as he continues to rub your back. You just nodded your head and leaned into him more. Robert came out with a blanket, a water bottle, and a little piece of candy for you. “I assume you need some cheering up so I got you some stuff.” You took it from his hand. “thank you. I think I can talk about it if that's okay.” They nodded their heads and waited for you to start talking.
 As you tell your story, you notice Robert and Chris getting very frustrated. Not at you, but at Cody for what he's done. And also for production for hiring such a man in the first place. Tears were shed on both sides as you finish telling the story. “I'm so proud of you, thank you for sharing. We're so sorry you had to go through that, but know that we are here and we will always have your back.”
“I appreciate it, but honestly I don't know what I am supposed to do now. I don't want Cody to work with me on the set, but it makes me feel like a bad person..”  Chris quickly grabs your hand and squeezes it, making you look at him. “you are not a bad person, Cody is. Never feel bad for the person that abuses your trust and boundaries. Understand?”
“I understand Chris, thank you. And thank you to Downey, I love you guys so much.”
“So yeah. it was an eventful day but out of it, I got closer to some cast mates, and it made me a stronger person. There are also so many resources and you guys can check out my social media pages where you can donate to shelters that house domestic abuse and sexual assault victims. There are people out there that need help way more than I do. I was lucky that I'm able to pay for the resources to help me through this but there's so many that can't and so the more we can do for others the better.” You finished saying into the microphone.  the audience applauded you for sharing your story. You look to your sides and see your castmates Giving you smiling nods.  You knew that they wanted to hug you at that moment but everyone was still trying to be professional and not overwhelm you. RDJ leaned in to give you a side hug which you returned. “Thank you,”  you whispered into his ear. “Anything for your munchkin.” He said he gave you a kiss on the top of your head.
 You look off stage and you see Chris Hemsworth clapping with the audience. “I'm so proud of you,” you saw him say. You blew him a kiss which he caught in his hands and placed in his heart. 
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piggyjeans · 2 years
updated masterlist
started: july 25 2022
last updated: july 25 2022
chris evans >
make it work, chris evans x teen! reader
vogue makeup tutorial, chris evans x daughter! reader
sebastian stan >
protect you, chris evans & sebastian stan x teen! reader
talentless, sebastian stan x teen! reader
ryan reynolds >
graduation, ryan reynolds x teen! reader
gushing, ryan reynolds x teen! reader
im just a kid, deadpool x teen! reader
there there spidey, deadpool x (platonic) penny parker 
robert downey jr >
can you pick me up, tony stark x teen! reader
he hurt me (TRIGGER WARNING), tony stark x teen! reader
tom hiddleston >
skys the limit, tom hiddleston x teen! reader
jake gyllenhaal >
connected, jake gyllenhaal x teen! reader
jesse pinkman >
my kid, jesse pinkman x teen! reader
the walking dead >
plz dont read this 
wrote it when i was thirteen, grace must be given 
plz dont read this either
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potterhead2207 · 2 years
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Robert Downey Jr. x Young!Daughter!Reader (5 years old)
Summary: Robert has a surprise for his daughter.
Warnings: none
A/N: finally something that’s not cevans smut 😂 if this gets to 50 likes I’ll turn it into a series 🥰
This year had been tough for Robert and his family, especially on his youngest daughter, Y/N, who was five years old. Everything going on in their lives had made her really stressed, affecting how she behaved at school. She wasn’t someone who misbehaved, but her teacher noticed that she’d become a lot quieter recently and had fallen out with her friends. Trying to cheer her up, Robert decided, after a lot of careful thinking, to adopt a dog. They’d been considering this for a while, him and Susan, but they felt like now was the perfect time.
They had decided on a Labrador, as they had heard they were good with children and other animals. His name was Charlie.
Robert and Susan decided to surprise Y/N and her siblings when they got home from school. They brought them in out of the car and told them to wait in the living room while Susan drove to the dog shelter to pick him up. They told them to open their eyes as they let Charlie go out of their arms, running up to them and wagging his tail excitedly.
“Daddy, it’s a doggy! What’s his name?” asked Avri.
“His name is Charlie. He’s five years old,”
“That’s the same age as me!” Y/N said, bending down to stroke him. “Do we have the same birthday, Daddy?”
“No, sorry, kiddo. His birthday is June 27th,”
“That was just recently! Happy Birthday, Charlie!” Exton shouted.
“So, we take it you like Charlie then, guys?” asked Susan, smiling when they all nodded.
“Thank you, Mommy and Daddy!” Y/N exclaimed, getting up and giving them a huge hug each.
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nighthunter241 · 10 months
Introduction to "He is mine"
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I don’t own any names used in this story and the idea is based on a Yandere concepts
All characters are 18 or older
18+ DNI if you are lower the age of 18
MR (M/N): Male reader or Male name
Henry and M/N have been friends since Freshman year of high school, you come to terms with your feelings with him but Henry manages to catch the eye of a number of people. During a 10 week period during Senior year M/N is getting rid of his rivals in hopes of finally being able to confess to Henry about his true feelings.
Alba Baptista: MR, Sebastian and Anthony's adopted mother, seems very calm and wants to prepare her children for anything in the world. Heart over the moon with their father. Leaves the United States for personal reasons leaving her children home alone for 10 weeks.
Chris Evans: Adopted Father of MR, Sebastian and Anthony, seems to always give his children what they want and cares for their well being, heart over the moon with their mother. Leaves the United States for personal reasons leaving his children home alone for 10 weeks.
Anthony Mackie: Your adopted brother who cares for your happiness and excellent with computers and programs
Sebastian Stan: Your other adopted brother.
Pedro Pascal: Classmate/Friend
Robert Downey Jr: Son of the leading cooperation “Downey Enterprise”, seems to want to be preparing more on taking over the company than studying. He is MR source of information/items/and schemes
Guidance Counselor Angela Bassett: runs it with a firm hand but is willing to give some wiggle room for the right thing
Principle Samuel L Jackson: A very nervous man, seems to be afraid/cautious of MR and his siblings
Student Council Members: All for some reason been told to keep on eye on MR and his siblings
Amy Adams: Henry’s childhood best friend, who clearly has feelings for him
Gal Gadot: Henry’s partner in a school project, and she is falling for him.
Ben Affleck: Jock, a part of the football team, the typical Jock in the closet
Tom Hardy: Part of the photography club, seems to have a gentle nature
Brie Larson: The example of an excellent student, straight A’s and perfect attendance and high academic integrity, it would be sad if all of that came crashing down.
Scarlett Johansson: Member of the gardening club, very intense person and isn’t afraid to speak her mind
Simu Liu: Wants to become a model when he grows up, has the looks and personality and Henry has caught his eye, it would be shameful if someone would ruin his dream.
Chris Hemsworth: Not in any clubs, but is the most popular guy at school with a high reputation.
Ryan Gosling: The boy next door, with his looks any woman or man would want him, sadly even Henry.
Zoe Saldana: The daughter of a notorious detective from the 80s-90s who is currently out of town for “business”, seems suspicious of MR and always has her guard up. Leader of the Journalism club
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nicoline1998enilocin · 7 months
Flufftober '23 | Masterlist
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Hi! Welcome to the Masterlist of my participation in Flufftober 2023, hosted by @flufftober! 🖤
On this Masterlist you'll find the prompts I've filled along the way, which will combine angst, fluff, and smut. Each one shot will have their own appropriate warnings when necessary. All stories will be 'x Fem!Reader' unless specified otherwise.
If you want to check out all my other works, you can find them on my Main Masterlist. For now I hope you will have fun with all the fanfics I'm creating during my first time participating in Flufftober! 🧡
I chose not to work with a tag list. If you want to be updated when I post new fanfics, you can follow @nicoline1998enilocin-library 🖤
Divider made by @cafekitsune | Header & 18+ banner made by yours truly
I want to thank @ccbsrmsf1 because I could not have finished this challenge without your amazing help! From providing the most amazing and drool-worthy GIFs to coming up with the sweetest ideas and the best titles, you have helped me more than I can ever show you. I love you so much, and again, I can not thank you enough for all the work you did for my Flufftober Challenge! ❤️
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🥀 = Angst | 🧡 = Fluff | 🔥 = Smut
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Day 1 | It'll be okay | 🥀 🧡 | Chris Evans Prompt: ''I've got you'' After nearly a decade of being together, you're going through an intense breakup, so you're at a loss about what to do with yourself. Luckily for you, your best friend Chris knows exactly what to do to make you feel better, and you're very thankful to have him in your life.
Day 2 | I do! Again! | 🧡 🔥 | Robert Downey Jr. Prompt: Family, friends, loved ones Your 10th wedding anniversary with Robert is coming up, and he is planning a special vacation for you and your little family, though it'll have a twist you will know about once you arrive. He ensures every last detail is perfect, and it will become a vacation you'll never forget.
Day 3 | Together, forever | 🥀 🧡 🔥 | Iron Man!Tony Stark Prompt: ''Wait, you love me?'' - ''I've always loved you'' You and Tony have been head over heels in love with one another for as long as you can remember. It isn't until someone is injured and nearly loses their life that your feelings come out, and both of you wish you would have shared your feelings sooner, especially after seeing how fragile human life is.
Day 4 | Perfect coincidence | 🧡 | Bucky Barnes Prompt: Have your characters share the last table at a café You find yourself in a rainstorm and seek refuge in a warm-looking coffee shop. When there's only one table left, you share it with a handsome stranger who introduces himself as Bucky Barnes and his fluffy white cat, Alpine. What started as one of the worst days quickly became one of the best.
Day 7 | Swinging together | 🧡 | Tony Stark Prompt: Porch swing You have always dreamt of having a porch swing on your porch, and now that you and Tony are moving into your new house, this is the perfect opportunity. He will do anything to build it before your baby boy arrives and complete your little family.
Day 8 | Dancing in the rain | 🧡 | Loki Laufeyson Prompt: Rainy day Both you and Loki decide to make the best of a rainy day. He starts the day with breakfast in bed, and you decide to bake him a pumpkin pie in the afternoon. When you suddenly want to dance in the rain with him, something shifts between you, and you can't keep your hands off one another.
Day 10 |Mile High Club | 🧡 🔥 | Iron Man!Tony Stark Prompt: Love of my life You and Tony have been in a secret relationship for the past seven months, and you're being sent on the first mission for just the two of you since you've become an Avenger. Seeing how the two of you will have nothing but time during the long flight to the other side of the world, he wants nothing more than to make you a part of the Mile High Club.
Day 11 | Chocolate lovers | 🥀 🧡 🔥 | Young!Tony Stark Prompt: Sweet tooth + Hot chocolate Your daughter, Orion, has been wanting hot chocolate as a treat for a while now, and you and Tony are finally giving her just that. Though Tony's sweet tooth craves something much sweeter, he can't help but make it even more delicious by adding some sweet chocolate syrup.
Day 12 | Spin The Bottle | 🧡 🔥 | Robert Downey Jr. Prompt: ''Oh no, you're a morning person!'' Robert has been your best friend for a few years, and the sexual tension between both of you has only grown stronger. When, after an innocent game of Spin The Bottle, the small, flickering fire officially bursts out into a sea of flames, you experience the most satisfying, gentle, and perfect first time together you could have wished for.
Day 14 | My favorite piece of art | 🧡 | Bucky Barnes Prompt: ''I hate it'' - ''No you don't'' You've been trying to get Bucky to model for you for the longest time. When he finally agrees, you decide to go all out and make a beautiful painting of him to highlight everything you love about him. When he sees the end result, he can't help but joke about it, but deep inside, he's very moved and touched that you did this for him.
Day 16 | Lullaby | 🧡 | Andy Barber Prompt: Singing one another to sleep After a long, stressful day at work, there's nothing you enjoy more than sitting next to your husband, Andy, when he's playing the piano and singing to you. These moments work like a charm to get you to fall asleep, and you two lovingly call them your own lullaby.
Day 17 | A new start | 🧡 | Ari Levinson Prompt: Encouraging s.o. to reach a goal You've always dreamt of turning your career around, starting in a new field. When you mention this idea to your husband, Ari, he is very supportive in the best way he knows how to be.
Day 19 | We'll always protect you | 🥀 🧡 | Steve Rogers Prompt: Keeping someone safe Steve's dream has always been to become a Dad, and suddenly, that opportunity seems closer than he could ever have envisioned. When a little girl is abandoned in front of the Avengers Compound, he can't help but take an immediate liking to her, and he feels the urge to keep her safe no matter what.
Day 20 | Spooky celebration | 🧡 | Sebastian Stan Prompt: Pumpkin You moved to the U.S. not too long ago, and this year will be your first Halloween celebration there. When your friend Sebastian finds out you’ve never celebrated it, he's taking out all the stops to make your first Halloween a spooky celebration to never forget.
Day 22 | Apple picking | 🧡 | Young!Tony Stark Prompt: Picking You've grown up with the tradition of going apple picking each fall, and now that you and Tony have your own little family, you want to keep this tradition going. As you, Tony, Orion, and Hudson go to a local apple farm during an apple-picking event, you're soaking up every second and enjoying every moment.
Day 23 | A beautiful collection | 🧡 🔥 | Ari Levinson Prompt: Trinket Whenever you and Ari visit a new place together during a vacation, you two search for the silliest magnets to add to your ever-growing collection. Usually, you're the one who brings them home, but this time, Ari has found a rather special one that you want to keep forever.
Day 25 | Reading nook | 🧡 | Steve Rogers Prompt: Nook You recently moved into a new house that'll accommodate you and your growing family, but your one wish in the new house has yet to come true. You've wanted a reading nook for a long time, and when you're away on business, Steve decided to surprise you by making the reading nook of your dreams.
Day 26 | Love by the fire | 🧡 | Iron Man!Tony Stark Prompt: Fireplace Tony has taken you for a weekend away to a small cabin in the woods where it'll just be the two of you, and no one around for miles to interrupt. The weather outside is cold, but the atmosphere inside the cabin is almost reaching it's boiling point as you two can't keep your hands off each other.
Day 29 | I'll always be by your side | 🥀 🧡 | Iron Man!Tony Stark Prompt: ''Hey! Wake up!'' What was supposed to be a comfortable, easy Sunday turned into one of the worst as you're caught off guard by your period and in horrible pain. Luckily, your boyfriend, Tony, is by your side to make you feel better and spoil you absolutely rotten.
Day 31 | Spiked candy | 🧡 | Iron Man!Tony Stark Prompt: Dreams do come true You've had a crush on Tony for as long as you can remember, but you didn't know he also has one on you. During his annual Halloween party, he makes a move using a project he's been working on for a long time, and they have precisely the desired effect because you couldn't be happier the morning after. Your dream of being his might finally come true after all.
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xreader-writing · 2 years
I'm here | Tony Stark
Sumarry → Tony Stark realizes that his daughter has been very different and distant lately.
Pairing → Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader | Request → Here
Word Count → 1.198
A/N → Forgive me it took me so long to write this baby I really hope it's not so bad lol. ♡ English is not my first language, so I’m sorry for any mistakes.
| Masterlist | Open request! |
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Tony had many successes in his life and Y/n was definitely the biggest one.
Tony is completely fascinated by his daughter, and everyone could see that, she was the greatest treasure of his life, and he would do anything for her.
But for some time now, Tony realized how different his daughter was, he noticed how much she tried to hide from him and everyone, but luckily, he had noticed.
Y / n was always very close to him, and the whole team, she was always laughing and talking, but lately, Y / n is quieter, and spends most of her day in her room, always making the same excuses
"I'm just tired, don't worry.”
“I just got a headache, don't worry.”
But that smile doesn't fool Tony Stark, his daughter wasn't okay, and he'd do everything he could to help her.
One day, Tony went to his daughter's room to talk to her, he decided he wouldn't leave until he found out what was going on with her.
"Alright, tell me who hurt you so I can kill him and we can get back to normal." Tony said entering Y/n's room as soon as she opened the door.
"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm fin-"
"If you tell me you're fine one more time, I'm going to freak out." Tony interrupts Y/n and sighs, he sits on her bed and pats the bed, signaling Y/n to sit beside him.
As soon as she does, Tony runs a hand through her hair, and hugs her shoulders.
"Please my daughter, tell me what's going on, has someone hurt you?" Tony says this, and Y/n sighs loudly.
"No dad, nobody did anything to me." She says it so softly, making Tony lean in to hear it.
"What's going on my love? Please trust me."
Y/n sighs, and closes his eyes feeling that the tears were about to come out like a dam.
"Dad I... I don't know what's wrong with me, I just... I don't feel like doing anything anymore." Y/n says with eyes closed.
"I don't feel like seeing anyone, I don't even feel like looking in the mirror, because I hate what I see." Y/n says starting to sob, and Tony feels his heart sink as he sees his daughter's condition.
"Dad I feel so useless, I don't know what else to do." Y/n is crying and sobbing, and Tony pulls her into a tight hug.
Y/n is hugging Tony with her head on his chest and when she cries with her eyes closed, Tony is doing his best not to cry along with his daughter.
"I'm sorry dad, I wanted to be a better daughter, I swear I try, but I can't, forgive me I'll never be good enough." Y/n says, she is still crying and Tony can't hold back the tears upon hearing this from his daughter.
"How can you say that my love? You are everything to me my daughter, you are my most precious treasure." Tony says hugging Y/n tighter, afraid she would disappear, because at that moment, he felt like he was losing her.
Tony and Y/n were crying and holding each other for a while, until Y/n quieted the sobs, and slowly let go of Tony.
"I'm sorry about the shirt daddy." She says walking away and trying to clean Tony's shirt with her hands.
"Hey." Tony says holding his daughter's hands to get her attention.
"Why didn't you tell me you were feeling this way before, dear?"
"I don't know, I didn't want to let you down dad, I'm sorry." Y/n says, sniffling.
"I'm the one who has to apologize, forgive me for not having noticed before dear." Tony says taking Y/n's face and wiping her tears with his thumb.
"You're not a failure, you're not worthless, you're the best thing that's happened in my life." Tony says this, and gives Y/n a tender kiss on the forehead.
"Without you I wouldn't even be here anymore dear, you're my sunshine, and my reason to get up in the morning." He keeps talking and wiping the new tears that fall from Y/n's eyes.
"I know sometimes things get rough, and the voices in your head keep telling you you're not enough, but believe me honey, you're already perfect, and it's so much more than I deserve." Tony says quietly in a soft voice, pulling Y/n to his chest again.
"I love you very, and if you saw yourself as I see you, you would no longer wonder why you're here."
Y/n goes back to crying into Tony's chest, but this time no sobs, only tears fall from his eyes.
"Please don't stop trying to fight this, let me help you, let's get through this together." Tony says stroking Y/n's hair, feeling her nod.
After they spend some time holding each other, Tony kisses Y/n on the head.
"Hey, where did you get that let down? Honey, you could never let me down, ever." Tony says, as soon as he notices that Y/n is no longer crying.
"Well you know, you are Tony Stark." Y/n says, and Tony looks at her in disbelief.
"You're Y/n Stark, you can't imagine the pride you give me, and nothing could change that honey, nothing."
"You can't know that." Y/n says looking at her feet.
"Of course I can, I'm Tony Stark remember?" Tony says, and winks at his daughter, who chuckles softly.
Tony gets up from Y/n's bed, and walks to a picture that he had on the wall, it was a photo with her and Tony in his lab, the two of them smiling brightly at the camera while Tony hugged Y/n by the shoulders.
"You know, this is for sure the most beautiful photo I've ever seen in my life." Tony says smiling, looking at Y/n's smile in the photo, the smile he loved so much, the smile that made his day a thousand times better.
Y/n smiles softly, and Tony looks at his daughter with the proudest, most loving gaze ever.
Tony opens his arms signaling for his daughter to give him a hug, Y/n got up from her bed, and walked over to her father snuggling into her arms in a tight hug.
"No matter your age, you will always be my baby and I will always be by your side, it's you and me against the world remember?" Tony says and kisses his daughter's head with his eyes closed.
Y/n hugs Tony tighter, and there she realizes that she doesn't have to go through this alone anymore, Tony is here, and doesn't intend to leave anytime soon.
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ellerosie2332 · 2 years
Optional Family
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(Pictures from Pinterest)
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Optional Family
Pairings: Tom Holland x Reader (platonic), RDJ x Reader (platonic)
People included: Tom Holland, Robert Downey Jr, Elizabeth Olsen, Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans.
Request Summary: you don’t have to do this if you’re not comfortable, but could you maybe do a peter parker x stark!reader (or just stark!daughter reader), where the reader is diagnosed with cancer and tony, peter and the rest of the avengers help her through the side effects, like peter/tony shave their hair when she looses it to chemo. thank you
A/N: I don’t really write Peter Parker x Reader; however, I really like you request. I changed it so it is a member of the cast has been diagnosed with cancer. She plays Tony Starks daughter and dates Peter Parker, so she is really close with all the actors. I hope you still like it any way and thank you so much for your request. xx
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: A cancer diagnosis was the last thing you thought you’d have. But when it comes, you have the best people to support you through everything.
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, talks of Cancer, maybe a curse word, sensitive content. PLEASE DO NOT READ IF YOU FIND THE CONTENT UNCOMFORTABLE.
You knew you had to talk to the Russo Brothers. You had to tell them what was going on. What your diagnosis was.
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You had noticed a mole on your skin had gotten bigger. You had never paid much mind to it before but as you were moisturizing, you felt a change in texture and saw that it increased in size. Initially you didn’t think anything of it. In hindsight you should have. The next time you thought to check you saw the become darker and it had again grown.
This time you spoke to your parents. Your Mom took a look and at once booked you a doctor’s appointment and came with you. You knew straight away that something was wrong when you saw the look on the doctor’s face. it was confirmed something was wrong when they sent you for tests. Despite the doctor saying it was ‘routine,’ there was a voice in the back of your head, a gut feeling, that your mole had become more than that.
You took the tests and a few weeks later you had to go back for the results. The morning of your appointment, you noticed another mark on your skin. Planning to tell the doctor at your appointment, it took all your courage and strength to attend.
Sitting in the waiting room was the most daunting part. You didn’t know exactly how close you were to getting your test results and you had nothing to keep your mind off of it. Soon enough the doctor called your name. you didn’t hear it to start with, but your Mom shook you out of your trance and helped you through to the consultant room.
“So, as you know we ran some tests, and we now have the results back. I am sorry to tell you Y/N, but it came back as the mark on your skin being a melanoma. Which is a type of Cancer. There are few treatment options available…”
You stopped listening as soon as the doctor said Cancer. You always had an instinct, but the confirmation was giving you a feeling of nausea that you had never felt before. Every so often you would hear the words ‘surgery’ or ‘lymph nodes’ but you weren’t taking in the information. You looked at your Mom and noticed that she had tears running down her face.
Eventually, you went home where your Mom immediately spoke to your Dad. However, you felt stuck. The only thing you could think of was you were gonna die. If you had been in a state to listen to the doctor you would have known that actually if the treatment was successful, then you should be on the road to recovery soon.
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Your management team decided that you only had to tell the directors. Anyone else that could know would be completely up to you. Depending on treatment meant that you would have to consider taking time off work to recover.
You felt like your life was falling apart and all you wanted to do was lay in bed all day and cry. However, you knew that you had to tell someone at work about the diagnosis and that hiding from it was not going to make it go away.
So here you were, standing outside the set ready to tell them everything. As you entered the premises, Tom Holland over waved you. You and Tom played love interests in the films, and you maintained a strong friendship outside of filming. This was because with you being two of the youngest on set, you were gently bullied by the rest of the cast.
Sighing you make your way over to the Brit. You know he always means well, however, at this precise moment in time, the last thing you want to do is engage in optimistic small talk.
“Hey, Y/N/N. I thought you weren’t working today?” Tom questioned obviously confused by your presence.
“Oh yeah, well there were a few scheduling issues I needed to discuss.” You lied. You hated lying, especially to Tom, however, you didn’t want to tell him you had cancer. It’s not that you didn’t trust him, but you didn’t want him to see you differently, or treat you like you were fragile.
“It’s good to see you anyway. Are you free tonight? It’s been a while since we’ve spent time together and a few people are coming.” Tom seemed so excited.
“Actually, I’m busy tonight but I’ll come out with you another night.” You tried to smile and shrug it off. Unfortunately, for you Robert was standing behind you and heard you decline Tom’s offer.
“That’s unlike you Y/N, you normally love to come out with us all.” You didn’t have to turn round to know that he had caught onto your lie.
“Me and my Mom have something planned tonight.” You lied again, not being able to look Robert in the eye.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Robert asked and put a comforting hand on your arm. That’s all it took for the waterworks to start, catching the attention of a few people around you, including Elizabeth, Scarlett, and Evans.
Tom and Robert quickly ushered you to your trailer, away from prying eyes, knowing that at that moment you needed some privacy. It took a while for you to calm down but both Tom and Robert were patient with you.
“What’s going on Y/N?” Tom questioned. You took a deep breath.
“I have cancer.” You confessed quietly. You felt the pair of them tense up, but soon Tom wrapped you up in a hug while Robert sat in silence.
“How bad is it?” Robert asked.
“I have to have surgery and then potentially a biopsy to make sure it hasn’t spread to my lymph nodes. They caught it fairly early.” You told him.
The three of you were sitting in silence when there was a knock on the trailer door. Robert got up and opened it to a very worried looking Elizabeth, Scarlett, and Chris. With a nod of your head, Robert let the three of them in. No one said anything for a while but eventually you spoke up.
“You don’t have to stay with me.” You told them.
“What’s going on Y/N? You don’t have to tell us but is it anything we should be worried about?” Chris asked. You took a shaky breath before looking down.
“I have cancer. They caught it early, but I am going to need surgery.” You told them. You saw all their faces morph into worry and then pity. “I’m gonna be alright but I just don’t want anyone else to know. I was supposed to tell someone today, but I don’t have any energy to now.” You confessed.
There was something about the people who had all crowded in your trailer that made you feel safe. You optional family.
“It’s okay kid. Let’s get you home.” Robert stood up and went on his phone to call a cab or something.
“I have the rest of the day off; do you want me to come with you?” Tom asked. You didn’t want to bother anyone, but you really needed your best friend, so you nodded. You got up and were instantly wrapped in the arms of Elizabeth and Scarlett. Their silent way of showing support. Chris then wrapped his arms around you before you and Tom went to the care Robert ordered.
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When you got home, you and Tom sat on the couch watching crappy films and eating ice cream. Tom treating you as he would normally helping you take your mind off of everything. You felt relaxed for the first time in weeks, knowing that whatever you had to face, you wouldn’t be alone.
Part 2 >>
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