#spider-reader x kate
olsenmyolsen · 5 months
This Is Me Trying - Three - (A Y/N Parker Spider-Woman X Kate Bishop Story)
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Summary: You and The Hawkeyes get ambushed as Kate meets The Spider
Word Count: 3.8K
Content: Guns, Shooting, Violence, Flirty Kate Bishop, Clint being protective
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Your Y/N Tingle, as Peter so annoyingly called it.
You landed on a billboard and scanned your eyes around until the hairs on your body stood up.
It was another group of Tracksuits cornering a man.
"Please just take the car!" The guy yelled just loud enough that one of the four poorly dressed men raised his fist and connected to the man's abdomen.
"The city that never sleeps." You mumbled as you leisurely swung your way to the top of the car. Startling the whole crew.
"You know, fellas, I think there's better ways to get a car. Ever tried Uber?"
"Can it Spider-Girl!" A man barked at you, making you roll your eyes under your mask. "I was just asking. I've never used it." You gestured to your web shooter, making the guy look before you fired a web at his face, blinding him.
"Shit!" One of the three other guys called out.
"You know!" You jumped off the car to dodge an attacker with a crowbar. "Since you're all dressed the same, I'm gonna give you guys different names. Okay?" You asked, but no one gave an opinion as they charged at you.
You sighed and went to work catching the fist of the guy with a long grey beard. "Okay, you're Smokey." You said as you webbed his fist together and kicked him into a nearby dumpster. "One down."
The following two guys, each sporting a faded hairstyle, charged you together. One with ginger hair, the other blonde. "Would Ketchup and Mustard be too easy or not good enough?" You asked as you redirected Ketchups crowbar swing to hit Mustard in the back. Making Mustard miss his kick at your leg but giving you enough time to web his foot to the ground as you jumped over the two. Webbing the crowbar and flinging it down the alley.
"Huh?" Mustard asked as his foot didn't move after barely recovering from the hit. "Oh, here!" You said as you webbed his other foot to the ground, making him wide-eyed. "Ketchup! Get her!" He yelled, causing the other guy to tilt his head, confused. "But that's not my-"
You knocked him out in one punch.
"You know I actually hold back when I fight." You told Smokey, who sat on the ground with back pain thanks to the dumpster. "Whatever." He muttered, earning a shrug from you.
"You whatever," You mumbled back as you looked at Mustard and pushed him, causing him to fall over, thanks to his webbed feet.
"That's enough!" The man who you blinded with your web finally tore it off. "Oh hey!" You waved as he pulled out a gun. "You've caused enough problems!" He shouted at you as he cocked back the pistol. "This might not be the right thing to say, but trust me, I know.." He looked at you. "You see, I have an essay due on-"
He fired a shot into the air before pointing back down at you. You could hear the screams and hushed whispers of the people around this city block.
"Hey, let's put the gun down."
You put your hands up as he turned the gun to the side. "I don't think so." He turned the gun away from you and to the man lying on the snow-covered asphalt—the owner of the vehicle.
The owner looked from the gun to you with fear in his eyes. "Please..." You gave a little nod his way.
Internally, you named him Carl.
"Don't do anything stupid." The man with the gun.. let's call... Dean said. "I won't." You replied back. You kept your eyes in the direction of Dean, but behind the mask, your eyes were searching for protection for the car owner.
A tire a few feet away would have to do.
"I'm really sorry about this." You said, confusing both men. Without another wasted second, you webbed past the car owner. Your web sticking to the tire as you pulled it towards you,
Dean fired his gun.
The bullets began ricocheting over the rim of the wheel or getting stuck in the rubber of the tire as they flew past Carl's head.
With your other hand, you webbed the gun free from Dean's hand and sent it flying backward into Smokey's head, knocking him out.
Now free of the gun, you jumped and twirled in the air to add speed to the momentum of the tire before letting go as you flung it at Dean.
The tire bounced off the cold ground and right into his standing body, sending him flying a few feet away. The tire kept going until it collapsed down the alleyway.
Dean hit the snow with a heavy thud.
He was out.
You landed on the ground and let out a breath.
"I-I thought- I thought I was dead," Carl spoke up after a moment of silence, garnering your attention.
You took cautious steps and crouched in front of him. He sat on the ground shaking. The snow in the air added a quiet bubble between you and him.
"Hey, it's okay. You're here, man. You're here." Carl reached forward for your hand.
You extended it and helped him to his feet.
"You save-saved me!" He took in his surroundings before looking at you. You shrugged. "It's all in a day's work."
Carl shook his head and patted your shoulders.
"I get to go home to my wife because of you."
You weren't going to lie. That did feel good to hear. But even as a spider-based superhero, you still aren't the best at taking compliments.
"Ummm, the police should be here any moment. Okay?" Carl nodded. "Just get home safe."
"You too, Spider-Woman!" He cheered. "Just The Spider is fine." You laughed under your mask and started walking backwards. "You got it, Spider!" Carl shouted as you webbed up the passed-out goons.
"Merry Christmas! Well- uh- if you celebrate!" You shouted as you zipped onto a fire escape before flinging yourself to another roof.
Carl watched in astonishment and clapped. "You too!"
As you hung in the air, let out a breath and collected your thoughts. Getting shot at was never going to be an easy thing just to have happen.
You let out another web and launched yourself into the air, adding a little spin into your release. Your web reached another building, but before you could twhip yourself up, your tingle started going crazy, and before even thinking about it, your body twirled over to avoid an arrow.
Wait, an arrow??
You webbed it up and quickly looked around.
Your eyes eventually found the man you loved to annoy.
Clint Barton on a roof waving at you.
You smiled and let your feet hit the snowy roof with glee. "Hawkeye!" You actually called him by his hero name for once, surprising the man.
"Spider!" He called back as he took the arrow from your hand before looking at the webbing with disgust. "Does this stuff come out of you?"
You tilted your head. "Ew, no!" Clint tried pulling the webbing off the arrow but failed. "It'll dissolve soon." He glared at you. "Hey! You shot at me!"
Clint couldn't argue with you there.
"Why did you shoot at me?" You asked with a smile behind your mask. You didn't get to meet a lot of heroes doing this job.
"Well, honestly..." Clint sighed. "I wanted some information."
"Oh?" You said, surprised. "About?"
You walked past Clint and sat on the roof's ledge while looking at the rugged man. He sighed. "About that building?"
He pointed past you and to the building across the way. It was one you recognized from Ned's discovery. "What girlfriend kick you out?" You joked as you pulled out your phone to text Ned.
Ned sat in your room on the computer. Peter was lying on the floor, throwing a crumbled-up piece of paper to himself. They both had just finished their robotics report for the week and were decompressing.
Outside the room in the living room, MJ was napping with a bowl of Alfredo pasta turned over on the floor. It had fallen when she turned over earlier.
A game show was playing on the TV.
MJ only watched game shows by herself.
"Is that Y/N?" Peter asked when Ned's phone chimed. "Yeah," Ned replied after looking at your text. "What does she want?"
Peter got up and walked up to Ned, sending files and pictures to you. "Just information." He replied, making Peter tilt his head. "Information? About?"
Ned wasn't sure if he should lie or not, but thankfully, he didn't have to say anything when you sent a selfie of you and Clint Barton looking annoyed in the background. Followed by a text: "Hawkeye is bossy."
"Did you really say that?" Clint whined when he asked, making you laugh.
"No, of course not." You lied to the archer and smiled when you got the dump of information from Ned. You sent a quick thank you text and once again ignored Peter's text about doing school work despite the fact that you were hanging out with an ex-Avenger!
"Here." You flipped your phone over and showed Clint the info you had on the buildings. "So you really are tracking them too," Clint said, making you roll your eyes. "I have no reason to lie, arrow guy." You paused. "Hey, that rhymed!"
Now, it was Clint's turn to roll his eyes.
You put your phone away as Clint turned his head and looked at the building. "So... what's your plan? To just stay here and wait for something to happen?"
Clint moved his shoulders up and down. "Kinda."
You huffed and sat down on the snowy roof. You frowned as you immediately regretted it because you'd have to wash this suit next. "That's lame."
Clint chuckled.
You looked around the roof. "Hey, where's number two?" You asked, looking up to number one. "I'm starting to think they're not real."
"Oh, they're real." The older man said. "Look."
You looked to where he gestured, and through one of the broken-out windows on the building across the street, you saw a chick dressed in purple point her bow and arrow in your direction. "Oh, so she is real!" You looked from Clint back to the girl.
"So should we move?" You stood up. "That arrow is pointed directly at us!" Clint laughed. "I would if I were you."
"What does that me-?" Your body flipped itself out of the way as the arrow flew by you and plunged itself into the brick wall of the roof behind you.
Attach at the end of it was a giant black cable that got yanked up with a force on the other side, creating a zip line across.
"Was she aiming for me?!"
"Probably," Clint responded like it was no big deal. "You coming?" He asked as he attached himself to the zip line and clicked on a flashlight. Something you noticed the girl in the window do as well.
You look from him to the building where the girl was waving from.
You waved back. "I could've just swung you over there." You pointed out to number one. "Yeah, but if I broke another bone because of someone else, my wife would then probably kick me out."
You guess you could see the logic in that.
"Wait, you're married!?" That piece of news finally hit you.
"Happily. See you over there." Clint stated as he started making his way across.
You looked from Clint back to the building again.
You've never really done team-ups, but this was happening naturally. You and the two Hawkeyes were all on the same trail of crime. You all knew where it was potentially leading, so the more help wasn't something to shake your head at.
So when Clint looked back over to you when he was halfway across, you made your decision.
With one twhip, you beat Clint across and squeeze through a window to find yourself in front of Hawkeye number two.
But never in a hundred years would you have guessed who it would be.
Her voice was the exact same, and the way her face scrunched when she looked at you full of glee was something that made your stomach flip with butterflies.
Kate Bishop stood in front of you in a purple ensemble with her bow in one hand and a quiver of arrows on her back.
Aside from the suit, you noticed that Kate had her hair down. She was wearing a purple beanie.
She looked cuter than ever.
Her cheeks were pink from the cold. You could also see a fresh coat of lip balm was recently applied to her lips. Lips that looked soft as- "I can't believe I'm with the Spider!"
She broke you out from your thoughts as she cheered in front of you.
"I'm Kate Bishop, Hawkeye." She extended her hand and waited for you to shake it. "Y/-Uhh I-" You fumbled over your words as you extended your hand. "The uh-" You went wide-eyed.
Your voice!
She couldn't recognize your voice!
You started shaking Kate's hand before making your voice deeper. Not a cartoony amount, but just enough where Kate would definitely know that The Spider is a lesbian.
Ya know?
"T-The Spider!" Yet you still stuttered in front of your crush, causing your face to go completely warm.
The need to rip your mask off to breathe normally was rearing its head.
"Sorry for shooting at you, by the way!! I just wanted to see if you really had it!" Kate said as she dropped your hand with excitement.
"It?" You questioned.
"You know the..." Kate acted out your acrobatic movements, all while her two feet remained on the ground. "Your dodgy spider thing." She smiled as she spoke.
Kate Bishop was the exact same.
You couldn't believe it.
A smile was on your face behind the mask.
"My Spidey sense." You said, making Kate's eyebrows shoot up. "Oh! Cool!" She nodded to her own words as she bit her bottom lip.
Something so innocent was making you blush.
So you turned around and started walking along the floor of the building just as Clint FINALLY came through the window. "I'm getting too old for this shit." He said as he unclipped himself from the zipline.
"Spider," Clint called out as you looked back. "Kate. Spider. Just in case this one was too star-struck to say anything."
That made you listen.
Kate looked at Clint, embarrassed. "No! No! He's joking! Like it's not true! I mean, I like you but- not like that! Like, I admire you... From afar! Ya know? Wait, that's not right!"
Clint covered Kate's mouth as you stood there, shocked at the jumble of words spilling from your crush's mouth.
"She admires you as a hero. Just forget she said anything." Clint said as he removed his hand. "Yes. Thank you, Clint." Kate nodded but avoided eye contact with you.
You just nodded back and grinned widely under the mask. "Well, thank you, Kate."
Kate tilted her head and looked your way.
"You said my name. The Spider said my name." She whispered loudly to herself before starting into the distance.
"Well, enough of... that," Clint said. "Kate, did you find anything?"
Kate nodded and singled for you and Clint to follow.
"Every floor was either empty or left to rot. And this one was the same until..." She stopped in the hallway of what you now recognize as an apartment building door and shined a light on the door.
It looked a lot like Aunt Mays. 
Kate pushed the door open. As it creaked to a stop, one by one, the archers and you stepped inside. The apartment looked lived in. Boxes and tables were removed from dust where others still had it sit. A bed was in the corner of one room, where a work bench and whiteboards riddled with equations and words sat in the corner of another.
"Somone lives here?" Clint asked to no one in particular.
"Lived." Kate held up a notebook left behind on the coffee table and started reading from it.
"I've done all that has been asked of me, and yet he keeps asking for more. I'm afraid of what will happen if I say no. But with the recent news of his disappearance, maybe I have a chance. Now is my time. I'm smarter than this. And if they come for this place-"
"It stops there. No more entries after that." Kate looks from you to Clint, who grabs the notebook and flips through it before returning to that final page. "This was written almost a year ago."
You take a few steps closer. "His dissapearance." You repeated. Making the other two look at you. "Yeah?" Kate asked as you thought about the words.
"Who owns the buildings? Who disappeared a year ago and is creeping up our backs. Powerful enough to have people go into hiding."
Clint sighed.
Kate knew.
"Kingpin." You snapped your finger and nodded; you went to say more, but your phone started to buzz. "Oh.." You picked up to see Ned's caller ID.
"One moment." You said, making Kate look at you a little differently.
Clint returned to the notebook and started to take pictures before combing over the place.
You took the phone into the other room and clicked the side of your mask. "What??" You asked in a hushed whisper. "Where are you?" Ned asked as he looked at live camera footage of a group of Tracksuits exiting a car.
"In a what we now know is an abandoned building."
"Okay, well I have- wait we?!" Ned asked as he took his eyes away from the computer screen. "Yes, me and the Hawkeyes!! Oh my god, speaking of which! I have to tell you-"
You stopped as your body started to feel it.
Your hairs went straight up.
You stood up and started walking out of the room and into the room Clint and Kate were in. "Spider?" Clint asked, a little worried. Kate turned to see you look around, slightly panicked.
"What's going on?" She asked.
Clint shook his head, and the two watched you.
Your body directed you to the abandoned desk. You squatted down and ignored the feel of Kate's eyes on your ass.
That's when you saw it.
A silent armed. Triggered to go off when the front door opened. Kate must've accidentally set it off when she discovered it earlier.
Yet your tingle didn't stop.
You stood up again and walked to the window. At the same time, Ned's voice came through your earpiece. "Get down!!"
Time slowed as the first bullet cracked the window, sending shards of glass your way as the bullet blew right past your face.
As the glass skimmed your mask, you turned towards Kate and hit a button on your wrist to send a wall of webs in her direction.
"Get down!" You shouted as your voice became muffled thanks to the rain of gunfire coming from the street below you.
You watched Clint hit the deck as he was the furthest away. If he could save himself quicker, the quicker he could save Kate and you. If needed.
As you hit the floor, your webs hit the ceiling and wall in front of Kate, protecting her from a shower of glass and ricocheted bullets, which left you unprotected as you began crawling toward the younger Hawkeye.
"We have to go!" You heard Clint yell as the gunfire didn't stop. You agreed and motioned for them to go first when you finally made it to Kate.
But she was going to leave without you.
Kate grabbed your left hand and started dragging you as she followed Clint through the front door of the apartment. The sound of glass and gunfire sounding further away as you three ran through to the other side of the abandoned building.
Back to where you entered. Except when you looked out the window, you saw men waiting on the roof across the way.
"Shit!" Kate said as she got her breath. "Language." Clint retorted, causing Kate to give a really?! look.
Clint looked around, ignoring Kate, until his eyes landed back on you.
"Spider, take Kate and get her out of here."
You opened your mouth to speak up, but Kate beat you to it. "Clint! I'm not leaving you!"
He looked at her and placed his right on the top of her purple beanie as the sound of gunfire started to become louder. The men entered the building.
"Yes, you are. I'll hold these guys off and meet you at your aunts."
You watched Kate shake her head and sign to the older Hawkeye. Leaving you out of the conversation.
Clint sighed and signed back.
Clint grabbed his bow and turned towards the window to line up a shot.
He turned his head back, stopping her. Kate deflated. "Spider, take her."
You lifted your eyes from Clint to Kate. You took a shaky step forward and placed your hand around the strong arm of your crush.
She looked back and nodded. "Let's go." She took a step towards a window positioned on the west side of the wall and broke it with her bow. She cleared the glass away and waited for you to climb onto the exterior wall.
"Right!" You nodded and jogged to the window.
It was a silent moment between the two of you as Kate stepped outside the window and into your waiting arms. You couldn't help the feelings in your stomach and the fire in your heart when Kate wrapped her legs around your waist.
Her chin on your shoulder.
You also couldn't help your mouth when it opened up. "Usually, I like to take a nice girl out to eat before this happens."
You cringed and rolled your eyes at your own words.
Thankfully, Kate laughed. Whether it was genuine or not was a mystery, but she smiled and wrapped her arms tighter around you.
"I may have a slight obsession with you, but let's slow down."
That was news to you.
"Obsession, huh?" You felt a grin grow on your face.
Kate quickly hid a blush and pushed herself further into you, which didn't help the moan stuck in your throat from trying to fight its way to your lips.
But you swallowed it down and managed to say: "You ready?"
You felt Kate nod.
"Hold tight." You said even though you would never allow Kate to slip from your grasp.
You twhipped you and Kate away from Clint as you heard him send a barrage of arrows to the idiots on the other roof.
On the outside, Kate tried to play it cool, but on the inside, her stomach was doing flips like it was qualifying for a gold medal.
The rush of air against her body hundreds of feet into be air was one thing
But being wrapped around your body was another. Especially when she couldn't shake the feeling that this wasn't the first time the two of you had met.
But Kate would know if she had ever met the Spider...
So, who were you?
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Tagging List: @daddy-jareau
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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incorrectquotesmcu · 2 months
Sam: I know what might motivate Bucky to get out bed and back on missions.
Y/N: You think I should work him up with the butter sock?
Kate: You know, I really don't.
Yelena: Did they say butter sock?
Scott: Is that a sock?
Carol: Full of butter?!
Sam: Do you guys wanna hear my idea?
Kate: Yes.
Peter: Does it involve the butter sock?
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delicatebarness · 6 days
So I was thinking earlier for the Avengers Bunch
What if…while on a mission and in the middle of the fight reader is listening to music and just starts humming which leads to singing quietly till other young avenger hears and joins and another one and so on
the young avengers just start singing cause someone is anxious or just because they’re bored and when they run into the enemy they are like what is happening
And the song would be “We Didn’t Start The Fire” Fallout boy rendition or you can chose
The Avengers Bunch | Who's Robert Downey Jr Anyway?! #004
Summary: ^^ Requested.
Warning: Violence. Mentions of real-life events from 1989 - 2023 that could be triggering.
Word Count: 567
Series Masterlist
Tags: @somnorvos |
On the outskirts of an abandoned nuclear power plant, bursts of energy and lights flashing illuminated the night sky. The recruits were in the thick of their mission, each one of them locked in their conflict. Amidst the chaos, you crouched behind a pile of rubble, trying to catch your breath and reload your guns. After a moment, you remembered you packed your AirPods…
“Why do you need them?” you remember Bucky asking you from your doorway.
Slipping them into your ears, you pressed shuffle on your playlist, and the familiar strains of “We Didn’t Start The Fire” by Fall Out Boy filled your senses. As you re-entered the battle, you found yourself humming along to the beat.
Softly, the hums turned into singing, barely audible over the fights. “Captain Planet, Arab Spring, LA riots, Rodney King…”
Nearby, Kate crouched with her bow at the ready, glancing over at you. “Are you singing?” 
You gave her a sheepish grin, still humming. “It’s to help me focus.”
Nodding, Kate smiled at you before she took a deep breath and joined on the next line. “Deepfakes, earthquakes, Iceland volcano…”
Spider-Man swung in from above you, delivering a kick to a robotic enemy. He landed next to you, eyebrows raised beneath his mask. “Cool! Karaoke time!” Without hesitation, he joined in, surprisingly in tune. “Oklahoma City bomb…” 
Suddenly, an amplified voice added a deep resonance as a shadow loomed over you. “I am Groot, I am Groot, I am Groot, I am Groot…” Groot has caught on to what was happening. 
Soon enough, the four of you were all belting out the song, your voices melding together in a harmonious chorus. Your enemies, a group of heavily armed mercenaries even paused in their attacks. Staring in confusion at you all. 
“What the hell?” one of them muttered, lowering their weapon slightly. 
Even the most seasoned in their ranks, looked bewildered. “What is happening?” he growled, becoming distracted for a moment. 
You and your friends never missed a beat. You used the mercenaries’ confusion to your advantage. “Cambridge Analytica!” you sang together, your voices rang out across the battlefield. 
As the last of the mercenaries were knocked out, you regrouped, still singing the lines of the song.
Kate paused and looked confused when you all sang, “Robert Downey Jr, Iron Man.” Picking up her arrows she asked, “Wait, who’s Robert Downey Jr anyway?” 
“No idea,” Peter shrugged, sending one more punch toward a waking mercenary. “Must be some old actor.” 
Groot nodded, “I am Groot.” 
You laughed, shaking your head. “Tony will know.” 
Once your enemies were tied up and the area was secure, you made your way back to the Quin Jet. As you and the rest of your team boarded, still humming together, you found the ‘older’ Avengers sitting inside, their heads in their hands.
Bucky looked up first, his face a mix of annoyance and amusement. “Do you realize we have comms? We heard… everything.” 
Steve sighed, rubbing his temples. “Every. Single. Note.”
With a raised eyebrow, Natasha made her way over to you. “Not the most conventional tactic, but it worked.” 
You blushed slightly. “Sorry, we just got carried away.” Sharing a look with your friends, you all tried to stifle your laughter. Leaning back in your seat, you began to hum softly again as the Quin Jet lifted off.
“For the love of Odin, shut up!”
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togrowoldinv · 9 months
Flufftober 2023!
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Hey y’all! Enjoy all of the fluff!
Decorations: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Heroics: Firefighter!Natasha x Reader
Family Fun Day: Milf!Wanda Maximoff x Reader
The Sweetest Treat: Kate Bishop x Reader
Pumpkin Pie: Florence Pugh x Reader
Happy fall y’all!
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fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Gwen or Kate bishop x male reader?
Gwen swings into the apartment with a pizza in hand…
Gwen: pizza time! No tip required.
Y/N gives her a kiss…
Y/N: having a super girlfriend has it’s perks.
Gwen: i also give super cuddles (winks)
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Kate tackles Y/N…
Y/N: couldn’t stay away, huh?
Kate: what can I say? The pull I have to you is magnetic
Yelena shoots another bad guy…
Yelena: save it for bedroom not battlefield!!!
Kate: oh right.
Kate gives Y/N a kiss before launching back into the fight…
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unholyhelbig · 11 months
Can you do spider!person x Kate Bishop with a soulmate AU?
[A/n: I've never been a massive fan of Soulmate au's but, for some reason this one really got under my skin and helped with some writers block, so, thank you!]
Title: Magnetic
Ship: Kate Bishop x gn!reader
Disclaimer: I did not proofread, if there are mistakes, I'm sorry!
Main Masterlist | Ao3 | Request Prompts
Summary: Reader is a spider!person from earth-2099 and Kate Bishop is curious about why she's so drawn to them.
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The piano stood in the center of a restaurant that seemed to harvest the warmth of every candle. They were unscented, casting a deep yellow glow that shaded the patrons’ faces and stretched them in shadows. You had figured that you could be no true judge of character when those around you were bathed in untrustworthy light.
Having live music was part of the charm, or so you had been told. Classically trained and playing the same sonatas over ivory keys for left over bread and mistaken orders. People would send food back for the slightest hint of sodium, too much cilantro, too little portions. Of course, you could keep your tips at the end of the night, sometimes they would brim the elegant glass jar on the hood of the piano.
Sometimes, you’d see nothing but a brass quarter that a man who smelled too thickly of tobacco would drop to its basin. He’d tell you the story of the general carved into the front, a confederate, you had no doubt. And you would nod, your fingers doing all the work to keep up the quiet ambiance of the lobby.
At one point, you remember enjoying playing the piano. Of course, that was before you mastered it. When you were a novice, it was fun, you’d ply each note and double down on the pedals. You’d take risks. But the restaurant did not want risk. They wanted sub-par entertainment.
You knew you were good, better than good, you were perfect. You’d had all the time in the world to get to this point and you’d lean on your talents if it meant a good meal and something to do. It distracted you from your own discontent with this world. With 616.
The clinking sound of a piece of copper against a glass pulled you from your thoughts. Your hands were gliding along the keys all the same, undeterred from the distraction. Though, you almost caught yourself ‘C’ sharp.
Kate Bishop stood in front of you, leaning against the side of the Kawai, it’s black finish reflecting her pensive stare. In all the universe, she still had the same slightly-infuriating, adorable face of determination that she wore now.
Of course, she had an evening gown, and of course she dressed the part. She wore something emerald, green, reflecting from her gray, storming stare. Kate’s lips were painted red, her skin like snow. You caught a whiff of Rosemary, and was that mint? It was freshly tilled from the ground.
“I have questions.” She said.
She showed no signs of leaving, and you didn’t’ want her to. Though, she obstructed your view of the hostess and therefore, your manager, Gary. So, you gestured, asking her wordlessly to take a seat on the bench next to you.
Kate’s confidence faltered, but she delicately lifted her dress from the floor and lowered herself onto the bench next to you. There was a certain heat about her, one that you could feel as she stared down at the keys, at your touch moving across them with ease.
You could feel her stare on the side of your face, burning, making your stomach do flips that threatened your composure. It didn’t’ seem to matter which universe you were in; 616, 2099, 219 and hundreds more- Kate was always there. She was always disarming and part of that infuriated you.
“Do me a favor, will you?”
Kate furrowed her brow but lifted her chin. There was a quiet contemplation about her, one that warmed your skin. She looked magnificent in that dress, show-stopping. Each wandering eye from the patrons of the restaurant had nothing to do with you, or the music. She had captivated everyone in the room.
“Slowly- F sharp, then B flat and C.”
Kate scoffed “I can’t keep time.”
“I’ve seen the callouses on your hands. You can keep time. What is it? Violin?”
“Almost, the cello.” Kate pressed the first note, and then the other two. She listened to what you played and matched the rhythm with one hand. The other ran over the stitching of her dress. “I didn’t come here to play, Y/n.”
“And I didn’t’ come here to talk, it seems that we’re at an impasse.”
Kate clenched her jaw. You gave her a smirk and settled into the last notes of the song. A few seconds to pull your shoulders back and you began to shift the mood of the room with the soft crescendos. “Alright. Ask your questions. I’ll answer them.”
You hummed “If I can. Silence will speak wonders.”
“Right. Okay. Fine.” Her voice lowered to nothing but a whisper, a warmth against your cheek. “You’re Spiderman.”
“That is not a question Kate. That is a statement.”
“I’m getting there. You’re Spiderman, but Peter is Spiderman. I’ve lived with him for three years, that’s not something you can hide. And then suddenly, there you are, in a really… I mean, the suit is nice, the colors are- wow- but you’re not Pete.”
“I’m failing to see the question.”
“You’re infuriating, you know that?”
You smiled at her “Yes.”
She grumbled and crossed her arms over her chest, drawing in a deep breath before she continued. Gary was eyeing you from the host stand, a furrow to his brow. You nodded at him, and he moved his attention down to his clipboard.
“Have you ever considered different worlds?” You asked.
“I’ve interacted with a talking raccoon who is surprisingly adept at disassembling a cherry red 1970 Dodge Challenger. Nothing surprises me anymore.”
You laughed, and her cheeks matched the exterior of the car for just one moment before she grimaced and returned to her composure. She stared at you expectantly as you finished the last of your song. Your hands lingered on the keys, but you didn’t start another one. Instead, you stood, took the jar off the top of the piano.
Kate watched you expectantly as you held your hand out to her, lifting both eyebrows. Your shift was over, and even if it wasn’t, you were sure you’d leave with Kate if she asked you to. Explaining something like this, you’d done it a million times to a million different Kate’s but it always made your heart scream inside your chest all the way to your fingertips.
She took your hand, the warmth was overwhelming. You led her outside, the jar tucked under your arm and the city lights boring down on wet pavement. For a few moments, the two of you walked aimlessly- much too overdressed for your surroundings. There was too much in the air, and somehow, never enough.
“Every single decision that we make has consequences, has chain reactions. And each time we make a choice there is a world out there that plays out in succession.” You shoved your hands into your coat pockets, breath steaming in front of you. “There’s a world where we are still sitting together at the piano. There’s one where my manager Gary fired me for talking to you in the first place.”
“I think I get it.” Kate nudged you with her shoulder, “But that doesn’t explain how you made it here. Isn’t there some type of cosmic consequence that comes with this kind of thing?”
“Typically, yes. If you were to meet the Kate from earth 20368, then things are bound to explode. She was a nice girl, by the way. Kind of reckless. But things don’t work the same way for me. I’m an anomaly. There’s only one of me.”
“You’ve lost me.” Kate stopped, pressing the tips of her fingers against her temple. “We’ll circle back to the ‘was’ you threw in there.”
“I’m sorry” You chuckled, “I’ve done this hundreds of times, and it still doesn’t get any easier. I’m originally from Earth 2099. It’s a reality that’s much like this one, but sort of… Frankensteined from all of the other earths. There was a man there, a scientist, a geneticist, that flew a little too close to the sun. Hence me. Hence my whole family.” 
Kate parted her perfectly painted lips to say something, but you didn’t’ give her a chance. Instead, you dug through the change in your pocket, forking over two crumpled dollars to a greasy looking man behind a peddled cart. You could smell the salty aroma of hotdogs topped with sauerkraut and mustard.
“Thank you, Benny” you said, passing Kate one of the hot dogs, wrapped in a coffee filter. She took it without question and you dropped the rest of the change in your pocket into his tip jar before the two of you fell into a perfect silence.
“I can’t tell what bothers me more. The use of Frankenstein as a verb, or the fact that you talk in riddles. It’s all very confusing.” Kate took a bite of her hotdog and moaned with pleasure “Jesus, this is a delicacy.”
“I don’t mean to talk in riddles, you know? The answers you crave aren’t straight forward. There’s still a lot of that I’m trying to figure out too. A lot of unspoken rules. Things that I would have changed if I had the chance.”
You took a bite of your own hotdog, chewed thoughtfully and swallowed. Kate was watching you, her deep stare moved to the corner of your lip. She tentatively, gently, used the side of her thumb to wipe away a bout of condiment. It took everything in you not to sigh into her touch, to pull her in for a lengthened hug and breathe I her scent.
There was a pressure below your eyes, a sadness that you at to blink away. There was a sudden interest in your shoes and the way they weren’t built for the wet streets of New York. You whispered “You’re not my Kate.”
“I’m sorry, I overstepped I shouldn’t have-“
“No, no. It’s fine. Really.” You drew in a cold breath, one that burned your throat “On my earth, the one that I’m meant to be in, the one that I was created in, there was a Kate Bishop. We grew up together, laughed together, cried together, loved together.”
Kate’s voice was nothing more than air “what happened to her?”
“She died, in my arms she died. Was stubborn until the end about it too.”
 You frowned and threw the rest of your food into the nearest trashcan, not having much of an appetite anymore.
“I was engineered in a lab, much like my brother and sister and every single person around me. I wasn’t meant to fall in love, but you made it difficult not to. I had a falling out with my father, and he’s a man of science over anything else.”
“So, he killed me? Her?”
You swallowed the cold lump in your throat again and nodded. The tips of your fingers were numb with the weather, so you shoved them back into your pocket and watched as the beginning of rain began to fall. It distorted the reflection of traffic lights against the pavement.
“You have to understand, Kate. I ran away from 2099, stole the tech from my father’s lab and ensured that he couldn’t track me. My plan, it was to hide out in whatever world it took me to. I would grow old and die in solitude, have a normal life that I wasn’t engineered to have.
“But you were there, and there was color to your cheeks, and you were smiling. After I got over the shock, I decided to leave, go to whatever earth the device spits me out into. And there you were again, and again, until finally- I realized that wherever I went, some version of you would be there, and the same version of me was still hopelessly, undyingly, in love with you.”
“This is…” Kate frowned, got that same crease between her brows that you wanted to smooth out each time. “A lot to process, and that hot dog is about to make a second appearance.”
“Sorry, I’m sorry. I know.” You groaned, for a moment, staring up at the stars that mixed so delicately with the falling rain. “When I told you on Earth 181 you threw up over the side of the Brooklyn bridge.”
“Oh, nice. After that?”
You shrugged, looking back down at your feet “After that you pretended like none of it mattered. Which I’m not expecting you to do. Trust me, I’ve tried avoiding you, Kate. In every universe I’ve jumped to, I do everything in my power to keep myself away from you.”
“Thanks, that makes me feel fantastic.”
“You know what I mean. There are times when I think, I know that your life would be better without me in it. Meddling, existing. But during those times where I didn’t seek you out, you would find me. Kind of like tonight.”
“I… Couldn’t help myself.” She resigned “I’ve seen a million different masked heroes and have no desire to lift those masks, to find out their secret identities and insert myself into their lives. But it was different with you. It was magnetic.”
“I know, I get it.”
“So, what do we do now, then?”
“You do nothing.” You told her, lifting your chin. You watched the way her eyes moved with confusion and curiosity, the way her chest rose and fall with each breath she took. She was cold, so you pulled your jacket off and draped it carefully over her shoulders. Kate seemed to sigh into it, content for only a moment. “And I leave.”
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an-evergreen-rose · 2 years
When Worlds Collide Part 2
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 Kate Bishop x Female Spiderwoman reader (basically has Miles powers; invisibility, electric webs)
Summary: You find yourself in Kate's apartment
Warnings: like one swear word if that even counts idk
A/N: Guys, keep giving me praise. I LOVE IT.
“So, the bedroom is just through there,” Kate said, pointing to the door down the hall “And feel free to take a shower, the bathroom is the one on the right… I can kinda smell the bin juice from here.”
“Ouch, Kate. You are ruthless,” You replied, hand grasping over your heart at her words. But all jokes aside, you did stink, so you happily took up the offer.
Once you finally figured out how the shower actually worked, glad to know that it wasn’t just your universe with the shower dilemma, you let the warm water wash away all remains of the dreaded bins, applying a generous amount of Kate's body wash, pleasantly surprised by the smell. After cleaning your hair and rinsing off all the soap, you reached for the towel on the rack, humming in contempt at how warm it was. Midway through drying yourself, you realised that you had no other clothes with you apart from your suit. Now it would be pretty stupid to wash and then get back into the bin juice-soaked suit straight after.
Wrapping the towel around yourself, your shoulder-length hair dripping slightly on the floor, you exited the bathroom, finding the raven-haired girl sitting in front of the tv with lucky resting on her lap.
“Hey, Robin Hood, do you think maybe I could borrow some clothes?”
Kate was startled, to say the least. First, she didn't even hear you leave the bathroom, and next thing she knows, you stood leaning against the wall in nothing but a towel. Fucking hell, Kate, get it together.
“Uh, sure, yeah. You can take some out of my drawers in the bedroom.” 
“Thank you, Kate,” You replied, amused by her pink cheeks. “Could I also use your washing machine? My suit kinda smells.”
Kate nodded, getting up off the couch. “Yep.” She said quickly, taking you to the small laundry room allowing you to shove your clothes in with hers. Now you would definitely smell like her.
With a small smile of appreciation, you headed into the archer's bedroom in search of some clothes to wear. Your cheeks heated up when you realised you would have to borrow some of the girl's underwear too, as yours were getting washed along with your suit.
Luckily, you guys were around the same size, the only difference was that Kate was a couple of inches taller, so finding clothes that fitted was easy enough, besides the fact that you looked a little drowned in the longer garments. You took an educated guess into thinking that Kate's favourite colour was purple, after seeing her in her purple suit and now her drawers filled with other purple items of clothing. You settled on some purple sweats and a light grey hoodie, quickly putting on some socks before you left the room in search of the raven-haired girl again.
When you left the room you jumped a little seeing her standing right outside the door, her arm raised as if she was about to knock. She looked at you with wide eyes as she took in what you were wearing. All her clothes. Of course, Kate knew you were going to borrow some, she just didn't realise how much she would enjoy seeing you in them.
“Sorry,” Kate rushed out, embarrassed at how she had to snap out of her little trance. “I was just about to head into the shower but then I realised that I didn’t have any clothes to wear because they’re all in here… where you are. I was about to knock but… you opened the door before-”
You decided to cut Kate off on her obvious nervous ramble, “No worries, sorry to keep you waiting,” you smiled, stepping out of the doorway, letting Kate into the room.
“I, um, I ordered some pizza for us,” Kate said in a small voice, still a little embarrassed from her tangent. “There’s some money on the bench for when it comes, just in case I’m still in the shower.”
You thanked her with a smile as you walked towards her couch, taking her spot next to lucky as she grabbed some clothes from her room. 
She wouldn’t tell you that you grabbed her favourite sweats, mostly because she loved the way you looked in them. She definitely wasn’t expecting to feel this kind of way about you, but she couldn’t deny that you were good-looking. From when she saw you in your suit, the way it hugged your curves, and when you took off your mask, your hair a little messy and your face a little flushed from walking in the cold streets of New York only moments before. And god, when you walked out in that towel, and you looked so vulnerable… so much skin showing, all for Kate. 
Kate's shower was a little colder than usual, given the circumstance of you being on her mind. She knew it was wrong to think like this, having only known you for about an hour, but Kate was known for being a little unexpected. And falling for a girl who literally fell out of the sky is not out of the question for the archer. She grew up getting whatever she wanted. And she was beginning to think she wants you.
But that's getting a little ahead of ourselves.
She heard the front door open, and a small conversation between you and the pizza delivery person was muffled by the bathroom door. Deciding she had spent enough time in the water, she turned it off, drying and dressing before leaving the bathroom, finding you sat on the floor, crossed-legged, your back resting on the couch with a comically large slice of pizza in your hands.
Kate smiled when she saw you again in her clothes, sitting in the chair next to the sofa you rested on, “How’s the pizza?”
“Delicious,” you replied, mouth full of pizza making Kate scrunch her nose with a laugh. 
“Glad to hear it, Y/n,” Kate replied, reaching over to grab herself a slice. 
After the pizza and some small conversation regarding the shitty movie that was playing on the tv, Kate let you sleep in her bed for the night, insisting she was more than happy to have the couch. You protested of course, but you found out just how stubborn the raven-haired girl was as you ended up wrapped up in her soft sheets, basically falling to sleep straight away considering the day you’ve had. Once again, being consumed in more of Kate's scent. First, her body washes and shampoos, then her clothes, and now her bed. You were starting to think it was your new favourite smell.
I basically just tagged everyone who commented on part 1, let me know if you wanna be tagged
almosttoogay2function luminaaz thelonewriter24 redkaddict angel09172000 kassies-take
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themarvelousknight27 · 11 months
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Y/N brutally beats a Criminal…
Miles: you’re not another Spider-Man
Y/N: No I’m the Red Knight
Gwen: that’s cute
Y/N: I kill bad guys, I don’t arrest them
Miles Eyes Widened at Y/N
Gwen: who’s your lover in the universe
Y/N: Kate bishop
A portal opened Revealing Kate…
Kate: babe We have to Go Tracksuit mafia is Causing havoc
Y/N: alright, see you later Little Spiders
Miles: ….
Gwen: …
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evilkennedy · 1 year
Kinda wanna write a oneshot of Hotch protecting reader like Morgan does after Penelope was shot… hmmm.
I already have entirely too many ideas written down and I have no idea which to do first, someone help.
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ashecampos · 6 months
Web head 6
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“Hello y/n y/l/n, my name is none of your concern, all you need to worry about is your pretty little friend here” he walks around my body so he is stood in the space between me and Tess, blocking my view of her. next to him stands a table full of tools. knifes, hammers and plyers it’s funny really how such a feared organisation don’t seem to have the time of day to clean any of their cherished torture appliances.
I take in his face. I scan every feature that vile man has, I subconsciously vow to remember his face for as long as it takes to take him down. He grabs my chin, making me look into his eyes, has hands are rough and cold. The leather of his fingerless gloves graze my skin. He grins a toothy grin alike to one of a psychopath who knows they will always get away with their crime. “So tell me Y/N. How did you come to possess these powers?” He grunts out commanding an answer to his query. Snickering I shrug, the fabric of my suit pushing against the freezing temperature of the leather straps holding me into the chair. “Nice to see you find this humorous Spider-Ma..woman” he spits out, deciding to try hit a nerve by changing his statement as it neared the end as he resorted to being like every other ignorant person in New York. It doesn’t phase me the slightest bit though.
Seeing my stubbornness to comply to his demands he walks over to the rusted table, he slithers his fingers over every tool and trinket on the table before swiftly picking up a switchblade knife, not as intimidating as a machete or a sledge hammer. But small enough to make a nasty wound if used in the right way. He strides over to me taking bigger steps than he did before his head hangs higher a sense of power reeking off of him. He is in the zone. This must be his specialty.
Pointing the tip of the newly shined blade to my chin he quickly swipes it up nicking my jawline, blood drips down onto my new suit. “Now let me repeat my question. How did you get your powers?” He says a little louder than he previously had, urgency fills his voice. I smile, leaning as much forward as I can with being held to the chair. “I. Don’t. Know” I say nonchalantly before smirking. To this he grunts pulling the knife to my cheek where a scar from my childhood litters, he follows the stitching and runs the knife down it breaking the skin making me hold back a groan. It hurt like a bitch but I won’t let him see my pain I can’t let Tessa down like that. I promised her I would stay strong. If not for her safety for Emily and Kate’s. Snapping me out of my thoughts I feel the cold blade run across my forehead but I don’t break.
The torture goes on for what seems like hours he chooses a variety of different methods and not the ones you would see in those old crappy American gangsta films. He uses tools like hammers to break my cheek bone and nose, the blood has stained my suit far from fixing by now. He uses a stun gun to shock me multiple times. He goes on to heat up a branding iron and burning it into my flesh on my collar bone where he previously cut, this melts the slashed flesh back together while simultaneously making bruises and more cuts. After all of the torture he decides that I need a little motivation to help me confess how I gained the powers. He turns back to the table as I mentally prepare for another round of whatever methods he fancies next, however he picks up a book and turns to Tessa as he slowly walks back over. He says some words in Russian which in turn brings Tessa back, she screams “STOP IT IM NOT GOING TO TELL YOU ANYTHI..” before she looks over and meets my eyes. “Oh my god milo” she whispers “Tessa it’s okay I’m going to get you out of here trust me okay?” I say in a quiet tone trying to calm her nerves I know damn well she has right now.
“Right now little miss Tessa has woken up we can continue yes?” Rumlow asks in a sinister tone while walking back to the table placing the book in its original place and grabbing the same knife he first used on me. I pray he walks back to me but he doesn’t he walks over to Tessa placing the knife to her cheek.
“STOP ILL TELL YOU ANYTHING” I scream not willing to see the girl I’ve known my whole life suffer like this even if it kills me. To this he slowly turns back to me “about time” he sighs letting out a breath, he nods his head to another one of the agents, who then comes and undoes Tessa’s restraints. “Wait. You’re taking her home right? It’s either I know she is safe or you’re not getting anything from me” I speak before she is taken out of the room. Rumlow audibly sighs and gives the other agent a phone and pulls out his own before the man takes Tessa.
Both me and Rumlow watch the feed through the phone, about ten minutes later Tessa is safe at home. And the phone is taken from me. “Now tell me” he demands. I give in from exhaustion and tell him everything from going to Oscorp to Bucky stalking me. He seems satisfied as he unlocks my cuffs. He leaves the room and locks the metal door. I stand up and look down at my one green and black suit now red and black. Tony’s going to hate me so much.
I make quick work of grabbing the blood stained switchblade knife and waiting for the door to eventually open, they can’t leave me in here forever. Right.
A loud alarm and red flashing lights startle me “HEADQUARTERS BREACHED” the alarm repeatedly states. Great that’s just amazing. I stay still as the alarm continues to go off, I hear more commotion outside of the room. The door then opens and in walks a purple figure I take action and pin them to the wall behind them and hold the knife to their neck, the next thing I see is long raven hair and a purple zip up training jacket. Shit Kate. I instantly let go and stumble back. I’ve just held my longtime crush/ new coworker at knife point. She looks down at me, taking my appearance in for a few seconds before closing the door and running toward me, kneeling down and hugging me. Well that want what I was expecting but I wrap my arms around her waist, after what seems like forever she brings her hand up to her ear clicking her coms and speaking “found y/n guys, clear out anyone else in this vicinity so we can get him out of here” she demands whoever else she is speaking to from the team. I look at her in shock as she lifts her hand to wipe blood from my eye, I flinch a little and she whispers “what did they do to you?” My eyes start to close a little and she comes behind me, lifting my body back onto the chair and telling me to rest.
- time skip -
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My eyes slowly flutter open the bright lights blinding and a headache incoming quickly. I turn over like any other time I’ve woken up from a shitty dream but I sense that this isn’t my bed. Or Emily’s or Tessa’s not even Kate’s. Where am I? I open my eyes and look up to see Kate and Tessa sat in the room, I take in my surroundings seeing I’m in hospital. Nope not today. I quickly go to stand up but Kate is quicker to hold me down. “Y/n you have to rest cmon you’ll be okay I’m here. So is Tessa” she says in a comforting tone which calms me a little.
They both explain what happened and that Bruce said I have a minor concussion but the memory of what happened will come back sooner than we all think and that I just need to rest. They also explain that Tessa was unharmed and got out with only a few bad cuts on her legs and arms that have been taken care of. We end up putting one of Tessa’s super hero movies on and I end up falling asleep in between both of the girls.
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boobabietch · 2 years
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Who I am: Hi! My name is Sofia and I run this blog! I use she/her pronouns and you can call me whatever you like Sofia, Sofi, Sof, etc. If you want to talk to me about literally anything my dm’s and ask box is always open! The basic facts of myself are in my bio so you can check them there but if you want to ask something about me you’re free to ask me!
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Requests are: open!
Who i write for:
Disclaimer: I only write for female reader unless it’s stated otherwise on this list! So I mostly use she/her pronouns (although I try to make my fics as inclusive as posible) body, hair, ethnicity, religion, skin color, etc descriptions are not used on my writing because I DONT USE ANY OC on my work just reader, but in any case that I use that descriptions I’ll warn it on the piece!
Stranger Things:
Steve Harrington
Robin Buckley (female!reader or platonic!reader only)
Rue Bennett
Lexi Howard
Inside Job:
Reagan Ridley
The last of us:
Ellie Williams
Abby Anderson
Spiderman atsv:
Gwen Stacy
Kate Martin
Caitlin Clark
Paige Bueckers
KK Arnold
Wizarding world:
Regulus Black
Ginny Weasley
Hermione Granger
I will add more fandoms and characters in the future. If you don’t see your desired character on the list you can still request and I will consider writing about it!
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Things I am not willing to write: pedophilia, nsfw in -16 characters, age play, rape, consensual non consensual, extreme degradation, bestiality, incest, water sports, yandere!reader, abusive relationship, domestic abuse. Please do not request any of this topics, I will delete the request and possibly block you.
Racism, xenofobia, homofobia, transfobia, misoginy, and any kind of discrimination are not welcome in this blog and will be BLOCKED, this is not a safe place for you to say that bullshit
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Tags: Read all my fics: #boowrites★ Read my +18: #boo’sadultcontent★ read my thoughts: #boo’sderanged★
I don’t give my permission to use my work on tumblr or any other platform or to be translated without my permission. If I see my work plagiarized there will be legal consequences.
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olsenmyolsen · 5 months
This Is Me Trying - Four - (A Y/N Parker Spider-Woman X Kate Bishop Story)
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Summary: Kate can't shake the feeling that she knows you. What happens when she asks?
Word Count: 4K
Content: Blood, Violence, Flirty Kate Bishop, Feelings, Cute Pizza Dog, Clint being protective, Bones
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But Kate would know if she had ever met the Spider...
So, who were you?
The question remained in her head the whole.. swing... home.
If that's what you want to call it.
However, that question was quickly moved elsewhere in her mind when she finally lifted her hand from your back as you landed the two of you onto the fire escape to her aunt's building.
Her hand was covered in your blood.
Kate's mouth dropped as she looked at her right hand. Then to your back. An open wound showing where your suit was ripped.
You felt the bullet graze you when it sent pieces of glass flying above you earlier. But you didn't have time to react; you were too busy focusing on protecting Kate.
Plus, injuries came with the job.
"You're bleeding." She stated as she unwrapped her legs from around you. "It happens." You played it off as you stood up and waited for Kate to open the window.
But Kate, being Kate, stood with you on the freezing fire escape. "You knew?!" You leaned back against the railing and took in Kate's disappointed look.
It was so cute.
Her nose is so red from the swing here.
You shook your head. "It's not the first time." Kate's mouth dropped before she picked it back up. "This has happened before?" She asked, making you nod. "Like I said, it happens..." You looked away from her gaze and awkwardly shuffled your feet. "I also have this thing..." You started. Kate stepped forward as she adjusted her beanie with her non-blood-covered hand. "Thing?"
How do you tell someone who happens to be a superhero and your crush that you have a healing ability? Do you just say that?
"It'd be easier if I could show you." You then pointed to the open window. Kate looked you up and down but didn't move. You saw a look of worry pang across her face. "You're sure you're not in pain, right?"
The truth is, is that you were. But as opposed to it being excruciating, it felt itchy and like a weight was pressing on top of it.
"Not enough for you to worry." You said, making Kate dawn a little smile. "Thanks." She said shyly. "I was worried that I hurt you more..." She lifted her red hand. "Exhibit A." You smiled under your mask.
"No, Hawkeye, you didn't hurt me."
You could never hurt me.
Internally, Kate was screaming that you called her Hawkeye privately, but on the outside, she just smiled in a way where the corners of her mouth moved up and down before awkwardly nodding and entering her aunt's apartment.
You followed behind her after taking a second to breathe.
Kate Bishop is the other Hawkeye!! _
You closed the window behind you as your eyes found Kate at the kitchen sink. Scrubbing your blood off. She sent you a smile before pointing with her eyes to the couch in front of you.
You looked down as you wore a goofy smile, thanks to Kate.
"You have a dog!?" You asked, even though it totally made sense—a golden retriever for a golden retriever.
Plus, you're pretty certain you had seen this dog on Kate's social media posts.
Okay, you had definitely seen this dog before.
The dog, who had been aware of your presence since the two of you landed on the fire escape, just sat on the couch staring at you. "Yeah!" Kate smiled as she finished drying her hands. "He's not allowed on campus, so he moves from place to place. Name's Pizza Dog or Lucky. Depending on who you ask." Kate said, making you smile. "Which is?"
She froze. "Just Clint and I..." Her voice faltered at the end as she bent down to grab something from under the sink.
"Do you think Clint's okay?" She asked you to calm her worries.
"He's an ex-Avenger. I'm sure he's fine." You said to calm your own worries, no matter how accurate your statement was.
Kate nodded as you took cautious steps towards the dog. You've had a few run-ins with some neighborhood dogs, and let's say they're more bite than bark.
Probably didn't help that you liked cats more.
You then briefly wondered what type of cat Kate would get.
Kate bent back up with a medkit in hand just in time to see the gloved hands of The Spider lay a gentle pet on the top of Pizza Dog's head.
And then she grinned as you took a more confident step forward as Pizza Dog rolled onto its back to get some belly rubs.
Which Kate allowed even though you were slowly bleeding down your suit because this moment was too precious to ruin.
She loved what she was seeing. And you loved being here, petting a dog with Kate Bishop.
"I think he likes me!" You sounded cheery as you looked up at Kate. She just smiled back and nodded.
"You've been chosen!" She made a dramatic voice that she immediately regretted. "Sorry! Ignore what I just did!"
You laughed, and Kate's ears noticed something, but she couldn't quite place it. However, you realize what you just did and sat straight up before looking at Kate again.
"Sit at the table." She gestured with her head as she placed the medkit down. One that was clearly put together by the older Hawkeye.
It had labels like: Kate don't use this for fun! on it.
You took steps closer to the dining room table as you took in the decorations and vibe of the apartment. It had an older woman's style, but now that you knew Kate liked to crash here, you could see her influence all over the place, especially with the Christmas decorations and tree.
The purple tinsel gave it away.
As you grabbed onto the chair to sit, your mind finally looked in this direction. You tilted your head at the centerpiece—a menorah. 
Kate opened the kit as you looked from it to her. "Are you Jewish?" You steadily asked. Being mindful of whether this was a sore subject or not. Also, Kate had never mentioned it before, so this would be news to you.
Kate plainly shook her head. "My aunt is. I'm not." You nodded. "Oh, okay. Cool." You looked at the candles. "You?" Kate looked to you with some sanitizing wipes in hand, fishing for information.
You shook your head.
"So..." Kate started as she pulled the sides of your torn suit back to look at the wound on your shoulder blade. She almost gagged in the process. No matter how many scrapes and injuries she and Clint sustain, blood still eeks her out. "What did you want to show me?"
"Wipe the blood, and you'll see." You balled your hands into a fist and prepared yourself for the stinging of the wipes.
When the wipes did their job, Kate couldn't believe what she saw. "You-your skin! It's- you're healing!" You nodded as Kate took a step forward to look at the side of your mask. You turned to her and smiled even though she couldn't see it.
"This is why I protected you first." You spoke honestly about your power but hid the fact that you protected Kate on instinct.
"Any other special powers I should know about!?" Kate teasingly asked as she bumped your arm. You once again let out a natural laugh. "Just heighten senses and strength. The webs I make myself. Obviously."
"Obviously," Kate repeated and nodded to your words, but she had that feeling she couldn't shake come up again.
So, as she walked back to the kitchen, she tossed the dirty wipes into the trash along with her gloves. She asked: "You didn't protect me for any other reason?"
She took a breath as she placed the medkit below the sink. Her eyes found you as she rose. They trailed up your back, where she placed a gauze on the wound to the suit that stitched itself back together above the tear. Her eyes finally found themselves at the back of your mask.
"What do you mean?" You kept your voice low as Kate walked back and sat at the wooden chair across from you.
Kate opened her mouth before stopping to think. She brought her hands onto the table and started picking at her fingers. "I don't know..." A nervous habit of hers you learned over a year ago. "I just can't shake this feeling that I know you... being in your arms... it was familiar." Kate looked up at you and saw the eyes of your mask staring back.
Silence filling the room.
Quietly, Kate sat up in her chair and took a closer at you. "I do... don't I?"
She wanted to believe that it was true even when you shook your head. "No." You said. But Kate's ears once caught an inflection in your voice.
"I don't believe you. If you were a stranger, I don't think you'd be as comfortable as you are now." Kate looked at your figure and then back at Lucky.
Her spy training with Clint was finally paying off.
On the other side of the table, you were torn. You wanted to tell Kate the truth, but at the same time, it would forever change what you two are and what you could be.
Kate watched you lean forward. She watched the way your hands moved on the table.
You were nervous.
Kate's eyes followed your hands as they touched the side of your mask. You grabbed onto the fabric before opening your hand as you sighed. "I can't." You got up from the chair and went to walk past Kate, but she stopped you. "I'm sorry." You said as you shook your arm out of Kate's hold. "I want to, but I can't."
Kate furrowed her brows before catching up to you and pulling you back.
Lucky watching this interaction from the couch as you two stood in the middle of the living room.
"What do you mean you can't?"
"Kate!" You said her name in a voice that Kate could finally place it.
She gasped as her mind raced to believe whether it was true! "I wear the mask to protect the people I care about. I can't have any more people than I already do knowing." You said as Kate stared at you.
You watched her take a step closer to you.
"But if you're-" She stopped. Is it really Y/N? She thought.
Your mind and body were fighting on what to do. Kate took a breath and opened her mouth again. Her blue eyes taking you in. "But if I know you- you can trust me. You can show me that it's you..." Kate nodded to her own words and sent a calm smile your way. "Please. You know it's me..."
It's true you knew now that Kate Bishop was Hawkeye.
You could trust Kate.
You have since freshman orientation. When she ran into you because she tripped over her shoelaces, it was cute and clumsy as hell because she did it again a minute later.
You also literally just received a bullet wound by protecting her.
But... "Kate..." You sighed. "You don't understand... I've lost people because of them knowing the real me."
"You wouldn't lose me," Kate said as she stepped closer, putting your hand in hers. "You don't know that Kate." You shook your head.
"Try me. Because I know I wouldn't lose you."
Kate tightened her hand around yours. You turned your head slightly away.
Things were about to change.
Slowly, you lifted Kate's hand to the side of your mask. You let the tips of her fingers run over the fabric of the mask before they stopped at the base of your neck.
"I want you to know that I trust you. I always have."
"And I trust you, Y/N..." She whispered as she pulled the mask forward and off.
Your red face immediately felt cooler as the air in the apartment hit you. Your hair looked like a mess after being under there for hours, but Kate would argue that you looked perfect. Because this was you.
No double identity.
The Spider and Y/N Parker were the same person standing in her aunt's living room.
"Hi.." The hushed greeting fell between the two of you as she held the mask. "I can't believe MJ was right," Kate said as she took another step forward. "It is you, right?" Kate brought her other hand up to your chin and pinched it, making you swat her hand away. "Ow! Yes! Bishop, it's me!!"
"Holy shit!" She said as the mask slipped from her fingers. "It's you! You're The Spider??!! Once again, MJ was right???" Kate loudly spoke, making you put your arms up and down—a silent way to say shhhh.
"I know. It's annoying that MJ knows but doesn't know!" You said back, making Kate laugh. Her eyes looked you up and down. "How long?" She said as she could barely think fast enough to form more questions.
"How long?" You asked, watching Kate sit down next to Lucky, giddy as can be. "Have you been The Spider?" Kate was truly fascinated.
"A couple of years now." Kate darted her eyes up your thighs and arms before they found your eyes again. "You've only been Hawkeye for a year, right?" You asked, earning a nod.
"Did you know it was me?" Kate asked. "Before tonight?"
You shook your head.
"It was more than a shock to see you in that building earlier." You said with a slight chuckle. "But it made sense. I mean, you're actually one of the best archers in the world."
Kate bit her bottom lip and stared at the floor below her feet to hide the blush on her face. "I can't believe it's you." She spoke up as she lifted her head.
Her cheeks still pink.
"I can't believe it's you." You repeated with a smile.
"Who else knows?" Kate asked. "Just Peter and Ned. Well, and my Aunt May." Kate nodded. "No one else?" You shook your head. "Now you."
Kate sighed. "You're like the hundredth person to find out I'm Hawkeye." You laughed at that, making Kate chuckle. "Taking down 30 Rock does do that." You said, and Kate had to agree. "Clint and I did look cool, though." Kate scooted over, giving you room to sit next to her and Pizza Dog.
You sat down as your mask still laid on the floor.
Kate took in your side profile. She loved the definition in your jawline and how your freckles hide themselves away in the cold of winter. She then smiled as she noticed a mole near the top of your head that was covered by your hair before your mask moved it out of place.
"Were you ever going to tell me?" Kate asked as she draped her arm across the back of the couch. Her hand almost touching your back.
You sighed.
"Kate, it's like I said. No one can know. I don't want people getting hurt because of me."
Kate did understand that. She did! But what she wanted to know in this moment was if you and her were ever going to be closer than you currently were.
"I know. But I can protect myself." Kate replied and let the silence linger for just a second. "Be honest. Were you?"
You looked at Kate and her piercing blue eyes. The ones that could lift you up and shoot you down with just a single look.
"Probably not."
You looked away while Pizza Dog huffed and got off the couch to stretch.
Nothing separating you and Kate anymore.
"Why?" She asked as she licked her lips. "And don't say it's because of danger and secret identity and all that." She mocked. You laughed. "I mean, that's part of the reason." You pulled a face that Kate smiled at before tilting her head.
"What's the other reason?"
You shot your head toward her question and noticed how close she had gotten. "Nothing." You shook your head. "Don't worry about it."
"Don't do that, Parker." Kate sighed. "Come on, we're friends. Superfriends now! You can tell me." She half-jokingly teased. Yet you shook your head.
Kate Stubborn Bishop asked again. And again.
At this point, she was right next to you when you turned your head and loudly proclaimed: "Because I like you!"
Your face fell along with hers.
You shot up off the couch and immediately started rambling. "I didn't mean that! No- yes, no, yes I did! I did. I do like you! Like a friend but more! Oh my god! Parker, shut up!" You ran your gloved hands through your hair and waited for Kate to say something. Anything!
And yet she sat there with her mouth agape as you paced.
The Spider, Y/N Parker likes me?!?!?
Slowly, a smile formed.
"Y/N..." You stopped and looked at her like a deer in headlights. "Kate, we can pretend I never said anything. Like you when you did that weird voice thing earlier. Please, I-"
Kate cut you off by putting her hand up and standing up. But before she could speak, the front door flew open.
Clint hobbled in with new cuts formed on his face as he sported a new limp. Broken hearing aid in one hand. In the other, his bow.
"Kate?? I need some help!!" Clint called out as he stumbled into the kitchen. Kate turned her head to look at you, but you were gone.
Kate looked around, confused. "Kate!" Clint called out again as he rested up against the countertop. Kate instantly ran towards Clint, stepping on your mask in the process.
It stayed smooshed into the ground before a web shot down from the ceiling to pick it up.
Kate helped Clint move into the dining room and the exact seat you found yourself at earlier.
Clint looked tired and took a beating, but judging by him still standing, it's safe to say the other guy got it way worse!
Kate immediately grabbed the medkit once again and brought out numerous bandages and antibiotics that Clint began using.
Carefully, you started to crawl away before a loud clearing of the throat stopped you. You looked down to see Kate standing behind Clint with her arms crossed. "Where are you going??" She asked in a hushed yell, "Clint's here! I have to go!" You whispered, shouted back as you put the mask on.
"Hi, Lucky," Clint whispered as the dog sat next to Clint to make the old man feel better.
"Stay," Kate whispered, even though she knew you couldn't. So when the rest of your mask went on, she nodded to herself.
But then she remembered what you said.
So, as you sat on the ceiling thinking of ways to get out of here without Clint seeing. Kate took it upon herself to help. "You look like shit." She stood in front of him so he could read her lips. He chuckled and wiped his forehead. "I can take the hint." He said before looking up at you.
"Spider." He nodded.
Kate turned her head up with wide eyes.
How did Clint know???
"I'm old, and I've done this shit for more years than you've been alive." He said to Kate as you dropped down from the ceiling. "Hi, Clint." You awkwardly waved as Hawkeye got up. "I'm gonna shower, kid." He said to Kate before placing wrappings and bandages into his pocket for later so he could pull Kate into a side hug.
"You okay?" He asked while peering at you.
Kate nodded before looking up at him. "I'm good. You?"
"Yeah. I'm told I look like shit." Clint smiled at Kate before nodding at you and leaving the room. The water to the shower ran shortly after. Giving you and Kate a much-needed buffer.
"I can't believe you were just going to leave!" Kate examined as she rounded the couch to push you. Not hard, but just enough where you went onto your back feet. "Well, I kinda said something I didn't mean to say!"
"Well, is it true?!" Kate asked, stopping you. "You like me!?"
"How long?" Kate asked after a moment of silence.
You laughed. "Since the day I met you." Once again, Kate couldn't believe the words coming from your mouth. "And you never did anything about it?" Kate asked, making you shake your head.
But at this point, you and Kate knew why.
The Spider.
You gripped your fingers and waited for Kate to say anything else as Pizza Dog ended up back on the couch.
"How's your wound?" She asked, throwing you off. "Huh?" You cocked your head. "Turn around." You did as Kate said and felt her hand peel back the gauze. "Looks like it'll be done healing by morning." Kate placed the gauze back on. "Y/N..." She said as you heard her take a step forward.
"Is this okay?" Kate asked as she slowly wrapped her arms around your waist. The action sending a wave of pleasure and a bundle of butterflies throughout your body. "Yes." You said as her front touched your back. She placed her head against your shoulder and on your neck, you could feel her breathing through her nose.
"I remember the day we met—freshman orientation. I literally tripped and fell into you. I knocked your glasses off your face." Kate felt the vibrations from your laugh. "You then apologized a million times and offered to buy me lunch."
Kate nodded. "You said you couldn't because you had to meet up with your brother."
"I lied." You said, making Kate lift her head. You turned your head to her side. "NYPD was moving The Shocker to Rikers."
"So then you don't know what happened after that?" You shook your head. "I do. You immediately tripped over your shoelaces again and ran into someone else."
Kate laughed. "I didn't offer to buy them lunch."
Kate unfurled her arms from around you as you turned to face her. "I like you too." You grabbed her hands. "For just as long." You couldn't believe it.
"What happens now?" You asked as you swallowed.
Kate squeezed your hand. "Archery practice is tomorrow. Please be there." Kate looked up at your mask. "I wasn't going to miss-" Before you could finish, your phone started to vibrate.
"It's Peter." You told Kate. She nodded and let go of your hands. "I'll see you tomorrow."
As you jumped off the fire escape and called Peter back, you couldn't believe how your night had gone.
But across the city in a high-rise, neither could The Kingpin.
"You mean to tell me twenty of our guys got taken out by this man." He said as he watched a video of Clint defending himself in the apartment building from earlier.
"He's an ex-Avenger." The Kingoin craned his neck towards the man who spoke up. "At the end of the day, he's a man. He's breakable." He turned back towards the screen. "And if he keeps interfering, I'll be glad to remind him of that."
The room stayed silent and seated as Wilson Fisk rose from his chair. They watched him walk towards the man who spoke up. Wilson placed his hands on the man's shoulders. "Now, does anyone need a demonstration?"
Before anyone could open their mouths, Wilson roared as he grabbed the man by his head and lifted it before slamming it down onto the wooden table. Again and again. Till the sound of bones turned to mush.
Wilson's hands were red with specks of white. Bone.
"Track him. His comings and goings." He said as he pulled out his handkerchief. "Anything else?" He asked before Benjamin "Dex" Poindexter. A right-hand man to Fisk spoke up. "There's also this."
Wilson looked from the man to the screen.
A video of you and Kate swinging away being shown.
"Spider and the girl." He whispered.
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Tagging List: @daddy-jareau
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dividers by @/benkeibear
273 notes · View notes
incorrectquotesmcu · 3 months
Peter: Yeah, nothing's cooler than fireworks, right, guys?
Kate: Totally!
Riri: Yeah!
Y/N: Unless one of the fireworks lands on your pet and kills it.
Peter: That could never happen.
Y/N: In theory, it could.
248 notes · View notes
fandomnerd9602 · 1 year
Spider-Gwen or Kate Bishop x male reader
Y/N: good night Gwen!
Y/N turns to leave, Gwen webs them and pulls them close…
Gwen: I got you. And I’m never letting go
Gwen pulls Y/N into a kiss…
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Y/N: okay so don’t be mad
Kate: should I be worried?
Y/N: depends…how do you feel about-
Y/N pulls out a golden retriever puppy
Kate: ohmygosh!!!
Y/N: I got Lucky a little sister
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224 notes · View notes
unholyhelbig · 9 months
legit scared for the last chapter of 🕷
[A/n: Not going to lie, I was a bit scared too. I actually hate writing fight scenes and never fail to write myself into a corner with them. Seriously though, this was fun, thank you all for reading!]
Title: Magnetic
Ship: Kate Bishop x gn!reader
Disclaimer: I did not proofread, if there are mistakes, I'm sorry!
Trigger warnings: Blood, Fighting, major death, grief
Main Masterlist | Ao3 | Request Prompts | Join my Taglist!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five]
Summary: Reader is a spider!person from earth-2099 and Kate Bishop is curious about why she's so drawn to them.
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“Spiderman.” The word pressed against the length of your spine in an electric shock. It had been uttered around you before, chaste and with disbelief. The way it was spoken now, in the echo of an abandoned building as rain pounded against the structure, was an insult. A mockery.
You felt the floor shift under your weight, your palms a graveyard of half-moons. Your lungs burned, refused to constrict, or release. His features were shaded, all except the white of his fanged smile.
“Oh, my darling child, don’t tell me you haven’t been practicing. Your mother, she was always so insistent that you practice.”
The word struck like a brass bell. You fought against a wince that wanted to surface, digging your heels in at the prospect of showing weakness. What had he done to her? Time worked differently in other universes, across the space continuum. On 2099, she could have passed naturally, but you highly doubted that. 
You felt the pulsing ache in your jaw, knew that your canine teeth had broken through your soft gums with a dripping purpose. It you ran your tongue against them, they’d surely cut flesh, the venom-soaked claws ripping the fabric at the very fingertips of your suit.
“You have my undivided attention,” You spoke, surprised by the sureness of your tone “Enough games.”
He laughed humorlessly “Games? Y/n/n I’m here to bring you home. There are no games, no tricks. Is it impossible to believe that I want us to be a family again?”
Your gaze flicked to Miguel, looking for some type of pained reaction, the quiver of his lip, the furrow of his brow. He stood statue-still, looking past your shoulder with his arms tucked behind his back as if her were a soldier. As if he were waiting for your father’s indication that he could pull in a breath.
“You… took my family.”
“No,” He fretted “I took a liability. And look at you now! With nothing holding you back you’ve survived dozens of worlds. You’re stronger for it.”
He stepped into the pale light that filtered through the boarded windows. For the first time in a long time, you got a good look at his elongated features. There were bags under his eyes and an unnatural stubble against his jowls.
“There’s something about you, Y/n. Something that made what I’ve been working for my entire life work. At first, I thought it was your mother, something in her bloodline that mingled with the serum. But your brother, he failed me.”
Miguel remained motionless, though his eyes moved to the floor. There was a sick, squelching crack that drew your attention back to your father. He had relaxed his shoulders, released the tension that he was holding back. There was the natural urge to back away, but you held your stance as six cracking legs emerged from his back, oozing with a dark liquid that flicked the already ruined floor. He let out a sigh of relief that rushed into a growl.
“I hate to make things casual, y/n/n, but family doesn’t judge. Do they?”
Your eyes gave you away as they always had. Just like the music that you had studied from a young age, there was something in the fear that seeped from your gaze that made him smile. He’d injected himself, God knows how many times, with the same serum that he used on you. Silently, you counted your blessings, though they were small.
“I am only going to ask nicely this one time. Come home with me. We can make history, change the world.”
The legs sprouting from his spine crackled and popped as they moved on their own, taking in the surroundings. You held back the nausea that built within your stomach, swallowing the acrid taste in your mouth.
“Our world?” You took a step forward, “you took that from me when you murdered Kate and watched her die in my arms. You knew how much she meant to me, how much she means to me. There is no world worth changing without her in it.”
“That’s fine,” his breath was hot on your cheek, his scent rotted like freshly tilled earth. Your spider senses were setting off every single alarm, hair standing up on end. “I don’t need you. I just need your blood.”
One of the legs rushed past you, aiming directly for the center of your chest. You were quick with your movements, ducked in time for the splintered edge to rip through your shoulder with a blinding pain.
You pushed away, shooting a web towards the nearest loose board. You pulled it with enough force to hit the back of your father’s head. It collided with a hollow noise, snapping his head forward. A low blow- but enough to disorient him for a few seconds.
Two of the legs moved forward, came down against the floor with enough force to splinter wood. You jumped back, away from their sharpened edges but into a cold solid figure. Miguel had moved behind you, quickly wrapping an arm around your mid-section, the other across your neck, squeezing slightly. Instinctively, your elbow shot up, crunching into his nose, loosening his hold.
Glass shattered on either side of you. Yelena slid across a clad floor, Cassie not far behind, stumbling for only a moment on her feet before she regained composure. You fought the urge to roll your eyes at the Widow’s dramatics, but grateful all the same.
You dug your feet into the floor and pushed back with enough force to shove Miguel into the wall. His spine collided with a support beam, and he released you.
“What the hell is that?” Cassie panted.
“My father,”
Yelena winced “Nasty.”
He smiled all the same, his skin waxy and pale. There was a squelching noise as flesh split and pedipalps pushed through his cheeks with a bloody drip, his teeth elongating, dripping with saliva.
“Hey big guy!” Peter called out from the open doorway of the room. He had his mask pulled down, his eyes narrowing under the fabric as your father turned around and stretched himself out with a popping motion. “Oh, really big guy”
Miguel landed a punch on the right side of Cassie’s face. She was knocked back into Yelena, who shoved her forward again before leveling him with a blow of her own. You made eye contact with Peter who shot webs at his loafered feet.
You aimed for the wrists. If he was restrained, then he would be easier to take out of the picture. Two long strands that you pulled down with all of your might to bolster him to the floor. He struggled against it.
“You brought backup” he garbled, “I’m impressed.”
Your father ripped through the sticky webs. With a quick movement, you slashed your claws against his soft side. He howled out in pain, turning with enough quickness to use one of his many trodden legs to push you across half the room. Against you better judgement, you hugged it close, digging your legs in despite the unfamiliar feeling on your chest.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!”
“Hold on!”
Peter was shooting a web at the strongest looking beam on the ceiling, hoisting himself up. You could hear a struggle on the other side of the room, watched out of the corner of your eye as Cassie shrunk down.
Peter’s feet collided with the center of your father’s chest. It sent him backwards as he collided with a wall. You clenched your eyes shut and held on tighter to the one thing that made you feel stabilized, despite how disturbed it was.
The two of you moved through insulation, drywall and a few stray bricks. Wood splintered around you and the damp smell of outside filled your lungs. You both landed on the asphalt six stories down.
“Sorry Y/n!” Peter called down past the ringing in your ears.
It took a few seconds to blink the stars from your eyes, but you were quick to scramble to a standing position. Your body ached, you father took a few moments to gain his own composure but you used a bout of strength to collide the tip of your boot with his stomach.
“Here’s the thing, dad. You took everything from me.” Another kick to the ribs, his legs fizzling. You knew it was low, but you didn’t want to give him the chance to stand, not until you spoke. “I’m your child and you used me as a lab rat.”
“I made you stronger,” He rasped, spit a stringy patch of blood to his side. He looked up and smiled, teeth stained a russet brown. “Better.”
“You injected me with a trial serum hoping that it would work, but deep down, you were hoping it wouldn’t. I was always a failure to you. Why would this be any different? Why would I impress you?”
You delivered another kick to his abdomen, a soft spot not protected by his writhing legs, his hissing exterior.
“I think you were shocked, father, when I didn’t die on that table. And through that shock was anger and envy. You didn’t kill Kate because she distracted me, you killed her because she meant everything to me, and you couldn’t stand to see me happy.”
A giggle bubbled from his throat that soon turned into a maniacal laugh. It echoed off the alley walls, stretched its fingers to the sky. Clint shot an arrow across the gap of buildings, using his bow to carry him into the massive hole in the front of the building.
Kate had her own bow nocked and aimed at the center of your father’s chest. It would shift each time he did, little movements that Kate expertly tracked. She breathed, waiting for a moment to step in. She was patient, and so were you.
“What gave you the right? What gave any of you the right!” He was yelling now, slowly making his way to his feet. The legs sprouting from his back twitched as he hauled himself up. The feelers that protruded from his cheeks poked around. “I deserve to reap the benefits of my science. All of my work wasted on you!”
You sprung forward and swiped at him listlessly with the long, sharp nails digging into warm flesh from his collarbone to the hem of his pants. Deep, black blood started to spill, blooming like flowers against his chest. He rumbled at you, legs whooshing past you.
He swiped one under your legs, dropping you to the damp pavement. Two others pinned you by the shoulders to the ground. They pressed with enough force to break skin, you could feel them snap bone, a scream ringing out that mixed with his own.
“So impulsive,” He laughed, “Child, you underestimate my ability to get exactly what I want.”
Another pointed leg was against your throat. You grasped at it, squeezing hard. You could hear the exoskeleton sputter under your touch. Even with your feet kicking listlessly at his midsection, he overpowered you.
Blood filled your mouth, sweet and metal. “Fuck… you”
An arrow cut through the air with enough precision to pierce your father’s eye. The arrowhead was halfway through his iris, and he let out a guttural howl in response. He released his hold and the third kick you delivered knocked him back as he struggled with the arrow.
You were back on your feet, someone helping you haul yourself upright. You panted, “Kate, you can’t be down here.”
She cut you off, using the edge of her thumb to wipe away a smudge of red at the corner of your lip. “You’re getting your ass kicked out here and everyone else is handling your brother. Your dad’s gross.”
“I’ve been told,” You laughed weakly “Nice shot, by the way.”
“Thanks, babe. Want to win this thing?”
You nodded, watching as he ripped the arrow from his eye, throwing it down with a clang. He stretched up and smiled quietly at the archer, blinking his one good eye. “What are your intentions with my little one?” 
“Well, we’re going to kill you and then… I don’t know, wanna do pizza and a movie?”
“I could go for pizza.”
The man/spider hybrid in front of you sounded off in annoyance. Spit dripped from his pinchers. He rushed forward with tremendous speed and agility. Kate nocked another arrow, watching carefully as you ran towards the man who had turned you into what you were today; scared, and tired, and oh-so hellbent on revenge.
You pushed off the ground, giving yourself leverage against him. The first hit that you landed was at the base of his jaw, cracking away at it. His legs scratched at you haplessly. Kate’s arrow found a sweet spot at the joint of his leg, bringing him down to one knee.
One of your hands gripped at his shirt, ripping the wicked fabric, the other was at his jugular, nails pressing just below his chin. You could feel how fast his pulse was working, the stubble against your fingertips. Just a little pressure and it would all be over. He smiled at you, ghastly and inhuman.
“Do it,” he taunted “kill me.”
Kate was breathing heavily behind you, ready to fire again. When you allowed yourself to glance up at the abandoned building, a constant in the tedious fighting, you could see the silhouettes against the dull moonlight. Peter, Clint, Yelena and Cassie. They watched you carefully.
“You belong to me, Y/n. You’re much too weak to finish what you’ve started.” He licked the blood from his teeth, nearly deerlike. “You were too weak to save Kate. She’s better off without you. Can’t finish one simple-“
You clenched your eyes shut, applying just the right amount of pressure to cut through skin. Blood coated your fingertips, warm against the raging storm. Red washed down the gutters and you let him fall in a pile at your feet.
All of you watched him for a moment that seemed to stretch on forever. You waited for movement, for that last spurt of life that would have you stumbling back. But there was nothing. His mind was finally quiet, as was yours.
The word was barely audible over the rain, the scent of copper filling the streets. You hadn’t meant for her to see this, to see any of this. Despite the misfortune and the experiments, you still prided yourself on keeping your hands clean. Now they were muddied, in front of an audience, no less.
Her warmth engulfed you from behind, her bow having hit the ground, arms snaking around your midsection. Your legs gave out, a sob tearing from your throat. Kate let you cry, she held you as you shook and fell to your knees, moved with you.
“Shh,” Kate soothed, breath hot on your ear “It’s over. It’s over.”
One Month Later
The keys of the piano felt like home underneath your fingers. Their soft ivory exterior moved with a certain quickness. Each note flowed through the air, wafting between the tables, through the flickering yellow flames and the plates of gravy-soaked lamb.
There was something so simple about music. Each movement told a different story, the waltz of a ghost, the crack of a frozen pond under booted feet, blood soaking into a ruffed collar. The last image made you clenched your eyes shut until they hurt. You saw stars, pressed D-minor with enough vigor to draw a few glances.
Gary watched you from the host stand and you gave him an apologetic smile. You eased your shoulders into complicity. He stopped short of bending his plastic clipboard in half in a feat of misguided strength.
A small breath escaped you. Concerto in D Minor. There was an eerie subtly to the piece that often made you flip to the next one on your roster, but tonight, tonight you allowed yourself to indulge in the deep melancholy.
Silver clinked against glass, and this time, you didn’t bother looking up. You could smell the rosemary and mint as Kate lowered herself onto the bench next to you. The wood creaked and groaned under your combined weight. She watched you for a few moments, listening to the deepness of each note, each stab of the knife that was interluded with the softest of apologies.
“This is quite depressing, don’t you think?”
“D Minor is a beautiful key.”
“Beautiful, yes, but depressing all the same. I think that man over there is crying into his Coq Au Vin.”
You smiled at that. Not the mans tears, or the fact that he was trembling over a dish that was already much too salty for your tastes. It was Kate’s ability to crack a joke, even after you had spent a month avoiding her, avoiding most of the world around you in turn for shifts seated right here.
At first, you chalked up the grieving process. Despite all the bad that he had done, he was still your father. He was the same man that would bait your hooks when the O’Hara’s and the Bishop’s went to their adjacent lake houses. There were distant memories of him drawing molecular structures on the sidewalk with chalk, and even fresher recall of those same structures being used to alter your DNA.
After the first week, holed up in your dingy apartment, Yelena brought you a can of soup. You did not have a can opener or a bowl, which she scolded you greatly for, but eventually sat down cross-legged and spoke to you about guilt.
“It is never easy to take a life, even if the motives behind your actions are good. It will haunt you for a long time, but it will possess you if you board up the windows. Do you understand?”
She left you with the unopened can, a stupid chef smiling at you from torn paper. Your stomach still clenched at the thought of eating so you left it on the counter and crawled back onto the mattress pushed into the corner of the room.
The second week brought the outside world to your doorstep once again. Clint had left a message on your machine, explaining that two S.W.O.R.D agents would be coming by to interview and catalog you as an inhuman. This was in exchange for holding Miguel, a small price to pay for his incarceration.
They too judged your lack of home-décor and cutlery, but their prying eyes felt like a bigger insult. You felt like a stranger in your own home so you finally showered and dragged yourself to the restaurant.
“There was a death in the family. I apologize for my lack of notification. I can start tonight if you’ll have me.”
Gary was not thrilled, but he was even less thrilled about the prospect of listening to auditions for another lunch-hour and settling for a crackling boombox on top of your beloved piano.
The second you pressed a note, the warmth of your first kiss with Kate flooded your body. You’d do anything to keep that feeling- and God, had you fucked up with this universe’s Kate. She had done so much for you, had assembled a team to help you create a home. And yet, shutting yourself away seemed as close as you could get to running.
“I’m sorry,” you said.
The words were a whisper, but she was close enough to hear it and some of the tension in her stance released. When you looked at her, when you finally saw her, you nearly lost your composure. The emotion threatened to gush from your chest. Her eyes looked green in this light.
“Y/n, there is no timeline for grief. I didn’t expect-“She frowned, struggled to pick out her next words carefully. “I lost my father when I was young in the battle of New York, and I will miss him forever. Sometimes the pain is dull, and sometimes it’s the loudest thing in the room.”
You swallowed the cold lump in your throat, grimaced and looked down at the keys. Tears escaped you, creating a sheen that you dipped your fingertips in each time you moved to the next note. Kate’s warm hand found your back, rubbed a gentle circle against it.
“If you ever need someone to help silence it, you know where to find me.”
Kate Bishop lived right across the hall in a dingy apartment building that was overpriced and didn’t have a callbox that worked properly. When it rained, and it did often, the cracks in the structure would leak and the elevator was always out of order.
That night, you finished your shift and didn’t knock on her door. The following night, you stared at the one crack on the ceiling that looked a bit like a face, and a camel, and a monkey and a bird. Your fingers tapped against your chest with each phantom eighth note.
On the third night, however, you allowed yourself to knock on Kate’s door. She tripped over something, a muffled curse coming from the other side of the rotted oak. Though, she had regained her composure by the time she opened the door, her hair in a messy ponytail, strands framing her face.
“Hi,” You breathed.
“Hi” She breathed back.
Your hands gently made their way to the collar of her sweatshirt. She let out a surprised noise that melted into a tender breath as your lips met hers. Kate’s nose was cold, and her hands pressed you close to her, as if she couldn’t get close enough. You kissed her delicately, but desperately all the same, callous fingers tracing her jaw.
“Thank you,” You mumbled against her lips, not noticing the dampness of your cheeks until her thumb brushed tears away.
“For what?”
“For showing me that this is worth fighting for.”
Taglist 💜: @lovelyy-moonlight
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an-evergreen-rose · 2 years
When Worlds Collide
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Kate Bishop x Female Spiderwoman reader (basically has Miles powers; invisibility, electric webs)
Summary: One minute you’re swinging around new york and the next you’re swinging into a different universe where you run into a very confused archer.
Warnings: Some swearing
A/N: sorry this is mainly dialogue but I just needed to get it out the way. I am planning on making this a mini-series so I need you guys to bully me into staying motivated:)))))))))))
If someone were to tell you that when you climbed out your window today, you would swing - quite literally - into another universe, well… You’re not sure what you would have said, maybe something along the lines of ‘you’re crazy' I guess. But they would have been correct, which is kinda crazy.
It would have been cool if someone did tell you that, though, cause then they would be this inter-dimensional psychic or whatever (not too sure on the correct term but you know what I mean). But they didn't, and you swung right into the streets of New York, and not the one you were used to. You would like to say it was graceful, however, You’re not too sure your screaming and a rather painful belly flop onto some bins in an alleyway wouldn’t have scored that high if it was out of 10.
And that's how you landed in this situation, sitting in bin juice, with a bow and arrow pointed at your head.
“Where the hell did you come from?” A woman asked with a perplexed tone, her dark hair in a ponytail and her face covered by her weapon. 
“Uh, not too sure.” 
“Like you literally just appeared out of nowhere,” She stated, my eyes adjusting allowing me to see her purple suit.
“Yeah… I guess I did… Can you maybe not shoot me, please? I’m kinda confused as to what just happened and the possibility of getting an arrow in my head is not helping with this situation.”
The woman lowered her weapon slightly and looked at you with a curious gaze, “What's with the spider-man suit? You a fan?”
“Spider-man? Spider-man? Are you serious?” What the hell is this girl on about.
She raised her eyebrows in response, “Yeah, spider-man, You know, got bit by a spider and now can climb up walls and shoot webs. He’s actually really nice, I’ve met him a few times at the avengers compound when Hawkeye took me, that was a really fun day. I also met The Hulk, and Falcon and-”
“What the fuck are the avengers?” You interrupted the woman's rambling, “Is that like a band or something? Are they all different bands?”
“Wait - bands?”
“Yeah, are you in a band? Why do you have a bow and arrow if you’re in a band?”
There was a small pause of silence between us until she spoke. “No.”
“So your not in a band or they aren't in a band? I'm confused.”
“No one is in a band, they’re superheroes. I’m a superhero… kinda,” she replied lowering her weapon to her side. “What are you from another universe or something, how do you not know who the avengers are-”
“Hey! She’s over here!” A loud voice shouted from the end of the alleyway, followed by an army of footsteps. 
“Oh shit.” the woman said as you quickly webbed yourself to the wall behind her and then landed beside her on the ground, “Hey, how did you-?
“No time for questions!” You replied quickly, gabbing her waist as you turned invisible, your touch also making her disappear from the guy's eyes who were wearing tracksuits? Odd.
With your free hand, you released a web, allowing you to swing out of the alleyway a couple of blocks down with numerous Oh my God's and Holy shit’s in your ear, before landing (much more gracefully) on top of a building, placing the dark-haired woman next to you, turning off your invisibility.
“Wow, you are way cooler than Spiderman,” she said, a little out of breath from the adrenaline. “And totally not a man.” She added, being able to look at your body properly now that it wasn't covered in bin bags. You wore a dark green skin-tight suit (which looked almost black due to the time of day, or should I say night, it was), with black webbing covering it with a black widow-like spider on the front and back, and the signature white eyelets. 
You couldn't help but let out a small laugh, thankful that your mask hid your crimson cheeks from her comment, “Good observation skills, archer.” you said, still not knowing the woman's name.
“So who are you exactly? And you never answered my question about where you came from.”
“I’m Arachne.”
(A-rack-knee is basically how you pronounce it if anyone was having trouble)
“Like the girl who got turned into a spider-”
“-By Athena, yes! Except I’m not actually a giant spider, I just have spider-like tendencies I guess.” You interrupted, a bit too excited that she knew where your name was from as you were a bit of a history geek.
“What with webs and stuff…” She added.
“Yep.” you said, giving a very awkward thumbs up in return. “So what's your hero name then archer?”
“Uh, I haven’t really worked out the whole superhero name just yet, but you can call me Kate.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in response, but Kate could only see the eyes of your suit go smaller, “Isn’t like the first rule of being a superhero is to not tell people your real name.”
“Shit. Yeah.”
“Promise I won't tell.”
“Appreciate it.”
“And about where I came from, I think another universe may be a good guess.” You joked, But when you saw the look on Kate’s face, she looked like she knew more than you.
“I think I know who can help.”
After helping Kate climb down the building, she lead you to an apartment complex a few blocks from where you landed in some bins. Again, not your finest moment. You watched in amusement as she pressed every single buzzer to get inside the building.
“I thought this was your place?” you asked when you guys were finally let in after a lame pizza excuse Kate gave one of the residents.
“Oh right, my place burnt down like 2 months ago, so I’m crashing at my aunt's place for now. Still haven't gotten round to getting a key cut yet,” She shrugged as I followed her up a tedious amount of stairs. Once the door was opened and you two were inside, you could immediately sense another heartbeat in the apartment. Just as your body tensed up, you heard the friendly sound of paws pattering across the wooden floor, calming your nerves. “This is Lucky, a.k.a Pizza Dog, a.k.a my best friend.” Kate introduced you as she knelt down to pat the dog. “That sounded less… sad in my head,” she muttered afterwards.
After confirming that no one else was there, you reached for the back of your mask, pulling it off, deciding that it would be kinda weird to leave it on any longer. With a quick breath, you blew the hair out of your face, finding the archer looking at you with a small blush on her cheeks, “definitely not a man,” she whispered to the dog.
“So… this person who you think can help… I’m guessing it's not the dog?” you joked, loosely pointing to the golden fluff ball on the floor. You managed to get a small chuckle from the raven-haired girl, and you couldn’t help but smile when you saw hers.
“No, unfortunately not. They’re over at the avengers compound.”
“Right,” you nodded, “The band.”
“Yeah, the band. But I don’t think they will like me very much if I turn up at 2 am with someone who I found in the bins.” She finished, smiling to herself at your little banter. “Especially since I don’t even know your name…”
“Ah,” you breathed out, looking down at your feet as you felt slightly embarrassed by the statement. After all, you had helped her with the tracksuits, she was helping you find out what happened to you, let you into her home (or at least her aunts'), and she introduced you to her dog. She was long overdue for a proper introduction.
“Hi,” Kate had stood up now, moving to stand in front of you with a warm smile.
“Hi,” you replied, unsure of where this was going.
“I’m Kate, it's nice to meet you,” She placed her hand in the space between you two, offering a friendly re-introduction. You took her hand in yours, giving her a shy smile.
“I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you too.”
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