astro-lads-blog · 7 years
A roast of why The Signs piss me OFF
ARIES: The simplest of questions often require you to have a 3 minute spazz out and a reflection of the last two weeks of your life. Yet you think you’re the best at everything and become super hyped assholes. Aries, why is everything a competition? Is it because you’re the first in the zodiac, or is it because you need to sustain your basic self that hasn’t developed since primary school. You start something and don’t finish it because your mind and body are irreconcilable you can’t balance your chakras. Keep telling yourself that you’re right to fill that arrogance and infancy.
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TAURUS: I can call Aries basic (which it still is) but Taurean’s operate like the first version of Microsoft Windows. You are the most basic people I know. You have no ambitions, which is ironic because you’re supposed to be the Bull. They say Taurus is possessive but the only thing they’re possessive about is their beds because they never want to GET THE FUCK UP and go out with their friends! It’s all about making plans and not actually doing them. And how you even make a fucking plan to begin with, is by being that one person that sends ‘talk’ snaps to everyone in your snapchat contact list.
(I don’t know what this film is about but that’s just how basic you are)
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GEMINI: Everyone on Tumblr validly hates on you but it’s okay because this post isn’t centred on your sign only (which may come as a disappointment for you because you’re the Devil). You’re that one good link to an TV episode that works but 1000 pop up ads come up so you don’t bother watching it anyway. You are the superficial shit stirrer and the two best strategies to handle confrontation is to either fake a faint on the spot or pull a Taylor Swift ‘victim blame’. You will literally make something up like ‘I almost got run over today’ just to spark conversation because you lack consistency on anything. Luckily, if you have remotely any friends then they will have to accept both sides of you like Tesco’s:
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CANCER: You’re too sassy for your own good, that’s your defence mechanism every time you get butt hurt. Super pessimistic, especially if your friends bail on you you’ll act like they don’t even exist. Bitch! Who do you think you are! The pedestal that you’ve put yourself on can’t support your own ego. Instead of picking what to wear in the morning, you choose what ‘50 Shades of temperamental’ you want for today’s look. Clingyness leads to some more butt hurtin’, my friend. Also why do you have your own profile picture as your lock screen. That’s cringe.
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LEO: You’re that kid that’s like “Have you revised? Did you do the homework? I didn’t” and the next day you come in with A*+. You’re a less basic version of Aries, but more self involved. Can’t stop singing in class (and it’s always the mainstream white pop songs and a bit of Usher) and thinks they’re Beyoncé. You always feel the need to be ahead, and you check on others in a sly way to make it look like you give a fuck when really you’re pretty much pissing yourself with pride. Chill out mate, how can you be head strong, but when it comes to criticism you’re sensitive af? I mean, you have no problem being a dickhead but…
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VIRGO: The fussiest motherfuckers. If the worlds not perfect for them, they have to be perfect for themselves. But the catch is, you Virgo’s will never be happy with yourselves, and it’s not even this post telling you, you already know. You’re harsh, self-critical and controlling. You have to upkeep this pristine image but I see right through you. Stop wasting your time making sure everyone’s okay because it’s not healthy for your empathetic self. Top tip: instead of snooping on someones social media, how about you actually message them instead of constantly thinking what could possibly happen.
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LIBRA: If you’re not super basic (like Aries lol) but not deep at all then you’re a Libra. Always in the middle. Always on the fence. Always fucking 50/50. Do you have strong opinions on anything? If you were in a movie cast you’d just be in the extras. Also stop being too nice that it’s just downright stupidity. Your white lies are the worst. Just tell the bloody truth! Your backbone is non-existent, meaning you are a pushover. If your friend asks for your opinion on something, you’ll agree with them. If they then change their mind, you’ll still agree with whatever they’re saying because you have little to no intelligence for counterarguments. You lack substance because you have no personality. Like bread. Buy a personality for 99p whilst in stock.
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SCORPIO: Why do you walk into a room… with the heaviest sack of feelings ever? Why do you constantly need to have a thing for someone in order to function? Why are you threatened by the success of others around you? Instead of wasting your energy in jealousy, make something of yourself from other people’s accomplishments. Not everything has to be a fucking heist, okay? Quit with the death glares and fucking people over. Stalks and lurks instead of admitting they like someone is how they deal with their emotions like a creep. You lot stay mad about something that happened 5 years ago and you forget what makes you happy. That’s sad.
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SAGITTARIUS: Everything has to be a fucking innuendo. You’re inspired by Miley Cyrus’ post-2013 White Feminism. When you learn something new, you think you’re Einstein. Saggy’s are always in denial of their own emotions and self. Always complaining about something, even the most minuscule things, but if a friend complains about their broken arm to you, you go “It’s not that bad”. Sends the most blunt texts but make up for it with the over-use of emoji’s which is really annoying. You never seems to be able to sit still because you have so much gossip to say, even if you’re going behind your best mate’s back. Just says whatever they want without the consideration of others because they’re pricks.
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CAPRICORN: Naturally dick-like behaviour. Will interrupt people when they’re saying something important just to point out that there’s a stain on their shirt. Gets angry way too easily and Capricorn’s seem to always be stuck on the same vibe. You take a painful 25 seconds to answer a yes or no question. There’s no point in texting you because it’s hard to tell if you’re being honest or asshole sarcastic. Critically harsh. Aloof. Can’t take a joke and like to twist it so it’s relevant to them. Blunt bitches with little depth.
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AQUARIUS: The Messiah complex. You feel the need to voice your opinion even when it’s not asked for. Aquarius doesn’t allow people to talk, even if they says they’re a good listener. You believe that what you’ve got to say is far more important than others. Absolutely cannot admit when they’re wrong because there’s too much pride in being correct. You try way too hard to get away from the conventional and try to be ‘original’ by thinking it’s cool to be a cold hearted bitch. You’re going to die alone. Always striving to be different but no one actually cares.
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PISCES: Throw a Pity Party for this shitty water sign because that’s what they like! You feed off people feeling sorry for you. You were born and bred into the dark side and love to be moody. Pisces are so sentimental of their past they never strive forward for anything. They are liars to protect themselves, and blame the world for all their problems. Spaced out as fuck, which is why their Neptune thoughts bring out their unrealistic standards. Chaos to yourselves, escapists to your ‘friends’... which is why you don’t have many. 
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astro-lads-blog · 7 years
The Signs as types of potatoes
ARIES: Boiled potato
TAURUS: A hench jacket potato overfilled with tuna
GEMINI: French fries
CANCER: Mashed potato
LEO: Crisps
VIRGO: Sweet potato
LIBRA: A potato from the ground
SCORPIO: Extra burnt potato
CAPRICORN: A cold uncooked potato
AQUARIUS: Magic mushroom stuffed potato
PISCES: Apple bacon stuffed sweet potato
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astro-lads-blog · 7 years
How many times The Signs looked up their birth chart:
ARIES: A shit ton - more than anyone else.
TAURUS: Not much tbh.
GEMINI: Probably once a month.
CANCER: Once and remembers it clearly.
LEO: 100 times a month.
VIRGO: Screenshot it like a normal person.
LIBRA: Once but looks at everybody else’s billions of times.
SCORPIO: A few times but usually to check their compatibility with someone else.
SAGITTARIUS: Many times because they forget everything, even their sun sign.
CAPRICORN: None - because they don’t believe in astrology.
AQUARIUS: Already ingrained in them.
PISCES: A few times, but remembers most of their chart.
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astro-lads-blog · 7 years
The Signs as George Michael Bangers
ARIES:  Freedom!’90
TAURUS: I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)
GEMINI: Too Funky
CANCER: Careless Whisper
LEO: Fastlove
VIRGO: Jesus to a Child
LIBRA: Spinning The Wheel
CAPRICORN: Flawless (Go to the City)
PISCES: If I Told You That 
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astro-lads-blog · 7 years
The Signs as famous artists
ARIES: Van Gogh
TAURUS: Frida Kahlo
GEMINI: Jean-Michel Basquiat
LEO: Salvador Dali
VIRGO: Andy Warhol
LIBRA: Michelangelo
SCORPIO: Georgia O’Keeffe
SAGITTARIUS: Leonardo Da Vinci
AQUARIUS: Jackson Pollock
PISCES: Picasso
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astro-lads-blog · 7 years
How DARE you read me like that!!! I want my edges back!! RUDE.
dw I’ll glue your edges back x
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astro-lads-blog · 7 years
Good blog fampai
Arigato Libra
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astro-lads-blog · 7 years
Calm it m8
What the signs should focus on in 2017
ARIES: You really need to work hard this year and endurance is key. Try not to get so easily angered and shocked when things happen that could’ve been predicted way before. You know when you are being over emotional so suck it up and watch a good film to calm down. You can be selfish, but you really do need to focus on what you want this year to grow. Eat more fruit lol.
TAURUS: Educate yourself on topics you wouldn’t usually look into (you stick to what you know too much), hanging with new peeps will benefit you this year and a change of style- you’re gonna have to change someday so go outside and gain real experiences. Also stop complaining so much when you may not be innocent all the time.
GEMINI: Despite your reputation you hold many secrets~ so respect them, even if you’ve been hurt it will not make you feel better by saying what you shouldn’t. Self healing for you is done by having knowledge so READ because you are really good readers 👀 try to find yourself on your own, you are too easily influenced by others.
CANCER: Being a sore loser makes you look like a bit of a dickhead, not everything can go your way so you need to accept what has happened instead of radiating your moodiness. You also need to set yourself some clear life goals soon which you can work hard for. Go to places further away than usual for a good day out.
LEO: You edgy fucks, you don’t need to be mean to yourself and others by making jokes for you to gain your confidence. You probably need to have a glass of water in a min because you’re dehydrated lol, also chill and lay down on the grass with yer mates or something.
VIRGO: Like Leo, we can see through you despite the front of perfection you put up, it’s hard for you to open up but when you do, don’t victimize yourself when you are fully aware that you are not to blame. Also take a risk jeezus you’re gonna get your feelings hurt in life so u might as well just do something risky.
LIBRA: Ngl looks like you’re doing alright, but it will do you good to delve deeper into things that have previously sparked a tiny bit of interest-you might need a kick up the backside because you’re usually on the fence with most things-try more unusual food definitely and if you have a bucket list that has only a few things completed, whip it back out. You also need to be mindful of the people around you that may not be who you think (or want) them to be.
SCORPIO: Stay on top of your work, you know where you’re heading so don’t let it easily slip away. Surround yourself with your favourite people more often- you may be deprived in this sense. Make sure you’re looking after yourself and just chill out when you feel too much hate/anger filling up inside ya.
SAGITTARIUS: Take more of an interest in the feelings of people around you. Be mindful when you are speaking, you have a way of easily manipulating others, so stop toying with people because its not fair on them or you. Also listen to more music genres this year jeez.
CAPRICORN: Get the feck out of your house, and not just to go to school or work lol. Enjoy your time with people and give them your time, you will see that people appreciate your presence. You are allowed friends in your “busy” life (busy meaning you may also be wasting your precious time doing things that do you no good whoops), do not limit yourself this year and take opportunities that people are willing to give. Also a new hobby which keeps you active would be good for ya like a sport.
AQUARIUS: You have the biggest God complex- shut up and use your intelligence to grow instead of gloat. Keeping a diary or some form of frequent emotional outlet may be good for ya- instead of building it up and being distant until you let it out and its all a reck. Also please take in what others say because you are so observant but so oblivious?
PISCES: Stop being so annoying by chatting shit lol- the ultimate silent shit chatter- try using your logic in situations which hurt you, you can do this as you are a great thinker! Realise that you are not the centre of everything, self healing this year comes from letting your past go.
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astro-lads-blog · 7 years
Call me Daddy cause I'm a Saggy
Saggy Daddy saggy balls
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astro-lads-blog · 7 years
The Signs as types of eggs
ARIES: Fried egg
TAURUS: Protein egg shake
GEMINI: Two yolks in one egg
CANCER: A soft egg with a hard shell
LEO: Egg and Soldiers
VIRGO: Cracked egg
LIBRA: Russian egg
SCORPIO: Egg sex toy
CAPRICORN: Hard boiled egg
AQUARIUS: Poached egg
PISCES: Egg nog
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astro-lads-blog · 7 years
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astro-lads-blog · 7 years
The Signs as Romeo & Juliet characters
ARIES: Benvolio
TAURUS: Prince Paris
GEMINI: Irrational town people
CANCER: Wet Nurse
LEO: Prime Minister of the town
VIRGO: Priest
LIBRA: Juliet
CAPRICORN: Juliet’s Mum
AQUARIUS: Mercutio
PISCES: Extra irrational town people
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astro-lads-blog · 7 years
The Signs as George Michael Bangers
ARIES:  Freedom!’90
TAURUS: I Knew You Were Waiting (For Me)
GEMINI: Too Funky
CANCER: Careless Whisper
LEO: Fastlove
VIRGO: Jesus to a Child
LIBRA: Spinning The Wheel
CAPRICORN: Flawless (Go to the City)
PISCES: If I Told You That 
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astro-lads-blog · 7 years
The Signs as ABRA Songs
ARIES: No Chill
LEO: Pride
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astro-lads-blog · 7 years
The signs as snacks from the corner shop
ARIES: Kinder Egg
TAURUS: The whole shop
GEMNI: Double Decker
CANCER: Mint Gum
LEO: Lion Bar
VIRGO: Nerds
LIBRA: Flake
SCORPIO: Bournville Dark Chocolate
CAPRICORN: Cadbury Milk Chocolate
AQUARIUS: Space Invaders
PISCES: Turkish Delight
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astro-lads-blog · 7 years
Optimistic v Pessimistic
Idealistic pessimists: Cancer, Taurus
Idealistic optimists: Pisces, Sagittarius, Aries
Realistic pessimists: Scorpio, Aquarius, Virgo, Capricorn
Realistic optimists: Leo, Libra, Gemini
Your thoughts on this??
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astro-lads-blog · 7 years
My interpretation of the MOON signs
(You could probs relate your sun if you want maybe even your rising)
Aries: they take up your life: being loud, leaving mess on the stairs, creating arguments out of thin air and always filling the void with their drama. Very self-centred but oblivious to it so I’ll let it be. Problems they hav always someone else’s fault. Very loving and cuddly and express passion easily. Never stick to hobbies after announcing that its there biggest passion n cant survive without it. Though, they don’t wait around for things to be handed to them - they are always up to something interesting. Independent.
Taurus: they are great to spill your words upon and never flinch when u say something deep or shocking so it makes u chill af cause they are…Most of the time…they can get angered when things aren’t as it should as they are very stubborn. don’t like people who aren’t committed to friendship or plans/dreams and dont like people who dont give their stuff back. Seemed to hav cows eyes: very deep n dreamy and long eyelashes -often brown eyes that i know of or watery blue eyes. lov food or other luxuries.
Gemini: childlike, like everything light hearted and humorous. there has to always be words to fill up the quiet spaces otherwise they start to get agitated. Dont like boring people and will blatantly walk off or something. Nervouusss people. Tapping all the time. When they’re in a goood mood they’re goofy but can become detached and cold and become a bit of a smart arse. Like knowing their shit.
Cancer: homely people. Warm and loving to fault as they are always let down by others who do not give the same warmth and pure emotions back. I think they could probably guilt trip u many times. emotions are not hidden which is good and bad because shots are firedddd and their words filled venom when there really cheesed off. Like lots of nice things. also love cute fluffy animals. Love their family to be always near - protective can become smothering. Talk about the ‘good old days’ 24/7.
Leo: why are you so posey and dramatic? They like to tell a tall tale - love to add bits to the truth to make it more exciting - which is actually interesting to hear tbh so good job :) they love to be centre of attention obvs. Also hold their heads high and always seem taller than actually are. Full of exuberance. & they often believe in their abilities so they achieve good grades and r smarttt!
Virgo: lovs when people do little silly things for them because they like when people are as detail orientated as them. expect too much of people becaus they do too much for others. Nervous but lowkey cause their earthiness sort of makes it hum in the background. Has potential to be shady. I love their organisation, chills me the f out. Some reason i feel they be really good at ASMR videos because of their voice & movements. and they r actually quite talkative but its usually nothing too intellectual or snobbish just good natter. Bites their nails!
Libra: i dont get them. They dont make an imposing impression on me as they’re delicate and not too in ya face. Loves knitted jumpers and wearing light colours Ive noticed. Sweet n gentle. Probs could get away with murder. Gets really into things like a celeb or tv series for a while. Has fan blogs probably. like to talk about things such as kpop, clothes, items in their neat pencil case and make up. Idkkk
Scorpio: protectivveee. Intense. Passionate about theirs hobbies and interests. Can become lost in their own intellectual, abstract world forgetting what is truly important until they realise and become regretful and then hold many unresolved grudges. They are e m o t i o n a l but try to hide it - constantly simmering and on the verge of erupting. Though they are quite interested in their own passion - they’ll hype u up about yours and talk for hours about theirs and your own dreams. Abstract knowledge that seems to appear out of no where when they speak -unconventionally smart.
Sagittarius: want to escape reality. Someone i used to know would read a lot of books - probs erotic - she also used her work as escapism? her husband wouldn’t take her on holiday:( another i know comes across very cool and full of knowledge and like to says corny things like ‘you might as well live your life to the fullest because you’ve only got one’. acts like a philosopher. Has gooood taste in music. knows everyone and can keep good relationships with all of them.
Capricorn: thinks they’re are funny af but peeps often laugh at their jokes cause they’re just a bit shit. Tries to come across cool 😎looking for a for job but isn’t working out lol. Wants fame n fortune. they love to talk deep and intellectual without getting too personal. probably quite lovey dovey but it is buried deep inside them. likes to keep it light by listening to music or watching the telly otherwise there thoughts overwhelm them. ( i hav cap moon so might look like a different viewpoint to the others moon signs)
Aquarius: loves to make a point that they are different lol. Intellectual af cause they really smart. Can talk for hours on end but still likes down time. they are the world’s friend but they only let a few know the real them (if thats is actually the real them ). Quirky sense of humour. Hav big dreams and most likely succeed in pursuing them. they are very open about weird stories and experiences they hav had which is fun to hear. will hav something to say about every topic on earth - love to share an opinion.
Pisces: too kind for their own good. They know your weaknesses/insecurities from first time you meet. i think they have melancholy spells which they find themselves in a trance - i catch them staring blankly quite a lot. Love to ask if you’re okay. Mooody. Let down by humanity. Very chatty and has of cool things to say. Music may rule their life - musically talented in one case ik (probs used as escapism). Can be burdened with very unsettling thoughts of not being good enough; making sure they keep there reputation for being the nice guy which means getting pushed about
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