bangtansangsang · 9 years
 Cuddling all day; V scenario
Requested by Anonymous
You woke up with a smile when your alarm clock rang. Though the sound was still annoying as it ever was; it didn’t bother you as much as it normally would. You rolled over so you could see your weekplanner you had placed on a little bookshelf. The weekplanmer was a present from a very important person to you and it came in very handy. It had been a relaxing week because you didn’t had much to do but there was one day marked by a hundred red circles.
“All day with Taeng.” you spoke softly as you read the sentence. It was a rare day, Taehyung was so busy these months that you only could text each other and have small talks on the phone. It was sad, but days like these made it all good. A big smile came on your face as you thought of all the things you could and wanted to do. You glanced at your alarm clock to check how much time you had before he would arrive. It was 09:23 and Taehyung said that he would be at your place at 10 am sharp. When Taehyung said that you’d spend the whole day together, he meant it. He would come to your house in the morning and he left as late as possible, but he never stayed the night, yet. You had 37 minutes left to get up and get you and your little apartment ready. One thing you were sure of that you didn’t had to dress up much, because Taehyung liked you for who you were. The girl who loved comfortable and warm clothes. You could wear the thin blue sweater he gave you recently, but what should you wear underneath it? It was winter and the weatherforecast had said that it would be a very cold day. You sat up in your bed and looked out of your window. It was gloomy outside and the clouds were threatening and dark. Seemed like it was going to rain soon, or maybe snow. You pouted, it would be fun if you could get some coffee in that little café near your house with Taehyung but the weather didn’t agree with that. The two of you never really went to outdoor dates because Taehyung wanted that you could keep your privacy, which you were thankful for. The thought of all his fans surrounding you gave you the chills. You read about girls who were beaten up by fans and you didn’t felt like experiencing that too. In the end you picked one of his sweatpants, which also matched your sweater. Sometimes he left clothes at your place, so he could change into comfortable clothes if he wanted to.
There was no need to hurry, because you didn’t had to put layers of makeup on your face, nor did you need to fix your hair. But you did put some bb cream on your face, it was something you did every day. You picked up a brush from your dressing table, brushed your hair, put it in a high ponytail and looked at yourself in the mirror for a brief moment. The result didn’t look bad at all, you were satishfied and there was probably time left. Turning around, your eyes locked with the red numbers on your alarm clock. 09:48. Taehyung would be here in 12 minutes. Maybe it was a good idea to eat breakfast quickly before Taehyung would arrive. You hated it when someone could hear your stomach growl because you were hungry. You felt ashamed in such situations. After walking out of your room, into your small kitchen, you opened the fridge and looked in it for a few seconds. There were some leftovers from yesterday’s dinner, but you were not sure if you wanted to eat it. Sure it was one of your favorite dishes, which could also be eaten cold but you craved for something warm and fresh. With a sigh you closed the fridge and walked to the pile of boxes you had next to your stove. You had placed several boxes of ramyun there, with all kinds of flavors. You picked one of the packages randomly and got a kettle from the cupboard and filled it with water before setting it on the stove, turning on the stove so you could boil the water. You knew it would take a few minutes before the water was boiling, so you decides to tidy your house a bit before Taehyung would arrive. While walking over to your small living room, you looked around. There wasn’t much to clean up, since you liked to have a neat and clean house. You put some of the small pillows from the big chair to the couch and stroked them so there wouldn’t be any folds in it. Again you were looking for a clockwork so you could check the time. Only 3 minutes had passed, but that also meant that Taehyung would be here soon. A smile crept onto your face and your heart was starting to race in your ribcage. Only now you realized how much you had missed him and how much you had longed for this day. You wanted to see him, and hold him for as long as you could. A soft, yet high shrill sound came out of your kitchen and you looked up. The shrill was a sign that the water was boiling, which meant that you could pour it over the ramyun you had in the cup. You quickly walked over to your kitchen and opened the cup, taking out the package of flavor before tearing it open and putting the powder into the package into the cup. It already smelled good and you smiled. Carefully you picked the kettle off the stove and removed the lid, so you could pour the water into the cup. Setting the cup, waiting for the noodles to be cooked, you walked over to your living room again, anxiously checking the time. Not much time had passed and you puffed all the air in your lungs out. Why was the time being so mean to you, being so slow? You couldn’t hold back your excitement anymore, letting a big grin come onto your face.
Only minutes later, when you had almost finished your cup of ramyun, you finally heard the sound you were waiting for since you woke up. There were only three persons in this world who had a key to your house. Two of them were obviously your parents, but it couldn’t be them because they were on a trip through Europe. It was a present you and your cousins had given to your parents for their 25th anniversary. The other person who had a key was your Taehyung, and he was opening the door. Almost choking in your ramyun you quickly ate the last of it before running off to the front door. ‘Jagiya!’ His voice rang through your apartment and you felt your heart flutter. You had missed his voice. As soon as you ran into the corridor which brought you to your front door, you could see him. His hair was moist, you guessed it had start raining or snowing, and on his face was a big and bright smile, his arms open to invite you into a hug. You threw yourself into his arms and he wrapped them around your tightly as soon as your were in his reach.
‘I missed you.’ He whispered in your ears as he snuggled his nose against your neck. You felt you heart skip a beat at the touch, you loved it. You burried your face into his chest and murmured that you had missed him too. For several minutes you stood like that, in each others arms. You inhaled his scent, slightly smiling to yourself. His scent was the best scent in the world. It was even better than your favorite perfume. His hands were lightly stroking your back while he was softly humming. You had your eyes closed and felt your body relaxing. What you didn’t expect was that Taehyung would lift you up at some moment. You let out a little scream, followed with laughter as you wrapped his arms around his neck. ‘Are we going to stand in the corridor for the rest of the day?’ He asked you and you shook your head, smiling. Taehyung also smiled and walked over to the couch in your living room, putting you on it before he sat beside you and wrapped his arms around you again. ‘Let’s stay like this all day.’ He whispered and you nodded. If he wanted it, it would happen. You snuggled up against him and let your head rest on his shoulder.
 The rest of the day the two of you had spent on the couch, cuddling with each other and giving each other sweet little kisses. Sometimes you had to let go of each other, because you would get something to drink or eat and because you had decided to watch some movies. The both of you weren’t that fond of romantic movies, so you only watched comedies. It had been a while since you had this much fun, especially with Taehyung, who seemed to be relaxed too and enjoying his time with you. As the night fell, the two of you were still holding onto each other. Both of you didn’t want to let go of each other. ‘Time went by too fast.’ Taehyung whined as he looked at the time on his watch. He was pouting a little and you nodded. Time always flew when you had fun. It wasn’t fair. You had little time with Taehyung but it always went by so fast that it only felt like minutes, not hours. You sighed and looked at your hands, which were hold by his, your fingers folded in each other. It was silent between the two of you for a few minutes. Neither of you wanted him to leave. One of his hands was laying upon your waist, which he stroked lightly, a habit of his. Taehyung’s hands were always on your body, touching you softly in a sweet way, sometimes also romantic but he just liked it to touch you and you didn’t mind it at all. His hands were warm and soft on your body, as your personal source of heat. ‘I have an idea!’ Taehyung exclaimed suddenly, getting up quickly and letting go of your hands. ‘What is that idea of yours?’ You asked him puzzled as you look at his face. There was a little twinkle in his eyes, assuring you that he indeed had an idea. ‘Schedule starts late tomorrow, so how about a sleepover? I’ll take the couch tonight but we can spend more time with each other, if you agree too it which you don’t have to if you don’t want to!’ There was a slight tone of insecurity in his voice, as if he was afraid that you would say no. Even though he had never stayed the night before, there was no way that you would say no to more time with Taehyung. People often questioned you if your boyfriend was staying over sometimes because you had some of his clothes in your house. You had them because Taehyung always changed his clothes as he went home, just to make sure that fans wouldn’t recognize him. His eyes were on you, anxiously waiting for your answer. ‘Sounds like a great idea!’ You said with a big grin on your face, and as soon as you had said those words, Taehyung started to grin too. He wrapped his arms around you again and lifted you up. ‘I love you.’ He said, twirling you around while putting small kisses on your lips. You giggled and placed your hands on his neck as he held you.‘I love you too.’ You whispered to him as you leaned in for another kiss, but this time you went for a long one.
I finally found time to finish this x-x I feel so sorry towards our followers who have to wait such a long time ; ; We're very sorry but both admins are just so busy with both school and work nowadays... ;A; Anon, if you're not satishfied please message us so we can make a new one or change it to your wish! -Admin K
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bangtansangsang · 10 years
can u ship me?I'm 5'4 with short dark hair.I'm a conservative person but I only opened up to a certain people.I usually show my fun and happy self in front of others,not having any deep talk even with my bestfriend bcoz I was betrayed before.I'm kinda brusque,love listening to songs and writing/drawing and a funny person.
We ship you with J-Hope
Chatty, funny and creative. Those words describe you, but they also describe our J-Hope! Trust is important to J-Hope and he would do anything to gain and keep it. He would never ever betray you. Have you ever tried to write a song? J-Hope would be your biggest fan if you tried to write one or two. If the others like your songs too, then maybe they’ll record one for their album!^^ And also you would never have a dull moment with J-Hope, he’s a happy virus and he would make you smile all day long, he’d love every second of seeing you smile.
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bangtansangsang · 10 years
Can you ship me please? :) I'm 5'4 with tan skin. I have straight black hair and golden brown (sometimes hazelish) eyes. I have a very sarcastic sense of humor. I sing, play guitar and do theatre. I have a huge passion for books and am usually considered intelligent and mature for my age. Also tend to be the most serious yet most immature in my group of friends. If I'm passionate about something that's all that matters to me and I'll do anything to reach a goal. I speak English and Spanish too.
We ship you with Jungkook!
Everyone knows that Jungkook is sarcastic, so we would probably share the same kind of humor that you have! Both of you sing too and you play the guitar so you could go to a park sometimes and just sit and jam together. Play songs where there is a little rap to so Jungkook can show people who stopped by to listen that he can rap too. Jungkook would love to have an intelligent girlfriend, he would be able to stare at you for hours when you’re reading one of your favorite books. He’d even ask you to read some for him, as a bed time story~ Seems like you have two sides, a serious and a more childish side of you. It gives each day a different feeling. You’d never be boring to Jungkook. He also loves you for being passionate, to do anything to reach a goal takes a lot of courage and confidence. You are superwoman to him.
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bangtansangsang · 10 years
hello! please could you ship me? I'm 5'3" and thin but curvy. I'm british and live in the uk. My hair is a mix of different shades of blonde and brown. And I have blue/grey eyes. I'm quite loud when I want to because I like to make people laugh but I can be quite sensitive. In my free time I love to skateboard and surf. I also love going shopping for clothes and make up. Hopefully I described myself enough!
We ship you with V!
You seem to fit Taehyung so well! Not because of your looks, but because of who you are. Taehyung always manages to make his hyungs and the younger ones laugh, because he is happiness himself. He would also beg you to teach him how to surf and skateboard. He’d buy both of the boards even before knowing how to skate and surf. He’d try his very best even if he fails a lot. It would be like a date for the two of you. You could go to Busan or Jeju for a day, so you could teach him to surf properly c:  And there would be shopping dates in Myungdong too! The two of you would try on so many clothes and make weird outfits, but actually buy couple clothes, sweaters, shirts and such ^^
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bangtansangsang · 10 years
can you guys please ship me when you guys aren't busy? ^^ ♡--- I'm about 5'2". At first meet, it's difficult to talk to me due to my shyness, but once you get to know me i'm actually a bright, cheerful and playful kind of gal! I am fashionable ( i love fashion omfg ), play the guitar, and my music taste ranges from k-hiphop, k-indie & to just normal k-pop. my friends say i'm super gullible, clumsy and even an idiot omfg. also whenever someone touches my skin i always get surprise and flinch ;u;
We ship you with Jungkook!
Jungkook would be so curious about you when he’d first see you. Because you’re shy and not too talkative because of that. He’d try everything to make you talk to him. He’d make up excuses to talk to you if you were in school. Or buy you a drink if he’d see you in a little café. And once he’d get to know you; he’d love you so much. You’re Aphrodite to him, and talented too. Maybe you could teach him how to play the guitar? ^^ He’d really be head over heels about you. He will find your clumsiness super cute and you being an idiot ever cuter. Can you already see him softly pinching your cheeks with a big grin in his face? Also he’d tease you by touching you on your weakest sports. You neck or hips. He’d be poking you all day and laugh because you’re the cutest when you flinch ^^
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bangtansangsang · 10 years
Hiiiii! Can you ship me? I'm 18 y.o turn to 19 in 3 days hehehe. I'm 160cm, i like reading and dancing and cooking. I have a shoulder lenght hair. Then i'm quite noisy, mm and then i like to laughing and smiling all the time. I've trust isue.
We ship you with Jin!
You seem like a calm girl, but also someone who can get the atmosphere good by being the moodmaker. As we know, Jin is one of the sweetest guys out  there. He would never ever do anything that would hurt your trust in him. If you told him about it, he would try to help you. He’d try to search how to get over trust issues, if it’s even possible. Even if it wasn’t he’d try his hardest to achieve something, even if it was a small thing.
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bangtansangsang · 10 years
Hi, may I ask for a ship? I am a 95 line, 5'2, 48 kgs - quite average appearance-wise. I have big, round eyes. I am caring and am willing to do almost anything if it means making another person happy. I'm smiley and talk too much. I can sing, but I'm not good at dancing. However I'm always looking for the opportunity to become better. I am always cooking something or munching on something (forever hungry). I'm a night owl. I'm always up for an adventure to try new things, and I love cuddles
We ship you with V!
You sound like such a wonderful person, and Taehyung would love that so much. He is still a kid sometimes and he’d love to be taken care of. And you are both smiley and  talkative. It would never be boring with the two of you around.Ahh, Taehyung will love the fact that you can sing. He’d make you sing for him every day, maybe more than once a day^^!  Food is one thing that is just a must sometimes. The love of a man comes through his stomach as they say. Also Taehyung will try to get you in bed with him, even though he knows you’re a night owl. He wants to cuddle with you while falling asleep. And as for dates; he’d try something new every time. Bungee jumping, kayaking, canoeing, a trip to a safari zoo; you name it. Anything with a little adventure he’d like the two of you to try.
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bangtansangsang · 10 years
We feel sorry to say that our askbox will be closed again for uncertain time. School started again for both admins and we have loads of work to do for school, and also for this blog. So we try to finish everything. That's why we decided to close our askbox. We will open it again if we have finished most of our work... Please wait for us! ㅠㅠ
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bangtansangsang · 10 years
Could you ship me, please? 97 line & 5'3. Long wavy hair with the end pink, purple & blue. Shy, weird, creative & adventurous. Love challenges, dance, sing, rap, write, read, watch kdramas and anime, draw, sleep & eat (however I'm thin). Good at school and love to learn new languages. I'm tomboyish but can be also feminine if I had to be it. I love skinship too. I love you~ ❤
We ship you with J-Hope!
We think Hopey would fit you best. He is weird, a rapper and a very good dance and we are sure that Hopey can sing too!^^ He would be in for adventure too, exploring new places together. Go to a foreign country and try the local cuisine, cultural cuisine and just any dish that is popular in that country ^^. Hopey would be proud of you being a good student and he’d ask you to teach him all the languages you do, but he doesn’t. He’d make little dates of lessons but he’d still be a really good student who listens to his sunsaeng-nim very well!^^ If Hopey would miss one of his shirts, he’d know that you might borrowed them, or maybe one of the other members… but he’d like it if you wore his shirts. And a skirt from time to time? Nah, he wouldn’t mind that at all!
We love you too honey*^^*♥
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bangtansangsang · 10 years
Can I have a ship please? I'm 157cm, 14, dark skinned, have mid length dark brown hair, a round face (with chubby cheeks) and light brown eyes. I wear glasses and have a pear shaped figure. I've been dancing for 7-8 years and I love dancing, rapping, drawing and singing. I'm described as cute, funny and 4D. I'm also really strange 0w0 Thank you ^^
We ship you with Jungkook!
You’d be the maknae couple with Jungkook, because you’re both young ^^ and like the maknae, you are an allrounder, as admin k calls it you can sing, dance& rap and so can our maknae Kookie! The two of you would be doing rapbattles, duets and dances together^^ Others will call you a cute couple too, and tell me; who doesn’t love cute couples? It be the best ^^ Jungkook wouldn’t mind you being strange and 4D he’d love it alot! His girl could make him laugh all the time, even if he had a horrible day and some huge exams ahead for school.
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bangtansangsang · 10 years
New theme!
Hello everyone ^^  We have a new theme; and we hope this one is more comforatble when you read our scenario's ^^ Message us what you think of it and if there is anything we missed ! ><
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bangtansangsang · 10 years
May I please be shipped? I am 166cm tall and more on the skinny side. I have black wavy hair that falls at my collar bone. My eyes are a medium brown and I am slightly tan. I'm pretty quiet when people first meet me, but I become VERY crazy when I feel like I can trust them. I'm usually listening to music most of the time, but when I'm not I usually read. I hope this is enough. Btw I love your blog :)
We ship you with Rap Monster!
What Namjoon likes, you define. He likes a girl who looks great in simple clothes, and we are sure you do. We think Namjoon wil like your personality so much too~  We all know this boy has a relaxed but also a hyper side! It would be so cute to see you to listen to music together on the couch or him holding you on the couch on a cold rainy day while you’re reading one of your favorite books, with a mug of hot cocoa on a small table ofcourse ^^
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bangtansangsang · 10 years
hi! do you guys mind shipping me? ^^;; I'm 5'2, w/ brown eyes + reddish brown long hair; Chinese and fluent in 3 languages. I’m usually a comical, 4D klutz who laughs at everything, but I do have my quiet moments, esp. under stress. I care a lot about people but that comes out better in my actions than my words—I can be very teasing/witty. I love food, cooking, photography, travelling & dancing alone in my room, but I have a huge passion for music and want to pursue it as a career. thank you!!~
We ship you with J-Hope!
You really fit our Hopey, being both comical; you would make a perfect couple. You guys would joke around alot and play pranks on each other or the other members. He could listen to your laugh all day long, so he’d make you laugh as all the time, he wouldn’t get tired of it. But when you’re quiet, he would do anything to make you smile again, from body gags to funny raps to anything he could think of. Hobi would make you cook meals for him, with the poor excuse that Jin’s cooking got bad and he likes yours more. But you wouldn’t mind it right? Ah, why dance alone in your room? you have Hobi! You can dance together untill you’re tired and then lay with each other on the couch♥  Also J-Hope would help you with all his might to persue your music career, he’d support you on every front♥
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bangtansangsang · 10 years
Can You Ship Me? I'm 5'2, Chubby, Latina/White& Have Green Hair. I Have A Natural Awkwardness & Oddness To Me. I know multiple languages and am taking psych. I love nature & animals. I'm sarcastic and am short tempered but I'm very loving. In sensitive & I keep it real. I love anime&doctor who. I rap & sing(well try to). I write(usually poems), and draw all the time. I love hugs. I'm the person people come to for help or someone to listen. I have no sexuality. I'm very accepting & caring.
We ship you with Rap Monster!
Namjoon doesn’t really goes for the looks, the inner you is more important to him. He’d really like your hair though, he’d like it. Both of you could learn each other the languages you know, i’d be like a date you guys could plan~  Or you guys could go to a wildlife park and ride around in on of those jeeps ^^ if you guys have a license though~   Namjoon would be very carefull with your short temper, he’d think twice about what to say when you have a bad mood. You guys could rap together too, having rap battles with each other and the losers has to cook the other one a poem or cook dinner hehe ^^ We can totally see Namjoon asking you to draw a cover for their album, so he’d could say that his jagi helped with the album too~~ You’d be the person who Namjoon can talk to when he has a bad day, you’d always try to help in.
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bangtansangsang · 10 years
Hi! :) How would Suga/Rapmon/V react to you getting strange, stalkerish calls such as "I see you" or "I'm watching you", or even "I follow you around when you're outside."? And like, you're paranoid about everything and stuff? Thanks!
I guess they would all react the same way; protective. Like, every boyfriend would act protective if you got those calls. Some may overreact a little but.. yeah.
Rapmon and Suga would keep their heads cool, I don’t see them panic or such but they would be more around you. Because they are a bit older they would handle the situation more as an adult. I’m sure they would suggest that you should go to the police station to report that you’re being stalked, so the bastard would get caught and locked for a looooooong time.
V on the other hand would freak out a little, or maybe more than a little. The kid has a good pair of brains but also pretty much fantasy. Worst case scenario’s would go through his mind all day. He’d try to solve it himself maybe and take the role of a detective and ask questions like ‘who did you gave your number recently?’ ‘did you meet any strange man lately?’ ‘could it be a joke of your classmates?’. He’d even come up with the idea to give you a new number (maybe Rapmon and Suga would suggest it too, but only if the police wouldn’t catch him). In the end, you would probably suggest to go to the police station to report it, or not.
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bangtansangsang · 10 years
Could I have a ship- please? 💕 I'm an 18 year old girl. Looks wise I'm 178cm tall, I have waist long hair, a fair complexion and half green/half brown eyes. I'm a Team Leader/Boss at work but I'm not bossy at all. My ideal guy is someone mature but also has to have a good sense of humor. I'd like for him to look after me just as much as I do him. I'd be willing to cater to his every need as long as he doesn't treat me like trash. I'd also like a guy who is challenging (in a playful way) too.
We ship you with Jin!
Just like Jin, you would be able to lead the boys well when he’s busy with other things. like preparing a nice date for you guys♥ We think Jin would fit as your ideal man, being the oldest and more like the mother of the boys, he takes care of them& he has humor too! they all have hehe. As said, he takes care of the boys and he would take care of you too. Jin would never ever ever treat a lady like trash, that’s just not him; Jin is sweetness himself. And games? Jin would be totally in for them also if there would be some playing just between the two of you to heat things up. ^^
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bangtansangsang · 10 years
Can you ship me please? (Please take your time if you are busy!!) :) I'm quite short, 156cm and i have very dark brown hair. I love baking and dancing! People describe me as cute but I think I'm rather shy and quiet on the outside but i can get hyperactive when I'm with someone I'm close to!
We ship you with Jimin!
Jiminnie’s ideal is short and cute aka you! You perfectly fit into his ideal type ^^; and you also share a passion; dance! Jimin would totally ask you to dance with him for comeback mv’s maybe or just for total fun. He’d love it soooo much. Also he’d ask you to bake all kinds of cookies and cakes for him just because admin k wants him chubby again. We also see Jimin being all cute with you when you guys are hanging out with friends of his you’d meet for the first time. He’d be all cuddling you and talking sweet to you and about you and when you guys are alone it would be either romantic between you or just 100% fun with two hyperactive persons bouncing all around the room laughing and having loads of fun!
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