Yen: do you see me as a mother figure, Ciri?
Ciri: no, if anything I see you as a bother figure as you’re always bothering me
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Elfo: You like me platonically for my personality?
Bean: I’m just as surprised as you are
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I know I can’t be the only one who feels weird about the whole Taylor Swift Version thing with some of her songs/albums? I’m no TS fan and get wanting to re-record or do something else with a previously released song, like it’s not that uncommon to find the word “remastered” on some tracks/albums/etc, but from what I've gathered, it's coming across very much like TS wasn't aware that she wouldn't own the rights to the mastering or the recording and that she would only own the rights to the lyrics if she wrote the songs and the vocals by going to a recording studio to put it simply? If you don't know much about releasing songs, I get that you're not necessarily going to understand the ins and outs of it, I definitely didn't a few years ago, and I'm aware she was kinda young when she started out so I get why at the time she wouldn't know, but she's been in the industry long enough to understand that she wasn't the one who recorded or mastered those things before the Taylor version?
Like I said, I'm no TS fan and this is coming from an outsiders perspective but it seems almost bratty. I get that there were apparently some things going on which is apparently why she did the Taylor Versions of albums, but at the same time there seems to be something else that I can't quite place my finger on. I saw a post on instagram about how TS sent Kelly Clarkson flowers and the vast majority of the comments was basically along the lines of women supporting women and women empowering women predominantly by what I can only assume are TS fans and it felt very weird. I don't mind some of her songs, it just doesn't sit right with me about the way her and her fans (at least the hard core fans) are going about the recording and remastering thing. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing either of those things, but it's just the stuff surrounding it that doesn't sit right with me
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Finally back to watching the Witcher. Apparently, I got up to season 2 episode 7 during my last watch but l thought l was earlier in the series than episode 7
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lowkey tempted to make a twilight side blog where I basically criticise and talk about the books and series kinda like I do on here
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right, who was gonna tell me that these two men:
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are two different people? who was gonna tell me that?
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here's another unrealistic thing, the 20 somethings not having their phones on silent. like, how many actual people around that age don't have their phones on silent?
*spoilers for the new national treasure show*
I've started the national treasure show (I know it came out last December) and currently on the second episode as im writing this and so far the ONLY unrealistic thing is Jess answering the phone to a number she doesn't know. like, this is a sequel show of a movie series based on treasure hunting and THAT is the only unrealistic thing. I don't think anyone around her age answers a phone call from a number that isn't saved unless they're expecting it (me included)
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*spoilers for the new national treasure show*
I've started the national treasure show (I know it came out last December) and currently on the second episode as im writing this and so far the ONLY unrealistic thing is Jess answering the phone to a number she doesn't know. like, this is a sequel show of a movie series based on treasure hunting and THAT is the only unrealistic thing. I don't think anyone around her age answers a phone call from a number that isn't saved unless they're expecting it (me included)
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I can then picture this eventually leading to that one post a while back (that I annoyingly can’t find right this second) about how if all the knights and Gwen knowing about merlin’s magic and taking bets to see who can get away with the most
so I know the joke is that if gwaine knew about merlins magic, he would see how far he could push it. like, I get that’s the joke, but my boy Lancelot lowkey did that. not to the extent of the joke, but it definitely happens (see that one scene where lance basically tells merlin to clean arthurs wine stained shirt with magic in the middle of a crowed corridor). but I think if gwaine DID know, the two would defiantly have bets to see what they can get away with with it. at first merlin isn’t the biggest fan of it, just kinda puts up with their shenanigans, but after a while he just joins in and all hell breaks loose seeing who can one up the other
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so I know the joke is that if gwaine knew about merlins magic, he would see how far he could push it. like, I get that’s the joke, but my boy Lancelot lowkey did that. not to the extent of the joke, but it definitely happens (see that one scene where lance basically tells merlin to clean arthurs wine stained shirt with magic in the middle of a crowed corridor). but I think if gwaine DID know, the two would defiantly have bets to see what they can get away with with it. at first merlin isn’t the biggest fan of it, just kinda puts up with their shenanigans, but after a while he just joins in and all hell breaks loose seeing who can one up the other
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like yeah, dewey Finn did break the law (fraud and I guess child endangerment/kidnapping) but he did care about the kids. like when Freddie runs off while dewey was talking to Tomika, or the conversation between dewey and Tomika. or when he sees zachs dad being a bit of a dick in the car park and seeing zach being obviously upset, dewey uses that to see if zach is okay
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This is Charles. He wants to go on a journey around tumblr. could you show him around?
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all of this, and the fact wednesy moved her crime board or whatever it was out of their room when enid feints looking at the pictures of dead bodies. I honestly don’t think she would do that for the boys. Wednesday seems to take in enid’s feelings a lot more than nearly everyone else in the show (with the exception of like three other characters: pugsley, Eugene and thing). she seems to brush off Xavier and Tyler and doesn’t seem to care all too much if she makes them upset, but when Wednesday and enid have their argument and Enid goes to a different room? Wednesday has the whole “I thought I liked being alone, but why does it hurt?” moment to thing
whether or not you ship Wednesday and Enid together, their relationship is the healthiest out of the three. we see Wednesday actually grow a hell of a lot more with enid than she does with Tyler and Xavier. she actively uses the latter two for her own benefit and doesn’t appear to care all too much if either gets hurt along the way. but this doesn’t appear to be the case with Enid by the end of season 1. 
Out of al the boys at the school we’ve seen her interact with so far (that I remember), Eugene might actually be the only one she has a healthy relationship with as she cares that he’s hurt when he ends up in hospital and goes to visit him regularly. she cares that her friend got hurt and wants to make sure that he’s okay. we see this happen with enid as well. while she kinda used both for her own gain at the start, she grows to actually care about them by the end
Wednesday is painfully incompatible with both of the boys but is surprisingly compatible with Enid. Here’s why I think that is:
Let’s start with Tyler. Aside from the OBVIOUS reasons why Tyler would not make a good boyfriend for Wednesday (the fact that their relationship was based on lies, deceit, and manipulation, and the fact that he tried to kill her…)
Let’s talk about why Wednesday would not make a good girlfriend for Tyler, IF Tyler was actually redeemed. Now this is based on the theory that Tyler developed a split personality from the torture that Laurel gave him and the “real Tyler” is still good and separate from monster Tyler. If Tyler is going to fight off the monster and the brainwashing, he needs someone who is patient and compassionate… not someone who is focused solely on punishment and will torture him with electro shock therapy and bring up his mom’s post partum depression in front of everyone.
As for Xavier, he’s made it pretty clear he thinks she’s toxic. Now, sure, he still likes her, or perhaps he likes the idea of her in his head… but once the thrill of the chasing Wednesday wore off I can see Xavier feeling under appreciated. Xavier needs someone who appreciates his art work and his passion. Wednesday is not that person. If they dated I can see the “You’re toxic” arguments breaking out constantly and Xavier would get tired of her being so cold and calculating, and Wednesday would get tired of him being emotional and whiny. It just wouldn’t work out in the long term.
Now when it comes to Wenclair… I know people will argue that Wenclair is toxic and that they are incompatible because they have completely different tastes and personalities. Also since Enid is emotional and Wednesday is cold and calculating, it’s just a recipe for trouble, right? I mean they did have a whole falling out over it, didn’t they?
If Wednesday treated Enid the same way that she treated the boys, I might be inclined to agree. But when it comes to Enid… Wednesday is just different. Not a different person, but rather a warmer, more sensitive version of herself.
Wednesday was more than happy to show her lack of appreciation for the things the boys made her- Xavier’s drawings, and Tyler’s latte art which he said took him over a week to perfect. But when it comes to Enid and her snood, even though Wednesday hated it, she did not want Enid to know. She said she would wear it for a more special occasion, like a funeral. When Enid said “We can wear our snoods!” Wednesday did not hesitate to put hers on. Was that done partly to get Enid to do what she wants? Yeah, sure. But you CANNOT tell me that either of those boys could get Wednesday to wear a snood.
Now about that falling out, it was bad, Enid called Wednesday out on her toxic, manipulative behaviour, but they made up in the end and came to a mutual understanding. Wednesday also seemed clearly more upset after the argument with Enid than she had been after the boys were mad at her. She appeared to actually CARE when Enid was angry with her, even though she tried and failed to act like she didn’t.
As Enid said, “we work. We shouldn’t, but we do.” Enid stands up to Wednesday and mocks her lightly, but she also accepts Wednesday for who she is. Wednesday is also more kind to Enid than she is with most people. Her words to Enid are genuine and heartfelt. Enid brings out a “spark of warmth” in Wednesday without forcing it. And that’s why Enid is the only one I can picture Wednesday being in a healthy relationship with.
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Ciri: how can you not care?
Geralt: easy, like this
Geralt: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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with it being two years and two days after nov 5th, I’ve finally started supernatural properly as itv seems to have every season
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Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Look buddy, i’m just trying to make it to Friday.
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Gwen: we need to get through this locked door. Elyan, give me your credit card
Elyan: here
Gwen, pocketing it: thanks. Percival, kick the door down
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