jewelstrology · 3 years
If you are neurodivergent, disabled, chronically ill, mentally ill, or anything of the sort, remember this: You are allowed to change practices up so you can do them.
If there is a ritual that you can't do for some reason, you are fully allowed and encouraged to make it so you can!
Nonverbal spellwork exists! Rituals that are low in spoons exist! Easy and calm rituals exist! And when you come across some that aren't fashioned for you, make them work for you!
You're valid, you're not lazy or difficult, and you deserve to enjoy your craft.
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jewelstrology · 3 years
An emoji spell to attract prosperity and financial abundance, and the necessary opportunities to achieve it. Likes charge, reblogs cast. ✧・゚: *✧・゚✧・゚: *✧・゚
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jewelstrology · 4 years
the signs as new york quotes
‘i was bored so i purposefully ruined lunch and i had fun doing it’ - leo, scorpio, pisces, cancer, gemini, aries
‘they’re like a loud pack of idiot bitches and i’m sick of them already’ - virgo, cap, taurus, gemini, cancer, aquarius
‘cute next to gorgeous, you know gorgeous is gonna devour cute’ - libra, pisces, taurus, leo, gemini, virgo
‘i wish you an ounce of luck’ - virgo, aquarius, scorpio, taurus, pisces
‘after you stole my coat, i did a little research.. you’re a whore!’ - sag, aries, scorpio, cap, virgo, gemini
‘beyonce??? BEYONCE??? you look like luther vandross’ - sag, aries, aqua, taurus, scorpio
‘my mind, UGH, it amazes me sometimes’ - aqua, gemini, virgo, cap, scorpio, pisces
‘i was never a child, as soon as i popped out my mom, i was in the know’ - pisces, aqua, cap, taurus, virgo, scorpio
‘you look like a fairy princess... who resides over the pits of hell’ - libra, virgo, scorpio, sag, aries
‘i don’t apologize because i never, you know.. make mistakes’ - leo, cap, aries, scorpio, taurus, cancer, virgo, pisces
‘good morning, good morning, good morning, not you, you can choke’ - aries, sag, taurus, cap, cancer, scorpio
‘give it up deelishis! you look like a man’ - sag, scorpio, aries, cap
‘my ass been on pause, but i’m about to press play in a motha fucking millisecond’ - taurus, cap, pisces, scorpio
‘i’m a natural beauty’ - libra, gemini, virgo, pisces, scorpio, sag, aries
‘i’m sorry for the attitude, i’m really not, but i’ll tell you that i am’ - cancer, pisces, scorpio, taurus, aries, sag
‘they don’t matter, i’m what matters!’ libra, scorpio, aries, pisces, cancer
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jewelstrology · 4 years
Someone: so why do you like elves so much
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jewelstrology · 4 years
donations masterpost
i've composed a list of all of the donation fund i could find. i will stand with black lives forever and always and everybody should do the same.
donate to the minneapolis bail fund here
donate to the black lives matter movement here
donate to the george floyd memorial fund here
donate to george floyd's family here
donate to the justice for regis fund here
donate to reclaim the block here
donate to the i run with maud fund here
donate to justice for jamee here
donate to the eric rosalia fund here
donate to campaign zero here
donate to the north star collective here
donate to black visions here
donate to the national police accountability project here
donate to the unicorn riot fund here
if i've missed any then please add them onto this post! if you're a black person with your own donation fund then feel free to add that too!
share if you can't donate, share if you can
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jewelstrology · 4 years
I call upon Tyr to grant justice for George Floyd and everyone killed by those who oppress
I call upon Freyja to grant strength to those protesting the injustice
And I call upon Odin to grant victory to those fighting the oppression
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jewelstrology · 4 years
A Spell to Protect BLM Protesters
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Although magic is no substitute for genuine activism, not all of us are able to attend protests, donate money, or even be outspoken about our support. This spell allows you to magically lend your energy to the cause.
What you will need: 
a sheet of white, red, or black paper
a black pen
a protection oil, a protective essential oil like myrrh or rosemary, or salt water
Performing the Ritual:
Write the words “Black Lives Matter” in the center of your paper. As you do so, visualize these words forming a connection between yourself and the protesters who are a part of the movement. 
Draw a circle around the words, moving your pen counterclockwise.
Say: “I cast protection around those protesting on behalf of the Black Lives Matter movement. They are under my protection from anyone who would do them harm or oppose their goals.”
If you work with sigils, runes, or some other kind of magical symbols, feel free to incorporate symbols for protection and power into your circle.
Take a little bit of your oil or salt water on the tip of your index finger and use it to anoint the circle at each of the four cardinal points (north, east, south, west), starting at the top of the circle and moving clockwise.
Say, “May this [oil/salt] protect those protesting on behalf of the Black Lives Matter movement. May it shield them from harm and surround them with a wall of protection and light.”
Focus your energy on the paper, and visualize the protests going on around the country right now. Focus on sending your energy to those protests to protect and support those participating.
I’m a Reiki practitioner, so when I did this spell I also incorporated a distance Reiki session to send Reiki energy to those protesting, and to add an extra layer of protection. If you practice any kind of energy work, that would be a beautiful thing to incorporate into this spell. 
If you worship any deities associated with justice, feel free to call on them during this ritual. 
Finally, if you have an altar, fold up your paper and place it on your altar once you finish the spell. Keeping the paper in a sacred space will allow it to keep receiving energy, and you can come back to pray for/send energy to protesters again in the future. 
What to do next
If you can, donate to organizations that contribute to the cause, like Black Visions Collective, Reclaim the Block, or a similar local organization. 
If you can’t donate, raise awareness on social media and in real life. (For my fellow white folks: try to focus on sharing stories from POC, rather than talking over them. Yes, we should use our privilege to raise awareness, but we should do that in a way that keeps the focus on those who are directly affected by the issue.)
IF YOU ARE ATTENDING A PROTEST, be smart and be safe. Keep your face covered, don’t talk to reporters, don’t take pictures (especially if you use iCloud!), stay the fuck away from anyone with a camera, and don’t post about it on social media. 
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jewelstrology · 4 years
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After work drinks and meat pie 
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jewelstrology · 4 years
What The Signs Are Doing During This Pandemic...🦠
Aries - Thinking about sex and who your gonna do it with when you get out of this prison, you’re probably think of how too 💀
Taurus - You’re thriving, you’re just happy the earths getting a break... you’re probably taking care of your plant babies and lounging around content af. How long has it been since you messaged your friends/called them? You don’t care you’re too busy playing Animal Crossing
Gemini - Playing video games and arguing/trolling with randoms on voice chat just to converse... i know some of y’all be doin that.
Cancer - Video call parties that end in tears or with you actually! getting too drunk?.. you enjoy video chatting a lot tho so you force your friends to video call you
Leo - Practicing your dance moves for the club so that you can show them off, but everyone knows that once this is all over your still gonna stay inside/go clubbing and be too shy to dance.
Virgo - Learning how to paint better and thinking about how you could make extra $ with ur paintings or if you’ll just end up making an onlyfans like everyone else
Libra - Baking and doing it terribly but then finally getting the perfect cookies or cake and taking 100 pictures of it like it’s your child... bc it is!
Scorpio - Crying dramatically to sad music while staring outside your window... then realising that you’re being kinda dramatic
Sagittarius - You’re going through it the worst bc being still is EXTREMELY hard for Sagi’s and so you’re just running around annoying the members of your household until a physical fight breaks loose. There’s nothing else to do but argue, eat, or plan where you’re going to travel next.
Capricorn - You’ve NEEDED a break! Anytime you’re not working or SCHEMING an evil plan, you start to feel like you’re falling apart. chill bruh 🥱
Aquarius - You’re telling everyone how you think this is a big conspiracy theory and some of you really be REACHIN! but in a way you’re thriving, and you’re prepared for the apocalypse.
Pisces - Watching all of Naruto/ ur fave LONG ASS show! You’ve probably already finished it and now you have tension headaches nightly and sunlight burns tf outta your eyes.
p.s my $5 love/general readings r open! dm.
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jewelstrology · 4 years
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“The Diary Of A Forest Girl. Aeppol is an artist who tries to capture the beauty held in the uniqueness of the ethereal moments from everyday life that inspire us before they disappear forever.”
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jewelstrology · 4 years
My favorite bit of folk medicine is that we’re supposed to take wormwood for intestinal parasites. It’s actually really effective, which is how wormwood got its name, but the reason it’s effective is that wormwood is literally just poison and it happens to kill the worms slightly faster than it kills you.
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jewelstrology · 4 years
May I ask for you for a free reading? I am 22 and soon to finish college. I got an offer to study pharmacy at a prestigious uni and I also got an amazing job offer. Initially I wanted to accept my pharmacy offer, but my friends tell me i will be too old when I graduate (i would be 25/26) and i shouldn’t waste my time with college and just make money and therefore accept the job offer. Do you have any advice? I overthink everything and my vision is just not clear anymore. Thank you so much ❤️
i’m sorry i don’t do free readings atm but here’s the other options just incase x
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jewelstrology · 4 years
i wanna be the girl who lives in a cottage on the scottish country side with horses, chickens, pigs, cats, dogs and cows,(still vegan... these are pets!), who is self sufficient and grows her own food so she doesn’t need to grocery shop and works from home doing spell work for clients and painting her visions of the destructive future.
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jewelstrology · 4 years
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The Signs as Types of Fae
Aries - Will O’Wisp, pretty tiny fairies that glow and fly above lakes and other bodies of water during the night. They look like little flickering candles and have been sighted globally. And they have a cute name... Will O’Wisp.
Taurus - Brownies, fae that stick together and raid homes for their supplies. If something goes missing, blame it on the brownies. If they like you they might clean your house while stealing your things.
Gemini - Changeling, an ugly fairy baby that replaces the stolen human baby. Although I read somewhere that changelings were just children with disabilities and honestly that’s kind of sad soo.... but we’ll include Changelings because I think the concept itself is freaky.
Cancer - Kelpies, kind of scary dark water horses that come from celtic mythology. Are said to haunt bodies of water and drag you into the waters depths. They can shapeshift as well and can take human form. They’re genuinely scary to me idk.
Leo - Salamanders, fire type fairies that are really important and powerful to the element of fire. They can be quite cheeky though, so be careful if you want to summon their help because they can be a little bit destructive sometimes. 👀
Virgo - Dryads, tree spirits from Greek Mythology. Basically pretty tree girls who do nothing but dwell by beautiful big trees naked. Oh how i wish that were me right now.
Libra - Sylphs, beautiful fairies of the air. You can barely see them because they’re so transparent and blend in with the sky. They’re hard to catch but a beautiful sight to see when you do get the chance. They go wherever the wind leads them, and sometimes you can hear them singing in the sky.
Scorpio - Banshee, from Irish and Scottish mythology. Banshees scream as a warning to families that someone dear to them may die soon. She’s like La Llorona... except no bc she doesn’t steal your kids, she just wails out a gut wrenching, frightening cry.
Sagittarius - Puca, shapeshifter fae in celtic mythology. A lot of the time they are said to have been seen in the form of a horse, but can also shapeshift into a human. They can be both good or bad.
Capricorn - Dwarves, little people that are said to be living in the mountains, hard workers (PERIODT) and highkey rich because think about all the gold and gems they find... 👀 Dwarves are from germanic mythology and are associated with mining, crafting and wisdom.
Aquarius - Elves, found in many places, I associate them with Aquarius because of the way they hold themselves. They’re elegant like and intelligent, they are good with art but they make it their own. They dance to their own beat and rebel when needed.
Pisces - Merfolk, as always they’re associated with Pisces because of their connection to water, dreams, creativity and emotions. Merfolk are half human and half fish, they live discreetly in the undiscovered areas of our oceans.
{for a love/general reading, message me}🖤
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jewelstrology · 4 years
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Cottage dwelling dragons
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jewelstrology · 4 years
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jewelstrology · 4 years
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Mixed media on cardboard (acrylic, collage, ecoline), 20 x 28 cm.
Giuseppe Velardo
SOLD https://www.etsy.com/it/shop/GiuseppeVelardoArt
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