i hate it when
there’s like a feeling in your gut that something is very wrong and the feeling is so strong that it makes you feel physically ill but the problem is that there’s actually nothing wrong so you don’t know what to do
and the feeling just doesn’t go away
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I just wanted to do a survey.
Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed? Open, since I usually put something in the laundry basket.
Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotels? My mom usually does it if it is good.
Have you ever ‘done it’ in a hotel room? No, but all I do is sleep in hotel rooms.
Where is your next vacation? Outlet mall.
Have you ever stolen a street sign before? Nope, but in my city it'd cause traffic.
Who do you think reads these? Those who like to read.
Do you have a calendar in your room? Nope, it's in my kitchen.
Where are you? At my humble abode.
What’s your plan for the day? Try to be productive.
Are you reading any books right now? Sadly, I am not. After finals, I should be.
Do you ever count your steps when you walk? Maybe I did in the past, but not now.
Have you ever peed in the woods? I haven't gone camping before, so no.
Do you ever dance even if there’s no music playing? Who doesn't?
Do you chew your pens and pencils? Not usually, I play or spin them or balance them. I put them on my lips.
What is your “Song of the Week”? Don't truly have one, but I have been sick and sad this week. Snow Patrol-Chasing Cars
Is it okay for guys to wear pink? Why not?
Do you still watch cartoons? I primarily watch cartoons.
Whats your favorite love movie? Don't have one yet.
What do you drink with dinner? Water.
What do you dip Chicken Nuggets in? Don't eat them, I gave up fast food a years ago. I usually eat a salad when I'm forced to eat there due to my parents.
What is your favorite food/cuisine? I don't truly have one, but my parents choose.
What movies could you watch over and over and still love? Disney movies and animated Japanese ones.
Last person you hugged/kissed? Yusra hugged me yesterday to demonstrate as an expression of storytelling.
Were you ever a boy/girl scout? No.
Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine? No.
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper? I'd like to say 2 years ago, but I feel like it has been longer.
Can you change the oil on a car? Done it once before.
Ever gotten a speeding ticket? Don't drive.
Run out of gas? Don't drive.
Favorite kind of sandwich? Whole wheat with a bunch of vegetables that I have difficulty fitting into my mouth without it all overflowing.
Best thing to eat for breakfast? i would answer something witty but i did that on my other blog. I like to eat cake with heavy icing.
What is your usual bedtime? 11:30 pm-1:00 am
Are you lazy? It depends on the incentive and time.
When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween? Witch, Cowgirl, Pirate, Hello Kitty, Teletubby.
Do you have any magazine subscriptions? Seventeen, I don't truly know why. I think it makes me feel somewhat content.
Which are better, legos or lincoln logs? Legos are a better weapon.
Are you stubborn? If I truly believe in it.
Who is better…Leno or Letterman? They're the same.
Ever watch soap operas? I watch it if I am bored, but not anytime recent.
Afraid of heights? I'm afraid to fall but I was before. Now, I like to think I am not.
Sing in the car? Yes, and in the shower.
Dance in the shower? Somewhat, if I'm in a performance.
Dance in the car? Not really.
Ever used a gun? I used it at this summer camp with rifles and cans.
Do you think musicals are cheesy? I have to see it to judge it, but some may be and some may not be. Things can't be conformed.
Is Christmas stressful? Well, I don't celebrate it. No.
Ever eat a pierogi? Never even heard of it.
Major annoyance right now? Finals, school, people.
Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid? Everything, I wanted to be a psychologist last year. I'm studying nutrition this year. In Kindergarten, I had 4 jobs: teacher, doctor, chef, and photographer (I think).
Do you believe in ghosts? no.
Ever have a deja-vu feeling? Well, sometimes I think of dreams or events that are familiar.
Do you take a vitamin daily? Nah, I'm too forgetful.
Wear slippers? I wear flip flops in the house.
Wear a bath robe? No.
What do you wear to bed? Shirt and pants.
Wal-Mart, Target or K-Mart? Target gives back to the community, so I go there.
Nike or Adidas? I don't even care, but I have more Nike.
Cheetos Or Fritos? I don't eat either.
Peanuts or Sunflower seeds? Peanuts.
Ever hear of, “gorp”? no.
Ever taken karate? no.
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? I haven't been kissed.
Can you curl your tongue? No.
Ever won a spelling bee? I was second to this girl who I'm close to in 7th grade, I am always second to her in my eyes.
Ever cried because you were so happy? I don't think so.
Own any record albums? I want to, but I don't.
Own a record player? No.
Regularly burn incense? Nope.
Ever been in love? No, no one is interested in me.
Hot tea or cold tea: any tea is good tea.
Tea or coffee? tea
Favorite kind of cookie? chocolate with chocolate chip
Can you swim well? i love to be underwater and swim, so yes,
Can you hold your breath w/o manually holding your nose? Yup, not for long though.
Are you patient? I try to be.
Ever won a contest? I don't think I did.
Ever had plastic surgery? No, that would be against my beliefs.
Which are better black or green olives? Black olives.
Can you knit or crochet? Back in 3rd grade I could, but not now.
Wash room or bathroom? Bathroom is more common, the more former sounds more eloquent.
Do you want to get married? Yes, I went to 5 weddings in December. I just want someone to hold my hand and not get sick of me.
Who was your High School crush? I'll inform you when I have one.
Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way? I don't think I do.
Do you have kids? Nope, but my laptop is considered my baby.
Do you want kids? Not now.
What kind of mom are you? A non-qualifying one as I don't have a child.
Do you miss anyone right now? Yes, too many people.
Who do you want to see right now? Grandparents, old school friends.
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pronunciation | “sO-bRe-‘mA-sa note | the word is different in Spanish than in Portuguese, where it just means ‘dessert’.
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I cannot stand small talk, because I feel like there’s an elephant standing in the room shitting all over everything and nobody is saying anything. I’m just dying to say, “Hey, do you ever feel like jumping off a bridge?” or “Do you feel an emptiness inside your chest at night that is going to swallow you?” But you can’t say that at a cocktail party.
Paul Gilmartin, The Mental Illness Happy Hour (via buddhacoffee)
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"A dancer," I was.
"A dreamer," they said.
"one does not simply wish and achieve," my heart shattered.
"why not?" 
try harder, 
I tried. 
"Tried too hard," overachiever. 
I broke, never to be pieced together again. No one to be the encouragement to my soul, the repairs I needed.
So I simply sat, and withered away. Slowly, very quietly.
"Where did she go?" whispers were heard.
I never answered. I wasn't there. 
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Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.
Rudyard Kipling (via larmoyante)
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3A. Night
From ancient times, Night has been associated with darkness and evil. He is viewed as the black sheep of the family while his brother,Day, basks in the glory and praise for all the light and reassurances he spreads to the people. Day receives the riches and luxuries while Night has nowhere to go in the daylight hours. Night had no home during the daylight hours so he wandered alone in search of a place to stay.Despite working as much as Day does, even a bit more, Night is only seen a nuisance to many causing them insecurity and fearing safety. "If only there was no Night and we had Day all 24 hours," the people say carelessly. Night believes himself to be unwanted and unappreciated, so instead he chooses to leave the world in Day's care to see how the people will feel. Night predicts they can't stand the heat of the sun and that they will soon recognize his importance as he will be welcomed with open arms. Unfortunately, life never seems to go as desired for the people had clouds to restrain the heat and rain available to soothe them to sleep. "It is much better without Night here," the people would say. Night wandered as a nomad, searching for a future of which he wasn't sure of until he came across a girl called Luna. Luna, unlike the other people, loved the darkness and soaking it in. She suffered in the daylight, wishing for Night to return with the dark she cherished. Thus, Luna asked Night to return for the darkness to bring her comfort. Night declined the offer, thinking of the people and how they adore their lives without him. Luna came up with a solution, in which she'd go up with Night to light up the world just a little bit more and keep the people from complaining of his darkness. That is how we have our current predicament of Night and Luna in the sky which soothed the people and kept their sinister fears at bay. For finally, Night had a home to remain during the daylight hours as long as he had Luna.
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Lemony Snicket’s short letters for his dead ex-fiancee written in his books “A Series of Unfortunate Events”
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"The stage,
I was scared; I truly was as I waited backstage.
I wasn’t ready; it was never my best talent.
But they never turned it against me,
They made it my power.
I didn’t feel beautiful
They told me differently, they held my hands and prayed with me,
I never believed I was the best, I never thought I could do it.
They told me I could, they gave me confidence.
Stages came and stages left, I grew more and more eager.
Through it all they loved me,
And I learned to love them back.
I still do.
My family, my partners, my everything.
And now I feel that even if I was to die
It should be on a stage;
with them." 
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"She still recalls the first time they talked, it wasn't anything special really, just a few words here and there. It still brings a smile to her face as she remembers how he kept her company then. She can still hear the melody he first played for her on the piano. She laughed it off simply commenting, “This is so cheesy, you’re so stereotypical.” He was never her type so she didn't know why he affected her so much. It was okay though because she didn't need to understand to feel.
He still vividly remembers the first time he talked to her. She was bundled up in a sweater and scarf waiting for the bus. He chuckles thinking about how nervous he probably sounded. He still hears the laughter that echoed off of the walls as he played the piano for her. It wasn't a date, there was no magical slow motion falling and catching, nor was there the passionate-staring-into-each-other’s-eyes-kiss that was years in the making. He understood very clearly why he loved her. He wasn't the popular school jock, and she wasn't the girl that every guy swooned after, but when he was with her he felt like a prince. So needless to say he completely understood his feelings for her, but that didn't really matter because he didn't need to understand to love.
They still remember the first time they spoke to each other, it was a tad awkward and there was no real meaning behind the words spoken. Heads lean on shoulders as they recall the time they snuck out of the hospital ward to share laughter and the soft lulling noise of the piano. Tears are brought to their eyes as they recall the many times spent holding hands as medicine was distributed freely through veins.
“We beat Romeo and Juliet,” he whispered as they held onto each other.
She knew he was wrong, they hadn’t beat Romeo and Juliet, they re-wrote Romeo and Juliet.  For she was the strong one who never let his hand fall, and it was in times like these when she teased him for being her manly princess.
And in the end, “So are we going to finally kiss passionately while staring into each other’s eyes or do you-,” he never got to finish,but that was fine, because soon lips were on lips, and although there were no fireworks in the background or ribbons thrown all around; they still stared into each other’s eyes. It was at that moment that she understood, and at that moment that he was completed. The moment when they felt as if though there was no love story as great as theirs."
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Litographs - entire books printed on shirts
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from “Wandering in the Cage” by Charles Bukowski
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2A. Time
Withering away should lead to death, but Time ticks on day by day. He lives to see the lives of billions, be it in poverty or wealth, suffering or happiness. Time sees the changes that others fail to notice, like how one's smile gets smaller with each and every passing day. In the youth, Time is disregarded like those old textbooks that people store in the back of their closets just to have if He is ever needed. When He calls for his friends about the closeness of death, they do not heed his warning and carelessly go on not truly fulfilling their life. If there is anyone who is less loved than Death, it is Time.
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Arizona Sweet Tea,
That's what I think of when thinking about Christmas. "It's mid-November, a bit early for Christmas thoughts don't you think," I'm often told. Not for me, never for me. I live in my world, a world where every night I travel through snow-blanketed hills, and where I warm up my ridiculously cold palms over a steady paced fireplace. So why sweet tea, you might be wondering? I often think to myself when looking out my bedroom window, or as I sit on the bus watching the cars speed past. I wonder why the world seems to want a perfection defined as identical. 
Sometimes it hurts me because everyone is a hypocrite. " Everyone is different, accept it," isn't that what many people say? Of course, they re-word it and soften it up, adding a bit of jazz into it every now and then. 
So i wonder why people want the same beauty, the same mindset, why they want us to all perform a bandwagon technique on each other. Because to some, I may not be beautiful, I may not be the definition of true beauty. Why? maybe it's because my body isn't tiny, nor is my face un-chipped, and flawless. 
I try, I do. but what is the point of trying to change flaws that I can't seem to find in myself? 
so what does this have to do with Sweet tea? simple. While most people enjoy the beauty of sipping warm Hot Chocolate, maybe even eggnog, I enjoy the cool refreshing taste of sweet tea as it slides down my throat. For me the tea represents myself. Why? Because I am the drink that surpassed the Hot coco, and the Eggnog. Because i am the drink that broke the rules, and stereotypes. 
So Arizona Sweet Tea, with it's "Southern Style", is the drink for me. 
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"Fingers are moving ever so slightly. As much as she wants to get the note correct, every time she plays, it's dissonance. 
Why? she questions it. 
She who does not appreciate the music that she plays is blinded by frustration. She who does not hear, who does not see anything but anger does not notice the peeking.
She does not notice the silent footsteps that waltz across the room, nor does she feel the touch ghosting upon her waist. For she is blind. 
Too blind to notice the love, too blind to notice her surroundings. 
"perfect," she whispers to herself as she finds the key. She looks around, glancing for a moment, searching for the hands that held hers. She looks around for the one to hold her tight. 
She sees none. 
She has completed her masterpiece, but she has ruined the greatest one of them all."
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They do not love one another because they do not love themselves.
Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five (via larmoyante)
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