study-and-be-gay · 1 year
I really really REALLY don't want to be the antisemitism mutual again bc y'all do not know how much damage that did to my mental health. But the fact that goyim only ever mention the antisemitism in what is literally blood libel: the game as an afterthought, sometimes not even expressing it by name, and instead focusing on the trans issue - I'm saying this as a trans Jew: fucking stop it. Even if not one single penny ended up in jkr's hands bc of this game it would still be extremely harmful. Stop saying "even ignoring the game's moral problems" or "not even mentioning the antisemitism". MENTION THE ANTISEMITISM. This is a game teaching fascist ideals to PRETEENS. It is teaching them that Jewish caricatures deserve to DIE for the crime of wanting their cultural artifacts back, it is teaching them that Jewish caricatures wanting to no longer be oppressed is equal to murdering "wizards" (aka white goyim) (while the main character literally discovers they're pure bloods...) and kidnapping children - THE OLDEST FORM OF BLOOD LIBEL. Jewish lives MATTER. I'm saying this as a trans Jew, but cishet, able bodied, white, neurotypical Jews also deserve to be safe. We all deserve to be able to exist as Jews without being targeted. Antisemitic hate crimes has been on the rise by hundreds of percentages worldwide, especially in the US and Europe. Stop treating us as afterthoughts.
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study-and-be-gay · 1 year
After voting, put what you voted in the tags
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study-and-be-gay · 1 year
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Officially into term 2! Absolutely loving my new modules so far, so hopefully that will help motivate me to keep up with the work. Also managed to sign on to a house for next year which is such a relief. I was starting to get very stressed- there's a massive housing crisis where I live so there was a real chance we would end up with nothing. I've been working more recently as well which is tiring but nice. It means I'm less worried about money than I used to be though I'm also spending far, far too much on coffee from nero haha.
I can already feel the weather warming up but I'm still hoping for a little more snow than we got in December.
Lots of love<3
Date: 31/1/23
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study-and-be-gay · 1 year
When I make a post about being a trans girl and there's trans dudes in my notes going "I totally get this but the exact opposite"
I am high fiving you
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study-and-be-gay · 1 year
Let’s fight.
What’s the worst household chore? Clearly it’s doing laundry.
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study-and-be-gay · 1 year
They should invent a song that's exactly like the song I currently like but also slightly different and unique but with the same vibes
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study-and-be-gay · 1 year
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There is no better way to start the day than with a good study session📚✨
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study-and-be-gay · 1 year
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Submitted my first exam! It was very stressful, four days of writing essays that I definitely didn't understand. I've decided that I much prefer coursework, I'd rather spend months working on an essay than panic over doing it quickly haha. That was definitely not my best work but I'm hoping that I've at least passed as that's all I need to do to get through this year thankfully.
I have one piece of coursework to finish and then an exam but everything will be done! Really looking forward to next term so I'm letting that keep me going.
Hope everyone is doing well<3
Date: 12/1/23
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study-and-be-gay · 1 year
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Happy new year everyone! My new year's resolution is definitely to post on here more it's been so long haha! Exam season is coming up, my first one is on Monday and I'm definitely not as prepared as I should be but I'm trying not to stress too much. I think I've gotten a lot better at finding a balance between studying and hanging out with friends, I just need to work more on having a routine next term. I've got plenty of time, I'm just not always using it very productively.
I'm so looking forward to my modules next term that I'm almost looking forward to exams because as soon as they're done I can start doing these topics that I'm super interested in.
Hope everyone's had a great start to the new year and good luck to everyone also doing exams!
Date: 6/1/23
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study-and-be-gay · 1 year
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Hi everyone.
Officially at university now! It's been a very stressful few weeks adjusting to everything but I think I'm coping quite well and I'm starting to submit essays. The amount of reading is a lot more overwhelming than I thought it would be but I'm trying my best to keep up.
I've managed to make some nice friends and we've even taken a few trips recently. The social side is very different to how it was back home but I'm liking the freedom of uni.
Hope everyone's school year has started well<3
Date: 15/11/22
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study-and-be-gay · 1 year
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study-and-be-gay · 1 year
so fucked up that halloweens on monday. thats a friday kind of holiday
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study-and-be-gay · 1 year
I think I've worked out (part of the reason) why there's been such a huge uptick in folks who don't reblog things on here.
This post has like 14k notes right now, and the tags and comments and reblogs are FULL of people who didn't know about fast-reblog, and -- you guys have been slow-reblogging this whole time!?!??!?!?
In the interests of a) making your lives easier, and b) encouraging you to reblog posts, which is what keeps this site alive, here's how you fast-reblog:
On mobile: press and hold the reblog button. Your blog icon will appear. If you have sideblogs, all of the different icons will appear. Drag to whichever blog you want to reblog to, and release. Job done.
On desktop: hold down the E key and click reblog. Job done.
You're welcome. Now get reblogging.
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study-and-be-gay · 2 years
reblog if you wear glasses. too many mutuals don't know they have glasses wearers in their midsts
182K notes · View notes
study-and-be-gay · 2 years
I officially have my A Level results! I got an A*A*A with my A being in history and my A*s in Politics and English. I'm shocked and relieved and so excited to have gotten into my first choice uni to study Philosophy and Politics.
I hope everyone else getting results today and in the next few weeks is just as happy, but if not remember that grades aren't everything. I know it felt to me like if I didn't do well the world would end but there are so many options out there that you might not even know exist.
I can't wait to start blogging properly again in September when I start university! Thanks to everyone who has been liking my posts throughout this journey <3
Date: 18/8/22
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study-and-be-gay · 2 years
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Happy August everyone! We've gone away for the week so I'm taking the chance to catch up on some reading. I've just started Circe by Madeline Miller which has been on my TBR for quite a while now! Enjoying the chance to relax somewhere a bit different. We came here on holiday not long ago and it's strange to think how much has changed in such a short time.
Hope everyone is enjoying their summer and getting the chance unwind.
Date: 1/8/22
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study-and-be-gay · 2 years
My Thesis Notebook
I have mentioned on several thesis diary entries that I keep all my notes and informations related to my thesis in a specific notebook. In one particular thesis diary I think I mentioned a few of the spreads I have created, but since I am now a bit more experienced (and almost at the end of this first notebook) I decided to do a specific post. I also got a couple of suggestions to make a specific post so here it is. It's goint to be a long post, so consider yourselves warned. (I will not include photos of the spread since they would make the post even longer, but if there's people who would like to see a few of them I could always make a separate post!)
I'll start by saying that I am getting my degree in history, which of course influences me on creating certain spreads that are not necessarily useful for everyone else. Although this I feel like the majority of these spreads can be either used by anyone or can be modified according to your needs.
The notebook:
For my own thesis notebook, I got this spyral notebook that has in itself three divided parts. This is in a way helpful, but I prefer things that are a bit more costumizable, so a good alternative could be either creating your own dividers when you need them, or using a binder. Both of these options could be a bit better than mine, because they give you a chance to keep everything as organized as possible. I still found my ways to oranize the notebook, but I'll talk about it later. I personally don't like binders because I find them uncomfortable to work in, and I do not like having loose papers everywhere, but it's a very personal things, and I get how functional they can be.
How to keep your notebook organized (and find things quickly):
If you decided to use a binder you can skip this part, but if you have a regular notebook these are things that are helping me to keep everything easy to find.
Big and bold headers at on each page can help you find things quickly, you could also decide to colour code them.
An index. I personally added post it notes at the beginning of each pre-made section of my notebook and wrote the contents as I was creating different spreads. Once I'll be done with the notebook I will add a proper index page to help even more.
Tab notes. These have become my best friends, I got a set of them with little owl drawing at the end of each, and since these illustrations are very different from one another in colour and design, I decided to assign a specific meaning to each one, to help me find important pages quickly. I have many spreads of the same kind scattered in the notebook, with this system I make sure I find everything super quickly.
Colorful dividers, if you are collecting you notes in a binder these are the best thing you can do to keep everything tidy. If you do have a notebook, but start working on it with a clearer plan than I did you could decide to do them yourself in the notebook, to have all the same spreads one near the other.
Types of spreads (I have used so far):
These have no specific order other than what I decide. I wrote them down as they are placed in my notebook, but you should order things in the best way for your work, or according to where your work is bringing you at the moment.
General notes. This is one of the most basic but useful spreads I have been using. As mentioned I have a big header on top of each of these spreads, and I have assigned a specific type of tab to find them quickly. I use these spreads for all the informations and thoughts that have no clear place in my notebook. I like to write the date of when I am writing each thing. In these spreads I have annotated part of my research process, reminders for when I had to go to the archive, important things to keep in mind, to do lists, generic informations on books and articles I wanted to read, and so on. These act like a sort of brain dump. I found it to be very useful to reread these notes every once in a while, and I have highlighted the most important stuff I have written on these spreads.
Thoughts and ideas. This is one of the most important spreads, if not the most important. To write an historical thesis you have to pose questions on an event, and use sources to find the answers (this is a very reductive description but it gives you an idea). In this spread I have annotated all the interesting questions that came to my mind, as well as all the interesting thoughts and reasonments that I had while working on the trial I am researching. To have a specific place to write all of these things down is fundamental, it's a place where all the inspiring things you thought of can be together for you to reread and share them with the professor who is following you during this work.
Specific notes/annotations of articles and books you read. These are very similar to what a normal study notebook looks like for me, but some things to keep in mind are: have the basic informations of the article/book written out (title, author, year of pubblication, where you found it, all the stuff that you'll need to quote it in footnotes, and to look for it again in the future), the page on which you find every piece of information you write down (it will save you a lot of time in your writing process). Finally have your own thoughts and ideas written in a different colours, this way you can tell apart the information you got from the book from your own work.
In my case, since I am also working on documents found in archives I have spefic spreads dedicated to notes regarding those documents. They are more or less similar to the previous spreads, but I prefer to mark them with a differet type of tab, that I am using only for archival sources.
Chapter ideas. Once you have a bit more of a plan on what your thesis will look like having a spread to write down all the chapters you'll have to write can be helpful. This way you can tick off each chapter as you write it (you very seldomly get to write things in order, so this way you have a clear plan in mind).
Sources spreads. I would recommend having a digital version of this, as it's going to be useful while you are writing, but I also like to have things written down by hand. In these spreads I simply wrote down the basic informations of all the sources I indend to use in my thesis. To have all of them in one place is a time saviour, and writing things down as you read them will make the task less overwhealming.
Chronology spreads. This is probably very specific for an historical thesis, but maybe someone could find this helpful. I have a couple of spreads with the basic chronology of the events I am studying. This way if I am in doubt whether a certain interrogation happened before or after other important events I have an easy way to access that information. These are very useful for when I work with archival sources that usually just have dates but no context beyond that.
Characters spreads. Similarly having a simple list of all people that play a role in the events can be so useful. You'll come across the same names over and over, but certain people are very loosely spoken of so this type of spread can help remember about them. It's also useful to write down basic informations, so their age, the city they are from, their profession, what role they have in the events, and so on.
Writing brain dump sections to plan ahead your writing, what is going to be in each chapter, in which order, etc. I personally have a specific notes secion, and then I plan on doing a brain dump for each chapter as I work on it. I write down everything I want to talk about in it, and then I just put a bit of order to my ideas, and create a more structured plan. I feel like having these things written down can help a lot. You'll have to remember less things, and you can tick them off as you go which is very satisfying, but also helps you remember about everything.
These are more or less all the spreads I have created and used so far in my thesis notebook. I also use my bullet journal for planning my work, but I will make a separate post on that.
I feel like this is all I can say for now about my thesis notebook. I am learning as I go, and I will surely figure more stuff out with time. But since when I started working on my thesis a couple months back I couldn't find any tips of this kind I thought it might be useful for someone else. If you are interested in other thesis content I journaled a bit my experience and progress so far in my daily entries. All posts that include these entries are tagged as #thesis diary. I have also made a post with a few tips and useful information on the writing process that you can find here. As I mentioned I will also post more on the subject, and although I am still working on my thesis my inbox is always opened if you need to ask something, or just want to share your own experience. This type of work is exciting, but scary as it's an important conclusion to your years of studying, so talking to other people can be very helpful to get some of your anxieties out.
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