#;; the last thing i want to do is hurt someone here and i want to be educated on these topics because my perspective wont ever be perfect
shoyudon · 22 hours
starring. toji fushiguro x fem! reader
heads up. cursing
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VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who received a call from the mall he works in because apparently someone's arm got stuck inside a vending machine right in the basement parking before he was going to go home from a long day.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who saw you sitting down on the floor in front of the vending machine, your head leaning on it — he could hear a string of curses escaping from your mouth as you moved your arm a bit. frankly, he finds it pretty funny that you were owning up to the consequences of your own actions.
"has nobody told you that y'r not supposed to put your hand up the vending machine?" toji mutters, almost satisfied.
you rolled your eyes, "just get me out of this."
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who had to endure at least the next fifteen minutes of you complaining about the same vending machine that you got stuck in, from the start of the alphabet till' the end.
"this thing ate my money, there's no way 'm leaving without my drink. stupid vending machine," you muttered out — toji trying his best to get your arm out without trying to possibly hurt you. honestly, he could care less about you getting hurt; he just didn't want his paycheck to be cut for your medication bills.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who finally got your arm out after half an hour, and got your drink out for you to shut you up from more complaints. it was a can of cold black coffee, which was what you needed after a twelve hours shift.
"thanks," you tell him — shoving the can of coffee inside your bag, "uh . . . do i need to pay for getting my arm out or should i just like . . . leave?"
he scoffs, "leave."
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who only got back to his apartment two hours later than usual because you decided it was the best time to get your arm stuck in the vending machine over ¥120 (approximately $0.77).
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who got a glass of boba from your workplace the next day because you felt bad he had to waste his time helping you after you got stuck. in your defense, you didn't want to waste your money.
"uh, i don't know if you like boba — i made it less sugar since you don't seem like the type to eat a lot of sugar, you know?" you pointed at his build, "but thanks for helping me last night."
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who begrudgingly accepted your drink and scoffed when he tasted it, 'less sugar' he thought taking another sip, biting onto the chewy boba coated with brown sugar liquid.
you were right about one thing, how he doesn't really like consuming too much sugar. despite the drink being 'less sugar' he still thought there was too much sugar — and despite that, he still managed to finish a whole glass of it, even chewing the last bit of ice.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who actually saw you in your workplace when he was called to fix a vending machine inside the mall. taking in a customer's order, looking really stressed when more customers decided to pop in. huffing, he decided to stop by just to mess with you.
"so . . . what's the best thing y'got in here?" he mutters.
you look at him, eyes narrowed. but this was him, the vending machine maintenance as your customer, "brown sugar boba, fresh milk red bean matcha boba, red bean mochi fresh milk," you explained, pointing to every picture on the menu you just mentioned.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who decided it was best to mess with you even more, bringing back his complaint about the drink you made him this morning.
"red bean mochi fresh milk, less sugar." toji underlines, taking out his wallet — even if he didn't want to buy a glass of sugar after drinking one earlier this morning.
"that will be ¥320 (approximately $2.07), please."
he huffs, "people pay that much for a glass of sugar?" and then he slid a couple of bills towards you.
"you're paying that much for sugar, you're one to say," you retort back, opening the cash register to return back his change and a small paper of his bill.
"one star for bad service," he muttered, grabbing back his change.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who for some reason, gets the most random call from inside the mall asking for the vending machine to be fixed. maybe because he doesn't fix them whole-heartedly just so he could mess with you by ordering the most outrageous drinks — at first it started out as little mocking smiles, and gestures.
but he felt as if that wasn't enough, so he decided to take a step further by messing with you on your job, urging you to make the smallest mistakes.
"brown sugar boba, with ten percent of brown sugar liquid. and five percent of sugar. if it's too sweet, i want my money back," he grunted. he meant to tease you — but the way he said it made him sound so serious that you were nervous about messing up his order.
even if he did say that he would return it every single time, he never really does.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who saw a customer complaint over something you didn't make — and he couldn't really do anything except watch. it wasn't like he was about to risk his own job by creating a scene in a boba shop. he sipped away on his order, which in his opinion was still too sweet, but he said nothing.
"i asked for no sugar, why is this still so sweet?" a man complains, raising up his royal milk tea with boba; which toji could see is half-empty. hell, the man's still chewing on his boba as he speaks.
"i apologize sir, but even our base milk tea powders are still a bit sweet, that's where the sweetness is coming from," you explained, looking at him apologetically, "would you like me to do anything for you, sir?"
the man grunted, "no, it's just disappointing," he muttered out, shooting you a dirty look before turning to leave the shop — toji eyed the male but said nothing. he was glad his work didn't require him to communicate with people besides getting a call to fix a machine.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who actually stopped messing with you and just drops by to order his drinks because he noticed how stressed you look at that man's complaint. he just didn't want to be the reason why you get fired.
"brown sugar boba, make it less sweet," he muttered — shoving his hand down into his pocket to grab the exact change he needed to pay.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who actually took a two weeks break from buying your boba because he was actually afraid he'd get diabetes from the huge amount of sugar he was consuming in such a short amount of time.
and you seek for his appearance — which never happened, until he decided to come back while you were sitting down on the floor, shoving your face into the instant ramen you bought from the convenience store this morning before your shift.
"oh! it's you, you came back!" you put the cup on top of the counter and wiped your hands, walking towards the cashier.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who spent most of his time in the boba shop until he's called somewhere else. he'd usually spend his hours inside the maintenance staff room on the secluded part of the mall, but now? he wastes his time inside a small boba shop in the middle of the mall; even if he said nothing or you were too busy to talk to him.
he still stayed because he likes it there, even without you both talking. he didn't feel as lonely as the hours spent inside the staff room alone.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who actually enjoyed it when you strike conversations with him during the peaceful flow of the boba shop, asking the most random questions from his zodiac sign to his favorite soda flavor, or his favorite way to eat eggs.
"i like sunny side ups, they're good," you tell him, wiping the sweat that was forming on your forehead — the both of you ended up talking about your schedules and shifts of work, which you both find out how the both of you mostly have 12 hours shifts.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who actually found you stranded after a shift because you missed the last bus, and he ended up giving you a ride on his old motorcycle. he's never really had a human backpack behind him on his motorcycle, so he didn't really care about speeding — at least until you told him to slow down a bit because it was a bit scary.
"thanks for the ride, toji. i owe you another one, how about a drink tomorrow? just make sure to drop by, 'ts on the house!" you gave him a thumbs up, giving back the only helmet that he made you use.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who actually came back to your shop the very next day to get that free drink of his from you — and this time, you managed to make it just right. not too sweet, he could get used to that.
"i like this one, 'ts not too sweet," he comments, raising up the glass of boba drink, "why couldn't ya' make me one like this since the beginning when i asked for less sugar?" he asked you.
"because that's my own recipe. 'ts not on the menu, but i'm still paying for it, y'know?" you raised your brows, eyeing him from inside the bar, "i wanna open my own boba shop in the future, it's fun."
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who actually became your personal driver because he was the one who asked you to. even if you declined at first since you didn't want to burden him — but he actually insisted, surprising.
"don't care, we're goin' the same direction anyways," he handed you a helmet (that he actually rummaged through the garage through for, washed it, and dried it just for you), "the bus' full of weirdos at night."
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who managed to get close to you in the next few months; he never did expect it, him getting close to a girl, but he was actually kind of glad he did get close to you.
"hey toji, eat lunch with me. i'm on break right now!" you peeked inside the maintenance staff room where he sat, a water bottle in his grasp. he'd usually decline, hell, he even declined his co-workers— but you? he could only sigh and gave out a curt nod, "look what i got."
toji hated everyone. but when you came into his world, he could make exceptions.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who hated it when he feels his heart flutter, he doesn't like the way his stomach churns every time he sees you do anything or see you in general. the way he craves for more of your smile, your laugh, everything about you. it made him feel uneasy— especially when he's never felt all that before.
it was a strange feeling to him, and he didn't like it. toji's never one for relationships, love, and all that. he doesn't know how to do it, he was afraid he'd end up hurting you instead. maybe, maybe that's why he decided to put some distance between the both of you.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who always fixes vending machines inside the mall the right way, making sure he doesn't have to go back in and see your face. as much as he wanted to, he didn't want to see you and feel the fluttering all over again when he's tried so hard to stop it (which wasn't working, by the way).
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who tries not to spend time inside the maintenance staff room because he knew you'd always try to come see him there during times when he wasn't idling by your work place. he felt bad every time his co-worker told him that you came by looking for him.
"hey fushiguro, i forgot to tell you, the boba girl was looking for you again this afternoon," his co-worker informed, putting on his jacket, ready to leave.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who kept this on for at least the next three months. everywhere you were, he turns away and walk the other way making sure the both of you won't bump into each other. don't think you didn't notice his act though, noticing how he stopped replying to your messages, how he doesn't come up to meet you in your work place anymore, or how he walks by your shop like he doesn't know you every time he was asked to fix a machine inside the shop.
you wondered if you did something that might made him mad at you — but no matter what, you just couldn't figure out what. and if he wasn't willing to talk to you, hell, even spare a glance at you, how were you going to find out.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who grumbled under his breath when he got a call right as he was about to clock out of work. begrudgingly walking down towards the basement where the vending machine was; god, people just had to ruin his day.
opening the basement door, there he saw you— sitting on the ground with an arm stuck inside the vending machine. a case of deja vu, this was exactly like how you both met.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who was silent while he was working out on your arm, wondering why in the hell would you try to reach up for a drink even after the first time you got yourself stuck. but he said nothing anyways. you did.
"are you gonna talk to me now?" you ask him while he was trying to free your arm, "i wasted my money to get my arm stuck and you're still not willing to talk to me?"
he almost scoffed, you did this on purpose, "so you did this on purpose?"
"no, i had a purpose. why're you ignoring me like we don't know each other? tell me what i did wrong so i can fix it," you mutter out angrily, crossing an arm across your chest, "you just ghosted me, why?"
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who didn't think it mattered a lot to you — but seeing to this extent you'd go, he could only shut his mouth. letting his hand do the freeing.
"so, you're just gonna act like we're strangers? 'kay, fine by me then," you reply, deciding to shut up for the rest of the procedure, waiting for him to free your arm.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who decided it was the best timing to confess to you, who had one arm up stuck inside a vending machine. all because he just wanted to get rid of the burden on his mind about you.
"listen, i get this feelin' every time i'm near you. and i don't fuckin' like it, makes me feel all warm and soft. i fuckin' hate it. i don't hate you, jus' don't get the wrong idea or shit." he muttered, pulling your arm out from the machine — packing his stuff up to leave.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who got stopped by you when he was about to leave for the night.
"'s that a confession or what? if you're going to confess, the least you could do is do it right. that was lame," you tell him, holding onto the hem of his shirt, "do it all over, with nicer words, and a nicer tone."
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who shook his head, not wanting to repeat his moment of vulnerability to the first person he was most vulnerable most. toji hated being so weak in front of people, especially you.
"no, who said 't was a confession anyways?" he questions, obviously a lie, looking at you with a raised brow.
you let go of his shirt and waved your hand, "fine then, let's not speak anymore since you want it to be that way," he stares at your back in confusion as you try to walk away out of the basement, "goodbye," you mutter out, a bit of hope that he'd stop you.
which he did, and you breathe out in relief, "'ts late, the last bus left already. i'll drop you at home," he murmurs out, scratching his nape.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who handed you the same helmet you usually wore, never getting rid of it in the first place. bringing you home for the first time after three months — nobody spoke a word to each other, and it was definitely awkward. hopping off his bike, you returned back the helmet to him and began walking back towards your house.
"hey," he calls out to you.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who sucked up his ego and confessed to you in a "nicer" way and tone like you told him to. and he of course, managed to butcher it up again.
"i don't fuckin' hate you. i just tolerate you more than i tolerate other people," he retorts. seeing the unimpressed look on your face made him think twice, "okay. i like you, just— bye," and then he left just like that without trying to hear your reply.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who didn't expect a glass of boba on his staff room with a small note, and he knew it was from you.
'i like you too, why did you leave last night?'
because he was scared you'd reject him, that's why. but now that you made it clear that you weren't going to reject him, he was more relaxed. but the thought of meeting you face to face after last night made him nervous all over.
VENDING MACHINE MAINTENANCE! TOJI who was actually surprised when you weren't as awkward as he is upon meeting him after last night. peeking your head inside the staff room like the usual — he turned to look and there you were already jumping onto him.
"hey! why did you leave so fast last night? i didn't even get to answer you yet," he grumbled under his breath when you brought it up yet again.
"because i was afraid y're gonna reject me, happy?" he asks, "but you didn't so 'm not afraid anymore, i guess."
"what does this make us?" you replied back playfully, nudging his bicep with your elbow, "hm? hm?"
"friends," he teased, his face flat.
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© shoyudon 2024 . no copying or reposting allowed !
187 notes · View notes
soffsh2 · 23 hours
What Once Was
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Plot Summary: After Jackie left you for Jeff in your teen years, you’ve done all you could to avoid running into her. You decide to go to your high school’s 25 year reunion once you hear that Jackie wasn’t going to attend. How were you to know she’d show up anyway.
Jackie had been acting strange for the last few days. In fact, it felt like she had been pulling away from you since graduation. You’d gotten to the point where you had to call her friends to see if she was acting as odd with them as she was with you. Though none of them had an answer for you, she was acting the same with everybody else. Only things with you were different.
Earlier in the day, you had called Shauna, telling her that you were going to go talk to Jackie and finally see what was wrong. You had given her time to come to you and explain the reason for how she was acting, but she wouldn’t budge. And the longer it went on, the quieter Jackie became. It almost seemed like she was avoiding you, but she wouldn’t do that to her girlfriend. You were positive that you just needed to assure her that you would both do fine with long distance. 
You drove over to the Taylor’s house and found an unfamiliar truck parked where you usually do. Walking up to the house, you could hear the sounds of voices through the open windows. You knock on the front door, expecting Jackie or either of her parents to open it up. You were certainly not expecting the door to open and have you face-to-face with Jeff Sadecki.
He groaned, speaking as he retreated further into your girlfriend's house. “Jackie, can you not have your friends come visit when we’re on a date?” Pfff, a date? Jackie’s parents are probably trying to set them up again. That poor, delusional asshole, you thought. Jackie bounced cheerfully to the door until she saw you standing there. Her face quickly changed, and she hurriedly pushed you outside, closing the door behind you both.
You always thought Jackie’s parents suspected you and her, but you never thought they’d go this far. "Wow, your parents have hit a new low. I mean, setting you up on a date with Jeff Sadecki? Jesus.” You laughed for a second, until you realized Jackie wasn’t laughing with you. Actually, she had the most sympathetic look on her face that she’s ever directed at you. Immediate concern filled your body. “What? What’s wrong?”
“Y/n. My parents didn’t set this up; I did.” Your face dropped instantly. “Jax, what? What’re you talking about?” She tried to hold your hands when she explained herself to you, but you immediately shook yourself out of her grasp. “Y/n… I can’t do this. I can’t be that way. It’s not natural.” You didn’t believe the words that she was saying. Two weeks ago, she was happily in love with you, telling you and every one of her teammates as much. And now, this? 
“Jackie, woah, where is this coming from? You felt your throat start to close up. Jackie was slowly trying to move you further from the door, afraid that her parents or Jeff would hear you.
“Please don’t make this more difficult for me than it already is. I don’t want to hurt you; I just can't be like that with you anymore.” She was trying not to make her words sound as harsh as they were, and she was failing horrendously at it. The more she spoke, the more you teared up. Seeing that seemed to send her into even more of a panic as she continued talking. “I don’t like women. I’m meant to be with someone like Jeff. It just makes sense.” She tried to rationalize.
She was about to say more when you heard Jeff’s voice call from inside. “Babe! Get back in here; you’re gonna miss the highlights of my game!” She tried not to look too unhappy before she returned her gaze to you. You could see her face falter when she looked at you, standing on her doorstep crying because of what she did. Whatever sliver of her that felt bad for her actions was swiftly hidden away as she opened her front door once again. She looked at you with a stoic face and sad eyes when she said her last words to you. “Goodbye Y/n.”
Tears cascaded down your cheeks on the drive home. It felt like you were living in a fucking nightmare. It certainly didn’t feel real. Some part of you couldn’t blame her, you had known the pressure her parents put on her. She always seemed like she carried the world on her shoulders, but those were expectations she put on herself. Upon getting home, you immediately ran upstairs and fell into your bed.
You were only home for a few minutes when you got a call on your landline. You wanted to ignore it, but a part of you hoped that it was Jackie calling to tell you it was all a bad joke and she was sorry. You quickly answered. “Hello? Jackie?” Your tone was hopeful, bordering on desperate. “Uh, no?” A different voice fills your ears.
“Oh hi, Shauna.” You couldn't hide the disappointment that laced through your voice when you realized that Jackie wasn’t going to call. “I was just calling to see if you were home already, but I didn’t expect you to be home this soon. What happened at Jackie’s—” The mention of Jackie's name made you breakdown. “Shauna,… she left me.” The other end of the line went quiet before Shauna recovered from her surprise. “She what? No. She wouldn't.” Her voice sounded distant, and she sounded as confused as you felt. “She did. She dumped me for Jeff fucking Sadecki.” 
The fact that anyone would view Jeff as an upgrade was comical to Shauna, but she had to stifle her laugh when she heard you speak again. “Is it really that big of an issue for her to love me?” All the emotion was drained from your voice. It made Shauna uncomfortable to hear you like that. “Hold on, I’m coming over.”
Shauna made it to your house in record time. You both just sat in her car as you explained everything through sniffles. For a while, she was waiting for Jackie to pop out and say it was a prank, but no such relief came. She brought no words of comfort for you, Shauna was never good at pep talks. In fact, she would say that the only thing she was good at was brooding. However, she never left you to handle your sadness alone.
If it weren’t for Shauna showing up for you that summer, you weren’t sure how you would have fared. She had become your rock and did everything with you. You were close enough while you were dating her best friend, but this just felt different. There was not a thing you’d do that she wasn’t asking to accompany you with. Good thing too; she would always spot when Jackie and Jeff were nearby before you could see the pair. 
She’d saved you a lot of grief for the rest of the summer before you finally got peace when Jackie left for college. No more worrying about bumping into her at your favorite Deli that she’d loved. No possibility of running into her while she was on a date with Jeff. It was a start for everything to become easier for you. A couple weeks had passed, and you were finally feeling okay. You had even begun to forget the reason for your new-found friendship with Shauna.
It was at a coffee shop, about a week before Shauna was to leave for Brown, that it happened. You sat together on the patio of the café, laughing at something that Mari had told her earlier. Shauna’s mother had gotten her a brand new flip phone to go away to college with. She left it on the table after showcasing it to you. All of a sudden, the little thing lights up and rings. You look down and see her name plainly displayed on the screen. Everything came back to you then. You were reminded of the girl who made all of this happen. Shauna looked at the phone, saw the name that flashed on the tiny screen, and excused herself. She was not nearly far enough that you couldn’t hear her whisper yelling at Jackie. Discussing Jackie’s latest argument with Jeff and deflecting every time Jackie asked who Shauna was with, that she had to whisper. 
Beyond the reminder of Jackie that day, you had the daunting realization that you couldn’t continue your friendship with Shauna. It was wrong of you to take away and monopolize the time of your ex-girlfriend's best friend. Moreover, realizing you’d have to coexist alongside Jackie still being in Shauna’s life and possibly encountering her in one way or another was enough to make your decision final. After Shauna went to University, you’d stop talking to her.
When Shauna left, she had given you her mailbox number and the number of her new phone, so you could call and write to her often. She left with a smile and yelled at you to promise that you’d call before the end of her first week at Brown. You just smiled at her as her mother drove her away, waving goodbye to her until the old station wagon disappeared from view. 
The years drifted by quickly as you tried to forget all about Jackie Taylor and the rest of your old friends in Wiskayok. You were glad to have gone to a college far enough from your hometown, it made it easier to stay there and disappear from everyone. You had tried dating afterwards, but everything seemed so dull in comparison. The feeling of having her love you was something indescribable. To have a random person fill the place that you always thought would belong to Jackie just didn’t feel right. You told yourself you enjoyed the solitude. Convinced yourself that it was your own choice rather than a decision made without your blessings.
You were intent on keeping it that way too, trying not to remember any people from home. But that’s when you got the call. “Hey Y/n, it's Misty, Misty Quigley from high school.” You’re not sure you ever gave Misty your number, so you wonder how she has it now. "Yeah, hi Misty, I remember. How’ve you been?” You say unenthused; you didn’t actually care to know. “Doing good; I’m an attendant at a nursing home. So I’m living the dream! But… I’d be doing better if you came to the reunion this year.” 
The words were like a punch to the face. “Misty no—” She’s quick to cut you off. “Come on, Y/n, nobody has seen or heard from you in years; some people probably think you’re dead at this point.” She was practically begging over the phone. “And I am fine to keep it that way, happy even.” You attempt to shut it down again. “Y/n…please. The girls miss you.” That tugged on your heart a little. “Misty, really, I can’t—” She cuts you off yet again with her best argument all evening. “Jackie won’t be there.”
You were well aware that Jackie never misses the opportunity to go to the reunions, and thus you avoided going at all costs. It’s only when Misty sighs and tells you that Jackie cannot attend this year because of some furniture convention in Philadelphia that Jeff was dragging her to that you begrudgingly agreed to go. You hadn’t kept up with your old friends and teammates, just to avoid ever running into Jackie. You rationalized that it’d be nice to see them again with no fear of running into her. And this opportunity probably won’t come again for another 25 years, so you figured you might as well. So you reply to the Facebook invitation that you’ll be attending and prepared yourself.
The day of the reunion approached faster and faster until you found yourself sitting in your car in the parking lot of your old high school, fidgeting with your dress shirt. Practically doing all that you could to stall actually going inside. The whole place reminded you of Jackie. It made you nearly sick to your stomach. All the hurt caused by her leaving you, which despite it all, was still fresh in your mind. The longer you sat, the more anxious you became. Finally, looking down at your phone and seeing the time prompted you to reach for the door handle and get out. 
Walking through the doors of Wiskayok High, you had expected it to look different, to have been updated at all in the 25 years since your graduation. But no, it's still the same ratty old hallway in the same broken-down school that you remembered. It brought a slight sense of comfort, knowing that you could likely still navigate your way through the entire high school campus without issue.
Approaching the big, blue and yellow decorated doors, the only thing that separated you from people you hadn’t seen in 20+ years, you felt nauseous. You had to keep telling yourself that Jackie wasn’t here to keep your anxiety at bay. So, with a deep breath, you pushed open the large metal doors. It was decorated as well as a high school gym could be, you supposed. A lot of lights strung up with blue and yellow balloons set on each table. 
Right as you enter, you see Misty standing by the photographer and his props. The sound of the closing door can barely be heard over the music playing throughout the gymnasium; however, she could still sense it and turn to see you. The sight brings a large smile to her face as she runs over to lead you to the table with all the other girls. 
As you approach a large round table, you could start to make out the familiar faces of your old friends. Their conversation dies down when Natalie notices you, getting up to greet you. “Holy shit…when Misty told us you were coming, we all just thought she was full of it.” You laugh nervously. You still feel tense from being around people you used to know so well but now felt like strangers. “Well, here I am.” 
You turn around. “Tai, congratulations on the campaign.” Taissa smiles at you before speaking. “Thank you, Y/n… You look great.” She says it so genuinely. You'd guess that when people haven't seen you in years, they can only assume the worst.
Before you could respond, you’re wrapped in a hug by Shauna, much unlike the moody teen you once knew. “Hey Shipman.” You said as you wrapped your arms around her. You embrace her for a moment before she pulls away and punches you in the arm. Now that’s more like the Shauna Shipman you knew. “You stopped responding to me! Don’t ever do that again; I’ve missed seeing you. I really thought that I would never hear from you again.” 
As you gently hold the spot where Shauna laid into your arm, you try to explain yourself. "Shauna, come on, you know I couldn’t keep in touch after everything with...” You gestured to an empty space next to Shauna that, when you were younger, would always be filled by Jackie. Her demeanor changed, and the others went quiet around you as well. 
“You know it never sat right with me, what she did.” She defends. “I know, but she needed you. I wasn’t going to get in the way of that.” She looks at you with sad brown eyes. “You still needed me too.” You shrug. “I wasn’t going to ask you to choose me over your best friend.” Shauna opens her mouth to respond before Taissa grabs you by the shoulders and guides you to sit in one of the chairs. “You guys can talk later; we need to hear about what’s been going on in the past 20 years.”
The tension melted away quickly, and you felt as if you'd picked up right where you left off with them. Everyone tells you about what they’ve been up to. You’re most surprised that Shauna has a daughter now. She hit you again when you told her that she never struck you as the nurturing type. It felt so light and perfect, you knew something had to go wrong.
The metal doors have been opening and closing all night, with people going in and out of the gym. So, of course, you paid it no mind when the metal clicked open and shut once more. You were far too intrigued to hear about Natalie’s latest rehab stint to notice the approaching figure until it was too late.
“Hi guys!” A cheery voice breaks through the crowd. You felt like a deer caught in headlights. You didn’t need to look at her to know who it was. You were frozen, all you could hear were some nervous greetings from around the table. By the tense tone in the girls' voices, it seemed they wanted to be swallowed by the ground just as much as you did. 
You watched her gaze flit to every person before landing on you. “Hi Y/n.” Her smile shone as brightly as you remember it. If you hadn’t known her like you did, you would’ve assumed she was being fake with you. “Hey Jackie.” Your voice low as you tried to avoid her eyes and take a sip of your drink. Shauna laid her hand on your arm and squeezed reassuringly; the action was not lost on Jackie. You watched her eyes focus on the action, her face hiding a barely contained scowl now. She was about to speak again when Misty spoke up.
You thank every higher power in the sky, as it made Jackie face Misty instead of you. Her green eyes felt like they were burning into your skin the longer she stared. “You said you weren’t coming. The convention?” Misty looked like she felt guilty for putting you in this position. You would’ve thought it was a trap, but you knew Jackie. "Oh, didn’t you get my email? Last week, Jeff decided that he wanted to go alone. So I emailed you, saying that I would be attending after all.” 
Jackie was never great at lying. It may not have been obvious to the others, but to you and Shauna, you could read Jackie like a book. You turned to Shauna with a suspicious look, and her face mirrored your own. Misty gave her a confused look. “You didn’t email me.” Jackie feigned surprise. "Oh, silly me, I must’ve written it up but never sent it.” She turned to the table with a ‘what can you do’ expression and a shrug as she moved to sit down. She took the open chair directly across from you. God, it’d be hard to avoid eye contact with her now.
"So, Y/n I haven't heard from you in ages; are you married?” Jackie never had tact when she wanted something, but the sheer audacity to ask stunned you. Everyone else seemed to have the same sentiment as you because the girls all avoided eye contact. Shauna tried to scold Jackie, but that only encouraged her to persist further with you. To cease the girls bickering, you gave her an answer. “Uh, no, Jackie. I’m not.” She tried to push a small smile from her face when she responded. “Oh, really? That’s too bad.” 
At that, Taissa pushed herself from the table, stating that she was going to go get a plate of something to eat. Natalie and Misty both followed her, seeming to find the encounter too awkward to bear. “So, why aren’t you on Facebook?” Jackie continued to pry. 
“I am; I just have a few people blocked.” You didn’t leave anything up for interpretation with your tone. Shauna laughed beside you. She seemed to have read the hint immediately, while Jackie was still catching up. You knew, however, exactly when she figured it out because she instantly pouted. The slight against her did nothing to dissuade her efforts, though. She was as persistent as ever; you could give her that much.
"So, to be clear, you’re not dating anyone? Right?” That was the last straw. You got up from the table, stating that you were going to find the food Tai was referring to. As you left the table, you could hear Shauna chastise Jackie quietly. You couldn’t make out much, but you did hear the distinct sound of Jackie complaining before you were out of earshot. “What Shauna? It’s not like I could check on her Facebook.”
You stayed by the buffet table for a few minutes, making idle chatter with whoever recognized you. Anything to avoid being stuck with Jackie at the table. However, it didn't take long for her to grow bored and go searching for you. She appeared out of nowhere; it almost startled you. It was as if one second you were alone, and the next she was beside you, already opening her mouth to yap.
“Crazy bumping into you. Now that I have you here, you never answered that question back there.” You rolled your eyes and did your best to ignore her. "Oh, come on, Y/n. You never come to these; I just wanna catch up!” You had about had it. Turning to face her completely, you drop the niceties.
“Cut the shit Jackie, you and I both know you’re lying. Why are you really here?” Jackie stands there a little stunned; you’d never snapped like that at her while you were dating. "I, uh… well, I saw that you responded to the Facebook invite and that you were coming. And I just wanted to see you and maybe talk to you.” You don’t have the energy for her right now. “There’s nothing to talk about, Jackie. I don’t want explanations or apologies. Just leave me alone.” You turned and walked back to the table where Shauna was seated alone. 
You sighed as you sat down next to her, with your head in your hands. Shauna leaned over and rubbed your back. She was doing her best to give you some semblance of comfort. She knew this was a lot for you; she didn’t have to say it. It was painfully obvious and awkward enough to send your other three friends running to interact with literally anyone else. When you brought your head back up, you could see Jackie staring at the two of you. She looked so insecure as she stood right where you left her. Shifting uncomfortably on her feet, she looked like a kicked puppy. You laid your head in your hands again and groaned. 
“I don’t know what to do, Shauna; she won’t stop with me.” Your voice came out muffled from your hands. You could hear Shauna sigh next to you, and her hand dropped from your back. "Yeah, she was never great with the word ‘no'.” She laughed. You huffed out a small laugh as well. 
You heard a click of heels on the gym floor coming at you and looked up. You saw Jackie marching over to the table with renewed vigor. She stood directly at your side and placed her hands on her hips when she addressed you. “Y/n I really think we should talk about what happened.” She said it in the exact tone that she would always do when you were teenagers. The same tone that got you to straighten up and do exactly what she said. 
You were getting so frustrated with her. You’d just wanted a moment of peace away from her, and she couldn’t seem to respect that. Fuck it. You stood, turned to Shauna, and offered her your hand. “You wanna dance?” A look of surprise crossed her face, but upon seeing your expression of determination, she smiled and delicately placed her hand in yours. “I’d love to.” She rose from her seat, and you led her to the dance floor, leaving Jackie with a look of utter shock as you brushed past her.
You enjoyed your time with Shauna, laughing together as you moved around the dance floor. Every now and then, when you spun her, you’d get a look behind her at the table. The table where you’d see Jackie sitting alone, miserably gazing at you and her best friend dancing. Jackie was downing her drinks quickly. She’d kept pouring herself more drinks from the punch bowl to drown her sorrows. The punch bowl that sat in the middle of the table, the one that Natalie had definitely spiked earlier in the night. You tried to not let the image of Jackie sitting sad and alone because of your actions burn itself into your brain.
“I know what you’re doing.” Shauna’s voice made you shift your gaze away from Jackie. “Huh?” You attempted to play dumb. She rolled her eyes. “If you’re trying to get a reaction out of her, you’re doing a good job.” You straightened up, and Shauna gave you a look like she knew she’d nailed exactly what you were up to. “I think that Jackie brought this onto herself.” You deflected. Shauna shrugged before smirking at you. "Oh, she definitely did.” She leaned in closer and whispered in your ear. “But next time, let me know, and I can help you drive her up a wall.” You can’t fight the grin that took over your face. You spun her again as you spoke. "Well, she always did seem to get a little jealous when it came to us, Shippy.”
An hour had passed while you continued to dance with Shauna until a brash voice broke you both apart. “Sorry to interrupt you, lovebirds.” You and Shauna turned to Nat, with a visibly drunk Jackie being dragged behind her. “‘Lovebirds?’” Jackie questioned with a pout. “Jesus.” You muttered as they got closer. 
Nat all but tossed Jackie into Shauna, and Jackie instantly melted into the form of her best friend. “She’s a mess. She needs to go home.” Jackie attempted to mumble something in protest, but it was muffled with her face in Shauna's shoulder. Natalie looked at Shauna expectantly. "Oh, I didn’t drive here; Callie dropped me off. And she hasn’t answered any of my texts, so I think she’s asleep.” Then both Shauna and Nat looked to you.
"Oh, come on.” You immediately protested. “I’m sorry, Y/n. You drove here and you barely had anything to drink; it’s the safest option.” Shauna being against you for this argument felt like a small betrayal to you. Shauna was right, and you didn't necessarily want anything bad to happen to anyone on their ride home. But that didn't mean you should have to be the one to take her home. “No, you know how I feel about her.” Jackie lifted her head and body from Shauna to complain. “Hey, I’m right here.” Natalie halfheartedly pushed her back into Shauna, and Jackie fell right back into her place on Shauna.
“No Shauna.” You tried to say it in a tone that left no room for debate, but of course Shauna persisted. “Y/n please? I’ll even go too. You’d actually be doing me a favor since I need a ride.” You were about to object further; tell her ‘no way’ when you looked at Jackie. She hadn’t stopped staring since she was brought over. Her eyes were so sad, and her leaning up against Shauna like she had no legs of her own made her look utterly helpless. You couldn’t fight the soft spot you still had for her, and when you looked at Shauna, it just solidified it more. You knew you weren’t going to be on the winning side of this argument. “Fine… FINE. I’ll do it.” Shauna, who you’re sure would’ve reached out and squeezed your hand if it hadn’t been holding Jackie’s form upright, mouthed a thank you. 
You gathered your things and led Shauna, who was still supporting her best friend, to your car. As soon as you went to unlock the back door for Shauna to slide Jackie into, Jackie found enough drunken athleticism to slide over to the passenger's side door. You looked warily at Shauna, who halfheartedly tried to bring Jackie to the backseat. As soon as Jackie started whining about how she didn’t want to sit in the back, Shauna conceded and got into your back seat instead. You rolled your eyes. You really didn’t want to be stuck up front with Jackie, but it seemed you had no choice. You took a deep breath before getting into your seat and pulling out of the parking spot.
The ride was quiet; for the most part, you and Shauna occasionally spoke and reminisced about things you did together that last summer before college. You almost forgot about Jackie sitting silently in the passenger's seat, or you would have if she wasn’t staring at you and Shauna as you spoke fondly about times that didn’t include her. You were about to turn to head towards Jackie’s house when Shauna spoke up.
“Y/n, I hate to do this to you, but is there any way you can drop me off first?” You gave her a look in the rear view mirror that said, ‘Are you kidding me?’ Shauna looked at you sympathetically. You knew she didn’t want to do this to you on purpose. “I know, I’m sorry. I just need to make sure Callie’s alright; I haven’t left her alone this long since before her dad left.” You roll your eyes but adjust to head towards Shauna’s house. 
When you pulled up to Shauna’s house, you could see there was a light on upstairs. Shauna sighs and mutters something under her breath about Callie being up at this hour and not texting her back. She scooted over and wrapped her arms around Jackie from behind the seat. "Night, Jax, see you soon.” She then got out and walked over to your door, then waited outside it for a moment with an expectant look on her face. “Aren’t you going to walk me to the door?” You smiled at the sentiment and got out, leaving the car door open, before you walked Shauna up to her porch. She enveloped you in a hug before you could utter a word of farewell. 
She pulled back before speaking. “You are not allowed to not talk to me for more than a week, ever again. You hear me?” You laughed. “I’m serious, Y/n.” Shauna continued. “I promise I'll keep in touch, Shauna.” You said, genuinely. “You better.” She leaves you with a lingering kiss on your cheek before heading inside. When you turned to walk back to your car, you saw that Jackie watched the entire interaction. She had such a sad look on her face when you walked back, you felt like you were caught doing something that you weren't supposed to.
After you got back into the car, there was only a beat of silence before Jackie spoke up. “So you’re not, like… in love with Shauna now, right?” There was a hesitance in her voice; all her insecurity was laced into that one question. “What? Jackie, that's—” You tried, but she cut you off. “Cause I hope she likes my sloppy seconds.” She had rolled down the window to scream the sentiment out towards Shauna’s house, as if Shauna would hear her behind the closed door. You hastily pulled her back in, scrambling a little. You were very aware of how much noise Jackie was making at such a late hour; however, Jackie wasn’t while she was in her drunken state. “Jesus Jackie, shhhh. What’s wrong with you?” Jackie sat back in the passenger's seat with a pout and folded her arms. “I just don’t appreciate the way she’s been acting with you.” 
“You don’t get to feel any way about how anyone acts with me. You lost that right a long time ago. Now let’s just go home, please.” Jackie lays her head back against the headrest and closes her eyes as she protests. “Noooooo.” How did you used to put up with her whining daily? This was exhausting. "No, seriously, Jackie. We have to go; it’s late, and I want to go to bed.” She continued drunkenly complaining. “I don’t wannaaaa.” You were desperate to not be alone with her anymore, so you tried to say something that would make her relent.
“Jackie, please, you have to go home. Jeff will be worried about you.” She shook her head against the window, practically falling asleep in your passenger's seat. You sighed. Of course, she was being stubborn with you. Twenty-five years of not talking, and she still acted the same. “What do you mean? Yes, he will.” You wouldn’t know; you don’t know how Jeff is, but it hurt more the longer that you stayed around Jackie, and you just needed to get away from her. She only laughed humorlessly at your comment as she slumped further into the seat. “Nuh-uh… Me and Jeff aren’t together anymore.” 
The confession hit you like a ton of bricks, so much so that it left you speechless for a moment. “What? Are you serious?” She nodded, her eyes still closed. “Mhmm.” You had a million things that you wanted to ask—how, why—but the only thing that left your mouth was, “Do the others know?” 
Only at this did her eyes slowly open, and she just stared vacantly down the dark street. “Nope.” Popping the ‘p’ when she said it. “Why?” She still refused to make eye contact with you when she answered. “The girls would just yell at me… Tell me that I hurt you for nothing. And I did; I know that. I don't have to have them tell me that I ruined the only good thing I’ve ever had when I left you.” You sat in silence for a beat, looking down at the steering wheel, as you tried desperately to process all that she said. 
You turned back to face her when she continued speaking, finding her already looking at you for the first time during the whole conversation. “I’m sorry, by the way. For what I did. I really wish I was a better person for you; you deserved it.” Her eyes were illuminated by the glow of the street lights, showing that she was tearing up.
A younger version of yourself would have hopped over the center console to hug her the second you saw her anywhere close to crying. The most that the current you could muster was to break the intense eye contact and utter a half-hearted "Yeah, well… we can’t change the past.” There was a pause in conversation; the air was tense now that Jackie had aired out all her dirty laundry. Her voice was low as she resumed speaking. “I wish I wasn’t afraid of what would’ve happened with us. Maybe I’d be happy now. We probably would’ve had a good life.” You put the car in drive, as you replied. “Yeah, maybe.”
You drive to Jackie’s childhood home, having memorized its path from every corner of Wiskayok. You wanted to ask so much more, but debated whether it would upset her. Jackie, who seemed almost sober now, is slumped against the passenger door, looking out the window. She spoke, but you were too lost in thought to hear it. “I’m sorry, what was that?” She sighed. “I said, I know you. You obviously want to ask something. Go ahead; it won’t make me sad.” Her bluntness caught you by surprise, but then again, what about her didn’t nowadays? 
“Well, how long has it been?” You don’t need to say what the question was pertaining to for Jackie to know what you meant. It’s a bittersweet feeling to know that, despite everything, she could still read you and know what you were thinking so well. She took a deep breath before she answered. “Almost a year now. It's why I wasn’t going to come this year; I couldn't face anyone. Not when I haven’t worked up the courage to tell them.” You nodded along as you continued driving. “Was there a reason?” She hesitated and turned to face you before she answered.
“Yeah, I just never could get over you. I still haven't, and I don’t think I ever will.” She said it so candidly that you were hoping you didn’t hear her correctly. You wanted to ignore the mixed feelings bubbling into your stomach, because now all of what she said the whole night was more than just high school nostalgia. More than simple ‘What if’ scenarios, and more than hints for you to read into. That was an admission, and you were so upset that that realization happened this late in her life. Now she had you thinking that you actually could have been happy together this whole time. You were so caught up that you almost flew past Jackie’s house.
You don’t say anything as you break and put the car in park. You kept looking at the steering wheel while Jackie tried desperately to meet your eyes, silently pleading for you to say something. All that you could think was that it was all for nothing. You were mostly afraid it was still the alcohol talking. You didn't want to get your hopes up for something that was only going to be true for as long as the booze was in her system.
“I think you should leave.” Jackie’s face dropped at your reaction, and almost immediately tears started to roll down her cheeks. “What? Y/n, no.” You still avoided her eyes. “Please, this isn't a conversation I want to have after you’ve been drinking. It’s best that you go inside.” At that, she braced herself in your car. “I’ve sobered up; please, can we talk about this?” She begged.
“Jackie, you have to get out of the car.” It took the last shred of your will to try to turn her away one more time. Jackie’s voice was hoarse as she yelled back at you. "No, I can’t. I can’t leave because if I get out, then I’ll never see you again, and it’s all my fault.” She was beyond being consoled by words. She was sobbing so much, you felt awful for upsetting her. Up until that point, you were doing your best not to get sucked in, but how could you deny her? 
“Okay, okay.” You relented. You got out of the car, and for a moment, Jackie had a look of panic on her face, seeming ready to chase after you if you left her. You got to the passenger’s door, and as soon as you opened the door, Jackie grabbed onto you and held you in a hug. You mustered up the calmest voice that you could when you spoke next. “I’m sorry.” She sobbed into your shoulder, mumbling, “Please don’t leave.” over and over.
“Please, can you stay tonight? Can we just go inside and pretend that I didn’t mess it all up?” She sniffled into your shirt. You nodded, slowly rubbing her back while you tried to soothe her. When you were younger, you’d dreamt about this scenario and getting to tell Jackie ‘no.’ But that didn’t happen. Truth be told, you don’t think it took more than a second of thought. "Yeah, we can do that, Jax.”
Once she had calmed down, you gradually began to let her go while whispering gently for her to go inside. She grabs your hand as she guides you through a house that was once so familiar to you. Jackie had moved and changed some things around, but it still looked relatively the same.
She pulled you toward her old childhood bedroom. Something about it felt so different. But not much was changed aside from her replacing the pink carpeting with a gray color. It felt almost like a betrayal to change something that was once so sacred to you both. An escape from her parents, a place where you could kiss her safely. It all felt foreign, even if it was the same room you had snuck into countless times just to fall asleep together. Jackie had always hated sleeping alone. You guessed that never changed based on the situation you found yourself in now.
Your musings were interrupted by Jackie tapping your arm. You turned and found Jackie with an embarrassed look on her face. She faced away and showed that she was struggling to fully unzip her dress from the evening. You rolled your eyes as she held her hair up with one hand, assuring it wouldn’t be in the way. Gently holding her shoulder with one hand, you slowly pulled the zipper down with the other. As her dress was being undone, more and more of her back was being exposed to you. It was intimate; she knew it. She could still read you like the back of her hand, so she knew exactly what she was doing.
Once the dress was fully unzipped, your hand slowly dropped from her shoulder, softly tracing Jackie’s skin in its descent. She turned and looked right into your eyes. She didn’t break eye contact with you when she reached up and looped her arms around your neck. As if it were second nature, you placed your hands on her waist. “I’ve really missed you.” She spoke in a whispered tone, as if there were any other people around to hear you. The only time her eyes left yours was to glance at your lips. Her intentions were obvious, and you were never that strong-willed when it came to denying Jackie something that she wanted.
You found yourself leaning in before you could give it a second thought. The urge to fall right back into place with Jackie was too difficult to deny. Jackie notices the action and moves to meet you in the middle. Once you were only an inch from each other's lips, you felt Jackie pull you the rest of the way into her. Her lips pressed roughly against yours, trying to convey every emotion she still felt for you.
Her hands move from your neck to thread into your hair. The grip you had on her waist tightened, and you brought her body closer to you. Jackie let out a small moan at the contact. After years of not hearing it, the noise sounded heavenly. It only spurred you on further. You backed her up against the nearest wall, and Jackie made a small sound when she hit it. Her dress was slipping further and further down her body as you kept going. The noises Jackie was making, the way she'd occasionally ground her hips into you, searching for friction. You knew where this was heading, and as lovely as that idea was, you knew you needed to stop. Everything in you wanted to continue, but you knew you had to separate to avoid taking it further too quickly. You pulled away, leaving a few chaste kisses on her lips to avoid seeing her pout.
When you both pulled apart, she was panting heavily. Once Jackie caught her breath, her face broke out into the largest smile. She always used to smile like that after kissing you when you were younger. You had to admit that it made you happy to see that you still had that effect on her. Jackie disappeared into her bathroom to get into her pajamas. It was at this point that you became painfully aware that you were still in your clothes from the reunion. You tried to adjust your clothing to be able to sleep in it.
Jackie came out of the bathroom while you were attempting to make your clothes as comfortable as possible. “Hold on!” She disappeared from the room with a smile on her face. You could hear her footsteps retreat, some fumbling sounds from the hallway, and her footsteps returning. She came back with a box in her hands. After she placed it on the floor and opened it up, you could see that it was full of your old clothes.
“You kept all these?” You said in astonishment as you sifted through all the clothes she stole from you years ago. She suddenly seemed bashful, watching you go through your old sports apparel and flannels. “I—uh, yeah, it’s always good to have some extra clothes lying around.” After finding a shirt and sweats that you found suitable for the night, you looked at Jackie. She nervously fiddled with her fingers before she continued speaking. “They actually still smelled like you for a long time after... everything. And it was nice, you know, to have some reminders of you still here. But just so you know, this is just a loan. I want those clothes back.” You smiled at her, getting up to give her a hug before you went to change. 
After you got into your old clothes that still miraculously fit very well, you crawled into her bed. Jackie hit the lights and walked over to the other side of the bed. You felt all the nostalgia hit you as you laid down on the soft sheets while Jackie climbed in as well. Her sheets and pillows smelled like her; it's comforting but brings a pit to your stomach at the same time. Laying in bed next to the love of your life for the first time in twenty-five years will do that to you, you guessed.
You laid flat on your back as Jackie curled into your side. She maneuvered your arm to hold her, effectively trapping herself against you. You both lay in the quiet of the dark room; the only light in the room was shining in from the streetlight outside. Jackie gingerly played with your fingers as you both sat in fulfilled silence. After a few minutes, Jackie turned her head to face to lay on your chest and held your torso. 
She was barely awake when she whispered to you. “Promise me that you’ll still be here when I wake up.” Her voice was muffled from her face being pressed against your chest. She said it so delicately, pleading with you. You were so caught up in the fondness of the moment that you took a beat to answer. After not immediately receiving an answer, Jackie opened her eyes and looked up at you. The sleepy expression on her face was wiped away, and you could see just how scared she was of never seeing you again. You'd do anything to never see her afraid like that again.
“I promise.” She took you in once more before leaning in and gently kissing you. It was innocent and lazy, kissing you just because she missed doing it. As if she were making up for lost time. Your heart thumped with an unearned feeling of domesticity. 
It only took a moment for Jackie to detach from you. She rolled to face away from you but scooched herself back to be flush against you. You took the hint and wrapped your arm around her waist. You could feel the grin that Jackie had on her face without even seeing it. She then placed her hand over yours and laced her fingers in between yours. No more than a minute or two later, Jackie fully relaxed into you. Her breathing slowly evened out as she fell asleep, still keeping a tight grip on you. 
Tomorrow, you’d plague yourself with the questions of what this meant for you and Jackie going forward. As for tonight, you just missed the feeling of holding her while you slept, and you’re not prepared to continue on without experiencing it every night. The rhythmic sound of her breathing and the smell of her conditioner brought a comfort to you that you had long forgotten. 
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spookwyrdie · 18 hours
Sweet Spot {part 1}
{part 1}{part 2}{part 3}{part 4}{part 5}{part 6}
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Baker Felix x Florist reader
summary: You're putting together the floral arrangements for your ex's wedding as a favor, forgetting how passive aggressive he can be about your love life. Fortunately for you, one of your best friend's in the world comes over to feed you sugar and make you a sweet offer to get back at your ex. genre: fluff, smut, angst if you squint // word count: 2.8k // warnings: adult dialogue, sexual themes, wet dream // a/n: Trying out something longer and fluffier this time! If you'd like to be on the taglist, reply to this post or send me an ask 🥰
(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄
I have only posted this here and on AO3 - user: spookwyrdie
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You should have never agreed to do this. Your fingers were sore from wire wrapping all the different bouquets, one for each bridesmaid, the ring bearer’s pillow, and the flower girl. So far, you were only halfway done with the floral arch and hadn’t even gotten to start on the table settings yet. There were bits of torn leaves, crushed flower petals, and feathers strewn around your apartment, trying to deal with the last minute changes in aesthetic that the bride asked for.
 The shift from a classic summer bouquet to something more bohemian wasn’t impossible, but it was a challenge with the wedding a week away. It definitely wasn’t your favorite aesthetic in the world, but you were determined to make it work.
The question of why you had agreed to do this at a quarter of your normal fee was beginning to fester in your mind, especially for your ex’s wedding. 
You and Johnny were amicable, sure. Civil might be a better word for it. You didn’t have any leftover romantic feelings for the man - that ship had sailed ages ago. The main problem you had now with him is that he always seemed to be in competition with you, always trying to steal your thunder or diminish your accomplishments. It was always underhanded and passive aggressive and you didn’t have the energy to really push back.
Speaking of the devil, your phone pings with a text message.
❌J: hey y/n, just checking in about the florals. Jenny is freaking out and wants an update you: working on them now! [image attached]  ❌J: wow! Hard at work! Is this the bride’s bouquet? you: yep! Putting the finishing touches on it now’s ❌J: it looks really busy, are you sure this is what she asked for? you: yes. I promise I’m following her vision that we spoke about during our last consultation. ❌J okay! just making sure! I know some of these changes need a quick turn around. ❌J: oh also… ❌J: i wanted to chat with you about something you: ? ❌J: I know things have been a little rough in the dating department for you lately but you still officially have a plus one to the wedding, in case you wanted to bring your sister or someone! you: …thanks.  you: Don’t know where the idea that I’m struggling with dating came from, but I appreciate the plus one. ❌J: I had just heard through the grapevine is all. ❌J: there’s someone out there for everyone! You’ll find them eventually. ❌J: like me and Jenny! We were just made for each other 💕 you: okay, Johnny! Great chatting, I’ll get back to work now! 
You swipe out of the text thread and pinch your brow, the feeling of a building tension headache settling right between your eyes. His audacity is always bewildering, he can have such a sickeningly sweet tone while making sure to get a jab or two in to hurt you. 
Sure, you haven’t had a solid relationship since the two of you broke up, but he doesn’t have to rub your nose in it. The relationship ended amicably enough once you both graduated from college, realizing that the two of you were drifting apart as you pursued your respective careers. Staying civil made it easier to maintain the friend group, neither of you had any real reason to be upset with the other. That didn’t mean you were close, you still kept your distance.
 When he had gotten engaged, you were genuinely pleased for him, and a little relieved. Sometimes, when you’d run into each other at parties, he would make it a point to find you and tell you how well he was doing. You’d get the feeling that he was trying to showboat his accomplishments - he always wanted to tell you all about his successes, all the great things going on in his life. 
He got a great job at some law firm, a promotion and another promotion. Then he had met Jenny, they got engaged, and wasn’t it just so cute that their names were so similar? Jenny and Johnny, Johnny and Jenny! It became their whole personality as a couple and he’d corner you to tell you about how amazing she is and how he had never met anyone who just got him like she did. Every time you’d deal with this, you felt like he had poured corn syrup on you with how saccharine he sounded.
He’d hear about your ebb and flow of love and give you such a pitying look. “Oh you haven’t been dating? That’s too bad, there’s someone out there for everyone! Just look at me and Jenny!” Just throwing small digs in your direction that flew under the radar for most of your friends. 
But you knew. 
You knew he was always trying to make you feel like you had “lost” the break-up. 
A knock at the door brings you back to the present moment. 
“Y/n~! It’s me! Open up,” a deep voice lilts in a sing-song voice. 
You shake your head, trying to snap out of your shitty mood to answer the door. On your doorstep is one of the best things that came into your life with his ice blond hair, freckles, and a smile that could light up an entire room. Before you can say anything, Felix barges past you into your apartment, holding two paper bags with the bakery’s logo on it.
“I brought some new flavors for you to try, I’m experimenting for the springtime,” he says as he starts unpacking travel pastry boxes with different colored cakes inside.
“Ugh, please don't talk to me about weddings right now,” you sigh. He pauses his unpacking.
“What’s up? You sound like someone kicked your dog.” 
“I just had the most passive aggressive interaction with my ex, Johnny.”
You open the text thread to show him. 
“This is your ex?”
“Damn, he’s not even being subtle about it.”
The room is silent for a split second before Felix brightens up again. 
“Well fuck that, the flowers look great, despite the boho bad taste. Come try these new cake flavors I’ve been playing with! Sugar always cheers me up.”
You give him a small smile, he always knows exactly how to bring a little optimism into a shitty situation. “Sure Felix, what have you got for me?”
Soon, you have 4 plates and forks out for the different cake concoctions.
“I’ve been playing around with different florals and citrus for spring, so here we have a lavender cake with key lime frosting. Over here, we have an earl grey cake with lemon curd and lemon buttercream. Then we’ve got a vanilla cake with a pistachio filling and a rose buttercream. Finally we have a jasmine green tea cake with yuzu curd and a vanilla glaze,” Felix says, bouncing on his toes. 
“Okay, Mary Berry! They all sound delicious.”
“You have to be one hundred percent honest with me, I want actual feedback on these!” He grabs your shoulders and looks deep into your eyes, your heart skipping a beat briefly at his intensity. He looks so eager for you to try his different concoctions. Most couples weren’t looking for anything too extreme in the way of flavors, most opting for a basic white cake and buttercream, so you knew Felix loved to share the uncommon combinations he came up with.
They were all so beautiful, perfectly cut out and frosted with care. You picked up your fork enthusiastically.
“Fuck, Felix, that’s delicious,” you say, savoring the citrus flavors. Every single one you tried was more delicious than the last. Your favorite had to be the earl grey and lemon. “This one tastes like how a springtime tea party feels.”
He smiles at you, his eyes crinkling into little crescent moons, his freckles stand out when he smiles so brightly.
“Thanks, it’s always nice when I get to play around with flavor,” he says, leaning back into his seat. As he stretches, his shirt rides up to reveal a small expanse of the bare skin where his hip meets his lower belly, the lean muscle definition standing out in the lamp light. You tear your eyes away when you realize you’ve been lingering your gaze on the scant inch of skin.
 “Oh my god, did tell you?” Felix blurts out suddenly. “I’ve been working with this couple for an upcoming wedding. Absolute nightmare. Terrible taste! Guess what they finally settled on for their flavor.”
“I don’t know, something basic I bet.”
“Fucking mint chocolate chip.”
“Mint chocolate??? For a cake???” You reel back in horror. What on earth kind of combo was that for a wedding cake?
“They insisted on it!” he says, throwing his hands in the air. “Well, the bride did. The groom was never at any of these sampling appointments. She was onher own and really pushing for something unique.”
“I guess it’s unique to make your guests hate you for your choice of cake flavor,” you say, grimacing at the thought of a mint chocolate cake. “Disgusting.”
“I feel bad for their wedding guests. That’s such a controversial flavor for ice cream, I can’t imagine how it’ll go down for the entire reception.”
You hum in agreement, picking up your fork and finishing off the last of your cake in one frosting heavy bite. 
“Y/n you’ve got a little-“ he reaches up, gently holding your chin. 
His gaze softens as he looks at your lips and you freeze in place. Your heart picks up speed, hammering in your chest, at this gentle touch. He doesn’t know that you have had a thing for him for years now, but you’ll never tell him. You love having him as a friend too much to ruin it, he’s the one spot of sunshine on dreary days. There’s no chance he’d reciprocate your feelings, he could literally date anyone the way strangers constantly fall in love with him at first glance.
But right now, he’s focused on your lips, his thumb brushing them carefully, swiping the bit of frosting that was left from your last bite.
“Oh my god!” You force out a laugh, pulling out of his grasp in embarrassment. Taking a napkin, you start furiously wiping your mouth. “Sorry! It was really good!”
“That’s the perfect kind of response to one of my baked goods!” He smiles, licking the frosting off of his thumb. Your heart leaps into your throat. 
Felix never seems to notice the effect he has on people, overwhelming charm, the magnetic pull he has on anyone within 10 ft of him. When the two of you worked at the old cafe together, you’d take a mental tally of the number of customers that would leave with hearts in their eyes after ordering coffee from him. You thought that after five years of friendship you could get used to it via exposure therapy, but his allure slams you in the chest all the time.  You try to keep yourself grounded in reality when he tugs at heartstrings like this - he does this with everyone so you try not to lose your head. But the way he’s looking at you now, leaning in close with fierce affection in his eyes, makes the delusion that he feels the same about you seem almost real.
You giggle nervously and move to tidy things up from the table after you two are done sampling. Felix leans against the counter, watching you, as you start washing the plates.
“I have an idea,” he says. “For your plus-one situation.”
“Okay, shoot.” 
“What if you take me as your date?”
“Be serious, Felix,” you chuckle.
“I am being serious, I clean up real good,” he says, grabbing at your waist playfully.
“Oh!” A fork slips out of your hand and clatters into the sink. “I mean- you don’t have to do that.”
“Nah, I’d like to! Think about it, it’d be perfect, Johnny has no idea who I am and I can brag you up while I’m there. Rub his nose in it for a change.”
“Just think it over, no rush. I think it’d be real fun though!” 
You look at him blankly for a moment, your heart thumping in your chest again. “ Yeah, I’ll think it over.”
Your eyes are closed when you feel a pair of hands slink around your body, drawing you into a chest of hard, lean muscle. The scent like an apple orchard on a rainy autumn morning greets you, petrichor and wood mixed with something crisp and sweet, enveloping you in a sense of comfort. You look up to see who’s arms embrace you to find Felix hovering over you, deep brown eyes locked onto yours. You’re so close you could count the freckles on his cheeks and give a name to each one. He hums as he pulls you in closer, a deep resonance vibrating through his chest, warming you in more ways than one. 
Tell me it’s real, he says, almost silently.
It’s real, you reply. 
He leans down to capture your lips, pausing above you to nudge his nose against yours and smile. 
I’ve waited so long for this, he says as he finally presses his lips against yours softly. His movements are gentle but insistent, trying to communicate with you, speaking quietly of the years of yearning that have been building. Your skin sings with the way his hands splay on your lower back, pushing your pelvis into him as he presses his tongue against your lips, asking for permission. The kiss deepens and you fall further into him, molding yourself against him. Your hands wind their way into his hair, those ice blond strands wrapped up in your grasp.
A small tug has him detaching from your mouth in a gasp, arching into you ever so slightly as his eyes flutter shut. His fingers find purchase in your plush hips, gripping into you harshly as he yanks you even closer to his body, no space between your body and his. Your breasts press into him, feeling his every breath move against you. He groans at the feel of you before he wraps you up into another kiss, this one more fervent. The way your soft body fits against his so well has his tongue dancing with yours, surging into you then backing away, teasing you until your body feels like it’s on fire. 
You whimper into his mouth when he shifts, coaxing your feet apart to slot his thigh between your legs. He bears down on your hips, pressing your core against his flexed muscle. Liquid heat pools in your belly as he starts rocking against you, feeling his length against your hip, pleading for friction. His hands snake down to grab onto your ass, kneading into the thick flesh, controlling the pace of your grinding into him.
You feel that arousal building inside of you, the tension has you clenching while you rut your hips against him. You feel how wet your panties have become as they slide over your clit, your hips stuttering against him, nearing your peak. 
Felix, I’m- you start to say but he cuts you off with a kiss.
Come for me, y/n, he murmurs against your lips. I want all of you. I wanna feel you lose control.
His words have you moaning, your brow furrowing as your hips shake. He holds you steady as he bounces his leg slightly to add extra pressure. You gasp, feeling your muscles tighten.
Give it all to me, he whispers against your lips. It belongs to me.
His voice sounds distant as you feel yourself coming to the edge. 
Suddenly, your eyes flutter open. You find yourself in bed, thrusting pitifully against your pillow, your heart racing and your skin flush with arousal. As you start to pull yourself out of the dream you were so wrapped up in, your orgasm shatters through you, moaning into the dark of your room. Your legs shake as your core muscles flutter, throbbing at the thought of Felix’s mouth on yours. As you start to come down from your high and settle into reality, you can feel your own pulse in your clit, your legs tangled in your sheets with a pillow between your legs, forehead glistening with sweat. 
It felt so real, like you could actually feel the ghost of his hands on your ass rocking you against his body, his groans ricocheting in your chest. You haven’t had a dream like that in ages, it was so vivid. You wanted it to be real so badly.
That settles it. You reach for your phone, the light piercing through the darkness, staring at the clock that reads 4:26 AM. Opening your messaging app, you type out a quick text and hit send.
you: okay Felix, let’s do it. Will you be my plus one?
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solarsmash · 2 days
For you will stay a while longer
Mechanic!reader and Boothill
NO SMUT, comfort, self harm, more so an outlet to let out my own things, fluff to angst(?) at the end, father/daughter relationship, Boothill sees you as a second daughter, implied parental abuse, not proofread
Song —*⁠.⁠✧ 'please help me' by d2s1
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It was a tough night—to say the least..
Relapse was common and afterwards you never really thought about it.. doesn't mean it wasn't there and that the sting didn't annoy you.. but your biggest concern was an appointment with the galaxy ranger Boothill, you were supposed to do some basic check ups and possibly just chat as good friends so now you had to hide any sliver of pain because trust, he will notice.
It was kinda stupid to think you could pull off hiding anything from him, almost as soon as you rubbed your arm a little too much, or refused to look him in the eyes he knew something was up. "Sugar, mind telling me what's wrong?" He glances at you while you are looking through some tools.
"..its nothing. I just didnt get much sleep last night-"
"Now don't lie to me, you know i hate it when you keep things from me.." he wasn't mad, more concerned than anything. Boothill knew to be patient with you, you had been through a lot, just like him, and you had odd ways of showing or hiding it.
You glance at him, wanting to just let it all out but that wasn't how you were raised.. you were never the type to let everything out even if someone offered a shoulder.. it wasn't seen as venting or a healthy outlet when you grew up, crying and talking about your issues was seen as attention seeking—playing the victim, if you will.
Boothill could see your hesitation and walked over, " I won't push you, but i want you to know I'm here for yah'." He wrapped an arm around you but when his hand held your upper arm and you flinched in what seemed like pain. It's almost as if he knew immediately, don't ask him how.. maybe it was parental instincts kicking in, a part of him saw you as the child he never got to see grow up, so his protective instinct sprung up a red flag and he turned you around so you would look at him.
"lift up your sleeve for me."
"p-pardon—?" You tried acting confused but the Galaxy Ranger was sharp and he already knew, he just hoped you would trust him enough to tell him and lay your burdens on him..
"Don't play dumb, Sugar.." He grabbed your wrist surprisingly lightly and it took everything in you to not flinch and swat him away.. to say you were scared was an understatement, after all the last time anyone other than Boothill had seen your own self inflicted wounds was your parents.. and it didn't end well.
"Can i?" Boothill asked with a softness only heard with you and close friends. He lifted your sleeve and saw the badly taken care of gashes on your arm from whatever you used along with the other scars he was already aware of, "oh baby... C'mere.." He gave you a hug, being mindful of your arm.
Whenever Boothill hugged you or made you feel safe, it never felt out of pity or like he was doing it cause he felt he HAD to.. he made you feel safe without any strings attached, something THEY never did.. something it seemed THEY avoided...
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He finished wrapping your arm as you stared off into nothing.. "m'sorry..."
"Don't apologize, Baby.." He said as his gaze softened. He sat next to you and put his arm around your shoulder once again, this time his metal hand rested on your head, rubbing his thumb in circles, "Do you wanna talk about it?"
You just shook your head, tears filling your eyes for 'no reason'.. the amount of emotions building up just had to come out, after all you cant keep filling a bottle and acting like it wont overflow.
He laid his chin on your head and snuggled you closely, "its alright, m'here for yah, you can cry as much as you want."
And just like that tears overflowed, pouring down your cheeks as you leaned into him.. it's as if the pain from hurting yourself only just hit, he made you feel human, as dumb as it sounded.. He understood you like no other in the galaxy..
"It's alright kiddo, i gotcha'... I'm here..." He murmured as you sobbed into his chest.. the feeling of being comforted was foreign to you, unknown and now that you felt it with him it's like you never wanted it to end.. "Why aren't you mad...!?" You stammered through sniffles, barely able to say a sentence without stuttering..
"Why would i ever be mad at you for something like this..?" He gazed down, he already had a feeling something was wrong with your childhood, not in a rude way but.. the vibe you gave off just doesn't come from people who had fulfilled childhoods.. Boothill just never knew the full extent of what happened to you but he wouldn't pry.
"They always got mad— i- i thought— that if you found out- that you wouldn't care- or- or you would hit me—" When you were younger it was normal, it wasnt 'child abuse'(it was), you were just a problem child- thats why... Right?
if Boothill could cry he would be, he cant understand how people can beat their kids or treat them in such ways, he lost his only daughter and feels hatred for those who take their kids for granted. "No- no.... Sugar i would never hit you.. Whatever they told you was stupid.. it was a fudgin' lie.. You shouldn't have to feel like a burden for feeling hurt.. you deserve to be heard as much as everybody else.." He held you closer, tighter, but made sure not to hurt you.
"I didnt back then though— n-not now either—" Boothill cut you off.
"I don't want you sayin' things like that.. no matter what you did to think you didn't deserve to be comforted, it doesn't justify leaving you to help yourself.. you are worth so much, kid.. so fudgin' much.." he spoke softly, cracks in his voice like he would cry.. even if he couldnt.
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After awhile you had fallen asleep, it was alright, the check up could wait.
The sounds of your soft snoozing was better than your tears, he hated seeing you cry and he would do anything to make you feel better and hurt anyone if someone was the cause.
He smiled as he glanced down at you, he wondered if his own daughter would have liked you.. though she was extremely young, he couldn't help but imagine if maybe, just maybe, the three if you could be happy together in a different universe.
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whetstonefires · 2 days
So I was thinking about that passage where we hear about how Jiang Fengmian got so excited that Jiang Cheng was willing to be friends with Wei Wuxian that he hugged Wei Wuxian, and this broke 8-year-old Jiang Cheng's heart, because he loved to be held by his father, but his father almost never held him.
(Which led to Jiang Cheng kicking Wei Wuxian out and threatening to sic dogs on him, which made Wei Wuxian panic so badly he went and hid up a tree from these entirely hypothetical dogs, and Jiang Yanli went and found him, and then found Jiang Cheng in a hole and had to carry them both home, and their relationship was sealed by a mutual pact to hide the whole episode from both parents.)
Because the thing is, Jiang Cheng very much had something to be upset about! Wei Wuxian was a treasure and a joy to his father, something recovered beyond all hope, everything he could want in a disciple and the last remainder of the person or people he'd loved best.
And Jiang Cheng was a duty.
That was the entire reason for his existence: he was born out of his parents' obligation to produce a male heir for the Jiang.
Jiang Fengmian takes his duty seriously, but finds in it no joy, and that joylessness informed his relationship with his son at every turn.
And this is the same kind of tragedy as every other in this book. Because it's not that Jiang Cheng's father didn't love him, wasn't visibly fond of him; if there hadn't been this other person here he actually liked, the absence where he struggled to connect with him would have been felt, but it would have been less crushing.
...then, too, if his mother hadn't built that rivalry up the way she did, it would have hurt Jiang Cheng a lot less.
And been less of a thing! It's painfully obvious a lot of the aversion and distance between them is a product of Yu Ziyuan running in and screaming at her husband about how he's the worst and everything is about her at unpredictable intervals.
And of course, it's a lot harder to figure out how to compensate for your own partiality when you're also, simultaneously, trying to compensate for the partiality of another person who keeps insisting the only way to uphold the natural social order is to engage in systematic child abuse. The degree to which you cannot objectively handle a complex emotional situation while someone keeps yelling at you that you should do something morally repugnant or you're Bad cannot be overstated.
I really appreciate Yu Ziyuan as a character, but the heights of her incompetence and active malice as a parent are staggering.
But I was just reflecting on Jiang Fengmian's basic failure to grasp, right out the gate, that his eight year old was parched for affection and that giving more of it to someone else in front of him was going to hurt him. And I was like, haha that's only child behavior right there.
And then I was like. Holy shit. It is only child behavior! Like. Jiang Fengmian was an only child!
Like, duh, but that makes him a serious outlier! Most of the major characters in this story have siblings! It's an outrageously sibling-dynamic-driven book. Yu Ziyuan has at least two elder sisters, and could have any number of brothers or younger sisters--no shit she instinctively interpreted this situation through a lens of sibling rivalry!
Meanwhile that's going right over her husband's head because he's just like, okay going to vicariously live out my childhood fantasy where Changze got all the same advantages as me. 💖😊
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Thank you for the tag lovely and gorgeous @honeybee-taskforce @tellmegoodbye @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @heartstringsduet
@paperstorm @goodways @bonheur-cafe @lemonlyman-dotcom
@ladytessa74 @whatsintheboxmh @alrightbuckaroo @reyesstrand
This is from my chapter (chaoter 2) of The Wonder Of It, a collaboration with Lemon and Tessa for @thisbuildinghasfeelings birthday 🧡
Chapter 2 coming tomorrow! You can read Lemon's chapter 1 here on Ao3 now :) and a snippet from Tessa's chapter is here.
“Is this what you need?” TK had asked outright. He’d meant to say want but need just came out.
“So much,” Carlos answered, “Do you? Is it okay if we–?” There was a tremor of fear in his voice – and sweetness. “Because only if you want to?” 
Carlos is everything and everywhere, sometimes. At once the most innocent person on Earth; at once someone who is going to screw TK’s brains out. 
“Yes, I need you too." TK whispered into a kiss. "I want you to come inside me.” 
Their first sex since Gabriel was killed. Their last sex before they’re married. 
Now, in…what time is it?…TK is too covered in Carlos to check his phone…but in roughly six or seven hours, he will be whisked off by Owen and together they will get ready for the wedding. Carlos will stay here at the loft, alone with his thoughts and his grief and his excitement for half an hour before Andrea arrives. She will help him with his bowtie and his cufflinks. With a steady hand, she will fold his plain white pocket square just-so. 
After a couple of minutes of TK hushing and nuzzling Carlos, Carlos extracts himself and heads to the bathroom for a washcloth, leaving TK to sprawl naked and sweaty on top of the bed, staring up at the darkness of their ceiling that their single lamplight can’t reach. He hears Carlos manage a post-orgasm pee and then potter around in the bathroom, presumably finding a clean washcloth in the caddy, which he runs beneath warm water. He returns cleaned up himself, but sniffing like he’s still trying to hold back tears. As if too exhausted for his usual level of tender aftercare, he hands TK the washcloth and starts getting back into the pajama pants and tank top he’d flung to the floor.
Usually he’ll sleep naked after sex. They both do. Carlos didn’t grow up in a naked house and prefers something on his bottom half as a rule, but sex makes him feel bolder in that way. Putting his pajamas back on straight away is a sign of vulnerability that TK recognizes. In solidarity, he puts his PJs back on too, and suddenly it’s more like a slumber party. What happens next after their very adult ‘pillow fight’ is a game of truth or dare.
Sitting on the edge of the bed on TK’s side, Carlos slumps a little, breaking his usually good posture, and drums his fingers together in his lap. He’s antsy. It makes TK antsy. Feelings pass between them so easily these days. 
Carlos’ voice breaks. “You still have a chance to get out now if you need to.”
“What?” TK sits bolt upright. “Baby, no. No. I’m serious. I told you I understood about Pablo. You weren’t in your right mind and nobody got hurt in the end. And I don’t believe for a second you’d have actually pulled the trig–”
“Not that,” Carlos cuts in, “I mean the kids thing.”
Open tag and tags below
@eclectic-sassycoweyes @nancys-braids @captain-gillian
@safeaswrites @literateowl @kiwichaeng
@fallout-mars @carlos-tk @vineofroses
@three-drink-amy @orchidscript @mikibwrites
@herefortarlos @fitzherbertssmolder @sugdenlovesdingle
@theghostofashton @freneticfloetry @chicgeekgirl89
@sanjuwrites @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @liminalmemories21
@never-blooms @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @strandnreyes
@lightningboltreader @thisbuildinghasfeelings - if you want to share/ haven't already! No pressure ever! ❤️🩷🧡💛💚💙🩵💜
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lemotmo · 1 day
I actually think Tommy/Lou has more chemistry with Eddie/Ryan than Buck/Oliver. I wonder if the chemistry test was done with Ryan since that was the original plan and the actress fell through after everything so they just swapped Eddie for Buck and left everything else the same. Having said that though it's hard to match Oliver's spark, which is why none of the other love interests have worked. Ryan is pretty much the only one who has been able to go toe to toe with him chemistry wise. The same goes for Ryan. Yes he had good chemistry with Devon but still nowhere near the level of Oliver. It's why they're in the position they're in. No one else is going to come close. It doesn't help that Oliver has made it very clear he doesn't want anyone else. I think Ryan can still go either way but I think he also knows it's the best story possibility and the one that makes the most, boarding on only, sense. I also just think they genuinely like one another and enjoy the give and take.
Hi Nonny!
I can't really say if Tommy has more chemistry with Eddie, because we haven't seen them together all that much after that one episode.
But I can't tell you how happy I am that they went with Buck's sexuality story first, before Eddie's. I don't see the spark between Buck and Tommy at all, but at least Buck is the kind of guy to go with the flow. He's infatuated right now. He'll have his thing with Tommy and when it will eventually end, he'll be hurt, but he'll still be okay and probably relieved, like he was after Taylor.
Eddie is a whole other story. To have his first queer romance with someone like Tommy? No. Eddie needs someone with oodles of patience and understanding. That is decidedly not Tommy. You know who is already in his life and knows him like no other? Buck. I also think Eddie's first queer romance should be his last. Meaning: Buck. I don't see Eddie dating around or sleeping around. Not everyone likes sleeping around. There is nothing wrong with that, but Eddie is not that guy. He will realise he has fallen for Buck and that will be that. There will be no one else for him.
And yeah, the chemistry Buck and Eddie (and Oliver and Ryan) have is unmatched by anyone. That's why I'm quite sure the show will go there in season 8. They wouldn't want to waste the opportunity to use that chemistry to lure in more viewers and to hype up one of the biggest fanbases of their show.
Oliver wants it to happen badly. He still hasn't awknowledged BT in any way outside of that one single interview. But he kept awknowledging Buddie through his social media, right up until after the finale.
And don't underestimate Ryan. I really think he is all in here. If that one 'insider' is right, he has known Eddie is queer for quite some time now, but ultimately Fox kept on blocking his story. This time he has the green light and he wants to do it right. He knows how important this storyline is to viewers.
I for one am sat. I'm so curious how all of this is going to play out in season 8.
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miraculousares · 3 days
Okay so I have some thoughts about the end of full moon and more specifically on Blitzø's rant at the end. I already posted a little analysis about how he only knows how to communicate through raw emotion, and I think that his venting is such a clear example of that. I feel like this is the most honest Blitzø has been at least in the last 15 years if not ever, and I can't stop thinking about how hard he's trying to talk openly with Stolas. So spoilers for Full Moon obviously.
*deep breath*
"What? Fuck you, Stolas! You spring this feelings bullshit on me, are you fucking kidding?!"
As we well know, Blitzø has never felt worthy of love. He's always blown up every relationship (sorry for the pun) he's ever been in. Be it romantic, platonic, familial, even in the workplace he struggles. So the few occasions when Stolas has thrown out hints that he might love Blitzø for more than the sex, he's never been able to even process it. Stolas has never given him a clear indication that he feels anything more than horny for him and without any warning he's suddenly confessing his love in the middle of what Blitzø thought was just yet another transactional bang sesh.
"Can I get a fucking minute to think?"
Sure, Blitzø got the chance to have a genuine, in the moment conversation with Fizz, but that was nothing compared to this. He'd had 15 years to process his feelings of regret and he was someone he'd been vulnerable with before, albeit a long time ago. Here, trapped in a huge silent room with Stolas and all of his half-processed feelings that are tangled around so many other problems, Blitzø has no tools for this type of situation.
"After everything you put me through you pompous, rich asshole!"
While it hurts to say, Stolas really has put Blitzø through a lot. Aside from everything I'm gonna mention with the next line, he's hurt Blitzø time and time again. Be it covering his face at Ozzie's, humiliating him on stage at the Harvest Moon Festival, constantly degrading him and reminding him of his 'impish' lower status. It's obvious to the viewer that Stolas does care so deeply for Blitzø and that he's trying to change and atone for all of that, to Blitzø all he's done is give him space for a few months and then suddenly confess his feelings out of nowhere.
"Treat me like one of your little butler imps, you can't just dismiss me like that. I mean you royal fucks think you can do this every time. Like you can just play with our feelings because we're smaller and not as important!"
Okay here we go, diving into probably the biggest problem they have to tackle before they can truly accept love from one another: the class difference. Stolas' palace is crawling with imp servants who are treated as objects by the whole family and Blitzø has seen that. And then there's Blitzø, who is being treated with the respect of a living, breathing, independent-thinking demon but that's about it. He still talks down to him and goes so far as calling him his plaything on several occasions. I don't know exactly how the horns work/feel for imps, but I imagine Blitzø having a cigarette put out on his probably felt degrading at best. To Blitzø, he's providing a service for Stolas in exchange for reward, just like the rest of his servants. They both clearly know how wrong that is, but that dynamic needs to be seriously broken down from both ends before anything could possibly work between them. Blitzø is trying to do that with this line, he's trying so hard to tell Stolas how it made him feel because it hurt him but he wants to fix things.
"Well I'm not letting you, bitch! Let's go!"
Fuuuuuuuck this line hit me so hard. This whole time, he's been venting and yelling and in doing that he's sorting through how he feels. He's being confronted with something so far out of his comfort zone but instead of trying to run or hide like he usually would, he's trying to figure things out because no matter how afraid he is he clearly wants to have this conversation. He's trying to open it up to Stolas after airing out everything he was able to sort through, he's telling him that he wants to have this conversation.
"Stolas wait, I'm s-"
God this is so heartbreaking and I know a lot of people are pissed off about how Full Moon ended, I honestly think that this was perfect writing for each of these characters. Stolas has only ever been talked to in fanciful language, subtle comments, and straight abusive yelling, he doesn't know how to hear anything Blitzø is saying and instead only hears his tone and his harsh words. But Blitzø doesn't know how to communicate any other way and gah this argument/confession/breakup was exactly what they needed to push them forward to actually facing the problems between them rather than tiptoing around them
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cowboywritersworld · 24 hours
Please, part 2 of "Open your eyes, it's not worth it"
Maybe we are more than best friends
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General Masterlist | WWE Masterlist | Rhea Ripley Masterlist
Characters: Rhea Ripley, Reader
Prompt: After you got slapped by the woman you loved so much and talking with Rhea, you find the courage to leave that woman. Rhea welcomes you in her house, because you were living with your ex and you start traveling around with your best friend... or maybe more?
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Rhea lets you sleep at her house, after arguing about who should use the main room. You feel like you are a burden, but can't win against her, so in the end you sleep in her huge bed, while Rhea in one of the guest rooms.
To kinda make up for it, you wake up earlier than her the day after, humming a soft song while you prepare her favorite breakfast. When she comes downstairs, you are just being done with preparing everything.
"Good morning Y/N. Oooh, you made breakfast? Thank you!" She smiles at you as she sits down and you give her one of the pancakes.
"Good morning Rhea." You sit down next to her, grinning happily. "You let me sleep here, it's the least I could do."
"These pancakes are so good! Can I hire you as my personal chef?" She winks at you, while groaning. "Something is on your mind. What is it?" She asks you worried about your expression.
"Took me a while yesterday to sleep. I... I thought about what you told me and I think I made my decision." You play with your pancakes, sighing. "It's hard, but I wanna leave her." You take a bite and swallow it down, looking out of the window.
"I can come with you to talk to her. I don't want her to hurt you even more. I can avoid it. Plus just know that you can always stay here when you'll be outta there." Rhea leaves her fork in the plate, turning to hug you. "You are not alone, promise."
* Some hours later *
"It's over between us. I am here to take my things and disappear from your life. That slap from yesterday was..." You swallow hard, because it's difficult to say those things, but it can't go on like that and Rhea is right. "It was too much. I can't stay with someone who won't think twice about slapping me and all because of a misunderstanding." You wince as she seems to want to do it again, but Rhea's hands block hers in a painful way. You can trust your best friend, she has your back.
"I would watch what you try to do." The only girl in Judgement Day has no fear, after all she is a wrestler.
"Don't touch me. I knew there had to be something more between you two." Each time she speaks you wonder how you fell in love with her.
"Don't answer y/N. Let her believe what she wants."
With help from Rhea, you pack all your stuff and leave that place for the last time, shedding a tear at the memories coming back to your mind.
When you're back at Rhea's place you sit on the couch with her, sighing as she hugs you.
"I know it's difficult, but maybe we can travel together. I could probably help you find a job at the Fed if you wish to. Your studies can be helpful. You have me, Y/N."
You close your eyes at those words, taking a deep breath, holding onto her t-shirt. You feel heat radiating from your heart, maybe it's not only friendship, but you are worried to tell her about that.
"Thank you Rhea."
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sphaxcca · 1 day
My Candy Love New Gen ep. 4 Review
Here I am after finishing the last episode of MCL New Gen ready to give my honest and unasked opinion about it. Fasten your seatbelts cause we are about to start and i'm not gonna be gentle
So the episode opens with Elenda who's basically trying to drag us so bad to the Cosey Bear because apparently Castiel was serving there ( No judgement toward Elenda, i wanted to see my husband too). Unfortunately for me and her, he already had left when we showed up to the Cafe. >3>.
Seeing Lynn animated was so cute and a little bit nostalgic but nothing compared to the GASP I emitted when she started talking to Thomas and he told her he was in love with her. GEEEEZ, now i get why that kid was a pain in the ass and RUINED my pic-nic date with Tomato head, THE DOTS CONNECTED. Btw it was a very cute scene and a tribute to Iris that I hope she will show up in Thomas' route.
Moving on, inspired by Thomas' love confession, everybody starts talking about their love life (expected since the episode's name is hearts looking for love). And this is where things went horribly cringe and outrageous: Ofc i'm not talking about Elenda and Devon ( It was cute to know that she had a crush on Devon and, about him, a little peak to where the story is possibly going to lead - a busy man that works his ass off so bad for Devenementiel and has no time to date)or Amanda but about ROY and BRUNE.
Hoooooly shit, the chill of second hand embarassment that I got just by reading the interractions between these two was undescribable I swear( Elenda became basically my guide spirit: her reaction was the same i had. ). Everything was so outofcontext and nonsense that I'm actually wondering why Beemov decided it was a great idea to give space to something so....childish? I mean, we're talking about (almost) 30yo people.. and they got together because they were...desperate??????? - "Yeah with my exes things weren't doing good so we decided to date even tho we don't talk, don't touch and fell uncomfortable with each other" - COOOME ON, BFR, you guys ok? Also, I really hope that we're gonna discover something deeper about Roy (or that he's going to get a development at least) that makes him more that what i can pick up and feel from him right now: childish Gymrat fixed on pool that give us nothing. I'm genuine deluded about the way they handled this.
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Moving on to JASON PART. He basically shows up when we're still talking sitted by the table. I was obviously expecting the part where he was going to be pointed out as a "womanizer" but what I DID NOT EXPECT was the reaction he had when he overhears our conversation: I felt him being sarcastic as usual but at the end i felt he was kinda....hurt??? idk if you get what i mean, he literally said he had REASONS why he doesn't want to be in full term relationship and this opens my mind to an INFINITE AMOUNT OF THEORIES
Connected to what I've read on some theories here, someone said it's because of the condition ( or the pathology) that made his hair go white...
This is a really good point but I genuine think about something else that is connected to this and the SHOCK NUMBER 2: Why Devenementiel hates Jason so much?
Apparently our "proud and superior" man with an incredible fragile ego had PLAGIARIZED the project the would have helped Devon to found Devenementiel and, because of that, he was fired and disqualified by the contest. So...first things first: PIECE OF SHIT. Secondly, I genuine would have never thought about him doing something like this and that's the reason why i don't think he did it because he wanted to but perphaps he WAS PUSHED to do so.
Another theorie said that probably he was helped by a third person that played dirty and suggested him the same project Devon did
And I have to admit that this is something very likely, but stil don't really convince me too much.
We can clearly see that Jason has a lot of money, A LOT, and by the way he has so much money i'm assuming he comes from a family that at least has the same amount of capital he has now. We got told that he was basically working as an employer (if i remember correctly) so why trying to steal something from others if you are satisfied and don't need a job? perhaps because you NEED that first place to REDEEM yourself and PROVE someone wrong at least so that.. THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS. That's where his family and the white hair make their part: A Dad Ceo that basically disgraced his Son because he couldn't follow or keep up with the family business or - he wasn't good enough- for the role ( and that's why the white hair, because of the stress) . Another thing that might prove this is the fact that Devon told us that he had "private investors" and...i mean, if you're broke, i don't think you can find them just by snapping your fingers and make them appear in front of you, especially when you get fired and disqualified in a competition. He could have use the "family" name and hi charisma to persuade the investors to help him found Goldreamz. And THIS leads me to the last point: Why no long term relationship? Because his family has to end with him and he's scared of the consequences that a partner can have in his life. This reminded me so much Simon from Bridgerton btw. So yeah...I might be wrong (99%) but i want to think that he's a piece of shit just because he's hurt.
His special scene was normal i guess, i love the way my candy was looking at the instagram photos be like - "i'm just studying the enemy...not doing something wrong..maybe".
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In the end i decided to try for the Thomas illustration and nothing to complain about, the scene was genuine one of the most cute one in the game so fare and the ilusstration 10/10 chef's kiss and handshake by the president.
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gravehags · 3 days
my love mine all mine
Pairing: Cumulus x f!reader (ghoul bicycle reader)
Tags: hurt/comfort, self esteem issues, self worth issues, crying, vibrators, dildos, lovey dovey emotions, praise
Words: 3,674
Summary: You never wanted any of them to see you like this but if they had to, you're glad it's Cumulus.
a/n: hello yes this is definitely a normal smut fic that i did NOT project my personal issues into thank you very much
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You’ve been quiet recently. In one of your moods.
You have no reason to be - by all accounts you should be overjoyed with your current situation. As of yesterday, the last of your things have been moved into your new room and your lovers (all ten of them) have been wonderful and affectionate. Which leads you to where you are now - standing alone, naked, in front of your full length mirror eyeing yourself with disdain. Despite your move into the ghoul den now being complete, you still don’t feel as if you belong here. It’s not your lovers that have made you feel that way - quite the contrary - but your own mind. Wondering what they see in someone like you. You’re an unremarkable sibling and, you think as you squeeze at your generous belly and hips, there are far more attractive people at the abbey who deserve to be in your position. Why did they like you so much? Tears well in your eyes as you scoff and sniffle, angry at your own ungratefulness. When there’s a knock at your door, your brain wildly jumps to the conclusion that it’s the ghouls - ready to tell you they changed their mind and they don’t want you anymore. A harsh sob escapes you and you double over.
“Honey? Are you okay? I’m coming in.”
Through blurred vision you see the figure of Cumulus in her white silk nightgown open the door and step in, quickly shutting it behind her when she sees the state you’re in. She rushes over to you, wrapping her arms around you as your weight falls heavy onto her. Your sobs are fierce and wet and you move to collapse onto the rug below you but the ghoulette catches you and steers you over to your bed. Her gentleness as she sets you down and grabs your calves to swing your feet onto the duvet only makes you cry harder. She abandons your side only for a moment to round the bed and climb in. She pulls you close, pushing your hair away from your face until the two of you are a breath apart. 
“Babylove, what’s going on, huh? You’ve been so quiet we’ve all been worried about you.”
When you open your mouth to speak, a horrible wail comes out instead and she pulls away momentarily to reach behind her and grab the box of tissues off the nightstand. 
“It’s alright, it’s alright honey,” she reaches down to pull the soft blue blanket up over the both of you, “You cry as much as you need to. I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere.”
So you do just that.
You’re not sure how long it takes for you to run dry of tears, but true to her word, Cumulus stays by your side catching all of them with a soggy tissue. When she holds a fresh one up to your nose and commands you to “blow” you bark out a hoarse laugh which makes her smile. Your head is pounding.
“Alright, so what’s going on, love? And don’t say ‘nothing’ because what I just witnessed was not nothing.”
You let out a ragged sigh.
“I hate myself,” you begin, figuring bluntness is the only way this is going to feel better, “I hate my body. Hate what I see in the mirror. I don’t see why you and the others care about me, want me…find me attractive. There are other siblings who deserve–”
The hardness in Cumulus’ voice is something you’ve never heard before and it shocks you so much you hiccup. She looks at you with deadly seriousness but when your eyes begin to well with tears once again her gaze softens and she reaches her hand up to stroke your cheek.
“My love, despite the horrible lies your brain has convinced you of, you are special. Beautiful. We’ve always told you that, right?”
You nuzzle into your pillow.
“I know you have and…” you sigh again, rubbing your eyes, “like you said it’s my stupid brain. I know what you guys tell me but that little fucking gremlin inside me doesn’t. It just tells me you guys are being kind or taking pity on me.”
Cumulus hums in her throat and her eyes look sad.
“Let me tell you something about ghouls,” she begins, scooting closer to you, “We don’t establish a pack until we’re summoned but many ghouls find their mates prior to that point, in the pit. None of us did and as much as we all care for one another we always knew there was a piece missing. Did you know I saw you first? You were front row for a ritual and even from my spot at the keyboard I noticed you. You just had a…a vibe. Gave me butterflies. I told the others after the show. Then when Bug and Rora were summoned we waited to see if they would latch onto you like we did - it was almost instantaneous. When you were asked to assist us with moving boxes in the rehearsal room that day where we first asked if you wanted to hang out? No accident. We requested you, specifically. Sathanas, we were all so scared of…well scaring you away.”
“Dew was the first one to talk to me,” you murmur, with a smile. Cumulus huffs out a laugh.
“Yeah, we were all hoping he wouldn’t say anything too uh…caustic.”
You giggle.
“He complimented my rosary,” you say softly, “you know, my garnet and gold one? Told me it was sick because the beads look like blood drops. I never forgot the way he smiled at me when I laughed.”
“He’s charming, when he wants to be,” Cumulus chuckles.
“He’s a sweetheart,” you counter, “He’s all bark.”
The ghoulette gives you a doubtful look.
“You didn’t see him with that sister who insulted y–”
Your jaw drops a little as she cuts herself off and shakes her head.
“Anyway,” she continues gently, carefully sidestepping the murderous nature of her pack, “right from the get-go we all knew you were the one. After Swiss got to you well…we hoped the pieces would fall into place. And we fucked it up…Satan knows we fucked it up a few times but now that you’re here? With us? Darling, it’s everything. You are everything. Our missing piece.”
You smile at her and when you get teary eyed again she swiftly leans in and kisses your cheek.
“Thank you,” you whisper. She pecks you on the lips before pulling back.
“Now about this other part,” she says with faux-sternness, “what do you mean you hate your body?”
“Ugh,” you begin, rolling onto your back to stare at the canopy above you. You know saying this is going to be easier without Cumulus’ soft gaze looking into yours. “You know it’s the usual…internalized fatphobia bullshit. I don’t like what I see in the mirror, never have. Especially when I compare myself to the other sisters…I envy you, you know?”
She cocks her head at you and you face her once more.
“You’re so confident and beautiful and you know you’re beautiful and that makes you even more beautiful,” you gush, making her lips twitch, “I just…augh. Want that for me too, you know?”
Cumulus shakes her head.
“Humans are so weird about their bodies,” she sighs, “as if the vessels that hold all your complexities and your knowledge and your love and the things that make you…you…are anything but incidental. There’s no one right way to be beautiful. Not to be cheesy or anything but beauty can’t be universally gauged by any one person’s opinion. Or society’s opinion for that matter. And like you said - you think I’m beautiful and we have similar shapes, would you ever speak as unkindly to me as you do yourself?”
“No!” you blurt out, hand reaching out to grab hers, “‘Lus I would never.”
“So what makes you any different?” she asks patiently.
“Exactly,” she nods, triumphant. “You are physically beautiful whether you believe it or not but more importantly your heart is what drew all of us. None of us had ever made friends with siblings before you and you welcomed us into your life with open arms, no judgment. You treated us with kindness and grace from the moment we first spoke. We adore all of you - whether that’s your body, your mind, or your soul. I wouldn’t change a single thing about you and I guarantee if you ask the others they’ll say the same.”
“Thank you.” Your voice is small and you dodge her gaze.
Cumulus makes a thoughtful noise and grabs the edge of the blanket, yanking it off the two of you, causing you to squawk at your nakedness. Cumulus’ gaze is hungry, traveling up your body from feet to face.
“I’m not trying to change the subject or anything,” she purrs, reaching a hand out to knead your hip, “but how about I show you just how beautiful you really are, huh?”
Your throat is dry as you look over her like she did you before nodding.
“I’ll go gentle,” Cumulus murmurs, claws dancing along your skin, “you uh…you got that gift I gave you?”
Oh, do you. Not that you’ve had much use for it with your ghoul harem on call.
“Bedside drawer,” you rasp out as her fingers cheekily pinch at your nipple, “there’s uh…others in there too.”
Cumulus rises from the bed and stands, waggling her eyebrows at you. When she opens the drawer she gasps in delight.
“Aurora,” you laugh softly, “she told me my stash was ‘severely lacking’ and you know how Papa Copia gave you guys that credit card?”
Cumulus laughs and the sound is so bright and joyous it makes your heart clench.
“Let’s see,” she begins, bending over. “Found the one I got you. And hmm…perhaps this?”
You look to see what she’s put on the bed. The little pocket vibe with devil horns she got you, which you are extremely fond of, and…oh. Interesting. The iridescent glass dildo you hadn’t tried yet with its bulbous head and smooth shaft. Your mouth falls open, considering the implications of the items you see before you and when Cumulus clears her throat, your eyes shoot up to hers.
“Easy, girl,” she breathes, scooching her nightgown up her body and over her head. It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve seen her do it, your mouth still waters. She grabs the toys and crawls over to you, grinning sharply. Once she’s by your side you roll onto your back, tongue darting out to wet your lips. You can already feel the heat and slick accumulating between your thighs. She props her head up and with her free hand, she drags her cool fingertips down your arm, leaving goosebumps in her wake. 
“Love how sensitive you are,” she purrs, her breath stirring your hair. She reaches between you and picks up the little vibe, turning it on. With a grin she drags it across your lips and jaw, along your clavicle, down your sternum, and brushes the underside of your breast. Between her cool touch and your arousal you feel your nipples growing taut and judging from the delighted noise Cumulus just made, she sees it too.
“Pretty,” she breathes, taking the toy and circling the bud, playing connect the dots with the little bumps on your areola. “You like these pretty titties?”
She patiently waits for you to answer, content to just tease you until she hears you say it - and mean it. You look down and behold the swell of your breasts.
“Y-yeah,” you stutter out, “yeah I do.”
She makes a noise of affirmation in her throat before mercifully dragging the vibe over your nipple. The sensation makes your cunt clench and your legs spread wider.
“How about this one, you like this one?” she asks, sliding the vibe over to your other breast.
“Yes,” you breathe, more confident this time. She rewards you by leaning in and slipping your taut nipple into her mouth, sucking insistently. When your hips flex and a moan escapes you, she returns the vibe to your other nipple. The hungry little noises she makes as her tongue slides over you has your hand flying to her curls. When she pulls off, you let out an embarrassing whine.
“‘Lus, please,” you whimper.
“Don’t worry, angel, I’m not done with you yet. Got all night, huh?”
All night. The implication of her having her way with you until the sun rises makes another gush of slick come out of you. You surely must be dripping on the duvet at this point. She tucks her body along yours, her leg hooking around your calf to spread you open and she inhales sharply.
“Mmmm,” she moans, knowing full well she’s caught the scent of you. The notion makes your head fall back against your pillow and your back arch. “Filthy girl,” she pants as she drags the little vibe over your belly, “filthy, beautiful girl. Isn’t that right?”
She stops her hand at your mound, teasing along the curls. You know she won’t descend further until you say what she wants to hear.
“Beautiful girl,” you say, breathing heavily through your nose. She moves the vibe closer to your slit.
“Say it again,” she tells you and you exhale sharply.
“Beautiful girl.”
She drags along the slit.
“Again,” she prompts.
“Beautiful gir–ah!”
When she slips the little devil between your folds and rests it on your clit, you want to cry with relief. Her fingers press down on it as your hips buck upwards and you moan.
“‘Lus, so good. Fuck, yes, right there.”
She smiles and leans in to kiss your throat, her tongue tracing over your carotid. You’re squirming but she holds the little devil steady against you, teeth dragging over your skin as your hips buck up against her. 
“Gonna cum quick for me tonight, huh baby?”
You let out a whine and bite your lip, nodding vigorously.
“Yes, yes, yes, Cumulus, fuck, don’t stop, don’t–ah!”
Now you know you’re dripping on the duvet as your cunt clenches around nothing and Cumulus urges you through your first orgasm of the night. You feel almost dizzy as you fist the covers and look over at her with adoring eyes.
“L-love you.”
She grins, all teeth.
“You’re easy, aren’t you? Besides I know you love me - let’s work on you, hmm?”
Gently she eases the vibe away from you so you can catch your breath. When she picks up the dildo and raises it to rest the head on your lower lip you groan.
“Didn’t forget about this beauty, did you?” she coos and lazily you flick your tongue out to brush against the tip. The action makes her gasp and her gaze darken.
“That’s right,” she breathes, “I remember how much you liked my cock in your mouth. First one you ever had. Can you be a good, pretty little slut and take this one for me too?”
You nod and extend the flat of your tongue for her to put the head on. When she eases it into your mouth you hollow your cheeks and suck hard on the glass, eyes on hers. Cumulus has maintained immaculate control of herself all evening until this point and you feel her sharp exhales on your shoulder as she slowly slides the dildo out of your mouth and pushes it back in. The glass is cool in your mouth as you greedily take more.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” Cumulus murmurs, “Nice and deep. Like to watch you with one of the guys sometime. Maybe Mountain or Aether. Watch that pretty little mouth stretch and stretch while you take their fat cocks. Maybe we’ll make a contest of it. See who you can take the most of. Would you like that?”
She wetly slides the dildo out of your mouth and lets you pant for a moment.
“Y-yeah. I’d like that ‘Lus.”
“Good girl,” she purrs, dragging it down your chest to your hardened nipple. She giggles before sharply slapping it, making you jolt and your hips twitch.
“Cumulus, please,” you breathe as she continues to make a wet path down your body. When she drags the bulbous head through your folds, you whimper. Obligingly she spreads you open and nudges your entrance with the head.
“Only beautiful girls get fucked,” she hums, ever-so-slightly pushing you open, “So if you really want it that would make you…?”
Your head falls backwards against the pillow as a soft laugh comes out of your open mouth.
“A beautiful girl,” you obediently state.
“Do you mean it?”
“Yes I mean I–I can’t see myself so how would I know?”
Cumulus scoffs.
“You wanna know how you look, baby? The way you flush so prettily from your cheeks all the way down? The way those sweet little nipples look all hard and begging to be sucked? The way your hair falls on the pillow? The wet curls in between your legs and this dripping cunt all ready for me? Darling, what would you call that if not beautiful?”
Your chest heaves and you look her in the eyes.
“I’m a beautiful girl.”
The conviction in your voice makes her cheeks crinkle in a grin and gently she pushes the head of the toy inside you. Your jaw falls open as she continues to ease it inside.
“That’s it, honey,” she murmurs, scooting her body down for greater access and to nuzzle at your breast. “Take it all. Doing so well.”
Your breathing is coming out in short pants, a moan hanging on your lips. When the toy bottoms out she leans down and presses a kiss to your chest. The curved shaft and the fat head of the toy is pressing against a spot inside you that makes white stars bloom behind your closed eyelids.
“Cumulus, please.”
That’s all she needs before she eases the dildo out and pushes it back in. Her pace starts off slow but before long her wrist snaps in controlled thrusts. You can’t speak, can barely keep up with breathing as she fucks you at a steady pace.
“So good for me,” she pants, eyes cast down at the iridescent glass and how it disappears inside you, “so fucking good, baby. Always so sweet. So giving. ‘S what we love about you. How eager you are.”
The slick noises coming out of your body are lewd as your hips buck up to meet each thrust. Your moans are loud and finally you seem to have regained the ability to speak.
“Fuck, ‘Lus,” you whine, “L-love you. Love you so–ah–m-much. Don’t stop. P-please don’t–”
“Oh angel, I wouldn’t dream of it,” she coos, changing the angle of her wrist and making you choke out a gasp, “Watching you come apart is better than anything.”
The pleasure is so intense - feels so good - tears begin to leak out of the corners of your eyes and you know you’re close. You’re babbling nonsense as you sob and she increases her pace, eyes on your cunt.
“Gonna cum for me, honey?” she pants, her own hips flexing against you unconsciously. You try to answer but all that comes out of you is a long, low moan. “Come on my beautiful girl, give it to me.”
Your hips jerk upwards as your back bows off the bed and you cum with a scream. Cumulus is speaking to you but all you can hear is static as she continues to fuck you through your orgasm. You struggle to catch your breath as the corners of your vision go dark and you grab at her.
“C-can’t Cumulus, I can’t.”
Gently she slows her pace and you finally manage to inhale deep when she comes to a stop. She’s panting almost as much as you are, her eyes dancing over your face. You’re overwhelmed - the whole night just too fucking much - and you let out a pathetic little sob. She eases the toy out of you and sets it aside, immediately scooting up to see you.
“Hey, hey, hey,” she breathes, leaning in to press her lips against your forehead. “You did so well, my love. So well. I’m so proud. Beautiful, wonderful girl.”
You expect tears to accompany your sobbing but it would seem you’ve already cried yourself dry tonight. You concentrate on Cumulus’ breath to even out your own as she strokes your sweat-damp hair away from your face.
“That was a lot,” your voice is hoarse and she nods.
“Yeah, it was. And you were perfect. I love you. So, so much, baby.”
You nod and the two of you pull apart, content to calm yourselves in each other’s presence. Cumulus rolls onto her back and stares at the canopy.
“You know…” she begins thoughtfully after a few minutes, raising a hand to point, “we could definitely put a mirror up there.”
The giggle that comes out of you quickly escalates to a guffaw and shaking, you press a kiss to Cumulus’ shoulder.
“Like some kind of depraved sex den?” you ask with a grin.
“Uh-huh,” she confirms, smiling equally wide. You roll your eyes and yawn so wide you hear your jaw pop.
“Bed?” she asks, sitting up.
“Mmm mmhmm,” you say, sitting up, swinging your legs over and standing up. You’re going to be deliciously sore in the morning. 
“Hey,” Cumulus says behind you and you turn around as she peels the covers back, “Proud of you.”
You nod and uncover your side before climbing back in. She does the same.
“Thank you for taking care of me,” you murmur, eyelids heavy. Cumulus leans in to kiss you once on the forehead, once on the cheek, and once on the lips.
“It’s my honor. Sleep well, angel.”
You’re not sure if you respond, already drifting off. The rumble of purrs fills your head and sets you at ease. You’re warm. You’re safe. And you are loved.
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bridgetoesoteria · 19 hours
Sweet Sweet Revenge 😈 (PAC)....
I'm baaack, and I've got a spicy reading for us. Some people did vote for a revenge fantasy on the last poll, so here it is. How can you get your lick back (I am not telling anyone to go out & do any of these things).
Just two piles today, left to right as per us:
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I will be pulling multiple cards so I won't have the cards listed like usual.
Pile 1
Off the Bat: I am getting the vibe that this is an ex-boyfriend for some of you, or a current partner (interesting..). For some of you, the ultimate revenge would be getting with someone in their social circle. For some of you its a specific person, like their cousin; For others, it could be anyone that is connected to them somehow, because they would find it humiliating. It would eat them alive, especially if you are already ignoring them.
Even after pulling cards, I still get this vibe of moving on. It might not even be a full fledged relationship. If you are experiencing different partners, following your heart/passions, it would eat them alive. Maybe they wanted to keep you ignorant to what else is out there. You discovering someone who treats you better or "treats" you better (wink wink), would keep them up at night.
If some of you were in some kind of third-party, or if you know of something else underhanded that was going on, revealing the truth would probably cause a huge tower moment in their life. It could impact their home, their finances, their ego. Lol I'm also getting the energy of standing someone up. There are a few cards I associate with waiting, followed by the world card, which I would consider the closing of a cycle. So, pretending you want to try again, then just not following through on whatever you promised would hurt them. They would feel small, and be upset they fell for something so petty. Perhaps they have made you feel like this in the past.
Clarified and still getting the energy of ending something and taking a leap of faith. For some this isn't romantic. There could be a domineering energy in your life, some examples: strict religious/spiritual community, father figure, structured environment like college or an office. Speaking your truth, defending yourself against any manipulative attempts at reeling you back in, would be crushing, I'm assuming since its coming up in a revenge reading. I think that could be because this person cares a lot about how they are perceived. Some of you could be a pastors daughter or have a parent that is a public figure. So they try to control you, because they see you as an extension of themselves, therefore your reputation is their reputation. (Not really but that's how they think).
These are some controlling mofos. So the ultimate revenge is really taking charge of your life.
Pile 2
Off the Bat: So, right away, I am hearing "nemesis" lol, so this may not be your first tango with this person. You could have gotten in fights or disagreements before. Someone has a feisty personality, I'm not sure if it's you or the other person though. I'm seeing white tennis shoes, so that could be significant in a way. And pink rain boots.
For some of you I am hearing, "cut this person off financially". So, maybe you are a provider or help out in some way. Oof, I would really hope no one is biting the hand that feeds them smh. I'm seeing an older southern woman, she may or may not be well off. Okay, now this is pile is feelin a little scandalous..some y'all might really be about that life lol
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For some of you it could be you turning people against this person, or ruining their reputation. It could involve getting them written out of a will. Taking their place somehow, it could be to do with the inheritance or something like being in a play or on a cheer squad. There could be a specific person you want to see affected by this, besides the main target of your revenge. Maybe this other person puts them on a pedestal, and you want to ruin the image that other person has of them. For some you this could be as messy as objecting at a wedding, crashing a date, or even getting with someone's partner. I'm hearing "little miss sunshine," so maybe this person is seen as sweet and like they can do no wrong.
I think a lot of you already have some ideas for what you would want to do. I don't think you act on it, but you might enjoy sitting back and thinking of all the "what ifs". I've also been hearing "peekaboo", so there is definitely an element of surprise here. You probably would not tell anyone about this plan. If you aren't crashing someone else's wedding, it could be your own?? Maybe you have considered leaving them at the altar, or just completely ghosting. Like falling off the face of the earth, no one knows where you are, or what you're doing.
If this person upended your life, you want turn their upside down too. They could have brought a lot of challenges and strife into your world. If this person has tried to make you a "mini me" in some way, or they have tried gaslighting you or keeping you in a state of confusing. Thinking for yourself, accepting the actual reality of the situation--not the reality they have been trying to sell you--, and moving on would "put this person in their place". It would especially hurt them if you leaving would mean you're in the 5 of pentacles somehow: less money, less of a social circle, single (because you would be leaving them).
An Aside: If any of you are thinking about causing serious physical harm to someone, please speak to a therapist about this. If a person really hurt you, it's understandable to be angry, but you don't want to be in an even worse situation. And it would probably feel nice to be able to get it off your chest, in a non judgmental environment
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polaris-stuff · 3 days
Okay, this is the fourth time of me rewriting this comment.
And i am gonna try and keep it short ( I failed I am so sorry) . As this is about the Heart to Heart with earth.
Feel free to ignore this if you don't wanna talk about it anymore. If you said something about , I've been trying to put my feelings on this out for a while and it's just not working. (it's also now 4 am, )
I came away from the episode feeling like it was a good episode. Where the characters talked about why they were deciding not to help moon for different reasons.
I thought for most of them it was in character, even if I don't fully agree. I could see what the show was trying to do.
And then i see a lot of people agreeing and being really hurt by the episode. Because they feel like everyone is aboning moon. And leaving him in this vulnerable space.
I feel like i missed something. As to me. the celestial family isn't fully aware as to truly how bad Moon's mental state has gotten.
I have a feeling that (Sun and Lunar, more so then earth) Are taking moon's last words as face value ( wanting to bring solar back for ego/selfish reasons, and not because he truly breaking down)
(I also think monty still hasn't fully filled them in either that moon seems to be thinking he isn't real but I could be wrong!)
I think they'd be behaving otherwise if they know the true depts. they wouldn't wich is why this sucks so much. Moon is driving people away, actively sabotaging his own help.
I sit here wishing i would understand that hurt. I honestly truly do. Maybe because i have the feeling that they will help even if they say now they won't
maybe because i really hope sun isn't gonna make the same mistake as moon.
Maybe i am i giving sun, lunar and earth to much credit, and to many excuses.
I think...in the end. I don't think them refusing to help moon. Is them trying to hurt moon (even if that is the outcome) . But is taking care of themselves as they are all also still not in a good place?
And maybe because i genuinely can't see what they can do for moon to help him. As they offered him help but he refused or actively lied on how he was doing. So I don't get what help people want them to provide for moon at this moment. ( besides not leaving, but can you be there for someone that doesn't want you there?)
I dunno if i am making sense. trying to talk my feelings out is always hard. And I think for the first time I am on the other side of most of the people I usually agree with and respect a lot ( you being one of them ) . So I feel a bit lost and weird about it as to why my view is so different.
( I am honestly hoping Sun will see Moon having hallucinations, and at least will set something up so moon is never alone in that cell like he was. I feel like he thinks, he first needs to stop moon. And then when that is done. He can actively think on what to do next cause offering help first ain't gonna do it)
I am sorry for leaving this long ass comment in your inbox. I truly hope It didn't come off as attacking. AS it wasn't meant to be. Just a fellow TSAMS fan. who was in their own way very confused and hurt i guess and feels a bit alone in their reading of the story?
And trying to understand why people see this a an attack from the celestial family on moon. Or a active decision...instead of .. a series of what is gonna be a slew of bad decisions from everyone involved.
Alright, I understand your point of view, don't worry about it, and actually, this is a YT series on VRchat so I shouldn't be so mad about this either yk JAJA
Ok, the thing is, the family doesn't know what's happening to Moon, that's right, they have no way of knowing what's happening to him because Moon pushed them all away and lied to them, now, the thing is that Earth knows. Monty told Earth that Moon had a psychosis episode and found him hitting the ground, that Moon could no longer tell what was real from what wasn't, so Earth knows that Moon is in a HORRIBLE mental state. And idk, but if you know that a person is in a state where they can no longer perceive reality correctly, I don't think the best response is not to help them.
Also, I'll highlight Lunar going from "I really don't care" (although he should care, we're talking about Moon, one of his brothers) to "fuck him" which is just weird?? The whole family was with Lunar and supported him when the thing with Eclipse happened but Lunar just does not care when something happens to another family member ??
I'm 100% sure that Sun will help Moon, it's more than obvious that Moon will get out of this situation, but the way the family is handling it is so strange to me. Lunar, Earth and Sun have every right to not want to continue dealing with problems but this is also partly their fault.
Since Solar died no one was with Moon because "Moon was busy", so Moon was alone in P&S with Ruin whispering in his ear and only Lunar went to see him a couple of times. Sun began to hang out more with Earth and Lunar, and Moon was left completely alone. "Oh, but Moon never said he wanted them to come with him! They can't read minds!" Yes, and that's true, but If everyone was aware that Moon and Solar were basically running around together every day, and everyone was aware that Moon was the one who had the worst reaction to Solar's death, the logical thing to do is to spend at least a couple of hours with him, right?
And yes, Moon lied about how he felt so this is also partly his fault for wanting to hide what was happening to him. But Monty is also to blame because he also hide it.
We are at a point where we have been shown that all the hallucinations that Moon has had are created by her consciousness out of guilt (in the same way as Sun when the BM thing happened), Moon regrets the things he said to Earth, Moon wants to stop, Moon wants to go home and apologize, but he can't. He thinks his whole family hates him, that no one wants him in daycare.
Also, I understand that Earth is hurt but she also isn't trying to understand Moon's feelings now that she knows everything Moon has been going through. Now she knows that Moon is going through the worst time of her life and she just decides not to do anything about it because "Moon said a couple of hurtful things to her." (things Sun warned Moon would say to push her away and things that worked).
I feel like of all the people, the only one who has a little more reason here is Sun, and, interestingly, Jack and the computer, who have done more than Earth and Lunar.
I think that now that he is locked up and unable to teleport it is a good opportunity for everyone to talk to him, a really serious and good intervention.
Sorry for the long text! And thanks for the ask and support! It really helped me let off some steam, hehe
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zoroara · 3 days
Vongola Kids Weapon Use Cases
(Space here in case I ever do this again with another group[s])
This is a really, REALLY long weapon analysis of estimations of how they would be used in a more realistic way. Disclaimer: This is a thought experiment, does not take flame uses into account in most cases unless that is the explicit only use of the weapon, does not cover animal box weapons. This is the best estimation I could do, and is likely not perfect due to this being a bunch of anime weapons, despite this, i think it gives potentially a good idea of how they would work in fights, though some would have to be toned down repercussions or re-designed based how they worked even if used realistically as some would harm the user significantly, so keep that in mind when reading that this is not to dictate how to write it.
with that in mind, let's get started.
Tsunayoshi Sawada
Weapons: X-Gloves, Cambio-Forma Mantle, Cambio-Forma Knuckle
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These DO have subtle differences to how it would affect their hits, and their WEIGHT, each being definitely heavier than the last.
The gloves themselves, on the first two iterations have very little points where they are much harder than a goalie glove, it will hurt but at the same time the blows are going to be slightly softened because of the material they're made of.
The fingers would not actually bend all that well, these gloves are THICK and would restrict some movement you would not likely be able to make a closed fist, ESPECIALLY not on the Vongola gear version where there is actual metal in the joints. and YES this metal goes all they way around the joints leaving VERY little ability to position fingers further.
however one thing for sure is that should you be hit with the actual metal of the gloves in the 2nd and 3rd version it's going to fucking hurt. However the 3rd version would require more arm strength to heft the same way without issue. should it have been realistic the change would have actually affected Tsuna's flight due to how movement would have to be adjusted unless you want to argue he already had enough strength that it would be unnoticeable, which honestly with having to preform x-burner and the pressure that would put on his body, i could see that.
Essentially, the best way of using these sans flames is essentially back handing someone really hard on the second and third, though.
Cambio Forma Mantle
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The mantle is a bit harder to tell exactly how it's used is, it seems that the cape itself more protects from off shoot of flame and is used to absorb flame into it when hit, however there's the hard part that seems to be based off a buckler shield in use that's attached to tsuna's hand.
Which is a rather Ideal weapon, however unlike the buckler it's more flat meaning it's made to take blows head on instead of completely deflecting them.
This is an issue, as blocking blows like this can sometimes stagger your hands and injure limbs through the shield, which is more likely because you're taking the full force of the attack and are trying to tough it out, vs a rounded shield redirecting some of that energy allowing the weapon to slide off and giving less surface area to take less energy into it, this is why bigger shields aren't completely flat but have rounder metal in the middle, or are curved like cop shields.
Fortunately for Tsuna he usually only has to use it once or twice before he can break out of the position he's in so that he can give his hand time to recover.
Cambio Forma Knuckle
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(note: I used the manga version because it was clearer how it was used as you can actually see tsuna's hands. and for some reason the anime added additional pincers to it?)
first the dual pincers obviously are going to be able to stab and slash the opponent, however this makes the middle part on top redundant.
Which is thicker and much more blunt, thus made to bash the opponent, however with the outer pieces they would slow down any hit that could be made and make the blunt area a little less effective.
however it could be used similarly to a bat with a nail in it, the middle part being more for the stability and as a back up if one misses. otherwise the weapon has a very specific proper hit area it can really be used most effectively from the front. Though the sides while would hurt, or the top, is clearly not the intended use of the weapon and thusly is not the aim of the user when it comes to using them for attacks.
additionally using a weapon like this can put heavy pressure on the wrist, so if he hits something hard or heavy he'll probably feel it really bad.
Hayato Gokudera
Weapons: Dynamite, Flame Arrow, G's Archery
Dynamite + Vongola gear version
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I am going to have to mark all of the dynamite with "Okay so there's not exactly a way to use these WRONG other than being within range of them."
However the more he uses the more dangerous it is, as it inevitably will become a bigger explosion, making the safe range shrink with each he throws, resulting in heat burns at the minimum level, potentially being thrown back, to actual burns and being thrown into something. Due to the rocket bombs being made to fire off further away, they are much safer to use against opponents than the regular dynamite, unless you aim them improperly or their flight is obstructed.
vongola gear cambio forma because that is JUST more effective and effiencent rocket bombs that seek out the opponent, and hold the same caveats as the previous ones
Flame Arrow
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Let's talk recoil
SO here's a massive problem with flame arrow. It's attached to the entirety of the arm. This is an issue for one particular reason. Stiffening the entire arm for these blows can help but with it attached like this, the recoil is going to spread over your entire arm.
Not to mention, gokudera is clearly not holding it with that hand. He always needs to press down with his other one. Meaning there is a lot of free force reoil of this gun slamming into his knuckles even when he is holding it with his other hand. this weapon's long term use would have resulted in many injuries.
Especially an explosive shot like flame arrow is. this is a known issue with gun use where eventually even lighter guns over years of use can cause wrist, shoulder, elbow and back pain. Even with good technique.
But flame arrow, being an explosive weapon would have significantly more kickback to it, even more than most one handed weapons would. After battles, Gokudera would be sore all over even using this thing correctly, not that he would notice with the injuries after most battles in future arc.
Now to give you an idea on how most explosive round launchers prevent recoil here is an image of a very rudimentary rocket launcher in use and a more modern one, both of which you'll notice have roughly the same sort of over the shoulder build, with exactly two hands use and a secondary/tertiary part that goes against the shoulder ALL of this to minimize recoil and give control over what is ONE explosive round being shot out
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The part on the shoulder is also cushioned in some way as well as to not damage the person as well. Additionally the Exhaust/Reload area is BEHIND the person because actual BURNING EXHAUST GAS comes out of there. Gokudera does load this thing with a physical explosive round and should that have worked like it should, flame arrow's positioning would absolutely result in burns. Flame arrow if used realistically is just as much of a threat to its user as its target if not more.
Cambio Forma G's Archery
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Let's talk bow strength and how heavy draw strings are(not that this would matter because some how gokudera has arms after having flame arrow attached to them) so, here's the thing, a lot of bows even short bows, can be heavy, they're not intended to be held outstretched for a long time.
Bow size dictates how long the range and how much power you can get it. Bigger the bow bigger the force and range. pretty simple. HOWEVER, it also dictates the more strength you need in your arm to not only pull that string back, but also BEND THE BOW WITH IT.
When you are pulling a bow, you are pulling all of it so it pulls back on a thick and heavy bow
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As you can imagine you FEEL that most archers will NOT hold the bow for more than a few moments at a time and if they aren't capable of taking the shot as fast as they thought they would, they will slowly rescind the arrow and start moving until they can and quickly shoot again.
Under no realistic scenario are you holding this thing drawn while running around that my friends is what a CROSSBOW is for.
Fortunately for Gokudera unlike most archers, he has no reason to worry about arrow waste, meaning he can draw the bow and release it immediately with no problems making it much easier for him to volley arrows until it hits something(not recommended as it will tire your arm a lot but it is an option for him) However adding more arrows does not affect the effort, you just won't be getting the most accurate shot on all of them.
and yes bows still do have recoil but it is ONLY from the string, so a strong steady hand will never have the same problem as with a gun as it can only do so much more than what you put into it. The recoil to the body comes from whatever hand is used to hold the main bow and not the draw string
so even though his shots with his storm flames are REALLY powerful, it doesn't wear on his body as much in this form because the power sending it out is not the storm flames but rather the actual bow.
Takeshi Yamamoto
Weapons: Shigure Kintoki, Four Irregular Swords, Necklace of Rain
Shigure Kintoki
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This is basically the o katana, it's a pretty standard weapon with a medium length, you don't really use the back of it's blade, while it is a trope that it won't harm people, this is factually incorrect, and you are putting a immense amount of force in a thin line, which is actually worse than something more spread out than the flat of it. If you use a sword this way, expect internal damages like broken bones and internal bleeding to potentially ruptured organs depending where and how hard you hit.
these are decently heavy on the arms but lighter than most european blades of their size due to how the metal is but it means they can succumb to heavier blades if hit right. you will feel moving them and the longer you fight the more draining the swing can become. But because it's recommended to block and parrying with a katana is still using that flat with a lot more hits to it, you will start to feel it in your hands as you cannot quite rely on that guard stopping an incoming blade while it slides against your own. Really, it's the perfect target for attacco di squalo because it gives a GOOD point to take a lot of force into that will travel into the hands of the user.
You typically do not see much more than quick katana smacks together because of this. additionally this is not a stabbing blade, you CAN use it to stab but it's much more of a slashing blade, meaning tight corridors are it's enemy. but also meaning a katana user is much more likely to aim for a swipe of some sort other than anything else.
Cambio Forma Four Irregular Swords
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First, this thing is going to be heavy to one hand since this is clearly the length of a strictly two handed blade. It is longer than an odachi with a handle that can clearly support 2 hands not that Yamamoto ever fucking uses it because his hands are busy with with the 3 other blades. the weighting on it though is absolutely fucked, the top would be much lighter than the rest of the blade, in conclusion even using this sword is going to make your arm exhausted within a few minutes using it like how yamamoto does.
Additionally european blades are fundamentally built different than japanese blades(building a sword with both techniques would probably make it frail or have a weak point where it changes resulting in the top snapping off), their techniques, and their weaknesses and strengths are all different, fusing something like this means you have a completely random ass strength/weakness depending on what part of the blade you're using making it difficult to use if you're not familiar with both sword types at BEST of cases(which we know Yamamoto isn't), what yamamoto intends to be a non-lethal hit could slice someone by accident with how the blade is 1 half a european blade as an example.
Another thing with a long blade like this, no matter whether you're holding it correctly or not, you need to commit to EVERY SWING, there is barely if ANY room to fake out your opponent due to the weight of it.
It should be noted, there is no precedent for using 4 swords mid battle, however multiple daggers could be used in one hand to slash an opponent, or catch their weapon, though admittedly, only one would be a better choice for this. The other potential better use for there being 3 extra is if they were all different lengths, allowing the user to switch between a multitude of options. However all the swords despite being called irregular swords, the 3 are all almost identical length.
A larger range in difference would have suited the user better, however there is used for tanto being a sort of counter blade, both for blocking in-coming attacks, or if your own sword is making an opening to slash them with the smaller weapon. They're pretty light weight and are not too much of a problem, even in longer fights.
Of course with all swords one needs to be mindful on how and when they take direct blocking instead of redirecting. Taking a full block to stop all energy of your opponents blade will always send a little shock to your hand.
Weapons: Boxing gloves(Maximum break and Vongola Gear)
Boxing gloves
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Ryohei who doesn't have much change over his weapons, he's not really give a lot of options in the series unlike the main three(not like he'd like to diverge from boxing let's be honest) so they can all be lumped in as direct upgrades weapon wise.
Generally though his use case is punch and punch hard much like with actual boxing gloves, really they just serve to protect his hands more as he's doing it. with a lot of martial arts and close contact sports you are going to feel the weight of your own hits on someone else, and you are absolutely capable of causing your hand to bleed just from punching another person.
Ryohei has likely slowly toughened up his hands as regular boxers do so it's unlikely to happen to him unless it's a longer fight(but with his time limit fighting this is a mute note unless you're before cambio forma) the best places for him to target is usually the head, but punches to the kidney area or other such areas are also usually really good.
However the trouble for him is usually his shorter range means closing in with an opponent's weapon is trouble.
Weapons: Grenades, Horns, Lampow's Shield, Thunder Helm
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we are starting with his grenades which are significantly weaker than most but generally much like actual grenades, pull the pin and throw them as far away from you, hoping that nothing changes their trajectory. Pretty simple to use.
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I will note, while i'm not looking at flame output, this weapon so long as it's not the oldest version basically works like a taser, thus i will be working off of this assumption.
So their use case is very dangerous to the user as it would require not only extremely close contact, but also leaves the user open to any potential attacks at they tip their head, additionally if not positioned right the user will simply headbutt their target instead of delivering a shock.
One thing with headbutting is that it just about hurts the person doing it as much as the person receiving it and is generally a desperate moving hoping that you'll be able to tough it out more than the other person.
Every attack lambo makes should it hit, does risk harming himself more than his attacker even if he does hit with the electricity.
Cambio Forma Lampow's Shield
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One problem is that shields are usually paired with a weapon for a reason, they simply aren't made to be damaging. However this one is a better shield than the flame mantle, clearly rounded to aid attacks in bouncing off not taking the full of any attack and curving attacks out.
The way that it could be used as a weapon is to shield bash someone, this is where, should you be close enough, you ram the shield into their body or if there's a good opening, their head. Lambo, being too small for this is lucky that he has flames to use alongside it.
An additional way it can be used thanks to the horns is as a bludgeon, the horns don't actually go high enough to stab anything well, but you can grab them and use them for leverage for an attack. This isn't recommended though.
As with anything when being hit, you will not completely absorb all attack and it does take energy to resist being knocked over or slammed, even with a shield. Defending all the time will whittle down the user.
Thunder Helm
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Well his main use case is from the massive taser horns. Should they be used however, all of that is putting risk on the user's neck. Both with it's heavy weight, but also the fact that if they ram into anything like let's say a heavy object that does not want to move, all of that, is not only going to send all of that down the spine, it's going to focus down on the weakest part. Potentially breaking the neck and doing significant damage to the body.
Though should the electricity shock the opponent before it puts too much pressure on the body then the user would be safe. the use of this weapon would actually be incredibly risky that way.
Otherwise much easier use cases that aren't as threatening to the user would be using the gauntlets and boots to fight until a key moment. Their heavy weight would allow them to do some harm.
However due to how massive the armour actually is, it is unlikely that the user could move around much without exhaustion developing quickly.
Ironically despite being a weapon made to protect, it risks the user greatly.
Weapons: Tonfas, Handcuffs
Tonfas + Vongola Gear
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Hibari's tonfa, which is also a multi-tool even without flame. It has, a hook, thorns, a chain with hooks at the end, and finally panels that can open up and shoot out air to deflect light weapons completely.
i'll have to break each little thing into it's own section starting with the tonfa itself
Tonfa are very rudimentary weapons, in rest position they sit alongside the user's arms as guards. The can be used to bludgeon this way, or flipped to lengthen the range of the attack or if the user needs to block or reroute an attack, they're very versatile. Like most close range weapons, they need to be careful of their hands and how they take hits. Another technique is the spin of the the tonfa to add more power into an attack. However one risks hurting their own hand if done improperly or blocked. The fact hibari uses this liberally shows his confidence in his ability as well as his possible recklessness.
addition a. Hook - the hook is placed at the mid point of the tonfa, giving very good stability when using it to pull a weapon, however it's use case is very niche, as the tonfa must be in correct position and the weapon used cannot be too big, ie. a baseball bat. Clearly better for thinner weapons than the tonfa itself, and that's not too many. Additionally, with how thin the hook is, it could be snapped by a strong opponent. One other threat to using a hook like this is just as you may be able to disarm your opponent, unless your opponent is in a very bad position or hold, they may be just as likely to disarm you using this.
Addition b. Thorns - This is a very strange addition to the tonfa. as it clearly goes on all sides of the tonfa, this can damage the user just by having the tonfa hit by a weapon and these pricking into your arm. They're also all pointed one way, meaning lunging and sweeping attacks are preferred by this form so the thorns can scrape against the opponent. However, wider attacks like this are not good in enclosed spaces, and can leave the user open. this form is definitely for aggression only, as it leaves it's user way too open to be defensive.
Addition c. hook and chain - a weighted hook on a chain, useful for getting additional range, however with the caveat if it ever gets caught on something or your opponent gets a hold of it you may pay for it. Unlike other attachments that use the tonfa regularly, these need to be used as a flail, the tonfa needs to be continuously spun in order to get enough momentum and to keep the momentum till it slams into the target. Being hit by this directly, will fuck up someone bad. with the sheer momentum strength a flail has, is can outclass a lot of bludgeoning melee weapons with the caveat that it must be kept moving in order to keep it's arc steady, though you can just swing them and it does the trick usually.
The more exhausted you are, the harder this will be to do, especially in the case hibari has, as unlike normal flails, with just a stick to use, he has to swing an entire tonfa with it in a specific pattern so it doesn't hit him by accident. Other issues he will face, missed swings will retain momentum and can put him off balance(especially if tired already), and the weapon can hit him instead of his target if he misses. Additionally, if you strike with one, it may bounce back, and if you should hit, you must bring it back to proper direction to prepare another attack. A complex weapon to use for the damage it does.
Also in the Vongola Gear version, the hook on chain now shoots out like a hook shot. This can definitely knock someone out(or worse), however it's infinite length does mean a lot of potential to get caught on things or lash backwards hitting the user when retracting like when a tape measure flick backs and as it enters it's point it thwicks backwards up and down.
Addition d. Air rockets - 3 panels that open up and will shoot an extremely strong gust of air. Once again we're back to recoil, this, would cause the tonfa to slam into hibari's hand and could even force his arm to move if he's not holding correctly/braced. This would have kickback to it at a high rate, likely higher than a normal gun in order to create enough air to do this, his hands be aching. so he'll have to use this sparingly as not to also accidentally disarm himself.
Handcuffs + Vongola Gear
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I will not be counting the multiplication factor i am just looking at handcuffs as weapons. There's a few different way's they can be used if the user is creative.
Firstly, hand cuffing the opponent to self, this can give you control over the opponent should you know how to use it. of course, wearing handcuffs fucking hurt, they're metal and you can bruise up your wrist and hand. So instead it would be better to use the weapon by handcuffing the opponent and using the other cuff as a sort of handle, giving you the advantage in controlling them. Of course, this is risky as now you're in short range of the opponent, but if you get their weapon hand, you can control how they use it and even use this to disarm them if you get behind them and pull on this and force their arm into positions that it absolutely should not go. Alternatively, if you get them on a leg, you can absolutely use this to trip them up too.
Secondly, actually managing to properly handcuffing them, will prevent them from using anything aside from their feet... if you've handcuffed them with their hands behind their back that is, they can still absolutely hurt you if you've hand cuffed them at the front, but their range of motion will be a lot more contained. This obviously makes them vulnerable, unless they're trained in martial arts that have some moves that kicks and are skilled in it. But you can also hand cuff their ankles if you manage to be sneaky enough about it, which will immediately become a problem as it restricts their movement really badly giving you the advantage of getting out of their range whenever you want.
Additionally in the Vongola gear version, that the handcuffs are now sharpened internally and can be used to cut the opponent in addition to restricting them.
Chrome + Mukuro (They share weapons)
Weapons: Trident, Earring of Mist
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These much like spears are considered the very very good option of both range and versatility. Their long length allows the user a lot of safety from other weapons and the 3 pronged nature of the trident can be used to catch incoming weapons and create openings. as the user typically holds it with two hands the shock that's absorbed is usually less than a one handed weapon's, additionally will be spread out more over the long length of the trident. You can also use the other end to bludgeon enemies.
You can throw this weapon but if you don't have any back up weapons and you miss well... maybe don't do that unless you have to or you'll be very awkwardly unarmed.
Some caveats the trident has is the 3 pronged nature does make it harder to remove after you've stabbed into something. Thankfully this version has the middle longer, which is with a purpose, as if the other two were longer, if they hit anything before the middle one, they may actually prevent you from trying to stab that thing you're trying to stab.
However, the other issue with the trident is very much the same thing that makes it good in fields, it's length. In close quarters or closer spaces you will not have as much room to use it, thankfully if you're in a corridor that's like the best place as it's made for stabbing. However the three prongs, while it can be used to deflect weapons, it can be also used to re-route your own.
Additionally, unlike other weapons made with the idea your opponent will be able to strike you, there is little to no protection should you fail to use the whole of the staff to protect you, as well as there being no protection for your hands at all.
Earring of Mist
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If you were to use any staff as a weapon without it's magic, it's gonna be used as a bludgeoning weapon. the top is actually perfect for this the uneven shape and clear weight to it would do well. it would give some decent range to it too. not a horrible weapon.
However there are some caveats to it. it's a lot shorter and very thin with no guard, meaning spinning to try and stop a weapon is not going to have as much momentum to it and may be useless against an opponent with a strong enough grip. additionally it does mean there's more damage potentially going into your arms when you do block.
Hopefully this information is useful to someone, but also thank you for listening to me ramble! I may do more eventually as i do love to do this kind of thing.
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lavouredior · 2 days
Together At Last
bunny!reader x vox, if you had seen my poll from earlier, turning this pair into a story rather than a bunch of random requests had won !! all my requests will be added into this but in a order that makes more sense for the pair to be understood better !!
“fuck” you thought as you saw a group of sinners running towards you. you didn’t know what they wanted from you. all you knew was that they were after you and you needed to figure out what to do and quick.
although you didn’t really have time to think, especially when you ran head first into someone. you ended up falling right onto the ground, the tears that had been welling up in your eyes starting to fall.
the man you had ran into had just stared at you briefly before offering you a hand up, causing the sinners who had been chasing you to scatter off.
he just stared into your eyes for a moment, they were tear ridden and he felt bad about letting you get upset, even though he didn’t even know you.
he sighed, “do you need a job? i’m in need of a new assistant and it’ll make sure those sinners don’t come after you again.” you immediately nodded, your bunny ears flopping up and down.
working for the man you later found out is named vox wasn’t easy, he had a ton of protocols you had to learn, you had to get PR trained in case someone tried talking to you to learn about vox’s business to try and ruin it, a lot of things that were honestly overwhelming.
“bunny!” you heard the name vox gave you and immediately went running to his office. “yes sir?” he shook his head “we’ve talked about the formalities. you can just call me vox. anyways, i wanna make a deal with you.”
you paused, staring at him confused. “you want my soul? but why?” but he just shook his head. “bunny, we both know you need protection and we both know i’m not gonna let you out of my sight to make sure you don’t get hurt. so, you give me your soul. i give you protection, including housing, food, anything you need.” he smiled before holding his hand out for you to shake.
you made the deal and that’s why you’re at where you are now. although things with vox were tricky, one second he made you think he liked you the next he made you think he hated you more than anything.
back when you were his assistant you’d given him head a couple times, something that was mostly your idea as you tried to make your job last as you were horrible at it and definitely making things harder for the man.
but what was much harder was trying to figure out what you and him even were, a lot of the time he’d visit you in your bedroom, although maybe it was to make it seem less like a jail cell considering all that was in there was a bed. you didn’t have many things and you felt bad asking for money. so you just lived how you could.
although that was until you woke up one morning to being in another room. “good morning bunny.” you looked up confused to see vox standing in the room. “vox? what am i doing here?” he smiled before sitting down next to you. “well your old room is now being turned into a closet for velvette and i thought you’d like it a lot more here, considering you’re in love with me.” you just looked up at him confused, sure you had feelings for him but you wouldn’t consider it love, not yet. “i’m joking, bunny. but i am asking you to be my girlfriend.” which of course you said yes to.
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imineffible · 3 days
When I saw your face
You made me feel like a stranger in a brand new place
And it felt so good to be understood
But there's so much I wished that I could say
So I
I'll be your armor
I love how these few lines of Vaggie's part in Whatever It Takes speaks volumes
From the first two lines: Vaggie only knew Hell as a place filled with sinful creatures that she had to get rid of, and here Charlie is, the actual princess of Hell, treating her with kindness without even knowing who she is or what she's done. Suddenly Hell is a place that can still have good in it - which isn't the place she was led to believe it was by Heaven.
The third line: Vaggie was trying to do the right thing by letting that cannibal child go, but was punished for it and fell. Charlie goes out to help injured sinners after Exterminations but gets no thanks or is treated badly by them despite her helping. Vaggie found someone else in Hell, of all places, who wants to do the right thing despite what the potential consequences might be.
The fourth line: Vaggie wants to tell Charlie that she used to be an exorcist and everything she's done, but knows that would end up hurting her and instead keeps the secret to protect her feelings. (Which parallels with Carmilla's part when she says: I'll keep you safe and keep this secret)
The last two lines: Since Vaggie is keeping this big secret from Charlie, she thinks the best way to make up for it is to literally be her armor. If anyone wants to hurt Charlie, they'll have to get through her first. Even though Charlie is canonically more powerful, she still puts herself between Charlie and any danger without a thought about her own safety.
Side note: Now that Vaggie's secret is out in the open and Charlie's more aware of her power, I can't wait to watch the dynamic switch from Vaggie being Charlie's armor, to Charlie being Vaggie's, and Vaggie learning she doesn't have to always put her life on the line to be worthy of Charlie's love.
Tl;dr: Vaggie saw Hell in a new light upon seeing Charlie and connects with her desire to do good. She feels bad for hiding her past and decides to always put her life on the line for Charlie. Vaggie loves Charlie very much :)
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