matias-crtz-art · 3 months
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"Thunder rumbles, the fires burn"
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queensabriel · 4 months
Silmarillion fans be like...
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Genuinely and wholeheartedly love this fandom so much <3
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Yo I've got another for my by now mixed Tolkien survey series:
(yes, I over-simplified stuff, and had to exclude Tulkas, Melkor & Mandos for lack of answer-options, just comment if you'd have picked them)
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snouart · 5 months
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Ereinion Gil-galad 2.0 ✨
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velvet4510 · 12 days
Headcanon that all that juicy stuff such as the hug, the acorn moment, “to me he was…” etc. all happened in book canon too because who says it didn’t, Bilbo just wanted to keep and treasure those moments to himself and leave them out of his memoir.
SO when Thorin went to Aulë’s corner in the Halls of Mandos, he watched Bilbo and Balin’s “to me he was” talk via Vairë’s tapestries. And he wondered what the rest of that sentence was, especially as the rest of the company insisted Bilbo’s use of “friend” to the house thieves was an oversimplification and not the real truth.
When Bilbo finally arrived in the Halls, though the Gift of Men could not be taken from him, he was allowed a few hours in Aulë’s corner to reconnect with the Dwarves one last time before leaving Arda. Once everyone had caught up on Bilbo’s life, and he’d said his last farewells to most of them, he and Thorin went to Aulë’s gates alone.
What followed was akin to the WandaVision finale. Though they knew they could not stay like this, Thorin’s last request was to know the rest of that one unfinished sentence he once overheard. “…What am I to you?” Bilbo’s answer was a parallel to, if not word for word, “You are my sadness and my hope, but mostly you’re my love.” One last hug and kiss, a promise to reunite when the world is remade, and Bilbo departed from Arda.
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tchouamenii · 18 days
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r0sa4077 · 2 months
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Gandalf the Grey - The Lord of the Rings
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natsumka · 3 months
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"Then arose Thorndor, King of Eagles, and he loved not Melko, for Melko had caught many of his kindred and chained them against sharp rocks to squeeze from them the magic words whereby he might learn to fly (for he dreamed of contending even against Manwe in the air); and when they would not tell he cut off their wings and sought to fashion therefrom a mighty pair for his use, but it availed not."
— The Book of Lost Tales 2, chapter 18, J.R.R. Tolkien.
"Тогда поднялся в воздух Торндор, Король Орлов — он не любил Мелько, ибо тот изловил многих его сородичей и приковал к острым скалам, надеясь вытянуть у них волшебное слово, чтобы научиться летать (ибо он мечтал соперничать в небе с самим Манвэ); орлы ничего не сказали ему, и тогда он отрезал им крылья и хотел сделать из них огромные крылья для себя, но у него ничего не вышло."
— Книга утраченных сказаний 2, III Падение Гондолина (стр. 193), Джон Р. Р. Толкин.
Pic by me
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mirra-kan · 5 months
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@lotr20 Day 5 (15th Dec): loss | sacrifice | despair
"DARK TALES OF HORROR" The causes of the problems lie much deeper  than just the Lord of The Rings story. We see the result. We see only one side of a coin. Here's another one, which refers to the deeds of the Second Age but persists until the fall of Dark Lord Sauron, which we witness in LOTR books and movies. Here're some quotes I find relatable to the topic overall, in case you're interested ❤
"I dislike the use of 'political' in such a context; it seems to me false. It seems clear to me that Frodo's duty was 'humane' not political. He naturally thought first of the Shire, since his roots were there, but the quest had as its object not the preserving of this or that polity, such as the half republic half aristocracy of the Shire, but the liberation from an evil tyranny of all the 'humane'* – including those, such as 'easterlings' and Haradrim, that were still servants of the tyranny. Denethor was tainted with mere politics: hence his failure, and his mistrust of Faramir. It had become for him a prime motive to preserve the polity of Gondor, as it was, against another potentate, who had made himself stronger and was to be feared and opposed for that reason rather than because he was ruthless and wicked. Denethor despised lesser men, and one may be sure did not distinguish between orcs and the allies of Mordor. If he had survived as victor, even without use of the Ring, he would have taken a long stride towards becoming himself a tyrant, and the terms and treatment he accorded to the deluded peoples of east and south would have been cruel and vengeful. He had become a 'political' leader: sc. Gondor against the rest."  – letter 183 | Notes on W. H. Auden's review of The Return of the King Art quote:
"The Númenóreans carry their evil also to Middle-earth and there become cruel and wicked lords of necromancy, slaying and tormenting men; and the old legends are overlaid with dark tales of horror." Letter 131
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tathrin · 14 days
I deserve like seventeen cookies today, because my co-worked asked me "what the elvish homeland is called in Lord of the Rings" and I RESISTED GETTING INTO ALL OF THAT and from context clues figured out that the answer they were actually looking for was just "The Grey Havens" (which is one of the very few possible answers that isn't actually an answer to that question btw G.!) and I managed to only answer them with that information, and the supplemental details that the Grey Havens actually just lead to the place that could be called, among other things, Aman, the Blessed Realm, Valinor, and the Undying Lands instead of...you know...
Getting into all of that.
So yeah, clearly I'm a miracle worker and a saint and I'd like those cookies now please and thank you.
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knights-of-beleriand · 4 months
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The lord of Beleriand
We need more Melkor cosplay in our lives
I hope you like my cosplay
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matias-crtz-art · 2 months
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Aegnor & Andreth.
You are no Beren, nor I Lúthien— our fates are sundered by the fathomless Sea.
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queensabriel · 6 months
on one hand i would love to go back in time and tell J.R.R Tolkien that his stories would be so incredibly beloved long after his death and that people would learn Sindarin and cry about the love between Sam and Frodo and show him that i have the white tree of gondor tattoed on my arm
on the other i would also absolutely love to just hold up a picture of Gandalf Big Naturals to him to see what happens
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almostlookedhuman · 6 months
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snouart · 1 year
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"The King Under the Mountain is dead! I took his throne!" ©
Finally, I can publish my work in a Ukrainian Zine with Smaug 🔥🐲
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velvet4510 · 1 month
The biggest reason I love the Dagor Dagorath/Arda Healed is that not only will Fëanor and Túrin get their redemption, but all the Children of Ilúvatar - plus the Dwarves - will come together with the Ainur to reshape the world. Think of what this means!!!! This means the entire Fellowship will finally be reunited, Bilbo & Thorin will find each other again at last, Túrin will finally receive Beleg’s forgiveness, Elrond will see his brother and daughter again at last, Finrod will finally reconvene with Bëor and his entire household, and Aegnor & Andreth, at long last, will get the chance at happiness that they never got in the marred world.
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