#—spin the bottle.
theotherendcomics · 3 months
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morganbritton132 · 6 months
A fan on a live-stream asks Eddie a question that isn’t ‘who is the best kisser you know’ but it connects enough trains to prompt him to turn around and ask, “Steve, best kisser you know. Go.”
Steve, with zero hesitate: Me
Steve: I’ve kissed a lot of people. A lot of people have said I’m the best.
Steve: You think I’m not?
Eddie: No, I’m not disagreeing with you. You are a great kisser but maybe you’re not as good as you remember. Maybe there’s someone a little better. Someone like, I don’t know. Me?
Steve, scoffing: Oh, who told you that? The five people you’ve kissed in your entire life? Do you know how many people played seven minutes of heaven with me?
Eddie: Yeah, all inexperienced teenagers in the eighties. Just saying, I’m the only person you’ve kissed as an adult.
Steve: Not true! I kissed Argyle during that weird game of spin the bottle and he said I was a great kisser. Checkmate.
Eddie: …I forgot about spin the bottle but I’m great too!
Steve: And yet, Robin’s silence has spoke volumes.
Eddie: Wanna make out?
Steve: Yes, obviously.
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emacrow · 16 days
When Diana and her twin Jason was born after her, Jason was left to be disposed off in Amazon, only for him to disappear a second later.
Clockwork saw the possibility and took the freshly wet newborn swapping him with The Fenton's stillborn.
For what he saw in the possibility of the future was nearly endless as he did what he had to do.. for the best outcome to come forth..
A pebble here, a rocket ship toy there, an inch of furniture moved then so that incident doesn't happen, a poster paper on that tree. Minor tiny changes to help bring the visual to the present.
All leading to clockwork giving 19 year old sleep deprived danny an small yet important task to deliver a scroll in another dimension leading up to his body regressed in that dimension timeline the moment he slipped in and out the portal.
Diana knew she had a twin brother out there.. and she was going to find him.
What she didn't know that he was literally falling into her arms, when she and Superman went to check on the Glowing lararus pit portal made near metropolis.
Tiny little boy who look completely tired as he went unconscious holding a purple and green scroll in his hands, wearing clothes 3 times his size.
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warandpeas · 10 months
Only Skeletons
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illyrian-dreamer · 1 year
Spin the bottle
Jealous Azriel x Reader. Angst/fluff (the usuaaallll)
Summary: A drunken game of spin the bottle with the rest of the IC makes Azriel a grumpy boy. (But it’s actually pretty romantic).
Word count: 2.1k
This was stupid. Stupid stupid stupid.
You looked up from where the bottle had finally stopped spinning. Flecks of red wine having splattered on the floorboards from what little remained in the deep green bottle, it’s long neck now pointed directly at your High Lord.
It was the eighth bottle of the night, or perhaps the ninth? It hardly mattered, you and your friends were stupidly drunk, so much so that when Cassian had suggested a childish game of spin the bottle with a wiggle of his eyebrows, you had snorted and excitedly agreed.
It had taken a variation of tactics to get the rest of the Inner Circle to play along.
Feyre had giggled, whispering something to her mate who merely winked back at her as they both took a place by the fire.
Mor had clapped in delight, poking fun at Amren who clung to Varian, but when her partner agreed, so had she.
Nesta rolled her eyes at Cassian, but a smirk was set at her lips as he hauled her over his shoulder to the circle that was beginning to form. Even Elain hadn’t given much fight, blushing as she shrugged “If it’s only a kiss.” You had pecked her hands and gave a squeal of delight, pulling her to sit by your side.
That only left the amused, yet still brooding Shadowsinger.
Azriel kept his arms crossed, shaking his head with a stubborn smirk as each of you tried your own way to convince him to play, Some begged, some insulted, and some bargained with unfulfillable promise – all of which rendered useless against the Spymaster.
He leaned against the arm of the chase, dark hair falling in front of his honey-brown eyes. Despite his stubborn front, his wings were slouched and relaxed, Azriel’s tell-sign he was just as tipsy as the rest of you.
“C’mon Az,” you drawled, uncaring that you spoke with a slight slur. “You’ll be the only one not playing.” Dark shadows began to curl in your lap.
Azriel smiled tightly. “You’re all drunk.”
“Oh, and you’re not?”
Calling the shadows back from the distance they had gained towards you, Azriel’s eyes narrowed on you playfully. His smile grew, yet he remained unmoved.
“Leave him be,” Cassian spoke, a hand covering one side of his mouth as if to tell you a secret, but with a volume high enough to ensure everyone would hear. “He’s just brooding because he lost the snowball fight yesterday.”
Azriel stiffened immediately, and spoke with lethal cool. “I did not lose.”
Rhysand grinned, chiming in. “You certainly did.”
“I only lost to a pair of cheats. You’re not supposed to work as a team.”
“Why not give me a big smooch and prove you’re not a loser at this game too, then?” Cassian boasted, arms wide and beckoning, his lips comically puckered.
The rest of you howled in unison, tears forming in your own eyes as you wiped them away. Azriel finally took a place in between you and Feyre, and as far away from Cassian as he could get.
The rules were simple – spin the bottle and kiss whoever it pointed at. If the bottle was to land on a relative, it would automatically direct to the first on their right.
And so the game began. Cassian declared the first round his, the bottle landing swiftly on Varian who merely chuckled. Cassian had grabbed both sides of his face, planting an enthusiastic kiss on his mouth that sounded with a smack of his lips.
“Mmm, tastes like blood,” he teased at Amren, who merely scowled back. The rest of you were in hysterics, and you had to clutch at your stomach to stop it from hurting.
Mor was up next, the bottle reeling to a quick stop on Elain. The kiss was swift, but gentle, and had Elain thanking her with an shy giggle. Mor winked back at the blushing Archeron before returning to her spot.
Feyre had spun the bottle enthusiastically, and tipped her head back and laughed when it landed directly on her mate.
“C’mere darling,” he said smoothly, moving to dip her head back and plant a sensual kiss on her neck before slipping his tongue into her mouth. The group whooped and cheered, before Nesta declared she was to be sick and the couple finally broke their kiss.
Azriel was up next, and Cassian had roared with a cheer as the bottle landed in his direction. ‘Come here big guy!” Azriel had let him kiss him for all of two seconds, and kept a firm hand planted on his brother’s chest to ensure some distance was kept. You were sure you had never laughed harder in your life.
And so it was your turn. You were yet to be kissed, and felt a silly flutter of nerves as you crawled towards the bottle. It slowed to a stop. It’s long neck pointed directly at your High Lord.
“Well well,” Rhys mused, his violet eyes sparkling as a feline grin grew. “Try not to be too jealous, Feyre darling,” he winked at his mate. Feyre laughed, raising her hands in surrender. “I’m only glad it’s not Cassian,” she joked, earning a shove from the General.
Rhys was crouched in front of you now, his face relaxed yet playful. There was no denying his handsomeness – you certainly weren’t unhappy to be kissing him.
Rhys reached to cup your face, and as his long fingers found where your jaw meets your neck, you heard a sharp breath being sucked in from beside you.
Flicking your eyes over to Azriel, you saw his brow pulled in fury, his body completely stiffened and shadows nowhere to be seen. You hadn’t a second to process before Rhys’s lips found yours in a gentle kiss.
A kiss that lasted a mere second, before a cold, harsh voice spoke.
“Stop that.”
You and Rhys both broke away from the kiss. His hands were still on your face as you looked up at Azriel who now stood towering over the two of you, wings spread and chest fuming.
You couldn’t help but gawk at his erratic behaviour. “Azriel, what–?”
“Let go of her.” Azriel was practically growling at his High Lord.
Rhysand didn’t question him, instead he dropped his hands from your face immediately. “I’m sorry,” he said with a hushed voice. “I had no idea.”
The rest of the circle fell silent, each of you stunned by the Shadowinger’s outburst.
With a final fume from his chest and flare of his nostrils, Azriel folded to a winnow, vanishing from the room entirely.
“Well that was unexpected,” Mor spoke with a pull of her brow.
“I’ll say,” Feyre added.
Bringing a hand to your lips, the sensation of Rhys’s lips on yours lingered, and twinge of guilt cast through your stomach.
“Any idea of where he went?” you asked quietly, no longer amused with the game’s antics.
“The Sidra,” Rhys answered shortly, offering you a sorry smile before casting a long look at his mate, an obvious sign of their mind-to-mind exchange.
Velaris was freezing this time of year, and even your layers of wool, scarves and a heavy coat couldn’t protect you from the icy bite that blew from over the cold of the river. You found Azriel at a docking pier, solemnly leaning against the railing as the water sloshed below the planks.
There was no sneaking up on the Spymaster, yet he continued to ignore you as you approached.
“Care to explain yourself?” you spoke from some distance, making your way closer to him. His wings twitched at your words and knuckles whitened at their clutch on the railing, but Azriel kept his gaze on the night’s horizon.
You folded his coat over the railing, a small sign for a truce you were unsure was needed. When Azriel left it untouched, you sighed, folding your arms. “Put the coat on, Az.”
Without turning his head, Azriel cast a sideways glance before pulling the large black coat over his arms and wings. He was already a large and broad male, but the coat refined him further. It was quite a handsome look on the Shadowsinger.
“What happened back there?” you poached again.
There was a moment of silence before he spoke. “You wanted him to kiss you.”
Frowning, you were quick to defend yourself. “Not necessarily.”
“You did. I heard your heart fasten. I scented your excitement.”
“It was a game Azriel, one we all agreed to play.”
“I didn’t want to.”
You rolled your eyes then. “Alright Az, I’m sorry we forced you–”
“I didn’t want to play because I can’t stand the thought of anyone else kissing you.”
You gawked at your friend. “Excuse me?”
Azriel had finally turned to face you, his eyes wild and swirling with gold, his frown deep and chest moving fast. You could hear his own heart then, beating far too fast.
“When Rhys looked at you like that, and touched you, and then h-he kissed you… Gods Y/N. You don't understand. It took everything I had to rip him off of you.”
You blinked at Azriel – never had he shown such vulnerability. “Is this an Illyrian thing?”
Azriel shook his head tightly, wild eyes still fixed on you, nostrils flaring yet again.
“Are you jealous?” you collected.
Azriel ignored your statement. “I ache to be the one to kiss you like that, Y/N.”
Your heart skipped a beat then, and you were forced to take a gulp of quick air. “Do you desire me, Azriel?” Something in your core throbbed at the thought.
“Tonight I realised it’s more than that. You have a certain…pull on me,” he said, moving to step closer. “Every time you’re in a room, I feel the need to be near you. And when you leave, something beyond my will begs for me to follow. I feel anxious when you’re away, and unfulfilled if I haven’t seen you or even scented you in hours.”
Your were deadly still, eyes wide as Azriel continued to move closer, drawing a breath through his nose, claiming the smell of you he so desperately needed. A deep hum sounded from him, before scarred hands moved to grasp either side of your arms.
“You have no idea how much control you have over me. You rule me Y/N, dictate my every move, just by simply existing.”
Guilt, confusion, passion and a small glint of hope overwhelmed you as his words sunk in. Could it be? Something so rare sparked by a ridiculous exchange of puppy-love? Your hands moved on their own accord, seeking his to hold. And when your cold fingers slid over his scarred ones, Azriel’s touch ignited a current of warmth through your veins, heating you from the inside out. Your own eyes widened to find his softened, earnest and pleading.
“I never meant to hurt you by kissing Rhys.” Your voice was a whisper.
“I know. Gods, of course I know that. I’m acting rash, I’m aware.” Azriel kept your hands in his, but looked down now, shaking his head. “Mother above, this is insanity!”
“It’s not insanity,” you said softly, stepping closer and bringing a hand to cup his chiselled cheek. “It’s the mating bond.”
Azriel froze then, his eyes locked on yours. “You feel it too?”
“I do now,” you said with a faint smile.  
Azriel brow pulled in painful relief. “I heard it snap the moment Rhys’s lips found yours,” he admitted.
You cringed at the thought. “Gods, what an awful way to find out.” You pulled him closer to you, instincts igniting as your body begged to be closer to him, pressed against him bare if you could. “I’m sorry.”
Azriel was silent as he moved to entwine himself with you, strong arms encompassing you, protecting you. For a moment you held each other, savouring the feel of a perfect fit, two pieces of a puzzle having finally interlocked. Your kept your check pressed to his chest, listening to his heartbeat that was now a melody to your ears.
Looking up, you trembled in awe of his beauty, gingerly stroking his cheek before rubbing your thumb gently over his bottom lip. A deep sound left his chest then, and it thrilled you – you were tuning him with your touch.
“Be mine?” he asked, biting back his own urges as you leaned on your toes, reaching closer to his face.
“Only yours,” you whispered before pressing your lips against his, indulging in the euphoric sensation of the eternal tether binding you to your mate.
A/N: Look, I truly believe not all fics have to end with a mating bond. But this one does, ok? Hope you enjoyed, thank you to @aroseinvelaris for the request!! 
Also did you spot the slightest Mor x Elain crackship?? If you blink you might have missed it.... but I got excited lol. 
Thanks always for reading! MWA
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autocrats-in-love · 3 months
Prompt (287)
The hero squeaked when the bottle the villain had spun pointed at them.
“Well, you know the drill,” the villain said grinning.
The hero crossed their arms. “That’s the third time you’ve landed on me!”
The villain smirked. The hero didn’t know about their telekinesis.
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4pp13-ju1c3 · 2 months
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this ONEs a real doozy!! (i am ill and will not recover. this series has left me irreparably damaged)
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doreensladle · 3 months
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utter defeat from these three
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letraspal · 10 months
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“One kiss and you think the world is upside down.”
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sxphr · 9 months
Yoko, Bianca, Divina, Wednesday and Enid are sat in a circle playing spin the bottle.
Bianca: Alright Addams, it's your turn.
Wednesday, spins the bottle:
The bottle landa on Enid
Enid, stuttering: I...Its just a game, you obviously don't have to do it if you don't want to Wednesday. I'd under-
Wednesday: *leans over and kisses Enid*
Enid: *faints*
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stevesbipanic · 5 months
@steddiemas Day 29: Holiday Parties
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Steve knew how to throw a party. The ragers he threw in high school mainly to piss off his dad could attest to that fact. These days however, Steve's parties were much more lowkey, keeping to the tight knit group he'd acquired after getting his head on straight, or we'll head on bisexual he guesses.
His favourite party besides showering each of his friends in love and affection on their birthdays, was his Christmas party. This year was the first time the party wouldn't feel small, now with the addition of Vickie, Eddie and Argyle, seven people felt like a proper party and less like a movie night in sweaters.
Steve was nervous about Eddie coming, not because of giving him a present, they'd give those out at Joyce's ok Christmas day. No, Steve was nervous because Robin had convinced him they should play spin the bottle solely so she might kiss Vickie.
"You're literally dating, why do you need the game?"
Robin shrugged, "Because I never got to play it in high school and now I know a girl will kiss me."
Steve wasn't going to deny her the opportunity to play a game he knows got him plenty of action in school. He was regretting it now looking at Eddie sitting across from him, bottle pointing right at him. They'd agreed at the beginning of the game that they were all friends here and wouldn't mind no matter who it landed on. Steve had already gotten a peck from Argyle on the lips and a forehead kiss from Robin who said kissing her brother on the mouth was a crime.
"Looks like I'm your lucky partner, Stevie, don't be shy."
Steve took a deep breath and shuffled over to him, he looked even prettier up close, those big cow eyes and pink lips. He leaned forward slightly but just before they met in the middle Steve stood up abruptly, "I, I can't, not like this," he said quickly and darted out of the room and outside.
The air was crisp out in the back porch, it did little to soothe him. Eddie probably hated him now, or thought Steve was weird about gay guys or a whole number of reasons why the number one reason being the fact that Steve ran from him.
"Hey, sweetheart, are you ok?" A tentative voice said behind him. Steve turned to find a worried Eddie standing behind him.
"I'm fine, I'm sorry, I was being silly, I'm sorry."
Eddie took the last couple steps to him and put a comforting hand on his arm.
"Hey, Stevie, it's just a game I don't mind that you didn't want to kiss me."
"I did."
"Did what?"
"Want to kiss you."
Eddie's eyes widened in surprise, "You did, but why did you run then?"
Steve took a nervous breath, eyes darting away from Eddie, "Because I didn't want the first time I kiss you to be because of a game."
Eddie's face grew into a soft smile, "Oh sweetheart, all you had to do was ask."
"Really?" Steve felt his nerves from earlier melt away. "Could you kiss me now?"
Eddie held Steve's face gently, "Of course, Stevie, would be my pleasure."
The next time they played Robin had to pull the two of them apart just so they could continue the game.
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trek-tracks · 6 months
Amok Time but the only cure for Pon Farr is a ritual game of Spin The Bottle
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rescue-ram · 16 days
Like. The thing that is no longer normative, to the point that I think people have almost completely forgotten it existed, is the institution of the minor seminary.
Up until the 70s/80s, almost all Catholic priests started their training in highschool. I tried to find exact statistics on this and couldn't, but it was the norm. There would be 6 years of minor seminary, from 14-20, then 6 years of major seminary, 21-26, give or take a little.
And I feel like there's some untapped sadness in Mulcahy, of you think of him as a man in his mid to late 30s, living with the consequences of a decision he made at about 13. Idk it hit me hard today. He never got to be a normal guy! He went from preteen in an unhappy home to seminarian to deacon to priest.
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midnight-black2 · 1 month
ok so i have an idea. (this is before jann got into gt academy)
jann has had a crush on us for a very long time. coby invites jann to a party saying we’ll be there (so ofc he comes) and they play spin the bottle/7 mins in heaven
pairing : jann mardenborough x reader, prompt #8
synopsis : it's exactly what the req says lol
disclaimers : sub!jann, dom!reader, teasing, kissing, etc, this is rather mild tbh
note : yayy first req for my eventtt.
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jann was definitely not the type to attend parties, but for you? he'd do it, no questions asked. so when his brother practically begged jann to drive him to said party, jann couldn't pass up the opportunity to see you, which is how he found himself in that rare situation; standing awkwardly by your side as all the others drunkenly shouted and laughed.
now, you'd be lying if you said you didn't find jann absolutely adorable, but you weren't quite sure if he was equally as interested in you. you never wanted to make him feel uncomfortable, and for this reason, your relationship never went past a small hug or longing gazes.
you were tipsy, not drunk, but you were confident, and all nerves had washed away with the first drink. you swayed, your pinky finger grazing his, which caused him to noticeably tense up just a bit. his cheeks were dusted with a light shade of pink. you wished you could say you hadn't done it on purpose, but you wanted to see a reaction out of him. it was amusing to you, to say the least.
"you know what we should do?" coby asks, in a loud voice. he had definitely had one too many to drink. he stumbled around, making his way across the room haphazardly, before resting his hand on janns shoulder. "we should totally play seven minutes in heaven!" you chuckled.
"what are we, sixth graders ?" you laughed, teasingly. you weren't entirely against the idea. however, you also weren't entirely for the idea of being stuffed in a closet with anyone else but jann. you also didn't seem to like the idea of jann being stuffed in a closet with anyone but you.
"oh cmon, it'll be fun," audrey replied, and coby nodded eagerly. everyone else seemed willing to play, and even jann wasn't necessarily protesting.
"i mean sure, im surely not stopping you," you said, as you sat down, joining the circle that the other people had already started to form. coby ushered jann to the opposite side of the circle, likely to raise the chances of your spin landing on him. you weren't sure of that at the time, though. looking back, you should've known why he did that, but the alcohol clouded your better judgement.
coby placed an empty glass bottle in the middle of the circle with a cunning grin. he sat back down next to jann, before asking the question, "who's spinning first?" audrey volunteered, willingly so. it landed on someone neither you nor jann knew; one of coby's friends, presumably. the two entered the small closet at the back of the room, before coby started the seven minute timer.
not much could be heard, which was climactic. everyone was chit-chatting. some were talking about who they hoped the bottle landed on, others were talking about what they thought audrey and the guy were actually doing. then, the timer rang startlingly. coby walked by the closet door and knocked.
"hey lovers, your times up!" he shouted, laughing. a few moments after, audrey slowly opened the door, hair tousled around a bit. her lipstick was slightly smeared, and she wore a giddy smile. context clues were enough for everyone to start teasing the two as they entered the main room. audrey sat back down next to you, and you smirked suggestively.
"well then, looks like you had fun," you said, frivolously. audrey scoffed and elbowed you in a playful manner, but she couldn't fight the growing smile on her face.
"maybe..." she answered, with an eye roll.
"well, i think we all know what happened there," coby began. "so...who's next?" for a minute, nobody volunteered.
"i guess i am," you said, with a slight shrug. jann's head perked up, his eyes meeting yours. neither of you dared to look away, so you shot him a soft smile. he returned the gesture, a bit of color returning to his cheeks before he got kicked out of his trance by coby, who was wiggling his brows up and down obnoxiously.
you placed your hand on the bottle, before giving it a forceful spin. the moments of waiting were pure agony, as you kept your eyes on the bottle which was spinning around tauntingly. it started to slow, and finally came to a halt. your eyes trailed up to who it landed on, and sure enough, it was jann. his eyes widened, as he blinked a few times. he wasn't sure whether or not he was seeing things.
coby and the rest of the group started hyping jann up, and even audrey threw you a quick thumbs up with an eye brow raise. so, you stood, feet planted on the ground. jann followed suit, before you both walked into the closet. you clicked on the light bulb, and he shut the door behind him.
"your seven minutes starts now!" coby announced. suddenly, the closet felt so stuffy with the air that reeked of awkwardness. you made yourself comfortable, trying to find some words to say to him. in reality, this game could be quite unpleasant if you didn't want to do anything with the other person.
"i-uh, sorry...i've never played this before and..." he stammered, swallowing nervously.
"you've never played seven minutes in heaven before?" you asked, smiling softly.
"yeah uh-no. no i haven't," he replied, before laughing softly and looking down at his hands.
"it's alright, we don't have to do anything if you don't want to," you said, placing a hand on his knee, trying to make him feel more comfortable. he looked at your hand, then up to you. was this a dream? was he dreaming? if so, he'd rather die than wake up. "or...we could have some fun."
"what do you mean?" he asked, interest piqued. you tittered, and tapped your index finger against his leg.
"i think you know, jann," you replied, smiling. "just tell me what you want." he thought about it for a moment, as he collected his composure. there were many things he wanted. he wanted for you to touch him more, get impossibly closer to him--even kiss him...hell, he wanted a billion dollars. and he was good under pressure, he didn't let it crack him completely just yet.
"i want..." he had to force the words out, feeling as though it were almost embarrassing to seem so desperate. "i want you to...kiss...me." he sounded sure of it, but nervous as well. you hummed softly in approval. you had to applaud him, you didn't think he'd ever say it. but now that he did, you swiftly climbed over his lap, straddling him, wasting no time. you steadied yourself by placing one hand at his shoulder and one at his hip.
"is this okay?" you asked, wanting to check with him before you took things any further. he nodded eagerly, and you laughed. you cupped his cheeks, before leaning in, admiring him. his face became a crimson, as his eyes flickered between yours and your lips. you finally closed the gap, and captured him in a kiss. he sighed into it, melting into you.
your touch, the way you handled him with care was all too much for him. his head was reeling, and all you had done was kiss him. when you pulled away, he smiled gingerly.
"you're a good kisser," he said, with a small laugh, as his gaze averted.
"likewise." his grin widened. you leaned back in, as did he. you kissed him once again, but with a sort of fervor this time around. jann felt cloudy, like it was heaven. he'd finally understood the name of the game. when you pulled away for the second time, he had to resist the urge to pout. his mood was quickly lifted once again, though, when you started trailing soft kisses down his jaw and to his neck.
"let me know if you want me to stop," you mumbled against his soft skin. he nodded, but he had no intentions of doing so. you continued, starting to bite softly, only to test the waters. his breath stuttered, and his left hand found its way to your hip, as a way to ground himself. you left light pink hickeys down his neck. something he would possibly be forced to talk about with his parents, but he couldn't care less in that moment.
after you felt satisfied, you went back up for another kiss on the lips. he met you halfway, and he hummed into it, feeling a wave of bliss wash over him. he would have to thank his brother when they got home, because never in a million years would this had happened without him. and just when nothing could get in the way--something did, indeed, get in the way.
the timer beeped glaringly from outside the closet. jann groaned softly, unhappy to hear it. you chuckled, and lifted yourself off of him. you could hear coby striding towards the door, before knocking.
"times up, to your demise!" he said, with a shared laugh of everyone outside. you opened the door, with a small complacent smirk. jann stood behind you, and since he was so tall everyone had a clear view of what you had left on his neck.
who knew seven minutes in heaven could be such a fun game? maybe it was only fun because it was with jann, though.
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥
𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐲? 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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lewis really went around loving cleo, emma, and rikki to the point of invention, doing no harm but taking no shit, accessorizing his hawaiian shirt and bucket hat with a fishing pole, and enough dry wit to make all the girls fall in love with him. truly the guy of all time
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