#❛  WRITINGS   ...   ›   give five signs that identify the werewolf
gryffinwolf · 2 years
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❛  OOC   ...   ›   finally the flesh reflects the madness within
❛  SELF PROMO   ...   ›    three: his name’s remus Iupin
❛  PROMO   ...   ›   mr. moony presents his compliments
❛  WRITINGS   ...   ›   give five signs that identify the werewolf
❛  HEADCANON   ...   ›   he’s sitting on my chair
❛  RAMBLINGS   ...   ›   he’s sitting on my chair
❛  WISHES   ...   ›   you can exist without your soul
❛  APPEARANCE   ...   ›   rather pale and peaky
❛  ART   ...   ›    rather pale and peaky
❛  STUDY   ...   ›   the quality of one's convictions that determines success
❛  CRACK   ...   ›   loony‚ loopy lupin
❛  AESTHETIC   ...   ›   furry little problem
❛  SHIP STUDY   ...   ›   somebody young and whole
❛  DASHBOARD   ...   ›    our pain becomes their power
❛  PROMPTS   ...   ›   this time tomorrow‚ the owls will start arriving
❛  INBOX   ...   ›   did you like question ten‚ moony?
❛  KEEPSAKES   ...   ›   there are worse things to lose than control
❛  SHITPOSTERY   ...   ›   loony‚ loopy lupin
❛  EDITS   ...   ›   if i’m proud of anything i’ve done this year
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Fire quotes from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
“Why were you lurking under our window?“ "Yes - yes, good point, Petunia! What were you doing under our windows, boy?” “Listening to the news,” said Harry in a resigned voice. His aunt and uncle exchanged looks of outrage. “Listening to the news! Again?” “Well, it changes every day, you see,” said Harry.” (Aunt Petunia & Uncle Vernon to Harry, page 3)
“This is night, Diddykins. That’s what we call it when it goes all dark like this.” (Harry, page 7)
“Don’t put your wand there, boy! … Better wizards than you have lost buttocks, you know!” (Moody, page 23)
“Harry, I’ve left a letter telling your aunt and uncle not to worry–“ "They won’t,” said Harry. “That you’re safe–” “That’ll just depress them.” “–and you’ll see them next summer.” “Do I have to?” (Lupin and Harry, page 26)
“But Dumbledore says he doesn’t care what they do as long as they don’t take him off the Chocolate Frog cards.” (Bill Weasley, page 45)
“Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure.” (Luna, page 87)
“I’ll make Goyle do lines, it’ll kill him, he hates writing,” said Ron happily. He lowered his voice to Goyle’s low grunt and, screwing up his face in a look of pained concentration, mimed writing in midair. “I… must… not… look… like… a… baboon’s… backside.” (Ron, page 88)
“Don’t worry. You’re just as sane as I am.” (Luna, page 93)
“Ask us no questions and we’ll tell you no lies.” (Fred Weasley, page 106)
“Is it true that you shouted at Professor Umbridge?” “Yes.” “You called her a liar?” “Yes.” “You told her He Who Must Not Be Named is back?” “Yes.” “Have a biscuit, Potter.” (Professor McGonagall to Harry, page 116)
“Did you see me disarm Hermione, Harry?” “Only once” said Hermione stung. “I got you loads more then you got me—” “I did not only get you once, I got you at least three times—” “Well if you’re counting the one where you tripped over your own feet and knocked the wand out of my hand—” (Ron and Hermione to Harry, page 186)
“Mistletoe,” said Luna dreamily, pointing at a large clump of white berries placed almost over Harry’s head. He jumped out from under it. “Good thinking,” said Luna seriously. “It’s often infested with nargles.” (Luna, page 213)
“Ron,” said Hermione in a dignified voice, “you are the most insensitive wart I have ever had the misfortune to meet.” (Hermione, page 215)
“Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn’t mean we all have.” (Hermione, page 216)
“You don’t understand — there are things worth dying for!” (Sirius, page 224)
“The mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure. Thoughts are not etched on the inside of skulls, to be perused by an invader. The mind is a complex and many-layered thing, Potter… or at least, most minds are…” (Snape, page 249)
“You should write a book,” Ron told Hermione as he cut up his potatoes, “translating mad things girls do so boys can understand them.” (Ron to Hermione, page 269)
“Well, usually when a person shakes their head,” said McGonagall coldly, “they mean ‘no.’ So unless Miss Edgecombe is using a form of sign language as yet unknown to humans…” (Professor McGonagall, page 289)
“Well it’s just that you seem to be labouring under the delusion that I am going to – come quietly. I am afraid I am not going to come quietly at all, Cornelius. I have absolutely no intention of being sent to Azkaban. I could break out, of course – but what a waste of time, and frankly, I can think of a whole host of things I would rather be doing.” (Dumbledore, page 291)
“Did you like question ten, Moony?” asked Sirius as they emerged into the entrance hall. “Loved it,” said Lupin briskly. “Give five signs that identify the werewolf. Excellent question.” “D'you think you managed to get all the signs?” said James in tones of mock concern. “Think I did,” said Lupin seriously, as they joined the crowd thronging around the front doors eager to get out into the sunlit grounds. “One: He’s sitting on my chair. Two: He’s wearing my clothes. Three: His name’s Remus Lupin…” (Sirius, Lupin, & James, page 302)
“Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.” (Ginny, page 308)
“Give her hell from us, Peeves.” (Fred Weasley, page 317)
“Harry witnessed Professor McGonagall walking right past Peeves who was determinedly loosening a crystal chandelier and could have sworn he heard her tell the poltergeist out of the corner of her mouth, ‘It unscrews the other way.” (Page 319)
“From now on, I don’t care if my tea leaves spell 'Die, Ron, Die,’ I’m chucking them in the bin where they belong.” (Ron, page 337)
“Accio Brain!” (Ron, page 374)
“You do care,” said Dumbledore. He had not flinched or made a single move to stop Harry demolishing his office. His expression was calm, almost detached. “You care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it.” (Dumbledore, page 387)
“By all means continue destroying my possessions. I daresay I have too many.” (Dumbledore, page 387)
“Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young.” (Dumbledore, page 388)
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misscricket · 3 years
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Oh @stark-illerbase, let me take you on a journey...
Anders and Carver don’t like each other in Act 1 of Dragon Age II. That’s putting it mildly. Carver is a young man probably suffering from PTSD, grieving over his twin sister and struggling with the new life his brother and mother are pursuing. He strongly identifies as a Fereldan, hence the tattoo he got at Ostagar being a mabari, and he sees his mother trying to recapture the Amell name and legacy as almost a rejection of the Hawke lifestyle back in Lothering. As to the PTSD, not only did he see his beloved Twin sister get crushed by an Ogre right in front of his eyes, he was also at the Battle of Ostagar. He had to be dragged away from the battle by his fellow soldiers and told to run for it, or else he would have stayed, and fought and died right there, so determined was he to protect his country and family.
“ Said he wanted to protect his family. That someone had to, because his father had died and, well you know how the Champion turned out. Carver took it real serious...” (World of Thedas Vol 2)
Along with a love of using a sword, this was Carver’s motivation for signing up with the army, the Blight was threatening his home, and his family, and he saw it as his duty to protect them.
“The more ground we lost, the harder he swung that plank of a sword of his. He was shouting that we had to win, that it was to keep our homes safe. I swear he was crying when we finally tackled him, but damned if I’ll hold that against him. It took three of us to drag him to cover. I had to slap him back to his senses, to make him see that killing five, or ten, more ‘spawn wouldn’t matter. The wall was on us, and dying there wasn’t going to help anyone. I said if he wanted to do his family good, he’d get them safe. “  (World of Thedas Vol 2)
So he’s a bit of a prickleberry.
And then in comes Anders. Instantly he’s hyper focused on Carver’s brother, because Carver’s brother is a Mage. And Maker have mercy Carver has been hearing about the Mage plight for years. His whole bloody life actually. 
He acutely understands the realities of living with an Apostate mage family, from the perspective of someone inside the family unit who doesn’t have magic himself. He couldn’t be too good at anything, or excel, because it drew attention. He wasn’t a Mage himself, but he too lived as an Apostate, in fear of drawing the Templars gaze.
And then Anders says, 
Anders: I'm sorry about your sister. She sounds like a special girl. 
Carver: Why? Because she was a mage? 
Anders:  (If Hawke is male) Your brother says she had a good heart. Being on the run never made her bitter. (If Hawke is female) Your other sister says she was a good person. That she never turned down a chance to help people. 
Carver: Yes, yes. I'm sure the Chantry's got a shrine with her portrait on it. 
Anders: I was trying to be nice. 
Carver: Stick to surly. It works for you
And then this one
Anders: You don't like me, Carver? 
Carver: I don't like you. 
Anders: That's unfortunate. Hating someone just because they're a mage is a shameful thing. 
Carver: I don't hate you because you're a mage. I hate you because you won't shut up about it. 
Carver: Oppression this, templars that. I'd heard enough long before you. 
Anders: Maybe it's time you put some thought into it.
To Anders, Carver looks like the sullen, angry, bitter brother of two Mages, resentful of their powers or perhaps, even, hating them because of them.
This isn’t the case. Carver bitches and moans about his siblings, but most of his gripes are familiar to anyone who has an older or over achieving sibling.
When there is a legitimate threat, Carver immediately steps between Hawke and danger. When Fenris snarls about Mages, Carver, unprompted, says.
Carver: You have a problem with my brother/sister, you have a problem with me.
It’s instantly protective, and it’s far from the only incident in the game. He continually worries whenever Hawke talks to Templars, or stirs up Mage trouble, not because he hates Mages but because he’s worried for Hawke.
Anders however can no longer seem to see greys, it’s all black and white for him. Either you’re for Mages and then you want wholescale freedom and down the Templar order, or you’re a Mage hater, and as good as a Templar.
Carver’s stance on Magic is actually one of the most subtle and nuanced in the game, if not the whole series. He understands the dangers on a level most people, who haven’t lived with unfettered magic, can’t understand. But he also understands the joys and love of those with magic, and doesn’t believe locking them up in the Circle to be the right thing, despite his potential choice to be a Templar.
So Carver and Anders...
Enemies to Lovers
The fit this trope beautifully. Even in Act 1 with surly Carver and judgy Anders. But throw in Carver either being a Templar, the thing Anders hates most in the world, or him being a Grey Warden, the organisation Anders rejected. Oh the potential for angry arguments and heated kisses.
They are not so ideologically opposed that I think they couldn’t understand each other I think, and I think if they actually hashed it out together they’d actually find a lot of common ground. It’s just whether they could get there without the prickles throwing them off course is the question...and no Carver isn’t the only prickly one.
Templar Carver
Carver joins the Templar order for two reasons.
1. His brother/sister hasn’t returned from the Deep Roads with the rest of the expedition. Bartrand has likely told him they’re all dead. That leaves him and his mother alone in the world, and Carver can’t get work. The Guards won’t have him because Aveline told them not to, and the other options are mercenary jobs or the Templars. He no longer has any mage siblings to worry about being caught, and he doesn’t have to disclose that he had Mages in his family if he doesn’t want to.
2. His namesake was a Templar. I think giving him his piece of his identity makes Carver interested in the order in a  different way. Up until then they’ve kind of been the boogeymen of the Hawke children’s lives. ‘Be good or a Templar will get you’. But his father named him after a Templar, ‘skill thoughtfully applied’. There was some value to that path. And you can’t tell me that Carver wasn’t, in many ways, his family’s personal Templar. If Bethany or Hawke had fallen...would another Mage have been able to stand against them? They would have needed a swordsman. Carver.
Anders thinks Carver has joined the Templars out of spite, or hatred. But there is a wonderful array of fiction you can have with Anders and the Order and the fact they are continually trying to hunt Anders down. Carver wouldn’t stand for it, if one of his brothers companions was threatened, and he certainly wouldn’t want him to be hurt, killed or made Tranquil, which would have been his fate should Meredith have gotten her hands on him.
Grey Warden Carver
As for the Grey!Warden path, Carver thrives as a Warden, he blossoms under that structure and purpose where Anders did not. But they have the connection of Anders having been the one to beg Stroud to take him, to put him through the Joining.
We also know that Carver knows Nathaniel, who was friends with Anders during Awakening. This likely means he knows a number of the Ferelden Wardens, and you can’t tell me they wouldn’t be curious about Anders.
Alternate Universes ideas I have toyed with writing
Tevinter - Mage Healer who refuses to use Blood Magic and the son of a powerful Mage house who doesn’t have magic himself.
Special Agents AU - Agent Hawke and Anders have a turbulent relationship because the boy always comes back hurt.
Coffee Shop AU - Anders is an overworked and exhausted Doctor. Carver is his caffeine supplier.
Werewolf AU - Alpha Carver learns that being dominant doesn’t always mean barking orders, and Omega Anders learns that brooding wolves are definitely better lovers.
Mirror Universe - What it says on the box...darkfic.
Angel AU - Carver is Anders’ guardian Angel, and he grumbles about it a lot. He also keeps losing his feathers everytime he swears, and it makes Anders laugh at him.
and many many more.
To close out this rambling dissertation on the beauty that is Canders (praise be)
Enjoy this lovely fanart drawn by the talented @frikadeller in a commission for @autumnyte-old​
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Case closed!
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bush-viper-cutie · 4 years
“The Worst Game” || YEAR 3 – Ch.17 (HP au)
                              Chapter List
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Day posted: 9/4/2020
Word count: 3, 186
Relationship: EVENTUAL severus X oc (slow burn)
Rating: E for everyone
Warnings: none
A/N: This is my first fan fic I’m writing mainly as a way to practice. This is a retelling of the hp books with an inserted character. Although most every character will be written about, this is mostly for the pro snape fandom. Please do not fear, although this is a severus x oc story, it is an incredibly slow burn as I do not intend for them to get together at all until after the final book events. Chapters will be posted twice a week.
This derivative work follows the events of the Harry Potter books by Jk Rowling and is intended as a fun way to practice my writing. Thank you for reading :D
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
The clouds outside were dark and ominous above their heads. The sky was covered and not a ray of sunshine or smudge of blue sky shone through the large dense storm clouds. The wind howled in their ears and threw cold rain on their face as they walked up the grassy lawn back into the Castle. They had barely been able to hear Hagrid during their class and that really told them just how bad this storm was. The wind had turned his loud booming voice into a quiet squeak, no louder than a kitten’s purr.
Draco and his pack of Slytherins ran past with smug looks. Draco clutched his re-slung arm and snickered. “Ooh! Aah! It really hurts.”
“I can’t believe them,” Ron crossed his arms. “He had taken that stupid thing off MONDAY, and two days later he needs it again because ‘the weather’?”
Heather had been feeling quite guilty about her plan. It had saved her and gotten her back on her team, but it had screwed the Gryffindor’s practice up big time.
Harry groaned. “Don’t remind me!”
Harry had gotten very upset the day Draco had put her plan into action. He’d done it during potions, where he knew he could get away with it. They’re potions were boiling deep in their cauldrons and class was almost over when he’d clutched his arm in pain and fell to the ground, howling about feeling the storm clouds in his bones. Professor Snape sent him to Madam Pomfrey’s and by dinner time the Gryffindor captain was told that the match had been rescheduled to Saturday morning and it was now against Hufflepuffs.
Hermione put a reassuring hand on his arm, “You’ll be fine.”
They walked into the castle and Heather took Harry’s wrist, looking at his watch. “We’ll be late!”
“So what? It’s Lupin,” Ron smiled, “He might even give us points for it.”
Heather shook her head and elbowed Hermione who nodded and they both began running in the direction of the Defense classroom. The bolted up the stairs and just as they reached the door the bells rang throughout the school.
Heather pulled the door open and held it for Hermione. She walked in and gasped. Heather poked her head around the corner and saw Professor Snape sitting at the desk with his arms crossed and staring at them with narrowed eyes.
“Take your seats before I start removing points.”
They ran to their seats near the front and quickly took out their books. Heather had forgotten Professor Snape was supposed to teach Defense today! She turned to the door as Professor Snape began the lecture.
The seconds were dragging on and even Hermione was looking worried now. Harry and Ron were really taking their time.
Finally the classroom door opened and Harry walked in with Ron laughing behind him.
“Sorry we’re late, Professor Lupin. We – ” Harry came to a halt as he spotted Professor Snape at the front of the class.
“Are your ears working, Potter? Did you not hear the bells ring ten minutes ago?” Professor Snape pulled his robes around himself as he crossed his arms and smiled. “Shall we make it ten points from Gryffindor then? Take your seat.”
Ron sat in the nearest chair but Harry didn’t move, instead looked around at everyone and at Heather, who shook her head, begging him not to speak. She jerked her head to his seat but he didn’t budge.
“Where’s Professor Lupin?” Harry frowned.
Professor Snape’s smile twisted. “He’s too ill to teach today.” He narrowed his eyes and dropped the smile. “I believe I told you to take your seat?”
Harry still didn’t move. “What’s wrong with him?”
At this point the whole class was looking horrified at Harry, except the Gryffindors who mostly all looked very impressed.
“Nothing life threatening,” he said regretfully. “Let’s see. Five more points from Gryffindor. I’ll make it fifty the next time I have to ask you to sit down, Potter.”
Harry finally took his seat next to Heather. She shook her head at him, but he kept his eyes trained on Professor Snape as he went on.
“Before Potter’s interruption, I was saying Professor Lupin did not seem to record what topics he has already covered and so – ”
Hermione’s hand shot up in the air. “Sir, we’ve done boggarts, Red Caps, kappas, grindylows, and we’ve just finished – ”
“Quiet,” Professor Snape snapped. “I did not ask nor did I call on you, Miss Granger. I was merely commenting on the lack of organization Professor Lupin appears to have.”
“Professor Lupin is the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher,” Dean Thomas spoke up.
Insulting Professor Lupin must have struck a nerve among the class because a murmur of agreement with the bold Gryffindor ran throughout the class.
Professor Snape looked more menacing now, glaring down Dean and the rest of the whispering class.  “You are all easily satisfied,” he spoke through his teeth. “First years should be able to deal with grindylows and especially Red Caps.” He paused and picked up the text book, “Today’s lesson shall cover – ” he flipped to the back chapter, “Werewolves.”
Hermione’s arm shot up again. “Sir, we’re supposed to be starting hinkypunks today – ”
“Granger.” Professor Snape’s voice was deadly calm and steady. “I believe the instructor for this class today, is me. Not. You.” He turned to the class, “Page 394. Read along.” He looked around and frowned, “Now! Everyone!”
Heather had already opened her book to the last chapter and stared at Professor Snape as he began his lecture. She’d never seen him so mad, not even after Neville had tripped and knocked over several handfuls of glass jars full of very old potions ingredients.
Professor Snape paced the front of the class. “What is the easiest distinction between a werewolf and the true wolf?”
The class stayed motionless and silent except for Hermione who raised her hand instantly. Heather looked down at her book and read the first lines of the first paragraph and raised her hand as well.
“No one?” Professor Snape tisked and gave his twisted smile again. “I see that Professor Lupin has failed to teach you even the most basic distinction between – ”
Parvati Patil stood up. “We’ve already said we haven’t gotten through werewolves yet. We’ve just finished – ”
“SILENCE,” Professor Snape snarled. “What an unfortunate surprise. Quite disappointing to meet a third-year class so behind they couldn’t even recognize a werewolf when they saw one. I’ll make sure to inform the Head Master of this and we’ll see what he makes of it…”
Hermione finally took her arm down. “Please, sir. The werewolf differs from a true wolf in the snout, the claws, the – ”
“Miss Granger, this is the – second – time you have interrupted me this class,” his voice was calm and cold again. “Five points from Gryffindor, for being an insufferable know-it-all.”
Heather pressed her hands to her face. How many times were the Gryffindors really going to interrupt Professor Snape? And was it bold or stupid to do so while he is clearly fuming with anger? She removed her hands and looked over at Hermione who had gone red in the face and was holding back tears. She felt guilty for being very annoyed but every Slytherin knew not to cross Professor Snape, and after three years of being his students, the Gryffindors should know that too.
“You wanted to know the answer and Hermione gave it! If you don’t want to hear it, why even ask us?” Ron shouted from the back.
Everyone turned to look at Ron who quickly realized he’d gone too far.
Professor Snape advanced on him slowly, savoring each step. He leaned down and gripped the edge of Ron’s desk, bringing his face close to his. “Detention. And if I ever hear you criticize the way I teach – any – of my classes, again… You will be – very – sorry indeed.”
The rest of class went by slow. Professor Snape had decided not to read to them and instead prowled around the desks as everyone read and took notes off the book. At one point he took to looking through their essays on past topics criticizing how Professor Lupin graded them too easily, as if daring another student to speak up out of turn.
“This makes no sense . . . Wrong. Wrong. Not even close . . . He gave this nonsense an eight? It’s a two at best . . .”
No one dared speak up after Ron’s outburst. They all bit their tongues and ignored his comments. Heather stared at the stack of papers in his hands and looked for any sign of her own essay, wanting to see what he thought of it. He picked up one with an ink smudge on the top left corner and she knew instantly it was hers.
He scanned the essay and looked at her. “Atrocious.”
She bit her cheek and went very red, glaring down at the words on the textbook. The bell rang and the class all sighed with relief. They started packing, wanting to get out of the room as soon as possible but Professor Snape held them back.
“I want two rolls of parchment, to be handed into me, on the ways wizards identify and kill werewolves. I want them by Monday morning. Any student who does not complete two full rolls will lose their house two points. It appears it is up to me, to get this class back on track.” He sat down and dismissed the everyone. “Weasley. Not you. We must arrange your detention.”
Heather followed Harry out with the rest of the class. The second they reached the stairs the whole class erupted with anger at Professor Snape.
“I can’t believe he said my essay was ‘atrocious’ – ”
“You know Ron was right. I answered what he asked and quite frankly– ”
“He hates Lupin. It’s so obvious! He’s never been like that with any other Defense teacher.” Harry stopped them next to a column. “Is this really all because of Neville’s boggart?”
Heather laughed. “Do you really not think it’s because of all the times YOU Gryffindors interrupted him today? He could barely get a sentence out without – ”
Harry groaned. “Don’t tell me he’s still your favorite teacher after this!”
Heather bit her tongue and crossed her arms. ‘Atrocious’? Really?
Ron came running down the stairs and almost yelled ‘Watch it!’ when he bumped Harry. “Oh. I didn’t see you.” He stepped behind the column and threw down his bag. “I have to scrub the hospital wing bedpans! With no magic! What an – ”
“Ron!” Hermione hissed, stopping him from cursing out their teacher.
Ron crossed his arms and glared at her. “Fine! But I still think Black should’ve hid in his office and torn him to pieces. It’d’ve done us all a great favor!”
Heather gasped. “That’s a very morbid thing to say, Ron.”
He rolled his eyes. “But you’re not denying it.”
“Of course we’re denying it,” Heather and Hermione said in unison.
The next morning Heather woke with a groan. She had spent several hours last night outlining her werewolf essay and now her eyes were tired and stinging. She had thought maybe the structure of the information from her essay had made it ‘atrocious’ and thought making sure the ideas flowed well would make him not think it was horrible.
She got up out of bed, dressed, and headed down to breakfast where Harry and Wood were talking – or more like Wood was talking at Harry who looked just as exhausted as Heather felt. She walked over and took a seat next to Harry.
Wood gave her a look. “I think maybe this morning you should go sit with your house… Since I’m talking strategy with Harry and soon the rest of the team.”
Heather frowned. She had always been accepted at the Gryffindor table, especially since she sat next to Harry always. “But you’re not playing us.”
“No. We’re not.”
Harry turned to her with a sheepish look. “M-maybe just this once? I mean the rest of the team will get here soon anyways.”
Heather huffed and stood up, crossing her arms. “Fine.”
She didn’t really have a right to be so upset. She was the one to blame for ruining their match, but no one knew that besides her own team. It was the second secret she was keeping from Harry but she still didn’t think it was very fair to be kicked from her usual breakfast spot.
She walked over to the Slytherin table and pulled a plate of toast over, taking several slicing and angrily smeared butter on them. She bit down and waited for more people to join the table. After several bites, most of the school had finally made it down and were excitedly eating breakfast in preparation for the match.
The Slytherin Prefects had decided to borrow Hufflepuff scarves and hats and were handing them out. Heather pushed hers aside and got dirty looks from a few fifth years and the Head Boy. The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff teams left and minutes later everyone else was filing out and heading down to the Quidditch pitch.
She found Ron and Hermione fast and joined them as they headed up the stands. They took their seats opposite the Slytherins and waited for the teams to come out of the changing rooms.
Hermione was looking up at the sky, holding her hair down from blowing in her face. “These are safe playing conditions… right?”
Heather and Ron looked up at the dark grey clouds that seemed to be gathering right over the school grounds. They looked so heavy they could fall to the ground.
“I’ve seen games played through giant hail storms,” Ron shouted over the wind. “This is nothing!”
Heather pulled hair from her mouth and decided to braid it down. She leaned over the railing and saw Madam Hooch walking out of the Quidditch ball closet with a chest under her arm and her broom in hand. Both teams came out and the school cheered as they took their positions.
The rain had started to really pour and Heather found it hard to see anything going on. She squinted and saw they were mounting their brooms and they the game was in play, but she never heard Madam Hooch’s whistle blow. The wind was muffling everything, and even Lee Jordan’s loud comments came back as a whisper.
All that she could hear was the cheering and screaming when Gryffindor scored points. Heather pulled her robes on tighter and pulled her hood up as she searched the skies for any signs of Harry, but everyone just looked like red and yellow blurs. She was glad she wasn’t playing, though yesterday wouldn’t have been as bad as it was now. There was another roar of cheers and she heard vague words about Gryffindor scoring points form Lee.
The sky was getting darker and the wind felt like slashes on her cheeks. There was a loud crack of thunder and suddenly a flash of lightning struck a nearby tree. Madam Hooch was now holding her wand to her neck and blew hard on the whistle, cutting through the sound of the rushing wind. The teams touched down onto the muddy field.
“Have they postponed the match?” Hermione asked hopefully.
Ron shook his head. “I think it’s a time out.”
“How can you tell? I can barely see anything from here?” Heather squinted hard.
“Oh! I have an idea!” Hermione ran down the stairs and seconds later she was running across the field to Harry.
“What is she doing?” Ron shook his head.
Hermione was running back and the whistle blew again. She ran up the stairs and shook her hair as she stood next to them. “Hopefully now he’ll see better with his glasses. I used a simple spell on them. He should be able to see the snitch now.”
“And he’ll end the game already.” Heather was already soaked to her skin and wanted desperately to crawl in bed and sleep the rest of the day away.
She looked up again, trying to spot Harry among the red streaks, when lightning struck again and illuminated the dark sky and a terrifying image appeared in the clouds. A black silhouette of a shaggy dog. She gasped and looked around, but no one else seemed to have been paying much attention to the actual sky, just the red streaked players.
Had she just seen the grim? She looked around again as the crowd quieted down and even the wind seemed to silence. The cold cutting rain suddenly seemed warm compared to the air that seemed to be freezing on the spot. She looked behind and saw waves of black floating cloaks making their way over the stands.
Her numb body was alive again with fear and guilt and sadness. All her worries and anxieties seemed to pound in her head as the cloaked figures floated around, moving their heads in search of something. She felt tears freezing on her cheeks and sobbed, remembering all the times Uncle Vernon had screamed and yelled at her, and all the times Dudley had hurt her.
She thought of Harry and tore her eyes away from the dementors. There were dots of red and yellow looking down at them from the sky, and a streak of red falling through the icy mist. From the corner of her eyes she saw a white light growing so bright it seemed to illuminate the whole stadium. She closed her eyes from the blinding light and suddenly felt all the horrible feelings seep away.
She gasped for breath and opened her eyes, looking around at streaks of black dashing away in a fury. She turned back to the field and saw Madam Hooch, Professor Dumbledore, and all the players huddled around the center.
Heather remembered the grim she had seen in the sky moments before the dementors showed. “Harry!” She ran down the stairs and bolted across the muddy field. Her feet almost stuck into the ground as she ran into the circle of people huddled around a body.
Hermione gasped behind her as they came into view of Harry, knocked out and wedged into the ground.
Professor McGonagall came through. “Albus, is he alright?”
Professor Dumbledore nodded. “Quite so. I slowed his fall. Why don’t we take him to Madam Pomfrey so she has someone to fuss over for a few days.”
Heather watched them levitate Harry and carry him out of the field. Ron, Hermione, and Heather followed close behind. She understood the words Professor Dumbledore had said, but Harry’s motionless body looked so pale and cold under the smudges of mud.
She blinked and realized it wasn’t the rain that was making it so hard to see, it was her tears. She wiped them away and sobbed, feeling Hermione grab hold of her hand and Ron put an arm over her shoulder as they walked up to the castle.
~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~ * ~~~
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mystiika · 4 years
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peter; re snape’s worst memory
today i want to talk about order of the phoenix, chapter 28: snape’s worst memory as this chapter is what forms a lot of people’s opinion about the relationship peter had with the rest of the marauders.
& i want to start off by reminding people that while this is snape’s memory, harry is viewing like some third party, able to see & hear everything but can’t pick up on anyone’s feelings or thoughts so it’s all solely his perspective. now that that’s out of the way, let’s move on.
so when harry first enters the memory, he’s calling everyone by their name, save for peter, who is referred to exclusively as wormtail, already implying that he’s something less than human or that harry doesn’t believe peter should have the dignity of being called his real name. this of course i only mean in regards to description, naturally the marauders calling each other by their nicknames doesn’t fall into the same category.
❛ Wormtail looked anxious; he was chewing his fingernails, staring down at his paper, scuffing the ground with his toes. ❜
so normally, this would add to the idea that he’s stupid & that his academic skills are lacking. i chose to explain this by simply saying that the boy just don’t test well? i headcanon him as having dysgraphia ( explanation here; it’s not long ) but in short, he is by no means stupid, in fact he’s quite intelligent ( as we find out later in the series ). dysgraphia is a learning disability that makes the act of writing difficult. it leads to problems with spelling, grammar, poor handwriting & difficulty organising thoughts on paper. so, going along with this learning disability, it means that, understandably so, for tests & exams, he’s a ball of anxiety. he tries his best, but he can’t help something making the same mistakes time & time again. he relies a lot on the friends around him for help with his academics but that crutch is gone as soon as exam time rolls around. it’s only natural that he blanks & might go so far as to cheat off a neighbour if he thought it would help & he could do it without getting caught.
next the boys start cracking jokes about how of the questions was about listing five signs to identify a werewolf. ❛ Wormtail was the only one that didn’t laugh. ❜  then peter goes on to list the few he remembered but mentioned how he struggled to recall all of them & to this comes the response of ❛ “ How thick are you, Wormtail? “ James said impatiently. “ You run around with a werewolf once a month— ” ❜
it’s at this point i’d like to remind you that no matter how close the boys were, they’re still all a bunch of asshole teenage boys? they’re not equip with all the patience needed to deal with peter’s academic shortcomings all the time. & it’s only natural that they would struggle to understand why peter couldn’t just function properly like the rest of them. there’s no diagnosis, no name or term you can associate with peter’s difficulties. you can be close, & still be annoyed with each other, especially with an issue that comes up as frequently as peter’s disability. james being impatient with peter about something as small as that doesn’t mean that they’re not still best friends, it doesn’t mean that james necessarily thinks peter is actually stupid, it’s just tiring to deal with all the time. i mean, they’re only 15/16. you can’t expect all that much of them.
& here is another reminder coming your way, my peter pettigrew is canon-divergent. i mean, i can’t exactly call myself entirely canon-compliant as i blatantly ignore canon information. but i also want to say that the pieces of information ignore, are pieces that i think don’t make sense given the rest of the canon information we have. as we all know & as i won’t shut up about, peter had a lot of contradictions in regards to his character so with that in mind, the next quote we have about peter is the following:
so, the set up is that james had nicked a snitch & was playing with it. ❛ James was still playing with the Snitch, letting it zoom further and further away, almost escaping but always grabbed it at the last second. Wormtail was watching with his mouth open. Every time James made a particularly difficult catch, Wormtail gasped & applauded. After 5 minutes of this, Harry wondered why James didn’t tell Wormtail to get a grip on himself, but James seemed to be enjoying the attention..... “Put that away, will you,” said Sirius finally, as James made a fine catch and Wormtail let out a cheer, “ before Wormtail wets himself with excitement. ” Wormtail turned slightly pink, but James grinned. ❜
i’m not gonna say that peter was completely uninterested in james, that’s just stupid. but frankly, the way this played out made him seem... simple? for lack of a better word anyway. i don’t doubt that he would have been mesmerized, hell i probably would have watched interested with my mouth open too, but the idea of him gasping??? that’s dumb af. he may have a learning disability but he’s not developmentally delayed. it just doesn’t make any sense given what else we know/find out about his character. i do, however, think clapping isn’t out of the realm of possibility, but it wouldn’t come from a place of blind adoration so much as the same vibe of my friend doing some tricks with a basket ball & me going “ayyyy” & clapping in response. this is also more so the reaction i would have expected from peters ‘ cheer ’. & kind of in that vein of admiring james, i do think that peter was in love with james, whether he realized it or not. i’ve talked about it a few times before so i won’t get into it again now, but i guarantee he would have liked watching james show off, similar to way there we’re told about some girls watching him off to the side at the time. i also know that sirius or remus probably called him out on it the odd time, so it’s not exactly a surprise that sirius would have called him on it & that peter would have been embarrassed. that being said, i think it would have been accompanied by a nice, strong glare in sirius’ direction. in order to be best friends with the group, he’d have to be able to keep up with him. so if you think he’d just sit there & take it one-sided all the time, you’d be wrong. maybe not in this particular moment but you best believe he’d give it back just as much as he took.
then of course comes the bullying of snape & the whole time peter is hanging around ❛ with an avid look of anticipation ❜, ❛ watching hungrily ❜, ❛ sniggering shrilly ❜. he’s reacting the same way as everyone else, but he’s singled out using descriptors with such negative connotations. the only way it makes any sense to me is remembering that this is what harry sees, what harry thinks. kinda like when someone starts to annoy you, suddenly everything they do becomes annoying, even if it’s the same thing as what anyone else is doing, it’s gonna be annoying because you find them annoying as a whole. idk, peter doesn’t exactly seem sadistic so this is the kind of “canon information” that i ignore just because it makes no sense. it doesn’t fit the story, the plot, the relationship he has with the marauders, & most of all, the type of person i make him out to be given everything else that we know.
this whole scene just kinda downplays the friendship peter has, & makes it out to be something it’s not. people say that they only kept peter around because he was like some sort of groupie, obsessed & admiring them at all times. but it doesn’t change the fact that sirius said they all would have died for peter. died. let that sink in & then tell me that they only kept peter around to boost their self esteem.
thank u 4 coming 2 my ted talk
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bookishable · 5 years
order of the phoenix book moments
“listening to the news! again?” “well, it changes every day, you see”
vernon: we’re not stupid harry: WeLL tHaT’s nEwS tO mE
“did he say you look like a pig that’s been taught to walk on its hind legs? ’cause that’s not cheek, dud, that’s true.”
“not this brave at night, are you?” “this is night, diddykins. that’s what we call it when it goes all dark like this.”
“what d’you mean, i’m not brave when i’m in bed? what am i supposed to be frightened of, pillows or something?”
“fought ’em off, did you, son? gave ’em the old one-two?” “you can’t give a dementor the old one-two”
tonks sending the dursleys a letter telling them they’d been short listed for the (non-existent) all-england best kept suburban lawn competition to keep them out the house so they could rescue harry
“snape’s on our side now” “doesn’t stop him being a git”
“dumbledore says he doesn’t care what they do as long as they don’t take him off the chocolate frog cards”
“kreacher lives to serve the noble house of black—” “and it’s getting blacker every day, it’s filthy”
arthur and kingsley’s fake chat at the ministry
“if you can get away before seven, molly’s making meatballs.”
‘a powerful emotion had risen in harry’s chest at the sight of dumbledore, a fortified, hopeful feeling rather like that which phoenix song gave him.’
“you got our message that the time and place of the hearing had been changed?” “i must have missed it, however, due to a lucky mistake i arrived at the ministry three hours early”
“a prefect! that’s everyone in the family!” “what are fred and i, next-door neighbours?”
harry’s personal growth moment where he realises he is happy for ron being made prefect and beating him at something for the first time, and that harry isn’t any better than him
luna: you’re harry potter harry: i know i am
neville saying “i’m nobody” and ginny being like “no you’re not” ugh we stan this friendship
the quibbler’s article on whether sirius is a notorious mass murderer or innocent singing sensation
“i, unlike you, have been made a prefect, which means that i, unlike you, have the power to hand out punishments.” “yeah, but you, unlike me, are a git, so get out and leave us alone.”
‘luna did not seem perturbed by ron’s rudeness; on the contrary, she simply watched him for a while as though he were a mildly interesting television programme.’
“i told her to keep her big fat mouth shut about you, actually. and it would be quite nice if you stopped jumping down our throats, harry, because in case you haven’t noticed, ron and i are on your side.”
“i dreamed i was playing quidditch the other night, what do you reckon that means?” “probably that you’re going to be eaten by a giant marshmallow or something”
“have a biscuit, potter.”
hermione knitting hats for the house-elves
“they didn’t look anything like hats to me, more like woolly bladders.” hermione did not speak to him all morning.
harry and ron meeting each other in the hallway, both trying to hide something but failing, harry being excited that ron wants to join the quidditch team, and ron noticing harry’s injury and being horrified we love this friendship
“ron had been honest with him, so he told ron the truth”
harry’s excellent attempt at writing a letter to sirius without obscurely revealing anything in case it got intercepted
“if you want to ‘sever ties’ with me, i swear i won’t get violent.”
“yeah, quirrell was a great teacher, there was just that minor drawback of him having lord voldemort sticking out of the back of his head.”
“i was just wondering, professor, whether you received my note telling you of the date and time of your inspec—” “obviously i received it, or i would have asked you what you are doing in my classroom” minerva strikes again
luna: the ministry’s got an army of heliopaths neville: an army of what luna: great flaming creatures that gallop across the ground burning everyth— hermione: they don’t exist, neville luna: oh yes they do
harry pretending to be ill so he could skip history of magic and find someone to help hedwig
“i can’t see any boils” “no, well, you wouldn’t, they’re not in a place we generally display to the public.” “but they make sitting on a broom a right pain in the—”
“the DA’s good, only let’s make it stand for dumbledore’s army, because that’s the ministry’s worst fear, isn’t it?”
hermione making the fake galleons and everyone being like what because it’s NEWT level magic
‘even fred had said that ron might yet make him and george proud, and that they were seriously considering admitting he was related to them, something they assured him they had been trying to deny for four years.’
“hey, potty, i heard warrington’s sworn to knock you off your broom on saturday” “warrington’s aim’s so pathetic i’d be more worried if he was aiming for the person next to me” god i love harry in this book
luna’s lion hat: “i wanted to have it chewing up a serpent to represent slytherin, you know, but there wasn’t time.”
dobby decorating the room of requirement with baubles of harry’s face saying ‘have a very harry christmas’
“ron, you are the most insensitive wart i have ever had the misfortune to meet.” it’s not true but it’s funny lmao
harry: next minute she’s crying all over me and i didn’t know what to do ron: don’t blame you, mate
‘that’s what they should teach us here, how girls’ brains work… it’d be more useful than divination, anyway…’
“i didn’t want anyone to talk to me” “well, that was a bit stupid of you, seeing as you don’t know anyone but me who’s been possessed by you-know-who, and i can tell you how it feels.” “i forgot” “lucky you”
sirius singing ‘god rest ye, merry hippogriffs’
arthur using stitches on his snake bites and molly exploding “it sounds as though you’ve been trying to sew your skin back together… WHAT DO YOU MEAN, THAT’S THE GENERAL IDEA?”
harry trying to distract the others when he realises neville’s parents are in the same ward that they are in, so neville can leave unnoticed
harry being oblivious to the fact cho wants to go to hogsmeade with him for valentine’s day
“if we can’t trust dumbledore, we can’t trust anyone.”
harry being oblivious (the sequel) and telling cho he was meeting hermione after their date, bless my son he’s trying his best
“why does she always want to drag up a subject that makes her act like a human hosepipe?”
‘hermione was sitting at a table with the unlikeliest pair of drinking mates he could ever have imagined: luna lovegood and none other than rita skeeter, one of hermione’s least favourite people in the world.’
“cho? a girl?” “it’s none of your business if harry’s been with a hundred girls” this is my favourite version of hermione
“it might have been a good idea to mention how ugly you think i am, too,” hermione added as an afterthought. “but i don’t think you’re ugly”
“she’s been breaking into your broom shed in the garden since the age of six and taking each of your brooms out in turn when you weren’t looking”
“if zacharias smith beats us i might have to kill myself.” “kill him, more like”
“hermione, you’re good on feelings and stuff, but you just don’t understand about quidditch.” “maybe not, but at least my happiness doesn’t depend on ron’s goalkeeping ability.”
‘out of respect for his feelings, harry waited a while before going up to the dormitory himself, so that ron could pretend to be asleep if he wanted to.’
dumbledore choosing firenze to teach divination knowing full well umbridge hated half-breeds
kingsley, dumbledore and mcgonagall’s genius way of saving the situation in dumbledore’s office after the DA meetings had been uncovered
“well, usually when a person shakes their head, they mean ‘no’. so unless miss edgecombe is using a form of sign-language as yet unknown to humans—”
“i have absolutely no intention of being sent to azkaban. i could break out, of course—but what a waste of time, and frankly, i can think of a whole host of things i would rather be doing.”
all the teachers pretending they couldn’t get rid of the fireworks to make umbridge run around the entire school to do so
“i could have got rid of the sparklers myself, of course, but i wasn’t sure whether or not i had the authority.”
“give five signs that identify the werewolf. one: he’s sitting in my chair. two: he’s wearing my clothes. three: his name’s remus lupin.”
“the thing about growing up with fred and george, is that you sort of start thinking anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.”
“you’d need more than a good sense of fun to liaise with my uncle, good sense of when to duck, more like.”
“are you quite sure you wouldn’t like a cough drop, dolores?”
“he has achieved high marks in all defence against the dark arts tests set by a competent teacher.”
“this boy has as much chance of becoming an auror as dumbledore has of ever returning to this school.” “a very good chance, then”
“she hated him!” “nah, she didn’t”
“your father was the best friend i ever had and he was a good person. a lot of people are idiots at the age of fifteen. he grew out of it.”
“give her hell from us, peeves.”
the catchphrase “one more lesson like that and i might just do a weasley” being a trend
harry witnessed professor mcgonagall walking right past peeves, who was determinedly loosening a crystal chandelier, and could have sworn he heard her tell the poltergeist out of the corner of her mouth, “it unscrews the other way.”
the fifth and seventh years starting a black-market trade selling ‘brain stimulants’ for the exams
“i don’t care if my tea-leaves spell die, ron die—i’m just chucking them in the bin where they belong.”
‘even through his anger and impatience, harry recognised hermione’s offer to accompany him into umbridge’s office as a sign of solidarity and loyalty.’
ginny’s notorious bat bogey hex
“we were all in the DA together, it was all supposed to be about fighting you-know-who, wasn’t it? and this is the first chance we’ve had to do something real—or was that all just a game or something?”
“you do care, you care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it.”
“by all means continue destroying my possessions, i daresay i have too many.”
“in the end, it mattered not that you could not close your mind. it was your heart that saved you.”
‘sirius seemed a million miles away already; even now a part of harry still believed that if he had only pulled back that veil, he would have found sirius looking back at him, greeting him, perhaps, with his laugh like a bark…’
flitwick leaving a patch of the swamp as a monument to fred and george, and because it was “a really good bit of magic”
“you’re dead, potter.” “funny, you’d think i’d have stopped walking around…”
mgonagall arriving back at hogwarts just as snape tries to take points from gryffindor like ‘no bitch, they can have 500 points instead for fighting death eaters’
‘professor mcgonagall was clearly heard to express a regret that she could not run cheering after umbridge herself, because peeves had borrowed her walking stick.’
“i expect what you’re not aware of would fill several books, dursley”
“are you threatening me, sir?” “yes, i am,” said mad-eye, who seemed rather pleased that uncle vernon had grasped this fact so quickly.
“do i look like the kind of man who can be intimidated?” “yes, i’d have to say you do” moody just ended this book with three straight burns
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ceraunos · 4 years
in honour of Sirius Black’s birthday, here’s an excerpt from my marauders wip, since I don’t have time to write anything new:
Remus feels wood splinter under his fingernail as he calves the crescent deeper, absentmindedly gouging out wooden desk. His ancient runes paper sits abandoned in front of him, a scrawl of ink scratched over the pages with words he hardly remembers long enough to write.
Two rows in front of him, to the left, Sirius taps the leg of his chair with his shoe and chews on skin around his thumbnail. Remus wonders if he can feel Remus’ eyes burning into the back of his neck the same way Remus could feel his from across the common room that morning. It had itched, like a fresh scab not quite ready to pick.
Outside the sky roils, rolls, with a furious burnt orange; it seeps in through the windows casting low dark shadows over the hall. Remus can feel the turmoil of it in his throat, the strange pull of tides, even from this far away, as they surge, getting ready to storm.
By the time they leave the first heavy drops of rain are already soaking the courtyard, drenching skin as students run for cover, summer robes thrown over their heads tangling black fabric billowing like spectral creatures.
‘Did you like question ten, Moony?’ Sirius says, as they shuffle out of the hall.
‘Loved it,’ Remus says, and it doesn’t feel like a ceasefire, so much as a drawing out of a stalemate. ‘Give five signs that identify a werewolf. Excellent question.’
‘D’you think you managed to get all the signs,’ James says, catching up with them.
‘Think I did. One: he’s sitting in my chair. Two: he’s wearing my clothes. Three: his name’s Remus Lupin.’
Sirius barks out a surprised cough of laughter at the same time Peter splutters into giggles, and suddenly the four of them are clinging to each other, laughter bounding off the floor at their feet, and Remus feels the same small flame of pride he’s always felt at having caused it all.
Then Sirius catches his eye and grins, wide open and full of teeth, and Remus can’t stop the way his body sways towards him, knuckles brushing against each others’. Outside the first roll of thunder tumbles over the lake, and echoes through Remus’ chest, low and dangerous. He catches his fingers in Sirius’ and holds them there, just for a moment.
Ahead of them Peter and James are sprinting through the rain, and in the doorway Remus waits as Sirius presses a finger into the ridge between his knuckles where Remus’ had been.
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chasemycopaface · 5 years
About Sonny
Things you should know:
Sonny is a werewolf
This isn’t exactly something he tells people, and he’s only been dealing with the new challenges this brings for a little over a year
he lives alone in an abandoned warehouse that he’s currently squatting in, but usually couch surfs when he gets lonely
you’ll probably run into him at a local show, the skate park, or a party - every other night besides the three nights a month that he secludes himself, Sonny wants to be around as many people as possible and hates to be alone
Nickname(s): Skrills, Skrilly Age: 23 Sexuality: Identifies as bi, finds himself attracted to people all over the gender spectrum but leans heavily towards masculinity Relationship Status: currently single, but usually not for long Past Relationships: Sonny’s had a lot of small flings and short-lived affairs over the past few years, but he starts to feel suffocated in relationships very quickly and seems to constantly be moving on just when people start to get close. He makes friends easily, and these friendships frequently turn into something more that doesn’t last for long. Sometimes they’re able to remain friends afterwards, but usually not.
|| Personal ||
Religious Belief: Agnostic / ”open minded” / “But like, do you ever really think about aliens?” Negative Attributes: petulant, obsessive, loud, hypercritical of himself and too forgiving of others, reactionary, takes things too personally, vindictive and petty when wronged or hurt by someone, prone to sulking, completely balks at authority of any kind and loathes being told what to do in any capacity, can be exceedingly childish Positive Attributes: Bright, enthusiastic, driven, adaptable, energetic, affectionate, empathetic, goes out of his way to make others happy and comfortable (sometimes to a fault), open minded and imaginative, passionate, giving, genuinely cares about and listens to other people Primary Goals In Life: to create, to feel able to accurately express himself. Sonny doesn’t think very far ahead in the future and isn’t really sure what he wants his life to look like in a few years, only that he wants to have the freedom to create what he wants to. Very focused on ‘putting something beautiful out there’ and contributing good energy to the world, wants to make real connections with people and see all the beauty and art and fun the world has to offer Languages: English, decent amount of Spanish Secrets: is a goddamn werewolf, worries about what people think about him much more than he lets on, insecure about his appearance, has a lot of trouble telling people when he’s upset or afraid and instead tends to lash out, feels like he may have a problem with ‘partying’ too much but tries not to think about it, has struggled heavily ever since he was fifteen with bulimia and body image issues Quirks/Habits: never stops moving - he’s always fidgeting in one way or another, bites his nails, has smoked heavily since he was 13 and chain smokes when he’s nervous. If he stays still for too long he quickly grows melancholy and antsy, which also manifests itself in his current inability to live in one place or stay with one person for more than a few months. Constantly singing and making up little songs (narrating what he’s doing, singing about animals or what the weather’s  like outside, etc.), talking to himself, constantly filling the silence - he nervously chatters, and is very uncomfortable with silence and stillness in general. Grew up in California where most of his friends were girls and picked up a bit of a ‘valley girl’ way of speaking in subtle ways -frequently uses filler words such as ‘like, I mean, totally, etc.’ because his thoughts move too quickly to verbalize them properly most of the time Savvies/Skills: knows how to read and write music, play the guitar and the piano (both of which he’s been playing and familiar with for upwards of ten years), pretty decent at skateboarding, really good at braiding hair, climbs things like a little spider monkey and is strangely skilled at getting himself into weird, high or tight spaces, has a really keen ear for audio and acoustics, though he’s uncomfortable with the role he can be an effective and charismatic leader if he needs to be and will take charge to get things moving forward if no one else will Current Living Situation: Basically couch surfing, staying with friends and people who he’s having sex with or dating at the time. Employment/Education: Dropped out of high school when he was 16, currently employed on a gig-by-gig basis but not pulling in very much money at all
|| Physical ||
Height: 5’4’’ Weight: ~146 lbs
Note: The version of Sonny that I am playing is younger, and looks more like his younger self. He doesn’t wear glasses, and has a full disheveled head of hair with no shaved side.
Scars/Birthmarks: Acne scars on his cheeks, assorted cigarette burn scars on his hands and forearms, approximately five inch long scar along the length of his left shin from one of many skateboarding accidents that ended in several stitches, various other smaller scars on his legs, knees and elbows from skateboarding and general over-exuberance, prominent brown freckle-like birthmark on his right ass cheek
Favorite Food: chicken and rice with Mole sauce Favorite Color: baby blue Favorite Music Genre(s): IDM and EDM, experimental sounds and genres that push boundaries, ‘weird’ female vocalists, 80’s metal, queercore and thrash metal, old school rap, garage punk, hardcore, deathcore, trap, noise, black metal Favorite Book: Watership Down Favorite Movie Genre: Animated/Fantasy Favorite Movie: The Last Unicorn MBTI Personality type: ESFP Alignment: Chaotic good Sign: Capricorn Harry Potter House: Slytherin
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xonismsx · 5 years
peter; on snape’s worst memory
since i’ve been thinking about/talking about peter a lot lately, today i want to talk about order of the phoenix, chapter 28: snape’s worst memory as this chapter is what forms a lot of people’s opinion about the relationship peter had with the rest of the marauders.
& i want to start off by reminding people that while this is snape’s memory, harry is viewing like some third party, able to see & hear everything but can’t pick up on anyone’s feelings or thoughts so it’s all solely his perspective. now that that’s out of the way, let’s move on.
so when harry first enters the memory, he’s calling everyone by their name, save for peter, who is referred to exclusively as wormtail, already implying that he’s something less than human or that harry doesn’t believe peter should have the dignity of being called his real name. this of course i only mean in regards to description, naturally the marauders calling each other by their nicknames doesn’t fall into the same category.
❛ Wormtail looked anxious; he was chewing his fingernails, staring down at his paper, scuffing the ground with his toes. ❜
so normally, this would add to the idea that he’s stupid & that his academic skills are lacking. i chose to explain this by simply saying that the boy just don’t test well? i headcanon him as having dysgraphia ( explanation over here; it’s not long ) but in short, he is by no means stupid, in fact he’s quite intelligent ( as we find out later in the series ). dysgraphia is a learning disability that makes the act of writing difficult. it leads to problems with spelling, grammar, poor handwriting & difficulty organizing thoughts on paper. so, going along with this learning disability, it means that, understandably so, for tests & exams, he’s a ball of anxiety. he tries his best, but he can’t help something making the same mistakes time & time again. he relies a lot on the friends around him for help with his academics but that crutch is gone as soon as exam time rolls around. it’s only natural that he blanks out & might go so far as to cheat off a neighbour if he thought it would help & he could do it without getting caught.
next the boys start cracking jokes about how of the questions was about listing five signs to identify a werewolf. ❛ Wormtail was the only one that didn’t laugh. ❜  then peter goes on to list the few he remembered but mentioned how he struggled to recall all of them & to this comes the response of ❛ “ How thick are you, Wormtail? “ James said impatiently. “ You run around with a werewolf once a month— ” ❜
it’s at this point i’d like to remind you that no matter how close the boys were, they’re still all a bunch of asshole teenage boys? they’re not equip with all the patience needed to deal with peter’s academic shortcomings all the time. & it’s only natural that they would struggle to understand why peter couldn’t just function properly like the rest of them. there’s no diagnosis, no name or term you can associate with peter’s difficulties. you can be close, & still be annoyed with each other, especially with an issue that comes up as frequently as peter’s disability. james being impatient with peter about something as small as that doesn’t mean that they’re not still best friends, it doesn’t mean that james necessarily thinks peter is actually stupid, it’s just tiring to deal with all the time. i mean, they’re only 15/16. you can’t expect all that much of them. 
& here is another reminder coming your way, my peter pettigrew is canon-divergent. i mean, i can’t exactly call myself entirely canon-compliant as i blatantly ignore canon information. but i also want to say that the pieces of information ignore, are pieces that i think don’t make sense given the rest of the canon information we have. as we all know & as i won’t shut up about, peter had a lot of contradictions in regards to his character so with that in mind, the next quote we have about peter is the following:
so, the set up is that james had nicked a snitch & was playing with it. ❛ James was still playing with the Snitch, letting it zoom further and further away, almost escaping but always grabbed it at the last second. Wormtail was watching with his mouth open. Every time James made a particularly difficult catch, Wormtail gasped & applauded. After 5 minutes of this, Harry wondered why James didn’t tell Wormtail to get a grip on himself, but James seemed to be enjoying the attention..... “Put that away, will you,” said Sirius finally, as James made a fine catch and Wormtail let out a cheer, “ before Wormtail wets himself with excitement. ” Wormtail turned slightly pink, but James grinned. ❜
i’m not gonna say that peter was completely uninterested in james, that’s just stupid. but frankly, the way this played out made him seem... simple? for lack of a better word anyway. i don’t doubt that he would have been mesmerized, hell i probably would have watched interested with my mouth open too, but the idea of him gasping??? that’s dumb af. he may have a learning disability but he’s not developmentally delayed. it just doesn’t make any sense given what else we know/find out about his character. i do, however, think clapping isn’t out of the realm of possibility, but it wouldn’t come from a place of blind adoration so much as the same vibe of my friend doing some tricks with a basket ball & me going “ayyyy” & clapping in response. this is also more so the reaction i would have expected from peters ‘ cheer ’. & kind of in that vein of admiring james, i do think that peter was in love with james, whether he realized it or not. i’ve talked about it a few times before so i won’t get into it again now, but i guarantee he would have liked watching james show off, similar to way there we’re told about some girls watching him off to the side at the time. i also know that sirius or remus probably called him out on it the odd time, so it’s not exactly a surprise that sirius would have called him on it & that peter would have been embarrassed. that being said, i think it would have been accompanied by a nice, strong glare in sirius’ direction. in order to be best friends with the group, he’d have to be able to keep up with him. so if you think he’d just sit there & take it one-sided all the time, you’d be wrong. maybe not in this particular moment but you best believe he’d give it back just as much as he took.
then of course comes the bullying of snape & the whole time peter is hanging around ❛ with an avid look of anticipation ❜, ❛ watching hungrily ❜, ❛ sniggering shrilly ❜. he’s reacting the same way as everyone else, but he’s singled out using descriptors with such negative connotations. the only way it makes any sense to me is remembering that this is what harry sees, what harry thinks. kinda like when someone starts to annoy you, suddenly everything they do becomes annoying, even if it’s the same thing as what anyone else is doing, it’s gonna be annoying because you find them annoying as a whole. idk, peter doesn’t exactly seem sadistic so this is the kind of “canon information” that i ignore just because it makes no sense. it doesn’t fit the story, the plot, the relationship he has with the marauders, & most of all, the type of person i make him out to be given everything else that we know.
this whole scene just kinda downplays the friendship peter has, & makes it out to be something it’s not. people say that they only kept peter around because he was like some sort of groupie, obsessed & admiring them at all times. but it doesn’t change the fact that sirius said they all would have died for peter. died. let that sink in & then tell me that they only kept peter around to boost their self esteem.
thank u 4 coming 2 my ted talk
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ask-de-writer · 7 years
NIGHTMARE BLESSING (1 Part) : MLP Fan Fiction : Tales to Read After the Lights Are OUT!
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De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
1203 words
© 2017 by Glen Ten-Eyck
Writing begun 10/08/17
All rights reserved.  This document may not be copied or distributed on or to any medium or placed in any mass storage system except by the express written consent of the author.
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Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights.  They may reblog the story provided that all author and copyright information remains intact.  They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions.
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Red Romper hated his name.  Because he hated his name, he hated almost everypony else.  THEY got fun names or cool names.  He did not even need to hear a pony's name to know that it was better than his!
That young mare over across the park was a perfect example!  She was a pretty light blue with a dark blue mane and tail.  Was she content with the beauty that she was given?  Not a all!
She was tricked in black shiny satins and black fine net!  She had a collar with big, forbidding spikes and cuffs on her canons, just up from black shiny shoes.  The cuffs had spikes too.  She had a black beret and a necklace of dark metal with a dark star in a circle pendant.  She wore none of it like a costume.
Muttering darkly to himself, he growled, “Another of those dratted fake New Moon witch ponies!  She ought to get honest work! Instead, they all freeload, beg and try to imitate that Non-Equine magic like that crazy goat up on the mountain!
He watched as the pony across the park took her pendant in hoof, then moved the same hoof around on the ground like she was drawing something.  Then she just sat and waited, looking for a handout, no doubt.
It was not long before a brown stallion in a business collar and tie strode self importantly up the path past her.  He paused long enough to spurn dirt from the pathway in her direction.  She bowed her head and, as soon as the pony left, she popped both front hooves together. She then got up and strolled along the same path as the business pony.
Red could not see for sure through the park's bushes but it looked like she picked something up.  As soon as she did whatever it was, she changed course.  Crossing the park, she went straight to Caramel Treat's Sweets.  There she and that dumb palomino waitress joked back and forth a bit.  The waitress went in and soon emerged with a veritable feast on a big tray!
It was too much!  Red charged across the cobbled street, demanding loudly, “Gimme some of that!  You don't, I gonna call the police! I seen you steal it from that brown pony!���
Caramel Treat, the well known werewolf and restaurateur, was out the door like a shot!  She shouldered her huge gray and black wolf's body between Red and her dark dressed customer.
Turning her immense fanged head to Red, she stated flatly, “We mean that sign!  Either back up what you have just accused loudly enough to draw Constable Crager from his post on the other side of the park or leave.”
She pointed with a furry forefoot at a sign famous throughout Equestria. It showed a fine portrait of Caramel Treat in her present form of an Everfree Ridgeback wolf on one side and her mate Fangrin, also in wolf form, on the other.  Between them were the words:
If you have any problem with any customer of ours for kind, race, species, color, creed or any other reason at all, PLEASE LEAVE.  WE BITE! - - HARD!
Before he could turn away, the official voice of Constable Crager demanded, “Red, if you cannot prove what you just shouted, I shall have to arrest you for disturbing the peace and attempted extortion.”
Red wilted a bit but tried to bull through.  “I was over in the park. I seen that witchy pony there do some evil spell.  Then a brown pony with a tie come through the park.  She chase him down in them bushes and robbed him!  She come straight here to spend her loot!”
Constable Crager responded, “If that is what you claim, then I have no choice . . . ”
Red gloated, “Now you are in for it, Witchy!”
Constable Crager finished what he was saying as if not interrupted, “But to place you under arrest.  Please do not make me use force!”
“ARREST ME!?  If she didn't steal it, where did she get all that money?”
A spare white pegasus with a flat black hat joined the group, suggesting, “Perhaps, Red, if you had asked that politely of Penny, you would not be in trouble again.”
Turning to the black dressed mare, now identified as Penny, he added, “I got your most welcome Magic Net call, my dear.  I left the Assembly in good hooves and came at once.”
Penny gestured to the table.  “Please sit, Reverend Smallflower.  I know that you would try to order the cheapest things, so I already ordered for you!
“I have more than just a nice meal for you.  Please take these five golden bits for your fund to feed the needy.”
Reverend Smallflower gathered the coins with a happy smile.  “In the name of the Twins, Penny, I thank you.”
As he sat to eat, he suggested, “Before the good Constable removes Red, there, perhaps you could share the origin of this money that you are so generously sharing.”
Penny nodded and swallowed a mouthful of clover steak with mushroom gravy before explaining, “I was mindful of your excellent sermon on how the Twins share the sky.  I noticed that the crescent of the Night Mare was in the sky along with her sister of the Day, so I prayed for a blessed day from them both.  I sat to meditate.
“That brown pony mistook my sitting in meditation for begging and spurned some dust of the path at me.  That made me angry so, following your excellent advice, I took a moment to calm myself before following him to request an apology.
“Being so far behind him, let me notice something blue in the brush at the path edge.  It was a cheap blue cotton coin purse.  It had no identification in it.
“I realized that my prayer for a blessing was answered.  I came here first to count the money.  There was plenty so I ordered this meal and paid back my tab for times that Caramel and Fangrin have fed me.
“I called you to come share in the blessing.  That includes the money for feeding the needy, like you fed me so many times.”
As Constable Crager was urging Red away, he snapped, “All this talk of sharing, but you got none for me!”
Penny turned calm eyes to him and replied, “That is true.  You have not shared friendship like these good ponies and others have.  What you give is what you get back.”
Reverend Smallflower observed, “I see that you have kept a goodly portion for your own use, Penny.  If I may make so bold, what use will you make of it?”
Penny gave Peanut Brittle a small hug.  “Peanut told me how much help the goats in the Assembly's congregation were in helping her to find and fix up a good place.  I think that I have enough for rent at least for this winter.  I should have enough for a good Foal Bowl for this Nightmare Night too.
“That will let me honor the Night Mare and share even more goodness.”
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fatecaster · 7 years
21 Wicca and Pagan Symbols in Everyday Life - Reblog
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21 Wicca and Pagan Symbols in Everyday Life
As a proud practicing Wicca, I am often faced with misconceptions about my religion and its symbols. The truth is that Wicca and Pagan symbols are already heavily integrated into modern society, but many people are unaware of their deeper meaning. I've compiled this list to give anyone that's curious about Wicca symbols or Pagan symbols a comprehensive guide. Read on for examples of the 21 Wicca and Pagan symbols' usage followed by their greater significance.
A Peaceful History of Wicca and Pagan Traditions
Some people hear "Wicca" or "Pagan" and automatically think "Satanic." Pop culture has long perpetuated this misunderstanding of the peaceable religion of Wicca. While Wicca is a relatively new religion, it is based on a belief system that dates back to the Stone Ages. At the heart of the religion is a pair of gods, commonly called the Moon Goddess or Great Goddess and the Horned God or Great Horned God. 
1. The Horned God Is Not Satan
The Horned God has spurred many comparisons between Wicca and Satanism. Horned gods predate Christianity, and the vilification of them likely started with that religion as it sought to separate early followers from their Pagan roots. You have no doubt seen a lot of horned gods in the fantasy genre (as minotaurs, satyrs, fauns, etc), but these are rarely representative of the Wicca Horned God. Our Horned God is a noble figure. His depiction as part beast and part man represents the unification of nature and humanity.
​​​​​2. The Pentagram in Wicca Culture
The pentagram is another important Wicca symbol that is highly misunderstood. Five-pointed stars are strongly associated with Satanic rituals or with dark witchcraft. While many Wiccas do practice a craft of sorts, it is never with intent to harm. A Pagan pentagram represents the five elements of earth, air, water, fire and spirit. It may be used to channel energy, as demonstrated in the bookstore scene in The Craft. In the 1999 film Sleepy Hollow, Katrina Van Tassel draws a pentagram as a protective measure which is initially misinterpreted.
3. Witches and Cauldrons
Cauldrons have a long association with witches, though of course there was a time when virtually everyone cooked with one. This Wicca symbol is just one of many that J.K. Rowling appropriated for use in the Harry Potter universe. In Wicca culture, a cauldron symbol most often represents elements like fire and/or water. Old-fashioned practitioners may also use a literal cauldron in their preparations.
4. The Wicca Besom/Broom
You know that no witch costume is complete without a broom. The Wicked Witch of the West had one in The Wizard of Oz, and all three Sanderson Sisters had them in Hocus Pocus. Why do we associate witches with brooms? In Roman times, midwives used ceremonial brooms to symbolically clean a home of an evil presence before and after childbirth. As a Wicca symbol, the broom represents your ability to move beyond earthly limitations (or to fly, if you prefer).
​​​​​5. Black Cats - Friends or Foes?
Black cats have gotten a bad rap outside the witching world. They are often used to represent bad luck in popular fiction. Cats represent something else entirely in Wicca culture. Their otherworldly nature makes cats of any color a popular companion. In the movie Constantine, the title character uses a cat to visit Hell.
6. Who Is the Greenman?
The Greenman, or Green Man, is a leafy face often seen in Medieval architecture and later in Victorian-era furniture and hardware. It is widely believed to be derivative of a Celtic Druid-era deity. In Pagan culture, the Greenman has been adopted as a symbol of indomitable nature or male virility.
​​​​​7. Mano Cornuto vs Sign of the Beast
The mano cornuto symbol is also known as the "horned hand." This symbol was commonly used in Italy as a ward against the evil eye. In the 1980s, a variant of it was embraced by heavy metal music fans who copied the gesture from the artist Dio. It was through heavy metal that it came to be called "sign of the beast" or "throwing horns." In Wicca culture, this symbol has no association with Satan. Instead, it may be representative of either the Horned God or the Moon Goddess.
8. Boline vs Sickle
A boline is a small crescent-shaped knife, often mistaken for a sickle. The sickle is associated with Communism, and the related scythe is heavily symbolic of death. In Wicca culture, the boline has no political or spiritual meaning. It is a common tool, and its use during ceremonies is strictly tied to the physical realm.
9. Quoth the Raven
In pop culture, any mention of a raven is sure to be tied to the eponymous poem by Edgar Allen Poe. They are also featured heavily in Game of Thrones, where the seer Bran Stark has come to identify himself as the Three-eyed Raven. The raven is a powerful Wicca symbol because it represents your ability to move between the physical and spiritual realms.
10. More Than One Wand
Depending on your age, your first sight of a magic wand might have been in The Sword in the Stone, or it might (yet again) have been in Harry Potter & The Sorcerer's Stone. In popular fiction, witches and wizards typically have only one wand. In Wicca culture, the "Book of Shadows" by Gerald Gardner identifies many different wands with many different purposes. As an everyday Wicca symbol, it may represent the element of air or transformative power.
11. Binding Spells vs Voodoo Dolls
Binding spells are sometimes mistaken for voodoo dolls. In movies like The Witches of Eastwick, the three witches create an effigy and use it to inflict pain upon Jack Nicholson's villainous character. While ancient binding spells may have some relationship to voodoo dolls, in modern Wicca binding spells are used strictly for protection.
12. The Moon
The moon has many occult associations. You've no doubt seen plenty of it in werewolf and vampire movies, but Wiccas take the moon very seriously. There are few symbols as sacred as the moon. To Wiccas, the moon is symbolic of the Moon Goddess. It is the beginning and end of all life.
​​​​​13. The Meaning of the Candle Illuminated
TV shows like The Vampire Diaries like to romanticize common witches' tools but often get their significance wrong. For example, Wiccas do not draw on candles for power. Small candles represent our connection to the divine while large candles may represent the Moon Goddess. Candles also help us to focus our mind and energy on the desired outcome of a spell.
14. Witches and Crystals
Modern witches of all religions and associations acknowledge the power of crystals. Many New Agers that are otherwise unassociated with Paganism also use crystals. It's common to see a hippie in a movie wearing a big chunk of quartz. Wiccas also acknowledge the power of this mineral and often place it on their alters as a symbol of the element Earth.
​​​​​15. Athames - Not Your Everyday Kitchen Knives
You may not be familiar with the word "athame," but you've no doubt seen this ceremonial knife in movies about witch hunters. The athame is one of the most important Wicca tools, and yet in movies it is more often depicted as a weapon to be used against witches. Usually the knife has a black handle. While it features in many Wicca ceremonies, it is never used to draw blood. In "Book of Shadows," Gardner uses an athame as a symbol of the element Fire, but other Pagan practices may use it as a symbol for the element of Air.
16. Book of Shadows
Now's as good a time as any to address the aforementioned "Book of Shadows." While Wicca traces most of its modern roots to the "Book of Shadows" written by Gerald Gardner, there are as many books of shadows as there are Wiccas. "Book of Shadows" is not one tome but any collection of writings and spells created by a Wicca. Many Wiccas use theirs as a sort of journal. Some people use the term "grimoire" as a synonym for a book of shadows. The show Charmed featured a family Book of Shadows in nearly every episode.
17. The Ubiquitous Evil Eye
The Evil Eye symbol is not limited to Wicca and Pagan symbols. In fact, it is one of the oldest known occult symbols in existence. It traces back to an all-seeing goddess but later became representative of any ill-wishing glare. In pop culture, witchy glares abound, and yet an all-seeing eye symbol is more frequently used in movies referencing Freemasonry and the Illuminati.
18. Why Wiccas Love Stars
Stars are one of the few Pagan symbols that are consistently well-received. You've probably wished on a star before. The act may be more innate than you realized. Wiccas view stars as a promise of their potential to reach divine heights. Five-pointed stars are also used synonymously with the pentagram.
19. The Friendly Spider
Spiders are often associated with witches, but you might be surprised to know that it's not for sinister reasons. Many Pagan religions view the spider as a symbol of creation. In Wicca, the spider also represents re-creation, or a Wicca's ability to redirect energy and even to change fate. 
20. Light as a Feather?
The "light as a feather" chant from The Craft quickly became a cult classic at slumber parties. Does it have any basis in Wicca though? Yes and no. No one is using the symbol of a feather to attempt levitation (outside of the Harry Potter universe, that is). That said, feathers are frequently placed on altars to represent the element of Air. They also represent your ability to fly between realms.
21. Blood Magic
Shows like Supernatural have strengthened the association between witchcraft and blood magic. In truth, the only type of blood used in Wicca rituals is Moon Blood (aka menstrual blood).
Did you recognize some of the pop culture appropriations of Wicca symbols?  I hope this list has been educational. Maybe it's even given you a new appreciation for the depth of Pagan and Wicca culture. 
Please feel free to share your thoughts and feelings below and to pass this along to curious Wicca and non-Wicca friends alike.
But, actually, that's not all! Drop your email address and get the full article with extra 5 symbols in PDF for free!
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gryffinwolf · 2 years
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he knew that there were fundamentally differences between remus and his friend that set them apart in more ways than he would even like.     some of it,    he understood.     when it pertained to status,     sirius’s privilege,     his social standing,     even the kind of attention that he received for all aforementioned categories combined,     remus understood.    
really,     he did.     but what could possibly be about those things that made sirius act like such a pizza snob?    ❛   come off it,     it’s just food.    and it’s sweet.     i think it complements the salti   -    sirius fucking bIack  !    ❜     now he would smell like tomato for the rest of the day,     regardless how many times he will try to wash it off. 
he picked off a piece of corn and aimed for his friend’s eye.     to his annoyance,     he missed.      ❛    some people put banana slices on their pizza.    be grateful that i’m not one of them.    ❜ 
@phieltatos​     /      from here 
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