#⤖  ❝ what died didn’t stay dead ❞ ⸢ wishlist ⸥
yearsgiven-a · 3 years
look i’m just saying thea would make a beautiful bride it’d be a shame if the love of her life appeared at the wedding and they ran away together
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shesforevermore · 3 years
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xanican-exile · 3 years
Interview the Muse
Do all of them
Long post under the cut
- What is your Full name? Include any maiden names, aliases, or nicknames.
”Venix Savreux. My last name is Mornese, I guess that must be where my mother was from. Its a country a bit to the east of Xanica.” - When is your birthday? Do you know where you were born and at what time?
”I’m actually not sure. I know that my birthday is a few weeks before the first snowfalls, but rangers didn’t really have calendars out in the Wyrmswood.”
- What is your star sign? Do you know your Chinese Zodiac too?
“I don’t know what that means.”
- What is your earliest memory that you can remember?
“My... Mother wiping a bloody scrape on my cheek. I’m really young, can’t be more than 4 or 5? It hurts a lot but I won’t let myself cry. Babies cry, but I won’t. She’s chiding me for getting in a fight, especially with two boys that are bigger than me. But I think a little part of her is proud. They were making fun of me for being a whore’s son.”
- Where was your childhood home? Was it more urban or rural?
“I was born in docks quarter of Esklay, one of the big port cities in Xanica.”
- How was your childhood in general? Did your parents treat you well? Did you have a lot of friends?
“My mother and I didn’t have much. She was a whore, no idea who my dad was, and I wasn’t exactly around there long enough to make friends.”
“Things got a lot better when I joined the rangers though.”
- How was/is school? What is your favorite and least favorite subjects? What were your grades on average?
“I didn’t go to school, but I was trained to be a ranger from the time I was... 8, 9? Something like that. I know I was ranked pretty high among the cadets, I was the top in sword skills, but everyone else that would join my pack was better than me in at least one thing.”
- Did you have a best friend growing up? What was their name? Are you still in touch?
“No, no I’m not in contact with any of them. Vex, Rand, Mako, Velite, Ilia. They.. They aren’t around anymore.”
- Were you in any cliques?
“We were encouraged to become close to small groups, they would become our pack once our training was finished.”
- Best childhood memory you can recall?
“The day my pack became full rangers.”
- Worst childhood memory you can recall?
“... My mom dying.”
- Name an event in your childhood that has shaped you into the person you are today
“Probably the day I was found by the rangers. After my mom died I ran from home, didn’t know where I was going, too young to think beyond getting away. I think it was a few weeks of being on my own, barely surviving on scraps. I guess I was going north, because I eventually ended up in the Wyrmswood. I don’t know how, it’s hundreds of miles from where Esklay is on the coast, must have ended up in one of its southernmost reaches. I.. I ended up passing out around a ranger campfire, barely noticing the people watching me. A lot of lost kids, orphans, bastards, and street rats end up as rangers, but I’ve never heard of any others stumbling on them like I did. Its probably happened, Xanica is pretty big, but I’ve never heard of it. Anyway, when I woke up they fed me, tended to my wounds, and teased my story out of me. I remember one of them asking me if I would like to be strong enough to never let something like this happen again. I took his offer without a second thought.”
- What is the dumbest thing you have ever done to impress someone? Were they impressed or was it all for naught?
“I guess there was a couple times when I was still training that I tried to go off on my own, hunt things I wasn’t ready to to impress our masters. Only took a couple beatings before I stopped doing that though.”
- Did you ever have any sweethearts or lovers? Do you have a boy/girlfriend?
“Not really. I’m on the road a lot, going from place to place. I don’t get time to get close to a girl like that. There is this one bard I seem to keep running into though..”
- Are you a virgin?
- Do you ever plan on getting married in your life? Do you want kids?
“I’ve.. never really thought about that. I guess no. Having a family or getting married doesn’t sound like something I can do.”
- Would you rather have your own kids or adopt? How many kids would you want?
“I don’t really have a preference, its hard for my to imagine doing either.”
- Do you think you'd be a protective parent or a relaxed parent?
“I don’t think I’d be a very good one.”
- How would you prefer to pass away? Surrounded by loved ones and at peace, or while doing something heroic?
“Definitely fighting. I want whatever takes me down to remember how much of a struggle it was to kill me.”“
- Generally, how healthy are you? Do you get sick or injured easily or are you fit?
“I do everything I can to stay in peak physical condition. Doing otherwise would mean I end up dead in my line of work.”
- Have you ever been badly injured before?
“Several times. You don’t fight monsters for over a decade without collecting a fair share of scars.”
- What is the worst injury you have ever gotten? What was it and how did it happen? Were you ever close to death?
“This one right here. Those three slashes across my chest? Those are from a Wyrmling. Its like a wyvern but flightless and with four legs. I had to hunt one on my own once. Those claws destroyed my armor, but I would have been turned to paste if I hadn’t been wearing it.”
- How many times have you been to the hospital/doctor's?
“I haven’t been to many hospitals. Those are for sick people, but I’ve had to visit a lot of surgeons and healers over the years to get stitched up or have other wounds treated. I’ve never tried counting how many times I’ve been to those.”
- Have you ever had a concussion or brain injury? Have you ever had amnesia?
“I’ve had more than a few concussions, but I don’t think I’ve ever had amnesia or a serious brain injury, thankfully.”
“...I should really get a helmet.”
- What was the worst illness you ever contacted? Do you know what it was? How long were you sick?
“I don’t know what it was, but there was one time that I was stuck in bed for over a week as a child. It happens sometimes to cadets, they weren’t sure I’d survive, but I proved stronger than they expected.”
- Ever had any extended hospital stays? What for?
“Didn’t I already answer this?”
- Have you ever had to give yourself or someone else emergency first aid? What happened?
“Multiple times. Sometimes they lived, sometimes they didn’t.”
- Are you employed? Where do you work and who do you work for? What do you do?
“I guess you could call me a mercenary. Since leaving Xanica I’ve made my living going from place to place dealing with bandits, poachers, and monsters. Once or twice I’ve been hired to stay on a noble’s estates for a season to keep it guarded. Those jobs are boring, but pay best.”
- Are you happy with your current job?
“...No. Most of it is just busywork. I do it because its what I know, because its closest to what I used to do. But I wish I had something more meaningful to use my skills for.”
- Did you have any previous jobs? What were they and what did you do?
“I was raised to be a ranger. Its what I did until leaving Xanica about 2 years ago.”
- Most dangerous thing you have ever done?
“That’s hard to say. I’ve been involved in a lot of dangerous things. The expedition into the Divide might be at the top though.”
- Do you consider yourself a more active person or a more relaxed person?
“Definitely more active. I’m not good at sitting around doing nothing for than a day or so.”
- What is your dream come true? How about your worst nightmare?
“My... My nightmare already happened. My dream would be for my pack to be alive.”
- What is the biggest and most important goal you have set for yourself?
“To never let what happened to the rangers happen to someone else.”
- How persistent would you say you are? How much does it take to get you to give up on a task?
“I’d like to say I don’t give up easy, but I guess I’ve already given in on the stuff that matters.”
- Would you surrender yourself to your enemies or fight to the very end?
“Fight. I won’t run again, not while there is something I can still do.”
- When do you usually do your shopping? What is currently on your shopping list?
“Usually between jobs, or right after I finish one. Right now I need to get myself some new rope, hardtack, my cloak stitched, and a pan for cooking.”
- Top three things on your wishlist?
“Wyvernhide leather cuirass, a pair of those new glyph inscribed boots that resist water, and a warm chocolate mint drink.”
- Currently, what is something you want but do not need?
“A warm chocolate mint drink “
- Do you like shopping? What is your favorite thing to shop for?
“I don’t know if I like shopping, but I don’t dislike it either, its just something I have to do.”
- What is the most expensive thing you have purchased? Was it worth it?
“My mail shirt. Absolutely worth it, saved my life more than once.”
- What would you do if you were suddenly given one billion dollars out of the blue?
“I’m not sure. I don’t really buy a lot of luxuries. Maybe I would purchase a keep or something? A place to winter at when the roads get snowed over.”
- What would you describe your style of clothing as?
- Do you have any hobbies? Name all of them if you can.
“I can make simple woodcarvings, I play the flute, and I guess I’ve dabbled in falconry.”
- Do you like and appreciate art? What is your favorite piece of artwork?
- Do you like music? What is your favorite style of music?
- Have you ever seen any musicals? What is your favorite?
- What are your top three favorite animals? What would you say your "Patronus" or "Spirit Animal" is?
“Eagles, Hawks, and Bears. Most rangers would probably say our spirits are most like wolves.”
- What are your top three favorite colors?
“Red, white, and I guess yellow or amber, though that last one is really just with eye colors.”
- What is your favorite season? Do you prefer hotter or colder weather? Do you like snow at all?
“Spring. I can’t stand the snow, it makes it easier to be tracked, and the work always slows down during the winter.”
- What kind of flavors do you prefer: Sweet, Sour, Bitter, Spicy, Dry, or Umami (savory meat taste)?
“Savory is my favorite. I’m not really a fan of sweets aside from fruits. I like mint a lot as well, but I don’t know what that falls under.”
- Can you cook at all?
“Yes. Everyone in the pack took turns cooking. So we all got pretty good at it.”
- What is your favorite dish? Can you prepare it? Do you have the recipe handy?
“I don’t know if I have a favorite, but I do like going to new places and trying their foods.”
- What is your favorite fruit and vegetable?
“Strawberries and onions.”
- What is your favorite dessert? What is your favorite type of candy/treat?
“Choclate is just about the only sweet I enjoy.”
- What is the best thing you have ever had the opportunity to eat? What is the worst?
“Xanican haggis is always a treat.”
- Do you like to drink tea or coffee? Any favorite flavors?
“Both are good, as I said earlier I like mind a lot.”
- Describe your sense of humor.
- What is one thing you are justly proud of?
“My skill with a sword. I’ve always been good with a blade. The best of all the rangers in my age group.”
- Do you have any religious beliefs? If not, have you ever been to a church service?
“Everyone pays respect to the gods, but I wouldn’t say I’m really religious. I’ve had to go to a few services when going to priest or nun healers. They usually make that their payment.”
- What would you say is the worst thing someone has done to you? What is the meanest thing someone has ever said to you?
"Tricking my pack into helping stoke the fires of a civil war and then getting them all killed. Anything that’s been said to me doesn’t even come close to that.”
- What is the worst thing you have done to someone? What is the meanest thing you have said to anyone?
“I’m not really sure. I tend not to talk much unless I have something really worth saying, insults are usually not worth the effort.” “Worst thing I’ve ever done to someone is definitely kill them. I’ve had to kill quite a few people.”
- Share the latest entry in your diary/journal.
“I can’t write.”
- What is the most precious thing you own? Is it valuable at all?
“Garmr. My sword. Over a thousand years old. I’ve heard some people say that its worth a kingdom, I wouldn’t know, and I don’t plan to sell it.”
- Talk about someone you know. It can be someone you either like or dislike.
“Rubio. He’s just a kid, got a lot of heart but a chip on his shoulder too. He’s had a rough start to his life, and I’m hoping to teach him a few things so he can make the rest of it better.”
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glitterfairy-21225 · 3 years
WandaVision Wishlist/Theories
Okay, my thoughts have pretty much been consumed by WandaVision, Spider-Man 3, and this whole multiverse. Ironically, when I first heard about a potential multiverse in Far From Home I was relieved to find out it was all a facade. I wanted the MCU to remain an isolated world in itself, I guess not really understanding what a multiverse story could lead to. Now that I have a grasp of what might be happening, I have not only changed my mind but I've fallen into my fanfiction trend of waking up each morning, going through the day, actively going and looking for old news, hoping for a new update of some sort. So my wishlist. Some ground rules first; I'll also write individual wishlists for the others, this is just for WandaVision but also some of the stuff pays off later and I'll talk about that.
Evan Peters Quicksilver. I've said this multiple times so I'll keep it quick. I keep telling myself to just accept a cameo, but I hope he plays a big part, maybe coming back to help in Doctor Strange, maybe bringing his universe's heroes with him. I sort of see Wanda having a breakdown at the end of one of the episodes and doing something freaky with her powers, and it ends on the wham shot of Peter Maximoff asking who she is. I. Would. Scream.
I've also said that I'd be happy if he plays Mephisto as predicted, but now that I've really thought about a Quicksilver.... That might not be true anymore. That being said, I think the main appeal for me at least would be seeing Peters pull out his American Horror Story acting chops. But that's only if it's not Quicksilver, which I don't see why they wouldn't.
Post credits scene. Now I'm not suggesting one after every episode.... Actually, maybe one after every episode. Why not? It would probably get old quick though, but maybe still. Anyways, what if in the final episode, we get a post credits scene of Wiccan and Speed getting reincarnated. 
Okay, so you know how there's a dream related song playing from every decade they're parodying? For the eighties, do Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This. There may be a better choice for that, but shut up no there isn't. Plus all that stuff about abuse could be applicable to Wanda's situation with her reality world.
Give Jimmy Woo a boyfriend.
Wanda gets her reality warping/hex magic and is revealed to be a mutant. I struggle to even put this because it seems like a given, but a part of me is still like, 'What if they don't, though.' And I can't accept that. Wanda Maximoff is one of the most powerful beings in Marvel. Act like it. I'm sorry, I just love her and her comic powers so much. That's how you write an overpowered goddess, by giving her a crap life and every reason to just explode. I'm glad Marvel's learning.
Maybe start an episode with a prologue of Wanda's backstory with the missiles and her and Pietro going to Hydra. Trailer breakdowns have determined that at points in the trailer it shows Wanda in her first appearance in Winter Soldier. I'd prefer if, either as a basic flashback or a break of reality causing a hyper real flashback, Wanda relives her powers being unlocked by the soul stone firsthand. This could also be a nod to mutants.
Erik Lehnsherr cameo. In another start of an episode, or the same one, show him helping them out as kids. Maybe even Erik giving them up for adoption. Either Wanda doesn't know he's her dad or she does and hates him. If it's the latter, they joined the Nazis out of resentment, because... Come on. Also, maybe he's raising Lorna Dane post plane crash as a foil to his relationship with Wanda.
Show Wanda's struggle. Since House of M is a major inspiration they should draw from that. In that story, Wanda's powers got out of control due to grief and pretty everyone was all for killing her. I kind of hate that when it comes to god level superwomen, they're all either evil or written like Captain Marvel, obvious exceptions aside. The way you write overpowered is by giving the character no control over the massive abilities and having that as a point of contention. 
Two paths for Agatha. A) She’s a villain. Either she works for Mephisto if we go down that route, or she actively encourages Wanda to stay in this strange universe and pushes her on when she has a breakdown. She seems confused but I hope this is either an act, or if not then she just goes with the chaos and uses it to her advantage.
B) Agatha Harkness as a former mentor/mother figure of Wanda's. She seems really confused and not in a fake way in the trailers. Though it could 100% be fake. Maybe the reason she is in Wanda's sitcom world is as she tried to get through to Wanda, like I think Monica Rambeau did. Maybe Wanda's mother was a witch like in the comics (after a shitty retcon) and Agatha raised them after them after their (adoptive?) parents died... Ooh!
Wanda has both magic powers and mutant abilities. Agatha taught her as a child, but she swore it off at some point for some reason. I think I finally understand her powers in the comics, because it never made sense to me, but this does. Simple explanations equal understanding I guess.
Wanda's headpiece. Not as a Halloween costume, but for real that's all. Also I heard someone theorize that her outfit is colored as a sort of couples matching with Vision, which, uh, yes please.
Wanda creates the reality herself, not Mephisto. He still feeds off this dilemma though. She doesn’t know what she’s doing or how she’s doing it, but at some point in the series she realizes what’s happening and decides to devote herself to the false reality, which is when she willingly changes the furniture in the trailer.
As excited as I am for Evan Peters, give ATJ Quicksilver some love as well. I heard that the actor doesn’t want to return to the MCU, which is fair, but still give him some love. And at some point before Evan Peters shows up so it’s not like, ‘Oh yeah, I remember him!’ Maybe a flashback to Wanda before entering the sitcom reality mourning him as well. Maybe sitcoms where everything is wrapped up with a pretty bow is how the twins coped as children. Hell, maybe it was a family thing with dead parents/Magneto/Harkness.
God, I hope that people don’t find this after the show comes out and says, ‘This would’ve been better than that travesty.’ Maybe after the show is completed I could reblog or something to see how much actually came to fruition one way or another. Just the basic wish though, because my brain is too specific for anyone else. Like when youtubers make movie predictions and then play bingo after it comes out.
Edit: Just realizing I didn’t title this... Shit.
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twicelit-a · 3 years
wanted  plots,  relationships  &  threads  :
pre  -  hill  house.
supernatural  encounters  :  a.  your  muse  is  not  human.  most  likely  a  ghost,  or  a  spirit  or  demon,  a  creature  of  some  kind,  something  not  human.  olivia’s  sensitivity  draws  you  to  her,  or  vice  versa.  (  the  same  thing  could  happen  post  -  hill  house,  where  olivia  herself  is  dead.  )     &&     b.  i  have  a  wishlist  plot  where  a  spirit  or  demon  meets  olivia  when  she  is  a  child  and  will  visit  her  sporadically  over  the  years,  becoming  something  like  an  imaginary  friend  and  /  or  almost  guardian.  (  or  developing  a  bit  of  an  obsession  with  her.  )  they  visit  her  less  and  less  as  she  gets  older  and  her  family  grows,  until  hill  house.     &&     c.  your  muse  is  dead.  they  find  olivia,  who  can  see  them,  and  she  acts  as  an  anchor,  helping  guide  them  through  limbo  to  what  lies  beyond.
teen  -  young  adult  :  a.  your  muse  and  olivia  went  to  the  same  school  /  college  and  became  friends.  (  maybe  your  muse  has  or  had  a  crush  on  olivia  and  although  she  had  her  suspicions,  olivia  never  brought  it  up.  )     &&     b.  your  muse  comes  across  olivia  as  she  is  sleep  walking.  they  stay  with  her  until  she  wakes  up.
family  orientated  :  a.  literally  anything  with  the  kids  or  hugh  prior  to  them  moving  to  hill  house  for  the  summer  of  ‘92.  cute  things,  sick  things,  soft  things,  angst.  give  me  anything  and  everything.     &&     b.  interactions  with  olivia  while  she’s  pregnant  with  any  of  her  kids.  her  sensitivity  is  heightened  (  or  when  pregnant  with  steve,  negated  )  when  she’s  pregnant.  all  of  her  senses  are  so  much  stronger.
ship  specific  :  a.  liv  and  hugh  things.  all  the  things.  everything  and  anything.  i  love  them.     &&     b.  au  where  liv  and  hugh  never  met,  your  muse  is  in  a  relationship  with  olivia.  i’d  really  love  to  actually  explore  what  that  might  be  like.  liv  and  hugh  are  so  perfect  for  each  other,  i’d  love  to  develop  a  ship  outside  of  them.     &&     c.  before  liv  and  hugh  started  dating,  your  muse  and  olivia  dated.  they  would’ve  been  young,  probably  first  relationship  type  of  dynamic,  during  high  school.
hill  house.
supernatural  encounters  :  a.  your  muse  is  a  spirit  trapped  in  hill  house.  they  interact  with  olivia  (  either  they  try  to  warn  her  away  from  hill  house,  or  they  help  to  lure  her  further  in  to  it’s  grasp.  )
family  oriented  :  a.  olivia’s  migraines  are  getting  worse  and  one  of  the  kids  or hugh  finds  her  in  the  midst  of  a  really  bad  episode.
pre  -  death  :  a.  your  muse  befriends  olivia,  not  knowing  that  she  and  her  family  have  moved  in  to  hill  house.  when  you  find  out,  you  try  to  warn  her  about  the  rumours  but  the  house  has  already  sunk  it’s  teeth  in  to  her.
post  -  death  :  a.  your  muse  moves  in  to  hill  house  years  after  olivia’s  death.  either  hugh  has  lost  ownership  of  the  house  or  it’s  set  years  after  the  events  of  hill  house.  depending  on  the  timeline,  olivia  is  either  still  under  the  house’s  influence,  or  she’s  clear  headed  and  tries  to  warn  them  away.     &&     b.  you  muse  breaks  in  to  hill  house  following  the  news  coverage  of  olivia’s  death  or  after  the  release  of  steven’s  book.  they  don’t  expect  to  find  anything  but  they  end  up  coming  face  to  face  with  hill  house!  olivia.     &&     c.  ghost!mom  haunting  her  family.  could  be  malicious,  the  hill  house  version  attempting  to  lure  the  crain’s  back  home,  or  could  be  comforting.  olivia  coming  to  her  family  when  they  need  her  the  most.  (  there’s  also  the  figment  of  their  imagination  version  of  olivia,  who  hugh  interacts  with  the  most.  the  kids  could  possibly  see  this  version  of  her  depending  on  the  occasion.  )
alternate  arcs.
olivia  survives  :  a.  when  hugh  returns  to  hill  house,  olivia  is  still  unconcious  in  the  red  room.  the  deal  with  the  dudley’s  is  still  struck,  and  they  urge  him  to  get  olivia  as  far  away  from  the  house  as  possible.  in  the  months  following,  olivia  is  still  under  the  house’s  influence  but  the  more  time  she  spends  away  from  it,  the  more  she  becomes  herself  again.  there’s  still  something  that  calls  to  her  but  she  learns  to  ignore  it.     &&     b.  olivia  is  alive  when  nell  goes  back  to  hill  house  and  dies.  the  same  events  transpire  but  when  luke  goes  to  hill  house,  olivia  offers  the  house  her  life  in  exchange  for  theirs,  and  hugh  dies  with  her.     &&     c.  fun  happy  good  soft  things  because  there’s  enough  angst  in  this  show  and  i  think  they  deserve  it.
crossover  arcs.
bly  manor  :  a.  hill  house  and  bly  manor  are  sister  estates.  the  red  room  and  the  lake  are  connected.  not  everyone  trapped  in  either  are  capable  of  travelling  between  the  two,  but  olivia  learns  over  time.  she  can  be  found  wandering  the  grounds  of  bly  manor.     &&     b.  the  crain’s  move  in  to  bly  manor  in  ‘92  instead  of  hill  house.  this  is  set  after  the  wingrave’s  have  left  it,  but  the  dead  there  don’t  disappear.  viola’s  influence  starts  to  affect  olivia  in  the  same  way  hill  house  affected  her.     &&     c.  using  plot  b,  olivia  encounters  peter  quint’s  spirit  and  she  mistakes  him  for  a  vision  of  an  older  luke.  he  uses  that  to  manipulate  her  in  to  helping  him  tuck  away  luke.
apocalypse  :  a.  your  muse  encounters  olivia  surrounded  by  the  dead,  but  they  seem  to  be  almost  afraid  of  her,  or  outright  ignoring  her.     &&     b.  before  the  outbreak,  olivia  starts  to  experience  the  symptoms  of  turning.  your  muse  is  tending  to  her  when  she  starts  to  have  a  very  vivid  and  intense  episode,  waking  herself  from  an  almost  prophetic  dream.
harry  potter  :  a.  marauders  era,  your  muse  and  olivia  are  good  friends.  house  rivalry  doesn’t  exist  for  liv,  so  it  doesn’t  matter  what  house  you’re  in.  it’s  common  knowledge  that  olivia  is  a  very  powerful  seer  and  your  muse  is  with  her  when  she  has  a  vision.     &&     b.  post  first  war  era,  olivia  went  in  to  hiding  with  hugh  after  trelawney’s  prophecy.  as  it’s  well  known  that  liv  is  a  true  seer,  voldemort  attempts  to  find  her  in  order  to  either  finish  what  he  didn’t  hear  or  use  her  to  further  his  agenda.     &&     c.  trio  era,  dumbledore  reaches  out  to  olivia  requesting  that  she  replace  trelawney  as  the  divination  professor  during  harry  potter’s  fifth  year.  
doctor  who  :  a.  olivia  meets  the  doctor  when  she’s  a  child.  they  are  interested  in  her  sensitivity  and  will  occasionally  cross  paths  with  her  over  the  years  as  she  gets  older.  the  tardis  brings  the  doctor  to  hill  house  where  they  find  olivia  either  before  or  after  her  death.     &&     b.  companion!olivia.  because  i  said  so.
twilight  /  vampire  :  a.  your  muse,  a  vampire,  comes  across  hill  house  the  night  olivia  dies.  they  find  her  at  the  foot  of  the  spiral  staircase  before  hugh  comes  back  for  her,  and  they  turn  her.     &&     b.  the  first  thing  happens,  but  it  wasn’t  your  muse  who  turned  her.  olivia  is  a  nomad  vampire  who  crosses  path  with  yours.     &&     c.     your  muse  is  a  vampire  and  the  meet  olivia  before  hill  house.  she  is  still  a  human,  but  her  "gift”  has  already  manifested  and  is  incredibly  strong.
american  horror  story  :  a.  the  crain’s  buy  “murder  house”  in  ‘92  after  it  has  been  repossessed  from  constance  langdon.  after  several  weeks,  the  kids  start  to  have  nightmares  and  olivia  starts  to  sleep  walk.  one  night,  she  wakes  up  on  the  roof  to  a  voice  telling  her  to  jump,  with  the  twins  each  holding  a  hand.  she  jumps,  but  she  lets  go  of  the  twins  and  hugh  can  only  hold  on  to  two  :  he  saves  the  twins,  and  olivia  dies.     &&     b.   olivia  is  a  witch.  she  is  very  strong  with  precognition  and  clairvoyance  and  it  was  almost  believed,  in  her  youth,  that  she  could  have  been  the  supreme.  she  never  wanted  that,  and  luckily  for  her,  it  wasn’t  meant  to  be.  (  this  can  still  follow  hill  house  canon,  in  that  she  dies  in  hill  house.  )
i  will  likely  add  to  this  over  time  but  for  now  this  is  what  i’ve  got.  it’s  quite  long  and  there’s  a  lot  to  pick  from.  if  literally  anything  on  this  list  at  all  interests  you,  please  let  me  know.
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theswiftarmy · 3 years
#32 – THE QUADRAPHONIC FOUR (And The Lish Lish Wishlist)
No artist lives in a vacuum.  Every artist is influenced by every possible work of art they have ever encountered.  If the art you take, is equal to the art you make, one must be careful which art they consume, every book you've ever read, movie you've ever watched, song you've ever heard, painting you've stared at, every Broadway play you’ve ever sat through, that art could be the art of war, or perhaps, nothing more than art for art's sake.  But that’s the thing, you just never know what’s at stake.
If we’re all under the influence of influencers, who’s influencing the influencers?
           The best way to describe what happened after Lizzo’s flute song collided with that sweet Swiftie sound is that moment on a dance floor when one song ends and another begins.  The shuffle of a playlist controlling the dancefloor, two songs adjacent to one another, but the changeover wasn’t smooth, it didn’t flow, it didn’t sync with the tempo.  Ask anyone who was there, they’ll agree.  Someone hit the skip button mid-song on a shuffled playlist.  It completely interrupted the entire dancefloor right in the middle of the groove.  And… well, here we are…
           The interior of the Westin Bonaventure stood brightly lit.  Day time.  Business as usual, so it seemed. Guests coming and going.  According to several very vague signs some sort of big important conference was on the verge of taking place.  A bag guy bellhop walked by Billie Eilish pushing some bags on a cart.  ‘I’m the baaaaaaaaag guy.’  He sang out.
           “Uh.”  Billie Eilish wasn’t sure what else to say.  “What just happened?”
           The group stood facing one lone standing Swifite.  The large group of Swifites were nowhere to be seen.  Just one, single Swiftie remained from the gaggle of Swifties that had just chased them down the street and cornered them on the walkway above South Figueroa Street.
“Not so tough without your friends, are you?”  Kymmie smiled at the one remaining cardigan.  He wore it as though it were a size or two too big, a hand-me-down of some sort.
The Swiftie backed up slightly.  He lifted his hands to form a heart shape.
The group looked to one another then back to the lone Swifite, a heart shaped Flavor Flav Bluetooth speaker locket hanging on his neck.  The Swiftie lowered his hands.  His eyes narrowed.  Ready for attack.  A couple walked by, touristy looking, they gawked for a moment then continued on their way.
The lone Swiftie stepped back again now just inches from being completely backed against a wall.  “Looks like the tables have turned!”  Stan stepped forward.  The Swiftie touched a few buttons and knobs on his Bluetooth locket and the sweet sounds of Taylor Swift blared back.  He lifted his hands again in a heart shape.
Stan wobbled slightly and fell back a few steps.
The Swiftie stepped forward holding his hands out again in the shape of Lover hands.  The fingers forming the top of a heart and then thumbs forming the bottom.  He directed it directly at Stan’s heart.  Stan’s eyes grew soft, complacent, relaxed… ‘Prepare to be Swifted!’  The lone Swiftie thought with glee.  ‘PREPARE TO BE SWIFTED!!!’  He grinned.
Oak Felder reached for his headphones holstered on his belt.  He hovered his hand just over the headphones and wiggled his fingers in the air inches away from the holster… ready for action.  He narrowed his eyes and focused on the Swiftie—the Swiftie narrowed his eyes and focused his attention back to Oak.  Oak pulled the headphones out like a gunslinger in an old western movie and powered them up.  The others nodded at him and reached for their over ear noise canceling headphones unfastening them from their holsters and powering them up—that is, everyone but Stan, since he didn’t have a pair of Oak Felder’s special headphones, modified with a Swiftie sound silencer.  The bag guy from before whistled The Good, the Bad and the Ugly theme song off in the distance.  They should have been wearing Swiftie silencers earlier but sometimes you get caught up in the moment.  Maybe they would regret it later on, and maybe nothing would come of it.  One never knows with these types of things.
Just then a sound like batteries dying, or an old school tape deck winding down could be heard from the High-Fi Swiftified Flavor Flav fashion accessory.
           Stan shook his head with closed eyes then opened them again.  Shake it off, shake it off.  “Whoa.  Weird.  I felt like something was just trying to take over my thoughts!”  He stopped speaking for a moment, “Cool.  Do it again!  I want more!  DO THAT AGAIN!!!”  Stan reached out for the Bluetooth heart shaped locket, ravenous, like he was mad for it.  Like he couldn’t stop himself.  “I WANT MORE!”  The Swiftie guarded the locket as Stan clawed at the air around it.
           “No.  Don’t do that again.”  Carl Lyle Lawyer, Kymmie’s dad and legal advisor advised against it as he stepped in front of Stan and the rest of the group.  They pulled Stan back, holding on to him, keeping him from nearly ripping the Flavor Flav locket off of the Swiftie’s neck.
           “Stan!”  Kanye yelled over to him, Stan turned around to face Kanye West.  Kanye snapped his fingers three times and Stan snapped out of a spell.  The scene was like a hypnotist waking someone up after hypnosis.
           “Whoa.  Ye… thanks.”  Stan moved like he had just been reunited with his body again after having some sort of out of body experience.
           Kanye nodded at his stan.  “I got ya man.  Stay woke… Stay woke.”
           The Swiftie began banging on the Bluetooth heart shaped speaker locket in a panic to get it operational again.  The device was dead.  ‘THEY MUST BE SWIFTED!’ He repeated in his head.  He pulled out his phone and fumbled with the device encased in a cool new Taylor Swift phone case.  Bluetooth connection lost.  The phone was also dead, or at least not allowing him to do whatever he was trying to do with it.  Presumably resume Taylor Swift playback though the internal built-in phone speaker.  The Swiftie looked up eyes full of panic, his heart pounding, hands trembling, as he realized he had been disarmed somehow, he stepped a few feet back until he was completely back against the wall. “Where are all my Swiftie friends!  They were right here with me and then there was a flash of light and now they’re all gone!  What’s going on!?  WHO ARE YOU!?!?”  The Swiftie demanded to know of Lizzo and the rest of the group, just moments ago, the veloci-swiftie-raptors had been ready to Swiftify.
           No one replied.  They had no answer for the Swiftie.  How else do you explain time skipping, a scene transition without any link between the two.  The DJ suddenly spinning down one tune mid song and spinning up another.  Switching from one DJ deck to another without any sort of transition that made sense.  It was the equivalent to a party guest going over to the playlist, picking up the Bluetooth connected phone or tablet or laptop and deciding to pick a new song, and everyone at the party turns to that person and screams, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!  DON’T CHANGE THE SONG!!!”  And the person screams back, “THIS NEW SONG IS WAY BETTER!”  Party Playlist ADHD.  Too many hands skipping and shuffling and controlling the music at the party. That’s exactly what it had been like.
Will had his secret keys in hand and ready to let them into The Westin Bonaventure to escape the Swiftie chaos in the streets when Lizzo began to play her pied piper flute tune.  It had been night, and it was now inexplicably the middle of the day.  How do you go from Swifties in the streets to hotel check-in’s and complimentary eats?  Carl looked over at a large buffet setup in the lobby, it seemed quite lavish.  A large table full of fancy eats and treats.  And bottled water with a sign that read “Drink water.”
“We don’t entirely know.”  Carl responded to him matter-of-factly.
           The Lonestar Swiftie tossed a loose lock of his relatively neatly kept jet black hair to one side.  “Yeah well, you’d all be Swifties if it weren’t for HER!”  The Swiftie pointed to Lizzo.  Who was in the process of trying to tuck the flute back into her tiny purse.
           “Go IN the purse!”  She mumbled to herself trying to figure out a way to jam the flute back inside the purse.
           “I don’t think you’re going to get it back in there…”  Kymmie pointed at the flute, “That flute is like ten times the size of that purse.  I don’t understand how it even fit in there in the first place.”
           “Oh I’ll make it fit, I just need to move some things around.”  She peered into purse and then shook it up and down, then reach a finger in appearing to nudge things aside.  The sound of the contents rattling around was obnoxiously loud for such a teeny tiny itsy-bitsy handbag.  Like the sound of pots and pans banging loudly  after being dropped to a ceramic kitchen floor.  Everyone covered their ears with their hands.  “Sorry.”  Lizzo apologized.  Finally, she slid the flute in with ease and it disappeared from sight.  “There it goes.”
           The group clapped like a magician performing the final act of a show.  Lizzo took a bow.
           “Oh no!  NO!!!  NO NO NO!!!!”  The lone Swiftie suddenly screamed out.
           A few people in the lobby standing around the lavishly long table filled with food turned their heads, then went back to business as usual.
“What?”  Kymmie asked the Swiftie peering around her dad.
“My cardigan ripped!”  He replied inspecting a tear in his cardigan.
“That’s the worst.  Well, you can always get a new one.  Right?”
“No.  I mean, it’s just not the same.  Taylor gave me this one herself.  My sister is one of her backup singers… well, she was one of her backup singers.  This was supposed to be for my older sister.  She was going to wear it on tour.  But Taylor gave it to me instead.”
“What happened?  Did they have like a falling out?”  Kymmie inquired.
“She died.”
“Oh.”  Kymmie said after a moment of silence, then she stepped closer.  “I’m soooo sorry.”
“I’ll never stop being a Swiftie!  I love Taylor SO MUCH!  Taylor was EVERYTHING to my sister.  My sister loved Taylor and her music more than anything in this world.  She was her backup singer on tour and she was supposed to be on tour with her for the Lover tour.  They were best of friends.  Taylor gave her the opportunity to live out her dream… at least… before she got sick….”  The Swiftie trailed off and looked away.  He poked a finger through the tear in the cardigan.
He inspected the tear, his sister wouldn’t be upset, she’d tell him it was just ‘personalized’ now.  He missed her so much.  So.  Damn.  Much.  She was everything to him.  His older sister had been there for him his whole life, her dream was his dream.  He remembered her singing songs to him when he was younger.  He remembered her singing early Taylor, classic Taylor… it’s those songs, those early songs the first six albums that reminded him of his sister.  When he heard those songs his sister came back to life.  Through Taylor Swift, his sister could live forever.  As long as he had her songs, those old songs, the same songs his sister knew, loved, and sang to him, sang to the world… she would live forever.  All those years of practicing.  When she auditioned to be Taylor’s backup singer.  When she got the part.  All of it intertwined, time on rewind.  As long as he had those old songs… he had her.  If anything were to happen to those songs, he’d lose his sister all over again.  And it would be for good.
“Cancer sucks.”  He wiped a single tear from his eye.  He looked up at the others then looked back down to the tear in the cardigan… it seemed like a giant hole.  A hole in the cardigan just like the hole in his heart.  “And now I can’t even listen to Taylor’s old music.”  He wiped another tear away, holding up his broken phone.
Kymmie wanted to give him a hug.  She thought of an idea and pulled out her phone.  “Well, my phone’s broken too.”  She hesitated.  “See…”  She held up the phone and tapped the screen.  “So, we both have something broken…”  Kymmie stopped talking.  She knew it wasn’t a close comparison in the least.
Stan abruptly stepped forward, pushing everyone out of the way, “What did you do to my friend!”  Stan pointed a finger at the lone Swiftie.
“Stan!”  Kymmie rebuked
“Oh, so you’re taking his side.”  Stan moved his gaze to Kymmie but keeping his finger pointed at the Swiftie.
“I’m not taking anyone’s side.”  She looked at the Swiftie then to Stan, “ I’m looking at the facts and making decisions based on what I see.  It’s called empathy.”  She replied back in a lawyerly voice.  Her father smiled and nodded, that’s my girl he thought.  “Oh my gosh, I’m turning into my dad.”  She blurted out.
“Empathy.  Then what about my friend!  Dan was my best friend!  I want to know what happened to him.  Where is he now?  So, you don’t care about my feelings or care what happened to my friend?”  Stan looked Kymmie square in the eyes.
“Awwwww, they’re having their first fight.”
“Billie!  We’re not fighting, we’re just—”  Kymmie and Stan continued to glare at one another for a long moment.  “—we’re just having a disagreement.”  Kymmie turned to the Swiftie.  “Where’s his friend?  Where’s Stan’s friend?”
The Lonestar Han Solo Swiftie shrugged.  “I don’t know.  I don’t know where his friend is.  He’s probably with the rest of my friends, with the rest of the Swifties.  But… I don’t know.”  Stan sized up the Swiftie, like he was ready to start a fight.  Kymmie stepped forward in front of Stan.  The Swiftie would have been stylishly dressed if he didn’t look like he’d been dragged through the fabric of time and space unwillingly.  His shoes were hip, pants not square and a cardigan with a tiny tear in the cloth.  He kind of looked like Elvis—A teenage Elvis—At least the few photos she’d seen of Elvis, anyway.  And, yes, she did actually know who Elvis was.  “You look like Elvis.”  She said to him.  “But you’ve got slightly longer hair in the front, I like it though.”  She was trying to make conversation, defuse the situation between the Swiftie and Stan.
“I’ve been told that.”
“I think he looks a little more like Draco Malfoy but with an Elvis haircut.”  Stan added, contemptuously, still angry that he had no answers about what happened to his friend.
“That would make sense, Swiftie is Slytherin.” Justin said and looked at Kanye.  Kanye nodded.  Kanye looked at his stan Stan.  Stan nodded back.
“Swiftie is not Slytherin!”  The Lonestar Swiftie shouted back.
“I mean, it is a little.  Right Scotty?”  Justin looked at Scotty too hottie B Borchetta and he too nodded back.
“But, would that make you Lord Voldemort?”  Carl Lyle Lawyer, legal advisor to Scotty B asked Scott.  “Because you discovered Taylor.”
“In this example?  Well, one might say that if he’s Draco Malfoy, then wouldn’t that make Taylor Lord Voldemort?”
“Okay, okay.  Everyone just chill.  Soo… ummm… how old are you?”  Kymmie asked changing the conversation trying again to diffuse things.
“Well, since I don’t really know you, I’m not going to say my actual age.  But, I’m a teenager.”
“Me too!”  Kymmie said with a smile.  “And Stan here is too.”  Stan waved back, deciding that impressing Kymmie was more important than the whereabouts of his friend Dan.  “I do that all the time, especially if I want someone to think I’m cooler than I really am and need to be younger or older than I really am.  I just say I’m between the ages of 13 and 17.”  Kymmie looked at her dad, “Why did I just say that in front of my dad.”
“We’ll discuss what you just said later.”  He said in a very serious lawyery voice.  “I didn’t raise my daughter to be untruthful.”
“It’s not that I’m being untruthful, I’m just not disclosing the full truth.”
Her dad didn’t reply.  He simply crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“Ooooooooooooooooo…” Everyone murmured.  “Someone’s in trouble.”  Billie Eilish whispered to Justin Bieber.  He smirked slightly.
An awkward moment of silence ensued.
“So…. what’s your name?”  Stan asked breaking the silence.  Trying to impress Kymmie by following her earlier lead.  The things we do when we start to like someone.  Kymmie smiled at him.  He kind of looked like a youthful Kanye, a young Kanye when Kanye worked at The Gap in the 90s.
“My name’s Sashy.  Well, Sasha, but friends call me Sashy.  I can get a little sassy.  Sashy the sassy Swiftie.”
“Are you, umm?  Do you, uh… like… You know…”  Stan narrowed his eyes slightly.  “Like, you’re a dude, but your name is sassy Sashy.  It just seems a little…”
“Are you trying to ask if I’m gay?  Is that what you’re trying to ask?”  The Swiftie replied sassily.
“Stan!”  Kymmie yelled.
“Well…” Stan shifted his stance his tall teen frame bobbling around.  “Kinda, yeah.”  Impressing Kymmie was turning out to be more difficult than expected.  It’s okay, just keep your head in the game don’t let a small setback get in the way, he thought to himself.
“I’m pansexual, actually, I don’t love by gender.”  The Swiftie replied confidently.
“See, I like that.  That’s really cool.  That’s just really beautiful.”  Kymmie tilted her head slightly and stepped one foot towards Sashy.
Stan moved his eyes between Kymmie and Sashy.  He could feel a hint of jealousy hitting him.  “Yeah, that’s cool.  I… uh… I think that’s cool too!”  He said in a tone vying for Kymmie’s affection but trying to stay chill. “Sorry Sashy, I didn’t mean to offend you or anything, I was just asking.”  He looked back at Kymmie for her approval.  She seemed peeved.  He looked over at Kanye tried to mentally convey his thoughts to him ‘Kymmie is so hard to figure out, like I’m trying really hard but I say the wrong thing’.  Kanye mentally thought back at his stan ‘tell me about it, I know exactly what you’re talking about, I’ve got Kim problems of my own’.  Stan thought back to his idol, ‘you just get me, ye, this is why I stan you so hardcore.’  Kanye replied again with his mind, ‘of course I get it, Stan, I get it.  You’re my favorite fan.’
Billie Eilish leaned over to whisper to Justin Bieber standing beside her “Great, now she’s going to have to choose between two boys, like in Twilight. “
“You read Twilight?”
“Finneas and I watched the movies. You?”
“I audio booked it while I was at the gym.”  Justin made a flexing muscle motion.
“Nice.”  Billie rocked her head back and forth in agreement as though she were standing in the crowd at a My Chemical Romance concert… no that’d be way too intense… more like watching The Smiths, or some sort of Brit pop indie shoegaze band.
“Okay well, it’s nice to meet you Sashy, my name is Kymmie… Kymmie Lawyer.  Kymmie is spelled with an ie at the end and a y after the K.  Okay?  And this is Stan.”
Sashy The Sassy Swiftie made an unsure half smile that lasted for a brief moment.  Stan smiled at the sound of Kymmie mentioning his name.  He felt some sort of strange new feeling he’d never felt before.  Like, he just wanted to be around her, all the time.  He could hear Ye in his thoughts, ‘play it cool, play it cool.’
“I don’t mean to interrupt miss Katniss Everdeen Chatness and her little lover triangle between Peta Mellark and Gale Hawthorne but I’m going to head over to the front desk and see if I can find out what day it is since we seem to be back in some sort of world that resembles normalcy—”  She pointed to the hustle and bustle of the interior atrium of the hotel lobby.  Life appeared to be as normal as could be at the moment inside the walls of the Westin Bonaventure Hotel.  Things were certainly vastly different from what they had just experienced in the previous street like a scene from the Westside Story.  “—at least, I think we’re back, something still feels… off—Like the world’s a little blurry.”
“Wait.”  Kymmie shouted as Billie started to walk away.  “We should introduce everyone to our new friend!”
Billie made an annoyed face.  These stans!  She thought.  “I’m Billie Eilish, okay gotta go!”
“No!  You have to wait until everyone has been introduced.”
Billie rolled her eyes.  “Okay.  Fine.”
Kymmie smiled.  “So, I’m Kymmie Lawyer, and that’s my dad Carl Lyle Lawyer.  He does Lawyery things for that guy, Scott Borchetta, who discovered Taylor Swift—”
“I love Taylor!  I stan her so much.  I stan Taylor!”
“Yes, Sashy, we know.  Of course, you do.  You’re a Swiftie.  We went over this already.  Anyway, my dad also works for like some guy named Scooter I don’t know, and he works for some guy who likes the ocean, or water, his name is The Whale, or Mr. Whale, or something along those lines.”
The Switie looked confused for a moment and then tried to pretend like he was following along.
“I stan Taylor!!!”  Sashy repeated, just to make sure it was clear.
“Yes, Sashy, you said that.  You said that like a million times already.  Taylor reminds you of your big sister, I understand.  You miss your sister.”  Kymmie smiled compassionately at the nodding Swiftie, then continued her introductions, “Okay, and that’s Lizzo, and Kanye West.”  They waved back.  “And that’s Oak Felder, he’s Ariana Grandes music producer.  Well, Ariana works with a lot of people, but he’s one of her favs.  And that’s his sidekick Pop Wansel.”
“Sidekick?”  Pop was going to object but decided he was okay with that.  “Sidekick, eh?  Yeah, alright.”
“And that’s Justin Bieber.”  Justin gave a thumbs up.
“And this is Stan, he’s Kanye’s biggest fan.  And I’m Ariana Grande’s stan and biggest fan.  And then there’s this mystery guy who helped us to escape the Tunnel of Sound.”
“I still think it was The Wall of Sound.”  Billie corrected.
“Whatever…”  Kymmie waved her away.  “Anyway, Will Way has these magic keys…”  She looked around trying to find Will. “Wait… where’d Will go?  He’s gone!”  Kymmie blurted out to the group.
“Yeah!  Where’s WILL?  That dude was cool.”  Stan craned his neck in every direction.
“Wait…” Kymmie pointed to something on the floor by Sashy’s feet.  “Aren’t those the keys he had?”
Sashy swiftly scooped up the keys and held them up.  They sparkled in the light, every color of the rainbow represented, one color for each key, the translucent material reflecting light in every direction—a rainbow disco ball.  He held them out to Kymmie.
“How about you hang on to those until we find Will and then you can give them back to him.”
Sasha smiled and then he hooked them on to his broken Flavor Flav locket speaker.  “They’ll be right here.”  He was still upset about his torn treasured Taylor cardigan, but felt proud to be responsible for these cool looking keys.  Kymmie was going to make it her new mission to befriend this Swiftie.  Not only did he lose his older sister, but he lost all his Swiftie friends.  And who knows, perhaps in time, she might be able to convince him to join team Ariana Grande.  Baby steps.
           Just then a young lady darted across the hotel lobby yelling out to them.  Her blonde pigtails bobbed.  Her roots died green to match Billie’s iconic look.
“Incoming.”  Scott said to the group.
The excited young one nearly ran right into Billie Eilish.  “LISH LISH!!!!”  She held out a pen and paper and a sticker covered small notebook.  Billie’s face was plastered across the front.
“Are you calling me Lish Lish?”  Billie asked.  The girl nodded so fast her head looked like it would fall off.  The pigtails flailed about.  She smiled and blinked.  “That’s not my name.”  Billie replied.
“LISHY!!!!  Listen, I’m your number one fan, I’m your stan!!!!”
“Lishy?  Okay… um… That’s not my name either.  You can have an autograph, but… just call me Billie.  I don’t go by Lish Lish, or Lishy.”
“Thanks Lish!”  She held out the autograph journal.
Billie made an Aubrey Plaza look with her eyes, let out a sigh, then took the autograph book from her stan and signed her name on a blank page in the journal.
“Who do I make it out to?”
“Jillie Jean.”
“Your name is Jillie Jean?”
“Jillian Jean.  But I go by Jillie Jean, friends call me Mean Jillie Jean because sometimes I can be mean.  Or my full nicky is Mean Green Jillie Jean Bean because I get jealous and mean and I like Jellybeans.  Also green is my favorite color.  Like the color of your hair… and also my hair, I dyed it just like yours!  Seeeeeee.”  She pointed to the green part of her hair.  “We match!”
“Riiiiiiiight.”  Billie signed the book and handed it back to her along with the pen.
“So what’s going on?  What are we doing?  Where are we going?”  Jillie asked, excitedly.
“Ummm… we’re not doing anything.  Where are your parents?  You’re a small child of some sort.”
“Eh, they’re around here somewhere, they said I could go anywhere that didn’t require a drivers license.”
“How old are you?”
“I’m older than I look.  I’m a teenager.”
“US TOO!!!”  Kymmie, Stan, and Sashy yelled out.  “We’re trying to be influencers.”  Kymmie said and pointed at Stan and herself.
“ME TOO!”  Jillie and Sashy yelled at the same time.
“NO WAY!!!!”  All four of the teens yelled at the same time.
“Great.  This is exactly what I wanted to do with my day.”  Scott Borchetta said in an exasperated voice, a Professor Severus Snape voice, complete contrast to the excited aspiring teen influencer stans with the energy of a million suns.
“Does anyone else suddenly feel really old right now?”  Justin said to the non-teens.  Kanye, Lizzo, Oak, Pop, Scott, and Carl all nodded back.  
Billie shrugged.  “Not really.”
“Oh, don’t worry, one day… you’ll get it.”  Carl said with a smile.  “No one can stay young forever.”
“THIS IS SO AMAZING!!!  I get to hang out with other teenagers who are also aspiring to be influencers and of course, my idol, Billie, LISH LISH!”
“Whoa… hang out?  No no no… and don’t Lish Lish me.  I already said that’s not my name.  My name is—”
“I gave you an autograph.”
Jillie stared blankly.
“That means you go back to wherever you were before.”
Jillie stared blankly more.  She blinked a few times.  “Lishy lish!”
“Wow.  You are incredibly annoying.  And also very persistent.  I’m not getting rid of you am I?”
“We’re a team!  Billie and Jillie!  Lishy house for life!”  She did a little dance.
“ARIANATORS!”  Kymmie joined in.
“YE!”  Stan also began to dance.  Kanye nodded approvingly.
“SWIFTIE HOUSE!!!!”  Sashy joined the dance party.
The four teen wanabe influencers began to dance together in an imaginary dance party in the middle of the Westin Bonaventure hotel lobby, like a mini-Coachella were taking place and only the teens could hear the music.
Carl and Scott sighed as they watched the four teen stans dance.  “I feel like I’m chaperoning a high school dance at Hogwarts, but instead of houses, they’re stanning pop music icons.”  Carl said to Oak Felder and Pop Wansel.  They made a face like dads agreeing from the sideline of their kid’s sporting event.
“This is great.”  Scott added, sarcastically, implying that it was in fact, anything but great.  “It’s like I’m stuck in detention with the brat pack of aspiring social media influencers.  We’re gonna have to save the world with a bunch of Tik Toking teens.”
“SAVE THE WORLD!!!!  YES!  THAT SOUNDS AWESOME!!!  Wait, we need like a name for us…”  Jillie proclaimed.  “If we’re gonna save the world, we need a name.”
“Oohhhhhh… I LOVE THAT!”  Kymmie beamed.
“SO COOL!  Yes!”  Stan also smiled… mostly at Kymmie but also at the others, but mostly at Kymmie.  And then he kind of tried to stand cool, like Ye had said in his head, stand cool, superhero cool.
Sashy danced on his own with the group, but also apart from the group.  He appeared to be doing some dance no one had ever seen before… it must be some kind of secret Swiftie dance that Taylor made up and posted to Tik Tok and only her Swifties could see and learn the dance.  It was probably part of some sort of worldwide Swiftie dance that allowed them to speak to one another in Swiftie dance code lingo.
We can dance if we want to,
We can leave your friends behind
'Cause your friends don't dance
And if they don't dance
Well, they're no friends of mine
It's the Swiftie dance
Well, it's the Swiftie dance
Well, it's the Swiftie dance
Oh, it's the Swiftie dance
Oh, it's the Swiftie dance
“Well there’s 4 of you, how about the Quadraphonic Four.”  Billie suggested.  “Although, that’s kind of redundant since Quadra—”
“Ooooo, LISH… that’s delish!  I don’t know what a quadraphonic is, but it sounds amaaaaaaaze.”
“Can I trade my stan?”  Billie asked.  “That’s a serious question.”
“TRADE?!?!?! Noooooooo.  You’re stuck with me Lishy!”
“She’s sooooo annoying.  Why is my stan so annoying?”  Billie complained.  “How come I got the annoying one?  This isn’t fair.”
“They’re all annoying.  That’s what stans are.  Better than strangies.  Just be glad you don’t have strangies following you.”  A passerby-er said back to her in a low voice.  Billie turned around to see someone walking quickly away.  What’s a strangie?  She couldn’t quite tell who it was, the silhouette looked a little like Brendon Urie… but, maybe not… the person was already too far away and just his outline was visible.  He walked quickly by a peculiar sign that read “THE CINAMATOGRAPHER’S ANOMALY DISCOVERY EMERGENCY MEETING REGISTRATION: RED CAMERA, ARRI, PANAVISION & EQUIVILENT” he then walked by another printed sign “SCREENWRITER’S ANOMALY DISCOVERY EMERGENCY MEETING REGISTRATION: FINAL DRAFT, CELTX, WRITERDUET, TRELBY & EQUIVILENT”  Finally the man walked by a third printed sign, “AUDIO ENGINEER’S ANOMALY DISCOVERY EMERGENCY MEETING REGISTRATION: PRO-TOOLS, CUBASE, LOGIC, ABLETON, FL STUDIO & EQUIVILENT”  and a fourth one “EDITORS ANOMALY DISCOVERY MEETING REGISTRATION: AVID, PREMIERE, FINAL CUT, DAVINCI RESOLVE & EQUIVILENT”
Anomaly discovery… emergency meeting?  She thought, as he walked by a sign at the very far end, “FOLEY ART FINDING”.  None of it made any sense.  There were other signs designating various meeting signups: COLOR CORRECTION FADE FINDING, DIRECTORS DEBREIFING DISCUSSION GROUP, ACTORS DEBRIEFING DISCUSSION GROUP, CREATIVE CLOUD STORMS, NEGATIVE+ SERVICES INFORMATION SESSION
Negative+?  What is all this for?  What is all this?  There’s something going on, but WHAT?  If only Finneas were here… She needed to find Finneas.  He’d be able to make since of all of this madness.
She turned her attention back from the labeled conference sign-up tables to the stans, Billie pointed at Justin.  “How come you don’t have one?  Can you take her?  Please?”  Billie pleaded in his direction then turned to Jillie, “How do you feel about being Justin’s stan?  Justin is REALLY cool, he’s REALLY cool.  And his music is AWESOME.  Jillie… you don’t want to pass up this opportunity.  I mean, it’s JUSTIN BIEBER!”
Justin and Jillie both simultaneously shrugged back and replied, “Nah, I’m good.”
“Jinx!”  Jillie shouted out.
“What?”  Justin asked.
“I just jinxed you.  You said the same thing I said at the same time.  That means you can’t talk until I say you can talk.”
Justin leaned in and whispered to Billie, “Billie… a definite pass on this one.”
“I said no talking!  You’re Jinxed.”
“Well, fortunately for me, I can only be Jinxed by my Beliebers.  So unless you want to become a belieber, you can’t Jinx me.”
“Well, that’s not gonna happen.  I’m with Lishy.”  She stared down Justin.  “Okay fine.  But I’m going to double check the rules to make sure that’s true.”  Jillie Jean opened her notebook and made a note to check cross stan Jinxing.  She wrote it in all caps, CHECK RULES ON CROSS STAN JINXING.
“I’m redirecting your Jinx to Billie.” Justin said to Jillie.
“Can’t do that.  Can’t redirect your Jinx to me.”  Billie shook her head no at Justin.
“Jillie, check your rulebook on that.”  Justin replied trying not to laugh.
“I don’t think you can redirect a Jinx.”  Jillie was dead serious and deep in thought.
Billie and Justin made Parks and Rec Aubrey Plaza/April Ludgate eyes at one another.
“Lizzo!  Please… Just take her.  Do that little magic flute thing you did earlier and lure her over!”
“Oh, I… uh, I lost the flute.”  Lizzo pretended to check a watch she didn’t have. “And, I um, have to be somewhere soon.”
“No you didn’t and no you don’t.  You PUT THE FLUTE BACK IN YOUR PURSE!  We all saw you put it back in your purse.  And then we gave you a standing ovation, and you bowed.  Although, we were already standing when we started clapping, so I don’t know if it technically counts as a standing ovation.”
“Well… I have a lot of stuff in there, it would take me a while to find it again.”
Billie rolled her eyes.
Jillie began to sing, “I don’t want anybody else, when I think about you I—”
“Okaaaaay!  That’s enough of that song.  How about if you don’t sing the rest of that song, you can be my stan.  Okay Jillie?  I feel like the rest of those lyrics to that song aren’t appropriate for someone your age to be singing.  I’m trying to be the responsible role model here.”
“LISHY!!!!!!!!!  Listen, Lishy.  It’s me and you baby!  I’ll be the best stan you’ve ever had.  I won’t let you down!  I promise.”
“Seriously.  One last chance… anyone want to trade?”  Billie asked.
“Lish, don’t be ridiculish.”  Jillie smiled at her idol.
“Okay that was kind of funny, I’ll give you that…  You’re still annoying though.  I mean you’re funny, but you’re annoying.”
“I’ll take it!”  Jillie grinned.  She opened her autograph book.  “Okay, so now that I got your autograph, I can cross that off my Lish Lish Wishlist.”
“Your what?”
“My Lish Lish Wishlist!  It’s all things you!  Like, get your autograph, which I just did, interview you on my influencer socials, go on a road trip together—”
“That’ll never happen.”
“We’ll get there, Lishy.  Anyway, some of the other things on my list include…”
It was then that Billie noticed The Whale, she tuned out her stan, Jillie, as she yammered on about all the items on her Lish Lish Wishlist.  He was standing on the other side of the lobby talking to someone, standing near one of the registration tables for the ‘Anomaly Discovery Emergency Meeting’.  He seemed almost like he was selling something to them.  He was very animated, his hands waving about in an excited manner, and every so often he would point to the signs.  His guest’s eyes would fill with wonder.  There’s definitely something going on.  The Whale is up to something.  He’s behind all of this.  Taylor’s warning about The Whale echoed inside Billie’s thoughts.  She flashed back to the meeting in his office not far away from where they currently were in downtown LA.  She recalled what Taylor and Taylor’s attorney Sara with her Siri like voice had said about The Whale and what his intentions were.  She recalled the fabled celebrity suicide notebook/journal currently being held for safekeeping from the world presumably by Emma Watson—hidden within her own journal collection—and how The Whale and his friends had a trick up their sleeve to leverage Emma’s own secrets against her by pulling off a Mean Girls/Regina George movie ending using Emma’s journals to expose her Hogwarts Burn Book, if it existed at all.  If it didn’t exist then Emma had nothing to sweat about.  But if it did… she’d have no choice but to go along with The Whale, despite what Taylor and Halsey and Taylor’s attorney Sara told her earlier.  If she wrote personal things about Tom Felton and her other co-stars, and it were published, who knows what outcome that may lead to, and there’s no way Emma wanted that on her conscious.  And if Emma made a Hollywood Burn Book of everyone she’s ever been in a movie with, that would be even more useful to The Whale.  It’s possible Emma handed the notebook of celebrity suicide notes to someone else.  If she wanted out, if she wanted out of Hollywood for good, could she even get out?  Would The Whales of Hollywood let her?  Just trade in her fame?  Just like that?  Emma Watson becomes Emma the person without the Hollywood image.  Take off her fame, like a dress she no longer wants to wear—Fame as a fashion accessory that one can simply remove at the end of the day and discard as they please.  Would it be as easy as handing the secret celebrity suicides journal off to someone else?  Perhaps.  But who?  Who would she know and trust who also journals?  They would have to journal in order to hide the devilish book amongst their own journals.  Who else could hide that book, stashed between journals?  Who else would be able to hold such a notebook and never be so curious as to peek at it even once?  That is, after all, what The Whale is after.  The Whale had one agenda and that’s leverage because leverage, leads to control.
You see, The Whale wanted something big… and perhaps, it’s to control this massive fragmentation occurring before our very eye, perhaps not.  No one can deny the winds of change are upon us.  New Streaming+ services galore popping up almost every day and influencer generated content on every corner.  Any kid with a computer and enough knowhow would create the next number one viral music sensation and disrupt the charts.  The old-world entertainment aristocracy on the verge of crumbling.  Like Steven Spielberg warned, Hollywood was headed for an implosion, and The Whales of Hollywood knew it.  Maybe the bankrolling days were numbered.  Or, maybe the art itself just didn’t want to be part and parcel in this profiteering game any longer, it wanted to break free, Art For Art’s Sake l'art pour l'art.  For all anyone knew these Tik Tok teens really were superheroes saving the art world one video at a time.  The Whale and his entertainment business cronies had everything to lose.  When you universally control an entire group of music or movies and a new generation threatens to pull that rug out from under you, what else can you do?  The biggest threat to a Hollywood whale is an artist that can still make new content and make it on their own terms.  Afterall Michael Jackson won’t be rerecording his music catalog any time soon.  Billie Jean will live on indefinitely.  Art that lives on seemingly forever is the name of the game.  Old movies, old TV shows, Just like books and paintings from the past.  But new content is a wildcard in this “Classic Art” pawn shop world of wheel and deal.  I’ll trade you this “Classic Taylor” music, an old catalog of “Vintage Swift” for this brand-new mystery gift, let’s make a deal, you know it’s a steal!  The Whale and his leverage, his fabled suicide note journal, melancholy mixed with infinite sadness, minor key melody, and of course, his trusts.  His grip on Hollywood, the man no one knew even existed, ruled it all in plain sight from an unmarked office building in downtown Los Angeles.  The man and his associates trying to fight off that inevitable Spielberg implosion of Hollywood, rolling bigger and bigger dice until finally, they pay the final price.  But if The Whale can get his way those dice can roll forever, and that implosion will never come.  The Whale song will sing on and we all sing along.
“What?”  Jillie watched as Billie’s face went pale like a ghost.  “What’s wrong?”
“The Whale…”  She said in a low whisper to her stan Jillie, not taking her eyes off of The Whale.  She glanced quickly over at the others then back to The Whale.  Carl wore a poker face while he watched The Whale.  The rest of them hadn’t noticed his presence inside the hotel, at least as far as Billie could tell no one else had noticed.  There was no telling what Carl was thinking.  She didn’t trust him, even though Kymmie was cool, but that’s because Kymmie most likely had no idea what line of work her dad was really in.  He’s a Hollywood entertainment lawyer, an intellectual property specialist and he worked directly for The Whale, one of the most dangerous men in the business.  But maybe even Carl didn’t know what Taylor knew, maybe he was just doing his job, he did have a daughter to provide for after all, and she seemed to have a habit of breaking her phones, and those things aren’t cheap!  But something told Billie he knew way more than he was letting on.
“The Whale?”  Jillie Jean craned her neck looking around.  “Oh, him?  The old guy over there?”  Billie slowly shook her head yes.  “My parents and I were talking to him earlier.  He said if I ever made it big to contact him.”  Jillie continued.
Billie leaned in closer to Jillie.  “Jillie, listen to me, don’t ever talk to him again, ever again.  He’s a VERY dangerous man.”
She furrowed her brow.  “I don’t know Lish, he seemed nice.  What’s so wrong with him?”  She asked innocently.
“Just don’t, okay?  Just… trust me.  He’s not what he seems.”  
“Really?”  Jillie looked over at him again then back to Billie.  She looked down at her autograph book then back up to Billie.  “He said he’s here for the same conference my parents are here for about some new finding… my parents are here specifically for something called Foley Art or something.  Some Foley Art ‘finding’, I don’t know, really, that’s what I know from what I overheard between him and my parents.  My parents received some notification about it a while back. I looked it up, Foley Art is the art of making sound effects for movies… apparently all the big movie directors are going to show up too, it’s all part of some big conference.  Something about a pattern.  To quote my dad, ‘it’s happening across all the creative mediums…’”
“A pattern?  And the pattern has to do with the finding?”
“Yeah, I don’t know… To be honest, Lish, I wasn’t paying attention.  They started to discuss it in the other room and I was just like, I’m gonna put on some Lishy Lish while I do my homesworks”
“Your homesworks?”  Billie asked, completely confused.
“That’s what I call homework.”
“Why not just call it homework?”
“Because Lish, no one wants to watch me do homework on livestream.  But if I call it homesworks, they tune in!  They tune in like a TON!”
Billie put her hands on her hips and looked down at her stan, “Wait a minute, you’re telling me that you livestream yourself doing homework and no one watches it, but you changed the name to homesworks, even though it’s still just homework, and people watch your livestream?”
“Uh, yeah.  I mean, I listen to your music while I do my homesworks, also I’ve got 8 different camera angles that I switch between too, and I dazzle them with effects.  The other night I had over 7500 viewers!  I even had the chat box open and everything!  They were asking ME questions, I wasn’t asking them, in case you were wondering if I was cheating on my homesworks.”
“I wasn’t.  Wait, hold on, you play my music while you livestream?”
“Of course.  Always.  I was listening to your music for like the 7000th time.”
“Are you paying royalties on my music use—"
“Lish, I don’t know how any of that works, all I know is people like homesworks.  And if people like it, I’m gonna keep doing it.  And if they think I’m royalty, great.”
“Royalties, not royalty—you know what, never mind.  I’m pretty sure they’re just tuning in to listen to MY music.”
“Yeah, okay Lish, I’m sure they are, if it makes you feel better, you keep telling yourself that.  Enough about my homesworks, I’ll send you the link next time I’m homesworksing.  B-Lish, let’s get back on subject.  Anyway, I heard Spielberg is supposed to be here!  Which really sucks because I wanted to get a selfie and post it to my socials but now my phone is broken.  It just says SMPTE error, I tried to take the SIM card out and put it back in but it’s not that.  Anyway, The Whale gave me his business card and everything, it’s got a funny picture of a whale on it, see!”  She pulled the card from her pocket and held it out for Billie to see.
Billie looked at the business card in Jillie’s hand.  “Can I see that?”
“LISH!  For you, anything.”
“Thanks…”  She took the card and inspected it.  ‘The Whale’ was printed in fancy font and along with it a cute drawing of a cartoonified whale, a Disney looking whale, but vintage looking, like something Disney would have drawn in the olden days before the name Disney was anything to anyone.  The card had additional peculiar properties, it contained optical illusions.  If you tilted the card one way and back another, the cartoon whale appeared to move back and forth.  You could also see bits of text change to form a sentence that could only be read as you tilted the card to reveal each word.  The card contained no phone number or identifying information, no street address, simply a QR code.  Or rather a series of codes depending on which way you held the card.  The QR code changed as you tilted the card, an infinite number of possible QR codes, again, depending on which way you held the card when you scanned it.  It seemed like something you’d find in a 1980s cereal box as a prize with a secret message.  The sentence read, “You can trust me.”
Jillie pointed to the QR code beside the cartoonified Whale.  “I tried to scan the QR code with my phone, Lish, no dice.  He gave me his card right after this SMPTE error appeared.  Or maybe it happened when he gave me the card.  I know I used my phone just before my parents started chatting with him, I was live on all the socials showing off that crazy food table over there, not as many viewers as homesworks, but not bad.  My parents told me not to post anything online about this conference, but, whatever, like I’m NOT going to post stuff online.  Parents, am I right?”
“Listen, Jillie, that man is not what he seems.  He’s a very bad man, okay?  Just remember that.  He works at a bank his name is Banksy, but not THAT Banksy, not the one that makes art, he’s a money guy… but they don’t talk about money.  I know, you’re gonna say what kind of bank doesn’t talk about money?”
“That’s easy, Lishy.  A blood bank!”
“Ohhhh, funny.  Funny.  Hey, Jillie Bean, you’re not so bad.”
“And you wanted to trade me!”  Jillie tossed her hands up in the air.
“That was before we… we bonded.” She said not really paying attention to her stan but inspecting the business card more.  She turned it over and tilted it slowly back and forth to reveal an animation of a stream that appeared to flow out of the QR box… flowing down the stream were musical notes.  She handed the card back to Jillie. And whispered to her.  “Don’t tell anyone what I said to you about The Whale.  That guy over there works for him.”  She pointed at Carl Lyle Lawyer/Kymmie Lawyer’s dad/Legal advisor to those fighting Taylor to keep her old masters from her.
“Lish, listen, I stan you so much right now.”  Jillie Jean beamed back at her.  Then lowered her voice so that Carl and Scott and Justin and the others couldn’t tell what she was saying, “I won’t say a word.  I trust you.  If you say The Whale is smelly fish in a pail, I believe you.”
“Billie…”  She smiled and blinked.
“Lish… I’m listening.”  She smiled wider.
Billie smiled ever so slightly for just a moment, then attempted to conceal it.  She shot a quixotic look at her stan, then thought for a moment, “You said that your parents were talking to The Whale about how there’s a bunch of movie directors showing up for a conference and about Foley Art?”
“Did he say what it’s about?”  Billie motioned to Oak Felder and he walked over to stand near her.  “Like, any other details about the ‘Foley Art Finding’ that you mentioned earlier, or… anything else at all?”
“Nope.  I just know there’s more, that’s just the part of the conference my parents had an interest in more than anything else.  Something about sound effects in movies and old samples.  I don’t know.  Did you know, that in Harry Potter the sound of Buck Beak is actually some sound from like a million years ago.  It’s like that in a ton of movies… old sounds.  Like Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Whale said he plans to get a meeting with Spielberg about something, discuss business proposals related to the finding, apparently, they used old bird sounds from Cornell University along with something called Movietone and blah blah blah… I don’t know, I wasn’t paying attention.”  She returned her voice to normal volume,  “They lost me at Cornell, I plan to attend Brown University so what do I care about Cornell.”
Billie looked to Oak.  Oak looked back, thinking what Billie was thinking.  Australian Crosswalk sound, the sound map.  There’s more to it, to the mysterious subsonic frequencies.  The adaptive sounds they saw on his computer screen.
“Brown?  ME TOO!”  Sashy yelled.
“Cooooooool.  OMG if we both get in, you wanna be study buddies?”  Jillie screamed at Sashy.
“Deal!”  Sashy screamed back.
“Brown?”  Kymmie stated flatly.  “I’ve got my heart set on UCLA.  That’s where my dad went.”
“I’m not going to college.  I’m gonna be a college dropout.”  Stan added.
“You have to go to college to be a dropout.”  Sashy said sassily.
“No you are NOT going to be a dropout!”  Kanye said to his stan.  “You’re going to college and you’re going to graduate.”
“Okay fine.  I want to go to UCLA then.”
“You just want to go because she wants to go there.”  Justin pointed at Kymmie.
“No, whatever… I was thinking about going there anyway.”  Stan said defensively.  Kymmie smiled slightly at Stan then looked away.
Why the interest in Spielberg, Billie thought for a moment turning her attention away from the stans bickering about which colleges they wanted to attend.  Why would The Whale want a meeting with Spielberg?  Then, it suddenly clicked… Sasha, might have the journal.  Not Sasha the Swiftie stan… Sasha Spielberg.  She went to Brown with Emma Watson… didn’t she?  Billie remembered it being mentioned in conversation at some party after a show she played a couple of years ago.  And they’re both into journaling.  I bet Emma’s backup plan is to hand it off to Sasha.  The Whale is trying to get an in, he’s trying to cover his bases.  He’s manipulating, calculating, trying to stay one step ahead.  It’s all tables turned… one would think most people might want to befriend Sasha Spielberg to get an “in” with her dad… Steven himself… and here The Whale is befriending her dad to try and get an “in” with Sasha.  He knows Emma Watson wants out of Hollywood and he’s trying to stay one step ahead of her Hollywood exit strategy, her plan to escape—escape the constant control over her life, the constant worry that The Strangies will come crawling through her bedroom window in the middle of the night.  But just like Princess Sheikha Latifa, why does Emma Watson even need an escape plan in the first place?  Why does anyone need an exit plan from unhappiness?  Maybe The Whale needed Emma to stay in Hollywood, just like Princess Latifa isn’t free to simply go her own way… but why?  How exactly did everything piece together?  Billie wasn’t sure and what shew knew was mostly based on scrolling through sites and reading random stuff on the internet on her phone when she couldn’t sleep at night, like we all do, or staring at the bedroom window expecting The Strangies to press their face against the glass.  The things you read right before you drift off to sleep, and then when you wake you think, maybe I didn’t really read that?  Or maybe what I read wasn’t real?  Maybe she had it all wrong, and maybe not.  Perhaps, Jillie Jean might prove useful in all of this after all.  Jillie jean is not just another fan, another stan, Jillie Jean might be a useful one.
Billie waved Kymmie aside and broke back into the conversation between the two potential future roomies, provided they were both accepted at Brown University.
“Who are your parents? Are they in the conference?”  She asked her stan really seriously, Billie seriously.
“Eh, they’re in the movie industry.  They do, like, important stuff… It’s not important—”
“Listen, Jillie… I need to know as much as you can tell me… ”  
Jillie thought for a moment, “I just know they got some invite and got all excited.  I’ll be honest, I don’t really know exactly what it is they do, I just know it’s important, like, really important, they meet with a lot of big time behind the scenes industry people—Listen, Lish, I didn’t come over here to talk about my parents, or that creepy old man and the sea, I came here to hang out with you.  I’m not trying to be my parents, I’m trying to be me.  I’m trying to make my own way in this world, so who cares who my parents are.  Yes, they’re kind of a big deal, but I want to do things on my own without their help.  Okay Lish?”
Billie looked at The Whale once more.  “Okay.  You can hang out with me.  It’s totally cool, and we can even work on that Lish Lish Wishlist of yours.”  Billie didn’t want to think of it as using her stan so much as protecting her stan.  She kind of felt obligated to make sure she didn’t end up going down a devilish path, as annoying as she was, she actually liked her—
“LISHY!  I knew you’d come around.”  Jillie Jean made a high-pitched squealing noise.
—Well… maybe.  Maybe Billie liked her number one stan.  Billie Eilish smiled at the wannabe mini-me version of her.  “Alright, Mini-Lish, just stick with me.”  Billie joked.
Jillie stepped back, “Don’t call me Mini-Lish.”  Jillie said in a mean green jelly bean voice.
“Whoa.  What?  Why not?”  Billie replied, caught off guard, “Well, that’s kind of a double STAN-dard.  Don’t you think?  Eh, eh??”
“Ohhhhhh.  Lish, you’re funny.  I call you Lish, you call me Jillie… But don’t call me Mini-Lish.  Don’t ever call me Mini-Lish, ever.”
These stans are out of control, am I right?  I take back my thought about liking my stan… maybe.
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moonstomars · 4 years
Okay, then... 1. Nanatsu no Taizai 2. Monderi 3. Drole
Oh wow, thank you so much for the ask! Alright, let’s do this! 
001 for nnt
Favorite character: King, I think he is one of the best written and developed characters in the manga. And he is both adorable and morally grey, I love it! 
Least Favorite character: nnt characters are all pretty good but I think the one I like the less is the Demon King. Mostly because he is not a very good villain in my opinion (and he is also a jerk. And annoying) 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Kiane is my absolute OTP but I also like Melizabeth, Monderi, Dologlox and Geldris. And more or less every canon ship. Also a little edit because I realised I didn't put Gowdja here ... HOW. I love them.
Character I find most attractive: I have to admit that I’m weak for King’s awakened form, he is just so pretty (and he is not exaggeratedly muscular, I appreciate that), but there are so many beautiful characters!
Character I would marry: uhm ... King probably, or Gowther. 
Character I would be best friends with: Gowther again, I need someone to talk to about books and he is also a sweetheart. Or Gloxinia, he is so chill and I feel like it would be very relaxing to spend time with him (also he is fun!)
a random thought: I really love the fact that nnt characters are so different and yet they are pretty much all well written! And the fact that many of them had the chance to grow and to change during the story is so great. I would have liked to see more interactions between some of them but what we got is amazing. 
An unpopular opinion: ... I know that many people like Estarossa more than Mael, but I admit I do like Mael more. I just don’t really like the fact that Nakaba didn’t use him much, he could have been a so interesting character to explore! 
My Canon OTP: KIANE! I am so glad they are canon! 
My Non-canon OTP: is Monderi considered canon? Anyway I love it. A less canon ship I appreciate a lot is Dologlox.
Most Badass Character: Guila. This 16 years old girl managed to become a powerful knight while raising all alone a little brother and struggling with the people’s judgment. And she kicked the Sins’ ass. She deserves more credit. 
Most Epic Villain: The Ten Commandments as a group were absolutely epic! I got chills when they showed up! 
Pairing I am not a fan of: That’s hard, there are not many pairings I dislike, usually I’m just neutral about the ones I am not attached to. I think the worst I can think about is Vivian and Gilthunder (is there even someone who ships them??)
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): MERLIN. I liked a lot the plot twist about her, really, but her motivations and her feelings weren’t explored enough! Her whole betrayal was pushed aside because of Cath and we never even got her talking with Meliodas and Elizabeth about what she did. I like her a lot, but her arc was rushed.  
Favourite Friendship: there are so many! Helbram and King’s friendship is probably my favourite, but I also love Elizabeth and Diane and Ban and Meliodas. 
Character I most identify with: King, probably, but also Gowther and night Escanor. (I’m not sure what this says about me)
Character I wish I could be: Diane because she is amazing or Derieri
002 for Monderi
When I started shipping them: I don’t remember exactly when I started, but surely after the Memory of the holy war arc I shipped them a lot. The fact that Monspeet had been by Derieri’s side for so long, even during some of the hardest moments of her life, is great. He was ready to sacrifice so much to help her! 
My thoughts: THEY. DESERVE. BETTER. That’s it  I was so mad when Monspeet died without being able to tell her anything ... I’m glad they will probably have a chance to see each other again in the sequel. 
What makes me happy about them: they have a very close relationship even without being a couple. They really care about each other, they are always very close and open only with each other. And there is the fact that Monspeet is always there protecting Derieri from everything. I am so weak for that. 
What makes me sad about them: I really have to answer this? Well, I think what bothers me the most is that they didn’t have the chance to talk about their feelings before Monspeet died. And of course, the fact that they are dead. 
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: the fact that there are not many fanfics about them I guess 
Things I look for in fanfic: them having the chance to talk about what they feel for each other. Or just them being happy. 
My wishlist: I really just hope that they will make an appearance in the sequel and that they will have another chance. 
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: I really don’t know honestly! There are not many characters I can see with them. 
My happily ever after for them: They reincarnate and meet each other again. Derieri remembers about their past life and wishes to stay by his side, without pushing him in any way, while Monspeet doesn’t remember but immediately feels a connection with her. They become friends, fall in love again and this time they have a happy ending. (And Monspeet eventually remembers. I’m weak)
003 for Drole
How I feel about this character: I like Drole a lot. I usually like very calm characters and I love his backstory (I also think that his childhood explains pretty well the way he acts). I would have wanted to see more of him because he didn’t get much development ... he had so much potential! 
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Only Gloxinia, their dynamics are perfect and they obviously care so much about each other. (Besides, there are all those parallels with Kiane ... I simply couldn’t ignore it)
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: that’s hard because he didn’t have the chance to interact with many characters outside Gloxinia! I would have liked to see more of his relationship with Meliodas and Elizabeth, and love the idea of him being a sort of weird uncle for Diane and teaching her stuff. 
My unpopular opinion about this character: I haven't read many opinions about him honestly! But I actually think that his motivations to join the Commandments made sense considering his character. Also, I feel like even though he doesn’t show that much, he is a bit insecure about himself. 
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: Something I would have loved to see is him personally train Diane more and interact with her more. (I would have also wanted him to survive, though I must admit that his death was epic)
Favorite friendship for this character: I love his relationship with Gloxinia, and I also think that he would have gotten along pretty well with Monspeet if they had the chance to talk more. I like to think that he was a close friend for Elizabeth and Meliodas as well. 
My crossover ship: *panics* I don’t know! I have never thought about it! 
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fasterthanmydemons · 4 years
I feel so intrigued by your Nothing Left's Pietro! I've been reading your post about how he would act in a Dead!Wanda AU and I LOVE Wanda but I would like to see this very angry, darker version of this ray of sunshine who likes to run fast and make jokes. That open starter really caught my attention but 1- I really CAN'T write, 2- I wouldn't know which character I should rp as xD I love angst, it helps me cope with angst irl. When you can, please write some headcanons about NothingLeft!Pietro
(This anon is referring to an open starter I posted entitled “Nothing Left,” in which Wanda died in Sokovia instead of Pietro, and Pietro is reacting to her death with volatile anger. You can read it here if you like.)
Thank you for reading my starter and I’m so glad you liked it! And before I jump into headcanons, I just want to say that if you ever feel you want to start an rp blog, go for it! You don’t have to be perfect at everything or write like an award-winning novelist to still write good stories and have a great time. And as far as picking a muse, generally I don’t choose a character as a muse unless they won’t leave me alone for weeks. Haha, what I mean by that is I find myself thinking about them a lot, wondering “what if,” feeling maybe they deserved better, and having ideas on what interesting plots and AUs I would love to explore with them. If you have enough ideas on your own to get started, that’s a great place to start. With canon characters anyway. Obviously if you want to make an OC, you have to build everything yourself from the ground up or mesh them into a fandom/world. But for canons, you can turn your ideas in to open starters, your interests in “what ifs” and AUs into an rp wishlist, your random plot ideas into little drabs or one-shot stories... and just post things like that with tags for your character and fandom, and that’ll get you started. Someone will wander onto your blog and be like hey, I had that same idea. Or hey, I found this really interesting, let’s do it. You never know until you give it a try. =)
I will also say that, fittingly, the gif I used for Pietro’s reaction in the starter, namely this one:
Tumblr media
...is from the movie Savages (I really enjoyed it, but it’s really heavy on sex and graphic violence, so take care if you watch it and are bothered by those things), as ATJ’s character is freaking out and getting very angry about the fact that the woman he loves has been kidnapped. His friend is trying to reassure him that everything will be okay, but he’s freaking out nonetheless. Ironically, I didn’t know what was going on in the scene before I used the gif, so I didn’t know how appropriate it was, haha. 
Okay now on to Pietro. XD In this starter, Wanda has died in the Battle of Sokovia instead of him. I haven’t specified how, just to kind of leave it open because I don’t know which muses might respond to it, so it’s left to the imagination whether or not he saw her die or how she might have met her end. Nevertheless, the starter assumes that Pietro goes to America with the Avengers as Wanda did in canon, but he’s not coping so well with Wanda’s death, as one might imagine would be a very realistic thing to happen. Unlike the other starter I did with this theme, “Carrying On," that depicts a heartbroken and suicidal Pietro, this starter deals with an enraged, volatile, erratic Pietro who meets concern and reassurance with harsh, colorful language and explosive moods. Both starters deal with parallel paths I could see Pietro taking in this situation as far as how his grief manifests from a psychological and personality point of view as well as how he is choosing to manage it.
So for “Nothing Left”!Pietro, there are two reasons why he’s boiling over with anger instead of breaking down with sadness like in the other starter. 1) Anger and defensiveness are easier for him to express than vulnerable emotions like sadness and fear. He was only ever comfortable showing his vulnerable side to Wanda. And 2) he has a lot of guilt over Wanda’s death because he feels like if he had protected her well enough, she’d still be here, and he’s turning that guilt into anger. He feel like her death was his fault. Just like the first reason, anger directed at others is a lot easier for him to express than anger toward himself. So, in short, this version of Pietro is choosing to funnel all his pain, guilt, and grief into being angry and pushing others away rather than processing what he feels, reaching out for help, or being vulnerable in front of anyone which is frightening for him.
This version of Pietro will self-destruct if left to his own devices. He will probably eat and drink himself to death with sodas and junk food and fat and caffeine and all that, and he will likely pick a fight with anyone who looks at him cross-ways. Well, any men who do. He’s not given to fighting women who aren’t actually trying to kill him. With women, he’ll probably curse them out, tell them to leave him alone, tell them they don’t understand, etc. With men, he would do the same and if they don’t, they’re getting punched in the face. He would be looking to fight not only to sate the rage inside him, but also to burn off energy, because feeling that angry for a very long time is not sustainable mentally. So he’d rage until he was tired enough to sleep, then wake up and do it all over again.
It is going to either take a female muse he’s not willing to come to blows with getting him to somehow talk about his feelings and show some vulnerability to start getting to the root of his anger... or... a male muses willing to fight with him to the point of exhaustion (probably more than once) until he gets to the point of actually listening to what they have to say. Until one of those things happens, he’s going to persist with his destructive behavior until he ends up with health issues from eating total crap, heh, or he suffers serious injuries for picking a fight with the wrong person.
I think for this version of Pietro to begin to work through his grief in any kind of a constructive way, he would have to be turned into “Carrying On” Pietro, heh. I mean the brokenhearted part, not the suicidal part, although... that might be unavoidable and will have to be dealt with as well. But what I mean is, no one is gong to get through to him and he is never going to start facing his pain and guilt over Wanda dying until someone can help him shed the defensive anger and get him to stop avoiding his feelings. Once he trusts someone to the point of letting them in enough to show any vulnerability, then the sadness and regret and longing and all that will hit him like a ton of bricks. He won’t want to stay here in this world without Wanda, so he’ll need someone who is willing to put in the time and effort to ensure that he gets over the extreme hump of negative emotions and seemingly bottomless grief that he will experience to bring him to a point of no longer wanting to do anything drastic.
So I guess this version of him is practicing a lot of avoidance and releasing all the tension and restrained grief as rage. He’s running from his problems instead of letting them overwhelm him or dealing with them in a healthy way. He needs an intervention to help him process his grief in a healthier manner, big time. He’s also, sadly, joyless now. Without Wanda, he has no more desire to smile, laugh, joke around, flirt, or do anything he was somewhat known for previously. Her death has affected him so much that it has actually changed his personality. I’m not sure if he could get it back again, or how long that would take, but for now that side of him would be essentially broken.
I don’t know if this explanation was what you were looking for, but if you have any more specific questions about this version of Pietro, feel free to send them my way! =)
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allimariexf · 5 years
Been thinking lately about my season 8 wishlist in light of the fact that there will only be 10 episodes (and at least one will be dedicated to the bullshit crossover 🙄🙄🙄). Here’s what I have so far:
Big Bad optional (but preferably non-existent)
Flashbacks/forwards optional, but if they do them, they better damn well make them filled with HAPPY THINGS. I would fully accept Queen Family Future Moments.
OTA fighting villains-of-the-week with plenty of wins (+Lyla would be cool)
NTA gone (not dead, just realized they’re redundant and moved on)
plenty of crime-fighting team-within-the-team Olicity
a good amount of domestic Olicity
some Felicity pep talks and some Oliver pep talks too (no need to be as deep as “don’t fight to die; fight to live,” but just show us all the ways they continue to harness each other’s light)
some domestic Dyla (preferably domestic Olicity + Dyla...and maybe even some Theroy? 🤞)
LOTS OF CALLBACKS to important Olicity and OTA moments and themes (and people). Like, season 8 better be a fucking LOVE LETTER TO THE TRUE FANS (and none of this Marc Guggenheim “love letter to the fans” nonsense; I mean a true celebration of the themes, characters, and relationships that made this show great. 
and speaking of, please NO MARC GUGGENHEIM. I understand he might still be involved in the crossover, but I hope he’s barely involved in it. And then HANDS OFF the rest of the season, asshole.
wrapping up loose ends (and with happy endings, please) on many of the side characters and relationships we love. Including, but not limited to: Thea, Roy, Theroy, Nyssa, Sara, Sin, Slade, Anatoly, and Talia. (And maybe Emiko, I guess?)
In the bunker Oliver better be leaning against her chair, sniffing her hair surreptitiously, sending her private looks across the room, and touching her at every possible moment. On the comms they better be making cute comments and laughing at their own stupid jokes. Felicity better be sneaking peeks at him on the Salmon Ladder. And all of this should just be naturally in the background of their perfectly-in-sync-since-always crime-fighting partnership.
And at home there should be sweet domestic bliss: doting, cooking, snuggling, DISCUSSIONS OF IMPORTANT MATTERS WHILE HOLDING HANDS (or even better, IN BED).
Also at home there should be PASSION. Simmering, burning, can’t-keep-our-hands-off-each-other desire and at least one full on sex scene. (I would accept this in the bunker, as well 😉)
A REAL, TRUE, HAPPY ENDING. I don’t care how they manage it. I would accept any of the following options, to be honest:
the flash forward future doesn’t change, but it turns out that our current perception of it is skewed so that things aren’t nearly as bad as they seem.(Oliver is definitely alive, and moreover he didn’t miss out on most of Mia’s childhood. Sure, maybe he had to stay away for long periods of time - starting, maybe, when Mia was around 6 or 7, and maybe she even didn’t get to see him after that - but he was alive and in contact with Felicity the whole time, and she kept him updated on Mia. And they both kept tabs on William. And the season 7 resolution fixes all of that, so that they can finally retire and be happy in 2040. Or some better explanation that I can’t even predict at the moment.) Of course this isn’t exactly my preference, but I find it most likely that Arrow’s not going to change the timeline.
the flash forward future does change, because what we’re seeing is only a possible future and somehow our team manages to change their fate before it ever comes to pass. (But we still get Mia and Connor.) Honestly, as much as I hate the idea of “erasing” events that we’ve seen onscreen, I think I would be okay with it this time. I’m certainly not invested in the Queen family’s apparently bleak future, so having the time we spent learning about this future become wasted would, to me, be the lesser of two evils.
the flash forward future does change as a result of Legends/Barry/Crisis on Infinite Earths. (Again, not my favorite, and I think not likely, but I will take Queen family happiness however I can get it.)
Regarding Oliver being dead (because of the events of season 7 and/or because of Crisis on Infinite Earths), I would be okay with it if and only if:
if it’s revealed in the season 7 flash forwards that he’s been dead for years, then the timeline must be changed. Even if he eventually gets resurrected, I refuse to accept that Felicity and the family had to live for years while Oliver was dead. (But I still steadfastly refuse to believe he’s dead).
if Oliver dies at the end of season 7, then they better bring that boy back ASAP in season 8, like in 8x01
if Oliver dies as a result of the crossover, then he must come back from the dead ASAP. MAXIMALLY they may spend as many episodes of the crossover as they need to bringing him back. But once we’re back in Arrow episode territory, that boy better be alive and well.
In other words:
NO WAY is he allowed to stay dead
and they’re NOT ALLOWED to have Oliver be dead for most of the season. 
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ofthingschanged · 5 years
Bunch of Hope wanted plots. Like if you like to talk doing one of these plots
College au. Hope jumped into Malivore and when she comes back no one remembers her. Freya was trying to find Rebekah (who had been kidnapped) only to be lead to HOpe because she did a spell to call her to Mikaelson blood. Hope ends up back at the compound and starting college/ Landon and Rafael finished the Salvatore school and ended up finding a home in New Orleans. Landon working at a local restaurant that Hope always comes into for lunch, the two of them flirting and at some point, Hope asks him on a date. It isn’t after the first kiss but after the first time sleeping together does all memories coming back to everyone. The angst of it all and them going about their relationship now.
Also, presidents party girl daughter who has been assigned a new secret service bodyguard. He has no idea what he’s in for or the trouble she attracts. She has a problem with the word ‘no’ and he likes to say it a lot.
AU on 1x05 of Legacies: Hope turns around, kisses Landon and then decides to go with him
someone take Hope bowling and let her win or better yet, take Hope bowling and get her drunk
I want a twisted what if plot where Hope and Roman went to a witch in Mystic Falls and bound her werewolf side, her mother was let go and Hayley finding out her daughter did the unthinkable.
So this is cheesy but assuming Klaus rarely comes back to Mystic Falls it could work. Normally, I never have Hope anywhere near Mystic Falls if she never knew her dad but au on an au where Hope goes to the Boarding School or goes to Mystic High and Klaus comes to town to see this kick-ass red-haired girl that has eyes that shine bright golden when she is angry, does magic freely, and has been sipping blood for days and he can smell it
Freya going to Hope’s parent-teacher conferences and Alaric saying that she doesn’t listen to him. “What do you want me to do?” Freya asks. “Maybe if you stop treating her like some magical little pony that can be used and thrown away she would listen better.” Hope sitting in the chair next to her aunt texting on her phone pretending not to listen to everything that is going on.
I love verses where Hope grows up not knowing one of her parents because she is different there and it is like magic. But in canon, Hope deserved a hell of a lot better like KNOWING her father instead of having to guess the little things. She didn’t get to ask questions about his likes and dislikes, instead had to read about him to feel connected to him. She couldn’t ask him what his favorite drink was or what he likes to do besides painting.
So I have a private verse of Nashville based but another verse based on it would be amazing. Handon, Hosie, Hizzie. all with Hope being Juliette
I still want Hope going dark full tribrid and Hayley coming back to life because someone has to stop her daughter and angsty feels
AU Handon: Reincarnated lovers, again and again, these two always find each other again. Set more if Hope had been born after her father broke the curse (If he had done it back when Katherine was still human) and Hayley was born much earlier. Anyways, immortal Hope chasing after her not so immortal true love and all of the angsty moments. Flashbacks of Landon and Hope in different eras living completely different lives doing their thing, Landon dying young for some reason or another until he ends up being born a phoenix (or golem. I need to research both of these really) and just this whole thing is cheesy and overdone but still going to put it in my wishlist tag
A verse where Landon was pushed into the pit would be interesting or even one where Landon was pushed and then Hope jumped in to destroy said pit and two years later both Landon and Hope come back and find themselves in a middle of a field
So plot idea. Hope and Landon go about their lives and Hope becomes pregnant. She has the baby and with that, she uses the  𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐬 𝐕𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢 to bring back both Klaus and Hayley.  Like how Davina used Hope’s birth as a  𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐮𝐬 𝐕𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢 to bring back Mikael.
Hope would bring back Mikael just to torture the fuck out of him, She hates the fact that Mikael brought her family pain for their immortal lives. Hope would make him beg for death. He thinks her father is an abomination so keeping him in a nice cellar for her own pleasure would be fine by her.
Davina and Hope should draw together! Aunt and niece quality time
I really don’t need to do the whole let’s rewrite the Originals with Klayley but man, now since watching the first episode I want to do it differently. Starting with Klaus being the one there for Hayley when Agnes does her shit, him in the pool with her. give them the freaking pregnancy they should have gotten even with Klaus being Klaus.  I blame by sudden Hayley muse on rewatch and reading fanfiction. So while this isn’t a Hope plot it is a plot
You know, why didn’t they just bring Finn back from the dead and shove the Hollow into him? He didn’t want to be a vampire and that way he could stay together forever. Instead of taking Hope’s mom and her dad from her.
No, but for real. Klaus flipping the fuck out when this teenager comes claiming he is daddy. Hope throwing her phone across the room and shattering it when she sees her mother’s name pop up on the screen. Klaus doing the same thing he did to Hayley in canon of pinning her to the wall by her neck, Hope knocking him on his ass with magic. Hope being locked in the place that Roman had been in when it comes to canon. Hayley showing up and threatening to rip apart Klaus’s hybrid army if he doesn’t start talking about where her daughter is. The two of them getting physical upstairs and Hope hearing the yelling and screaming. Marcel sneaking down to take a peek at this teen that claims to be Klaus’s daughter and ending up distracting her from the fighting.  Hope ending up bonding with Marcel from the start. They play tic-tac-toe with different colored rocks (one color for o’s and one for x’s). Hayley throwing a royal fit to find her kid and Klaus ordering Elijah to go get the defiant teenager. Hope coming back up, having to be physically dragged by Elijah and the moment she sees her mother start’s crying her eyes out. Hayley finally hearing a heartbeat that isn’t Hope’s because Hope had cloaked it with magic until she was out of state going to find her father.
In just a Marshall. Hope running to find her father when she finds out she is pregnant. I can just see it in my head. Plot idea for sure here!
Muse A is a single parent of a very young child, just getting back out there and dating because it’s terribly lonely sometimes. They’re out at a bar and meet Muse B, who’s got a reputation for being a heartbreaker. One thing leads to another and Muse A invites Muse B home for a one-night stand. That morning, Muse B awakens to Muse A’s very small child sitting on their chest, asking if they are their new parent.
A thread or verse where Gretta killed Hope right in front of Hayley and spent two hours torturing and taunting the mother that just “lost” her child. Hope laying on the floor the whole time and all of a sudden Hope wakes back up in transition and hungry, enough that she r breaks the chains and sends both Gretta and Roman onto the ground with magic, pinning them to the floor as she frees her mother and Hayley kills Gretta by taking her heart out while Hope shoves a piece of wood into Roman. Give me Hope dealing with that she died, give me Hope killing someone when feeding and becoming a full tribrid. give me Hayley dealing with the fact that her daughter had kidnapped her first.
So in the adopted or so they hoped verse. I had this idea of how they had Marcel down in the basement and only Mikaelson blood could know where he was and hear him. What if Freya spelled a room in the house for only Mikaelson blood could enter and or hear what is being said and Hope sits down in the kitchen when they all come down and Hope asks, “So what are we going to do about BLANK.” asking about the thing the Mikaelson family just talked about before they came down.
Okay but a college au with Lizzie, Josie, and Hope sharing an apartment that has three bedrooms. Hope meeting Landon later in life and brings him home one night. Lizzie stopping to admire his backside. The girls fighting over the bathroom, struggling with homework, going out partying, paying bills, and just everything that goes with it. Each of them having their own lives but coming together sort of thing.
Give me Hope going back in time to help her mother find her family. Give me Hope appearing in Freya’s dreams when Freya was with Dahlia. Give me Hope going back in time to the very day she met Landon or even when Landon was locked in the transitional cellar. Give me Hope collecting blood every day and taking it with her when she goes to save Landon and instead of her jumping into Malivore, she dumps a hell of a lot of blood into the pit. Give me that it works and she saved the day. Give me when Josie lit the fire in Hope’s room and Hope goes back in time to spot it. Give me Hope deciding to take a different path and becomes friends with the twins after the events of the Originals (After going back in time). Give me Hope going back in time to when her father is human and using magic to show him the life he is going to have for him to have hope for the future. Give me Hope going to the future where she has kids and is married. give me normal Hope going to see Ripper Hope. Or Mikaelson Boarding School Hope going to the normal world.
Princess Protection Program AU because why not?
Once again Supernatural royal but freaking everyone wanting to be in the favor of the Mikaelson family so wanting their kid to make Hope fall for them so that way it has protection for life.
So I am so freaking cheesy but royal aus ONLY supernatural. Two rival kingdoms that have been fighting for thousands of years decide to stop the war if there was an alliance so the parents get together and decided that the firstborns are going to get married
So I want an au where Hope is kidnapped by Greta instead of Hayley. I want Hayley and Klaus saving their baby girl instead of Hayley dying. I want Hope binding her werewolf side or even worse, them binding her witch side and Freya has to figure a way to fix it.
So thread based on Hope turning Rafael back into wolf form. Bonus points if he found human (that he couldn’t harm for some reason? Didn’t exactly chase her down sort of thing) and she is living off the land in this old crappy cabin and Rafael comes back often. He tells her about this school for people like them. Hope going by her middle name and Rafael just finding a really good friend in her. Could turn Rafael x Hope romantic or stay platonic.
Hope has been in a mood for the past couple days. Give her children! Give her angsty pregnancy threads. I mean, she fears having a child but wants them. She doesn’t want her kids to be feared like she is.
Hope body painting Landon would be funny as hell. “Stop moving.” “I swear to god if you tickle my side one more time Hope!” I can see these two spending a lazy Saturday together like this. Hope painting his back while Landon lays on the bed with his head turned watching scifi movies. It wouldn’t be something she would do if her dad was in the house because she doesn’t need him barging in saying, “Alright! Party’s over!” even if she is an adult.That gives me a good idea for her way to tell him she is pregnant if they were together. Alright, so I can see it as Hope sort of using her nursery for inspiration. Hope painting a beautiful sort of nursery set up with a rocking chair that holds Landon and a blanketed baby in like a yellow color so it isn’t that traditional pink or blue thing (even more so because at that time they wouldn’t know what they are having). A sign that hangs on the wall above the crib that says something really cheesy like “Loading…” and see you in ten months (Or maybe even like thirteen? Since Hayley had been pregnant longer with Hope but that most likely was an error in the continuing of the storyline). Hope taking a few pictures when it is all dry that she will edit on her laptop and send out in emails or if they decide to make a social media announcement that they could use the painting as a way to say, “Get ready for another Mikaelson!”
Handon freaking teen pregnancy; young parent au with everything being the same with them being supernaturals.
Handon only a twisted thing sort of based on the drabble I wrote. Hope ending up like Landon’s mother (pregnant) after coming out of the ashes of what would be Malivore. The moment Hope sees Landon again, all his memories of her flash before his eyes.
Okay but the just pretend world for me but with instead of Landon going to Mystic High when he finds out about Hope being supernatural. It being kind of legacies where Hope goes to stop the Catholic church to save a werewolf (Rafael), without her dad knowing and well, instead she drives them to New Orleans with Rafael sleeping in the back seat and somehow Hope manages to convince her dad to let them stay just for a few days which turns into a few months.
So writing Legacies? A thing I want, starting from the moment Landon asks her to stay with him. Her crawling into bed with him to keep him calm because of small spaces. Alaric deciding that he can stay. The knife still ending up being taken by him like in the show but instead of finding a fire breathing witch / dragon in the woods, it comes on campus wanting the knife.
Handon first apartment though. Hope and Landon painting walls, getting into a paint fight. Moving day. the first night at their new place. Give me them buying furniture and fighting over silly things. Give me soft kisses in the room that is going to be their room even.
AU where Hope goes with Landon to find his mom. So drinking coffee every morning with him at the coffee shop with Landon while his mom works. Going to motel rooms and just giving her a taste of what could have been. Plus, I mean imagine Hope with Landon when he was given drugs, she would be still standing and his mother would be all, “What the fuck?” Just Handon road trip really.
Okay but an au where Landon’s mom kept him. Where when Landon’s mom woke from being in the pit, she ends up working for the Mikaelson family. Landon and Hope growing up together and ending up being the best friends to lovers trope. Landon’s mother being hired to keep Hope safe from threats of the Mikaelson family. Even though she thought of supernaturals as monsters that shouldn’t exist, it was good money
Okay but Hope starting a school of her own when her kids are growing up with Landon. They set up the school in New Orleans for Hope’s pack, the witches, and the vampires that come back into town. Headmistress Mikaelson and Headmaster Kirby.The two of them raising their kids together without shame of being this completely unheard of species. Everyone treated like they should be. Just feels. Married Handon with a school though?
Dark Hope and Landon. Blood covered, murdering couple of the year, I am totally seeing Mr and Mrs. Andreason episode of Criminal minds. The couple fucked near the dead body and just killer couple trope right there. Totally twisted and fucked up, tribrid and her boy. Just give me darkness. Two people that will kill anyone but each other.
So, in general, the idea of Hope wanting to murder Roman being a thing. She clearly wouldn’t know her mother is either at the school or lurking about able to sneak into her world undetected. My thought is he is like his mother (because there is no way he is innocent in my mind) so if there was even a thought she was pregnant he would suggest getting rid of it or even trying to kill Hope himself. Either way, I have this image in my mind of Alaric holding Hope back from killing him in the middle of the field at the school and someone (Namely Alaric) mentioning that Hayley wouldn’t want Hope to become a murder and well, of course coming in and making her opinion known on the subject, maybe even killing Roman herself. The whole thing of watching your baby grow up almost overnight and is going to have her own kid that she is willing to protect
Struggling actress that gets to work with a child actress that has always been the center of attention.
Makeup artist and actress/model were they are dating but have to pretend not to be
two costars that are dating in real life but on their show, their characters hate one another so when they come home from work they are all sort of hot and bothered because wow those words your character said to mine left me wanting you.
Actress/Actor relationship where they hooked up and opps three months later the other is at their door crying because they are pregnant and what is the press going to say?
Reckless rich kids that have never been told no that secretly wish their parents bad attention to them so they start dating their parents rival (could be an actress/model/instagram famous person as well)
Honestly, just give me all the angsty human aus
or even make these not human and have them be their supernatural selves as well.
So Hope coming back to the school as Andrea Marshall and makes friends with Lizzie and Josie, starts dating Landon Kirby, asks for fight training with Alaric Saltzman. Just a big do over
 Handon, Hizzie, Hosie plots set after the season one final are something I am living for in the moment! But also anything with the Mikaelson family in general really.
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artemisegeria · 5 years
Endgame Predictions/Wishlist Round-Up (Spoilers)
I made a number of posts discussing what I thought might happen, what I wanted to happen, and what I didn’t want to happen. Here’s how all my speculation and hoping stacked up against the real movie. Massive spoilers below the cut.
In summary, I was really wrong about a lot of stuff. The whole movie was very different from what I expected.
Speculative Timeline (as of April 2, 2019)
- We open on the remaining Avengers either in Wakanda or already back at the compound. It is only days or weeks after the Snap. They are struggling to pick up the pieces. They track the missing population and try to figure out what happened to all their allies that we didn’t see at the end of Infinity War.  Eh, not really. It was kind of like that, but they didn’t really focus on it.
- They find Nick’s pager and begin messing around with it to continue sending the signal. Captain Marvel arrives. Straight up was not in the movie.
- They cut to some of the other people who will play a role. Probably Tony. Maybe the dusted people. Or Scott Lang in the Quantum Realm. Eh, kind of. They did cut to Tony early on.
- We return to the Avengers. They decide to go fight Thanos. A while ago, I saw a synopsis from footage that was shown to some Disney investors. It said that the Avengers track the energy signature of the space stone, so maybe Captain Marvel’s arrival helps with that, since that is the stone her powers come from. This is still very soon after the Snap as shown by Nat’s hair in the new special look footage. This was a trick again. I think this happened after the time jump.
- They get soundly defeated. But they either manage to escape or Thanos shows “mercy” and decides to send them back to Earth or something. Wrong. They actually defeat him, which I liked. It really made me wonder what would happen next.
- Maybe some time passes of them still struggling to get through the wreckage of their world. Some other remaining allies, like Pepper, coalesce around them. Kind of. There was the scene with the hologram chat.
- Tony arrives with Nebula. Reunions and tough conversations. This pretty much happened, but it was more shouting than an actual conversation.
- Big time jump (like 3-5 years). I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up, but for some reason, the more I re-watch the trailers, the more I think that sometime during this period, if it really falls out this way, they will be able to restore Vision.  First part was right. Sadly, very wrong about the second part.
- We open on Nat in Japan. She talks to Clint and tries to get him to come back to New York with her. He refuses; he says he’s not done avenging his family. Wrong about the second part and it happens early in the movie.
- Cut to Tony, Steve, et al. working together on new weapons, getting SHIELD back together, trying to make the best of the situation. So wrong.
- Scott Lang arrives from a Time Vortex in the Quantum Realm. He finds the Avengers. He has new information that unlocks a solution that they haven’t tried yet. Everyone starts to work on that. Kind of, but happened much earlier than I expected.
- Clint comes back, hence Nat’s smile in the new footage.
- Maybe they cut again to the dusted people working on their own solution. And/or Thanos.
- We see the Avengers working more/testing whatever time travel/quantum technology they’re developing. There are some emotional beats between different characters. They didn’t really pause long enough to have emotional beats in my opinion.
- They’re finally ready to use it. I still don’t have a clear idea on what could happen during this part of the plot. But they use their new allies and new technology to get what ever they need to face Thanos again. Yes, the infinity stones, but I didn’t really predict anything specific here.
- The final showdown. Everyone fights together, last chance, throw every power at the wall and see what sticks. They’re on the brink of defeat. Thanos is still too powerful. When things look very bleak for our heroes, all the dusted people come back. They rally and defeat Thanos. The rest of universe’s population that was dusted comes back. Mostly this is what happened, definitely the best part of the movie.
- Celebration, mourning, weddings, funerals, a taste of what the characters will be doing going forward. Kind of yes, kind of no.
- End Credits Scene(s)
- Cue black screen with white text, saying something to the effect of: The Avengers have done their jobs. Or the new Avengers will return.
General Predictions (as of March 25, 2019)
1.      There is no time travel, aside from maybe whatever Scott does to get out of the quantum realm. The early leaked set photos that looked like they were from the Battle of New York were all BARF technology, dream sequences, illusions, alternate universes, etc.
2.      They do explore multiple realities/universes.
3.      The dusted people are not in the Soul Stone. I think I got this one right. I’m still a little unclear on what happened.
4.      Tony survives and gets to marry Pepper and have a kid and a farm.
5.      Steve survives, too. With everyone debating whether Steve or Tony or both will die, I think they might go for a surprise and kill off neither of them, making the death(s) someone(s) more unexpected. I guess he’s technically still alive at the end, but close to dying of natural causes.
6.      I think at least one major or semi-major character will die and stay dead. At this point, I have no idea who.  Yes, so far.
7.      The MCU going forward is in a totally new universe/continuity. The more I think about the possibility of the multiverse, the more I think they might pull a Star Trek (2009) and have the fix involve creating a new timeline, therefore making permanent changes and definitively forging a fresh trail.
8.      I hate to say it, but I think we will get some variation of White Vision. Prove me wrong, Marvel. I do not want to be right about this, but I just have a feeling. This would not be the absolute worst outcome because it could still be fixed, but I really, really hope I am wrong. I’m not sure, but I think I might have preferred White Vision to the complete nothing that we got.
9.      They will fight Thanos more than once. Yes.
10.  Shuri is fine. The picture of her on the missing people board in the first trailer was either a misleading shot or at that point in the movie, the Avengers genuinely thought she was dusted. She will help them defeat Thanos.
11.  There will be a time jump. Despite the admission that misleading footage was used in the trailers, I think certain appearance changes in the characters point in only one direction. Individual shots may be misleading, but I think the general sense that a lot of time passes at one point will remain.
12.  The Snap will still be reversed, but the fix will not involve undoing it entirely. Instead, people will be brought back to after the time jump has occurred. I just cannot fathom Marvel not bringing back half the universe’s population. But if the time jump remains intact, that will provide some permanent changes and losses.
 Wishlist Items (as of December 11, 2018)
1.      Vision comes back with his emotions/memories fully or mostly intact
2.      Wanda et al. come back
3.      Everybody lives
4.      Alternatively, if anyone dies, have it be very important to the final victory and a grand send-off
5.      Have all the Avengers be integral to winning, not simply rely on the awesome powers of a few of them
6.      If time travel is involved, still have everyone remember the events of Infinity War
7.      Emotional reunion between Vision and Wanda
8.      Have Tony and Steve reconcile I don’t know, kind of, but not really.
9.      Emotional reunions for everyone Most people got them.
10.  A Pepper/Tony wedding at the end/show everyone celebrating
11.  Showing the aftermath of IW for the general population Kind of, the bare minimum of showing that.
12.  Full-on Return of the King style ending with 10 scenes showing little vignettes between various characters where everyone is happy or on their way to being happy Also kind of, a little bit
13.  Happy or reflective post-credit scenes (no indication of a new threat on the horizon; let there be a moment of peace) No post credits scene?
14.  At least 20 minutes-half an hour of wrap-up/celebration and/or mourning/preparation for moving forward after the final battle. Hell, I’d probably even take an hour. They have 10 years of movies to wrap up. I think it was more like 5 or 10 minutes.
15.  Thanos gets the justice that is coming to him
16.  Have Nebula kill Thanos (if that’s the resolution, which makes the most sense to me), and not Tony or Carol or someone else
17.  Have Thanos be the main villain (I keep hearing rumors that this is not the case, but I think that it would be a bad idea)
18.  A final battle scene that Sebastian Stan (I think) mentioned filming with every Marvel character making a grand last stand Almost everyone, except Vision. I’m still mad about that.
19.  A (final?) pre-battle pep talk from Steve
20.  Everyone meeting Carol kind of, also bare minimum
21.  “Avengers, assemble!”
22.  Ideally, I’d like Vision to come back as early in the movie as possible, but the more I think about it, the more that seems kind of unlikely. But if it doesn’t happen until the end, I’d love Tony to have a line something like, “I need to have all my sons at my wedding.”
23.  Shuri and Peter Parker to interact
24.  Thor (and Loki?) and Doctor Strange to meet again and have a callback to Ragnarok
25.  Wanda and Doctor Strange to interact Not really, I think they were sort of next to each other at one point.
26.  Wanda and Carol to interact same as above
27.  Vision and Groot to interact
28.  An explanation of Doctor Strange’s plan didn’t really get one
29.  People interacting in the Soul World
 Things I Didn’t Want to See (as of March 14, 2019)
1. White Vision
2. Wanda to somehow be pregnant/have the twins by the end of the movie. It seems probable that some variation of that is the eventual plan, which is fine, but I’d prefer them to wait a while to implement that. Let Wanda be happy and let her and Vision just be a happy/recovering couple for a while, let them more fully explore themselves and their powers first.
3. Redemption for Thanos. I know there is some precedent for him working with the Avengers in the comics, but it would make me angry if they just worked together in the face of a bigger threat despite everything that happened.
4. Captain Marvel or anyone else to save the day (almost) single-handedly. Most of the talk from the filmmakers and the marketing indicates that they are focusing on everyone being a team and working together, but I would be tremendously disappointed if that turns out not to be the case. It’s only proper that, as the apparent swan song for many of the original six, that much of the focus should be on them and the whole ensemble of all the Marvel heroes. I want everyone to be integral to the victory.
5. Lack of closure in general. I don’t want Thanos or any of the Infinity Stones hanging around. I guess the Infinity Stones are still around.
6. No Vision
7. No happy reunion for Wanda and Vision. There are definitely ways they could both come back, but still not get a happy reunion, which is why this is a separate item.
8. Anyone dying. Probably the most unrealistic, but I will hold on to hope until proven wrong.
9. More trauma for Wanda and Vision. What with the show still apparently happening, I have fewer and fewer doubts about the fact that both Wanda and Vision will come back (pretty much at 100% certainty for Wanda and maybe like 70-80% for Vision), but I am far less certain about what the movies/show will do to them once they come back.
10. Vision to be wiped out from ever having existed. I don’t think this one is too likely, but I do see some room for it to happen.
  Things I Liked That I Didn’t Expect or Ask For
-          America’s ass
-          Wanda’s badass one-on-one confrontation against Thanos
-          All the MCU women teaming up
Things I Didn’t Like That I Didn’t Expect or Ask For
-          Virtually zero mention of Vision. Not even saying his name once. Honestly, the writers always seemed to like him. Did they suddenly get mind controlled by a Vision or Scarlet Vision anti?
-          Fat jokes about Thor
-          A cameo by one of the Russos (I always get them mixed up)—it was very stupid and self-indulgent, considering what they left out
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yearsgiven-a · 3 years
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ruwithmeguys · 6 years
Arrow Season 7 wishlist
I had a season 6 wish-list: about half of them came true.. Sadly, the rest didn’t and there were some really juicy ones.
In no particular order... (I’ll add to this as I go and please be assured; anything I say about characters relates in no way to the actors who portray them)
1) One of he NTA needs to go...
Okay, so this is a dark thought; especially to start off with. But they did this. The writers/creators/producers/executives; they screwed with characters many of us were warming to or flat out loved and forgot how loyal we are to OTA regardless. They FORGOT. I mean, I was very sure they were more attune to their audience than that and we were clearly wrong.
But not in every way. They got a lot right. I’m not holding a grudge; there’s no point. I... have no interest in Rene beyond Zoe, I do NOT like Curtis and Dinah... she shows potential.
But they can’t come back from the clusterfuck of the civil war arc. They can only push forwards. I’m doing the same.
The problem is that, until the majority of us see serious growth, something to keep us/me interested, we’re going to stay in the ‘I don’t give a crap’ squad, which tells me that maybe - just maybe - something huge is going to occur in the first or second episode to make us all spit out our food/drink during the airing of 7.01.
Unfortunately I couldn’t care less that Curtis has a boyfriend or that he’s working with Felicity. People who act likes dicks tend to get the good things in life. Granted he’s suffered: I understood Paul’s reason for divorcing him but his genuine desire to NOT fight for his marriage confused me. This and the fact that he seemed to just exist for a full season (5) made me feel reluctantly sympathetic. Especially when part of his literal reason for existence was to reunite Olicity who didn’t need his help but... that was his thing.
Now? Sympathetic? Not so much. He’s become a massive juvenile, callous and selfish hypocrite that makes us all question his existence on the show. Even his fans.
However, as the sole homosexual character on the show with a love interest, they won’t kill him off. He has zero SL. He very literally has to be joined to Felicity’s, each time. The boyfriend is the only difference. I can’t ‘like’ this person. The man needs to learn humility. He’s become unnecessary enough that he wasn’t even present in the trailer: the ONLY character who wasn’t in it. That’s a bold neon light on the truth right there. Being a judgemental ass is a bad look. 
I don’t have blind faith in Beth but I very much love everything she’s said about S7 so far. I’m giving her the benefit of the doubt THROUGHOUT the season. She’s already proven a better spokeswoman. It’s all good.
Dinah... there’s potential here. Now that she’s finally stepped off her high horse, I’m hoping Oliver’s incarceration will make her question her own horrible choices and what it REALLY means to be a masked vigilante, because she clearly didn’t know in S6. Thankfully, shes actually mentioned this. I don’t need a LI for her this season; that fell flat. Right now, I need her to find purpose that doesn’t make her a hypocritical ‘insert expletive’. 
(I’m a huge fan of love interests occurring when we least expect it: two people that shouldn't fit but do, which is part of the essence of Olicity)
Leaving the civil war arc behind, I still kind of like her. I WANT to like her again. 
Oliver went to prison for them all; surely that should change them all?
She, Rene, Curtis; they have no idea what true heroism means. They’re only in their second/third seasons and they still haven’t been through anything to close to one year of Oliver Queen’s life. 
I’d like to see her find this. And I’d like to see her change and accept responsibility for who she’s chosen to be. It would provide a nice mirror to BS’s viewpoint and actions in season 6.
But Rene... this one is dicey. While he made more headway than the other two, I felt it was partly undeserved. If he wasn’t obnoxious, he was confusing. When eh apologised, he managed to add in a few insults. That kind of, you know... nullifies the apology. But he got away with it. His ‘Hoss’ and ‘Blondie’ have gone dry. Over-dry. His zero care about going against Oliver on trial made his defence fall flat, even when Oliver showed distrust. The only time I liked him, was when he was with Zoe.
If any of them get killed, it will be Rene. I’m not saying it will happen; but IF it does, it’ll be Rene. 
So either... kill Rene or change all of them, because honestly at this point, most of us aren’t here for them.
2) If Felicity isn’t allowed friends, can we get a couple of scenes between her and Dinah or Lyla or both that aren’t all based on their night lives. Give me a few heartfelt moments. Give me something real to believe. Friendship is built; it doesn’t just exist because the writers tell us it does. Show not tell. A mistake made with LL in season 4. 
3) Reunion sex for Oliver and Felicity because, damn if they’ve been deprived. And, why not? I mean, chuck in some hot argument sex, some poignant love affirming sex, some flirty flirt sex, some nude shower scene sex, some epic love reaffirmations; go for it!
They've been put through shit; some of it because of friends. If even ONE friend cock-blocks them, this includes Diggle, they’re on my shit-list.
4) Give Oliver the agency he needs during this prison arc; let us see the process of him falling back into that dark place he started in, S1. Let us see him crawl back upwards without Felicity’s help. 
We know, thanks to Stephen, that Oliver has - in the 5 months since has incarceration - realised his choice was a ‘fucking bad choice’ in terms of what it’s done to Felicity and William. In fact I’d go out on the limb and say he knew that immediately when he got in the cell judging by the dead look in his eyes.
So let’s see him escape prison because this is BEGGING for a break out, and let us see him go to his family, because you know part of the reason he breaks out will be because of THEM. Because he HAS to. Because he’s needed.
Let’s see him and Felicity heal this forced separation, which was, at part, due to him. It was selfless, because he didn’t WANT to. He did it because he thought it was the right thing to do. He’s going to regret it and it’ll hurt to watch in all the best ways.
5) I’d enjoy a scene between Diggle and Felicity which focuses on him being there for her and mentioning that he wasn’t last season.
I’m sorry. I love Dig. But if he’d been there, Oliver might not have gone off on his own.
6) Given that this is a season about redemption, then can all characters be included?
Why? Well...
The theme redemption doesn’t just mean characters finding it, it means characters failing to reach it. People who may realise that it isn’t for them, like BS possibly. Or people who try really hard but can’t and are left devoid.
It involves characters who don’t need redeeming: people like Felicity who, this time, is done with reacting and is going to be proactive. Who deserves nothing but the happiness that has been robbed from her as a woman and as a wife.
It means understanding that redemption isn’t always clear cut and can mean unusual realities occurring.
It means the city, who need to open their eyes to what one man, his wife and his best friend did for their city all these years.
7) Focusing.
I won’t lie: I’m biased, BUT. I’m not wrong when I say Olicity need to be focused on this season. I’m not talking A full season: and there will be plenty of focus apart before they’re together. 
I’m talking time to focus on them as a couple. Separate from them as parents and them as parents, them as friends to others.
This is a normal thing: for a show to focus on a couple that has been put through the mill. I’m guaranteeing it won’t be a lot. 
I do think it will be more than you expect.
I’m highlighting this for a reason. A lot the fandom are under the impression that they get sidelined: Olicity are given quite a bit more screen-time than we think. But some of us notice the lack of other things happening so, those people, rely on more Olicity in order to forget that. Episodes 6.13 - 6.15 come to mind.
Like it or not, they were focused on in season 6. I know Felicity had little story and Oliver was sidelined several times but, sometimes that happens (it happens quite a bit in Felicity’s case). Doesn’t mean we won’r get what Oliver and Felicity NEED in season 7 and onward.
 8) Felicity
I never needed Smoak Tech. 
I just want her to be INVOLVED.
The fact that she’s a) in protective custody living under a different name and looking after William and b) in contact and in actual scenes with Watson, getting more and more INVOLVED (I like this word) with the law whilst committing crime like the ultimate paragon for getting shit done and for being the backbone of (Oliver) heroism in the city and a paradox (a very good person doing the right things by being a cyber badass and vigilante hacker) makes me feel like I’m going to enjoy season 7 already. 
Then we’ll get a prison breakout. Olicity reuniting. Olicity re-acquainting Themistocles with each other through touch, words, sex etc. Re-finding what it means to be a vigilante in eyes of the public will be just as much her mission as Oliver’s.
9) Paying homage
Let’s have tribute to everything Oliver, Felicity and Diggle have done for the past 6 seasons. We’ve had focus on Tommy, on Robert, Moira and LL. They died: none of them needed to.
Robert died to save his son.
Tommy died to save the woman he loved.
Moira died to save her children.
Laurel died because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time and it was reaffirmed in season 6, that it was partly due to her lack of skill and experience, her incredible stubbornness to listen to anyone else’s logic, and her need to reach that high.
They all died, except LL, for love. And all of them had tribute paid to them, some more than others. 
But now that’s over so can due attention be given to what these three have sacrificed over the years? Can we have people see how much Oliver has given to the city, what Felicity has both lost and gone through, the time and effort and heart John has spent on their mission of three?
You don’t have to die to have people recognise the amazing good you’ve done. This isn’t the time of the Renaissance artist: let’s have a little respect paid to the OTA as separate people and as a team of three amazing heroes and as people who have loved each other in many different ways: team mates, partners, friends, family... lovers. Married soul mates. Brothers/comrades in arms.
Let’s have that moment that makes us all glad we’ve been watching for years, where the city, Rene/Dinah/Curtis and the law recognise them.
I’ll probably add to this list.
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kaijudyke · 5 years
002: remus & sirius
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: oh fucking forever ago. they were one of my first ships ever. they’re so obvious that even clueless nine-or-ten-year-old me had to be like “yeah they’re gay”
My thoughts: they are. married. jkr fight me you goddamn coward
What makes me happy about them: they really love and trust each other so much, they’ve supported each other through a lot of incredibly tough situations, remus was so alone before he became friends with the marauders and then he never had to be alone (well. for a while), sirius fucking performed an incredibly difficult and illegal spell when he was a child because he didn’t want remus to have to go through each full moon alone and in pain (yes this does apply to the other marauders too but still), they communicate in canon so effortlessly in a way that really shows you how close they are, they basically know the worst and darkest things about each other and they still love each other!!!!
What makes me sad about them: UHHHHHH TAKE YOUR PICK!!!! the mistrust between them during the war! remus thinking his closest living friend sold their other friends out to voldemort! sirius going to azkaban knowing that’s what remus believes! the twelve years they spent apart, remus barely staying afloat because no one wants to hire a werewolf and sirius stuck in a place that literally sucks away all of your positive feelings! the fact that they barely got any time together after being reunited before sirius died, and during the brief time they did have, sirius was trapped in the house where he spent his abusive childhood!
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: womanizer sirius is a really dumb trope lmao. i guess it’s because he’s described as handsome or whatever? he’s gay though. you fools
Things I look for in fanfic: fluff set either at hogwarts or during the few years post-hogwarts before everything went to shit, or otherwise fix-it or canon divergence fics. my favorite favorite FAVORITE thing is them getting to raise harry.
My wishlist: i’m not like 100% sure what this means. is this things i wanna see in fan content or things i want to happen in canon? bc if it’s the latter then they’re uh both dead so there’s not a lot to wish or hope for there huh. in fan content what i always wanna see more of is them just getting to be HAPPY
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: listen i am not a flexible shipper. this is it. they are husbands.
My happily ever after for them: see above re: sirius never went to azkaban and he and remus got to stay together and raise harry and have a cozy happy domestic life
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ukibum2-0-blog · 5 years
Happiness cannot be found in the material, but only by living modestly and meaningfully.-E.P.
As the Christmas season is upon us we all begin to wonder, “What kind of gift should I give?” A good book, a thoughtful picture frame, or a fancy wishlist gift? Have you ever thought about the simple gift of a smile, a true blessing of kindness? The audience can grasp many blessing theme’s in the Quran, a book about life’s principles sprinkled down by God, that continues to pass on the original passages about love, life, and light. The Bible is a less dense version of the Quran: if you didn’t know this then you should definitely tune up your philosophy research and check it out because it can give you a new perspective on life, love, and how you treat other people. Using the Bible to read the Book of Ruth, you may find numerous themes about relationships, love, loyalty, redemption, and the iconic ego.
The Book of Ruth is centered around the story of Naomi’s love, loyalty, and blessing’s towards her family and friends. Naomi is a noble woman, the mother of two sons that passed, step mother to Ruth the Moabitess who sticks to Naomi like glue after her husband dies. The journey from Moab to Bethlehem demonstrates an iconic theme of Redemption brought upon by famine. In today’s society people redeem many things from idealistic values versus materialistic values such as a new job, self worth, love that was once lost, or they redeem respect. From the perspective of Naomi her positive ego’s redemption was given back by  God: portrayed through the process of migrating to Bethlehem with Ruth after her two sons had passed away and the fields began to dry. During this period people valued each other and their crops more than we value or iPhones and Cars. The death of the Mother’s two son’s became such a burdon that she turned to her daughter in law Ruth for confinement and redemption from God to bless not only Ruth, but the land she cultivates and the people she comes into contact with. Putting yourself into the mindset of Naomi and how blessful she is being towards her daughter and the future she encounters is overwhelmingly heart warming because in today’s society people are not completely mindful of every single human being they come into contact with. The spiritual and physical blessing placed upon Ruth by Naomi is such as blessing to both of them, but one can see how one action of Redemption can be so blissful towards both souls to where it can light up a whole new village. As Naomi and Ruth head to Bethlehem after the loss of brothers and friends due to famine the themes of  Love, Family, Friendship, Brotherhood and Sisterhood are all themes very relevant while they travel to their new land in search of a good life given by the word of God. As God gives us each other for life and eternity to make us happy, we give one another love and this is what makes us humans Holy and Whole. The gift of love is as strong as light: light cultivates the land to turn soil to harvest our crop. The crop is then spread to share during supper over smiles and laughter, ideally just to gather. To gather is to share, your love, your light, your findings and joy’s of the day. The theme of Brotherhood and Sisterhood is strongly suggested not only through the whole entire book, but through the relationships between characters the reader can see how much people depend on each other for happiness. One may not have the strength to pull crop if they are alone, then again God may not bless your land and blow forth a famine to hinder the minds of those who are not being honest and blessful. The blessing of God, who sees everything what one person truly beholds, can understand how the theme of Brotherhood and Sisterhood is very prominent throughout your whole life. A single person cannot be successful on their own, just think, you were not born by yourself. God, the creator of light, let your parents meet one day and conceive a baby by pure love and joy, or like Jane the Virgin you were artificially and magically created with a snap! Although the second option is very unlikely… You are not a plant, you do not just grow… Although, God does that too with tremendous amounts of love! Love is only given by the blessings of Friendship and Family, self love is very important too, but how selfish would it be to hold onto all of your light to your own? Naomi knows how the blessing of life can create joy, and so after the death of two sons she was devastated. Being blessed by the friendship Ruth gave Naomi: Naomi began to speak to God directly wishing and blessing Ruth with good fortune, luck, and love for the rest of her life by directing her to move onto a new land and life in Bethlehem. Their love for eachother stronger than ever, luckily they moved onto their new land to spread their power and light for not only themselves, but for the City of Bethlehem. The relationship between Ruth and Naomi is strengthened upon their long walk to the new land: not only are they being blessed upon the grace of God, but they are more of a blessing to each other than the new found city they are being blessed with. Naomi and her daughter in law, Ruth, are very caring, faithful, and respectful. The two have so much genuine love and care for eachother, only to be amplified beyonds stars compare because they only have each other at this point..The loyalty and care the two of them have for each other is greater than the journey from Moab to Bethlehem itself. Upon the journey Naomi tells Ruth that she has a man who is a kinsmen of the city and a gentleman. Welcoming and displaying friendlyness and respect to not only the city, but to God the two women are treated with the most respect and care. As Ruth gleans in the field of Boaz and he treats her kindly. In the second chapter the Moabitess said to Naomi, “Let me now go to the field, and glean ears of corn after him who I shall find grace.” In this verse Ruth is displaying how her work ethic, love, and light towards her work in the field is motivated by the thought of Boaz. Although, Boaz is not directly mentioned because Ruth’s diction refers to a very broad him. Him being at this point the almighty God, Boaz, and or the whole city of men that live in Bethlehem to protect the women, children, and fields of crop. The relationship between two people can ignite such a light between the two it sparks a fire within their souls. As the day goes on Naomi spreads the message across Bethlehem for the men to not lay a hand upon Ruth because she wants Ruth to stay true for the man God has made for her. This act of Loyalty demonstrated by both brothers and sisters of the city is a sign of tremendous respect towards Ruth and her future husband, Naomi, and God. A sign of loyalty, faith, and trust that God has someone for all of us and to stay true until you believe you have found the one is a very rewarding act of loyalty. The men of the city being loyal to Naomi do not touch or bother Ruth, saving her pure touch for the grace of the field and the love for her husband. Ruth is being very loyal to Naomi, God, and herself because she is infatuated by the grace of Boaz, she is patiently saving herself for the man Ruth’s soul belongs to. Boaz, a kinsman redeemer, kind to the living and the dead was closely under the watchful eye of Ruth as she watched him from afar. In the middle of the night Ruth snuck into Boaz’s bedspace and laid at the feet of the Kinsman, startling Boaz he then asked her, “who are you?” Ruth replies with, “I am your servant Ruth, spread your garment over me to bless me.” Boaz then continues to “this kindness is greater than ever, my daughter don’t be afraid. All my townsmen know you are a woman of noble character. Lie here until morning and I will bless you with a kinsmen.” Boaz then continues to spend the next day searching through Bethlehem in search of the Moabitess true mate. God has personally blessed Ruth with two loyal relationships. Without Naomi she would have never been invited to leave the famine strucen Moab, and she would have been alone and lost without such a caring and faithful friend like Naomi. Naomi knowing the true character of Ruth, her courage and pure kindness drew Naomi to seek a kinsman to bare her a child. The life long blessing Naomi had in mind for Ruth stretched far beyond the original blessing of a new city life. A simple act of moving into a new city with her dear friend became a blessing of a new city and another new loyal friend, Boaz. As for God’s blessing upon Ruth, He blesses Ruth with the nobleman Boaz with dignity, strength, and loyalty. Boaz decided to not only give Ruth the joy of looking over the corn field, but to seek a man to bless her with life is a blessing of love and kindness. To Ruth’s surprise Boaz found one man who was suitable for Ruth, not mapping out correctly Boaz decided to take Ruth in as his own wife. God then blessed Naomi as a Godmother, giving her the chance to help Ruth take care of the son Boaz helped her bare. The best aspect found within the literature of these chapters was the way the scriptures addressed human life itself. Not to find personal pleasure or to continue a popular trend, but to selflessly add to the human experience of love and light- to create joyus marvel in hopes of spreading more light upon the city. Many people in today’s society can learn a lot from this literature within two short themes, pure kindness and selflessness. Being kind to our surroundings, being kind to our spirits, al while being kind to one another. During this period every single person has a job to do, only to contribute to a bigger picture. They did not look for love in middle school only to break up over recess, they waited and longed for the right day and time to have God give grace and light upon their life and bless them with the right person- the one. Personally, I do not believe anyone has a child for selfish reasons because I have more faith in humanity than anyone else. Although, when you see someone smoking with two kids in the back seat you begin to question yourself.. The selfishness circulating within our current culture can be portrayed as greed: greed in politics over policies, greed selfishness, and hatred within the peacekeeping in South Africa regarding the current Genocide, as well as greed within American culture towards children not being cared for properly. As a psychology major, Professors address the line, “The children are the future, we are learning for the children to protect the children.” This statement is beyond words the mirror reflection of symbolic light found within the Bible, precisely parallel to the selfless act of childbirth only to spread joy throughout the community, to keep the older spirits alive in order to keep the cycle of great thinking alive, to pass down rituals and beliefs, and to conceal the knowledge and practices humans have been developing over the centuries. To keep the soil alive, the plants watered, and the roads clean we need to recycle humans- as disinteresting as it sounds… but we don’t do it for money, we do it for love. The take away from the Book of Ruth is a tremendous amount of love concealed into many religious and spiritual themes, but ultamilty it breaks down to the human nature of kindness and love. Only to keep eachother alive and happy, to see a smile in the light of the sun every morning, to keep eachother company, to enjoy nice meals after a long day of work, and to keep eachother warm at night. That is what life is about, enjoying each other, embracing our loved ones, and being happy. Everyone's muse is different, but in today's chapter I would really just like you to focus on one thing: What is it about human life that makes you happy? If you learned anything, it should’ve been that all we need in life is already right here, we have each other! Everything else is just a distraction, so this Holiday season I ask you to put your phones away and talk about the simple things, take your time in the morning to drink your coffee, talk about the past, talk about the future, walk slow, don’t speed, be mindful, and be caring- love the simple things in life and enjoy every moment you have with your friends and family: every second, every minute, everyday subtle things change- embrace it.
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spockat · 6 years
Fave Fandom and Ships
in answer to an ask from weeks ago, sorry
Fave Fandom and Ships
001 Fandom Discovery
Least favorite character – when MU Lorca fully revealed himself a villainous villainous man [stomping that guy’s face – really?! Diatribe against alien races? Ugh]. I HATED what the writers did with Lorca. Emperor Georgiou also hits the stereotypical notes, since she doesn’t have a mustache she twirls cooked ganglia instead, and she’s also been given the Villain Trope of being bisexual – because [gasp!] “what could be worse” [this trope is on display in many shows and movies]. Yeah, we get it, she uses every. body.
5 Fave Ships – Prime Lorca/Cornwell; MU Lorca/PU Burnham; Stamets/Culber; Tilly/Tyler, I really don’t have any others. While Tyler/Burnham was well-acted, I didn’t really feel it except in the moment at the end of “Into the Forest I Go”
Character I find most attractive – ummm GABRIEL LORCA
Character I would marry – Prime Lorca [In my headcanon he’s a really decent guy – as I write in my BlackQat Katriel fics. [Although he can be stubborn as fuck, and when captaining his ship he’s pretty much like MU Lorca in temperament, using a tad bit of sarcasm here and there. He’s a little salty, but damned good and his crew would follow him through hell because he’s loyal to them.]
Character I would be best friends with – Katrina Cornwell. I hope I’d be good friends with her, she is so levelheaded and [headcanon] kind and compassionate, and probably encourages her friends. [You don’t become a psychiatrist because you’re unsympathetic toward, or uninterested in, people.] Runners-up, Sylvia Tilly, because she’s effervescent and a good friend to people.
A random thought – I so want Cornwell to find and rescue Prime Lorca. [Headcanon] Prime’s been busting his ass trying to help the rebels in the MU, and succeeding in large part since the Emperor’s departure. Maybe Cornwell has to make a devil’s bargain with Section 31 to get over there … [story in progress, grin]
An unpopular opinion – Burnham was RIGHT and Georgiou was wrong. The Shenzhou should’ve given the Klingons “The Vulcan Hello.” It might have shocked the Klingons and sent them to regroup. OTOH it may have just resulted in …The Battle at the Binary Stars … anyway. So either a win/lose or a lose/lose, and since the latter happened, it would’ve been worth a try for result #1.
My Canon OTP – Prime Lorca and Cornwell. Though it’s not REALLY established in canon as a romance. I hope it will be. I’d love to see them on Risa or somewhere together and get into an adventure while Discovery’s on a subplot adventure. Or they could be the subplot adventure. I DON’T CARE I JUST WISH I COULD SEE THEM TOGETHER
My non-canon OTP – MU Lorca and Burnham. If only he’d been fighting a just revolution for the rights of all races. Michael may even have joined him, for a time, and returned to the Prime Universe, say, after helping MU Lorca institute a better government after the Emperor’s death. OH WELL.
Most badass character – Tossup between Michael Burnham and Kat Cornwell on the female side both BAFs, and Lorca is a BAF.
Most epic villain - Emperor Georgiou. Farming and eating Kelpiens, honest to god. Killing how many, like 10 people in her throne room because she couldn’t trust them to remain quiet? Blowing up the rebel base, well yuh, I guess that’s to be expected. Quite the opposite of her kind Prime counterpart.
Runner-Up: Kol. He’s a mean Klingon, even by Klingon standards!
Pairing I am not a fan of – Tyler and Burnham, not so much. Something about it seemed a lit-tle forced, and I can’t say what. The actors did a lovely job, but I didn’t see the chemistry that was so obvious between Lorca and Burnham and Lorca and Cornwell.
And this is totally personal and y’all knock yourselves out and enjoy them, but I’m not a big fan of slash pairings in general, i.e., “making a gay couple out of a sisterly or brotherly canon pair of friends.” It’s just not my thing and I know people love to do this because of many personal or fannish reasons, like more representation, and y’all have fun with it. It is a really big thing now. But … I ship Prime Cornwell/Lorca and it isn’t yet established as canon (any more than Kirk/Spock) that they’re a canon OTP, so …
… take my “slash” statement with a grain of salt. What you want is what you want and what I want is what I want, and in fandom we can have All The Things.
I love Stamets and Culber and I love that they are a canon gay OTP.  [Stamets is great because he’s a salty scientist and a BAF (“as I’ve explained to you, Captain”)(injecting himself with tardigrade DNA to save “Ripper” and get the spore drive on line, and Culber is a warm fuzzy person with medical brilliance and compassion, kind of like Dr Crusher in TNG. Don’t make the mistake of underestimating him.]
Character I feel the writers screwed up one way or another – Tyler got it the worst. Couldn’t he have just been a human with Voq’s memories implanted? Jesus, they had to CHOP UP VOQ? At least give me a reason for that. Maybe because L’Rell’s beliefs said Voq would die if his body died? But noooo, no reason is given, and gratuitous bloody surgery scenes are there just [it seems to me] for shock value.
Lorca got fucked over [by the writers] the second he killed that guy outside the Agony Booth – he might could have been redeemed by leading a revolution for just causes.
Also Prime Georgiou. See elsewhere.
And Culber. What could be a worse screwup than killing a character for shock value?
Fave friendship - Burnham and Tilly
Character I most identify with – I am a lot like Tilly in the sense that I can be insecure and unsure and talk wayyy too much. As an older woman I also identify with Cornwell [and love her age-appropriate relationship with (Prime) Lorca, and I hope they’re more than just occasional fuck buddies.] In temperament I also identify with Salty!Lorca or CompassionateCulber or SaltyStamets.
Character I wish I could be – Cornwell or Burnham. Cornwell because she’s brilliant and capable, a psychiatrist, and a BAF Starfleet Admiral … being defiant and fighting L’Rell; with its attendant risks; Burnham because she’s also incredibly brilliant and capable and a BAF herself. Beaming onto the Sarcophagus to plant the sensors? Fighting Kol? I mean dayum.
Ships – Cornwell/Lorca [my OTP]; Burnham/Lorca
When I started shipping them – I think when she said, “Gabriel, why don’t you fix your damn eyes.”
[And Burnham/Lorca, when I read LadyFangs’ stories including “Human Nature,” then co-wrote “Human Nature II” with her.]
My thoughts – Headcanon: they didn’t meet till after Lorca graduated the Academy; Cornwell is four years older than he, and is a fully certified M.D. Psychiatrist [12 years] and comes to the Academy Officer Candidate School, which teaches candidates about the service and its history; Federation history as it relates to Starfleet; what it is to be an officer, not a civilian, and basic SERE training, working out, leadership. Kat graduates with a commission as a Lieutenant. My headcanon is that she and Gabriel  actually meet when they each come to SFA for Command Training School. Kat has decided she wants to enter the command track after serving as counselor for a year or so on a Starbase. She’s heard from patients how bad upper leadership leads to a lot of poor decisions in the field, and she feels she can make a positive contribution in this area. More thoughts in my fanfiction at BlackQat on AO3.
What makes me happy about them – They are an age-appropriate couple!! This is pret-ty rare in TV and movies. I note that some actors do seek to have age-appropriate co-stars Cornwell is beautiful, but not a fresh-faced 25-y/o, and sexy Lorca finds her sexy, and yay, there’s hope for women my age, I’m so glad, and that’s why I ship them and write them.
What makes me sad about them – that MU Lorca fucked Cornwell in more than one sense of the word. Bastard! And, that now she feels “my Gabriel is dead.” I really started shipping pretty hard when she said that, and I really hope Season 2 brings us some canon Katriel “more than fuckbuddies” subplots or references.
Things done in fanfic that annoy me ­– Please, writers, I’m beggin’ ya, PLEASE proofread or have a Beta proof your story. I don’t spend much time on things that aren’t proofed and beta’d. I get too distracted from the story because I’m an editor.
If you love slash don’t read this paragraph which is strictly my opinion – It really annoys me when slash shippers tag their stories as het, then turn it into slash. This is stealthy and uncalled for. When slash shippers try to get hits on their stories by, say, tagging it as Spock/Uhura and then having Uhura “generously step out of the way because she realizes Spock has never really been into her, he’s really into Kirk,” blah blah blah, just so the author’s real OTP [not tagged], K/S, can be the OTP in the story. Feh! Just be honest and tag it as slash.
Things I look for in a fanfic – QUALITY WRITING, good proofreading, and BELIEVABLE CHARACTER  PSYCHOLOGY. Also staying fairly true to the characters, maybe pushing the limits, but not too much. [I like to write angsty private Lorca—and the character, so far, is pretty much not so angsty [that was MU Lorca]—yet I still write him as an efficient, sometimes salty captain on the job. [In his private reflections and relationships, though, sometimes, angst.]
I also really love it when an author writes a Trek-like plot, with exploration, a little world-building, or a battle scenario, or alien interactions [something I don’t manage to do that often]. I love romance and angst, occasional fluff, and always, always, a good happy ending or at least a believable and decent resolution for the characters. I don’t like downer endings, but sometimes they’re realistic.
My wishlist – A canon romance for Cornwell and Prime Lorca! But first, FIND PRIME LORCA. He’s fighting alongside the rebels in the MU. He comes back to Prime Uni with Acute Stress Disorder or PTSD. Kat recommends a counselor and checks in with Gabriel to see how it’s going, but not poke her nose into his actual therapy, because that’s not the done thing. Slowly they progress to resume their romance.
Also let’s have another CBSAA series about Pike’s Enterprise. [I know that’s not what you asked.]
Who I’d be comfortable with [my OTP] ending up with, if not each other – Lorca, with Burnham. Cornwell, with … hmmm … unless we go over into cross-over country I just don’t know. Dr. McCoy of AU Trek maybe?
My happily ever after for my OTP – a long-distance romance, occasional meetings on Starbases or Risa or other planets; passionate discussions about Starfleet policy over coffee; passionate other moments [wink-wink-nudge-nudge], shirtless Lorca ;^), followed eventually by retirement somewhere where they can have fun outdoors. I think they’d be hikers and sailors and really dig nature and space travel to many planets.
003. Character
[Ask: Philippa Georgiou]
How I feel about her – the writers gave her a raw deal at the Binary Stars, though she fought like a boss when she fought with T’Kuvma. If only Burnham’s entire subsequent story arc hadn’t depended on her mutiny against a fairly reasonable captain. If only Georgiou had opened with the Vulcan Hello per Burnham’s suggestion and opened negotiations from there. Or discovered the Klingons didn’t want to negotiate, and left the system to regroup with a group of Starfleet ships. OH WELL. Now she’s dead, and that’s really too bad, because she was a good nurturer to Michael. She did let Burnham and Saru bitch at each other too much; I’d have told those two to take it off the Bridge. They were being unprofessional.
Any/all people I ship romantically with her Hmmm. She was a bit of a cipher so far as that went. I feel like she has an old friend / lover she goes on shore leave with. Hetero or bi/pan? IDK. Not sure if she’d have a long-term fully committed relationship; I think she is mother to her crew and that takes much of her emotional energy, but she could’ve been like I hope Gabriel will be and have had a long-distance romance. We have not met a lot of people her age in Discovery except Lorca, Cornwell, and the admirals at Headquarters, and sadly, Georgiou is no more, so the point seems moot.
My fave non-romantic rel for this character – other than “mothering” Michael Burnham, we don’t see a lot of this either. Some fanfic writers have Philippa as Gabriel and Katrina’s Academy classmate, an idea that I really like, although in my fic, she and Katrina are the same age and Gabriel’s a bit younger. [In my headcanon Philippa’s an Academy grad and proceeds straight from there; Kat’s a practicing psychiatrist who goes to Officer Candidate School, getting her commission as a Lieutenant, then straight on to Command Training School – where she meets Lorca and they fall in love.]
My unpopular opinion about this character – she should have listened to Michael and prevented the Battle at the Binary Stars. But could The Vulcan Hello have prevented it? Who knows. The writers had their plans. Alas Philippa paid the price :^(  … she need not have died; the fallout from Burnham’s mutiny could have made for some sparks between them before Burnham went off for sentencing, and Michael could have been equally heartbroken that she had sundered her friendship for a battle prevention tactic.
One thing I wish had happened with the chac in canon – That she had listened to Michael. The Klingons might still have fought, but I feel Burnham was right with the Vulcan Hello and would have set the Klingons back a bit. [Shrug] But then there would have been no Lorca rescuing Burnham, no episodes 3 – 15, so … there we are. As I said above, she could have lived.
Favorite friendship for this character ­– Her friendship with Michael was not one of equals exactly, seeing as their ranks differ greatly. But I like the idea in some fics that she, Lorca and Cornwell are friendly.
My crossover ship ­– Haha, again, I’ve no idea, I don’t tend to think in those terms. Romantically? Matt Decker, before he lost his crew, got ASD and gave his life heroically to stop the Doomsday Machine, maybe. Or a stellar cartographer.
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