#(It was challenging but satisfying to use cooler hues for once)
fangirl-of-the-end · 2 years
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Counter shock
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itsbuckysworld · 4 years
Merry Heist-mas
Secret Agent!AU
in which Bucky’s heist– I mean, intel retrieval mission, is unexpectedly hijacked by the always lovely, never not witty Y/N, his fiercest rival agent.
Agent!bucky x Agent!Fem!reader
3K words
I was literally was laying in bed when the random thought of HEISTmas instead of CHRISTmas crossed my head and i was like ok i have to write something with that title before the year is over so legit this was born because i just had to use that title for something, anything. 
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gifs are not mine.
The satisfying crunch under the weight of Bucky’s tactical boots was like music to his ears. The harsh of the winter was always good for these types of missions. No self-respecting bad guy would have too many a guard outside braving the cold, which meant that Bucky seemed to be the only armored bulky man with a red nose lurking around the stylish building.
Easy, perhaps too easy, but for the moment being Bucky wouldn’t question it. He had spent too many days in the shadows studying just the structure of the building, and if he could avoid having to switchblade his way in, my, would he take that.
Like a choreography he swiftly made his way up the side of the intimidating wall, making it to the modern-looking glass ceiling with a smirk and without a sweat. He shook the snowflakes from his hair and turtleneck, disposing of the scarf. If he had it his way, the room that awaited him would be toasty warm.
A nice pop and the glass window was open, and with a tug he had secured the metal hook around the framing, sliding his body down the rope like any good James Bond would. Movies didn’t get that part too wrong.
Soft feet landed without trouble. The room dark and musky. Moonlight cascaded in, dressing the floors in shapes from the statues littered around the room. Just another museum that hid some bad guy’s lab in its depths and Bucky would unveil its secrets.
He took in the art around him as he ventured further in. A long red curtain framed a huge painting on the wall of some renaissance ball, and some random vase exhibit was decorated with Christmas lights that blinked on and off. There were mistletoes on almost every door.
Bucky searched down the halls, trying to spot any obvious entrances to whatever secret lair was hidden behind the walls of the space. He eventually found it. A large painting of some castle was slightly askew.
He squeezed his way in through the small gap that opened as he moved the painting aside. Funny, they forgot the mistletoe on this little entrance. 
The walls were now covered with some steel plates, bolted shut and secure, surely hiding webs of wiring. This part of the building was suddenly cooler, blue-ish lights illuminated his path, and his silent steps echoed, the clank of cold metal under his heel. 
It took him a second to decipher where the slight beeping was coming from, as he made his way down corridors with his back pressed to the walls. He peeked over each corner, a hand securely resting over the knife that was hidden in a pocket at his hip, next to another pocket that held a taser. Silent but deadly. 
One last turn down a darker hallway and he had reached it, the computer center. He approached it while looking back. With no one behind him, this would be so simple. He kneeled down and opened one of the lower pockets of his pants, retrieving some nifty device Sam had given him prior to the mission. It was a little box with a display of 6 numbers, connected to a bunch of cables with different sized connections. He found the one that seemed to fit the side of the keypad by the door and with a simple click of a button and a turn to the wheel on the side of the box, the display showed four zeros and the door hissed as it slid over allowing Bucky entrance. 
“I’m in” he jokingly muttered under his breath. 
A row of lights and buttons and keyboards sat in the middle of the room, overviewed by an array of monitors that displayed the different areas of the museum. Blind spots, guards on their post – luckily all of them on a different path than the one Bucky used to sneak in and would use to eventually sneak out – and covering every angle of any precious piece. 
He swiftly typed on the keyboard, thanking the heavens Natasha had spent so much time explaining to him how to hack these simple systems. He would have never made it to the level he was at had it not been for her helping him finish his all-around agent training. An agent who can’t hack easily should not be in the field for these types of missions, and that would be a bummer since these are sometimes his favorites.
A click here and a click there, a blue loading bar showing up on the screen, and now all he had to do was wait. 
Bucky’s mind wandered for a brief moment as he spun around once on the chair behind the control station. He thought about what he would have for dinner when he eventually left the place with a USB filled with delicious intel. If he wasn’t too tired, maybe he could make his famous lasagna for him and – he noticed a black blur on one of the monitors.
Eyes squinted, trying to catch a better glimpse of the lump through the greenish hue of the screen. It looked like a body. And he felt the edge of a knife pressed to his temple. Nerve endings all over his body lit up. He’d been caught? But how– Oh... Oh.
Bucky scoffed and chuckled darkly. His tongue found a home in his cheek. 
Much like the silence outside and the lack of guards inside on his way to the secret room, something was amiss, and Bucky had had a long month of non-stop missions, so his tired brain hadn’t made any connections or even worried about piecing things together, but now? Now, as he could actually feel the presence behind him and the cold tip of a knife to his head, it all made perfect sense. 
“Merry Christmas, Barnes” Bucky smirked at the sound of the very familiar voice, and immediately after the confirmation of his suspicions, his body relaxed back into the chair. 
“Nice of you to join me, Sticky” The nickname made him receive a growl in response, just like always, just like old times. 
“You mean nice of you to join me –“ with force, she spun him around, a hand resting on the back of the chair as she leaned in over him, looking at him straight to the eyes, knife now used as a pointer and poked slightly to his chest with every other word – “Where are your manners, Barnes? What would your Ma’ say if she learned you reaped the fruit of my hard labor taking these guys out and didn’t even say thanks” Her tone was mocking, but Bucky had to ask himself when wasn’t it. 
Another chuckle escaped his lips, and Bucky found himself raising his hands in an apologetic sign. His eyes flickered towards the screen. Transfer at 80%
“My bad. Thank you, my dear, where would I be without you?”
She took a step back and pocketed her knife. Bucky took this moment to eye her up and down. She was wearing the leather tactical suit this time around, he always wondered if it was more comfortable than the other two designs he’d seen her wear before – the dark camouflage one with belts over the chest was his favorite. Admitting to this to her had earned him more than a handful of glares and punches to his shoulder in previous occasions – but he wouldn’t complain. After all, it allowed her to take out all the bad guys and clear him plenty of space. She harrumphed with crossed arms.
“You’d be dead, that’s for sure. Which doesn’t sound half bad” Sitting in front of her in that power stance – oof, what a sight. Bucky couldn’t help but smirk. She scoffed and kicked his shin lightly, knowing exactly what he was thinking.
“Aw come on, Stick, you’d miss me, admit it” 90%, just a little longer. Not that holding banter with Y/N was any hard task. 
Bucky and Y/N go way back. She became a field agent around the same time he did, and the agencies that hired them are rivals in almost every sense, making them coincide in more than a hundred missions. 
At first, it was annoying, not only did Bucky had to worry about the bad guys, but he also had to race Y/N for the same objective more often than not. Although he couldn’t lie, the competition was probably the most fun his job offered. It was fun to keep up the action, to have an extra challenge, someone to one-up. And on the off chances when their objectives weren’t the same, it wasn’t hard to team up with her. And they made a very, very good team. 
100%. Her eyes glanced towards the screen in a flash, before they lay upon him again. She smiled at him. Bucky leaned forward, his hands placed calmly over the armrests as he returned her grin. Game on. 
“Well, I assume you’re also here for the intel...”
“It’s a shock you became an agent with such slow deducting skills, Barnes” Y/N rested her body against the console, half sitting up on it while she unsheathed her knife once more and flipped it around in her able fingers. 
“Slow, maybe…” Bucky paused, letting silence and suspense linger.
In a swift motion, he was on his feet, using the force to hop over her body and, anticipating her flip to meet him, he put his hands up, blocking the down slash of her knife and expertly slapping it out of her hand. He reached to the side and yanked the USB out of the console, but before he could turn around and leave, Y/N had ducked down and with a side sweeping kick, she had made him tumble down on his knees, the USB rattled out of his hands and sliding away from them. 
It took Bucky a beat longer than Y/N to be up on his feet and on the run towards the small memory stick. She had swooped it up before he could, and Bucky did the first thing he could think of and lunged at her. 
The two of them rolled on the cold metal floor, bodies fighting to be on top, hands squeezing to try and pry the USB off the winning hand. At some point in the struggle when Y/N held onto the device, Bucky had taken out his knife, but before he could do any harm, Y/N had his arm twisted behind his frame, causing him to drop the blade. Bucky bent down, flipping Y/N over his body and pushing her away from him, making her drop the pen-drive. It clattered as it slid away from them.
Pause. Bucky and Y/N looked towards the USB, watching it slide away. Bucky’s hair flipped over his face as his head flipped back to look at Y/N. Their eyes met, and another smile was shared between the rivals. 
Almost as if rehearsed they sprung into action. Bucky was sliding on his knees before Y/N could register it and he held onto the USB expertly. Once up on his feet, it was another sparring match for the history books. A punch here, a slap blocked there, kicks and pushes, grunts and tricks. 
Losing the upper hand, Bucky reached around Y/N’s body to try and grab the little stick, but she held it out of his reach. The resemblance to kids fighting over the TV remote was too much not to cause a chuckle to escape Y/N’s lips. 
A deafening alarm surprised the two, and their heads turned towards the closed doors to the hall they were in, approaching footsteps echoing in the distance. With a quick glance around the room, the pair of agents realized the havoc they had unleashed upon the room of valuable art with their fighting antics. 
“Oops,” Y/N said comically “seems I didn’t get all of them”
Bucky used the moment to slap the USB out of her hands and into his, pocketing it in a compartment of his suit on his chest, before she could act. Y/N growled but didn’t attack him. It wasn’t the time. The alarm continued to blare. 
Surviving first, sparring with Bucky later. 
The two split to avoid gunshots as the doors opened, revealing the guards. Whether they liked it or not, it was time to work together if they wanted to get out alive. Bucky sprinted towards them, grabbing random vases from the exhibit and chucking them the guards’ way. As they focused on him, it gave Y/N time to run around and knock out two of them from behind. 
Bucky held onto that red curtain from before and swung himself, kicking a non-suspecting guard in the head and rendering him useless for probably a week. 
More footsteps approached and both Bucky and Y/N took off in the same direction Bucky had come in. It wasn’t time to sit back and knock out every guard that came their way. No matter how good of a team they made together, they weren’t that amazing that they could take on who knows how many guards were headed their way, alone and without heavy weaponry.
They entered the room that Bucky had first entered when he infiltrated the museum and together they tried to close the heavy double doors as bad guys approached. Before closing them completely, almost like mirrored images, Bucky and Y/N pulled out their reserve knives, chucking them at the guards that were closest. With a loud bang, the doors were closed and the two of them pushed a statue in front of it. That should do it for about... 6 minutes they reckon, enough to let them escape. 
“Second knife huh?” He said, huffing and puffing from the exertion. Y/N gave him a smile, holding onto her side and trying to recover her breath. 
“I guess I should thank you for not using yours until now” Y/N sighed, pushing back her hair as she approached the rope Bucky had left after his entrance. The perfect getaway. She tugged on it, testing its hold. 
“Likewise” Bucky’s hand was over hers on the rope as he stepped closer to her frame. She looked up at him with soft eyes and a shy smile. He really liked it whenever she looked at him like so. Turned him into mush. But that was always, really. 
“Believe it not Barnes, I don’t actually want you dead. How boring would my life be?” Bucky smiled at that. She shook her hand from underneath his and placed it on the nape of his neck. Standing on her tippy toes she pressed her lips to his. Bucky sighed, melting into the kiss and the familiar embrace. Her hands wrapped around his frame as the kiss deepened. Able fingers dancing over his shoulders and chest, clutching all they could as his hands worked to push her closer into his frame. 
He separated from her with a grin, feeling empty the second she was an inch away “You’d miss me too much, admit it” His lips caressed hers as he spoke, a hand on her chin, keeping her close to him and with her face arched to his. His long lashes kissed his cheeks, and she loved looking at him, admiring his features up close like this. It gave her more butterflies than her first-ever field mission.
Biting her lip to suppress a lovesick smile, she nuzzled her nose to his. She didn’t see herself ever tiring of kissing him. Thank heavens for these types of missions. Stepping back, she hooked the rope to an electric piece on her belt that would rise her up the cable automatically. 
“I’d miss you too much.” she said, blowing him a kiss. She started swiftly lifting away. Bucky held onto her hand for as long as he could, letting her go up and escape the museum first, eyes too busy taking her in. She gave him a wink. When she was a whole body away from him she spun a little stick around her finger. “Oh, and thanks for the intel, babe”
Bucky’s eyes widened when he made out what she was flipping around, a hand immediately shooting up to the pocket at his chest. Empty. 
“...You- Wow, Sticky, what would your ma’ say, stealing from a man like that” Bucky tsked, shaking his head in mock disappointment. Y/N chuckled, head thrown back and everything. Bucky’s smile only widened. He loved making her laugh, probably just as much as he loved her. 
“Oh hush, she did teach me how to share, y’know?”
“Does that mean I get to see you later?” This made her snort. 
“Dork.” Y/N had reached the top and climbed up and over the metal edge of the ceiling, taking her time moving the glass cover out of the way so Bucky could get out quickly and just have to slide it right back in. No sign of them ever being there… Well, other than the obvious. 
“See you at home, sweetheart” He couldn’t really see it but he knew she had winked at him at his words.
“Merry Christmas, Buck” He heard her say before her figure disappeared into the night as she made her silent escape. 
Bucky remained there, looking up after her with a stupid grin across his face. They really did make a great team in every sense of the word. He bit down on his lip, hands placed on his hips. How had he gotten so lucky to have found her? 
He thinks maybe he has to give credit to their agencies for being such fierce rivals that they would go out of their way to put their best agents against each other in missions. He just loved thinking back to when their banter started, all those years when they were fighting each other over targets and their obvious sexual tension. 
And then the first time they worked together to achieve their different objectives, rather than trying to beat the other –
A loud bang brought Bucky out of his thoughts. His eyes flickered to the door, noticing the statue that was keeping the guards out had moved, and the doors were slowly being opened. Soon someone would be able to sneak through the gap. 
Right. Escaping first, seeing your fiance later, Barnes. 
Sorry for such a long piece, hope that’s ok!
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this piece and my little Agents. 
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5 best international destinations to visit post COVID – 19
The COVID – 19 pandemic has devastated humanity as never before. With multiple countries under strict lockdowns or restricted movements. It has caused a severe blow to the economics of many countries. Multiple businesses and industries worldwide have been badly affected (though some continue to prosper even through this pandemic). One of the worst hit is of course the tourism industry comprising of airlines, hotels and other hospitality related services such as transporters, embassies and visa related services, restaurants and many other ancillary service partners. Having said that tourism is resilient and will bounce back for sure just as it did post the SARS in 2013. The biggest question is what will one’s travel itinerary in the future look like and which regions in the world will be safe to travel in the future? Some of the factors which will perhaps determine this will be – proximity to home, airline capacity, especially to bring back home in case of any eventuality, destinations which were less impacted and/or have better health facilities and also insurance covers.
I am listing down some international destinations that maybe explored post COVID – 19 taking into account multiple factors that work in favour of these destinations. For those who are ‘travellers’ and are looking at continuing to travel once airline services resume and it is safer to travel, here goes –
Country                 Total cases        Active Cases         Deaths
New Zealand           1499                   45                         21
Taiwan                     440                     35                          7
Vietnam                   324                     61                          0
Thailand                  3031                  118                         56
Hong Kong             1056                    27                          4   
 New Zealand:
As on date New Zealand has reported 1499 active COVID – 19 cases with around 21 deaths and 93% of the infected cases have recovered successfully. New Zealand has a definite advantage over many other countries. Constituting 268,000 kms of total land area and a population of approximately 48 lakhs spread out between the North and South Island and any neighbouring inhabited island – It is not a large country and is fairly sparsely populated and yet has the comforts of being a developed country.
Ø  Known for its surreal natural beauty, few destinations can boast of so many natural wonders and experiences packed into such a small area. Snow capped peaks, rain forests, coastal glaciers, large geothermal areas in Rotorua with bubbling mud ponds and hissing streams – New Zealand has it all. Queenstown is a hotspot for adrenaline filled sports such as white-water rafting, luging, jet boat riding, skydiving, hiking, mountain biking, heli hiking, bungy jumping at the Bloukrons Bridge (one of the highest bungy jumps in the world)– the list of outdoor activities is endless.
Ø  With options of self - drive vacations as well as seat in coach holidays, one can find a wide variety of accommodations ranging from budget to luxury as well as quaint bed and breakfasts.
Ø  For the sports lovers, the cricket season in New Zealand will start from July with matches with West Indies followed by ICC T20 on Oct which could be something to plan for. Oct onwards is a good time to travel to New Zealand right through till the beginning of March, to experience summer in New Zealand.
Ø  With simplified e visa processes, correct documentation and timely application of visas, obtaining the New Zealand visa can be a breeze.  
Ø  Well connected with multiple airlines such as Singapore Airlines, Malaysian Airlines, Thai Airways, Air New Zealand and Emirates as well as low cost airlines such as Jet Star, it is a destination which can combined with a stopover in a South East Asian hub as well.
Ø  Considering the size of the country and its population, social distancing should not be a challenge when travelling through New Zealand.  
Ø  New Zealand has around 40 public hospitals spread across the country in cities and larger towns. Both public as well as private health care in the country is excellent.
Ø  All the major insurance companies offer multiple type of travel insurance products for New Zealand and are expected to offer products inclusive of COVID -19.
Ø  Best time to visit: September to November (Spring) with temperatures averaging between 13 – 20 degrees, December to February (Summer) with temperatures averaging between 19 – 25 degrees
Considering its geographical (not to mention lack of political) proximity to China, Taiwan has done an exemplary job of managing COVID 19 and its implications. While relatively unknown. Taiwan offers wondrous vistas, lively traditions and cultures. This year in 2020. Taiwan celebrates ‘the year of mountain tourism’.
Ø  Shaped like a leaf, the island covers 36,000 square kms with 23 million people living in it. Though not a very large country and while it is fairly densely populated, its immediate action and advanced deployment, sufficient availability of PPE for medical personnel and effective use of technology has helped the country tremendously in successfully handling this global pandemic far more effectively than most other countries.
Ø  Some of the popular ways of discovering Taiwan are trekking in the magnificence of the cliffs at Taroko Gorge; taking a ride on the Alishan Forest Railway and experiencing the breathtaking sunrise and sea of clouds; hiking up to the summit of Northeast Asia's highest peak, Yu Mountain (Yushan). You can also soak up the sun in Kending (Kenting), Asia's version of Hawaii; stand at the edge of Sun Moon Lake; wander through the East Rift Valley; or visit the offshore islands of Kinmen and Penghu – overall a lot of fun family activities after being confined to our homes for so long.
Ø  For true shoppers at heart, Taipei offers many night markets where you can combine a very satisfying shopping tour with a street food tour and try some amazing local fare and even a unique shrimp fishing experience.
Ø  You can enjoy a cycle tour near Sun Moon Lake as well a sample local wines and tea made from pure spring water.
Ø  Well connected with many airlines’ ex India such as Thai Airways, Singapore Airlines, Cathay Airlines and low-cost airlines like Air Asia, connectivity is easily possible from many Indian cities though fares are a little towards the expensive side.
Ø  Taiwan has emerged as a hotspot for medical tourism with sophisticated medical technology, well-trained medical professionals, strategic geographical location, stress-free VISA process and most importantly affordable cost-effective quality treatment. With a wide range of government and private hospitals spread across the country, makes it an ideal destination to travel to even as we wait for a vaccine for COVID – 19.
Ø  Popular among both business and leisure travellers, Indian nationals can now travel to Taiwan with a free visa, which can be applied online, thus simplifying visa processes.
Ø  Best time to visit Taiwan: November or the first half of April. The weather is cooler in November while in April you will get to see nature in its full bloom.
Vietnam has been another interesting statistic in so far as battling Coronavirus is concerned. With only 288 cases and no deaths till date, inspite of a relatively weak healthcare system and a low budget for combating the virus, Vietnam is a case study in how this virus can be beaten against all odds.  Effective 23rd April 2020, Vietnamese government has lifted social isolation rules and allowed opening of many non- essential services including restaurants. Domestic flights have resumed operations as well. Though Vietnam has limited and not necessarily international level medical facilities, I have still continued to include the same in my list on account of close proximity to India especially for those on a relative budget and looking for a short break. Vietnam boasts a variety of experiences for families as well as couples and can be an expensive luxury holiday or a relatively basic holiday if looking for a budget one, though airfares can be a little bit of a deterrent sometimes even if booked well in advance
Ø  Vietnam follows a very simple, inexpensive online e visa process for Indians, which is not complex and does not need to be planned weeks in advance.
Ø  One of the most underrated destinations in Asia, Vietnam is popular for its amazingly beautiful beaches some of them relatively unexplored, national parks, historical monuments and bustling nightlife. Cities as vibrant as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh , overnight on a junk boat at the dazzling UNESCO World Heritage site of Halong Bay, hiking through Cat Ba Island, visiting and staying with locals in some of the most spectacular rural villages in North of Vietnam, visit the world’s largest cave in Pho Nha National Park, enjoy relaxing cycling expeditions in Hue or Ninh Binh as you walk around or drive past karst peaks and sail pas Tam Coc’s rice fields, meet up with local tribes in Sapa or find romance in its love market, see the recently opened Golden Hands Bridge in Da Nang and enjoy its French flavours or head on a food trail in one of the cities in Vietnam – the list of experiences is endless.
Ø  Combining a trip to neighbouring Cambodia is also a wonderful option as you will get to see the massive and most important archaeological site in South East Asia – Angkor Wat temples.
Ø  The best medical care in Vietnam is in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, though most medical concerns can be treated competently in many smaller towns and cities. ... SOS International has clinics in Vung Tau, Hanoi, and Ho Chi Minh City, providing good but expensive outpatient medical care
Ø  All major insurance companies offer multiple products that cover Vietnam.
Ø  The best time to visit Vietnam is during December through February when temperatures are milder and rain is minimal. Vietnam's long, narrow shape means that the three primary regions (north, central, and south) experience different types of seasons and weather events throughout the year.
Thailand is perhaps the most ‘been there, done that’ destination in this list. Nonetheless I am including the same as I feel that the destination has great potential on account of a lot of unexplored experiences it has to offer.
Ø  Fantastic connectivity PAN India with option of more expensive full service carriers as well as budget LCC carries combined with amazingly tourist friendly and well organised seat in coach as well as private service and a wide range of accommodation options, gives one a wider price range to choose from depending on budget.
Ø  Apart from the pristine, dreamy beaches, ancient monasteries and coral reefs, food trails that are a treat for your taste buds, adventurous water sports, historical sites  and of course a flourishing night life– there is still a lot undiscovered by many Indian travellers.
Ø  Bangkok, the capital, in central Thailand, is regarded as a modern hub of various cultures, faiths and experiences. Chiang Mai and Chiang Rai to the north cater to those looking the quiet countryside and to spend time in the wild. Down south, beach destinations such as Phuket, Krabi and Koh Samui and island resorts in Khao Sok or Koh Yao Yai and many others, offer some of the best tropical experiences by the sea. On the western end, the Hua Hin region is popular for resorts where one can relax luxuriously. Finally, towards the east, Ubon Ratchathani is a spiritual and historical escape where one can immersively learn about Buddhist and Thai culture.
Ø  Generally speaking, the standard of medical care in Thailand is good. Thailand has world class international standard hospitals in the larger urban centres, with reasonably good medical facility in rural Thailand.  
Ø  Normally I do recommend Thailand as a year- round destination as the countryside is stunningly beautiful in the monsoons and though it rains, it will not disrupt your plans largely. Having said that if you are looking for a perfect weather to travel in, then November through till April is a dry season with temperatures ranging from 29 degrees to 34 degrees.
Ø  Before the COVID- 19 pandemic, Thailand was offering free e visa on arrival. Butan update is awaited on the same from the Thailand embassy. The process of obtaining visa before departure is fairly hassle free and does not take more than 3- 4 working days under ordinary circumstances.
 Hong Kong:
Considering its proximity and accessibility to China, this is another country that has done a remarkable job of managing the pandemic. One of the 1st countries to be hit by the same, Hong Kong is today one of the most ‘almost COVID – 19 free’ countries on the list. What makes this remarkable further is that the city-state has achieved this without the kind of de facto police-state curfew that India has resorted to. While people did work from home and some of the theme parks as well as attractions are closed to avoid community transmission, eventually restaurants opened, people continued to go to parks and favourite hiking routes but nearly everyone wears a mask and maintain social distancing.
Ø  Bustling streets, mouth-watering authentic cuisines, nature reserves and teetering tower blocks, old world markets amidst neon jungles, diversity in its various contradictions - Hong Kong is by far one of the most dynamic, overwhelming city I have ever has the opportunity to visit, A great pick for a family destination, Hong Kong offers a wide range of attractions for all age groups combined with all the privileges and comforts one can enjoy in any well-developed country. Apart from child friendly attractions such as Ocean Park and Disneyland, this multi culture destination also hosts many world class sports events especially rugby and horse racing.  
Ø  It is only an hour’s ferry ride from Macau, a mecca for those interested in casinos and night life and Las Vegas style hotels on ‘The Strip’ with internationally acclaimed shows. Just perfect for those who cannot make it to Las Vegas as yet!
Ø  Hong Kong is extremely well connected to many major airports in India. The airfares as well as hotels are a little on the higher side and I would recommend booking the same early.  
Ø  Critically, Hong Kong has one of the world’s best public healthcare systems, experienced at dealing with challenges such as the avian flu in 1997 to the H1N1 in 2009. 
Ø  Once again, an all year-round destination, the best time to visit Hong Kong is from October till April. For those who enjoy cultural experiences and local festivals and food, I would recommend considering a trip to Hong Kong in January & February though.
 COVID – 19 is not yet a thing of the past globally nor is it an issue we can ignore, So it is time we start working around it and figuring out solutions to stay safe when travelling. Airlines, hoteliers, transporters – everyone involved in the business of hospitality are figuring out solutions in terms of contactless travel, regular sanitisation, norms of social distancing and many other issues which are likely to come up once all of them are allowed to operate as usual. There is definitely a new ‘normal’ that we all need to adjust to while travelling in the future. In a business where human touch and conversation is all about hospitality, be it on land or in air, we may be looking at reduced human touch just to be able to stay safe and travel. So be it then!
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i4z-0892-il · 6 years
Sweet Like S’Mores
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Author: Jena @i4z-0892-il
Summary: Y/n convinces Sam to go Camping with her.
Pairing: Sam x Reader 
Words: 4,104
Warnings: None, it’s disgustingly fluffy
A/N: For @one-shots-supernatural‘s Autumn Challenge, my prompts were: S’mores, Camping and Chilly Nights
If you like my work consider buying me a Coffee, or leave me some Feedback! 
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It was Y/n’s most favorite time of the year, the weeks where Summer lingered in the heat of the day, and Autumn crept in at night replacing the warmth with a brisk chill. The floral perfume of blossoms in their twilight mixing with the satisfying crispness that loomed in around the edges. It was her favorite time for camping, swimming and partying, then as dusk settles, warming up by a bonfire and telling creepy stories to spook friends. She hadn’t been camping leisurely since college and that was many years ago, but when Sam mentioned it in conversation she couldn’t get the idea out of her head. It settled in the back like an itch until her mind was positively swimming in it and yearning desperately for a much needed break.
“C’mon Sam let’s go, it’ll be fun! Like a vacation.” She pleaded with a pout as he hunched over his desk full of books and papers contemplating whether or not sleeping in the woods, exposed to god only knew what was even remotely a safe idea, let alone fun, and she could read it on his pensive face clear as day. “I’m surprised at you. You’re Sam Fucking Winchester, you don’t think you can survive a few days in the woods?”
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“I’ve never been camping, last time I did anything like that we were hunting a Wendigo. Not exactly what I’d call a good trip. No wait I take that back, Dean and I slept in the woods once, without a tent, or sleeping bags, or food. Does that count?” He sassed with a tilt of his head while leaning back in his chair. Camping might have been something he’d have enjoyed were he not bred in the hunters life. There were too many things out there in the dark, and to be out in the open with nothing but a paper thin tarp protecting him from the things that lurk didn’t exactly sound like fun. She shifted on her hips, arms folded over her chest, and lips pursed, it was already a battle she was losing and he couldn’t help but flash a dimpled smile at her in her frustrated state. His grin was quickly wiped away when he saw the light-bulb flick on in her head changing her whole demeanor.
“You’d be with me.” She cooed sweetly as she strut around the desk with cat-like grace, trailing her fingers along the length of his arm and over his broad shoulders leaving gooseflesh and pulling a growing smile to his lips. “We’d be all alone.”
She punctuated her reasoning with ghost light kisses starting from the juncture of his jaw and ear down until there the fabric of his button up got in the way, where she nipped at the sensitive flesh. “No one to bother us, nothing to hunt. We’ll drink, and hike- go skinny dipping in ice cold water.” Her voice was low and intimate and just for him. His eyes fell shut as she ran her hands along the hardened muscles in his back, over his shoulders and down the front of his chest where her fingernails grazed with just enough pressure to send pleasured tingles down his spine. His head tipped back to rest against her shoulder, while giving her better access to the long graceful lines of his throat. “Maybe play truth or dare like kids, and I can show you the proper way to make s’mores.”
“S’mores, huh?” Sam swallowed focused on her hands venturing further down his stomach agonizingly slow, instinctively rolling his hips into her palms. “That does sound fun.”
“It’s settled then, we’re going.” Y/n enthused breaking away with a pat on his shoulder, a quick peck on his cheek, and a victorious grin on her lips. All he could do was sit upright in his chair and watch as she wasted no time skipping out of the War Room to dart down the hall destroying any and all hint of intimacy and temptation; leaving Sam abruptly disappointed, flustered and shifting uncomfortably in his seat needing to readjust and process.
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The hike to the spot on the map while long, was beautiful, thick and lush. The changing seasons had only barely touched the trees, still full of multi-colored leaves in every warm shade from golden yellow to rich exotic burgundy. Warm rays of yellow light streamed hazy through openings in the canopy pooling on the ground and ever changing in the shift of the wind through the trees, each one like a surreal portal between worlds.
“You sure you know where you’re going?” Sam quizzed as she paused to look around trying to compare where they were to where they were going. He knew that face, he’d seen it a million times when she tried to work through something in her head, brow knit, lips pursed into a pout, off in her own little world.
“Yeah, yeah I know.”
“Then what’s with the face?”
“I’m not making a face.” Y/n frowned and answered quickly turning on foot and continued, dragging a cooler behind her. He smirked and shook his head adjusting the shoulder strap on his backpack as he followed behind her choosing to trust her judgment, entertained by the scrunch of her nose when she was focused. “Should be around here somewhere.” She muttered to herself. Finally the treeline broke into a small open field lined with dense forest, large Oaks dotting the land sporadically, and a lake with a short sandy beach and a pier. “See? I told you!” She announced triumphant as she marched into the clearing, arms stretched out soaking up the warm sunlight as she pulled in a deep breath of fresh air.
Sam smiled as he watched her enjoy herself, but he still wasn’t as sold on the idea as Y/n, not quite ready to let his guard down. It wasn’t exactly his idea of fun to sit out in the open an easy target for whatever lurked in the shadows, but it made her happy, happier than he’d seen her in years and he figured it was more than worth stepping out of his comfort zone. So long as they made it out in one piece. Following her further into the clearing to one of the giant oaks where she dropped her things he slipped his bag off his shoulder.
“Okay, so first thing’s first- set up camp..” She expressed with an elated and genuine smile, he hadn’t seen her smile like that in so long that it made the two hour hike worth it in an instant and it made his heart skip a beat. They unpacked quickly and made short work of setting up the tent, even though he mostly just watched Y/n put it together providing a helping hand and moral support where he could. Theoretically he knew how to set up a tent- it was simple, but in practicality and having never set one up himself, it proved another story; there were tarps and poles, and stakes and zippers. Instead he put offered to put together logs for a fire.
Y/n knew what she was doing and had no complaints about setting up mostly on her own. It took her back to a time when she was younger, and less angry with the world, back when this was a regular outing for her and her old friends. Set-up put her in a contented place, but how could she not be with Sam looking at her like he was. Soon enough her focus shifted from him, busy humming to herself, bobbing her head happily to the music in her mind as she strung long bendy poles through slots in the canvas, he couldn’t recall a time he’d seen her do that.
Seeing her now in an element more intimate than any he’d ever seen at the bunker or on the road. There were glimpses of it, of her, behind the brave face they all put up daily, little peeks through the curtains to the girl behind. A girl who was in love with the stars who could sit out in the cold with nothing but a beer in her hands mesmerized until the sun began to peek over the horizon. A girl who could live in the trees and be content for the rest of her life, a whimsical and enchanting spirit who should have been something other than what she was. But what he saw there, the wiggle in her hips, and the light in her eyes was pure happiness. Clearly going camping was the right idea, even if it made him nervous, moments like that never lasted, not for them. Everything had an ending, and he knew one day they would too. Maybe it would be him holding onto her too tightly, maybe it would be because she could no longer find comfort in his arms. Maybe it would happen because they were just no longer the people they fell in love with, maybe it would be cut short by something with a price on their heads. The maybe’s drove him mad, and he found them thinking about them most often in the late night hours, her head resting on top of his chest, listening to her breathing. It kept him up like waking nightmares, where he’d pull her just a little closer, hold her a little tighter, breathe in the scent of her hair and commit the feel of her to memory. This he was searing into his brain, the tune she hummed, the sweetness in her face as she worked, the delightful prance in her step as she danced a little to her own music.
Sam pulled his bottom lip between his teeth as he studied her, wanting only to see that look on her face forever but knowing that simply wasn’t a realistic possibility so he’d have to be content with the now. Well as content as he could be sitting out in the open, in the middle of nowhere like bait. But he’d packed for a just-in-case scenario.
The tent was set up, sleeping bags and blankets unfurled, a small bonfire waiting to be lit and the first beer of the evening cracked open.
“Okay, so what now?” He asked taking a bottle from her as she found a place on the ground beside him, his hand coming to rest heavy and warm on her bare thigh. The sun started to set, igniting the sky in a brilliant blaze of pink and orange and red, turning everything golden with evening hue. Y/n dropped her head against his shoulder letting out a satisfied sigh, and he pressed his lips into her hair, allowing himself to relax just enough to appreciate the majesty of just being there with her, and watching the show in the sky over the lake. Just another perfect moment he’d play on repeat in his head forever hoping she would too, and it would be enough to keep her just a little longer, to push that deadline for the back just a little further.
“Now we do whatever we want.” She said with a grin, nudging into his shoulder. “Oh! We can go for a walk, there’s supposed to be an old summer camp not too far from here, hasn’t been used in like thirty-some years. Might find something neat stashed away in there.”
“I’m game.” He answered but neither of them went to move immediately, instead opting to enjoy the ambiance and the sunset for just a while longer, long enough to finish their beers. The flaming red and peach sky slowly began to paint royal purple and blue, and with the sun gone so was the summer warmth, giving way to a chilly autumn breeze.
Y/n tugged a light jacket over her shoulders relishing in the weather still warm enough for shorts, but cool enough for an added layer. It was simply another one of her favorite things and filled her to the brim, she couldn’t have hid the giant smile on her face if she tried. Sam pulled his pistol from his backpack as he watched the grin on her face spread like wildfire and wondered if her smile was a reflection of who she was before. Before she was sucked into the life. Genuine smiles, and pleasure were a rare commodity, they weren’t afforded these little moments of bliss anymore. They had seen and done, and been a part of too much.
“So you really enjoy this camping stuff, huh?” Sam inquired as he tucked the gun into his waistband.
“Yeah, I used to own a whole lot more than this stuff too. And this is my favorite time of the year to go. The air just smells different like its electric and you can just feel it in your bones.” Y/n explained her excitement bubbling over and spilling into her voice. Then she cocked her head and looked at him quizzically. “Wait- did you bring a gun?”
“What? No.” Suddenly he was caught like a deer in the headlights sputtering through his answers. “Yes.” Shaking her head she walked over to his pack and unzipped it to find an arsenal. Salt, salt rounds, a sawed-off, silver and iron bullets, holy water, a silver knife, and her tiny handgun, everything they’d need for whatever came out of the woodwork. Turning  her eyes from his bag to his face, who could only look at her like a kid being caught with a dirty magazine, guilty, and embarrassed, she let out a delighted and amused laugh.
“I didn’t expect you to come naked but don’t you think this is a bit overkill for a three day vacation? I mean, it’s just a campsite, Sam. There’s plenty of empty woods out there.”
“That’s just not our luck, and there’s no harm in being prepared. I brought yours too.” He answered matter-of-factly, reaching in he picked up her pistol and offered it to her. Zipping his pack up she grinned, and traded him a flashlight for her gun. It was just another little thing that she loved about him, his strategic mind and a contingency plan for every possible outcome; it made her feel safe and secure with him, knowing that whatever was thrown their way he had her back, and with Sam at her side she could face anything. She tucked her gun into her the waistband of her jean shorts and turned on her flashlight bringing it to her face.
“Okay Venkman, are you ready to go check out the spooky camp?” Y/n snarked, Sam rolled his eyes and extended a hand for her to lead the way.
“After you, Spengler.”
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The further into the abandoned Summer Camp grounds they walked the more familiar it seemed to Sam. His brow knit in thoughtful confusion as he stopped in his tracks his flashlight scanned around him. Y/n turned not hearing the crunching of ground behind he anymore, when her light landed on his face she frowned.
“What is it?” If he felt there was something wrong she’d believe it in an instant, when a Winchester flinched- you fucking flinched too.
“I feel like I’ve been here before.”
“You’ve been to a sleep-away camp? Did your underwear get strung up a flagpole?” She inquired teasing him with a puckish grin and cocked brow, receiving nothing but a bitch face and a quick shake of his head.
“No! “
“Okay! Just asking!” She put her hands in the air defending herself, but the sly grin was still present on her face. That satisfied shit-eating-grin never failed to make him want to take her small frame, slam her up against a wall and tease her as much as she did him. Usually he might have were it not for the distinct nagging feeling in the back of his head.
“Where’d you say we are?”
“Uhhh… Diamond Lake? No,” she tapped her cheek searching for the right name in the archives of her brain. ”Oh- Crystal Lake!”
“Camp Crystal Lake?”
“Yeah? Is there something you know that I don’t?”
“No, I just… I could have sworn I’ve been here before.” He answered still conflicted and unsure, unable to put his thumb on exactly what it was, but brushing it off knowing he’d never heard of it before. Y/n strode to him and took his hand in hers with a squeeze, pulling him back to the current moment, a sweet smile painted on her perfect lips.
“You wanna check out some of the cabins, see if we can’t jog your memory.” She suggested with a mischievous look.
“Or we could go back to the tent and you could show me how to properly roast a marshmallow.” He offered instead.
“Why Sam Winchester, I’m surprised at you. If I didn’t know better I’d say you were scared.”
“Pfft… I’m not scared. But I’ve seen how this movie ends- it’s all fun and games until a some guy in a hockey mask  comes out of the ground and tries to kill us.” He answered good-humored, her brow furrowed taken a little aback by his response.
“Wow. That. Was oddly specific, Sam. It’s also the plot of every Slasher movie ever.” Y/n grinned turning on her heel to comply with his request to go back and toast some marshmallows, which admittedly was a much better idea than sloughing it through some dusty old cabins. Fingers laced in his she continued on her train of thought.“Y’know, If something were to happen I’m thinking more Evil Dead or Cabin in the Woods, less Michael Meyers or that other guy with the machete and the mommy issues.”
“Right, Necronomicon, that’s a much better alternative.”
“Hey, ghosts, ghouls and demons I can handle that’s a regular Friday for me. But if you’re right, you can handle the hulking-psycho-murder-machine. Besides babe, I’m sure you’d just look so good doing it too.” She teased. “Oh I can practically see it now.”
“You’re a regular comedian.”
“I’m serious, you could be in one of those movies, you’d kick it’s ass.” Y/n winked at him, and he shook his head, rolling his eyes, an undeniable heat blushing his cheeks at her compliments.
“Well thanks. You’d make one bad-ass Final Girl yourself.” He offered in response pulling her to his side and draping an arm around her shoulders. A proud and flattered grin crossed her face.
“Why Samuel, you just know exactly what to say to a girl, don’t you?”
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Maybe he wasn’t so great at setting up a campsite, but a fire he could do in his sleep. There was no telling how many he’d lit growing up, most of them on purpose but there were numerous times that he and Dean found themselves getting in trouble for being curious little pyromaniacs. The bag Y/n was struggling with finally popped open as he took a spot next to her on the blanket. She speared a marshmallow with a long, thin silver pole and handed one to him, before putting hers over the open flame.
“So my two favorite ways to get a perfectly gooey marshmallow are to either catch it on fire and let it burn enough to blacken and caramelize the outside just enough that you can pull the shell off and the inside is all melty and hot and squishy.” She explained, as she took his hand guiding him to the perfect spot, and he was fixated on her face, lighting up with the flickering fire and beautiful. “Or, you can just hold it over the flame until it’s nice and golden brown.”
Fishing through one of her packs she pulled out a chocolate bar and pack of graham crackers, and two more beers. She cracked one hand handed it to him trading his silver pole for it, the marshmallow on the end catching fire. Pulling it away from the open fire and closer to her face she watched it for a few more seconds until it bubbled black on the edges and blew out the flame. Then she pulled on the charred part the whole outside shell coming off smoothly leaving the soft sticky center. Sandwiching the marshmallows with chocolate and cracker she squished it all together and handed it to Sam. It was sweeter than he was used to, the kind of sweet that could make your teeth hurt, but there was no denying that it was a deliciously decadent treat.
“Wow!” He approved, and she beamed ear to ear.
“Can’t believe you’ve never had one before.” Y/n said popping the top off of her bottle, and making her own S’more. “I remember making these every single time we went camping. It was kind of a special thing we only did went we went, I mean it’s not like we had a whole lot of reason to make them otherwise. Too messy for any other occasion.”
“You used to go with family?”
“Mhmm, used to take a trip once a year to Skyline in the Blue Ridge Mountains. And then when I was in college my friends and I would go practically every other weekend until it got too cold.” Y/n answered. There was a tinge of sadness there, she didn’t speak of her past much, no family left that she knew of. But she would find herself wondering if any remaining friends from her past thought about her, or wondered what happened to her like she did them, too afraid to go find out for herself lest she bring danger to their doorsteps. Things were different now anyway, she had a family with Sam and Dean and Cas now, and that was enough for her.
Sam cleared his throat, he hadn’t wanted to trigger her into taking a sad walk down memory lane, he wanted that beautiful smile back on her face. So he turned eyes up to the sky now dark and captivating with billions of glittering lights.
“There’s Aquarius.” He pointed, her attention following the length of his arm, a grin returning to her lips.
“The red one in Libra is Mars.”
They talked Astronomy for more than an hour, and the fire began to die out but they didn’t care. The chill set in and Y/n curled into Sam’s side, and he held her there tight, her head resting against his shoulder grateful that he just radiated heat. They continued to direct each other to a new constellation, or planet, or shooting star, until the fire had shrunk to practically nothing, serving now only as a source of light.
“Thank you for coming out here with me.” She stated turning her head towards him, breath catching in her throat at the sight of the small fire casting dramatic shadows over his angular features. Sam’s pink lips curling into a smile carving a dimple in his cheek as she tucked a long loose strand of brunet behind his ear. Fingertips tracing a line down his jaw and along the cords in his throat coming to rest at his clavicle. Sam’s large hand slipped around her neck resting at the base of her skull, pulling her close and pressing a kiss to her soft lips.
“I love you.” He whispered into her mouth. Y/n pulled away to look him in the eye, her own surprised and suspended in disbelief. They had told each other in many different way that they loved one another. In fresh cups of coffee, in small touches, in sharing meals and drinks, and laughs. They said I love you by telling each other to be safe, by stitching them back up and taking care of each other. They said I love you without saying the words, having only said them less than a handful of times their entire lives. It was the first time he’d said it out loud to someone other than his brother or Bobby, and she knew that. He was taking a risk saying it, he knew she loved him too, but she was just as battle hardened as he was and he’d never heard her say it, not to anyone, reserving it only to the confines of her mind, and he wasn’t expecting her to say it then. But when he was looking at her in awe, like she was the Sun and the Moon and all of the Stars in the sky…
“I love you.” Y/n answered, throwing her arms around his neck, locking him in a passionate kiss as she threw him off balance and he landed on his back, taking her with him.
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simone-garnett · 7 years
Title: you make a mess of me Pairing: jarchieronnie Word count: 1750
They are sickeningly sweet the couple in front of him, cuddling with each other throughout the movie, sharing a coke and popcorn. They sit  in the back of a truck, Andrews Construction glaringly obvious on the side of the vehicle. They whisper to each other all night, laughing at the other’s jokes, exchanging kisses in the starlight, ignoring the film in front of them. 
It was distracting him from the movie and, in all honesty, that was the most disgusting part of it all.
The movie is over and with some anger he realises that he missed the entire thing, focussing on them instead. He fumes, a smirk of victory as they pack up and drive away, leaving him and his drive-in theatre alone. The way it should be. 
And he thinks it's over, thinks that his life will return to normal, that he will have his home to himself again.
But he doesn't, because the very next Friday night they are there again, coke and popcorn with them.
They cover themselves up with a blanket, he notices this time, preparing for the cooler night. They still lean into each other, his arm wrapped around her shoulder, fingers playing with the tips of her raven hair. She steals the popcorn, kissing the other guy in apology when he grumbles about there being none left, and apparently that's all that was needed for forgiven. It's ridiculous and cheesy and he hates them for stealing his place of isolation, his home. He hates them because they seem so happy and in love and are shoving it into his face. He hates them because they are so distracting, each and every movie forgotten the moment he hears his deep chuckle, sees her smile.
(He hates them because he is jealous, he wants to be one of them, kissing the other,
but he isn't sure which.)
The days and hours approaching the next Friday night were spent in dread, a mantra repeated over and over that they weren't coming, they weren't coming,  they weren't coming. He almost convinces himself of it, tugging his beanie over his ears as his friends call him out on his distracted state. He smiles and grins, laughing it off with them, and for a moment, his heart feels a little lighter.
It doesn't last long.
They are there before he is.
He would have sworn they would have gotten bored of the concept of a drive-in movie theatre, but even the most brilliant of minds can be so terribly wrong. And when they start the Alfred Hitchcock collection, a different movie every Friday night, he knows that they are there to stay.
The idea of scaring them away floats through his mind; they seem so prim and proper, so unlike the Southside where he resides, that the idea of others, of people like him, being rowdy and annoying should be a deterrent. So he approaches them, sitting nearby. He tells himself it is to scare them away, but he fails and fails miserably, so distracted by the redness of the boyfriend's hair - a different hue in this light, so distracted by her maroon lipstick and smoky eyes that draw you in, dangerous and seductive and he didn't realise how deep he was, not until they caught him staring at them. There was an awkwardness in the air, the boy meeting his gaze, refusing to look away, the girl not curling into her boyfriend hiding, but turning and watching him back.
But they don't threaten him,
they simply stare.
The movie becomes background noise, the couple discovering his presence, his existence, for the first time since they started coming to his theatre. And what worries him is the interest in their gaze, the curiosity. The lust. He breaks eye contact first, turning to watch the movie, fully aware of how their eyes never leave him, not once.
He needs reinforcements.
The guys from Southside High are the logical choice, his friends laughing as they hear him grumble about the couple who came into his theatre. They agree to come, and he feels victorious as the couple look up from their spot to see him in the midst of the crowd, a satisfied grin on his face.
(he didn't realise that the feeling of victory would be this hollow, not when they look at him with sadness, with disappointment. It leaves him unsettled, and he is more distracted then ever before.)
The next week he thinks of apologising and dismisses the thought almost immediately.
The next week they aren't there.
Their presence had always been so distracting, but the lack of it - it drives him insane. Psycho plays in the background, but he can't bring himself to enjoy the thriller, the words more a buzz in his ears then anything else. He would normally quote it along with the movie, would watch mouth falling open as the cinematic masterpiece plays before him. But now,
but now.
Now there is nothing, an empty parking lot where a truck should be, a movie where the credits were rolling before he processed that the film had ever started. He doesn't remember the film, doesn't remember getting home or going to bed.
He only remembers that they weren't there,
they left him.
He won.
And oh, how bitter that victory was now he realised he wanted them there.
Now he realised he wanted them.
He contemplates not going to the next movie, a coldness settling inside at the thought of them not being there. He goes though, some ember of hope flickering in the darkness that was his mind.
It's for nought, the parking lot empty.
He situates himself in the spot next to where they usually park, placing a wooden chair instead of a car, his body more sensitive to the cold, shaking as he realises he should have grabbed a sweater.
But ten minutes into the film, ten minutes into him staring into the parking spot they had always used, imagining that they were there and laughing and being a nuisance, being his nuisance, he hears the crunch of gravel, hears a running engine. And he hates himself more than he hates himself in that moment, his heart leaping at the sound. He wants to turn his head, to see if it is the truck he's imagining it to be, afraid of the disappointment when it isn't.
But then her voice rings out loud and clear, and he can't stop himself, doesn't think of trying.
And sure enough, the vehicle is there, the girl getting out, food in her hands, the boy grabbing the blanket before the girl jumps into the open back.He stares at her in wide-eyed wonder, not quite certain he hasn't hallucinated their presence here. But then there is a body in the path of his vision.
"I'm Archie," the guy says, stopping before him, a dimpled grin on his face. "That's Ronnie over there. Well, Veronica,” he amends. “Hope you don't mind us coming late." He swallows deeply, shaking his head as he watches that smile, that damn smile, spread across the guy's face, shoulders relaxing. "Oh good, we know how much you love this place, we always see you here -" He cuts himself off, cheeks turning red, hand rising to awkwardly rub the back of his neck. "And yeah, good seeing you." The girl laughs, open and free, and he isn't sure whose laugh he likes more. They settle down, Archie joining Veronica on the truck, resuming their normal spots. He catches Archie's eyes a few times, and he tells himself he is shaking because of the cold, but he knows that isn't the case.
"Are you okay down there?" she asks, watching him like he had been watching them.
"Why don't you just join us ?" she says dryly, sliding into the lap of her boyfriend and patting the spot next to them. "Can't have you dying of hypothermia now can we?"  He wants to scoff, to laugh at her in derision, but then she is waving the popcorn bucket towards him, and he knows how much she hates sharing that.
And let it be said that Jughead Jones III never turned his back on free food when offered to him.
He sits with them, body rigid, chewing on the food. But then she throws her feet over his lap, the guy putting his arm around his shoulders like it were a normal, everyday occurrence. They pull the blanket over all three of them, and he finds the he likes this (he likes them). Soon he is relaxing against Archie, Jughead’s hands rubbing Veronica’s calves, grinning as she moans, quietly pleading with him to not stop, never stop.
So he doesn’t, instead sliding his hands a little higher. Archie raises an eyebrow, eyes sparkling as he sees what Jughead is doing. Jughead shrugs in response, a small smile playing on his lips, a challenge in his eye for Archie to do something, anything. 
He doesn’t expect the redhaired boy to grab him by the shirt and pull him into a kiss. He doesn’t expect it, but it’s welcome all the same. He can taste the chocolate they had before arriving, Archie’s mouth sweet and delectable and he wants more. They pull away slightly breathless, Veronica’s eyes dark as she watches them.
“And what about me?” she questions, already leaning forward, meeting Jughead midway. She is more direct than Archie, teeth nipping at his bottom lip, tongue sweeping into his mouth. She moans against his lips and he is dimly aware of Archie’s hands wandering up her body, of Archie’s mouth on her neck. He is very aware of how much it turns him on, of just how badly he wants it - wants them both. Veronica pulls away with a gasp, head flung back as Archie finds a sensitive spot on her neck, and she is pleading with him to stop, whimpering when he does.
“This -” Archie starts, his chest heaving, a healthy flush on his cheeks. “Are you okay with this?” And his concern is touching, but Jughead was a Southsider, and if there was one thing they cherished above all, it was their bond with each other. He nods mutely, a smile as they both relax, shoulders dropping, smiles on both their faces.
“Next week?” he rasps, surprised by the turn of events, but enjoying them considerably all the same.
“Next week.”
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Shadow of the Stars
A Captain America and Winter soldier story
Jaylin Rogers has always struggled with being the daughter of Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, mostly because of her lack of freedom. After a failed attempt to do something about this, her life is changes forever when a shadow from her father’s past returns to haunt her.  
Chapter One
@skeletoresinthebasement @38leticia @purplekitten30 @fetalpositionokay @lokiyoulittle @all-hail-the-fandom @fanfictionreblog @chipilerendi @xxpurpledragonxx --------------------------------------------------------------
The morning after my great nightly promise, I woke up because dad tried to move his arm away and failed in keeping me asleep. ‘Sorry,’ he mumbled when he realised my eyes had opened. ‘It’s okay.’ With my arms stretched across the soft mattress, I arched my back like a cat, feeling stiff muscles sigh and shriek at the same time. ‘I wanted to make something of today, anyway.’ ‘Really?’ Dad seemed pleased, despite the darkness underneath his eyes. ‘You’re gonna draw? Or do you want me to ask Tony if he still got those hologram-things you used to love?’ ‘Dad!’ I exclaimed, chuckling as I remembered the special holograms Tony had made when I wouldn’t stop eating play dough. Dad had been extraordinarily frustrated, even though it had been nontoxic and made for children. ‘I was like three!’ ‘I know,’ Dad stroked my hair, just as he’d always done when I was little. His eyes were soft and his expression open, ‘but I think he’s been upgrading them – it can do sculpting and painting and all sorts of stuff.’ ‘Really?’ I liked the sound of that; despite the fact I preferred pencils above everything else, I loved trying new art forms. A long lost sensation arose within me: excited curiosity. I marvelled at its return while I lay on my belly to grab my bed slippers from the floor, so my feet wouldn’t get cold. ‘Is he trying to take over the art supply world?’ I joked with a muffled voice. ‘No, he just wanted to make you something nice. Here.’ Due to my sluggish motions while searching for my footwear, dad had already gotten the chance to walk around the bed and handing me the slippers I was looking for. ‘You seem surprised,’ dad smiled. ‘You don’t believe he would make something for you?’ ‘Sure I do,’ I replied quickly, masking the jolt I had indeed felt at this revelation, ‘I just didn’t know he thinks me old enough to switch from playdough to the adult stuff.’
After a nice breakfast of pancakes and a gorgeous view of the early morning New York skyline, I made my way down to Tony’s labs, knowing he spent like 99% of his waking time in there. Seeing how he usually spent no more than 20% of his time sleeping, there was barely any chance I wouldn't find him there. As expected, he was playing with some fancy new electronic bits for one of his suits, or possibly an upgraded coffeemaker; with Tony you could never be entirely certain. When he heard me come in he looked up, grinning instantly. ‘Hey, Jay, what brings you here?’ I shrugged. ‘Dad mentioned some neat arty things you were working on?’ ‘Oh, you’re talking about the JAM?’ Carelessly, he threw away his screwdriver and moved away from his project. I followed him, very aware of the stuff sprawled across the floor. ‘JAM?’ ‘Jay’s Art Machine,’ Tony explained, rummaging through the mess on his workstations. There seemed to be a lot of unfinished products, and I wondered how many of those could change the world, if only Tony didn't have so many ideas, as well as some structure in his life. Gently, I pushed away a heap of metal parts, clearing a little space, and hopped onto the worktop. ‘Don’t you think simulator would’ve been better,’ I commented slyly. Tony smirked. ‘Yeah, but JAM sounds cooler. Besides, I first wanted to call it “The apparatus to stop the clay monster”, but that didn’t have quite the same ring to it.’ He looked up, his dark eyes glimmering. I stuck out my tongue before I replied indignantly, ‘I was a toddler, Tony!’ ‘I know,’ he grinned. ‘I told Steve a little clay wouldn’t hurt anybody. He’d rather not take the risk. So, to stop your frustrated crying, I gave you a little something to do.’ He held up a small metal pot, shimmering silver, which I vaguely remembered. ‘I kept it, so all it needed was a little upgrade.’ He showed another three of the same pods, and one slightly bigger one. Then he took a thin, smooth tablet, and with everything stacked in his arms, he told me to come along. Apparently, the living room would be more suitable for a demonstration. ‘It’s too messy, here,’ he explained. ‘Well, I’m glad you are aware,’ I grinned.
Back in the living room, Tony set up the four little pods in a square, with the bigger one in the middle. ‘If these lights are green, there’s a good distance between them. If they’re orange, it’s still possible, but not optimal. Red means they’re too far apart,’ Tony informed me. ‘You can sculpt in the middle, like so.’ A tall block of marble appeared above the coffee table, which changed colours when Tony dragged his finger across the tablet’s screen.   ‘But,’ the inventor continued, ‘you can also paint an entire room, or redecorate it, if you want.’ The walls started to flicker with different hues and patterns. ‘Here’s a library with textures and colours and shapes,’  he handed me the tablet, ‘and you can pick the mode you want to work in. That’s it, I think.’ Speechless, I stared at the technologies in my hands. I turned it around and saw the name engraved in swirly letters; “Jay’s Art Machine.” ‘That’s it…’ I repeated incoherently. ‘That’s it…’ I shook my head. ‘Seriously, Tony. I- just- gee… thank you. It’s incredible!’ Tony was smiling at me when I looked back up. There was no trace of smugness - which, honestly, would have been appropriate, seeing the awesomeness of the creation - only a happy contentment. ‘I take it you like it.’ ‘I take it you have put too much effort in this, Tony. Wasted so many hours you could’ve spend saving the world.’ But I was smiling, secretly glad he put those hours into making this. ‘Saving the world becomes such a boring thing once you’ve done it a dozen times. I appreciate a good challenge.’ Tony shrugged, as if it was nothing. As if it wasn’t everything. As if it was obvious he should prefer making something for me instead of the entire planet. ‘Damn it, Tony,’ I sighed, ‘you’re supposed to be annoying…’ With arched eyebrows he gave me an uncharacteristic piercing and comprehensive look. ‘Am I supposed to, or is that how you see me?’ ‘Wha-’ embarrassingly, the latter was probably true. My cheeks flushed with the realisation, and the shame about my former attitude. Then Tony winked. ‘Though I have to admit, I have teased you in the past. I hope this can make up for it?’ ‘O, for God’s sake, Tony!’ I cried out, and hugged him. ‘I should do this more often,’ Tony chuckled, ‘I usually don’t get such a response when I make something.’ ‘You usually aren’t out of your workspace to see people’s reactions,’ I pointed out. Tony padded the back of my head. ‘You’re right. And I must be getting back; my androids are missing me.’ I stepped back and looked up at him. ‘You’re a weirdo, you know that?’ Tony gave a weird little bow. ‘It’s in the job description.’
‘So…’ I muttered to myself, looking at the thin tablet I’d just been gifted, ‘let’s get down to business, shall we?’ First, however, I moved everything to my own room, so I wouldn’t be an inconvenience to anyone. Besides, I would have more privacy there. When everything was properly set up again, I mused what I would do. I didn’t really have much  inspiration, so I just started playing around with the many features on the device. The walls became a whizzing whirlpool of colour, until they became a subtle, soft tint of blue, which reminded me of something. Ah, yes: my old room. The one in the white house, hidden in the woods. The one I had run from, and started this mess. From that moment on, my hands started to move all by themselves, scrolling through pages of previews of textures, colours, patterns. But the walls weren’t good enough, I also tried to find the perfect furniture; the closet I remembered, the desk scribbled with coloured pens from when I was a child, and of course the bed I’d lain in. Yet, it still missed something. Thus, I let the virtual ceiling come down, took an old paintbrush so I could have something in my hand, and started painting. I often closed my eyes, just to see the picture in my head I was trying to replicate. When I was finished, the night's sky looked descent enough, though wasn’t nearly as pretty as the one dad had painted for me in our home. Satisfied, I let the ceiling up again and sat down on my bed. I looked around, looking at the safe and familiar surroundings. Especially the stars dad had painted when I was a kid were something I’d missed since moving here. Their familiarity was just so comforting. I stiffened. Wait. Familiar surroundings… An idea started forming in my head, bit by bit. I could make him feel better. If only he wouldn’t feel so threatened, he might start listening. Finally, I thought, hope rising inside me, I might have found a way.
Chapter Nineteen
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