#(builders keep talking to me i don't know what to tell them)
fencesandfrogs · 2 years
anxiety going wild today boys
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blockgamepirate · 2 months
Here are some suggestions I have for QSMP, that nobody asked for and that nobody involved with the server is going to actually see anyway (but I can't stop thinking about this so I have to write something down)
This is me trying to be constructive instead of just critical, because I do love this server and I want it to be sustainable
I guess this is vaguely addressed to either Quackity and/or to whoever is leading the team, idk, like I said they aren't gonna read a random tumblr post so who cares
And yes, obviously I'm sure some of the things in this post are already being improved on, I just think it's still worth listing them
1: Better communication all around
Especially within the admin team obviously, including the actors and builders and everyone, but also between the admin team and the streamers! And between the admin team and the audience as well!
I promise more communication almost always helps things work out more smoothly than keeping people out of the loop or not talking to each other, or worse; actively banning people from talking to each other
This includes being more open and reconsidering which things actually need to be kept secret and from whom, because if people don't know what to expect, they're not going to know how to prepare either! And they also won't be able to let you know about potential problems ahead of time!
The streamers and the actors and other team members as well should at the very least know about stuff that's going to affect their schedule and to have some idea of the kinds of things they're gonna be expected to do. If you just suddenly throw stuff at them and expect them to be immediately ready to cooperate or play along, that's just gonna cause frustration and burnout
I would also worry less about spoilers than about backlash when people expect one thing and get something completely different; you can in fact give a bit more hints so people don't get the wrong idea and end up disappointed
(And on the other hand if you have secrets that you can't talk about because they would lead to a big controversy if they were revealed uh.... maybe don't do the thing? Maybe simply don't do the controversial thing that you can't let people know about, consider it. If you feel like something you're doing would make people mad if they knew, that thing might in fact be a problem)
2: Show your respect for everyone involved in the project
Respect people's time, respect their ability to cooperate (AS LONG AS YOU TELL THEM WHAT'S GOING ON), listen to their ideas and concerns, etc. This is honestly also part of communicating better but it's an important part
Respecting and also demonstrating your respect for your team is so crucial as a leader, and it genuinely goes a long way even when you have very little else to give them
In fact I think often people would even appreciate respect more than they would appreciate money (although it has to be genuine respect, not just empty words; hence why I say you need to demonstrate your respect with your actions)
3: Have a more collaborative mindset
Think of all the members of the team and the streamers as partners rather than as employees or as customers; this is a collaborative creative project, not a business
As much as this started out as one man's passion project, there's no way to do something this ambitious other than as a team effort, including the actors, including the streamers, so it's just much healthier for everyone to think of it as such
Also it's just better for the stated goals of the server as well, because it's all about bringing people together and what better way to bring everyone together than to make them feel like they're part of a team?
4: That said, you don't actually need to drop all the admin driven lore, that's not what I'm saying orz
Just because I want the streamers to be more involved doesn't mean I think they should also be planning all the lore, that's just not necessary
pls do get a proper gamemaster on the team, though, someone who has experience running a LARP type of thing or at least a TTRPG campaign. That would help so much, and I bet you could ask Cellbit or Bagi or Charlie if they could recommend anyone
Honestly I could probably make a whole post just about how to run the admin driven lore better, but getting yourself an experienced gamemaster would be so much better than any specific advice I could give
5: If you're gonna have volunteers, you need to treat them like volunteers, not like employees
You have to respect the fact that volunteers are not subordinates, they're here to help you, not to be ordered around, banned from talking to people, judged for their availability, or made to sign weird NDAs
They're offering their labour for free because they care about the project or because they enjoy what they do, and they deserve to be appreciated for it, not policed and bossed around (not that you should treat actual employees with that kind of hostility either tbh)
Having volunteers is not necessarily the problem (at least as long as you're not using them to make a profit), it's treating volunteers as unpaid employees, because then you pretty much do just have unpaid employees instead of volunteers
Okay, finally the big one:
6: Consider running QSMP as a cooperative
I know this is Quackity's baby and a Quackity Studios' project, but the thing is, I don't think this model is sustainable
I mean, we already know it isn't sustainable, that's why we're in this mess
As far as I can tell, Quackity Studios is not making any profit from the server, there's no way the revenue from the admin streams and the QSMP Info channel would be enough to cover all the costs if people were paid decently (in fact I don't think it's even enough to cover the costs without paying everyone decently)
This sort of arrangement, with one party running the whole thing out of pocket, makes sense if it's either a very low maintenance server which doesn't cost much and doesn't require much work to keep running, or a very short-term one, more like an event type of thing
QSMP is neither of those, QSMP is both very high maintenance and has been running for almost a full year
I think there's absolutely value in having an ambitious long term project like this, it's very cool, it's very hype, but this is not a good way to run it
And it's especially bizarre considering that people do make money out of it, but the people making money are the streamers
So I would suggest taking some tips from the Hermitcraft SMP server which is run as a collective. Obviously Hermitcraft is much lower maintenance but their model is also much more robust, because there isn't just one person who has to take responsibility for everything, or pay for everything
It would also encourage the spirit of international cooperation to have the streamers literally be part of the server, not just as guests but as partners, so they could have a say in how the server is run and be more invested in the project
(At least those streamers who want to be involved, of course I realise some of them might choose not to)
This would require regular meetings, but I think that's also a good thing, and an opportunity to also talk things through off-camera whenever any issues come up (better communication again!)
AND it would mean that the streamers should actually contribute to the server costs and paying the admins and other behind the scenes people. Probably based on their stream revenue from QSMP streams because obviously some of these streamers make more money than others (I would suggest a progressive membership fee (like progressive taxation style) to make sure that it's not more taxing for the smaller streamers than the bigger ones, but obviously it should all be agreed on between the members)
And IMO the admins, including the actors, the builders, the devs, the translators, etc. should also be considered partners, but since they don't make money directly, the way the streamers do, they should be the ones who are getting compensated for their contributions so they're better able to commit to the project, by which I mean yes you should pay them, but not as employees but as creative partners
Of course this is just one idea, I'm not saying it's necessarily the only good model by any means, it's just a suggestion, all of these are just suggestions
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jessequinones · 1 month
Writing Advice: Lore Chapters
I’m sure we've all read them before, an entire chapter dedicated to just lore, they aren’t normally fun to get through and you might even skip them (don’t worry, I won’t tell). However, despite the hatred for these chapters, why are they common? I think these chapters are common because we writers tend to get stuck in our lore and we forget what's important, and what's made just for us.
You see when creating a new story, there’s gonna be a lot of lore. However, much of the lore which gets created isn’t needed for the reader and trying to figure that out is a bit challenging. This all depends on how much of a world-builder you are. If world-building comes naturally, then you could create everything from the flora to the weather system which will help determine what your islands look like.
If world-building isn’t something you enjoy, then the lore you create might just be enough for your story but that’s it, however, there’s still gonna be lore that’s not necessary even if world-building isn’t your forte.
You’ll need beta reader's help to determine which part of the lore feels necessary and which feels filler but let’s continue.
Lore chapters are most of the time created as an afterthought. When a writer forgets to add in some lore, and they go back to a spot where it’ll be prevalent, stick it in the book and move on. You can figure out when this happened because if you skip these chapters, you won’t miss much. If you, the writer forgot to mention some lore, and none of your beta readers are confused, you probably don’t need to add in the lore if no one else asked for it.
Lore chapters also aren’t what people tend to care about when reading your story. In fact, from my point of view, people only start to care about the lore at certain points. One, if there are blatant lore mistakes. While reading a story for the first time, the reader will get a basic understanding of the lore. Just enough to follow the story, but not so much where they’re an expert. If there’s an obvious plot hole within the lore, they’ll notice and care about the lore a bit more as even from their basic understanding, some parts of it aren’t making sense.
Two, when they’re invested in your story. If you have dedicated fans, who read each of your books, talk about your books, make fan-fiction, art, etc. Those fans will start paying more attention to your story's lore. These fans are great, but sadly, don't make up the majority of your reader's base. These fans might not mind the lore dump chapters as they’re already invested so if you want to write for them, go all for it. If you still want to keep your average reader engaged you might want to change a few things and I got a few things you could try.
Spreading out your lore: This will take practice because it’s also easy to figure out when the author adds a paragraph of lore that can be easily skipped through. However, having lore sprinkled throughout your story will do a better job of keeping your readers engaged with your world, instead of having it all in one chapter.
Try to avoid big paragraphs of text: If you have a paragraph that takes nearly half of the page if not more, a lot of readers, myself included will probably skip over it. I’m not dyslexic, but I need separations in my paragraphs. Reading a wall of text does tend to make me start to blend words together and I won’t absorb anything. While there’s no rule on how big a paragraph should be, I’d try not to make mine no more than four sentences long, keep in mind a sentence can be as short as three words, or twenty.
(Now for a wall of text after I said I try to avoid them).
Try and explain the lore over multiple chapters: If it’s important to know the history of your story, and world, don’t put all of that history in one chapter, spread it out, and even retell it a few times to make sure there’s a better chance your readers will know what’s going on. While it’s the reader's fault, if they skip over sections of your story and get confused. They won’t blame themselves for what they did as they’ll believe they were justified in skipping parts of your story. I’m not saying you need to change how you write to appease these readers, but try having the lore be told in a few chapters might help. The best thing about this method is even for readers who don’t skip over lore chapters and would've read the same lore a few times now. They can skip over a section they already know and won’t have to worry about missing anything important because they already know it. This kind of writing is a bit more advanced as you have to juggle between people who skip lore chapters and people who don’t. Beta readers are great at figuring out where to cut or add your lore.
Make those chapters interesting: This might seem a bit harsh, but lore is history, and not everyone likes history. When they read lore, they're reading history and not what’s going on in the story. It doesn’t matter what kind of lore you have, or how important it is, if it feels dry compared to every other aspect of your story, people will skip it. Not to mention if it feels like the plot of your story gets halted in these chapters, people will skip them because they want to continue with the story. Beta readers are a great way to figure out where the lull is coming from and tell you what they found exciting leading up to the lore dump. You can figure out where to go from there. What I normally do is have character growth in between those lore chapters. Have the characters discover something about themselves, have a relationship grow, or even have it break during these sections. Just add something in the background to keep the reader engaged, but make it where they can’t skip over the lore because if they do that, they might skip something else.
Try not to have lore chapters near the end of your story: If your story is building up to fighting the big evil, and there’s a lore chapter just slapped in the middle...yeah, that's not great. Even if it’s really important. If the readers are gearing up for a fight, or whatever the ending is and it gets paused...readers won't be happy with it. These lore chapters are normally important because it’s where the main character will discover something that’ll change the outcome of the climax of the story...but if it’s halting the buildup, it doesn’t matter how important it is, people will skip. Think of it like riding a roller coaster, if the coaster is slowly reaching its highest point, you don’t want it to stop just before it gets there and have it explain to you the history of said coaster.
Overall, there are multiple ways of dealing with lore-heavy chapters, and again, beta readers are your friends. If you’re unsure if the lore chapter you have is needed or not, send out different versions of your text, one without the lore-heavy chapter and one without and see what the reaction you get. If the people who didn’t have the lore-heavy chapter were able to follow along just fine, but those who did have the lore chapter said they skipped over it and were still able to follow along, unless you really want to keep the lore, you probably don’t need it.
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epicfranb · 7 months
So. Mythical Sausage and Bdubs, huh. Mythdubs. You may have heard me talking about it, or maybe you haven't, since I'm so focused on ethubs (hope you will forgive me!! >.<) But truth is, i like them so much!!! And with the mcyt rarepair nominations opening up, i need to spread some MYTHDUBS PROPAGANDA!!! So here's a little messy "essay" i wrote about them. It's pretty much just recounting Canon, but maybe in the future i will write about how i personally see them in my own fanon. I want those guys to make it at least through round 1, so!!! If you are convinced by my rambling, you could maybe nominate them for me as well… 👉👈 Please, enjoy!!!
Bdubs is a Sun God, maybe just proclaimed that by Gem, but it doesn't matter since Sausage still worships him. Bdubs first thing calls him "mythy mythy sauce sauce" and continues to call him variations of Mythy and Saucy throughout their time together. and Sausage calls him "my sweet god". he (seemingly) throws away his faith in Pearl so easily to kiss Bdubs's bed and put on his sunglasses. Kissing the bed involves jumping up to Bdubs standing on two blocks, which lands Sausage's face right into Bdubs's Minecraft crotch and everybody in the room comments on that but Sausage just KEEPS KISSING HIM HE CAN'T STOP!!! Sausage showers him in like 18 green beds and gifts him a clock, which, as you may know, is a universal symbol of love to Bdubs.
Then Bdubs asks him to see Sanctuary and literally starts living there!! Sausage immediately showers him with gifts: wings, diamonds, netherite, Bdubs jokes "if i don't stop you, you're gonna give me the whole city!" and of course Sausage goes "would you like Sanctuary as well?? :D" They discuss recording kissing ASMR videos and creep Gem out with it.
He builds a giant sun overlooking all of Sanctuary in honor of Bdubs. But also Sausage puts Joel and Pearl above Bdubs in his god tier list, and then lies when Bdubs asks him about it and says it's just an order in which he met them. Bdubs knows Sausage is lying, IT'S OBVIOUS, but he can't be angry at him, he just wants to be higher on Sausage's tier list and he asks him what he would have to do to get there. Afterwards Bdubs sees the giant sun Sausage has built for him!! And he goes "oh... Oh... You built that for me? <...> That's so sweet. Can we see it up close?" HE SOUNDS SO TOUCHED!!! But Sausage, he is A LYING BASTARD so of course he twists the truth in such a way to gain a favor from Bdubs, he tells him that he felt guilty after saying that tier list and that's why he built that sun. CAN YOU SEE THE MIND GAMES BETWEEN THEM??? Bdubs knows Sausage is lying and tries to get his loyalty, not by shaming Sausage into it but by doing something for him that would convince Sausage — which shows Bdubs's selfless nature. But Sausage KNOWS Bdubs knows he's lying, but he doesn't stop, he lies again and he twists the truth and he wants to love everyone and be loved by everyone, even if it just means more lying and more people-pleasing. They make me insane sir. Two sides of the same coin.
So, in his typical Bdubs fashion, he tries to impress Sausage by standing on magma (which is part of the giant sun build), saying that it heals him (whilst it actively hurts him) because he's the Sun God!! And also of course to make him laugh, cuz that's Bdubs's love language, right?? :D So Sausage calls the sun The Eye of Bdubs, Bdubs says he's gonna use it to watch over Sanctuary, and over Sausage, to make sure he remains loyal; and Sausage says yes, watch over me!! I need your guidance! When Bdubs shrinks, Sausage calls him the cutest god, and Bdubs asks "are you still gonna worship me, even though I'm that small?"
After this in his own episode, Bdubs complains about Sausage's tier list and claims he's going to MAKE himself number one. He builds a beautiful Sun temple in Sanctuary, and you can already see how both of these builders use BUILDING to win over each other's hearts!! BUT AT THE SAME TIME they have a little back-and-forth going, where Sausage brags about ALWAYS doing interiors, clearly mocking Bdubs, so Bdubs leaves the interior of his temple for Sausage to figure out, and "it's a difficult puzzle, with weird rooms all over the place!" And whaddya know?? Sausage delivers. It's so mossy and colorful and overgrown, it's beautiful!!
And later on, Sausage assembles this magical staff from bits and pieces that his friends have given him, including a mushroom from Bdubs. And how he starts one of his episodes standing near the sun temple, talking about how much he misses his "god daddy" Bdubs and his beautiful giant eyes, how sad he is that Bdubs is now on Hermitcraft and he can't talk to him or see him???
And then he gets sent a piece of Bdubs's mossy cloak through dimensions, and he gets a new outfit with it that he wears for like the last 10 episodes or so of his series?? And on his very last episode, he manages to see Bdubs one last time... As a hologram, but still!! And Bdubs praises him for all the heroic deeds that he's done, and tells him to always embrace the light...
Sausage's connection with nature and Bdubs's ties with plants, moss and vines? Bdubs having a rich history with jungles and Sausage's empire being in a jungle? Sausage's empire connects with sunflowers because of Pearl, but it is a fun coincidence, because i have been also connecting Bdubs with sunflowers in my mind pretty strongly!! And both of their personalities, so expressive and warm and sunny!! They're so similar aren't they? Silly, fun-loving, kind and generous, but also a little bit chaotic and wild, amazing builders who are insanely loyal to their person of choice, who can't not compliment their friends All Of The Time, who are just so full of love for everything, always willing to help, but also not hiding their thirst for blood and liking for a little bit of chaos. They fit so well together!!! They're just. Two little guys full of happiness and love, who's favorite thing is to make people laugh.
I have much more to say, but this is all for now. Bye-bye! And please nominate mythdubs for me if you're convinced o7
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mariana-oconnor · 9 months
The Norwood Builder pt 2
Last time absolutely no one had any chill at all. We met a very excitable solicitor who had been told he was to inherit a substantial fortune, then framed for the murder of an old family friend (confirmation pending), all within 24 hours.
The body recovered had been burnt beyond recognition, which I only mention because my current theory is that the dead guy, whose name I cannot currently remember, had beef with the parents of the solicitor, and therefore faked his own death and framed their son in revenge.
It's a very convoluted plan, but as mentioned previously, everyone in this story is working at chill level -9000.
“My first movement, Watson,” said he, as he bustled into his frock-coat, “must, as I said, be in the direction of Blackheath.” “And why not Norwood?”
Because so far no one's actually inquired into what the connection between our young friend and his mysterious (and possibly dead) benefactor is.
Like, if the guy has faked his own death, but somehow dies over the course of this adventure in a way not connected to Mr McFarlane, would the will still be held as legally binding? Because that sounds just the right amount of karma for me to get behind.
Clearly in that case the will was not intended to be taken seriously, and also it was written up by the beneficiary, which is sus af, but still...
"No, my dear fellow, I don't think you can help me. There is no prospect of danger, or I should not dream of stirring out without you. I trust that when I see you in the evening..."
Guy gives up his job for you, and you just leave him at home like a sad little puppy.
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This probably means that he's about to learn something that would give the game away, so it must not be exposed to the reader through our narrator. Or something.
It was late when my friend returned, and I could see by a glance at his haggard and anxious face that the high hopes with which he had started had not been fulfilled.
Oh no. So he didn't discover anything important from the McFarlanes. No epic rivalry or previous vendetta.
“Yes, Watson, I went there, and I found very quickly that the late lamented Oldacre was a pretty considerable black-guard. The father was away in search of his son. The mother [...] would not express either surprise or regret over the fate of Oldacre. On the contrary, she spoke of him with such bitterness that she was unconsciously considerably strengthening the case of the police [...] ‘He was more like a malignant and cunning ape than a human being,’ said she, ‘and he always was, ever since he was a young man.’"
Oh... so that's exactly what I thought. The old guy was horrible, they all hated each other. He seems the exact kind of person to take revenge for an old slight by faking his own death and framing his 'enemy's' son. I don't know what you're talking about Holmes.
Also, if you're going to just relate to us what happened, moment by moment, why didn't Watson just go with him, ACD?
“‘Yes, I knew him well; in fact, he was an old suitor of mine. Thank Heaven that I had the sense to turn away from him and to marry a better, if a poorer, man.'"
That's your motive. Right there.
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"...she produced a photograph of a woman, shamefully defaced and mutilated with a knife."
That's creepy and exactly the stalker-like behaviour of a man who bears a grudge and who will absolutely take it out on your son decades later.
But whytf did you keep the photo? Just burn it.
"The blood-stains were very slight, mere smears and discolorations, but undoubtedly fresh."
So there's no real sign that someone was killed in that room, then?
"But it seemed to me that all the papers were not there. There were allusions to some deeds—possibly the more valuable—which I could not find."
Two theories: either they never existed or Mr Oldacre took them with him as he absonded.
"Mrs. Lexington is her name, a little, dark, silent person, with suspicious and sidelong eyes."
Three theories, the housekeeper took them.
"She could tell us something if she would—I am convinced of it. But she was as close as wax. Yes, she had let Mr. McFarlane in at half-past nine. She wished her hand had withered before she had done so. She had gone to bed at half-past ten. Her room was at the other end of the house, and she could hear nothing of what passed. Mr. McFarlane had left his hat, and to the best of her belief his stick, in the hall."
OK, so the police theory is Mr McFarlane left his stick in the hall, went in to see Mr Oldacre, came out to get his stick (specifically for the purposes of killing the man) then left the stick and went out again?
The real question is where is his hat? Did he leave that behind or did he take it with him, because if he had the opportunity to regain the stick for murderous purposes, then he had the opportunity to get his hat as well. No hat was mentioned at his first appearance, and Watson does like to describe a good hat, but he technically should have taken it off as soon as he entered the house.
Also, she's covering for the 'dead' guy. She knows he's not dead.
"I fear that the Norwood Disappearance Case will not figure in that chronicle of our successes which I foresee that a patient public will sooner or later have to endure.”
Tell us how you really feel, ACD.
Every time Holmes is dismissive of Watson's writing (or flat out insulting like he is here) I just see it as ACD projecting and it's a lot funnier.
“Surely,” said I, “the man's appearance would go far with any jury?” “That is a dangerous argument, my dear Watson. You remember that terrible murderer, Bert Stevens, who wanted us to get him off in '87? Was there ever a more mild-mannered, Sunday-school young man?”
oh my god. omg omgomg... is this... is this a passage in a Sherlock Holmes story that outright states that appearance is not linked to criminal behaviour?
Do my eyes deceive me?
Watson's still plumping for the physiognomic view, and yet shot down immediately.
"On looking over the bank-book I found that the low state of the balance was principally due to large cheques which have been made out during the last year to Mr. Cornelius."
That sounds like an...
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No, really. Oldacre is Cornelius, Cornelius is Oldacre. Everything makes sense now. He's been funnelling money into accounts under a different name so he can have funds when he takes on his new identity.
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The carpet round his chair was littered with cigarette-ends...
Really Holmes? That's just nasty. I'm sure you have an ashtray somewhere. Do you expect Mrs Hudson to pick those up?
“Important fresh evidence to hand. McFarlane's guilt definitely established. Advise you to abandon case. — Lestrade."
Lestrade, my guy, I'm pretty sure that's going to turn out to be evidence that definitely establishes McFarlane's innocence.
Oldacre won't have been able to resist doing his own little 'cock-a-doodle of victory' and he'll overplay his hand. Or he'll be playing the part of a tramp who 'saw the whole thing happen'.
"After all, important fresh evidence is a two-edged thing, and may possibly cut in a very different direction to that which Lestrade imagines."
Holmes and I are on the same page, it seems. Even if he hasn't caught up to my masterplan of Oldacre and Cornelius being one and the same.
I have known him presume upon his iron strength until he has fainted from pure inanition. “At present I cannot spare energy and nerve force for digestion,” he would say in answer to my medical remonstrances.
Between this and the cigarette butts I'm just...
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Within the gates Lestrade met us, his face flushed with victory, his manner grossly triumphant. “Well, Mr. Holmes, have you proved us to be wrong yet? Have you found your tramp?” he cried.
OK, now Lestrade has also lost his cool... we are all dramatic bitches in this story. No one is free from it.
Calm down, Lestrade. I'm sure you've been through moments like this before where you thought you'd beaten him but hadn't. In fact, I know you have because I've read some of them. Just take a deep breath and count backwards from 100.
"Step this way, if you please, gentlemen, and I think I can convince you once for all that it was John McFarlane who did this crime.”
I bet you a shiny new sixpence that you can't.
“This is where young McFarlane must have come out to get his hat after the crime was done,” said he.
OH MY GOD, It's the fucking hat. Did he have a hat?
Well, it's a fingerprint. Which wouldn't be accepted as evidence in the British court system until 1901. This story is set in 189? although it was published in 1903. So Lestrade is actually ahead of his time here. This is Cutting Edge Victorian crime fighting, people. Lestrade is a modern, forward-thinking law enforcement officer.
As he held the waxen print close to the blood-stain it did not take a magnifying glass to see that the two were undoubtedly from the same thumb.
Very impressive eyesight everyone has to be able to accurately compare and identify a thumbprint with the naked eye so quickly. My guys you are killing it with your perception rolls. And people say that the police in the Sherlock Holmes stories aren't very perceptive.
“What a providential thing that this young man should press his right thumb against the wall in taking his hat from the peg!"
I need to know if he even took his hat. Because if his own story is to be believed, then he went out the back way and left hat and cane behind. So if he didn't have his hat then this is clearly evidence he's been framed.
Admittedly, having the wherewithal to fake fingerprints when they're not even a legally accepted piece of evidence yet is some high level framing. Pity you wasted it on the hat story.
“It was the housekeeper, Mrs. Lexington, who drew the night constable's attention to it.”
Not suspicious at all. Look at this perfect bloody thumbprint that you missed. Right next to the hat that I absolutely did not remove.
“Only this: that I know that that mark was not there when I examined the hall yesterday."
You could have said that to Lestrade. He might have taken it as sour grapes, but I really feel like you should have mentioned that to him.
Finally, on the top corridor, which ran outside three untenanted bedrooms, he again was seized with a spasm of merriment.
Is Mr Oldacre hiding in his own attic? That would be impressive.
“I think it is time now that we took our friend Lestrade into our confidence. He has had his little smile at our expense, and perhaps we may do as much by him if my reading of this problem proves to be correct. Yes, yes; I think I see how we should approach it.”
Just waiting to be petty and dramatic about it, I see.
Also, I will be taking that sixpence, now, Inspector Lestrade.
I've gone back to double check and there is no mention of a hat in the first part, although they don't specify that they didn't go back out into the hallway, it certainly implies that they didn't. So if Mr McFarlane did not get his stick, he did not get his hat. That hat is somewhere around.
Or it's been burnt with the body.
Whatever, Oldacre's not dead, although he may have killed a random innocent bystander and burnt their body to cinders in order to effect his own escape. Oldacre's a dick, the housekeeper's in on it. I don't know how they got the fingerprint. They would have had to get Mr McFarlane to touch something soft enough to retain the mark, then make a cast of that, then use that cast to make the mark. Although this might all be based on Victorian understanding of fingerprints, so who knows.
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pepperonibread · 28 days
NPC Dialogue for Kiran and Jessie
@sanddusted-wisteria inspired me and I finally got around to doing this. I was just going to do Kiran but I figured I would throw in a few lines for Jessie too because, I mean, it's Jessie and I feel like people like him a lot more than Kiran. Rightfully so. This is all cheese and kind of makes fun of them but I also kind of love it?
Intro: “Hey. I'm Kiran. People around here think I'm kind of a big deal. Can't imagine why, though. You're a builder too? Huh. Lots of those around recently.”
How's it going? Find anything weird in the ruins lately?
Hey, you haven't seen a ring lying around in the sand have you? No? Okay. No reason...
Sometimes the best thing you can do is zone out. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing right now.
Sorry, did you say something? I wasn't paying attention.
So you're from Highwind too, huh? You know that ruin down by the beach? That obscene drawing on the wall in there? Yeah, that was me. Pretty funny, huh?
Well you see, I lost my wrench about three days ago. Do you mind if I borrow yours?
Best tip when Cooper goes on a rant? Stare directly at his forehead and just wait it out.
If you're every behind on commissions, try spreading out everything one thing at a time. If that doesn't work, you're probably in the wrong profession...Maybe I'm in the wrong profession...?
Everyone here is really friendly. It is kind of off-putting at first, cause everyone wants to know your business and all that. Everyone's gotta talk to you every day and ask how you're doing. By the way, how're you doing?
Good Friend:
If you find any weird bones in the ruins, you should show my brother Jessie. He studied anthropology. What? Wrong thing? I'll admit I have no idea what it means either.
My mom keeps sending me letters about what's going on while I'm not home. Truthfully, I think she just likes to put her inner thoughts on paper. Ever heard of journaling, Ma?
I broke a guitar string last night. Sometimes you can really get into it, ya know?
Hey, I know I've asked you a dozen times, but if you see a ring in the sand anywhere - please return it ASAP.
Sandstorm: Whatever you do, don't look up. Or down. Or sideways. You know what, just stay inside. What am I doing out here? Builds character.
Rain: Oh man, my boots are gonna get all sandy and muddy!
Player has a new haircut: Lookin' good, builder. I can fix up those bangs if you want. Hm? Yeah sure. I know how.
Player has panda eyes: I see I am not the only one who stares at the ceiling all night.
Player cuts a tree in front of Kiran: Listen, I'll mind my own business if you promise not to tell on me when you see me do that!
Player attacks Kiran with a weapon: Whoa! Nice aim. Let's just try to keep it away from my ankles, yeah?
Birthday: My birthday is the 6th of Spring. But my mother always said it was cold and rainy when I was born. You know what? I haven't seen my birth certificate in a few years...
Day of the Bright Sun: When I was little Jessie convinced me that we were supposed to stare into the sun as long as possible on this holiday...You can imagine how that went.
Showdown at High Noon: Don't take this the wrong way, but I hope you've been practicing. Me? No, I haven't really, but I'm still pretty confident I can take you down.
Day of Memories: People around here can get a bit somber this time of the year. I'm just worried I'll see that weird ghost lady...Kinda the same thing?
Tour de Rock: I tried a glider in Highwind when I was a teen. That was the day I learned that extreme sports ain't for me.
Running of the Yakmel: The only thing these beasts are good for is tipping. Don't believe me? What do you mean you're going to tell Coop?
Winter Solstice: Dancing I'm not a fan of. But the drinking? That I can get behind.
Loved gifts:
Gold ring: YOU FOUND IT? Peach's left nut! I was about to tear my kitchen sink apart!
Intoxicating Dream: It's no Highwinds Finest, but it'll do.
Liked gifts:
Clothing: I keep telling myself I got to wear anything other than these jeans. Guess I'm not the only one who thinks that.
Liked dishes (sweets): Oh man, you don't wanna see me with a sugar rush but I don't really have the heart to say no because that looks REALLY good.
Tools or Materials: Thanks! Now I have two of these!
Neutral gifts: Huh. Thanks. I'll make sure I don't lose this in a drawer somewhere.
Disliked gifts: Umm, not a big fan.
Hated gifts: Is this a joke?
Complimenting appearance: Thanks! I don't really take the time to really put myself together, so it's nice to hear that someone notices I guess.
Complimenting work: Heh. It's just what I do. People complain I'm too modest about it. But it gives me something to do, at least.
Complimenting personality: What about it? My ability to go on about a random topic or my ability to provide a story of my own every time you tell one?
Asked about her past:
It's not something I really like to bring up. I had to...leave something behind a few years ago. But we all make mistakes, right? What matters is how we move on from them...Or distract ourselves enough.
My pop was a member of The Flying Pigs. He was really good at it too. But one day before I was born he got half is leg blown off by Duvos on a mission. He...well, rightfully never got over it.
My brother and I fight a lot. One time I broke his nose. The other day, I was THIS close to knocking his teeth out. But he's a pretty great dude.
I never knew how much I liked a sunset until I moved here. It's kind of one of those things you have to stop and look at when you catch it, don't you think?
Asked about work:
I don't think I'm the best at what I do, even though everyone around here seems to think otherwise. But this community is strange, an neurotic, and apparently incapable of constructing stable water towers.
Asked what she likes to do:
My dad taught me how to play guitar when I was really little. Every time I wanna wind down, I pick it up and play some of the things he taught me. We don't get along that much anymore, but we'll always have that I guess.
I really like hanging out with horses. Sometimes even more than people. Twister doesn't like a lot of people, so I guess he and I are a perfect match.
It's easy to get distracted, but even harder at finding the perfect distraction when you WANT to be distracted. That being said, if you know of any good distractions that involve looking for UFO's or causing havoc in some way, let me know.
Intro: Hey pal. What brings you here? You're a builder? That's cool. I'm Jessie. Make sure you don't go messing with my sister - just kidding, mess with her all you want. I encourage it.
Not enough people take their shirts off around here when it get's hot out....What? Why are you looking at me like that?
You seen Kiran around? If you do, remind her to eat something. Or not. I can't control what you do.
Don't mind me. I'm just debating if I should go running now or later.
The people of Sandrock certainly have...interesting personalities. Not saying that's a bad thing, but I'm not saying it's a good thing either.
I would highly advise against running in the open desert. Mirages are real. If you see a giant purple chicken, you probably should turn back. Trust me.
Good Friend:
Rian lives the life I wish I had. Not worrying about a thing. Slacking off from work. Must be nice not to worry about things all the time at every given moment - anyway, what are you up too?
If I had made it into The Flying Pigs I would have been a pilot. Say, how much would it cost me to commission a plane from you? You know what...forget it.
You didn't hear it from me, but Zeke has a 'secret garden' up at the farm, if ya catch my drift...
Sandstorm: Oh, please! I used to go out running in all types of weather!
Rain: If you're going to make a wet t-shirt comment, do it now before I get too self conscious.
Player has a new haircut: My mom used to cut my hair. It was...well, she should stick to being a chiropractor.
Player has panda eyes: Light! What is with people not sleeping around here? Is it the desert air or something?
Player cuts a tree in front of Jessie: The better man in me tells me I should tell on you, but the better man in me doesn't want to deal with talking to Burgess.
Player attacks Jessie with a weapon: Hey! Watch it!
Birthday: Birthday? Mine? It's the 5th of Winter. Yikes, I'm getting old.
Day of the Bright Sun: Did Kiran tell you the story already about what I told her when she was a kid? Ha!
Showdown at High Noon: Hey, I'm all for knocking people out if they deserve it, especially Logan. You wanna place a bet?
Day of Memories: I was out on the cliffside today and saw some weird lady out there. Don't worry, she disappeared right after I talked to her - wait.
Tour de Rock: These people will do anything dangerous about half a dozen times, huh?
Running of the Yakmel: You go ahead. I'll just watch.
Winter Solstice: Another year has passed, builder. I'm not one to make resolutions or anything, I'm just here for the food.
Complimenting appearance: Huh. Well, thanks. People say I look a lot like my dad...you know, minus the missing let part.
Complimenting work: Not many people understand what I do. I don't blame them. If you think people are weird now, just imagine what they were like in the Old World! Whole bunch of weirdos.
Complimenting personality: Wow, at least SOMEBODY appreciates my sense of humor.
Asked about his past:
I wanted to join The Flying Pigs after my old man. I trained every day for a long time - just to totally flunk the entrance exam. That's just the way it goes sometimes.
I went to Atara University and got a degree in Anthropology. I didn't know what to pick when I was enrolling, so I picked that.
Asked about work:
I study a lot of relics to try and learn what people were like in the old world. Although, most of my research focuses on old music. It doesn't really benefit the advancement of the modern world according to Qi, but at least people have new stuff to listen to on the radio.
Asked what he likes to do:
Break hearts. Take names. Make no promises. Just kidding, I like stargazing and playing guitar.
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321spongebolt · 3 months
"The Lego Movie What if...?" - What if Emmet and Wyldstyle appeared in "The Lego Batman Movie"?
"The Lego Batman Movie" was the second film in the franchise. Surprisingly, neither Batman nor his peers even mentioned Emmet or Wyldstyle, not once. But what if they did? And what if they were involved in the events of that movie?
The start of the movie is roughly the same, just with Batman adding "The only friends I ever had were Emmett, Lucy, Vitruvius, Benny, Metalbeard, and Unikitty. No one else. You mean nothing to me!" while telling Joker off. During the talk with Alfred about working alone, Alfred could mention the Master Builder, Emmet, although, he gets the name wrong by saying "Eric".
On the night Bruce Wayne has to attend the Winter Gala, Alfred invites Wyldstyle to Wayne Manor (given that in the last movie, she was Batman's girlfriend before Batman allowed her to be with Emmett. So it's possible Batman and Wyldstyle still have their contact information.), who in turn would invite Emmett (I don't know if the others should attend too). Emmett and Wyldstyle are allowed to attend the gala as Bruce's plus-ones, courtesy of Alfred, who's trying to show Bruce that he can't keep flying solo.
At the gala, Emmet would meet Dick Grayson after Dick finishes talking to the distracted Bruce Wayne, who approved of his adoption. Later, when the Joker and all of Batman's arch nemeses crash the party, they turn themselves in as part of Joker's plan. If you want, Wyldstyle could even try fighting some of them, given her personality carried over from the first film. Back at Wayne Manor, after Emmet and Wyldstyle spend the night, Emmet and Dick could have a moment where they would bond in the manor.
When Batman sees the news report about Superman using the Phantom Zone projector on Brainiac, Batman allows Dick to come with him to steal it, with Emmet and Wyldstyle as extras. As part of Batman's heist, he, Emmet, and Lucy must enter the Fortress of Solitude to distract the rest of the Justice League. As a few callbacks, Superman and Green Lantern would apologize to Emmet for doubting him and thank him for freeing them from Lord Business' think tank. Meanwhile, Lucy could get acquainted with Wonder Woman and some of the other female DC Superheroes like Zatanna and Hawkgirl (just to name a few examples).
After Robin successfully steals the Phantom Zone Projector, the four infiltrate Gotham Prison, and Batman uses the Phantom Zone Projector on Joker. Barbara Gordon arrests them until Joker and the Phantom Zone prisoners wreak havoc on Gotham City, making Barbara take back her arrest as long as Batman works with others. Wyldstyle, could possibly get angry at Batman for putting her in prison. And if you wanted a throwaway gag, Emmet could play "Everything is Awesome" with a harmonica.
Alfred joins the four while wearing the Adam West Batman suit. They fight the Gremlins and other Phantom Zone prisoners, only for Batman to have this Bat-Crawler send his friends away. After a trip to the Phantom Zone by Joker, Batman apologizes to his friends, and Batman decides that Emmet and Wyldstyle should have Bat suits of their own (You can decide in the comments what Emmet and Wyldstyle's bat suits would look like. You can also upload an image in the comments section if you're an artist.).
Batman's other villains who Joker neglected also join our heroes in the battle to save Bricksburg and Gotham City. Batman is rejected from the Phantom Zone and the ending shows Batman bonding more and more with Barbara and Dick. During the ending montage, we could see Emmet and Wyldstyle make at least one more appearance where they would attend Dick's sleepover party he arranged all by himself (Unikitty, Benny, and Metalbeard can also appear as optional cameos). And Dick and Emmet can bond once more.
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nomoreusername · 9 months
Bird Boy
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Summary:When you end up having feelings for Aris you start calling him a special nickname.When someone else uses it though, you make it clear nobody can ever call bird boy but you.
Paring:Aris x female reader
I'll admit it. Having a boy for the first time in the Spring made me nervous. The other girls felt the same way. A few of them actually tried to get him banished when he came up. Thankfully, most of us voted no, with me obviously being one of them.
After a few months everyone got over themselves. Now he's an official Icer with friends, a job, and everything else. There was only one thing that bugged me about him.
I ended up liking him. Like really liking him. Not as a friend either. It's still painful to even think about, but I definitely have a crush on him. This obviously has never happened before so I didn't have a clue what to do. I couldn't talk to anyone else about it. It was just getting so frustrating to trip over my words in front of him. There's no way he didn't notice because I used to be able to speak just fine without going red in the face.
I did figure out one thing that helped. The problem got worse every time I had to say his name. So when I saw a little blue bird that somehow made it to this place and survived where it shouldn't I figured out what to do. This little blue bird was a miracle, and as dramatic as it seems he was one too. So I started calling him bird boy whenever I had to talk to him. It worked wonders, but he was confused. I couldn't make myself tell him why so I left him with that mystery.
So bird boy became my affectionate nickname for him. Eventually, he stopped questioning it and accepted that this was all I would call him. Once again, it was something of affection with a lovely backstory. Unfortunately, someone apparently didn't get the memo.
"Hey bird boy. Move before I make you,"Beth snapped. I don't know why he was in the Builders space nor did I care. Because not only did she call him bird boy she said it with malice. That is not what it's supposed to be at all.
I looked at Aris who was shifting uncomfortably in his spot. I ignored that for now and turned my attention back to Beth.
"Shut up Beth. Nobody has time for your attitude,"I said through gritted teeth.
"Why? You think I want to call this idiot his name? I'd rather not dirty up my mouth."
"Don't you dare insult him, don't speak to him in that tone, and don't you ever call him that again. In fact, if you so much as look at him the wrong way I'll make you wish you were never born."
"What are you going to do? Are you going to fight me?"She asked loudly. "I don't need to fight to make you scared. Unlike you I'm not a pathetic bully who needs my fists. Just remember who's in charge of food here. I'll make sure every meal you get is a mere sliver, and I'll make it the worst table scraps that aren't even fit for a dog. Do you understand?"
"Is that a threat?"She asked with an amused smirk. I quickly got a few inches away so only she could hear.
"No. It's a promise."
For the first time here she looked genuinely scared. She knew I controlled the food, and she knew I would go through with my words.
♡ - - - ♡
"Whatever. Keep standing up for bir-Aris,"She corrected.
"Don't you worry. I'll make sure to do just that."
Almost everyone had gone to bed. I didn't care enough to see who hadn't as I leaned against a log. I purposely stayed further away from everyone else. Right now I just wanted to have some peace and quiet under the stars.
"Hey Y/N,"Aris greeted, taking a seat next to me. You know what? Screw my earlier statement.
"Hey. What are you doing over here?"I asked, but making sure my tone was as inviting as possible. "Everyone else is asleep, and you're not. So now I'm here,"He shrugged. There was something that seemed a bit different about the way he said it. I can't explain it, but he sounded like he had something he wanted to say.
"Earlier today. I don't think I've ever seen you that mad. Why?"
"I didn't like how she was talking to you,"I mumbled. That was true, but there was another there. Judging by his expression he knew it.
"Why what?"I asked.
"Why did that bother you so much? She's rude to everyone here. You barely react when she says something to you so why did you care so much then?"
"You never tell me, but I may as well ask again. How come you insist on calling me that? You don't give anyone else nicknames."
There was a lot I could say to that. I could also do what I always do and brush him off. Still, the fact that it was just us right now, and we were sitting side by side on a nice night seemed to make the question feel different.
"There was a blue bird here one day. Somehow it did the impossible and was living a wonderful life trapped behind walls. It was a rare sight, maybe the only one of its kind here. Yet it still looked like it always belonged here. It just reminded me of you."
"Because I'm the only boy?"He inquired.
"No. Because you're special. You're both living proof that even the worst place can bring something you never knew you needed. Plus, the blue kind of matched your eyes."
I hesitated before moving my hand to his. He didn't ask what I was doing. Instead, he seemed to have the same idea as he intertwined our fingers. We sat like that until sunrise. It seemed like that moment the world seemed to just be him and I. If I'm being honest I wouldn't mind that one bit.
"That wasn't what I expected,"He stated.
"Is that a bad thing?"I asked nervously.
"No. It's the nicest thing I've ever heard,"He assured me.
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nightswithkookmin · 1 year
The only person I trust to spit facts unapologetically besides myself is my ex best friend. Are you her?
I have nothing to say to this other than FACTS.
Spot on.
My exact sentiment
He likes to stir the spot, and add some shit
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He's basically me on Crack honestly
He trolls, he taunts, he antagonises, he will pull your leg till you fall and then keep pulling🤧
And if you understand this about him then you can't take him seriously at all😩😩😩
I don't think he takes himself seriously he's so goofy😫
When it comes to him ,JM and their "obsession" with Kook it can get a bit 🥴🥴🥴🥴
I always say they both often come across as wanting and seeking validation from JK. Which I'm sure they are both aware of but don't care.
If you are a JK solo Stan then you might have a problem with both of them bcos of this. Especially when all that seemly unwanted attention makes Jk appear more closed off than he actually is.
Most people i know who hate Jungkook say they hate him because they see him as often being rude towards Jimin or Tae or whomever.
People want him to be more open and receptive towards their biases and that creates problems for him when he's subjected to such intense and sometimes unwanted attention.
I'm not a fan of either Jimin or Tae imposing themselves on Jungkook. They might think they doing it out of love, to show their affection or to stroke Jk's ego or whatever but it doesn't make Jk look good out here. Matter fact, it cast him in a bad light and amplifies his "negative" traits. Not cute.
Personally, I like to think it's their own way of showing love and support for Jungkook. Its the only way I can rationalize it. If you've ever been the quiet one among a trio, you recognize some of these friendship behavioral patterns:
The louder outgoing ones are constantly egging the quiets one on, encouraging them to be active, to participate in things, losen up, relax, have fun etc.
And that's just the problem with extroverts. They always think they're helping 😐
One time I let this person bulldoze me into thinking I could belt at church- I cried in front of everybody and became a meme. To this day I don't go talking to that person.
Sometimes when a person tell you they can't do shit believe them. Don't go playing Barbara the builder trying to get them out their comfort zone and making them a fool in front of everybody😐
When you listen to Tae talk about his dynamic with JK it's obvious that's how he sees Jungkook. Which is why he pushes his boundaries often- pushing him to take off his pants to shower together, posting their Tae Kook selca when JK cropped himself out. He thinks he's helping but SIRE BOUNDARIES!
Jimin is like that too as you rightfully said.
The difference is Jimin seems to know and understand the limits and if he recognizes he's pushing too far he stops. In my opinion of course. I could be wrong and Jungkook may not see him in that way at all.
Frankly, I cringe at their earlier dynamic too 😬
Jokers like to romanticize it but damn is it hard to watch. I have selective amnesia when it comes to that part of their history 😓
And I understand, it's important to take Jungkook's perspective into consideration when discussing these topics.
We might be rallying up to free him from Vmin but for all we know HE LIKES THAT SHIT💀
He comes across as the type who would let shit fly as long as he's enjoying it. The moment he doesn't enjoy it he puts up a stop sign.
I think this is what Tae probably doesn't or didn't seem to understand about JK. He takes his no for a yes and go a little bit extra each time thinking he likes it.
But it's not everyone who feels comfortable insisting on boundaries. Some people hesitate to say no out of politeness, some wanna let you down easy- I've learned the hard way. These days I'll kick you in the throat and narruto run into your guts if you fail to register a no.
Jimin goes: I feel awkward I need to film with Jk
Tae goes, well I'm feeling awkward too lemme get JK.
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Speaking from a delulu standpoint point, I like to think some times these are just ploys and tactics they use as excuse to film content with Jungkook. Which raises the question, who in hybe is preventing them from freely filming content with eachother and why do they feel a need to monitor them while they film live?
Tinfoil hats people. Tinfoil hats.
Out of all BTS members Tae could have had issues with, he names Jungkook and decides they have dirty laundry to air out in Soop.
Then Jimin is given an opportunity to ask any member in BTS a question and he chooses the most obvious pick- JK.
See this is why I don't get shippers who like Jikook but can't stand Tuktuk or vice versa😩
If you like Jimin it should be very easy to like Tae and if you like Jikook then liking Tuktuk is easy 💀💀💀
They both have JK in common
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It goes without saying then that if you like JK then liking Vmin should be so easy too🥴
Is the friend of my friend principle.
Yet tuktukkers can't stand Jikook because then they have to face the reality that what Tuktuk have is not so special afterall😫😫😫😫😫😫
I can say same for Jikook but we both know there's that silently loud question mark around Jikook that no one seem to want to answer or can answer- not even them 💀
I like to remind people Jikook is just a ship like Tuktuk- that's until you clock the difference then jikook is right about alting that ship💀
So I like your honesty. If the Fandom thinks Jimin clinging to Kook is cringe then it's only fair to say Tae is cringe too if he does the same. Real discrimination is when we think it's cute when Jimin does it but it's a problem if Tae does it and vice versa.
And for sure, there's a marketing element to this. Ships are highly commercialized. I keep saying jikook is a brand. The rhetorics around their ship is positive. They are not the chaotic duo that team up for mischief. Or the always fighting duo of the group. They are more or less a love story in the literal sense. They have numbers and engagement and purchasing power to sell out almost anything because people like their friendship.
Then there's the concept of feeding ships.
I think by now they all know what constitutes feeding ships. Tae saw a run episode and pointed out "I think Army would love this." And it was a moment of him kissing Jin👁👄👁
Do I think when he name drops Jk like this he is doing it to feed a ship?????????
I don't know... cos then I would have to assume when he name drops Jimin he is feeding a ship and that just conflicts with my Vmin lesbian agenda 🤧
And I must confess, I've been feeling kinda salty he is not posting about Jin like Jimin😒
(Putting this in the universe because the last time I complained about him not posting Jimin he went and posted a vmin IG. Universe hear my prayer and quench my taejin thirst🕯)
No. Seriously, Jimin is the only person showing Jin love since he left😒
I'm snitching on every single one of them when Jin comes back. It's the kajafeluv for me.
I don't know. I think it's healthy for them to be engaging eachother on social media as organically as possible. And although I wish he was name dropping certain people more or as equally as or along side Jungkook, I also don't think they should interact with all just to interact with one.
Whether we like it or not tuktukkers are his primary fan base. Just as jokers are Jimins. In wake of their solo careers, it's only reasonable they establish these fanbases firmly.
I mean.....
it's not as if jokers are lining up to support him🤷🏾
Let's be fucking for real😩
He shares a fan base more with Jk than Jimin or any other member. Although they all have Army in common too. But he's a smart guy. Surely he knows what's up with the Fandom.
He made that clear from the get-go. Since their solo was announced he's been aligning himself more with Jk and tuktukkers. It's cool tho. I'm still gone ship him with Jimin with my full chest and occasionally Jin after I snitch on him and Jin kicks his ass for me🙂
At the end of the day all he has is his tuktukkers and solos better treat them right, build them a fools paradise and watch them build conjure castles in the air like a supervillian.
Tuktukkers can read whatever meaning they want into this mi nuh care. THEIR SHIP AIN'T REAL🤣
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faebriel · 9 months
and you caused it: chapter 2
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(click for more detail!)
In which Niki has a terrible secret, Puffy just wants to move on, Tommy sneaks into casino parties and Wilbur learns to deal with anger being justified. Or - the one thing they don't warn you of, when dropping nuclear warheads on old friends, is fallout.
in chapter two: arguments are had. roommates are invited to crash on an attempted murderer's metaphorical couch. more emotionally intense conversations are had over l'manberg's skeleton corpse, and niki is once again alone.
wc: 5k
Wilbur has always been a builder. Alright. Perhaps not practically. Wilbur's attempts at piecing together bases made of wood and stone leave much to be desired. But metaphorically, there's the crux of it - Wilbur builds stories, narratives, chord progressions and nations. There is something about the world, as caught in his eyes, that is always empty. Devoid of life. Wilbur simply seeks to fill it. Find empty forestland, build a camper van. Build a so-so drug empire. Build a story around the camper van - some quirk to draw them in - and then build your nation, pinning your Declaration of Independance right at eye level as one waltzes through the door. Lose a war. Lose your brother. Lose an election, and build a network of TNT beneath the earth so vast and complex that despite the months that trickle from Schlatt's inauguration to Dream's patronage to Wilbur's blissful destruction, not a single person figures out how to defuse it. (Who is they, one might ask. It's a valid question. Ask Wilbur, he might say his brother, he might say the people - if one happens to be a cop, he might tell them it's none of their fucking business and come back with a warrant if they come back at all. He won't tell you they is simply Wilbur. He won't tell you that without the story, without something to fill his mind with colour and give him direction, there is no Wilbur Soot at all.) The point of all this is: Wilbur lives in constant need of some project, something to build, something that destroys. Even ill, he cannot stand to keep his hands idle. This is, perhaps, what led to his demise. It is, in any case, what leads Wilbur to the office of one Captain Puffy. “I do appreciate you lending me your time,” he says, taking a seat in the plush, worn armchair in the corner of the room. Backed in by walls, which he supposes must feel safer for the woman sitting in front of him, pen and clipboard in hand. “I know you’re not officially practicing anymore.” He’s not sure if she was officially practicing ever, actually. There’s no certificate hanging on her wall, only tapestries and paintings - fading cloth in greens and blues, and a painting of breaking waves that stretches across the wall almost as long as his armspan. It is cluttered, lived-in despite its title as an office. Above all else, clearly marked as the captain’s territory. “It’s no trouble,” Puffy says. “I’m glad - it’s nice that you wanted to come, in the first place. I did just want to spell some things out before we start, though, yeah?” Wilbur inclines his head. “Take it away.” “Right.” Puffy resettles herself in her seat, pushing a handful of curls - these ones pearl-white, although it almost looks like the browner half is the part that’s been dyed - behind her shoulder.
puffy informs wilbur right off the bat that, well, patient confidentiality is a thing - she's not gonna tell him anything about tommy, or his recovery (recovery from what, wilbur thinks - because puffy is not as slick or as licensed as he necessarily assumes she is, and can be so dedicated to her pursuit of justice that sometimes she lets the cat out of the bag). no matter! wilbur is not here to talk about tommy. in fact, he'd rather ask puffy a couple questions about herself. and, would she be interested in attending a party in las nevadas, only a few days from now?
las nevadas is in pandemonium but for once, wilbur can't bring himself to care - he storms after tommy, racing with thoughts that tumble over themselves in their rush to make themselves heard.
he feels betrayed. he's hurt. he's always thought the world of niki, he trusted her, he cared so fucking much what she thought of him - thought she must hate him, after l'manberg, not even worth begging for her forgiveness, couldn't keep himself from crying when she dared to give it anyway - and the whole time she'd tried to kill tommy, his brother, and did nothing but smile quietly and evade questions. the thought chafes at him. it hurts. one of his closest friends, his first lady, the entire time -
(he hadn't thought to ask those questions, but wilbur is not in his precisely right mind at the moment.)
tommy, though, makes evasion into an artform - he refuses to answer wilbur's questions, parries back with his own (admittedly deserved) barbs about the casino and quackity who does not matter right now, they're talking about niki, he'd welcomed niki into their country and their stupid dinner and tommy hadn't said a fucking word to him about it. does tommy truly not trust him so much? is he so naïve, to take a raw betrayal on the chin like this?
"She tried to kill you!" "Dream did kill me!" Tommy shouts. "Dream - he, he - he killed me and you didn't even care!"
that's not true. of course wilbur cared when tommy died, but -
limbo has a way of blurring things. for instance, priorities.
and besides, this is more than murder, this is a betrayal, he insists - a crime for the innermost circle of hell. not that tommy cares. worse things have happened. wilbur has happened. dream, apparently has happened -
and tommy refuses to divulge a word more, puffy told him that he doesn't have to tell wilbur shit if he doesn't want to and wilbur's not gonna tell him not to listen to his therapist, is he? tommy rips into him - because this isn't about wilbur, wilbur wasn't even there, he was dead, and who did that, wilbur? it's none of his business, and if tommy had his way wilbur wouldn't have even found out, because tommy knew this would happen. he knew wilbur would make this about him, knew he would twist it into something that makes the word l'manberg go sour and sickly in tommy's mouth - and wilbur can harp on about betrayal all he wants. he cares about this because it affects him. and if he fucking cared, he'd know that a near-miss with a warhead is not even close to the worst thing that's happened to tommy. he'd let tommy settle his friendship (wilbur scoffs, and that only proves tommy's point, he shrieks) with niki. it's not even close to the worst things that have happened to him since wilbur died, and if wilbur cared outside of making things all about himself, he would know that, too.
it's easy for you to be all buddy-buddy with dream, tommy retorts. it's just fucking easier for you.
and this time, wilbur lets him go - watches him disappear into the smoke and rubble, and it's a sign of how close he and tommy are these days that he doesn't even know where tommy's going.
he can't stop the river-rush of his thoughts, stewing and self-critical and fuming with a sense of anger and betrayal and loss that he can't control - he'd have better luck trying to shift the tides themselves. if niki is, as it turns out, horrible terrible awful betrayer no-coming-back - what does that make someone like wilbur?
niki wakes to what feels like one of the worst mornings of her life.
the thing about this morning in particular is that for once, it's not someone else's fault that she's so miserable - there's no war, there's no fruitless bickering over countries, there's nothing but the quiet sound of her breathing in her underground city. but she still feels miserable.
she drags herself to the arctic for the syndicate meeting, hoping to cling to some semblence of normalcy. she ties wobbuffet's lead to the pens, and descends to the syndicate meeting room - and is beyond relieved to see, at least, that techno has returned.
if they know what happened last night, neither he or phil are saying anything. ranboo, to his end, gives her a briefly awkward glance, but otherwise seems happy not to unsettle the waters. thank god. the meeting opens, as planned, and the three of them welcome techno back to the main server. techno is just as happy to see them (although he still tries to hide quite how much, still a bit vulnerable about this whole having friends thing), and summarily informs them:
quackity and sam are torturing dream in the prison
he has, in fact, spent some time in the prison (thanks for the escape, phil, definitely didn't leave me hanging for a good couple weeks) and seen this with his own two eyes
and techno owes dream a favour, y'know. from l'manberg days. so the syndicate is going to break dream out of the prison.
cue mild pandemonium.
phil's heard the plan already, he has no questions. ranboo and niki, though, hearing this for the first time, have several - mostly centred around why are we breaking dream, of all people, out of prison - prison the server put him in, we were there, we were both there. niki has never liked dream, and really, was more than happy to see him put in the prison - he's a bully, he's a tyrant, and if anything his imprisonment kept her and jack from having to sort out how exactly they would well-deservedly take him down a peg after the whole. y'know. tommy thing.
(she hasn't spoken to jack in quite some time, she suddenly thinks again, spurred on by the memory of their talks. it's another thing to feel guilty about, even if jack made it clear her presence, if not productive, was not wanted.)
ranboo, on the other hand, is terrified - especially after the night before, still twitchy.
"Dream isn't - he isn't safe! He - Techno," and their voice drops, "the voices - " "You'll be fine," Techno assures him. "Besides, wasn't the point that he was messing with you to do shit that he couldn't? When he's outta prison he's not gonna mess with you anymore. Easy." "It's not - I - it's not just that, actually, anyway. I mean, he tried to kill Tubbo. In the vault, and everything." "I have also tried to kill that guy," Techno explains, as if to a young child - "many times. Water under the bridge. No big deal." Ranboo's face takes on an ill-fitting shape - stony, for a brief second cold - and says testily, "I wouldn't say that - "
ranboo tries to push their arguments further, but splutter to a stop - his head hurts suddenly, claws finding their way to press against his temple, and eventually goes quiet. niki, though, is still frustrated. she's never liked dream, not from the very first second she stepped on this server. she was perfectly happy to leave dream in prison. he's not the only bad person, sure - are there others niki has thought deserving of being locked up in her time, some more validly than others, absolutely - but he's a tyrant, and niki said her piece when it comes to playing nice with tyrants years ago. she doesn't.
(and if dream is out again, some part of her thinks - with dream comes war, and with war comes more betrayal and hurt and uncertainty and instability, and niki feels unstable enough thanks to what she's wrought with her own two hands. she already feels like she's spent the last twenty-four hours tumbling downward, and if dream is free, the ground beneath her will shake hard enough that she will never be able to get herself back up. she's safe. she was - and, she tries to remind herself, will be - happy. she doesn't want a selfish bully to ruin that because techno thinks he owes something to someone who shouldn't be owed a thing.
and, she hates to think it - she's heard tommy ramble, even when she knows he hopes she's forgotten, and she's heard him rattle off his rambling fears of dream. and she saw the vault. she saw tommy and tubbo in the vault, beaten and bruised and with a blade to tubbo's neck. and puffy always seemed to know more, barely keeping herself from spilling whatever else tommy has told her. niki has known tommy has... problems. and that's sat with her uncomfortably since that night in her cabin, baking bread, because he was far kinder to her than she deserved because he could see that she was struggling and she, well, hasn't done the same.
thinking of niki's part in all this, now that it has been dragged back into the open - of wilbur's blatant interrogation of him even as tommy practically begged him to shut the fuck up - yes, she feels like to some extent, she owes him a favour.)
techno, though, responds with unexpected ire - so niki doesn't feel like helping? it's not even a case of what if one of their friends was stuck in there, under quackity and sam's control - techno was stuck down there, and yet apparently taking down such an oppressive power isn't something niki cares about?
the ensuing argument is defensive and nasty. both techno and niki feel deeply hurt, feel that the other doesn't care about their safety, and both are stressed enough to lash out at each other about it - and phil and ranboo are both mostly unwilling to step in. for niki, though, it's not just a matter of whether she participates herself - she feels that if dream is out at all, her world will get turned on its head. and to be entirely honest, she's not in a good headspace right now. if techno is painting himself as an adversary right now then niki will fight tooth and nail, because there's that awful cloying anger crawling up her throat and god, it has to go somewhere.
so in a desperate attempt to call off the thing, niki threatens to leave the syndicate if they break dream out of the prison.
...it's a respectable attempt at a trump card. unfortunately, three-fourths of the decision has already been made. techno, feeling defensive and angry and above all else betrayed by niki's apparent lack of care for what could have been his plight, informs her promptly of where the door is. ranboo, struggling to hold onto his waking self, has nothing to add. phil makes an attempt to soften the blows between them, to keep the bridge from being burnt - but niki is furious and embarrassed that it didn't work, and techno is just incensed enough to let her leave.
niki storms out, retreats to her little cottage. she stands in the centre of the small space, passively taking in all these small details - her weapons rack, her baking nook, her winter quilts and her flowerboxes. so many of them from techno, phil and ranboo, and now she can hardly stand to look at them.
she rips through the cottage like a hurricane gone loose. every plate and dagger and glass bottle goes crashing to the floor, blanketing its surface in a snowbed of ceramic and glass. pillows are thrown at walls. a bag of flour is ripped, and spills across the floor like even more snowdrift. and then niki stands in the centre of it - some part of her hoping to god that the others are still deep in the syndicate room, though most of her just doesn't give a fuck anymore - and wails.
she did the right thing. she did the good thing. she knew the villain was imprisoned for a reason, she believes in that imprisonment, she was right there when he was sentenced and every drop of her blood sang for revenge as he was silenced. and now she's thought about the hurt she's caused people, and for once, she stood up for him instead. she's lost the final tethers she had. she's unmoored. adrift. nowhere to go but beneath the earth. it's one thing to lose the syndicate, another to lose wilbur - to lose both, all in the span of a day, is a blow that niki isn't sure she can handle.
and it didn't even fucking matter, because they're going to break dream out anyway.
Each shard of glass is a face in the vault, discarded against the wooden floor.
niki is furious. furious at techno, furious at phil and ranboo for doing nothing, furious at herself - guilt is not something she has had to reckon with before, and the feeling chafes at her like an ill-fitting glove. there's always been a sense of discomfort that comes with being wrong, that moment sent off-kilter, when her perception of reality shifts and what is and what is not change like water. she remembers when tommy died, when ripples cast across the water and her grudge was revealed as just as stupid and petty as it always had been, that the source of her fury was wilbur - and even then, how left me became died became suicide and fury sunk back into its forgotten twin, grief. but even then, it wasn't like this. it wasn't her fault. this, undoubtably, is. she thought she had gotten over it. perhaps that's an exaggeration - she thought she was getting over it, making amends, even if slowly. even if she couldn't quite say the words, admit she was wrong, make herself vulnerable again.
god. has she always been so selfish? so cowardly? when l'manberg burned, did niki even pull herself from its ashes? it doesn't fucking feel like it, now. it feels like every slow step of healing has been worth nothing.
it feels like the second she stopped being either of those things, she lost everything. again.
niki thinks of how even in the depths of their planning - at her worst, at her most violent (towards tommy, sure, but towards herself the most), even when they didn't trust each other - she and jack could always agree on one thing. together, they hated dream.
niki has been a coward. not in the face of tyrants, but in the face of her own guilty conscience - putting her name next to her misdeeds. fine. if the universe, threaded into puffy's voice, calls on her to make amends - so she will. and so she'll rip tyrants to pieces, if that is what clearing the conscience means for niki nihachu.
niki walks to snowchester. tommy opens the door.
"Niki?" Tommy asks, cautious. He doesn't close the door on her, as she thought he might - doesn't even waver, although his expression goes a bit shuttered. "What d'you want?" She thought about this. She ran it over in her mind as she walked all the way here from the Arctic, alone with her thoughts - she's rehearsed the script this time, wrapped the warning in wool, made sure she's careful, because she's trying - "Techno is going to break Dream out of the prison," she blurts out. Fuck. The effect on Tommy is instantaneous, a stormcloud rolling over him - first his breathing goes, and then a hand to the chest, as if he can't believe the lack of air himself. He steadies himself against the door, although his eyes sink to the ground, unable to meet hers, and all Niki can do is stand there silent and try to think think think and, not for the first time, think oh god please don't cry. She hears Tubbo's voice faintly down the grand entrance of the place, followed by footsteps - he recognises her as he approaches, shoving Tommy out of the doorway, staring her down with sharp animosity. "Get off of my fucking property," he informs her. "Techno's breaking Dream out," she repeats, and Tubbo's face falls. "You're lying," he says immediately. "They're not that stupid. They're not that stupid - " "Techno says he owed Dream - " "The favour," Tommy gasps. "Tubbo, Tubs - Dream helped him escape, after the execution - he always said he owed him something..." Tubbo's face goes sheer, snow white.
snowchester, once again, is now considered an almost-military base of operations - niki is clearly unwelcome, but her muffins still sit on the kitchen counter and she's the one with information (ranboo hasn't come home, he hasn't been answering tubbo's comms, and out of the three of them niki is somehow the one to see him last). there isn't much they can do. they don't have the force. and, of course, it wouldn't be hard for dream to find them. even if tommy never stepped foot in his hobbit-house again, dream would find snowchester too easily.
...an idea occurs to niki.
the underground city is not the perfect hiding place. there are people who know about it, people who can't necessarily be trusted - or at the very least, not accounted for. who knows what jack or hbomb or karl are doing right now. who knows what kind of assumptions techno would make if dream were to let slip that snowchester is empty.
but the two of them can't go on the run. tubbo has michael, for god's sake, and he's not putting that kid in harm's way for anything. it will have to be secure enough - shrouded, perhaps, by the fact that of all the people he's crossed, dream has never really given niki the time of day. and thank fucking god for that. tommy's been in better straits, and tubbo is still extremely suspicious of niki (he's pieced together how jack and niki would have pulled off this whole scheme of theirs, and his place in it, and he is not fucking impressed), but under the cover of night - on the eve of the prison break - they escape to the city.
niki watches as the three of them settle in. her underground city was meant to be a place for refugees once, away from the horrors of war - although that was before the nuke, and doomsday, and tommy burning that stupid house down. before even the detonation of november 16th. it has been a long time since refugees stayed here.
she supposes she should feel some kind of fulfilment, seeing it live out its purpose again. perhaps she does. mostly, she feels a bit awkward and uncomfortable. too vulnerable. maybe that's half the point.
it's a first step.
niki can't sleep.
is her pointless turmoil any surprise, at this point? after all that time alone in her city, somehow the thought of people actually inhabiting those empty rooms is just as distracting. she decides to go for a walk to clear her mind, and where should she end up but sitting at the edge of l'manberg's crater - feet tracing the old path to her bakery, before she burned it down with her own two hands - and who should she run into, but wilbur.
"O mighty Nemesis, amid the ruins of what she reaps," a voice drawls from behind her - and the sound of it is like ice water down her back, a harsh tug on the fragile threads barely holding her together, but she can't still bring herself to turn. Can't bring herself to see the look on his face - betrayal, fury, hatred. She lets her eyes sink onto the wreckage instead, every bitter angle of it. "I never really asked why that was your little codename, you know," he continues. "Seems a bit on the nose, don't you think?" Niki lets her forehead sink onto her knees. "Fuck off, Wilbur."
wilbur is not being his kindest. niki ponders whether she deserves it. fucking probably, right. she did try to kill his little brother. forget everything she's done since, because wilbur's always kept his allies close to his heart, and betrayal is one of those things that hurts him more than any blade would. she doesn't rise to his remarks. she sees absolutely no point in it. wilbur is stubborn as a bull when he wants to be, and after all these years niki's finally learned when to stop wasting her energy reining him in.
doesn't make her feel any better that his current rampage is directed at her, though.
he's stressed, you see - not that you would care is a halfhearted barb, and niki almost rolls her eyes at it - because he needs to find tommy. he needs to speak with tommy, but his base is empty and snowchester is empty and he's not replying to his comm and phil mentioned that he saw niki heading towards snowchester that afternoon. he doesn't suppose niki has seen tommy at all, has she?
she tries to keep her face even. but here's the thing -
niki could barely lie about committing a murder while actively leading the victim-to-be into a trap, and wilbur - who, if you think about it, never really retired from politics - sees through her attempts to evade immediately.
you know, wilbur says, and then - haven't you done enough? don't tell me you're causing trouble for him again. where is he? where is he?
she could tell him. probably, she should tell him. tommy is his brother, after all, and for all that wilbur's anger burns, she knows how much he cares about tommy. hell, once upon a time that was the entire point of her own... episode. but.
"I can't trust you," she says, pretends it sounds as definitive as she wants it to. "I can't - I don't think I can trust you to say. Not while Dream is out." Wilbur's eyebrows raise - his shoulders do too, lined with tension. "Dream is out?" "He will be. Tomorrow." Niki nods in the direction of the Arctic. "The Syndicate will be breaking him out tomorrow - not me, I'm not... with them anymore, but - didn't someone tell you?"
no, no one did. not phil, not techno, not ranboo. wilbur lives in phil's attic half the time now (more than half, she supposes, if she guesses how quackity would respond to the casino's destruction) and they hadn't said a word.
despite wilbur's apprehension over that, he has greater issues to deal with right now - incredulous that of everyone, niki doesn't trust him because of dream. (after, he reminds her - he keeps reminding her - after what she did.)
"I told you - I told you about limbo," he says, voice fraught. Even now, when they're fighting, some part of Niki hurts at the fragility in his voice. She steels her resolve. "I told you what it was like, about Dream - and you still don't trust me?" "I don't know," she says, and finds that to be, for once, the honest answer. "You said you were sorry about destroying L'Manberg too - you said you were done with all of that - and then, then Las Nevadas, Wilbur! How could you go back to that?" Even he has the shame to look abashed. "So many people could have gotten hurt. We were lucky - we were lucky - Ranboo warned us, and even then, it was close. It was too close, Wilbur. I don't - I don't know what else you'll do. I don't know anymore."
what else can niki say? yes, he told her about limbo. it sounds horrifying. it sounds heartbreaking. he also told her he was sorry for blowing up l'manberg, for forgetting the people betwixt the grand thing that was their country, and that he would try. and yet las nevadas' casino is in ruins, half the server barely escaping with a life intact. and even that was only thanks to ranboo, in the end.
more people would have died unknowing, entirely unaware of the danger until the ground lit up beneath them and they all woke up in their beds, sparkling with burns and regen effect - and tubbo has only one life left, and who even knows how lives work after revival? who knows how many other people in that casino would have one life left too?
he told her he didn't want to fuck it up again. and she told him you left me, you said you'd come back for me and you looked for the button first, and he did the entire fucking thing again.
niki could have died. again. because wilbur was silent.
this - this is the killing blow.
(for as hurt and disgusted and fucking confused as wilbur is, there is still a part of him - bone-deep and steeped in habit - that holds niki's words in high esteem. her response is perfectly predictable, in the midst of his own fury and feelings of betrayal in her direction, and yet the vulnerability of it all stings something fierce anyway.)
they splutter arguments at each other for a few more minutes, running hot with anger, but they achieve nothing. ultimately, both have said their piece - it is not long before even wilbur gives up on the conversation, retreating to the arctic.
niki is done with haunting l'manberg for the night, and returns to the underground city with an eye cast over her shoulder, just in case she's followed. wilbur is far from the type to stalk someone through the woods, but of every possible person on the server, it's his brown coat that she keeps subconsciously looking out for between the trees.
tommy is awake when she comes back, fidgeting with his comm as he sits in what was once planned to be a common area. he tries to call her over for conversation, but she brushes him off as she storms towards her bedroom, resigning herself to another night of staring eyes-wide at the grey, emotionless stone of her ceiling.
she doesn't see the frustrated kind of grief in his expression as she goes.
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seawitchkaraoke · 1 year
Recently watched some of False's old mcc vods from early events bc I love her and seeing the improvement is really impressive but in this I've also come across how much Grian's builtmart strategy has improved overtime
Like. I've seen Grian and False's more recent teamups before and there usually False just does her thing building her build and Grian leaves her alone, only occasionally asking her what she needs and vice versa she'll occasionally call out what materials she needs- he mostly focuses on the floater or if there's a less experienced builder, focuses on helping them.
And well. I watched mcc 7 and wow Grian is clearly in the early stages of figuring out how to be a build mart manager here and some of it is working out - there is more communication of ''is anyone at wood, i need more spruce'' and such compared to the mccs before it (yeah i've been binging don't at me).
But Grian is micromanaging faar too much to the point where they still end up doubling up, going to the same materials bc Grian sends Pearl to colours when False already got the colours she needed or when Grian starts placing blocks for False already instead of working on his own built, when simply giving her the blocks when she got back would have been way more efficient (specifically bc it was spaced out diamond blocks so to build it without the rest of the built already there, he needed to stack up first and then remove the blocks underneath again, when, if you put those blocks on at the end it takes like. 2 seconds.)
They still did quite well, bc of course they're just generally good at building and they did have some good communication in parts. But compared to how he manages his teams now? It is sooo much better. There's a really important lesson in there I think. Yes you need a manager in this game but micromanaging can be counter productive.
So his system that he always sums up with ''I'm the manager everyone listen to me'' is really: a) know your team's skills. False for example is a very good builtmart player who doesn't need you to remind her of what blocks she needs, she has a good system with her chat for that. She doesn't need you to place blocks for her or help, unless she specifically asks. You can and should leave her alone. On the other hand, a less experienced builder might need more handholding on recognizing the right blocks, realizing how much they need of a material etc.
b) encourage your team to speak up! Remind them to ask for help if they can't figure out what's wrong with a built, remind them to ask for blocks they need.
c) have a general system for where to store blocks, what to go for at the start, etc. In Grian's teams the floater always goes for wood first, they also always divide up who goes for stone etc if there's stone in several builts and agree in which chest to store stuff.
d) listen really hard to what ppl are saying - obviously listen to the ''does anyone have spruce'' calls, but you also gotta listen for the little, halfway talking to themselves ''what am i doing wrong here?'' so you can maybe quickly take a look and figure it out for them
e) manage the floater - that is really the biggest key but everything else plays into this one. Tell them where to go, what to get and how much, when to come back etc. But for that you gotta keep in mind what everyone else needs and where they currently are (no point telling the floater to get stone if someone else is already there and could just grab more), where the priorities are (gold builds!), what you already have in the chests, etc etc.
Like.... it's a lot more than just ''Grian manages everyone''. You gotta know how much to manage, you don't need to tell everyone what to do all the time, you gotta tell the right people what to do at the right times, y'know? Oh and also you still need to do your own builds too.
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So It's Gonna Be Forever
Summary: Joel Miller and Emily Harper have been best friends since 2nd grade and at the end of freshman year become something more. Will they last or will their new label ruin it all. OR Joel Miller gets some lovin' because god knows he deserves it.
Chapter 5
Warnings: Mentions of rough childhood and some violence between father and son. Mentions and allusions to smut but never actually turns into smut.
I understand that this might not be everyone's cup of tea so if it's not for you, just don't read.
If there's anything that is possibly triggering that I haven't mentioned in the warnings please let me know as this is not beta'd and it is very possible that I've missed something.
Warnings🏷: Still mentions of child abuse and things like that but not as prominent as other chapters.
Series Masterlist
Wordcount: 3524
Settling into their grandparent’s house was easy. They weren’t expected to cook anything or put towards the rent and all that was asked of them was that they tried to keep the mess down to a minimum. The terms were easy to agree to and Emily was allowed to visit whenever she wanted which is how they resulted in alternate weekends, one at Emily’s house and then one at Joel’s new home. 
When Joel came home from school on Friday, the week before his graduation, Joel was met with an unfamiliar face in the living room. “Joel, this is the lawyer we were telling you about, to get the house signed over.” 
“So this is the young Mr Miller, nice to meet you, sir. James Hernandez.” The man held his hand out and Joel shook it firmly, nodding politely. “So, it’s quite easy actually. All you have to do is sign a few things and then I’ll handle everything else. That sound good?” Joel nodded and took a seat at the dining table with Louise and James. “You have a read through those and sign where I’ve marked out and then we’ll talk about what will happen in the coming months.” 
After their impromptu meeting, Joel saw the man out and hugged Louise tightly, thanking her and smiling as he saw Emily’s dad pull up outside the house, running out to go tell her the news. “Joel, that’s great, kid.” Jerry smiled and Joel nodded. 
“Yeah, yeah it is. I can’t wait to be honest. It’ll be good.” Joel smiled and Emily squeezed his hand as they both watched Jerry’s car pull off of the curb. He dragged Emily into the house and she laughed prodding him in the sides as he took her bag from her and hung it up at the bottom of the stairs. 
“Emily, glad to have you back, darling.” Louise said, hugging Emily tightly before turning back to the table. “I’m off out this evening and Tommy is out for the night with a friend so try not to leave the house in too much of a state. There’s some leftover pasta in the fridge if you get hungry and I’ll be back a little later.” She commented, hugging Joel and kissing his cheek before heading out of the door. 
Joel turned on the TV for some background noise as he and Emily sat down at the table, determined to revise as much as possible for their finals. “You know, I think we have a decent shot at this.” Emily commented as Joel lifted his head up from the table. 
“Speak for yourself but science is kicking my ass.” He grumbled and Emily laughed, reaching across the table and cupping his jaw. 
“You’re gonna do fine, baby. ‘Sides, what’s it matter if you fail one thing? What builder needs to know science anyway?” She asked and Joel shrugged. “You’ve got this, Joel. You remember what your ma always used to tell us before an exam?” She remembered and Joel smiled sadly. 
“Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.” Joel recited and Emily smiled. “Ok, I get it, I get it. No more lectures, thank you very much.” He sighed and turned back to the pages in front of him, scanning them to find some sense. 
“Come on, we’ve been at this for hours. How about I warm up the pasta and then we’ll watch a movie.” Emily suggested and Joel smiled. 
“Keep revising if you want, don’t let me stop you.” He replied and she shook her head. 
“I’m tired of these equations and, at this point, we’re either gonna pass or we’re gonna fail. Doesn’t make a difference to me and there’s not much else we can do about it.” She pointed out and Joel nodded, standing. “Nope, you go sit down. It’s about time you got to relax, go pick a movie.” She scolded and Joel sighed, walking over to the TV.
As she pulled the pasta out of the fridge, she felt Joel’s arms wrap around her stomach and his head rest on her shoulder. “Thought I told you to sit down.” He just hummed in reply and she chuckled, heating the pasta up in the microwave, reaching up to grab two bowls from the cupboard. “Joel, you’re gonna have to let go of me eventually.” She pointed out but she only got another hum in reply, giggling to herself as she walked around the kitchen with Joel attached to her. Once she’d put the bowls on the dining table, she turned in Joel’s arms and settled against his chest. “What’s gotten into you, huh?” She asked and he just shrugged, pressing another kiss to her temple. She pushed him gently onto the couch and handed him his bowl of food, sitting next to him and looking towards the TV to see what movie he had picked. 
When Louise returned home, the lights had been switched off and the TV was displaying a static screen, the movie had ended a long time ago. She assumed that both kids would have headed to bed but then she saw the two of them entangled on the couch and chuckled to herself. Emily was laid on her back while Joel laid in between her legs, his head rested on her stomach and her hands interlaced behind his neck. Louise knew that her daughter had suspected that there had been something going on between Joel and Emily but didn’t want to bring it up. After seeing them together in person, Louise knew that it would take the world literally falling apart for the two of them to be separated. She walked into Joel’s room and grabbed the comforter off of Joel’s bed and threw it over the pair of them, watching as Joel shifted his head slightly and held her breath, hoping she didn’t wake him. 
The sun peeking through the windows was what woke Joel up. He felt Emily’s fingers rubbing a gentle pattern on the back of his neck and looked up to find her smiling at him. “G’morning. ” He mumbled and watched her smile widen, brushing back the strands of hair that had made themselves home on his forehead. 
“Mornin’ sleepyhead. Louise headed out somewhere and said Laura would be over at about 3 to pick up something she left the other night but apart from that, just us again.” Joel nodded, kissing her stomach before leaning up and kissing her lips, morning breath be damned. 
“C’mon, get dressed, I wanna show you somethin’.” Joel said, pushing himself up off of the couch and then pulling Emily up after him. The pair worked around each other to get themselves dressed and ready for the day, Emily jumping in the shower while Joel brushed his teeth and washed his face. “Baby?” Joel called out and Emily peeped around the bathroom door. 
“Yeah?” She asked innocently and Joel frowned. 
“Did you move my shirt?” 
“What shirt?” 
“The one that you saw me put on the bed five minutes ago before I went to turn off Tommy’s alarm. I could have sworn I put it on the bed.” He muttered looking around the room. 
“Think you’re goin’ crazy, cowboy. I’ll be five minutes, just need to get dressed, ok?” She asked and Joel nodded, going back to his closet to pull out a different shirt, picking out a white one instead of the black one he swore he had put on the bed. 
When Emily stepped out of the bathroom, dressed in a black shirt that was tucked slightly into her jeans, Joel had to do a double take, looking her over a few times. “You thief. Made me think I was going crazy.” He exclaimed, pinching her sides and grinning at the squeaks that escaped her. 
“Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry. Look, it was there for the takin’. ‘Sides, you’re gonna have to get used to this when I move in with you. How am I supposed to resist a closet filled to the brim with your clothes when it’ll stare me in the face every morning?” She teased and he shook his head, holding her close to him and peppering kisses across her face. 
Joel had passed his driving test and, thanks to the savings he had from working at the garage, he managed to buy himself a decent truck and it was like his baby. He opened the passenger door for Emily and then walked round to the other side, taking her hand and resting it on her thigh, pulling off of the curb and heading towards their surprise destination. 
The pair were driving for around twenty minutes until Joel pulled off of the road and down a narrow path, stopping the car. “Is this where you tell me that you’ve been murdering people for years and that now you’re going to murder me?” She asked and Joel shook his head. 
“Nope, need you, sweet cheeks. There’s something I want to show you.” He held his hand out for her and she took it, following him into a clearing in the trees and sitting down on the grass. 
The trees created a frame for the view in front of them. A lake with ducks and swans floating across it and kids swimming in it, beach balls and floaties strewn across the water’s surface. The opening provided them with a view of the small hill that they sat on, flowers and bees beneath their feet. “Joel, how’d you find this?” She whispered, in awe of the scenery. 
“When I was thirteen, ma was visiting my grandparents and dad was at home, Tommy was out with a friend. He’d been grinding my gears all day and then he said something and I snapped. Left a note in my room and climbed out of my window and ran and ran until I was scared I’d never be found. But I was wrong because no matter how far away I was, she would always find me. From then, she made it tradition that, whenever Tommy was out, after we visited my grandparents, we’d come back here, sometimes with some snacks or a book, other times with nothing but her car. When she first died, I used to come here a lot, leave Tommy with you and come here before or after work, just to talk to her because no one else knew about this place. Meant it was something that me and her had.” He looked at her with nothing but love in his eyes and she leant into him. 
“You didn’t have to-.” 
“I brought you here because no matter what I was going through, you were always the one that put your life on hold to make sure I was ok. You were the one that researched all these little calming tips and learned what it was that made me tick and figured out how to make sure I got over it. I was so certain that, in the middle of me grieving my mom, I was gonna lose you too. I was so scared that you wouldn’t be able to put up with all my bullshit and my insistence that Tommy follow me everywhere and never be at home alone. Truth is Emily, it’s always been you and I don’t know why I was ever scared. Before you freak, this isn’t some fucking long winded proposal speech because, one, I ain’t got the money to buy you the nicest ring this place has to offer but two, we still got the rest of our lives together. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate you, I love you and I want you with me, wherever it is I go. Maybe one day Tommy won’t be right behind us.” Joel ended and wiped the tears from her cheeks, kissing the tear tracks away and holding her close. 
“I don’t know how the proposal speech is gonna go down because that was pretty fucking incredible.” She murmured into his shirt and he chuckled. 
“I’ll figure something out.” He whispered in her ear and she smiled, lifting her head from his chest and grimacing at the wet patches on his shirt. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” He assured her and laid back on the grass, pulling her back with him and looking up at the patch of sky that was visible. 
“Never realised how much of a romantic you are Joel Miller.” 
“Would I increase my romantic rating if I told you there were snacks in the back of the car because I had imagined this as some kind of cheesy date?” He asked sheepishly and she gasped, turning to look at him. 
“Are you serious? Of course it would? Do the snacks involve Doritos?” She asked and he smirked. 
“Doritos and those fruit snack things you love.” He added and she grinned jumping up and running back to the truck, grabbing the bag full of snacks he had hidden under his jacket. 
“Joel Miller I have never wanted to suck your dick more.” She commented and he let out a low chuckle, content as she sat between his legs and rested her back against his chest, feeding him Doritos every so often. “Hey Joel?” She muttered and Joel hummed, Emily feeling the vibrations through his shirt. “What’d you name your kids?” She whispered and he smiled. 
“Sarah for a girl. If it was good enough for ma, it’s good enough for me. But, your opinions matter more than mine, you’d be carrying the bean round for nine months.” He replied, his voice low and steady and Emily’s heart warmed. 
“You think about kids with me?” She asked and Joel just huffed. 
“Did my long winded speech not get anythin’ into that skull of yours? I want everythin’ with you. Kids, marriage, house and a car with a dog that’ll protect you when I’m not there. Want to be there for everything. What about you? What’s your ideal kids name?” Joel asked and Emily shrugged. 
“I like Sarah. It not too far fetched but you don’t bump into one every day, know what I mean. Plus, it has meaning behind it. I love Ellie. I’ve always loved Ellie.” She answered and he chuckled. 
“Well if we ever have a boy, we’re screwed.” Joel said and she nodded. 
“Well you took your grandpa’s middle name as your name, right? And Tommy just got a shortened version of his first name.” Joel nodded and looked at the watch on his left arm. 
“It’s been a tradition for a while. The oldest boy takes the parents middle name as their first name but my mom and Aunt Laura were the only kids my grandma had so that tradition restarted with me.” 
“Little Matthew Miller. I don’t know, Joel. I think it fits.” She said and Joel rolled his eyes. 
“Hate my middle name. Tommy’s isn’t much better to be honest.” Joel grumbled. “Tommy Brandon Miller.” Joel laughed and Emily shook her head. “Yeah, they don’t exactly go together, huh?” 
For the next few hours, Joel and Emily relaxed, taking a well earned break from all their studying and basking in the quiet that the little hideaway provided them with. When they finally returned home, the sun was beginning to set and the pair walked into the house, the smile being wiped from their faces at the sight of Richard sitting at the dining table, the lawyer that Joel had spoken to stood there too. 
“What the hell is he doing here?” Joel growled and Emily noticed her mother and father sat on the couch with Louise, presumably there as a precaution in case things turned heated. 
“I ain’t lettin’ you take Tommy with you. He’s my son and you ain’t just runnin’ away with him.” 
“Where is Tommy?” Joel asked, directing the question towards Louise. 
“In his room, dear. Don’t worry, we aren’t going to leave him out of it, he gets a say too.” She assured but Joel shook his head and went to retrieve his younger brother before sitting across from his father. 
“Go on, explain why you want him to stay with you.” Joel leaned back, arms crossed and Richard stuttered, clearing his throat. 
“I ain’t never done anythin’ to hurt him and I don’t think you’re responsible enough to look after him. Once you’ve left, he’s all I’ve got so I don’t wanna lose him.” Richard said and then turned to Tommy. “You don’t mind stayin’ with your old man a little longer do you, Tommy boy?” Tommy just ignored him and Joel smirked slightly. “What the hell have I done to him?” 
“I didn’t tell him about all the shit you did because I didn’t want him to lose you like I did. I made sure that all your anger came to me so that he still saw his dad as his hero, just like I wish I could have. All the beating I took just so that you were level headed when you spoke to him and mom. I ain’t lettin’ you take him away after I’ve spent the last three years steppin’ up for him. No way.” Joel finished, trying his best to stay calm, watching Richard and Carol give him a reassuring smile while Emily simply sat between them, watching on in anticipation. 
“Well, I’m gonna be the bigger man and let my son have a choice.” Richard said and Joel looked at Tommy, noticing how he avoided his father’s gaze and looked straight at Joel. 
“Hey, you don’t gotta go with him if you don’t want. You know I’m more than happy to keep you as close as possible and that grandma has been more than happy to have you here. Don’t expect me to give all that up just because he’s suddenly decided to step up. It’s in your hands ok? You say the word and I’ll sort it.” Joel promised and Tommy frowned. 
“I don’t wanna go with him Joel. I don’t want him to stop me seeing everyone again. I just got grandma back but you’ve been so happy now that you ain’t gotta worry about me. You and Em are gonna move in together, get married and I don’t wanna get in your way and-.” 
“Tommy Miller I promise you that you are never in my way. You always have and always will be my top priority, for as long as you need to be. How many times have I told you that, huh? Ma raised us to be close and that ain’t never gonna change no matter where you live. He tries to stop you talkin’ to me and I find a way around it. Do you understand me?” Tommy nodded and glanced at Richard, shaking his head. 
“I don’t wanna stay with him. I really don’t wanna say with him.” He whispered and Joel nodded. 
“It’s okay, little brother. I’ll figure somethin’ out, ok?” Joel said softly and Tommy nodded while Richard scoffed. 
“I’m his father, I’ve got custody of him and he ain’t livin’ under anyone else's house.” He exclaimed but Mr Hernandez raised a hand and stood. 
“Tommy is in the right frame of mind to chose where he lives and a court would allow-.” 
“He’s an abuser, an alcoholic and a fucking bastard right down to his core. He used to hit my ma, he’s hit me and I swore I’d never let him hit Tommy. I’ll take custody of Tommy, I’ll be his legal guardian and-.” 
“Woah woah. Joel, calm down. Honey, you can’t go sayin’ all this. You’re 18, you haven’t finished school-.” Carol tried but Joel just shook his head, looking at Tommy.
“I promised ma and I promised myself that you’d never go through what we did. You’re my little brother and I ain’t about to let you get hurt by him because that’s what’ll happen. He’ll go back to the bars and he’ll expect you to take over and I know how that feels Tommy.” Joel then turned to Richard and shrugged. 
“Joel, let me take custody. I’ve got more chance of winning a case than you, more experience that they’ll take into consideration. I’m not going to stop Tommy from seeing you whenever he wants and I can promise that you’ll still be as close as you are now. You’ve got so much responsibility on your shoulders, let me take this ok?” Louise spoke and Joel sighed, looking at Tommy who nodded with a small smile. 
“Fine.” Richard stood from his chair with a huff. “I’m not wasting my time with this shit or the money that a court case will cost. You want to keep them then be my guest.” He said to Louise and then left the house, Joel feeling his shoulders relax, standing to see James out before Tommy threw himself at Joel’s chest, wrapping his arms around him. 
“Thank you. Thank you for fightin’ for me.” Tommy muttered and Joel smiled, wrapping his arms around Tommy in return.
“I’ll always look out for you, baby brother. Even when no one else is.”
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't forget to like and reblog if you enjoyed!
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simmingonthelow · 10 months
Get to Know ME?
I tagged myself lol .......cause why not?
What’s your favourite Sims death?
The vampire one....there's a vampire one right? (or this could be a mod, i dunno)
Alpha CC or Maxis Match?
Why not both, cause I can't decide so i take both.
Do you cheat your sims weight?
I do! but the crazy part is that I have to cheat the weight up, cause every time I make my sims and leave them as townies or whatever they always end up skinny (lowest on the slider) and i'm real mad because when did I say they could do that? stwwwww...anyways if someone knows how to fix this do tell cause I'm TIRED of that happening.
Do you use move objects?
Yup! don't we all!
Favourite Mod?
extre- *ehem* slice of life modules and anything else that adds autonomy.
First Expansion/Game Pack/Stuff Pack?
Do you pronounce live mode or aLIVE or LiVing?
Living 😞 (which one is it?)
Who’s your favourite sim that you’ve made?
I'm sorry i don't have just one but SHANA Starks🥺🔥 and MACHA Wording 😤😩. My babies, my children, my everything .......and all my other sims but those two are in first first place while the rest are in second first place 🙃.
Have you made a simself?
I have. Its my pfp rn (sporting the hairstyle I seriously want to be in at this moment 😖😔). It hasn't been updated in a while though.
Which is your favourite EA hair colour?
The light blue one ( I say this and I almost never use it)
Favourite EA hair?
I meaaaaannnn i don't really use many, but the ones with the baby hairs cause they all slap!
Favourite life stage?
Infants cause mine are soooo darn cute! Young adults is close second here.
Are you a builder or are you in it for gameplay?
Gameplay cause I can't build 😭.
Are you a CC creator?
Nah but i'd like to be!
Do you have any Simblr friends or a Sim Squad?
Yes (i think?!)! @latte-trait, @shittyysimblr, @void-imp, @neriney, @lilypixels,@liliumsims, @morgynemberisagenderfluiddaddy, @emzchaos,@seasonalbeauties,@salemssimblr,@coatedinhoney and many other (i'm not too sure about these or the rest cause [so i won't list them 😔] ..........(*/ω\*) it could all be para-social but if you see this, yes! I'm talking about you too!)
Do you have any sims merch?
How has your “Sims Style” changed throughout your years of playing?
I don't really considered the change drastic or anything for the most part. There were some subtle changes as time passed. BUT! My babies ate from the start to the finish, they just didn't all eat the same thing.
Whats your Origin ID?
uuuuuhhhh....shhhhhh its a secret (❁´◡`❁)
Who’s your favourite CC creator?
I'm a lover of cc so I think it be too much to list it all. What I can say is that i'm in love with them all 🥺!
How long have you had simblr?
uhhhhh 3 years? i dunno, i don't really keep track.
How do you edit your pictures?
With gimp
What expansion/ stuff pack is your favourite?
All occults cause i'm a sucker for my monster bbies 😩🥺😤
i’m tagging @crsentfairy, @cinamun, @coatedinhoney, @latte-trait, @shittyysimblr , @void-imp, @neriney, @lilypixels,@liliumsims, @morgynemberisagenderfluiddaddy, @emzchaos, @seasonalbeauties, @salemssimblr, @coatedinhoney, and any other person that sees this and wants to do it!
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vampiricmycelium · 6 months
This one is for the Mumdubs fans in my notes. I am happy to join you all!
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"Mumbo you know what I think?"
"Probably not, but go on."
"I think we should all play a game together for bonding."
Mumbo was seated across from Bdubs. They had set up a small campsite in front of the three mounds, making sure that there was enough lights surrounding them to ward off any hostile mobs. Getting attacked would be less than ideal considering there was no regen. But the Mounders, as they were thus called, wanted a small space to just hang out. While there was plenty of room in Pearl's base, it felt a little rude to just claim it for communal use. There was talk of building an actual communal building for the four of them - and any allies of course. But that had yet to be started.
Mumbo and Bdubs were drinking. Not the smartest or safest thing to do, but they both agreed they wouldn't let the other get too drunk. Pearl had turned in early for the night and Joel was, well Mumbo wasn't sure where he was right now. In his own base? Or someone else's? He didn't keep tabs on the man.
"Like all four of us?"
"Sure! But we can also play a game just you and me."
Mumbo nodded, taking a long sip from his beer. Why not? He had never really spent that much time with Bdubs just one on one. It wasn't that odd despite how long they've known each other, but this certainly wasn't the kind of situation he expected them to be in together.
"What game? We have a distinct lack of board games or cards. I think I have a pack of cards, but not on my person."
"That's okay. We can play something without them."
"Like what?"
"Hmmm. How about 21 Questions."
"21 Questions? Is that a game Bdubs?"
"Sh-shut up! It can be a game." Mumbo tried not to laugh, but it was difficult with the way that Bdubs huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. It was almost charming to watch. He finished his drink, nodding.
"Alright. We can go back and forth then." Mumbo got a thought that only someone who's been drinking would think is a good idea. "But we have to promise to be totally honest and we can ask anything."
"Oh that's risky."
"Well, at least we don't have any tasks at the moment. So no worries on that."
"You're right. Hmm. Do you want to go first?"
"Sure why not. Um. Well now that I am I feel put on the spot. Let's see. What do you really think of your upside down house?"
Bdubs didn't seem to expect that, but Mumbo couldn't tell if he looked disappointed or relieved. Mumbo honestly had no idea what kind of things he was supposed to ask. People usually got really personal with this game right? But he did want his honest opinion of his work.
"It's.... not the worst. I could do better! I most certainly can. You've seen my globe."
"Yes it's rather impressive."
"That's right." Mumbo liked seeing him like this. All proud, puffing himself up. "It's a work of art."
"Aw you're too kind Mumbo." Bdubs waved a hand. "That being said, I think I did a great job at making it awful. So I can't say it's a complete waste. Really shows how talented I am!"
"Yes, yes. You're a genius."
Bdubs narrowed his eyes. "I can't tell if you're mocking me or not."
It was Mumbo's turn to wave his hands, shaking his head as well. "Oh no. I really do think you're a great builder Bdubs. I promise." Mumbo paused. "Is that your first question?"
"No! I have a question for you. Hm. Do you ever think of shaving your moustache?"
"Never! I would never do it. It's my pride and joy. I'd be incomplete without it." Mumbo laughed. He touched the moustache in question, smiling to himself. He was playing up his feelings on the matter, but he really didn't think he could ever shave it off completely."
"Is it ticklish when you kiss someone?"
Mumbo was blushing now. He was not expecting that follow up question. He opened another beer just so that he had something to do, taking a bigger gulp than he planned.
"You.... It's my turn to ask a question." Bdubs nodded, and then fell silent just waiting for him to go on. Why was this feeling suddenly awkward? It was just a question. A mere curiosity. "If you could invite anyone to the Mounders, who would it be?"
"Etho no question."
"Huh. I should have expected that one. There's no one else?"
Bdubs shrugged. "He's... well I like having him around. Not that I don't like having you around! You're great too, it's just. Different."
Different. Right. Mumbo took another swig, trying to figure out why Bdubs answer rubbed him the wrong way. Etho was fine. Not someone he'd go to to team with immediately, but he was fine. Yeah. Maybe it was the drinking or how late it was getting to him.
"Now answer my question."
"What question?"
"Does it tickle when you kiss someone?"
Oh. So he was actually curious about it. Mumbo thought maybe he'd ask something else. Mumbo was blushing, wondering if the light of the fire separating them showed it or not.
"It does. At least that's what I've been told. But most people don't mind."
"Been kissing a lot of people Mumbo?"
"I... Just the normal amount."
"What's the normal amount?"
"You're asking a lot of questions when it's not your turn." He was going to die. Why was he making this even more awkward? Bdubs didn't seem to be bothered by it, but he felt like he was going to melt into the ground if this kept up. "Let's talk about something else."
The night went on with them exchanging questions. Bdubs didn't go back to the question of kissing thankfully. Most of what they asked were rather mundane and vaguely personal questions. Nothing that got Mumbo blushing again. That was until they were near the end of the game.
"Who have you kissed Mumbo?"
"Oh, you really want to know?"
"I'm the one asking questions here," Bdubs replied, echoing Mumbo's earlier words. He sounded far less embarrassed though. "I mean I can make guesses."
"I'd rather you not." Well maybe he could just throw himself off a cliff twice tomorrow and not have to deal with this. Or go to the End and just stay there until he was done. "Grian, Scar, um, it's happened once or twice with Pearl and Impulse back when Boatem was a thing. Ah. Martyn?"
"Why is that a question? I think it's a pretty definitive thing. You've either kissed or not."
"We've kissed a few times during Last Life. There's... there's not really anyone else. Not that I have any desire to go around kissing people."
"Are you dating Grian and Scar?"
"In a way? It's complicated. I wouldn't say they'd stop me from kissing anyone else. I'm sure they'd have a time teasing me about it. Are you... dating?"
Was it just the fire or was it getting hotter? They were outside at night for heaven's sake!
"Not really. I suppose it could be seen that way, but nothing official."
"Nothing to stop you from kissing whoever you'd like then."
"Do you want to kiss me?"
Mumbo nearly spilled his drink on himself. Bdubs had asked so casually like it was nothing. He was staring at him, trying to get a gauge on his thoughts about this. Bdubs was fidgetting with his own bottle, not really looking directly at Mumbo. Huh. Was he embarrassed? This was unexpected.
"Is that your question?"
"Is it my turn?"
Mumbo could tell it didn't matter anymore. He stood, feeling suddenly bold and decided to ride that feeling out before he realized how stupid this was. Bdubs was his friend. He shouldn't do this. He moved to his side, grabbing Bdubs by his moss jacket and pulling him to his feet. Even at standing height, Mumbo loomed over him. He did stop and think for a moment as Bdubs stared up at him in confusion.
"Do you want to?"
"Kiss you?"
This was ridiculous. This was not how this night was supposed to go. How any of this was supposed to go. Mumbo leaned down, feeling Bdubs get up on his toes before their mouths met. There was a scent of moss, of nature and something else, something entirely Bdubs. His mouth was rough, but that didn't matter. Mumbo kissed him until he felt like he was going burst from lack of oxygen.
"Wow that was. Wow. I wasn't expecting you to kiss me like that." Bdubs touched his lips like he was in awe. Mumbo felt like he was ready to throw himself into the nearby fire.
"I'm sorry. I went a little overboard. I don't know what came over me."
It was quiet then. Mumbo went over the various ways this had gone all wrong. Maybe he could move somewhere else so he'd never have to interact with Bdubs again.
"It did tickle."
"Your moustache. It did tickle, but it was nice. I can see why people liked it."
"I, um, well that's good. I am glad you enough it."
Bdubs broke out into a smile. He seemed to almost be laughing, but at what Mumbo couldn't tell.
"We should do it again."
With that being said, Bdubs said good night making his way over to his upside down base he didn't entirely hate. Mumbo stood there, still processing his words and everything else that had happened.
These games were going to kill him for real one day.
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sevilemar · 1 year
Hello, hope you're going well! You introduced me to dimension20 and I love it so thank you!!
What advice would you give to a first-time DM?
Thanks in advance and have a wonderful week!
That's so awesome! I'm so glad you found D20, I love them so much! <3 What are you watching at the moment? I'm into Neverafter, as you probably know 😉, but my absolute favourite is Misfits and Magic. It's just four episodes, but everyone is absolutely killing it, it's so much fun!
Are you thinking about taking the plunge and go see what the gras looks like from the other side of the screen? That's really awesome! Ok, here's what I know (I've only GMed a couple of sessions yet, so it's all very new for me, too^^):
- I think there's a few things you probably should decide in advance, with your players or alone: what genre and tone you wanna hit, and if you wanna homebrew your world completely, play in a campaign setting like Eberron or Wildemount, or play a module with a storyline. Essentially, the question is how much of a world builder and overarching story crafter are you?
- When we decided on a campaign setting, it was important for me to let my players know that it's my Eberron, and that things will probably be different from the books. It gave me the freedom to improvise, which I absolutely needed.
- Have a session zero, it's really important. You need to make sure you and your players are on the same page about genre and tone. Also, you need to communicate any limitations on character creation. I told them they all have to find a reason to work at this one newspaper. Another thing is establishing lines and veils, and other safety tools. Google them, they're important. I think it's best to keep an open document somewhere everyone has access to, so it can be added on by everyone. Also, talk about logistics (when, where, how often, how do you handle food, etc.). You can also make your characters together, maybe they'll find the first touching points (two characters already know each other, etc.)
- Character creation is a process, I find. I love being involved in it, it helps me get to know the characters before we play, and it can be a very creative process for both you and your player.
- I don't think of it as 'writing a story', because that's really not what I'm doing. I'm 'yes, and'-ing my players with story. I'm putting stuff in front of my PCs and see what they do with it. Then I take their reactions and make up new stuff based on what they did. And by stuff I mean plot beats, world building details, monsters, puzzles, etc. And sometimes I do it on the spot at the table, and sometimes I do it at home in preparation. Both are equally valid.
- I think of my 'story' as layered storybeats. I know the overall layer: what happened in the past, and what different factions and sometimes my PCs want to happen in the future. Everyone at the table knows the present, and I have planned stuff for the near future. But the near future can change based on what's happening at the table. And sometimes, those changes mean the overall layer of the story also needs to change, past and future.
- It's only canon if you said it at the table. It was very important for me to realise, because it gave me the freedom to shape what's happening into a good story. And if I have to change a past my PCs don't know about yet to make it fit the story we're currently telling, of course I'll change it. I don't tell my players, though. For me as GM, both past and future is to be decided; for my players, the past needs to be fixed to be discovered, and the future theirs to influence.
- Take notes. Lots of notes. Details, people you made up, things to come back to, things that affect other things, consequences, etc. I haven't found a good way to organise them yet, but I keep a detailed session log, and also files on places and the people/organisations associated with them.
- I reskin monsters all the time. Making them look different, or taking a more dangerous monster and nerf some of its abilities, etc. I feel it serves me better that way.
- Encounter building is difficult in general, so I started small. I used kobold fight club for the first three encounters, but for the bbeg I made a character sheet and just went to town. I also adjust at the table, both how many monsters there are, and sometimes their abilities.
- Don't plan more than your next session. Maybe some shops and stuff like that, but I find it easy to improvise these things at the table. Remembering them after is the more interesting task here^^
- What you need is a good understanding of the setting and the world, but you don't really need to know every detail. Think about the mechanics of things, and details will follow logically. For example, the main communication device in my Eberron are crystals, so newspapers are also distributed by it. Which means there are big crystal screens in every city and town for the public, and also private news crystals for the wealthy. My newspaper also has a squad of low-level magic users who send news articles in a chanting ritual every Tuesday and Friday morning to these crystals. The rest of the time they use divination magic to check facts, establish timelines and connections, etc.
- Make a list of names, it'll come in really handy.
- I don't really concern myself with my player's character sheets. I sometimes ask for clarification, and sometimes my players do and I make a ruling, but overall, I trust them to know their shit, especially in a fight where I'm busy running everything else.
- I was so fucking jittery before my first session. I couldn't sleep, couldn't eat, and my nerves kept me on adrenaline the whole day. If you have this too, practice your first sentences, it helps. And tell your players, they will be very understanding.
- There is a lot more out of game communication involved than you'll think. Depending on the type of campaign you're running, you'll need check ins and aftercare and sometimes just talking and shooting the shit together. I think of it like a BDSM session, because it can be just as emotionally intense sometimes. And even if it's just a lighthearted thing, make sure everyone is alright after a session, even if it's just a quick check in the next day.
- Give yourself some grace. A lot of it, actually. You're new to this, and it is a lot. Something Aabria once said helped me so much. She said something like: 'But see me in six months'. And it's true. I learned so much with every session, and I'm still learning. I put a lot of it down in my 'dming' tag, so you can see for yourself and follow my progress if you like.
It's a lot of work, nonny, and it's a lot of fun. I'm not sure if I like it better than being a player, but it certainly has made me into a much better player, even after a few sessions. Try it out for yourself, and let me know what you think.
Edit: I got a lot of this stuff from Adventuring Academy, or the GMs of Exandria Round Table, or Matthew Colville.
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generatorrexy · 1 year
The Black Monday Murders
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I finished reading the two available volumes of The Black Monday Murders that collect the first 8 issues (4 issues each), and it was an incredible experience. I totally recommend to pick them up, or... Maybe wait until the third volume is released, which is the last one, so you can have a full story.
Okay, this tells the story of a group of families that control the wealth of the world with black magic which is provided by the god Mamon, and like any Jonathan Hickman work, it was a lot of incredibly intelligent world building.
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When I say dark magic you imagine a certain thing, big spells and sacrifices, and while there are sacrifices and big spells, they are used sparely because most of the story is about the systems. Money is the primary source of power, said to be the physical manifestation of power in the world, and that is how these people really control the world.
In this context, we have two points of view, Theodore Dumas, a detective that enters this world by investigating a murder, and Grigoria Rothschild, who joins the board after being exiled because of the murder of his brother. These two points of view are also accompanied by the now standard Hickman Data Page™ that expand this world a lot more.
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With this, the reader is not really following a character but a world, which makes you start thinking more than what you read, and you start connecting the dots as you go. This is one of the best aspects of the comic, you get the feeling this is all bigger than everyone, it's incredibly well thought out.
Some people say that Hickman is not a character writer, he's more of a plot writer and a world builder, but I don't totally agree. It's true that you never see the characters in their day-to-day life, the small moments you see only serve to tell the story... But, the characters in here are charming, you get their motivations and that is because of how great of a writer Hickman is, he knows what fragments of their life to show to make you get everything about them.
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And my god, Tomm Coker's art is FANTASTIC. All the faces of the characters look like real people, if I had to describe the style, I would say that It's like a sketched photograph. The work with the panes and shots is also incredible, for a book that is mostly people talking it's very dynamic and makes this read itself, because these are double sized issues of 40 pages but I read them faster than I do normal issues.
All this is very well accompanied by Michael Garland's fantastic colors, that bring these drawings even more to life, using a very good palette for this story that gets the dark noir tone of this book. And ofc, the thing you get the most in the data pages, Rus Wooton's letters are very well done, because as any good letterer, you don't see his work because of how well it's integrated in the work.
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So yeah, I totally recommend this work, and I can't keep talking about it because I will spoil all the fantastic reveals. Just go, read it, and maybe if you want you can DM me and we can talk about this because I loved it!
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