#(most of the others are poetry)
firstfullmoon · 3 months
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Ada Limón, “Work”
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soracities · 1 month
traveling to see a long distance lover in a few months and we're both about 5'4.. its symmetry of the heart! its completing a matching set after 20 years! its fitting over each other like milkcrates! its our shadows lining up! its picking same-sized clothes to exchange so we can still hold each other after i go! im in love and its my scariest secret! i am in love!!!!!
anon this is..........i am..............oh my godddd 😭
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lucky-clover-gazette · 8 months
i honestly love the fact that i have just been following two people very invested in dnf for like a year, either bc of a misclick or other mutual fandom, because i have so little knowledge about what is and is not real with those two. i have never played or watched a mindcraft in my life, however i can acknowledge insane homoeroticism when i see it, and those two are either ridiculously committed to a bit or ridiculously committed to each other, and to the like fifteen people who still seem to care post-face reveal (which i always thought was awful by the way, like people were dicks about it) it doesn’t really matter
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the-eclectic-wonderer · 10 months
I’ve been exposed to waaaay too much taylor swift lately, so I went for a walk on the anti tag to cleanse my mind. I’ve seen a lot of commentary about her racism / privilege / climate crimes etc, which is all extremely important ofc, but also, like…
She’s boring. SO boring. The music, the lyrics, the ideas, everything, it’s just the most basic stuff you can imagine, just beige all around.
I get being basic but, like… at least Starbucks drinks have some semblance of taste.
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simmyfrobby · 11 months
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― Voting as Fire Extinguisher, Kyle Tran Myhre
Hockey Poetry Post 48/?
(Photo credit: Dave Sandford, Chase Agnello-Dean, link, Chris Sweda, Debora Robinson, Bill Smith, Jeff Haynes, Chase Agnello-Dean, Jeff Vinnick, link)
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girlfictions · 1 year
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Hayan Charara, from Mother and Daughter
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oatbugs · 2 months
i just wanna love my friends and travel and learn new things and find experience precious moments and maybe do research 4ever one day and kiss pretty ppl i do not need to have my heart squeezed dry by this girl
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cashmerecrow · 11 months
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Some new additions... What will you pick?
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darlingillustrations · 4 months
I'm Gay
When I was eight years old, I wrote my first poem. I remember the moment the words came to me. I was lying in bed at night, the lines rattling through my brain, startling sleep away. I turned on my pencil-shaped bedside lamp, grabbed my pink diary and huddled up underneath the little roses on my wallpaper to scribble the words down before they were lost to me forever. I re-read them over and over, letting them seep into my mind as I drifted off to sleep, so full of mystery and fascination at this new craft that had opened up to me.
The next day, I showed the poem to my mother. It was a love poem, and the only thing she said was, “Why is this written to a woman?”
I didn’t know.
In high school, I also didn’t know why I enjoyed turning around in psychology class to chat with the girl with the cool beaded purse who sat behind me. I didn’t get it why I was so tongue tied around the girl in college with the mousy brown hair and soft floral skirts. After graduation, I still didn’t understand why the scrawny girl with facial piercing who I worked with at the coffeeshop held such a deep place in my heart that I’d give anything to make her smile.
The day I nervously confessed to my parents that I no longer wanted to be in the Church of Christ, the religion they’d raised me in, and that I’d been going to an Episcopal church, they laughed in relief.
“We were worried you were going to tell us you were a lesbian,” they said, wiping tears of joy from their eyes.
It never occurred to me that I could be a lesbian because I was attracted to guys. I didn’t realize that bisexuality was a thing. It wasn’t until 2016 that I started to face the truth about myself. After the attack on the Pulse nightclub, I felt deeply and inexplicably unsafe, and after months of soul searching, I came to realize it was because the people who had been attacked, the LGBT men and women, I was part of their community. They were me. I was LGBT.
As part of my journey, I was asked to exhibit my art at the Pierce County AIDS Foundation. I wanted to share something that was representative of the LGBT community, and that’s how my Affectionate Animal series was born. I chose vintage photos as my source images because I loved the nostalgic feeling they evoked. I wanted to offer the feeling that being gay was a normal thing.
The funny thing is: when I painted these first nine couples, I didn’t yet realize my own truth.
Coming out to myself was about self acceptance. When I told Matt, he asked me what this meant for our marriage. I said it meant nothing: instead of choosing him over half the world population, it meant I chose him over all of the world population. But when Matt left me (for other reasons), some of my close friends whom I’d trusted with my secret blamed me for him leaving. “He’s been through a lot,” they said.
I was scared to tell anyone. For a long time I only told people who were gay, and I spent a lot of time online, on tumblr, living an invisible life, coming to terms with what my sexuality meant.
That’s where I met my first girlfriend. She flew cross country to visit me and I flew cross country to visit her. We fell in love with each other and each other’s kids, and I was going to fly out with the girls to spend Christmas with her, until she broke up with me suddenly and then blocked my phone number before ever explaining why everything was ending.
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They say your first heartbreak after a divorce is the worst. When you get divorced, there’s too much other stuff in the way that inhibits the grieving process, so when your first heartbreak after divorce hits you, all that pent up grief rears its ugly head and devastates you. In short, that’s what happened to me. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t eat. I kept throwing up for weeks. I lashed out at people, then became disgusted with myself for acting like such a monster and fell into a pit of despair. My body felt like knives were stabbing me, raking my arms from the inside out. My chest felt cavernous. I felt beyond gutted. I felt like I was in tatters.
God bless my therapist, because she texted with me through the worst of it, assuring me that this is what grief felt like. I’d tell her I was scared of the depression. She said I was strong enough to weather a little depression. I took comfort in that. Deep down I knew she was right.
I started cleaning my house. It wasn’t much, but a little every day gave me a sense of normalcy. I signed up for the Motivated Moms checklist so that I wouldn’t have to think about what I was supposed to do. I could just do it.
On Friday, my checklist said to spend time on a craft or hobby. I spent more time scratching my head trying to figure out what I was interested in than I did playing my guitar once I finally remembered I liked to sing. On Sunday I was paralyzed by the suggestion to pamper myself. How does someone pamper themselves? I googled it and read dozens of suggestions before I felt inspired by the suggestion to give myself flowers.
I’d always thought that, when I was with my girlfriend for Valentine’s Day, we’d do some sappy romantic thing, and I’d post sappy pictures & let people draw whatever conclusions they wanted to about our relationship. Now that I’m single again, I guess I’m coming out of the closet anyways. I’m not doing it for another person. I’m doing it for myself. Because, at the end of the day, lovers come and go, but there is one person who will love me for my entire life, and that person is me. And it doesn’t take a parent or a husband or a girlfriend to validate my loveliness. I am loved. I am darling. And I am complete, just as I am.
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I don’t know why God made me this way, but this is the way I am. I don’t fall in love with people because of what’s in their pants, but because of what’s in their heart. So, in closing, I’d like to share with you the poem I wrote when I was eight years old, long before I knew what the depths of my heartache might bring:
Beauty Your eyes sparkle in the moonlight, Your legs tremble fast, Your voice can sing the wonders, And your ears can hear me laugh, Your nose smells the flowers that I bring to you in prize, Your legs can run freely, And your hands can hold my thighs. But you’re the one in my mind, The wonders that I dream, For you are so beautiful, The wonders of my dreams.
I like to think that, maybe, the woman I’d written it for was, in fact, myself.
[ This essay first appeared on my blog on February 14, 2019, and it is how I came out publicly to my friends, family and the world. I want to repost it here to tumblr in the hopes that it might resonate with you. ]
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existennialmemes · 5 months
No I am not an atheist. No I do not worship any gods
I worship Silliness. Frivolity. Nonsense.
I worship that feeling deep in your chest when you're struggling to catch your breath because you physically cannot stop laughing
I worship Fun. Joy. Pure, unadulterated human expressions of Happiness.
So I must worship Nature. The sunlight, the air, the soil, the water, the plants, the animals, the creatures who are neither.
Because I cannot laugh if I cannot breathe.
If I have not eaten. If my water is not safe.
So I must worship my Community.
The hands that plant the seeds that grow into the fruit that I eat, as I bask in the sunlight. The Little Universes who pluck the berries from the vine, package them, travel with them
I cannot worship the bright taste of strawberries on my tongue, if I have forsaken the souls who brought them
When you cannot laugh. Or Eat. Or Breathe. When your days are numbered.
So are mine. Because we are intertwined. If I do not fight for you, I have forsaken the Divine.
No, I am not an atheist. No I do not worship any gods. I don't think that's the “righteous” thing to do. I am a hedonist
I Worship Me and You
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bombingqueen · 7 months
Sam And Dean's Love through Spoken Word
There will come a day
When the fear of death will be the favored joke
Passed amongst corpses
And they’re already laughing
My love, please don’t be afraid
But there will come a day
When field mice play in our empty sockets
When our bones become homes for living creatures
Other than our egos
And when time will jostle our skeletons
Out of the composition that is me and you
And will write with us love letters that spell I owe you eternity
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If we believe in life after death, then I often wonder why we assume the dead like coffins
When people were never meant to live in boxes
So I pray that our children will have the good sense to leave us a little wiggle room
Leave us exposed like stray dogs in a thunderstorm
And I will hear the breeze but I will not know it as the breeze
And I will feel the rain but not know it as the rain
And I will behold the sky but not know it as the sky
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Instead, I will hear the breeze and think it is your laugh
Returned into the hearth of my ear
And I will feel the rain and think that it is the pinprick of your kiss and when the rain is tender
I will know that something has softened you
And when the rain is violent
I will know that something has shaken you
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And, in this new found understanding
Without eyes or ears or hands or lips
Our bare bones will make love in the dirt;
Never knowing our nakedness
Imagine, the wind coursing through a calligraphy of weeds
In our disrepair we have grown gardens of ourselves
Sprouts of curious grass shooting from our eye sockets
Our knuckles, hard, smooth skipping stones meant for children’s play
And the devilish sun, picking its way through your missing teeth and neither of us can keep from smiling these days
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And the days go unnoticed and the nights go unslept
And we talk with our souls through the holes in our ribs
Where the organs once sat
Imagine, your skull and mine both reduced to grins
Both washed clean of our sins and our skins, going young again, forgetting why we ever wrinkled or why we ever furrowed our brow with the plow of anger
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Become dust with me
Insignificant and everywhere
For I will love you even after your marrow has become a whisper and your bones;
Nothing but the snickering of gravel
Let us soak in the spaces our shadows left behind
Your skeleton, laced with mine
I will tie your soul to my ankles
And know what it is like to step into a dream
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And you will try on my backbone and see how bad it hurt the day you said you were calling it quits
I don’t remember why you left
Or why you came back
I don’t know how many years have passed
I’m not really sure years passed at all
All I know is the rain falls;
You kiss me like a rain fall
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The sun, it bleaches us clear and every day is a romance
All this to say;
We are already laughing
There is a wedding of earthworms and pebbles
Waiting when our tuxedo skeletons no longer fit
There is a place for our faces to lie planted beside
Forever smiling
There exists a place where we can still be in love
There exists a place where we can be still and in love
Just two gentle skulls
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"Death Poem" (The Happy Couple) - Alysia Harris,
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emmafallsinlove · 8 months
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everysongineverykey · 8 months
what the fuck do you mean soul brother is about brian may. what do you MEAN freddie mercury wrote a song about brian harold may that went "he's my best friend, he's my champion, and he will rock you, rock you, rock you, cause he's the saviour of the universe, he can make you keep yourself alive, make you keep yourself alive, cause he's somebody, somebody you can love" what do you mean he just wrote that and then casually told brian may about it in the studio one day and was like surprise! i've written a song about you, but it needs your touch! break out that guitar! what do yuo mean they both wrote songs aimed at each other at least once but brian wrote so many for freddie he can't remember which one he was working on at the time. WHAT DO YOU MENA
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lotrmusical · 20 days
listening to chappell roan and found myself thinking, wholeheartedly and sincerely, 'i wish i could play this album to a.e. housman.' late-victorian poet and classical scholar alfred edward housman. i want to hear his thoughts. about pink pony club
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lvminisciel · 23 days
other than diasomfam im actually a sucker for madam spade+deuce dynamic like heeeyyyy there's so much to explore thereeee
how deuce stated tht he's not close w/ his mom during his 'delinquent days'??? even to the point tht he avoids being at home
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is it just the pure awkwardness of barely talking to each other? or perhaps incomprehensible guilt? that he's not doing well in school, meanwhile his mom is doing the best she can to support the house; paying bills & basically striving to keep foods on the table
after all, he said it himself tht he chose the delinquent path bc no matter how hard he tried on studying his grades doesnt seem to improve; leading him to going down tht path out of frustration
do they get to talk it out? if yes, then how? did his mother approach him first? or did deuce himself subtly apologize while mustering up the courage that he's willing to change, for the sake of his mom?
how did their mother-son relationship flourish into what it is now? we all knew the turning point was when deuce overheard his mom talkin to his grandma abt him, but what happens in-between?
I'd like to think that it's the little things that made them appreciate each other more.
maybe he starts helping w/ the dishes. waiting for his mom to hv dinner together instead of eating of his own, bringing up the chance to hv small talk. it may started off stiff at first, but then it gradually grew into something warmer and before they knew it, telling each other about their days had become a habit of theirs.
during talks like this, his mother learnt of his fondness towards blastcycle. and now deuce knew that just like him, his mother too adored the color blue
... and many other things they shared with each other 💙
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martianbugsbunny · 8 months
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It's giving Kalluzeb in the jungle of Yavin
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