#(sort of lmaoooo)
jet-teeth · 1 month
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Need more dreadnougts around here, it's been a hot minute Some sketches from a bit ago, further attempts at trying to keep it loose but still be somewhat structural/technical
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michi-chelle-draws · 3 months
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quick sticky note doodle for towa’s bday !
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seenfull · 1 year
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emblazons · 1 month
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“If this is to work, we must appear madly in love.”
Phoenixflare Week || Day 3: Pretend Relationship / Fake Dating Joshua Rosfield & Dion Lesage + The Duke & I/Bridgerton AU
Joshua Rosfield—Duke of Rosaria—recently returned from his travels to proper Valisthean court intent on avoiding his mother's intentions to introduce him to every high-born match available, in hopes of finally marrying him off. Yet, during the first ball of the season, an encounter with his childhood friend Dion Lesage—the now cast-off Prince of Sanbreque—provides him with another option. If Prince Dion agrees to a fake courtship, Joshua can deter his mother from a parade of marriageable prospects being placed before him—while Dion (whose prospects were reduced to all but the lowest houses when his true-blood brother Oliver was born) might once again see his prospects and reputation soar. Despite being a match between two of Valisthea's strongest families, a romance between two high-ranking men of the realm is unprecedented—and too interesting for society not to watch with rapt interest. The plan works like a charm—at first. But amid the glittering, gossipy, cut-throat world of Valisthean elite, there is only one certainty: Love ignores every rule.
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twistedappletree · 2 months
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my three personalities in a room together
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rebouks · 1 year
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Norma: It’s not uncommon to find yourself on the wrong path in life, Oscar. Try not to beat yourself up too much. Oscar: I could’ve turned back earlier-.. I don’t know why I didn’t. Courtney reckons it was fate. Norma: That’s one way of looking at it.
Oscar: I was in a bad place.. ignoring everything seemed easier at the time, but the more we got involved, the less freedom we had. I figured they’d get bored eventually, y’know? Find someone better suited to the job than a depressed junkie. Norma: Bumping into Kate, that changed things for you?
Oscar: It felt so personal in comparison-.. these were innocent people; people I knew. I couldn’t sit on it. I knew the cops were in on it as well, so I took her to the only person I thought I could trust. Norma: Joslyn.
Oscar: [nods] She helped Kate, but she couldn’t help us, not after being promoted by Spencer. Norma: She tried her best. Oscar: That Agent Key guy was twice as useless as her, he fucking ghosted us.
Norma: Well, I looked into that after Joslyn told me about it. He had a heart attack-.. recovered just fine, but chose to retire early. The importance of your case was most likely lost amongst a mountain of paperwork. Those local departments are horrendously unorganised, bound by red tape; it should’ve landed on our desk.
Oscar: I was pissed that no one seemed interested-.. but I’m stubborn, so I figured I’d write it up myself, take it to the top. I kinda got waylaid though; Del Sol, Courtney got pregnant, I checked myself into rehab.. it’s all a bit of a blur. Norma: Do you know why Wyatt sent Courtney to Del Sol?
Oscar: It turns out they’d met outside all this; maybe he was jealous, suspicious, unhinged.. all three? The weirdest thing is, after all that, he turned around and helped us? I don’t get it. Norma: Really? That’s interesting.
Oscar: For some reason, yeah. He helped us expose Spencer. Norma: Is there any chance he could’ve felt guilty-.. had a change of heart? Oscar: [scoffs] I doubt it, he’s a pretty disturbed guy.
Norma: It’s no wonder, growing up in that environment. Oscar: He doesn’t deserve an excuse. Norma: Now, now.. don’t get all bitter; we never truly know other people’s intentions. We can guess, but still…
Oscar: It’s hard not to be. Norma: I’m sorry that you fell through the cracks, Oscar.. I really am. If you were a CI, or even an undercover agent, you would’ve been pulled out of this situation a long long time ago. The fact that you persevered is admirable.
Oscar: [sighs] I just-.. I wish Courtney hadn’t been dragged into it. Norma: Life’s too short for regret, dust yourself off and move on. Oscar: How can I move on when-…
Norma: We have a name, a place-.. Eugene’s already in Del Sol; it’s only a matter of time, trust me. Oscar: I suppose it’s your job now. Norma: [chuckles] Not one to hand over the reins easily, are you? You and your friends got us this far, we’ll do the rest.
Oscar: [nods] Thanks for being one of the good ones-.. I think? You haven’t been a dick to us, at least. Norma: Aha, the key is to pick your battles. You’re not the real bad guys here. Oscar: Are you, uh-.. we’re not gonna need lawyers once you’ve wrapped up in Del Sol, are we?
Norma: No, there’s no evidence against any of you; some dealings here and there, racketeering, assault-.. whatever else? Some of our agents do much worse, it’s a means to an end… I told Bruno we don���t always do things by the book, and I meant it. Oscar: That’s.. good to know.
Norma: [nods resolutely] Such a remarkable story-.. anyway, I think you’ve given me enough of your time. Oscar: Well.. I didn’t think I’d be saying this, but it was nice meeting you. Norma: Likewise! I’ll be sure to let you know of our progress, okay? In the meantime, you ought to try and give yourself a break.
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zero-is-nebulous · 11 months
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Mumbo said, and I quote "floral 1960's", and "psychedelic band", and I did copious amounts of research to match his prompt. Tada ✨️
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athina-blaine · 4 months
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nimona 🤝 bullying concussed men
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nvoc · 1 year
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SKYRIM ; scenery 12
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generalmelchett · 18 days
It was so Moffat to write a full conversation between the Doctor and an unconscious woman where, because her lifeless body is of use to him as a sounding board, the Doctor can still very cleverly demonstrate he has worked everything out. A sexy lamp moment. A sexy, dead lamp moment.
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ectonurites · 4 months
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I know some folks who went to the live show and can't be with us as we all watch it for the first time on broadcast due to the time zones, but I will say, blindly, that I do plan to be obnoxious about what happens in this for weeks, and I'm pretty sure that I'll keep coming up with dumb jokes and comments about this for a WHILE. (Oh, and serious thoughts too, I guess. It's the Nein, I always have thoughts about them.)
So, never fear, we can still all make stupid jokes about this together AND you have an extra like 36 hours advantage to percolate on it!
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theloveinc · 4 months
DIVORCE BABES DIVORCEEEE DEKUUUU SO ANGSTY so good MY GOODNESS I love it ahhh the inner turmoil poor reader being left alone
IN A HOUSE YOU BUILT TOGETHER, the same one you’d thought you’d grow old in, with extra bedrooms and a pretty backyard🥺… suddenly alone in the extra large bed Deku picked out to help his back, alone in your bathroom with two sinks and extra wide shower that still has his conditioner sitting there, rotting there, in the corner.
Do you box up his stuff immediately? Do you keep it exactly where it was left, his shirts next to yours in the same dresser?
You know he’s not coming back, you don’t even want him to if he was this willing to give your life together up, but part of you still isn’t convinced that is it: the end. Surely he’ll at least return for his favorite mug, his workout equipment, his All Might figurines-
(But he doesn’t. Not for years at least, not until you’re finally trying to heal and move on and stop shaking at the sight of his name in the news. You’d have always rather he left you at the altar than abandon you the way he did, at least then you could convince yourself it wasn’t your fault—which is what he tells you when he finally does came back and you’re collapsing on the floor.)
(And if you have a child, the way you have to put this all aside just to care for them, putting the only effort you have left into raising an entire human not to be as naive and stupid as you.)
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peggycatrerr · 8 months
At least our ship is canon.
You're a fucking snob. "Oh I'm so much better than these fans because I do my fandom differently" BUT YOU DON'T. Marvel fans are the absolute most cliche fans. Lmao this superiority complex people who don't watch OFMD have is honestly just masking the most intense jealousy. You've never watched the show, but you KNOW you're better than the people that do? Get the fuck out of here. You're pathetic.
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clits-and-clips · 2 months
Lost the love of my life but im being healed with cat paw boops
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smute · 2 months
my parence got a new fiber internet connection "for free" and although they're quite tech savvy they're also at an age now where people think they can take advantage of them 😤 so after the phone company installed the access point in the basement "for free", they then wanted to charge them 200€ for the in-house hookup (i.e. to run a cable from the basement to the terminal upstairs 👹)
so in my youthful hubris i instead decided to buy a 20m cable and do it myself, and it only took me *checks time* six hours and an insane amount of macgyvering to feed that delicate little thang through the old phone line hole in the ceiling
tbh there was a point in the afternoon when i was ripping apart my mom's floorboards where i would have been more than happy to give someone 200€ just to put me out of my misery... but in the end it all worked out. sometimes even simple tasks take time
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