#*Category: Soldier Jamie
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Happy New Year, lovelies! These are the best books I read in 2022. (Many of them didn’t actually come out this year, and I don’t count rereads.) I read and fell in love with a lot of graphic novels this year, along with a lot of my usual horror! I participated in two challenges for Forgotten YA Gems (now on Discord!): the Annual Reading Challenge and the Summer Bingo Challenge. I also did a horror challenge for Books in the Freezer and participated in a group readalong of The Pale King by David Foster Wallace at the DFW Discord.
I also kept to my blogging goals of participating in at least one prompt for Tell Me Something Tuesday and posting one Readalike each month! It was a much better blogging year for me than the last, and it's been nice to enjoy reading and reviewing again. For now, I'm not setting my goals any higher in the hopes that it stays fun!
My favorite books of the year, in order of category and then favorite:
YA: Rules for Vanishing by Kate Alice Marshall The Wicker King by K. Ancrum Our Last Echoes by Kate Alice Marshall Even If We Break by Marieke Nijkamp House of Hollow by Krystal Sutherland
Adult: What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher A ​Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J. Maas The Goblins of Bellwater by Molly Ringle The Shadow Glass by Josh Winning The Whisper Man by Alex North
Graphic Novels: Hawkeye, Volume 1: My Life as a Weapon by Matt Fraction Captain America: Winter Soldier, Ultimate Collection by Ed Brubaker Castaway In Dimension Z, Book One by Rick Remender Runaways, Vol. 1: Find Your Way Home by Rainbow Rowell Runaways, Vol. 2: Best Friends Forever by Rainbow Rowell Winter Soldier: The Complete Collection by Ed Brubaker Hellblazer, Vol. 1: Original Sins by Jamie Delano
Fanfiction: Not Easily Conquered by dropdeaddream & WhatAreFears
Happy reading in 2023!
2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016
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I posted 1,381 times in 2022
That's 660 more posts than 2021!
33 posts created (2%)
1,348 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,004 of my posts in 2022
Only 27% of my posts had no tags
#outlander - 429 posts
#jamie x claire - 314 posts
#outlander spoilers - 131 posts
#legends of tomorrow - 119 posts
#claire fraser - 66 posts
#avalance - 49 posts
#jamie fraser - 43 posts
#castle x beckett - 43 posts
#🥺🥺🥺 - 27 posts
#ofmd - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i also like to joke that i technically have a psych minor bc i met all of the requirements for it i had just transferred schools in between
My Top Posts in 2022:
Beside the Seaside: Ch 3
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Claire Randall had been to France when she was young, had seen the lush green countryside and walked the streets of Paris, but she had long since been unable to reconcile her memories of another world with this one. She stood in the heart of what had once been a bustling city but was now reduced to rubble. The British army had set up a field hospital within the ruins of a cathedral, and Claire had grown accustomed to the way the steady sound of distant gunfire echoed off of its remaining half-walls. She lifted her head from tending to a soldier to see one of her fellow nurses, Marion, shuffling a wounded man into the tent.
“Have you seen him out there?” Claire asked. Marion shook her head and turned her own attention to her patient.
“You looking for your boy?”
Her gaze returned to the soldier, who was grimacing through the question. Corporal Thompson would be alright, she thought, but there was little she could do for his pain while cleaning and stitching up his wound. Besides, perhaps, a bit of a distraction, which he seemed to be looking for. Claire gave in, though it was the last thing she wanted to talk about.
“He’s not my boy, he’s just…”
He was Fergus, eight-year-old charmer and perpetual pain in her arse. As soon as she got her hands on him, she was going to throttle him.
“Maybe not,” Thompson conceded, “but you look out for him, don’t you? Everyone always sees you two together, anyway.”
The man’s assessment of her and Fergus brought her up short. She paused in her treatment and stared at him, the urge to defend the young scamp rising steadily to the surface. “He needs a little looking after, whether he wants it or not. He doesn’t have anyone.”
There were few who came through this camp without learning Fergus’s story. The boy was already an orphan before war broke out, but when his city’s inhabitants evacuated, including the staff and wards of the Catholic orphanage where the boy was said to have been a resident, Fergus was left behind. Some said he stayed behind on purpose, for Fergus truly was the life of the camp and ran wild through it without the supervision of the nuns, but most believed he’d just been overlooked in the chaos. By Claire’s estimation, Fergus had been here with the army for at least two years now, moving with them in the encampment, and living off of the kindness of others. He’d been “stationed” here longer than Claire had, and even with the entire camp as his personal playground, she saw very quickly that no one was really caring for Fergus. Even the details of his story had become a bit muddied without someone there to safeguard it; for instance, she was never clear on whether this very city had been his home or if the army had picked him up on their way through to it. Fergus himself was squirrely on the details, in no hurry to return to the nuns.
“Funny kid, that Fergus,” Thompson went on, hissing on occasion but otherwise quietly bearing the pain. To some of the soldiers, Fergus was nothing more than a pet, a source of entertainment, as though they couldn’t see the humanity in a small, lonely child. Claire was starting to get the distinct impression that Thompson fell into that category and grit her teeth as she neared the end of her stitching. “I wonder what will happen to him when this ends. If this ever ends…”
Claire felt her stomach churn. Where would Fergus go when the army left and no one returned to the rubble of his former home? “There’s got to be another orphanage somewhere that would take him.” But even as she spoke the words ‒ for a perfectly reasonable solution ‒ she hated the thought.
A bomb blast echoed in the distance and Claire’s eyes shot to the entryway again.
“So where’d he run off to?”
Claire bit her cheek to keep from screaming. She could be sympathetic to the man’s need for distraction, but this conversation was starting to make her want to pull her hair out. She was already worried sick over Fergus, and Thompson’s careless questions weren’t helping.
Mercifully, she caught her name being spoken and her gaze flitted toward the voice. It was Sergeant Harris, whom she was friendly with. He was a bit older than the rest and one of the few men Claire didn’t feel like she needed to keep her guard up around to ward off unwanted advances ‒ apparently a wedding ring didn’t mean much in wartime to most people.
“Fergus?” she asked, unable to keep her voice from wobbling. Just yesterday the boy had said he wanted to be a real soldier, and when he’d gone missing this morning…
“Yes, come see, Nurse Randall. He’s alright, but he’s all shook up.”
She ran out of the medical tent, quickly scanning the area for him. And when her gaze rested on him, the vice grip on her heart finally slackened. “Fergus!”
He looked up as she approached him, his expression a little dazed, and he seemed at that moment so much younger than his eight years.
“Oh, Fergus, you little wretch!” She clasped the boy to her heart and heaved a sigh of relief. He became boneless in her embrace, sinking into her.
“Milady,” he murmured. It was Fergus’s teasing nickname for her ‒ after their introduction at the camp, she’d ruthlessly dressed down a soldier for not paying attention to her presentation on preventing trench foot and Fergus had witnessed it. He had said she’d looked the part of nobility in that moment for her command over the men, and so he’d called her Milady ever since, always with a devilish glint in his eyes ‒ or at times he said it sarcastically when she turned her attention to fussing over him.
But just then, he sounded so small, so lost in the dark, and Claire didn’t know what else to do but clutch him tighter to her. “Are you alright?”
She pulled back just enough to look at him, framing his dirt-smudged face in her hands. God, she hoped that was only dirt.
“I k‒ I killed a German soldier, Milady.”
Her eyes grew wide. “Don’t tell me that,” she said in a breathless whisper.
“H‒h‒he was not with the others. I thought he might be a spy. He didn’t see me and I‒ I had a knife. I struck him.”
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65 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
chapter 26: the best by far is you
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Summary: An exploration of Claire & Jamie’s story if their firstborn had lived and they had the chance to be parents together of wee Faith Fraser before the Battle of Culloden.
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Chapter 26 
“Do you think it’s strange,” Claire asked him while Brianna was tucked against her breast as she nursed, “that Murtagh hasn’t once held the baby?”
Her tone suggested that she did think it was strange, regardless of Jamie’s thoughts on the matter. “Och, I’ve told ye before, mo nighean, he’s scared o’ bairns when they’re that small. Thinks they’re too fragile and likely to fall apart in his arms.”
Claire’s brows furrowed together. “Well, sure, he didn’t go near Faith until she was at least seven months old, but I thought… I mean, he’s been wonderful with her ever since.”
“Aye, she’s no longer a wee babe now is she?”
Claire rolled her eyes. “So, he won’t go near Brianna until she’s hearty enough that he’s not scared to hold her? When she’s half a year old? Is that what you’re saying?”
He couldn’t help the smile that tugged at his lips. “Sassenach… he loves our bairns. He’d protect them with his life. Ye ken that well. And aye, someday when Brianna is hearty enough as ye say, I’m sure he’ll hold her, if that’s yer worry.”
She shook her head, exasperated by the notion, and glanced down at the baby in her arms. Brianna’s arms and legs flailed as soon as Claire looked at her, wriggling with joy. Jamie’s heart melted at the sight. Such a sweet wee thing, their Brianna.
Claire’s finger traced the contours of the babe’s soft, round face. “Well, that simply won’t do, will it, Bree?”
Claire cornered Murtagh with the baby while he was in the sitting room, lounging in one of the chairs and none the wiser to her scheming. Jamie sat nearby and watched the event unfold with nothing short of amusement, as Claire simply lowered the baby into Murtagh’s lap before there was an opportunity for the older man to escape.
Murtagh went rigid with fear, his arms stiff and awkward around the baby. “Nay‒ I‒ Claire!”
“Don’t make such a fuss. She’s sleeping.” Claire straightened, settling her hands on her hips, surveying the two unlikely companions with a smile. “There, see? Nothing to be afraid of.”
Murtagh looked as though he might argue that point, still holding Brianna with a delicateness as though she were a loaded pistol, poised to go off at any moment.
And with that, Claire spun and walked to the other side of the room to help Fergus with his lessons. Murtagh turned sharp eyes on Jamie. “What the devil is all this about, then?”
Jamie’s gaze flitted over to Claire but she wasn’t looking. He suspected she would be stealing glances this way, though. “I think,” he began softly, “that she worries ye won’t… bond with Brianna, if ye dinna hold her.”
“Christ,” Murtagh muttered under his breath.
Jamie held a hand up placatingly to his godfather. “She sees how ye are wi’ Fergus and wee Faith, I think she just wants to make sure ye care the same way about the bairn, too.”
His godfather made a disgruntled sound. “If she thinks this is the way to do it…” he grumbled. “Fer Christ’s sake, of course I care about the bairn.”
“I ken that, but…” Jamie���s gaze dropped to the sleeping babe in Murtagh’s arms, so small and helpless, and his heart wrenched. He understood the deeper reason that Claire was so unsettled about Murtagh and the bairn. “Anything could happen, ye ken? We have three bairns now, and with all that happened in the last year, just trying to keep our family together… Claire cannae help thinking about the worst… what would happen to the wee ones if we weren’t‒” He swallowed roughly, shrugging a little. Claire wasn’t the only one who couldn’t help thinking about that. Any parent would.
“Aye, I ken yer meaning fine.” Murtagh looked down at the baby then too, still appearing stiff as a poker as he held her, but the older man’s expression softened. “Christ, though… did she think I would leave the bairn and keep the others?”
“I dinnae think she feels that way now, seeing as ye havenae tried to pass the baby off to me yet,” he said with a grin.
Murtagh grunted his displeasure. “I would if I wasnae so nervous she might roll out o’ my arms when I tried.”
Jamie huffed a laugh. “Ye’re doing fine, a ghoistidh. And while I have ye at my disposal,” he teased, earning another sharp look from Murtagh. “I’ve been meaning to ask ye… what yer plans are from here. If ye want to go back to Scotland or continue on wi’ us.”
Murtagh simply stared at him until Jamie was shifting in his seat under his gaze. “First Claire and now you? Och, ye wound me, Jamie.”
“I didnae want to presume. That’s why I asked.”
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67 notes - Posted March 9, 2022
Beside the Seaside: Ch 1
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The Second World War has ended but returning to their lives from before the war proves difficult for many. For widower Jamie Fraser, the physical and psychological scars he now carries threaten the peaceful life he wants to provide for his young daughter. In an effort to start over fresh, he moves them to a coastal town in the Highlands and buys a seaside inn.
Claire Beauchamp returned from the war with an orphan in tow, intent on adopting the boy and starting the family she and her husband had longed for before the war interrupted their plans. But in gaining her son, she loses her marriage and now must cobble together some sort of life for just her and Fergus. To try and mend their fractured relationship, she takes her son on an extended stay in the Scottish Highlands.
November 1945
He had the car drop him off at the end of the lane rather than Lallybroch’s doorstep. Stood there for a minute with his bag thrown over one shoulder and his uniform growing damp under the steady rain.
It had been raining the day he left Lallybroch, and it gave Jamie a strange sense of no time having passed between that day and this one, even though everything about his life had changed in those five years. Yet Lallybroch looked the same. The heavy stone walls built by his ancestors had stood for two centuries and it heartened Jamie to see the place untouched by the destruction of war. The walls of it, at least.
His feet felt leaden with every step that brought him closer to his home. He wasn’t ready for who he would see. He wasn’t ready for who he wouldn’t see here ever again. And while he’d carried some of these losses for three years now, he hadn’t been home without them yet. It would be real, inescapable, the moment he stepped foot inside.
Jamie had hardly passed under the archway of Lallybroch before the bellowing of several dogs inside the house announced his presence. Ready or not, the front door flew open, and there was his ma. His throat constricted at the sight of her, and he’d all but blinked and she was in front of him, throwing her arms around his neck.
“Oh, my lad! My son,” she sobbed into his neck, her voice nearly drowned out by the heavy rain.
Ye’re a braw lad, son.
The words came to mind of their own volition, a memory triggered by his return. Not spoken by his mother, but his father on the day Jamie left for training. His da had driven him to the train station after Jamie had said goodbye to everyone else, giving Jamie a prolonged moment with Brian Fraser. But the entire drive and all through waiting for Jamie’s train, the two of them hardly spoke. What was there to say in such circumstances? Brian had fought in the Great War, and he’d hoped to spare his own sons from such a fate. That was no secret to Jamie, and he’d already witnessed Brian’s quiet grief when Willie left months before. Knew that his own leaving was twisting the knife further in Brian’s gut. So they’d stayed quiet. When the train pulled in and began to fill with soldiers, Brian had clapped Jamie on the shoulder and, when Jamie moved to hug his father, had kissed his cheek, something he hadn’t done since Jamie was a boy. “Ye’re a braw lad, son,” he had said, giving Jamie’s shoulder a wee shake. When his father spoke again, his voice was thick with emotion. “Make sure ye come back home.”
Jamie felt his chest tighten with the memory and his arms squeezed around his mother. He had done as Brian had told him ‒ he had come home. But not before he could see his father alive again, now dead and buried in the Lallybroch family cemetery. Those words became the last thing his da ever said to him, and among his long list of regrets in life was the hour that Jamie wasted in silence with him on that day.
“Oh, my Jamie,” his mother was saying now. She pulled back to look at him, framing his face in her cold, wet hands. His jaw tensed.
Ellen MacKenzie Fraser had always been the stubborn pillar of strength in their family but in the last six years, she’d had to weather more than a fair share of grief. She looked more frail than he’d ever seen her before, and that left a cold feeling in his chest.
His gaze lifted to the doorway to find Jenny rushing down the steps, clutching her round belly ‒ he hadn’t realized she was pregnant again, hadn’t seen word of it come through in any of his letters from home.
He opened one arm to embrace his sister, bringing the three of them together. The unwelcome thought came as he held them; they were the last three Frasers standing, their family gone by half in the space of a bloody war.
“Och, it’s pouring buckets out here!” Jenny fussed. “Come inside and get warm.”
He picked up his bag from the ground and followed Jenny in, his mother’s hand on his back the whole way, like she needed to touch him to know he was real.
Stepping inside Lallybroch felt like stepping back in time ‒ everything exactly as he remembered it from before. He half-expected to see his father and his brothers when he rounded the corner into the sitting room, so inseparable were they in his memories of this place.
Instead, he caught sight of another familiar face. “Ian!”
“Good to see ye, Jamie.” His best friend strode across the room, his gate completely changed from the confident ease with which Ian used to carry himself. Until he saw that, Jamie had almost forgotten. Ian’s prosthetic leg wasn’t visible under his trousers, but to anyone who had known him before, his uneven strides were a dead giveaway.
Jamie embraced his friend ‒ his brother-in-law now too, he reminded himself ‒ and noticed Jenny then corralling a small boy towards them. “This is our wee Jamie,” she introduced with a proud smile. “This is your uncle, mo cridhe,” she said to the boy, “the one you’re named after.”
Jenny and Ian’s son was scarcely more than 3 years old, and he smiled shyly up at Jamie. His namesake. He had known this; Jenny had written to him with news of his first nephew while Jamie was nearly on his deathbed. At the time, it had been a comfort. Another reason to make it home. But now, looking down at the wee boy, all Jamie could think was that if his nephew had been born a few months later, he would be Willie’s namesake instead, or their father’s ‒ as he ought to be. Not saddled with Jamie’s name. Not when Jamie had done nothing for this boy to be proud of.
“Hello, laddie,” he said with a slight nod.
There was a gentle touch at his elbow and he turned to find his mother at his side again. “Someone else would like to see ye.” She nodded towards the doorway opposite them, and Jamie’s gaze flitted over to see a girl of six years of age in place of where he had left a wee babe. His stomach twisted into knots. She looked so much like her mother, it gave Jamie the strange sense of seeing a memory come to life right before him.
He skirted slowly around the others and paused six feet away from where his daughter stood. And lowered himself slowly to one knee.
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76 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
the best by far is you: chapter 25
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Summary: An exploration of Claire & Jamie’s story if their firstborn had lived and they had the chance to be parents together of wee Faith Fraser before the Battle of Culloden.
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Chapter 25
Jamie didn’t know what hour of night it was when Claire was finally given a chance to rest, after having been helped into a clean nightgown while the bed was stripped. The baby was bundled up and sleeping soundly in her cradle, the exhaustion from the last 24 hours having caught up with both mother and babe. He paused at the door, gaze flickering between the slumbering forms of his wife and their wee lass, heart in his throat.
Some small part of him was scared to step outside this room, to leave them even for a moment, lest he find out that the last several hours were nothing more than a dream.
But somewhere down the hall, there was someone waiting up for word of the baby, and Jamie wasn’t so cruel as to make him wait until sunrise.
So he slipped out into the hallway, vacant but still dimly lit with candles along the wall. Not long ago, there had been a flurry of activity in these halls. After the birth, a maid had spread word to the rest of the household that a baby girl had been safely delivered, including ‒ Jamie was sure ‒ to wherever Jared and Murtagh had settled in to drink their whiskey in the tense silence of men unsure of what to do with themselves while a woman labored. And just shortly before Jamie’s trek, another housemaid had helped Mother Hildegarde and Marie to their guest chambers for the night. But even while it was quiet now and the rest of the household seemed to sleep, Jamie knew one person was still up, who had been missed while the joyous news was spread.
They would’ve assumed the children were sleeping, but having been the boy on the other side of this conversation, Jamie was intimately acquainted with the fear that kept a son from sleeping no matter the hour. The relief and gratitude and joy that he got to deliver different news to his own son was almost enough to bring him to his knees there in the hallway. That he should be so fortunate to still have all of them with him…
He opened the door to Fergus’s room and the soft light from the hallway spilled into the pitch black room. Two small bodies were under the covers but only one stirred and bolted upright, expectant of a visitor.
The light caught the tracks of tears on Fergus’s face, his expression already taut with worry. “Maman?” he croaked.
His word landed like a punch in the gut. Jamie should’ve come sooner, should’ve found a way here immediately to put this boy’s fears to rest.
“She's alright. Oh, a balach, it’s alright,” he murmured, moving into the room as Fergus drew his knees up to his chest and buried his face, the sound of his smothered cries filling the room a moment later.
“Dinna fash yerself, laddie.” He perched on the edge of the bed, reaching over to rub Fergus’s back. “Dinna weep, mon fils, it’s alright,” he murmured soothingly, even as he knew Fergus needed the release of those tears for all the time he’d sat here in the dark fearing the worst. He cried for the relief of it all.
“Can I see Maman?”
“Aye, of course ye can. She’s sleeping just now though and we shouldnae disturb her. She’ll want to see ye when she wakes, so how about in the morning?” And maybe Fergus, with his fears put to rest, could find a few hours of sleep himself. The boy nodded half-heartedly and wiped his face with his palm before resting his cheek on one of his knees with a sigh.
“Ye’ve another baby sister,” Jamie told him softly.
“Oh,” Fergus startled, as if he’d forgotten for a moment what all of this was about. “And she’s alright?”
“Aye, she’s bonny,” Jamie beamed, and the corners of Fergus’s mouth curved upward. “She cannae wait tae meet ye.” He smoothed down some of Fergus’s short, riotous curls. “She’s so very wee and all worn out from making her appearance, though, so she’s getting some much needed rest as well,” he added, hoping it would be enough to convince Fergus that he might as well get his own precious few hours of sleep in the meantime.
He tucked Fergus back under the covers, murmuring reminders that he had a papa and maman who loved him very much and two wee sisters now who adored him, and he would see all of them when he woke up. Jamie sealed his words with a kiss to the boy’s head. His gaze went beyond Fergus to where Faith was still curled up under the blankets, snoring softly. A lump rose in his throat.
The greatest joys of his life…
His eyes burned with tears as he turned and quietly left the room, shutting the door behind him. And when he slipped back into the room he shared with Claire, he found her and the babe exactly as he left them. His waking dream was completely undisturbed.
He did fall to his knees then, and on his tongue was a quick and reverent prayer of gratitude to the Almighty that this should be the life that he was given, the life that was restored to him.
They slept in fits and starts, fumbling through a once familiar rhythm but with a precious new life. Claire’s eyes squinted open against the early light of morning ‒ the realization that it was already morning had her sleep-addled brain rebelling against the thought ‒ and stared at the empty space in bed beside her.
Her first thought was the baby; she didn’t hear a thing, so why had she awoken?
She shifted in bed and felt every muscle in her body screaming at her in protest. God, it felt like she’d been hit by a car ‒ a thought she’d have to keep to herself when others asked her how she was feeling. Jamie had fetched the baby every time she woke during the night so that Claire wouldn’t have to get out of bed, but even with that consideration, she was still tired and sore all over. It was different than how it had gone with Faith, she realized. With Faith, it had been flashes of terror and a race to save them both. Hardly felt like the labor itself had lasted longer than a minute for all that Claire could remember of it. But with this baby, Claire had labored for almost a full day ‒ and both body and memory could remember every second of it.
Then she heard it ‒ the soft squeaking grunt of a newborn, not quite a cry. Her head lifted from the pillow and swiveled, but the baby wasn’t in her cradle. No, instead, her gaze settled on her bare-chested husband sitting up in a chair with the baby pillowed against him, hardly visible to Claire beneath her blanket. Jamie’s eyes were closed, his head resting on the back of the chair, and she would’ve thought he was asleep if not for the steady rhythm of his fingers gently tapping the baby’s back. He must’ve heard her movement as his eyes opened then and found hers.
A lump rose in her throat, for no other explanation than she couldn’t help the swell of affection for them both, the sight of them so perfect she could weep. “Why are you all the way over there?”
See the full post
77 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
the best by far is you: epilogue
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Summary: An exploration of Claire & Jamie’s story if their firstborn had lived and they had the chance to be parents together of wee Faith Fraser before the Battle of Culloden.
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June 1750
His wife was still buried under the covers while Jamie moved about the room on quiet feet and got dressed in the soft light of dawn. He reached for his boots, the final article of dress, and caught sight of Claire’s hand rising out of the mess of blankets ‒ reaching out toward him in silent request.
He stopped in his tracks. Straightened back up.
“Don’t get up yet,” she said, her voice still heavy with sleep. “Stay in bed with me.”
His chest tightened and he let out a gentle sigh. “Aye.”
He crawled back onto the bed, fully-dressed save for his boots still, and molded his body against the curve of Claire’s. She let out a sleepy hum when he nuzzled into her wild hair and kissed the back of her neck. There was a time when he might’ve denied her request, felt the need to rush off to the responsibilities of farm life. But he knew now that all of that would keep ‒ for a little while at least ‒ but Claire and the bairns would not.
There was something in her touch, the way her hands clasped tightly over his, keeping his hold on her there, that told him her thoughts were running in tandem with his, reaching the same destination. He held her tighter still, turning his face into the crook of her neck and murmuring all that was in his heart to her, some bits in Gaelic but he thought she knew well enough now to understand his meaning if not the words themselves.
His eyes opened with the soft creak of their bedroom door opening. Of course, he could put off the work of the day for a bit, but the bairns didn’t always give them the same reprieve. “Sleep a little longer, Sassenach,” he whispered against her neck before leaving a parting kiss there. “I’ll get up wi’ her.”
When he rolled over and swung his feet out of bed, he caught sight of the impish wee lass in the doorway, bouncing on her toes already at the prospect of their recent morning routine together.
“Dood morning,” she sung to him, her eyes alight with joy, as he swiftly pulled on his boots and ushered her back through the doorway.
He swung Brianna up into his arms and closed the door behind them. “Good morning, m'annsachd.”
He stepped across the hall and poked his head into the nursery, knowing he would find Faith under the blankets still. Brianna was their only early riser now.
He let Faith be and knocked on Fergus’s door to get him up and moving for the day. Brianna was a warm weight against his chest, waiting patiently until Jamie headed down the stairs with her to the kitchen. A fire had already been started in the hearth, letting Jamie know Murtagh was up and about.
“I can make the parritch, Papa?”
Papa. That was who he was to Fergus, and to Faith, he was simply Da, but Brianna was growing up hearing both names for Jamie and used them interchangeably. Jamie didn’t mind — she’d likely settle on one or the other eventually, and it had never really mattered what his children called him, only that they were his to raise and love and guide.
“Aye, we’ll make it together.” He kissed her soft cheek still flushed from her sleep, and moved about with only one hand free to start on breakfast. His wee Brianna encumbered the process more than helped, but no one else in the household possessed Brianna’s early morning cheerfulness ‒ besides perhaps himself, as Claire often pointed out in mild annoyance ‒ so he got on just fine with the lass as meal preparations were started.
Jamie finally set her down just as Murtagh walked in through the kitchen backdoor.
“Murtagh!” the wee thing cheered and ran to him, throwing her arms around his legs. It was the kind of reaction that would make one think she hadn’t seen her beloved Murtagh in ages. It had been only a matter of hours, most of which she’d slept through. The older man grinned and reached down to smooth her hair, still wild from her sleep. She turned her face and kissed his trouser-clad knee before letting him go.
“Come eat yer parritch, Brianna, and let poor Murtagh come inside.”
“Och, she’s fine,” Murtagh protested, but still herded Brianna towards the table.
With a certain knack for timing his entrance at the moment food was ready, Fergus stumbled out into the kitchen then, silent and sullen and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He sunk into a chair at the table and Jamie wordlessly passed him a bowl, smothering a rueful smile. They’d learned not to engage Fergus too heavily in the morning during this season of his youth.
Claire appeared too, dressed and hair up in place, though a weariness beyond physical exhaustion still lingered in her eyes. She bent to kiss the top of Fergus’s head and then joined them at the table.
There was only one Fraser missing, so Jamie headed up the stairs for the nursery.
“Up ye get, Faith.”
She was still sleeping, but she’d stay in bed all day if they let her. So he scooped her up and carried her down to the kitchen. She was getting older ‒ six already ‒ but Faith was still such a slight thing that Jamie didn't think twice about carrying her around as he always had.
See the full post
87 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
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melodylnoelle · 1 year
Here I Am
The Cards Have Spoken - Week 3 (My cards) (A week late, my baaaaaaad)
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Characters: Steve Rogers x OC Category: Relationship Timeline: Post-Captain America: The Winter Soldier Setting: Stark Tower Warnings/Notes:  Relates to Week 3′s which is NSFW!! This one does not have any of that though // We are trying to keep these all to a minimum of 500 words. You can use these same cards for your own story if you like, but please tag me and @brightsun-and-darkmidnight so that we can see what you do! Please enjoy Words: 1366 Summary: Steve surprises Jamie when he gets home from his battle with HYDRA Masterlist
           Steve straightened the collar of his shirt and he stared in his reflection in the shop window. He gave himself a once-over, making sure he didn’t look any worse for wear. Then he messed with the flowers, making sure the plastic wrapping wasn’t folded and every flower was visible. He was stalling, he knew, but he was trying to think of just the right words to say.
           This was an apology, after all. Well sort of.
           Jamie had known what she was getting into when she and Steve started dating – he had made clear to her that the work he was doing was important, and that there would be times where he would have to leave unannounced, He hadn’t planned on SHIELD completely falling apart right around their anniversary. Hadn’t planned on the distraction that came from Peggy’s death, or from finding out that Bucky was not dead. He was going after Bucky, but there was no harm in that waiting one more day for him to make this right.
           Finally satisfied with his appearance, he trotted over to the bar next door.
           The little dive bar was busier than usual. The wave of nostalgia hit him as it always did, more fresh now that Bucky was at the forefront of his mind. He could almost picture him, in his old uniform, sitting up at the bar waiting for him. He shook his head of that, focusing on the matter at hand. His eyes scanned behind the bar until they landed on her.
           Jamie was not working alone today. That was good. She moved quickly behind the other bartender – Rick, he recalled – throwing one more ingredient into the shaker in her hand. Her brow was furrowed in concentration as she worked. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail as it was the first time they saw each other, with that one perfect curl falling along the side of his face.
           She put the lid on the shaker and began to shake the cocktail, looking around the room as she did. When her eyes landed on her, she froze with the shaker in the air away from her. Her eyes lit up immediately, moving between him and the flowers.
           “Steve!” She practically threw the shaker down onto the bar as she sped around it. She ran over to him, dodging the chairs around the low tables as she went.
           “Hey, doll,” he said with a laugh just before she wrapped him in a hug. He held the flowers out to not crush them as he returned her hug with the other.
           “I was so worried! Are you hurt?”
           She quickly pulled away, though she didn’t release her arms from around his shoulders. Her green eyes flitted over his face, examining it.
           He winced at the thought that he had worried her so much, but plastered a smile on his face anyway. “I’m fine, don’t worry. I heal fast, remember?”
           The tension lifted a bit from her shoulders at that.
           “I’m sorry I missed our anniversary.” He brought the flowers closer so that she would see them. “But here I am now.”
           He loved the way her smile always seemed to reach her eyes. It did so now, as she carefully took them from him. She brought them to her face to smell them, closing her eyes for a moment. “It’s ok. Savin’ the world is allowed to come first, ya know.”
           “I want to make it up to you anyway.” He looked over to Rick, where he had picked up her abandoned shaker and finished making the drink for her. “Think I could steal you from the bar for the night?”
           “I don’t think that’ll be a problem.” She held the flowers close as she turned. “I’ll go let Rick and Martin know, they’ll be fine.”
           When she was ready to go, he drove her through town until they reached Stark Tower. He had her close her eyes when before they exited the elevator. Careful not to let her fall, he guided her to the roof door. The cool night air hit his face as the door slid open, relaxing him by a fraction. It was the perfect weather outside for this.
           “You can open your eyes now.” He moved so that he would be in view when she did.
           He watched as her eyes lit up again as she took in the setup for their date – A small table was set right near the edge of the balcony, giving them a view of the bustling city below. Soft music was playing from the speakers that lined the small space. Tony had his Legion help him string lights all along the rooftop, and the breeze was just gentle enough up here not to blow out the candles that rested on the table. On either side of the table was a glass of Moscato – her favorite, he had learned – and…
           “Tacos!” She started making her way to the table. “I have been cravin’ those all week but haven’t had the time to run for any.”
           He couldn’t help the chuckle that came out as he followed her to the table. He was glad that JARVIS reminded him to grab a vase as she set the flowers in, completing the setup on the table.
           “This is beautiful,” she said as she sipped the wine, looking around at all of the lights and flowers scattered along the roof. She turned to look at him with that smile he loved so much. “Thank you.”
           “You’re welcome, doll.”
           She sighed, picking up one of the tacos on her plate. “Not to ruin the moment, but… you wanna tell me what happened?”
           So he did.
           He told her about the way that SHIELD had played everyone – about their plans to take out people with the helicarriers. He had learned a while back that he didn’t need to hold back the details from her. He told her about seeing Bucky again, and about how heartbroken he felt that Bucky had no idea who Steve was anymore. Who he was anymore.
           By the time he had finished telling her about everything that had passed in the last few weeks, they had finished their food and polished off the bottle of wine. The wind had gotten a little chill to it after the sun finished setting.
           Jamie was listening very intently, her brows furrowed as she focused on the details. When he was done, she looked to him with sadness in her eyes. “You’re goin’ after Bucky.” It wasn’t a question.
           He didn’t bother trying to deny it. “I can’t leave him like that. I gotta make sure he makes it home this time. That he’s safe.”
           She nodded, understanding. She took a sip of her wine. “Just make sure you come home alive, too, ‘kay?”
           “I will. I promise you that.”
           She set the drink down gently, noiselessly against the table. She looked at it for a long moment before she asked. “When are you leavin’?”
           She asked the one question he didn’t have an answer to. He had no idea how long it was going to take to sift through the information that Nat was able to find for him. Even then, there was no guarantee that it would give him an exact place to start. But he knew as soon as he found somewhere to go, he would not be able to stop himself.
           So he settled with the one thing he did know.
           “Not tonight.” He smiled lightly, trying to reassure her. “And I would love it if you would share this dance with me.” JARVIS must have heard that, because the music was suddenly just a bit louder.
           She looked back up at him then, the slightest smile touching her lips. “I would love that, too.”
           He held out his hand, and she took it. They rose from the table and moved to the center of the roof. She let her hair down before placing her other hand on his shoulder. He pulled her in close and kissed her gently, and then watched the breeze play with her hair and he danced with her in slow circles around the rooftop.
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 1 year
[Podfic] for your dying wish (I'll kiss your lips again)
by Flowerparrish Pods (Flowerparrish)
[Audio Length: 11:10]
Roy Kent has devoted his life to the Cohort. He’s a good soldier, a good officer, a dedicated servant of the Emperor. All that bollocks.
Right now, though, he wishes he was farming fucking snow leeks for the Ninth House.
Podfic of for your dying wish (I'll kiss your lips again) by inlovewithnight.
Words: 34, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Roy Kent, Keeley Jones, Jamie Tartt
Relationships: Keeley Jones/Roy Kent, Keeley Jones/Roy Kent/Jamie Tartt
Additional Tags: Fusion - The Locked Tomb/Gideon the Ninth, The Locked Tomb worldbuilding spoilers, Nona the Ninth spoilers to be safe, Alternate Universe - Space, Alternate Universe - Military, Magic, major character death but not really, it's a locked tomb thing, ::slaps hood:: you can fit so many souls in this thing, Podfic, Podfic Length: 10-20 Minutes, Audio Format: MP3, Audio Format: Streaming
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47592286
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ao3feed-hockey · 2 years
the tide is high (but i'm holding on)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9zO30KQ
by cokehead_zeroed
“‘Course,” Jamie says, gruffly, and steps away from Turcotte and the pack of blue Gatorade. He shoves paper towel rolls and a stack of disposable plates into the nearest open cabinet and stares out at the afternoon light reflecting off the Atlantic Ocean. The water here is far from the temperate waves he and Trevor had run alongside in San Diego, Trevor’s Gulls sweatshirt hiked up past his elbows or abandoned on the sand even during the winter evenings. They seem fond of it, though.
“Hey.” Turcotte’s voice cuts through his train of thought, tone suggesting that they’ve been trying to get his attention for a while. “You okay?”
“Just tired. From the plane.”
Trevor looks at him askance but doesn’t call him on anything, just shrugs and soldiers on with whatever they’ve been trying to tell him for how long. “We’re nearly done here, swim afterwards?”
“Go, like, deal with your things,” Turcotte suggests. “And find swim trunks, don’t let Z tell you otherwise.”
“Please let me,” Trevor says with a pout. Turcotte swats him on the chest, but Trevor’s laughing, so Jamie just excuses himself.
Words: 4621, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Men's Hockey RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jamie Drysdale, Alex Turcotte, Trevor Zegras
Relationships: Jamie Drysdale/Alex Turcotte/Trevor Zegras
Additional Tags: Summer Vacation, Polyamory, Polyamory Negotiations, Threesome - M/M/M, NHL Off-Season, Friends to Lovers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/9zO30KQ
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*Disclaimer: We tried our best to include every Soldier Jamie fic we could find, but we are human. Some may have slipped our minds or slipped through the cracks of our searches. We also limited this list to fics in which Jamie is currently a soldier, or was a soldier at some point in the actual timeline of the story. If your favorite Soldier Jamie fic doesn’t appear on the list below, please feel free to add it to the comments!* 
A String of Pearls by @cagedbirdsong
With his country caught in the throes of the second world war, Jamie Fraser enlists in the Royal Air Force. He expects a few solid years of travel and excitement, of chasing Germans and winning battles. But what he expects and what he gets are two different things. From the blooms of romance after a Friday night tryst to the muddy back roads of England, our young pilot is in for a lot more than he signed up for.
An Outlander Affair to Remember by @abbydebeaupreposts
Jamie and Claire’s lives change course when fate brings them together. Blindsided, in more ways than one, will they find the courage to let go of their past fears and illusions and learn once again to trust what their hearts tell them is true?
At the End of All Things by @diversemediums and @takemeawaytocamelot
Nurse Claire Beauchamp finds herself in a sticky situation in the middle of World War II. Captain James Fraser is there to get her back to her base, safe and sound. What happens in their time alone will surprise them both.
Behind Closed Doors by Ponderance
Jamie and Claire meet again under less than ideal circumstances.
He Was In the Course of Running Away From His Previous Life by @renee-writer
Claire meets Jamie as a patient, a soldier injured in a tank accident. (AO3 account needed to view)
His Girl by @listentothewordsyousay
Claire is a combat medic who is left at the altar by Special Forces captain James Fraser.
Let Us Not Talk Falsely Now by @gotham-ruaidh for @imagineclaireandjamie
Imagine if Jamie was a wounded soldier and Claire a combat nurse who met in a field hospital during the Vietnam War. 
Shadows in the Snow by @akb723
This is my Outlander secret Santa 2018 written for the incomparable kalendraashtar who asked for a Modern AU with a conflict that may or may not be resolved during Christmas.
Time is a Cold Wind by @mibasiamille
After his car breaks down in the middle of the Scottish wilderness, escaped soldier Jamie Fraser stumbles upon the standing stones of Craigh Na Dun. Desperate to avoid capture, he touches the stones and wakes up 200 years in the past, staring up at the ceiling of Claire Beauchamp’s cabin with a bullet in his leg. As she helps him recover, he notices something familiar about this strange woman, living alone at the base of a fairy hill. Once he discovers her origins, however, he must decide whether to tell her the truth and, alternatively, reveal to her the difficulties of his own plight.
The Gift by @thetranquilteal
Jamie has spent almost every night of his deployment yearning to be with his wife and newborn child. When he is given the opportunity to be home for Brianna’s first Christmas, however, he unexpectedly finds himself torn between the past, present and future.
The Long Way Back by @holdhertightandsayhername
In the summer of 1917, Claire Fraser finds a way back to her husband Jamie, haunted by his memories of the Great War in France. 
The Uncertainty of War by @desperationandgin
Jamie and Claire have a conversation while in the thick of World War 1.
Vergangenheit by @phoenixflames12
Vergangenheit (German)
English translation: The Past
Wracked with slowly worsening symptoms of tuberculosis and plagued with memories of his ordeal at Oflag VII-Cprison Camp, Captain Jamie Fraser embarks on the slow road to recovery with the help of Claire and their children.
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bottoms-movie · 3 years
The first part did really really so I decided to make a second part of sambucky fic recs. Just as the last one: the fics are split into three categories: based on tfatws, canon divergence, and au. CHECK OUT PART ONE HERE All fics are completed and all are on AO3. 
The Truths Beneath Our Ribs | Mature | 6,742 words
5 times Bucky wears Sam's things +1 time Sam wears something of Bucky's
anything you can do, i’ll do you better | Explicit | 5,526 words
Steve is going to kill them if they don't learn to get along, but did they have to take it so far?
making amends | Explicit | 8,645 words
“Not Cap yet,” Sam said. He looked a little ruefully at his hands, which were covered in nicks and cuts. He could already feel his palms bruising from that last shield catch, but at least nothing was broken this time.
“I respect that,” Bucky said slowly. Sam raised an eyebrow, but didn’t respond. Bucky flexed and unflexed the vibranium fingers of his left hand, a nervous habit that Sam had clocked ages ago. “And you’re right.”
“Thanks, I know.” Sam waited a beat. “About what?”
Muscle Memory | 3 parts | Explicit | 13,156 words part 1: Muscle Memory | Teen | 1,766 words
Barnes sighs, and it’s a deep, soul-weary thing. “Maybe no one ever told you this, but I’m telling you right now. You don’t have any obligation to care about me because Steve did. You don’t have to pretend.”
Sam blinks, taken aback. He has to think, really think, about what he says next, because it’s - it’s either going to build or break something.
You’re My World | Explicit | 6,585 words
“I… oh, I get it now.” Sam tilted his head, perceptive as ever, goddammit. “All this flirting with my sister, that was just to get my attention, wasn’t it? I know it was. Say it.”
“That wasn’t—” Bucky croaked, but Sam wasn’t having it.
He huffed a low laugh, and bulldozed right through Bucky’s feeble pretense. “You like it when I pin you against the wall? Take away all that power you have, that strength that your arm gives you? Make you feel small, maybe?”
Call Me By Your (Pet) Name | Teen | 6,928 words
“You got a list of the nicknames available to us lesser mortals?” Sam continued, staring straight ahead at the seat in front of him. “The ‘you’re not Steve Rogers, so don’t even think about it’ collection?”
“Yeah, sure, there’s a list,” Bucky replied, pausing long enough to draw a pointed look from Sam. “Bucky,” he finished, gesturing broadly with his arm to convey the obviousness of the answer.
5 times Sam and Bucky used pet names as a joke + 1 time they used them in earnest
That’s not very gunkle of you | 2 parts | 4,325 words part 1: Bestie Vibes Only | Teen | 1,822 words
“What’s buzzin’ cousin?” Says Bucky, sitting down next to Sam on the docks.
That’s the moment that Sam realizes he needs to change tactics, no more subtly looking up definitions for his weird old person slang, it’s time to fight fire with fire.
“Not much bro, this view is highkey just hitting different TBH” he says, casually looking out at the water.
There’s a beat of silence and then,
“That’s swell doll, I just ate some four-o cackle jelly with side arms, and I’m looking for some kicks, you dig?
Oh, this means war.
misunderstandings | Not Rated | 3,167 words
Sam thinks Sarah and Bucky had a date, and he's Not Okay
you walked into my life to offer me a better view | Teen | 2,534 words
He was standing twenty feet away at the edge of the docks, chatting with Sarah, and Sam couldn't take his eyes away. Bucky's smile was warm, wide, and when he tipped his head back and laughed, his nose scrunching up and eyes crinkling at the corners, Sam could feel it vibrate straight to his heart.
falling, falling, flying | Teen | 2,778 words
Bucky had kissed him.
And Sam had pulled away, because that beautiful golden sunset made Bucky’s hair gleam with the faintest touch of blond, that rare summer breeze hissed like a dying missile past Sam’s ears, the kiss was so familiar, too familiar, and Sam was falling, falling—
(“Let yourself be happy, Sam. Please.”)
lonely boy, you are my world (and i could be anything you need) | Teen | 5,747 words
It all starts with Sam, a shelter, and this sweet kitten that reminded him far too much of a certain century-old, grouchy super soldier.
too dangerous to fall | Explicit | 3,466 words
Bucky Barnes is a one-armed menace. He has murder eyes and no care for basic safety protocols. His jokes are terrible and his bad moods are worse. He’s a godawful roommate who leaves his wet towels on the floor and his combat knives in the linen cabinet. Sam can’t stand the sight of him.
What happens in Louisiana | General | 3,478 words
But just then, in the engine room of the Wilson family boat, away from prying eyes, it felt like something they both needed. The closeness. The warmth.
Steve would laugh at them. Two grown men not being able to get it together. He would roll his eyes at Buck, nudge him with his elbow and tell him “you’re sweet on Sam Wilson so make a move already, punk.”
keep the ashes from my heart (and walk away) | Explicit | 4,412 words
“Jamie asked me out on a date,” Sam says. Bucky swallows. “Took him long enough,” he says, keeping his tone light. He bumps their shoulders together for good measure. “You should go for it.” “You really think so?” Sam asks, looking at him. “Yeah, man,” Bucky says. He fixes his gaze on Torres, high up in the sky, sunlight glinting off his wings. It hurts Bucky’s eyes. He blinks, rapidly. “You should be with somebody who can make you happy.”
(In which Sam starts dating someone who is not Bucky, and Bucky pines, gets seriously injured, and proves himself wrong.)
Hey Samuel | Teen | 3,223 words
"Yeah?" He looked up eyes wide. Did he say something out loud?
"We're walking the wrong way."
"Oh." Right. Um. "Let's get ice cream."
"I don't know about you, man, but if I eat ice cream in this weather I will get sick."
Bucky was at a loss for words. What now?
OR Ride along Bucky's journey of figuring out when exactly did he fall for Sam Wilson.
Anyday, everyday | General | 6,735 words
He moved his head and locked eyes with Sam. "D'you- can you.. help me cut my hair?" He asked. He forced himself to look away, feeling embarrassed for asking him to come all this way just to give him a haircut.
His stomach dropped when he felt Sam let go of his hand to stand up. Of course he was about to leave. Who wouldn't want to leave Bucky?
"C'mon, Buck. Let me cut your hair." Bucky's eyes snapped up to Sam's. He had a small smile on his face and his hand was reaching out, waiting for Bucky to take it.
Or; the five times Bucky fell more and more in love with Sam, and the one time he finally got the guts to tell him.
If You’ll Have Me | Teen | 4,779 words
Sam casually shrugged, although there was an intent look in his eyes, "Yeah, well it's getting late and I didn't feel like flying anymore so I was wondering if your old man self is okay with-"
"You can stay here." Bucky quickly finished for him.
I like Bucky, Sam I am | Not Rated | 2,653 words
"I would kiss you on the boat. Or in Wakanda by your goats."
Static in the Dark | Teen | 4,989 words
So prompt idea, some bad guy follows Bucky to the docks for revenge (over whatever you can decide) and Sarah gets to see how protective Bucky really is over Sam when he gets in the line of fire
A Different Kind of Problem | Explicit | 7,616 words
“Do you know what it feels like to be insatiable?”
Two months ago, an interrogation gone wrong left Sam with Bucky’s explicit words seared into his brain and body.
Now, Bucky is living in the Avengers Compound, making pancakes and wearing Steve’s huge sweatshirts, fluffy haired and a little shy, seemingly completely content to be on house arrest — and Sam has never been more confused. Whatever Steve thinks, Sam doesn’t have a problem with Bucky. This domesticity is just so at odds with the feral sexuality Bucky had used to rattle Sam during his interrogation. Where did that side of Bucky go? And why can’t Sam stop thinking about finding it? Maybe Sam does have a problem with Bucky… it’s just not the problem Steve thinks it is.
Bucky’s Choice | Not Rated | 4,753 words
When Bucky enters Westview to try to help Wanda Maximoff, he is confronted with something he never expected- Steve Rogers, back from the dead and ready to start a life with Bucky in Westview. It's everything that Bucky ever wanted, everything that Steve abandoned when he went back in time to live his life with Peggy Carter. But Bucky and Sam have been involved for months, and Sam is waiting for Bucky outside of the Hex. Bucky has to make a choice- the life he always wanted with Steve, or a new start with Sam?
tonight i’ll need you to stay | General | 2,227 words
For once, Bucky wants to stop leaving when things are finally looking up. And he wants people to stay with him, too.
(or, 3 times bucky needed an excuse to stay with sam, and the one time he didn't)
How to Win a Supersoldier in Ten Days | Explicit | 14,901 words
When they realize that all the Winter Soldier's interactions with Sam are just him trying to Awkward MurderBot Flirt (TM) with the sexy man, Steve, Tony, and Nat convince Sam to play the honeypot and bring Bucky in.
Sam's pretty sure the honeypot isn't supposed to fall in love with the target, but what can you do?
at the end of the war (what’s mine is yours) | Mature | 4,290 words
They don't talk about it: that's how it works.
warm blood (feels good, i can’t control it anymore) | Explicit | 4,492 words
Sam's just chilling watching TV one evening when Bucky comes in and stares at him silently for a minute or two before sitting down on the couch. He's pretty close to Sam.
Okay, he's really close to Sam. Like, Sam would be using the word 'cuddling' if it wasn't so bizarre.
"What," he says, carefully not looking at Bucky, and Bucky huffs a sigh.
"Steve's not here," he says as if it's obvious. "Don't make it weird. Just- shut up."
Caught With Their Pants Down | Explicit | 3,539 words
“Sam, this guy is not coming, the intel was false,” Bucky replied. “I get this whole ticking boxes and what not, but Rogers got it wrong, and for the love of God I need a fucking toilet.”
“You need to learn to plan your water intake better, is what you need. You’re a damn fool and I don’t know why I put up with you.”
“Because you love me,” Bucky replied, and Sam could hear the smile in his voice.
“In your damn dreams, Barnes.”
They’d been fucking for about six months, but Sam didn’t want Bucky to go getting a big head about it.
sharp teeth, soft heart | 3 parts | 17,866 words part 1: you touch me within and so i (know i could be human once again) | Explicit | 12,444 words 
It’s inevitable, the way it goes. He’s my friend, Steve says, and he is, he is, he must be. Sam’s best friend is Steve, and Steve’s best friend is a werewolf, that’s just how Sam’s life works now.
But once he realizes he’s attracted to Bucky and Bucky can tell, everything becomes, like, a thousand percent more difficult to negotiate. Sam’s just trying to live his life, that’s all, and he keeps getting confronted by Bucky Barnes in a soft flannel shirt, sleeves rolled up, hair all soft and shiny. Bucky glances over at him and smirks, and this is really very embarrassing, how Sam can’t hide his attraction even if he keeps a totally straight face.
I’m so into you I can barely breathe | Explicit | 6,515 words
Sam Wilson had a long day dealing with morons, so he decided to finally go to the famous club in town. There he meets someone who just might get him back in a good mood. And then some.
twelve ounce steak (boxers in briefs) | Explicit | 3,753 words
Sam has pretty lips. Bucky seems to think so, too.
caught it bad (i’ll be on the way) | Mature | 4,830 words
Sam constantly gets roped into doing dumb things with Steve, but this time, it works out perfectly for him.
meet me in the a.m. | Teen | 3,147 words
Steve accidently starts a fire and Bucky's tired. When unbelievably hot firefighter Sam saves the day, though, he can't really be that mad.
i wanna savour, save it for later | Not Rated | 6,419 words
"It's his damn ratings, man," Sam says. "It's weird 'cause when you read the reviews, he seems to like our food and all. Nothing but praise for days. And then you get to the rating, and it's always the same. Three goddamn stars."
Bucky tips his beer bottle from side to side, lips pursing slightly. "I see. And that's… a bad thing?"
"We are not a three-star joint," Sam says flatly.
Or, the one where food truck owner Sam gets caught up in his quest to unmask an anonymous food blogger. Falling for one of his regulars was never on the menu.
we were a fire with no smoke | Explicit | 15,295 words
Sam can’t help but roll his eyes. Take the boys out of New York but they’re still Brooklyn Catholics, that’s clear enough. Bucky catches the gesture, smirks hard enough Sam can see his eye teeth. It should be dangerous but he’s beautiful, pale and charming and recklessly easy.
“You wanna come in?” Sam asks, ignoring the noise Steve makes, and Bucky’s smile gets wider.
“Yeah,” he says. Steps up close to Sam. “I do.”
my house of stone, your ivy grows | Teen | 9,042 words
When Sam Wilson inherits the manor of the old man he once took care of, it feels like his luck is finally looking up. It's an opportunity for a fresh start, something he's in desperate need of. When he arrives, however, it becomes clear that an easy transition into estate living is not exactly a possibility. The house is run-down, nothing like Sam remembers it, and the groundskeeper — who Sam apparently has to share the house with, wants nothing to do with him.
You Smiled Because You Knew | Teen | 3,754 words
"You've got the wrong address," the man who'd answered growled. He had long, scraggly hair that had mostly escaped his attempts to pull it away from his face. He had nice eyes, and wouldn't have been unattractive, especially with a shave, except for the scowl. "Nobody here wants or needs your . . . services."
It was apparent by the tone the man did not appreciate Sam's hard work.
Well, that was tough shit.
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insanityclause · 3 years
Although their romance has been quite loki for some time now, Tom Hiddleston and Zawe Ashton appeared to flip the script for this year's Tony Awards. The Marvel actor, 40, attended the annual ceremony with Zawe, 37, on Sunday, Sept. 26. The Loki star was nominated in the Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Play category for his role in the 2019 revival of Betrayal. The Broadway production is where he first met Zawe, as the two starred in the play as a strained couple. The co-stars, although they have never previously confirmed an off-screen relationship, have been linked together ever since the show's run. For the honorable night, Tom opted to wear a navy-blue suit and bowtie, while the Wanderlust actress donned a gorgeous red tulle Carolina Herrera gown. They posed alongside other actors, including their Betrayal co-star Charlie Cox and director Jamie Lloyd on the red carpet and smiled for a photo of just the two of them inside the award show.
As far as who Tom faced up against for the Tony, the category's nominations included: Ian Barford from Linda Vista, Jake Gyllenhaal from Sea Wall/A Life, Tom Sturridge from Sea Wall/A Life, Blair Underwood from A Soldier's Play and Andrew Burnap from The Inheritance, who ended up snagging the trophy for his performance.
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📷Jenny Anderson/Getty Images for Tony Awards Productions
Even though Tom didn't walk away from the night with an award, we're sure that having Zawe by his side made for a winning night regardless.
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twh-news · 3 years
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The 2020 Tony Awards Preview | Broadway Direct
Like the recent Olympics, the 2020 Tony Awards arrive after a lengthy delay necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic. And amid enduring uncertainty, they are all the more eagerly anticipated by fans of Broadway theater and the industry serving them.
This year’s ceremony, set for September 26 at the Winter Garden Theatre, will be different on several counts. The number of productions recognized has been limited by the March 2020 shutdown, which prevented a bunch of high-profile shows from opening, and rendered others — including Ivo von Hove’s staging of West Side Story, and Girl From the North Country, the acclaimed musical weaving Bob Dylan songs into a book by Conor McPherson — ineligible, as many Tony voters had not been able to see them.
On the other hand, a new arrangement that will make the entire event available on Paramount Plus, beginning at 7 p.m. ET — with longtime Tonys home CBS broadcasting from 9 to 11 p.m. ET — will enable viewers at home to see awards given out in categories such as design, orchestration, and choreography. “We haven’t had all of our creatives and the awards recognizing them on the special since before my time,” notes Charlotte St. Martin, president of the Broadway League, which presents the Tonys with the American Theatre Wing.
“The whole point of the show is to set an optimistic and realistic tone,” adds Heather Hitchens, the Wing’s president and CEO. “The theme of this show is that Broadway’s back — theater is safe if protocols are followed — and we have exciting new work for people to see.”
Both St. Martin and Hitchens point to the diversity of shows represented both in nominations for the 2019–2020 season as well as those premiering in the new season, which launched in August with the arrival of Antoinette Chinonye Nwandu’s Pass Over. Slave Play, another work by a Black playwright that transferred after earning praise Off-Broadway, is up for 12 Tonys, making it the most nominated play to date. Author Jeremy O. Harris was tapped for his provocative look at the roles race, gender, and sexuality play in contemporary relationships; director Robert O’Hara, leading actress Joaquina Kalukango, featured actors Ato Blankson-Wood and James Cusati-Moyer, and featured actresses Chalia La Tour and Annie McNamara are among the other nominees.
Tina – The Tina Turner Musical is also a contender in 12 categories, with celebrated Black artists including Adrienne Warren, who won raves for her performance as the titular rock and R&B icon, and this year’s Pulitzer Prize–winning playwright Katori Hall among the nominees. The other productions up for Best Musical, Jagged Little Pill and Moulin Rouge! The Musical respectively collected 15 and 14 nominations; both combine books by noted writers — Jagged Little Pill’s Diablo Cody and Moulin Rouge’s John Logan — with established music — Alanis Morissette’s for Jagged Little Pill, and various pop songs tracing several decades for Moulin Rouge!.
Consequently, none of the five candidates for best original score is a musical production. They include Slave Play and fellow Best Play nominees The Inheritance and The Sound Inside and new stagings of A Christmas Carol and Tennessee Williams’s The Rose Tattoo. (The theatrical concert David Byrne’s American Utopia is being honored with a Special Tony Award, as Springsteen on Broadway was in 2018.)
Only three revivals made the cut for Best Revival of a Play: a production of A Soldier’s Play showcasing Blair Underwood, a nominee for leading actor in a play, and David Alan Grier, up for featured actor; a Betrayal, featuring Tom Hiddleston, a contender for leading actor; and Frankie and Johnny in the Claire de Lune, starring six-time Tony winner Audra McDonald, nominated for leading actress.
Other stage and screen stars who are candidates at this year’s ceremony include Jake Gyllenhaal and Tom Sturridge, both for leading actor in Best Play nominee Sea Wall/A Life, a pair of one-man pieces respectively written by Simon Stephens and Nick Payne, each told from the perspective of a young husband and father. In the category for leading actress in a play, Mary-Louise Parker is acknowledged for Adam Rapp’s The Sound Inside, an intimate mystery involving a cancer-stricken college professor and her alienated, prodigious student, also up for Best Play; and Laura Linney is nominated for My Name Is Lucy Barton, an adaptation of Alice Munro’s novel tracing a complex mother-daughter relationship.
Matthew López’s The Inheritance — up for 11 awards, and focused on gay men living in a New York haunted by a pandemic of the recent past, AIDS — yielded nominations for John Benjamin Hickey, for featured actor, and Lois Smith, for featured actress. (Cast members Andrew Burnap and Paul Hilton are nominees for leading and featured actor in turn, with Linda Vista’s Ian Barford also up for leading actor.) And a fifth Best Play contender, Grand Horizons — a comedy that dares to look at sex and marriage in the golden years — and the Broadway debut of Bess Wohl earned a nod for another duly cherished veteran, Jane Alexander, also for featured actress.
Musical theater favorites recognized include Danny Burstein, who earned a seventh Tony nomination for his featured performance in Moulin Rouge; Moulin Rouge’s Karen Olivo and Jagged Little Pill’s Elizabeth Stanley, completing the leading actress category; and Moulin Rouge’s Aaron Tveit, who, as a result of the relative dearth of musical productions in this abbreviated season, was the only performer nominated in the leading actor field. (He needs the approval of 60 percent of Tony voters to claim the prize.)
In vying for Best Direction of a Play, Slave Play’s O’Hara will face stiffer competition from lauded British directors Stephen Daldry (Inheritance) and Jamie Lloyd (Betrayal) and equally accomplished Americans David Cromer (Sound Inside) and Kenny Leon (Soldier’s Play). The directors tapped for their work on musicals are no less distinguished: British film and stage vet Phyllida Lloyd (TINA), Pill’s Diane Paulus, and Moulin Rouge’s Alex Timbers, who, between the two of them, have helmed some of the most admired musical productions of the past decade both on and Off-Broadway.
And thanks to this year’s multiplatform format, fans of the three musicals will get to see awards handed out to their choreographers and orchestrators — one of each, anyway. The nominees include Moulin Rouge’s Sonya Tayeh, whose collaborators have ranged from the Martha Graham Dance Company to Miley Cyrus, and Jagged Little Pill’s Tom Kitt, whose many credits as a composer include Next to Normal, for which he won both Tony Awards and a Pulitzer Prize.
Variety writer and podcast host Gordon Cox adds that the 2020 Tony nominations would likely have presented “an entirely different race” had the rush of productions originally scheduled to open in late March and April of last year had been able to do so. Still, he believes there are “a significant group of people who think the Tonys can be a celebration, not just of a season that got overshadowed by the pandemic, but of a return to performances — to being able to sit in theatres, knock on wood. There are people looking for an opportunity to celebrate theater in general.”
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Lord John AU Event Master List
A very special thank you to all of the writers, artists, and readers who helped make the Lord John AU Event a success! All good things must come to an end, and the body of Lord John fanworks has grown immensely during this event.
Because Pan is still a geek, here’s an infographic with some of our stats. 
Below the cut, you’ll find a masterlist of all of the art and fics submitted for the event. Most of the fics can be found in the AO3 Collection, and all titles in the master list below are links to the original work posting (AO3 or Tumblr).
Here’s how we did!
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Master List Below!
Art Links
“E-girl Claire and her boyfriend John” by @deanwinchesterangelfucker
“Gender-swapped, established relationship John and Jamie” by @deanwinchesterangelfucker
Fic Links
Title: extra credit Author: @iihappydaysii Rating: E Ship: Brian/John AU Category: High School Word Count: 2,532 Summary:  Brian Randall (Jamie Fraser's gay son, of course) needs to get his grade up in his trig class taught by who other than his father's friend, John Grey.
Title: Die for this Kingdom Author: @mistresspandorawritesthings Rating: M Ship: Jamie/John AU Category: Mob Word Count: 45,255 Summary:  All Jamie “Fortnight” Fraser wants is to provide a good, safe life for his family in Chicago. But with tragedies keeping him tangled in his uncle’s deadly schemes and one tenacious—and handsome—police officer determined to bring him in, Fortnight Fraser has a choice to make. Bend to Dougal’s will… or burn it all to the ground.
Title: Remember Hawaii Author: @mistresspandorawritesthings Rating: E Ship: Hector/John AU Category: Semi-Modern Word Count: 5,119 Summary:  The chances of John Grey unexpectedly seeing Hector Dalrymple in a group of Marines was always small but never zero. In the vastness of the Pacific Ocean, Hawaii is tiny. What are the odds they'd both be there at the same time?
Title: Tasting Sunshine Author: @andhopethatsoon Rating: E Ship: John/Stephan AU Category: Supernatural/Fantasy Word Count: 6,421 Summary:  Every fae and their godmother knows that you DON'T eat the oranges from THOSE trees or you will summon the Summer King who will demand your heart’s desire in return.
Title: At Operator’s Discretion Author: @mistresspandorawritesthings Rating: E Ship: Jamie/John AU Category: Assassins Word Count: 6,210 Summary:  John Grey is an operator specializing in surveillance and termination--that is, spying and murder. He keeps all this a secret from his husband, Alex Malcolm, for Alex's protection. But when a contract comes in for one James Fraser, Grey's life gets all kinds of complicated.
Title: Theatre Masks Author: @faeriesfanficblog Rating: G Ship: Jamie/John AU Category: Modern Word Count: 1,238 Summary:  A modern AU. Jamie Fraser is an autistic playwriter attending a theatre premiere with his husband Lord John Grey.
Title: The Wild Hunt Author: @mistresspandorawritesthings Rating: E Ship: Jamie/John/Tom AU Category: Supernatural/Fantasy Word Count: 8,033 Summary:  The Sorcerer is rumored to be the only being able to influence the Wild Hunt, the same Wild Hunt hell-bent on destroying the world to get to John Grey. But the Sorcerer's aid comes with stipulations.
Title: The Right Tool for the Job Author: @iihappydaysii & @mistresspandorawritesthings Rating: E Ship: Jamie/John AU Category: Modern Word Count: 5,825 Summary:  Jamie makes an embarrassing emergency call after a sexual mishap, and John Grey is the paramedic who shows up to help.
Title: gotta listen when the devil’s calling Author: @narastories Rating: E Ship: BJR/Jamie/John AU Category: Modern Word Count: 6,105 Summary:  John wasn't looking forward to his birthday. Aberdeen was cold and bloody far away. This year they also got a surprise travel companion last minute and John is convinced, it couldn't get any worse. But perhaps, it's not so bad after all.
Title: Off the Only Path I Knew (WIP) Author: @jesuisprest747 Rating: M Ship: Jamie/John AU Category: College/University Word Count: 8,920 Summary: Nothing about University is going as Jamie Fraser planned. He misses his family and friends back home, and the friends he's made at University don't feel quite right. Under pressure from his father, he is studying business instead of his true passion - Classics and Literature. To top it all off, his roommate barely speaks to him. A story about friendship, love, and following your heart.
Title: And Say We’ll Never Part Author: @mistresspandorawritesthings Rating: E Ship: Hector/John AU Category: Semi-Modern Word Count: 6,872 Summary: The war has been over for months, and the Allied forces are slowly demobilizing. With the help of his friend and battle buddy Harry Quarry, newly-discharged John Grey ensures that Hector has a home waiting for him.
Title: Lemon Drop Author: @mistresspandorawritesthings Rating: E Ship: Hal/John/Percy AU Category: Modern Word Count: 6,335 Summary:  Weeks into their mother's engagement, John and Hal still haven't been formally introduced to their soon-to-be step-brother. So Hal suggests they take matters into their own hands. And if it turns out Percy is up for a little fun... all the better.
Title: A Pocketful of Posies Author: @levisqueaks Rating: M Ship: Brian/John (end game); Jamie/John  AU Category: Modern Word Count: 3,483 Summary:  Jamie breaks up with John a mere week before his wedding to a girl John knew nothing about. 20 years later, John finally gets a little bit of closure.
Title: London Calling - Come out of the Cupboard Author: @angstosaur  Rating: E Ship: Claire/Jamie/John AU Category: Semi-modern Word Count: 24,337 Summary:  Setting – Bloomsbury, London, early 1980’s John is a newly qualified solicitor and is working in Holborn. When he was studying law in London his mother insisted he stay in her apartment in Bloomsbury. He agreed as long as he could share with his old school friend, Claire Beauchamp. Claire has just finished at medical school and has a post as a junior doctor at a large London Hospital. They’re just good friends. That’s all. Really. After all, John is gay. Then, Jamie Fraser enters their lives and suddenly all that was taken for granted is called into question.
Title: John Grey’s Anatomy (WIP) Author: @jesuisprest747​ Rating: E Ship: Claire/Jamie/John AU Category: Modern medical Word Count: 25,452 Summary:  When John Grey decided to move to America in early 2020 to escape his past and make a new start at Boston Memorial Hospital, he only wished to work hard at his anesthesiology fellowship and heal his broken heart. Little did he know that he would soon meet two people who would change his life forever, against the background of the world's first global pandemic in over a hundred years.
Title: Blood Bound (WIP) Author: @mistresspandorawritesthings​ Rating: E Ship: Jamie/John; Jenny/Minnie AU Category: Supernatural/fantasy Word Count: 2,862 Summary:  Jamie Fraser grew up with the knowledge of the unholy evil that walks the earth. For more generations than his father could count, Fraser women have been the lone soldiers charged with keeping the evil things at bay. But when one wrong move on a haunted bog in Ireland transforms Jamie into the very thing he was taught to help his sister eradicate, he's forced to reevaluate everything he thought he knew about monsters.
Title: Love is a three-edged sword (WIP) Author: @angstosaur  Rating: M Ship: Claire/Jamie/John AU Category: Authurian Word Count: 74,668 Summary: An Arthurian themed AU featuring characters from Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series of books and the Lord John Grey stories. The enduring love triangle of Arthur, Guinevere and Lancelot retold with a different twist. Expect canon to be used and abused, mythology to be woven in as desired and for there to be scenes of an explicit nature.T his is neither Outlander nor Arthurian legend as you may know it, or accept it, but it’s a story that called to me many months ago and I shall endeavour to write it. The characters are fictional and I’ve put them in an indeterminate time, so there will be less historical accuracy than my previous long story.
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lokiondisneyplus · 3 years
Loki is the first of Marvel’s Disney+ scripted originals to score a formal renewal.
The comic book powerhouse used the mid-credits scene from Loki’s season finale Wednesday to formally announce that the Tom Hiddleston starrer would be back for a second season. No additional details were included beyond the title card with the news.
Loki is the third of Marvel’s scripted TV series to debut on Disney+. The first, WandaVision, ended with an episode that was labeled as a series finale. The Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany series also scored 23 Emmy nominations Tuesday — second overall, an impressive showing for Marvel’s first foray — in the limited series category. Olsen is set to next appear in Marvel’s upcoming Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (due in March).
Marvel’s second offering, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, is billed as an ongoing drama series (it collected five Emmy nominations in the category Tuesday). That series leads into the next Captain America movie as Marvel continues to move seamlessly between television and film as it connects the MCU to Disney+ originals.
That push continued Wednesday with the Loki finale. Without getting into spoilers (we’ll leave that to our Heat Vision colleagues), the Loki finale set the stage for Dr. Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Hiddleston’s Loki character is also expected to also appear in the next Dr. Strange. (Marvel has yet to confirm whether or not that’s happening.) The multiverse-busting finale also seems to have paved the way for the upcoming Spider-Man: Far From Home as it’s been rumored that Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield, along with former key villains played by Jamie Foxx (Electro) and Alfred Molina (Doctor Octopus), will appear in Marvel’s December release.
Marvel’s next Disney+ series will be the animated What If… (Aug. 11). Hawkeye is due in late 2021, with several other Marvel scripted originals (She-Hulk, Moon Knight, Iron Heart, Secret Invasion, Wakanda to name a few) also in various stages of development. For its part, Black Widow — which is available to stream on Disney+ and in theaters — also set up Florence Pugh’s Yelena Belova to appear in Hawkeye.
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 2 years
for your dying wish (I'll kiss your lips again)
by inlovewithnight
Roy Kent has devoted his life to the Cohort. He’s a good soldier, a good officer, a dedicated servant of the Emperor. All that bollocks.
Right now, though, he wishes he was farming fucking snow leeks for the Ninth House.
Words: 1758, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Relationships: Keeley Jones/Roy Kent, Keeley Jones/Roy Kent/Jamie Tartt
Additional Tags: Fusion - The Locked Tomb/Gideon the Ninth, The Locked Tomb worldbuilding spoilers, Nona the Ninth spoilers to be safe, Alternate Universe - Space, Alternate Universe - Military, Magic, major character death but not really, it's a locked tomb thing, ::slaps hood:: you can fit so many souls in this thing
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42016761
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weclassybouquetfun · 3 years
The 73rd Emmy Awards nominations were announced by father/daughter duo Ron Cephas Jones (THIS IS US) and Jasmine Cephas Jones (Starz’s BLINDSPOTTING, HAMILTON).
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Surely it was a good morning for Jasmine as her fiancé Anthony Ramos 
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and their HAMILTON costars Lin-Manual Miranda, Leslie Odom Jr., Daveed Diggs, Jonathan Groff, Phillipa Soo and Renée Elise Goldsberry  were nominated thanks to the production being released on Disney+ .
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Many fans were happy for Goldsberry’s nod but felt she should have also been nominated for her role in Peacock’s GIRLS 5EVA
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The most jarring category nomination was Don Cheadle’s nomination (his eleventh!) for Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series for his 98 seconds (literally, 98 seconds) appearance in THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER.  The worst of it is that he didn’t snag a nomination for his actual Showtime series BLACK MONDAY, a role he’s been twice nominated for. 
Many people...had thoughts. 
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Don’t hate the player, hate the game.
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Other nominations and snubs...
THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER and HAMILTON was not the only Disney+ content to get nods, WANDAVISION was recognized with Elizabeth Olson, Kathryn Hahn and Paul Bettany all snagging nominations.
Lizzie’s husband breaking the good news.
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Bettany was also chuffed to find out that his Amazon Prime film - the richly deserving UNCLE FRANK - was also nominated in the category of Outstanding TV Movie.
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THE MANDALORIAN also received nominations 
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The majority of THE MANDALORIAN’s nominations were in the technical realm but the show did garner three acting nominations: Carl Weathers, Giancarlo Esposito and that silver fox Timothy Olyphant. 
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When I think about how he was only nominated once for JUSTIFIED and zero times for Netflix’s THE SANTA CLARITA DIET I want to scream. 
- A galaxy far, far away from Obi Wan Kenobi in characterization is Halston but Ewan McGregor embodied the (in)famous designer perfectly and got an Emmy nomination for it. 
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Just another great thing to happen this year to McGregor as he and his FARGO and BIRDS OF PREY partner Mary Elizabeth Winstead welcomed their first child, son Laurie. 
Laurie with three of his four sisters: Clara, Esther and Jamyan.
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-This was a very good year for first season shows as evident by the nomination of Apple+’s TED LASSO whose 20 nominations broke GLEE’s first season record for nods. 
As Interpol sang, “there’s no ‘I’ in threesome”, there’s also no ‘I’ in team as the nominations just wasn’t for series creator and lead Jason Sudeikis but Hannah Waddingham, Juno Temple, Brett Goldstein and the Diamond Dogs: Nick Mohammed, Jeremy Swift and Brendan Hunt. 
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Juno has said that she would like to walk the red carpet with Hannah. Hopefully they can recreate Hannah’s Golden Globe winning night.
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Phil Dunster (Jamie Tartt do-do-do-do) reacts.
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As does Toheeb Jimoh (Sam Obisanya)
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- Like TED LASSO, Hulu’s THE HANDMAID’S TALE had many nominations across the cast with Elisabeth Moss, Yvonne Strahovski, Samira Wiley, Madeline Brewer, Max Minghella, Ann O’Dowd, Alexis Bleidel, Bradley Whitford and newcomer to the show McKenna Grace all receiving nominations.  The glaring omission? Joseph Fiennes who gave a gloriously sinister performance this season. 
As for snubs, I (try) not to go with my heart and classify omissions from shows/actors I love as a snub (though IT’S A SIN, THE GOOD LORD BIRD and its cast was robbed), I go by who was being pushed during The Hollywood Reporter’s roundtables.  In that vein: John Boyega and the entire SMALL AXE crew were snubbed, after being nominated and winning various awards; Chris Rock for FARGO, which only managed to get technical nominations despite winning performances by Jesse Buckley, Jason Schwartzman and Ben Whishaw.
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No nomination for Lena Waithe on her season of MASTER OF NONE. She has previously shared a writing Emmy for that show.  Also locked out was Sarah Paulson for Netflix’s RATCHET. 
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Though Paulson’s costar Sophie Okonedo garnered a nomination.
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While not honored this year, Paulson saluted her friend and AMERICAN HORROR STORY costar Evan Peters on his first Emmy nomination for his supporting role in MARE OF EASTTOWN.
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While various awards bodies are always throwing nominations Nicole Kidman’s way, including the Emmys, she missed out on a nomination this year for THE UNDOING. However her costar Hugh Grant received one. 
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While not snubbed in nominations, many feel that HBO snubbed LOVECRAFT COUNTRY with cancelling it after one season - a season that has garnered 18 nominations. 
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The show has received technical nominations, as well as acting for stars Courtney B. Vance, Michael K. Williams, Aunjanue Ellis, Jurnee Smollett and Jonathan Majors. 
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Category List: World War II AU
Fandom please enjoy this WWII themed fic list!
Allied by @balfey and @curlsgetdemgurls
It’s WWII, France is under German occupation. Claire Beauchamp, french by marriage, must house a soldier named James Fraser, Scottish by birth, who finds himself fighting with the enemies. Things aren’t always as they seem and as the war rages on, both Jamie and Claire must fight for what they believe in and ultimately learn to be allies.
At the End of All Things by @diversemediums and @takemeawaytocamelot
Nurse Claire Beauchamp finds herself in a sticky situation in the middle of World War II. Captain James Fraser is there to get her back to her base, safe and sound. What happens in their time alone will surprise them both.
Birds of a Feather by  mricj
In April of 1940 a wounded soldier and an outsider, James Fraser, and a WWII nurse, Claire Randall, meet for the first time.
Blue Waltz by @prairiefarmgirl
WWII AU: Nurse Claire Beauchamp gets to know Colonel James Fraser at a USO during R&R and quickly falls for him. But when they are separated during D-Day, she meets up with a mystery soldier that also steals her heart.
Bombs and Cigarettes by Jensregals
When world war two comes crashing down on the French town of Le Havre, Claire Beauchamp Randall and her fragile marriage crumble. Germans occupy her town and threaten her every move, but can one make all the pain go away?
Casualties of War by @curlsgetdemgurls
Claire has a relationship with another female nurse during the war.
For the Love of a Soldier by @writtenthroughtime  
Also known as 1940s Claire and Jamie, it’s an AU set in the 1940s with Jamie a Scottish soldier and Claire a nurse meeting during WWII.
Here in the Dark by Sabaxoxoxo
A teeny tiny barely-even-ficlet about Claire's ponderings on a night during the war, before The Stones.
In the Eye of a Hurricane by @three-drink-amy
Six months after the end of the war, Jamie Fraser is still trying to readjust. He's in the for the shock of his life one rainy night when who should show up at his home, but the nurse who saved his life, Claire Randall. Since they last parted, they've both learned how much the war changed them and those around them. Together, they'll learn the dangers facing them after the war might be just as deadly.
The Librarian by @balfey
After the end of the war, Claire Beauchamp accepts a librarian position in the small town of Inverness. Yearning for new beginnings and a place to finally call home. Little does she know the ghost of the past lingers in Scotland, along with a certain red-haired soldier she is still trying to forget.
The Last All-Clear by @bonnie-wee-swordsman​
From the tumblr prompt: Imagine if Jamie travelled through the stones, but instead of finding Claire in Boston he found himself having arrived years too early, when the War was still happening and Claire had yet to meet him... What would he do?
Saorsa by @scapegrace74-blog 
A novel that re-imagines Outlander while trying to answer the question - what might have happened if it was Jamie who went through the stones to meet Claire in the 1940s? The sub-title should probably be: Outlander Run Through the Blender.
Save Tonight by @balfey
Stationed in France, Claire Beauchamp, a combat nurse, crosses paths with Lieutenant James Fraser. They spent one night together, stamping each other’s hearts for the rest of time.
Strawberry Wine by @desperationandgin
On her last summer holiday before beginning nursing school, Claire meets Jamie Fraser of Lallybroch and their lives inevitably twine.
A String of Pearls by @cagedbirdsong
With his country caught in the throes of the second world war, Jamie Fraser enlists in the Royal Air Force. He expects a few solid years of travel and excitement, of chasing Germans and winning battles. But what he expects and what he gets are two different things. From the blooms of romance after a Friday night tryst to the muddy back roads of England, our young pilot is in for a lot more than he signed up for.
tomorrow, when the world is free by thestarrystarryknight
In 1943, Claire Fraser takes in a French orphan named Claudel, who lost his home, family, and all but his name when his village was bombed a year earlier. With her husband away fighting in Italy, Claire does the best she can to maintain some semblance of a home and family for the small child even as everything she holds dear is upended by the war. A modern(ish) au, about life, love, and family during wartime.
An Endless Night / Vergangenheit by @phoenixflames12
Captain James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser, late of the 51st Highland Division and prisioner in Oflag VII Cprison Camp, Salzburg writes home to his wife Claire in a desperate attempt to remember his homeland.
Librarian’s Note: be sure to read the Extended Scenes and ficlets that accompany this AU.
When The World is Free by @let-the-dream-begin​
“There'll be love and laughter, And peace ever after, Tomorrow, When the world is free.” — The White Cliffs of Dover, Vera Lynn, 1942
The world is free again, the war has ended, life starting anew. But for Claire, it’s all over. Jamie’s plane was shot down, leaving her pregnant out of wedlock with nowhere to go. But John made Jamie a promise in their bleakest moments, and he intends to live up to it. An Echo/MOBY retelling set post-World War II.
As always, if there are any fics in this category that we’ve missed, please let us know so that we can update. 
Happy Reading!
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ao3feed-supercorp · 4 years
Home Is Where I Want To Be
by go_sullivan
One second Alex Danvers is chasing a lead, the next she runs into a dumpster that comes out of nowhere. For Alex Danvers, no time has passed at all. But that's not the case for everyone else.
The world spins madly on.
And Alex Danvers has to find out where she fits.
Words: 1296, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi
Characters: Alex Danvers, Lucy Lane (DCU), Maggie Sawyer, Kara Danvers, Lena Luthor, Original Danvers-Luthor Child(ren), Original Lane-Sawyer Child(ren), Jamie Sawyer (DCU)
Relationships: Alex Danvers/Lucy Lane/Maggie Sawyer, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Lucy Lane/Maggie Sawyer
Additional Tags: Future Fic, Alternate Universe - Future, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Winter Soldiering, Near Future, Fluff and Angst, Flashbacks, Trans Male Character, featuring characters from other DC works because I CAN, time displaced character
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/3eb1IcE via IFTTT https://ift.tt/3eb1IcE
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insanityclause · 3 years
BEST REVIVAL OF A PLAY Betrayal Frankie and Johnny in the Clair de Lune A Soldier's Play
The race: The latest Broadway production of Harold Pinter's backward-looking Betrayal was the kind of elegant, pedigreed production to which Tony voters gravitate when they want to seem classy, so it has the advantage. But don't rule out the vital revival of A Soldier's Play, a powerful interrogation of divisions within the Black community.
BEST ACTOR IN A PLAY Ian Barford, Linda Vista Andrew Burnap, The Inheritance Jake Gyllenhaal, Sea Wall/A Life Tom Hiddleston, Betrayal Tom Sturridge, Sea Wall/A Life Blair Underwood, A Soldier's Play
The race: In a crowded field of six, Tom Hiddleston stands out for his veddy English turn—restraint, restraint, flood of emotion, restraint—in the prestige revival of Betrayal. That he's also a Loki mass-culture star only sweetens the deal.
BEST DIRECTION OF A PLAY David Cromer, The Sound Inside Stephen Daldry, The Inheritance Kenny Leon, A Soldier’s Play Jamie Lloyd, Betrayal Robert O'Hara, Slave Play
The race: This is one of the year's toughest categories to call, but we suspect that Robert O'Hara—a brilliant comic provocateur in shows he has written himself, including Bootycandy and Barbecue—will take the prize for the acumen he brought to staging the very tricky Slave Play. Of the other contenders, Stephen Daldry leads a tight pack.
BEST SCENIC DESIGN OF A PLAY Bob Crowley, The Inheritance Soutra Gilmour, Betrayal Rob Howell, A Christmas Carol Derek McLane, A Soldier’s Play Clint Ramos, Slave Play
The race: Rob Howell's work for A Christmas Carol is showier, and may end up winning, but Clint Ramos's smart set for Slave Play—which cleverly mirrors the different tones of the work's three sections—has a slightly better shot.
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