#102 the lucky compass
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Outer Banks 1.02 “The Lucky Compass”
Sarah wears the Out From Under Ella long sleeve cropped tee in White ($39.00) in season 1 episode 2 “The Lucky Compass”
Worn With: Un-ID’d Bralette
Also Worn In: 1.05 “Midsummers”
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lawrenceop · 2 years
HOMILY for the 7th Sunday per annum (C)
1 Samuel 26:2,7-9,11-13,22-23; Ps 102; 1 Cor 15:45-49; Luke 6:27-38
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The newspapers carried an astonishing report on Friday of a man called Dr Adam Towler. One night in 2019, a teenager knocked on his door in Bristol, and when he opened it, he was pulled outside of his own home, and stabbed nine times. The man who did this did not have any previous acquaintance with Dr Towler, nor was there any apparent motivation for this unexpected act of violence. At the sentencing of his attacker last Friday, Adam Towler said to the man who nearly killed him: “I want to say that I am not upset or angry with you… I don’t think you owe me an apology or anything, but I do want you to know what it’s like for me.” And he told the Today programme on Radio 4 that “The fact we’re here talking today, I got lucky –I’m living a quite normal life, a comfortable life”, and he expressed a deep sympathy for his attacker who now has to spend the rest of his life (or at least twelve years) in prison.
I immediately thought of Adam Towler’s words when I read today’s Gospel: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who treat you badly… Treat others as you would like them to treat you.” These words are so familiar to us, but perhaps we sometimes think of them merely as an ideal, but one that is rarely seen in action. Many of them, I am sure, struggle to live as Christ teaches us today. Hence, when a newspaper reports words like Dr Towler’s, it makes me sit up and reflect because these actions are, as the judge said, “extraordinary”; Dr Towler, moreover, does not hint at any explicit Christian faith. But, as the judge said to Dr Towler, “Whether it is the effect of intellect, or faith, or kindness and understanding, I don’t know. If it is the consequence of intellect, I admire it. If it is the consequence of faith, I envy it.”
There is much to admire in this situation, but I am not envious of another’s faith. Envy, after all, is the vice of experiencing sorrow for the good that another receives or shows. No, one does not envy the faith of another, nor their extraordinarily good will, nor their act of forgiveness, compassion, and empathy. Rather, one desires to emulate him, or at least, one should do! For this is at the heart of today’s Gospel: we can do all these extraordinary things because we want to emulate God our Father! So Christ says: “Be compassionate as your Father is compassionate…  love your enemies and do good, and lend without any hope of return… and you will be sons of the Most High.”
Indeed, Christ who is, by nature, the Son of the Most High God, shows us on the Cross how to regard one’s enemies: our compassionate God, the Son of God, makes excuses for sinners, he forgives, and he says, in effect, something like “I am not upset or angry with you… I don’t think you owe me an apology or anything”. In doing so, Jesus teaches us, who by grace are also sons of God, how we can respond to those who hate us and do ill. God gives us the grace to react with compassionate love, just as Jesus does, if we want to.
However, the problem I think is that most of us expect too little of God, too little of his grace, and certainly too little of ourselves. Perhaps we do not think we’re worthy to emulate God our Father and so we don’t really try. Or maybe we don’t think that we can actually be like Christ – we see only our own failings and weaknesses, but we don’t recognise the power of God given us in the Sacraments. “We’re not really cut out to be Saints”, people tell me but such talk, sadly, seems to despair of God’s power, God’s grace, God’s mercy which is only merciful because it moves us to change and improve and to become the sons and daughters of God that our Baptism calls us to be! The consequence of this is that the Gospel becomes just an ideal, a mythical story, but robbed of any power to radically change us and change our society. The consequence is that we remain in our sins, and will not allow God to draw near to help us and save us.
The example of Dr Adam Towler can, I think, awaken us to the possibilities. And lest anyone thinks that Dr Towler is (apparently) not a Christian, and so his actions only belie the power of secular altruism, or serve to prove that one doesn’t need God in order to be good or moral, I would ask anyone who thinks like this to pause a little. Pause and think, and look at this theologically. For it is simplistic and bad theology to think that God only helps Christians, or the virtuous, or those who are in his club. Rather, the compassion of Christ who died for all, and the incarnation of God who thus allies himself with every human being, shows that God’s grace is much more powerful and pervasive than the doctrines of religious tribalism would allow. Again, I think that if we expect too little of God’s grace, too little of God, then we would just say that Dr Towler’s extraordinary act of forgiveness was just a non-religious fluke. But I refuse to say so. Rather, I say with St Justin Martyr that the seeds of God’s goodness and reason are found throughout creation – God’s creation. And I say with St Cyril that the incarnate Word of God is active and present in every human person. And I say with St Thomas Aquinas that all good finds its origin and impulse and perfection in God. That is to say, no good is possible for anyone or anything at all were it not first caused and sustained by God. This is what a robust theology of God and divine causality looks like. And this is Catholicism.
So, we thank God that he moved Dr Towler to behave with such divine benevolence and empathy towards his attacker, in the hope that such compassion would move the attacker to repentance and to final salvation. For God, in his wisdom and providence, can and will use any one of us, not simply for our own good, but for the salvation of others. Again, a robust theology of Providence leads us to say that God is always in control, and he moves people, whether they are Christian or not, to do his will, always for a greater good that we do not see. In this case, I want to suggest, that Dr Towler’s example should chasten us Christians, give us cause for humility, and embolden us who are called by grace to be sons and daughters of the Most High God to behave more like our heavenly Father. In other words, Dr Towler challenges each of us to be more authentically Christian, and to emulate Christ more faithfully.
These, I think, are fitting lessons and reflections as Lent is soon upon us. How can I demand more of God, more of his grace, and so expect more for myself? Christ says today that “the amount you measure out is the amount you will be given back.” So, when we pray and ask for gifts from God, let us ask for a generous measure of God’s graces, that will change not our external circumstances but our interior being. For know this: God wants to make us Saints, he wants us to be his own beloved children, re-made in the image and likeness of Jesus Christ his Son.
Therefore Pope Benedict XVI said: “Man was created for greatness—for God himself; he was created to be filled by God. But his heart is too small for the greatness to which it is destined. It must be stretched… It is only by becoming children of God, that we can be with our common Father… When we pray properly we undergo a process of inner purification which opens us up to God and thus to our fellow human beings as well. In prayer we must learn what we can truly ask of God—what is worthy of God. We must learn that we cannot pray against others. We must learn that we cannot ask for the superficial and comfortable things that we desire at this moment… We must learn to purify our desires and our hopes… For prayer to develop this power of purification, it must on the one hand be something very personal, an encounter between my intimate self and God, the living God. On the other hand it must be constantly guided and enlightened by the great prayers of the Church and of the saints, by liturgical prayer, in which the Lord teaches us again and again how to pray properly.”
So, as Lent approaches, let us be ready to learn to pray better, to be purified in our hopes and desires, so that we desire holiness, desire closeness with God, desire to become more like the Lord who is compassion and love.
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myaekingheart · 5 years
Thnx for the answer. I wanted to prompt some hurt/comfort Peter fic. For example he gets hurt (drowning, captured or your fantasy) so then he got rescued and will need a care from his loved ones. Caspian also would be here and help Peter. A fic where Peter who always try to act strong, this time will be hurt and need a help from others. Some sweet Peter/Edmund brotherhood moments and get along with Caspian. Hurt/comfort fic with happy ending. It's just idea so of course you can complement it
Here you go, anon! I’m such a sucker for hurt/comfort stuff so I hope this is alright!
               “Peter,you can’t deny this any longer” Susan pressed. Her stern eyes kept shifting toher brother’s shoulder, then to his knee. The groans of the injured echoed all aroundthem, the casualties of war. Lucy could only do so much so quickly with her cordial—shehad been running herself ragged since the wee hours of the morning trying totreat everyone as quickly as possible. For those lying in wait, and those withless severe injuries, there were medics to tend to their wounds.
               “Susan,really, I’m fine” the High King pressed. He hated that he couldn’t even lookhis sister in the eye, but this really was nothing. He felt lucky he had walkedoff that battlefield far less scathed than some others, though he knew if Lucywere here she would laugh and say he rather limped off the battlefield. Buttruly, he was fine. He didn’t need this. He could manage just fine.
               Thedoor at the end of the hall creaked open and Caspian slipped inside with afresh stack of blankets for the patients. “You seem rather helpful” Susanchirped.
               “Well,they are my people, and I am their king now. Is it not my duty to care for them?”Caspian asked. A soft smile touched the gentle’s lips. It did her heart good tosee that the Narnians were in good hands. After all, she was unsure of whatrole she and her siblings were to play now that the war had been won and peacewas restored. They were no longer on the throne, and yet once a king or queenof Narnia, always a king or queen, right? No matter. The technical aspects werenot important now. The primary focus was their patients.
               Justthen, Edmund had rushed forward wiping his brow. “How’s Lucy?” Peter asked.
               “Justfine” Edmund replied. “You’d never know she was up since dawn with her energy.”
               “QueenLucy truly has a gift for looking after others” Caspian commented. The othersnodded in agreement.
               “So far,she’s treated 64 of the 102 injured, including a pretty serious head injury andwhat would’ve likely become an amputation” Edmund explained. “How are the others?”
               “They’vebeen managing alright” Susan replied. She by no means considered herself amedic of any kind, but she had a fair amount of knowledge in treating simplewounds and therefore was more than delighted to help with the less severelyhurt. “Peter and I have been watching over them and helping them, though if youask me I think Peter ought to be looked at, as well.”
               Themagnificent shot her a glare. “Su, I told you, I’m perfectly fine.” Just aswith Caspian, his people’s wellbeing was far more important than his own. Hewould’ve much rather expended his energy treating them than wasting the medicstime with himself. However, his siblings unfortunately knew him far better thanhe’d like to let on. Susan simply cocked a brow and crossed her arms, thensubmitted her benchmark request.
               “If you’recompletely unharmed, then I want you to walk to the other end of the hall andretrieve that stack of bandages from the top shelf” she requested. Peterglanced back to where she had pointed, his heart racing in his chest for amoment, before raising his head high and giving a definitive nod. No problem. Itwas a simple enough request. He could handle it just fine.
               Twosteps, however, and his knee nearly gave out. He groaned and willed himself to standstraight but to no avail. Susan smiled proudly.
               “That’swhat I thought” she replied. Before he could protest, she had grasped his handand began guiding him toward an exam table near the front of the hall. Caspiansidled up to Edmund as they both watched, a look of concern crossing the newking’s face.
               “Is hegoing to be alright?” he asked Edmund. The just chuckled and nodded.
               “Theonly thing that’s really going to be hurt is his pride” he replied. “But I’msure he’ll get over it. Eventually.”
               This wasthe last thing Peter wanted. Susan stood beside him, holding his tunic andoverseeing the check-up, as a young medic examined his injuries. “Just as Ithought” she murmured.
               “See?”Peter said, turning to his sister. “I told you, I’m perfectly fine.”
               “You havea knee contusion and your dislocated shoulder was popped back into placeimproperly” the medic announced. Peter’s face fell. Susan beamed. “The contusionis rather intense, but fortunately your knee cap sustained no serious damageand you should be able to walk on it properly soon with the correct treatment.As for the shoulder, we’ll need to give you a sling to immobilize it but you’revery lucky whoever did this did not damage your tendons or ligaments.”
               “Thatcan happen?” Peter asked. The medic nodded.
               “Mmhmm.I’ve even seen one man with a fracture from trying to pop it back in himself!”she replied.
               “Theprofessor would be very disappointed in you, Peter” Susan replied. The magnificentbit his lower lip and clenched his fist. He didn’t want to think about that rightnow. For the past few months back in England, he had been considering attendingmedical school with much support from Professor Kirke. The old man had lent Petermany of the medical textbooks in his vast library so he could begin studyingfor the entrance exams early, but apparently he had not been studying hardenough. The medic before him smiled and lifted a finger as she slipped out toacquire everything needed for treatment.
               Once hewas done, Peter felt pathetic. His right arm had been put in a sling, andhis other was occupied with a crutch to help his bandaged knee. Caspian andEdmund looked up from their respective patients as Susan guided Peter to his owncot to rest.
               “Thatlooks serious” Edmund commented, making his way over once he was finished.
               “It’snot” Peter insisted, easing his way onto the bed. Susan adjusted the pillowsbehind him as he laid back, then explained what the medic had told them. “Whateveryou do, don’t tell Lucy about this, alright?” Peter requested.
               “Why?She’s going to find out eventually” Edmund said.
               “I don’twant her to worry. Besides, there are others who need her help more than I do”he replied. It was a fair enough point. She had a limited quantity of fireflowerjuice, and they all knew full well they didn’t have the time to restock.
               “Can weget you anything?” Caspian asked, sliding his way into the conversation.
               “No,thanks” Peter replied. He gazed at all the others lying around him, dwarfs andcentaurs and animals alike. All he could think was that he wasn’t supposed tobe here. He was supposed to be treating them, helping them, rather than lyingwith them. He felt helpless, useless, pathetic.
               A fewhours passed, and soon Peter became so bored with just watching the others rushback and forth tending to the wounded that he fell asleep. When he finally wokeup, the sun was setting and Edmund was at his bedside refilling his waterglass. “Morning, sunshine” the just greeted with a smile.
               “Howlong have I been out?” Peter asked. He tried to sit up, forgetting how delicatehe was, and winced when the pain reminded him.
               “Since about2:30, give or take” Edmund answered. “Do you need anything?”
               “No, I’mfine, thanks” Peter replied, then after a moment thought better of himself. “Actually,do you mind bringing me that medical book on the table over there?” he asked,pointing with his good hand across the room. Edmund met where his brother indicated,then hesitantly went over to retrieve it for him.
               “You know,you should be resting, not studying” Edmund said with a light laugh.
               “Iknow, but I can’t help myself” Peter replied. “I felt so stupid in front of thatmedic earlier, like I haven’t been studying hard enough. Did you know that youcan fracture something if you try to pop a dislocated shoulder into place on yourown?”
               “Why? Doyou have a fracture?” Edmund asked.
               “No,but I wish I had known that was possible” Peter replied.
               “I supposethat’s all my fault then, right?” the just then asked after a beat of silence.
               “Youdid nothing wrong, Ed” the magnificent insisted. “You were there when I neededyou, and you did the best you could. We’re lucky it’s nothing worse.”
               “I stillwish I had known” Edmund replied. Peter rolled his eyes with a laugh.
               “Well,now you do” he said. “And once I figure out how to treat it myself, I can teachyou in the event that I dislocate my shoulder fighting a tyrannical king in a magicalland again.” The two laughed, but deep down something ominous and bittersweetcoursed through the both of them. The war was won, but before them layuncertainty. Caspian was king now, that much was true. The kingdom was alreadybustling with plans for his coronation. Peter’s eyes shifted toward the youngking as he sat beside one of the patients laughing and talking with them. They hadsuch a coarse start, Peter and Caspian. The High King could scarcely see thenhow this kid was capable of ever leading a country. He saw it now, though. He sawthe kindness in his eyes, the compassion, the way he cared so deeply for hispeople, human or otherwise. He truly was a worthy king. But what did that meanfor he and his siblings? What were they to Narnia now? Peter and Edmund lookedto one another and for a brief moment understood exactly what the other was feeling:a mutual sense of panic. A sense that their time was running out. A sense thatthis chapter was quickly coming to a close. And then they smiled at one another,and Peter patted his brother on the shoulder and insisted he go look after theothers. Their time was running short, but they would not think of that rightnow. All that mattered was that they were here now, and that the war was won,and that peace had been restored to Narnia despite the cost.
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bookish-honey · 5 years
1: Top 3 ice cream flavors
-Dutch chocolate
-Cookies over Texas
2: Top 3 Disney Movies
-Big Hero 6
-Treasure Planet
-Beauty and the Beast
3: Top 3 vacation destinations
4: Top 3 places to shop
-World Market
5: Top 3 subjects of study/classes to take
-Frauds, Myths, & Mysteries
-Death and Dying
-Maya Civilizatons
6: Top 3 make up products
-Lip scrub
7: Top 3 music artists
-Of Monsters and Men
-Panic! At the Disco
8: Top 3 spices/herbs
9: Top 3 drinks
10: Top 3 apps to use
-Snapchat (@red_poptarts)
-Twitter (@lamepersonality)
-Tumblr (@lamepersonality)
11: Top 3 months of the year
12: Top 3 clothing items
-Skinny jeans
-Pajama pants
-Yoga pants
13: Top 3 binge perfect tv shows
-Stranger Things
-Fruits Basket
-Ouran High School Host Club
14: Top 3 romantic dates
-Book shops
15: Top 3 kinds of flower
-Pink roses
16: Top 3 christmas movies
-The Polar Express
-The Grinch
-National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
18: Top 3 quotes to describe your life
-”I think, therefore I am”
-”Hurricane Katrina? More like hurricane tortillaaa”
-”Memento mori”
19: Top 3 characteristics you love about yourself
-A good listener
-Stand up for what I believe in
20: Top 3 kinds of candy
-Sourpunch straws
-Gummi bears
21: Top 3 ways to exercise/ be active
23: Top 3 petnames
-Dumb bitch
24: Top 3 books read outside of school
-LOTR Trilogy
-Pride and Prejudice
- Harry Potter
25: Top 3 most used websites
26: Top 3 people you last texted
27: Top 3 hashtags you use
29: Top 3 guilty pleasures
-Romantic comedies
-Baking bread
30: Top 3 summer activities
31: Top 3 things to draw/doodle
32: Top 3 aesthetics
-Indie hippie chick
-Masculine women
-Cute bookish nerd
33: Top 3 things you’d buy if you gained three million dollars
-Stuff for my mom
-Polaroid film
-Probably a cafe
34: Top 3 ways to treat yourself
-Buying film for my polaroid cameras
-Buying clothes
36: Top 3 books from your childhood
-Junie B. Jones
-Captain Underpants
-Nancy Drew
38: Top 3 scents
40: Top 3 cupcake flavors
-Red Velvet
41: Top 3 fruits
42: Top 3 places you’ve had amazing pizza from
-The Mellow Mushroom
-Brooklyn Pizzaria
44: Top 3 crayola colors
45: Top 3 things you hope to accomplish in college
-Get a fucking social life
-Honors college
-Study abroad
46: Top 3 fanfictions you’ve read
-My immortal
47: Top 3 people you miss right now
48: Top 3 fears
-Wasps bro 
49: Top 3 favorite literary devices
50: Top 3 pet peeves
-Loud chewing
-Loud phone conversations
51: Top 3 physical things you find attractive
-Facial hair
52: Top 3 bad habits
-I bite my tongue
-I press down on bruises
-Always emotionally unavailable 
53: Top 3 pets you’ve had/wish to have
-Golden retriever
54: Top 3 types of foreign food
55: Top 3 things you want to say to someone in your lifetime
-Get out of me and get out of my house
-You may touch it, but only once
-It’s because you always on that damn phone
57: Top 3 cheesy romance movies
-Never Been Kissed
-27 Dresses
-Your Name
58: Top 3 languages you speak/wish to speak
59: Top 3 series (book, movie, television)
-Jane the Virgin
-The Flash
60: Top 3 pizza toppings
-Banana peppers
61: Top 3 youtubers you’re subscribed to
62: Top 3 tattoo / piercing ideas
-A compass tattoo
-World map tattoo
-Nipple piercings
63: Top 3 awards you want to win
-any will do. I crave validation
70: Top 3 smoothie combos/flavors
-Pineapple mango
-Blueberry pineapple
-Strawberry blueberry 
71: Top 3 songs of this month
-Don’t threaten me with a good time
-I see fire
-Goodbye, Goodnight
74: Top 3 Cities you want to see
-New York
76: Top 3 dream jobs
-Cultural Anthropologist
77: Top 3 lucky items
-A fossil my boyfriend gave me
-A ladybug my best friend gave me
-Jess Copeland
78: Top 3 traditions you have
-A good luck shot before doing something anxiety inducting
-Wishes at 11:11
-Tasting all of the sides before tasting the main dish
79: Top 3 things you miss about being a kid
-No bills
-Having friends
-Not worrying about my mother
80: Top 3 harry potter characters
-Luna Lovegood
-Fred and George
-Professor McGonagall 
81: Top 3 lies you were told
-The seeds will make a tree grow in your stomach
-20 year olds are adults
-Life get’s easier
82: Top 3 pictures in your camera roll right now
-My cat
-Some roses
86: Top 3 things you wish you had known earlier
-How rain predictions work
-That I was going to be anxiety ridden for forever
-That my mom would come to rely on me for everything
87: Top 3 spongebob episodes
-Band Geeks
-The Krusty Krab Pizza
-The Worm
91: Top 3 meals you love
92: Top 3 kinds of tea
-Raspberry Hibiscus 
94: Top 3 holidays to celebrate
-Independence Day
-New Year’s Eve
95: Top 3 things to do in the rain
97: Top 3 items you can’t leave the house w/o
-Lip balm
-A pen
98: Top 3 movies you’d like to see
-A star is born
-The shining
99: Top 3 art mediums
102: Top 3 things you don’t/Won’t miss
-High school
-Not having glasses
103: Top 3 pick up lines
-Ayy what that mouth do?
-u hotter than the bottom of my laptop
-Can I take you to a respectful dinner?
105: Top 3 taylor swift songs
-I Know Places
-Shake it Off
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simply-shakera · 3 years
Holiday Gift Guide [+Giveaway]
2020 has been rocking all of our worlds since January and does not seem to be letting up chile.
But we are here. Still Standing! Adjusting - Growing - Healing - Learning - DOING OUR BEST!
Normally in December I take a few weeks “off” to unplug from social media and my regular routine. My birthday is also on New Years Eve so the holiday season is often a great time for me to reflect on the past year and recharge.
"When You Support A Small Businesses You Are Supporting Someone's Dream"  -- Unknown
Introducing the “Pink Box” by simplyshakera.com
Another end of year tradition is my annual Holiday Giveaway in collaboration with one of my brand partners. This year will be a little different! Introducing the “Pink Box” by simplyshakera.com. The color pink represents compassion, nurturing and love. In 2021, I will be releasing a goodie box filled with items that are meant to cultivate joy and practice self love. Stay tuned for when the “Pink Box” is officially released. HOWEVER, just in time for the holidays I will be gifting one lucky winner with a special edition Pink Box filled this time around with items from some of my favourite Black owned businesses. I have each company listed below in my Holiday Gift Guide. Know them - Support them - Amplify them!
The Simply Shakera Holiday Gift Guide
I am so excited to share with you a few of my favourite small businesses offering products and services that you can support today. Grab something for yourself, book an appointment/session, or purchase a gift for someone else. Christmas is exactly two weeks away - happy shopping!
Orijin is a Toronto based brand creating small batch, quality investment pieces that are real gold and guaranteed to become heirlooms. The first piece, designed by founder Candice, was the iconic OM bead bracelet, symbolizing the meeting of a deep connection to self with a nod to a nostalgic trend. Ten percent of the proceeds from the OM collection goes towards supporting the work of BIPOC artists and wellness entrepreneurs. Other notable collections are the essentials collection and the paperclip collection.
Personal Review: I love how sophisticated the pieces are! Simple and stylish! I own the mask chain which also can double as a chain for my glasses!
Seamoss N Tingz provides the highest quality wildcrafted gel made with Alkaline water and no additives or preservatives. The gel can be added to your food or drink as well as topically for multiple skin ailments including facial masks to tighten and rejuvenate your skin. Sea moss contains 92 of the 102 minerals that the body requires daily. It is jam packed with Protein, Fiber, Selenium, Iodine, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Zinc and powerful anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains omega 3 fatty acids, iodine, potassium chloride, antiviral and antimicrobial compounds. Some benefits include: strengthened immune system, improved energy, supported mental health and more.
Personal Review: I am new to the sea moss world! Two months to be exact. My journey started as a means to decrease inflammation in my body. The most noticeable benefit for me so far is an increase in digestion. I eat a spoonful raw once a day; but you are recommended to add it to food or apply it topically for skin care. During this holiday season, SNT will be donating $5 of every purchase to the Pinball Clemons foundation.
Sarah-Naomi’s Hair Care & Beauty “where the beautification of the whole woman is the focus and purpose”. Sarah is a natural and protective hairstylist and has been maintaining crowns for over fifteen years. She believes knowledge and love of self is the key to the unlocking of new and higher levels of our existence. Hair education is also a deep passion of hers. Sarah is currently enrolled at Art & Technique in Oshawa to obtain her hairstyling/cosmetology license with a mission to style, serve, instruct and educate all women about the crown they wear daily.
Personal Review: Sarah is awesome and pretty fast. She is my go to person for protective styles such as single braids or twists. My new favourite style she has done on my hair were the knotless braids I did in October! She’s based in Durham but is also mobile. Kid friendly as well.
Georgie Porgie Cakes & Gifts is a vibrant, rapidly growing company. Founded in 2004 by Georgette and her mom Carol, Georgie Porgie is now famous for their red velvet rum cake with cream cheese filling. Georgie Porgie is your sweet boutique offering homemade specialty and artisan desserts made daily with the highest quality and fresh ingredients. At Georgie Porgie, they believe that every event and celebration should create a story-book ending. They would love to help plan your next blockbuster with their experienced team.
Personal Review: When I have a celebration coming up I purchase my sweet treats from the Georgie Porgie team! Check out HERE the carnival birthday cake that was made for my 30th birthday surprise birthday! I still get chills looking at it.
Koko Rose Natural Skincare, founded by Marsha Rose, is a complete facial skincare brand for both women and men. The skincare products are made with the finest natural ingredients and made in Canada. They consist of naturally formulated products designed to treat all skin types, address skin conditions and individual skincare needs. All products are paraben free, vegan certified, formaldehyde free and contain naturally sourced fragrance.
Personal Review: Marsha is super knowledgeable in all things skincare. She not only a licensed aesthetician but she also a registered nurse! I have been healing from hormonal acne for years. Since I have been going to her spa for regular facials I have seen a significant change in my skin. There is also a organic line and mens line among her skincare products. She also offers a variety of other services at her spa including waxing!
Founded by Mohogany Brown in 2016, "In My Own Skin" is a lifestyle brand aimed at promoting self-love amongst young women. In partnership with Dance With Me Corp, the brand extended to provide fun, cute and comfy activewear that everyone can feel beautiful in. The company wants their community to not only showcase people of all body types, ages, ethnicities and walks of life, but to also ensure they are a brand that truly represents everyone. They especially hope you fall in love with yourselves all over again, and feel confident... IN YOUR OWN SKIN! Xo
Personal Review: The apparel side of In My Own Skin comes in three different collections - the sizes are body positive too! I work with Mohogany frequently for dance based initiatives and she truly is a force. For good vibes and fitness inspo, check out her personal acccount @mohoganyxo.
Carnival Spice an award winning fitness and entertainment company devoted to showcasing Caribbean Carnival. Here aspiring artists of colour are welcomed to a platform where they can further develop their talents through Caribbean dance. Founder Shakera Martin and her team have been featured on Cityline, CP24, CTV, Breakfast Television and most recently Season 12 of the Real Housewives of Atlanta."⁠ The company currently offers a variety of virtual Caribbean Dance & Fitness programming and host initiatives to maintain the connection between their global #SpiceFam community.
Personal Review: Despite a whole pandemic and all carnivals around the world being cancelled until further notice. Carnival Spice has consistently been pumping out content and resources to showcase and uplift Caribbean culture. It is amazing to witness in front and behind the scenes. Tickets are now available for the 2020 Holiday Lime and Workshop event.
Holiday Giveaway
As mentioned, one lucky winner will be gifted with a “Pink Box” that includes a prize from EACH of the brands featured in my holiday gift guide. A value of over $350!!!! Enter Here Now - contest closes Friday, December 18th!
Happy Holidays To You & Your Loved Ones!! xo
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josiewe · 4 years
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My heart and prayers go out to the two toddler's and 4 other children. Plus 14 people killed and 102 more people shot! This was in one state not including other states that had more human beings being shot, child ren and adults. My heart and prayers go out to all the parents, families, and friends of all the victims. These were all human beings! Those toddlers and children never had a chance to live and grow to become someone so special. No one has the right to take away these innocent souls. I just cannot believe that this could happen to our country. The saddest thing is all of this could of been prevented. With compassion, respect, and love for one another. Please stop the hate. And the senseless violence. There is more good people in the world than bad people. We need to come together as one. Only one the human race. No difference. Violence and hatred has no place here. Only love, compassion, caring, and peace. I have always believed one planet one race. No matter what religion, race or gender. We're all part of the human race. I implore you to take a step back and think for a moment. What if this was your toddler, child, parent, sister, brother, and so on. Would you want this to happen to you? We as the human race should be there for one another. As I have done my whole life to care, have compassion, to help those in need. To save a life not take away. I cannot express how horrible this really is. So you mayor's, governor's please stop ignoring the warning signs. This isn't politics! This is about humanity! To do the right thing. Politicians are not suppose to be there for themselves! You were elected to do your job do what you promised to do when you was elected!! This is the United States of America! Not some island, not some communist country! We're so lucky to live in this country! But I truly believe some have forgotten what our military fought for our freedoms! Your freedoms! To allow this to happen in our country isn't humanity or for the good of the people. How did we get here? Our schools that we pay taxes to are not teaching our children, the next generation the values, respect, our history of this country. I say that every child, should have the right to a great education. The parents should have the right to send their children for the best education. And for the professors who dont teach our American history correctly and tell the truth should not teach our children! And for the people who promote hate should really learn what damage they truly do to humanity! What if it was you, or your family receiving the hate? What then? There is no more room for hate or violence anymore! Every life I have saved in my lifetime, every person I fed, clothed, shelter was not because of their religion, gender, or because of the color of their skin. It was because they were a human being one race! I dont see people that way. And there are more people in this world that believe the way I do than not! So wake up America! This is not what we are made of. No more hate! No more violence! It doesn't work.
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Petitions and Information on Everything Happening Right Now
Black Lives Matter
BLM Website
Hands Up Act
Responses to Racist Sayings
Info About Tear Gas, Pepper Spray, Pellets, and more
Official White House Petition for Breona Taylor
Google Documents of Petitions to Help People Killed in Black Lives Matter
Petition for George Floyd
Petition for Jennifer Jeffley
Petition for Breonna Taylor
Petition for Emerald Black
Petition for Tete
Petition for Alejandro Vargas Martinez
Petition for Regis Korchinski-Paquet
Petition for Young Uwa
Petition for Shukri Abdi
Petition for Dion Johnson
Petition for Ahmaud Arbery
Petition for Christopher Josey  
Petition for Cameron Green
Petition for Joāo Pedro
Petition for Tony McDade
Petition for David McAtee
Petition for Ashton Dickson
Petition for Sean
Julius Jones is Innocent, Save Him From Being Executed in Oklahoma  
Pardon Crystal Imprisoned for Voting
Willie Simmons Has Served 38 Years ion Prison for $8 Robbery
Dismiss Charges on Marshae Jones and Arrest the One Who Shot Her and her Unborn Baby
Drop Charges Against Incarcerated Traffic Survivor Chrystul Kizer
Free Chaffin Darnel Y
Consequences for Excessive Force Used On Quentin Suttles
Fire Jared Campbell
National Action Against Police Brutality
Ban Use of Rubber Bullets for Crowd Control
Defund the Police Petition
Public Schools
Support Public Education: Fund Schools Fully and Fairly
Equal Funding for Public Schools
What’s Happening in Lebanon (including how to help)
Donations for Lebanon (and educational articles)
Places to Donate
Ways to Help Lebanon
Donate to Help Beirut, Lebanon
Petition: We Stand With Lebanon
Help Save Children in Lebanon
Child Labor in Lebanon
Child Marriage in Lebanon
Petition for Women’s Rights in Lebanon
Twitter Thread of Places to Donate
The Yemen Crisis
How to Help
Watch to Donate to Lebanon (YouTube Video)
Famine/Genocide in Yemen
Help Save Children in Yemen
Humanitarian Crisis in Lebanon, More About the Humanitarian Crisis, Even More About the Humanitarian Crisis
Petition: Save Yemen
Block Donald Trump from Arming Saudi Starvation of Yemeni Kids
Override “Veto” of “JASTA for the Children of Yemen”
Stop Flow of Weapons in Yemen
End War in Yemen, Stop Fueling War in Yemen
Release Muslims in China
Save Uighur
Help the Uighur
Help Uighur Muslims in Turkey with Financial and Household Aid
Petition to Free Muslims in Chinese Concentration Camps
Petition to Stand Up for the Uyghur Muslims in China  
Condemn Concentration Camps & Prevent a 21st Century Holocaust in East Turkistan
Petition to Stand Up and Save the Uyghurs
Muslims in Kashmir
Kashmir Relief Fund
Kashmir Appeals
More Kashmir Appeals
The Kashmir Referendum for Freedom
Urgent Petition on the UN Kashmir Reports
Hold Plebiscite in Kashmir
Lift the Curb on the Press in Jammu and Kashmir
UN Must Take Action on Killings in Kashmir
Save Kashmir
“Kashmir ko Azaad karo”
Request for Immediate Intervention of the UN in the Kashmir Crisis
LGBT Rights in Poland
Abolish Current Anti-LGBT Laws and Protect LGBT People in Poland
Put an End to Government Led LGBTQ+ Persecution in Poland
LGBTQ+ Rights in Poland are in Danger: How to Help
How LGBT Rights are Under Threat in Poland, and how to Help
Polish President Issues Campaign Pledge to Fight ‘LGBT Ideology’
Twitter Thread Explaining the Problems in Mexico
Twitter Thread of Mexican Petitions
Another Twitter Thread of Petitions
A Third Twitter Petition Thread
Indigenous Natives
Indigenous People Can’t Legally Press Charges Against Non-Indigenous People
Advocate For Children: Advocate for Children
Tips to Help Save Your Kid’s Lives (self defense, approached by a stranger, who to go to if they’re lost, etc,)
Ban Female Genital Mutation in Massachusetts
Dangerous Cities in the US
Do Not Stop in Vidor, Texas (Along w/ Other States and Cities)
Note: This will continue to be added to, this is just all I could find right now.
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eyeofillumination · 5 years
Have PRIDE Ethics 101
Yes, I understand the title is a little odd. Have pride? Well, IF you are one of those lucky people who happens to celebrate their pride all June long or you are lucky enough to have one in your life, you know what this post is about. Today is a very important post because it is very, very important that everyone has pride in who they are.
This is the ethics of spa. We see you out their strutting your stuff and we want to support you. Yeah I worked in corporate spa and I can completely understand exactly why people who are LGBTQ turn away. This is the purpose of this post people because today we are going to discuss the ETHICS not the relationship advice on how everyone needs to be nice to you at your appointment. This is where to draw the line and how to choose that special spot for you.
Have PRIDE Ethics 101: Not Every Spa Professional Has to Work on You
This is important for everyone to understand. Yes, as a Licensed Esthetician, I can deny services to people that violates my view of ethics (meaning if some person came into my room and hit on me, I have the right to walk out, etc.). A lot of spa professionals may turn you down for any reason. While you can argue discrimination all day long, hands down you won’t want to endure the appointment if the professional isn’t comfortable. A denial can be a blessing in disguise and will probably happen at least once. I have only had to deny one client and they were very opinionated on LGBTQ. While that is your right….wait we’re getting ahead of ourselves.
Have PRIDE Ethics 102: What Do You Refrain from in Room
So as I was giving an example above we came across the second reason ethics are a must. I do not discuss:
Spiritual Beliefs
Past relationship history
My personal life (I do ask you about kids if you are a woman because each pregnancy does different things to the skin as well as vacations) which doesn’t mean I won’t add a cute quip here or there of my own experiences. It simply means that the really personal stuff like my ideas of marriage, relationships, whether or not children exist in my life is strictly not needed in the room.
Politics which I hate to say, does come in the room. This is a topic I’ll remove real fast because all it draw is stress.
This is not because I don’t necessarily want to connect. This is not because I don’t want to have a client/aesthetician relationship. These are 4 areas of trauma for people that we do not realize while also being the 4 most common reasons clients get uncomfortable on the table. While at my location, you will never be even asked if you didn’t leave the country when you were supposed to. It’s not my job to police. It isn’t my right to judge. And at any point I have the right to leave the service as you do as well. I also swear that I will never ask your birth gender because we have people in our lives that are right there with you. If a full drag queen comes in all her glory, I will promise never to assume that what walked in is nothing but a queen that should be treated as such unless you discuss it openly with me.
Have PRIDE Ethics 103: Just Because It Is Corporate Does NOT Mean Safe
The sad truth about corporate aesthetics and spa is that not always are the managers, owners, or employees spa licensed professionals. I had to do hours of ethics where no matter what comes in its just another human being and that is it. That was all done by state licensure laws that do not apply to front counter or managerial staff. It’s sad really but that is why a lot of small businesses are really the best option for now. It really isn’t hard to find a private massage therapist. It is hard to find your own private aesthetician due to many reasons.
Have PRIDE Ethics 104: Why Do You Care So Much?
Because pride was one of the most important civil rights wins of our generation. We had women’s rights, African American civil rights, LGBTQ rights, and disability rights. Every single one of these is a monumental accomplishment and needs to be remembered as such. Why? Because we all want to be treated with dignity and respect. When I think of a spa (right now were literally home based which means we’re operating in our downstairs), I picture hardwood floors with welcoming walls. I picture happy people working at their job, waiting to help you feel better about yourself. I picture healing, vitality, youth, peace, serenity just in the people I am looking to work on me. If you walk in somewhere and the overall mood is exhaustion, that is not spa. If the first thing you receive is a moral high compass intent on dragging you downwards, walk out that door. If someone makes fun of you, understand that you have every right to complain and should. We need to get the unprofessional people out of the spa industry and I hate to mention this but the perfect storm was Massage Envy about a year or so ago. It is a true understanding of how spas tend to punish bad employees. Terminate and then keep them from working for that company again. Does that remove them from practice? NO but the state licensing board will preform an investigation and WILL remove the license if they believe that the professional is a danger.
In my closing tonight, I wanted to leave everyone with a little mission. Instead of knocking each other down with judgments, let’s straighten each other’s crowns. Let’s be more aware when someone in our group asks if somewhere is a safe place for LGBTQ or needs to get help with disabilities. We are all walking resources that someday may save a life. This is why I fully support everyone equally no matter what is on the outside because you can wrap a nasty attitude in a fancy wrapper. Look for the real professional who is busting their everything to be there for you. That’s the ethics in spa and have a happy pride month everyone!
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arunbeniwal-blog · 5 years
Best IVF Centre in Chandigarh | Jindal IVF and Sant Memorial Nursing Home | Elawoman
Jindal IVF and Sant Memorial Nursing Home
Jindal IVF and Sant Memorial Nursing Home, is known for housing experienced Gynecologists. Dr. Umesh N Jindal, a very much rumored Gynecologist, rehearses in Chandigarh. Visit this therapeutic wellbeing center for Gynecologists recommended by 58 patients.Jindal IVF and Sant Memorial Hospital is situated in division 20/D chandigarh.
Dr Ajay Aggarwal is doing his OPD from 10am to 2pm. Jindal IVF Hospital is had practical experience in world class infertility treatment and Laparoscopic/hysteroscopic medical procedures.If you a question in you mind related Best IVF Centre in Chandigarh get answers from us at elawoman.com.
Laparoscopy Hysterectomy
Analytic Laparoscopy
Laparoscopic Surgery
Laparoscopic Sterilization
Laparoscopic Surgery (Obs and Gyn)
Cesarean Section (C Section)
Vagina Surgery
Vaginal Infection Treatment
Typical Vaginal Delivery (NVD).
JINDAL I V F and SANT MEMORIAL NURSING Home in Sector 20d has built up the clinic and has gained a reliable customers in the course of recent years and is additionally every now and again visited by a few big names, aspiring models and other fair customers and international patients too. They additionally plan on expanding their business further and providing services to a few additional patients owing to its prosperity in the course of recent years. The proficiency, devotion, accuracy and compassion offered at the clinic guarantee that the patient's prosperity, comfort and needs are kept of best need.If you want to know more about Best IVF Centre in Chandigarh can contact us at elawoman.com.
Services offered by JINDAL I V F and SANT MEMORIAL NURSING Home
JINDAL I V F and SANT MEMORIAL NURSING Home in Chandigarh treats the different afflictions of the patients by helping them experience fantastic medicines and strategies. Among the various services offered here, the clinic gives medications to Uterine Fibroids or Myomas, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary Problems, Vaginal Discharge, Subfertility, Menopause, Gynecological Cancers, Abnormal Pap Smears - Pre-Invasive Cervical/Vaginal Disease and Vulva Conditions. The doctor is likewise recorded under Gynecologist and Obstetrician Doctors, Sonography Centers, Nursing Homes. Besides, the patients likewise visit the clinic for Contraception Advice, HPV Tests, and Biopsy Tests and so forth.Our specialist will help you to solve your problem related Best IVF Centre in Chandigarh at elawoman.com.
Milann Fertility Center in Chandigarh
Milann - The Fertility Center bring to you the experience of having treated more than 70,000 couples since its inception. Driven by group of specialists in fertility treatment, Milann has achievement rates comparable to the best on the planet. Our customized medicines and master care have helped thousands of couples transform trust into happiness.
Infertility Assessment
Gamete and Embryo Freezing
Contributor and Surrogacy Programs
Clinical Counseling
Milann is one of India's leading chain of fertility centers with Seven units in Bangalore, one each in New Delhi, Chandigarh and Ahmedabad. Once in the past known as Bangalore Assisted Conception Center (BACC) Healthcare, it was rebranded as Milann – The Fertility Center, when BACC Healthcare went into a vital organization with HCG Hospitals. Set up in 1989 to offer couples access to cutting edge medicinal finding and treatment alternatives in the field of Assisted Reproduction (IVF treatment and IUI treatment), Milann has been redefining innovative fertility care in India. Milann as an association empowers the coming together of similar clinical masters to make the best practices in fertility care open to all. With therapeutic specialists who have post-doctoral Fellowship and broadly trained in helped proliferation including conceptive endocrinology, ovarian science, regenerative immunology and the hereditary qualities of fertility, Milann has a mechanical edge over its competitors.get more about Best IVF Centre in Chandigarh  can contact us at elawoman.com.
Initiated by Dr. Kamini A Rao, a leading obstetrician and infertility pro and beneficiary of the Padma Sri Award, Milann offers comprehensive social insurance services to ladies, encompassing pre-pregnancy planning, pregnancy and post-conveyance. Among Dr. Kamini Rao's initial commitments to the field are the foundation of South India's first Semen Bank, India's First SIFT Baby and South India's first children brought into the world through ICSI (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) and in addition through Laser Assisted Hatching. Over a clinical and research profession spanning three decades, Dr. Kamini Rao has been a guide to countless experts while serving as an encouraging sign to thousands of infertile couples. Milann has been perceived and granted for its IVF treatment ability by Frost and Sullivan. It was likewise granted India's Best Fertility and IVF center in 2016.
Evaa Fertility and Gynecology Centre
Evaa Fertility. Our main goal is to enable our patients to accomplish the best medicinal outcomes and understand their fertility accomplishment by providing them with innovative, logical treatment choices and an unparalleled individualized ordeal. We anticipate helping you accomplish the majority of your family building dreams.
Superovlation with IUI
IVF-ET (In VITRO Fertilization)
Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
Sperm recovery Techniques( TESA,CFSA,PESA,TESE)
Semen Laboratory
Developing life Freezing and Branding
Gynae Problems
Dysmenorrhea Treatment
menopause exhortation.
It is difficult to keep an eye out for something you know may ever occur; yet it's much harder to surrender when you know it's everything you need. From a medicinal services point of view, we live in lucky occasions, and to make that saying absolutely authentic, we're here for you. The feeling of Motherhood is inimitable and we're here to reveal to you that there's no compelling reason to freeze on the grounds that the ordinary strategies don't work to support you. You put your endeavors and adhere to your expectations, since that is the thing that clears your approach to parenthood With a wonderful group of guides, doctors and guardians, with experience and widely acclaimed accomplishments, one can leave the undesirable cousins called dread and worries, home. Make a stride further with a dream of making life a lovely festival. Committed to the prosperity of ladies of society, EVAA Fertility and Research Center outfits in IVF Treatments, Gynecology, Maternity – Pediatrics and Wellness.
Doctor Square Multispeciality Hospital
Doctor Square Multispeciality Hospital is a perceived name in patient consideration. It was incepted in the year 1998. They are one of the notable Hospitals in High Street, Vip Road. Supported with a dream to offer the best in patient consideration and furnished with innovatively propelled medicinal services offices, they are one of the upcoming names in the social insurance industry. Situated in , this hospital is effectively available by different methods for transport.
A group of all around trained therapeutic staff, non-restorative staff and experienced clinical professionals work nonstop to offer different services . Their expert services make them a looked for after Hospitals in Chandigarh.
Doctor Square Multispeciality Hospital is known for housing experienced General Physicians. Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, a very much presumed General Physician, rehearses in Chandigarh. Visit this restorative wellbeing center for General Physicians recommended by 102 patients.Doctor Square Multispeciality Hospital is a multi-strength hospital, has condition of workmanship Operation theater, Labor room, ICU, Emergency, research facility and Pharmacy, the hospital has day in and day out accessibility of Doctors.
Injury Physiotherapy/Rehab
Crisis Care
indoor services
activity theater
Obstetrics and Gynecology
Joint Pain Management
General Medical Consultation
Chaitanya Fertility Center
Chaitanya Fertility Center is an IVF Clinic arranged in Sector 43-B, Chandigarh. The offices offered at the clinic includes Infertility appraisal, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine insemination (IUI), Frozen fetus exchange, and Blastocyst exchange strategies. The clinic is furnished with current incubators and other therapeutic gadgets which enhances the achievement rates of the infertility and gynecology medications at the center. The clinic likewise offers restorative meeting to its patients according to their necessity.
Chaitanya Fertility Center has gotten the lofty enrollment from International Hospital Federation in the year 2017. It has gotten National Accreditation Board for Hospitals (NABH) accreditation since February 2009. The clinic has gotten a National honor in the classification of brilliance from FICCI Healthcare Award in the year 2010. Dr. Rakhi Goyal, a Gynecologist and an IVF doctor rehearses at this hospital. She has an affair of over 10 years in the field of Gynecology and Infertility medicines. Dr. Rakhi has aptitude in Infertility assessment, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), and Semen Analysis techniques.
For more information, Call Us :  +91 – 7899912611
Visit Website  : www.elawoman.com  
Contact Form : https://www.elawoman.com/contact
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phanjams · 6 years
Phan Jam #102: Compass - The Neighbourhood
“You’re always there to help me when I’m down I’m lucky you’ve been keeping me around You’re the star I look for every night When it’s dark, you’ll stick right by my side I’ve got something to confess I keep you in my pocket to use You’re my only compass I might get lost without you”
Listen on YouTube (x)
Check out the whole playlist (so far) on Spotify > HERE <
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Hello,  Are you interested in consultation, courses, spiritual initiations?  INITIATIONS, CONSULTATIONS AND COURSES IN THE FOLLOWING SYSTEMS:  1 Reiki Usui degrees 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20  2 Reiju  3 Karuna and Karuna Ki Reiki 1 2 M  4 Shamballa Reiki 1, 2, 3 M  5 Inforeiki 1, 2, M  6 The Order of Melchizedek 1, 2, M  7 Money Reiki 1, 2, M  8 Huna  9 River Money Reiki  10 Abundance & Prosperity Reiki  11 Baraka  12 The colors of the angels  13 Angel Reiki  14 Divine Lighting Technique  15 The Fire Ceremony  16 Purification Transformation Divine Light  17 Buddha Amithaba Technique  18 Radiestezie degrees 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10.  19 Multi Dimensional Healing MDH Grade 1,2  20 Etheric Crystals  21 Ascension Reiki 1 ~ 1o M  22 Chronicle Akasha  23 Universal Harmony  24 The Order of Metatron  25 Grand Master Reiki Grades 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20  26 Angel Flame  27 Merlin Empowerment  28 Ama Deus  29 Munay Ki  30 Shamanism  31 Cosmic Powers:  1 Kali,  2 Tara,  3 Tripura Sundari  4 Bhuvaneshwari,  5 Tripura Bhairavi  6 Chinnamasta,  7 Dhumavati,  8 Bagalamukhi,  9 Matangi,  10 Kamalatmika  11 Ganesha  12 Shiva  32 Gtummo Mao Shan 1, 2, 3, 4 M  33 Knights of Archangel Michael  34 Seikim  35 Isis Seikim  36 Ahara Reiki  37 RA  38 Isis  39 Horus and the Eye of Horus  40 The Great Pyramid  41 Lightarian Rays  42 Osiris  43 Anubis  44 Ptah  45 Ma`at  46 Hathor  47 Geb  48 Nut  49 Sekhmet  50 Nephthys  51 Sobek  52 Bast  53 Sufi Reiki  54 Gayatri Mantra Empowerment  55 Dragon Empowerment  56 Energy for Protection of Reiki  57 Order of Saint Germain  58 Psychic Protection Flame  59 Silver Violet Flame  60 Ze'or Continuum  61 Rakama Reiki  62 The White Wolf Empowerment  63 Ajna Lens  64 Ankh golden  65 Cristic consciousness  66 Kuan Yin Attunement 1 ~ 7  67 Light of Prosperity Empowerment  68 Maha Kali Seikim  69 Medicine Buddha  70 Nature Devas and Fairies Attunement  71 Fearless Reiki  72 The four Holy Archengels  73 The Gates of Ra  74 Earth Star  75 Rainbow Light Healing System 2  76 Rainbow Light Healing System 1  77 Faery Tree Spirit Energy  78 Archangel Gabriel link  79 The Atlantian Crystal Activation  80 Ganesha Empowerment  81 Biological Aura  82 Melchizedek Initiation  83 White Dove Reiki  84 The 7 basic steps to ascension  85 Love and Compassion  86 Zodiac Reiki Libra  87 The 12 Chakras  88 Te Exorciso  89 Zodiac Reiki Racer  90 Zodiac Reiki Master  91 Zodiac Reiki Virgo  92 Zodiac Reiki Pisces  93 Zodiac Reiki Taurus  94 Nectar of the Sphinx  95 Metatron Initiation  96 Constantine Protector  97 Zodiac Reiki Gemini  98 Universal Reiki  99 The Calming Spiritual Waters Empowerment  100 Zodiac Reiki Scorpion  New Lemurian Energy  102 Wing Care  103 Tiger Reiki  104 Opening to Channel  105 Orgone Diffuser  106 Phoenix Rising  107 Zodiac Reiki Leo  108 Metatron's Cube Manual  109 The Secret to Abundance  110 The Crystal Dragons  111 Telos Energy System  112 Magic of Merlin  113 Falon Dafa Qigong  114 Zodiac Reiki Sagittarius  115 Golden Triangle  116 Grand Master Five Element  117 Sakkara Fire Reiki  118 Violet Flame Reiki  119 Lavender Plant Shakti  120 Full Spectrum Light  121 Zodiac Reiki Capricorn  122 Zodiac Reiki Aries  123 Ki Manna  124 Knights of the Order of the Holy Grail  125 Gold Reiki  126 Imara Reiki  127 Tibetan Reiki  128 Fear Disorders Reiki  129 Elemental Reiki  130 Durga Shakti  131 Deep Red Reiki  132 Celestial Reiki  133 Orb of Life  134 M92 Star Cluster Reiki  135 El Morya Healing System  136 Crystal Deva Empowerment  137 Nine Witches of Brittany  138 Energy and Magic of the Fairies  139 Chandra Aura  140 Excalibur Reiki  141 Chinese Dragons  142 Chamuel Archangel Link  143 Colors of Fairies  144 Kundalini Reiki  145 Michael Archangelic Link  146 The Diamond of Seraph Zapharel  147 Chakra Healing Attunements  148 DNA Healing  149 Archangel Uriel Link  150 Ashta Lakshmi Reiki  151 Diamond Himalaya Reiki  152 Archbishop Jophiel Link  153 Aura Empowerment Reiki  154 New Celtic Reiki  155 Metatron Archangelic Link  156 Celtic Reiki  157 Dragon Egg Reiki  Archangel Cassiel  159 Astral Body Radiance  160 Ariel Archangelic Link  161 Cippus of Horus  162 Angelic Senses  163 Elven Shamanic Healing  164 Angelic Cellular Healing  165 Akashic Records Attunement  166 Spiritual Cuddle Empowerment  167 Sand Empowerment  168 Order of Zalmoxe 1, 2  169 Spiritual Transmission  170 Erotic Empowerment  171 Whale Spiral Song Reiki  172 Vajrasattva Bronze Dragon  173 Stargate Initiation 12:12  174 Sea Salt Empowerment  175 Unicorns Energy Healing System  176 Tibetan Sunrise  177 Stargate Initiation 13:13  178 Raku Fire Reiki Dragon Way  179 Templar and Troubador  180 Mont Saint Michel Empowerment  181 Turquoise Flame  182 Who Am I Reiki  183 Grounding-Empowerment  184 Hawaiian Trinity Aloha Reiki  185 Indigo Kids  186 Hawaiian Trinity Kahuna Reiki  187 Hawaiian Trinity Uhane Reiki  188 Sacre Coeur of Paris  189 Isis Blue Moon Healing System  190 Chakra Mudra Balancing Empowerment  191 love Forgive Magic Angels  192 Lucky Hoodoo Reiki  193 Golden Scroll Reiki  194 KARMIC REIKI  Archangel Raziel  196 Agape Reiki  197 Feathers of An Angel  198 Dragons Lair
199 Francis of Assisi Reiki  200 Buddhas Bliss  201 Angel Garadiel Energy  202 Gnostic Rose  203 Green Tara Seichim  204 Awakening of the Guardians of the Holy Grail  205 Angel Contact  206 Alchemy Reiki  207 Alchemy & Requisite of 13-20-33 Circuitry  208 Starseed Energy Bundle  Seven Lucky Gods of Japan  210 Higher Clearing Ray  211 Working Toward Ascension in 2012  212 love Cocoons  213 Lullaby Reiki  214 Mithras Initiation  215 Grandmother Moon  216 Hearth Attunement  217 Grandmaster Cedar Temple Five Animals  218 Enchanted Hedgerows  219 Pachamama Shaman Aura  220 Alien Aura Devices Reiki  221 Egyptian Energies  222 13 Ascended Masters  223 Pale Green Muscovite Empowerment  224 The Royal Order of the Swan  225 Dolphin Stone of Mu  226 Dolphin Seichim Reiki  227 The Knights Templars  228 Diamond Ray of Quan Yin  229 Dolphins of Atlantis  230 Dos Rios Reiki  231 Amulet of Kemet  232 Planetary Ray 1  233 Planetary Ray 2  234 Cosmic Ray Attunement 3  235 Order of LightWorkers  236 Ray of Hope Empowerment  237 Dhuni Reiki  238 Balance Out Empowerment  239 Psycho-Information Master Class PSY IT  240 Allowing Abundance Attunement  241 The 12 Arch of the Archangels  242 Blue Light Star System  243 Elenari Healing System  244 Shield of Archangel Michael  245 Hands of Jesus Attunement  246 The Golden Keys to Ascension  247 God Attunements  248 Telos Empowerment  249 The Solitary Zalmoxic Spiritual School Level 1,2,3,4 and 5  Clear the Path Reiki  251 Angel Contact Manual  252 Angelic Human Activation  253 Earth Blessing Empowerment  254 Planetary Intelligence Attunements  255 The Flame of Universal Love  256 Tsukuyominomikoto 1  Merkaba  258 Bardo  259 Mandala Course  260 Course Numerology  261 Morning Dew Reiki  262 Shinki  263 Infinite Light Empowerment  264 Shift Your Energy Empowerment  265 Money Freedom Empowerment  266 Attune to Divinity Empowerment  267 Azarel  268 Tsukuyominomikoto 2  269 ​​Metatron Energy System  270 Human Empowerment  271 The Third Eye Activation  272 White Protection Energy Bubble  273 Mastering Self Attunements  274 Fusion Reiki  275 Buddha Dzambhala of Prosperity  276 Etheric Acupuncture  277 Agape Reiki  278 Raphael Arhanghel Link  279 Earthlight Energy  280 Above the Radar Reiki  281 Life Force Energy Healing  282 The Courage Of Spirit Empowerment  283 Sandalphon Archangelic Link  284 Pain Management Empowerment  285 Osiris's Male Relationship Repair Empowerment  286 Chakra Flush Empowerment  287 MELCHIZEDEK 'S LAW OF ATTRACTION EMPOWERMENT  288 Elohim Initiation  289 Bible Initiations  290 THOTH`S MANIFESTATION EMPOWERMENT  291 ASCENSION MANUAL  292 Intuition Reiki  293 Pulse Resonance Attunements  294 Tera Mai  295 Lyran Star Attunement  296 Akashic Angels  297 Reiki-Shamanism  298 Image Reiki  299 Knight of the Order The Golden Age of Peace  300 PURE BRIGHT ENERGY EMPOWERMENT  301 Connecting with the Sekhem Energy  302 Fairy Realms  303 ANGEL AKASHA`S HOPE EMPOWERMENT  304 Ethereal Anointing  305 Mahatma Ascension  306 Ka Shen Sek  307 LADY NADA 'S FEMALE RELATIONSHIP REPAIR EMPOWERMENT  308 White Dragon  309 ANGELIC READINGS & ATTUNEMENTS  310 MariEL Reiki  311 Ma`heo`o Reiki  312 Sacred Flame Reiki  313 Rewind technique  314 ANGEL ASTARA 'S DREAMS AND DESIRES EMPOWERMENT  315 The Crystal Skull Activation  316 13 Crystal Skulls  317 Hearts in Love  318 Unicorn Healing Elixir  319 The River of Light  320 The Cosmic Dragon  321 Vastu Vidya  322 Mother of God Protection and Healing Ray  323 Mother Mary Initiation  324 Clear View Energy  325 Blue Fire Protector  326 Magic Reiki  327 Angelic Sphere of Light  328 Jade Dragon  329 Age of Aquarius Attunement  330 Knights of Mother Mary  331 God and Archangel Metatron with Tree of Life Ascension  332 Angel Bedaliel Attunement  333 Angel Azuriel Attunement
334 Lady Nada Attunement
335 Crystal Wind Empowerment
336 Shamballa 13 D
337 Shamballa 1024
Shamballa Unity
339 Dragon Ki
340 Great Spirit Star Mother
341. Inner Sun
343 Colors of Angels
344. Full Spectrum Healing
345 Gendai Reiki Ho
341 Kaballah Healing
347 Multidimensional Selves Attunements
348 Archangelic Seichim
349 Animal Empowerment
350 Amara Omni Empowerment
351 Giving Thanks Empowerment
352 Twentyone Taras Attunements
353 Atlantis Healing System
354 49 Angelic Symbols
355 Angel Stone Empowerment
356 Aloha Reiki
357 Karmic Auric Reiki
358 Shaman Power
359 Inner Angel Awakening
360 The Rainbow Rays Sacred Stone Activations
361 Divine Alignment
362 The Angel of Abundance Empowerment
363 Saint Germaine's Elixir of Life Initiation
364 Abundance Reiki & Ganesha
365 Blue Lotus Energy Healing System
The Angels of Manmes
367 Blue Star Celestial Energy
368 Reiki and Archangels
369 Threshold Reiki
370 Radiant Technique Grades 1-7
371 Angel Light Healing
372 Chios Energy Healing Level I, II, III
374 Earth Core Fire
375 The Angel of Communication and Expression Empowerment
376 Avalon Attunement
377 The Angel of Space Clearing Empowerment
378 The Universal Rays
381 Ancient Lemurian Knowledge
382 Ancient Atlantean Wisdom
383 TUMMO Reiki
384 ILAHI Crow
385 AngelReiki System
386 Crystal Spheres Empowerments
387 Angel Light Initiations
The Crystal Faery Shield Empowerment
389 The Angel of Healing Addictive Behavior Empowerment
390 Angels and Archangels
391 Learn to Channel in a Spiritual Way
392 Twin Ray
393 Yocona Reiki
394 Brighid Attunement
396 CELTIC WISDOM Energy System
397 Buddha Blue Light of Mushin Empowerment
398 The Companion Angels Empowerment
399 Angel Blessing
400 Angel Light Initiation
401 Archeia Charity
402 Arolo Tifar Reiki
404 Archangel Michael and the Selenite Sword of Light
405 Melchizedek's Golden Temple Master Attunement
406 Reiki Psychic Attunement
407 Usui Reiki Hikkei
408 Divine Light Reiki
409 Angel Assiel Attunement
410 Golden Ray
411 Light of Archangels Empowerment
If you are interested in something we hear  Trainer, Therapist, Downser, Reiki Master, Consultations, courses, initiations, radios, reiki grades 1-20, shamanism, and other 400 initiations / systems and any other questions related to spirituality. I make customized ties, Radiestezie, Inforeiki. Courses, face to face and distance initiations - online. Email address [email protected], Facebook, Google+, Linkedin: Andrei Daniel Alexe, Site: www.consultati.webgarden.ro, Bucharest, Sector 1, Ion Mihalache Boulevard, Phone +40768581843  People from whom I took courses, trainings, counseling, seminars ..  Circle Bruno Gröning Healer;  Yang Yun Sung Master Qi Gong;  Daniela Cumpanici Reiki Master;  Karyn Maria Taulescu Lombrea Master Reiki;  Andreea Talmazan Psychologist, Astrologer;  Paul Apostica Psychologist, Reiki Master;  Adi Manea, Master Reiki;  Dorian Radu Shaman, Master Reiki;  Tampai Rimpoche Achariya Master of Tibetan;  Dorina Dabija Radiestezist, Master Reiki;  Ovidiu Dragos Argeseanu Doctor, Reiki Master;  Bogdan Georgescu Reiki Master;  Rodica Mihaela Pasalau Yoga;  Maria Sarbu Astrologer;  Adina Binder Astrologer;  Dr. August Thalhamer Shaman, psychotherapist and theologian;  Teodor Vasile Psychologist, Master Reiki, Qi Gong, Feng Shui;  Vlad T. Popescu Reiki Master;  Risvan Vlad Rusu Reiki Master, Psychologist, Feng Shui;
Oana Marinescu Falon Dafa;  Daniela Badic Astrologer;  Mihaela Pacheco Instructor Drunvalo Melchizedek;  Dan Brule Breath work;  Horatiu Mihail Master of Reiki;  Andrei Ludosan Psychologist;  Bruno Medicina Trainer, Coach;  Andrew Fretwell Tao;  Dorotheea Petre Actress;  Mihai Popa Radu Coach;  Maria Cristina Stroiny Master of Reiki;  Mirela Melencu Bowen Bowtech;  Daniela Andreescu Coach;  Albert Ignatenko Psy It Psycho-Informational Techniques;  Jasmuheen Pranic Nourishment or Breatharianism;  Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche Master of Tibetan;  Jampa Lungtog Master of Tibetan;  Gerard O'Donovan Coach;  Emil Strainul Author;  Bogdan Prosperio Toma Master Reiki;  Nicoleta Sârlefus Astrologer;  Irina Holdevici Clinical Psychologist, Psychotherapist;  Remer Ra Author, Reiki Master;  Ruxandra Bulzan Hypnotherapist;  Crina Vereş Doctor;  Jae - Sheen Yu Master Sundao (Tao);  Silvia Dumitru Reiki Master, Trainer;  International School of Rosacea;  Ciprian Homm Consultant;  Yogeshvar Karthik Traditional spiritual teacher in yogic, tantric, Vedic practices;  Sarani Anisoara Cismasu Master Reiki;  Sri Vasudeva Visionary leader;  Anda Ciobanu Saman, trainer;  Mihaela Popescu Trainer;  Catalin Manea Author  Liviu Pasat Coach;  Andrei Voicu Hipnotist;  Bruno Giuliani (Uno) Professor didact of Biodanza;  Amalia Mateescu Professor Biodanza;  Guy Rivoallan, Calugar Zen, Zazen;  Stefana Badiu Actress and trainer;  Cristina Ciugudean Holistic therapist;  Stoian Nicolaie Therapist;  Dr. John Heiss Herbalife;  Oreste Teodorescu Author;  Svetlana Lungu Energy diagnostics, psychological counseling;  Andrei Lungul Energy Diagnostics;  Cosette Grigoras Therapist Bowen, Instructor Theta Healing;  Luang Phi Pasura Buddhist Monk;  Andu Guinea Master Qigong;  Valeriu-Ioan Lapadatescu Therapist;  Contescu Cornel, Count Incappucciato Analysis with Biospecter;  Eugen Popa Hypnosis;  Vasile Sarmi Tourist guide;  Marin Constantin Reiki Therapist, Radiestezie;  Dr. Eric Pearl Reconnect;  Dr.Loredana Mark, Iulian Marcu Bucur Tiens;  Cristina Chitac, Monica Dascalu Intuitive view;  Eugen Mitroi Reiki Master;  Dr.Leslie Szamosi Senior Lecturer / MBA Academic Director;  Loredana Latis Coach;  Yonathan Dominitz Trainer;  Kaisa Puhakka Dr.Psychologist;  Laura Mihaela Liciu Master All Love / Seikim;  Patrick Scott Zeigler Founder of Seikim / All Love;  Bhante Yogavacara Rahula; Calugar Budist;  Claus Kostka Psychotherapist;  Ion Duvac Doctor Psychologist;  Mark Komissarov;  Tiberiu Felber Coach and Trainer ITA-NLP;  Maria Ciobanu Bioenergoterapeut;  Stelian and Gigi Chivu Psychologist and Parapsychologist  Carmen Harra Intuitive psychologist;  Psychiatrist Neurologist Prof.Dr.Univ. Dumitru Constantin Dulcan;  Marieta Buzescu Therapist Reiki and Theta Healing;  Dan Cismas Reiki Master and Dynamic Healing;  Cristian Alexandru Trainer;  Ioan Toroican Author;  Loredana Caradimu Therapist Alternative Therapies;  Adrian Constantinescu Spiritual Teacher;  Nistor Romeo Scoala Kryon;  Cerasela Rogen Coach Trasformational;  Constantin Dornean Astrologer;  Delia Muresan Spiritual Coach;  Rita Andreea Muresan Designer, Trainer;  Ramona Popescu Trainer;  Georges Colleuil Philosopher and Psychotherapist;  Dumitru Prunariu Cosmonaut;  Cristian Nicolae Facilitator and Mentor Coach;  Catalina Molnar Coach;  Mugurel Calin Coach;  Camelia Daniela Stefan Life Coach NLP;  Dr. Prashant Kakoday Raja Yoga;  Andy Szekely Author, Trainer and Speaker in Personal Development;  Ovidiu Bojor Phytotherapist;  Dr.Adrian Restian Family medicine;  Swami Parthasarathy Philosopher;  Florian Iulian Mincu Chinese Astrology Consultant BaZi and Feng Shui Traditional;  Oana Niculae Coach, Trainer;  Ion Manzat, Ph.D. Psychologist;  Mario Simoes Psychologist;  Cyrus Iranpour Dr.PsiholoG, Psychiatrist;  Stefano Pischiutta Psychotherapist;  Ionel Mohirta Psychologist:  Maite Pardo Sol Psychotherapist, Saman;  Mihaela Minulescu Psychologist;  Cinzia Lemno Psychologist;  Catalin Tomescu Entrepreneur;  Arpad Urszuly Master Prananadi;  Daniela Fechete Master Prananadi;  Anca Munteanu Psychologist;  Pierre Pastel Psychotherapist, Sociologist;  Alessandra Brunelli Psychotherapist Respiratia Pneuma;  Gabriel Dragomir Psychiatrist;  Monique Hanley Fourrage Architect;  Raoul Radu Psychologist, Psychotherapist;  Lucien Alfille Psyhoterapet;  Mircea Pocol Psychologist;  Teodora Anghel Psychologist, Psychotherapist;  MARIA APAZA MACHACA - Alto Misayoc Saman Inca;  ISABELA APAZA MACHACA - Pampa Misayoc Saman Inca;  Olimpia Mioara Mirestean Teacher, Trainer, Shaman;  Laurentiu Marga BioenergoTerapeut;  AURELIA CURAJ Primary Doctor Geriatrics-Gerontology;  LIANA BARNOS Nu Skin;  CRISTINA SCHAFROTH physician-maxillo-facial surgery;  Antonescu Maria Cristina Energoterapeut;  Diana Cooper Spiritual Teacher;  Vernon Foster Shaman Amerindian;  Don Francisco Chura Flores Shamanan Q'ero;  Juan Yool Gómez Shaman Maya;  Daniel Meze Cabala;  Zoltan Veres Speaker, trainer and coach;  Andrew J. Bevan Astrologer;  Graţian Sonu Entrepreneur;  Laurentiu Florea Coach;  Sal Rachele healer, author, channel;  Anatol Basarab Psychologist, numerologist;  Ozana Giusca Antreprenor;  Ariendra - Dagoz Family Tibetan Boluri;
Bryan Eisenberg Speaker, Author;  Calin Biris Trainer marketing consultant;  Rune Heivang Teacher;  Ioan Nistor Astrological Human Design, Saman;  Alina Finta Coach;  Claudia Ciocirlan Life Coaching;  Vasile Sturzu Saman Inca;  Madalina Ghinescu Trainer, Coach John C. Maxwell Team;  Bogdan Gavrila Professor Al Ferasa;  Braco Spiritual Teacher;  Dr. David C. Muss Technique Rewind;  Alexandru Bocunescu Tainer Face Keys Romania;  Dragos Barbalata Trainer, Entrepreneur;  Iuliana Delcuescu Reiki Master;  Adinkarela Sorina Burtea Therapist Alternative Medicine;  Raine Hilton Spiritual Teacher;  Andi Beldianu Coach Adlerian;  Alexandrea Chiru Coach Adlerian, Gene Keys;  Cristi Lazar, Anca Juganaru Instructors Method Silva;  Val Voicu Hatha Yoga;  Anda Manta Therapist;  Ing. Eugen Bîrgaoanu Aim Grup;  Leon Zagrean Prof. Ph.D. Physiology;  Mihai Abagief Vipassana;  Rajko Kuzmanovic Method Silva;  Prof.Dr.Dan Farcas Mathematician;  Juan Ruiz Naupari Psychotherapist;  Gaia Michael Zipf Therapist Satsang;  Prof.Dr.Ovidiu Victor Coşbuc Anthropologist researcher;  Lecturer Dr.Larin Nicolae Arhitect;  Robina Courtin Buddhist Teacher;  Prof.Uca Marinescu Explorator;  Johann Muller-Dragoman Holistic and Spiritual Therapist;  Mădălin Bratu Psychologist;
Swami Ananda Saraswati Master Yoga and Vedanta;
Ajahn Dhammanando Buddhist Theravada monk;
Dr. Munire Ibram Physician Aphytotherapy, Ayurveda;
Marius Spiridon Coach;
Déva Psesence Speaker motivational, Author;
Joanne Richardson Shaman;
Alexandra Dumitrica Facilitator Divine Alignment;
Alex Ciochina Reiki Master;
Andy Neagu Instructor Meditatie Trascedentala;
Cristina Udrescu Numerolog;
Cerasela Sindile / Dragos Toma Moroseanu Instructor Chi Nei Tsang, Tao;
Flavia-Isabela M. Cioceanu Therapist / Healer.
Claudiu Fartade / Sadhguru, Isha Kriya Yoga;
Sabin Gîlceava negotiating consultant;
Anca-Ioana Bandac MiniCRM;
Mircea Saplacan Emiral Media.  Facebook, Google+, Linkedin: Andrei Daniel Alexe, Site www.consultati.webgarden.ro, Sector 1, Ion Mihalache Blvd., Bucharest Phone: +4 0768581843.  You are interested in something we talk about
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Outer Banks 1.02 “The Lucky Compass”
Rose Cameron wears the Equipment Fanetta Long Sleeve Wrap Dress in Blue ($425) in season 1 episode 2 “The Lucky Compass”
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acciidental · 7 years
ALL of the numbers. All of them.
1: NameSam2: Age213: 3 FearsLetting life pass me by/missing out, inadequacy, my own temporariness 4: 3 things I loveMy friends, my cat, music5: 4 turns onWhy are these questions always in here.. hard pass6: 4 turns offTurns off... again, hard pass7: My best friendI have many - but Phoebe is my ride or die yo (doesn’t mean I don’t love the rest of y’all dearly)8: Sexual orientationPansexual9: My best first dateUh...I haven’t been on many like “official” dates but seeing The Desolation of Smaug was a pretty great night overall, even though I almost died10: How tall am I5′7′’11: What do I missMy cat 12: What time were I bornIn a time when grammar wasn’t this butchered - I actually don’t know the time, but for some reason 7:21 is coming to mind but I don’t know day or night... 13: Favorite colorGrey14: Do I have a crushSuch a bullshit question - no15: Favorite quote“If you’re going through hell, keep going”16: Favorite placeVenice17: Favorite foodPotatoes18: Do I use sarcasmAbsolutely not (fuckin’ duh)19: What am I listening to right nowStay by Zedd20: First thing I notice in new personUsually their shoes tbh 21: Shoe size8 in women’s sizes 7 in men’s22: Eye coloramber (brown)23: Hair colorbrown24: Favorite style of clothingFuckboy aesthetic 25: Ever done a prank call?Dumb ones, yes27: Meaning behind my URLAccidents happen - the best things in life happen to us accidentally28: Favorite movieKingsman29: Favorite songSend Me On My Way by Rusted Root30: Favorite bandTwenty One Pilots31: How I feel right nowTired32: Someone I loveThis is super general - I love a lot of people. Love you Amelia, even if I’m almost 100% certain you’re the bastard that sent me this “ALL THE THINGS” ask33: My current relationship statusSingling no mingling34: My relationship with my parentsShaky35: Favorite holidayHalloween 36: Tattoos and piercing i haveCatilige on left ear, double nostril, and lipI have “Don’t go where I can’t follow”, “Ad astra”, “I am”, “I’m taking over my body”, a serotonin molecule, a ; with a - through it, the antipossession seal from Supernatural, a halfsleeve of trees, and a piece on my thigh of my own design based on Migraine by Twenty One Pilots (it’s complicated to explain in writing)37: Tattoos and piercing i wantToo fucking many - I want my industrial done really bad though, and I’d love to get my ears re-pierced so I can stretch them again38: The reason I joined TumblrI don’t actually know - probably social pressures39: Do I and my last ex hate each other?I fuckin’ hope not, she’s my best friend40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?Like every day, I’m very lucky41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?I don’t even know the last person I actually texted but I’m pretty sure it was Blake and I haven’t kissed Blake - that would be creepy and weird since he’s like twice my age42: When did I last hold hands?In Europe, but for like “HEY LOOK AT THIS LET’S GO THIS WAY” purposes, not like legit hand holding - otherwise the last time I actually held someone’s hand was a while ago43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?Depends - if I actually get ready then like half an hour (shower, clothes, food, pack for the day), but if I “get ready” then like 5 minutes (crawl out of bed, hat, pack)44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?I did actually45: Where am I right now?In my apartment in Turku, Finland46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?Usually I’m the one taking care of people, even if I’m drunk haha - so I got this47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?I like my music loud at appropriate intervals48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad?No49: Am I excited for anything?Currently I’m excited for volleyball tonight50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?Yep, quite a few actually51: How often do I wear a fake smile?What kind of bullshit questions are these, honestly - this ain’t some pity party52: When was the last time I hugged someone?Leaving Ark at the airport53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me?That’s not my problem because it’s not my business54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?Probably?55: What is something I disliked about today?Waking up early and almost falling asleep before I needed to leave56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?Tyler Joseph57: What do I think about most?I don’t really keep track of the frequency of my thoughts58: What’s my strangest talent?I can do the wave with my tongue59: Do I have any strange phobias?Nope60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?I prefer to be behind it61: What was the last lie I told?I don’t fuckin’ remember - everything kinda blurs together62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?Webcams are easy cuz you can multitask, phones are a little more annoying in that sense63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?Yes and yes64: Do I believe in magic?Uh.. hard to say really65: Do I believe in luck?Yep66: What’s the weather like right now?Snowy, windy, cold67: What was the last book I’ve read?Milk and Honey68: Do I like the smell of gasoline?Absolutely not69: Do I have any nicknames?A few - 5am, samus, sammi, etc70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had?I broke my wrist, knocked a vertebrae out of alignment, pinched all the muscles between two vertebrae, and had several impact bruises71: Do I spend money or save it?I tend to save money as much as possible 72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue?Nope73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?I guess my candles are kind pink, otherwise there’s a book cover for a textbook that’s also pretty pink74: Favorite animal?Jellyfish75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM?On the phone, working on a blog post76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is?Something that makes more sense than the phrasing of this question77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?Send Me On My Way by Rusted Root78: How can you win my heart?Also a nonsense question - but I demand respect, kindness, compassion, and empathy79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone?“Catch y’all on the flip side” or some shit80: What is my favorite word?I haven’t put a lot of thought into this - but I like the sound of the word “tube”. I guess if I had to pick a favorite word off-hand it would be something simple and vague with many meanings like “if” or “am”81: My top 5 blogs on tumblrfirel1ght, preposterouspotato, bitchcs, tomorrow-is-forever-all-ours, and whatjustwat (I always fuckin butcher the spelling)82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?“Is it really so fucking hard to be compassionate and empathetic to people from all walks of life?”83: Do I have any relatives in jail?I don’t actually know for sure, I can’t keep track of everyone84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?Control over gravitational fields85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?Good question - probably anything revolving around the state of my mental health86: What is my current desktop picture?Dean Winchester87: Had sex?Nope88: Bought condoms?I’ve been GIVEN condoms89: Gotten pregnant?Nope90: Failed a class?Never91: Kissed a boy?Technically yes92: Kissed a girl?Yep93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?I don’t actually know, probably94: Had job?Much work, many jobs, wow95: Left the house without my wallet?Not typically, but it’s happened a couple times96: Bullied someone on the internet?Hell no97: Had sex in public?The fuck - no98: Played on a sports team?Several99: Smoked weed?Yep100: Did drugs?Other than weed and alcohol? No101: Smoked cigarettes?For a short time, unfortunately102: Drank alcohol?Yep103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan?Nope104: Been overweight?Yep105: Been underweight?Yep106: Been to a wedding?Yep107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?Pff like every day108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight?Guilty as charged109: Been outside my home country?FINALLY110: Gotten my heart broken?What fuckin bullshit 111: Been to a professional sports game?Yes112: Broken a bone?Two apparently (that I know of)113: Cut myself?I mean accidents are bound to happen - I cut my fingernail partly in half the other day114: Been to prom?A couple times115: Been in airplane?Yes116: Fly by helicopter?No, almost though117: What concerts have I been to?Shit here we go... Imagine Dragons, Pat Benetar, June Divided, Framing Hanley, Walk the Moon (x2), The Griswolds (x2), We Came as Romans, Misterwives, Urban Cone, X Ambassadors, All Time Low (x3), Odesza, Purity Ring (x3), Hour 24, Halocene, Bastille (x2), Passion Pit, Brand New, Twenty One Pilots (x2), Halsey, Oh Wonder (x2), Paperwhite, Echosmith, Finnish Ticket, Vinyl Theatre, Chef’Special, Braids, Jai Wolf, Rufus Du Sol (x2), Casian, Knuckle Puck, Real Friends, Bishop Briggs... probably missing some here118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?Yep119: Learned another language?Working on it120: Wore make up?Scarcely 121: Lost my virginity before I was 18?No122: Had oral sex?No123: Dyed my hair?Frequently124: Voted in a presidential election?Unfortunately 125: Rode in an ambulance?Too many times126: Had a surgery?Wisdom teeth127: Met someone famous?A few128: Stalked someone on a social network?I creep on people all the time129: Peed outside?Yeah -more than I’m proud to admit130: Been fishing?Mhm131: Helped with charity?Yes!132: Been rejected by a crush?Probably133: Broken a mirror?Not that I know of134: What do I want for birthday?Patches and tattoo money
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Outer Banks 1.02 “The Lucky Compass”
Kiara wears the Aerie Ribbed Henley Tank in Dark Rust (N/A) in season 1 episode 2 “The Lucky Compass” 
Worn With: Un-ID’d Plaid Shirt, Un-ID’d Denim Shorts, Elsie Frieda Chokers,  Vans Old Skool, Un-ID’d Blue Bikini Top
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Outer Banks 1.02 “The Lucky Compass”
Wheezie Cameron wears the H&M Palm Leaf Print Smocked Top (N/A) in season 1 episode 2 “The Lucky Compass”
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Outer Banks 1.02 “The Lucky Compass”
Sarah wears the LA Hearts Sweater Tube Top in White (N/A) in season 1 episode 2 “The Lucky Compass’”
Worn With:  C&C Alphabet Necklace, Snaffle Bit Co. Star Choker,Steve Madden Bardo Shoes, 1.State Ruffle Hem Shorts
Also Worn In: Promotional Photos
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