#2 plus 2 equals 4 lmao
naomiosakas · 2 years
why are these deranged twitter users surprised that the audience at the us open is very verbal about supporting serena lol
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Similar to the other post I just made but I need to scream it again into tumblr because I want to: MY PARENTS ARE SO AMAZING you guys if you think people from different generations can’t understand us (especially queer people) that’s not true my parents are literally the best
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cancerian-woman · 10 months
Tyler Lockwood discourse and “excuse” for how fans view him as worthless or unneeded is that his plotline ended in season 3/4 is so…wrong lmao. Tyler was not only the first introduction to werewolves/Lockwood legacy but he was Klaus’ first successful hybrid. But, no it would’ve been too much to center a plot on Tyler that has nothing to do with Caroline or Klaus. Tyler became an alpha, those hybrids trusted and respected him. Okay, then those hybrids were killed Tyler could’ve formed another pack. They can do more with wolf-related plotlines they just had to write those. Look at Hayley who was praised and worshipped as this werewolf Crescent Queen after she helped plot and kill those hybrids…but TO doesn’t acknowledge that ever. Supernatural world gossip spreads but that somehow never made it to the bayou…anyways…
The problem relies Forwood, Klaroline, Steroline and a bit of Klayley equally. Mainly Caroline and Klaus/Stefan’s popularity. Season 1/2 Caroline was ignorant as hell and disliked by most of her peers. Why? She always had something negative to say about everyone. Plus, her mental feud with Elena. So Caroline dates Matt who treats her terribly and isn’t over Elena. Then she’s placed with Tyler, she “changes” after this vampire transition. Forwood is equally new in being a vampire/werewolf. It’s easy to support them when Caroline is there as he transitions into a wolf. Shes not just this jealous raged teenage girl! She has feelings and emotions! Caroline’s sweet, caring, and protective these are reasons people should like Caroline. Most of time fans argue that Caroline was better as a vampire than she ever was as a human. Now, insert Klaroline and Klaus. Klaus gets to enforce power and control over Tyler. He enslaves him repeatedly, and constantly threatens his life. Tyler knows he can’t win against Klaus but he refuses to live by Klaus rules. Richard Lockwood, his abusive major daddy had already made his life hell by giving him standards to live by and abusing him.
Now this is getting long. But, Caroline gets to “see the good in Klaus” they get to have all these “moments” about nothing at all. Tyler isn’t there and unfortunately YES on Caroline’s end Tyler does look bad for being away but Caroline understood this and for awhile was the only person who got Tyler. Until, she didn’t the plot worked its way so we can uplift and praise Caroline in all her vampire girl-boss goodness! But, paint Tyler in a bad view. Klaroline was pulled out of the writers ass, there was no build-up and it’s often forgotten that Klaus intended to sacrifice both Caroline and Tyler but somehow someway Klaus is obsessed with this baby vampire lmao. But, “Tyler doesn’t love Caroline! He’s never there.” It’s not that Tyler didn’t want to be there, he was being treated like a slave. If the writers really and truly wanted to push Klaroline they could’ve done so without using Tyler. He wasn’t around anyways so what would’ve been the excuse? Klaroline wasn’t the plan but mildly benefits from mistreating Tyler/Michael Trevino and Kat Graham but pen in that.
Tyler’s entire family dies and we see Caroline comfort him through Carol’s death which Tyler fully blames himself for. Caroline gets this until she didn’t. She places an ultimatum over Tyler’s head. He chooses to leave, and it’s even a bigger nail on the head for the fandom. Tyler’s trying to kill Hayley and Hope. Which is ignored that Tyler intended on saving the werewolves as a species because Klaus DID continue to enslave and pick up werewolves turning them into hybrids for his own gain. Caroline sleeps with Klaus Tyler’s pissed and tries to keep contact at a minimum. You have Stefan in her ear all the time making comments about how Tyler’s violent towards her and all around a terrible person. When Tyler never abused her. Klaus was even in Caroline’s ear making her think Tyler cheated when that was never the case.
Tyler was used and needed for Caroline’s development and heavily plays a huge roll in her popularity. But, she doesn’t give half of that for him. In fact Forwood/Klaroline/Klayley and Steroline all functioned as a death to Tyler’s character. More so KC & Steroline ruined what good foundation Tyler did have. If Hayley could be some werewolf queen in TO. Tyler could’ve been hailed as a king in own bloodline. He could’ve found another group of friends to see as family. Jackson is a very similar character to Tyler. Lastly, Michael Trevino said for years that Klaroline was/is the issue with Tyler’s development.
side note: i forgot to add I firmly believe Caroline remains jealous of Elena throughout the entire show and expected Tyler to act the way Damon/Stefan does when Elena did something that was “bad” in their POV.
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onlyhereforangst · 2 months
I don’t go here but you’ve mentioned chenford isn’t great. Do I know what Chenford is? No. Do I still know they broke up? Yes.
Pls share the fandom lore and ur thots 🎤
ok so.
chenford, or lucy chen & tim bradford- former rookie & training officer, respectively. the actual characters have been written so fucking phenomenally i barely have words (she says as if she isn’t about to just. go off). they have managed to truly incorporate authentic human flaws and emotions and decision-making into these characters which have, across six seasons, played out for gorgeous individual & paired character arcs. like they are GREAT are they in a great spot? no. but they are FANTASTIC.
if you were to ask the fandom that same question. excuse me while i die laughing 💀 unfortunately the strikes really helped a large majority of the chenford fandom to twist canon into barely recognizable fanon and now that canon is back and progressing as it absolutely narratively should people are losing their gd minds. deactivating accounts, claiming their done with the show, touting that they’ve been manipulated a bold face lie if you have critical thinking skills but i digress. there’s a select few of us having the time of our damn lives, feeling blessed to have such good writing on a procedural????? of all things. unheard of. truly.
so yeah the fandom is Something because who doesn't enjoy a feast of delicious angst? i mean lucy cannot stop inserting herself into every situation, even her boyfriend who has repeatedly asked her to not because he is trying to protect her (this is it's own separate problem) but literally flinging yourself around outright screaming at your significant other is just. not it. i speak from experience 💀 this is not how you get someone to healthily tell you what's bothering them to the point of tears multiple times. its like if lucy isn't the default hero she just cannot handle? its insane and beautiful because its her tragic flaw coming to a glorious, screeching climax. AND meanwhile??? so is tim's!!!! his loyalty to a tragic fault got him in a bind and he doesn't know what to do and can't handle and thinks protecting the one he loves by shutting her out is the way to be most loyal to HER because suddenly he doesn't feel he deserves her so he's going to break his own heart since lucy was too polite to do it.
anyways this storyline has been blessedly built up with undertones and crumbs since literally the end of season 4 and the fandom acts like it was a total blindside. lmao honeys. have you watched the show??? plus its been teased in interviews for over a year i can't 😭
both characters have a LOT of growing and self-discovery to happen individually before they can even begin to consider being in a relationship. not when that relationship had been built on a foundation of subordinate-superior. that *shockingly* doesn't equate to a romantic relationship of equals and guess what?! it had its ramifications!!! miscommunication trope my beloved you slayed.
ok that was surely more than you wanted seek but a million voice notes to the like 2 people that have been calling this storyline with me since the beginning and the vibrating still isn't out of my system!!! cheers to the hate anons i'm sure to get if anyone takes the time to read this 🍻
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vinshippingweek · 51 minutes
Vague summary of this year's Vinsmoke Shipping Week!
Day 1 - Meet cute / MortalxImmortal
Overall, Yonji (most shipped with Cosette this day) took over, followed closely by Reiki (with Perona) Niji and then Ichiji, both of whom had very diverse shipping!
Day 2 - First date / DetectivexCriminal
Apparently people decided that that day was ReijuxTashigi day, and it makes sense lmao, Yonji takes second place and Niji and Ichiji share third!
Day 3 - Meeting family-friends / DevilxAngel
Yonji's day again! (Mostly with Sabo this time), closely followed by Niji (with Uta), then Ichiji, and Reiju and Zosan share fourth place.
Plus a surprise Judge w Sora in their younger days!
Day 4 - Red String of Fate / HeroxVillain
Ichiji really took over this day! (With Katakuri), then was Niji (with Usopp), Yonji took third place and last came Reiju (with Kiku) and then we got surprise Sparking Red X Sora Warrior of the Sea!
Day 5 - Love Letter / RoyalxKnight
Another Yonji day! (With Cosette), second place is shared by Reiju (with Tashigi), Niji and Ichiji (with Ace), plus some Sanami at the end!
Day 6 - Jealousy / CelebrityxFan
Ichiji, Niji (with Uta) and Reiju (with Tashigi) share first place! Yonji takes second and we got some Acesan in last.
Day 7 - Free day!
Ichiji sweep! (With Ace) Second place to Sanji (with Zoro), third for Yonji and fourth for both Niji and Reiju. And some surprise SoraxZeff!
There were some extras too! Mostly for the quadruplets and specifically the terrible 3!
Now, what ships did we discover this week?
In order from the ones we saw the most to the least.
From eldest to youngest!
Sora X Judge
Sora X Zeff
Reiju X Tashigi
Reiju x Kiku
Reiju x Perona
Reiju x Uta
Reiju x Nami
Reiju x Kalifa
Reiju x Zoro (the single dude to get shipped with Reiju! Congrats Zoro!)
Ichiji X Ace
Ichiji X Katakuri
Ichiji X Nami
Ichiji X Koby
Ichiji X Law
Niji X Uta
Niji X Usopp
Niji X Cosette
Niji X Page 1
Niji X Yamato
Niji X Yamato X Kiku
Niji X Luffy
Niji X Law
Niji X Sabo
Niji X Galette
Niji X Hawkins
Sanji X Zoro
Sanji X Ace
Sanji X Nami
Sanji X Apoo
Yonji X Cosette
Yonji X Sabo
Yonji X Luffy
Yonji X Sabo X Koala
Yonji X Drake
Yonji X Yamato
Yonji X Pudding
Yonji X Robin
Yonji X Zoro
Lots of ships had equal or nearly equal quantities of posts.
I was surprised by many ships! And what a lovely surprise they were, everyone is so creative!
I hope I'll be seeing you all (and more!) next time!
And special mention to Vinsmoke Luniju and her boyfriend Law!
This blog won't exactly be dormant, it's purpose is, after all, to celebrate ships of/with the Vinsmokes, although I will only be rebloging posts in which this blog is @
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crehador · 1 month
top 5 things u love about smic :>
i've been so full blown obsessed with them for so long that i don't even know how to articulate all of the things i feel but this is a delightful question thank u and i will do my best to stay coherent
in no particular order
1) i mean look at them
like this is of course not the main thing that draws me to them but they are very aesthetically pleasing together lmao and why lie? that's definitely one of the things i love about them. the dark haired one and the white haired one is a combination that simply does not miss
of course it's not just their hair colors either, i love a good height difference ship but for smic i love that there's just a 1cm difference between them. the visual effect of ichiro growing throughout their knowing each other is so so so good to me. like him being quite noticeably shorter than samatoki in their tdd days, when he looked up to samatoki (literally) and idolized him, to being almost samatoki's height in the present when they're both leaders of their own divisions, more like equals than ever before
2) their unique ability to understand each other
ok so i'm actually very big on the family bonds (*komachan voice* KIZUNA) between the divisions, and i absolutely do not think ichiro is the only person who can understand samatoki and samatoki is the only person who can understand ichiro. i see them as both having many significant people in their lives, like yes i'm perpetually unwell about them but i also think they aren't each other's only important person
that said
i think both of them being big brothers thrust into a position where they have to essentially raise their younger siblings is a point of connection that really compels me. i think ichiro doing his best to take care of jiro and saburo is something samatoki can respect about him
and i like what that can mean for their tdd days. ichiro always being the oldest, and finally having someone he can look up to like a big brother. samatoki so used to being a big brother that it just comes so naturally to him to take care of ichiro too
kind of unrelated to this point but i've always found it sooooo funny to think of like what if they bonded over samatoki being like "my parents are dead" and ichiro being like "wow mine too" but then
then samatoki meets rei
and then eventually [redacted] as well lmaoooooo
3) the growing they have to do
i looove a good friends to lovers story, i looove a good enemies to lovers story, but i LOOOOOOVE a good friends to enemies to lovers story like holy shit
this is possibly the thing that compels me most about them, like the fact that they were so tight and then completely broke down? having to work back to good from that? mwah i can't get enough of that
and i think that breaking down is really important to them, it's not just unnecessary drama. in their tdd days, the way ichiro idolized samatoki was so unsustainable in the long run. he had to be a little broken to see that samatoki's only human too, that he isn't all powerful, that he's just a man. i think it's so important for ichiro to see that samatoki is just a man before he can love him like a man, rather than some sort of god figure
samatoki has his growing to do as well, of course, and i looove to see a version of him that really struggles with that. like i am obsessed with this hc of him going from being hellbent on being respected by ichiro to realizing he's like uncomfortably horny about being disrespected by ichiro lmao
4) bbmtc famblyyyyyy
alright this isn't technically smic-specific but i am really really obsessed with this future where bbmtc are one big family, and i can so easily see it happening when smic are together
samatoki is such a big brother that it would come so naturally to him to be a big brother to jiro and saburo too. and i think nemu would be a really good big sister and friend to them too. plus uncles rio and jyuto! jyuto maybe insisting he is nowhere near old enough to be anyone's uncle lol
my old hc before jiro changed what he called ichiro was that jiro would one day call samatoki aniki and i still grrrrrrrr want that to happen but i do like the canonical growth in jiro too so it's all asdlkfja;kldfj I WANT IT BOTH WAYS
anyway. i guess to relate this to smic, i love that they would both care for each other's families like they're their own (and rio and jyuto are family of course)
5) they're so intense about hating each other that i can easily imagine them being just as intense about loving each other
looove a smic that's just grossly ridiculously absurdly in love. like let them be cringe honestly. i'm obsessed with them but they're more obsessed with each other and that's exactly how i like it
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good-beans · 3 months
1, 2, 10 for Haruka and 3, 4, 12 for Muu, if you don't mind ♡
Ahh thank you so much!! Love them ;----;
1. favorite song lyrics?
I’m between two:
You praised me by saying “You’re crazy.”/Thank you, I’ll do my best
First of all it’s just such a telling line that drives home how the (negative) attention he was receiving only encouraged him to do more harm, and really puts his situation into perspective. It’s also a common painful neurodivergent experience to not realize you’re being bullied/criticized, and really makes my heart ache for him…
But I’m always incredibly insane about the entire “mama, look” section. There’s something so heartbreaking about him crying out to her in pride and desperately imagining her kind response. Plus I love wordplay!!! The Muu pun is very cool. Not to mention Shun Horie ripping my heart out and stomping on it when he performed live…
2. favorite mv moment/frame?
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This expression combined with the “ah” makes for such a perfect and painful emotion – even though he’s shown bloody and dangerous, the moment manages to paint him more distressed than anything :( It really got me when I first watched it, and still can get me emotional now.
10. is the answer to the previous question different from your vote(s) on the character themselves (do you vote them based on anything else aside from the crime)?
I do forgive his crime, and I would have voted accordingly :’) I joined right before INMF so I missed both his voting periods so far, but I both forgive him and want him to be safe ;-----; Yamanaka please… I beg you…
3. favorite non-mv official illustration?
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I really like her door art!! She looks so pretty and confident and just a lil sneaky but that’s what she deserves! I also just love whenever they draw her with chubby lil cheeks in the minigrams… WAIT I forgot the karaoke art -- I love her in that one too!!
4. favorite minigram episode/moment?
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Speaking of, I love this one where she refuses to go on the walk but then immediately gets jealous – it’s such a mood and I love her little “muu” pouting adsfsdf. Another big mood is her imagining herself as a sad wet little dog when facing someone intimidating LMAO I think of this panel all the time 😂 (eng versions from thinkin-bout-milgram)
12. what do you wish would be discussed more often about them in the fandom?
That she is just as needy/easy to be manipulated as Haruka! :( It’s hard enough to get people to realize she’s not really doing any malicious manipulating, so it never gets around to any discussion about how she’s equally starved for attention and love. Even though it seems like she’s had friends and he hasn’t, they’ve had the same trouble with connecting to others. They both have no clue what a healthy friendship looks like, and they’re doing their best! Like Kotoko, I think people fall for the front she puts up that hides how much she really doesn’t have her shit together inside :( Someone give her a hug!
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bleaksqueak · 1 year
OG Resi 4 was my favorite for a long ass time, alongside OG Resi 2 and Resi 1 remake. So far, I've been enjoying the absolute hell out of the remake of 4... but it's still not de-throning the "Wait, seriously??" of my current, and likely longstanding favorite, of the franchise... which is Village/8 lmao. Look. Village plays a lot like 4, especially the remake of 4, but *nothing* has made me laugh as hard as the section where Ethan goops his hand back on (jacket and all...) and much as I love the Ganado and Salazar's castle and the regeneradors, nothing comes close to the "Straight Up Bloodborne" vibes of Village. Plus, Leon has the dad jokes (not as many in the remake, but still), but Ethan is the Supreme Mold Dad. Village is just the Hole that was Made For Me. (With that said, I have like ZERO complaints about the 4 remake. Even things I could complain about, like [removing "NO THANKS, BRO"... you bastards], are non-issues because everything that's been removed has been replaced by something equally great. TY Capcom for another beautiful addition to my favorite Things pile.) (... Resi4 remake is now like solidly my second favorite.)
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purplekoop · 3 months
For genuinely no reason I'm gonna be doing a couple lists of things I'm into. Was gonna be one single post but the list for even just games was getting pretty long so I'm splitting it in two: this one for just games, and another for just shows. Those are basically the two categories of things I really like so uh... yeah let's do those now.
Kirby: In terms of "has things I like versus things I dislike", Kirby has just about the perfect record, all happy feelings with no strings attached. It's a series that sparks thorough delight in just about every aspect, with incredible atmosphere, an extremely lovable cast, gameplay that scratches the perfect balance of "hard to lose but fun to master", GODLY soundtracks, fun background story to dig into, and probably one of the most naturally pleasant fanbases I've had the pleasure of being in contact with. Personal favorite is Return to Dreamland, which still ranks as one of my all-time favorite games ever, though Robobot, Forgotten Land, and Super Star rank pretty highly too. Favorite characters are Susie and Dedede, favorite abilities are Hammer, Ninja, Jet, and Beetle.
Sonic the Hedgehog: Not even gonna dignify the joyless losers who thoughtlessly make fun of the series with a disclaimer, this is the ultimate in "this is cool, shut up". I really don't know how to describe it besides "cool factor", the stylish character designs and inarguably banger music keep me invested in this series by themselves. Admittedly I'm not super hardcore when it comes to playing the games, still working my way through most of the series, but like. who cares, the Sonic Fandom IRS? Leaving a note on my doorstep that reads "fake fan lmao"? Not afraid of those guys. I'll spit in their lunch. And they'll like it. Favorite characters are Rouge, Omega, Vector, Metal Sonic and Eggman.
Pikmin: A series I have WAY too much extremely specific petty fandom history with that I have ultimately decided to ignore to accept that I still adore these games. Gorgeous atmosphere, delightful whimsical speculative evolution designs, and Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiincredibly satisfying real time management gameplay. I like 1 and 2 after playing/replaying both of them recently just about as equally, 3's still my favorite and I'm excited to at LONG last play 4 once I get my Switch's battery fixed.
Mario: It feels weird specifying I'm a Mario fan, it's not a series I'm that passionate about overall but with how much of the series I've played it feels weird not to mention, especially when it's technically the inspiration behind my username. No game opinions. Rosalina best girl but all the girls are great. Bowser is great too.
Zelda: Another one where it feels odd to specify but. yeah I like these too. hard not to. The one game in the series I'm exceptionally (though I do mean EXCEPTIONALLY) passionate about is Skyward Sword, another one of my favorite games of all time worthy of its own mega post eventually. I also love the BotW trilogy (yes, all three of them) and Link Between Worlds. Ravio gets a special Silly Little Guy Award.
Pokemon: Genuinely forgot to put this one because this is genuinely one of the most exhausting series in the most neutral way possible. Burnout from the newer releases aside (not even necessarily for quality they just keep HAPPENING) it's hard to say I'm not a fan anyways. It's a hard formula to truly make joyless despite PLA's best efforts to massacre the battle system. Even the worst main series games have the fun of planning out a team of little guys you wouldn't give the light of day if they didn't just happen to fit into your team plans (Hopsune Mikeru my beloved Seismitoad). Plus there's the fun of shiny hunting and challenge runs, my personal pick for the latter being monotype bug. Bug is my favorite type, and makes up most of my top ten favorites like Scizor, Vikavolt, and Heracross, but my all time favorite is Meowth for. More reasons than you might think.
Splatoon: Kind of like Sonic where I have that vague "fake fan" mindset just because I've never been that into the multiplayer and mostly just enjoy the aesthetic and narrative aspects. Difference though is that I have played the entire series in terms of single player content, which I do in fact love a pretty good bit. Thankfully just finished Side Order right as I noticed my Switch was looking kinda funny, because uh! yeah gay fish! My god these bitches gay! Good for them! I haven't interacted much with the wider Splatoon fandom yet, but this is the one game series in over half a decade I've made OCs for, and I think they're pretty fun even if they have a total disregard for the canon art style and bend the lore to whatever I think would be neat if it existed. So uh. yeah I hope they get looked at soon.
Overwatch: The reason I never really felt the need to play Splatoon multiplayer and that's all I'm going to say about it now.
Plants vs. Zombies and Insaniquarium: In my heart PvZ is a series of two games and one of them is about fish. Might try the shooter spinoffs at some point, no ill will to fans of those, I just haven't given them a try yet. These two are kind of the surviving remnants of that golden childhood purity of simple flash-like games, which have such a simple charm, and genuinely satisfying gameplay loop. Obviously PvZ is the overall better game that's stood the tests of time, but Insaniquarium Deluxe has an even more primal nostalgia embedded in my brain. Of all the obscure fish tank games I saw my dad play on his old computer (as some of my rare happy memories of the man) this is the only one that I ever reunited with. They're both fantastic and also collectively like 3 bucks on Steam during a sale, please play them.
Endless Ocean: Can't bring up the fish autism without mentioning this one too. Specifically referring to the second one with a different name depending on where you are, never played the first one and not necessarily in a hurry to remedy that. Very chill but also secretly insane diving game that profoundly itched the underwater-loving corners of my brain first tended to by Finding Nemo. The fish have Lore. Insanely excited for the third game, genuinely did NOT expect that happening.
Subnautica: The third and final horseman of the fish autism apocalypse, which is allegedly a horror game that I choose to play as a farming simulator because it didn't stop me. Gorgeous, insanely brilliant creature designs with intricate biological thought put behind them, fun exploration and base building, it's just great. Have only played up to the endgame myself but have seen the ending (thanks Mark, only got into this game thanks to you) and still haven't played Below Zero but I'm excited to get to it in spite of it apparently not being as good.
Spore: This one's like. Fish autism adjacent. Even if they CUT THE AQUATIC STAGE THOSE HEARTLESS BAST- anyways yeah this game's great. Not as like. A video game. That you're supposed to actually play. Going through the actual gameplay stages as intended, the only one that comes close to being interesting is Creature and that's entertaining for like an hour before you run out of stuff to do and are shoved into moving on. No, this is beloved to me because of it having the single most addictive character creator of all time. It's genuinely endlessly entertaining just making creatures of all shapes and sizes, pushing the creation tools to their limits. Even if the core gameplay was good I don't think my playtime would be that different. If there's any games that have similar creation mechanics then please tell me, I'd love to at least check them out.
Minecraft: it's uh. It's Minecraft. When my laptop works I stream it every saturday with friends. do I uh. have to say more.
Epic Mickey: Another nostalgic Wii classic, and the most excited I think just about anyone my age gets over the mouse. It's an incredible love letter to Disney history with such a unique art style and story that all work together to create something special and not just something tacky and aimlessly edgy. I'm honestly shocked there aren't more games that use a run down theme park as a setting, especially with how popular and neat urban exploring stuff like the Disney parks is, but I feel like it'd be easy to take that too far into grimdark, which EM neared as close as it could without going overboard by virtue of being a real Disney product. Oswald also gets the premium golden Silly Little Guy award, I love him dearly please let him do more things now. Also if you wanna get into the game without waiting on and/or paying for Rebrushed then I highly recommend the incredibly well-researched and very entertaining Let's Play of it by youtube user "theenglishman", it's so good for such a small channel I gotta shout him out where I can.
Shovel Knight: The NES throwback game that's so good you forget that was its marketing gimmick back in the early 2010s when people cared about that sort of thing. Obviously the gameplay is just more palatable with modern polish and... actually good game design, but even just the game being fun (and also an INCREDIBLE deal now if you bought in early and got the whole package of essentially 5 games for the price of the original release, and even if you only buy it now it's still worth it) doesn't cover all of why it's stuck with me. Again stop me if I've said this before, but fantastic visuals, incredible music, and great character designs that have a delightful style all their own rather than feeling limited to just what'd be accurate to the NES era. Genuinely great, got some underrated blorbos there. King Knight is my favorite of the treasure trove's collection to play but also Plague Knight is another Silly Little Guy honorable mention.
Undertale/Deltarune: you uh. gonna be surprised the tumblr user likes these games. I really don't need to say what's been said a thousand times about these games being so special, but I can say I have a weird angle on the series as a relative newcomer, only getting onboard with Deltarune chapter one when it came out at a VERY weird time in my life, and then going back to Undertale so much later it was shortly after Chapter 2 came out. But ever since falling in (no pun intended) it's been hard to get out of the theory brainrot, it's truly special when a game does things like that to your mind. also something something Mad Mew Mew.
Chrono Trigger: Adjacent to the last one and I SWEAR that's crucial guys. Feels weird mentioning this because I've only personally played through to the end of the first dungeon but I've seen a very comprehensive Let's Play of it by a uh... recently retroactively unfortunate source I don't wanna dwell on. But that can't taint this entire game, it's too good for that. Very much a classic for a reason, with its incredible story, great soundtrack, some of the most gorgeous sights on the SNES, and a phenomenal cast of characters. Excited to finish playing through it myself, maybe starting from the top to do a let's play of my own.
Fighting Games Lightning Round: Lumping these together because. Yeah.
Smash: Yes Ultimate's the best one. Unless you care that much about that one Subspace cutscene with the ships flying and the main theme kicking in. Which case I respect that. Mains: Ridley, Dedede, and Bowser. God I wish I could do things as Rosalina.
Rivals of Aether: Going in I was expecting Melee pandering but no it's genuinely the best platform fighter aside from Smash, even entirely ignoring the custom content. I'm EXTREMELY excited for 2 it looks so good oh my GOD it can't happen fast enough. In the meantime I uh... guess I can try and beat Dungeons? I guess? Mains: Kragg and Olympia. Almost certainly gonna do my best with Loxodont and Fleet when 2 happens.
Street Fighter: My first foray into traditional fighters and hey, SF2 is as good a place as any to start. Very fun series to learn the history of, and serves as a good basis to learn other fighting games. Only really played 2, Alpha, and 3 with my sibling. Played like an hour of 4 and am looking to get 6 at some point. Mains: (not as attached to these as my mains for other games) Sagat, Cammy, Makoto, Elena. I feel like I have a hunch who I'd main from 6.
Skullgirls: Unfortunately has the second most "baggage" out of any games mentioned here (not elaborating, go research and form your own opinions), but past that this game is goooooooooooooood. Gorgeous art style and soundtrack, and gameplay that takes a minute to get into (god the tutorial can take a minute) but feels great even if you just barely know the basics. So far my favorite traditional fighter even if I'm scared to fight anybody who's actually decent at it. Mains: Big Band, Eliza, Robo Fortune, Valentine.
Darkstalkers: Only played this one really briefly and casually but god it's worth a mention. Literally the evolutionary midpoint between the past two, and it's fun getting to see where certain ideas from the latter got their inspiration from. Plus it's also just incredibly fun and stylish in its own right, gotta love a good ol' monster mash...ing each others face in. Please let this series come back as more than just waifu statues and crossover appearances. Main: Huitzil/Phobos.
Aaaaaaand that's it! All the major games and game series that currently come to mind as things I'm super passionate about. Obviously not a comprehensive list of every game I like ever, but these are the most special to me or interesting to talk about. Will probably do the followup post about shows... later. Not sure exactly when.
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carlosfruitsnacks · 2 years
"the manliligaw" - part 4
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PART 1 , PART 2 , PART 3 , PART 4 , PART 5
— Camilo, Carlos, and you have grown closer over time. Your mother decided to invite the boys for a trip to your home country, the Philippines! You're sure they would love it, plus what's the worst thing that could happen?
— modern au, fluff & humor
— female and Filipina reader. I do not speak fluent Spanish and all of the Spanish here is translated from google, feel free to correct me if I got something wrong. Although I am very fluent in Tagalog so there would be Tagalog dialogs here and there I'll try to provide some translations for them
— none
— i know you guys have been waiting for another update for this series so i'm sorry i took so long to update it lmao. the idea for this part came from @pochi-moochika, she sent it to me on discord everybody say thank you to her
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After many, marvelous, and messy events involving two boys fighting to woo one girl, things have become alright so far. Now that the serenading, spoken poetry, and love letters are over, you've taken the opportunity to get to know the Madrigal brothers more. It seems like you don't know them enough because they are always full of surprises especially when together.
Today, Camilo and Carlos made their way to your house again as per usual. The three of you have been hanging out and forming a genuine friendship. Both of your families are amused about it. The two knocked on your door in unison, they were greeted by your mother's friendly face.
"Oh! Mga anak!"
"Hello, tita!"
The two greeted politely. You taught the twins a few Tagalog phrases that's why they started calling your mother "tita" and your father "tito". Your mother lets the brothers inside, they noticed a couple of luggage resting in the living room. Camilo raised a brow.
"Are you going somewhere, tita?"
"Oh, yes! We're flying to the Philippines for a visit, tomorrow"
Your mother explained. Carlos wasn't fond of the idea at first, but he guessed that you were probably missing your home country. Camilo had a pout on his face and sighed.
"Aww, but we were going to watch a movie with [Name] tomorrow"
You walked down the stairs holding your luggage when you noticed Camilo and Carlos were there. You give them a smile and settled your things down, Carlos crossed his arms.
"You didn't tell us you're going away tomorrow"
"Chill, Carlos. It's not like I'll be gone forever, just for the week"
You replied. You realized how Camilo and Carlos both had downcast expressions on their faces, it was cute, to say the least, but you can tell they were going to miss you.
"Don't worry, we'll call each other on the phone from time to time"
"It won't be twice as fun, though"
"I know, I'll just make it up to you both when I get back, okay?"
You reassured the twins, the two replied with a defeated sigh and nodded. Your mother, who witnessed the interaction walked into the room with an idea.
"Why won't you two tag along with us to the Philippines?"
"Huh?! Bakit, ma?"
You turn to your mother in surprise, Camilo and Carlos were equally as baffled. Your mother chuckles.
"We don't mind bringing the twins with us, as long as it's okay with their parents"
"¡Sí! We'll ask mamá and papá!"
"Great! Go and prepare your things because we're leaving early tomorrow!"
Quickly, Camilo and Carlos thanked your mother before leaving. You faced your mother with a frown but she only sent you a teasing smile. You face-palmed yourself before turning away. It's not like you had a problem with the brothers tagging along but the idea made you feel awkward. Though you felt sure they're gonna love the trip to the Philippines, what's the worst thing that could happen?
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Your family along with Camilo and Carlos landed in the Philippines before noon. You can tell the two were eager to wander around the new environment. The boys didn't tell you the lengths they did just so their mother would allow them to go on the trip.
Inside the rented car, Camilo and Carlos stared in awe at the scenery outside the window. A proud smile was on your lips as you watched them. Sooner, all of you arrived at your grandparent's house, they were shocked but pleased to find the twins came with your family. As all of you settled down your luggage, your grandmother goes to you and hands you money.
"[Name] pwede bang pumunta ka sa palengke at bumili ng uulamin natin mamaya?"
"Oh, sure, lola"
You said as your grandma smiled. You haven't been to the palengke for a while but you can still remember where it was located. You glanced at Camilo and Carlos, who decided to change into a pair of tank tops and shorts for the warm weather. You blushed at the sight of their exposed freckled skin but played it off with a playful smile. They see you walk over to them.
"Wanna go out for an adventure?"
The brothers shared a look and nodded frantically. The three of you head out to the palengke. Camilo and Carlos get to experience riding on a Filipino jeepney for the first time, and they enjoyed it. When you all arrived, you split the money you had and gave it to them.
"Can you guys buy some meat and vegetables?"
"Okay, I'll meet you two back at the entrance"
With that, you, Camilo, and Carlos went in different directions to buy some ingredients. You enjoyed your time wandering around the palengke before buying what you need, you missed doing this.
Meanwhile, Camilo founds himself with eyes glued on him as he walked by. His cheeks turned red when he saw a few of the women whispering and smiling at him. The least he can do was give them a tiny wave. As he walked further into the palengke taking in the sights, he discovers that he got lost.
He cussed, he looked around but everything looks the same. He shrugged, he'll run into either his brother or you somehow. His eyes landed on a particular area where people seemed to be grilling food. Filled with curiosity, he walked over to it and found it was street food. Immediately, his mouth watered as he pulled out the money you gave to him.
On the other hand, Carlos glared at every single person that cast him a look. He was too proud to admit that he got lost while looking for vegetables to buy. He could ask directions but it was out of his comfort zone, he decided to have a look around the palengke thinking he'll find his way back somehow. Before he got bored, a shimmer caught the corner of his eye. Carlos turned and discovered a stall filled with various knick-knacks.
He took a look closer and found interesting toys. There were marbles, a spinning top, colorful kites, and other things he couldn't name. Carlos pulled the money from his pocket and looked around him before discreetly entering the stall.
You made your way back to the entrance carrying bags of meat, vegetables, and needed ingredients. Camilo and Carlos weren't there yet so you decided to wait. Minutes turned into hours and you grow worried, what if something bad happened to them? You bite your nails and decided to go search for them. Looking left and right, you don't spot either of the Madrigal twins. You asked a few people if they saw them but none of them seemed to have noticed the brothers.
You were frantically searching for Camilo and Carlos all over the palengke, merely panicking. You should've known that this place was too big, what if they got robbed or hurt? The thought scared you as you resorted to calling out their names out loud, hoping they'll respond.
"Camilo?! Carlos?!"
You called out. You won't ever forgive yourself if something horrible happened to them, your lips wobbled as tears slowly formed in your eyes. You try to calm yourself down when your eyes caught a familiar guy standing by a food stall. You walked closer and you could've collapsed in relief because it was Camilo, fortunately, Carlos was with him.
"Oh my god! I thought something bad happened...what are you two doing?"
You stopped and stared at the pair. Camilo grinned, mouth full of food, he was holding three sticks of isaw and barbeque. He was wearing a silly hat on his head, his other hand was holding a packet of pogs. You glanced at Carlos and he too was munching on some street food, he was carrying a bag full of Filipino toys, it was the biggest you have ever seen. You were speechless.
"These food are so delicious, [Name]!"
"Yeah, plus I found these cool toys, I'm sure Toñito would love them"
"This is the best! I can't wait to brag about it to Mirabel"
"...[Name]? Are you alright?"
The twins gave you a concerned look. Your eye twitched as you drew in a deep breath, you placed your hand on your hips as a tight smile made the brothers gulp.
"So, you're telling me while I was worried sick that both of you could've been killed, you two were out here buying food and toys?!"
"Lo siento, [Name]..."
"Oh no, we're coming home and I'm never gonna take you two out with me again!"
You scolded them and proceeded to grab Camilo and Carlos by the ear before dragging them out the palengke and back to your grandparents' house. You explained everything to your family as the two sat there guilty with reddish ears.
"Come on, Camilo and Carlos were just exploring"
"Nag-aalala ako sa kanila ng tapos ayun pala gumagala lang sila!"
You were arguing with your siblings in full Tagalog, you sounded terrifying. Fortunately, after dinner, you were no longer angry at them and apologized for shouting at them earlier. Camilo and Carlos never took it seriously and you were glad. The three of you decided to go watch a movie while eating Filipino snacks. Taking Camilo and Carlos with you to the Philippines wasn't a bad idea after all.
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taglist: @pochi-moochika , @cahmilo , @vanevafu , @irisia-ckzkb1109 , @elegantkidfansoul , @candykamikun , @justzei , @try-cry-why-try , @nanaisheretomessupthings , @eichenhouseproperty , @nort-the-simp , @megs2world, @ducky-is-dead-inside ...join here
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sophiasharp · 11 months
Magic Headcanons with the Papas
Bonus: Nihil
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3| Part 4
Had a VERY weird relationship with magic due to his equally weird circumstances. Was by all accounts a perfectly average dude with no magical capabilities whatsoever right up until he was formally inducted into the Clergy. Then all of a sudden it was like a floodgate was opened and my guy had trouble NOT doing magic.
For like the first month or two of his time as Papa my dude would grab a cup and it would just start levitating out of his hand.
“Hey Nihil can you pass the orange juice?” “Orange juice’s haunted.” “What?” “I touched the bottle and it started wailing like a banshee at me. I can’t get it to stop. Someone please make it stop.”
Over time, Imperator helped him get a firmer grasp on his magic. And thank Satan for that. The Clergy was getting tired of cleaning up after his magical growing pains.
Eventually took to channeling his powers mostly in the form of Illusion magic. I imagine he had a large role in figuring out how to get ghouls in and out of glamour reliably and without drawbacks. It’s this research that made The Ghost Project and other public appearances of ghouls possible. I mean shit, look at the proto-ghoul masks from Kiss the Go-Goat. The Ghost Project was ambitious for several reasons, and getting away with hiding hell-beasts under Party City masks is one of them.
Sort of became a one trick pony; yes Nihil can do all of the rites that are necessary for a head of the church but any actual mastery is limited to mostly his illusions. He could have spent more time exploring his other capabilities but, well, suddenly becoming a father and trying to win back Imperator took up most of his spare time.
Also, fun fact, it’s this general lack of use when it came to his magic that is to blame for his current ghostly form. The lingering regrets plus the leftover magic unused resulted in his lingering soul having a LOT more power than your average Spector, hence why he’s able to do things like eat. Or shit in the car.
It’s also why they keep dodging the question when Copia asks how ghosts work. They literally don’t know since a ghost on this level has never happened before lmao
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cedar-sunshine · 2 months
WIP questionnaire game
doing this from @finickyfelix
1. What was the first part of your WIP that you created?
for star- I wanted to write an apocalyptic urban fantasy romance story, and then the urban fantasy part got replaced by mental illness
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the intro song be?
For star- I'd want everything stays from adventure time but that's already an adventure time song (still it is literally perfect) so then secondarily Smoke Signals by cavetown.
for the comic- aghhh there's so many good choices! I think it would change by season, but go! by coastal club is great for them
3. Who are your favourite characters you’ve made? Why?
I love all of my children equally
(They're my longest running characters and they're both very very multifaceted and have fully explored character arcs and personalities and voices and aghhhh my little babiesss)
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fanbase for your story?
For star- I think that it would be a mix of hell followed with us fans who talk about how the ending should have been sadder and more heartbreaking and all that's left in the world fans, plus just general trans queer kids who love the representation (me)
For the comic- VERY strong lumberjanes fan group (also me), plus PJO fans (me again), and people who watched gravity falls/adventure time/avatar/steven universe as kids (mee)
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
for star- transitions and plot movement. I like talking about visuals and making the story very atmospheric and detailed and also fleshing out ori and Tristan's relationship, but I forget to actually make progress with it.
For the comic- Uh. Writing it.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
For the comic- aw fuck yeah!! SO many folkloric creatures, they have centaur rangers on the island, their camp counselor and the camp director are both angels, they fight a hydra, mermaids keep stealing lunches, there are old gods in the woods, everything is rad. I'm also debating giving Alex a service dog for his severe anxiety and panic attacks.
7. How do your characters get around?
Star- they walk through the woods for hundreds of miles.
The comic- it takes place on one island, so mostly walking, running, flying (for a couple of them) or maybe catching a ride on a centaur if they're lucky.
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Star- first draft
Comic- plotting and writing
9. What aspects of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
star- the atmosphere and the t4t relationship, and the mental health rep.
Comic- the escapism and fun
10. What are your hopes for your WIP
To finish them lmao
Open tag for anyone!
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jeffersonhairpie · 1 year
8 shows to get to know me
I was tagged by @haahka​ to deliver the good news of these self-defining TV shows! Wahoo alright let’s go - in alpabetical order so no one feels shafted
1. Bojack Horseman
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The terrible tale of a washed up actor from the nineties trying and failing to regain their mojo - also he’s a depressed horse. Equal parts comedy and devastatingly morose commentary on the human condition. If you finish it and need more please go check out Tuca and Bertie.
2. Chernobyl
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It’s the story of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster! Woohoo everybody party! I’m sure nothing depressing will happen and we’ll all be feeling extremely normal by the end. (Is the best bit of television I’ve ever seen though)
3. House MD
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Hilson shown for...reasons. Anyway I haven’t watched this show in years, I am comstantly battling a demon on my shoulder telling me to change that BUT I say say with great confidence that it’s a foundational text of my media enjoyment. The terrible tale of a drug addled doctor who gets away with eye watering quantities of malpractice due to him being the only guy who can solve medicine’s toughest riddles. Proceedural television never felt so good
4. Red Dwarf
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The terrible tale of the last human in the universe waking up from stasis more than a million years since the rest of the species died off. Dave Lister is stranded on the space ship that was his place of work for the rest of his life, with nothing but a gobby computer, a creature that evolved from his pet cat, a robot and a hologram of his dead bunkmate. Yes, it’s a British comedy from the early nineties. Yes, there are only six episodes a season. Yes, there’s a laugh track. Wait, come back! Where are you going I thought you wanted to watch Red Dwarf!
5. Steven Universe
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The terrible tale of a boy who lives with a piece of his dead mother so visible on his body that most of the galaxy expects him to fulfil her destiny rather than writing his own. The funny thing about Steven Universe is that people are still so mad about it for so many reasons but it remains one of the best TV shows of all time so who’s really winning? Don’t watch unless you can handle kids shows trusting their audience doesn’t need everything spoonfed to them lmao
6. Succession
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The terrible tale of a family who couldn’t lose everything if they tried, and the kids who failed to keep themselves together. If you’re following me and don’t know this show by now then you need to start putting in more hours on tumblr. Also, that’s Tom!
7. Taskmaster
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A despotic control freak and his extremely pathetic and wet assistant force people to compete in a variety of cruel and unusual tasks. Some for the game show to turn your brain off to, stay for the most insane dynamic between two men that you will ever have seen. Then, once you’ve polished off all 15 seasons of the British version, go and enjoy the international Taskmasters. This ride is never going to stop because they’ve discovered the perfect television formula
8. Twin Peaks
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The terrible tale of Laura Palmer, who washes up on the shore of a lake, already dead, and then we get to learn everything about her. TV nerds the world over are ready to gush about this show at a moment’s notice and it’s with good reason. One of the few pieces of anything that really can more or less be all things to all people. Plus, it’s a David Lynch show so it’s weird as hell without apology
tagging @valoricky​ @crustacean-frustrations​ @hickeywiththegoodhair​ @duelsong​ @holy-yeosang​ @tomshivyuri​ @fuckyeahashes​ @bby-daesung​ and anyone else who feels like sharing. You can do it or not. It’s fun to talk about things you like though!
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possiblyk9 · 6 months
FNaF AU Sister Location ideas
i'm currently trying to adapt SL in my AU and boy is it hard, with my goal grounding and fitting the style of the later games to be like 1-4 SL being the first overtly Sci-fi game with an overly Sci-fi story, it makes it very hard to at least try to ground in reality, my main problem is with the funtime animatronics and how they work, and their goals. see in this AU the Funtime's aren't built for child killing, as in this AU William is no longer some mad Scientist/alchemist, plus in this au Williams robotics skills while good, learning some via henry it's not enough to build futuristic robots lmao. so that begs the question if the funtimes don't kill children then how are they gonna be possessed, and adding onto this the MCI hasn't happened yet so like... IDK MAN. but i have options, 1: The Funtime's are the first victims of William. i could do this, but idk i feel like it takes away from the OG MCI, and i'd prefer there to be 1 tbh. 2: the Funtime's are springlock suits, and the employees that have died in them now haunt them. this i feel is a better option, but idk about it, it doesn't seem that natural to me? plus loads of death like that would be hard for FAZ ENT to cover up so idk. 3: okay the last one, and the one i kinda like? Circus baby is the only Springlock suit, the reason she's the possessed is that when she was in Parts and service Elizabeth decided to crawl in the stomach hatch and what does sensitive springlocks plus one curious child equal? DEATH it's death. and the others? they're not. you see in my AU since William isn't that keen on building animatronics and due to a possible falling out with Henry he gets David Murray, and by that name you may see where this is going. so he hires david to build Life-like animatronics on the same scale as Henry's. so using the blueprint of a "certain animatronic he's already built... WINK WINK" he builds the Funtimes with AI that can Mimic human Interactions, and overtime the Funtimes learn, and learn, and learn, until they gain a semi conscious, they've learned so much that know they see themselves as "Human" but they aren't and know this, so their goal as one combined force is to "Become human" tbh i feel like this is really good, but i feel like this it's becoming to Sci-fi, even though the Mimic itself isn't that Sci-fi as a concept, but i feel "learning so much from humans that it sees itself as human" is idk but i really want to know what you guys think? any ideas? anything that can help improve the ideas i've showcased? i'd love to hear some feedback! being the only one working on this AU is tough so some ideas from the small following i do have would be really cool!
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ex-textura · 1 year
(for the ask meme:) play test, and give me your build. hard mode: what would you multiclass with if you had to?
Playtest: What class (or subclass) do you want to try out?
This almost feels like cheating but Calec is an entire build complete with multiclass that I’ve never played but am screaming to.
So, the gist of the build is strength based Heavy Armour fighter with battlefield control via reach and movement speed, with barbarian dedication feats. Keep in mind that it’s Pathfinder 2e, not D&D 5e so this’ll probably be nonsense to a lot of you who follow me lmao
(It’s under the cut, cause I got wordy)
He starts as a tiefling fighter with a hoof attack and fauchard (10ft reach, sweep and trip) and Sudden Charge which gives him 2 movements and an attack for 2 actions, which he will use at the start of combat in combo with the rage he gets from barbarian at level 2 (our GM uses the Free Archetype rule and it’s awesome). For Barbarian Instinct he takes Giant which will allow him to wield a Large weapon for an extra 5ft reach (now 15ft) plus increasing his rage bonus to damage to +6. (At the cost of being clumsy but his bulwark armour shores up his dex save and gives good AC so it’s a trade off)
He’ll also be taking Intimidating Strike which applies frightened on a successful hit, and later Shatter Defenses which causes a frightened target to become flat footed further decreasing AC. He’ll take Lunge, too, granting another 5ft reach when he uses it (becoming 20ft of reach) plus Fleet and Nimble Hooves to bring his speed to 30ft, negating the speed penalty for heavy armour and giving him 5 more feet. The barbarian feat Fast Movement gives him 10ft bonus to speed while he’s raging (becoming 40ft) and Blind Fight lets him fight creatures that are hidden to him. At level 9 he grows wings for 10 minutes a day giving him a fly speed equal to his land speed. (They become permanent at level 17)
This means that by level 9 he will have 30ft land speed and 30ft fly speed 10 minutes a day (40 for both when raging), and the ability to hit and trip or frighten enemies 15ft away (or simply hit 20ft away if lunging), paired with AoO and the feat No Escape, which allows him to chase any enemy that tries to leave his reach up to his movement speed, practically nowhere is safe from him. With a +1 Striking weapon and 4 in STR he rolls +20 to hit and with most enemy AC at that level being around 27/28 his chances are good. Especially with Frightened and Flat-footed bringing those numbers down to 24/25. His AC will be 26 while raging, but with 144hp and as much reach as he has that shouldn’t be a problem.
I’m still waffling on his skill feats but they’ll likely be heavily athletics and crafting focused… those are always harder for me to choose lol.
Thank you for letting me ramble on about this I love building characters so damn much!
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i-love-you-all · 2 years
I saw an ask meme and just wanted to write Breach/Sova stuff w/o using my brain too hard lol
1. Which one is the better cook
Breach. I’ve always imagined that as part of a crime family that he always had top of the line stuff, and fine dining/expensive foods were included. So I think he’s tried a lot of foods, and likes to cook and make things that he likes to eat. Plus you can only alone for so long before wishing you were better at cooking (and his agent takeover was him w food that looked like he was making). 
And Sova, I see as not picky at all about food. As long as it’s cooked and won’t make him throw up I don’t think he’ll really care, so most of his food is pretty bad outside one or two dishes that his grandmother forced him to learn well. It’d be cute to write a one shot of Breach teaching Sova to cook one day.
2. What their love letters look like
Hah, non existent from Breach. Generally one to prefer saying them as opposed to writing them. He likes seeing Sova’s reaction and generally that means saying it to catch it live.
Sova might use some of his downtime on missions on love letters. Sitting by the window waiting on the sun to set so he can get to work, and he’s just dreaming of all the things he wants to say to Breach but can’t. I don’t think he shows them to Breach very often, maybe sometimes if he thinks it’ll get Breach to blush or get flustered. He might watch him with a smug smile while sliding the piece of paper onto his workbench to be read after he was done his work.
3. Which one outlives the other, and how they cope
Breach outlives Sova. If it happened during the Protocol’s lifespan, revenge would be high on that list. After that, when the emptiness sets in, he might finally start the mourning process. He would cope by changing himself though. Maybe taking up chess to feel close to Sova or maybe trying his best to fulfil Sova’s role in the protocol.
4.What they do on date night
Sex. Next- jkjk lmao
I think it depends on location/timing. While in the protocol together a hike around the island and a late night dinner together in one of their rooms is the most common way for them to spend time together.
5. How many kids they’ll have
I think it’ll take them a long time. Sova would want kids first, and Breach comes around on the idea after he does some soul searching. He needs to learn that he can be a good father and he can learn a role he was rarely shown. After that, I think just one. Through adoption as we’ll likely as I don’t think either of them would want the surrogacy option.
6. How they decorated their bedroom
With compromise lol. Sova cared more abt the wallpaper and paint and wall decorations whereas Breach focused on the furniture. Neither are overly picky but they have their things that bring comfort.
7 Which one is the worse driver
Sova. Have you seen Russian roads? (Then again I only see the viral stuff.) Still, Breach was shown to live in a garage w a car (?).
8. What they argue about
Their jobs. Sova gets annoyed by how lightly Breach takes things and how he talks back to Brimstone. Breach hates that Sova would give up his life for the job and his obedience towards Brimstone.
9. Which one swears more
They do equally. Breach is probably the one who swears in everyday speech and Sova swears only when something happens.
10. What TV shows they watch together, and which ones they hide from the other
Sova likes to watch nature documentaries, and Breach will watch along to spend time together. I could see both of them watching sports together too. Maybe football (soccer) or hockey. I do think Breach likes wrestling shows and MMA fights that Sova has no interest in.
11. What their first impression was of each other
They did not like each other. Sova thought Breach was a thug, here for money and not for the better of the world. Breach though Sova was just another sheep blindly following whoever was leading.
12. What they do for their anniversary
Quiet time together away from ppl. Strangers stare at Sova’s artificial eye and Breach’s arms. They aren’t allowed to be together at work. So a place, like a rented cabin in the woods would be ideal.
13. Which makes a bigger deal of birthdays
Breach bc I think he has more money in general and has more to spend on events like that. Plus I think Breach didn’t get enough love on his bdays as a child so he thinks of them as more important. Sova would normally not make a big deal for himself but really tried for Breach, and while the level isn’t the same, Breach appreciates the effort.
14. What nicknames they call each other
Breach has more for Sova. Alex, Sasha, Sash, pretty boy, min älsking, golden boy, my love, the hunter, the scary Russian machine, one for each occasion.
Sova I don’t think is much for nick names. Breach, Erik, dear, occasionally radnoj if it’s serious or Kotik and malysh if he’s teasing Breach.
15. What they would change about each other
Breach would want Siva to be a bit more selfish. To prioritize his life when things were beyond hopeless.
Sova would want Breach to be less stubborn, and easily annoyed. Patience can be key in the field, and just because he hates waiting doesn’t mean they can just go.
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