#2012 fall tour
jules-has-notes · 9 months
2012 VoicePlay fall tour shenanigans
From September through mid-November of 2012, VoicePlay traversed most of the continental U.S., sharing their music and silliness. But not all of the fun happened in front of live audiences. Fortunately for us, though, the guys captured some of the behind-the-scenes hijinks and highlights, and posted them online. I've collected a bunch of my favorites here.
YouTube videos:
The Van Down By The River (VoicePlay's channel) — putting their signage on the tour van before setting forth
fake apple bite (Eli's channel) — Snacks in the travel cooler may not be what they seem.
before & after Earl eats a 32-oz. steak (Eli's channel) — and reportedly still feels great. Doing various restaurants' eating challenges was clearly A Thing on the road.
kids at a student workshop sing Happy Birthday to Paul the sound guy (Eli's channel, Layne's channel) — a sweet gesture to balance out some of the teasing he endures
Happy Fun Time with Layne and Earl (VoicePlay's channel) — late night supply runs sometimes become ridiculous
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Can't take these goobers anywhere when they're overtired.
Video Response to Ino-Ogo School (VoicePlay's channel) — the guys answer fan mail from attendees of a student workshop a month before
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The first rule of VoicePlay is: "Not the face!"
Tony is bigger than Elvis (VoicePlay's channel) — but he's not entirely certain how he feels about being a heartthrob to middle schoolers (headphone warning: contains excited tween shrieking)
Intermission (VoicePlay's channel) — Geoff and Layne play a pencil snapping game to amuse themselves backstage
tour van before coffee (Eli's channel) — a fun bit of animation practice from our resident digital effects geek
Instagram photos:
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Twitter tidbits:
Part of their tour prep involved a trip to Build-A-Bear for fuzzy doppelgangers that they used for an audience participation bit.
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Somebody at the Universal Studios "Beetlejuice" show (presumably Kathy) got Geoff and Tony a send-off cake.
Sometimes during student workshops, the guys arrange themselves by height.
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And they're good sports during post-show photos. (If you know, you know. If you don't, stay tuned.)
Traveling musicians are sustained by coffee, soda, snack cakes, chain restaurants, and local diners.
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One of their East Coast tour dates was postponed because of Hurricane Sandy. :( So they acquired some adult beverages on their way to their next hotel and hunkered down for an unexpected night off.
All told, the tour spanned "11 weeks. 20,000 miles. 62 performances." That sounds both exhausting and incredible.
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hkthatgffan · 2 years
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Photos from Gravity Falls background painter Josh Parpan of the crew during the show's production.
The photos in the offices are of Ian Worrel's art board and of him and Alex Hirsch reviewing art for an episode.
The roadtrip photos were taken during Mystery Tour 2013 and a reference trip the crew took in 2012.
All photos found on Josh Parpan's website!
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Nightwish - The Phantom of the Opera 2002
"The Phantom of the Opera" is a song from the 1986 stage musical of the same name, based on the 1910 French novel of the same name by Gaston Leroux, which tells the tragic story of a beautiful soprano, Christine Daaé, who becomes the obsession of a mysterious, masked musical genius living in the subterranean labyrinth beneath the Paris Opéra House. The song was composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, with lyrics written by Charles Hart and Richard Stilgoe, and additional lyrics by Mike Batt. The song was originally recorded by Sarah Brightman and Steve Harley, which became a UK hit single in 1986, prior to the musical. Listen to it here! In its theatrical debut, it was sung by Brightman and Michael Crawford in their roles as Christine Daaé and the Phantom. Listen to it here! The Phantom of the Opera was the longest running show in Broadway history, and celebrated its 10,000th performance on February 11, 2012, becoming the first Broadway production in history to do so. It is the second longest-running West End musical, after Les Misérables, and the third longest-running West End show overall, after The Mousetrap. The original West End production at Her Majesty's Theatre, London, ended its run in 2020, its run cut short by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Nightwish is a Finnish symphonic metal band from Kitee. The band was formed in 1996 by lead songwriter and keyboardist Tuomas Holopainen, guitarist Emppu Vuorinen, and former lead singer Tarja Turunen. The band soon picked up drummer Jukka Nevalainen, and then bassist Sami Vänskä after the release of their debut album, Angels Fall First (1997). In 2001, Vänskä was replaced by Marko Hietala, who also took over the male vocalist role previously filled by Holopainen or guest singers.
In 2002, Nightwish released Century Child, along with the singles "Ever Dream" and "Bless the Child". Century Child was certified gold two hours after its release, and platinum two weeks afterwards. It set a record on the Finnish album charts of most distance between a first place album and the second place. An enduring favorite of fans is the band's version of "The Phantom of the Opera". The song was routinely played in concerts until October 21, 2005, when vocalist Tarja Turunen was fired from the band and later replaced with Anette Olzon, whereupon the band announced that they would never play the song live again. This would hold true for 17 years until November 27 and 28, 2022, when Nightwish was joined by Dutch singer Henk Poort on stage at the Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam to perform the song. Marko Hietala joined Tarja Turunen at a couple of her solo shows in 2023 to sing "The Phantom of the Opera" with her. They are set to tour together in Spring 2024 in Latin America on Tarja's "Living The Dream – The Hits Tour".
"The Phantom of the Opera" recieved a total of 82,7% yes votes!
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tomssexdoll · 2 months
Could you please do tomorrow headcannons like the ones you’ve done for bill recently. 🙏🙏🙏. Love your writing btw- also if you make it can you tag me..
yesss ofc love and ty for the support <3
Relationship headcannons Tom
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You guys first started dating
Brags about you to anyone who will listen
Once you got to know him you realized how much of a softie he really is
He was very confident at first
Spoils you
Quickies behind stage at tours
You love playing with his dreads
Tugging on his braids during sex
Suprised you with the braids
you love them ofc
Loves going on walks with you
Very affectionate
Super protective
Gets jealous easily
Slightly possessive
Hates when you wear skimpy clothing out
Always accompanies you at parties
Will hurt any guy if he has to
Gets you flowers a lot
Takes you on the humanoid tour
Shouts you out in the crowd and brings you up to the stage
Stares at you while he's playing and flirts with you too
Quickie backstage ofc
Loves seeing you in his shirts when you go to sleep
Always gives you his jackets, hoodies, shirts
SUPER flirty
Teases you in public
Leaves hickeys everywhere for everyone to see
Smacks your ass playfully in public
Cuddles are the best
Loves to go to the club with you
Still very protective
Jealousy issues calming down a little
Shows you off in interviews
Talks about you non stop in podcasts
Brings you to practice
Very loving and caring
Will drop everything just to make sure you're ok
Super close, very healthy relationship
Proposes to you finally
The proposal is beautiful, he takes you out to a fancy dinner and he gets the best spot and proposes to you under the stars
Showers you with gifts all the time
Gets you lunch when you're working hard
Loves to give you massages when you're stressed
Learnt how to cook for you
Talking about wanting a family
Cuddes and movies every second night
Partying like there's no tomorrow
Falling pregnant in late 2014 so the baby came after the wedding
The wedding finally happens
The ceremony is beautiful
He smiles like an idiot when he sees you walking down the aisle, crying softly
Does the garter wedding tradition but tries to take your panties off instead
Dances with you sweetly at first
When you get drunk he grinds on you, dancing so sexually
He smashes his lips into yours when the priest declares you husband and wife
also picks you up and spins you around when after the kiss
Can't stop talking about how sexy you were at the wedding
Makes a wedding night sex tape with you LOL
Buying a house together
Baby finally arrives
A lot of renovating
More talks about having a big family
Tom upgrades the nursery
Best father EVER
Spoils you and the kids
Forces Bill to babysit for a couple nights so you guys can spend time together
Sex is amazing and always has been
Still very protective of you and especially your daughter
Fall pregnant again
Find out you're having twins
tom jumps with joy after he finds out
Tells Bill and they are super happy
Tom buys you fresh flowers every week
When he takes the dogs for walks he'll always pick flowers for you
Loves taking your daughter to the park with you even though you're super pregant
Loves you unconditionally
Takes care of you so much during pregnancy and birth
Holds your hand at the hosptal
Sobs and holds the twins in his arms
Loves you for you
Reminds you everyday how beautiful and precious you are
Spoils the kids with junk food when you aren't there
Thinking of another kid
Very happy relationship and super close
Sex is amazing ofc
Buying you flowers every week ofc
Partying here and there
Loves home dates and spending time with you
Some nights he'll fall asleep on your chest
You love playing with his long hair and beard
Beard tickles you when he kisses you
He's careful not to give you carpet burn when eating you out
Loves washing your hair and making you feel relaxed
Runs baths for you to relax after a hard day
He helps with the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.
Best present giver
Super affectionate
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tags: @effy-2000 @itsmealaiah @tomscumdump @20doozers @charliesgoodboy @tomkaulitzloverr @tomscumdoll @syylss @ge-billsgf @ballhair @miyukafujii
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pseudophan · 7 months
hi getting back into these guys and random question. obviously it seems like Dan and Phil (whilst keeping their private life private which good for them) also don’t care about people thinking what they want. Have they ever given a reason for moving into a ‘forever home’ together?
They used to use the excuse they were both YouTubers so easier to live with someone to help with videos back in the day. ‘no homo days’ I guess. But nowadays they both can’t really keep using that excuse since their personal videos don’t realllyyy require the others help as much as back then. Gaming channel again not an excuse it was on hiatus. Dan even still using his ‘Phil is messy and stressful to live with’ bit. (y you living with him then Dan?)
So Have they ever given a reason to still living together for 10+ years, in their 30’s gay & now home owning together? or have they just been vibing along, fine with letting it be known the fact they have bought a home, homosexual homeowners, and are just letting people think what they think? (They know what people think)
I guess I’m just remembering around 2012 times when they were changing the how they met story (mutual friend in Manchester anyone. Bumped into Phil in town one day? Editing tips?) and using YouTube excuse for living together. Seems crazy that 10 years later here we are. Both out, not hiding they bought and designed a home together and (as far as I’m aware) aren’t using needing the other to help with videos as the only reason for still living together.
Good for them either way. love them <3. sorry this got long!
honestly they started talking about a forever home and we all just kinda went along with it. i think there came a point where the vast majority of phannies were assuming they're together in some way shape or form, and for a few years we had this mutual understanding of we know and they know we know and we know they know we know but outside of fan circles nobody's Saying it. i suppose we still have this, except hilariously there are now a lot more people falling over themselves condemning people for saying they're an item lol
because of this it didn't really feel like a big thing when they announced that they'd bought a house, like i don't even think the majority of people were talking about how that means they're gonna live together forever because at that point we already assumed as much, it felt so inevitable
but as far as what dnp have outright said, i think the interview responses from dan during his we're all doomed press tour are the most blatant quotes we've got. like, he's not saying it, but he's also not Not saying it
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..well actually he kind of is just saying it. lol.
edit: oh and of course we can't forget the iconic attitude 2020 interview
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slavghoul · 10 months
Hey hi! i figured i would ask you this since you’ve been in the fandom much longer than i, but do you know what the typical timeline is for Ghost album then tour?? is there a pattern to it? I would imagine after the end of this tour they would start working on a new album, and then tour off said album, what’s typically the wait for how long until the album release, and then how long until tour off that? if there even is one. i know ghost is very pattern in everything they do so i wondered if pattern was here as well
There is a pattern actually! Or at least there was up until Impera, but the timeline of this one got a bit fucky due to the pandemic.
Between 2012 - 2018 it looked like this: 
2012 - tour finished in August (last show was in December, but it was one-off), 2013 - Infestissumam released in April, tour started in February/March
2014 - tour finished in September, 2015 - Meliora released in August, tour started in June/July
2017 - tour finished in September, 2018 - Prequelle released in June, tour started in May
So basically there was roughly a 8-10 month break in-between. Tobias seems positive the next album should be out in 2024, so I’m assuming summer or fall, depending how long it takes him to finish or if there’s any other plans for 2024, and also when the DVD from LA is set to be released. Either way, start saving up lol! It's gonna be an exciting year!
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dnpoll · 1 month
my personal explanations below the cut!
also i scheduled this poll and i realised i forgot ARIANA GRANDE that's deep lore... GOD
muse: one of the things that dan and phil bonded over when they met each other - phil's favourite artist with his streams making it dan's top artist from 2014-2016. they have also seen muse at least five times! dan has played muse songs several times on the piano (specifically sunburn) + they did a lip sync video to muse for bbc radio. also they made fun of kristen stewart a lot when they were younger (they have since apologised and called her an iconic) and she was in twilight and muse supermassive black hole is famously in twilight so...
final fantasy vii: the soundtrack with interrupted by fireworks! dan said it reminded him of phil in a formspring answer <3 and that's all...
fall out boy: firstly "no but seriously imagine if:". secondly they have interviewed fob several times for the bbc! thirdly, specifically with pete wentz, he was dan's icon in his teenage years. he followed dan because of the interviews with him - he even prank called dan in call or delete. but as punishment in a best friend quiz video, phil tweeted "sometimes i dream about being one of the reindeer galloping through the sky with leather straps tying me to my friends mm yes carrots please" from dan's account - and pete wentz unfollowed fob. i am also convinced they think the milk fic is a petekey fic or something
the 1975: dan and phil called into the radio as fans when they were not hosting and the 1975 was there! dan said he was there with "his friend phil" and matty healy immediately recognised them as "dan and phil from the radio" despite them trying to be sneaky about it. dan also LOVED a brief inquiry into online relationships which he posted on his story and said he was "personally attacked by literally every song on the album". mm okay
my chemical romance: firstly "no but seriously imagine if". secondly dan specifically was/is a huge fan of mcr - although phil did sing welcome to the black parade (incorrectly) in a yasuhati video). mcr was also referenced in dan and anthony padilla's stop emo hate video, basically i'm gay and the dream daddy series, just to name a few (they g note a LOT). also hesitant alien featured in the tour of dan's brain video! gerard used to follow dan on twitter but doesn't anymore... beef?
panic! at the disco: firstly "no but seriously imagine if". also brendon and ryan are in the milk fic which they constantly reference. also there's a dnp edit with 57k views to house of memories
frank ocean: dan's top song in 2012 was "thinkin about you" by frank ocean which ppl talk abt a lot for many reasons. he also said his religion was frank ocean in 2016 LOL
troye sivan: YOUTUBE FRIENDS LOL - the iconic pic with dan, phil, troye and tyler! also dan and phil were the first people to play troye sivan's happy little pill on the radio, and are thus partially responsible for his success. troye sivan also led to chappell roan's success, so basically muse is responsible for chappell roan. troye also featured in a phil glasses video!
one direction: firstly, dnp interviewed them - a harrowing event that they outline in detail in tabinof. secondly, the iconic dan eating an orange picture behind a 1d concert. lastly, they talk about harry styles quite a bit - phil posed as him in a viewers pick my outfit, and of course the rotisserie chicken situation
nick jonas: hey buddy you in london #dick
smash mouth: more recent dan-based lore but mark (tour member) made an instagram story asking how to get all-star licensed. a phannie (royalsdnp on twt) then tweeted about it, and smash mouth (the twt account) saw it. dan then tweeted at the account asking for it, and it worked! smash mouth is now an official dannie, having tweeted orange for wad, and also offered the original demo for shrek to be used, saying it can maybe be for dan's next special. generally insane because dan has ofc always been a huge shrek fan as a part of his meme personality in the 2010s, even dressing up as him for a calendar
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psych0-str1ngs · 6 months
Virginity- 2012!Izzy Stradlin x reader
authors note: @jakelinestradlin hope this is good!!! Also I'm not completely sure what year this picture is from, but I'm almost 90 percent sure you wanted a some-what modern izzy fic so.... yeah
Warnings: P in V, oral, fingering, use of curse words.
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You were sat on the side stage, your eyes glued to your boyfriend of 2 years playing his guitar roughly. You were turned on to say the least, it made you slightly insecure, because you weren't particularly the type to be sexually active, you were in fact a virgin. As a youngling, your mother told you bunches of horror stories about girls losing their virginity, and it set an idea in your brain that it was horrific to lose it. What also made you insecure was the fact that you've been with Izzy for 2 years now, and the farthest you've gone is oral. He constantly tells you that he doesn't mind, and that he wants you to feel comfortable and ready.
Tonight was the night. You were going let Izzy take your virginity. You waited patiently for the next few years, excited to get to your hotel room. Thankfully, you were already on the tour bus, making your way to the hotel room. You hopped the steps quickly, making your way to the hotel room.
"Babe wait," He chuckled, trying to catch up. "Why're you walking so fast"
"I need you Izz," you looked into his brown eyes, slightly nervous, and very, very horny.
"You mean like," He looked down at you inquisitively.
You nodded, he grabbed your hand and started walking towards the hotel lobby doors, not saying another word. You were scared, but you really really loved Izzy, and you knew that he was for sure the one you wanted. Plus, he is a rockstar, so he knows what he's doing.
Izzy gave his name, and in turn, the lady handed him the room key. You hadn't even noticed he was carrying your shared duffle bag. He grabbed your hand once again softly, and you both made your way to the hotel room. As soon as that door shut, you turned to Izzy, standing nervously, and kind of awkwardly. He walked up to you, and put his hands on your arms.
"Is this what you want?" He asked genuinely. "You absolutely do not need to feel pressured to have sex with me, at all"
"I know baby," You smiled up at him. "I want to, I know you'll be gentle and all. I love you Izz, I want you to be the one"
He smiled lightly before leaning down and kissing you. His calloused hands ran down to your waist, gripping you close. His tongue slid across your bottom lip, you parted your mouth. Your hands quickly found his hair, tugging it lightly. He grabbed your ass, kneading it gently, you let out a soft whimper.
Izzy pushed you back a bit, making you fall into the bed, he climbed in between your legs, his hands kneading your breasts. He unbuttoned your black shirt, kissing your neck and collar bone. Izzy's hands snaked behind your back, unclasping your bra and sliding it down your arms. His mouth quickly found your nipples, sucking on the right one, while his hand twisted the left.
You moaned quietly, your back arching into him. His kissed down your stomach, stopping at the hem of your pants, he looked up at you for permission. You nodded, lifting your hips so Izzy could slide them off. It didn't take long before his tongue was playing with your bud. You moaned, your hand entangled in his fluffy short hair. He chuckled, the vibrations making you moan louder. His middle finger prodded your entrance, before sliding in completely, you gasped. He continued to eat you out for a few moments before stopping, and coming up to look you in the eyes.
"Are you absolutely sure you want this?" He looked at you genuinely. "I don't want to hurt you, or make you feel forced.
"I promise babe," You smiled at him. "I want it to happen"
He nodded and reached for his wallet, pulling out the black little packet. Izzy opened it and pulled his pants down, your eyes immediately looking at his length, even with his age, it was still huge. He sat in between your legs, pulling them apart gently. His eyes looked into yours, asking one last time for permission. You nodded and he leaned down to kiss you, before sliding in slowly. You gasped a bit, you weren't going to lie, it hurt just a bit. He immediately looked at your face, his rough hand coming up to caress your face softly.
"You're doing good love," He whispered.
"Y-you can move now," You said.
He moved his hips slowly, careful not to completely thrust all the way. After a few minutes, you needed more. You were ready for it. Izzy kissed your nose, smiling at you lightly. His arms rested on either side of your body.
"Faster please," You said quietly.
"Hm?" Izzy hummed.
"Faster?" You asked again louder.
Izzy sped up just a bit, still treating you like glass. His right hand went to move your hair out of your face, your eyes were screwed shut, your mouth hung ajar slightly.
"You look hot like this," He chuckled.
You blushed, and leaned your head to the side. His hand moved it back to where it was. You smiled.
"Your doing so so good for me love," He mumbled. "You feel so good"
"Thank you," You giggled, before letting out a small moan. Your eyes widened as you covered your mouth, embarrassed. He grabbed your hand and placed it next to you. Your legs wrap around his waist, pulling him closer. Your legs started to shake, you moaned, your stomach began to tighten, and with that, you came. Izzy looked at you lovingly and pulled out.
"Did you... you know?" You looked at him, as he was pulling his boxers back on after discarding the condom.
"No, but it's okay," He smiled at you, before grabbing one of his shirts, and pair of your underwear from the duffel bag throwing it at you.
"Are you sure?" You looked at him, before getting up and sliding the clothes on.
"My worry wasn't on me," He said laying down under the covers. "My focus was on making you feel good"
"Well, you definitely did," You blushed deeply before getting into bed. "Y'know, you still got it for an old man"
You giggled, when he looked at you with an unimpressed look on his face.
"Just you wait till your my age," He laughed and pulled you closer to him.
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a-silent-symphony · 2 months
The 4 songs Nightwish have only performed live once
They’ve been around for two-and-a-half decades and played nearly 1,000 shows, and through it all symphonic metal’s superstars have only performed these songs one time
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You can’t talk about symphonic metal without mentioning Nightwish. Not long after forming in the mid-1990s, Tuomas Holopainen’s majestic mavens became the measuring stick for the genre. They scored regular chart success in their native Finland while at the same time earning critical acclaim, thanks to their unencumbered, all-instruments-blaring vision.
Nightwish have written upwards of 100 songs since they started, and most of them have serenaded fans during their litany of live shows in that time. Hammer’s already listed the tracks that these maximalists have never once performed, but an even more exclusive club is that of the ones they brought out once then immediately scrapped. Below are the four songs Nightwish have only played live on a solitary occasion, according to setlist database setlist.fm.
Moondance (Oceanborn, 1998)
Nightwish’s debut, 1997’s Angels Fall First, was written and recorded with the intention of it being a demo, not a fully fledged studio album. As a result, it’s far more raw, rough and ready than anything else the Finns have ever unfurled. Followup Oceanborn swiftly chartered them down more grandiose avenues, and the instrumental Moondance is indicative of the more heroic sound the band craved: keyboardist Tuomas busts out a bombastic melody as his fellow musicians gallop along.
However, maybe because it would leave Nightwish’s vocalist with nothing to do for a bit, this segue’s only ever made the set once. It was at Club Feeniks in Turku, Finland, on February 13, 1999, performed as part of a broader instrumental suite towards the end of the night.
Sleepwalker (2000)
Oceanborn marked Nightwish’s commercial coming out party. Its lead single, Sacrament Of Wilderness, was the band’s first song to top the Finnish charts, then the album’s cover of Walking In The Air repeated that feat in 1999. Because of such success, the maestros decided to battle for a spot at the 2000 Eurovision Song Contest, hoping to represent their home nation with a newly written piece, Sleepwalker.
Sleepwalker won the public vote when Nightwish made their case on national TV to stand for Finland, but the scores of a judging panel brought them down to third place overall. The bid was disappointingly dashed, meaning that the sole performance of this song was to those stuffy judges in Helsinki on February 12, 2000.
Meadows Of Heaven (Dark Passion Play, 2007)
Nightwish brought the tour for 2007’s Dark Passion Play to an end in poetic fashion. Meadows Of Heaven is the final song on album six (the first to feature Anette Olzen behind the mic), and it ends 75 minutes of cinematic metal in appropriately operatic form. Its live debut was saved for the very last show the band played before retreating into the writing room to dream up Imaginaerum, aptly closing the main set.
Nightwish didn’t return to the stage until 2012, by which point they had 75 more minutes and 13 more songs in their arsenal. Unsurprisingly, then, Meadows Of Heaven became a one-and-done, but it served its role beautifully the one time it did rear its head.
Pan (Human :||: Nature, 2020)
Like many, many other metal bands, Nightwish saw the pandemic through by replacing the touring they should have done for 2020’s Human :||: Nature with a livestream. Actually, strike that: they hosted two. The band played a two-night set, dubbed An Evening With Nightwish In A Virtual World, which marked the debut of numerous songs from the preceding album, including Shoemaker, Tribal and Noise.
The only one that didn’t make it onto real-life stages was Pan. It’s a shame, as not only does the song continue Nightwish’s overblown ways unabated, but it flaunts some pretty gnarly riffs to boot. Sadly, though, the fact remains: this anthem was dispatched following its livestream debut. And, given that Nightwish are currently gearing up to release Human :||: Nature’s successor, it’s unlikely it’ll get its time in the sun.
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pineapple-coffee · 8 months
once a year I fall into a deep rabbit hole called “the only thing I’m going to consume for two weeks straight is the 2012 JCS arena tour soundtrack/recording.” and by once a year I mean once a month. every month. for three years.
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foxes-that-run · 18 days
Everything Has Changed
Taylor told Digital Spy: "It's about falling in love. It's about meeting someone and all of a sudden your entire perspective on the world changes - you're thinking for two, instead of one." It was written the week starting 20 May 2012, after Harry arrived in LA.
Music Video
The scene where the class is watching a move these are scenes of Paris, a hint toward Begin Again and Paris being special to Harry and Taylor. Eiffel Tower, Pont Alexandre III - Bridge over the Seine appear.
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The school play scene is reminiscent of Harry's actual first performance in a school play when he was 6, Harry also recreated part of this in the Daylight Music Video.
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It's full of adorable moments where the two kids, (who return for the Joker and the Queen) where the boy and girl are apart from other kids in their own private world. The tent scene is later in Willow:
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The little boy reads the Notebook, Harry's favourite movie to the girl. The girl is doing embroidery (!! very loml coded! LK does too)
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The girl tattoos the boy, as is in IKYWT and reality Taylor was there when Harry got the ship tattoo.
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The kids communicate by text, rather like two pop stars who live in different countries would and do, such as this famous VMA exchange, and the letter exchange in the Delicate video.
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The Taylors Version Lyric Video also uses Pink & Blue text and butterflies.
Live performances
Taylor performed it with Ed on the Red Tour. It wasn't played on the 1989 or Reputation tours. It was a surprise song, with TIWWCHNT, on 22 July 2023, the date of Harry's final Love on Tour show.
When was it written and 20 May 2012
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15 May 2012 - Taylor and Ed started writing together working on Run first.
20 May 2012 - At the end of a tour break Harry and 1D arrived in LA, Harry & Taylor disappeared for a week. The rest of the band went to Mohegan Sun in CT and are seen by fans without Harry.
22 May 2012 - Harry performs with One Direction
27 May 2012 - Ed and Taylor meet and write Everything Has Changed together on her Trampoline. Although Ed said their 'camps reached out at the same time' Ed and Harry had been friends since Ed was 19 and Harry was 16. Ed also wrote several songs for One Direction and likely introduced them. Ed, Taylor and Harry. were experiencing all a new level of success. Only last year Ed talked wistfully about having jam nights writing music in a community this song reminds me of.
28 May - Harry gets the A tattoo and later says it is for his mum, the band laughs and says it is for a mystery blonde. Taylor wrote under Taylor A Swift and wore an A sweater in End Game.
29 May - Ed and Taylor record EHC
17 June - Harry got the temper trap tattoo
23 June - Harry's 'Hi' tattoo is first seen in Dallas 23 June, possibly referring to this song.
The draft lyrics refer to a Gemini, which Taylor has not dated. Maybe someone in Ed's life, a veiled reference to a twin (which Taylor uses again in TTPD) or Harry does have Gemini in his chart.
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Ed later said, Taylor was in a relationship when they met: (Tumblr | eNews)
“When I first met Taylor I was in a relationship and she was in a relationship and we just formed a friendship through that,“ he said. "And both our relationships ended and we just carried on being friends. There’s nothing I really want more than friendship there. I know her very very well now and she knows me very very well.”
Secret message
The secret message is "Hyiannis Port" rather than "Hyannis Port". The additional 'I' may be a typo - but knowing Taylor's attention to detail I think it is "H-and-I" Harry signs short messages 'H' and 'y' Spanish 'and'.
This secret message is often thought to indicate Conor Kennedy, However Taylor met Connor 4 July 2012, 2 months after the song was recorded. Taylor owned the house in Hyannis Port house from August 2012 - March 2013, she was dating Harry for almost all of that time. As in Alex and Sierra's I Love You and August they spent time there.
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[Intro: Ed Sheeran] “You good to go?” [Verse 1: Taylor Swift] All I knew this morning when I woke Is I know something now, know something now I didn’t before And all I’ve seen since 18 hours ago Is green eyes and freckles And your smile in the back of my mind making me feel like
The first verse set the scene for enthusiastic new beginnings. Taylor describes Harry's green eyes and freckles, Taylor continues to use green in association with Harry.
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[Pre-Chorus: Taylor Swift & Ed Sheeran] I just want to know you better, know you better, know you better now x4
Harry later refers to this in Sunflower Vol 6: "Wish I could get to know you"
[Chorus: Taylor Swift & Ed Sheeran] ‘Cause all I know is we said, “Hello” And your eyes look like coming home All I know is a simple name Everything has changed All I know is you held the door You’ll be mine and I’ll be yours All I know since yesterday Is everything has changed
All I know is we said 'hello' and a simple name (Harry). Harry got his Hi Tattoo a few weeks after this song was written.
Your eyes look like coming home - Home is an important theme in Harry and Taylor's work and means a person, rather than a place. This is from the Notebook (Your mother is my home) which is also featured in the music video.
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[Verse 2: Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift] And all my walls stood tall, painted blue I’ll take ’em down, take ’em down And open up the door for you And all I feel in my stomach is butterflies, the beautiful kind Makin’ up for lost time, taking flight making me feel right
Walls standing painted blue means Taylor was feeling isolated and depressed. There is an odd similarity with Paper Rings where she painted the muses brothers' walls blue... and had a suss exposition of holding a paintbrush in front of a blue wall. Here though, she is taking down the walls and letting the muse in.
Doors are a Haylor Theme
Butterflies - while butterflies were key in the artwork for Lover and appear in spotify canvases for it, Taylor only refers to them twice - in this song and Clean. "When the butterflies turned to dust that covered my whole room" Harry referenced in Olivia "The summertime and butterflies / All belong to your creation / I love you, it's all I do". He also has a large butterfly tattoo on his chest.
Flight is also a Haylor theme
[Bridge: Taylor Swift & Ed Sheeran] Come back and tell me why I’m feeling like I’ve missed you all this time And meet me there tonight Let me know that it’s not all in my mind
Making up for lost time is very similar to something Harry later said at TIFF about wasted time being the most devastating thing.
'Let me know that it's not all in my mind' Minds are a Haylor theme. Here it is filled with possibility, a leap of faith expected to be returned by the muse, which it was. On TTPD it is the opposite, a feeling that it is not reciprocated:
I hate it here: I will go to Lunar valleys in my mind
Guilty as Sin: What if he's written 'mine' on my upper thigh
Only in my mind?
[Outro: Taylor Swift] All I know is we said, “Hello” So dust off your highest hopes All I know is pouring rain And everything has changed All I know is a new found grace All my days, I’ll know your face All I know since yesterday Is everything has changed
Pouring rain is later referred to in many key songs about Harry and Taylors relationship. It is the key metaphor in Clean, which is an ending in the relationship, Everything Has Changed being the beginning. In Clean:
Rain came pouring down When I was drowning, that's when I could finally breathe And by morning Gone was any trace of you, I think I am finally clean
This reference in Clean as rain washing their love away is again referred to in My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys: "The voices in his head called the rain to end our days of wild"
The imagery of rain pouring down, washing away but also as a metaphor for depression has been a theme in Harry and Taylors songs. Most remarkably in the music videos for Falling/Cardigan. Rain is also in How You Get The Girl: "Stand there like a ghost, shaking from the rain"
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jules-has-notes · 9 months
Titanium — VoicePlay live performance
When VoicePlay goes on tour, they don't just perform concerts. A big part of their travel involves educational outreach, giving student workshops tailored to everyone from elementary school munchkins to competitive collegiate a cappella groups. I think it's great that they do that, especially since their original members started singing together in middle school.
They recorded this audience-view video at one such workshop toward the end of their 2012 fall tour. The raw audio picked up by the camera isn't as good as their studio recordings, and (headphone warning) there's quite a lot of youthful exuberence at the beginning and end. But it's still pretty cool to see the guys sing to a live audience.
(If you'd like a clearer listening experience, VoicePlay also recorded the audio from their microphones, mixed it properly, and uploaded it to their SoundCloud.)
title: Titanium
original performers: David Guetta, featuring Sia
written by: Sia Furler, David Guetta, Giorgio Tuinfort, and Nick "Afrojack" van de Wall
arranged by: Geoff Castellucci
performance date: 7 November 2012
release date: 8 November 2012
My favorite bits:
those opening harmonies and swells, so pretty
Layne's tasty percussion line, starting simple and increasing in complexity
transitioning between choruses and verses by delaying the word "proof" in the harmony lines and leaving off the final consonant — ♫ "I am bul-let… proo-oo-oo-aah" ♫
the bell chords at the start of the bridge (Seriously, listen to the SoundCloud version.)
Earl's soaring, laser-like high notes in the final chorus
all of the guys attempting to get the audience on the beat at various points by means of emphatic snapping
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"Come on, kids. You can find the rhythm. We believe in you."
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"Yeah, you. (We appreciate the enthusiasm, though.)"
○ Geoff may have had feline assistance in his arrangement process.
○ This was recorded at Mohave High School's Performing Arts Center in Bullhead City, Arizona.
○ The more polished audio version was released a week later. That's a pretty impressive turnaround for post-production considering that during that time they also:
gave another workshop
performed five concerts in five different cities
drove more than 3200 miles covering about a third of the country — from western Arizona, across southern California, up the coast to north of the Bay Area, then all the way down to southern Texas
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watermelonsugacry · 1 year
Hi!! I just wanna say I’m obsessed with your harry x 1dmember!reader series and have binged the entire masterlist. What got me all gooey and fluffy inside was when it was mentioned that Harry and reader would cuddle up on a bunk and show each other vines they found funny. I’d really love to see more moments like that where it's just them.. Harry gazing at reader with heart-shaped eyes whilst reader isn't looking and vice verse. Your work is beautiful, Im in love <333
They have so many moments like this where do I even begin?!
Being on the tour bus for hours on end as the band travels from one city to another can become one of two things: chaos as YN and the boys talk and eat and occasionally rough house from being locked up for so long. Or the bus is filled with peaceful serenity as each band member goes about doing their own thing.
Days like today, it was the ladder as the lads are scattered around the bus: Niall with his guitar in his hands at the front of the bus, Liam and Louis eating at the small table, and Zayn napping the day away.
As for YN and Harry, the two are lounged out in the back of the bus that was more like the TV room. Despite the small area being lined with leather seating, the two teenagers find themselves squished next to one another at the center of the couch.
And despite being the only ones on the room, YN and Harry each share an ear bud that's connected to his phone as he shows her funny vines. Their excuse was to share earphones for the sake of not disturbing the peace on the quiet bus but they both somehow knew it was an invalid excuse given Niall's peaceful strumming can be heard from all the way back here.
It's not like it bothered either of them to begin with. Instead of her eyes being on the small video clip he's eagerly showing her, her eyes stay on his lips for a moment too long. In turn, Harry holds his breath every time she leans closer and swipes her finger on the screen to rewatch the silly clip. One easy lean forward and he can press his lips to the soft skin of her cheek, but as always, he refrains from doing so.
After a long day of press interviews for their documentary film, This Is Us, Harry, Niall, and YN ride together in a black Range Rover as they go to their next location.
While Niall chats away with the driver and other security guards at the front of the car, the two of them rest in the backseat. YN crosses her arms over one another and closes her eyes just to ease her oncoming headache from all of the commotions from the day.
Not long after, Harry looks up from his phone when he feels something on his shoulder. He sees the top of YN’s cheek smushed against him, her chest rising and falling at a peaceful rate as she sleeps. Very carefully and delicately, he maneuvers himself lower in his seat so that her head can fully and comfortably rest on his shoulder.
He just hopes that the other lads in the car will assume that the soft smile on his face is from what's on his phone and not the lovely girl napping on his shoulder.
During their photoshoot for their fourth album cover, the band constantly moves around in front of the brown, hardwood wall as the photographer continuously takes their pictures.
With her back to the rest of the band as they mess around for the pictures, YN rests her forearm on Harry's shoulder, tilting her head with a small smile and raise of her eyebrows.
There are various in-the-moment photos where Harry looks at his bandmate with sparkling eyes as he reaches up to gently pluck an eyelash on the top of her cheek. It results in her giving him one of her golden smiles that never fails to make his dimples dig into his cheeks.
As the rest of the boys throw their arms around one another and make silly faces, the two of them are in their own world.
He physically can't take his eyes off of her as she reaches up to take the fedora off his head and playfully places it on her own.
YN stands on top of one of the raised platforms on the catwalk as she speaks with Harry. The fans can't possibly hear what their conversation is about but they still get extremely giddy at the sight of the two interacting.
He nods to whatever she’s saying and as he goes to place his water bottle by her feet, he notices the laces on YN’s heeled boots have come undone. As he responds to her, he lowers himself down to one knee and ties the laces again. 
YN doesn't even realize the fond smile resting on her lips as she looks down at her bandmate. Even the ear-piercing sound of the fans screaming doesn't faze her. The gesture is so subtle and yet she can feel the blush creeping onto her cheeks.
Once he ties off the laces, he gives her shoe a playful pat before rising to his feet like nothing happened.
Harry and YN sit across from each other, a plate of chocolate cake between them at the Beachwood café. It's already been a month into the band's supposed 18 month hiatus and the two of them wanted to spend yet another night together before flying off to different parts of England for some well-needed family time.
YN digs her fork into the edge of the cake as she continues to go on about a song idea she’s been working on on the side. Coming off working for five years straight, her mind can't stop itself from flowing out new melodies, lyrics, and storylines.
With his fork still clean, Harry’s eyes bounce around the different parts of her face under the dim lighting of the restaurant. An affectionate smile rests comfortably on his lips as she continues to ramble on excitingly. 
He might just order her another one to prolong the night even further.
SINCE 2010 masterlist
I write for free so if any of you lovies would like to help a college girl out and buy her a ko-fi i would greatly appreciate it :) 💚
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youareinlove · 2 months
she says she wrote the lucky one in australia (in later years she’ll say or new zealand but like it’s consistently australia in 2012 so that’s what i’m going with) and she was in australia from march 1-14 2012! also she wrote nothing new on february 29! which is crazy! both as she was wrapping up the speak now tour! 😃
you're telling me she was singing "don't you think i was too young to be messed with" and "may these memories break our fall" each night and then went home and wrote "you don't feel pretty, you just feel used"
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ateez-himari · 1 year
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Stage Name: Himari (히마리) Birth Name: Min Himari (민 히마리) Korean Name: Min Ha-Yun (민 하윤) Nicknames: Sunshine, KQ's Princess, The Siren, Korea's Angel, White Swan, Hima/Hime, The Holy Maknae, God's Touch, Hand of Midas (w/ Yoongi)
Representative Animal: Tiger 🐯 MBTI Type: INFP Position(s): Lead vocalist, Sub-rapper, Producer, Maknae
Date of Birth: November 23, 2001 Birth Place: Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture, Japan Association: Yeoheung Min Clan Family: Min Won-Shik (father, 1965-2012), Shinso Asuka (1970-2012), Min Hanzo (older brother), Adoptive Mother, Adoptive Father, Min Geum-Jae (adoptive older brother), Min Yoongi (adoptive older brother)
Blood Type: O Height: 157cm (5'2")
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・As of June 2024, Himari has 179 KOMCA credits
・Was the first 4th generation artist promoted to a full Korea Music Copyright Association (KOMCA) membership in 2022
・Joined JYPE in late 2014 to be part of girl group Twice but was deemed too young to debut after 10 months of training
・Was the first trainee to join Hongjoong at KQ Entertainment and the last to join ATEEZ - following survival show 'Last Qing'
・Became a producer during 'TREASURE EP.1: All to Zero' with credits on 'Stay', 'Twilight', 'Treasure' and 'My Way'
・Officially a part of ATEEZ's 'Demon Line' alongside Hongjoong, Seonghwa and San
・Made a special appearance on the 6th episode of MNet's show 'Good Girl', aired June 18 2020, to perform a cover of Dreamcatcher's 'Red Sun' against the cast.
・Made her acting debut in the K-Drama 'Hellbound' where she played the role of Jin Hee-Jeong. She then obtained the lead role in 'Where We Fall' alongside Yunho in September of 2023.
・She sang the OST 'Suzume' for the animated movie 'Suzume no Tojimari', 'Long Black Night' for K-Drama 'The Glory', 'Rewrite Me' for 'Where We Fall' and 'Blue' for 'The Killing Vote'
・Her fans are called 'Hirangies' which is a play on her representative animal called '호랑이' in Korean as well as her own name and '사랑' which means love.
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・Her hobbies are traditional ink painting as well as photography and she enjoys leaning how to reform clothes from Hongjoong.
・Loves Studio Ghibli movies, her favorite being Grave of the Fireflies, and K-Dramas, her favorites being Death's Game, The Glory & My Name.
・Aside from the many groups whose fandoms she is a part of, there are quite a few soloists she tends to fangirl over, those being: Gemini, Penomeco, DPR Live, Han Seung Woo, Woodz, pH-1 and Zico. During her room tour in a recent live several albums of B.A.P could be seen resting on a shelf and she admitted to being a BABY whose bias is rapper/leader & soloist Bang Yongguk, whose albums were also spotted in her room. She calls herself a lucky fangirl as she has filmed the 'Bouncy' challenge with him as well as Woodz and Penomeco.
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・Was diagnosed with anxiety around 6 months following the group's debut, then a major depressive episode in the beginning of 2021.
・Suffers from hearing loss on her right side following a car collision costing the life of her biological parents - subsequently leaving scars on that side of her body.
・Has stress induced nightmares, though not as frequent as earlier in her career.
・Fractured her left ribs during a rehearsal for the first stage of 'Kingdom: Legendary War' in February of 2021, then again during the shooting of the 'Guerilla' music video in 2022.
・Since contracting COVID during the quarantine period she has had breathing problems which have permanently weakened her cardio and cause frequent needs for an oxygen mask especially when fatigued. The condition still remains unknown.
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・Her favorite color is white because she feels like it is elegant, which is why she chose it as her microphone color.
・Her birth name means 'Sun' and her Korean name means 'Beautiful Summer' , chosen because the sun symbolizes hope
・The youngest of her brothers, Hanzo, is the National South Korean Soccer Team's captain and currently contracted with the PSG after leaving the Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors at the end of 2023
・When speaking quickly or passionately about something she tends to slip back into satoori (Daegu dialect)
・A palm reader stated that it was both her and Seonghwa's first life, which is why they approach things with such excitement.
・She can play the Koto (Japanese stringed instrument).
・The members tend to refer to her as '우리 Hime' which means 'Our Princess' using the Japanese word for the title and is also a play on words with Himari's shortened name.
・While other members claim that Halazia has one of the easiest choreographies, she finds it to be one of the hardest songs to perform as she has to sing background vocals through nearly the entire song while keeping up with the steps.
・Loves to cook but often tends to be careless when it comes to the amount of spice she puts in. In addition to this, she loves beef and hates any seafood that has a shell.
・Her ideal type is someone warm hearted with a sense of humor and who can accept her care when they need it.
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May 20th - date of significance? Yes.
Harry released Harry’s House on May 20, 2022. After waiting many months to release Fine Line on Blondie’s 30th birthday, and after writing the bulk of this album in mid 2020, we can assume he chose this date for a reason. Here’s my proposed reason why.
But first - this requires acknowledging that the official, public Haylor origin story of 2012 is incomplete. Yes, they met in late March, eventually took a break, and picked up again in the fall. But based on Harry’s random flights, their mutual habit of vanishing simultaneously (no photos, fan or otherwise) and the lyrical information they’ve disclosed over the years - there is way more to the story.
Let’s call May, June, and very July of that year the Cruel Summer of 2012.
A bunch of stuff likely seemed to have happened in early May (that’ll be a future post about how the Sweeran origin story is also contradictory). But here we are, mid May.
Taylor is living in LA and mostly in the studio. There’s a stretch mid-month where she seems to disappear. Recall - this is the summer where she rents the house in Hyannis Port for many months.
On May 20th, 5 boys and their crew are spotted at the airport in London, flying to Boston Logan to embark on a couple months touring/doing promo in North America. Take a look at young H:
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He is CARRYING ON an acoustic guitar, which he can barely play, rather than sending it ahead with all their other instruments and luggage.
The band lands in Boston; 4 guys head to the Mohegan Sun in CT (where they will play a concert soon) and are photographed by fans. And this guy? Vanishes.
Recall the secret message for Everything Has Changed, which Taylor brought to Ed almost totally done for recording on May 27, 2012:
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This song, if you’ll recall, talks of a green-eyed smiling man whose eyes “look like coming home”.
Red was finalized at the very beginning of June; Taylor met the Kennedy grandsons on July 4th weekend. The timing does not work, especially since it was recorded in late May (with pap photos of Taylor and Ed outside the Santa Monica studio that day).
But MORE that that, something else occurs that day. It’s described in a 2014 song by Alex and Sierra written by Harry, and outlined in greater detail by Taylor on folklore. It’s a day described in august:
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And…ah…perhaps this was also the date for some of the other events described in august?
And lest you think the whole thing wasn’t significant to Harry…by May 27 or 28, the boy gets his second tattoo. It’s a small capital A on the inside of his left elbow, seen for the first time here:
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In an interview given by the boys in early July, Harry is asked about the tattoo (which had been drawn by Zayn, our OG Haylor). I cannot link directly to the interview - search for One Direction Granada TV interview on YT. And at 2:30, Harry is asked the significance of the tattoo.
Harry: oh, it’s for my….ah…ah..it’s for me mum.
Boys: laugh heartily at him
Louis: No it’s not! No, it’s not! It’s for a mystery blond!!
Reader, recall that Blondie publishes all of her songs as Taylor A. Swift.
Ten years later, on May 20, 2022, Harry’s House is released.
And on May 20, 2023, during a rain show at Boston’s Gillette stadium, Taylor Swift tells the crowd “I’ve never been so happy in my life in all aspects of my life…my life finally feels like it makes sense.” And that she will play them “this song, which brings me a lot of happy memories”: Question…?
ETA: Want to know what his next two tattoos are? He has them in this late June photo
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- the word “Hi” (“all I know is we said hello, and your eyes looks like coming home)
- the (misquoted) lyrics from Temper Trap’s Sweet Disposition, which happen to be the line which follows *the secret message for Treacherous*. Which he starts kissing while singing love songs starting the day after he gets the tattoo.
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