#21. Jan
joshay98 · 1 year
Day 418, 419 (1 year, 54 - 55 days)
Small update because I got really excited today and am all giddy. ^^
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First, yesterday the Days of Fortune event started. So the dragon event comes back! Every hour a dragon arrives at home that launches some fireworks that give tons of wax. Days of Fortune also brings back all the previous animal masks and a new rabbit one.
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The new rabbit mask looks nice, even if I don't wear any of the animal masks normally. But for this event I actually decided to dress up a bit. I initially thought it would arrive on monday but I guess it came sooner. ^^
Now there is something special that happend today. I sometimes travel with another player to do candle runs and lead them by the hand. Basically playing Uber for them. It's not really that big of a deal since I would candle run either way and having some company is always nice.
Usually I can tell when they just came online and are about to teleport to me because they send some heart pieces before arriving. When they arrived they told me they had a present for me.
Guess what! They gifted me a season pass!
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Thank you so much, Shino, you don't know how much this means to me! They told me they did this because of all the times I ubered them.
I'm just so happy right now. I'm just a random stranger on the internet and I never think of how I affect others. Knowing I have a small positive influence is just such a nice feeling. :D
Since I have the pass now, I can actually make a full overview of all the cosmetics. Can't wait for that day now! ^^
But that is all I wanted to update on. Thanks for reading! Hope you have as an awesome day as you are. ^^
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neoraso · 5 months
on your special day | pwb
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for @fleurlia angel ♡ i hope you had a wonderful birthday, sorry i'm late!
wonbin was an incredibly affectionate and attentive boyfriend who never let you doubt his love. he didn't always use words but you didn't mind, his actions spoke for themselves. it was your first birthday you got to spend with him and though you both didn't bring it up too often, you could tell it was definitely on his mind. he kept slipping it into conversation randomly in the weeks leading up to your day
"what did you do for your last birthday?"
"is there something you really want me to get you?"
"i'll take the day off for you..."
you promised you didn't want anything big, just to spend time with him. stroking your hair and giving you a kiss on the nose he replied, "don't worry i won't throw you a surprise party or anything. i don't want that either..." though you could tell there was more he wanted to say you left the topic alone, not wanting to pressure him.
and so, the day finally came. you woke up early, and to an empty bed to your dismay. laying in bed for a few minutes listening to soft movements coming from the kitchen, you finally willed yourself up out of bed.
shuffling down the hallway to the kitchen you come across a sight that leaves you pouting. wonbin, in a loose tank top and sweats. his long hair wavy and mussed up from sleeping. before you knew it, your feet were dragging you towards him. you placed a palm on his back letting him know you were there, he always said your footsteps were too quiet and would spook him. this time though, he just softly smiled while you stood on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
"good morning." he said.
"very good morning, getting to see my angel on my birthday." you replied. "how long have you been up?"
"only an hour before you, i wanted to get cooking. i asked my mom for the recipe... " he said sheepishly , looking down at the pot of seaweed soup.
"hm...it smells right and i trust you chef." you assured him with a playful salute.
he nudged you with his elbow, then signaled with his chin towards your table. "go sit, it'll be ready soon then you can give me an honest review."
"i don't want to leave you though?" you said looking up at him.
"you're making me nervous i'm gonna mess this up and then it's gonna be a bad omen for the rest of the year." he left a kiss on top of your head at this, making it more of an order than a suggestion. as usual, you obeyed, albeit reluctantly, plopping down on your seat. at least you had a better view of him from here, you sneakily snapped a few pictures of him, putting your phone face down as he brought your bowl and spoon . he left for a moment to bring your rice and sides, setting it in front of you. once he finally sat down he turned to you with such an adoring look it made you shy all of a sudden.
"eat up" he said, motioning to the bowl. you got right to it, not doubting his cooking abilities, and you were pleased as usual. "how is it?" he asked quietly, petting your hair and looking at you practically with stars in his eyes.
"oh wonbin...." you started and his face dropped.
"what? is it bad? i thought i followed all the directions she sent me." he went to grab your bowl from you but you stopped him with a laugh. "if you'd let me finish i was gonna say, it's delicious. i can really taste the love" you teased him. luckily, he responded favorably,
"good. i made sure to put extra of that." he said as he tucked your hair behind your ear and ran his fingers down your cheek.
you finished your meal and sat on the counter talking to him as he cleaned up the kitchen- a rare sight, but he whined he just wanted to do you right on your birthday...
you both ended up on the couch. you, in his lap and him, stroking the skin of your legs and pressing soft kisses to your temple.
"was there anything specific you wanted to do today? i made reservations at your favorite restaurant for dinner but we can cancel if you don't want to go ..." he started
"of course i want to go, i'll do anything if it's with you." you replied with a smile, grabbing his hand. he brought your fingers up to his mouth and kissed every single one before continuing.
"do you want your present now or later?"
you felt his earnestness from his eyes and tone and knew how excited (or nervous) he was to give it to you. so you end his suffering with a kiss to his cheek. "i'll take it now"
he tapped your leg so he could get up and came back almost too quickly holding a small box. sitting back down next to you on the couch and presented your gift on his open palms. taking the pink box from him, you undid the bow and opened the top revealing a glistening silver necklace with charm of both of your birthstones linked together.
"if you don't like it we can get something else, i just thought-" he started until you threw your arms around his neck.
"i love it so much bin. can you put it on me?" you said already twisting around and handing him the necklace. you picked up your hair while he clasped it around your neck and kissed the spot after.
"i just thought now you could have something that represents us both. i got a matching bracelet, but i didn't want to wear it yet and ruin the surprise..." he was rambling now so you stopped him with a hand on his wrist, making him look up at you. "i just want this day to be perfect for you. it's our first birthday together..."
you leaned in for a kiss but stopped just before his lips to whisper.
"and it won't be our last."
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totallynotcensorship · 4 months
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source: womenofsudan on insta
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glimmerofawesome · 5 months
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fjordfolk · 5 months
being part of dog health fb groups is great because it really broadens your horizons and gives a lot of context across breeds and teaches a lot of nuance in interpretation
and sometimes it lets you go 'holy heck im not in your breed but if i were i wouldnt touch ur programme w a 10 foot pole and a kite'
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blmpff · 4 months
Today on BL Tattoos:
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JJay has his date of birth tattooed on his ribs XXIX VIII MM - 29 August 2000
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mitamicah · 5 months
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Happy bithday to this chill cat :3
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janmisali · 1 year
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21 (twenty-one)
seed: 31 (16 nominations)
class: semiprime
definition: 1+2+3+4+5+6
the square root of two
seed: 34 (15 nominations)
class: irrational number
definition: the length of a the longer side of the triangle formed by diagonally cutting a unit square in half
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newyorkthegoldenage · 5 months
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The city's old fortress-like prison, the Tombs, was placed on sale by the city in October 1941, and was still looking for bidders when this picture was taken on January 21, 1942. (A new prison, also known as The Tombs, had been built the year before.) Only one offer was made in the 14 weeks since the listing, and the city decided it was too low. It was the bidder’s proposal to use the Tombs as a chamber of horrors and later convert it to an indoor polo field. Eventually it was torn down.
Photo: Associated Press
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usaigi · 1 year
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Continuation of the Ziwe MCU AU where Ziwe interviews superheroes
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What happens on vacation stays on vacation.
We’re here with Alexander Skarsgård and his friend Jack McBrayer at the Sundance Film Festival 2023 premiere of Infinity Pool on 21 Jan ‘23.  sundancefest tweet, 22 Jan ‘23 (x) Thanks Skarsjoy (x)
[They are so cute. I love their friendship.]
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krist-420 · 5 months
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Sending Y’all Big Hugs!!!
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umseb · 9 months
The Essential… Sebastian Vettel
What are the essential elements of your pre-race routine? Sebastian Vettel: A good pee. Otherwise you are under pressure in the race! (laughs) What are the essential ingredients of a good night out? SV: Drinks and good company - especially if you have something to celebrate. What essential items must you have in your driver’s room/motorhome at a race? SV: A good bed: as simple as that. Anything else I can arrange myself. What essential items must you always have in your fridge at home? SV: Milk. I like to drink cold milk. What are the essential qualities of a good F1 team mate? SV: Respect and honesty. Your essential tip for avoiding stress at airports? SV: Don’t be in a rush. I am always in a rush, so have not experienced that fully for myself - I am still an apprentice! (laughs) What are the essential qualities of an F1 driver? SV: Speed - it helps a lot. And, of course, talent - if it comes together with speed. Passion and elbows - and smartness. What is essential to help you wind down after a race? SV: Being at home with my family. What are the essential elements of a great racing circuit? SV: Very simple: history. Because all the old tracks have that certain moment of magic. Take Spa or Monza. What app is it essential to have on your phone? SV: I don’t think any of them are ‘essential’. And to be honest, I use the phone mostly as a phone… What are the essential qualities of a team boss? SV: That he can make sure that he is the boss. Otherwise the mice will start to play… What are your essential requirements at a hotel? SV: Again, a really good bed. And a good pillow. I like sleeping! And a bit of space is a nice add-on. What is the essential Grand Prix every fan should attend at least once in their lifetime? SV: Monaco. What are your essentials for a good night’s sleep? SV: To be tired. Yes, sometime that is difficult - to get tired - but I am not too bad at it. What are the essential items you must have with you while travelling? SV: Passport. Everything else you can buy on the way if necessary. What is essential to help you wake up in the morning? SV: Daylight. What is the essential corner in F1 racing? SV: The Esses at Suzuka. What are the essential parts of your training regime? SV: Discipline - in whatever you do, whether it is running or cycling or swimming. What is the personal quality most essential for success in F1 racing? SV: Speed. What is your essential tip for the aspiring F1 driver? SV: Passion.
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austinslounge · 5 months
Austin doing a shoutout for a fan's kids at the MOTA Q&A Event
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Omg he looks so good, relaxed, and happy ❤️
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ojaiyart · 1 year
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hippiichi · 5 months
skippy update 2:
she came home yesterday and was eating the canned food we got from the vet didn't manage to eat all of it but thats alright! She ate some kibble and drank water and seemed to be doing fairly well but this morning idk anymore shes well enough to come to my bed and wake me up at the usual time which is good! but refuses to eat the canned food she liked yesterday and wont touch her kibble she will eat ham but thats high in sodium so i dont really like the idea of giving her that as a food replacement... i dont think shes drank much water? she did have the canned food so at the very least shes getting water from that but she'll need more than just that... I also don't think shes been grooming herself at all which is kinda another sign that shes not taking care of herself (ofc just cuz i havent seen it with my own eyes doesnt mean its not happening) shes currently in a better state than before in terms of energy not enough to play but enough to follow me around the house if she doesnt eat by tonight (currently morning when im writing this) it might mean taking her back to the vet which is gonna be a whole other thing...
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