#22 request
sweetestofchaos · 2 years
Request 22
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Mark’s wife thinks he’s crazy after he witnesses a murder ~ SFW ~ Cursing ~ Mental Breakdown ~ Hints to Murder ~ Angst ~ Crying ~ No one believes Mark and he starts to doubt himself ~ 2.1K
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‘Gotta run…g-gotta get out of here’
Mark’s body moves on autopilot as he rushes to his car. He nearly crashes into the side of his vehicle as he scrambles to fish his keys from his pocket. Glancing over his shoulder, Mark jumps when a shadow moves, and he jumps into his car. Not even letting the engine warm up in the chilly air before he pulls off. The tires squeal as he shoots out of the parking lot and he almost crashes into a parked car, cursing as he swerves out of the way. Mark’s heart is pounding in his chest, and he feels lightheaded as he tries to process what he just saw. ‘T-there’s no way…right?’ Shaking his head, Mark turns on the radio to drowned out his thoughts, he needs to show his wife…she’ll confirm it with her own eyes.
Stumbling into the house, Mark calls for his wife, not bothering to take his shoes off and leaving the front door wide open. “Y/N! Y-Y/N!” Mark shouts and Y/N comes out of the kitchen, her eyes wide as she takes in the shaking state of her husband.
“Mark? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?!” Y/N rushes over to Mark’s side and checks over his body.
“No. I-I’m fine, b-but I saw-” Mark swallows down the lump in his throat that refuses to let him speak. Grabbing hold of his wife’s shoulders, Mark stares into her dark eyes, “D-do you trust me?”
“I – yes. Always.”
Mark nods his head at her words and grabs her hand, “I have to show you something.”
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You stare at the empty space in front of you and frown as Mark shakes his head. “No. No, this isn’t right.” Mark points to the spot in front of him and turns to face you. “I-I saw him! I swear, I saw him!”
You raise an eyebrow and give Mark a slow clap to which he purses his lips. “Uh, huh. Real funny Mark.” You deadpan and Mark opens his mouth, but you shake your head turning on your heel. You yelp when Mark grabs your wrist and pulls you farther into the deserted alleyway. “Mark! Let go, this isn’t funny!”
“I’m not fucking around, Y/N! I saw someone die here, tonight.”
“There’s nothing here!” You wrench your wrist free from Mark’s hold and cross your arms over yourself. “I-I want to go home, now.”
Mark freezes at your tone and his shoulders slump before he nods his head, “You really don’t believe me?”
You frown at Mark’s words and walk up to him. You cup his face in your hands and he rests his hands on your hips. “If you say you’re not lying, then okay. I believe you, but do you think you could have misunderstood what you saw? Are you sure this is the right alleyway?” Mark’s grip on your hips tightens and you sigh, “Look, it’s late and the lighting here sucks. We can come back tomorrow and have another look, okay?”
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Walking in the front door, you pull your heels off and let them hang off your fingers as you shut the front door and lock it behind you. It has been a little over a week since Mark took you to the murder scene and you wish you could say that it has been forgotten, but that would be a lie. You strain your ears, trying to hear any hint of Mark’s whereabouts, but you hear nothing. Walking farther into the house, you poke your head into the living room and kitchen, finding both places empty. You start to chew on the inside of your bottom lip and head up the steps. First you check your bedroom, and the bed is made.
The sound of the shower is muffled by the closed door, and you sigh thankfully that Mark is out of bed. Smiling you, set your shoes in the closet and walk over to the bathroom door, twisting the handle. Pushing open the door gently, your eyes widen when you see Mark sitting in the corner of the shower crying.
“Mark!” You hurry over to the shower and jump in, not caring about your clothes or hair for that matter as you lower yourself to the shower floor and pull Mark into your arms. His body shakes as he sobs into your chest and your own eyes start to burn. “I-it’s okay…” You tighten your hold on Mark’s body and just hold him, saying nothing as your mind races. This isn’t healthy and Mark needs help. Clearly whatever happened that night is having a real impact on his mental state.
The water soon turns cold, and you have to drag Mark out of the shower. Shivering, you dry Mark off with a towel and wrap one around his head, to dry his hair while you strip out of your soaking wet clothes. You throw on one of Mark’s t-shirts and a pair of panties before you turn your attention back to Mark. His face is swollen from crying and there are dark bags underneath his eyes from not sleeping.
“Babe,” You unwrap the towel from around Mark’s head as he sits on the edge of the bed unmoving. You stand in between his legs and run your fingers through is damp hair. “I think you should talk to someone about what you…saw.”
“I don’t need a shrink. I’m not crazy!” Mark snaps and pushes you away from him. He groans and pushes his hair from his face, tangling his fingers in the strands and pulling. “I fucking know what I saw, Y/N!” Mark glares at you and is quickly falls when he sees the hurt expression on your face. Tears blur his vision, and he wipes at his nose, “S-sorry,” he mutters with a sniffle, and you nod your head, your slowly drying hair shrinking with each passing second. “Sit down, I’ll dry your hair.” Mark grabs a few pillows from the bed and places them on the floor before he offers you a watery smile.
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You sit in the waiting room of a psychologist’s office with Mark next to you. You can tell that he is chewing on his bottom lip from behind his mask, so you take hold of his hand and lace your fingers together. Silently, you play with the wedding ring on his finger and Mark focuses on your light touches. Sighing, Mark slouches down in the seat and rests his head on your shoulder. He inhales deeply and lets the scent of your coco butter and sunflower lotion muddle his loud thoughts. He closes his eyes, and you rest your head on top of his, pressing a kiss to the crown of his head.
The doctor comes out of her room, an older woman in her late forties and walks over with a smile on her face. You give Mark’s hand a little shake and he opens his eyes just at the doctor reaches him. “Mark?” Mark nods his head and sits up straighter in his seat. “I’m doctor Ashlee Simp, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Would you like to talk in my office?”
Mark glances at you and you tug your mask down, quickly kisses his cheek before you pull your mask back up. “I’ll be right here waiting, babe.” Mark sighs and slowly lets go of your hand before he stands up and follows Doctor Simp to her office. Once the door closes, you sigh and quickly wipe at the tears trying to fall. You hope this will help Mark get better with a few more visits.
What wishful thinking. After the second session, Doctor Simp prescribes Mark some medicine and you notice that after a week he hasn’t been taking it. On Mark’s third visit to Doctor Simp, you hear shouting coming from the office and before you can react, security barges into the office to restrain Mark. You rush to the door and try to push through the beefy men, but they hold you back.
“What are you – Get off of him!” You scream as one of the men holds Mark down with his knee on Mark’s spine. Hearing your voice Mark cries as he throws his hand out towards you. “Mark!” You kick at the guards’ legs and Doctor Simp finally steps in having seen enough. Wordlessly, she makes the guards move from in front of you and you rush to Mark’s side. The guard on top him, steps away and you cradle Mark’s head into your lap as he holds you tightly. His tears burn through your shirt, and you try to ease his fear as he trembles in your arms. You glare up at the doctor and she sighs.
“It would be in mister Tuan’s best interest to spend a few days in our Psychiatric department so that we can monitor his behavior properly. He has not taken any of his medication, correct?”
You glance down at Mark and smooth his hair from his forehead, “He shouldn’t be forced to take medication if he doesn’t want to.”
Doctor Simp sighs at your statement and squats down to your level, “Mrs. Tuan, your husband is experiencing symptoms of PTSD and mixed with his current depression-”
“He won’t hurt himself!” You snap and Doctor Simp raises a perfectly plucked eyebrow. Mark buries his face closer into your stomach and you frown. You look down at Mark in your arms and try to blink the tears in your eyes away, “Mark…” You clear your throat a few times as tears block your words and Mark slowly picks his head up, pulling himself away from your stomach enough to meet your eyes. “Baby-”
“Don’t do this to me, Y/N! Please! I-I’m not crazy. I-”
“Just for a little while, okay?” You try to smile as tears roll down your face and Mark shakes his head. He sits up and you pull him into a feverish kiss. He holds you tightly, groaning against your lips as he silently begs for you not to let him go. Breaking the kiss, you rest your forehead against Mark’s keeping your eyes closed, “I can’t help you.” Your voice breaks as you admit the truth and before Mark can respond the guards snatch him away. Mark’s cries ring in your ears as he’s dragged away while you sob on the floor of Doctor Simp’s office.
“You did the right thing, Mrs. Tuan.”
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Six hours after you left Doctor Simp’s office, you are sitting on the couch crying to Jaebeom on the phone. He was one of Mark’s good online friends that you have had the pleasure of housing a few times for intense game nights. Jaebeom has been talking to you for the past two hours and your eyes are sore along with your throat.
“Why don’t you try to get some sleep? I know you feel like shit, but you can’t do anything about it right now.”
“I-I know, Jae. I just hate how betrayed Mark looked. Like, like I plunged a knife into his back.”
Jaebeom sighs on the other end of the phone, “You can’t act like you don’t understand why, right?”
“I know w-” You glance at the tv and the phone drops from your hands as you read the headline. “Oh, no…” You watch as police move around on screen in the very alleyway that Mark had taken you. In the distance you can see four, maybe five white sheets covering what you assume to be bodies and your blood runs cold. You grab your phone with shaking hands, “I-I have to get Mark out right now. He-he wasn’t lying, Jae!”
“The news! Turn on the news!”
Pushing yourself off the couch, you rush to the front door and slip on your sneakers, not caring about your appearance. Plenty of women have gone outside in destroyed sweats, a hoodie with no bra and a hot pink bonnet. “I’ll call you back when I get Mark out.” You hang up on Jaebeom and jump into your car, buckling yourself in with shaking hands. “I am so sorry, Mark.” Doing eighty all the way to the hospital, you are surprised that you haven’t been stopped and when you rush into the building, the poor nurse at the front is stuttering as you demand for your husband to be released.
“He’s not crazy! Look at the fucking news!”
A supervisor comes out and you quickly explain the situation to which he tells you to sit down so that he can verify the information. An hour later police as coming through the front doors and Mark is being led over to you. He spots you before you spot him and his whole body relaxes. “Y/N!” Mark calls your name and you run into his arms. He holds you tightly, swinging you around as you cry into his chest. “T-they told me what’s going on. I told you I wasn’t crazy!”
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Mark!”
Mark crashes his lips into yours and swallows down your sobs, “They’ll catch that bastard, I’ll make sure of it.”
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i-istherefore-iam · 5 months
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A post from a Facebook group I'm in.
Please, please, PLEASE pray for this tiny preemie angel.
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sprout-fics · 1 year
I have a request for a drabble...
König and the reader having a cozy morning together in bed
(Also I have a very sensitive neck and kisses, hands being here, licking, anything with my neck I melt, I would like to see his reactions with that.. or him teasing the reader with it)
Thank you so much and happy new year! 🤍
Anon this is SO late I apologize
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(I'm running out of Gifs to use I think)
(Spooning, cuddling, sleepy morning snuggles, clingy Konig, touching, hickeys, pillow talk)
You’re used to rousing early in the mornings, eyes blinking awake before even the birds sing quiet songs of dawn. It’s a byproduct of your line of work.  In the military there’s much to do at first light- assigning squads, morning roster, drills, equipment checks, intel briefings at the minimum. Usually by the time the sky is cast with light you’re already at the weapons range, the training ground, poring over mission reports. 
Which is why now, when your eyes flutter open and you find the hazy, golden light of dawn peeking through the curtains, your mind clouds with gentle, bleary confusion. 
That is until you shift, and immediately notice the huge, veiny arm wrapped around your front. Immovable, unbudging even in sleep. 
It takes you a moment to gain your bearings, still cuddled under the mess of blankets your boyfriend has managed to kick and twist in his sleep. Yet the man himself is miraculously still, his forehead braced into your shoulder where his dozing, warm breaths billow into your skin. 
He’s managed to drag you to him in sleep, both arms tucked securely around your smaller form. One hand splays across the exposed flesh of your stomach, buried there under your night shirt. When you shift, stretch in his embrace it curls there, closing just as you feel him rouse, hum a sleepy note of acknowledgement. 
“Guten Morgen.” You mutter to him, one hand coming to rest on the hand tucked along your tummy. 
Yet König merely grumbles, arms flexing as he drags you closer, his head burrowing into the soft junction of your neck and shoulder. He shifts, one leg raising under the blankets so it tangles with yours, his knee pressing up between your thighs. You allow it, let yourself burrow back into his warmth to stave off the early morning chill. 
“Awake?” You ask gently, and the giant huffs into your shoulder, his warm breath seeping into your spine.
“Nein.” He replies drowsily, his voice a low, rough scrape in his throat as it rasps with sleep. 
You smile, bare your neck another inch for his cold nose to skim along the skin. 
“Don’t want to get up.” He murmurs there, and you feel the plush of his lips graze against your flesh when he does. “Want to stay with you in my arms, Liebling.”
“So clingy.” You tease, and yet make no effort to move, more than content to remain exactly where you are.
“Nur fur dich.” He mumbles, words obscured before he shifts, raises his lips to ghost across the shell of your ear. “Only for you.”
You can’t suppress a shiver at the hot breath that tickles your sensitive skin. When you do, König smiles, hums a low, rolling note in his chest.
“You’re so soft in my arms, Liebling.” He purrs, voice dipping with suggestion. “So warm.”
Eyes fluttering shut once more, you let out a dewy sigh as König’s calloused, broad palm raises higher under your shirt. 
“Y-you must have slept well.” You remark, trying to keep the gasp from your voice when his hand skims across the rise of your chest appreciatively. 
König only makes a small, sleepy noise of assent behind you, shifts so his knee rises higher between your thighs. You jerk reflexively when it stops just short of your core, feeling warmth rise to your face when the soldier behind your chuckles. 
“So sensitive.” He teases, and you have nothing to respond with when his teeth suddenly scrape along the dip of your shoulder. Yet instead of a bite he presses a gentle kiss there, letting it trail along your skin as his lips raise back up to your neck.
“W-when you touch me l-like that, I- ah!” You gasp as his lips secure around the soft, supple flesh below your jaw and suck.
His hold on your is unrelenting as you arch against him with a little whine, fingers sinking into the meat of his forearm to ground yourself against the sudden warm, melting pleasure of his touch. 
Yet he’s had a taste of you now, one that fills his mouth as much as it does his heart, drunk of the feeling of your wriggling little movements and short little gasps as he suckles against the hickey. 
“K-König.” You mewl, soft and pliant in his arms, eyes fluttering shut in bliss. 
“Stay.” He mutters when his lips pull away, and you feel him smile as you shudder free a breathy gasp just as he rolls a nipple between his fingers. “In my arms, just a little longer.”
You smile, cheeks warm as you huff free a breath and then shift, sinking dowards so you grind along his thigh, whisper your reply within this realm of pale morning light.
“Nur fur dich.” 
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hey-color-palettes · 5 months
Can you do a palette for the name hyacinth :}? Also I love your page , thank you for your work!
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★ #e29ee8 ★ #dc83c7 ★ #9782cd ★ #9865aa ★ #5e529a ★
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
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@neilimfinejosten and @prince-peachie requested cuddles/Andrew sleeping on Neil and I just. Imagine the first time Andrew says “screw it” and takes a lethal amount of Xanax before a plane trip
(Requests have since been closed - I’m here to post the ones I got over the holidays 😊)
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stefisdoingthings · 3 months
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some dumbass vashwood sketches from yesterday !!!
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pawsandsuch-office · 5 months
Will you draw Tome and Reigen hanging out?
Yup! I believ they're playing Ghostbusters
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mcbride · 2 years
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MAGGIE RHEE and ROSITA ESPINOSA THE WALKING DEAD 11.20 ▶ Outpost 22 [by anon requestss]
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 10 months
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I love you!
For Anon 🥰
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Question for the class: I'm putting together a Siffrin cosplay for the Ren Fair, and was debating trying to get some glasses chains kinda like these to go with it and to try and make my glasses fit into the costume somehow, but I'm not entirely sure if it would fit. So! I am requesting an outside opinion: Do I get the chains please someone help me I'm so indecisive
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Also I want to note that I'm kind of doing a pre-cannon costume because I don't want to wear a wig so I'm just planning on dying my hair black, also since I can't wear the eyepatch because of my glasses so!
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sprout-fics · 1 year
Soft König
This has been sitting in my inbox for far too long
(SFW, Domesticity, Fluff, Living together, Soft König, Clingy König, Established relationship, Hugging, Cuddling, Slight manhandling, Sexual suggestion, Word count < 1k)
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You sense him before you hear him. 
König’s heavy footfalls creak up the stairs of the flat, the wet, shirking wood groaning under his weight. It’s a familiar sensation now, that of your boyfriend’s lumbering form shuffling up the stairs to your shared apartment. You feel the impact brush gently against your feet, clothed in slippers as you hover above the pot on the stove. 
Warm, aromatic steam wisps upwards from the simmering broth. It fogs against the glass window of the kitchen, where delicate frost has begun to creep across the planes in a natural, frigid abstract. It rattles when König opens and closes the door in the other room with a small mutter of irritated German loose on his tongue. The chill of the winter squall chases him inside, and even from where you stand you feel the brief, cold gust of it brush against your skin. 
“Schatz?” You hear him call, his voice obscured with the rustle of cloth as he tugs off his jacket and drapes it lazily beside the door. 
“In here!” You return, not bothering to turn from your current task. The thin, worn pages of the aged cookbook graze against your fingertips as you squint, attempting your best to decipher the scrawled German across the pages. 
Absently, you count the number of footsteps it takes König to reach the doorway of the kitchen, tracing his movements like discerning the change of seasons. 
…Seven. Eight.
Less than his usual count, his strides long as he paces quickly into the warmth created by your cooking, humming a low, appreciative note at the smell that greets him. 
“Did you get the potatoes?” You ask, eyes reviewing a measurement as your hand fumbles blindly for an open container on the counter. 
“Da.” König returns, and a smile tugs at the corner of your lips with the realization that warmth bleeds into his tone. “And the cream.”
“Danke.” You offer without turning, refusing to be distracted from the dish before you. 
Yet König doesn’t reply, and after a moment you feel him shift so he stands just behind you, the chill winter still seeping from his form into yours. A hand settles across your fingers still reaching for the small container on the counter, his gloved grip all but swallowing your smaller one.
He presses into you then, one hand settling at your hip and dragging you back into his taller, frigid form so your shoulders press against his chest. There, he hums a deep, rumbling noise of contentment as you automatically ease into him. A hand snakes around your front, and soon you find yourself secured to him, his head dipping to nuzzle into your hair. 
“I missed you.” He mutters quietly, and you have to contain a little roll of your eyes at that despite the broadening smile on your lips. 
“You were gone for thirty minutes.” You return, but twist your hand in his to graze your thumb along the inside of his palm reassuringly. 
“Thirty minutes too long.” He adds, and there’s a hint of petulance in his voice, reticent and slightly sullen. “I wish you could have come with me.”
You huff at that. “Who would make the soup?” You question, and he doesn’t answer beyond a grumble, his hold on you tightening. 
“You’re cold.” You whine, trying to wiggle from him with little success. 
“Come warm me up then.” He pleads, and it takes effort not to bat at him with the wooden spoon in your hand. 
“We need to eat.” You protest gently, lowering the heat of the stove and trying to twist in his arms to look at him. “König.”
He doesn’t respond, barely even shifts beyond allowing you to adjust enough to reach for the pot lid and secure it over the stew. 
“I’m starving, Schatz.” He murmurs lowly, voice a rumbling, beseeching entreaty whispered into your hair. 
“You wouldn’t be-” You return, trying again to gently twist free of him with no avail. “-If you would let me finish cooking.”
Yet König only chuckles, and that makes you still with the low, churning noise echoing in his chest that extends outwards, brushes against your thoughts with the barest hint of suggestion. 
“I’m hungry for you, Liebling.” He whispers, and his voice changes, warps into something darker, licking at the back of his teeth like he’s trying to chase the taste. 
You barely have time to blink before he steps back, twists you in his arms deftly to face him. He towers above you, with one hand clasped at the small of your back, the other rubbing insistent, dragging circles into your hip. The chill of him has begun to dull now, replaced by a heat that pulls at you, seeking to tether you to the gravity of his desire. His eyes glint with an emotion you recognize. Interest, bright and keen, like a wolverine that’s spotted a hare in a thicket. 
“Dinner can wait.” He tells you, and he all but growls the suggestion down at you, his thumb digging into the soft flesh at the base of your spine. You shudder, feeling excitement, desire, running its familiar course through your veins in a song that calls for him with clarion notes that hang in winter frost. 
You blink at him, lips parted but melting into his touch instinctively, seeking him out like the warm embrace of a hearth.
“Come here.” You offer, raising a hand to graze against the curve of his jaw as he descends downwards towards your waiting lips. “Let me keep you warm.”
You can taste his laughter on your tongue. 
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hey-color-palettes · 7 months
Perhaps one for Gay Werewolf Murder Ballad by The Forgetmenauts?
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★ #d7d2c9 ★ #9e8c87 ★ #5e5063 ★ #572d3a ★ #23252d ★
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emry-stars-art · 1 year
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@prince-peachie requested Andrew in a kiss the cook apron and I didn’t deliver quite as I intended BUT I got in a real forehead kiss this time
(Requests have since been closed - I’m here to post the ones I got over the holidays 😊)
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Can I request headcanons or a scenario for Reader (pick a gender, idc) giving V a handjob? Just holding him close, somewhere safe in some nice + safe bolt hole somewhere in Red Grave city, listening to him moan (and maybe talk? If he can talk while getting off) while Reader gets him off? Please, his voice is so pretty, he'd sound so nice 😍 And he deserves to feel good 💜
Lineaments of Gratified Desire: V x G/N Reader
Minors DNI; FOR 18+ ONLY!
Seriously, go away; go read some fluff or angst or something.
     Despite V’s physical limitations and condition, the fragile man has saved you on more than one occasion from certain death. Today, you decided to repay his kind deeds.
Requested 10th June 2023 by Saiyanblood2 on Tumblr :))))
🛏️📔🛏️ Submissive V x G/N reader Fluff..? If you squint Smut Handjob; V receiving 📔🛏️📔 🟪Takes place during DMC 5 🟪The reader is a demon hunter who works with the DMC. 🟪The reader uses Gilgamesh and Revenant. 🟪Quick reminder that “sword” sizes are found in the character's H/C chapter (Linked here) 🟪I haven’t finished “Visions of V” yet (not very good at reading things and I haven’t had much time/motivation to do so no Vergil joke intended lmfao) but I’m like 99% sure that this conflicts with that, sorry. 🟪Yes, I know that jumping from a window you should do like a parachute roll or whatever it’s called; just let me have this lmao 🟪Bagheera is the name of the jaguar from “Jungle Book” which I’ve never seen, if I’m honest. But! I feel like Dante and Vergil would’ve seen it as kids since the movie was made in 1967 and they were born in 1980. (I use Bagheera in here and I figure I should explain it lol) 🟪Boxer briefs (as far as I am aware) usually have a zipper fly; so V’s do as well. 🟪This is my first time writing (and acknowledging) that I h/c V to have an uncut dick. It might be a bit rough; sorry. (Fun fact: I also h/c Vergil and Dante to also have uncut dicks lmao)
     “So,” Nero mindlessly wandered around the interior of the van, waiting for Nico to finish her work, “You and V, huh?”
     As you adjusted Gilgamesh’s gauntlets and furrowed your brow, responding without looking up, “What about V and me?”
     Leaning against the inner wall of the van, Nero stuck his hand in his jeans pocket in an attempt to act casual, “You two a thing?”
     “Wh-what?” A flustered expression adorned your features as you slowly panned up to meet Nero’s curious gaze.
     “Come on,” he gave a playful smirk, leaning forward slightly, “You can--”
     A loud southern-accented voice cut him off from the back of the van, “He an’ I got a bet if y’all are fuckin’ or not.”
     “If we’re…” You slowly blinked, processing what was said, “V and I are not-” Putting your hands up, you shook your head, “We aren’t anything or doing anything.”
     Nico clicked her tongue in disappointment while Nero pumped his fist with a quiet, “Yes!”
     Rolling her eyes, Nico pulled a wad of cash from her back pocket, counting out what looked like ten dollars. Nero strolled over to her workbench, a smug grin plastered on his face. In an almost exaggerated manner, he snatched the money from her and tucked it in his duffle bag, which was neatly placed underneath the couch.
     A squeak of the van door caught everyone’s attention, V looked around for a moment before his gaze fixated on you, “Pardon my late arrival, I was… busy.”
     You smiled and took a few steps to stand closer to him, “It’s alright; it was nice having a break for a few minutes.”
     Nero raised a brow, “You guys are already heading out?” 
     With a nod, you turned to address the pair, “Just a quick sweep of the next dozen or so blocks; we shouldn’t be long.”
     “Uh-huh,” the white-haired man took a deep breath, shaking his head with a small smile, “You’re gonna burn yourself out again; gotta sleep at some point.”
     He tossed you Revenant which you caught and slid in the holster on your lower back, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead. Besides,” you took a deep breath and sighed, “the city’s not gonna clear itself.”
     Making a phone call motion with her hand, Nico spoke, “Keep in touch, hun.”
     With a playful sarcastic wink you gave her double finger guns, “Will do babe,” the two of you shared a laugh before you addressed V, who, unbeknownst to you, hadn't stopped staring at you, “Ready?”
     “Of course,” he pivoted around, opening and holding the door open, “I’ll follow your lead.”
     With departing waves, you stepped out the door, V following suit. A warmth found its way to your face as you smiled as you walked side-by-side; a comforting silence settling between you. Despite only knowing V briefly, you had grown quite fond of the lithe man. The way he treated you and spoke to you was so different compared to the roughness of both Dante and Nero that it made his first meeting with you stick out like a sore thumb. 
    It had only been a week or so after the Qliphoth had appeared.
    After only God knows how long, you had taken some vacation time and left the city. Upon hearing the news about the outbreak, you immediately turned around and put your holiday on hold. This wouldn't have been too big of a deal if not for the unbelievably high amount of military checkpoints you had to go through; re-explaining that you work as a devil hunter and your employer had been asked to help handle the situation. It was monotonous, to say the least.
    Not to mention that Nico, Nero, and the client--whom you hadn't met yet--were on the complete opposite side of the city.
    An exasperated sigh left your lips as you kicked a rock using Gilgamesh's boots. It had been nearly 72 hours since you'd slept, eaten, or had any sort of significant source of water. Exhausted didn't even come close to explaining how you felt.
    Thankfully, life decided to throw you a bone and you stumbled upon a relatively un-damaged apartment complex. Not passing up the chance, you headed straight inside and cleared out the first and second floor: given it was only lower-level demons like Empusas. One of the second-floor rooms had a door still attached and a corpse-free bed. Quietly shutting the door, you flopped onto the bed.
    Even with you sleeping with one eye open, you were jumped by a demon that you hadn't heard. It was a Nobody and by the time you got your arms up to block, it was too late to ground yourself. The demon smacked you out the room's window.
    Landing on your feet, Gilgamesh took the brunt of the fall; however, it still sent a shocking pang of pain up your body. Crumpling over on yourself, you grumbled some obscenities before returning upright. Your eyes settled on a newly formed horde and you put your hands up, ready to fight.
    The extent of your exhaustion was becoming evident as you threw sloppy punches and were only able to kick half as high as normal. Despite this, you still managed to clear the demons... or so you thought.
     An icicle from a Baphomet nicked your bicep causing you to hiss in pain. Placing a gauntlet over the torn flesh, you spun around to see the demon which was floating right out in the open. Though it was a stupid move, you spirited straight at the icy demon, avoiding all manner of magical attacks.
    Using Gilgamesh's saws on your boots, you sprung upwards and drilled up into its brain with the gauntlets; killing it. Smiling to yourself, you landed and shook the corpse from your hand.
    Your hair stood on end and your expression fell.
    Slowly pivoting around, you came face to face with a trio of Hell Judeccas. As you waited with bated breath for one of them to move, you felt the blood from your wound glide down and drip off your fingers. The Baphomet was a challenge enough right now; so this fight would most likely end poorly for you. Death was almost a guarantee and there wasn't even anyone around to see it.
    Taking a deep breath, you took off towards the demons and dodged two sets of blades that were sent straight at you by sliding on your knees. Pulling Revenant from its place on your back, you shot at them, praying that you hit at least one. However, you weren't so lucky and they all moved or teleported out of the way.
    Quickly getting to your feet, you readied for another attack when a strange cat-like snarl from behind you caught you off guard. The supposed source of the sound, a large black jaguar, darted passed you and attacked the opposing creatures.
     Then a shrill cackle came from behind in the same direction, quickly approaching and flying over you, “Ha! Bagheera was right, I’ll be damned.”
    Confusion set in as you watched with mouth slightly agape at the demons being shredded by, what you could only assume to be, more demons.
     “ “The most sublime act is to set another before you. / If the fool would persist in his folly he would become wise.”.” A low sultry voice from behind you caught your attention, turning slightly; attempting to keep an eye on both the demons and the new voice.
     You froze, your already pounding heart picking up a few extra paces at the sight. Though Dante had called you and given you a small description of the newest client of (The) Devil May Cry, you hadn’t expected him to look like this. 
     He slowly walked past you, sliding the well-kept brown pleather and golden accented book into his, rather promiscuous, leather jacket. When you turned back around to face the demons, the amount of confusion you had only tripled. The two animals had taken care of the three Hell Judeccas, all looking oddly de-saturated and on the verge of death. The gaunt tattooed stranger, using his cane, swept up one of the large demon’s sets of blades and swung them around, slicing it in half. He repeated the action but was able to kill the final two in one combined swing. 
     All you could muster was a confused open-mouthed huff. 
     The large hawk addressed the raven-haired man, “Well that was fun.”
     Rolling his eyes, the man sighed and turned his attention to the jaguar. The large cat had begun to creep up to you; not in a threatening way but rather, what appeared to be, a curious one.
     Just as it got within an arm's length from you, the man placed his cane down using it to support himself, and simply said, “To me.”
     Both animals returned to him and quickly disappeared into the man, causing more blackened ink to appear on his pallid skin. 
     “Are you alright?” His eyes focused on you.
     “I-” You closed your eyes and rapidly shook your head, rationalizing that his animals weren't real, thinking it was caused by your delirious state, “I’m fine; thanks for the help.”
     A warm smile pulled at his plush lips, “The boy asked me to keep an eye out for someone who looks an awful lot like you,” he gestured with his eyes down to Gilgamesh, “and would have that devil arm.”
     You laughed softly, “Nero’s actually here, huh?”
     “He is, however, we parted ways after stopping in that woman’s loud van.”
     “Nico’s here too?” Shaking your head you looked down with raised brows, “Man, the whole crew’s out here.,” You looked back up, “What about Dante or the ladies? They out here too?”
     His smile faded, “No, I’m afraid that they are more than likely dead at this point.”
     “Dead? Surely you’re kidding.”
     With a flat mouth, he broke his gaze away for a moment, “No. Sorry to relay such bitter news upon our first meeting.”
     Grinding your teeth in thought and moving your jaw back and forth, you stood thinking for a moment, “So it’s just Nico, Nero, me, and--?”
     “Call me V,” the lithe man took a few strides closer to you, standing comfortably close.
     “So you are the client then?”
     V nodded, “Yes, that is correct.”
     “Man,” you gestured with one hand up and down his body, the other hand resting on your hip, “Wish we had customers like you more often,” for better or for worse, you spoke your mind, “cause damn you’re-- wow.”
     He looked down, hiding the slight pink on his face at the comment, and laughed, “You’re much more blunt than the others led me to believe.”
     A wide smile stretched across your face, emphasizing the bags under your bloodshot eyes, which V finally noted, “Just callin’ it like I see it, V.”
     “May I do the same?”
     Putting your arms up, you cracked your shoulders as you responded, “Sure.”
     “You need rest.”
     Putting your arms down with a heavy sigh, “It’s that obvious, huh?”
     V laughed slightly, “Just calling it as I see it,” slowly, he began to walk back the way he’d come from, “We aren’t far from Nico, I'm sure you could rest up there.”
     Happily, you turned to follow him, “I’ll follow your lead.”
     “What’s with that expression Wanderer?” V raised a brow, his voice pulling you from your thoughts.
     “Oh!” With an embarrassed smile, you placed a hand on the back of your neck, “Just got lost in thought, sorry.”
     “May I ask what you were thinking so intensely about?” He shifted slightly, allowing Shadow to take a break from traveling, and began supporting himself with his cane causing the two of you to move slower.
     “Just thinking about our first time, that’s all.”
     A breathy sultry laugh left his lips, “ Our first time? Well now, I didn’t take you to be such a bold flirt today.”
     “Wh-huh?” Replaying the conversation, your eyes went wide and you turned to him, doing your best to not trip as you continued walking, “No no- I didn’t-- that wasn’t-”
     V laughed again, eyeing you up and down from the corner of his eye with a smirk, “Right, pardon my assumption.”
     You stared with parted lips momentarily before returning to face the correct way, lips pursed and cheeks unbearably hot. Nervousness settled like a brick in your gut as you watched the ground in front of you, causing you to miss the fact V was staring at you with half-lidded eyes. 
     Mindlessly playing with his teeth with his tongue, he debated whether to tease you any further about what was said; ultimately he decided to drop it. In truth, however, the lithe man was a bit disappointed that you weren’t thinking about the idea of being with him as he had thought about many times before. V felt almost guilty about the intense lust he felt for you.
     The raven-haired poet was unquestionably, unfathomably, undeniably, in love with you--even if he has only known you for a short time. V was certain that he wanted to be with you for the rest of this lifetime and, what could be argued to be, his next; in whatever way you’d have him. Whether it was just as colleagues, friends, or lovers; it didn’t matter, he needed you in his life. 
     His grip tightened on his cane, realizing that Vergil may end up pushing you away, despite the pronounced dependency on you. You were like a rich dark sweet wine that he was unable to put down and wanted to do nothing but sip upon you till the end of time itself. A low sigh left his nose, secretly praying that he was wrong about how things would be when all was said and done. 
     “V?” Your voice was quiet as you adjusted Gilgamesh for the umpteenth time, “Can I ask you something?”
     “Of course,” he straightened upright, holding the cane horizontally, gloved fingers wrapping around the blade.
     “When this is all over, could we…” You paused for a moment, “stay in contact?”
     “Do you want to?”
     Sheepishly, you nodded.
     V smirked, “Then of course we can.”
     Your eyes flicked up to meet his unwavering gaze, smiling brightly at him, “Thanks.”
     “Perhaps, if you’d like, we could consider some other things as well.”
     “O-other things?” A shake had found its way to your words as you waited with bated breath for his answer.
     However, he didn’t answer, instead, he gave a low chuckle and turned his gaze from you, gesturing with his cane, “It seems we have work to do,” he put the metal back down and leaned on it again.
     A heavy sigh left your lips and, without a second thought, you took off toward the horde.
     Not hearing V calling out for you to stop.
     Out of the corner of your eye, you saw fast almost unplaceable movement. Although you went to bring your gauntlets up as fast as possible, you were unable to make the time gap. Except when you opened your eyes, instead of a big demon skewering you through your middle, you were on your ass and V was lying on top of you. His arms wrapped around your hips with his face right underneath your navel, face down and breathing heavily.
     Before you could ask, a familiar squawking voice chimed in, “Aw, how romantic; Romeo can sure as hell hustle when he needs to,” the bird let out a laugh.
     A snarl left Shadow’s maw, seemingly annoyed at the lack of help from Griffon. 
     “Yeah. Yeah. I’m on it,” Griffon returned to the fight, leaving you to assist V up.
     Slowly, he picked his head up enough to look at you, emerald eyes holding a heavy unplaceable emotion. Heat quickly filled your face at the realization of the position you were in which didn’t go unnoticed by the raven-haired man. Without moving too much, V snapped his fingers causing his hair to go white and the last of his tattoos to dissipate. 
     “Are you alright?” You propped yourself up with one arm and used the other to cautiously tuck his hair back, resting an armoured palm on his cheek. 
     “Mmn,” he paused in thought, enjoying the feeling of your touch, “If you are then I am.”
     A corner of your mouth twitched up slightly, “I’m alright; thank you.”
     He took a deep breath in response, resisting the urge to place his face back down against your abdomen. Though all good things come to an end he knew he had to get up. With a grunt, he pushed up and sat up in a kneel, one knee up for him to push off of. However, you were quick to your feet and offered a hand instead, which he graciously accepted. 
     “I’ve got this,” you squeezed his hand before letting go, “Don’t worry about it.”
     Not giving him time to banter or reject your offer, you took off and finished off whatever half-dead demons were strewn about. 
     It didn’t take long for the horde to disappear into nothing but blood and gore. Admittedly, V always enjoys watching you work--especially with hand-to-hand weapons. Whether it is a holdover from Vergil’s distaste for guns or if it is because of the innate sensual nature of the style; he couldn’t help but find it arousing. The way you seemed to show off for him was just a cherry on top. 
     There was something in the way you pranced around that he couldn’t help but be mesmerized by. With all of this considered, V was struggling to not become visibly excited and, much to his dismay, was starting to lose the fight. 
     Once the demons were dead, you waltzed over to V and carefully grabbed his arm, tugging slightly, “Come with me.”
     “Is something the matter, Wanderer?” The lithe man’s hair returned to its dark shade as Nightmare faded from sight.
     You shook your head, flashing him a closed-eye smile, “Nope; just trust me, V.”
     He swallowed hard and nodded, “Very well, lead on.”
     A confused tilt adorned his brow as he tried to piece together what you were doing-- or planning. It wasn’t long before the two of you reached the destination you wanted, a mostly intact hotel. 
     “Could you leave Griffon and Shadow out here, please?” You turned to him, stopping in front of the entrance. 
     His gaze thinned, “May I ask why?”
     “Last time I went into one of these, I got attacked and thrown out a two-story window,” you gave him a falsely doe-eyed smile, “Figure they could be our lookout for a little bit--just until we’re done.”
     V wanted to push for a better answer, knowing that made no sense; however, his curiosity got the better of him and, deciding to play along, summoned both familiars. 
     “Stay here, we will be back shortly-”
     Griffon immediately turned to you, laughing with a slightly impudent attitude to his words, “Be careful with him, don’t need him dying of a heart attack-”
     You laughed, cutting the bird off, “I’ll take care of him; I promise.”
     With that, the two of you disappeared into the building. 
     “I’m going to scout ahead a bit; okay?” You let go of his arm, making V ever-so-slightly frown.
     As you went on, V’s eyes quickly drifted to your hips. Lewd thoughts echoed in his mind as he watched you seemingly bounce down the hall, peeking into each room with just the right amount of lean forwards so that he got a perfect view of your body. Each stride of yours had this certain flaunting nature to it as if you were purposefully taunting him. 
     Reaching the final room on the first floor, you decided to head in. Though no one else was aware, you’d already surveyed this building earlier and cleared out every demon within; meaning only small fries--like Empusas--would be here, if at all. This room was the closest to normal there was, having almost zero damage. 
     The room was relatively large; the bathroom was to the left of the doorway and the rest of the room to the right. The bedding was still neatly tucked, the faucet still ran, and there was even a radio with quite an array of classical CDs. 
     You made your way over to said radio with a hum, bending over at the waist to rummage through the music.
     V joined you in the room, looking around in slight confusion before his gaze settled on you again. A sway had found its way to your hips and, despite your flustered and nervous feeling, you smirked. You knew he was looking at you; confirming your hunch about his oddly vague words. 
     Eventually settling on a random assortment of Tchaikovsky's work, you slowly stood upright and placed the disc in the player with a half-surprised laugh at the fact it still worked. When you turned around, a wide-eyed stare was all you could give to V, who was shifting awkwardly and avoiding your eyes. Though you’d hope some light teasing would get him in the mood, you hadn’t expected him to get so hard so quickly.
     Without a word to him, you slipped past him and into the bathroom. Carefully, you placed Gilgamesh’s gauntlets and Revenant on the countertop then washed your hands, using the soap left in the dispenser. Returning to the room while drying your hands, you meandered toward the extremely confused horny goth. 
     As you discarded the towel, V finally spoke up, “Wanderer, what are we doing here?”
     “Well,” you gently grabbed the open of his jacket, a hand on each side, thumbing over the black leather, “After how many times you’ve saved me, I figure that it’s about time you get a reward.”
     His eyes flicked all around your face then down to your forearms, resting his cane against a nearby wall. Cautiously, V snaked his arms around your back and pulled you tight to him, “A reward ?”
     “Yeah,” you leaned closer and placed your nose beside his, lips just barely apart, speaking with a whisper, “If you’re interested…”
     Closing the gap, V leaned into you for both support and to deepen the kiss. An icy hand slid up your back, gracefully dancing across your still-clothed skin, and came to rest on the back of your neck. Your hands slid down his sides, coming to rest at his belt line, hooking your forefingers into the loops of his ever-tightening skinny jeans. 
     Switching to long drawn-out heated kisses, V squirmed under your touch as he felt you pull his hips into yours. Breaking away for a moment, the two of you stayed close, breathing heavily in content. A smirk pulled at his lips as he moved to kiss your up jawline, taking his time, making his way to your earlobe, tugging on it with a bite. 
     V rested with the side of his face against yours. The hand from your neck made its way to your upper back and, mindlessly, the thin man began to sway with you, enjoying the music and relaxing in the moment. You could feel his heart racing from just his chest resting against yours; no wonder Griffon gave you shit about V having a heart attack. 
     Bit by bit your hands left his jeans and went to his corset, undoing the already loose strings further. Taking the hint, V let go of you and removed his jacket then his corset; being tossed onto the bed and floor, respectively. A small huffed moan left his lips as he watched your hands grope up and down his torso.
     “Wanderer…” His voice was low, but brimming with an unmistakable lust.
     Resting your hands on the sides of his hips, you stood for a moment. A smirk tugged at your lips as you watched his chest rise and fall with each breath. Leaning closer, you placed a kiss at the crook of his shoulder, followed by a soft bite. V submissively tilted his head away from you, giving you more access to his neck. A smile tugged at your lips as you placed tender kisses, and the occasional bite, along his cold skin. A hand slid to the front of his jeans, finally, your touch wasn’t to just tease him. 
     V placed his hands on your sides, holding you closer, pursed lips hiding a groan that hung in the back of his throat. Though he knows it’s a bit pathetic, just feeling your hand against his cock was proving to be somewhat of a challenge for the inexperienced man to not prematurely finish. 
     Using both hands, you went to remove his belt, before stopping. V’s swaying had become much more pronounced--not having a means of support other than you. 
     You whispered against his neck, “Why don’t we sit down, hm?”
     V, much to your surprise, seemed to stumble over his thoughts, “Any par- particular position?”
     Fully leaning back, you grabbed his hand and guided him to the bed, “Get up here-- do you need help?”
     He gave a nasally laugh, “No, I am alright,” he crawled up onto the bed, kneeling with his knees both on the bed, “Now what?”
     Without answering, you climbed atop the mattress as well, sitting with your back nearly against the headboard, and patted your thighs. Understanding what you wanted, V sat on your lap facing you, wrapping his legs behind you.
     “You’re beautiful, V,” reaching up, you moved a strand of hair from the front of his face, tucking it behind his ear, and leaned in close, speaking right above his lips, “So very beautiful.”
     The gap quickly closed between you and V’s hands cupped your jaw, thumbs rubbing against your cheeks. Your hands went back to work on his belt, making him shift slightly. Feeling that you had the belt fully undone, his lips left yours, and he moved back just enough to look you in the eyes. With kiss-swollen lips slightly agape, V swallowed hard as he heard you unbutton his jeans. 
     Slowly, methodically, you unzipped the fly on his jeans, making sure to note every little micro-movement V made. This had been something you’d wanted for a long time and you were going to make sure to enjoy every last bit. When you finally broke from his gaze to look down, you raised a brow.
     Nervousness pooling in his gut, V noticed your expression, “Is- is something wrong, love?”
     A wide smile tugged at your lips, “No- not at all,” trying to hold back a laugh you looked back up at him, “It's just, with the rest of your outfit, I honestly expected you to be wearing a thong or g-string; not boxer briefs.”
     V let out a laugh of relief, “I see; I-” A stifled moan cut his words short. 
     Resting your hand on the inner side of his thigh, you started to slowly run the side of your thumb up and down his bulge.
     Heavy exhales left his nose as he watched your hand and he moved his hands to the outsides of your shoulders.
     Out of the corner of your eye, you saw V’s coat on the bed and got a wicked idea, “You know V,” your motions slowed even further causing him to let out a small huff of disappointment, “I really like your voice…”
     His brow twitched slightly, attempting to figure out what you had in store, “Is that right?”
     Carefully, you reached over to his jacket, grabbed his book from an inner pocket, and then handed it to him, “Why don’t you read me something, hm?”
     “Is there a particular poem you’d like?” The prized item was held between you both, the top of it resting gently against your chest.
     You shook your head, “Whatever you think fits best.”
     As he flipped through the book, you resumed your touch. With eyes trained on his crotch, you unzipped the boxer’s fly and heard his page-turning falter slightly. Slipping his cock out into the open air, V let out a small moan, a page pinned between his forefinger and thumb.
     “Now, now, V.” You looked up at him from the tops of your eyes, “You stop, I stop; got it?”
     He pursed his lips and then nodded, continuing with his search. There was a visible shake to his hands as he did his best to play along. Ghosting your fingers along his shaft, you noticed that he had pre-cum already dribbling from his tip and he was heavily twitching; apparently, he was much more sensitive than you’d expected. 
     Rolling his foreskin back slightly, you thumbed over his tip. His page-turning had stopped again, and you hummed slightly, “Find one?”
     With a slightly strained voice, he nodded, “Y-yes, I,” he moaned as you lightly wrapped a hand around his shaft, closing his eyes he continued, “I found something suitable.”
     “Good,” you brought your thumb to your lips and put it in your mouth, cleaning the digit, “The floor is yours,” V’s eyes flicked to you, watching you mindlessly roll your tongue over your lips, and his blush deepened tenfold. 
     A shaky breath left his mouth as he focused on the page before him, “ “What is it men in women do require? / The l-lineaments of Gratified Desire.”.”
     Spitting into your palm, you once again wrapped a hand around his shaft. With slow lazy pumps, you noted the feeling of his cock in your hand. Eyes flicking between his face and dick.
     V’s brow twitched as he let out a hissing groan, “ “Wh-what is it women do in men require? / The lineaments of Gr-gratified Desire.”,” The raven-haired man’s hips unintentionally jerked slightly at the feeling of you putting your forefinger and thumb tips together, encircling his cock, and gently pulling up on his tip. 
     He hunched forwards slightly, his hair falling in front of his eyes, “ “The look of love alarms / Because ’tis f-fill’d with fire; / But the look of s-soft de-deceit- / Shall Win the love-lover’s hire” Ngh-ah~”     The fragile man’s legs constricted your middle ever tighter with each passing moment. Returning to stroking his entire length, you slowed down; not wanting him to finish quite yet. 
     Lips trembling, he continued, “ “S-soft Deceit & Idleness, / These ar-are Beauty’s sweetest dress. He--” 
     A sustained groan left his lips as he leaned forwards even more, placing the top of his head against your lips, which you placed a loving kiss upon, “ “He who binds to himself a- a joy / Dot the winged life d-destroy;”.”
     V bucked his hips slightly upwards, desperate for more friction, speaking with a whimpering moan, “Please, Wanderer, I can’t-”
     Whispering against him, you slowed your motions even further, “You’re almost done, my love… finish it for me; please?”
     Taking a stuttering inhale through his nose and low breathy exhale from his mouth, he licked his lips before continuing, “ “But he who ki-kisses the joy as it flies / Live in Eternity’s sun-sunrise.” Ah-ah~”
     Quickening your hand even faster than before, you placed another elongated kiss against his hair, “Good boy.”
     Tossing the book from his hands V sat upright. Icy fingers wrapped around the back of your neck and gripped the side of your shoulder. The raven-haired man began to thrust his hips into your hand, practically riding your thighs. 
     You smirked and leaned in to place kisses on his collarbones, “I love you, V.”
     “I- Uh-ah~,” another loud noise came from the man as he felt you add you use his pre to slick his cock even more, “I love you too, Wanderer.”
     You upturned your face slightly, kissing his throat up to the underside of his jaw, a confident purr to your words, “You gonna cum for me, V~?”
     The frantic shifting of his hands to cup the sides of your face gave you your answer. V guided your face up to his and placed his forehead against yours. 
     “Please,” his voice was soft and pleading, his mind a hazy lust-filled mess that was unable to come up with any other words. 
     Upon using one hand to stroke him and the other to play with his tip, you felt his thigh muscles tighten and his fingers dig into you. He pushed his lips onto yours, kissing you as if he were never going to be able to again. His hands wandered down your body, groping at your clothes.
     Balling up your shirt in his hands from his grip, he broke off the kiss, a string of saliva connecting you momentarily. The skinny man leaned back and arched his body into yours. 
     He let out a final full-mouthed moan and bucked his hips one last time as his body tensed. 
     Warm silky white fluid decorated your hands as you slowly rode out his orgasm. A feeling of pride filled your heart as you made sure to etch the sight before you into your mind. 
     V’s skin had completely lost all of the inky patches and his chest was heaving. With how far he arched back, you could see the underside of his ribs and the prominent hip dips on each side. You watched his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he audibly swallowed a few times. 
     After a moment, he leaned back towards you. 
     Ghostly white hair fell in front of his flushed features as V’s eyes met yours. A small smile found its way to his lips and the two of you shared one more kiss. This time, however, it wasn’t lustful but a sweet loving gesture. With slow long kisses, V placed a forefinger under your jaw. Upon breaking away, you both shared a breathy satisfied huff and he slid his hand to cup your cheek, thumbing over your skin.
     “So,” you relaxed into his touch, “Are we getting attacked or something?” His brow twitched in confusion, “Your hair.”
     “Did I really..?” he leaned away and focused on the strands in front of his eyes which were slowly returning to black, “That’s… I didn’t know that would happen; how strange.”
     You removed your hands and looked at them, a slight playful teasing to your voice, “Little pent up there V?”
     Although you weren’t complaining, V had cum quite a lot harder than you’d expected and made a mess between both of you. 
     With an embarrassed laugh, he turned from your gaze, and rested his hands on his thighs, “Perhaps it is because you are so important to me…” V didn’t want to admit that he hadn’t even tried to masturbate while in this form--not to mention that Vergil hadn’t done anything like that in over twenty years. 
     Humming quietly along to the long-forgotten music, you brought your hand up to your mouth and cleaned it off. V’s eyes immediately flicked to you and he stared at you wide-eyed. Slowly, your eyes drifted to his as you continued. 
     When you went to give your other, less coated hand, the same treatment, you noticed something else and raised your brows in surprise, “That was a quick turnaround.”
     The tattooed man looked down and then back at you, “It’s not my fault you are so… appealing to me,” once more, he leaned his forehead against yours, “Wanderer.”
     “Mnm, well then,” you placed a long kiss against his lips, biting his lower lip after, “Guess my work isn’t done then, hm?”
     “Your work?” V backed away and removed his legs from your waist, running a hand down your middle, resting it just above your hip line, “If it’s all the same to you, this time, I’d much rather be the one to play.”
ENDING NOTES: Not me having no clue how to end this lmfao 🛏️📔🛏️ Been a long time since I’ve tried to write V lol I really should write him more Also hope that this was close enough to the request. I just kind of ran with the flow so it’s not exactly the same--the poem reading isn’t really what was asked but I figured it was close enough. Another thing, sorry for the improper dividing of dialogue trees when V’s reading. It was too chaotic for me to feel comfortable leaving in one chunk (which is technically what I should’ve done since it was only V talking) sorry lol Also if you are into like video edit shit, I’ve been re-watching one from “V’s Love” on YouTube titled “V | Slow Down | DMC 5 GMV”. Give it a watch- seriously it’s fans myself gayly oh boy. 📔🛏️📔 Poem(s) Quoted: William Blake: Proverbs of Hell William Blake: Several Questions Answered (full version)
If you like what you read here; please check out the rest of my one-shots on AO3. Comments, reshares, and likes/kudos are appreciated!! Thanks for reading!
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one-fish-a-day · 5 months
Maybe a moon wrasse?
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Day 22
My Ko-Fi! (Get a Prioritised request or a doodle!)
Commision info!
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pawsandsuch-office · 5 months
Could I see what Matsuo and Minegishi look like as animals???Or maybe Shimazaki???
Sure, these are the ones I could think of! Hedgehog & Bat
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