#A. Y. Chao
bread-lowph · 11 months
hoping more people read Shanghai Immortal by A. Y. Chao so I can brainrot about it properly here on tumblr dot com
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weirdesplinder · 2 months
Uscite vampiresche in libreria
Un breve post per segnalarvi alcune uscite recenti in libreria che reputo interessanti se siete amanti dei romanzi con vampiri. Purtroppo sono quasi tutti romanzi YOUNG ADULT (YA) o NEW ADULT (NA), quindi con protagonisti massimo ventenni se non adolescenti. Questo mi riempe un tantino di tristezza, sembra quasi che il genere paranormal o fantasy venga considerato in Italia roba da giovani e non si pubblichino opere del genere per adulti perchè non venderebbero. Idea a mio avviso sbagliatissima.
Comunque ecco cosa potete trovare in libreria:
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Bride, Ali Hazelwood (NA)
Link: https://amzn.to/3PklcAt
Trama: Misery Lark, l'unica figlia del più potente Consigliere dei Vampiri del Sud-ovest, è ancora una volta un'emarginata. I suoi giorni nell'anonimato tra gli Umani sono finiti: è stata chiamata a sostenere una storica alleanza per mantenere la pace tra i Vampiri e i loro più acerrimi nemici, i Lupi, e non vede altra scelta che arrendersi allo scambio. I Lupi sono spietati e imprevedibili e il loro capo, Lowe Moreland, non fa eccezione. Governa il suo branco con severa autorità, ma non senza giustizia. E, a differenza del Consiglio dei Vampiri, non senza sentimento. È chiaro, dal modo in cui segue ogni movimento di Misery, che non si fida di lei. Se solo sapesse quanto ha ragione… Perché Misery ha i suoi motivi per accettare questo matrimonio di convenienza, motivi che non hanno nulla a che vedere con la politica o le alleanze, e tutto a che fare con l'unica cosa che le sia mai importata. Ed è disposta a qualsiasi cosa pur di riavere ciò che le appartiene, anche se questo significa una vita nel territorio nemico… da sola con il lupo.
La mia opinione: la trama è trita e ritrita, esistono innumerevoli romanzi americani dove lei vampiro deve sposare lui licantropo, sul serio (o lui vampiro lei licantropa ma più raramente) e con piglio più d'azione, o più sexy, non dico questa non sia carina come versione, ma è semplicemente per niente rivoluzionaria e molto semplice.
Cuori, vampiri, e altre promesse infrante, di Margie Furston (YA)
Link: https://amzn.to/3TzpEOg
Trama: Victoria e suo padre condividono la passione per i vampiri dal giorno in cui uno di loro si è dichiarato in diretta TV. A oltre dieci anni da quella rivelazione, le creature della notte sono tornate a vivere nell'ombra e molti mettono in dubbio la loro esistenza. Non Victoria e suo padre, che continuano a sognare di poterne incontrare uno. Quando però al padre viene diagnosticata una malattia terminale, il viaggio che avrebbero dovuto fare insieme alla caccia di vampiri si trasforma in una missione disperata, in cui l'unico obiettivo di Victoria è quello di diventare un immortale per poterlo salvare. Armata delle informazioni raccolte in anni di lettura dei blog di appassionati e accompagnata dal suo ex-migliore amico Henry, va a New Orleans, il luogo dell'ultimo avvistamento di un vampiro. Lì incontra Nicholas, un giovane misterioso che potrebbe darle ciò che desidera, a condizione che lei gli dimostri di amare la vita abbastanza da voler vivere per sempre. Ma vivere davvero, mentre il padre sta morendo, sembra il più grande dei tradimenti e Victoria può solo sperare che Nicholas mantenga la sua promessa… perché l'alternativa è davvero impossibile da immaginare.
La mia opinione: young adult per lettori molto giovani siete avvertiti e che verte sul lutto.
Shanghai immortal, di A. Y. Chao
(credo questo abbia protagonisti adulti, ma non ho trovato notizie certe, aggiornerò il post dopo averlo letto)
Link: https://amzn.to/3v8OevO
Trama: Venduta dalla madre al Re dell'Inferno quando era bambina, Lady Jing è mezza vampira, mezza spirito-volpe hulijing. Come protetta del Re, ha passato gli ultimi novanta anni a svolgere commissioni, evitare le frecciatine dei maliziosi cortigiani hulijing e cercare di controllare la sua esplosiva irascibilità, con risultati altalenanti. Ma quando Jing scopre che alcuni cortigiani tramano per rubare una preziosa perla di drago al Re, coglie l'occasione per smascherarli, una volta per tutte. Con l'aiuto di Mr Lee, un mortale incaricato di creare la Banca Centrale dell'Inferno, Jing intraprende una folle corsa alla ricerca di informazioni, prima nell'Inferno e poi nella Shanghai mortale. Ma quando le sue bravate mettono in pericolo Mr Lee, deve decidere cosa è più importante: vendicare la sua perdita di prestigio o abbandonare il suo approccio cinico alla vita per avere la possibilità di provare tenerezza e trovare anche l'amore.
La mia opinione: gli autori asiatici hanno uno stile tutto loro che può piacere o meno, ma certamente hanno una visione dell'universo paranormal molto diversa da noi occidentali che perciò può risultare molto interessante perciò questo libro è già finito nella mia lista di romanzi da leggere. Nel 2025 uscirà un suo sequel Paris Celestial. Quindi diverrà una serie.
Hidden. I vampiri di Marchwood, di Shalini Boland
Primo libro della trilogia Vampires of Marchwood, di cui è già disponibile in italiano anche il secondo libro Taken
Link: https://amzn.to/3T7moIo
Trama: Ribelle e tenace, Madison Greene ha sempre dovuto lottare per sé e per il fratello Ben, dopo che sono rimasti soli al mondo. Ma il giorno del suo diciassettesimo compleanno tutto cambia: qualcuno ha lasciato in eredità a lei e a Ben una fortuna, che comprende una quantità di denaro inimmaginabile e Marchwood House, una grande dimora piena di fascino e mistero. La condizione per ottenere tutto quanto? Madison e Ben dovranno trasferirsi nella nuova casa e viverci stabilmente. Basta poco perché si rendano conto che Marchwood House nasconde mille segreti. Esplorando la tenuta tentacolare, Madison trova alcune casse polverose e, incuriosita, decide di dare una sbirciata al contenuto. All'interno ci sono delle statue e una di queste ritrae il ragazzo più bello che abbia mai visto. Quando lui all'improvviso apre gli occhi e le svela la sua vera identità, Madison capisce di essere perduta. Potrà davvero donare il suo cuore a qualcuno che è tanto sexy quanto letale?
La mia opinione: questa è una trilogia conclusa già dall'autrice nel lontano 2016, ha una sua età il primo libro è del 2011, non so perché arrivi solo ora in Italia. Ma questo non è un male, erano anni buoni per i paranormal e la trama mi sembra interessante, purtroppo è uno young adult siete avvertiti e ad un certo punto tutto si complica con viaggi nel tempo.
The scarlet veil. La cacciatrice e il vampiro, di Shelby Mahurin
Primo libro di una nuova serie, spin off della serie Serpent&Dove la strega e il cacciatore, della stessa autrice
Link: https://amzn.to/3IwnF70
Trama: Sono passati sei mesi da quando Célie ha sfidato la tradizione e, lasciando tutti a bocca aperta, ha preso i sacri voti per unirsi agli chasseur, prima cacciatrice in una confraternita di soli uomini. Con il suo fidanzato Jean Luc al comando, è decisa a portare avanti la propria missione e a proteggere Belterra, ma il passato non le dà tregua: misteriosi sussurri la perseguitano e un nuovo male risorge dall’oscurità, lasciando dietro di sé una scia di cadaveri con due punture gemelle nel collo. Ora Célie ha un nuovo motivo per temere il buio, perché qualcosa – qualcuno – la sta cercando. E nonostante i confratelli e Jean Luc cerchino di proteggerla, non c’è magia né spada che possa tenerla al sicuro da un mostro che si nasconde dietro belle parole e sorrisi taglienti. Se non vuole cadere preda delle tenebre, Célie deve trovare il modo di fermare la minaccia che avanza, ma più quel mostro si avvicina, più rischia di cedere ai suoi inquietanti desideri… e ai propri.
La mia opinione: non ho letto questo libro e non intendo leggere questa serie perché non è adulta come piacciono a me, io lo catalogherei al massimo come new adult sinceramente. Inoltre non avendo apprezzato la serie precedente dell'autrice abbandonata da me al primo libro, già so che non mi piace il suo stile. La consiglio solo a chi ha amato le serie di Sarah J. Maas come genere e stile.
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Agenzia per appuntamenti, di Andie M. Long
Unico volume che raccoglie ben 6 romanzi (la serie completa) brevi paranormal romance ironici e per adulti con protagonisti adulti:
Il vampiro cerca moglie Appuntamento con il diavolo Appuntamento con il lupo Il nostro futuro Appuntamento con il re Guerra e pace
Link: https://amzn.to/3TmO7VA
Trama: Gestire un’agenzia di incontri può essere mortale… Shelley Linley è stufa di avere a che fare con clienti squilibrati. Un altro burlone ha fatto domanda alla sua agenzia di incontri, dicendo di essere un vampiro e vuole l’aiuto di Shelley per trovare una moglie. Malgrado tutto, quando decide di incontrarlo per una seconda intervista, Shelley scopre che lui non ha idea di quello che vogliono le donne. Peccato perché è super sexy, divertente e ha molti amici single a cui potrebbe consigliare la sua attività, anche se dice che sono lupi mannari e demoni. Se solo riuscisse ad ignorare le sue allucinazioni, potrebbe sicuramente aiutarlo ad incontrare qualcuno. Tutto precipita quando l’algoritmo del programma di incontri afferma che è proprio lei la sua compagna ideale e questo la mette davanti a due possibilità, dare una possibilità a quel vampiro affascinante o scappare a gambe levate.
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chaosandmarigolds · 2 months
My favorite thing about Simon Riley (at least how he is in my head ya know) is that he's either on top of it like he knows you better than anyone else-
It was just a regular Friday night, you had been out with some friends and probably drank a bit too much for anyone's comfort, so with a sigh of defeat you called your boyfriend (who you had pinkie promised you wouldn't need to call, because you are a mature, well adjusted, adult) It was late but not very so the phone only rang once before he picked up.
"Good evenin princess."
"Si?" your voice was a bit rasped and the lingering sob in the back of your throat didn't help your case, a cryer is what your friends called your more drunken state, "I...Lil too much."
A pause and you hear the jingle of his keys, "Ten minutes. Stay on the phone with me, yeah?"
"Mkay, is' cold outside."
"Why are you outside, baby?"
"Ji-Jill got an uber- said-said I couldn't come. an-and the bar sai-said I can't go back inside...they were so mean."
"Fuckin Jillian-" You hear him mutter and then his voice goes back to its regular level, "Baby I want you to go back to the bar and tell them that I'm gonna be there to pick you up in a minute, is's snowin out here."
A short pause, "And I know the guy at the door scares you but I need you to be my strong girl and go back inside, yeah?"
Or its just, he's oblivious until the very end-
You were currently running a hundred-and-two fever, your muscles ached and everything in you screamed at you to sit down and take a nap. However, your boyfriend just got back from deployment and you were determined to make sure everything was perfect for him. And, thus far, it was- you put on some makeup to make yourself look alive and you just resigned to not speaking a lot, or eating. He didn't seem to notice, about forty hours back into being home and everything was perfect! Aside from the lingering feeling you may just drop dead at any moment.
So at that moment, you sat on the sofa with him, his arm wrapped around your shoulders, your hot skin covered by your hoodie and the hood of it pulled over to hide your face as you had aptly nuzzled into his side. You felt like death.
Yet in Simon's mind he thought you were just being a blushing school girl, excited about his return and a bit flustered by it. Until he dipped his head down to press a kiss against your forehead.
"The fuck?" He muttered as he moved his hand to your forehead and tugged down the hood to look at you, "Why're so hot?"
You gulp down and shrug your shoulders, "Jus little sick. 'M okay."
"Girly- your skin is burnin up." "Okay?" "How...have you bee' sick this 'tire time?"
"Really feel fine-"
A pause and you look down, "Only little bit."
(annnyway thats it <333 comments and all that jazz make my day)
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eggcromancer · 3 months
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Thinking about Moon with his nightcap covering one eye like an anime character asgsdjdkf
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emmyrosee · 2 months
You have heard of angst, you have heard of fluff. Get ready for my very own brand: chaos
You're playfighting with Osamu and kick him so hard in the face you break his nose.
Bonus points if it's your first time staying over
Osamu is an absolute fiend when it comes to play fighting.
He’s the twin of an athlete, of course his entire childhood was filled with wrestling and fighting, of fighting over the last cookie, or first player in a video game. Who the hell were you to think of challenging him to such an event?
“Get over here!” He growls playfully, chasing you down the hall. You scream and turn into the bedroom and skitter onto the bed, only for him to follow short after.
“Go away!” You giggle in anticipation.
“Nuh-uh,” he snips. “I’m not nearly done with you.” He makes a leap towards the bed, a large hand gripping your ankle and dragging you towards him, desperate to ignore your flailing limbs and-
You sent a kick straight to his face.
Immediately he recoils away, hands coming up to cradle his face as he whines in pain, hunched over. You instantly jump to his side, a palm running over his back to try and soothe him, all the while trying to get a look at the injury.
“Baby, let me see!” You demand.
“No!” He nasals out. “You’ll neber let bme play fight you adain!”
“That’s not my worry right now, my worry is me kicking your nose square off of your face!”
“It’s my worry!”
You roll your eyes and quickly grab him by the collar, dragging him to the bathroom where you tenderly remove his hands, wincing as he whines in pain.
“We’ve gotta get you to the hospital,” you insist.
“Kiss bme first?”
“Oh my god-“
And hey. It worked.
Because not an hour later were you and osamu in the emergency room, your hand filling out in patient forms while his cradle ice to his face, but a dopey smile splayed on his lips unbothered since you originally kissed him.
It be cute, if it wasn’t so bloody.
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volos-wish · 3 months
Old not-vampire man struggles with technology and gets help from his boyfriends fursona
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chrisrin · 1 month
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the-ineffable-cross · 7 months
Another Husband Ghost Drabble
Husband!Ghost who doesn't let Ghost into the house
He takes the mask off as soon as he enters the door
He's YOUR Simon
Ghost doesn't deserve you
He hides the mask in the back of a drawer while he's home
He never EVER wants you to meet the person Ghost is, you don't deserve that
So when he peeks into your shared bedroom before he leaves for a mission, he's shocked by what he sees
A soft kiss being pressed to the hard shell of the skull and a whisper of "bring my Simon home safe"
He almost breaks when he hears those words
Whispered so soft and sweet to a part of him he thought so unlovable
Simon vows to come home safe to you from then on
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eldergremlin · 6 months
ok. i desperately need high res versions of the ads from the chat program in a date with death because i could not stop laughing at “we are fucking under attack” earlier.
please @twoandahalfstudios ?🙏🏻 are they posted anywhere?
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ttoddii · 4 months
"really? a man?"
pairing(s): flirty bestfriend!bada x cheater!f!reader
cw: smut, MDNI, bada is jealous, howl (i know but it's for a good reason i promise, and i only mention him once or twice), semi-public sex (bathroom stall), fingering, thigh-riding, ruined orgasm, edging, praising, degrading, cheating, bada is a bad person in this ngl, lots of cussing, bad grammar, bad descriptions (i'm so sorry), lowercase intended.
summary: you're dating your boyfriend and you guys are so in love but having a taste of your bestfriend remind you of some undeniable feelings.
wc: 2.1k
a/n: i would like to remind you all that this is my first time writing smut, please be nice to me i'm learning i swear ;-; personal thank you to @beomjunnchoii25 because without her i would not even finish this. (she gave me a pep talk, honestly ilysm)
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"really? a man?" bada scoff, her face full of disbelief as she cross her arm in front of her chest and she furrows her brows.
"what?" you ask, "what's so bad about me dating howl?" you straighten up your back, facing your bestfriend as you drink from your cup, your eyes still bore into bada's face attentively as you see her biting her lower lip annoyed.
it's a normal saturday morning, and like every other saturday morning, you would meet up with bada, your bestfriend and also your dance teacher, at your usual coffee shop.
as you two had always update each other on your life, you thought that it would be a good time to tell bada about your relationship that you had been keeping a secret for a while. but judging from her reaction, it's clear that your decision is not a good one.
"well, to start off, he's my co-worker, how can i ever look at him the same way knowing that he's screwing my bestfriend? secondly, he's a man" bada raise one of her eyebrow, clearly in dismay. her pointer finger keep on tapping the coffee table, and you slowly put your cup down.
"don't be so dramatic, and you don't have to mention the screwing part, we barely do anything, like maybe once? twice? we're both very fucking busy you know" you scoff, rolling your eyes at bada.
"he's a nice guy, he buy me food, take care of me when i'm sick, he always give me flowers and gifts on our anniversary, and he wrote me a hand-written letter to confess his feelings! he's such a dork, i love him!" you exclaim, trying to persuade your bestfriend to at least like your boyfriend.
"don't get me wrong, as a co-worker of his for years, i think i know him longer than you, and please, he's a man" bada shake her head, she keep reminding you that howl's a man and her voice sound serious when she told you about how long she had known him. she put her arm on the table to lean into you, completely denying your effort on persuading her.
you sigh, slumping yourself back to your chair as you shake your head "he's good to me, bada, gender doesn't matter if they're good to you, you used to say that" you defend yourself.
"yah! as an attempt to make you like me! not for you to have such a low standard!" bada suddenly raise her voice, her hand hit the table as she tell you to quit your yapping about how great howl is as a boyfriend.
"yea right" you roll your eyes, turning away from bada as you need a break from all this unreasonable nonsense she's talking about.
you know she's joking about liking you, so you pay no mind to it, she usually just flirt with other girls, and then she would slide into their bed for one night before dumping them into her 'girls i had fucked' list. it's a normal thing for her to joke about relationship, but for you relationships are serious. and thinking about bada like that make your mouth taste all bitter.
"don't just roll your eyes at me", bada said, her eyes staring daggers into your form as she take a sip from her cup to water her dry throat. and by the time she jug down all the water, she give you a whole speech.
"everything that you said he did for you, from buying you food, giving you gifts, writing letters to you, that's the bare minimum. what? i never do all of that to you or something? and why didn't you swoon over me, but him? howl this howl that, how about he eat my ass."
her voice full of jealousy as she spit out every word. to your surprise, bada doesn't seem like she's joking, her body tense up as she bite her lower lip, bada stare at you, her chest heaves up and down as she's clearly mad. her state make you panic a bit. so you straighten your back again and take a hold of her hand, squeezing it lightly so she could calm down.
"alright, i'm sorry, let's just move to another topic" you said, attempting to calm bada down and move on from this awkwardness.
in your point of view, she look like she would either cry out loud from being mad by the way she bit her lower lip, or she would rush to howl's house to commit arson. whichever one it is, it's not a good thing, you had known bada for a long time, long enough for you to understand that once bada feel something, she feels it hard, she would not take it lightly, and she would not drop the topic until it's done.
"does he fuck better than me?" bada asked, low enough for no one else to hear, but loud enough for you to catch it. yet you decide to ask again, acting like you didn't hear her.
"what did you just say?" you asked.
big mistake
bada look at you attentively, and you could see her rolling her tongue from the inside of her cheek before she sigh loudly, her shoulder relax and bada redirect her gaze onto your hand that is currently squeezing hers. she grabs you by your wrist as she yanks you up to your feet and pull you into the bathroom.
instinctively, you followed her as she drag you in one of the stall and lock the door behind her. you follow her movement closely while you furrow your brows at her action.
"i said, does he fuck you better than me?", bada ask again, this time her voice much more lower and aggressive, she let go of your wrist, her tall figure tower over you as she push you down to sit.
"what do you mean?" you ask while looking up at bada. and in this small confined space, she look like she could eat you up alive.
bada crouch down, her face lean in closer to yours as she said "we fucked before, didn't we? before you date that little pathetic dude, it was one hell of a night wasn't it? i still remember you moaning my name darling, don't act like you forget. i know you miss how i fuck you senseless that night."
you pursed your lips into a thin line. you hate to admit it, you hate to think that you love bada and just use howl as a distraction. you hate to admit that when you have sex with howl, all you could think about is bada's touch, her name, her voice, her kiss. and that's why you usually deny his touch. you hate to admit that you're in love with your bestfriend.
"cat got your tounge baby?" bada chuckle, she knows she's right, she doesn't need you to confirm for it to be true. she lean in again, dangerously close to you as she kiss you on your lip.
it's a soft kiss, she only kiss you lightly, not even fully put her lips onto yours yet.
it's a teasing kiss, you realize, it's a trap. a trap in which you would gladly jump in, and so you put your arms around her neck and pull bada closer to you, almost slamming her whole body onto yours as you kiss her hard.
and fuck, you can feel bada smirk from behind the kiss as she knows you had fully jump into the bottomless pit. she knows you're all hers to love, to care, just her baby.
her hands roam around your body as she let one of them get under your shirt, pulling down your bra to squeeze your chest softly. and you moan into the kiss as she did that, your body voluntarily curve into her touch.
"so needy" she said softly, breaking apart from your kiss to hold your chin up and take a good look at you. your face all red and flustered, your lips puffy from the harsh kiss, and your breath quicken to have some air in your lung "such a pretty girl for me."
bada chuckle lightly, her tall figure bending down to give you a quick peck on your lips as a way to comfort you before she slowly kneel down on the bathroom floor, all while keeping eyes contact with you.
her hands travel up to your knees as she spread your legs apart slowly, and you groan in frustration at her action "stop teasing" you breath out lightly.
bada smirk and kiss your inner thigh, giving you only a small amount of what you actually need, and at some point, you decide to just grab her tie to pull her head up and low your upper body down to talk.
"it's either you fuck me right here, right now, or i'll be sliding my way back to howl."
bada groan at your comment, "so demanding i see" she said softly, and then she chuckle "well, if you already know what you want" she pull you up to stand on your feet before she switch place with you and place you on her thigh "ride it".
you stop in motion, shock at what you just heard.
"why the face darling? you were so demanding just a second ago, and now you can't even do it yourself?" bada ask, her left hand hold on to your waist to keep it in place before her right hand slide down to pull your panty to the side and she dip two fingers inside of your wet folds, her eyes bore into the way you would jump lightly as she insert her fingers in.
"fuck" you breath out, feeling bada moving her fingers inside of you slowly, dragging it on your gummy wall, her thumb is place on your clit as she draw circle around it.
"such a slut, your pussy is so wet and yet you don't have the gut to ride on my thigh? pathetic bitch" bada laugh, her voice low and dark as she fasten her pace.
"fuck, bada" you moan, your eyes hazy from how good she makes you feel, you wrap your arms around her neck as you rest your head on her shoulder, having no energy to even sit straight anymore.
"so loud, remember we're in public baby, anyone can walk their merry way into here right now, so you better shut your mouth" bada whisper into your ear.
fuck she is such a tease, she told you to shut up, but she keep quicken her pace, and you swear you could hear the squelching sound from your own pussy as she finger you senselessly.
her long fingers hitting all the right spot inside of you as you groan softly into her ear, your leg shaking lightly as your body keep jerking up from the build up stimulation.
"bada" you call out to her softly, indicating to her that you're very close.
and yet, she suddenly stop, her face display a smirk as she raise her eyebrow at you, and you oh so hate her right now.
'ride it' she mouthed, her fingers still inside of you, and she teasingly curve it a bit to hit your G-spot.
you bite your lower lip, your mood slowly going down from the ruined orgasm, but you are still not satisfy, and you suck your pride up before you slowly move your hip, giving in to bada satisfaction. all you know is that you have to please your bestfriend if you want to let go of the tension in your lower part.
"now we're actually on to something" she whisper into your ears, her fingers match your pace as she circle your clit "such a good slut for me, so obedient aren't you, good girl."
you moan lightly, your hip moving on her thigh, trying to make her fingers hit the right spot, you're desperate. you move your head to kiss bada harshly, you bite onto bada's lower lip every time you want to moan, and your tongue find its way into her mouth as you give her a sloppy kiss.
by the time you're done kissing, bada groan as she plunge another finger into you, and she just hold your waist down before her fingers curve up to hit your G-spot, her thumb that is circling your clit fasten its pace.
"who is fucking you?" she ask, her fingers quicken its pace again, dragging around your wall and abusing your spongey G spot.
the air is so hot, you can feel yourself melting into bada's touch, her hand on your waist seems like it's burning a mark into your skin. permanently mark you as her own.
"bada" you breath out, your chest raise up and down quickly as you try to get in as much air as you could, sweat rolling down your forehead as you groan into the crook of bada neck, and as you slowly reaching your orgasm, your back arch and you shake lightly.
"that's right baby, it's me that's fucking you, not howl, not anyone else, me, the bada lee."
and with that, you reach your orgasm, you groan loudly and your body shake as you see stars in the back of your eyes. your head rest on bada's shoulder as she slowly pull her fingers out of you. she plant a soft kiss onto your hair before asking you a question.
"so, you still want to date him?" she ask.
and you softly shake your head.
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clownsuu · 1 year
Question... Robbie.... In the mob au? 👀
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Get girlie popped KDHDHDH
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At first I really wanted to make him like- completely unnoticeable and nobody fuggin remembers him despite being a member JDHDHFHHF- but I wanted to make him interact with Dr.Stone so instead he’s a member thats just rarely seen anymore (Wally totally didn’t get rid of him cause he kept being fuggin annoyin)
kinda all brawls no brains like sally- used to chaotically collect debts peeps have with the ol mob (still does but significantly less since now he’s a fetcher for Dr Stone for more harder to get goods the mob needs. The mob technically can go without the help of Dr.Stone, however he is a middle man that knows just about everything needed for successful heists/deals with his knowledge and name alone)
also? This dude doesn’t know what a bed is he sleeps on just about anything (can sleep like a baby face first in a trash can)
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lustkillers · 10 months
⊹₊ ⋆ summary. - she only sees him in the night, and he's waiting for her.
┃ tags/warnings. ࿐ ❪ nsfw freak shit. dom!euronymous, sub!reader. unprotected sex, cheating on readers behalf, corruption kink? degradation, praising, euro is jealous oh my god, he's possessive ladies!! name calling - "slut," "bitch," "whore," and "good girl" toward the end, scratching, THEY ARE FREAKSSSSS!!! ❫
⊹₊ ⋆ pairing - euronymous x fem!reader. ❪ not the actual euronymous, only rory’s portrayal. ❫
⊹₊ ⋆ note - just listen to the song + first time writing smut LMAOOO
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EURONYMOUS knew who you were. He wasn't playing into your games, let alone letting you slide with them. He saw you occasionally in his record store, with your boyfriend. He would watch you both from afar, your boyfriend's hands snaking around your waist as he went through records.
He burned with jealousy, wishing he was the one feeling those same hands, to have the chance to clasp onto something or someone so fervently. But he knew that his dreams of being with you were nothing more than a fools errand.
But he wasn't a fool, anyway. He was cold and calculating, possessive and controlling. And he had an intense fixation on you, the glares he gave leaving no doubt as to his feelings.
Every time you and your boyfriend checked out, you and him always shared glances, and it always ended with you winking at him before leaving. The type of wink only secrets held. You held onto Euronymous as a secret, your forbidden fruit.
He was nothing like your boyfriend. Euronymous was rambunctious and unpredictable. He was someone that brought your fantasies to life, the side of you that your boyfriend never discovered.
It was only a matter of time before he lured you in with his charm and you eventually succumbed to his advances. On the first night, it felt like an escape and before long, something more.
You knew deep down that it was wrong but something about forbidden love kept drawing you back again and again. Despite knowing the risks of being involved with someone like him, you found yourself meeting him at approximately 12 in the morning every. day.
Now, he was sat in his dark room, and the room only held dirty secrets between you and him. He was waiting, the clock striking midnight, and you knew it was once again time to carry out your secret romance. You slipped through his door, wearing clothing that you would never dare to show your boyfriend.
Euronymous stood from where he sat, his eyes only holding lust. Not saying anything, he pulled you closer and closer, his breath tickling your neck as he whispered promises of a love that you knew he didn't mean. His hands explored every inch of your body as he kissed you, and you knew that this is what it felt like to be truly alive - only Euronymous had such power over you.
You unconsciously grind up against him, needing him like oxygen. You knew, deep down that this was dangerous and risky but you didn't care anymore. Everything melted away again until it was only the two of you in the room together, safe from the world outside for a few brief moments.
The air felt thick, your head getting dizzy from the rough, yet passionate kiss. His hands traveled from your face to your waist, groping at it. You sighed at the touch, your hands wandering around his waist.
Euronymous now shoved you onto his bed, his body hovering above you. His hair was dangling above your face, yet you had a clear view of his flushed out face. Yet, everything felt so incoherent.
You could feel a sudden rush of adrenaline going through your body, yet you couldn't stop it. Euronymous eyes locked with yours as he slowly crackled a half smirk.
"You're such a slut, huh. Getting with me while your boyfriend is at home." He said in a low voice, his hands sliding under your pants. You shook your head slowly, not knowing what to do or how to react; you were too transfixed by his gaze. God– the pool of your arousal grew more.
His fingers found your clit, drawing slow and tantalising circles. You whimpered as you felt yourself getting closer to the edge, and Euronymous knew it, too. He chuckled. He found it sort of pathetic how you were about to come undone from his fingers this fast.
Your back slightly arched from the pleasure, letting out whimpers into the atmosphere. Sooner or later, he shoved his fingers into you, and the pleasure was too much for you to keep eye contact with him, so you closed your eyes in pleasure.
Euronymous noticed this and cocked his eyebrow, He grabbed your face roughly, forcing you to look at him. Then, he leaned into your ear and whispered, "You like that? Then keep your eyes on me, whore."
You only nodded, but you couldn't help yourself but look away again. His hands stopped its motions, sending you an annoyed look.
"N-No...! M'sorry! Please keep going..." You muttered, your eyes shooting open again from the loss of contact.
Euronymous smirked and resumed his torture, but this time a bit more rough. You gasped in pleasure as he picked up the pace. His hot breath caressing your neck sent you into overdrive, and before you knew it...you were coming undone in front of him– screaming for more.
However, he didn't have enough. He suddenly pinned you against the bed, whispering in your ear, "You want more? You'll get it, bitch." He unbuttoned his pants frantically, his cock lined up against your cunt. As if on cue, you spread your legs for him and grabbed onto his back as he pushed in eagerly.
He stretched you out, the bliss filling you both. Your fingernails dug into his back, earning a hiss from his as he groaned into your ear. As he increased the pace, you could only moan and scream out his name in pleasure.
"E-Euro! Fuck, M'so close...!" You shouted, feeling the heat between you two.
"Yeah? He doesn't fuck you like I do, only I can make you feel like this... Don't forget that, bitch." He grunted, his words making you melt into his body.
His thrusts grew erratic, groaning expletives into your ear, while you moaned his name out like a god. Every touch, kiss and lick that he sent against your body sent you over the edge.
The feeling flooded you with pleasure, biting down on his shoulder as he finally thrusted into you. You came undone, but he wasn't done yet. He kept at it, with a heat that seemed like it could never be quenched. His thrusts increased in urgency, wild and feverish.
"F-Fuck! Take it like a good girl..." He yelled, cumming into you.
A shudder ran through his body as he came undone, and the heat between you two seemed to cool.
He let out a deep breath and pulled out of you, rolling onto the bed beside you.
However, you needed to get home, quickly cleaning yourself up. You got dressed and before you left, you pulled him in for a deep kiss, and as you attempted to leave, he grabbed your wrist.
"Leave him," he said in a low voice. Causing you to freeze.
"I'm sorry?" You asked, confusion written all over your face.
"You heard what I said." He said, his gaze unwavering. "Leave him. I don't want you with someone else."
You tilted your head at him, "And who are you to tell me that?"
He rolled his eyes and let go of your wrist. "I want you for myself," he said, his voice low and husky. "And I know you want me as much as I want you."
You bit the inside of your cheek. He was right. You did want him. But, how could you possibly leave someone for someone else? You had come into this arrangement aware that it was only every night and nothing more.
You smiled, tilting your head at him. "I can't simply leave him," you said softly. "But, I still want to be with you."
He nodded and pulled you into his arms again, holding you close as he kissed the top of your head. "Then stay here," he whispered in your ear.
You stepped away from him and peered into his eyes, a warmth sweeping over your body. You couldn't help but feel the chemistry between you two, and it was too strong to ignore.
You stepped closer to him again and nodded, your voice a whisper as you spoke.
"Don't make me regret it, Euro."
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chaosandmarigolds · 2 months
Gm!!! Here’s a little dribble Drabble for yall
Retirement!Simon can only sleep in cold, blackout dark and quiet rooms, which wasn’t odd- he was a light sleeper so all of those things helped stay asleep
Retirement!Simon that as soon as you trip when you try to carefully find the bathroom in the darkness of the night was already tearing out the floor boards to install motion sensors lights
Retirement!Simon that thinks the tv is a waste of money and space, so he keeps it in the garage
Retirement!Simon who, guess what, he’s dinosaur train and Bluey with his three year old on his lap religiously every morning
Retirement!Simon that wakes up early as the sun to go workout, turning on the lights to wake himself up
Retirement!Simon who thinks it’s a stupid notion that he would ever willingly get out of bed before you, and if he does he’s sure to give you about seven thousand kisses before he does
Retirement!Simon that hates kids, hates them, thinks they gross and silmey and uh why can’t they just grow up already?
Retirement!Simon who almost cried on your son’s fourth birthday- because how dare he get so big??
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eggcromancer · 3 months
Me: I want to draw a 100% fluff bakery AU where y/n + the daycare attendant runs a small and cozy bakery
But me also:
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To the Edge of Chaos
Pirate!Gaz x Female Reader (of mixed Arab decent)
A murder accusation and the death of a beloved father. Those where the events that led you to take refuge in this seedy tavern. Scared and left completely alone for the very first time, you try you're best to evade watchful eyes. Easier said than done with handsome pirates in the vicinity.
Warnings: MDNI, Crude language, talks of beheadimg and murder.
To the Edge of Chaos
Words: 1.1k
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“Did you hear!?,” The man next to you whispered. He must be a local if he's comfortable gossiping in a tavern like this. The smell of cheap alcohol was making you nauseous but this was the only safe place you could find for the time being.
“Everyone's heard by this stage,” the bar keep whispered back. “The city guards have been preventing people from talking about it since they announced the passing of the King. I heard they're going to behead her without trial.”
“I don't believe it for a second! Our princess would never do something like that!”
“Keep your voice down! They have ears all over the city,” the bar keep warned. But the bar was rowdy despite the news of the king's passing circulating. It felt like the city was celebrating, apart from a select few that is. You didn't realise how insignificant the royal family was in this part of the city. Though granted, the ports were often run by pirates these days despite the naval guard trying to stake their claim over the area.
You wonder where everything went wrong. It wasn't long ago that you were dressing as a servant boy to explore the city scape. Even though you should have been studying, should have been performing your royal duties. It seems that your selfishness has come to bite you in the ass. Had it not been for your uncle you would be on the road to your demise right about now. You've only narrowly escaped death for the time being. No one knows how you'll fare tomorrow.
That's how you found yourself in one of the few places the city guards couldn't reach you. The loyalty of the people here lay with the outlaws, the reject, the outcasts. An ideal place to find a temporary identity or a completely new one if one wanted. The bar buzzed with joy as the people guzzled their cheap rum and brandy. It tasted nothing like the refined wines you were raised on. Not that you had the luxury of being picky anymore. But at least you could enjoy the sweetness during these trying times. Probably not a good financial decision though. But you desperately needed something to take edge of the grief you were feeling. 
“The king loved his daughter, why would she have any reason to kill him?” The drunk patron drawled on despite the looks he was getting from the other patrons. The royal family really wasn't popular here. You scan your area staying on high alert, you couldn't have anyone mistaking you for someone who was supposed to be locked up and awaiting her death. You suppose sneaking out did pay off in this instance. You were so used to acting like a boy that it wasn't hard mimicking the mannerisms of the people around you. That and the disguise was good enough to fool the drunk for now. You just needed to get your hands on a more convincing ensemble if you wanted to survive.
“Aye nae one cares that wee bastard is dead, Never done nae good for the people like us! And his daughter too! Never even seen 'er face in public! Always hiding away in 'er big castle too full of 'erself tae care about 'er people dying in the slums!” A drunk man with an odd haircut shouts. Pirates. You watch the men around him laugh as they encourage him to keep going. The whole situation made you uneasy. Your reputation was horrible amongst the poor it seems. Or anyone for that matter. You were very much aware of the hate you received because of your mothers heritage. Despite her still being foreign royalty.
“Good thing we'll finally see 'er head come off! Good riddance!” You flinch as the man continues his rant stumbling as he tries to reach the bar for more alcohol. But someone from his group grabs him by the back of the neck before he can reach where you were sitting. Damn you wouldn't want to mess with his friend.
He was built like an oak tree. Not to mention his terrifying mask. You wouldn't be surprised if they called him the grim reaper. You remind yourself to keep away from those two. It's not long before the drunk man is hauled off outside while he airs out his lungs towards the person who was holding him like a pup. You watch as his crew boo and jeer the big man as he drags out the other to sober up.
Your eyes naturally drift back to the rowdy crowd who seemed at home in the tavern. Many women excitedly draped themselves on the arms of the most handsome or the ones that looked like they had money. You couldn't blame them. They were quite handsome you'll admit, and who didn't like money? You could use some right now.
One man in particular caught your eye. His laugh was akin to the warmth of the setting sun. Your hand absently caresses the necklace around your neck. The thought of him caressing skin no man has touched made your head spin with forbidden thoughts. Ones you desperately had to push down. Your necklace hums with magic concealing your feminine features, essentially presenting you as a boy to anyone.
You continue your not so discrete exploration of the handsome man's toned body. He would have make a nice personal gaurd. It stirs something in your heart but you push it down as soon as it surfaces. Now wasn't the time!
His dark sun kissed skin glowed under the light of their lanterns while multiple women tried and failed to monopolize his attention. Though you knew for a fact he enjoyed the commotion they were making for him. You could see it on his smug face and mischievous kohl covered eyes. They looked like pools of honey from where you sat. Stop it idiot! You need to focus!
It seemed the bearded man sitting next to him was also enjoying the attention he was receiving. They exchanged cigars as they continued to enjoy their drinks while the woman fawned for their undivided attention.
You study them for a bit before making up your mind. They'd do nicely. You needed money, and they looked like they had plenty to spare. You're sure they wouldn't mind a few coins missing. Though it was your first time stealing, it couldn't be that hard could it? A little flirting here, a little touching there and you'll have a couple coins in your purse in no time. You glance at your necklace debating if it was a good option to remove the enchantment for a short time. The people were all drunk anyway and it wasn't like anyone would recognise you here. You just needed to get one of them alone somehow. But how?
Copyright © by ethereal-night-fairy. 2024. All Rights Reserved. Writing not permitted for reposting, transcription, translation or to use with AI technologies.
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phantom-0-writer · 2 months
danny died bc he tripped and accidentally turned on the portal? actually that was the reaction waves of krypton finally dying reaching earth. the wave of kryptonite coincidentally gave danny his powers.
ghost form? thats actually his body's reaction to the sudden surge of power (which includes shape shifting). his phantom form is what he looks like as a "kryptonian".
he doesn't rly align w the other supers? thats bc each kryptonian family has their own source (aka core) for their powers. the s on superman's design means hope and prosperity, and is the symbol of the house of el. which is why kryptonite (formed by the death of their planet/ Disparity) weakens them
danny isn't from the house of El. his fam represented life/resilience, which is why he's weakened by blood blossoms, created by gruesome death. and also y danny can see the dead kryptonians and interact w them. (his house ruled over/ controlled the phantom zone???? maybe)
clark was ecstatic to find out that the yj's newest recruit was a kryptonian. danny was surprised when the scans/mandatory physical said he was actually an alien. bruce is happy for clark, but isn't happy to know that apparently kryptonite isn't an effective contingency plan. konner doesn't know how to feel abt his new team mate.
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