wingsmadeforflying · 8 months
Rewatching Ouran High School while drawing. Tamaki is a dumbass, I love him so much.
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hellomayu · 2 months
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kiss kiss fall in love 💕
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starrysharks · 11 months
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he's like if a woman and a man had a baby
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kanna-kizuchi-enjoyer · 9 months
theyre similar. what if they were a little family
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paunchsalazar · 2 years
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baby Hitachiins!!! and their alpha grandmother
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mewmewchann · 1 year
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woa Hopeless Fools lore who coulda guessed And an art update AND logo update??? Whoa! About damn time!!!
also I am absolutely down to talk about this project btw so feel free to jump in my inbox! ...I mean this project has existed for ages so I’m surprised people haven’t already lol
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mirai-e-jump · 2 months
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Uchusen Vol.184 (Spring 2024) Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger | Detail of Super Sentai ft. Main Cast & Staff Interviews (translations below)
Publication: April 1, 2024
Iuchi Haruhi x Hayama Yuki x Suzuki Miu
"First, regarding the three of you, we'd like to ask, what motivated you to pursue the entertainment industry and acting in the first place?"
Iuchi: When I was in my second year of middle school, I saw the TV drama "Death Note" starring Kubota Masataka-san, which motivated me to become an actor. When I was in elementary school, I was really lacking confidence and always wanted to be someone other than myself, so when I saw Death Note, I felt that I could become someone else if I was an actor.
Hayama: I joined my current agency at 16 after being contacted in Osaka. At the time, I wanted to become a hairstylist, and at first I was thinking of turning down their offer, but the agency contacted me for over six months, and my mother said, "Since they're going this far, why don't you take atleast one audition?" And so, I took it and passed, and now I'm sitting here (laughs). I can say this now, but I did my first job without knowing what I was doing……But as I did it, I learned to enjoy the work, and from there I decided to become an actor.
Suzuki: When I was little, I was a regular reader of "Nicola," a fashion magazine for middle schoolers, and I'd carry it with me everywhere I went every day. It started when my sister recommended that I audition as an exclusive model. I applied when I was in my fifth year of elementary school and made it to the final round, but was rejected there. I was so disappointed, that I applied on my own the following year and was accepted.
"Why did you decide to also pursue acting after joining as a model?"
Suzuki: It started when I took acting lessons at my agency. At first, I wasn't very good at the lessons, but after 2-3 years, I had a moment where I felt that acting was fun. It all started with something trivial during a lesson, but from there I wanted to become better, and now I'm working hard at acting.
"Have you watched any of the previous Super Sentai or other tokusatsu productions?"
Hayama: I loved "Kamen Rider Kabuto," and had the transformation items for all the Kabuto Riders and I used to play with them with my younger brother.
Iuchi: I also watched alot of them. My house was full of Kamen Rider toys and my cousin's house was full of Super Sentai toys, so we used to play with them at each other's houses. I remember "Kamen Rider Wizard" being my favorite.
Suzuki: My older sister liked Super Sentai, so because of her, we used to watch "Mahou Sentai Magiranger" together. The other day, when Director Watanabe Katsuya asked me, "Have you seen any of the older tokusatsu shows?" I said, "I watched Magiranger!" and he said, "I used to film that too." I was deeply moved and happy to think that I'm now creating new heroes together with the people who created heroes for me to admire when I was a kid.
Hayama: Someday, we'll also become the ones who people admire.
Suzuki: I want to become one!
Iuchi: There's no doubt.
"What were your first impressions of Boonboomger?"
Iuchi: When I saw the materials for Boonboomger at our meeting, I felt that the designs and naming were back to the "taste" of the old days compared to the recent Super Sentai (laughs).
Hayama: When I read the script, my impression was that Boonboomger would be a cheerful and easy to understand show that both parents and children could enjoy together.
Suzuki: When I first saw the visuals, I thought it was quite original (laughs). It's like it was etched into my mind at first sight. The tires being slapped onto their faces leaves an unprecedented impact.
"How do you feel about the characters you're playing?"
Hayama: I had heard that he was a really cool character, and that's what I thought when I read the script, but as the story progressed I couldn't help but wonder……Is Ishiro really that cool? (laughs). My impression of him changed.
Suzuki: Mira is an innocent, energetic and cheerful mood maker, and I get the impression that she's similar to me. I think it's very easy to play, and that I'm able to project what I have into the role.
Iuchi: My first impression of Taiya was that he was interesting but difficult. When I read a script, to form my first impression, I often think about how the character's personality is similar to that in an anime or movie, but that didn't come out at all with Taiya. Gradually, I'm trying to find my own version of Taiya.
"What were your first impressions of each other?"
Iuchi: I've been together with Yuki-kun since the audition. I was Red and Yuki-kun was Blue, which is a common combination, and while everyone at the audition was nervous, my first impression of Yuki-kun was that he was sharp, cool, and very much Blue. It's completely different now (laughs).
Hayama: Hey?! (laughs).
Iuchi: Once I got to know him, there wasn't a hint of coolness (laughs).
"What about Suzuki-san?"
Iuchi: My first impression at the meeting was that she's someone who pays close attention to her surroundings, and she gives off the image of treating each person in the way they'd like to be treated.
Suzuki: That was your first impression?! I'm glad (laughs).
Iuchi: My impression of Suzuki-san hasn't changed (laughs).
"Hayama-san, what about you?"
Hayama: As Haruhi mentioned, I often worked with him from the early stages of the audition. I wasn't aware of it at first, but Haruhi had also passed the audition, and I was happy that the partner I was competing with for so long was there. My first impression of Haruhi was that he was a quiet person. But when it comes to acting, his voice changes, or rather, the way he speaks changes. His on and off switch is amazing. Now that I can see more of Haruhi's natural side, the image I get is that he acts appropriately for his age (laughs).
"What about your impressions of Suzuki-san?"
Hayama: The four male members of Boonboomger are surprisingly shy, and when we're unsure of what to say, Miu-chan will talk to us and bring the four of us together, so I have the image that she's a caring person. Now, she's surprisingly outspoken and is showing new sides of herself.
"Suzuki-san, what are your impressions of these two?"
Suzuki: Haruhi-kun has a very distinct voice. I got the impression that he was someone who spoke in a very calm and comfortable tone. Also, at the first costume fitting, when they asked if anyone had any problems with their costume, Haruhi-kun raised his hand and said, "I don't know how to walk in these sneakers." The heels on Taiya's sneakers are about 6cm high, and I was really impressed by the way he walked in a very unusual way, without bending his knees, he looked like a penguin (laughs).
Iuchi: They had a high bottom like heels. I've never worn heels before, so I didn't know how to walk in them (laughs). I ended up having the insoles lowered so I could walk safely.
"What about Hayama-san?"
Suzuki: My first impression was that he was a cool person. It's different now (laughs). He's very silly, very meddling, and an interesting Kansai person.
Hayama: How strange (laughs).
"Filming has progressed and we think you've gotten a feel for your characters, but what parts of your performance are you mindful of?"
Iuchi: As mentioned earlier, I still haven't fully grasped Taiya himself yet, but I decided to create Taiya not by thinking about him, but by thinking about the kind of character he is when he's with "this person." I'm getting to know Taiya through his relationships with the people around him, such as the sense of distance between him and Ishiro, and between him and Mira.
Hayama: There are many things about Boonboomger and our character's pasts that I can't talk about yet, but I've had the opportunity to learn more deeply about Ishiro's relationships and the way he interacts with people, and thanks to that, I feel I have a better grasp on my performance as Ishiro.
Suzuki: It's a small detail, but when I speak with a loud voice, my voice tends to come from higher up. However, Mira is an aggressive kid who's always moving forward on her own, so I try to act with the image of putting her voice forward as much as possible. When I saw the broadcast of the first episode, I felt that my voice came out too high, so now I'm trying to express Mira's momentum by bringing my voice forward.
"Did you two get any feedback on your performance from watching the finished footage?"
Iuchi: Taiya's a character who isn't overly emotional, but the Director pointed out that I was too conscious of this and that there was little intonation in my line delivery. When I watched the first episode again, I realized that when the sound effects and BGM were added, my dialogue was drowned out and lost. My voice is loud during battle scenes, but I thought it sounded kind of monotonous in other scenes. I felt that alittle more inflection and speed could be added from the time I'm Taiya before transforming into BoonRed.
Hayama: For me, it was more a reflection than a new discovery. At first, there were parts where I didn't fully understand what the Director was saying, but after watching the footage, I finally realized what it was he was trying to say. I'd like to make the most of it in future shoots.
"After watching the footage, It seems that everyone's performance may change in future episodes. So, is there anything you'd like to challenge yourself with in Boonboomger?"
Iuchi: I'd like to act with more emotion. Like Mira, she's happy, angry, or sad to the fullest, Taiya hasn't had a scene like that yet, so I'd like to try it.
Suzuki: I'd like to try the so called "swapping episode." The other day, we all practiced for a possible situation where our roles have been swapped. For example, I tried predicting what Ishiro would be like in Mira by saying certain lines. So, if there was a swap, I think everyone would be able to do it at a pretty high level (laughs).
Hayama: For me it's action. The first time I practiced action, it was so difficult that I couldn't imagine what it would be like to film it while acting and saying lines. But, I think I can learn alot from it, so I want to give it a try.
"And finally, please tell us some key points to watch out for to make Boonboomger even more enjoyable."
Hayama: Some may feel that Ishiro is a cold person based on his attitude toward Mira at first, but he's a character kinder than anyone else. He doesn't view things with a biased perspective, and is a man who treats people with respect. So, as the story progresses, please pay attention to the relationships between Ishiro and the people around him. I especially hope people look forward to his relationship with Mira.
Suzuki: The five of us are all unique, and if we were in the same class, we would never belong to the same clique. What will happen to these five going forward? I think we may clash with each other when we're together, but how will we change and "become one color"? I'd like you to pay attention to that.
Iuchi: I'd also like you to pay attention to the battle scenes. The staff told me that they place importance not only on coolness, but on how to incorporate a comical touch to the coolness. The voice actors adlibs are also amazing, for example, in the first episode, Mizuki Nana-san, who plays Ittasha, adlibbed "Ka-click" before saying "Ignition," and Matsumoto Rica-san, who plays Bundorio, also adlibs, which is always fun. Because I've read the scripts, I can see that there are alot of lines that aren't in them, and I think you can especially see that in the battle scenes. I'd be very happy if you could pay attention to the comical side within the coolness.
Saito Ryu x Soma Satoru
"First, please tell us how you both became interested in the entertainment industry and acting."
Saito: When I was in my second year of high school, I won the Grand Prix in the Junon Superboy Contest, and that's when I entered the entertainment industry. When I was in middle school, I had the opportunity to think about my career path, but at that time I couldn't find what I wanted to do. However, I admired heroes and wanted to do something to help others, and after that I studied to become a high school teacher. Still, since we only have one life, I wanted to do something even bigger, so I applied to Junon, and that's when I decided to pursue a career in the entertainment industry.
"Does that mean you admired (super) heroes? Did you watch tokusatsu shows?"
Saito: I watched Super Sentai and Kamen Rider. Heroes who purely fight for the sake of others are cool, I admired them. Boys like that kind of thing even after they grow up, don't they? I thought that I wanted to get a job where I could protect people, like a firefighter, policeman, or a school teacher who leads people.
"BoonBlack, who's also a police officer, is a perfect role for Saito-san."
Saito: This character is the very embodiment of my dream!
"Soma-san, what about you?"
Soma: When I was in high school, I was thinking about what I wanted to do, but nothing came to mind. I thought that I might be able to change if I came to Tokyo, so I moved to Tokyo, found employment, and worked in sales for four years. I had alot of connections during that time, and as I worked at my current agency, and was given the opportunity to do things like model, my desire to do acting grew stronger……and that's how it all started.
"What kind of roles do you want to play?"
Soma: I'd like to play characters who are psychopaths (laughs). Genba Bureki isn't a psychopath, but he's a mysterious person whose true identity is unknown, so I think there are some similarities. I've always wanted to take on a role like that, so I'm really looking forward to discovering many new things about myself by playing the role of Genba.
"Saito-san, you said you admired heroes, so can you tell us about the tokusatsu shows you watched during your childhood?"
Saito: I'm from the generation of "Engine Sentai Go-onger," but I was really into "Kamen Rider Ghost." I love historical stories, especially "Romance of the Three Kingdoms," so I was waiting to see if any generals from the Three Kingdoms would appear in Ghost.
Soma: I used to watch "Kamen Rider 555" and "Kamen Rider W," and for Super Sentai, I still have the "Ninpu Sentai Hurricanger" book that I got in preschool at my parents house.
"Soma-san later made an appearance in Avataro Sentai Donbrothers……"
Soma: After playing the role of a playboy (the one who tried to pick up Sononi in episode 8), I finally became a hero this time (laughs). The first filming location for Boonboomger was the same for me in Donbrothers, so I thought, "This is where I was picking up women!" It's kind of inappropriate to say though (laughs).
"When it was announced that the two of you would be appearing in the next Super Sentai production, including your family, what was the reaction from those around you?"
Saito: I didn't tell my family until the very last moment before the production announcement. On the day of the announcement, I told them in a video call that, "I'm going to be playing the role of Black in the next Super Sentai." My father, mother and older sister froze for a moment and then burst out laughing for some reason (laughs). They congratulated me, but then my mother immediately said, "More importantly, there's no snow in Akita, so we can't make snow huts (kamakura)." I thought, "What do you mean more importantly?!" (laughs). No matter how hard I tried to explain it to her, my mother kept talking about snow huts. Especially since I don't come from a family that makes a living off building them (laughs). Still, rather than them expecting too much, I think I preferred it being this easy, so I didn't feel any pressure.
Soma: I think my mother was particularly pleased. Also, my older sister has a 3 year old child, so I'm hoping that when they're older, they'll watch Boonboomger. I want to tell them that their uncle is a Boonboomger.
Saito: If my nephew asked me to "Henshin!" I think I'd do it immediately (laughs).
Soma: I'd call Ono Yukimasa-san (BoonOrange's Suit Actor) to transform for me (laughs).
"What were your initial impressions of Boonboomger during the auditions?"
Soma: At the time of the audition, I didn't even know the name "Boonboomger" yet. However, when I read the script, I felt that the atmosphere would be alittle different compared to recent Sentai.
Saito: I went into the audition thinking that I wanted to be Red, but my image of Red was that from older productions……I imagined Red as a super hot blooded and serious character, but Taiya isn't like that at all. Rather, I'm more like Jou, and as a result, I perfectly fit into his character (laughs).
Soma: Since I'm 27, I didn't aim for Red. I have the impression that recent Sentai casts include older members among the younger ones, so I was auditioning with a pinpoint aim for that position.
"Did you two meet each other at the audition?"
Soma: We met in the third or fourth round of the audition, right?
Saito: I remember my impression at that time. Satoru-kun was really mysterious and I didn't know what he was thinking. Because it was an audition, everyone was very intense, but for better or for worse, only Satoru-kun was just mysterious. He was so laid back, but he had such a strong presence that I thought, "Who is this guy?" That's why I was scared of him at first. But when I talked to him, I found out that he wasn't like that at all (laughs).
Soma: He spoke clearly and had a fresh feel to him, and I felt at ease knowing that he wouldn't be playing the same role as me.
"What are your impressions of Red, Blue and Pink?"
Saito: To be honest, from the beginning of the audition, I felt that Haruhi and Yuki-kun were Red and Blue.
Soma: That's for sure.
Saito: Haruhi's voice and way of speaking are truly Red. The moment I heard his voice at the audition, I immediately "shifted gears" that Haruhi was already Red (laughs). It's not good to focus solely on Red, as Yuki-kun's way of speaking and personality are also Blue. Then I thought about what I could do and gave it a try.
"What about Suzuki-san?"
Saito: I'm not very good at remembering women's faces and names, and I don't really remember much about Miu-chan from the audition……However, I was impressed by a girl who gave me a fist bump, and later I found out that that girl was Miu-chan (laughs).
"Now, please tell us about the characters you're playing."
Saito: Jou's a character with a high amount of freedom, and I'm often asked to adlib or "try something" on set. It's a really incredible role, but it's difficult. The other three male members are cool or mysterious and don't show much emotion. Jou shows his emotions, so I try to express them through my face and body, but it's still difficult. I'm learning how difficult it is to express myself, because I sometimes feel that I'm not expressing myself well, or that it's unnatural. I hope to bring out more of the pitiful and clumsy, yet still lovable character of Jou.
Soma: Up to the current episode that's aired, there are many aspects of Genba that even I don't understand. However, he's the kind of character who will reach out to you when you need him, so I hope I can express both his sketchiness and kindness. He's a character I've never played before, so it'll be difficult.
"What are you mindful of when playing your roles?"
Soma: I'm the oldest of the Boonboomger members, and Genba is also older than the other characters, so I'm conscious of giving off a sense of seniority by speaking in a calm manner. And then there's being suspicious (laughs).
Saito: I feel that Jou's a character that's as close to me as possible, and I think it'd be good if I could bring him closer to me. However, when I try to express Jou's straightforward feelings, I find it difficult to do so. Because the character is so close to me, it's difficult to express the parts of him that are different from me.
"Was there anything that the Director told you during filming that left an impression on you?"
Saito: Director Watanabe Katsuya told me, "You're a rugged and passionate guy like the old Reds, give it your all." I was happy and could feel the Director's passion.
Soma: Genba's hair is orange and permed, so the Director's first order to me was, "I don't want him to come off as a player." I was conscious of the way I spoke and the tone of my voice, keeping my voice low so it doesn't sound too loud.
"Have you spoken with the post transformation Suit Actors?"
Saito: At the beginning of the story, when Jou doesn't appear much and doesn't transform, I didn't have much of a chance to talk to Shige-san (Ito Shigeki). However, I had alot of performances where I was suspended by wires, and Shige-san gave me advice on how to move.
Soma: I can't talk about BoonOrange in detail yet, but I'm trying to make him look more mature while talking with the Suit Actor Ono Yukimasa-san and the Directors. Other than my own role, I'm paying attention to the performance of the Nejiretta. Within Boonboomger, I like the Nejiretta the most!
Saito: Satoru-kun imitates the Nejiretta any chance he can get (laughs).
"Going forward, is there anything you'd like to do in an episode of Boonboomger, or is there anything you'd like to try as an actor?"
Soma: I'd like to do a swapping episode, which may become an annual thing. I'd like to play a character that I'd never play, someone like Mira.
"In our interview with Suzuki-san, she also mentioned that she'd like to do a swapping episode. However, she predicted that Ishiro would be in Mira (laughs)."
Soma: She's been taken (laughs). But, it'd be fun to swap characters with anyone.
Saito: You love the Nejiretta so much, that you'd swap with one of them (laughs).
Soma: I'll go all out when the time comes! (laughs).
"Saito-san, what about you?"
Saito: I'd like to do a battle scene before the transformation. Of course, I want you to see Black's battle after his transformation, but I also want to fight myself. I've been taking action lessons and I think I can do some basic things, so I'd like to do some pure action scenes. I hope the time will come when I can show you the results of my daily muscle training (laughs).
Soma: When changing clothes, everyone else changes in the dressing room, but he changes his clothes on set and shows off his muscles (laughs).
Saito: I'll pull myself together and make sure I'm ready for you all to see me without being embarrassed (laughs).
"And finally, could you tell us about some key points to watch out for to make Boonboomger even more enjoyable?"
Saito: I think Super Sentai in recent years has had many heroic action scenes, and the Robo battles are also very powerful. I hope you'll enjoy the real thrill of tokusatsu. And then there are the Sanseaters. They're not just villains, but rather, lovable characters who are somewhat clumsy, so I think you'll enjoy it even more if you pay attention not only to us Boonboomgers, but also to the enemy characters.
Soma: Don't forget the Sanseaters and Nejiretta (laughs). The members of Boonboomger have distinctly different colors and personalities, so I think you'll be able to discover new aspects of each character every time. I'd be happy if you enjoy discovering these new aspects of every character each time you watch.
Producer Kuji Yoshito x Main Writer Tomioka Atsuhiro
"Kuji-san has been involved in the production of many Super Sentai series, but this is his first interview with this magazine. May we ask about your background?"
Kuji: I joined Toei in 2011, and was one of the rare new employees at Toei who loved tokusatsu (laughs). I was involved with "Space Sheriff Gavan The Movie," and for Super Sentai, "Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger" and later "Shuriken Sentai Ninninger," but after that, I was transferred to the Educational Video Department and was separated from tokusatsu. Last year, I heard about the use of LED walls in King-Ohger and was very interested, so I gathered information within the company and visited the filming location. I don't think this had anything to do with it, but I was later transferred to the Drama Planning and Production Department and joined the team as a Producer for King-Ohger. As a tokusatsu enjoyer, this was something I couldn't have hoped for, but on top of that, as I was entrusted with the job, I was told that, "You'll also be the Chief Producer of the next Sentai…"
"In addition to the production currently being aired, he'd soon take charge on a new one…! Did you have an idea who the Main Writer would be at that point?"
Kuji: I originally loved "Battle Spirits," which Tomioka-san wrote for. Because of that impression, I was hoping to work with him someday. So, as soon as I started thinking about the new project, I consulted with Tsukada Hideaki, who had worked with Tomioka-san on the anime "Fuuto PI" as Chief Director, and said, "I'd like to meet Tomioka-san! Please introduce me!"
Tomioka: Suddenly, I received an e-mail from Toei, so I assumed it was a request from Toei Animation.
"Tomioka-san has participated in many productions by Toei Animation, such as ONE PIECE and Dragon Ball Super."
Tomioka: When I read it carefully, I was so happy that I jumped up and down because it was a request for a live action production, which I had longed to do. However, there was no mention of the "to" character for "tokusatsu" in the e-mail, so when it was decided that we would meet……I wondered if I'd be able to write about "Kasouken no Onna." After hearing about the Super Sentai series, I wanted to write a live action drama, which is why I originally entered this industry, and furthermore, I wanted to write a tokusatsu hero story, so I said, "I'll do it!"
Kuji: He was very enthusiastic. I was also very happy because we were taking a chance. Joining in on Tomioka-san's high motivation, the conversation proceeded at a rapid pace from there.
"What was the reason you originally wanted to write tokusatsu?"
Tomioka: I love toys! Even when I was working on my debut work in anime "Brave Exkaiser," I was collecting toys of the Gattai Robos. I always wanted to write a tokusatsu show that's closely intertwined with the toys, but I could never find the right opportunity to do so. And then, Kuji-san approached me. I had written stories for various productions in the past while keeping pace with the toy release schedule, so there was no trouble in creating the story. When I heard that the motif this time was cars, I was excited and thought, "I can do car action!" but then I calmed down and realized that you can't really do car crashes in the city nowadays. Nagahara Hideichi-san, my Scriptwriting mentor, wrote "Seibu Keisatsu" in which they drive an armored car through Ginza and had car action, so I'd like to create a world like that someday (laughs).
"It was decided from the beginning that cars would be one of the motifs, right?"
Kuji: Although the keyword was ultimately decided after discussions with TV Asahi and Bandai, I originally wanted to use "creative" as a keyword. Of course, there are many Sentai productions that use cars as a motif, but if we were to upgrade them to modern values, I thought it would be possible to incorporate the "manufacturing" that children are familiar with from videos and games. For example, in the past, the super machines would be given to them by a large organization or an unknown entity like, "We'll give this to you guys!" So instead of that, I thought that building and riding machines from their own hands would be an easier choice for admiration in the modern day. From there, I expressed to Tomioka-san this desire to portray a team doing something creative while gathering together for a mission.
Tomioka: In other words, it's like "Fast & Furious" (laughs). In addition, it's tempting to make cars talk as a way to appeal to younger viewers, but if you're really conscious of the fact that they're cars, it's better not to make them talk. I wanted to express that a machine is the best it can be because of the awesome power of the human driver. Also, in addition to the Boonboom Cars, the five of them would've had a car (through production), and I suggested that their occupations be car related, but that didn't work out……As you can imagine, we can't send out five cars all at once.
"At the same time as Tomioka-san, was pilot Director Nakazawa Shojiro also sent an offer?"
Kuji: When I was thinking about the image of the heroes I wanted to create, I wanted a Director who would take the direction I had created with Tomioka-san and push it even further beyond our imaginations. I think that Nakazawa-san is a Director who adds twists to the story, not just pure coolness. I asked Nakazawa-san to direct the pilot because I wanted him to take Boonboomger to a place where my sensibilities couldn't go. Besides, Tomioka Atsuhiro x Nakazawa Shojiro was the combination I most wanted to see. This combination is "alchemy" at its finest.
"Because of the use of LED walls in the previous work King-Ohger, we think there was more filming on set than on location. On the other hand, in this production, there's alot of filming on location due to driving cars. What were your guidelines for filming?"
Kuji: They really pushed King-Ohger to the limits to see how far they could go with their technological capabilities. This allowed the staff to share the work "calories" for each process. As Tomioka-san mentioned earlier, it's difficult to produce five regular theatrical cars. However, I had alot of discussions with the staff about the possibility of producing many Boonboom Cars by using assets (3DCG model data). Live compositing is used to represent the Boonboom Cars cockpit, the highway space, and the maintenance room. While considering sustainable work calories, I thought about how to produce the best image in a timely manner.
"In the first episode, Mira joins the Boonboomger and the story begins with a three member team. How did you come up with the story?"
Tomioka: We were thinking of doing something that would be most pleasing for children, our main audience, in other words, the classic battle hobby for boys. Taiya and Ishiro, and even Bundorio were already a team, and were strong from the beginning. In my experience, this structure, where it's important to be strong from the beginning, and then add the newcomer Mira to further strengthen them, is something that children feel good getting into. When I heard Kuji-san's idea of each person being a car related professional, Shirakura Shinichiro-san, who happened to be present at the meeting, said, "It's like the Hissatsu series." Actually, I love the Hissatsu series, and Shirakura-san's words made me really excited, thinking, "I can do something that I've always wanted to do but haven't been able to do!" I hope I can portray adults that children will admire to become. The style that's often depicted in the Hissatsu series is that a newcomer (Mira) joins the professionals, and the pasts of the other members are slowly revealed. Then it naturally becomes a story about the bonds of the team. The story line of Boonboomger is moving in an increasingly interesting direction as we incorporate ideas from other Scriptwriters one after another.
"Looking back at the Super Sentai series over the past few years, Ohsama Sentai King-Ohger, Avataro Sentai Donbrothers and Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger have been written almost exclusively by a single Scriptwriter. Tomioka-san, you're working with multiple Scriptwriters to create Boonboomger, what's your goal?"
Tomioka: I believe that by incorporating ideas that come from other people, not just myself, the characters will be able to develop. I'd love to write all the episodes by myself, but I think it's more appropriate if this production is written by a team of multiple people. Besides, it'd be boring to keep the heroes I've always wanted to myself. The style I like is to call my friends and then we all go wild in this new world together. First, since I was approached for "Fuuto PI" by chance, I was sure that Higuchi Tatsuhito-kun, who was in charge of the composition for the Fuuto series would be invited. Additionally, I approached Yamaguchi Hiroshi-san, who worked with me on "K-tai Investigator 7," once the project had been decided to a certain extent. Yamaguchi-san also writes to the extreme at full power. When I came to the Toei Tokyo studio with Yamaguchi-san, he said, "You're always on the opposite side, right? (at Toei Animation)" (laughs). Also, we have a younger man named Morichi Natsumi-san participating. Higuchi-kun and I are inspired by each and every tokusatsu scene, and our members have a deep and reassuring love for the characters. I've also reached out to Konuta Kenji-san, a former Writer for "Uchusen," and I'm hoping to work with this team until the final episode. There's also the fact that each of us wants to write only for the characters we have a strong attachment to (laughs). Like the Sanseaters……
"We'd like to ask you about the enemy characters here, but the Sanseaters seem to have a formation that we've seen in a production that Tomioka-san has worked on…….?"
Tomioka: Team Rocket from "Pokemon," right? (laughs). This time, due to various restrictions, the enemy doesn't have a hideout, so I wondered what kind of enemy I should make…..When I thought about it, I suddenly remembered the Greeed from "Kamen Rider OOO" and Heart and the others from "Kamen Rider Drive." Every time they're in some unknown place, they're talking to each other. When I thought about if I could get any inspiration from that……I came up with Team Rocket. I thought, "Villains who sleep outdoors!" (laughs).
Kuji: It was Tomioka-san's idea. There was no reason to hit the brakes anymore. We all stepped on the gas during the meeting.
Tomioka: To begin with, Yamaguchi-san and I grew up watching "Himitsu Sentai Gorenger," so when we think of Sentai enemies, we got the impression that they're monsters who are abit stupid and do interesting things.
"Listening to his story, we can see that Tomioka-san, who is an authority in children's productions, is putting into full use what he's cultivated. However, you haven't worked on a tokusatsu show since K-tai Investigator 7, and this is your first time working on a Toei tokusatsu production. Did you feel at a loss in that respect?"
Tomioka: In "K-tai," the enemy wasn't monsters. The main focus was on fighting hackers, and the only thing "tokusatsu" was the cell phones (Phone Braver) moving. In contrast, in the Super Sentai series, there are monsters, they become giant, the heroes announce themselves, they transform, and…..alot of other things. I thought I knew what I was getting into, but when it came time to actually write the script, it was difficult.
"There's something you have to do each time."
Tomioka: That's right. On top of that, in order to create something interesting, we received a variety of ideas from tokusatsu Director Butsuda Hiroshi for the giant battles, as well as feedback on what to do with the regular sized battles from Directors with past experience. The interesting part is the drama part, where the Directors don't often express their opinions. Therefore, when thinking about the drama part, I prioritized what Kuji-san wanted to create. I think this is the biggest difference from anime.
"Do you mean that you put the Producer's opinion first?"
Tomioka: In my experience, it's rare for a Producer to lead a production by himself, because in the case of anime, the opinion of the author is important if it's an original story, and the opinion of the Director or series creator is important if it is an original production. However, when Toei's tokusatsu shows are first announced, fans are always wondering who the Chief Producer is, aren't they? It's refreshing to know that fans are also paying attention to who will lead the production.
Kuji: That's what Tomioka-san says, but from my point of view, I'm being too dependent on him. Normally, the Chief Producer of Toei tokusatsu productions usually leads the discussion in meetings, but Tomioka-san took my opinions into consideration and organized the discussion by saying, "This is what you want to do, isn't it?" By incorporating the opinions of other Writers, he makes it even more interesting by saying, "This one's more explosive!" I think this is reflected in the footage in a good way. Maybe this is a style that hasn't been used in the past 47 series.
Tomioka: Come to think of it, in anime, a series composition chart is created to show what happens from the first episode to the final episode, but it seems that they don't usually prepare one for the Super Sentai series.
Kuji: Even though we have a rough idea of what we want to do, it has a strong "live" feel, so there's a possibility that we'll have to adjust the story halfway through.
Tomioka: I couldn't help but be anxious about that……So, before writing episodes 3 and 4, I told Kuji-san, "I want to decide how the story will develop until the end." Of course, taking into consideration the scheduled release of items and Robos, I made a series composition chart, and decided to some extent how many episodes with Taiya would be depicted in the series. But basically, we hope that everyone will enjoy each week's explosive episodes. And then, I'd be very happy if you thought, "That was fun! Let's play with toys too!"
"Boonboomger is finally airing, and it's going to be a year of excitement. We'd like to ask you about some key points of interest that readers who are looking forward to Boonboomger can enjoy even more."
Kuji: Boonboomger is a show that'll cheer you up when you watch it. The staff has put together what they think is "cool," so whether you're an adult or child, there's sure to be a key point in each episode that'll stick with you. We're working diligently on this production, hoping that it'll be a show that'll allow people to absorb the exciting energy on Sunday mornings and look forward to the following week. We'll continue to rev our engines so that we can provide excitement to everyone of all ages and genders!
Tomioka: I see this production as a story of friendship between Taiya and the alien Bundorio, and a growth story depicting the relationship between the Boonboomgers. In addition, as a toy lover, I'm excited to write about how much I can make the Boonboom Changer and Gattai Robos more appealing. Of course, we'll do our best to bring out the charm of the untransformed actors and make this a production that'll make children want to play as Boonboomgers. Now that they've finally started running, where will they go from here? I'd be happy if you look forward to watching them all year long!
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thatanimewriter · 11 months
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➳ request: headcanons about arranged business marriage with the host club? Like are they trying to keep it under wraps for the sake of the host club or are they not trying to hide it at all?
➳ character/s: suoh tamaki, ootori kyoya, fujioka haruhi, hitachiin hikaru, hitachiin kaoru, haninozuka mitsukuni, morinozuka takashi
➳ warnings: swearing, marriage, reader is rich, established relationship (haruhi, honey, mori)
➳ notes: when is it my turn to marry mori-
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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bitch can't keep a secret for more than 5 minutes
haruhi not being a girl is the only exception
he doesn't know a thing about you, but you're attractive and he's sure he can learn to love you
also he doesn't wanna disappoint his or your family by saying no
and he's very confident in his rizz
certain you will fall in love with him
but because he can't hide this from people, he did lose some customers
because some of the girls find it a bit too weird flirting with a taken man
rightfully so
and he pouted about it for a while, but also knows that as flirty as he does get with his guests
you are first priority
you're the one he's marrying, and he will be faithful to you
will actually reel his hosting back a little bit to give you more comfort
the club is partly responsible for that after expressing concerns
he probably never brought it up cause no one asked
even then, he's probably gonna lie and say you're not engaged
he won't do anything to prove otherwise though
it'll take a long time before he starts showing that he likes you in a remotely romantic way
never mind platonic
this is a business thing and a business thing only
is what he'd like to say
but after the club find out, they urge him to be more involved in this future marriage
will start hanging out with you more often and being a little more talkative at family dinners
he won't be affectionate with you past a simple kiss on the back of your hand
when he starts getting more involved in his father's company
taking over the company
he will open up a lot more to you because you were there and supported the journey even though you didn't really know him
it's a long journey, but it's worth it eventually
extreme patience with this man
100% a charity case
but you were dating before your parents said you should marry a commoner
to make it seem like your family aren't anti-commoner
it was kinda stupid, but hey, it meant you'd be allowed to marry haruhi so you weren't complaining too much
nothing in your relationship changed, because the people don't need to know of the business arrangement
haruhi is very much like
"damn rich people-"
but people never knew you were dating it the first place
only the host club knew and you had to duct tape tamaki's mouth shut
but since neither of you were out as a couple, you saw no need to tell people
and it was much easier to keep it under wraps
the host club did throw an engagement party for you guys though
there was no escaping that one
but it wasn't on campus grounds where someone could see
overall, pretty happy you didn't have to fight to marry the person you love
hides it because of the whole brotherly love thing
also because it'd be a funny prank to suddenly be married
what a whacky turn of events
even then, people would probably think he was joking if he said he was engaged
kyoya would be the one to tell the people (tamaki) that it isn't a joke
hikaru isn't really a fan of this arranged business marriage thing, but he's also not too fussed
just another person to prank-
he started to appreciate you more when you first told him apart from kaoru though
and then you did it again
and again
and every time since then
maybe getting married to you wasn't such a bad idea...
after the base getting to know each other, it's a much easier time bonding
because he knows you're not an asshole for sure
and you're not putting up with his shit, so he might as well get on your good side, i guess-
less likely to hide it than hikaru
but he's not gonna be overly vocal about it
because of the brotherly love gimmick-
he won't announce that you're ENGAGED
that's a big jump for everyone, especially tamaki
tamaki would lose his mind if he ever found out one of the shady twins was engaged
but kaoru will show you hints of affection
initially as teasing, but after getting to know you a bit more outside of business affairs, it becomes more genuine
still not massively open about it though
a lil affectionate noogie or arm around your shoulders
he won't pretend like he doesn't know you or that you guys aren't together to some extent
but he's not gonna go parading that around
would be kind enough to tell you about the brotherly love gimmick though
so you don't call off this engagement because you think he's genuinely romantically and sexually involved with his twin
when you first told him apart from hikaru, he was in love-
not capable of hiding it
he can't hide his love for you because he was gonna marry you anyway??
very cheery when you walk into the room
always feeding you cake, even if you can feed yourself
always cuddling you, will cling even if you're walking
his family are probably much more chill than the others
so he got to pick who he married, so long as it would benefit the haninozuka's
puts some serious boundaries in place if he continues to host though
platonic sessions only now
just a nice snack and a chat
will get more serious if any girl tries to push that boundary, especially if you're nearby
is constantly asking you to show off your ring to people
holds that hand all the time as well, because he can feel the ring
and be content knowing that he gets to marry you
doesn't hide it and would probably mention it when it first happened
doesn't wanna be heckled by anyone, but wants people to respect your relationship
an absolute gentleman
also doesn't have a super strict family in terms of dating
just as long as they make him happy and he makes them happy, and there won't be a scandal
often kisses your ring when you're just sitting together
tamaki screamed and probably broke the windows because how could he not know???
mori is probably a little bit more talkative in public when you're around
probably won't even host anymore, he'd quit once you got engaged, even if you said he could keep doing it
now he's just a honey bodyguard
he'll still talk to the girls if they ask him questions, but he wants them to know that he's off limits
does so many little favors for you, you're so spoilt (he doesn't go overboard)
unless someone outright asks him though, he won't disclose that you're to be wed
being in a relationship is serious enough in his eyes, and this was technically supposed to be business stuff anyway
maybe he'll show off a little at host club events-
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tokyogruel · 6 months
Tell me more about the idea that muu is lying and not actually rich please. Ive only ever seen one other person consider that before but they never elaborated + changed their mind post INMF so im really curious. Like what do you think supports it?
im so sorry this took me a few days, work tends to drain me a lot more than id like haha
but i would be more than happy to elaborate!
unfortunately a few of my claims are based off of evidence/supportive pieces that are in a discord server i no longer have access to, so please forgive me
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to start off, it was pointed out to me at one point that muu goes to a more expensive private school, though there are grants and scholarships that allow those without the proper funding to attend these schools regardless of their financial status (i.e. haruhi in ouran high school host club). i believe muu is a very intelligent young girl who is capable of earning one of these scholarships easily
muu also has a recurring theme of "foreigner in a place that is new and scary to her" her being a blonde-haired light-eyed half-french, lesbian GNC-girl in a private school filled with dark-haired dark-eyed japanese straight feminine girls. muu is the kind of person who likely feels totally outcast by her peers.
as well, taking a peek at this conversation in after pain:
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with a very rough translation (i am not proficient in japanese, but this is the gist of the conversation)
it should be noted that muu's friends "A-" and "Sayu" appear to be talking about muu as if she is not present in the conversation, and their tone is almost mocking. muu retorts by claiming she has plenty more, and that her lipstick (which they are likely making fun of her for it being a cheap brand, though im not sure about this detail) is just an extra she had on hand. she gets defensive, and is likely lying to protect her "rich girl who has everything" image.
i would also like to point out that muu seems to have gotten nothing in return for her lipstick- and was likely lending it to her friend with no expectation. muu acts like she isnt a giving person, but genuinely seems to be thoughtful and generous towards those she cares about. this can also be seen with muu giving haruka "hand-me-down" hair clips. its a small gesture, but haruka wears and appreciates them- they keep his uncut hair out of his eyes, and its a small piece of her that he can wear. its a thoughtful gift
and secondly... doesnt anybody else think that its weird that weve seen NOTHING about her home life? with other prisoners, we see at least two aspects of their lives, if not more. haruka with his house v. the forest. yuno in the car, on the stairs, in the brothel-room, on dates. fuuta in the tunnel, the arcade, on the basketball court. shidou in his house, hospital, greenhouse. mahiru in the forest, her house, several pictures of her on outings in TIHTBILWY. kazui in his house and the bar, on the altar. amane in her house, on the street, though MAGIC primarily takes place in her "inner world". mikoto in his home and train station. kotoko in the warehouse, a bar, on the streets etc.
muu's videos take place entirely in her school. even her inner-world with the bright white walls and floors, where herself and her peers are bugs- its still her mental depiction of school. her home life is totally void in her videos. why? sure, it may not be important to her murder- but maybe, its more important than what we see in after pain and inmf
did you know that most bullies use bullying as a way to cope with lack of control in their lives? that bullies most often face harrassment at home, and that school is their only escape from abuse? those who bully their peers often mirror their own parents' actions towards them. school is likely the only place where muu has any sense of control in her life. yes, its bad that she bullied her peers, but she is a child who has no proper outlet for the pain that she faces
(i also believe that her hourglass imagery lends to a cycle of violence- that muu was likely bullied, became the bully, and lost her status only to get bullied once more)
but im going on a tangent
unfortunately at this point i am running out of steam and good examples to lend to why i believe muu is poor (please, if anyone else has any evidence to back this up, please do add on to this post! i love to hear the community's thoughts!)
but for one last, small point. let's take a look at muu's lunch. a simple bento
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this bento is very small (a side note: i am also of the opinion that muu struggles with an ED) and it consists of a few simple ingredients.
a leaf of lettuce, cherry tomatoes, rice, a small amount of sauce, a single hot dog cut in the shape of an octopus, and what appears to be a hunk of protein, like chicken
well, thats not a lot of food. certainly nothing high-quality or expensive. lets take a look at some school lunches in japan. lets search up "学校 べんと" "gakkou bento" "school bento" and look at the images
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muu's lunch certainly doesnt look all that filling. it most certainly does not look bougie and expensive
edit: i would also like to note that she parallels shidou as a partner prisoner. both feature the concept of lying and upholding a good image of oneself
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morinuu · 4 months
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☢|tamaki x reader. 2,4k words. sorry this is so late i literally forgot to post it last week anw the next n final part is coming in 2 weeks while i work n post some other stuff hehehe
“yes, love?”
“how did you not lose it when you realised dad was going away for good?”
that was the first thing you’d asked your mum on a saturday morning after waving her good morning. needless to say, the woman was taken aback to hear this question from you. she knew her daughter never asked about her parents’ divorce, not wanting to dissect those wounds.
it took her some time to come up with a response.
“i had you to look after.” she lied, not looking at you and instead focusing on her cake. “you kept me going.”
“but how was i helping in that situation? wouldn’t i make it worse?” you pressed on. if there was one thing your mum knew about you, it was that you were weirdly emotionally intelligent for a teenage girl.
she frowned, putting down the fruit she was decorating her cake with, and sighed deeply. she didn’t like lying to you.
“well.” she inhaled, “your question is phrased wrong.” she finally looked you in the eye. “because i did lose it. but before i was too far gone, i got back up. i couldn’t have you suffer like i did.”
the conversation replayed over and over in your head for the following week back to school. you wondered if heartbreak ran in the family. while not knowing much about your parents’ separation, you knew your grandparents also had a bad history. maybe love was just something the gods didn’t want to bestow upon your bloodline.
tamaki’s visit had, surprisingly, not been very pleasant. partly because your sickness made you… well, sick, and partly because tamaki was distracted the whole time. he’d brought you commoners’ food (haruhi’s recommendation), along with some more commoner candy ‘to sweeten your mood’ (what haruhi’s dad would take to work, according to haruhi). oh, and of course, you can’t forget how he would glance at his phone every so often. you ignored it at first, figuring out it’s the host club group chat, but your patience had its limits.
he’d come to your house, to check up on your health - his friend. supposedly. had you already been demoted to client status? well, you had the entire week to think about it as you rested.
during that time, tamaki seemed to reach out a bit more than usual, and once more, you believed he cared. you believed he realised you were important to him, even if your feelings weren’t exactly reciprocated.
and once again you’d been wrong.
because as time passed and you started making weekly appointments again, you began to feel that something was off. what exactly it was you couldn’t tell, but your gut was telling you to be suspicious. ‘suspicious of what, or who? tamaki?’ you didn’t like that feeling one bit.
no matter how many times he screwed up and misunderstood or failed to satisfy you in a host-client setting, you couldn’t give up on him. your mum’s words echoed in your ears, reminding you that men are a waste of time, that they just suck the soul out of you, that they’re not worth the heartbreak — but you were weak. and especially weaker than your mother. she disagreed, of course, but what did she know?
time seemed to start flowing normally again, tamaki wasn’t distant, haruhi and you never spoke to exchange more than greeting words, and your obsession was flourishing once more. you’d shower the halfer with gifts, spending a stupid amount of money — which the host club’s “mum” greatly appreciated — and you didn’t regret it one bit. everything was going smoothly, except for that tiny voice in your head.
it wasn’t until one of the host club’s organised excursions at the beach when your gut proved to be right. you wore your favourite swimwear for tamaki, and his compliments became straight up electricity up your spine. and just as you went to flirt with him like always,
“yo milord don’t forget about y/n’s gift today!” a familiar voice echoed by the palm trees. you could immediately tell it was hikaru, but you didn’t really understand what he meant. ah! perhaps they were expecting you to bring tamaki a gift again? well, you did, but this one felt a bit more personal so maybe you should tell him not to talk about it with the hosts— “even if it’s something stupid again, you ought to thank her for—”
the twins emerged from the bushes only to see you standing by the corner, hidden by the wall from their previous view. tamaki stood there, next to you, frozen. his facial expression almost screaming at the ginger to shut up but he’d been too late.
you furrowed your eyebrows at the two boys before turning your head to that stupid boy you were head over heels for.
“what?” you asked, obviously confused. but it didn’t take long to understand the situation.
tamaki thought your gifts were stupid, and he discussed it with his friends. and none of them thought to tell you. at least that's what the situation told you.
for what reason? well it could be a) manners or b) they didn’t care enough to.
but jokes on you because it wasn’t any of the above, it was c) they had to keep you happy because your mother asked for a favour. the favour being to make sure tamaki didn’t abandon you.
well, that’s not exactly what tamaki said when he pulled you to the side to explain, but it’s what the twins confessed to when you started poking for the truth.
you were more than disappointed with the news, your gut feeling now transferring to your throat and making it so tight you couldn’t get any words out, so you returned to your beach bed, dragging it away from tamaki’s. but the universe seemed to really hate you that day.
“miss l/n, is everything okay?” haruhi’s ever-annoying voice reached your ears and all you wanted to do was turn around and strangle her small little neck until it snapped. it was her fault. it was because of her that the boy you swore would become your boyfriend before graduation would no longer be apart of that plan. her. her, that stupid bi—
“i’m fine haruhi.” you smiled at her and continued dragging your bed across the sand to get away from this madness. you didn’t bother with any formalities.
“do you need help? i could bring your things so you don’t—”
“for fuck’s sake will you shut up?!” you snapped, raising your voice at the host. she didn’t say anything, just nodding and bowing before leaving. thankfully nobody else had been around to witness the scene, or you would’ve been involved in ouran gossip. only gods know how tiresome that is.
tamaki didn’t come to talk to you after that, you wanted to believe he wanted to and the hosts told him to give you space, but at this point you gave up all hope. he wanted haruhi, some cross-dressing nobody, a commoner, and you could do nothing about it.
the bracelet you had in your bag stayed there, and there it would remain for the rest of your trip. you’re kind of glad you never got to give it to him, at least it saved you the embarrassment of possibly being ridiculed by a bunch of boys calling themselves “hosts” with no shame.
but you guessed you were the one who should be ashamed; for wanting a host — a man notorious for seeing women as bank accounts.
when you went back home, you didn’t talk to your mum about the twins’ confession. sure, you were angry, but you knew she just wanted you happy. as for tamaki, he’d texted you a couple times but you knew if you called him you’d just burst into tears, so you went straight to bed, not bothering to wash the sand and sea salt off your body.
the following month had been… weird. you didn’t bother dropping by the host club anymore. kyouya, expecting this, just sighed and deleted you from the list of clients. he didn’t think you’d come back again after the fiasco at the beach.
haruhi, however, felt bad for some reason. like, okay, yeah, you were a bit more than mean sometimes and yeah, you barely looked at her if not to glare at her to get lost, but you didn’t seem like a bad person. your affection toward tamaki seemed genuine, and your last interaction didn’t sit well with her. it wasn’t the usual glare, eye roll, scoff, avoidant gesture or whatever else you “greeted” her with. this time it seemed more hurt, more… defeated. and she was right. because you’d been defeated.
haruhi had won.
she didn’t know, but she didn’t have to. because at the end of the day, it was all one-sided. one-sided affection, and one-sided dispute.
the twins both had different reactions to this revelation. kaoru (being the emotionally intelligent one) felt guilty for not handling the situation better but hikaru (the… other one) told him not to bother, and that they did what they could. he’d miss having you around, but you were never super close to begin with.
as for tamaki, he didn’t really register what had happened at first. when his hosting routine started again but without you in it, his clients had some questions.
“is it true that you kicked l/n out of the host club?”
“i mean what did you expect, she had it coming after harassing haruhi like that.”
“yeah, i agree. i mean, i understand some jealousy, but wasn’t that a bit too much? it’s not like tamaki’s her boyfriend.”
“i don’t think she was too harsh, but i guess the hosts know better…”
tamaki didn’t know what to make of this. he’d never kicked you out of the club, he thought you’d come back. you always did. if you were jealous, all you had to do was say you wanted more attention and he’d give it it to you. after all, you were a client, you had every right.
wait, what was that?
“whatever do you mean, princess?” he questioned in that melodic voice of his. “haruhi and y/n are on perfectly good terms, we’re all friends here!” he smiled widely and sat his cup down, using his pinky to erase the klank! noise.
“come on tamaki, you don’t have to keep such appearances around us.” one of the clients giggled. “we could all see it. to be honest, i never really noticed her much until haruhi came around.”
another girl continued, “yeah, totally. i hope it wasn’t a repeat of anayokoji, at least.” she rolled her eyes. “she seemed nice… such a shame.”
“i… don’t understand, ladies. what are you saying?” tamaki looked puzzled. the four girls looked back at him and at each other. it was times like these that tamaki showed he was a little dumb.
“tamaki… l/n is totally into you. she’s, like, super jealous of haruhi.”
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tamaki didn’t know what to do with this information. he was pretty annoyed when kaoru made fun of him for not noticing until now. and really, he didn’t notice. he was told.
“why do you think our mums got involved? this is what the female sex calls ‘girl issues’, sir.”
tamaki resisted biting their heads off; he had no time for their bullshit. he had to meet with you and apologise, right?
y/n>.< : y/n? can we talk please?
you didn’t respond. neither to that, nor to the other 10 messages he spammed you with. calling you sent him straight to voicemail, and he swore if he heard that damn automatic message voice again he would explode.
why did it happen this way? why were you even jealous of haruhi? did he look gay to you? but then you wouldn’t want him, right? his head was filled with so many questions, until haruhi answered them all with a single sentence.
“don’t sulk too much senpai, it was inevitable that she’d find out about me and get suspicious.” she patted his shoulder, “i guess that’s what happens when you’re a popular boy surrounded by women.”
tamaki’s head rose from his knees, his eyes wide staring at haruhi’s. “wait, what do you mean ‘she’d find out about you’?”
haruhi sighed and sent him a look of pity. “oh yeah, you guys don’t know. y/n’s known about my sex for a while now.” she shrugged. “she saw me changing.”
a light bulb went off in most of the hosts’ heads (wait, i’ve seen this before) before they all glanced at each other in mutual understanding.
“i wish we would’ve gotten closer since we’re both girls and you’re so obsessed with me having female friends, but i would feel horrible if i made her feel sad whenever she’s around me.” haruhi continued.
oh, so he didn’t look gay, you just knew haruhi was also a girl.
but why would you get jealous of his little girl? he was just protecting her like a father would.
“oh will you stop with that crap, milord?” hikaru whined “we all know, there’s no point in denying it anymore.” he stopped when his brother slapped him on the head and they left the room.
“well, club activity’s over. we’ll see you guys tomorrow.” they all waved goodbyes and soon enough so did haruhi, but tamaki just sat on the club couch, thinking about his (very) recent discovery.
so he came to the conclusion:
you like(d?) him → he likes (???) haruhi → you realised and grew jealous → he prioritised her over you → he ended up looking like an asshole.
because he is an asshole.
“guess that’s what happens when you’re just too pretty.” he joked to himself, but he had a feeling you wouldn’t find it funny if you were here.
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“mum, why did you and dad divorce?” you finally found the courage to ask the woman when she was relaxing in her bedroom one night. she sighed and looked at you, putting her book to the side and patting the spot on the bed next to her. you got in, looking at her expectantly.
“i didn’t want to tell you this because you were so young. you looked up to him very much.” she gave you a sad smile and caressed your cheek. “your father fell in love with someone else, darling.”
you stayed quiet for a bit, and your mum grew worried. should she not have told you?
“is that why you asked tamaki not to leave me?” you asked and your voice cracked. your mother sighed and apologised, wrapping her arms around you.
“i want you to be happy, y/n. don’t be like me. please.”
maybe love really wasn’t something the gods wanted to bestow upon your bloodline.
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cielwritings · 1 month
What if Ciel, r!Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Soma, Agni (and whoever else you wanna add) worked somehwere like ouran hshc? Like how would they be w each other and with a reader/customers n all that? 🥰
! Ouran HSHC AU !
..also, imagine soma and agni being related
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This took forever to think about.
Ciel as Haruhi, R!Ciel as Tamaki, Sebastian as Kyoya, Claude as Mori, Alois as Honey, Soma and Agni as the twins. Soma as Hikaru, Agni as Kaoru (it made most sense but my fujo brain wanted agni to be the seme...)
Despite Soma and Agni being the brocons, they aren't the most popular duo. That's Ciel and R!Ciel. A teasing older twin, and a shy younger twin.
Alois is more-so a mix of Shiro and Honey. He isn't the innocent type Honey is, but goes for the dynamic of Honey. For girls that wish for a cute boy to dote on. He has a naughtier, playboy personality like Shiro.. as shown at the end of that episode he's in.
This club is known for being quite.. taboo. Only the girls that were known for being naughty or improper went there, or the girls too shy to admit it. Sometimes, even boys or GNC people as well! Everyone gets treated the same though.
You'd be welcomed with a kiss to the hand from Sebastian, leading you to a table for you to sit at. Ciel will be the one to ask who you'd wish to schedule.
If you pick Ciel, he'll be quite sweet to you. He'll be kind, brushing his hand through your hair sweetly. He'll offer you his favorite candies, telling you that he doesn't share with just anyone. You're special! If you want, he'll let you have a taste of his favorite lollipop. Then, he'd like the exact same spot you did for an 'indirect kiss'.
If you pick R!Ciel, he's much more flirty. He'll always have a hand on you unless you explicitly say no. On your arm, holding your hand, in your hair, on your knee. He'll rest his head on your shoulder, taking in your scent. Whether it be your natural one or some perfume or cologne you put on, he doesn't care. He loves your smell, and will let you know that fact.
If you pick Sebastian, he'll act, unsurprisingly, like a butler for you. But a more daring one. He'll hold your tea cup as you drink, he'll wipe your mouth sensually, he'll feed you. He makes sure everything you have in your mouth is perfect, and the smallest complaint you have will leave him apologizing and treating you 10x better. His compliments are very unique, and always leave you flushed beyond belief.
Picking Alois will leave you almost as flustered as Sebastian. Perhaps it's the taboo, but the way he'd curl up in your lap and ask for pets is adorable. He treats you, of course, but his cute little face is irresistible. Twirling his soft hair while Claude watched in the distance, making sure everything was going okay. Alois called you his big sibling, or one of his parents. He loves seeing how flustered you get.
Picking Claude is practically a two for one deal. Alois is almost always at his side, clinging onto him, looking at you with a pout of jealousy. Claude is a much more professional butler role, his advances being more subtle. But you expect it, so every movement he makes always leaves you flustered. Whether it be the slightest graze of his hand on yours, or perhaps he breathed a little too hard on you. He knew how to tease, and he did it well.
Soma and Agni, however, are a 2 for 1. Without Agni, Soma is nothing. Without Soma, Agni is nothing. So you kind of have to get both... which Ciel and R!Ciel decided to price down to be the same cost as everyone else. They're more seductive, almost worshiping you, in a way. Soma will hug you from behind, Agni praising you, on his knees for you, stroking your legs. One time, the two bickered about who would do the worship. Agni begged to be the one, as the prince shouldn't be on such dirty floors.
Of course, it ended up in brocon fanservice.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you like that, my prince.." Agni whispers, wiping a tear from Soma's eye. Crocodile, of course.
The other's merely watched in curiosity, confusion, or interest.
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blues824 · 1 year
Can you do ohshc host club with a s/o who is like Diluc from genshin impact
I most certainly can! Gender-neutral Reader. Anyone can read this, you are just a member of the Host Club (remember that Benibara charmed the girls in Lobelia). 
Does not include Haruhi. Feel free to request her, though.
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Tamaki Suoh
Before he truly got to know you, he was aware that you were of noble descent (probably because of Kyoya). Your family owned a winery, and a lot of rich families loved to import the wine from your specific winery. Hence why you got all that dough.
However, he also knew of your father’s passing. Since you were the oldest out of you and your younger brother, you inherited the business as well as the money. It also left you with habits of isolation that he tries repeatedly to break through. Eventually, you accept his invitation to the Host Club. After all, ladies like people with tragic backstories.
Eventually, he cracks through your cold exterior and gets to the gentle person that lies underneath. He charmed his way into your heart, so to speak. All the visitors notice the chemistry between the two of you and absolutely eat it up. One of the girls even pushed Tamaki to confess, which he did.
He confessed to you underneath one of the cherry blossom trees. His palms were sweaty and his knees were heavy (there’s vomit on his sweater already, mom’s spaghetti). A huge weight was lifted off of his shoulders when you accepted the rose and placed a kiss on his cheek. He was frozen in shock as blush erupted on his face.
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Kyoya Ootori
He was also aware of the family you came from. In fact, he was the one who suggested getting you recruited into the Host Club. You were from a very rich family, and you just became heir to the winery that his parents often order wine from.
Kyoya also knew of your father’s passing, and that’s how you became the heir of your family’s assets. Also, your younger brother was said to be a flirt. Even if that was the case, the Vice President saw more value in you than him. People love to romanticize a single, saddened person who is surrounded by alcohol.
You do eventually join the Host Club, and you both work side-by-side together in running the financial aspect of it all. That’s how you grew closer together, and now we can see Tamaki pushing Kyoya to confess his undying love for you.
He actually takes his advice, and tells you in passing. You weren’t the type to make a big deal out of things, so he figured this wouldn’t be an exception. You nearly dropped the folder you held, had you not been keeping a vice-like grip after he let it slip. You told him that you felt the same way, and he gently pressed a kiss to your temple before getting back to work.
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Mitsukuni “Honey” Haninozuka
Let’s be honest, you were probably shocked to see a child-like person running around Ouran Academy looking for sweets. It wasn’t a usual occurrence for you, especially since you had just recently transferred here with your younger brother.
Honey knew about you, but he didn’t know you. When Tamaki gave orders to get you recruited, he tried to use his child-like charm to try and get you to accept. Who can refuse him? Obviously not you, because you agreed.
He has to admit that your routine also worked on him for whatever reason. You would pour the visitors some drinks as you talked about taking care of them, if only they would accept your alcohol-earned money. To set aside all they ever knew and allow you to protect them. He kept getting distracted from work, and Kyoya encouraged him to confess so that he could get back on track.
One day, he hands you a box. When you opened it, you found that it was a cake he made for you. The frosting on top read as follows: “Will You Go Out With Me?” You let a small smile grace your face for a moment before accepting. After all, who can refuse him?
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Takashi “Mori” Morinozuka
It was an unusual sight for you, seeing a tall (fine-looking) gentleman escorting a child-looking student around Ouran Academy. You both officially met when you stopped him to ask him for directions to a certain class. Turns out, you both were heading in the same direction.
Tamaki had told the whole Host Club about your known history when he simultaneously ordered them to ask you to join the club. Instead of pulling off any sort of stunt, he just asked you like a freaking normal person. He felt glad that you accepted, but he didn’t show it.
He was secretly happy that you took to being a host so quickly. The host life wasn’t for everyone, after all. In fact, you got the most requests. He grew slightly envious of all your visitors, since you had them hooked onto your sad, ‘lonely’ charm. He didn’t get distracted, but Honey noticed and told him that he should tell you.
He eventually did, with a note. He wasn’t great with words, so a note would be the next best thing for him. It was surprisingly very sweet and romantic. As Eliza from Hamilton said, “He made palaces out of paragraphs”. He let a smile out when you accepted his confession.
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Hikaru Hitachiin 
Like with Haruhi, he was in a few of your classes. When you were introduced to everyone (as you were a late transfer), you both met each other’s gaze. He quickly looked away, but he knew karma had to get back at him because you were sat right next to him.
When the President of the Host Club voiced his desire to have you join them, he was exasperated. No one would allow him to get you out of his mind, would they? After class, he decided to ask if you would be interested in being a host, and he was surprised when you accepted.
He honestly thought you made a great host. You even charmed a lot of the other hosts, and the visitors… don’t even get me started. Your promises of taking them away and taking care of them really felt like a personal attack for him because it secretly made him swoon. However, he constantly got distracted because of you. Kaoru eventually made him go confess to you.
When he did, he decided to do it in a very unorthodox fashion. He requested you to be his host, and in your private session he told you about his feelings for you. He let out a breath of relief when you accepted his love.
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Kaoru Hitachiin
He was also in a few of your classes. He was appointed to show you around Ouran Academy. It was then that he got a text from Tamaki. He explained that he had to go because there was an emergency Host Club meeting. 
The next time you both met up with each other, you asked about the Host Club. He gave you the basic introduction, and he remembered that Tamaki had asked him to recruit you. He was absolutely ecstatic when you agreed to become a host.
He also thought you were a great host. Not only did you bring in mountains of revenue, but you also got into his head. You were like a siren, talking to others about your sad story and how you would never leave him them. He started getting distracted, and Hikaru got angry and made him confess to you.
He did it by handing you a rose everyday for a week. When he gave you the 7th rose, you knew what he was up to and accepted his feelings. He wrapped his arms around you in a hug, just happy as happy can be.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Ok I finally have an idea host club x Haruhi's little brother reader (2-5). He's kind a crybaby. He somehow ends up at Ouran and of course he's crying he knows this is Haruhi's school but he can't find Haruhi. He runs into some girls heading to the host club and all he says is "Haruhi nii-san" with puppy eyes and tears and they take him to the host club. You can continue the story how you want from there or I can think of something.
Y'all have matching eyes as haruhi sorry not sorry
Also I tricked you it's coming out rn!
(Name) made a mistake following his big sister to school because now the two year old was lost in the huge school.
"Uh oh...." (Name) mumbled and plopped to the ground and began crying "eh? What's a child doing here" a girl asked as the other girls looked to where she was pointing and indeed there was a crying toddler in the hallway "hey, don't cry what's wrong? Where are your parents?" The kind girls soothed the toddler who just mumbled "wan' haruhi..."
"You know haruhi? Are you his brother?"
(Name) just nodded and the girls cleaned his tear stained face with a handkerchief and cooed over him "well we're going to here haruhi is right now, we can take you"
(Name) just nodded as a girl lifted the tot "so what's your name?" The girls then introduced themselves and (name) spoke shyly "(name), fu-fujioka..." (Name) was fiddling with his chubby fingers and the girls cooed over them as they went to the host club and (name) yelped at the roses hitting his face "welco--(name)?" Haruhi rushed towards the girls and (name) began tearing up again "Haru...." He cried and reached out towards his sister and clung helpessly to her "how did you get here? Did you follow me?"
Thankfully it was their spare class, the host club spending it and their end of day club time at the host club so it wasn't like she had to bring (name) to classes or anything "I sowwy..."
"Haruhi? Whose this?" Tamaki said curiously and looked at those warm brown eyes that the brunette had and practically screamed at the cuteness "mommy! Our baby has a brother!"
"Tamaki please don't crowd him, he's shy with new people" haruhi said boredly as she checked on her half brother who looked around curiously at the twins and just couldn't grasp the concept of twins.
"Sorry I don't think he's met twins before" haruhi said as she noticed the staring.
The host club was fascinated by the tot but soon returned to their club duties and little (name) was sitting with haruhi as he watched his sister talk with her friends, he didn't get the concept of host clubs so haruhi just called them her friends to over simplify it.
"How is having such a young brother?" A girl asked as she handed (name) a cookie, the boy thanking her sweetly "ah he's a good brother, a bit of a trouble magnet but always wants to help" she praised her little brother who wasn't even remotely listening, distracted by other things in the room "sorry, he's two and doesn't have the best attention span" she said petting her brothers hair "it's alright! He's an absolute darling!"
"(Name)! You want some cake?" Hunny asked and (name) assumed he was just a slightly bigger kid than he was and nodded before looking for his sister for permission "don't over eat buddy" and then he was off holding hands with the small blond, hunny knowing to hold children's hands when with them so they don't get lost, the far older teen keeping an eye on the tot.
"This is strawberry!" Hunny said happily and handed the boy a tea spoon as (name) was to small for a regular fork and beamed at the flavor "it good!"
The two ate cake happily, haruhi had called her dad about (name) after she settled him down and now the host club kept trying to get the toddlers attention but (name) was surprisingly interested in Kyoya more than anyone as he waddled up to him "who you?"
"My name is Kyoya Ootori" the black haired teen said simply and (name) nodded "what doin' 'yoya?" Kyoya didn't bother fixing the boys grammar as he was just a babe "I am going over club revenue" Kyoya said and showed him the notes "hmm..." (Name) said looking at the notes before looking at the teen "I can' read" "no?" "Haru an' papa got me book to pactis"
"That's awfully nice of them" the host club was in awe as Kyoya pulled the tot into his lap and explained the revenue and everything without sugar coating it, explaining when needed and noting how since his arrival their revenue boosted because people wanted to meet him.
"I make you money?"
"That you do"
"Cool" (name) said simply and eventually passed out in kyoyas lap and was returned back to haruhi "again sorry about this, I thought he was still in bed when I left" haruhi said genuinely as the club closed, the hosts waving it off "why didn't you tell us you had a brother?"
"How do you have a brother?"
The club asked the girl questions and haruhi sighed "he's my half brother, my dad was left with him after a girl he tried dating abandoned (name) with us and you guys never asked if I had siblings" she said simply "well that explains the kids toys when we visited, where was he when we came over anyways?'
"At the neighbors playing with his friend" she said simply "I think he also went out to the park"
"Can we take him to the park?!" Tamaki said excitedly and haruhi raised her eyebrow at this "If you want, he really just likes playing in the sand pit with his toy truck"
The club wanted to know everything about the small boy who they could tell haruhi loved very much, the girl looking at him fondly as he slept and she answered every question genuinely "he turns 3 on (date) an favorite color? I think it's (color)"
When haruhi collected her things and little (name) she said her goodbyes and walked out "so we're totally going to her place again to hang with him right?" "Oh absolutely "
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rilakeila · 19 days
formula of love: pt. 1, kyoya ootori, where he might just found the missing part of his formula
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pairing kyoya ootori x fem!she!reader w.c. 2,563 t.w. none (class disparity perhaps) a/n she's multiple parts, slow burn rahhhh request yes (Hiii!! So I can’t believe that people still watch osch could I request a kyoya x reader where the reader is a commoner like Haruhi and Kyoya feels in love with reader after spending time working as his assistant ( I mean helping Haruhi pay her debt) . Once again, thank you !)
"class, please treat our newest student well. kyoya, i'll assume that you can show her around as well," the teacher introduced (y/n) who bowed to the class.
(y/n) was an honors student, transferring into ouran academy during her 2nd year. she was let onto the scholarship program after her father rose through the ranks of suoh enterprises in the financial department after finding out a revelation that allowed the company's revenues to shoot up. however, the raise in salary wouldn't have been enough to pay for tuition, but the president just had to feel so generous in helping the commoners.
her eyes followed to a student with onyx hair and glasses standing up and bowing. then, it trailed to the blonde haired boy next to him, a smile across his face, just like the one when he first met her. tamaki suoh. she noticed the teacher motion to the free seat to the right in the next column over near the student. she smiled and made her way over, settling her bag down to balance onto the leg of the table.
the teacher dismissed the class to allow themselves for free time during their homeroom, students airing out of the classroom, some lingering.
a throat clearing grabbed her attention, as well as the shadow casted over her desk. she looked up to see kyoya with a soft smile.
"wel-" he started until he was interrupted.
"(y/n)-chann!!" to both of the students, the cheer in the voiced was rather familiar. the blonde haired student made his way to the pair, arms in the air.
"tamaki, nice to see you again," she stood up, bowing her head as her greeting. (y/n) first encountered the french student during her tour of the campus where her parents also needed to sign documents in finalizing her transfer. president suoh had his son come along with him to show her around, hearing that she was the same year as tamaki.
"it's very nice to see you. this is my dear friend, kyoya, the class representative. i'm not sure where the vice class representative went off to, but she's sure a joy," he said, introducing kyoya for him.
"yes, i was getting to that. i'm ootori kyoya, it's a pleasure to meet you, (y/n)," his head bowed.
"do you know what classes you have today?" tamaki interrupted once more. she felt her head throb at the constant interruptions but couldn't hold it against him. cheery seemed to be apart of his personality. one of the only things that seemed to throw her off is the heavy interest in commoners, asking if she has had "commoner's coffee" and all sorts of commoners question.
she looked at kyoya then to tamaki, "oh, i have finance, math, and modern literature."
"we don't have any classes today together but kyoya has finance today, isn't that right?" tamaki slung his arm around kyoya's shoulders.
"yes, that is correct. after free time, i can walk you to where that class is," kyoya said. in truth, he had already seen her entire schedule as part of his extensive research. they shared the entire day together, as well as some classes the next.
"before i forget, bring her to our club later today! i'm sure haruhi would love to meet her, commoners like to stick together." tamaki seemed to twirl away before conversing with other people.
(y/n) noticed the drop in kyoya's shoulders before he pushed his glasses up, "i apologize about him. he has been enthusiastic for everyone to meet you."
"i see, he's been a delight to have around. he has been great at making sure the atmosphere isn't awkward," it was the nicest way for her to say without being straightforward that tamaki can sometimes be a pain in the ass.
"it's alright to say that he can be of an annoyance, sometimes." he said.
'damn, it's like he read my mind.'
before any other words were spoken, the bell rang to alert the students to attend their next class. they both dispersed to grab their bags, which she nodded that she was ready to go. the rest of the day went smoothly, well. kyoya explained the necessary information that she needed to, answering her occassional questions, but (y/n) couldn't help notice the disparity between their social classes with the way he phrased things. it only pissed her off through the day.
"this is where the cafeteria is, assuming that you would be able to pay for such luxury."
'who does he think he is? president suoh allotted me a budget for the cafeteria. and i am more than educated in the managerial aspect in our finance class.' a hot aura surrounded her, as she reflected her day with kyoya on the way to the destination with directions that he written for her on a piece of cardstock that his family emblem. if tamaki wasn't less than a pain of an ass than kyoya, she wouldn't be walking towards this location.
music room 3. 'these damn rich people, why are there so many music rooms'
opening the door to the music room, there was a sudden breeze and rose petals seemed to coming her way. she blew out a petal off her lips, 'what kind of music room.'
"welcome!" a chorus of voices said. her eyes couldn't focus on what to notice in front of her. the out of ordinary knight outfits, the decorated medieval styled room, or the people. she opted for the familiar faces as she scanned each one: tamaki, haruhi, kyoya.. haruhi?
next thing she knows, she was being spun around in a hug, face on cold metal, "(y/n)-chan! you made it!"
once tamaki placed her down, the room seemed to be spinning. she placed her hand on the nearest still object except for it to be sort of wobbly. she seemed to be concious enough to see that there was a fragile object moving it, only to use her other hand to stabilize the stand. once the fragile object came to still, she sighed out of relief.
"see, haruhi, that's how you should save a vase." a harmony of voices also came to be, seeing it was a pair of twins.
"well, sorry, but (y/n)-senpai always had great reflexes, and the only person she has to worry about was tamaki-senpai," the annoyance in her voice was something that she was used to when haruhi's dad would come bother them.
"ohh, she's the honor student tama-chan has been talking about all week last week," the child-looking one said.
"wait, i thought you said she was a commoner. she has the uniform on," one of the twins commented.
"she has you beat haruhi. she has the uniform and can catch a vase," the other twin said.
(y/n) felt her eyebrow twitch, 'so rude, are all rich people like this'
"everyone, this is (y/n), as you all know from tamaki and haruhi, she's the new honors student," kyoya introduced her to the group, even if they already knew her. "well, places again, everyone, our guests should be arriving any second now."
"please enjoy yourself while you're here! please watch me save all of these maidens," tamaki dramatically said, pointing the knight sword, causing (y/n) to crouch as he swings side to side. there was no time for that line to send a shiver down her back as his corny lines typically would.
not even a second rolls by after they taken their places, there are girls flooding into the room. the volume and speed of girls coming in, just felt the need for (y/n) to clutch her pearls if she had any. she was never more confused on what activities rich people do in their free time.
"i'm sorry about that, (y/n)-senpai, but it's really nice to see you again," the familiar voice of haruhi seemed to calm her down.
"haruhi, it's great to see you especially in all of this unfamiliarity. are rich people always like this?"
"yeah, unfortunately. their comments about commoners get pretty ignorant, but i heard your dad got a huge promotion. good for him, he's way too overqualified to be doing simple sales work," haruhi congratulated. their families used to be neighbors within their apartment complex up until (y/n)'s dad received his first promotion allowing them to buy a larger space for their home.
"we moved twice since we lived in the apartment, i should invite you to our house! plus, luna misses you," (y/n) said. her pet cat has always found solace around haruhi when she was over.
"do you have a phone? i can put my number in if you do, and we can stay in touch this way," haruhi asked.
"i do, one of the great things that came to be when my dad got promoted," she pulled her phone out of the side pocket of her bag. the phone charm dangled as she opened it, pulling up the contact book for haruhi to create one.
"woah, your phone is pretty cute, never thought of decorating it," haruhi inspected the little stickers and played with the phone charm as she typed her number in.
her little brother decorated the phone with stickers that he found in her room. she chuckled as she took her phone once haruhi finished, "izumi couldn't help it and i couldn't get mad about it."
"haruhi, you have guests waiting to be served," kyoya called out from his seat, who was writing in his little black book.
"but, (y/n)-senpai is a guest," haruhi said.
"yes but not a paying one, those who pay have a higher priority. even then, she's only here per tamaki's request," there he goes again.
haruhi sighed, "i'll be back, please feel free to stay. even if he says that, we always end up leaving our guests time to time. i'll pour you a tea or coffee if you prefer."
"coffee would be nice." she motioned for you to follow her, the only vacant seat was the one where kyoya was sitting. haruhi gave her an apologetic expression as she pulled the chair out for her, which (y/n) responded with a hand that it would be fine.
she watched haruhi spoon out the coffee powder from the instant coffee jar, "is this what tamaki means by commoner's coffee?"
haruhi chuckled, "yeah, senpai made a big deal out of it. it's been a big hit with the hosts and guests."
"it also has reduced our beverage expenses, seeing how low cost it is," kyoya said. it seems that his nose is so far into that black book of his, he hasn't looked up once since club hours started.
"if you were to bulk buy the instant coffee at a wholesaler, you might be able to save trips to the supermarket and maximize the budget you have for it," (y/n) chimed in, pouring in two spoons of sugar. ever since her father has more than enough cushion in their family budget, he indulged in purchasing a membership with a wholesale store (costco), which lessened their trips to the market with the bulk quantity.
and that was the first time that she caught kyoya look up from his writing even if it was for a quick second.
(y/n) wrapped her hands around the cup, fiddling the side with her index finger as she waited for it to cool down. after her previous interactions with kyoya, she wasn't sure if she would be comfortable enough to talk to him. maybe, he only needed to talk to her out of the need of being class rep, but as it was after school hours, his role went away.
"is there something on your mind about me?" kyoya questioned.
her face filled with nervousness and shock of how he seems to detect what she was thinking.
"you've glanced at me four times in the past minute, if that's what you were wondering," he shut his black book down onto the table, neatly placing the pen on top of it.
she cleared her throat, trying to pull herself together, "nothing. besides, what kind of club is this anyways? you guys seem to not do anything but just talk to girls."
it was what she noticed when haruhi was typing her number in. she thought a school club was supposed to bring community in and do activities together, not just entertain girls and fuel their egos.
"it's a host club. tamaki founded this club with the intention of making every girl happy, and it seems we have been able to do so," he said while she looked around, watching every interaction. peculiar options indeed: brotherly love, boy lolita and mysterious man, princely, and whatever haruhi is supposed to offer.
"and how come you don't have guests? this club also doesn't seem to be something haruhi would hang around for," (y/n) questioned. it really wasn't haruhi's scene, she would opt for academic clubs or just something that wasn't even this.
"haruhi has her reason to be here, it is up to her if she would like to share that," he answered, "and for me, i'm occupied maintaining the club with its operations and financials but do talk to the guests for promotional purposes."
(y/n) hummed, now watching him calculate the expense reports on his computer. she deduced that each member of host club must have their reason then, seeing that the variety of who were here just seemed to be too different from each other. 'oh well, it's not worth thinking about.'
"why waste time in using that formula to calculate that, there's a faster way to accomplish it," she thought out loud before sipping her coffee.
"there would be an error if i used it due to this variable," kyoya circled around the cause with his mouse on the computer before continuing with his calculations.
she choked on her coffee, she didn't mean to say it. she can't go back on her word anyways, might as well teach him. "then you aren't using it right. if you were to apply that forumla entirety by hand, it would work. the error might be a missing value within the range or you missed a comma when you entered it into the formula bar."
a smirk landed on her lips when the box's output came out to the same but minimal effort. he missed a comma. she noticed the minor raise in his shoulders before he cleared his throat, applying to the rest of the total boxes, changing the second variable based on each column goal.
"a good tip, i suppose. your coffee will be complementary today. however, next time, you will need to pay 1,000 yen for every cup," kyoya stated, slight irritation seeped into his voice. he never was able to figure out the use of the formula when he attempts to utilize it into his spreadsheet, and this commoner just seems to get it.
she almost spat her coffee out, "even going to an expensive cafe, that's a serious upcharge for 6 ounces. this specific jar is only around 800 yen."
"non-paying guests don't have the same benefits as those who pay," kyoya looked up to her who appeared to be grumbling about the upcharge.
"for someone who can't even use a formula properly, it makes me question if you're correctly charging the price for everything here," she laughed as she taken a sip of her coffee.
a small smile made its way onto kyoya's face. commoners are an interesting class, they surprise him everyday. and he would eventually be surprised for what this specific commoner would have for him.
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pt. 1 completed, should i open a taglist ?
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Can you imagine how wild family day is gonna be in NRC? Like ye, you get regular people like Trey's parents and Epel's mom but then theres also the Leech twins' mafia boss dad, the royal family of sunset savannah and the queen of briar valley herself.
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Yeah, a family day or parent-teacher conference day at NRC would be pretty wild considering the families some of the students come from. I constantly picture Trey just standing there with his head in his hands and having a migraine over being a "normal" guy surrounded by wealthy, powerful people. (Ruggie gives him a part on the back and goes, "Rich people, amirite?" a la Haruhi Fujioka style.)
That is, of course, assuming that the particularly high-ranking parents show up in the first place 🤔 I feel like even if some of them wanted to come, they may not be able to feasibly make time in their schedules to do so no matter how hard they try. Some of the parents may have to do virtual meetings with the staff, whether it's because they're busy or because they can't make the trip. (Like, how would Granny Buchi be able to make it to Sage's Island? Mirror travel isn't accessible to everyone.) Maybe NRC could send carriages to pick up some people (though that means prying money from Crowley)? NRC may also need to drop extra money and resources into security measures (besides the magic barrier) considering all the high-profile people potentially coming onto campus.
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lusty-kopfkino · 1 month
Batman Prompt 10 - Crossover: Ouran High School Host Club
I LOVE Ouran High School Host Club crossovers! I wish people did more
Bruce goes to Ouran and meets/joins/friends with the host club
*This can also be fun with any of the other members of the family.
1. If you want to include the batfamily then Bruce gets de-aged to 15-19 years old (with or without his memories?)
2. If you don't care/want them in the story it can be that he went to the school for high school (or the kids go back in time if you still want the kids but you also wanted Bruce to have gone to the school when he was young)
3. Whatever you want
But first, we need to determine what type he would be if he joined the club. He is the most similar to Mori and Kyoya. Oblivious, part of it can be that. I love Bruce picking up on the small details of a case(and on other people), but when it comes to himself he is oblivious.
I feel like they would use the fact that Bruce's parents died and that he lived in Gotham, so maybe like "The Oblivious Traumatized Boy Type" Idk, feels a bit wrong, but that is along the line I am thinking.
And the type can change a bit depending on how you see Bruce, and if you choose 1 or 2.
1 and 2 also can overlap depending on how you do it.
Also, are you going to replace Haruhi or not? I personally don't usually like it when people replace the main character, but it really depends on how it is written, so do whatever feels best.
1st Way: Bruce gets de-aged and for some reason will go to OHS. He and the Batfamily(any amount of them) move to for a bit or are in Japan. Maybe he has a mission or that is what they picked as the best school for a billionaire child to go to.
2nd Way: I was thinking that if he went to it as a teen, they become friends then in the future when Bruce has all his kids they will meet his old friends from high school. They will think they were similar to Bruce and at most 2 friends. (They didn't even think he had friends from high school) So the kids meet the Host Club and are shocked at how they act and are all part of a "host club."
The Host Club would definitely all be important figures in the future, so the kids might know some of them.
I mostly am thinking about the interactions between Bruce and the host club.
You can make this a ship or not, but there at least has to be some bromance because this is OHSHC.
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