deinheilpraktiker · 10 months
Studie zeigt die wichtige Rolle der Hepatozyten-Adenosinkinase bei der NAFLD-Progression Eine von Texas A&M AgriLife Research durchgeführte Studie liefert überzeugende Beweise für die wichtige Rolle der Hepatozyten-Adenosinkinase beim Fortschreiten der nichtalkoholischen Fettlebererkrankung (NAFLD). Chaidong Wu, Ph.D., war der korrespondierende Autor einer Studie darüber, wie Hepatozyten-Adenosinkinase die nichtalkoholische Fettlebererkrankung beeinflusst. (Foto von Texas A&M AgriLife) Die Studie „Hepatozyten-Adenosinkinase fördert übermäßige Fettabla... #Adenosin #Adenosinkinase #B_Zelle #Bakterien #Diät #EIWEISS #Entzündung #Enzym #Ernährung #Fettleber #Fettleibigkeit #Fettsäuren #Forschung #Gastroenterologie #Gemüse #Hepatologie #Immunität #Insulin #Insulinresistenz #Kinase #Leber #Leber_erkrankung #Lipide #Metaboliten #Methionin #pH_Wert #Proteinsynthese #RNA #RNA_Sequenzierung #Steatose #Stoffwechsel #Verbindung #Veterinärmedizin #Zelle
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rx-aysgl · 5 months
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be the fight club reference you wanna see in the world
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purplesaline · 4 months
If you're prone to nightmares try having some dark chocolate before bed! Any chocolate (except white chocolate) may help in a pinch but the darker the better cause we're looking for the chemical Theobromine here.
Theobromine helps block the production of norepinephrine, which is a neurochemical that triggers the fight/flight response and may be responsible for some of your nightmares.
People with PTSD who have a lot of nightmares are often prescribed Prazosin, a high blood pressure medication that also helps block production of norepinephrine (and likely far more effective than eating some chocolate before bed so if your nightmares/night terrors are bad enough and regular enough to disrupt your life tall to your doctor about this option).
Green tea is also another good option, while it has slightly less theobromine it also contains L-Theanine which an amino acid that helps you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. Though the addition of caffeine may offset that despite the l-theanine countering some of the negative effects. There are some low caffeine green tea options which may work better for you.
Even if you don't pre-empt the nightmares, keeping some dark chocolate (or any chocolate as above) on your bedside table may help prevent you from slipping back into a nightmare if you wake up from one in the middle of the night, or at least help your brain steer away from it sooner if you do still slip back into it.
The amount of theobromine in chocolate or tea is pretty minimal compared to the active ingredient in Prazosin so it may or may not be very effective depending on how much norepinephrine your body is producing.
A theobromine supplement may provide better results but check with your doctor first if you want to go the supplement route. Theobromine can cause increased heart rate, low blood pressure and may interact with some prescription medications.
Important note!!
It's always a good idea to check with your doctor before starting any supplements, especially if you take regular medications.
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absurdumsid · 3 months
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pishifuzul · 3 months
i do love how chill paramedics are. fixed point of calm while my heart decides it's going to the races in fits and bursts of 250+, 270 even. afterward they were joking about me being a high score for them—or, if i hadn't been, they could've given me a bit of epinephrine to really get me there. one guy i'd actually seen the last time too. just hope i don't become a regular customer!
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faofinn · 11 months
Day 20 - Breakdown
Part 1 | Part 2
Steve finally appeared in the basement, frowning at the sight. “Finn? What’s going on?”
The drugs had given Fao a split second of relief before the pounding of his heart was back. He whimpered, feeling again on the verge passing out, darkness tinging his vision. 
"I can't do this. He needs cardioverting. You're gonna have to do it."
“Hang on, slow down. Talk me through what’s going on.” He said, moving to check the monitoring. 
"Just look at it." Finn grumbled. "I've sedated a bit, given some pain relief, but you need to do it."
“Have you given adenosine?” Steve asked, keen to coach Finn through it rather than just completely take over.
"I've only done dc cardioversion before. There's so many risks with adenosine…" He looked to Steve, so overwhelmed.
“Okay, but it’s risk management, yeah?”
"It's Fao, Steve. I can't do this."
“Of course you can.” Steve told him. 
"Steve, I can't."
“Yes you can. Come on, we’ll do it together.”
“Take a moment, go and sort the drugs out.”
He gave a heavy breath. "Okay. Are…are we doing adenosine?"
“Yeah, we’re going to need to.”
"I can sort it."
“Thank you, Finn.”
"Is he gonna be okay?"
“Of course he is.” Steve busied himself doing his own checks whilst Finn sorted the meds. Fao was still struggling, in and out a little not just because of the sedation. It was hard to concentrate on anything, as much as he tried to listen to what they were saying. He couldn’t remember Steve arriving. Had he been there the whole time?
"I've got the adenosine."
“Perfect. Do you know what you’re doing with it?”
"Giving it to you." He tried.
“Or you could just give it.” 
“Come on, give it. You know what you’re doing, we don’t have time to waste.”
He did as he was told, his hands shaking and his own chest tight. Resentment only grew as Steve continued to push him, unable to separate work from family. 
“Good. Now we just have to watch and wait, keep an eye on that monitoring.” 
The sedation Finn gave had been enough to keep Fao hazy, but not completely out of it. As the drugs went in he whined, feeling the effect of it. It was awful, the overwhelming sense that he was going to die. It felt like he was dying too, as it suddenly became more difficult to breathe. 
"You're okay, you're okay." Finn moved to hold Fao's hand, stroking through his hair. "It won't take long."
He gripped Finn’s hand, panic in his eyes. It felt wrong.
"It's gonna make you feel shit for a bit. You're okay."
He wasn’t okay, he was the opposite of okay, and nobody was helping. He struggled against the blackness at the edge of his vision, terrified if he gave into it he wasn’t going to wake up again. 
Finn’s eyes didn't move from the monitors, watching the rhythms carefully. There was a pause, snd Finn’s own heart almost stopped. Sure enough though, it kicked back in, and straight back into the tachycardia.
Steve swore from the end of the bed. "Finn, we need another dose."
Once the feeling like he was going to die had passed, there was a moment where things eased for Fao and he felt like he could breathe. But nearly as soon as it had happened, it was gone, and he groaned, gripping Finn’s hand desperately. 
"We need to go elsewhere." Finn's voice wavered. "They can do more."
Steve shook his head. “We don’t have time, Finn, and we’ve done too much already.”
"Then you do something! It's not working!"
“Finn, breathe.”
"I'm trying but nothing is working and you're not helping!"
“We just have to follow the protocol, another dose and see how that goes.” Steve told him gently. “This is all they’d do in ED.”
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squeakynoises · 8 months
i space out so hard to this song bro
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uncrossedrhyme · 7 months
BDNF Quickly Understood
Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, or BDNF, is a nerve growth protein (neurotrophin) crucial to the development and maintenance of the human brain. When we explore and learn, BDNF is at work, restructuring the brain, growing new dendrite branches (Horch & Katz, 2002), and in turn, these activities themselves promote BDNF expression, enhancing mood and subsequent learning. BDNF and mitochondria…
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mcatmemoranda · 9 months
Adenosine is given 0.1 mg/kg for peds pts who weigh less than 50 kg with SVT. If ther first dose of 0.1 mg/kg doesn't work, then you can give 0.2 mg/kg for the second dose.
For adults, it's 6 mg, then 12 mg. In the ED, I've seen adult pts just get 12 mg the first time.
Procainamide, amiodarone, or verapamil can be used to cardiovert peds pts who are still in SVT after failing the two doses of adenosine.
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deinheilpraktiker · 10 months
Die Rolle von oxidativem Stress bei angeborenen Syndromen Kinder, die mit verschiedenen Syndromen geboren wurden, die durch genetische oder erworbene Faktoren verursacht wurden, standen im Mittelpunkt zahlreicher klinischer und wissenschaftlicher Studien. Es ist wichtig, sowohl den zugrunde liegenden Mechanismus zu verstehen als auch den Zustand nach Möglichkeit zu lindern. Ein kürzlich Antioxidantien Die Übersicht befasst sich mit der Rolle von oxidativem Stress bei genetischen Erkrankungen wie Trisomie 21 (Down-Syndrom, DS)... #Adenosin #Adenosintriphosphat #Adenosintriphosphat_ATP #Alkohol #Altern #Alzheimer_Erkrankung #Anämie #Antioxidans #Aorta #Ataxia #Ataxie_Teleangiektasie #Autismus #B_Zelle #Beta_Amyloid #Betonen #Chromosom #Chromosom_1 #Chromosom_2 #Chromosom_3 #Chromosom_4 #Chromosom_5 #Chromosom_6 #Chromosom_7 #Chromosom_8 #Chromosom_9 #Chromosom_X #Chromosom_Y #Diät #DNA #Down_Syndrom #EIWEISS #Elektron #Entzündung #Enzym #Ergänzungen #Fetales_Alkoholsyndrom #Fettsäuren #Forschung #Gefäß #Gehirn #Gen #Genetisch #Herz #Herzkreislauferkrankung #Hippocampus #Kinder #Krebs #Lipide #Lipoprotein #Marfan_Syndrom #Mentale_Behinderung #Metaboliten #Mitochondrien #Molekül #Neurodegenerative_Krankheiten #Oxidativen_Stress #Ozon #Pädiatrie #Pathologie #Rauchen #Resveratrol #Sauerstoff #Schwangerschaft #Stickoxid #Stoffwechsel #Syndrom #T_Zelle #Transkription #Transkriptionsfaktoren #Trisomie_21 #Übung #Vitamin_C #Vitamin_E #Wasserstoffperoxid #Zelle
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nugothrhythms · 9 months
"Adenosine" by Italian-turned-British Southern gothic rock band Nomotion off of 2019 album Funeral Parade of Lover
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urayuli · 1 year
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the madman held his head to the moon
his breath hot on its chin
palms pressed to its cheek
a heart pressed to a heart
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tartaglialiker · 1 year
i fucking hate depression i hate it so much bc i was literally doing fine and i felt so good about myself and now my brain is like
“oooo everyone hates you and you’re a piece of shit”
even though logically i know that’s not true but it’s like???? stfu brain????
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munch4march · 1 year
same anon who asked for the link but
the others are right you are marchy. it's confirmed
not only for the fic even though . oh my jesus
it's the deflecting praise like a mirror
be loved dumb fucking rat
this is so nice shhh
i can't take it rn i'm trying to memorize 250 works of art in one night
i will die. but i will die in praise. thank you. it's really so fucking sweet and i appreciate it so much
you guys are so SWEET. shut uppp ksdfjdkfj
got me blushin and kickin my feet over here
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kajaono · 1 year
Me, walking
My brain, with the rhythm of „walk wall Fashion Baby“ ATP! ATP! ATP!
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ramrage · 2 years
i want to know all of thor’s stupid nicknames for loki and i want to know all of loki’s stupid nicknames for thor
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