#Allah (swt) planned for you
klariez · 11 months
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taqwatawheedtales · 16 days
I know it is very painful to wait for Allah to change your life, I know you’re begging and crying for some ease. I also know you are praying and making so much dua for the impossible to become possible, but trust in Allah swt and His plan for you. Everything will work out in the most beautiful way, it might take a month, a year or a couple of years but what is truly meant for you, will only be for you. I know it is difficult to wait for something when you are unsure if it will happen or not, but remind yourself that Allah’s decree is the most powerful and if something is written for you, Allah swt will bless you with it, when the timing is right. May Allah grant you ease and I pray you find peace during this waiting period called life.🌷
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sabrgirl · 1 year
ramadan series: things to do during ramadan ♡
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read Qur'an every day after fajr
try to pray on time
recite istighfar
memorise a few surahs - make a target goal
listen to Islamic lectures
pray extra voluntary prayers
do lots of zikr throughout the day
read and learn the translation of surahs and du'as
share iftar with a neighbour / friend
smile more
pray in the masjid more
give charity (sadaqa)
study and learn islamic knowledge
share knowledge that you have
increase your remembrance of Allah SWT
prepare a meal for loved ones breaking fasts
read islamic books
recite Qur'an daily
make goals and try to make them habits
meal prep
learn new hadith
learn names of Allah and invoke Him with them
practise gratitude at the end of every fast / day
recognise your weaknesses and create an action plan to improve
read the commentary of a few surahs
listen to islamic podcasts
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kaktus-tajam · 29 days
I wrote this in July 2023. When a friend of mine said: daftar LPDP nggak, Hab?
Istikharah: A Facility from Allah
I had set an alarm for myself to start planning ahead on the life after internship upon entering stase puskesmas.
But I had been slacking off and making my chronic disease as my excuse. So alhamdulillah Allah guided me to start the self-rediscovery journey.
I am not as intelligent nor do I have all the privileges, but I know my identity as a Muslim is my biggest Why.
This one month of caveman period was full of discussions, readings, writings. But it was also full of tears.
It was full of questions and prayers to Allah swt. Uncertainty can be scary, right?
Uncertainty can be unimaginably dark. It eats you up eventually, if you have no Guidance.
I have so many aspirations and ambitions. But I asked Allah, with all the potentials He has given me, the knowledge He bestowed upon me, the people He surrounded me with and the life story He had decreed:
To what specific purpose I shall contribute?
We are fortunate as muslims to have the end goal: His acceptance, and mercy, to be able to finally see Him in His paradise.
So I asked and asked. The beauty of Islam, is how comprehensive this deen is. You see, there is even a specific prayer to ask for guidance in making choices!
To be protected from making “false” choices:
Choices that are khaiir leads to preservation of eeman, of deen, of family, of the good in this world and the hereafter.
“Wrong” choices, on the other hand, leads to turmoil.
I asked myself as simple as, what if I were to be involved in a research unknowingly utilized for the corruption of people, of environment and of this deen. How shall I ever repent?
Hence duaa of istikharah in this world full of hidden agendas, is a gift from Allah. A facility that Allah prepared for His servants to return in times of doubts and anxiety.
O Allah. How I longed for our meeting. I have sinned endless times to which You decreed a repentance that follows. How grateful am I to be your servant.
O Allah.. in this period of waiting that is full of uncertainty please grant upon me the tranquility of heart, the strength to practice husnudzan billah, to continuously have faith in your Plans. Guide me. Don’t let me be astray.
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most-ment · 5 months
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In the comfort of my home, 
I watch movies with plush pillows,
While bombs are being thrown, 
Which bring about the end of the lives of heroes.
In the comfort of my home, 
I order food I plan to waste,
While a Gaza child unknown, 
Wishes desperately for just a taste.
In the comfort of my home,
I pretend not to know,
That within those numbers are real people,
Mothers, brothers not just death tolls.
In the comfort of my home,
I skip the heartbreaking videos, 
Thinking that if I just close my eyes long enough,
 The picture of their agony wouldn’t show. 
In the comfort of my home,
 I know there’s little I can do, 
And I try to convince my soul,
Thats it’s a good enough excuse.
In the comfort of my home, 
I only just remember to hug my mum close, 
To tell my brother more than hello,
To laugh at my grandmas unfunny jokes.
In the comfort of my home, 
I write words that I plan to show, 
But what little it will do, 
To help those agonised souls. 
They don’t deserve this,
 And honestly these words may prove worthless, 
But for the sake of their dreams,
 I will pray for Palestine to be free.
Free Palestine blog : @inthecomfortofmyhome
help bring down israel's weapon trade
Give aid if you can;
Aid <3
More Aid <33
And more <333
Provide sims
donate to get food packages to gaza
demand ceasefire - amnesty.org
Thank you, May Allah SWT be with you all.
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fairydrowning · 2 years
I literally love the concept of "Tawakkul". Whenever I face any kind of problem I just say "Allah SWT will make everything better in the end and this shall too pass". These lines gives me so much strength. And concept of "Tawakkul" itself is so beautiful like you keep making Dua for something you think impossible to get and having full trust in Allah SWT plan that He SWT will never leaves you empty handed or alone.
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Queer Muslim culture is knowing ALLAH SWT wants me to be understanding and appreciative of this world and it’s people. And how incredibly complex, brilliant, and different it has all been from the beginning, to the eventual end. So I can’t see in good conscience, for ALLAH SWT to even demand to NOT give such understanding to people who love the same gender or more, and to people who wish to transition to another gender. I feel like ALLAH SWT will appreciate how willing they are to engage with the complexity and beauty ALLAH SWT has made and planned…
Planning to do daily prayers tomorrow! Wish me that ALLAH SWT will give me strength and patience for this goal! I really want to achieve it
inshallah you will succeed anon :]
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nashra · 1 year
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Allah swt always hears our dua. You're thinking He's not going to answer you, but his timing is always perfect. Have sabr. If your dua is getting delayed Allah swt is planning something better than that and one day when the timing is perfect you will get what you asked for or even better. Always and always think good of Allah swt.
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b-lessings · 10 months
الحمدلله 🤍
I was waiting on something work-related for a week now, tbh at first I was super excited about it I started day-dreaming and planning but today I woke up with the feeling that no, I actually don't want this thing, so I decided to text and ask, and they immediately replied with a no, and I felt relief and contentment washing over me. I am not even saying it is a rejection and that every rejection is another door opening for you blah blah, no simply, Allah swt didn't want this opportunity for me, He swt knows that's not where my rizq is and my khayr is, and He swt did not write this opportunity in my future. So Alhamdullillah that He swt gave me this change of heart to protect me from feeling negatively about the 'rejection', and alhamdullillah that He swt has something better waiting for me 🤍
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asma-al-husna · 4 months
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Allah calls Himself Al-Haseeb— The Reckoner, The Accountant, The Sufficient— on three occasions in the Quran. He’s the one who keeps account of everything in the worlds and requites even the smallest of deeds. Al-Haseeb is The Sufficient; in general because He takes care of all His slaves, giving them benefits and warding off harm. Al-Haseeb takes extra special care of those of His pious slaves who put their trust in Him, giving them support and victory!
The Ultimate Reckoner, Accountant, and Sufficient One
Haseeb and Haasib come from the root haa-seen-baa, which points out to three main meanings. The first meaning is reckoning, counting, and calculating. The second main meaning of this root is to give without sparing and to give without the receiver’s expectation. The third is to suffice, to be sufficient, or to be without measure.
This root appears 109 times in the Quran in eight derived forms. Examples of these forms are tahsabanna (“think”), hasbunaa (“sufficient for us”), and al hisaab (“the account”).
Linguistically, hisaab is used to indicate an account, bill, or balance. Al-Haseeb is the One in whose hand is the final account on the Day of Judgement and He will present to mankind their balance in which every detail will recorded to be followed by a most accurate, just, and eternal recompense.
Al-Haseeb Himself says: Is not Allaah Sufficient for His slave? [Quran 39:36] . . . And sufficient is Allah as Accountant.” [Quran, 4:6] and . . . And when you are greeted with a greeting, greet [in return] with one better than it or [at least] return it [in a like manner]. Indeed, Allah is ever, over all things, an Accountant. [Quran, 4:86]
Running the Cosmos with Ease
The name Al-Haseeb is close in meaning to Al-Hafeedh, The Preserver. The balance of the entire cosmos shows that there’s a great power capable of computing even the smallest atom up to the largest planet; that power is Allah (swt). The course of the moon, the sun, the clouds, the change of seasons and all systems in the universe perfectly run their course to guarantee the preservation of our life on earth in the best way so that we are able to do what we are created for: to worship Al-Haseeb.
Surely we have created everything according to a measure. And our command is but one, as (swift as) the twinkling of an eye. [Quran 54:49-50] His attribute of hasaba truly is miraculous.
How Can You Live By This Name?
1. Bring yourself to account.
[It will be said], Read your record. Sufficient is yourself against you this Day as accountant. [Quran, 17:14]. Make it a daily habit, for example before you go to sleep, to sit back and do ‘muhassabah: honest self-criticism. Bring yourself to account before you’re brought to account. Make a list with your main weaknesses and make a practical plan on how to work on them.
2. Repent within six hours to Al-Haseeb.
A very important consequence of taking yourself to account is that you repent. How can you repent if you don’t even realize you did something wrong? That’s why al muhassabah is so important. The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam told us about a beautiful opportunity: The Scribe on the left delays registering the sin of a Muslim for six hours. If he repents (within these six hours), and seeks Allah’s forgiveness, they drop if off. If he doesn’t, they write is down as a single sin. [At-Tabaranee] When you’re about to sin, remind yourself that this sin will be written down and presented to you on the scariest day of your life: the day of Judgement. Take your chance to repent within six hours to avoid your sin being presented to you on this dreadful day.
3. Be honest in your dealings.
Even when people might not find out you were not honest in your dealings, Al-Haseeb will add it to your account. So always be honest in any transactions you do, at work, at school, even in dividing things at home amongst your family and children.
4. Say hasbun-Allaahu wa ni’mal wakeel.
‎حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ means Allah is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs and is one of the most powerful statements we are taught to say in the Quran and the Sunnah. If you put your complete trust in Al-Haseeb, by leaving all matters to Him by seeking only His pleasure, by accepting His decree, and by submitting to His will, you can face any challenge in life. Ibn ‘Abbas radiyallahu ‘anhu said: When (Prophet) Ibraheem ‘alayhi sallam was thrown into the fire, he said: Allah (Alone) is sufficient for us, and, He is the Best Disposer of affairs [Al-Bukharee].
5. Return the greeting of salaam.
Al-Haseeb even accounts our salaam. He ‘azza wa jall instructs us: And when you are greeted with a greeting, greet [in return] with one better than it or [at least] return it [in a like manner]. Indeed, Allah is ever, over all things, an Accountant.[Quran, 4:86]
So if a Muslim greets you with the salaam, return the greeting with a better salaam (wa ‘alaykum ussalaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu), or at least equal to the salaam that was given. Therefore, the better salaam is recommended, while returning it equally is an obligation.
6. Ask Al-Haseeb.
Aim high in asking Allah Al-Haseeb; instead of just asking for Paradise, ask for the highest level, Jannatul Firdaws bi ghayri hisaab– without reckoning. A very important daily dhikr is: حَسْبِىَ اللّٰهُ لَآ اِلَهَ اِلَّا هُوَ عَلَيْهِ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَ هُوَ رَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيْمِ Allah is sufficient for me. There is no God but He. I have placed my trust in Him, He is Lord of the Majestic Throne. Whoever says this seven times in the morning after fajr and seven times after Asr, Allah will take care of whatever worries him/her of the matter of this world and the Hereafter. [Muslim]
O Allah, Al-Haseeb, we know that You measure and bring all to account. Guide us in bringing ourselves to account regularly, make us of those who remember Your hisaab and repent to You continuously, and adorn us with trust in You during all life’s challenges. You are sufficient for us and You are the best disposer of our affairs, make us reflect the signs of Your amazing attribute of hasaba in the entire universe and in ourselves and make us enter Jannatul Firdaws al ‘Alaa without reckoning, ameen!
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rueyam · 4 months
Salam <3
He messaged me on Saturday while I was at work. I felt it in my stomach when I saw his message pop up on the screen. He asked me if I wanted to meet him the next day and added, “I have something that might help us both.” So many thoughts went through my head, and I became even more nervous. I decided to meet him the next day after work. Long story short, from the moment I saw him until the end of our meeting, I realized that I didn’t want to continue with him. It might sound harsh, but the reasons for not wanting to continue became crystal clear, and I found even more reasons not to proceed.
Throughout our meeting, all I could think about was wanting to go home. I thanked Allah for making things clear for me and for not leaving me stuck between two choices. I am grateful that I attended that meeting, if I hadn't, I would definitely be filled with regret, thinking I might have lost a good potential and feeling sad about it.
I couldn’t express my decision right there and then. We were sitting in a cafeteria, surrounded by people, and I didn’t want him to feel ashamed or awkward in public. Besides, I didn’t want to disrupt everything when he had put so much effort into his appearance and choosing a place for us, etc., so I stayed until the end. That night, we went home without saying anything.
Now that I'm thinking back, he didn't even ask me how I felt after our meeting, he knew I was unsure about our situation. Perhaps he thought my agreement to meet him was a confirmation that I wanted to continue the "relationship"? I don't know. Because two days later (yesterday), he sent me a picture of small kittens and their prices, as if nothing had happened, as if we were planning for the future. As soon as I saw that message, I asked if we could talk on the phone, and that was our last conversation, I ended it there. All I felt afterward was relief and excitement. I don't know why excitement lol, maybe because I no longer had to deal with something I was unsure about. Like I can finally move on.
Please keep me in your prayers whenever you remember me, that Allah grants me a good, righteous spouse, someone I feel certain about, like them for who they are, and who feels like home to me. May he also feel the same way about me, ameen.
(I don't know if you saw my message I sent to you couple of days ago thanking @ sseol, pls let her know <3)
Salam <3
wa alaykum salam love and sorry for my delayed response, i was busy <3 my friend saw your message and will probably say something cute under this :‘)🤍
i‘m so happy you came to a final conclusion you are satisfied with. standing in between is so much more stressful than any kind of decision and no matter how hard it is to hurt someones feelings it is always better than faking something that isn’t. trusting your instinct will be the best thing for you both and will also prepare his path for him. something you can learn about the connection you had is that it was never pointless bc now you are closer to what you want and don’t want. you got closer to yourself.
oh i know that nauseous feeling you are talking about 😩 like it’s not even that the person is nauseating but your feelings towards him, like a warning sign, truly a blessing from Allah swt. you won’t feel that way for the right person, not after you gave him enough chances, this i can guarantee you.
thank you for the update and may Allah swt always protect you and grant you happiness and success in this world and the hereafter. may you come across someone who pleases your soul and may you both meet in the best of ways, at the best of time, ameen 💌✨
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sabrgirl · 1 year
Assalamalaikum, how do I let go of shame due to sins committed in the past? I’ve sincerely repented and know Allah SWT is Most Merciful but I’m still feeling guilt and anxiety.
'Say, "O My servants who have committed excesses against their own souls! despair not the mercy of Allah, surely Allah forgives all sins. Verily, He is Most Forgiving, Merciful.' (39:54)
it's natural to feel guilty and anxious at our faults. but understand that you and this life was never meant to be perfect. instead, Jannah, and who we will be in Jannah is and will be perfect.
'And assuredly, We have created man and We know what his nafs whispers to him, and We are nearer to him than even his jugular vein' (50:17)
Allah knows our hearts, he knows our weaknesses. He has created us, so of course He does. but like He says here, He is closer to us than even something that keeps us alive, so keep turning to Him. you say that you have sincerely repented, which is good alhamdulillah. this life is just a sea, taking us across the ocean to our final destination. so continue asking for forgiveness, but don't let your regret and guilt be an anchor in the sea, dragging you down to the bottom. instead, let your regret be your drive, your motor, your strength to keep going, keep swimming, by learning from your sins and becoming a better person and striving for His sake. have trust in Allah that He truly is Forgiving and Merciful.
a pair that is always mentioned in the Qur'an together is reward and punishment. He talks about the wrongdoers and their punishment, but then right after in so many places, he says 'except those who believe and do good works'. He wants us to fear punishment but also have hope in a reward. it's a balance. fear should be our drive to make us avoid bad deeds and punishment, which makes us do good things. and then doing good deeds gives us hope in the Mercy of Allah. so it is good to feel guilty. but don't let it drag you down. don't let your fear make you give up. but don't take your time here for granted either.
so understand yourself that you are human and you will have shortcomings. but make an action plan for how to be a better muslim and strive to be so for His sake.
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uma1ra · 7 months
Have you ever thought about how Allah loves you?
How many times have you gone through something and didn’t understand why you were struggling — only to find out later that the outcome was much better than what you had hoped for.
Among the many beautiful names of Allah swt, there is one which can be overlooked.
That name is Al-Wadud. It translates to “the affectionate” or “the most loving” – but it holds a much deeper meaning than that. It goes beyond the basic idea of love. Which is why Al-Wadud comes from the word Al-wud– which means the act of love through giving, and not Al-hub, which translates to just “love.”
Al-Wadud emphasizes the active expression of love rather than it just being an emotion. To break it down even further and put it into context, Allah swt is Al-Wadud because He shows us that He loves us through different aspects such as blessings, trials and protection. All of which are constant reminders of our Creator. This includes every single struggle you’ve endured because they’re only meant to bring us closer to Him. Allah loves those that return to Him, and have faith in His plans.
Your full trust and acceptance in Allah’s plans will not only grant you a guided path, but also bring you two steps closer to strengthening your faith. Even when absolutely nothing makes sense sometimes, one thing is for sure, Allah SWT is always on your side if you open your heart to Him.
Think about how many times you’ve repented for the same sin – only to find His door of forgiveness and mercy still open for you. At your lowest and your highest – you’re not alone. Allah is your constant.
Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds - the Most Merciful will appoint for them affection. [Qur'an 19:96]
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faithful-diaries · 8 days
if this life is a test, how do you say that Allah’s plan is the absolute best? There’s wisdom and always a reason for what He does but there’s no “best” in imperfect dunya. so what do you mean?
Assalamu Alaikum
Well, what we think is best for us within our limited knowledge isn’t the best most of the time, while what Allah swt chooses for us to go through even though we don’t like it (the tests and trials) are best for us if we are making an effort to get closer to Allah through them.
So it’s like anything that He gives us (the good, the bad) if it’s making us close to the deen and making us prioritise our Akhirah and well being is best for us.
While the test and hardships will tire us and pain us, it’s natural, if we are true believers we will make them a mean to become more faithful. Anything that will benefit you in the hereafter that you go through in this dunya regardless of it being a test or a blessing is his best plan only when we choose to be righteous servants of Him, because He wants that and this is for our own benefit i.e Jannah; and the greatest success of meeting your Lord pleased with you.
I remember this saying that “the dunya is made for us but we aren’t made for the dunya”, so while all of what this dunya contains might overwhelm us but we aren’t made for here that’s why we are reminded again and again that it’s a test so that we don’t get lost here and yearn for our eternal home constantly.
Hope that answered your doubt and Allah knows best.
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lvstharmony · 1 month
I recently found out that my ex has moved on and obviously I knew that would happen eventually but I didn’t know it would bother me this much. I don’t know if I wanna cry or laugh.
Everywhere I see people are moving on to finding new people and I feel like I’m stuck in the same spot. I keep praying and asking Allah for guidance to make my heart less heavy and I know Allah has something better written for me but this heaviness is really make me lose my mind.
Yeah, we sometimes try to mentally prepare ourselves for things and think it‘ll be easier, but once the thing occurs, it hits us more than we expected. And I hope you know that it’s okay that you’ve found yourself being more bothered than you’ve expected yourself to be. Let it sink in, let yourself feel it. Only like this you will in sha Allah be able to move on and be ready for what Allah swt. has planned for you. If you push it away, it could maybe work temporarily, but in the long run it will only become a heavy, unnecessary obstacle.
For that I can tell you: You may not be where you want to be, but you are where Allah wants you to be.
(Read it twice, trust me.)
Allah is testing your sabr and tawakkul. Continue praying, that’s the best thing you could possibly do, especially for you to not fall into despair. Seeing everyone in your life move on while you feel like you haven’t moved an inch, is indeed a burdensome feeling. So sabr and tawakkul truly are the key to it all. Allah is the best of planners, your time will come when Allah knows it’s best for you. We won’t understand it, and that’s why having tawakkul is crucial for us all. Keep praying and do not worry about how it’ll happen, He will just make it happen. Keep crying your heart out to Allah, He will lift your heaviness. For some He will faster, for some He wants to hear their voice over and over again. Do not lose hope.
May your hardship be the means for you to enter Jannah, may Allah swt. grant you the ease that comes with your hardship, and may He accept all of your prayers, those you utter aloud, and those that your heart speak, Allahumma ameen. I will make duaa for you.
The only way out is through 🤍
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