#Amber AU
ginncide · 19 days
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Hello world.
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xzbat-loverzx · 2 months
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teleportationmagic · 6 months
Most days Acier spends her time in the library.
The simmiering sheen on the banners that sweep through the space glitter back at her, a pale purple. Her family's colour. She'd always been partial to blue herself, but there was something to be said about rebellion.
Well. It had been rebellion at sixteen. Now that she was fully grown, it was disdain, maybe. Selfishness, if she was any less valuable a member of House Silva. How funny for them, that they had two heads of house, one which came from the outside and yet fit in perfectly, their own eldest daughter contenting herself in matters of war. They'd make a better set if they switched.
And yet. Here they were. She wonder how her husband is doing, handling his duties along with the children. She wonders how Nozel is faring, as a new magic knight. She wonders if Nebra and Solid have taken her death well.
She doesn't wonder about Noelle. Her heart throbs, at all once, and she puts it out of her mind. Unproductive and useless, she doesn't have the time for it.
The library is full of texts, none of them novel. Most of them have pages that have become blurry around the edges, from where Acier had rushed through them barely skimming. Grimgar was fully intact, thankfully. As were the pictures of her children's faces.
When she tires of it (or gets so much more tired of it, that staring at the tauntingly familiar texts goes from uncomfortable to untolerable,) she marched out to the courtyard and casts. Opposite castle Silva is a dark brick-stones spire of it's own - likely Spade's, considering the occupant and the decoration, though she's never bothered to ask - and above the both is a writhing mass of leeches.
She tries to ignore them. Her steel comes to her easy as always, sharp and pointed, an exercise in razor perfection. There's no more satisfaction in it, not for a long time, not since she came her and stopped being able to improve, but the motions are repetitive and rhythmic and soothing in their own way.
On some level she expects Vanica. This is as good as an invitation, after all, practising in full view of that eyesore. But she lets it come as a suprise, when her back is peirced.
She flips and turns, driving her own lance into her. They stand for a moment, taste of iron in the air, before the pull back.
She smiles. She always smiles. Acier can't - it would be irritating if she knew just ho much she valued to novelty of this fight - but Vanica always smiles enough for the two of them.
"Steel Magic; Dance of a Thousand Sparks"
The world lights up aroudn them, light reflecting off flecks of steel. She wants to make Vanica eat them.
She cackles, and responds with a barrage of her own, each parried against the legnth of her's. It's not a hard fight to win - in their past fight, Vanica had been far too depdant on Megicula and now stripped of her favour there was very little variety in her fight.
She wins. Predictably, her hand halfway through Vanica's chest, she wins. The soft flesh of her sticks to her hand as she pulls away.
"I won. Leave."
"I will. Just look here for a second?" And she does. She should have stayed her course, but let noone accuse her of cowardice.
Lips land against her, tasting overfermented. She destroys half her face for the insult, a cackling noise echoing around them both.
"Oh come on," She croons it from her place aginst the floor.
"Leave." Acier feels like pure ice. Or she should. Something moves in her, more than it should.
It's been a very very long time.
"Oh come on." She's pieces back together, bit by bit. Nothing changes here. "Aren't you bored, Acier?"
The kiss had done something fundamental to them, she was sure of that. "Not bored enough."
"So you will be!" She cuts her off before Acier can continue, another step into her personal space. "That's good to hear. Because I'm not bored at all - not so long as you keep beating me!"
A shudder shakes down her spine. Because that was the thing with Vanica - even when you won, you lost. "I will drag you back there, Vanica."
She grins, wide and manical. "Will you?"
She does. Forced to bear the disrespect, she does. The steel is marred, frayed, and she spends some time repairing the barrier before returning home.
After the library, she spends the most time on her bed. She can hear the siren song of apathy, and despite knowing she should be more insulated against it, sometimes...
Sometimes she wants to sleep forever. Most of the time, that disturbs her the most. Right now? She longs for it. Unconsciousness drowns her.
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turquoisespace35 · 10 days
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Daylight |1|
Amber Freeman to Eventual Tara Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Chapter one: It's Nice to Have a Friend
Summary: You are enjoying a pleasant evening with Tara when things escalate for the worse when you answer a phone call from your girlfriend, Amber. There's only one person who can get your day back on track
Warning(s): Swearing, toxic!amber x reader, arguing, & implied anxiety
Notes: first chapter out. finally.
Masterlist|Next Part
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You were currently napping at your desk, drool dripping down the side of your mouth as your trigonometry teacher drowned on about—something, you couldn’t really think right now. You were up until three in the morning preparing for your physics exam. You would be risking your spot on the football team if you got anything that wasn’t passing.
So here you were, knocked out in the middle of math, when all of a sudden something smacks the side of your face. It’s enough to get your attention, waking you up before you look around with a puzzled expression. You rubbed your eyes before grabbing the folded piece of paper that had hit you.
you drool when you sleep, the note read. You peaked to your left, glancing at the girl who sat one over from you. A smile began to graze your face when you realized who had thrown you the note. You wrote a reply on the corner of the paper before swiftly passing it back to the girl.
When she looked over to you, you were already looking up ahead as if nothing. She read the note; at least i dont watch people while they’re sleeping creep. She couldn’t help but smirk down at the note, playfully rolling her eyes before ripping off another piece of paper from her notebook to roll into a ball and throw it at you. You narrow your eyes at her but she’s imitating a confused look.
Then the sound of your teacher clearing his throat could be heard. “Ahem. Tara and Y/N, is there something you would like to share?”
You and Tara make eye contact before looking back at the teacher. 
“No, Mr. Quinn,” Tara said before you followed with, “No, sir.”
After a second he nodded, “Alright then—as I was saying.” He turned back around, continuing the lesson. 
When the class was over, Tara walked over as you were packing your things. You could hear her impatience as you did so which caused you to roll your eyes. “You don’t have to wait for me,” you told her while zipping up your bag. 
“And you don’t have to be the slowest person alive, but here we are,” she countered as you both began to walk out of the classroom.
“Whatever—damn it these halls,” you grunt after somebody slams into you. “We’re doomed if the school’s ever set on fire.”
“I don’t care what the code or whatever is, if the school’s set on fire it’s every student for themselves,” Tara replies.
“You do know that means right?”
“What?” She knitted her eyebrows, looking up at you as the two of you continued to walk in the school’s halls.
“Tiniest people go first,” you answer—immediately making Tara shove your arm.
“Shut the fuck up,” she laughed, her dimples showing as she lightly shook her head. Tara’s hand was still gripping your sleeve, an action that neither of you took notice of. She’s been your friend, your best friend, since you were six years old; a bit of physical touch was not uncommon in your friendship, never questioned. 
Both of you were now leaning against a vacant wall, and just as she was about to open her mouth to say something else, another arm slipped around your waist, causing Tara to let go of your arm. It didn’t take long for this person to practically be clinging off of you—her arm around your waist, the index finger of her other hand hooked in one of your belt loops. 
Of course, who else could this person be than none other than your girlfriend; Amber Freeman. 
“Oh, hey Tara. Didn’t see you,” Amber backhandedly greeted without even looking at Tara. Amber had always been passive aggressive towards Tara. The Carpenter couldn’t explain it well if you asked her, but ever since they met—seventh grade—it’s like she has this vendetta against her. You were having lunch with Tara when Amber met you, and it didn’t take long for her to take a liking to you. She had developed a crush on you throughout middle school, it wasn’t until the summer before sophomore year that you and her got together.
And that is how the three of you were now in this hallway, Amber with her arm around your waist, your own arm around her shoulder, while Tara resisted the urge to gag at the PDA.
“I actually have to get going, but I’ll see you later?” Tara says as she starts to make a subtle exit. She no longer saw a reason to stay.
“Of course, see you around,” you send her a smile that she doesn’t hesitate to send back. That was something you could always count on her for. 
Your eyes don’t leave Tara until they lose track of her in the crowded hallway. Just seconds later you felt a tug on your belt loop and you looked down to see Amber.
“Are you coming to the party tonight? Marcy’s throwing it since her parents are out of town for the next few days,” your girlfriend explained. 
“Sorry, can’t tonight. I have to watch my little brother. Some other time?” Your tone was apologetic as you gently rubbed her lower back, hoping she wouldn’t be too upset you couldn’t make it to Marcy’s party. 
“Whatever. It’s fine,” was all she said—her voice monotone and dismissive—while she began to pull away. Your eyebrows furrowed at her actions and a pressure starts to envelop your chest. She started to turn to walk away from you and that’s when you reached for her hands.
“Hey,” you murmured loud enough for her to hear while you turned her back around to face you. “I’ll try and get the next one, okay?” You try to hold eye contact with her but she seems to find the ground more interesting. “I’m sorry, Ambs.” 
She finally looks up, sighing. “It’s okay. Next time.”
“Next time,” you nod as you bite the inside of your cheek.
Amber looked at you, letting out another sigh before saying, “I’m fine, Y/N—really. You’ll get the next one.” That tightening feeling in your chest begins to loosen at her reassurance. “I have to go,” she gives you a kiss, deepening it just before pulling away. “I’ll text you this weekend?”
You hummed in response, and the two of you shared another kiss before you both set off for the day.
After making sure you had everything, you began to walk towards the main entrance—leaving the building before making your way to the spot where you and Tara meet up everyday after school. You always walk home together, pretty much since you first started becoming friends. 
You leaned against the pillar as you waited for Tara; it’s not like you didn’t see her just a few minutes earlier, so she shouldn’t be too long. You look out ahead, blankly staring at the patches of ice that covered the ground; it was windy out, so much in fact you felt as though you couldn’t go without five seconds of blinking or else you would start tearing up. Thank goodness for eyelids—
—“Boo!” You heard someone shout; you immediately jumped back, startled, your hands were raised and ready to swing at whoever or whatever. But any thoughts of fighting vanish when you look over to see the culprit. “Jesus fuck, Tara,” you suspired.
She’s laughing her ass off, both hands over her mouth. You let out a dramatic exhale before saying, “I’m gonna get you for this. Just wait.”
“Oh yeah?” She replied between giggles, “What are you gonna do? Throw a football at me?”
“You’ll see,” you warned while narrowing your eyes at her.
Tara was finally able to get herself to stop laughing. “Of course you will, tough guy.”
“Whatever,” you mumbled as the two of you began to walk. “So, got any plans on this incredibly dull Friday evening?” You inquired while digging through your pocket for your gloves.
“Mmm not really,” Tara answered. Her arms always had a slight sway to them as she walked; it’s something you’ve always noticed, it’s one of the things that’s never changed about her.
“Then are you free to come over? My parents are out of town and I’m still gonna be watching my brother, but he’s probably just gonna be playing video games with his friends the whole time anyway,” you said; your hands were still digging around in your pockets.
“Yeah, I’m down.” Tara looked at you with raised eyebrows before saying, “Um, you looking for something?”
You suddenly groaned when you realized, “Shit. I left my gloves at home.” You roll your eyes at your own forgetfulness before stuffing your hands back in your pockets in an attempt to keep them warm.
“You can take mine,” Tara tells you. Without hesitation, she stops and begins to take off her own gloves but you put your hand over her own to stop her.
“Tara, don’t be ridiculous. I’ll be fine,” you try to reassure her. 
At this point, you both have stopped walking. Tara shook her head at you, “Don’t be so stubborn. Just take them.”
“What about your hands?”
“I’ll survive.”
“Now who’s being stubborn?” Ugh, you were so annoying. How dare you use her own words against her.
“Fine. How about this, you take one glove and I keep the other one.” She looked at the hesitant look on your face before sighing, “If you don’t take it then I’ll just refuse to wear my gloves at all and then we’ll both freeze our hands off.”
“Fine,” you finally gave in, taking the other glove from Tara and putting it on. You slipped on only half of the glove before you realized something. “Wait. You don’t have pockets.” 
“Okay?” Tara looked at you confused.
“Where are you gonna put your ungloved hand?”
“Oh my God, I’ll be okay. I have—”
“—Warm blood? Yeah, I’ve heard that one before,” you chuckled. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Tara asked in a defensive tone.
“You said the same thing when we went to see No Way Home but all I could hear was your teeth clattering.”
“That is not true!”
“People complained!”
After a few moments of silence of seeing who would break first, you finally spoke up. “Okay. How about this, you use one of my pockets. Deal?”
“It’s not that deep,” Tara protested.
Tara rolled her eyes, shutting them as she sighed before looking at you again. “Deal.”
She got closer to you before you wrapped your arm around her, giving her right hand access to your right pocket. A smile grazed your face, “See now was that so hard, shortstack?” You teased as you lightly noogied her with your free hand. 
“You are such an ass and a half for that,” you heard her bitterly say.
“Yet you stay,” you said as you were both turning the corner to where your house was.
“I should’ve left you on that street corner where you were standing.”
“But you didn’t,” you remark while getting your key out of your pocket.
“Just shut up and open the door. It’s freezing and my feet still hurt from gym,” Tara complained, never dropping her hand from your pocket.
“Oh? I thought you were—what was it? ‘Warm blooded’ you said?” You smirked, beginning to turn the front door’s lock with your key. Tara started shoving you as soon as you unlocked the door.
“Hush,” she scolded you while taking off her shoes.
“No need to shove.” You kick off your shoes before placing them to the side. You and Tara make your way to the kitchen, placing your stuff down on the way in.
“Your parents already left?” Tara asked as you rummaged through your refrigerator.
“Yeah, they had to go to some funeral. Nobody I was close with though—I think it was a distant uncle,” you filled her in as you gave her one of the gatorades you pulled out of the fridge. “They should be back by tomorrow night,” you continued.
“And I’m assuming that’s your brother upstairs?”
Your little brother and his friends were currently yelling at each other over voice chat, you weren’t really sure what about but you knew it was video game related.
“Of course,” you said after taking a sip of your own gatorade, “Wanna head to my room or the basement?”
“Either’s fine, I’m honestly just beat. Anywhere I can lay down I’m totally open to,” Tara said while stretching out her arms.
“My room it is.”
“So,” Tara started; you were both on your bed, her legs on your lap as you both watched a show on your laptop, “what did the ice queen want when I left earlier?” The use of the nickname Tara had for Amber caused you to glance at her.
“Tara,” you said, giving her a look that matched your scolding tone. She mumbled something under her breath before you continued. “She just wanted to know if I could make it to a party tonight. I just said I couldn’t, and that was that.”
“Ah,” she replied in a monotone voice.
“What?” You asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Nothing, that was just a normal ‘ah.’”
“If you say so…” You both turn back to screen, Tara reaches over you to grab one of the snacks before you feel a buzz in your pocket; you looked down to see you got a message from Mindy.
“Who is it?” asked Tara, followed by her shoving a few gummy bears in her mouth.
“Your sister,” you replied without hesitation as you typed. 
She shoved you with her foot, glaring at you for your comment.
“Nah, just Mindy asking if I’ll be at the party—oh, and apparently Wes too.” Tara immediately grabbed the nearest pillow and shoved her face against it, her loud groaning muffled. You laughed at her actions before continuing, “Maybe it’s not as bad as you think. Maybe he really is just curi—nevermind, I can’t even lie.” 
She let out an even louder groan. After a few more seconds, she finally picked up her head as she sighed. 
“We dated for like five minutes. That’s it.”
“You can’t blame the boy for being so obsessed with you. I mean, look at that face,” you teased as you pinched her cheeks. She rolled her eyes, harshly letting her head fall against your bed’s headboard. 
“Ow,” she winced. 
“14 year-old you just had to be polite,” you said while also moving your head to rest against your bed’s headboard. You tilted your head to face her, now looking at each other as you slipped your phone back into your pocket.
“That isn’t …exactly what happened,” her eyes trailed down to her lap.
“It’s exactly what happened. You would’ve felt too guilty to say no because his pet hamster had just died.”
“How come you’re never that nice to me?” You feigned a pout while reaching for your phone that was now vibrating in your back pocket. “Uh. I gotta take this. Gimme a sec.”
Tara didn’t have to ask who it was. She already knew from the shift in your demeanor and attitude.
“Hey…” Tara heard you trail off as you left the room. You closed the door, going off to the side and leaning against the wall.
“Hey.” Amber’s greeting was curt and monotone. Nothing good could come from whatever she was about to say next. 
“What’s up babe?” You hoped that your voice didn’t show how nervous you were.
“Don’t ‘babe’ me. What is this I’m hearing about you and Anika?” Shit. You know you should’ve told her sooner, you still would’ve gotten heat for it but at least it would’ve came from you and not a gossiping cheerleader just trying to stir up trouble.
“It’s nothing bad—I just need some help in physics and she agreed to tutor me,” you tried to explain as straight-forward as you could. 
“How do you conveniently fail to mention this? We saw each other not long ago, yeah? So how come I have to hear about this from Daphne?” 
“There’s nothing else going on other than studying. She just—”
“She just what?!”
“She just offered! She overheard me talking to Chad about needing to get my grade up!” 
“Yeah right, Y/N! Everyone knows she has a thing for you, don’t be so naive,” she scolded as if you were a troublesome child. “I bet this is why you didn’t want to come to the party tonight.”
“Are you kidding? I told you, I have to watch my brother tonight. And Anika does not have a thing for me. Why can’t people just be nice to me without you freaking out?” Now you were pacing back and forth.
“Maybe I wouldn’t have to freak out if you would just tell me these things beforehand!” She shouted.
A familiar tightness in your chest grew with each word she threw at you, and your tongue felt as though it was glued to the roof of your mouth. What could you possibly say when you knew it wouldn’t suffice? You knew nothing you said would matter. You knew she wouldn’t have any of it.
“And you fail to notice half the school wants you—but once again, you’re just being naive! But I’m just your lame girlfriend, right? I don’t matter?”
You manage a scoff at her words. “Who—when did I say that?”
“Yeah go ahead, act like I’m insane. That I’m just making it all up in my head,” Amber went on as you rubbed the bridge of your nose. 
“That’s not what I’m saying at all. I’m sorry, I just—”
“So you’re saying I’m not making this all up in my head? That I should worry about this?” This remark only made you even more exasperated from how insane it all sounded. This is insane, right? You’re not losing it? There really is no winning with this woman. 
“What? No! Of course not. Please just tell me what the right thing to say is.”
Then there was a pause that lasted a little over five seconds, but it felt longer. After the pause, you could hear Amber sigh over the phone. “I just need space right now.”
“I feel like… I feel like you always need space,” you confessed, aggravation at the tip of your voice. 
“Have you ever considered this is why? Maybe I wouldn’t need so much space if you would actually learn to listen to me for once,” she sourly shot back. Although she was no longer shouting, you could feel her burning frustration through the phone. You were all too familiar with her pattern of emotions when it came to disagreements with her. 
“I am listening but—”
“Clearly you’re not if there’s a ‘but’ to that.” Amber let out a dry laugh. “This is exactly why I need space; why we need space. When you wanna start acting like my girlfriend—you know where to reach me.”
She didn’t give you a chance to plead your case any further, hanging up the phone just as she spoke her last words.
You let your head hit the nearby wall as you slumped down to sit on the floor, groaning out. You tucked in your knees close to your chest before dropping your head to rest on them.
God, how could you be so stupid? You should know better by now—right? It’s not like you haven't had the same argument with Amber over and over again. It was routine at this point. Literally all your fights go about the same. 
You picked at your jeans, silently murmuring to yourself as you replayed the argument in your head. 
“Fine. Take your space. I don’t care.” Your chin rested on your free arm that laid on your knees as your other free hand continued to pick at your pants. “Are people not allowed to be nice to me? I don’t say anything when she studies with other people. What’s so different about me? I’ve never given her a reason to think otherwise…” 
Just then, the door opened. You looked over to your right, completely forgetting you were just outside your bedroom door. You looked up to see Tara staring down at you as she leaned against the door frame.
“Hey,” she greeted, walking over to sit in the vacant spot next to you on the floor. 
"Talking to yourself?" She quipped, jokingly, as a way to lighten the mood.
"You know me," you said. But Tara saw through to your thrown attitude.
“You okay?” She asked once she sat down.
“I’m… alright.” You responded, now looking at her. “Just the usual, you know.” There was a pause and a look that Tara was giving; you broke, sighing as you stared back down to your own fingers before speaking again. “She, uh, found out about Anika tutoring me. I guess she’s not Anika’s biggest fan or something.”
Tara knew she should comfort you. No matter how much she wanted to tell you that Amber was terrible, no good, and a bitch, she knew that would do no good. Reassurance was the way to go in these situations with Amber, no matter how much she hated the taste of her own words. “She’ll come around. She always does.” 
A moment of silence passes before Tara gets up from her spot, your eyes tracking her movement. She reaches her hand out for you to grab before saying, “Come on, let’s play Mortal Combat or something. I’m bored and feel like showing off.”
You laughed as you took her hand and stood up. When you stood up, your fingers interlocked with hers, almost like puzzle pieces. She rubbed her thumb over your hand for extra measure. A sense of warmth flew through you and the tension in your shoulders start to release.
"Thank you, Tara."
A/N: drama, commence
Taglist: @alyciaddict @tropicals-things @orignalpat @lilbitdepressed27 @nahnahnahwhat @fanboy7794
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the-mighty-e · 1 month
Human au Nuzi cuz I love them
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I was bored and didn't want to work on my neglected wips
So I made a quick digital dood, I made the second one at school:3
The kiss looks a bit wonky in the second, and Uzi's eye on the first is pretty big BUT
I still love them :3
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78miu · 2 months
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more vampire au 🦇
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jozlyn-moon · 2 months
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A domino in the beginning of Amber Skies, the event that the Pines were captured, excluding Ford who escaped and Stan that uh.. died long before he could see the hell Bill brought to Earth again.
Bill was overjoyed at first when the henchmaniacs brought them in only to lose it once more seeing his good old Grunkle was missing. 💀
So in the meantime Bill bound them to tapestries, sentient ones, they can see everything, hear everything but can only watch, and occasionally be invaded mentally by Bill to either be tortured or interrogated as Bill slowly goes mad while being trapped on Earth due to a second weirdness barrier on Earth’s atmosphere that keeps Bill in.
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Older Dipper!
By the time the AU takes place Dipper is in his 30s! Seeing as it takes place after 2025 (Which is when WMG 2.0 Began to take place)
Before it began though he was a director and filmographer for paranormal documentaries and films! Deciding to take that route rather than the more serious scientific after kinda not wanting to go the route Ford did even if he did look up to him-
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wakkass · 2 months
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Some time ago I wanted to draw StF characters during high school. I liked thinking about what they would look like at that age so much that a whole AU was born, which I painted.
During adolescence, a lot changes in a person's life: the environment, attitude, appearance and even one’s own self.
It became interesting for me to confront the characters with this, so the main theme of the AU is the first changes and the unknown that follows them.
As you may have noticed, the sisters are drawn in school uniforms. I think that the routine of high school gave a powerful impetus to the development of the characters' problems, because school is almost the main part of any teenager's life. This is a large concentration of stress, and its consequences are reflected in my AU.
Overall, I hope you enjoy reading this. I have divided the information on the characters and will make their profiles in separate posts. Links will be below as these profiles are published.
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yandere-daze · 4 months
I´ve had this idea plague my mind for the last few days and now it´s finally time for me to unleash it onto the world. Feel free to comment on or ask questions about this idea/ AU if you find it interesting!
This work was inspired by the normalized yandere genshin AU I stumbled upon while scrolling through Tumblr, created by @fancyfeathers
Hope you enjoy!
gn reader
2,2k words
tw yandere, normalized yandere behaviour, mentions of obsession, possessiveness, kidnapping, stalking, murder, emotional manipulation and isolation
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Yandere! Genshin Academy/Normalized Yandere AU
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In this AU, yanderes are a normal and accepted part of society. Not only are their toxic attitudes and behaviours permitted but even encouraged. Somehow, over the years, people have even started to wish for a yandere as their partners. By Teyvat society at large, yanderes are seen as somewhat of an ideal partner. They´re fiercely loyal and would do absolutely anything for their darlings, right?
And yet, many darlings sing a different tune when reality suddenly comes crashing down onto them when a yandere actually starts pursuing them. Fantasizing about things such as being kidnapped is simply something entirely different compared to experiencing the real thing. And yet, when they call out for help from their loved ones, they´re simply patted on their back and congratulated. Some might even express their condolences to the poor yandere, saying that it always takes a bit of time for a darling to realize that this is for the best.
You are one of the few people who are completely horrified by the concept of a yandere and even more so to see everyone around you treat kidnappings or murder sprees as something completely normal or even romantic. You shudder at the thought of ever attracting the attention of a yandere, knowing that you would have no one to help you avoid that dreadful fate.
Which is why your complete world is turned upside down when you´ve been registered at the wrong academy by mistake. An administrative error, you were told. One, that might take a few weeks or even months to correct.
Now normally, you would have been annoyed but fine with this. You would just have to bear with it for a bit and attend a different school until the error is fixed and you can finally go to your desired one.
But you felt a pool of dread form deep within you when you did some research on the academy you had been wrongly assigned to. It actually wasn´t all that easy to find information on the academy, which you found strange, seeing as this has never been an issue with any other well-regarded academy. But no matter how much you search, nothing concrete is to be found. Only a few abandoned forum posts where people asked around about their missing friend who had last been seen close to the academy in question.
It made you feel a bit uneasy but you figured that it probably didn´t have anything to do with the academy itself. As sad as it was, disappearances were happening all over Teyvat, so this one case wasn´t really of note.
But seeing as you couldn´t find anything else, you figured that you would just need to figure things out on your first day attending the academy.
And oh, were you in for a nasty surprise.
As soon as you sat down for your first lesson, you noticed how strange the atmosphere was. Everyone had been staring at you so strangely when you entered the room, it kind of unnerved you.
After that, a few introductions were exchanged and you slowly calmed down again. Your classmates seemed nice enough and you thought that maybe, your time here wouldn´t be so bad after all.
All that quickly changed when your professor finally entered the room and introduced himself as the instructor who would teach you the subject of "stalking".
Turning your head left and right, you tried to see if anyone else was as shocked about this as you were but to your surprise, no one even raised an eyebrow at this very concerning introduction.
A class on stalking? Maybe this wasn´t what you actually feared and more so a clumsy way of saying that this would be a psychology class focusing on the mental effects stalking has on the victims? With all these yanderes running around unchecked, there were bound to be many victims and so a class like this might actually be beneficiary. I mean surely they wouldn´t actually try to teach young adults how to kidnap someone, right?
Well, it turns out you were wrong when the professor started outlining different forms of stalking. Following "your darling" around, stalking them online, placing cameras or microphones in their rooms to observe them anytime you wanted.
Your mind was spiraling as you listened to the lecture and you briefly wondered at just what kind of an academy you had been enlisted in. Surely this must be some kind of joke, right? A prank played on newcomers at the academy to get them spooked? Surely someone is going to come in any moment, clear all of this up and then laugh at you actually falling for this?
But no matter how much you hoped for this to be the case, no one was coming. No one was making fun of you for falling for such an obvious prank. In fact, none of your classmates seemed perturbed at all by what was being taught here. How could they be okay with a lesson that basically amounted to "how to stalk someone 101"? You felt like you were losing your mind.
Glancing to your right, you see your blond deskmate eagerly nodding along to whatever the professor was saying and swiftly taking notes whenever a sentence seemed to particularly strike a chord with him. His red eyes practically sparkled as he outlined "helpful tips and tricks for not alerting your darling of your presence" on his paper, using a text marker to highlight a particular passage as if to say that it would come in handy in the future.
On your left, you saw another tall male student and for a moment you hoped that maybe, just maybe, there was someone else here who was bothered by the lecture given. He had a bored look on his face and he was wearing some type of headphones over his grey hair. Was he even paying attention? Maybe he was trying to cancel out the horrific lecture taking place at the moment.
You discreetly leaned over a bit, only to see that he was actually holding a book hidden under the desk, his eyes carefully following the paragraphs of tiny letters. Well, it seems like he certainly wasn´t paying much attention to the lecture because what he was secretly reading seemed to be some advanced material on the success rate of different methods of stalking, from the looks of it.
You quickly turned your head back when you saw him glancing over at you with an unreadable stare. Well, it looks like your hopes were dashed again after all. This guy was nuts too.
Knowing this, you really couldn´t do much aside from waiting for class to be over.
Your small hope that this was just a really strange outlier was quickly destroyed again in your following classes.
Next was a class on emotional manipulation and how to get your darling to depend on you.
Then, a class on how to force yourself into your darling´s life and how to approach growing closer to them.
Finally, the day ended with a lecture on how to kidnap your darling and make them disappear without a trace.
As the bell finally rung, the professor informed your class that there was also an optional class about how to effectively "get rid" of a rival that you can sign up for. You pretended to not be bothered when several students raised their hands to show their interest in attending this course.
You scrambled to get out of your seat as fast as possible, not wanting to stay in this hellish classroom for even a second later. You fled into the hallway and walk by groups of students excitedly chattering about things you didn´t want to listen to.
"Oh, I hope I can find my darling soon! I just know I´ll feel a special connection when we first make eye contact! I´ve been waiting for so long", the first girl swooned as she twirled strands of her long brown hair around her finger, seemingly lost in her own fantasies.
"Agreed. I know that once I meet my darling, I won´t let anything get between us. I will never let them go. It´s only a matter of time", the taller, blue-haired woman chimed in, her voice calmer than that of her excitable friend.
You didn´t like the way her eyes linger on you as you pass by them.
Once home, you tried to make contact with the administrative office again to ask them if the process of your transfer can be sped up in any way. You didn´t want to spend another second in that academy.
With what you have seen today, you were easily able to deduce the true nature of this academy and it left you absolutely terrified.
The fact that you weren´t able to find any information about the academy beforehand, your strange classmates fixated on their potential "darlings" and of course the horrid classes being taught there.
Somehow, you have ended up in an academy for yanderes. Every single person you saw there today was a lovesick lunatic in some shape or form. And the more you thought about it, the more you realized you were in huge danger there. What would your crazed classmates do if they ever found out that you actually weren´t a fellow yandere but someone they could claim as a "darling"? The very thought of it makes you sick. You have to get out of there immediately!
Which is why your heart dropped when after some long hesitation, the person on the phone finally answered you.
"You must excuse me but I´m afraid to tell you that there have been some... unforeseen circumstances that do not permit me to work on your case at the moment. I have been asked to postpone this matter until further notice".
"What? Why?", is all you could manage to say in your befuddlement. You knew bureaucracy can take a long time but for this woman to specifically be asked to postpone this? Just what was going on here?
Again, the woman on the phone hesitated to answer and you could hear a tinge of nervousness in her voice when she finally spoke up. As if she wasn´t sure if she was allowed to say what she was about to.
"I´m afraid that I´m not at liberty to provide this information. The person asking me to...focus on different cases for the meantime wished to stay anonymous. Even so, it is not within my power to refuse their wishes as they have provided our establishment with a generous donation. I sadly cannot help you with this issue", at least the woman did sound generally apologetic but that didn´t really help you in this situation.
Your mind was still reeling as you processed this information. Someone specifically asked for your transferal to not be worked on? Why would anyone do this? And they seemed to have a large fortune too? Why all this to make you stay around?
It can´t be that you already attracted someone´s attention while at the academy, right? Surely that couldn´t be true! You made sure to not interact with anyone directly after you realized just what kind of people attended this school. How could one of these yanderes have "fallen for you" already?
It seemed so utterly unbelievable and if you were being honest, you didn´t want to believe that it was true either. But nothing else made sense. Why would anyone do this otherwise?
Noticing your prolonged silence, the woman spoke up once more.
"I´m sure that all of this will be resolved soon. It will only be a few months. I am sure you will find many friends at your current school soon."
You sure hoped not. The thought of being noticed by any of the yanderes already made the hairs on your neck rise. You vowed to stay away from anyone who even showed a fleeting interest in you. You had to keep yourself safe until you can finally switch schools. You could do this, you had to!
You barely registered when the woman bid you farewell and hung up the phone after you once again didn´t answer her.
Now completely alone, you forged a plan. If you didn´t want to get involved in anything dangerous, no one could find out that you were actually here by mistake and not a yandere. Nothing could be worse than these lunatics finding out that you´re a darling, so you´ll have to be very careful. But how do you do this?
Well, it seemed like you must act like a yandere yourself. You would have to pretend that you´re a lovesick fool who totally isn´t bothered by all this talk about kidnapping, stalking, and murder. Thinking about it again already made you sick but you didn´t really have any other options. No one could find out or it was over for you.
You only hoped that you could convincingly play the part and that no one was perceptive enough to see right through you. Well, it couldn´t be that hard, right?
Surely no one already had their eye on you. Right?
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xitsensunmoon · 11 months
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Sorry I spilled your Eclipse (lame he doesn't regenerate...🙄)
Artfight revenge on @garbagechocolate
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ginncide · 17 days
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AM prime and AMber have a mildly antagonistic relationship but they're ultimately on the same side so it's more like this than any serious conflict of the minds. it's like 90% them calling each other cringe
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xzbat-loverzx · 8 months
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More filler doodles
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teleportationmagic · 9 months
📓 :3c
okay I haven't thought about Black Clover in a While but an idea that's been percolating for a Long time was essentially a fic where baby noelle is going on essentially a cross country road trip to ostensibly become stronger, but it becomes just. her way of living.
Background is that Megicula, after killing Acier decides that if she can't find the number of strong wizards she needs, she might as well homegrow one, and she spends a few years in a Spade orphanage with some Weird Powers, before Megicula takes her away for a few months to train. She, eventually, gets bored as hell and leaves, and Noelle stays for a little while longer, before deciding that this wasn't working and she wanted out.
Important stops include:
Hage village, where baby Asta and baby Yuno find a weird girl just living in a tree and tell her about a promise
the coast, where she finds a girl who has a voice like an angel and a dream like a sun
the Middle of the Woods where Mereoleona is like 95% sure that this is the kidnapped Silva girl but also Noelle's eyes keep turning black whenever she mentions going to Silva castle and her body keeps turning to ash whenever she tries to take her, so she teaches her all she can and sends a letter to Nozel
Another village where she's nearly steamrolled by some fire user. They get into a fight and the only reason she wins is that her fighting style is kind of insane.
She can't control her magic, but considering she's effectively invincible for Reasons her way of fighting is just creating a ball of exploding water an inch from her face and hoping her opponent is there too.
Next stop is: A wall of water? It doesn't exist for other people, but it does for her. Also a woman made of water who shooes her off with the weirdest look of pity in her eyes.
A moving house where a strange old man gives her a cloak she keeps in her rucksack. She keeps visiting that last one, over and over and over again for reasons she can't exactly put a pin on,
Also ft. a lot of cutbacks to Nebra, who is watching her brother shred himself looking for a girl she's not entirely sure she'd call her sister, while being the primary emotional connection for her younger brother because their father is gone their mother is gone, and between being a Magic Knight and trailing down any lead that points to her, there's not a lot of time for either of them
Anyways my favourite detail in it is that since both Noelle and Megicula don't know what a good diet is, Noelle sustains herself on an all meat diet, and Megicula is constantly doing a healing spell on her. Charmy nearly has a heart attack the first time they meet.
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turquoisespace35 · 11 days
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Old friends
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delirisse-au · 6 months
Really stupid idea:
Narinder and Mary go on dates for the sole purpose of constantly trying to kill each other
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That would go about as well as you think it would
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