#Angie's character isn't even like; bad
rubberduckyrye · 2 months
I've been doing some research on Angie and pacific islanders, and here's what I've decided I'm going to do with her:
She's fairly Native Hawaiian coded, so I'm going to go full hog on that and make her Native Hawaiian.
From there, I'm going to keep her personality and core background traits that lead up to her personality--but I'm going to essentially scrap everything and everything because holy fuck Kodaka did you really have to be that racist about it.
Like I didn't realize it but holy fuck I don't think there's a single instance in her FTEs and Salmon Mode Dates where she doesn't at least mention some incredibly racist caricature thing being a part of her "culture."
This being in relation to the blood sacrifices, human sacrifices, implied child sacrifices, implied savagery/lesser civilization, ectect. There's just. So much here that I think it's time to throw out the whole suitcase and use actual references to Native Hawaiian culture.
I'm gonna have to do a butt ton of research... but I think it'll be worth it in the end.
Also, I know this one isn't Kodaka's fault, but from my limited research done so far, Angie's god, "Atua," is actually more or less multiple gods--though it can be used to describe "God" in more modern times, it is traditionally used to refer to multiple gods. I know in the original Japanese version she uses "Kami", which I think is a loose term for God/the gods? Still, the singular instance of Atua isn't technically wrong, but it does kind of feel... wrong, if you know what I mean?
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 2 months
Obey me! Younger Brothers Reaction to: Mc doing the "Come over. He just left" Prank
Other parts can be found here: Older Brothers
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Welcome! to another part of this adventure! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
CW: Satan angy, Asmo is Asmo, Beel's precious, Belphie's a brat, and some fluff, sums it up pretty good.
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Satan's Reaction:
Satan has to go meet a new cat, he has to know every cat in the Devildom after all. The demon with this new cat was called up to the human world by a witch, the demon met a cat while doing tasks in the human world, the cat grew fond of the demon and followed the demon home. A love story Satan could only dream of experiencing. Satan wanted to invite his favorite living thing besides cats Mc along with but Mc said they were too busy! How can anyone be too busy for cats, Satan will never know. A little disappointed but wanting to be understanding, Satan leaves his human's room, heading for the front door, he walks out the front door down the pathway towards the street. When Mc hears the front door shut, they run to look out a window. From inside the house looking through the window Mc can see that Satan has already made it to the street and is almost out of sight. Mc quickly sends the prank message: "Come over. He just left." Mc watches as Satan pulls out his D.D.D while walking, seemingly getting the message. Mc watches as Satan freezes in place for like 5 seconds, within that five seconds you can tell his attitude sours. Satan gets an angry purple aura around him, but the scariest part is how oddly calm he is as he turns and begins walking back towards the House of Lamentations. When Satan gets back inside the house he doesn't even say anything at first, he just gives Mc this eerie smile. When Satan finally speaks he tells Mc that he's going to wait to go meet the new cat some other day, because he just feels like he needs to be home today. Mans is sticking around so he can murder whoever Mc is trying to link up with. Mc realizing Satan is missing out on meeting a new cat because of their prank feels bad and explains to him how it's just a prank, and nobody is coming over. It takes some explaining and he wants to know why Mc does the prank in the first place but eventually Satan understands. He isn't particularly fond of the prank, and Satan likes pranks, but that's because this prank got him worried and everything. Even though Satan winds up understanding, he brings Mc with to meet the new cat, not only can he make sure Mc doesn't meet up with anyone, he also gets to have an even better experience, Mc and cats make everything better, soon enough he'll be forgetting all about the prank.
Asmodeus's Reaction:
Asmo has to go to the store to get ingredients for dinner since he's on cooking duty today. He wanted to bring his favorite living thing besides himself Mc with, but Mc said they were too busy! How can someone be too busy to hang out with Asmo, Asmo doesn't know, I mean it's a blessing to even be around him even for a second! Disappointed and confused Asmo reluctantly leaves his human's room. Asmo makes his way to the front door of the House of Lamentations, heading out the front door and down the pathway towards the street. When Mc hears the front door shut, they rush to look out through one of the windows from inside the house. Mc sees that Asmo's made it to the street and is almost out of sight so they quickly send the prank message: "Come over. He just left." Mc watches as Asmo pulls his D.D.D out while walking, seemingly checking the message. Mc watches as Asmo freezes in place for like the longest time, it's surprising as Asmo usually reacts to things quickly, especially D.D.D messages. It takes a little longer before Asmo is finally turning and rushing back towards HoL. When he gets inside the house he dramatically starts asking who Mc's trying to see behind his back. Asmo will be dramatic and not calm down until Mc shuts him up with a kiss and explains it was just a prank. Unbeknownst to Mc, Asmo knew it was a prank all along, Asmo saw the trend on FabSnap and planned to try it out with Mc. When Mc tried it on him before he could try the trend on them, he was pleasantly surprised, it took him so long to react because he wanted to give Mc some type of reaction, he didn't want them thinking he doesn't care. Asmo will never tell Mc he knew the prank, purely because he can now guilt trip Mc into spending time with him, by acting like he's all jealous and worried. Mc is totally forced to accompany him to the grocery store for dinner's ingredients now. Asmo doesn't really need the reassurance, but he will make Mc reassure him multiple times, just because he likes their attention.
Beelzebub's Reaction:
Beel has to go to the store to buy some food, because he ate everything in the kitchen and his brothers got mad, so he feels bad and wants to replace the food..and possibly eat some of it as he carries it home. Beel went to his favorite hunger distraction Mc's room, he wanted to bring his human along with because he knows he wouldn't eat all the food on the way home then..sadly Mc said they were too busy to go with. Being completely understanding, Beel leaves Mc's room and heads for the front door to the house of Lamentations. Beel walks out the front door, heading down the pathway towards the street. Mc waits until they hear the front door shut, then they scurry to a window, looking through from inside the house, they see Beel has made it to the street and is almost out of sight. Mc quickly sends the prank message: "Come over. He just left." Mc watches as Beel pulls his D.D.D. out of his pocket, seemingly checking the message. Beel stares at his D.D.D for a second before he looks back towards HoL, looking confused. Beel begins to slowly make his way back towards HoL, staring down at his D.D.D with a confused look on his face. When Beel gets back inside the house, he holds up his D.D.D to show Mc the message, even though they sent it, Beel then asks what the message means, Mc has to explain the prank thoroughly for him to even properly understand, he's not stupid, he just doesn't worry about stuff like that, he trusts Mc too much. After finding out what the prank was meant to be, he may end up wanting to hear that it was just a prank once or twice, but he's ultimately pretty chill. If anything he feels bad for not understanding the prank and giving Mc the sort of reaction they wanted. Beel will ask again if Mc would like to accompany him on his food run, but if Mc still says no he won't be pushy or force them to come with. Beel will go on his food trip alone if Mc doesn't want to join, but Beel will hang out around Mc a little more for the next few days, and he'll constantly give Mc some of his food. If someone was giving him some of their food he'd never even consider anyone else, and he hopes it's the same for Mc, he doesn't want to lose his human after all.
Belphegor's Reaction:
Belphie has to go to Hocus Pocus, the magic item store 4 those who don't know, why? Because they got new items and are having a sale on them, Belphie can't miss that, the Anti-Luicfer league, I think that's the name, needs better stuff to use on Lucifer for even better pranks! Belphie wants to bring his favorite living pillow Mc along with, but Mc said they were too busy. Belphie tried everything, whining, pouting, trying to blackmail or give Mc a real reason to tag along, but to no avail his human stays stubborn and says they can't come with. Upset that his brattiness didn't get him his way, Belphie reluctantly leaves Mc's room, all pouty like the spoiled youngest is when they don't get their way. Belphie heads to the front door of the House of Lamentations, heading out the door down the pathway towards the street. When Mc hears the front door shut, they scurry to look through one of the windows from inside the house. Seeing the Belphie has made it to the street and is almost out of sight, Mc quickly sends the prank message: "Come over. He just left." Mc watches as Belphie slowly pulls his D.D.D. out of his pocket, seemingly checking the message. Mc has never watched the Avatar of Sloth react so fast before in their life. It's like the moment Belphie reads the message, he's turning and running back towards the house. When does Belphie run? Mc realizes the prank really got him, they laugh nervously as Belphie comes bursting back into the house. Belphie looks like he's ready to murder someone, hopefully not Mc, he's already done that. Mc gives Belphie a chance to ask what the hell is up, then they try and calmly explain that it's just a prank. It takes some explaining, some reassurance, and some apologies to finally win Belphie back over. Belphie makes a big deal out of it and uses it to guilt trip Mc into indulging into his bratty antics for the next few days. In reality, Belphie calmed down pretty quickly and felt a lot better after a little reassurance from Mc, he just wasn't going to miss out on an opportunity to have Mc's attention, and to have Mc in a situation where they feel bad for not giving him his way, he's a brat like that.
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Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! The last three were a little bit rushed and probs not my best work, sorry. Anyways, more content is coming soon so Stay Tuned! Stay Safe! & Stay Groovy Scooby! ♡
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nerd-cat-rambles · 12 days
Danganronpa Opinions
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(I mean none of this with offense and I'm not targetting in any way shape or form btw-)
. Chihiro is VERY overrated.
. Off topic but it's canon Taka can sing, he wants Sayaka to teach him to sing so he can project his voice, and his Japanese VA is amazing at singing, and his English VA is Kinger in TADC (which I don't know much about but heard a song and imagined Taka singing it - which made me laugh -)
. Sayaka is underrated and over hated.
. Some of the executions aren't that good, and Celeste's was good and theatrical, but she (technically) killed 2 people and deserved to suffer a bit more.
. Toko is bad in THH and highly overrated if people like her and haven't seen her in UDG.
. Kiyotaka is annoying and loud even in his FTEs (He's like... my favourite character but I HAVE TO BE HONEST I WOULDN'T BE FRIENDS WITH HIM IRL-)
. Byakuya and Kyoko are EXTREMELY OVERRATED!!!! (If Byakuya has no haters I'm dead-)
. The survivors were so uninteresting, Hiro did almost nothing the whole time, and after Chapter 4 Aoi seemed to outlive her usefulness. She's still cool though, but also overrated.
. 11037 is still kind of funny, but only in context and not for making fun of Leon as a character.
. Sayaka haters are just mad for no reason... leave her alone gang-
. Junko was a terrible choice for a master-mind, they should've given fake Junko more development before killing her off. I forgot about her after Chapter Two.
. Byakuya x Anybody is a terrible ship, especially Makoto x Byakuya.
. Celesgiri have chemistry, but no interactions that make us ship them.
. Nagito is actually kind of annoying... he was better in Chapter One, but he did make the game 10x more interesting.
. Nekomaru > Ibuki
. Peko is a cool character but not as loveable as the fans see her to be.
. Hinanami is ONLY platonic, nothing else.
. This may be exclusive to me but Trial 4 was stupidly difficult (I knew who the killer was and didn't get it because I'm a fucking moron.)
. Mikan and Hiyoko are both equally as annoying as eachother, but Hiyoko is much more upfront about it.
. Souda x Gundham is a bad ship... even the Voice Actor of Tanaka says so.
. Chiaki is slightly overrated.
. AI Junko is mid.
. Kamakura should have gotten more development, and is overrated.(I haven't seen the anime)
V3: (I haven't played the game so this might not be accurate) (I'VE SEEN UP TO THE START OF THE CHAPTER 2 TRIAL-)
. Kokichi and Gonta are overrated
. From what I've seen Maki gives rip-off Kyoko vibes and I don't like it that much lol.
. They shouldn't have killed Kaede off early, for her development as a character, but it was necessary to do so.
. Rantaro's overrated and him and Ryoma NEEDED MORE DEVELOPMENT. Just kill off Miu earlier please.
. Kokichi isn't that good.
. Gonta is overrated.
. The Motive-Video for chapter two is a reused from chapter one THH, did they run out of ideas? If so, how did they recreate Danganronpa 53 times without the audience getting bored?
. Traffic Light (HimokoxAngiexTenko) is a bad ship because though Himiko cares for them both, Tenko doesn't like Angie much. (from what I've seen)
. They should've gotten in some new VAs for V3, I love Shuichi but I can only hear Leon in his voice...
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funishment-time · 2 months
I'm gonna be real I haven't even seen the original question list, BUT you did say to keep asking for 17, and I DO like hearing headcanons. So. What about 17?
YES!! thank you thank you
17. List five headcanons for your favorite characters!
Sayaka's things she isn't proud of? dangerous sabotaging of rival groups: messing with their food etcetera to make them extremely sick but not kill them, Things like that. she got the idea from the bio-terrorism part of the documentary Wild Wild Country, which she once overheard her dad watching. and, anyway, it's easy enough to "accidentally" find ways on Tiktok to just slightly poison people, all billed as pranks, so no one's the wiser. she is, believe it or not, a relatively calm person, but extremely paranoid about her career, and sort-of blacks out into a Different Person of Bad Decisions when she feels backed into a corner
in a non-despair AU that includes all the franchise's characters, one of the reasons Junko gives up on the idea of a Killing Game is that she can't convince the more powerful members of Class 79 to her side. after getting turned down by Angie and Kirumi, she figures fucking with people like everyone's annoying little sister is probably an Easier way to get her kicks
everyone makes fun of Byakuya for the time Hina punched him for like, the rest of their lives. it's pretty Dope
we're told that the reason that the NWP had so many Safeguards on it was not In Case Of Enoshima but actually in case of Usami and Chiaki going rogue. what we're not told is that AI Chiaki has tons of restrictions on her programming to stop her from turning the NWP into a despair-filled gamer version of the music video to "Unholy." she, in herself, was a Gamble. she's essentially a robot that woke up the avenging angel of a girl that was tortured to death, a robot tasked with healing a load of terrorists who, quite frankly, may not deserve it. she was hugely dangerous, and Usami really means it when she says Chiaki breaking her own limitations to act for the greater good was a miracle
Komaru dates both Syo and Toko. Syo is the "fun" one, and Toko is the "domestic" one. if Komaru tries to talk to Syo about bills she nopes out to the back of the headspace and makes Toko discuss that Boring shit
BONUS: The Despair Twins are autistic. Mukuro's hyperfixation is weaponry, and her empathy is in another room. anhedonic Junko is so good at analyzing and masking it's a SHSL talent for her. she Enjoys it, really
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luvlyhyunjin · 1 month
BESTIE SAY SIKE RN?????? NOT YUNA????? when the words of a sister come back in whispers that prove she was not in fact what she seemed not a twin from your dreams she's a crook who was caught..... ooooo not you hitting us with that old familiar body ache damn :-(
i hate to say this but this makes so much sense :-((( with how yuna was so excited and eager to be y/n's friend even when y/n didn't know her at all and had no business at all with her omgggg :-( and woo is such a real one btw i don't think i ever gave him the credit he deserves but damn he's REAL
and can we talk about hyune referring to y/n as "the girl i love" and her being the last straw for him to beat up changbin bc he's as loyal to her as he's loyal to his family like omgggg i know this isn't the main focus of the chapter but im such a sucker for this type of trope ik i have issues but he really sounds like he called the amateurs and cut 'em from the team 🥹🥹
also did we just witness woo and felix finding out they were in love with a person who hurt both their respective best friends bc :-((( i want to be mad at this but you pulled this plot twist so gorgeously like okayyyy angie christie!!! we see you and we love you 🩷🩷 also the way yuna knows damn well y/n is head over heels in love with hyune but still offered woo her help to win y/n over.... like that's your so-called best friend, her man AND the man you're supposedly into who's also your so-called best friend's best friend that you're trying to play with like that's sooo not 💀 i was like omg yuna is on a silly goofy mood rn lol she's so funny but omg????
anyways this is getting too long and i'm sorry but you got me bad. it's almost midnight and i can't lay down bc i'm so gagged i'm afraid i'll choke in my sleep. i love you sm and i'm sending you the biggest hug ever 🫂
i wish i could say sike babe😔😔 i know yuna was so sus from the start yess woo is A REAL ONE woo defender till the day i dieee the only character that was 100% honest from the start 🙏🏻 my girl yuna really came into their lives to fuck everyone over helpp
not you calling angie christie helpp🥲🥲 thank you so much my love i’m so happy you stuck around for so long and enjoyed this as much as i enjoyed writing it! you’re so always so kind and funny with your notes fhat i find myself smiling along without meaning to ajakwna and please don’t apologize i dont mind lonf asks at all🩷🩷🩷 I LOVE YOU🥹🥺
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panda-puma · 8 months
I'm a little baffled by your post about the one piece anime, because while I would also recommend people read the manga instead, it still is a vastly more accurate adaption than the opla? like, opla is lovely for what it is, but oda being involved in it doesn't change the fact that they took huuuge liberties that the anime just... doesn't? which is perfectly fine for an adaption, I'm just mentioning it because it sounded like you were focused on the character dynamics, which are just... vastly, vastly different in the manga AND anime vs the live action. I'm thinking about Nami and Sanji in particular (and Usopp as well to a degree), who all kind of feel like watered-down versions of their actual selves (Nami isn't greedy enough, Usopp not cowardly enough, Sanji... well, I'm not saying Sanji being different is a bad thing asdf). Again, perfectly fine for an adaption that doesn't mean to adapt its source material beat for beat, but it just leaves me really confused over how the opla is possibly a more faithful/a better adaption than the anime? Which, as far as I can recall, has severe pacing issues, annoying fillers and leaves out things like the cover stories, but still sticks waaaay closer to the actual story and dynamics as they are in the manga.
(First of all: you can like the Anime. As I said before, I've watched the entire Anime 3 times this last year. But you can enjoy something and still know it's flawed. Very flawed, even.)
Uf, I will try to make this as short as possible xD If i sound dry or "angy", sorry, English is not my first language ^^
What baffles me is that most people really think the Anime of One Piece is a faithful 1 to 1 adaptation, or that everything on it is canon (except the fillers), or that Oda approves the changes they make. For context: it was very common in the 90s/2000s to just take a manga that was doing good and make an animation that took the characters and story and did whatever they wanted with it. One Piece is not the only victim of this treatment.
I respect the animators and Seiyuus, they do their jobs good and are what makes the Anime enjoyable. But I really can not understand the Directors and the changes they decided to make to the characters (and this applies to the whole series, not only 20 years ago).
The changes you see in OPLA are necessary to translate a drawing (Manga) to a series acted by real people. Also, condensing 95 chapters of Manga in 8 episodes and trying to bring the essence of the characters to the screen, translating Japanese funny gags to an International Audience and also having the input of 25 years of Oda thinking "huh, maybe this could have been explained better" it's obviously going to make things change.
The Anime has none of those excuses. It's also a drawing so no need to tone down, supposed to have the same Audience (even tho they really tried to make it for little kids and it shows), they clearly don't have an issue with the length of the series and they don't ask Oda for nearly any of the changes they make!
Pretending Oda being involved or not doesn't matter is just so weird to me. You know all One Piece characters are Oda's OCs, right? He is the original creator of the characters. He knows them better than anyone else. He knows where the story is going, what is acceptable, what is on character and what is not. Just because they are very famous characters it doesn't mean they are not someones Original Characters. He loves them and cares for them. Not respecting him as the only one that can say something is canon or not is completely disrespectful and dehumanizing.
About watering down characters in OPLA: again, they are real people acting the characters. In the Manga they are exaggerated to a comical effect that wouldn't translate as comical if it's real people who do it, it'd just be weird. That's because it's different mediums and different audience. But the core of the characters is very present, just less cartoony. On the other hand, the Anime reduces the characters to just this comical effect, taking away nearly everything else of the characters, making them just gags.
Answering to the specific points you make about OPLA:
Nami not being greedy enough: Nami's greed before Arlong Park Arc is just her trying to save enough to free her people. We don't really see her greed until after she is free. We haven't reached this point yet in OPLA, apart of her wanting to dress nice and enjoy a bath.
Usopp not being cowardly enough: they can not spend 5 minutes of an 50 minute episode showing him screaming around or running away. But they did show him running as first reaction in Kaya's Mansion, twice. They showed him wanting to go back home after encountering Garp. He does say cowardly things all the time, like wanting to leave, stay on the Merry, not fight the Fish Men, running away the second Chu payed attention to him… It's just less cartoony. They are also not showing inner dialogue of the characters, it's just shown by their acting.
Sanji not being a pervert: Not only is Sanji's perversion waaaay exaggerated in the Anime, to an unpalatable degree, it's also a very Japanese Funny Gag that wouldn't translate good to an International Audience. Sanji in the Manga has, on top of everything else, a friendly relationship with Nami. He can talk to her like a human being. They are friends that can agree or disagree without drama, that join forces to fix things very often and act very calm around each other unless something "special" happens and Sanji is lovestruck, but even so, he usually comes back to being normal pretty fast. Of course he likes her and he is attracted to her, but he also sees her as a person... unlike the Anime. This translated to into the Live Action to a man that tries to flirt and has no success, but that can take a no as an answer without being offended. Also, Oda probably wanted to show on the Live Action that the real reason Sanji is on the crew is no other than him following Luffy (that is also a thing that the Anime waters down: Sanji's dedication to Luffy)
The main point is: yes, OPLA is an Alternative Universe where things are shown a bit differently, but the core of the characters is the same. You see them and you see real people, just like in the Manga.
And let's see about the faithfulness of the Anime... just because the Arcs are called the same and things kind of happen the same, it doesn't mean it's a faithful adaptation. The most important thing in a story is the characters and how they interact and react to the world. These are just some differences between the Anime and the Manga that I can think of off the top of my head, just from the East Blue Saga. (without any particular order)
-- Zoro's real backstory (Manga) is that he had been in the Shimotsuki Dojo probably since birth, practicing his 2 Sword Style and only starting the 3 Sword Style to carry Kuina's Soul with him. [((spoilers from Wano: now we know Zoro is also a Shimotsuki, so he was training in his family's Dojo. It also explains why Koushirou gave Kuina's sword to Zoro so easily: they are family, and Zoro would carry the Shimotsuki name to the top of Swordmanship))].
Zoro's backstory in the Anime is completely changed to make it look like he is a random funny kid that came out of nowhere and one day appeared in the Dojo. His signature 3 sword style is also made like he just "wanted to use as many swords as possible".
I don't think it's very necessary to explain why this changes are just... terrible for the character and continuity.
[Edit: the following is not correct! Check the reblog for the correction :D] The Anime also makes Zoro's departure from Shimotsuki Village like something he planned to do, saying goodbye to Kuina's Grave and Koushiro… when in the Manga he literally tells Luffy he was kicking pirates out of his village and he got lost and didn't know how to get back. [/end of incorrect part]
Changing Zoro's character at every turn is something they love to do in the Anime.
Usopp in the Manga wants Luffy&co. to meet Kaya, because he cares about her well being. He wants her to make new friends, to be able help them and feel useful doing it. Usopp knows what Kaya needs is contact with the world and tries to bring it to her.
Usopp in the Anime is jealous and secretive of her. He doesn't want the others to go meet her, even knowing they are good people. He'd rather have her to himself.
This is a fatal change to the character of Usopp. He is a kind hearted lovely man that wants what's best for his friend... but the Anime just shows a jealous asshole.
In the battle against Cabaji, Zoro cuts his own wound, so his opponent can't use it as an advantage anymore.
In the Anime, he lowers his defense on purpose and lets Cabaji cut his wound.
The first one shows how far he can go to prove himself, also shows he is not at all worried because he doesn't consider Cabaji up to his level. I'm not sure what the second one is supposed to show apart from "children can not see self-harm".
Also in Orange Town in Manga, Luffy is fighting as much as possible against the cage he is trapped in, biting the bars. And afterwards he is very worried asking Zoro to leave him and not carry him or he will get worse from his wounds. In the Anime he is just surprised that Zoro can carry him like that. He doesn't really fight his predicament.
The Anime usually shows Luffy as an uncaring friend, which is sad when he is a character that cares so much and has so much empathy.
In the Manga, Zeff cuts his own leg and eats it to survive after giving all the food they have to Sanji.
In the Anime, Zeff lost his leg because it got caught in the ships broken pieces, and he had to cut it to survive. (i guess he survived 80 days thanks to the Holy Spirit or something) (again with being palatable to children)
In the Manga, the first encounter between Tashigi and Zoro is brief, Zoro gives her back the glasses and carries on (even tho tilted by her looking so similar to Kuina).
In the Anime, Zoro breaks Tashigi's glasses with the shock and she proceeds to be the meanest person ever insulting him in many ways (isn't she supposed to be a good person?) and forcing him to work for her to pay her glasses back, even tho she has no need for the money.
The Anime shows Zoro as a pushover, when in reality he is not. He was "pushed over" by Luffy out of the blue because it is Luffy, not because Zoro would let someone random do that to him. This type of "Zoro gets messed up easily by anyone" is very repeated through the Anime, taking away the importance of his relationship with Luffy and the other few he pays really attention to.
In the Manga, Sanji wants to be famous and have his face seen in the Newspaper. That's why he gets mad when Usopp is in Luffy's Wanted Poster and he isn't.
In the Anime, he is already a famous cook. We can see it in one of the many filler in Loguetown, where another cook has been wanting to surpass him for a long time.
[((spoiler of Whole Cake Island: This collides directly with how his Wanted Poster makes his bio Family looks for him to use him, after knowing he is still alive.))]
Also in Loguetown, in the Manga Luffy goes directly to the place Roger was executed.
In the Anime they make him get lost a hundred times for comical effect. He also meets Smoker, Buggy and others on the way… taking away all the surprise.
In the Manga, Zoro and Luffy are pretty confused with Sanji's romantic reaction to Nami. They don't get why she's getting special treatment. Zoro even wonders if she bewitched him somehow.
In the Anime, as soon as Sanji starts flirting with Nami, Zoro gets irritated and Luffy gets uncomfortable.
In the Anime they try hard to make Zoro have a romance with any girl that shows up, adding reactions that are never present in the Manga.
And well, a huge one that needs more elaboration, because it is the core of the Manga: Luffy is shown observing and judging situations and people constantly. Every time something is happening that shows the true nature of people, he is specifically shown paying attention.
In the Anime this is translated as him being an empty headed kid that barely thinks or cares about anyone. He is a shell of a man, who only repeats that he wants to be King of the Pirates...
This is a very tiny list of examples that explain themselves without going into extensive detail…
I can go on and on about more changes that make no sense or change characters personalities, but if I do, I will dedicate its own blog to it to not clutter this one. I need bigger posts to explain the changes I see in dynamics between the characters xD
And as I said: if all of these changes were approved by Oda, I would be happy to accept them. But sadly they are not.
So to me, the One Piece Anime is just a fan-made adaptation that takes too many liberties. Or, as Animes are really considered in Japan: just advertisement for the Mangas.
On the other hand, OPLA changes were approved after negotiations and struggles and years of back and forth. Oda was very invested in it, trying to really show his vision and his world as good as possible. That's why i consider the Live Action as a faithful adaptation of the story.
Of course you may not consider these things important, but they are for me. In the end, you are free to enjoy One Piece as you wish! ^^
Anyways, thanks for reading so much! xD This ended up not being short at all, but i controlled myself as much as possible, i swear uvuU
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sparkly-caroline · 4 months
Step right up, step right up! It's that time of the month where I give out opinions that will most likely get me crucified! Stick around for that!
Today I'm gonna be making one of my first "voicing opinions on Danganronpa" posts, that I might make more of. Since you know, I'm a Danganronpa fan, and have some thoughts about it.
Most of these posts are more than likely not based on OBJECTIVE fact (is it well written?) it's just my purely SUBJECTIVE opinion (do i hate it ot not?)
Aight, let's cut to the chase: I fucking hate Tenko Chabashira.
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No joke, she is one of my least favourite characters in V3. Not the entire series, just V3. I get she's kinda the "joke character that dies in Chapter 3 so we can have tension in Chapter 4", but every time she was on screen I groaned.
Again, this is all subjective opinion, and I'm not even gonna try to pretend that this isn't full of bias, because it definitely is. You're allowed to disagree with me. I'm not gonna be like "Tenko's objectively the worst character in the series!", cuz that sort of claim is dumb.
But goddamn man, I've held this opinion in for YEARS, ever since my first exposure to Danganronpa. It's coming out now.
Here's Chabashira's basic shtick: she adores girls, hates men with a burning passion, has the hots for Yumeno... and is really fucking annoying. That's 90% of her character.
If you hate those "Hashtag Kill All Men" girls that you normally see on sites like TikTok (because of course it'd be on TikTok), then you're probably not gonna like Chabashira either. There's not a single scene with her that has Chabashira NOT say "Degenerate Male", and it gets old REAL fast. Even more so than Angie's "atua" or Kiibo's "robophoic".
This mixed in with her loud and obnoxious personality makes it REALLY hard for me to find her even slightly tolerable.
"Uhm Actuhally, Tenko is an overexcited and cheerful person" yeah well, I think Ibuki did that shtick 8 billion times better.
And the thing is: her "i hate men" thing would be KINDA understandable if she was among the cast of Trigger Happy Havoc or Goodbye Despair, the games where TeruTeru Hanamura and Hifumi Yamada exist in. There, she would at least have something to use as an example and NOT sound like she's spewing complete bullshit. But with the exception of Ouma (and technically Korekiyo for reasons that she wasn't alive to see), all the male characters in V3 were at least decent people.
And I'm betting most of my money on this point: If Tenko Chabashira was genderbent and said all the things she usually says to men towards women, she would've be one of the most hated characters of the entire series, HANDS DOWN.
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Imagine this one screenshot, but Saihara is a girl and Chabashira is a boy, and change the text to "degenerate female". Can you see the point now?
Seriously, if a male character said something like THIS to a female character: Guaranteed Cancellation. Twitter users all around the globe would be going NUTS the second V3 gains attention. It wouldn't matter how much of an overexcited person she is, nor any other good quality she could have. Genderbent Tenko + changing hating men to hating women = instantly the most hated character in the series.
Also, I think that this wouldn't be anywhere near as bad if she actually got called out in-game for these things, but she never does, or at least not in the main story. Nobody ever tells her "ayo, Tenko, your hating on men is getting annoying/problematic could you shut up about it for five seconds?" Nope. At most she's told to "calm down" (which half the time she just ignores), but NOBODY tells her that this isn't okay.
Say what you will about Danganronpa S. As mid as the game itself is:
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At least some characters there were being like "I'm don't gotta put up with you and your annoying ass, bish." No such thing happens in V3.
So I thought: "Okay, what's the reason for this? Surely if she hates men this much, surely that means a boy must've done something really bad to her to CAUSE this." Well... nah.
See, after going through her FreeTime Events, you eventually learn that the reason why she hates men so much is because: her Master (who's a man too, might I add) basically taught her so and she's extremely gulliable.
What. You thought there was more to it? Because there isn't. And that's not even the infuriating part, THIS is the infuriating part:
Her master, who she REALLY looks up to and whose every word she takes at face value... is a man himself. And Tenko only realized that was the case when Saihara pointed it out.
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Again, I understand that Chabashira is NOT one of the characters you're supposed to take seriously. She's a joke character that dies in Chapter 3 so the tension in later chapters isn't severed. If anything this is probably a joke I'm taking way too seriously.
That being said, this is some of the STUPIDEST nonesense I've ever come across in a character's freetime events.
First off, I don't care how guillable you are, HOW DO YOU NOT REALIZE THAT YOUR MASTER IS A GUY TOO?! You've been refering to your master as "he" and probably spent a large chunk of your life WITH said master, yet not once realized that he's a male at any point until Shuichi pointed it out... WHAT?! What did you THINK he was BEFORE this?! There's being guillable, and then there's being straight up stupid.
Second off, even IF this is supposed to make her look more adorkable and guillable and show that she'll believe anything she's told, I'm sorry but I'm not gonna view that explanation as okay when she has lines like these:
"The only good thing about males is that girls give birth to them!" "Yes! Degenerate males should definitely know their place!" "Don't you think it's weird for degenerate males to have Ultimate talents in the first place!? They're basically disgusting mud dolls! If those degenerates didn't have talents, this place would be an all-girls safe haven!"
Okay, Chabashira, shut the fuck up-
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Honestly, face palm.
You know... I used to think Gonta was the lowest IQ character in V3. Now I don't. I'm pretty sure it's Tenko. I'm so sorry for ever thinking you were dumb, Gonta, never doubting you again king.
I feel like I'm losing my mind, writing this post and all the constant fact checking I gotta make. Honestly her freetime events were (and still are) a PAIN to sit through and the Class Trial Skill you get from 'em isn't really that useful either, but I can't make a post like this without checking them out, so here we are.
(Did I forget to mention that she says that she'll only touch Saihara if he gets a sex change?)
I feel like I made this point clear though, it's gonna get a little TOO long if I keep going about this point. So yeah, that's 50% of Chabashira's character, let's move on to the other 50%
Now that we've got the elephant in the room outta the way, let's move on to the OTHER thing Chabashira's most known for:
Simping for Himiko Yumeno. Cuz we just gotta have at least one hardcore simp character in these Danganronpa games.
Much like Fukawa for Togami and Kazuichi for Sonia, Chabashira simps for Yumeno just as hard as those two. The only two differences are that Chabashira dies and the other two simps don't, and I kinda like the other two simps.
Kazuichi at least had other things going on with him when he wasn't thirsting over the princess (like being a bro for Hinata, a much better Hagakure than OG Hagakure and his freetime events not making me want to rip my hair out), and Fukawa won me over in Ultra Despair Girls.
At least Chabashira dying helped Himiko's character development, and Himiko's one of my favs from the game so it did what it was supposed to do. But I felt more for Himiko than I did for Tenko, tbh. And up until Chapter 3, her crush on Himiko was kinda... well uh...
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Still not as cringe as Fukawa's fantasies in UDG, but still. And the thing is, the game wants me to think Tenko's simping isn't that creepy, but in chapters 1 and 2, Yumeno shows almost no interest at all. It's only in Chapter 3 that Himiko actually gives Tenko the time of day, and that was the scene before Tenko dies.
At least the games Fukawa and Kazuichi were in didn't make their respective simping as anything other than a quick gag, if anything the game poked fun at them for it. With Chabashira, I'm supposed to NOT do the same.
So in Chapter 3 they were like "oh wait, we actually need to make Chabashira more likable so her death affects Yumeno", so they made her like less of a creep for that one chapter. Also, I have heard from some posts way back (I think I saw 'em sometime before 2020) that Chabashira "sacrificed herself for Himiko"?? Which... no. I don't see how that could've worked.
Point one, she was just offering herself as a medium so Himiko could say bye to Yonaga. Chabashira thought that if Himiko had been the medium, then she couldn't have spoken to Yonaga. That's why she offered herself to be inside that cage instead. That was all there was to it, Chabashira's final act of kindness (and also VERY OBVIOUS red flag that might as well had said "Chabashira's gonna die") before she got seesawed by Shinguji.
Which brings me to point two, HOW would Chabashira have known that Shinguji was planning a murder right then and there? Sure, she hates men with a passion and that COULD'VE have made her assumed the worst of him, but she's definitely NOT the smartest person around and absolutely had NO WAY of knowing about Shinguji's "incest serial killer" tendencies at any point. She's already been see-sawed by the time he reveals his true nature to the others.
The only way I can think of is if she somehow had his motive video from Chapter 2, but the game never brings up that something like that had happened. Chabashira never shows any increased hostility towards Shinguji, she treats him the same as she treats every other male character. So no, Chabashira's death was not a sacrifice, and even though I haven't heard that theory in years, I figured I should mention it.
Long story short: Himiko's too good for you, you're not good enough for her, Chabashira.
Okay, this one's just a minor nitpick for the sake of being petty, but my god, Chabashira has some of the ugliest sprites in the entire game. Not in the unsettling or funny sense, just plainly ugly.
To give a comparison and show you what I mean:
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This sprite of Ouma is terrifying. The first time I saw it, I was legit scared.
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THIS Chabashira sprite is UGLY. Not fear inducing ugly, not comedically ugly like that one Kazuichi sprite, just plain ugly.
This is the sprite most likely to be used when she looks down on men, so just for that, minus 50 points.
And If I remember correctly (and if not, imma take the L and let myself be informed) showcasing this sprite of Chabashira led to the "I hope Tenko dies" thing before the game came out.
I learned that from this video:
But if I'm wrong about that, please let me know.
And that about wraps it up. It took me a week to write this, it's so long. I tried to like Tenko at times, but I just couldn't do it, sorry folks.
Again, if you disagree with me, that's cool. You do you, we can all agree to disagree.
Anyway, i'm gonna go hide in my bunker now, catch y"all later.
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neos-schlond-poofa · 4 months
An Ode to Angie Beneviento
Okay, so this actually will be a semi-serious post. LIKE I know I don't usually post serious stuff unless its an angst edit HOWEVER it IS Angie's birthday and she actually is a very important character to me. Obviously not the most important character to me though, that's Donna, but that is another post for another birthday.
But... I really love Angie's route. And it's really important to me. And anyone who knows me knows that I'm not really an open person about serious stuff (I THINK?? sam if you read this tell me pleak) or I'm talkative, but I think this is worth putting out there. Especially because of how much it means to me.
I'm ace. Like this really isn't me coming out, like I've always kind of been out as ace?? But I never really said it either on here but like I am ace and I never tried to hide it at least. This is so odd like this is kind of like me coming out. But it isn't. BUT THAT IS NOT THE POINT. I just need to say that so this makes more sense.
Seeing Angie just straight up say she's asexual just made me feel so happy.
I can't tell you a single other ace person in media that (that isn't Todd from Bojack or also aromantic), and just seeing someone really silly like me? That made me feel so nice.
I tried to wish away me being ace before. Like, completely fine with the gay and non-binary stuff for the most part, but being ace? Hated it. Like, I don't like ess e ex (I really don't want this post to be hidden because I used the word), nor did I ever really have an interest in it. And I didn't want to have an interest in it really. Kind of? It's complicated.
I wanted to be like the others really. I've had relationships before where I hate myself for being ace, because I have never had an ace partner, and I just will never be enough for them because of that (minus the one time I did have an ace partner, but they were very disliking of physical touch which I do love). I used to try to convince myself that I can just stop being this way, I can change for them, all so they wouldn't leave me. I was ashamed of being this way, despite being so usually proud of my other parts of my identity. There was even a time when one of my exes tried to convince me that I wasn't ace too, but definitely didn't make this situation worse. I just didn't like being this way.
Although, it wasn't as strong when I started playing Resident Lover + when I got into my current relationship. Like, I am fairly fine now. Yeah, I still kind of do feel bad for being ace but like? Who cares? I mean I do but I know them and I know she would never hate me for that, it's just perfect. I love them so much.
But I still always have those thoughts. And I'm not saying Resident Lover completely eradicated those thoughts... but they did help them.
Seeing Angie just... openly say she's ace and set her boundaries and MC just accepting it? It was like. Amazing. I never really saw something like that (Todd from Bojack does NOT count, he is a guy. And I am not a girl either but I feel closer connected to girls because they're so much sillier and nice plus also like Angie more).
It was just so nice seeing representation that I hadn't really seen before, and one where I could see a character get into a happy relationship with someone they really love, and it all work out. Angie helped me accept being ace, she's helped me being proud of it, unlike any character before (okay sorry Todd). And, it's her birthday. And not that many people in this fandom appreciate her. And I know not that many people in the fandom will read this (you guys hate long posts despite being in a visual novel fandom... what is this don't you guys love reading???), but I still wanted to share it. To share MY personal story and how Angie is important to me, and just one of the many reasons why this game is so important to me too.
I love Angie Beneviento.
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(Dee Dee and Teddy are at town square, selling apples and introducing our story):
Dee Dee: Get 'em while they're fresh! Apples! Christmas apples!
Teddy: We got Mclntosh!
Dee Dee: Get your Christmas apples.
Teddy: Red Delicious. Tuppence apiece while they last. Whatever the fuck that means.
Dee Dee: We... They won't last long the way you're eating them.
Teddy: Hey. I'm creatin' scarcity. Drives the prices up. Read all about it in Ladie's Home Journal
Dee Dee (sighs): Teddy... (sees us) Hello! Welcome to The Big Nate Christmas Carol! I am here to tell the story, in my usual dramatic fashion!
Teddy: And I am here for the food and bantz! This Christmas, I wanna be written with an actual character!
Dee Dee: My name is Charles Dickens.
Teddy: And my name is Teddy Ortiz! Hey, wait a second. You're not Charles Dickens!
Dee Dee: I am too!
Teddy: No. Dickens was called that for a reason!
Dee Dee: omg it's 2023
Teddy: your name isn't even Charles!
Dee Dee: good, cringe name
Teddy: Dickens was a 19th-century novelist! A genius! God I hang around Francis too much.
Dee Dee: Oh, you're too kind. :3
Teddy: Why should I believe you?
Dee Dee: Well... Because I know the story of "A Christmas Carol" like the back of my hand.
Teddy: do I smell a wager?
Dee Dee: I hope, otherwise I didn't brush my teeth well.
Teddy: ugh, just prove it! Prove you know it!
Dee Dee: All right. Um, there's a little mole on my thumb, from when I tried to taste the wood on my stage, and, uh, a scar on my wrist, from when I fell off my bicycle performing as Lance Armstrong: licence to juice.
Teddy: No, No, No, No, Don't tell us your hand. Tell us the story!!
Dee Dee: Oh! Oh!
Teddy: Thank you. Yes.
Dee Dee (ahem): The Betancourts were dead to begin with.
Teddy: Wha, Wha... Pardon me?
Dee Dee: That's how the story begins, Teddy. The Betancourts were dead to begin with. As dead as a doornail.
Teddy (getting into it): ooh! It's a good beginning! It's creepy and kind of spooky. Like Mrs. Godfrey in a conga line.
Dee Dee: Thank you, Teddy!
Teddy: You're welcome, Mrs. Dickens!
Dee Dee: now, where was I? Ah, yes. In life, the Betancourts had been business partners... With a shrewd moneylender named Gina Hemphil-Scrooge. You will meet her as she comes around that corner.
Teddy: Where?
Dee Dee: There. See, next to the klassic komix and Mr. Pretzel?
Teddy: Uh huh! When?
Dee Dee: Not yet... Not yet... Let the tension rise...
Teddy: I am, I am!
Dee Dee: ...Now!
(Gina enters, draped in a black coat and top hat, carrying a cane. Every step calculated and cold)
Dee Dee: There she is! Ms. Gina Hemphil-Scrooge.
Teddy: Say, Is it gettin' colder out here?
Emmit the custodian: When a cold wind blows it chills you
Chills you to the bone
Czerwicki: But there's nothing in nature that
Freezes your heart
Like years of being alone
Rosa: It paints you with indifference
Like a lady paints with rouge
Clarke: And the worst of the worst
The most hated and cursed
Is the one that we call Scrooge (yeah)
Chester: Unkind as any
And the wrath of many
This is Gina Hemphil-Scrooge
Miranda, Angie, Kelly, Trudy, Kim, Jenny: Oh, there goes Ms. Humbug
There goes Ms. Grim
If they gave a prize for bein' unfair
The winner would be her
Brindle: Oh, Gina loves her money
'Cause she thinks it gives her power
If she became a flavor you can bet she would be sour
Staples, Shipulski, Calhoon, John, Galvin: There goes Ms. Skinflint
There goes Ms. Greed
The undisputed mistress of
The underhanded deed
Marty: She charges folks a fortune
For her dark and drafty houses
Vern and Marge: Poor folk live in misery
Uncle Ted: It's even worse for louses
Miranda, Angie, Kelly, Trudy, Kim, Jenny: She must be so lonely
She must be so sad
She goes to extremes
To convince us she's bad
She's really a victim of fear and of pride
Look close and there must be
A sweet girl inside.
Everyone: There goes Ms. Outrage
There goes Ms. Sneer
Ahe has no time for friends or fun
Her anger makes that clear
Don't ask her for a favor
'Cause her nastiness increases
No crust of bread for those in need
No cheeses for us meeses
There goes Ms. Heartless
There goes Ms. Cruel
She never gives
She only takes
She lets this hunger rule
If bein' mean's a way of life you
Practice and rehearse
Then all that work is paying off
'Cause Gina's getting worse
Every day
In every way
Gina is getting worse!
(Gina sharply turns, giving a cold stare)
(They escape)
Gina (quiet rage): ...Humbug.
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ticklepinions · 2 years
Not to like drop in and potentially cause drama but I am genuinely confused. Be nice in the notes/DMs. Content warning of mentions of s\x and m*rder and t*rture. I literally just say the words I don't go into detail
What's the issue with aging up fictional characters.
They are fictional
So that means they aren't real. They don't adhere to the same rules that we do irl. They quite literally can do whatever the writer wants them to do. If I want to make all my characters trans I can. If I want to make them all cucumbers I could also do that. If I feel like one character should be another race I can also do that.
Poetic license
The writer has full control over their writing. They can write about literally anything they want no matter how vulgar and taboo they have that right to do so. I understand the "it's giving people permission to do bad things". But I feel like we are giving writers too much credit, one of the hardest things to change are other people's behaviour. One smutty fic won't be enough to alter a person's ideology. It's the whole violent video games = to violence IRL argument.
The conscious effort to age up characters should not be punished and frowned upon
Like fr what is the point. If a character is canonically 12 forever does that mean that everyone is bound to never write about them in contexts where it wouldn't be appropriate for a minor?
To me if the writer ages up a character, is that not a good thing. That they loved a character so much they wanted to make it even more relatable to themselves by aging them up and putting them through experiences of the writer's choosing? How is that even remotely bad.
Calling people p*dos for shits and giggles isn't cool. Or because they disagree with you. Grow up. It's a psychological disorder. And how can you call someone that when they're aging up the characters to an "appropriate" age (18 in most countries).
Argument of giving people permission to do bad things
I've read about people being tortured and put through the worst of times. Do I now want to do that to another human being? No.
Using the same logic we should stop creating things altogether. Because people will interpret everything their own way. You can write the most sfw and tame fic and have someone use it as material to jack off. Sorry to burst your bubble. Alternatively the opposite is just as true. Does this mean we should just stop creating works that make us happy?
Like what am I missing. There is so much toxicity in the writing community when it comes to well writing. Like people have forgotten that writing is a tool, an escape for some people. It's so naïve to me to have a closed mindset of "you can't do this because I don't like it". Don't read it and most importantly don't create false narratives of calling people p*dos because they wrote about teenagers kissing. In the real world people have sex usually around 16+. Writing about it doesn't make you a terrible person, in the same way that writing about murder, or other taboo things doesn't tarnish your identity, or rather shouldn't.
There are lots of fics I will be less likely to read because they don't appeal to me. So I do this thing called not reading it. I also give the benefit of the doubt and acknowledge that whatever "bad" thing they're writing about could be their way of healing from their own trauma. It's quite literally none of my business. And I'd rather someone write about their inner demons in the fictional realm rather than unleashing them irl. But that's just my two cents.
Note: my language/tone may sound mad and you'd be correct. I'm just frustrated to see how toxic communities can get over a subject that to me shouldn't be that big of a deal? I'll try to keep an open mind to other thoughts/opinions/ideas but I'm just angy at the way people are going as far as shaming others for aging up characters for little reason.
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whumpwillow · 2 years
Show us that Eli essay 👀
Written in October, 2018 at the time of reading Vengeful, by VE Schwab
SPOILERS also this gets long
again, v.e. schwab, what the fuck she went hard on him & the whumping, like almost as much as with Holland -- which was a lot. it was kinda to the point where it was like, "okay, you're just doing this to cause him more pain," & I can relate to that honestly. I've done that in whump fic. But like -- I was so shook when I found out what Dr. Haverty did to him for a year like damn I have written & read whump & never thought of that! It was so gruesome but it was still plausible & fit well with the narrative -- also it was really satisfying to see Eli being tortured & I felt bad at first because I didn't feel bad for him, but then Schwab got into the backstory a little more & I was like, okay, maybe I feel a little bad. a tiny, miniscule amount. I think she was a little tryna get us to feel bad for him but also not too much, so it wasn't annoying which was great, it was done really well cuz Eli still kept his douchey attitude & mindset (& is really fucking stupid while being smart at the same time). But yea, Eli was being hurt a lot (honestly VE Schwab! so gruesome -- I love it) but he was still dumb, like, "ah yes I have to hunt down all the EO's!" yet he would say shit like, "An EO isn't just the product of their catalyst. They are the circumstances, but also the psyche." (pg 183) & I stg I almost threw something. He makes me so mad because he says shit like this but doesn't realize it! Boi -- listen to yourself! He says that EO's are the product of the person they were before, yet believes they're all evil because they've come back from the dead without souls. He doesn't see that Victor was evil before he died, he was a sociopath, (still is) but its his original psyche (although he was less homicidal before) & Victor is one of the main reasons Eli believes EO's are evil
addendum: These were 2018 thoughts and I've since discussed a theory in which Eli knows that Victor was evil and that becoming an EO isn't the cause for someone to become evil, but Eli made up this whole justification that turning into an EO makes someone "unholy" and that that is what turned Victor into a "monster" because he literally just did not want to see Victor as a bad person. which is really sad but makes sense with his character because he's obsessed with seeing himself as a good person and justifying his actions and rationalizing everything to fit with his own distorted narrative of events
But that's because Victor killed Angie & tried to kill him [Eli]. Victor was fucking psycho beforehand (although I do remember Victor dragging the knife along the wall as he was going up to Eli & I'm like wow. you are actually the living embodiment of a horror movie. that, along with his black clothes & white hair & him just casually talking on the phone while someone is tryna kill him -- boi. he's so extra) so Eli should realize that! The EO thing brought out what was latent in him (same with Eli, that's why he says he feels different) but it didn't create the evil in him. it was already there. I think it's both a form of denial & cognitive dissonance because even if in Vengeance, he's acknowledged he's a monster (whereas in Vicious he thought he was the only good EO. like all other EO's were bad except him & it was his duty to get rid of them, but it was really just a projection of his own self-loathing because he felt that he was wrong & soulless & an abomination. In Vengeful, he's acknowledged that all EO's, including himself, are evil & that he's not an exception anymore, yet still a denial. He's saying he's a monster because he's an EO, not that he's a monster for its own sake. It's still disconnect -- "I am not wrong, it was what happened to me that made me this way." because he doesn't want to believe that he was inherently evil or soulless to begin with (which connects to his backstory, now that I know most of it, where his father said he had the devil in him & that there was darkness in his eyes, so he would beat Eli for being wicked. & Eli didn't know what he had done wrong, but started to believe his father's words. There was a really heartbreaking quote that summed it up nicely. "Eli didn't know how he was broken, but he wanted to be healed. He wanted to be saved." (pg. 152) Anyway, back to what I was saying about denial and disconnect. He blames his & Victor's & Serena's evil nature on not their nature but on them having lost their souls when they became EO's because he doesn't want to think of himself as inherently evil, or wrong, like he was made to feel by people in his life (& not just his father). That's where the cognitive dissonance comes in too. He has to believe that Victor & Serena were evil once they became EO's, even though he never knew Serena before, & Victor is very clearly strange, if not outright sociopathic, because if he acknowledges that Victor was not right in the head beforehand, it would lead to a dissonance, because if Victor was evil before, that couldn't mean Eli only became evil after, so he resolves that become become evil after they become an EO
addendum: to add to this, it could also be about how he loved Victor and did not want to believe he was evil, for its own sake (rather than his own self justifications of his own moral standing)
Eli's psyche is literally my favorite thing. There's so much there (I almost said "to dissect" but then I was like, "oof bad choice of words," lol) but he's such a complex character -- my gosh. There's so much to write about. I'm loving it. But yea, I don't think I mentioned what happened to Eli at the hands of Dr. Haverty. And lemme tell ya -- hoo boy. I thought Eli would be getting beat up in prison -- I never expected this.
There's more but I got tired and there's so many more pages aaaaaa
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danggirlronpa · 6 months
Merch Monday comes 'round once again!
[Obligatory Ko-fi Link Because This Is A Post Where I Spent Real Person Money]
As always I forgot to do this several times, so there's plenty of backlog from this last month to get through. The Seasons of Despair zine came in today, and I've only got enough time to do one of these. So we'll hit the zine today, and everything else tomorrow!
So: Seasons of Despair!
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TLDR; Aesthetically excellent! No major issues except the exclusion of some characters in the art, some more notable than others.
This is a "zine" only insomuch as it's creation project - actually, it's a calendar for 2024! It's more general than ship, so normally I wouldn't really cover it on this blog. But some of the merch is really cute, and I just think the whole project is a really cool idea!
I got the paper bundle, because I simply cannot justify to myself spending more than $50 on a zine except for, like, the DR WLW Zine, which I am legally and morally obligated to gather all of like a dragon with its hoard. That means none of the pins or charms.
EDIT: They've asked people not post the inside of the calendar, so the image that was here has been removed! If the stance changes it will be reinserted.
The actual calendar itself is just fine! Nothing special about the make. The art is all gorgeous. The birthday listings and the art around the bottom half are really nice touches - I lost most of those polls on Twitter, but I'm glad my girl Komaru made it. They managed to get almost every character with a canon birthday on the monthly art too (sorry Miaya)!
I have a total of two (2) issues with the calendar.
1. Jack isn't anywhere in this, even though Toko shows up multiple times, and their birthday is only listed under Toko. Which. Bummer. (Izuru is also just listed under Hajime, but he shows up in other art throughout the zine.)
2. There's a full THH spread, a major char UDG spread, and two full SDR2 spreads, but no V3 spread. The closest is ten characters, which isn't 16, and which has several characters mostly blocked behind others or barely visible. They all still get their faces on their birthday in the calendar itself, of course! But it's a bummer that the only sight of Angie, Ryoma, and Korekiyo is the back of their heads.
Other than that, I'm very happy with this! I'll be using it throughout the year, so we'll see very quickly if it holds up.
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The little cherry stickers and this stretch goal print are the main reason I bought the paper merch instead of just the calendar! These both feature art by @axolotllotl, who is a blog favorite. The stickers are actually the shinier of the two, and are notably higher quality than the other sticker pages that came with the zine. We won't be going over the other stickers, but they're just more paper-y - you can tell a lot of care was put into these! (Not that I won't be using the other stickers. You KNOW I'm putting that heart eyes Monokuma in a strategic location.)
& I LOOOVE the print. It's actually on lower quality material than the stickers and the calendar, but that's not a bad thing! Every piece of this zine has slightly different quality, I assume for manufacturing reasons. There are no defects and the art is gorgeous - I love the way she draws Kyoko, it's so cute.
Generally, I'm pretty happy with this! It'll definitely see the most active use of any zines I own, especially since this blog celebrates the girls' birthdays. We'll see how it holds up long term!
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 1 year
Hi! For the latest ask game (the list one) could I get your opinions on Korekiyo? If you haven't already done one that is!
I kinda stopped doing these (i'm sorry everyone who sent them in you're so nice T_T ) but I just got back from a thing all day and I'm feeling good so why not!!
favorite thing about them: The way he speaks!! The way he's clearly very smart and speaks with purpose while also being very ominous and offputting.. and also his english VA is just fantastic. It's what made me interested in him in the first place when i started playing the game
least favorite thing about them: 100% definitely the thing with his sister. End of trial 3 reveal. No question.
favorite line: It's gotta be a toss up between "Kehehe...what wonderful strength. You could likely crush a child's skull with ease." to Gonta (WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT GDHSJKHGJDKSF) and "I will tear out your nerves" to Kokichi in ch3 when he goes to touch the gold leaf katana ghdsjkfds
brOTP: Him and Kirumi hanging out makes me happy. They have a similar level of calmness that works really well together (not to mention that silly part in the anthology)
OTP: I dont really have any to be honest? Maybe with Angie
nOTP: Probably anything with Tenko or Himiko
random headcanon: Okay this is really specific but I think Korekiyo's pijamas are completely ridiculous (affectionate). I'm thinking this soft, almost faux leather type long sleeved button up shirt and pants combo, socks, gloves, sleeping cap, eye mask, and face mask, to the point that the only skin showing when he's asleep is like. A corner of his cheeks and his ears. This idea brings me a lot of joy
unpopular opinion: Not really an unpopular opinion I think but Im not sure. I feel like nobody really talks about the fact the korekiyo was a serial killer even before entering the game. This isn't even a bad thing, I dont think i see a lot of talk about character backstories in general, but it is something that sticks in my head sometimes when im drawing him
song i associate with them: I actually have a small personal korekiyo playlist (not on spotify) so a few but one of them is Until the Day You Die by Abney Park. Really really fantastic.
favorite picture of them: Honestly it might be the sequence of him setting up stuff for the caged child ritual. You can really see how tall he is in them, i find it fun
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sizhui · 1 year
Hiii Angie just curious is there a common fan interpretation of any of your enstars faves you really dislike
HIIIIIII oh man. I am such a pedantic nitpicky person when it comes to enstars that I dislike basically everything anyone except for a small group of carefully chosen friends and mutuals have said about my favorite characters. It's really tragicomic how bad online fans are at reading any text that demands beyond surface-level engagement, thinking and compassion. I too am a literature major and i WILL act pretentious about this! By the way i blame the trend of editing characters over Tumblr text posts for 50%+ of fandom misconceptions and it needs to die.
I think i want to talk about izumi and Leo today, because i already talked a lot about wataei in the essay i posted a few days ago, and shunazu ....i shan't get into that mess today. So..let's start with perhaps THE most foolishly and strangely misinterpreted guy in all of enstars. Leo.
Leo, together with Mika, forms the most kinned duo in the enstars fandom, which means hundreds of poor weirdos project all kinds of things onto him to hell and back, and at the same time, strip him of all of his actually interesting and unique qualities. They do, i guess, see his two main surface level qualities - being insanely good at and obsessed with his artistry, and being very scatterbrained and erratic - and somehow their little minds have turned him into some weird dumbass that can't even lead a proper conversation. No - literally, I've read Leo centric fics where he talks like a literal seven-year-old, and can't get through two sentences without yelling ucchuu, inspiration! While Leo does have a tendency to lose his train of thought, he is like. Very verbose and observant. He is, in fact, the second character after eichi who comes to mind when i think of long, heavy monologues in enstars. I just end up being like, have you ever heard Leo talking? He uses extensive and developed metaphors, he describes his own feelings and his personal mental desolation with great insight and emotion. And above all, he is able to pinpoint the exact weakness of his conversation partners, even those he isn't intimately acquainted with, and use it against them. Like. Leo can be incredibly sharp and sober, and he can be incredibly mean with the right aim. I also wish people saw his deep anguish and suicidal ideation as more than something relatable or meme-able - because Leo's story is one of death and rebirth, of the highest and purest form of salvation and of complex relationships in which both love and hurt eternally coexist. It also bothers me that people can't seem to understand that Leo knew izumi had always loved him . He knew since very early on. But he also knew that izumi wouldn't choose him over affirming his own self importance. Which was true, and makes it all the more painful. Then there's also a fact that Leo consciously sent people into their deaths in the war, not only for izumi but also FOR MONEY AND FAME but let's not get into that rn, the point is that he's Not that innocent either. A minor thing that pisses me off is how lots of enstars fans in izuleo spaces tend to make Leo find of throwing around innuendos and sex jokes when Leo straight up says that he hates sex jokes and boys ' talks. Like he just would not say that . All in all he's not your funny depression artist 69420 man he is a tortured soul who just barely evaded eternal danmation in the hell that is being misunderstood, unseen and used by the people closest to you and reached the paradise that is, even if it's just for a moment, being lovingly embraced for all that he is.
The thing people always miss about izumi is that he is a very unreliable narrator of Leo's story. The poor dear was so shaken by the realization that his beloved idiot is more lion than lamb that he deluded himself into thinking that making him like that is HIS FAULT AND HE RUINED THE INNOCENT LEO!! even though....Leo acted consciously for himself, as we affirmed earlier. All in all, izuleo is a sad relationship of two people who both thing they corrupted the other to the bone marrow, while they're actually both trying to make the other into their perfect shape and love it. But yeah that delusional, self deprecating manipulation of the readers' expectations on Leo is partly to blame for people misinterpreting Leo too, i think. Because izumi would rather you think Leo is stupid than a bad person, and most of the "truths" you get fed about Leo are spoken through him. Oh Izumi and Leo, how wonderful and yet horrible, so much more wonderful and more horrible than people think
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payphoneangel · 7 months
Here are a few 'make you choose' prompts for the ask game :)
lazarus rising versus lucifer rising
the bunker versus motel rooms
Which was sadder: Castiel's final death or Dean's final death
crowstiel versus drowley
the scene where dean talks to his john's grave in the djinn dream versus the scene where dean talks to mary in her mind
Laz Rising w/o hesitation. Sorry Sam but Laz Rising is just such a stellar ep all around. The pacing the colors the celestial horror THEE CASTIEL. Can't be beat.
Motel rooms for sure. The bunker had some interesting elements to it and it was fun to see them have a 'home base' in some ways, but mostly I just thought it was really boring 😔 also like. that's just so sad?? This is just my personal bias but if I don't look out a window at least 12 times a day I whither and die like a plant. Living in a whole ass bunker.... NO WONDER LATE SEASONS DEAN WAS SO ANGY HE HAD A VITAMIN DEFICIENCY. Plus I like the thought put into the set for each motel room. There were a lot of details put into them and I really love liminality as a concept and motels are def part of that.
oooooh. Now this is a toughie. I think Dean's death. Castiel got to die in a very,,, like a Very Supernatural Way. He died confessing his love, saving Dean, defeating the Big Bad. It was high drama and high emotions and very Him. Like his whole speech was, while heartbreaking, made a lot of sense for his character. Him not getting resurrected (or resurrected off screen i should say) makes it more sad in retrospect, because for us (the audience) his death was The End of his character, but Dean... You introduce this character with a Devil May Care attitude, who pretends to be rough and all edges, and then you show that actually, he cares a whole whole lot. And then you show him caring a whole whole lot by how much he's willing to sacrifice for those around him. And you find out he does that because he believes it's an inevitability. He's going to die young and bloody-- he thinks he deserves to die young and bloody. And you throw him hardship after hardship and drag him through the ringer again and again and again, and after all that, He's proven right. He died young and bloody. But it wasn't even in a big blaze of glory, it wasn't some grandiose sacrifice for the greater good that fed into his martyr complex, no. Just bad luck on a run-of-the-mill hunt. Castiel's death was sad, sure. But Dean's was cruel. That's why it upsets me more.
OUGH another toughie. Crowstiel or Drowly.... They're both messy and ugly and full of drama so I love both of them, but I think if I had to pick, I'd say Crowstiel. Part of it is just like, the height of Crowstiel was s6, which I like Crowley more in that season. I felt like he and Cas have a more fun dynamic, are a little more equal in power, and idk, there's just something about it. Like they hate each other but they also fuck nasty. Drowly is still v v fun don't get me wrong, but like a pet peeve of mine is how the show treats Crowley. We didn't get to see much of "Dean and Crowley's Summer of Love" so we really didn't get to see the height of it, mostly just the fallout. And like I love demon!dean and most of s10 (an unpopular opinion, i know). But by later seasons i just feel like Crowley,,, like the narrative kind of looses all respect for him. Nothing he does feels like it has a lot of impact, when we see him and demon!dean, he's kind of playing the 'straight' man, which isn't as fun for me. So I feel like in later seasons when Drowley is most present, the dynamic is just not one I fuck with as much.
ahhhhhh mmmmmmmmm. I think Dean talking to John's grave. Idk there's just something about Dean only being able to be honest with his parents when they're absent that just tickles my brain. Not that I think he was being dishonest when he was talking to Mary! And like Mary coming back was a Bold Choice that I wish they had fucked with more, but being haunted by your father, whether living or dead, ahh I simply must stan.
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“A Beginner’s Guide to Hiding a Body. Written by Griffith A. Johnson.”
Someday in your life, you will find yourself in a situation that may not be preferable to others.
Many have met the same situation, and many meet the same fate as the last because they don’t understand the art of hiding something.
I’ll be your mentor for this, and, if you are to find that you have killed someone, whether it be on accident or on purpose, you may be able to find this guide helpful in the near future.”
11/20/23 UPDATE (The long awaited second update!)
suppppp. back at it with another intriguing update for you indie game folk.
(little fact- i accidentally posted this BEFORE it was finished. thank GOD this page isn't too popular.)
we have here... that's right! we have here 3 new characters!! comin' straight outta the fiery puts of hell!
as you all know, we have 3 of the 6 main characters (that i can show that won't spoil much) down, and i've recently started typing up the plot... so you all know that means i have the last 3 done, right?going in order now, we have...
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Griffith Johnson. we all gotta know this fella by now.
he's stoic, sketchy, tired, and probably a minimum wage worker. really important character here, being the main one and stuff. (fun fact #1- griffith's design is based off of the elsens from OFF, having the work attire and such.)
another character you probably know...
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Archur Willow, who i personally enjoy.
he's a nervous wreck and a paranoid denialist, who denies everything bad, even up to his own emotions. he rejects the idea that he's not doing fine, although he DEFINITELY ain't ok. he's also just generally scatterbrained, and not organized. (fun fact #2- archur is a british man, which means he has a british accent.)
ok people... drumroll please?!
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*ahem, ahem...* ... excusez-moi.
Sage Perdita, she has been dubbed. she is a veeeery angy person. and i mean it. i mean, like, she definitely WOULD bash your head in over the last oreo in a box of oreos. she is overprotective and territorial (of mainly just objects or places). she, on top of all that, is fairly reserved and only trusts, like... one person. and, for THAT SPECIFIC PERSON (who will be mentioned soon), she has a huge soft spot (y'know, figuratively and stuff).
alright, alright, done rambling now. she might be one of my favorite characters i've made for this game, too. then again, i love all of them.
oop, almost forgot. (fun fact #3- this character took by far the LONGEST to think up a design for our of all of them.)
okey, next character. you know this guy (probably), and so do i...
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Mickey (or M.K.) Green. yes, i have decided to give him the nickname M.K. cuz why the heck not?
he is an items merchant and a beggar (like, he'll get on his knees and beg for you to buy his stuff sometimes). he gets into fights often, and is overall sort of narcissistic. he has his good moments, don't get me wrong, but it's hard to overlook the bad.
(fun fact #4- M.K.'s design was based on guy fieri. no reason why, just felt like it.
he isn't as complex of a character, so there isn't much to talk about here.
alright, next one. (might this one perhaps have a spot in the heart of someone who is rather cold?)
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mhm, that's right. the embodiment of depression, AKA Rehema Cora (please call her by her actual name, not the embodiment of depression).
as stated, she's a sad one. veeery sad one. very sleepy, slightly nihilistic and very paranoid, too. she only REALLY feels safe around one person, which just so happens to be... that's right, you guessed it, sage! it seems like a very unlikely friendship, because... well, sage is very angry, and rehema's very sad... those don't really work well... but it seems like something just clicked with the two down the road! (fun fact #5- uhhhh... i can't think of much. sorry, my brain is tuckered out.)
ok, nothing much to say there, tbh... maybe im just tired.
anyways, last guy.
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Charles Jeffroi be the name!
charles is a full-blown nihilist, and also a full-blown narcissist. he's also quite a popular dude. he thinks that life is meaningless, so you might as well have all the fun with it you can. he occasionally switches from speaking english, to speaking french for, like, a sentence, then back to english for a while. y'know, just for the fun of it. he's all dressed up and fancy-shmancy, too. (fun fact #6- very fancy and rich dude here. he has the power and authority to tell an entire audience to do something, and they WILL do it.)
ok... no more characters. cool.
other updates? right, uhm... i have finished the epilogue section of the game's plot.
also, here's the unfinished beta version of the title screen music:
pretty cool, huh?
that's it.
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