#Apparently I'm stuck on giving everyone pets
sophieswundergarten · 10 months
This definitely has to do with me talking to @heyitsthatonesmolgay and hearing all her fantastic ideas lately (Please go give her some love for being just amazing!!), but I really love the idea of post-series Jackson and Jillson both having a bad day and coming home from work and finding a stray cat/dog each.
And when they get home, they're both surprised to see the other one has found an animal too, and they're worried the little puppy and kitten won't get along, especially since they were both abandoned.
But they instantly take to each other!!! J&J can't get them to separate, and the little animals fall asleep on top of each other as soon as they get fed and follow one another everywhere
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c0la-queen · 1 month
You | Tord x Reader
Here we go! I'm sorry if this isn't my normal quality, I wrote it while fighting off a headache... but also, I wanted to be a little silly! Because these are silly guys! I hope you enjoy the slight cliffhanger I left it on, hehe! Mwah, mwah!
Warnings: Tord is a bit of a weirdo, stalking behavior, obsession, Tord is 100% making assumptions about you and your personality, love this little freak <3
Words: 1.5k
Being a quiet person is not always an easy thing.
Some people would think it was. You never have to worry about saying the wrong thing. There were less chances of you offending anyone from your words.
Or, some people think the opposite. "I could never handle being so quiet" they say. It must be a headache to be around so much noise.
And… they were right, in Tord's opinion. It was nice to not have to get stuck in awkward conversations. He had the added bonus of being intimidating, so people eventually got the hint and stopped trying to talk to him. However, he also had to keep enough Advil on hand to tranquilize a small horse, considering he decided to live with the three loudest motherfuckers on the planet. Pros and cons, and such.
There were times when it proved to be nice, though.
Like right now.
The odd occasions where he had the day to himself. Tom and Matt were at work, Edd was visiting his parents, so that left Tord to his lonesome. What a great day.
As much as he would have liked to spend the whole day in the house, he couldn't. He needed to go grocery shopping - the fridge looked abysmal. At least it was warm and sunny outside. Still, he dragged his feet. He really didn't want to go to the store.
He was the son of the Red Leader. He had seen much worse shit. He had killed men in cold blood without batting an eye. He was not going to be bested by the looming possibility of social interaction.
…maybe he needed therapy?
If Tord ever managed to invent a time machine, the first thing he was going to do was find the person who developed wireless earbuds and give them a kiss.
Being an intimidating looking person was a great way to ward off unwanted conversations. But there were always people who had no sense of self preservation and chose to try and talk to him anyway. Wearing earbuds while he was out helped with that. Nobody was stupid enough to try and deliberately get him to take his earbuds off. (Except Edd and Matt, but they know that they'll get away with it.)
The basket handle on his arm was starting to dig into his arm as he stood in front of the pasta aisle, watching his pet idiots (roommates) argue on the group chat over what type of noodles to get. Edd wanted Ziti, Tom wanted Angel Hair, and Matt wanted Bowtie… for some reason.
Tord was busy calculating the risk vs. reward of banging his head against the shelf until he bled out of his ears when it happened.
You happened.
Through his music, he heard the sound of laughing and giggling. He glanced to the side, expecting a gaggle of obnoxious, immature 20-something year olds with the sole purpose of ruining everyone else's relaxing shopping experience. And that's mostly what it was. But, standing in the middle of them was you.
Hello, you.
You were laughing, just like the others. But not the fake laughter of conformity - no, it was real, genuine laughter. Tord didn't think he had heard anything so beautiful. He even paused his music just so he could hear it in its pure form.
The more he looked, the more he saw of you. You were like the sun, so golden and bright compared to these others you were standing with. He could tell you weren't like them, he could tell you weren't using some made up personality to try and fit in.
What the hell were you doing with people like that?
Then, you were moving. Your little group had apparently decided the joke wasn't funny anymore, so you were moving on. Disappearing into the next aisle. Disappearing from his life.
Tord threw a couple boxes of noodles into the basket without even looking at it, shoving his phone back in his hoodie pocket and moving on to the next aisle. He pretended to deliberate over what brand of laundry detergent to get as he subtly watched your group at the other end of the aisle. He was able to get a better look at you.
You were wearing a brightly colored cardigan, wool by the looks of it, that perfectly matched the colors of your earrings and purse. You liked to coordinate your outfits. You had on a little skirt that teased just enough of your thighs to draw attention without being slutty, but you also had black tights on. You liked to look attractive while still feeling like you were being modest. Your earrings and the clip in your hair looked like they had been bought from the girls' department store in the mall right across from Matt's store, that was always playing mind numbing pop songs and had unicorns everywhere. You liked cutesy, almost juvenile things.
Tord wanted to know more. He wanted to know everything about you.
A peaceful day all to his lonesome where he would force himself to get groceries before wasting the day away on the couch quickly shifted - now, he was spending the rest of the afternoon with you.
Well, almost.
You and your friends were walking around town, enjoying the warmth and dipping into any stores that caught your attention. Tord was also walking around town, a good distance behind your group, enjoying your warmth and drinking in every detail he could get.
And he had learned plenty.
He had no idea why you were friends with these people. From what he could tell, you were stifled in this group. They would talk over you, ignore things that you pointed out, refuse to go to stores that you wanted to go to, tease and taunt you, and walk ahead of you. Despite it all, you always kept a smile. You kept shining, kept illuminating the area around you.
They don't deserve your light.
Oh, but you knew that, didn't you? You knew, but you were so sweet and gracious that you gave it to them anyway. Maybe if you shone bright enough, warmed their skin enough, they would finally give you attention.
Tord would give you that attention. He already was, and you weren't even giving him your sunlight.
And he never would ask you to.
No, your sunlight was going to be a gift that he had to earn. It would be a blessing that he was going to work hard to have bestowed upon him.
He would never exploit you.
Like they did.
Tord slipped into the coffee shop, running a hand through his hair. The warm weather was causing a light amount of sweat to gather on his skin.
He pretended to look across the overfilled menu, taking in the names of all the absurd drinks available. He already knew what he was going to get.
"Hi, welcome in! What can I get started for you today, sir?"
The barista was smiling at him too much. Her eyes drifted down his chest, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. Her pupils her dilated. She was checking him out.
Not that he cared. On an objective standard, she was pretty. But she didn't shine. She wasn't sunlight. She didn't brighten up the entire room just with her smile. She didn't make the birds sing by just looking in his direction.
She wasn't you.
"Iced Americano."
"Will that be all for you? We have a whole menu of signature flavors. I'd recommend-"
"Just an Americano."
The barista blinked in surprise when he cut her off. Typical. A pretty person with a shallow mind that couldn't comprehend the idea of a person not being interested in them. She huffed softly before ringing him up and telling him his total.
He paid, then turned to go sit and wait for his order to be made. He didn't get very far, though, before he almost ran into someone.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I totally wasn't looking where I was going!"
It was you.
You were talking to him.
You were looking at him.
You were so warm.
"It's fine."
As Tord fled like a fucking coward, you gave him a sweet smile. You smiled at him. And he just walked away. Asgardians above, his father would have been so disappointed in him.
His phone buzzed in his pocket as he sat at a window table, watching your friends snicker at the coffee shop mascot.
"Mate, you've been out shopping for like 4 hours. Where are you?"
Edd's voice drifted out from his phone speaker as Tord pressed the screen to his cheek.
"Something came up."
"Did you get the bowtie noodles? Did you? Tord?"
There was a muffled 'Matt, get off me' and some shuffling fabric before Edd's voice returned.
"The fuck do you mean something came up?"
Tord glared at the boy you were talking to, watching you give him an adorable pout. Oh, the things Tord would do to you.
"I found the perfect girl for us."
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sleepybabybees · 16 days
Just some silly things- (mostly tiktoks I've got or conversations I've had-)
Gaz, soap, and ghost being silly drawing Peppa pig on Price's whiteboard in his office
(Based on a conversation I had)
Gaz: we're so artistic..now it can't smile-
Soap: did you just call me autistic??
Gaz: no- I said artistic- *trying not to laugh too loud*
Ghost: ah yes the demon incentive has no mouth-
Gaz played genshin impact for the first time...
Gaz: I have no idea what's going on in this quest- Furina, the archon, is being accused of being a fake- but the traveller ,who is as mute as the roach under my bed, is speaking like actually speaking...with his voice- I dont know what's happening anymore-
The 141 and laswell reading comments on booktok videos during their break
Gaz: "crawl to me" rhys I love you- but what-
Price: is she stuck or something??
Soap: negative...she's simply obeying her commander-
Ghost: are we really doing this-?
Roach signing: I wanna go home-
Soap: "whatever you read I will do to you when we get home" brother eugh-
Gaz: holy shit- i dont think I want that-
Price: what does this do to benefit us-?
Ghost: expell some of the impending dread and trauma weighing down on us apparently-
Roach signing: causing more of it more like-
Price relenting: "the beast inside my chest snarled again" I'm sorry- but you should get that checked-
Soap choking on his coffee
Gaz hunched over laughing: I can't breatheeeee-
Ghost: what in the eye of the tiger-
Roach signing; do people really like this-?
Laswell reading over John's shoulder; "I own you my little pet" hell nah-
Ghost snickering to himself: no man has more balls than you laswell
Gaz: amen
Soap: so true
Roach nodding along
Laswell: damn straight, boys.
Ghost finally giving in: "You like that don't you" I would like you to never speak to me again-
Soap and gaz wheezing on the ground
Price: thats enough now- Gary looks traumatised-
Laswell: what happened to that wall that was around...
Roach: Haunting Adeline - I think I would snap my own neck...
Everyone in the room staring at roach: ...
Roach smiling innocently
Ghost: it's always if if if-
Ghost: if my mom had balls she'd be my dad-
Soap laughing softly out of concern: uh-huh
Ghost watching gaz play genshin just to commentate
Npc: can't you see I'm on a break kid, scram.
Ghost: yeah, we all stand in a fucking thunderstorm for our breaks...Jack wagon.
Npc: but my hands..they're not steady
Ghost: because you have fucking hypothermia from standing in a fucking thunderstorm for an hour and a half!
Gaz losing it and hitting his desk whilst crying with laughter
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tetrakys · 4 months
Hey Tetra, so how is the beta? What do you think of the game so far?
Sorry anon, I know I've been silent here, every time I think I want to make a post I never have enough time to make it as detailed as I used to, but never mind I'm going to give my quick opinion and then write something more in depth later.
So, first of all, I agree with everyone that the way the AP system is at the moment is too expensive. We pay 2AP for line of dialogue and many APs for choices. We get more free APs than in the past with the daily login, so that's a plus, but the choices are way too costly, especially the very basic ones (here called neutral choices), I shouldn't have to spend 40 APs to say I want a cup of tea! All that being said, I'm not too worried about it because I know that Chino has already reported this issue to management, and while these decisions are not up to her I know she sees the player's perspective and will do everything she can to make our voices heard.
Now, AP system aside, there are some things I really love!
Firstly, the website looks amazing, in the end it was worth the wait. It works super smoothly, and it's very pretty to look at.
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And the closet/shop part is really easy to navigate, it's pretty much like the Sims so I'm used to it.
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Also, the millennial in me who can't afford to buy her own home is really into the room decoration feature
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I also enjoy the minigames. One is just like the explorations in Eldarya, but with no pet to feed, so it's a win to me. The other is outfit contests, we receive a theme and we can dress up our Candy and enrol in it. I am TERRIBLE at it, but even if you don't make it top3 you still win some APs and diamonds just for participating. You can also win stuff just by voting in the contest.
Now, to the story. The first episode was mostly an introduction so nothing much really happens, we just meet 4 of the LIs. It was cute, the mechanic is a bit tricky because we can't see immediately if the LoM increases or not, we find out at the end of the episode, but it's not nearly as bad as in ML, so I can deal with it. It's also possible to understand if the LI liked the interaction from their reactions. I think I'm starting to understand their personalities so I hope I'll get the hang of it when the game releases. I'm going to make a separate post about my impressions on the LIs, but I'm quite happy so far.
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Something else I want to mention before ending this is a final pro and cons.
Cons, I don't like the "fairy". It's MC's godfather which is a cool character, apparently he is Agatha's cousin, that's nice. But he only brings gifts to Taki which I really don't care about, my duck will remain naked as nature intended. Or, anyway, I won't spend APs on it. I'm gonna try hard to avoid this guy, also because we have a choice to make with him and we can't skip it once we run into him.
The pro is instead the VIP system. From what I've seen, it looks very convenient. We get extra APs and diamonds every day, especially the diamonds it's a really good amount, which we can then exchange for more APs or cumulate to buy extra scenes (which are longer scenes with the LI). We also get some extra perks like an outfit, skip button for the replays, and extra jokers, which are little useful features that can be used in game. We don't know yet how much the VIP subscription costs, but if they stuck to the same prices as other game companies, it shouldn't be more than 10-15$.
And you anon, did you play the beta? Let me guys know what you think. People seem to be happy about most things except the AP system.
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ellaenchanting · 6 months
Hypnovember Day 30: You Win
They looked so tired. It had been a long day and it reflected on the tight lines of their face. She said so, stroking her hand down their cheek.
"Hmph," they responded, grumpily. "I know what you're doing."
She wasn't doing anything, really. At least not intentionally. But she knew what they meant.
"I was just saying that you look tired, love. " she soothed. "You should relax." She smiled. "Not a command, I promise."
They arched their eyebrow. "Just a suggestion?" they asked warily.
Well, yes technically. But not in the way they meant.
"Would that be so bad?" she asked lightly, testing the waters.
They looked down.
"No," they admitted. "Would be nice. But I'm worried it wouldn't work. And I don't know if I can be very good for you today."
That broke her heart. "You're already so good for me, right now. You don't need to do anything, ok? I promise I'm not trying to hypnotize you."
They sighed and dropped their shoulders, relaxing into her caress. "You're using the voice," they said in faint almost-protest.
She tried not to let a flash of irritation affect her tone.
"This is just my regular voice, hun."
She understood them, though. This was a long-term issue in their relationship - where they would want something and fight against that want at the same time. She knew it was hard for them to have needs that weren't about pleasing someone else- now, often, pleasing her.
She wasn't going to be their proxy in this internal fight, though. She'd take herself out of it.
"Fine," she said, gently. "I'll won't talk. But you still need to relax, ok?"
They nodded.
In response, she maneuvered them into a position in her lap where she could cuddle them more freely. She started slowly, lightly petting their hair. Then she moved her hands to gently stroke their arms.
She noticed their breathing getting deeper and more steady.
She started humming to herself, absently. Her mind wandered to dinner plans. Did they still have fish in the fridge? Her hands continued to move as she thought, absently giving comfort.
A sound brought her back to the room. She checked in on her partner, wondering if hey had fallen asleep against her.
Their eyes were closed but- they didn't seem to be sleeping.
She recognized their expression.
It was too attentive for sleep.
She shifted. "Hey hun?" she asked, cautiously.
"Yes ma'am?" came back the voice underneath her. It sounded like they were talking from a million miles away.
She chuckled to herself and kissed them on the forehead.
"OK, fine," she said, her voice lightly teasing. "You win. Apparently. Now - what am I going to do with you?"
Tagging @mentat101posts @thekinkycocktailclub @jam-and-stuff
That's it! Thank you to everyone who has stuck by me through this month- and especially for the folks who have reblogged and given me feedback! I'll make a masterpost tomorrow but- now for a good book and a nice glass of wine to celebrate! :)
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cangrellesteponme · 7 months
(read this on AO3 here)
dadbastian week day three is here! on time again, what a miracle.
nothing special to say about this one, it's just a tiny sweet thing :) (oh and we're calling o!ciel astre because i'm tired of working around his name)
in which sebastian is not particularly fond of the mandatory halloween movie night he is stuck at while the children are trick-or-treating, but this year ends up being surprisingly fun due to a minor accident.
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The evening grows late, no signs of the sun are left in the sky, save for its refracted glow in the moon. It’s a dark night. Fitting, considering the occasion.
The children are out trick-or-treating, so Sebastian stays home with his current company. He is stuck with the disastrous duo of Grelle and Lau — everyone deeply regrets letting them come into contact with each other — Bard and Mey-Rin’s whirlwind of noise and broken plates, Agni and Wolfram’s oddly peaceful handling of the kitchen, and the bane of his existence, that foul fiend Faustus.
And of course, Ran-Mao, who is picking the movies, as a movie night is mandatory on Halloween. Who knew she had such a taste for bone-chilling horror? It’s always the quiet ones, as they say.
They’re ten minutes into the second movie — something about an exorcism, and the atmosphere of it alone seems to be enough to have the weakest (Wolfram, of course.) shaking in their boots — when the doorbell rings for what might have been the thirtieth time that night.
Sebastian, who is profoundly bored with the movie and admittedly has a lot more fun looking at everyone’s costumes and taking note of every flaw, immediately rises to the occasion to scare some trick-or-treaters instead.
“I’ll get it! Don’t mind me.”
“Isn’t it the fifth time in a row?” someone — probably Grelle — asks.
“Yes, and I’ll get it again anyway.”
Sebastian is at the door before any more protests rise. The sight that greets him as he opens the door is… not what he expected.
Back early with the rest of the troupe, young Elizabeth looks too solemn for a girl her age — especially one dressed as a fairy princess — as she carries little Astre on her back.
“Ah. No tricks and no treats, I see.”
“He scraped his knee,” she immediately near-shouts, stiff like a soldier reporting back with some bad news.
“I can walk,” Astre adorably grumbles in his fake beard — he had categorically refused to have a matching costume with his brother, so Ciel is a very lonely zombie constantly trying to bite and infect a historically inaccurate pirate.
“You stumbled!” Lizzy protests, with all the fuss of a pet owner for their very fragile, very small rabbit. “I couldn’t just let you walk all the way back home!”
Looking at the rest of the group while these two endlessly argue, Sebastian sees that Ciel’s eyes won’t leave his brother’s harshly scraped and very mildly bloody knee, something like a concerned frown taking over his face. He is definitely too focused on uselessly worrying to help poor Soma carry the ungodly amount of candy they’ve already managed to collect — his sense of balance is apparently quite lacking, because his magician hat, as stylish and excessively ornate as the rest of his costume, keeps falling off his head. Alois, channeling all of the elegance of a prince — vampiric though he may be — picks it up every time, possibly because he needs to make use of some of the energy his very visible sugar rush is giving him, and carrying Luka, who is the world’s sleepiest little vampire, is not enough. Little Sieglinde seems to be in the same state, truly in character for her Doc Ock costume with the say she keeps mercilessly poking at Astre’s knee with the tip of one of her crutches.
They’re quite sweet, all of them. Very loud, too. But most importantly, movie night would be interrupted for a while if the children came in, so Sebastian, out of self-interest more than care for his injured son, hushers them all in.
Sebastian spends the rest of the night wrangling a clingy Ciel and a very vocally grumpy (read: just as clingy) Astre, and observing the absolute chaos that unfolds with all of these children trying to play board games with candy betting pools. It gets worse when they try and succeed to rope everyone else in.
Although Ciel shamelessly cheats and somehow manages to get Astre to help, Ran Mao wins, of course. The quiet ones.
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izzy-b-hands · 3 months
Tagged by @sherlockig, thank u Alexz!!
Under the cut bc I got wordy and rambly as per usual lol.
Kind of? In that I more or less named myself after Izzy from our flag lol. Not that I'm going to tell everyone I meet that, but it is a big part of why I stuck with it after trying it out (that, and I've always wanted a name that had the letter zed in it, silly as that may seem.)
One of my middle names (that I had been using as a first name for a few years) is after my grandfather and aunt who also have that name as their middle name.
My deadname was after an actress famous in the 90s (tho tbh my mum apparently didn't choose it for that, she chose it bc she didn't find out my gender until I was Out and then was like 'aw fuck I don't have a name for this situation' and went with the first one she saw in a book of names a nurse gave her. It was only after that she remembered the actress when I was like. 4. that she changed and started telling ppl it was after that instead.)
And technically Holden is after the book character, but mum never actually read that book (and after I described it to her, said she has no interest in doing so lmao), she just liked how the name sounded and that was the one solitary name she for sure had on hand when I was born apparently. Could have saved us all time had she just used that one for me anyway!
Couple of nights ago. I'm doing better abt missing my cat Nisha, but my phone will toss up compilations of pics of her to mark the year/month/etc and sometimes those still get me. It popped up just before I went to bed that night and I was already so tired that I just. broke down. Bc I know she's v loved and looked after w/my mum, but I do miss her goofy lil self a lot. She was my first cat that was given to me and meant to be mine alone, and there's something abt that first pet bond I guess.
Nope, and it's not a likely thing for me. I've said before that that happening would be in a very specific situation, wherein I'm with someone who wants to dedicate the rest of our lives to raising a child, or god forbid more than one, tho I think I'd max out at two if I managed one at all tbh (and that's not even getting into the very complex for me thing of would I want to actually be pregnant ever (probably not, absolutely terrified of dying in childbirth and don't see myself getting over that easily), we have the funds to make that happen (and give the kid a good life, not just a decent one or 'could have been worse' like my own), and we feel stable mentally, emotionally, and physically (as much as one can outside of Life Happening of course) bc having a kid means putting allll of that first for them, ahead of yourself. Or at least I think it should mean that lol.
But that situation is incredibly unlikely considering my bigger goal in life is to wind up being a third for multiple couples while also fucking any of my friends who are down for it in a big poly ENM sort of thing for lack of better/more detailed definition (I know it sounds unrealistic and maybe it is to a degree, almost definitely is lol.)
I can admit I just. don't want to uproot the life I've been trying so hard to build for myself in so many ways, to have kids. I'll happily help babysit the kids of any friends tho and be the fun uncle that buys them junk food and lets them stay up late to watch movies. I think that's about the level of parenting of any kind that I can handle for now (also tbh I burned out on parenting bc my family admits they parentified the fuck outta me with my three younger cousins. It by far could have been worse, but I spent my teens spending most of my days after school helping look after them from the newborn years and on. Unless my above uber specific scenario happens, then I've probably had my fill of parenting for my lifetime.)
I played volleyball for a few years in elementary school, and we were made to participate in a multi-school track and field thing for most of middle school every year, but I was never amazing at them. Housemate and I have figured out I likely have undiagnosed asthma tho (turns out running or going out in too cold or hot weather shouldn't instantly make you gasp, struggle to breathe, and make you taste iron in your mouth, who the fuck knew? Not me, genuinely) so I think that might have a lot to do with it.
I also enjoy tennis and badminton and would love to try rugby, but I've never played any of those beyond a hobby with family/friends.
I do! Probably too much and not always in the best situations, but I've been working for years to hone when and where it should be used so I think/hope I'm a lot better with it than I was when I was younger. Tho even then, I did get adults who found it funny when I was sarcastic bc of how adult I seemed to a lot of them (their words, not mine lmao.)
I genuinely don't know. Usually I'm too busy running my script for meeting new ppl in my head and trying to maintain Common and Expected Etiquette to really notice much right away. I have found that after a bit of time/after the initial meeting has passed, I tend to notice colours ppl wear more often than others if I see them often enough, or hair colour. But I don't know if it counts towards this question at that point lol.
Kinda blueish grey? Some ppl say it's too grey to be blue, others that it's too blue to be grey. I had a lady at the ND DOT freak out abt not being sure if I should have blue or grey on my ID a few years back, and she finally just told me to put blue so 'she could stop feeling so confused.' Was a weird day and the first time I realised apparently they really do have a blend of both colours, enough for it to be upsetting lmao.
I can't choose between the two; I like both! I also like mixing them together when I write (a scary story with a happy ending, an ending that seems happy but is actually terrifying, so on and so forth.)
Writing? Maybe, I always list it bc it's something I know how to do and to (usually) do decently well. I can sort of draw? But not well enough that I think 'talented' would be accurate to describe how I draw lol. I'm not sure of anything else off the top of my head tbh.
In California, USA! We were there bc dad was in basic training for the Marines and then just got stuck at Camp Pendleton for years lmao (or that's how he always talks abt it anyway lmao.) Only was actually there until either: a. I was 3 months old, b. I was 6 months old or c. I was actually basically still a fresh newborn. Depends on whether you're talking to my dad, mum, or grandparents as to which answer you get, and at this point I'm genuinely uncertain as to exactly when mum left and took me to North Dakota but 6 months seems the most potentially accurate lmaooo.
Writing, drawing, reading (not enough but I'm trying to remedy that), napping, watching movies/fave shows, and giffing.
Kind of? My cat Nisha had to stay in North Dakota after I moved, so my mum and her bf are looking after her now (and got her a little sister, a kitten who is getting so big already!, named Bella.) I help Housemate look after aer two cats as well, and I'd like to think the boys consider me like their fun uncle lol (aka I bend over backwards for them and let them steal my spot on the couch all the time, and will break out the treats if needed to corral them now and then. In my defense: they are the cutest lil baby boy cats and they deserve the world, even when they're being little gremlins lmao.)
Approximately somewhere between 5'3 and 5'4ish? I can't recall the last time I was actually measured, and most of the ppl I've been around were somewhere between those heights and I'm usually either slightly shorter or slightly taller than some of them, so??? I put 5'3 on my ID tho lol
English bc it was easy and I liked almost everything we did in that class. All my general and more specific history courses were a close second, and my foreign language classes a close third.
Ideally, I'd love to not have to work. But who wouldn't, so that said, probably something in a library or museum. I'd love to be a library page again, or help work the front desk/docent duties of a museum. Working at someplace like Mystic Seaport would be amazing too; I'd be happy to learn how to help repair/repaint ships that come in or just help do tours or look after artifacts and stuff (tbh they could hire me just to type up any random data entry work they need done for any/all depts and I'd say yes to the job offer lol.) Unfortunately there's fairly significant roadblocks to me achieving any of these jobs rn, but I like to keep them in mind, just in case.
Also, if I can have one dream job that would be even more unlikely and is slightly TMI probably but: paid third for a rich couple. I show up, look nice, [redacted], make sure they're both good for the night, then go back home to Housemate (if it wouldn't be a night they'd want me to stay over, which I wouldn't be against but also. That would require some overtime pay lol.) The chances of this one are...so unlikely it's stupid funny, but a man's allowed to have dreams right lmao?
Tagging (if u guys wanna, no obligation if u don't wanna/have already been tagged/etc!!): @starmoonchildfromthebeamsabove, @freebooter4ever, @willowenigma, @turtleduck-tales, @mash1972, @mysteriouslybluepirate, @turtles-on-turts, @cononeillbreastingboobily, @treesofgreen, @dianetastesmetal, @arsenicflame, @gydima, @king-bussy, @p0ochy, @crvwly, and anyone else following me who wants to!
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liu-lang · 11 months
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fostering cats in beijing was really good for my mental health and it put me in touch with a community of animal lovers. taikoo lives paris and mango's forever home is in the UK. so when the opportunity came up to earn a little extra money in pet care, i thought it would be really nice to have animals in my life again.
now i'm house-sitting / dog-sitting for a family who is on summer vacation in europe (they're european). they have a 3 year old french bulldog named pavlo. this experience is teaching me that as much as i love dogs, i'm a cat person at heart and my lifestyle is more conducive for a cat. pavlo is a pandemic puppy and has never been left alone before so a major stipulation and why it was so hard to find someone is that i have to stay in their house. they also live quite far out in queens (like past the last stop on the 7 train). it actually works out since i'm a short enough distance where it's convenient for me to still stop by my apartment every 2 to 3 days.
french bulldogs are ... notoriously high needs dogs bc they're brachycephalic. i believe he already has had surgery for BOAS. he was the runt of his litter, has a merle coat, partial heterochromia in both eyes where each eye is half blue and half brown, apparently his snout is not as pushed in as it should be (i cannot imagine what other difficulties breathing he would have had if his snout met the breed standard bc he is struggling as is) and the pink nose he was born with didn't turn fully black.
he only drinks bottled european mineral water from a natural spring and after his walks, his paws get wiped down with baby wipes and he gets a spoonful of greek yoghurt to cool down, his favourite treats are freeze dried single ingredient salmon. his meals are a concoction involving his 100% human-grade ingredients pre-portioned fresh dog food and his supplements (like bovine colostrum ??) and dog-safe bone broth and fish oil. he needs eye drops consistently, doesn't know how to use the stairs so i have to carry him up to bed every night, has immense separation anxiety where i can't go to the bathroom or take a shower by myself (i do understand they've been selectively bred to be entirely dependent on their owners) and most terrifying of all for me is when i take him on walks, he sounds like a pig and i'm afraid he might get heat stroke / asphyxiate any moment.
understandably they have cameras around the house - which i thought was for me but then i realise the level of sight they were at and they were for the dog. the dad of the family told me that once he rushed home from his work day bc the cameras didn't detect any movement from pavlo all day - turns out he was just stuck on the stairs trying to go up them looking for his owners who were just out of the house at their jobs.
taking care of him brought this article to mind... i have complicated feelings about how much care this dog needs and the ethics on this breed's existence considering what it takes to give him the best quality of life he can have due to all his medical problems. the interesting thing is when i take him on walks, everyone he approaches says one or both of these things 1) he is so cute 2) does he have asthma ? is his breathing okay ? ... and i awkwardly smile and say he's okay, just excited but it really troubles me that ppl can really look at him and feel such endearment when i feel more distress and pity.
he is still a very sweet, loyal and cuddly dog and i'm glad for his sake that his family found someone he clicked with.
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i-can-even-burn-salad · 10 months
OC Name Meanings Tag Game
So @starlit-hopes-and-dreams tagged me with this, and I should be writing, so let's do that instead! Gonna leave it an open tag.
Rules: Put down an OC or more and tell what their name means.
Gonna take my POV OCs. Fair warning: I am not googling all names. Everyone can do that. I'm just putting down where they came from for most.
Was a random name generator for the game GW2, I am pretty sure. Possibly swapped some letters around as well.
I don't think this name exist with that a — so either I used a Gaelic name generator and just stuffed it in, or it appears like that in the GW name generator. Either way, no meaning was intended.
Shamefully stolen from a book I read back when I made the ingame char. In the book Transformation by Carol Berg, the protagonist's name is Seyonne, and it sounded so very fitting for that ingame race. Now I am stuck with it.
I decided that some kalani will probably have plant (and later: object) names, and picked the first flower I could think of lol
I literally did not think about it. I needed a name and she just appeared out of nowhere. Apparently it means "bitter" and "beloved" — well she's not bitter.
Back in my roleplaying days, I had a char concept that never got much playtime which was a demon possessed girl, who really wanted to live, while the demon wanted to kill her to take over her body. I named her Joy, full name Josephine. I believe the original char's parents were religious, but no such meaning intended for this Josephine.
My second stolen name — from my favorite book The Wind Witch, and I will live forever with the shame that this char was named after a stallion. Well, Valadan would find it very funny, I assure you.
I was listening to Savatage's Damien when I wanted to make a brother for Valadan. It apparently means "to subdue".
This one I actually went for meaning — it was yet another ingame char, and for some reason, I had just bought the musical instrument flute, and I wanted a char with a music name. Some page I had back then said it means "happy melody" :D She does not have anything to do with music in writing.
Just like Marian, appeared out of fucking nowhere.
Cédric means “warlord” or “war chief” (from Celtic “kad” = war + “rîg” = ruler/king) and “loved one” (from Celtic-Welsh “carad” = loved or “caru” = to love”.
Well. good pick.
Was a name I like since I named... one of my neopets that. I did not have an OC for that name, instead using it for my weekly deleted key farmer in the game. It means something like "poet king, royal poet".
Then Fancy Boots arrived without a name and I looked at my list and thought— you know what, let's give this name a face.
I am probably rolling with Caldeia having lots of french names, so I looked up a super french name and came up with that. It's so french. Realized a bit too late I have (had) a coworker with that name. Oops.
(No, France does not exist ̇)
Another neopet. I have no idea where I got her from — she was a plush Ixi, and I am sure I never turned one plush myself, so it was probably a pound catch, and then lab turned. I was looking for names that work as, well, names, while keeping a small memory of my pets.
A different kind of pet! I once drove 350 km to pick up two albino rat rescues, and named them Finnian and Winifred, both names which meant "white". Finnian is not particularly white; he's white, yes, but with dark hair and dark eyes, but I like the name.
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realfinemood · 6 months
Patch 5 Epilogue spoilers!
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LAE'ZEL MY BELOVED!! Becoming the Comet in Orpheus' absence! Somehow being inspired by me of all people into doing diplomacy! Teaming up with the Githzerai!!!! Still planning on murdering the fuck out of Vlaakith! Planning on seeing her BFF again once said murder is finished! I'm so proud of her!!!
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And in a massive amount of whiplash, I guess Gale is also here. As the god of ambition. And being fucking insufferable. At least I wasn't stuck with him AND ascended Astarion I suppose. They'd be a match made in hell. Thanks for deigning to grace us with your presence.
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I did finally get to meet Tara though! Who is also right with me on not being able to fucking stand god Gale. Though ma'am it is not my fault that only the girls know how to make correct decisions when left to their own devices. She did agree with me on that though, and I will be meeting Gale's mom apparently! Brecca canonically has experience apologizing to mothers about their children's poor life choices so she's probably got this. (It was her own mother about herself and not "becoming an all powerful shithead" but still.)
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Fading out of the Astarion romance epilogue (which works again yay!) and fading into Brecca wearing the exact clothes Astarion had been wearing. Cute.
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Astarion is so ridiculously happy. And happy for everyone else too!! And also refusing to talk to anyone else besides complain loudly, but that's fine, not everyone likes parties babe. But please go talk to Boo though because apparently he has a bunch of ideas on how to solve the whole "curing vampirism" thing and Minsc is just stuck on the power of love solving everything.
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Also yay a hug where he kneels instead of Brecca randomly become a tall person!!!
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Sebastian sent a letter thanking me for seeing him as a person and excuse me as I go cry.
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Love you too Barcus.
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Shadowheart called me fat (okay sure "healthy") and then complained about the random food choices we made while camping. Ma'am how dare you, I am a halfling, I went out of my way to make sure I picked things that made some kind of sense as an actual meal. Except for that time we just drank 40 supplies worth of alcohol but, again, I am a halfling. But anyways I'm glad she's off fighting Sharrans with her girlfriend spying for her. And yay I got to belatedly give her a hug!
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Yay Karlach actually going to get her engine fixed!!! I'm sad I couldn't say we would absolutely join the heist but also Withers did seem to be super hinting at some sort of DLC type thing so maybe??? But ma'am. Ma'am. My tiny self was the one carrying everyone's loot, let's not go rewriting history. Save that for my poor druid who has no strength and is constantly shoving her loot at Shadowheart to carry.
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New Clyde for Karlach!
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Wyll I sent you off to hell with much better clothes, what on earth are you wearing? Also, I multiclassed you with bard, how on earth did you become a ranger when you lost your warlock powers? (Also damn do you have a rosy view of how the Flaming Fist without Gortash are. I played a Flaming Fist character once. Gortash was absolutely not the only problem.)
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The most on brand thing, Brecca failed the religion check to know who the fuck the musician was. Or clue into all the obvious hints. Weird that Withers apparently dragged some random dude to play music for us, oh well.
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Also I googled "dnd god dark sun in white sky" and Cyric is the first result and if that's what this is supposed to be about that is honestly fucking hysterical for Brecca specifically. Can't escape that fucker in any universe apparently.
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In conclusion, I can't believe they stole both my pets on top of not letting me adopt any tiefling children 0/10 worst game ever.
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webslingingslasher · 8 months
Okay so like- the cooker at my new place absolutely SUCKS I can't cook anything with it so last night I went to use the air fryer I got, right? As I've gone to use it EVERY. SINGLE. SOCKET. In my flat went boom! And my phone was on like 7% cause I was about to charge it and would be dead by morning and I needed my alarm for uni. So at this point I haven't eaten, my wife her literally EXPLODED, it sparked white and let out a loud pop, im in pitch black, I'm honestly kinda scared and my phone is gonna die before morning. So already not off to a good start, but oh well, I find my battery pack that has 1% which SOMEHOW got my phone to 50% before quitting and like- my battery pack, my girl was the real mpv in this- like my mother and I was screaming at each other over the phone over this cause she said I'm so negative and that's why, and I was just like "oh sorry- lemme fucking will the power back on with positive thinking!". So we now start at today, I go downstairs, get the to fix my sincere then leave for uni- the bus was PACKED, like completely chock-a-block and I almost fell into a woman's lap so was SOOO embarrassed and wanted to die, and I had blisters from heels so my feet hurt like hell. I get into uni where almost immediately everyone's talking about plans to go out for Halloween including my "friends" right next to me and discussing it when I'm clearly not invited :') then we have a presentation I wasn't prepared for cause I've been so busy with a cancer scare with my grandad and my elderly dog has been doing so poorly lately. Everyone else had the bets fucking work and ideas and I was so embarrassed to even show what I had done and Sven tho my teacher tried there really wasn't much she could say in comparison and I spent like- 2 hours sitting there on my phone cause apparently I've murdered everyone's im the classes pets over the summer and no one wants go know me now even tho I was literally voted as most charismatic. At lunch I went and got a sausage roll cause I still haven't eaten at this point- then we had digital in the afternoon. Now idk if I've mentioned this before but I am HEAVILY dyslexic, like I'm the 2nd worst case my examiner has sent in 40 years heavy. And atleast 5 times within 2 hours I had to go up to my teacher to PROUDLY announce that I in fact could not do the task she had set, as I can't. Fucking. Read. And then she said in the lesson how interns are expected to put all the swatches into the right places which I obviously cannot do because cannot read. So I've just gotten home and got into another argument with my mum whilst having a massive meltdown again, still haven't eaten and I'm now grasping with the fact that I may not even be able to do fashion design and I've just got into loads of debt and wasted my time for nothing, but in also stuck here and can't do fuck all about it and I really fucking miss my dog. Oh and Ethan dropped out.
Sorry for the rant bestie ~🌻
oh my god sonny, if there was one time i really, really wish i could come through the screen & give someone a massive hug it would be right now.
i really don't know what to say, but i'm glad you had a space to get this all out. and lemme just say rn, for someone w terrible dyslexia you are such a trooper to be here talking to me and reading my stuff cause, imma be honest, i'm pretty wordy sometimes.
i really, really hope this next month turns around for you.
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pechefarm · 1 year
Butter Cup Baby, Ch 1
This is a Sam/Léo fic! I'm excited to put my Farmer OC out into the world for everyone to see!
Rating: T for Teen
Pairing: Sam/Farmer OC (Male)
Summary: Léo moves to Pelican Town after a rough breakup, and decides to start over and get the family farm back on its feet. A slice-of-life love story, Léo and Sam rekindle their friendship that ended 14 years ago, and perhaps start something new.
Word Count: 5,076
Content Warnings: Alcohol consumption
You can also find it here on ao3!
If you had told Léo a year ago that he’d be returning to Pelican Town, he would’ve laughed in your face. But life has a way of pulling the rug out from under you when you least expect it, and Léo needed a change, desperately. Anything to get out of the city. Anything to forget about Henri.
Two years. Two fucking years. And apparently, none of that had meant anything to Henri. Their first kiss, their first apartment, their promise rings they exchanged because they weren’t quite ready to get officially engaged. None of that mattered because apparently, a sugar daddy was way more important.
It wasn’t that Léo didn’t want to fund Henri’s lifestyle and desire to become an actor. It was just that he felt that his salary could be better spent making a life for them. He had been saving up to move them into a real house, one where they could start a family. Hell, he had even started looking at rings. And then the bombshell hit.
“Rico’s going to help me be an actor. He said he’d give me money for anything I need. And Léo you know I need the cash. If I’m going to become an actor, I can’t stay in Zuzu City. I can’t have that ‘house with a white picket fence’ dream that you want.”
All Léo could do was stare as Henri finished breaking up with him. He nodded dumbly, accepting his fate. They spent the next week dividing their things, and then Henri walked out forever. No calls, no messages on social media. In fact, Léo was almost positive that he’d been blocked on every platform.
For the next three months, Léo felt like he was just existing, not living. He was just going through the motions. Get up, get ready for work, go to work, come back home. Sometimes he forgot to eat, forgot to take a shower.
Depression is what his mom called it. He was depressed and needed a change.
“Remember the letter Grandpa left you?” his mother asked during their weekly phone call. Léo nodded, and then remembered she couldn’t see him.
“Yeah,” he said. 
“Do you remember what he said when he gave it to you?”
“Something about how I should open it when I’m ready? When I need a change?”
“Exactly,” his mother said. “I think now might be the right time.”
Léo decided he agreed, and opened up the letter. He was not expecting the deed to his Grandpa’s farm to be enclosed within, and was certainly not expecting for that deed to have been changed over to his name.
He’d been to Pêche Farm before. It had originally been the farm of his Grandma Cosette. When she died, his Grandpa Davíd had taken over. And now…it was Léo’s. And he had very conflicting feelings about this. Namely, he had not liked Pelican Town a whole lot the last few times he was there. Granted, he had been a kid, but still!
What he remembered the most was how cliquey it had been. All of the kids had their very specific friend groups, and stuck to them. Léo hadn’t managed to join in any of the groups, and typically spent his visits to his Grandpa’s farm alone.
“Just talk to them!” his Grandpa had said one day as Léo was feeding the chickens. “Any of them! I’m sure if they got to know you, they’d love to hang out!”
So Léo had grumpily approached each kid, and nobody had responded well. Not until the last week of his visit. Léo had just fed his Grandpa’s horse, and was petting her nose softly. He loved the feeling of a horse’s nose. So velvety soft. He was lost in his thoughts about how nice the horse was when he heard someone call out to him.
“Hey! Farmer boy!”
Léo turned his head and saw a tall gangly boy standing just outside of the horse stall. His shock of white blond hair contrasted with Léo’s deep brown locks, and his green eyes looked nervous. They seemed to be settling everywhere except for Léo, and when they finally did, the boy gave an awkward smile.
“That’s not my name,” Léo said, annoyed. His honey brown eyes glared at the stranger, who quailed at the intensity of his gaze.
“Oh, uh, yeah I know,” he said, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I just didn’t know what it was. Your name,” the boy clarified.
“Well you’d know it if you didn’t ignore me,” Léo said, turning back to the horse.
“I’m not ignoring you now,” the boy said. “We can try again! Let’s start over. I’m Sam.”
Léo said nothing, turning back to pet the horse. He was hoping that if he ignored the blond boy, he would go away.
No such luck.
“I’m Sam,” he repeated. “What’s your name?”
“Léo,” he said stiffly, not looking at him.
“Well nice to meet you Léo!” Sam said brightly. 
Léo turned around again, and saw the boy looking at him expectantly. He really wanted to dislike Sam, he really did. After all, Sam was the first kid Léo had introduced himself to. And instead of being friendly, he had gotten the cold shoulder. But there was something about Sam’s smile, something about the way he looked like he really meant it when he said it was nice to meet him. Something about all that made the ice surrounding Léo’s heart melt.
“You too,” Léo said. “Have you ever pet a horse before?”
Sam’s face split into a wide grin and he walked towards Léo. “No, never!” he said.
“Well, you should give her nose a pat,” Léo said. “Her name is Lorena. She’s a good girl.”
They pet the horse for a bit, and got to talking. Sam apologized profusely for his previous behavior, which Léo told him was fine. It wasn’t, but Léo found himself wanting to see more of Sam’s smiles, and knew that telling him it had irritated him would cause that smile to fade.
That last week had sped by, Léo and Sam practically attached at the hip. When it was time for Léo to leave, the two promised to keep in touch. They exchanged letters for a bit, but eventually, they grew few and far between before not being sent at all. Léo had eventually forgotten about Sam, but when the deed was in his hand, the boy’s giant grin filled his mind, green eyes twinkling in his minds eye. He wondered if Sam still lived there. Probably not. Léo sighed. He was going to have to start all over, meet all new people, and maintain a farm.
“Yeah I know,” he said with a deep sigh. “But…I don’t know, I feel like I need to. Grandpa said I should go if I felt like I needed a change. And I do. After Henri…fuck, I need to get out of Zuzu City, you know?”
“You know, you don’t have to do this,” his friend Emma said as she flopped onto his couch. Or rather, her couch. Léo had managed to convince the landlord to let Emma live there instead of him. He wasn’t sure how he had done that, but Emma’s sad doe eyes when the landlord nearly said no might have had something to do with it.
He was giving up his whole life to go to Pelican Town. His apartment, his friends, and basically everything he owned. Léo had packed a suitcase to take to the farmhouse, and that was it.
Emma nodded sympathetically. She had been his shoulder to cry on and knew that living in the apartment he had shared with Henri was difficult on him. A change was desperately needed, and she was going to be there to support him no matter what.
“Well, whatever will help you,” Emma said. “I’ll be right here if you need anything, okay?” she said. “Anything at all.”
“I know,” Léo said affectionately. “I can always count on you.”
Early the next morning, Léo set out for the bus station, ticket in hand. It was a long ride to Pelican Town, and he was positive that he was going to fall asleep during the ride. Luckily he had his phone that he could play around on, and he anticipated many many games of Bejeweled while he headed to his new home.
After a 2-hour bus ride, Léo finally arrived in Pelican town. He got off the bus, muscles stiff as he rolled his suitcase down to the path that led to town. There was a fork in the road, and Léo considered it before dread sank in. He didn’t actually know where he was going. Great.
“You must be Léo!” a voice rang out.
Léo looked around, and finally spotted two people. One of them was a short man with kind eyes and an impressive mustache. He looked a little younger than his Grandpa would’ve been, and surprisingly, Léo was sure he knew his name.
“Are you…Lewis? Mayor Lewis?” Léo asked, pulling this information from the depths of his memory. He remembered a man who looked like this who his Grandpa talked to a lot. Léo had been shocked to discover his Grandpa was such good friends with the Mayor of the town.
“Ah yes! That’s me!” Lewis said, looking a bit surprised. “You remember me?”
“More your mustache than you,” Léo said to him, getting a loud laugh from the older man.
“Well, it’s good to know something about me stuck out in your memory! This here is Robin,” Lewis said, gesturing to the other person. Robin had fire engine red hair and was a stocky woman. She looked very strong, and Léo wasn’t surprised at all when he was informed that she was the town carpenter and stone mason.
“It’s good to meet you both,” Léo said, shaking their hands.
“Well, let’s get you to your new home!” Robin said, leading the way. “It’s a bit…uh…rundown, but I made you some furniture to spruce the place up a bit.”
“You didn’t have to do that!” Léo said as they walked onto the land.
“Of course I did!” Robin argued. “The bed in there was falling apart! And everything else looked pretty bad. You needed new things, and I know to make them!”
“I don’t know how I can ever thank—holy shit!”
Robin and Lewis both laughed as Léo surveyed the land. Saying the land was overgrown would be an understatement. Weeds were everywhere, and there was hardly room to move from all the trees, rocks, and random logs around. There was some land not covered in trees that he could till, but there was a lot of work to do. 
“You’re a farmer now! Not afraid of a little hard work, eh city boy?” Lewis teased. 
“I’m just…surprised, that’s all,” Léo said. “I can do it though.”
“That’s what I like to hear!” Lewis said.
“You know,” Robin said as they entered the house, “I can lend a hand with clearing the land. Cutting down the trees and clearing those rocks will take a long time. And I can use what we collect to upgrade uh…this.”
“What are you talking about?” Lewis said, following the two into the farmhouse. “This place is totally fine!” 
Léo nodded, agreeing. In fact, the wallpaper and flooring looked new. As he remembered, the farmhouse was simply one room, but the inside looked like it had been updated.
“Only because I put in new floors and fresh wallpaper!” Robin grumbled. “The size of this place is ridiculous though! One room? For an entire house?” She made a tutting noise, and Lewis rolled his eyes.
“I’m sure it will be fine for now,” Lewis said. “I got you some seeds too,” he said, turning to Léo. “I put them on top of your dresser. It’s just parsnip seeds, but it’ll be enough to help you get into the swing of things.”
“You guys really didn’t have to do all of this,” Léo said. “But since you did…thank you so much! I really appreciate it.”
“Anything for the new farmer,” Robin said. “Though…I do have to say, I’m a bit disappointed you remembered Lewis and not me!”
Léo blinked. “What?”
“I saw you plenty when you were here before. Do you remember Sebastian?” Robin asked.
“Sorry no,” Léo said, feeling guilty. “If he’s my age, I didn’t really hang out with the other kids here.”
“Oh! Well, he remembers you! But probably only because of Sam,” she said with a tinkling laugh. “Do you recognize that name?”
“Yes!” Léo said happily. “Sam and I used to talk back in the day, I remember him.”
“Sam is close friends with my Sebby,” Robin said. “Sam has been running his mouth about you ever since he found out you were coming to take over Pêche Farm.”
“Really?” Léo said, shocked. And then he realized something. “Wait, Sam still lives here?”
“Excited to see him?” Lewis asked. “All the kids that were here when you visited still live here! I’m sure you’ll see plenty of familiar faces. Well, we should let you settle in!” Lewis said, clapping his hands together. “Come to the Stardrop Saloon tonight! Nearly the whole town shows up there in the evening, it’ll be a great time to introduce yourself.”
Léo promised he would come, and bade the two older adults goodbye. Finally, he could breathe. To his chagrin, there wasn’t a true kitchen. Just a hot plate, a microwave, and a mini fridge. Inside the fridge, he found another gift from Robin. She had given him a small bowl of pumpkin soup and left a note insisting that he keep both the bowl and spoon. God that woman was amazing. Léo was going to have to do something special to make it up to her.
It didn’t take very long before all his stuff was put away in the drawers. He was forever grateful to his past self for thinking of bringing his kettle, french press, coffee grinder, and two bags of coffee beans. He would die if he didn’t get to have his morning coffee. 
Léo decided to poke around the cabin a bit, and discovered a few things. The tiny bathroom he remembered from childhood seemed even smaller if that was possible, and it didn’t even have a door. He assumed Robin must’ve been the one to hang up a privacy curtain, because said curtain seemed very new. 
The hot water took forever to turn on, but luckily there was hot water. And thankfully, there was also electricity. That must’ve been something his grandfather installed after Léo stopped visiting because he didn’t remember that being a thing here.
After he finished his assessment of the cabin, he walked out to survey the property. He really would need help clearing the land. He might be strong, but there was no way he would be able to do this all by himself. Walking through the trees, he decided he wanted most of them to stand tall and proud. You didn’t get trees like this in the city, and it would be nice to see them.
As he was looking around, he found a small hidden pathway. Deciding to follow it, he walked for about five minutes before coming across a small clearing. And in that clearing was something so unexpected that for a moment Léo thought he was seeing things.
There was a large shrine there, with four candles on top of it. Fresh candles. Approaching it, he noticed some words carved into the smooth stone.
Wait, what? Why was there some kind of shrine or memorial to his Grandpa hidden in a dark corner of the farm? And why did it seem like someone had been here recently? The candles were clearly new. And that quote…
Davíd Carlos Cienfuegos-Alverez
April 3rd 1946-August 15 2021
He taught me how to love, but not how to stop
A gust of wind blew, and Léo’s attention was brought to something fluttering on the shrine’s mantle. There was a piece of paper held in piece by a small rock. Léo picked it up.
Wait for my return on the dawn of your third year
What the fuck? Léo stood there, incredibly confused. What in the hell was going on? He stuffed the note in his pocket and walked away from this clearing as fast as possible. This was strange and slightly creepy. He needed to get back to the farmhouse. Or maybe to the town.
Yeah. The town. Meet some people, get some food from the store, and just clear his mind from whatever that was. He snagged his wallet from on top of his new dresser and walked into Pelican Town. It was a very short walk, and the first thing he saw was the local hospital. Okay, good to know that was there. And right next to it was the general store. 
“You must be the new farmer!” a booming voice announced in a thick French accent.
A tall man with light brown hair approached him. His glasses were perched on the edge of his nose, and he pushed them up before giving Léo a winning smile.
“Yes,” Léo said, extending a hand. “I’m Léo,” he said as they shook hands.
“Oh I know!” the man said. “I’m Pierre, the owner of this store. You wouldn’t remember me or my wife, but we lived here when your Grandpa did! In fact, I remember seeing you in town a few times!”
“Ah,” Léo said awkwardly. This was the second person who recognized him from his childhood who he didn’t remember. “Well, it’s good to see you again,”
“You as well,” Pierre said. “I really miss your Grandma you know. It almost felt like I was back in France when I talked with dear Miss Cosette. She was the only one in town who knew French. My daughter Abigail can speak it, but…well, she barely speaks to me at all! Do you remember her?”
“No,” Léo said. “Sorry about that.”
“Oh don’t be sorry,” Pierre said. “Abigail only hangs out with her friends Sebastian and Sam. She probably would not have remembered you either if Sam hadn’t been talking about you all this week and last!”
“Robin mentioned Sam had been talking about me,” Léo said. “I didn’t realize he was talking about me with more than one person.”
“More than one? Try the whole town!” Pierre said with a laugh. 
“I see,” Léo said, flushing slightly. He was kind of ashamed that he had barely given Sam a second thought while Sam was chatting up the whole town about him! But it had been what, 15 years since he last was in Pelican Town? Honestly, he was surprised Sam remembered him at all.
Léo ended up buying a few more seeds to plant, and some food to last him for the week. 
“You should only buy your groceries from me,” Pierre had said firmly after ringing him up. “There’s another store…Joja Mart, that’s across the river. They may have cheap prices, but the quality? Not good, not at all. Nothing can compare to my goods!”
“Um, okay?” Léo said. “I’ll be sure to buy from you,” he added on quickly. Pierre beamed at him, and Léo quickly took his groceries back home. This was turning out to be a very strange day.
When night finally fell, Léo decided to take Lewis’ recommendation and go to the Stardrop Saloon. Supposedly, this was where the town really came alive, and he was eager to see it. Plus, maybe Sam would be there. It would be nice to see him after all this time, especially since Sam had been talking about him so much.
Upon entering the saloon, he saw plenty of people looking at him curiously. He introduced himself to several different people, including one man who immediately told him to go fuck himself.
“Excuse me?” Léo asked, eyebrows raised.
“You heard me,” the black haired man said, glaring at him. 
“You could’ve said that a little bit--”
“Oh! Do you hear that?” the man interrupted. “It’s the sound of you shutting the fuck up!”
“Alrighty then,” Léo mumbled and turned on his heel.
As he walked away from the man, he noticed that there was a room attached to the bar that he hadn’t noticed. Deciding to investigate, Léo poked his head in. There were three adults around his age standing around a pool table. There was a man with shaggy black hair and a hoodie, a goth girl with purple hair, and a man with a messy blond mullet that somehow worked on him.
All heads turned when he walked in and Léo realized that he knew the blond man. It was Sam. And when Sam saw him, his face lit up like a Christmas tree.
“Léo!” he cried out, arms shooting into the air in excitement.
“Put down the cue!” the goth girl snapped, as the cue nearly hit her in the side of the head. Sam put it down, a sheepish look on his face.
“Sorry Abbers,” he said.
“You grew,” Léo said, staring at Sam with wide eyes. Sam laughed.
“I’m not 13 anymore!” he said playfully. “I wasn’t gonna stay like that forever!”
“Yeah but you’re…”
“He’s tall, he knows,” the black haired man said, sounding annoyed. “No he doesn’t play basketball, no he has never played basketball, no he doesn’t want to play basketball. Yes he gets back pain, yes all the men in his family are tall. There, now all your “tall” questions are answered. Or they should be. If you have any more, keep them to yourself.”
“Sebastian!” Sam said, looking aghast. “You don’t have to be rude!”
“You get asked that shit all the time,” Sebastian grumbled. “Didn’t want you to have to go through it with this dude.” For some reason, Sebastian looked pissed off and Léo couldn’t figure out why.
“Okay, great to see you Sam,” Léo said. “I can see you and your friends are busy so I’m going to just go. See you later.”
“Wait!” Sam said, sounding frustrated. “You should stay!”
“Yeah!” the goth girl said. “Sebastian’s a dick to everyone, don’t leave yet.”
Sebastian’s eyes narrowed. “No I’m not,” he grumbled, but it seemed a bit halfhearted. Léo looked at him apprehensively and then sighed.
“Yeah alright, I’ll stay.”
Sam cheered. “Great!” he said. “The emo jerk over there is Sebastian, and this lovely lady is Abigail.”
“Nice to meet you Abigail,” Léo said. “And you too Sebastian,”
Sebastian simply nodded. Abigail rolled her eyes.
“Ignore the jackass,” she said. “He’ll come around. I think he’s jealous and thinks you might steal his best friend away. Sam has been talking about you non-stop.”
“Have not!” Sam said, face flushing. Sebastian snorted, returning to the game.
“You have,” he said, lining up the cue. He hit the ball he was aiming for and managed to sink it. Sam swore.
“You’re one away from being able to sink the 8-ball!” Sam complained.
“Not my fault you’re shit at pool,” Sebastian said, but there was a tiny smile on his face.
Abigail didn’t appear to be playing, so Léo walked over and stood by her. She smiled at him, and took a drink from her beer stein. Somehow she managed not to smudge her black lipstick even a tiny bit. And, wait a second, there wasn’t any on the rim! He wondered if it was the waterproof kind that dried on contact and didn’t rub off.
“We play here every Friday night,” she said. “And somehow Sam never manages to figure out how to win the damn game. Sebastian wins every time.”
“Sam hasn’t even won once?” Léo said, eyebrows raised. 
“Not that I can remember,” Abigail said. There was a comfortable pause before she began speaking again. 
“It’s cool that you’re back,” she said. “Sam was over the moon about it. He gets excited about everything you know, but this? Man, I thought you must be a celebrity or some shit.”
“Far from it,” Léo chuckled. “I was surprised he remembered me.”
“I’m not,” Abigail said. “You know, he was really sad when he stopped getting letters from you. I know you guys were kids, but those letters meant a lot. I think he still has them.”
“He…what?” Léo asked, shocked.
“It might be surprising to you, but that’s typical Sam. He holds onto stuff. You should ask him why he decided to ask to hang out with you,” she said. “Back when we were kids.”
“You could tell me,” Léo said, curiosity piqued.
“Nah,” Abigail said, watching Sebastian perfectly sink the 8-ball. “That’s not my story to tell. Seriously, ask him.”
“Yeah okay,” Léo said. “I’m gonna go get a drink, yeah?”
Abigail nodded, and Léo left the room. He approached the bar to find a kind man who looked to be his father’s age behind the counter. The man had a large mustache, which Léo had discovered was very much in fashion in Pelican Town. He had run into no less than 5 men who all had large handlebar mustaches. 
“What’ll it be?” the man asked.
“Two orders of pepper poppers and two beers please!”
“Sam?” Léo asked, turning around to see who had spoken. Sure enough, Sam was standing there, wallet out. The man went to take his card, but Léo slapped Sam’s hand away, shoving his card and ID into the man’s hand.
“Gus! Don’t let him pay!” Sam said, frowning at Léo.
“No, I’m paying!” Léo said. “I came here to buy my own drink. I’ll buy yours too and the food. I don’t care.”
“No!” Sam said, and Gus watched with an amused smile. “This is your first day here. It’s a “Welcome to Pelican Town” gift, okay?”
“Sam…I can’t let you,” Léo said slowly.
“Yes you can,” Sam said firmly, and Léo relented. Gus handed him back his things, and swiped Sam’s card.
“It’ll be out in just a second!” Gus said cheerily.
“I thought you were going home,” Sam confessed as they both took seats at the bar. “Abby told me you were just going to get a drink, but I had to make sure.”
“Why do you care so much about me hanging out here?” Léo asked. “Not that I mind, I’m enjoying being with you and your friends.”
“I missed you I guess?” Sam said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I know it’s stupid. We weren’t that close or anything…but I was really excited to hear that you were moving here. Felt a little unreal, you know?”
“It’s not stupid,” Léo said. “I’m glad there’s someone in town my age that I can talk to. I hope Sebastian doesn’t care if I hang out with you.”
“Oh don’t worry about him,” Sam said. “It takes him a while to make friends so he gets kind of territorial. There’s this girl Penny, right? Well when I started hanging out with her, he got the exact same way. But when he realized she wasn’t trying to make him stop being friends with me, he was fine. It’ll be the exact same with you.”
“I see,” Léo said. “Well, I’m not going to steal you from him,” he said. “But I do want to hang out from time to time.”
“Oh yeah?” Sam said with a soft smile as Gus brought out their orders. “I’m glad to hear it. I’d love to catch up with you and see what’s changed in the last uh…14 years?”
Léo laughed. “Things definitely have changed. For better and worse.”
“Definitely for better,” Sam said, taking a drink of beer, and Léo looked at him curiously.
“What?” Sam said right back, eyes wide. “Oh um, I just meant that things seem to be going well for you? Since you have the new farm and everything?”
“That I got because my Grandpa died,” Léo teased. 
Sam went pale. “Oh shit!”
“Don’t worry about it,” Léo said with a chuckle. “I was only kidding. I mean, it is how I got it, but I’m not mad.”
“Okay,” Sam said. “I hope you’ve been liking Pelican Town okay.”
“Yeah I have,” Léo said after thinking for a moment. “Everyone here has been really nice and welcoming. Way different from the city.”
“Yeah, the people here are pretty great,” Sam said happily. “Everyone knows everyone. Which is usually awesome, but it also means that everyone knows everyone else's business. It’s tough to keep a secret in this town.”
Léo nodded. “If that’s the case, you must know the deal with that weird shrine or monument or memorial thing on my farm, right? What’s that all about?”
“Honestly?” Sam said, picking up a pepper, “Nobody really knows.”
Léo stared as Sam popped not one but two peppers into his mouth. “What do you mean ‘nobody knows?’” 
“What’s it sound like I mean?” Sam said around his bite of food. “No one has a clue! It’s the town’s biggest mystery! Or at least for Abby it is. She’ll know more than me. She’s obsessed with that shrine. And the farm. Used to say it was haunted.”
Léo thought back to the letter that was still in his pocket and handed it to Sam. “Maybe it is,” he said, as Sam read it over. “I found this on the shrine.”
“Probably just Abigail playing a joke on you,” Sam said, but he didn’t look like he believed himself. “This isn’t her handwriting though.”
“Haunted, case closed,” Léo said, drinking some of his beer. “Only explanation.”
“We should show this to her!” Sam said excitedly. “She would flip!” 
“Okay but…maybe tomorrow? Beer makes me sleepy and…Jesus I’m tired,” he muttered.
“Get some rest,” Sam said, as Léo stood up. “We’re talking tomorrow okay? Oh shit you don’t have my number!”
The men exchanged numbers, and Léo promised he would text Sam the moment he was finished with his morning to-do list. This was exciting, Léo thought as he made his way home. He had an actual friend here! And potentially two more? Well, maybe not Sebastian yet, but Abigail seemed to like him okay. Maybe Pelican Town wasn’t going to be that bad after all. Maybe, just maybe, this was the start of something wonderful.
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Okay so I finally figured out how to get picrew to work and so I went on a spree of making a million different picrews of one of my dumbasses living rent free in my head ocs. I'll probably do more for others later but I just had to get this stupid secretly an eldritch horror twink out into the world and since I cannot draw I have resorted to this. He's not exactly as I pictured him in my head (none of the hair colour options really matched the auburn / burnt umber I was going for, and amber eyes are apparently not common enough that they're a universal option so I bounced between picking brown and yellow. Also skin colour is slightly off but whatever- I'm not allowed to be picky), but close enough. Without further ado, meet Arian, my bastard gremlin bitch boy!
(Tw for cigarettes because he thinks being an unfathomable horror gives him a pass)
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He is smiling here and I think this is the only picture where he's genuinely smiling because I ended up just making him look worried in all the others. It's still accurate to his character though because he has anxiety (because he's a dumbass bottom). (On a side note I think this is the one that's closest to his actual canon skin colour. The rest are all too far off-) (Dunno why his eyebrows are that colour tho lol)
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He has a pet rat that makes occasional cameo appearances btw. Her name is Cheezit because Ari panic named her on the spot and it stuck. The rat is like 15 years old at this point and Ari has no idea how long rats are supposed to live but he's starting to get slightly concerned that his rat might be magical. Stop smoking around your pet Arian you are an irresponsible rat owner.
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One more pic ft. Cheezit because I needed everyone to see her agian. (This is one of the ones where his skin is wayyy too light but ah well) (His hair also looks fucky but what am I gonna do about it?)
(Is it just me or does he look twelve? Lmao)
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Bonus picrew of Cheezit lol
(None of the rat options in other picrews are consistent so I guess this counts as Cheezit's canon appearance)
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I made him here in the a TMA picrew maker so that I could dick around with the more "monstrous" features but I made him normal first because I'm nice like that. He's smiling agian but he looks kind of pained lmao.
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Also I surrendered to impulse and put him in a mesh top you're welcome. He looks like that one smug cat meme.
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Anyway this is all him looking fairly normal, but... he gets... worse. I couldn't find a picrew for making full up eldritch monstrosities because A it would be difficult for someone to create and B the whole point in this case is that no one can describe him fully like that, because how do you describe a colour that doesn't exist on any spectrum, or a form that staunchly refuses to follow the established laws of linear physics. That said, I can give him too many eyes, which is one of his canon features when he's not very carefully keeping them "closed". For the sake of the following I'll say he's just sort of... half true appearance? Maybe he's stressed or like, super tired or something. Old one equivalent of waking up and forgetting to put on your underwear except in this case it's forgetting to hide the fact that your shadow looks wrong and also that you are covered in eyes. Obviously tw for body horror in the following but one of them has real eyes and eye contact and a depiction of his fucked up shadow so just fair warning for that. Also tw for some slight unreality because I use the royal "you" and that might be upsetting especially because it's in the context of him panicking and gaslighting the subject, as in "he assures you you're imagining things".
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Here's one I made in the TMA picrew. He's very stressed to be showing even a little bit of his actual appearance because he's very insecure so he's holding himself for comfort like an absolute dork. The sparkles around his head aren't part of his appearance I just added them because I'm gay and like sparkles.
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No twink is complete without a mesh top so there's that. I forfeited the extra extra eyes for more tendrils just because I wanted to see what it would look like because I was cruelly forced to pick between one or the other.
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Anyway have some random facts about him since you made it this far, starting with things that should be canon overall to his appearance but I couldn't get in some or any of the picrews:
Annnd here's the one that all those tws were for. He's stressed about something and losing control so he's trying very hard to cover up the eyes with bandages. It is not working and his shadow is still staring directly at you. It doesn't blink even when he does. He is assuring you very insistently that you are imagining things. (Cheezit left the scene and decided to take a nap on Ari's pillow instead of dealing with his bullshit)
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- He has a small mole under his right eye.
- Freckles! Lots of them across his face and shoulders, but they're hard to see because he has dark skin. They're genetic as opposed to sun based, though.
- He's got a tiny scar on the left side of his upper lip. Jokingly tells people he got it from various outrageous stunts but actually he fell on his face playing soccer on the concrete when he was a kid.
- Has a few a lot of piercings. Both of his ears are pierced "regularly" and he usually wears simple, nondescript hoops or studs. He also has those two piercings on the shell of his right ear and a barbell piercing on his right eyebrow. His belly button is pierced but he doesn't wear anything there anymore and the holes have pretty much closed up. Also has dermal piercings down the length of his back that usually hold barbells but get switched out for D rings for circus style body suspension. (He's definitely a bit of a daredevil and likes doing a lot of things people consider to be "extreme" or anything like that, hence why he knows how to pole dance and can manage himself somewhat passably on aerial silks. Plus he just likes the feeling of being up in the air)
- He's arabic, though inherited darker skin from his moms side of the family. Finds it somewhat funny when people keep giving him "subtle" side eyes trying to figure out what race he is.
- Animals tend to be suspicious of him on instinct given the whole uncanny valley vibe he sometimes gives off, but they aren't necessarily repelled by him. They warm up quickly enough if he just chills like any other person and maybe gives them a few treats.
- This man drinks way too much fucking coffee somebody stage an intervention. I'm pretty sure his blood is 90% coffee grounds at this point
- Speaking of blood, his is an ever so slightly off shade of maroon. Looks like blood from a severely dehydrated person even if he's completely fine.
- Also he has genetic high blood pressure. He really needs to get his health in check he's going to give himself a heart attack. Ari stop smoking please-
- In "eldritch form" he likes to attach himself to walls like some kind of fucked up slime mold and just chill there. Will peel off the wall like a cheap sticker if you startle him though and then he'll be pissed because he's just ripped off all the skin on his back like some sunburn from hell. Will also probably whine about the possibility of having ruined his tattoo
- Said tattoo is a 'tramp stamp' on his lower back, just above his ass. It's a tiny snake inked in black that's curled in a figure eight. He got it while he was sort of drunk but he doesn't really regret it. Considered naming it but he dropped the idea when he couldn't think of anything.
- If I had to pick I'd say he's a dog person because he vibes with the energy, but he has no problem with cats at all. Thinks hairless cats are really cute and can and will kiss them on their little heads.
- Dreaded morning person. But also somehow a night owl? Does he even sleep? The answer is yes, but only after he crashes from the caffeine high of like ten cups of coffee. Has no sleep schedule but despite this still gets up at ungodly hours of the morning to go to the gym like an absolute psychopath
- His eyesight is absolute shit and he needs glasses but refuses to wear them. Won't put in contacts either because he thinks they're annoying. Justifies walking into poles and doorframes as being "worth the price". He gets a little bit of a pass though because he is 4d and trying to navigate a 3d world and I don't think they make glasses for that. Still his eyesight is objectively crap either way no matter what so he can't really use it as an excuse.
- He can drive if it's an absolute emergency but he prefers not to for the above reason of his sight being crap. He'll only get behind the wheel if he has no other choice and even then he's internally panicking.
- Surprisingly decent at math. He's not like, Einstein or anything but he can tell you what 9 x 18 is which is more than I can do. This is definitely paradoxical because he is gay and should therefore not be able to do math.
- Favourite food is chicken pad Thai with peanut sauce and if you get some for him he will love you forever. Congratulations, you've acquired a creature. You're never getting rid of him.
- I honestly can't decide if he should be like, a *bajillion years old (*not actually more like 1000) or just, like, twenty. They're both hilarious in different situations and I cannot make up my mind.
- Purrs sometimes, but not like a cat. It just sounds like a guy trying to imitate a purr, which to be fair is a pretty apt description. It sounds silly until you realize he's still purring and he hasn't stopped to take a breath. You look over and notice that his chest is rising and falling steadily even as the noise rumbles out of his throat. He assures you it's just a talent of his.
- Riddled with anxiety just in general and because he has to frequently lie to and gaslight people to avoid outing himself, either as queer or as a monster from collective consciousness worst nightmares. Somebody get him to a psychiatrist.
- Can, will, and does need to eat regular people food, but consumes emotional energy as well. Does this passively when around people with no effects to them or can actively chose to take more via physical contact, effectively erasing thoughts, feelings, or in extreme cases entire memories. Can kill someone like this (because he's not just magically eating feelings, his presence is deteriorating cognitive function and his touch turns grey matter into soup) but he'd have a panic attack over it. Will very much throw up if he "eats" too much, but this only applies to the active taking rather than the passive "aoe" intake. Worth noting that he can't kill via touch or even just generally inconvenience someone with proximity in just a regular "human form" because it's specifically contact with the unfathomable eldritch stuff that melts people's brains into pudding.
- Big on physical affection. Hugs and other assorted touch are his love language. Very much not above faking falling asleep on someone's shoulder.
- Owns entirely too many shirts and like, two pairs of pants. That's an exaggeration but seriously, c'mon man. Buy some pants ffs.
- Probably works customer service for minimum wage but I find it way too funny to make him a stripper sooo-
- Likes plants but has zero green thumb. Compromises with plastic plants and various cacti, which he has surprisingly and much to his delight managed to keep alive.
- I know jack shit about zodiacs but I think he'd have a summer birthday. Idk why it's just the vibes.
- Actually enjoys shitty cheap beer for whatever reason. Further proof that he's insane <3
- Would bring a knife to a gun fight and win but he's cheating because he can cope with ridiculous amounts of damage. Ofc he's not going to walk off a gunshot, but he won't die, and adrenaline is a hell of a motivator until he eventually collapses and has to stagger off with his metaphorical tail between his legs to recover.
- Can't swim. He doesn't exactly sink because buoyancy and all that but he will panic and thrash around and just generally make his situation worse. Not in a comical way though he's not exaggerating he legitimately can't swim. Somebody get him out now before he drowns.
- Doesn't like water in general. Pretty scared of any body of water he can't see the bottom of, and doesn't like pools because agian, he can't swim. Might splash in a puddle or a kiddie pool or something but he mostly prefers just to sit off the the side and vibe. Stacks everyone's towels to make a cushion under him and jokingly refuses to give them back when they come out of the water sopping wet.
- Canonically has addictive personality disorder so do with that what you will
- "Dislikes" vegetables on principle but will eat broccoli. Will pretend like he's dying the entire time though, even though he actually likes it.
- Probably has the dumbest ringtone in the entire world. Either that or he just changes it every week. Maybe both.
- Paints his nails but it always flakes off within a day or two because he can't help but pick at it.
- Carries sunscreen around but not in a mom friend way. It's because he'll give you like seven different types of cancer if you hang around his "true form" too long and he doesn't want to take any risks. It doesn't really help but he's trying his best.
- Can sing decently will but will refuse to if directly asked because he's self conscious. Just take him to a karaoke bar though I guarantee he'll be up on stage in a matter of minutes.
- Can dance semi decently. Worth nothing that he can in fact belly dance though. Learned because he grew up seeing professionals at people's weddings and other big events and thought it looked really cool.
- Really likes trampoline parks but funnily enough despite being pretty agile usually he has absolutely no sense of balance while bouncing. Falls on his face every five seconds but rest assured he's having the time of his life in there.
- Pours the milk before the cereal. No real reason for this other than I like making him a menace to society
- Absolutely the kind of person to overuse the dog Snapchat filter
- Smells weirdly like fresh rain and ozone. And also the generic body wash he uses but still, under that all he smells like a thunderstorm. Pleasant enough at first but a little overwhelming up close or over long periods. Kissing him feels like licking the screen of an old TV, static buzz and a tiny bit frosty.
- Speaking of frosty, he runs cold. 100% will hog the blankets and or put cold extremities all over people in the middle of the night if they're cuddling. He doesn't mean to he's just chilly. What he does mean to do is stick his icy hands down the backs of people's shirts. Only does it to people he knows appreciate the humour though and will stop if asked.
- Has a pretty normal voice, though it has a small bit of unnatural reverb. Just enough that it's there but nearly impossible to place exactly what makes his words sound off. His "eldritch form", however, you do not want to listen to. Tries to be quiet but regardless of volume he'll still inadvertently blow someone's eardrums out because it sounds like he's a recording with all the distortion settings turned up to max. Well, not exactly, that's sort of an exaggeration, but his voice warbles unnervingly and his pitch is split so it sounds like three different people talking at once. Decent enough to listen to if you like horror ambiance noises, but otherwise invest in earplugs.
- Despite having eyes all over his body in that form they aren't really sensitive to pain, nor are they weak points. Stabbing them will only yield about the same reaction as stabbing him anywhere else, and they're no easier to puncture than his skin. Texture and consistency wise they feel almost like cow's eyes that have been preserved in formaldehyde (thanks, middle school biology class). As gross as it seems, gently stroking them will get him to purr. Don't worry about eye juices, they're weirdly dry and rubbery.
- Sometimes he forgets to blink. This is not because he doesn't have to blink, he very much does or his eyes get all scratchy, he's just a dork.
- Can cook average meals but pretty much only makes microwaveable stuff because he does not have his life together.
- Favourite fruit is strawberries, and consequently his favourite flavour ice cream, smoothie, milkshake, etc is all strawberry flavored as well. He's partial to mango too, though.
0 notes
angelamajiki · 3 years
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PARINGS: Shouta Aizawa x Reader
CW: yandere, stalking, rape/noncon, pain kink, pain play, mild scent kink, home invasion, gags, restraints, virginity kink, scumbag aizawa, pet play, humiliation, cum stuffing, fingerings, snowballing, voice kink
SYNOPSIS: You have been calling the same phone sex operator for months, creating stalker and CNC fantasies. What happens when he rings true to his words?
AN: this is very dark, be warned! just had to make a fic out of the little idea I had <3
It’s always you who requests him. He can tell you're a virgin, the way your voice wavers when you feel like responding to him. Sometimes you don’t, letting your breathy moans do the talking for you.
“Good little girl.”
“Getting off to a phone call from your stalker? What a whore.”
“Cum for me, pretty girl.”
”Do you like that, pretty little kitty?”
He never had a knack for giving nicknames, but he had to make it known that he remembers you. Remembers that voice. Hopefully, he’ll be able to remember your body one day.
Tracking you down was easy enough; you didn't bother to block your number and public records was just calling his name. God did he love untouched girls like yourself. So wet and pliant, so easily manipulated, so naive to believe everyone had good intentions.
Cameras were placed around your house so he could watch you when he couldn't hear you. If it was a stalker you wanted, he was going to give it to you.
You called often and asked for him always—such an obedient girl. The live feed from your bedroom streamed in front of him whenever you rang, but he was tired of playing games this week.
“Just look at the way you’re kneading yourself; you like to tease yourself. Don't you, kitty?”
Your breath hitched, but he knew it wasn't from pleasure. Looking around, he chuckled at your confused expression.
“You got a real cute face, you know that kitty? I can't wait to fuck it one day.”
Be rational, you told yourself. Its all part of the fantasy, right? He can’t actually see you.
“That’s a cute bed spread you got there, I didn’t take you for the type who liked lilies. You always keep roses in your kitchen vase.”
Okay, he was definitely listening to you now.
“Say, you live on 14th Street, don't you? Why don't I come down and give you an in person session?”
“What do you say, kitty? Or should I just break in like I always tell you I would?”
The phone hung up after that comment. Sure, you were up to the fantasy of being stalked and raped; that’s why you called him. It was too embarrassing to tell a partner your fantasies, not like you had one. Or roommates for that matter.
His voice is what soothed you after a hard day, but now it kept ringing in your ears. Listening to his breathy chuckles sent shivers down your spine, but you never expected to feel them there.
Three raps came from your bedroom door before it opened. You were buried in your sheets, hopelessly, desperately attempting to be asleep. Like that would stop him.
“I know you're awake.”
An “ah” of realization came from him.
“Unless you sleeping peacefully is part of the fantasy. This is new, but I can indulge you in that kitty.”
The bed dipped and creaked with his weight, fear sinking into your heart further as a hand smoothed itself over your shoulders.
“So tense.” He tutted. “I’ve got something that can help you relax.”
His tongue lapped at the outer shell of your ear; arm slung over your blanketed body.
“Such a naughty girl. Tell me, how many times did you get off to the sound of my voice telling you I was going to take your virginity by force.”
A hand snaked its way up to your throat, squeezing gently enough not to cause pain but enough to cut off part of your air.
“Tell me you want me to rape you, here and now. Or I’ll take you out to the alley and make a display of it.”
His voice barely reached above of a whisper the entire time, the same soft sound he used over the phone. Hot breaths tickled your ear and neck as you squirmed, gasping at straws for air.
“I promise to be gentle; I know you like a tender man who takes what he wants.”
Your throat restricted even more under the hand to the point where you felt light-headed.
“Please!” You gasped, using your nails to scratch at his wrapped fingers. The pressure withdrew.
“Please what, kitty? C’mon, you can do it.”
“P-Please rape me.”
A sharp laugh came from behind you.
“Is that any way to address me? I thought we were using special nicknames here.”
He let you have your moment, apparently amused to see you choke for air as he stroked your back.
“Please rape me...sir.”
“Atta girl.”
The hand made its way back to your throat, only resting there as the thumb stroked over your tender flesh. The other one snuck under the blanket and groped at your chest.
“You're a virgin, aren't you, kitty? Don't worry; your owner is going to talk you through it. Nice and slow so you feel everything I'm giving you.”
Fingers wiggled their way under your bra and began pinching at your nipples, tugging and pulling at the hardening nubs.
“Stop squirming, or I’ll have to tie you up. You'll get your treat soon enough, kitty.”
You yelped after a particularly rough tug, tears springing in your eyes. His one hand managed to rip your bra apart, giving better access to his perverted fingers.
“I know you like it, the way I knead your pretty little breasts. Come, take your clothes off. I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”
Everything came off before he instructed you to stand at the edge of the bed for him. He circled you like a predator, making inspections.
“I have to make sure my kitty is well-groomed and taking care of herself.”
The weight of his hot breath on your skin weighed down on you, pulling you further under his spell. He lifted your arms and smelled your scent.
“Lavender deodorant? What a shame; I wished I could have smelled your natural musk.”
Humiliation flushed your face hot. Disgusting pervert, it seemed he was into everything as long as it wasn't consensual.
“Sit down on the bed, legs spread.”
The baritone of his voice shook you to your core, but not in the pleasurable way you're used to.
“Don't make me ask twice, pet.”
His command was hard to ignore after following them for such a long time; it was practically instinctual to do as you were told. Shaking legs spread as you turned your head to the side. Another tut rolled off his tongue as he gripped your cheeks with one hand.
“Don't turn away from me. I want to see the look in yours when I take you and make you mine.”
You hadn't even realized before that he had brought a bag with him. From it, he took a bar spreader, rope, and a spider gag, all of which he put on you. The gag made your mouth uncomfortably wide, leaving nothing to his imagination.
Rough fingers pull you tongue from your mouth, his own coming down to lick at before spitting down the back of your throat.
You did.
“Good kitty.”
The name didn't comfort you anymore. Nothing about him comforted you anymore. Not his voice, not his nickname, and certainly not his breath, which you felt like was burning all over your body.
“I’m going to be nice and leave your throat alone today. However, if I give you a treat, you will swallow it. Do I make myself clear?”
You nodded, terrified at the notion that he intended to come back after tonight. Crouching down in front of you, he inspected your wet pussy before spitting on it as well. Gingerly moving your lips, he circled your tight hole and stood up.
“That should do.”
Watching him undress himself seemed to make time move slower, knowing that he was about to take your virginity within minutes. His hard cock sprung out from his boxers and hit his happy trail, bobbing slightly against his abs. Not only was this man toned, but he was also huge.
“In we go, kitty.”
Not even taking the courtesy to gather some slick from you, he pushed in, taking his sweet time as he locked eyes with you. He went agonizing slow, grinning as you wailed in pain.
“Hurts, doesn't it? Let's see how painful we can make this.”
You were hardly prepped, only having wetness left behind from your previous phone call. It stung, and it stung bad. Your eyes wept as you looked up at him with a pleading gaze, hoping he would take mercy on you. He did no such thing, pinching your clit between his fingers and rolling it with intense pressure. Moaning, he watched as you convulsed and twitched in pain beneath him.
“Being such a good girl for me, kitty.”
Another glob of spit landed in the back of your throat, making you gasp and choke on your sobs. He loved that you were an ugly, messy crier. It only served to make his dick harder.
Once he bottomed out, he stayed there for a while, letting you feel the fullness of his thick cock.
“The name’s Shouta, by the way. I'm sure you must have been curious.”
He spoke so casually, so calmly. It made you furious how collected he was while you were a whimpering, sniffling mess.
“Don't worry; we’ll have all the time in the world once we’re done to get to know me.”
Goddamn, that voice. That hypnotizing, nauseating voice. It's the reason you're stuck here underneath a fucking phone sex operator that turned out to be your stalker. What a mess.
A tap to the temple pulled you back to the present.
“Keep your focus here, kitty.”
Hips drew back and snapped into you, not letting you take a moment to adjust as he set a brutal speed.
Oh, how you wished you could leave your body, but if anything, your senses were all the more enhanced, taking in every last drop of your surroundings. The sounds of the bed creaking under his pounding, his grunts and breaths, the skin slapping against skin, your own cries of misery. The feeling of his breath, how your once silk sheets now felt like sandpaper across your skin, the metal of your binds, and the burn of your rope. Everything and nothing all at once.
The minutes seemed to draw themselves out into hours as he continued his assault. He, or Shouta, you supposed, wasn't lasting very long. It didn't suit him; he seemed like a man of stamina. Maybe it was because he played out a sick fantasy of his that made him cum in minutes.
Unprotected, he came deep inside you before sliding out, giving your pussy a slap as he made his exit.
“Such a tight little kitty you've got there.”
Fingers at the ready, he stuffed his cum back inside you, toying with your clit all the while. He was quick to make you cum, making you see stars at the intensity of your orgasm.
“Don’t worry; I'll make you cum on my cock next time. I have plenty of games planned for us when I take you home.”
Pulling his fingers out, he pushed them down your throat to clean them before getting up and dressed again. He left you there, tied up and gone without a word.
In reality, he was just getting his car ready for you, but who was he to deny himself the pleasure of seeing your panicked face when he came back?
You were going to make a fine pet for him.
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generalthirst · 2 years
Handwritten Love Letters
Hux x Reader (GN)
Wordcount: 2,364
Warnings: None, lots of fluff, Hux is a hopeless romantic usual in my writing
Just a short little drabble I came up with late one night. I needed some fluff and this is what my brain came up with. OOC? Maybe, but I'm a simp and I love me some soft and secretlyromantic!Hux
You thanked the housekeeping droid in slight confusion as you took the bundle of papers from its robotic hand and closed the door to your room. Housekeeping droids didn’t deliver mail. Mail wasn’t even a thing aboard the ship, everyone simply communicated with their datapads. No one had time for paper letters, let alone affording to have them shipped in with more important supplies, or so you thought.
The droid had briefly mentioned something about doing its scheduled cleaning and finding the letters being addressed to you, thinking they had been intended to be sent and mislaid, so it had taken it upon itself to deliver them. You were honestly too stunned to even contemplate its logic.
Looking over the handful of papers you found no form of address or envelope, simply letters. Some neatly folded, others looked as if they’d been crumpled, attempted to be smoothed out, and then folded. There had to be at least a dozen of them. You decided to unfold one and read it.
‘Dearest’ it began with a scratch through it followed by simply your full name and rank.
I cannot figure out what it is that has happened to me. Admittedly for some time I was only briefly aware of your existence, I saw your face amongst the thousands I come across every other day, and I thought nothing of it. Until now. You probably don't even recall but the day Ren had destroyed another part of the bridge in a fit of rage, I saw you comforting a new officer fresh out of the academy.
You remembered that day well enough. Kylo Ren had gone off on a poor set of equipment after being given the slip by the rebels once again. It had been that poor boy’s very first day on the bridge and he was visibly terrified. You didn’t typically baby your coworkers but you felt he needed it. He had become a good friend to you since then, and those were always good and rare to have in the First Order.
You continued:
I had every intention of reprimanding you for it. But something stuck with me about it so I said nothing. I thought it over for many days, trying to figure out why you puzzled me so, why you refused to leave my mind. Then I came to realize it was that act of kindness, something so rarely given or seen on board this ship. It was a strange conclusion to come to but I could explain it no other way. I mulled over it for many more days. I watched you work with more attention now. I saw how you were with other officers. With stormtroopers. With the droids. You are the only person I have ever seen to praise and pet a MSE droid.
You blushed a bit in embarrassment at that, you didn’t know anyone was watching when that had happened. The poor thing had gotten flipped over by a group of passing troopers. It felt cruel to let it lie there helpless! And it had the politeness to beep at you happily in thanks afterwards too before taking off down the hallway.
I confess I felt you were silly at first. I even contemplated giving you a dishonorable discharge, I felt you had no place on board this ship, let alone in the First Order. But the more I thought about it, the more troubled I became. Something inside of me liked it. Liked seeing you be kind. And the longer I observed your kindness, an even bigger problem arose. I wanted your kindness. I wanted you to show me what that felt like. It still feels stupid to think about, let alone write, and yet… When my mind thinks of you smiling at me warmly, praising me, your gentle touch. Something in my chest goes crazy at the thought.
The letter ended there. No signature or any indication of the author of this apparent love confession. Your face began to heat furiously. You had a secret admirer? It felt so very cliche and yet something in you was enthralled by the notion.
You wracked your brain trying to think of who it could be. Was it someone you knew? It didn’t seem like it since the admirer hadn’t really taken notice of you at the beginning. There was a scent lingering on the papers, like some kind of cologne. It felt vaguely familiar but you couldn’t place your finger on it despite the nagging familiarity in the back of your mind. The penmanship was very neat and clean so you ruled out about 5 officers who COULD have been a potential match. You came up empty trying to guess so you opened the next letter.
I dreamt of you last night. I very rarely remember my dreams if they are pleasant but this one I somehow managed to. For whatever reason it was just the two of us, we were on shore leave on a planet I didn’t recognize. It was a sea of yellow and blue flowers on little rolling hills, bordered by lush forest and a little lake. You were looking around in wonder, the sun gleaming almost as bright as your face. You turned and smiled at me. The smile I’ve always wished you grace your face when you looked at me. And I took your hand and kissed those smiling lips. I woke up happier and sadder than I’ve ever felt simultaneously before.
Your heartstrings were tugged by these revelations. You had no idea anyone thought of you in such a way. The way this person had fallen for you was so poetic and sweet. It felt very uncharacteristic for such a place as the First Order but then again, you didn’t really expect dating to even be an option during your service on board to begin with so you’d never even been trying. Sure a few officers here and there might have attracted your fancy, but it seemed like everyone was just so… cold. You knew it was to be expected being at war and all, but it was as if you officers were expected to be just as emotionless and robotic as the droids who cleaned the ship.
You meandered over to the bed, sitting down on the edge as you rifled through more letters. Each one delving into the mystery person's deepest thoughts about you. A few were in direct response to something they had seen you do, some were outright word vomit on the paper of this person coming to terms with their feelings for you. It seemed they were just as baffled, if not more so. It was as if they were inexperienced with these feelings to begin with, but they seemed to become more and more willing to admit it to themselves as the letters went on. The last letter even toying with the idea of telling you how they felt before suddenly ending with:
But I could never tell you these things, and so I just sit here penning these foolish letters with no intention of them ever seeing the light of day again, let alone being seen by your eyes.
Oh no… that housekeeping droid… it had brought you the letters thinking they were intended for you, yet here the author was admitting that they were simply a way to cope with their emotions and these were never actually for you to see in the first place. You chewed your lip in worry. Surely the mystery person would eventually notice the letters were gone. You had no idea who it might be in the first place so you had no way of coming clean about the situation. Of course you dare not go asking around for fear of either starting rumors or scaring the admirer from ever coming forward. You debated what to even do with the letters anyway. You wish you had gotten that droid's number to ask it to take the letters back, or even who’s room it had found them in to begin with.
You decided to stick them in a drawer for your limited amount of personal trinkets and keepsakes for the time being. You’d have to do some sleuthing and see if you noticed someone on edge. You figured anyone who discovered their secret love letters were missing was bound to get nervous and act funny.
The next day on the bridge you watched everyone like a hawk. The slightest glance your way or idle fidget drew your attention. A couple coworkers seemed to notice something was up and asked if you were ok to have you simply respond with a short yes and no further explanation. For a moment you could have sworn you thought Lieutenant Verca was staring at you but you frowned when you realized he was simply daydreaming and had idly been locked into gazing your direction for five minutes straight. By the time your shift was over you were on edge and slightly disappointed that you’d come no closer to finding out who your secret admirer’s identity was.
You were so lost in fact, that you came around a corner on the way to the mess hall when you bumped into someone else walking at high speed, sending you both flying backwards to the floor.
“Oh Maker I am so sorry!-” You began and nearly choked on your words when you saw the flaming red hair of General Hux. He seemed pissed off for a moment but hisneyes widened at seeing it was you, shaking his head and replacing it with his usual stoic expression.
“It’s quite alright.” Was all he said as you offered your hand to help him up once you’d stood. The close proximity once he stood gave you a view of him you’d never had the pleasure of experiencing before. You’d seen him on the bridge many times, spoken to him a time or two even, but never this close. He’d been unusually absent from the bridge today but that wasn’t entirely unusual either given his hectic schedule and duties.
You went to offer a more professional apology when you suddenly stopped. A strange smell had wafted past your nose. It smelled so… familiar. All of a sudden your brain connected the dots and you locked eyes with him in an audible gasp. His cologne! That was the scent on the letters! You knew you’d smelled it before but you hadn’t ever interacted with him enough to identify the distinct scent.
Your look of shock had him quirk a brow in question at your odd behavior.
“Your cologne… the letters.” You said aloud and suddenly wished you hadn’t. You may as well have just told them man you found pictures of him in skimpy underwear and sent it to every storm trooper with how red his face suddenly flushed. His mouth opened and closed like a beached fish, trying to search for something to say but coming up empty.
“Your cleaning droid!” You hastily explained before he got pissed and had you shot for snooping in his room and stealing. “It showed up at my door yesterday with a handful of letters saying they were for me. It didn’t tell me who it was from.”
Hux looked as if he was ready to launch himself out of an airlock. The poor man was a flustered mix of angry, embarrassed, and who knows what else. He turned from you for a moment, breathing deeply as if trying to collect himself.
“I suppose you read them all?” Was all he said. You almost didn't recognize his voice. It wasn't the confident tone of the leader you’d known him as, but almost a whisper of a man afraid to break the fragile silence. You only nodded and he sucked in a sharp breath before covering his face with a gloved hand.
“I… Had no intention of ever sending those. They were simply a way for me to work through my confusion.” The general began to explain. “I’m sorry you’ve been put in this unprofessional position.” He began but you quickly stopped him by taking his free hand in your own.
“Please don't be sorry. I know I wasn’t supposed to read them but… I was honestly so flattered! I had no idea anyone could ever think of me like that.” You tried to comfort him but were met only with a silent stare. It wasn’t angry anymore. His eyes were roaming your face as if searching for some unspoken answer you were hiding just under the skin.
“I have had these confusing feelings about you for some time now, as you’re already aware.” The hand you were holding tensed. “I know we’ve never even spoken professionally much but… seeing you from afar. I’ve fallen for you in a way I never thought was possible. I understand if it’s uncomfortable for you and if you wish we can pretend this never happened.” His words seemed to trail off after that, unsure how to continue, like he didn’t want that but was willing to respect your decision.
You took a moment to stare back at him. You really knew nothing of the man outside of how he acted as your boss, which wasn’t all that revealing of his personality besides strict and hardworking. You had always found him unbearably handsome but you only let yourself find his appearance aesthetically appealing and refused to think about that anymore. But those letters, they really had let you see a side to the man standing in front of you in a way that you likely would never have gotten to experience before. The cold hearted man you thought you knew was a hopeless romantic deep down, who had come to develop feelings for you by seeing your kindness. There was a soft core underneath the hardened shell of the man anxiously awaiting your response. Swallowing down your own nerves you looked up at him and a wide smile blessed your lips, causing the man to visibly melt at the sight.
“I want to get to know the man behind those letters. I’m willing to give this a shot.”
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wizkiddx · 3 years
work with me
this is for @worldoftom 'lolbrosgetsicktoo' challenge event thing - go check it out bcos lots of much better writers have got involved too✨! I'm v new to these things but I tried :) the prompt was: 'would you quit whining and just get in the bath' . (also look at me acc posting sort of regularly, who'd of thought?!?!)
warnings: sickness / fever (more dramatic than it needs to be) / LOTS of medical inaccuracies
summary: when tom doesn't take advice and ends up very ill, very far from home, there's one person whose stuck dealing with it
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“Please Tom… I need you to work with me!”
It wasn’t his fault he was being a complete nightmare, though your patience was wearing off somewhat.
For context, you were in Morocco, where he had been filming part of his next film, which only made trying to take care of him that bit harder.
Everyone got ill sometimes. It wasn’t his fault.
That was the mantra ringing through your head, even if you had a more challenging time believing it. Tom wasn’t stupid, as much as he liked to joke about it. HOWEVER, what he was less good at was heeding warnings. He was a white boy in Morrocco; the health and safety briefing had literally been aimed at him. Had he taken the advice not to eat any dodgy looking meats at the market?
Of course not; that’d be boring.
Everyone else was fine. You’d all sampled Morroccos culture without giving yourselves the worst case of food poisoning you’d ever witnessed. But not Tom - possibly one of the only ‘indispensable’ people on the set. If you, or one of the minor characters, or even the director, had got ill - the show could continue.
When you’d been rudely awoken by your phone going off, you’d known instantly. It was as if you’d told him not to take a bite out of the weird burger once you were away from the eager view of the street vendor. Sure enough, with bleary eyes, you hissed at the brightness of the phone screen before seeing ‘Tom H’ on the screen.
“Y/n?” His voice was croaky, but just from the single call of your name, it was clear he was feeling sorry for himself.
“Are you okay? It’s late T.”
“Um I… can you come over? You…you might need the key I’m - um- in the bathroom.”
As his stylist, it technically wasn’t part of your job description to also be mother when he was sick, but (unfortunately for you) after the 3 years working side by side with him - you were also friends.
Which you were almost regretting by the second time rinsing the toilet bowl clean after he’d evacuated what seemed to be the majority of his vital organs into it. Honestly, it was impressive how he managed to keep going.
That had been at around 4 in the morning- the doctor had been called at 8, coinciding beautifully with his 5th toilet extravaganza. Once the doctor had confirmed your original, if completely unqualified, diagnosis of food poisoning - you hadn’t been able to bite your tongue. Perhaps an ‘i told you so’ might’ve slipped past your lips, but Tom was a bit too out of it to argue back.
You’d been given firm advice from the doctor - he said little sips of water, rest and control his temperature. It all had seen pretty simple - though the action? Not so much.
It wasn’t his fault, yet Tom was not super compliant. You and Harry had both been taking turns in practically forcing him to take sips of water, having to turn off ‘modern family’ till he did. The blackmail had put you both in his bad book.
Honestly, thank the lord Harry was here too. You’d woken him up at seven, begging for help and since then, you’d tagged teamed. While one was looking after Tom, the other was phoning the director, the doctor, and the crew to inform them of the current situation.
Again, of all people. Why’d it have to be Tom?
Mainly because you knew how mortifying he found this. He didn’t like people fussing over him, never had. He liked to work hard, liked to make people happy - definitely didn’t like to feel a burden. Perhaps what made him feel ten times worse was that he knew he was inconveniencing the whole production team massively.
And yes, as you’d unhelpfully reminded him, it was ‘his fault’.
The lavish hotel room, big bathroom and pretty efficient AC still didn’t manage to mask the pungent in-the-back-of-your-throat smell from the bathroom. At the doctor’s advice, who had been a little concerned at Toms fever, Harry had cranked the AC on high. It had forced you to steal one of Tom’s big hoodies and a pair of joggers- you hadn’t left his room since he first called you, still wearing your tiny pyjama shorts and an old tee.
“Please turn the air con off.” His little voice whined from where he was lying, huddled up under the covers. Perched on the other side of the double bed, but over the covers with your laptop on his lap, you could actually feel him shivering with the chills. It felt like you were torturing the poor boy.
“T you know I can’t. It’ll make your fever worse.” The way he looked up at you, like a little Labrador that you were refusing to pet, actually pained your heart.
Okay, so yes it was his fault, but you weren’t mad, you just felt so awful for him.
“Please I’ll- I’ll pay you more.” His voice was hoarse; though he denied a sore throat, it sounded like the constant sickness was burning his windpipe.
“Tommm” you pouted, sticking your bottom lip out “I don’t want your money, want you to get better.”
Apparently giving up, brown eyes shot you the filthiest look in disappointment, rolling to face away from you. You thought he was giving you the silent treatment in a huff, but instead, he was praying on the weaker one.
“Harry, I’ll buy you that set of golf clubs-“
“NO!” You had to interrupt before Harry would say yes - because from the way his younger brother shot up from the arm chair, he was about to. Scowling eyes slowly focused back on you in annoyance, making you huff - shutting the laptop and kneeling on the bed to face him. After pressing the back of your palm to his forehead, which was scorching hot, you sighed. “I know you feel shitty and I’m so so sorry but I’m trying to make you better. So shut up, drink this and go to sleep!”
Like a child scorned, you received another death glare however, then he complied, taking a sip of the water you offered before lying back - huddling even tighter.
And it had been relatively peaceful for a few hours; Tom seemed to be getting some sleep - even if he was tossing and turning. Eventually, a prescription that the doctor had requested worked its way through the system, Harry getting a text to say he could go pick it up. The nearest pharmacy was probably a 30 minute drive from the hotel, so he left as soon as.
This left you alone with Tom, where the situation only descended into more chaos.
Almost as soon as Harry had left, Tom had stirred with a grunt. All it took was one look at his face for you to know. Both of you leapt up and flew into the toilet, Tom once again getting very familiar with the Moroccan toilet bowl.
This time though, when he had leant backwards, he’d sort of lost control and flopped most the way - you catching him before he could hit his head on the tiled floor.
“Woah, easy there!” It wasn’t like he’d passed out, but the look in his eye as he slumped into your lap… he wasn’t all there either. “Hey Tom… you with me? Tom?”
Lazily he blinked up at you, not really replying except for groans of half-formed words.
Deciding this had all got a bit direr, you almost sprinted back into the room, grabbing your phone and returning. He was still on the floor, his thumb and first finger pressing into each eye - groaning again.
“Hey Tom? I’m gonna call the doctor you need anything?” He whined in response, stopping only when you stroked his sweaty hair back, most of your attention on dialling the correct number.
The solution he’d given wasn’t pretty: Tom’s fever was too high hence why he was all woozy and groany. Until the doctor could get over with the stronger medications, you needed to lower his temperature in other ways or take him to hospital. He’d absolutely hate hospital, but the other choice? Boy, was he not going to like it either.
Ignoring Tom’s croaked question of what you were doing, you busied yourself switching on the bath taps. You let the water run until it was the right (very mild) temperate, then turned back to Tom, who’d managed to work himself up to sit against the sink unit.
“The doctor says you need it.” His brain was foggy, his mind was slow but your tone told him enough to know something was wrong with the bath. “Just take your clothes off and then I’ll help you-“
“Absolutely fucking not.” Good. He was still with it enough to argue.
“I am just as uncomfortable as you are Tom, but we both know you can’t stand up without fainting, so you are going to need my help.”
“Keep your boxers on and it’s just like a fitting! I’ve seen you have those before!”
It was clear as day just how emasculated he felt, especially because he knew you were right. Sitting up at this current moment was a push; there was no way he was getting in the bath without some help. Defeatedly he nodded, but gave you a piercing look to turn around before he started wiggling himself out of the flannel pyjama trousers and light cotton t-shirt. Most confusingly, he still felt freezing cold, yet he had long since learned not to argue with you - especially when your justification came from the advice of a doctor.
Your cue to turn around came in the form of an extra angry-sounding grunt- the look you got when you did wasn’t much better either. It was a weird contrast, though, having someone who physically appeared so indestructible (a superhero for crying out loud); to have been absolutely beaten to a pulp by a few mouth fulls of weird meat. You had seen his bare torso before, although it still wasn’t something easy to get used to - making you clench your teeth together just slightly. A very welcome view.
Perhaps you looked just a little too long at the man who was technically your boss, hunched angrily on the floor in nothing but his calvins - another grunt shaking you out of it. By now, the bath was almost full and you hurried to shut off the water, feeling your cheeks heat up as you cursed silently to yourself.
“Okay come on, gimme your arm.” Begrudgingly Tom followed your request, slinging his arm heavily over your shoulder as you crouched beside him. As strong as he looked, you knew right now he felt powerlessly weak - all that muscle was just going to be almost dead weight.
Now it was your turn to grunt and groan as you pulled Tom up to stand, him focusing on blinking away the headrush he got.
“Come on T work with me here.” Getting him to the side of the bath wasn’t too difficult, the issue came when he stepped with one foot into the bath and yelped, instantly withdrawing as if it was a literal ice bath.
The sudden movement had you both losing balance, ending with Tom sitting on the edge of the bath and you leaning over him, in between his legs, and slapping your hand on the wall opposite purely so you both didn’t end up in the bath.
“It’s like ice water!”
“Its lukewarm like the doctor said!”
“It is not its from the fucking arctic!”
“Oh for god sake!” Exasperated, you paced up and down the bathroom shaking your head at his ridiculousness. This was ALL. HIS. FAULT.
You came back to him with an ultimatum.
“It’s this or the doctor said I had to drag your ass to hospital.”
“Nooooooo.” The 25 year old seemed to convert into a whiny three year old again.
“Those are the two options. So will you PLEASE quit complaining and get in the bath.”
Keeping up the toddler persona, Tom huffed but reluctantly nodded in agreement - you had come up trumps. It didn’t stop him yelping when you helped to lower him in. His breath was shaky, as a response to the ‘cold’, but he was firming it. At least when you felt his forehead after a couple of minutes, it certainly seemed as though the fever was starting to ease off .
“You can go if you want.” His voice was murmured and as you looked up at him, he did his very best to avoid your gaze.
“Not a chance, if you drown on my watch, Nikki will never forgive me.” At the very least he seemed to appreciate your joke, scoffing a little with a small nod. “If you don’t want me here I get it. As soon as Harry’s back, I’ll swap with him.”
“No! It’s not that its… I’m just an ass when I’m ill.”
“A self aware ass, though.” Again he chuckled a little, as you folded your arms on the edge of the porcelain tub, resting your head lying to one side. “You had me pretty scared there for a moment, you know?”
He nodded a little, creating a wave of ripples in the water which you watched to avoid his gaze - which you knew was tracing all your features inquisitively.
“Hey it’s in the job description, always a bit dramatic... I’m sorry though I should never of called you- don’t know why I didn’t just get Harry.” In response you tutted, taking a moment to lean up and push his sweaty curls back a bit.
Just because you could, it was allowed in this moment.
“’m glad you did.”
“Yeh me too” He sighed, eyes fluttering shut in the easy silence of the bathroom. You kept a vigilant eye on him for the next 20 minutes, checking the temperature of his forehead using the back of your hand, whilst he seemed to finally get a bit of proper restbite, appearing like the worst had passed. You had no idea what was taking Harry so long; in fact it was the doctor that arrived first- who you ran to let in (not wanting to leave Tom asleep in the bath one bit).
Whilst the doctor did all his checks, taking his temperature properly this time, satisfied that it was much more manageable. He still wanted to set him up with some oral rehydration rescue packs to get his hydration status a bit better and give some anti-sickness tablets and antipyretics.
Having actually been getting some rest before all the prodding and poking, Tom was back to being a grumbling dick - now not wanting to leave the bath (the irony was real - making you roll your eyes). Once again, he appeared embarrassed to have you see him like this, so you left the doctor to help him get out and changed- instead going down to reception to get a fresh set of sheets, as he’d done a pretty impressive job of sweating through the old ones.
Even if tired and grumpy, when Tom exited the bathroom, he looked much better - he was walking himself without the doctor’s help. Which honestly was such a relief because when he had passed out on you, you genuinely were terrified. Thankfully the doctor stayed for the next 20 or so minutes, which was just when Harry returned with a bag of medications - which were now wholly redundant, given the doctor had already supplied everything.
“What happened?” Harry asked you in a hushed voice, whilst Tom was distracted with getting his medications. Recounting the story of Tom pretty much passing out, Harry grimaced for you, then launching over to give you a tight hug.
“Are you okay?” That was a novel idea, you hadn’t really thought about yourself at all - but honestly, you were a bit shaken, having been running on adrenalin for most of the night.
“I-uhm… yeh I think so… just-just was a bit scared, I guess? Felt bad too because he didn’t want me there but-“
“I can promise you Y/n, he did want you there. Just probably embarrassed he wasn’t all manly and that…” With a nod, you smiled softly at the frizzy-haired boy.
Whilst working with Tom, it also meant getting pretty close to his younger brother. The two Hollands were almost attached at the hip, which you were very much okay with.
It was weird though... your relationships were completely different. Harry was just your brother, through and through. He wound you up like a sibling but also knew you as if he had your whole life. With Tom… it wasn’t that. Arguably, you were closer to Tom, but on a different level. It was more exciting, more nerve-wracking and heartwarming all at the same time. Honestly, you couldn’t get your head around it properly.
“Hey, you’re probably shattered. Why don’t you go back to your room and get some sleep? I got it in here.” You knew Hary was trying to offer something nice, and now all the excitement had worn off, you were unbelievably shattered. But you didn’t like the idea of not being there, as a just in case.
“Uhm, I think I might just stay, you know?” And he did, with a deliberate, knowing smile, he nodded.
He knew you were worried. He knew Tom had really really scared you. He also knew how much you cared about his brother.
Just like how Harry knew Tom wanted you there, even if he felt embarrassed. Well, anyone would- when you are passing out half-naked in front of the one person that really matters.
It was just at this point that the doctor was done, giving Harry instructions about the rest of the day, when you made a beeline for the bed. Tom was propped up against the headboard, still with a pale sullen look and tired eyes, but a bit less clammy and more human. He cracked a smile as you crawled up onto the other side of the bed, kneeling next to him.
“How’re you doin’?”
“All drugged up, just feel fucking exhausted.” Instinctively you reached up to feel his forehead, really appreciating the fact it felt almost normal.
“Join the club mate, I had a 5am wake up call too.” You almost whispered, intending to make Tom laugh, but instead only getting a pout.
“I am sorry, a-are you going to go back to your room?”
“Nah” Tom’s eyes didn’t light up, except the fact that they very much did. “Can’t trust you not to get into trouble while I’m gone Holland.”
“Thanks.” He laughed weakly before shimmying down on the bed, so he was much more comfortable. “And thankyou, I-I’m sorry I’m a dickhead and made your life-“
“Shut up Tom!” Laughing, you lightly slapped his arm, also leaning down on the bed, so you were lying facing him. “You’re all feverish; go to sleep before you say something stupid.”
There was a long pause, Tom just gazing deep into your eyes, because he was pretty sure what he was thinking was nothing to do with the dodgy unidentified meat he’d had the evening before.
“What... like asking you out?”
“Maybe that wouldn’t be so stupid.”
~~~~im really not sure how I feel about this one, let me know what you thought ;) ~~~~
tagging: @lovehollandy12 @hallecarey1 @crossyourpeter@hollandfanficlove
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