#Are they that similar or is this is people act when they're super deep in love
gayemeralds · 2 years
important question: what are your top 5 favorite qualities of sonic’s character?
rattling you like a snow globe i am. OOOOOOOH i love sonic's character so much let's see (in no specific order)
1) moral ambiguity
sonic's not a typical goody-two shoes protagonist and i think that's super interesting, especially considering how his other "rival" video game protagonists at the time (like link and mario, etc) were. sonic's not a very cut ad dry character- he is a simple guy, sure, but when you start to peel away at some of his layers.... he's a lot more nuanced than you're lead to believe
sonic's very much a live by my own rules sort of person. and while his rules sort of match up to him being the good guy, it doesn't always make him "heroic". he killed king arthur under the complete understanding that king arthur was a real person. he kills erazor djiin. he encourages elise to kill solaris. sonic's not afraid to fight dirty, and he's not afraid to get his hands dirty when the situation calls for it.
most protagonists are more of a "we have to save everyone" or "if we kill the bad guy we're just as bad as them" type. but i think sonic specifically is interesting, because he does help some overcome their misdeeds- like knuckles, shadow, silver- but ultimately it's because those people weren't that bad in the first place. they were misguided and manipulated and confused. if they had a full grasp of the situation at hand, chances are, they would have chosen a different path. and even if they didn't, they still showed the potential for true growth.
but for a lot villains that are simply plain evil... sonic doesn't seem to particularly hesitate. sonic's attack in satbk would have undoubtedly killed merlina- he didn't know her well enough to assume that she could choose a different path, and was willing to act first and talk later, knowing he wouldn't be able to talk her out of it.
not even with eggman. he was going to let his counter part in satsr fall to his death, until shahra convinced him not to. he's used excessive lethal force before, especially in the classic games. and then of course there's the implications that sonic lets eggman get away because he finds their adventures fun. like yes, sonic's going to stop him- everything eggman does is against his principles. so sonic's going to fight him. but sonic is also a thrill seeker and a daredevil, and wouldn't life be quite dull without eggman?
2) villainous qualities
it sort of ties into sonic's more moral ambiguity but i think sonic's interesting because a lot of his qualities, depending on the framing, could be quite villainous in nature. a guy who chases after adventures, who fights just for the thrill of it, who's stubborn and doesn't ever compromise, who lives life by his own rules and doesn't care if the breaks other peoples rules?
if sonic ever chose to be a villain... he'd make a pretty good one. he has a different set of morals than others and he doesn't like compromising on his beliefs. he thinks he's right, so he's going to act on it. and quite a few sonic villains share a similar point of view- that their revenge, that their opinion, is correct, and they have no intention on listening to anyone else's.
additionally... sonic's not particularly shy with manipulating those around him. you can see this characteristic plainly in sonic x and idw, where sonic manipulates his friends into trying to get him off a boat and shadow into not killing eggman.
deep down, sonic isn't that much different from rouge, for instance. they're both thrill seekers who don't compromise on their beleifs and are, in some senses, quite selfish. they're very self driven and independent and are great manipulators. the only difference between the two of them is that sonic seems to have a bit more compassion. they're two sides of the same coin.
3) environmentalist
i kind of miss the messaging of the older games... sonic was always invested in maintaining the beauty of the natural world around him. he fights a villain who essentially pollutes just for the heck of hit. he started this heroing gig with little more motivation than protecting his woodland animal friends and their homes.
it wasn't always about gods and the hubris of men pretending to be them. at the very beginning, it was just about protecting a tiny island in the middle of the ocean and the little critters who lived there.
it's also interesting to note how this can translate to other scenarios, like with merlina. she wanted to go against the natural order of things, she wanted to try to create an eternal kingdom- sonic saw through her selfishness and also tried to convince her that some things just were meant to end. and sometimes you just have to enjoy it as it was.
4) kindness
i think the last point also segways into sonic's kindness- again, sonic didn't necessarily start this mission to save the world. sonic did this to save those little animal friends. he stepped up to the plate and challenged a mad scientist armed with thousands of robotic drones and fought him.
i think the best instance of his kindness is in sonic 06, where that same compassion actually causes the end of the world. sonic's insistence on helping elise, and not just saving her but getting her to smile, ends up dooming the world. he forms a bond so strong with her in the small amount of time they'd been together that seeing him die causes elise to cry for the first time in ten years. it's his death that sets causes the apocalypse, all because he was compassionate.
it's this kindness, too, that i think adds more nuance to his character. because sonic is at his core a devil may care daredevil, who only does what he thinks is right, and who only does things for the fun and the thrill of it. but its not entirely true, because sonic will go above and beyond the demands of the situations he finds himself in.
saving tails from his bullies? sure. he doesn't believe in oppressors of any form. but then essentially adopting that kid and letting him tag along on adventures, despite his solitary nature and unwillingness to settle down or be tied down? not necessary. saving angel island and giving knuckels abck his master emerald? well, he can't just let eggman win. befriending knuckles after? not necessary. helping shahra stop erazor djinn from devastating the arabian nights? well it's not like he's got anywhere else to be at the moment and it looks like a fun challenge. promising to get shahra to smile and taking the hit for her? not necessary. defeating merlina after she shows her true colors? it's what he thinks is the right thing to do, and her disregarding the natural order of things is just plain wrong. but trying to console her after they attempted to kill each other? unnecessary.
sonic is a bizarre juxtaposition of selfish and selfless. he's here to have fun and constantly seeks out danger, but he's not just willing to save the world- he's also here to help you smile.
5) subversion from usual "speed types"
sonic's also interesting to me in a sense that he's not really your average speedster, personality wise. yes, sonic can get impatient, and he that can lead to him being reckless, but for the most part... sonic isn't afraid of taking things slow and steady sometimes.
sonic's hobbies outside of fighting bad guys include reading, looking at pretty natural landscapes, and snoozing. when he's not fighting a bad guy he travels the world but otherwise has some pretty mundane, rather slow hobbies.
think of the usual speedster archetype- fast talking, always on the move, never sits still, chatty and friendly and kind of annoying.
and sonic can be all those things, but sonic's also allowed to be pretty slow. he's allowed to laze around and read a book or take a long nap. he's allowed to be solitary and non-social and quiet. he knows how to slow down and smell the roses. he knows to appreciate the moments he's got.
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raayllum · 7 months
Callum 🤝 Stoick
“For you, my dear, anything.”
Everyone loves to draw comparisons between Callum and Hiccup (when they’re pretty fundamentally different people beyond the obvious surface level similarities) but sleep on this comparison! Love it
Gonna go on a deep dive cause Hiccup is one of my favourite characters ever but I've never written meta about him so
In some ways, Hiccup and Callum are similar - especially in terms of how they present. They're both goofy, more than a little awkward, deeply curious and compassionate, extremely loyal once you've earned/have their loyalty, a bit flighty and sometimes focused too much on the big picture in lieu of missing the little things. They both grew up feeling like the wrong fit for their environment/culture and it takes bonding with a mysterious, dangerous enemy and subsequent life changing adventure for them to start figuring out where they belong (and how). I think they'd get along splendidly and would absolutely show off flying tricks
However, they are also radically different, mostly because Hiccup is far more rebellious (and particularly in early HTTYD1) far more selfish than Callum is.
Due to a vicious cycle of "I want to prove myself to the village" -> "I mess up" -> "Village is annoyed by me" and a lack of other tangible options of places and circumstances to go into, Hiccup is about as bullheaded as it gets. Even before he meets Toothless, he's not super concerned about being a Viking according to his people's standards, and we don't know if he actually tried at being a traditional Viking very hard before he switched to machinery and inventing (I've also leaned towards not, but that's up for interpretation). He simply wants them to recognize that he can be a Viking, too, by his own standards - and in some ways better and more effectively than they can because he's using his smarts and not just his ('nonexistent') brawn. He's effectively beholden to no one but himself, especially since his relationship with his father is so strained and Gobber does his best, but is understandably not a perfect substitute / cannot be everything a 15 year old boy needs or wants to have socially. This is also why Stoic's scoldings are so ineffective, because pre-Toothless Hiccup doesn't really care that much if he royally mucks things up for the Village time and time again if it's in pursuit of praise/recognition - which is not entirely unreasonable (we all want attention/positive reinforcement) particularly for a teenager, but it is short sighted and immature.
Then he meets Toothless, and learns 1) how to put something and someone else heavily above his own wants & needs, and 2) how to contribute to the village in a way that would be beneficial for everyone, not just the people (beginning of the movie)/himself, or for the dragons/himself (when he was planning to run away), but for all of them, irregardless of himself. This journey is ultimately what's culminated in the third movie by finally living up to his father ("How do you become someone that great, that brave, that selfless?") by willing to do with Toothless what Stoic was willing to do with him: to let him go, so that he'd be Safe. The first thing Hiccup ever did, that set him on an entirely new path after all, was to set a dragon free. I always thought it was very fitting that was his final act as well.
And it's this journey from selfish slightly sarcastic but intelligent, sympathetically immature teenager to a wiser, selfless, less independent but more reliable adult, aided by the events of the films, the memory/inspiration of his father, everything about Toothless and his love/support of Hiccup, and Astrid being about as devoted to Berk as it gets (which is absolutely something Hiccup needs) that allows him to be a great Chief. He's able to put the greater good of his family and people above what he may personally want in the short term ("I was so busy thinking about the world that I wanted, I didn't think about what you needed") to prioritize his goals in the long term ("And we'll guard the secret until the time comes that dragons can return in peace").
And due to all of this, Callum starts out in a fundamentally different place, because he always has an internal and externally imposed responsibility from the start: Ezran. "Take care of your brother," are Harrow's final, parting words to him, after all, and we see Callum take this with him throughout the series, whether it's trying to be assassinated in Ezran's place, promising to return and help him once Zym is brought home, or rushing to defend him when he thinks there's another plot against the king. This is also where we see Callum's selective loyalty creep in. While Callum would make a great general due to his tactician skills and ability to think ahead, he is ultimately too reckless and obsessive to make a good king - or in the Hiccup comparison, Chief. Although both are leadership roles, having Ezran / others there to temper him occasionally as a general is crucial - he needs that safety net (or someone to tell him to keep his eyes on the road) which him being the final authority on the throne would not provide ("I may be queen but even I can't stop those two when they've set their minds on something") that not being on the throne can marginally provide. This is also one of the reasons why I don't think either Callum or Rayla are really suited to a long term life at court / as royalty, but post for another day <3
Callum also has more of a temper and more of a nasty temper toward his loved ones as well that Hiccup really doesn't have a shred of - he'll be sarcastic and a bit snippy but he'll never aim for the jugular, y'know? (Hiccup is also more marginally prone to self blame probably because he's grown up enough to take full responsibility for his actions after a childhood of mostly shirking/dismissing them, but like side tangent)
So like Callum's consistent sense of responsibility keeps him tempered and more mild mannered and less rebellious (and him and Harrow have a much better relationship than pre-HTTYD1 Hiccup and Stoick, which absolutely helps; each may have resembled each other more in HTTYD2 esque dynamic if Harrow had lived to see Callum mature / grow into himself a bit more) but also leaves him far more selectively loyal / focused on his own bubble most of the time.
Like Hiccup is just loyal enough (aided by Astrid) to his People to like be able to do the ins and outs and enjoy it overall? And I've never gotten the same sense from Callum at any point in the series (which "I'm beholden to my inner circle, not some silly kingdom" - thank you TOX). And I do think the way Callum would want to change the world is more magic based - teaching other people how to connect and harness magic - is more in line for him overall but again: post for another day (and we'll have to see where canon goes). Because of Toothless, Hiccup's bubble expands to Astrid and the gang and his father, fully, and stays expanded; Toothless gave him the family & support he needed to no longer need Toothless to stay in the same manner. For Callum, his bubble is Ezran, expands to Rayla as well over the course of arc 1 at first because of Ezran and because of their own bond - and it doesn't really expand with the same intensity to basically anyone else (see Callum being worried, sure, about Soren in 4x06/4x07 but also a lot more focused in general in how Soren's absence is affecting Rayla and thereby focusing on reassuring her)
Callum is also just way more of a loose canon, at least to me. Trying out the lightning spell just because in 1x05 with no safety net, staying way too long at the Great Bookery in 5x04 when they absolutely could've just come back after stopping Aaravos and co., and again: he just has an edge to him that Hiccup doesn't? It's hard to describe and I don't think there's necessarily a reason behind besides "they're two different characters with accordingly different characterizations" but I can't see Hiccup doing dark magic or being tempted by it - even if it was to save Toothless, or something? He's just too much of a bleeding heart/animal lover and a lot more Ezran on that level
Long characterization aside, I actually think Rayla and Hiccup are probably more similar in that rebellious / witty streak to your disappointed more restrictive tougher mentor (Runaan, Stoick) but that Callum 100% has Stoick's devotion to Valka down pat. "For you my dear, anything," the slow approach in asking but not assuming she'll be his wife again, the forgiveness and understanding of Valka and Rayla staying away all that time, the "I don't want another. Your mother was the only woman for me. She was the love of my life" excuse me while I go cry.
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deadbydad · 1 year
Dead Opinions: Character - Nimbus (Destiny 2)
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Nimbus was introduced to players in the new expansion for Destiny 2 Lightfall, and there are tons of mixed opinions of this character.
Nimbus is a Cloud Strider, protector of Neomuna, a city in Neptune.
I, personally, love Nimbus.
They have a nice and wonderful personality.
They're also the first (I think) non-binary character in the Destiny franchise.
I do want to address a certain topic of discussion that has been going around about Nimbus.
'Nimbus is just a fill in character for Cayde-6.'
'Nimbus is a Cayde-6 copy.'
Now I disagree with all of these ideas or opinions.
Nimbus definitely has some similarities to Cayde-6, like some of their personality or the way they handle certain situations, but even with those, those make Nimbus more different and makes them their own character. Not some Cayde-6 copycat or fill in.
The character is very optimistic. They like to focus on the good and positive things in life and always has a joke to lighten the mood. Nimbus uses humor during certain situations, such as Rohans death.
Rohan was Nimbus mentor and best friend. He was different from the other character, he was serious about the jobs they did and was careful and always had a plan and a backup plan. Yes Nimbus was like this in some ways, they would use humor and joy more.
A lot of people thought it was rude that Nimbus seemed to just move on from Rohans death, as if they just forgot about their old friend, as if they didn't think he was important.
Nimbus used jokes and humor to cope with Rohans death, at least to me that's what they were doing. I do that a lot too. Deep down Nimbus was affected deeply by Rohans death, and it was obvious in their tone in the missions after the death of his friend.
Nimbus didn't forget about Rohan, didn't act like his death wasn't for nothing. No, they mourned differently than most characters in the game. To me, I think they thought that Rohan wouldn't want the grief and sadness and pain that his death left affect Nimbus and the mission to protect the Veil. And they were right, in my opinion.
Yes the character is really happy and positive, but they also show that they are ready to fight until they die to protect the people of the city and the ones they care about.
And at the end of Lightfall, we see that Nimbus had made a grave or memorial for Rohan.
"Today we suffer so that tomorrow can live on."
To me, what Nimbus meant when they said this, was that they would mourn their friend but won't let them stop him or distract them from their job. But they would still remember Rohan as a friend, partner, mentor, and family.
Now I could be wrong, probably am, but I do believe that that was what Nimbus meant by that phrase.
I think Nimbus gets too much hate. They aren't a Cayde-6 copy, they do care about some ones death even though they use humor, they do act like the situation is important.
They are different than a lot of characters and it's nice to see a character that uses humor and looks at the positive instead of the negative in life, but they're still able to act serious if needed. They're kind and thoughtful in their own way, and super cool with their abilities. They're new, and that's a good thing.
So I give Nimbus a 9/10.
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disciple-of-frost · 22 days
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Okie dokie then... (0 A 0)
Also! I'm just going to be answering these as a comprehensive list and not send out more. I'm really really sorry, I just don't want to send more to people I might have already sent this to. Just know I appreciate each and every one of you and my inbox/messages are always open if you want to chit chat more!
Also Also! I'm just going to be answering 12 things that make me happy, a nice happy medium also cuz my brain like to freeze up whenever I try to think about myself and my interests. (T _ T)
1.) My mutuals OCs! Seeing the love poured into each character and the unique takes everyone has done to fit MSQ/character dynamics to them is so cool! I know we aren't all a hivemind and we won't like all of the same characters, but seeing you all uplift and be supportive to one another helped me be more open and post about Ishi.
2.) Coffee. I am a caffeine fiend and I have done my damnedest to recreate a lot of the drinks Starbucks has released at home. And I will say, I make a mean Lavender Cream Matcha. If you think you can't make something like that I'd say don't be afraid to try. You might surprise yourself.
3.) Monster High. I was in high school in conservative, small town nowhere when they first released and my parents didn't feel the need to buy things that weren't necessities. So now that I'm an adult and enjoying things I never got the chance to when I was younger I have 5 Draculauras hanging up in my bedroom.
4.) My cats. I know I said Animals already in another post, but I don't care. I have four fur babies and they are so special to me, I'm currently living in a really small semi-beaten up apartment because any houses for rent where I am have pet limits and I am not going to abandon two of my cat's just so I can live in a slightly nicer but exceedingly more expensive house. It's not a perfect place to live by societal standards, but it's ours and my boys are everything to me.
5.) Music. I am expanding my music horizons, but for the most part I still listen to a lot of the music I did as a teenager. Linkin Park, Killswitch Engage, Sevendust, Breaking Benjamin, etc. But I do try to find more independent artists that emulate a similar sound to my old favorites; Mallavora, From Ashes to New, Aviators, Magnolia Park.
6.) Gonna move away from physical/material things for a sec. That feeling you get when you get done cleaning a room and you sit down, take a deep breath, and just smell the clean.
7.) The satisfaction of finding a new recipe and nailing it on the first/second try.
8.) Seeing people be kind. I know there are horrible things happening in the world right now, but seeing seemingly small acts of kindness get's me teary eyed. A person rescuing goose eggs from a pond and returning them to their nest. A man picking up trash from a forest creek. Somebody getting gifted a plane ticket to go see their family in another country or having a family member show up to surprise them. I'm honestly getting misty eyed just typing this out. I'm just a really emotional/sentimental person.
9.) The fact that I have been able to keep a single plant alive for more than a week. My partner and I got a potted plant at a baby shower for his boss almost a year ago and that little guy is still kicking.
10.) Giving compliments to people when I'm out in public. I never got a lot of positive affirmation as a kid so whenever I see someone being unabashedly themselves and just wearing their style proudly I like to let them know they look good and that they're killing it.
11.) Finishing a game that had me emotionally invested. Lookin' at you Persona 3: Reload.
12.) Seeing my friends in person after not hanging out in a while. Being an adult can be lonely and people have responsibilities in their own lives that they have to put first before leisure and friends. So actually finding time to be together with the people I love and being able to hug them is super important to me.
Okay then. That's about it for now, if I do get another one of these I'll try my best to list a few more.
Thank you to @paintedscales, @shadesofblades, @myreia, @draconian-empress, and @corsair-kovacs! 💙
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buckxasher · 2 months
"Hello, hello Mezanmi! I'm Asher, you may know. You're here to have a chat? Heavens to betsy, might I say, you look wonderful. Take a swig, It's a pleasure to meet you darling! What exactly are you here for?" Read More ;
CHARACTER INFO ; ? Name _ Asher ? Demon / Animal Species _ White tailed deer + Aphrosidiac Siren, Sinner ? Cause of Death _ Bow to the heart INFORMATION OF LIFE ; Residing down in the open home of New Orleans, Louisiana, Asher, living with his older brother, Alastor, and their parents, was one of the many talks of the town. Not only was his family well-known, due to his brother's frequent radio broadcasts, but also due to their open-minded charisma and kindness among citizens. Although heavily discriminated against for being male and dressing like that of a woman, Asher, taking after his mother, always kept his chin high and a smile on his face. As people began to disappear throughout the area, and widely spread after, it didn't take long for Asher to start having suspicions, and - being the curious man he is - just couldn't keep his nose to himself. After witnessing his brother hiding a body, it became a secret between the two, as he offered to help his brother from then on out. They were close — extremely close, to the point where if one went down, the other did as well. That "strength" in bond between brothers also proved to be a weakness, as more heads started getting raised as bodies began to pile up more and more within the state. While it was Alastor's mistake, Asher took the blame, and met his unfortunate end to the people whose work he got in the way of. His death wasn't quick, nor did the assassinator try and make it that way, for his big brother held his cold, bloody body in his arms. "Smile," Asher whispered; "for mama." before taking his last breath in the human world. RELATIONSHIPS ; Velvette _ His boss almost. But they're best friends, super close! He loves her style, her sass, and her confidence. Works as a mannequin for her company with the Vees. Vox _ Strained, not very fond of him. But rather, he's not very fond of Asher. Thinks his suits are just so tacky! No one likes a fellow with such a dasteredly frown. But far, he doesn't care to remember their conversations. Valentino _ His partner. Though originally seduced into his grasp, has grown very close. Thinks he's an interesting fellow, and loves his style. Not appreciative of some of his work, but who couldn't go for some trouble? Alastor _ His brother. When alive, they were so very close. Unbreakable, even to the point of sacrifice. They are very similar in their personas. However, in the pit of fire, Alastor doesn't even know he exists! Yet. Carmilla / Zestial _ Came across them a few times in Overlord meetings, thinks they've got spunk! But doesn't know them too well.. Lute _ She's too uptight for him! Never a smile, never a chuckle. And that bob is hacked! One look, and he knew he wouldnt stand next to her by a second of choice. Adam _ Though he is a bit of an ass, and so disrespectful, Adam puts on quite a show! Quite the funny guy, despite his bickering. Gives good conversation and a good chuckle. Charlie _ She reminds him a lot of like someone he used to love very much. He likes her personality, loves her positivity, even though her morale could use a boost occasionally. Watches her from the Vee's cameras in admiration Lucifer _ Woooh.. What a piece of work! Not to judge, oooh not to judge but.. He's got quite a problem. Rosie _ Love her, she's a doll! Started to chat, and instantly became friends. Common nature, looooves to gossip, and run musically with the people of Cannibal-town. Angel Dust _ Likes him, thinks he's a sweetie deep down. Loves his confidence, and feels empathy for him deep down because of Valentino's sick acts. Nifty _ Oh no. Noo, no, no. That's a bug. A teeny bug, that needs to be squashed. So violent! Sir Pentious _ Doesn't know much, just acquaintanced. Thinks he's quite a.. silly guy. Husker / Cherri / Vaggie _ Doesn't know much, or doesn't care to remember. Rushjobs.
PERSONALITY ; A very smart and perspective person; very attentive to detail, BUT, in true younger sibling fashion, is a fucking bastard. More impatient than Alastor, and, more judgemental too. He's kind, but can come across as (un)intentionally sassy, sarcastic even. Gets bored easily if whatever's being discussed isn't to his immediate interest. Has seductive nature, almost naturally around those he seeks to bring close. Very nosey, and a confident jazzy proper boy.
Extra fun facts ; Detachable head. Bisexual, taller than Alastor, a bit shorter than angel. 8'3. A masculine, deeper voice. A white fluffy tail short tail, and two long ears. Has big buck antlers he chooses to hide, making him look like a simple fawn. He has scales, and siren features as well.
OTHER OCS ; @zxphyrxne - Found her signing contracts while at his partners quarters, and has been interested in her ever since. Just what's behind that hidden eye or that cold smile? When arriving at the hotel, spends most of his time observing her, instead of his subjects. How interesting. @mooningstar - First met when he arrived at the Vee's quarters, they only talked few times each day, as Asher isn't good with. Nicer folks. But when arriving at the hotel, observes him more often. VOX certainly doesn't deserve him. (out of blog roleplays included)
MAIN/OTHER ACCOUNTS - @absolutemeatrider , @halloweenrazorcandii
Special Thanks to my friends for indulging in these with me <3 @anonbinaryweirdo @anonoob
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@anonbinaryweirdo art credit <3 love you.
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aliusworld · 2 months
REL:LY / Magic Words / LSG ✶
Aqua Hoshino x Reader
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This is PART THREE, check out other parts in the link below!
REQUIEM: Sixth New Genesis!
What's to come: [Reader likes both genders], [Aqua x Reader], [Akane x Reader]
[Songs of the chapter: "MANNEQUIN" by Deco*27, "Parasol Cider" by Nanahoshi Orchestra, "Nonsense Bungaku" by Eve]
[7,531 words]
It's been a few days since the video was posted. Multiple news websites were talking about it, people online were harassing others about it, even people in real life were talking about it. Even though Akane doesn't want to be the face of the news so soon, it's shining a better light on her. She is a victim of the internet and she'll never have that innocence back, but she's a lot better now.
Akane has been showing up on set more often now, you cling onto her like there's no tomorrow when she stays. Honestly, when she first came back, you swear you could feel your eyes watering, but that isn't important. What is: is that Aqua gave Akane an important suggestion. "Try acting, be someone who you aren't to protect yourself. Separate this show from your real self." It really wasn't something you agreed with, but if it would keep Akane happy and safe, you'd be okay with it.
"It's really all your choice, Akane." You perked up, leaning against Akane's shoulder glaring at Aqua, "Don't think about the audience when you make this decision. I know they're important or whatever, but you are too!"
"I think it's a pretty good idea and I am good at acting, but... what— who should I act as?" Akane asked, tilting her head to the side you were opposite to. Aqua stared out, not giving her a response. "Ahem. [name], what do you think?" Akane shifted her head to face you as you stopped leaning on her shoulder, before you could respond, Akane kept going. "What's your type?"
Your face turned red as your eyes widened under your mask. All eyes were on you, including the people filming. You choke on your words before letting them slip, "M-My ty-t... type..?" You bit your lip, did you even have a type? The only person you've ever fallen for was... Hanae. You caught yourself before you accidentally said her name. Roaming around your mind, you realized how similar Akane and Hanae really were. What differences did they even really have? Hanae was more conservative and less obsessive, then again, people had more of a life outside social media, didn't they? You shake your head after another minute of pondering, "This isn't helpful at all but... *I think you being yourself in all of your 'Akane-ness' is my type."
"You're lying..." Akane blushed, jolting her head to look at the floor, "How could you say that? Even after all I've put you through..— Hm! N-Nevermind..!" Akane took a deep breath in and put her arm around your shoulder, "A-Aqua! What about you? You did save me too after all, I think I can do this for you. As a thanks." You stared at Aqua, is Akane just going to ignore your super-extra-cute confession? You pout under your mask and lean closer into her. Aqua better have a good answer. "So... What's your type, Aqua?"
"Hm..? You're really serious with that question?" Aqua looked a little shocked, he sighed and looked out the window, "I never really thought of that, I guess." He rested his cheek to the palm of his hand and started thinking. "My type... I guess my type is someone who's pretty."
"Go to hell!" You mutter half jokingly.
"Keep going Aqua!" Akane said, pulling out her notepad and pen. Staring at him with her pretty blue eyes.
"Someone who can smile as bright as the sun, and performs without a fault. Assertive behavior and speech... Captivating eyes that can draw you in with one glance..."
"You're telling me you've never thought of your type before? Hah, what a stupid lie." You half-heartedly joke as you shake your head back and forth, "Come to think of it, a pretty girl who works hard... kind of sounds like Ai from B-Komachi, doesn't it?" Aqua's eyes widened for a split second before calming down quickly, his lips forming words, but you couldn't hear it at all.
"Ai? I've heard of her... I'll research her the best I can: I'll be your girl, Aqua!" Akane said with glee, writing down the name in her notepad while putting it back down on the table next to her. She turned back to you and smiled, "And what you said [name]... I.. Mm, thank you."
You leaned onto her shoulder as Aqua stared at the two of you. His eyes were dark. Did no one else notice that at all?
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
You were back on set today, another week passed by without any progress on finding Hanae. You were inside a classroom, the sun was bright, Aqua sat directly next to you. Couldn't he have found another chair? You'd been sitting next to him the entire school week, your head plopped down into your arms as time passed by slower than usual.
Aqua didn't say anything when he sat next to you, the camera's were on, glaring onto your face. Still, you didn't feel the urge to act or put on a show. This was just life, for you at least.
When's Akane getting here?
Just as you thought that, footsteps could be heard from behind the doorway. You got excited, getting back up and impatiently staring in anticipation for Akane to enter.
It was just Mem and Yuki. Ah, well that's fine. Maybe you should go hang out with them? Before you could get up from your seat, the two girls had already come over. Not to you specifically, but towards your general direction. Their real target was Aqua.
"How's it going, Aqu-tan?" Memcho slyly asks, sitting on the desk in front of him, "I overheard that... you have a type??!"
"Yah, and I heard it was pretty basic too! All you care about is looks, am I right? All boys are the same! It's about time you morph into a man!" Yuki says, bursting out laughing after.
"Who told you that?" Aqua asks, deadpanned, he doesn't seem mad or concerned.
"How silly of you, Aqu-tan! I said we overheard!" Mem laughed, you forgot you told her about the 'conversation' you and Akane had with him. "I also heard that Akane was acting for you? That's so totally weird! Why would you do that to that poor girl?"
"Yeah Aqua! You totally suck! All you care about is looks!!" Yuki adds in, you nod your head to their conversation... When is Akane going to come back?
Begrudgingly you continue to watch everything unfold before you as you lean on your arm. All you could think about was Akane.
...When did the two of you get so close?
That's when the door slid open again: It was Akane!
The door was wide open, she didn't enter though. She patiently waited for the cameras to pan to her. Akane I bailed deeply before closing her eyes, when her eyes opened back up she was a completely different person. Her 'aura' changed.
She reminded you exactly of Ai.
You guessed that Aqua noticed too because he was just as shocked as you were, maybe even more. Akane's eyes were different, they looked just like Ai's too— no, they looked just like yours. Just a different color. Was this seriously all just acting? How could someone just change their entire vibe like that?
"What's wrong you all?" Akane asked, looking at everyone present, "It's almost like you've seen a ghost!"
"A-Akane? Is that really you?" Yuki asks, understandably a bit taken back, "You seem so... different...?"
"Do you dislike this part of me, Yuki?" Akane asked, tilting her head to the left. Yuki shook her head while she waddled back towards the two boys who just walked in. "So, how about we hang out all on our own today, Aqua?"
You felt a pang of sadness when Akane said that. Why Aqua? Why not you? You don't blame her though, Aqua is quite handsome, isn't he?
You shove your head back into your arms as the room fell silent. Aqua and Akane left the room together with a group of camera people following them. Was all your hard work for nothing? Did Akane not like you? Did she really like Aqua more than you? Aqua is just so... off putting. But she's never been under his stares for days on end has she?
Aqua totally likes her now, doesn't he?
Why does that make you a little sad?
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
For the next few days of shooting, Aqua was all over Akane. Though, you weren't out of it the entire time. You and Akane still had moments together, and it was really enjoyable. It felt really familiar, but you couldn't really put your finger on it.
Then it came to the last day on set. Everyone knew that the last episode was all about the cast members confessing to each other. You didn't plan on doing anything, there was an uneven amount so it was bound to happen, a fail on the casting director honestly, but you aren't going to complain. You'd rather not have manic fans asking about your love life while streaming, and if you were going to confess to anyone: It'd be Akane, and she's currently preoccupied with Aqua.
The sky turned dark and the sun started to set, you sat down on a bench as the crew started to gather around. The contestants lined themselves up and discreetly discussed with each other on who picks who. It's usually the boys going for the ladies, isn't it? You could guess who would go with who.
"Alright, is everyone set?" The director asks, casting a glance towards the people working with the lights and cameras.
"Yes sir!" The higher up yelled back.
The air seemed tense, somehow. No one was up to the challenge of going first. You kept to yourself, watching through your mask. Was it figurative or real because it was getting a little harder to breathe as each minute went past.
Noboyuki bit the bullet and went over to Yuki. He got on his knee and poured out his feelings to her, it was honestly kind of cute. She said no though. You didn't actually understand it at all, Yuki said she liked him, so why'd she reject him?
Then it was Kenji, who knew he'd go next— not like there were a lot of options, but still. He went up to Memcho of all people, didn't expect that either. They were so different, so it was kind of a shock to no one when Mem rejected him.
Lastly, it was Aqua's turn. He was standing between you and Akane, his eyes glanced towards you for a split second before he slowly walked towards Akane. She was sitting underneath a tree on one of the other benches, his hand traveled up to her face and brushed a lock of her blue hair out of the way.
Their faces drew closer and closer together, lips barely an inch apart.
Aqua's eyes shut and Akane brought her hand up.
Right before their lips connected, Akane brought a hand up between the two of them.
"I'm sorry, Aqua. I just can't do... that." Her eyes didn't have stars in them, "We can still be boy-girl friends, my heart just... it's for someone else."
She quickly got up from her seat. Everyone seemed shocked, you and Aqua were no exception. What was she up to? Akane excused herself and bowed as an apology to Aqua, and also probably the camera, and marched towards you.
"[name]! Will you accept my confession of love?" Akane shouted out, her face was red and her hands were on her thighs.
"H-Huh? What?? Why me?- I mean I would love to and everything but I seriously don't uhm!!" You stutter, your face turned red. Everything was a blur in that moment, you don't really remember too well as to what happened but, Akane slipped your mask away and kissed you underneath it. Her eyes were shut with passion while your eyes were wide open, stars gleaming. You didn't stop it, a kiss takes two people after all.
You were definitely flustered, your eyes wandered to the people in the crowd watching the two of you. Aqua looked shocked, his mouth was wide open, a real sight to behold. The rest of the crew looked almost exactly as surprised as Aqua, was it really that bad?
Or in other words: Would it give this season of Lovenow higher ratings than the rest?
-End of Re_Love:Love_You
Lovenow was a hit with everyone, there weren't as many controversies surrounding you and Akane that you thought they'd be. Which is a good thing, but mildly strange. The two of you decided to make your relationship private, mostly for your sake, not stating whether the two of you were dating or not. On the inside though, Akane decided to stick to just being friends— Just kidding! The two of you are full on dating!
Just kissing again... it was more of a situationship.
On the other hand, a few days after Lovenow ended, it was released to the public that Akane and Aqua were dating! Which made you... jealous. Though honestly you couldn't really place why.
To your dismay, they didn't air the episode of you and Akane sharing a kiss. Instead, they begged Akane and Aqua to re-record the part and act like they were in love. The two agreed reluctantly while you threw a tantrum in your head.
You bite your lip as you throw your head onto your pillow, why was Akane so important to you? Not that it matters right now, you have a party to get to. What would look good on you?
It was the Lovenow after-celebration, not something you've ever been to before. You asked Aqua about it since he had one for a past drama he was in, apparently this one is supposed to be less fancy. Just a casual hangout with the cast, an unofficial party! How cute!
You tossed something on and went to meet your friends at the barbeque place you went to last time. It was the same old, same old, even the seating. You were squished in between both Akane and Aqua, even though the two of them were dating. It was awkward to say the least.
"So I heard that Akane and Aqua were dating!" Memcho stated, poking at the freshly cooked meat in front of her, "What made you change your mind, Akane? I thought that you and [alias] really had something special!"
"Huh? Oh! We do! We do, just for [alias]'s sake. They told me that their fans would freak out or something... and that it was for my safety? I don't really understand it all, but if [alias] wants it then I thought I'd do that."
"Oh I see... then what about you Aqua? What did you think?" Memcho asked, turning to look at him.
"I think that it's fine, me and Akane only started dating because so many people were betting on it on social media."
"Ah, so you're no fun. I see." Mem sighed, collecting some bell peppers from the plate in between her and Yuki, "Then what about you, [alias]?"
"...Akane can choose for herself, that's what I think." You were deadpan with your answer, you didn't want to come off as rude though. Is it too late for that? "☆Oh! But seriously, it's all for Akane's safety that we don't get together. As an internet celebrity, I expected you to understand." You said jokingly.
"Ahh! I do! I do! I'm professional in every aspect- not that I'd expect you to understand either! I am your senior after all, aha!" Memcho defensively shouted, laughing with you.
Kenji and *the other guy entered the room with a few more drinks, this hangout session was a lot less fun than the one you all had last time, for you at least. How could you change that though?
The night was coming to an end, everyone said their goodbyes and you tried your best to cling onto Akane as best as you could. She didn't seem any distant than she was in the beginning, but it still felt as if there was a barrier between the two of you. This is Aqua's fault. You groaned as thoughts wandered in and out of your head, you were surrounded by the two blonde's. You never knew Mem lived in your direction.
The walk was really peaceful, you didn't expect that much from Mem. However, the person to break the peace was Aqua.
"Memcho, what's your dream?" Aqua asked, his head poked out from your side to look at the girl beside you.
"My dream? My dream is to be somewhere, be someone. It was really fun being on stage with all you real celebrities. It was almost like being on a stage." Memcho sighed, she twirled her finger in her blonde locks. "I saw how you reacted when Akane acted like Ai, she really captivated you huh? I really miss that about her..."
"You know about B-Komachi?" Aqua asked
"How could people not know about B-Komachi?" You laugh as you put your arms on the back of your head, "Especially after the tragedy, it's a lesson well learned. Ai didn't deserve that at all, she was going to make it to the top of the world."
"Exactly, right? After that I couldn't believe what horrendous thoughts I had! Even after what happened and what was yet to come, I still wanted to become an idol." Mem looked at the ground before rising up with a smile, "That's all behind me now, I believe in myself, and I'm sure that I'm someone's idol— at least, I'm sure there are hundreds of people looking up to me."
"The two of you really like B-Komachi?" Aqua asked, putting a hand to his chin, "What about you [alias]? Have you ever thought about being an idol?"
"An idol?" You thought about your second life, you weren't even an idol yet. And in this life, you already had a plan set for yourself. You didn't need to go down that path, but you never were an idol before.. What are you even on about? "Oh? I guess I have, but who hasn't in this day and age?"
"Then what would you think about joining the second coming of B-Komachi? Strawberry Productions is trying out the whole idol thing again." Aqua said, putting on a soft smile. It looked weird. "We're friends, aren't we? I think that I know you two well enough to trust that you'll be great idols and won't tarnish the name of Ai." He's acting so strange.
"What?! Oh em gee! It would be an honor!!" Mem agreed happily, "Though, I would need to speak with someone who actually knows what they're doing, make sure it isn't too shady."
"Yeah, if the contract is okay I'll think about it."
"Right, you've been to my home before. Just follow me."
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
You've been in Aqua's home before, but never this up close. You got to see his mother and sister again, they're really cute. Another thing to add was that his 'house' is a lot larger than yours. What was the word for it? It was a studio apartment while yours was a small crummy apartment your mom left you when she moved back to her home country. You really never realized how big it was.
"Ah, so you've brought another one for me. You're really good at this whole recruiting thing, aren't you?" The pink haired woman grumbled, "How'd you manage to snag this one? A YouTuber and full-time influencer?" She shifted her gaze to look at you, "And a faceless internet celebrity and singer. I'm surprised that either of you were interested in becoming idols."
"It was a dream of mine ever since I was a child, ma'am." A drop of sweat rolled off of Mem's face as she spoke to the director.
"Well the two of you are independent streamers so there aren't any managers I need to talk to?"
"I am independent in it of itself, but I do have a team working for me in the background surrounding legal advice and finances, so I believe that I would have to check in with them before I make any hasty decisions." You say, gripping at your lower forearm, you really didn't want to experience another death so soon. You haven't met Hanae yet... and everything regarding the industry is much more safe, isn't it? So no falling lights.
"Once you get a concrete answer, there won't be any problem regarding Internet personalities, we at Strawberry Productions work with them on a daily basis, but you Memcho. You look like you have something to say."
Memcho was lying about her age. By 7 whole years. You tried your best to suppress a few giggles to slip out from your mouth, but then she poured her heart out about what inspired her, made her keep pushing, and what blocked her from getting any farther. At that point, you felt bad for almost laughing.
"So by the time I was financially stable, I was already over the prime age from any idol to debut..." Mem sighed as she looked down at the ground, fiddling with her fingers. Before anyone else could and then Aqua's sister barged into the room.
"No one is too old to be an idol!" She shouted, jumping on top of Mem with a hug, "Every age is idol age, that's what Ai would say!! Are you really going to join me in B-Komachi?!!" She looked over to you and smiled as bright as the sun, "And you! The one that Aqua totally def-likes-because-why-else-would-he-invite-someone-as-cool-as-you to our house, are you going to join us too!?"
"I'm thinking about it, but I'm sure that you'd all do well without me!" You say, ignoring the parts that she said too quickly for you to understand.
"But you're just so talented!! You can sing so well and you'd be such an amazing addition to B-Komachi!" She shouted out, "Oh! My name is Ruby Hoshino, please remember my name even though you are so ultra-amazingly-famous-celebrity!"
"Th-Thank you, ☆I'm sure you'll be a great idol...!" You feel awkward saying that, did you even really mean it? Probably.
They talked more about it for a few minutes, but it came to an end. You texted your team about joining B-Komachi and they texted back in a meer seconds, it would affect your stream schedule greatly, but you'd still be able to live off of it for a while. You had enough money to sustain yourself and maybe one more person for at least a few years. It was really all up to you, did you want to try to become an idol again?
That was all you could think about, you tried to get sleep but the scene of getting crushed played over and over again. You even searched for any new articles about it, but not a lot showed up. At least, not on the internet. It was over 40 years ago, wasn't it?
God you sound old.
It's a lot safer now, so you wouldn't die from being an idol. With another bonus of being a part of the famed B-Komachi! That would most definitely get Hanae's attention, wouldn't it? It'd help you find her— or maybe Hanae will find you? You'd have to tell Aqua tomorrow at school. Yes.
Anything for Hanae.
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
The sun rises and so do you, thinking about being an idol made you feel tense all of a sudden. Ruby goes to the same school as you, so it shouldn't be hard to tell her you accept her invitation, right? You could always just ask Aqua. You continue on with your daily routine as you shrug, your uniform looks as plain as it did the day before. Maybe you should add something on to it?
Eruru calls you over and Matsuyo over to her table and yaps on and on about how her weekend was. Being a loved daughter of an amusement park owner would be fun, wouldn't it? She shoves you and Matsuyo in her arms and suggests that you three should go out for fun, you agree with her. Matsuyo hisses at her touch, but doesn't move further.
"Ohh! Let's all take a photo together, it would look really cute for my Instagram!" Eruru says, pulling out her candy colored phone, "Say 'Cheese'!~♡' or how about 'Happy Third Month of School!!' That looks so so cyuute!~ Ah you guys are the best!"
"How does she have this much energy...?" Matsuyo grumbles, taking out his own phone, "But going to the park with the two of you doesn't sound that bad."
"It sounds amazing!☆ We could go on so many of those roller coasters until we vomit our guts out together!⭑" You say clinging onto his back, shaking him back and forth. You felt embarrassed, but he didn't flinch.
"Not you too" He complains, "But that sounds good too, maybe not the vomiting."
"Alright!! What about this Saturday? Or Sunday?" Eruru chimes in, "I posted it and it already has a few likes! We are totally going to be super duper famous!"
"Saturday is fine, we have to study on Sunday though. We have a test, remember?"
"Arghh!! No tests! Those are so boring." She whines.
Aqua walks into the classroom and sees you leaning on Matsuyo, he seems a little disappointed. You brush it off and roughhouse with your newly made friends. Though he was back at it again, staring at you from a distance. It didn't creep you out as much as it did before you officially got to know.
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆
"Aqua, take me to your sister."
He couldn't take your nerves sometimes, yet he found himself agreeing anyway, as you now walked next to him, hands on your hips. The way to the courtyard felt neither fast-paced or slow, you didn't say anything as you two made it to the destination of where Ruby Hoshino sat.
Neither of you noticed the red haired girl lurking close by.
When Ruby's magenta eyes spotted the two of you, she perked up expectantly.It was as if gears turned in her head until her face lit up and she proudly exclaimed "Oh, Aqua! Are you showing me your first friend?"
Aqua only looked at her with a deadpan expression, but you felt the need to squint your eyes together, the female twins' energy being way too bright. It was somehow higher than Eruru.
"Your sister is too bright, can you tell her that for me?",you stood behind Aqua, only daring to look at the personified sun over his shoulder. He ignored your comment though and gave a court 'No' to his sister, who immediately had the gears turning in her head, again until...
"Ah! Is she your girlfriend?"
Your jaw dropped to the floor. There was a shocked aura coming from one of the bushes nearby, as well as the sound of someone falling back a little, yet nobody bothered to notice. As your eyes went wide, Ruby continued on a rant, completely unbothered though, as she made fun of her brother.
"I can't believe you tried to get with that Akane girl, because like-"
"She is not", Aqua cut his sister off. He put his hand on the small of your back and you tried to not react, but you couldn't tell, was your face heating up? He pushed you forward towards Ruby and then pulled his hand away. "This is [alias]."
"Oh!" Ruby really needed to work on her volume control.
The aura coming from the bush changed, you couldn't tell if it was in a positive way or not, but the redhead used it as a hiding spot to claw at her hat.
Eyes blessed with one starry glow gazed into the ones holding two and the blonde girl stepped forward grabbing and holding your hands together. The serious look on her face surprised you, there were so many emotions in her eyes, like a deep galaxy and suddenly you saw an energy in Ruby that you've only ever seen in an idol long passed.
"So you've decided?", there was hope in her voice.
The close proximity was still startling you, as well as her suddenly turning serious, but you quickly tried to gather yourself. Small flashbacks of the long lost time where you've spoken similar words flood your mind, hands unconsciously gripping hers a bit tighter.
"Yeah, I've made up my mind. I'll take up your offer, I'll join B-Komachi as an idol."
-End of Magic Words
Even before you joined B-Komachi, you knew that training to be an idol would be hard work. However, you didn't expect it to be this hard. Maybe it's a lot more different in this body than your old one. You aren't an energetic 12 year old anymore. Was all this cardio really worth it?
You stop to catch your breath with your hand on the stone wall next to you. 'Why did I accept her offer' kept running in and out of your brain as your face turned red with adrenalin. Pieyon shouted for you to keep going as you were way behind the other three girls. Biting your tongue, you made it on top of the hill before flopping to the floor in front of Kana and Ruby. All this running puts way too much pressure on your little deformed rotten heart.
"Are you okay, [name- [alias]?" Ruby asked, putting a hand out for you to grab.
"Ruby! Why are you saying that? You're the one with asthma!!" Kana sighed, helping Ruby lift you back up from the ground. Ruby comments with a 'But I'm not the one dying!' as you stare at the sky above.
"Keep it up, [alias]! It's only been 30 minutes-ish!" Memcho laughed, patting your back and handing you a sticker covered water bottle. "Well actually it's closer to 25, but y'know~"
"What do you mean it's only been 30 minutes??!" You whine, pulling your mask off to the side of your head to breathe in fresh air for the first time. "I feel like I'm dying!! There's no fucking way I'm going to be able to do this on a stage.."
"Language!" Ruby shouted, "No idol would ever drop an f-bomb without getting criticized, we really need to work on that." She took a sip from her water bottle, it was glittery and pink. An Ai charm was attached to the lid. "And put your mask back on!!"
You groaned as you slapped the mask back on your face. *You had to go to the amusement park later with your friends... would they even let you go? You weren't even that good at dancing either. Idol work just isn't meant for you. You fall butt first onto the floor as you shut your eyes. B-Komachi II is already going downhill. Speaking of downhill, that was your next goal. Running downhill back to the studio with your new friends and Pieyon. Again, you were behind them, but it wasn't as bad as the run up.
When the apartment was reached, you felt the cool breeze of sweet air conditioning on your skin. You sat down on one of the brightly colored sofas Strawberry Studios owned.
"No sitting down just yet! We have to work on our muscles! And also learn choreography, some marketing stuff using videos, probably some more cardio, oh wait, not to mention editing the videos–" Ruby continued to go on for a few more minutes as you caught your breath, again.
The dancing sucked, especially learning it all from a not so high quality video. There wasn't anyone to train you besides Pieyon and the Ai fanatic: Ruby. She was a lot better than you were, so was Kana. Memcho was also better than you, but the gap between the two of you was a lot smaller than your gap with the two self proclaimed idols.
You wonder where Aqua is.
As hours went by, your training for day one was finished. You were with the girls, sitting in a room with walls made of mirrors as they packed up their stuff and made some small talk with each other.
"Here's what's funny: we did this whole work out thing with Pieyon to promote B-Komachi! It was sooo hard, we had to do, like, actual punches and stuff for a whole hour!" Ruby burst out laughing, but quickly stopped to think, "I just don't understand kids these days, why do they find buff guys working out so entertaining? Whatever, we'll have to make them fall in love with us!~"
"If they're all going to fall for us, then we're going to have to make a name for ourselves as idols. For example: Who's going to be the face of the new B-Komachi?!" Memcho says, putting her pointer finger to her lip.
"So a leader?" Kana asked, shifting her eyes to look at Mem.
"Yeah! A leader! I say that I should be the leader because I'm the one with the most experience using social media and with uh– nevermind that part. That's totally [alias]."
"No thanks, I'm not up for being the face of this whole group thing, I can't be the face. I don't even have one." You joke, "But I'm being serious, I don't think it would do us any good by having me be the leader. Plus, I don't think I'm really... marketable."
"I totally understand that." Ruby says, putting a hand on your shoulder and smiling, "We won't pressure you any further– but since we're on this topic... I nominate myself to be the leader of B-Komachi because I resemble Ai the most. Plus, I was the reason we made this whole group in the first place, y'know? So I think that the title should go to me."
"Well you aren't going down without a fight!" Memcho shouts, pouncing towards Ruby. They got in a cat fight as you look over to Kana.
"What about you? You haven't said anything yet. Any thoughts on who the leader should be?"
"Hm? Oh well... no comment." Kana sighs, "This is dumb, why don't we just get a random number generator online and just like... I don't know. Ruby is even and Memcho is odds, and whatever number gets chosen the person gets the win?"
"No Kana! That's a horrible idea!" Ruby shouts, "Being an idol is all about talent! Memcho, I challenge you to a singing contest in the karaoke bar down the street! Whoever gets the better score gets to becomes leader!"
"Oho, child? You dare challenge me? Respect your elders, Rubytan!" Mem laughs, you can't tell if it's at her self deprecating joke or at Ruby for challenging her. Mem pointed her finger at Ruby with a silly looking grin plastered across her lips.
"Yeah? You wanna go? Let's go!! C'mon!" Ruby runs out the door with Mem closely behind her.
"What about you Kana, are you gonna go with them?" You ask.
"No, probably not. I'm going to head home now. It's getting dark anyway. Bye [alias]." Kana left before you could say bye to her. From a distance you could hear her saying bye to Pieyon as well.
You're alone in the room as you sit in a corner and scroll through the apps on your phone. It's always the same thing again and again, art of you, food, videos of babies, art of the newest anime, true crime, the latest controversies, paparazzi photos of Akane, and school stuff on your separate account. It's all so much, maybe you should post something soon...
You run down stairs quickly only to find Pieyon taking his mask off. A pretty blonde head of hair popped out of the mask as he set it down. It was Aqua under there the whole time!
"Oh. Hi [name]." Aqua said, his face was sweaty and gross. That's what a mask does to someone, doesn't it? "I forgot you were still here."
"Eww!! I hate that, put your mask back on." You whine, covering Aqua's face with your hand from a distance, "I can't believe you did that stupid voice! You're such a loser!!" You laugh, "And I can't believe that you were the one to make me run all of that stupid shit!!!" You groan, flicking his forehead.
"You said you wanted to become an idol, this is how you do it." Aqua says softly, looking over at you. His hand was over his forehead. "Can I take your mask off?"
"Well if it's you then it's whatever." You sigh, his hand slipped your mask off carefully, grazing his fingers– barely touching your actual face before setting it down onto the table before you. You flinch at his touch and make a face before reverting back to your normal self. "I don't think I like this whole idol thing right now."
"Really? Why?"
"I want to say that I'm loving this whole setup, but I like it when group activities are like... how do I say this, I wish that I could be friends with all of them. And I know that the time will come, but as of now it just feels really uncomfortable. Like Ruby is obsessed with me for some reason, Kana just doesn't seem to like me that much, and Mem is– well actually nothing is wrong with Mem, she's cool."
"That's a lot." Aqua sighs, "Do you want me to talk to them about it or something?"
"No. That'll make me sound like a loser. Instead, I'll just... I'll just chill out or something, I'm sure that it'll be fine. Idol work is hard work, so I'll push through like the rest of them☆"
"Make sure that you take breaks though, you know it isn't going to be good for you if you don't." Aqua says, he puts his hand on your right arm in a gentle way. You backup a little with a smile across your lips.
"And how would you know that? ☆It's not like my heart's going to explode or something." You take your arm back from him as you say, giving him a look.
"Do you really know that?" Aqua asks, "It doesn't have a high chance of happening, but I'm sure someone like you with a genetic heart defect would take precautions, no?"
"..." You were taken aback that he remembered something so invaluable in everyday life about you, but you were grateful to some extent that he did, "What does it mean to you anyway? You aren't some sort of doctor or something! You're just a kid you like idols– and it's not like you're gonna give me a break from any exercises!!"
"True, maybe I'll need to train your heart more than the others, yeah? You and Ruby."
"That is so... stupid!! Aqua you aren't going to make me do anything."
"But that's how you can be a good idol, don't you want to make your fans happy?" He said menacingly, it's almost as if he was trying to test you.
"I already make my fans happy! In fact, just because I joined this group means that I can't stream or– or make any content for them all to consume!! [alias] is falling off right now!"
"Chill out, it's only been like one day." Aqua murmurs.
"One day is a lot!! But like... I guess it's fine. I can still try to make music and they'll eat it up..."
"I'm sure Matsuyo would be upset. He's a real big [alias] fan." He states sarcastically.
"And you aren't? Your sister seems to like me a lot!" You reply sarcastically to his comment as you cross your arms.
"I'm more of a [name] fan."
"..." Your face turned red as you bit your lip to not say anything else that he could counter and make you even more flustered- embarrassed. Yeah, embarrassed.
"...Weren't you supposed to go to the amusement park with Eruru today?"
"Oh shit! I totally forgot!! Okay, yeah. Thanks Aqua!!" You yell, running off to meet your friends. So that's why you came down here, you can't believe that you forgot about it so quickly. The time is 7:39 you're already 19 minutes late. You mentally beat yourself up as you call an uber your way to ride over to Wonderland, Eruru's place. You hurriedly type up a text to both Matsuyo and Eruru filled with apologies and lies on what you were doing before this.
You cover your face with your hands in the car ride as you think about what just happened. Did Aqua really need to say that? Did he even mean it or was he just trying to get high ground? Or was he just trying to catch your off guard? His words kept repeating in your head. That's it: you'll never let your guard drop around him. Hopefully.
˚⋆୨ ✶ ୧⋆˚
On Sunday, you and the girls met back at the studio. The silence was somewhat awkward. Kana was on her phone, trying her best to not think of anything related to B-Komachi it seems, Ruby and Memcho were looking back and forth at each other, whispering in each others ears every now and then while giggling, and you were staring at all three of them with an awkward smile plastered across your face. At some point, you started staring out at space.
Thankfully it wasn't for long because Ruby quickly broke the silence with Memcho at her side. "Okay! We decided who the leader should be." She smiled while Mem gave her the thumbs up. "It's going to be..."
"Kana Arima!" Mem and Ruby both shout out, pointing their fingers at the surprised girl. Her jaw was dropped, and so was the phone she was previously holding.
"WHAT??" Kana shouted, "There is NO way I'm going to be a leader for this... rookie group! It would make me look bad! And it's not like I'm like Mem and [alias], they all have a backup plan! I'm just some... erm... I don't have an agency or- or a fanbase that I could crawl back to if this whole plan falls backwards! This is just totally not going to work out in my favor! There's no way! Nononono, everythingisgoingtofailandand... What happened to you wanting to be the leader, Ruby?!"
"Well while we were out at karaoke, we saw some songs that had your name in it!" Ruby said, pointing to a picture on her phone.
"And then we searched it up on YouTube! And we saw such cute videos of your singing songs and some of them were actually pretty recent. Kana, you have such a great voice! So much better than me and Ruby!" Memcho says, clicking on one of the videos on Ruby's phone. The song started playing and before it got to a part where you could get a good listen to Kana's voice, Kana jumped and slapped the phone off of Ruby's hand.
"No! D-Don't listen to crap like that!!!" Kana screamed, "I- I thought I told you guys that I didn't want to be the leader!! Didn't I?"
"You did? I don't remember you saying anything like that~~"
"Noo!! I can't be the leader, I know nothing about being an idol! I never even liked idols to begin with, I think they're all phony and fake for keeping up an act all the time!"
"Hey! Don't disrespect other idols, we could get canceled for that you know! And you put on acts all the time, you're an actor. That's your job!" Ruby shouted back, picking up her phone from the floor and dusting it off.
"If it means anything, I think you're the most experienced out of all of us, Kana." You say, putting your hand on Kana's shoulder, "And I know this is all unexpected, but we all believe in you. You can do this!☆ You've been on a stage before, we haven't! If anyone, I think that it should go to you. We're all learning how to be idols after all." Kana looks at you with a smile as she takes a deep breath.
"And if you mess up, we'll be right behind you to pick you back up!" Ruby said, her left eye shined brightly, it almost outshined you!
"That's so totally right!" Mem agreed, nodding her head back and forth, "You'll be a terrific leader, and if anyone disagrees they'll have to answer to my fists!"
"I... I guess I could try being a leader. If I'm good enough, I'll be able to push the spotlight on you guys. Th-Thanks." Kana's smile drops as she closes her eyes. She said something that only you could hear, "If I'm good enough, or... if I'm the best leader then he'll be cheering for me. I'll be a bright star that he can look up to."
Kana likes someone? You didn't expect that, but you internally agree with her. Even if you do hate most things about being an idol, you wouldn't let B-Komachi crumble down. Hanae wouldn't like that, so neither would you.
-End of Looking So Gentle
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spurgie-cousin · 3 months
Just saw the video and commentary you posted around the poverty cosplaying and I just want to add that there used to be a different place in Arkansas that did a similar thing, sorta. It was through a charity organization that shifted focus so they no longer run the program, but they used to have a "global village" where people would get assigned different regions of the world to live in by lottery with a couple key differences. First, they used actual names of actual countries and provided actual information about the country/culture. Secondly, it wasn't for mission training but instead was meant to be an educational tool to help middle school and high school students to consider how existing in different global and socio-economic circumstances change your decision making etc. and in depth discussion and educational activities were facilitated frequently. I went there as part of an overnight high school trip and while in retrospect the "poverty cosplaying" does give me the ick I still feel like that particular program was informative. Mostly I'm shook that two distinct programs like this exist in AR? I've literally never heard of the Harding one from the video until now and went on a Google deep dive to see if they were connected in some way, but not that I can tell. Anyway, no deep thoughts really, just thought it was super interesting/weird.
There is something in the water over there in Arkansas man lol. I can never learn just some normal fact about AR, it's always something weird.
I totally understand wanting to create more empathy for those who live in poverty, especially in teenagers who are in a really formative years of their lives. And it's one thing to replicate conditions in your immediate area which you are intimately familiar with, but I just can't get on board with play-acting poverty in different areas of the world. I just think about how I'd feel if some religious group in another country tried to replicate my life experience for shock value.
Even replicating the conditions semi-well can't replicate the actual stakes faced by the people they're cosplaying. You can't replicate the stress of a single mother working 2 jobs and supporting 3 kids in a one-room house, you can't replicate the stress of food insecurity and legitimately being worried about when your next meal will be, etc etc. And something about pretending to do them when you can just go back to normal life at any time just feels disrespectful in a way I can't really articulate.
Idk if people get something from it that's great and I do get the thinking behind the one you described at least, I'm mostly still ranting about the first camp lol. I don't have any doubt that some of the people running the camp you went to had good intentions (the other one though I'm really not sure based on the town names) I just have a lot of mixed experience in Christian missionary culture where poverty is treated voyeuristically which is just definitely the vibe I got from the first camp.
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chainofclovers · 1 year
Do you personally think tedbecca will become canon
Short answer is I dunno but I decided to write a lot of S3 speculation under the cut. I don't have any spoilers for how the show ends, nor do I want any, but I've watched a lot of interviews and read a lot of reviews and what I type will be informed by the not-spoilery-but-suggestive-about-the-overall-arc vibes of those.
Will Ted/Rebecca become a canonical romance? I'm not sure! For basically all of the things I have predictions and/or feelings about for s3 (Ted/Rebecca relationship, Nate's arc, whether Ted stays in London or returns to Kansas in the medium term or "forever"...), I have a suspicious lack of gut feelings...or rather, all my feelings are like a swinging pendulum of deep convictions and I can easily feel convinced of one outcome then another within the span of a few minutes.
Since you're anonymous I have no idea how much press you've listened to, what fandom spaces you're a part of, whether you're a T/R shipper or not, whether I'm friends with you or not, etc. So I'm going to write this without worrying about offending you and just go for it from the heart, haha.
The press has been a little bit of a rollercoaster for me, especially in terms of Hannah Waddingham's remarks about why she sees more longevity in relationships that aren't just the typical romantic/sexual route, and some of the other writer-actors' (Jason, Brendan, Brett) statements about audience expectation and their awareness of fandom preferences vs. the intentions of the story they're telling. I've actually loved a lot of what they've said, and I've been really frustrated by some people in the fandom calling Hannah an idiot for being tired of all the romance questions or for daring to call those expectations social conditioning when to me they very much are social conditioning. (Even if romance can also be a deep and beautiful thing! I don't feel like she's saying romance is lame! She's saying it's frustrating to zoom in on this one thing and value it above all others! And as a result of her saying that people have said awful things about her personal life and intelligence and that's absolutely uncool!)
I think it's completely possible that these interviews are at least in part about setting realistic expectations that a canonical romantic and sexual relationship between T/R isn't something we are gonna see on our TVs. I don't think these answers are coyness or lies. Really grappling with that possibility has bummed me out a bit more than I expected it to, honestly. I think a T/R romance would be super beautiful and wonderful and would make perfect sense within the larger story being told here.
That being said, I also think it's true that none of the press we've seen so far has explicitly spoiled any endings of this show. I don't feel like the interviewees are being coy and winking to fans, but I also think they've all carefully prepared ways of speaking about this show because they know the barrage of questions they'll face and they want to protect their story. When reporters directly ask if the relationship will be canon, they speak to expectations and societal structures and the soulmate connection between these characters without revealing any plot points. When the writers or actors have gotten more opinionated about the possibility of romance, it's often in the context of questions about fandom expectations or what is "expected" or "unexpected" about the story, and I think it's completely fair and understandable to express genuine frustration for the obsessive, repeat nature of those types of questions when there are so many other things these people would probably love to discuss about their writing and acting choices. They're all smart people who are extremely close to each other and have spent years constructing this story, and I can see myself responding to the repetition and surface-level stuff in a similar manner.
We know there's gonna be a huge component of Ted deciding what his commitment to AFC Richmond is and how his relationship with his son and his feelings about the family he's left behind impact that decision. We know they're setting up storylines in which other characters are learning how to coach, learning how to balance the emotional side and the tactical side. We know this is a story that simultaneously grapples with "leaving well"/letting go/why quitting isn't always bad AND with the complications of space AND with why burying or running away from your emotions while they fester inside you for 30 years is, um, bad. We know the writers have not deviated from their original plans for any of these characters even as they've rewritten and redefined certain things about this season. And we know the writers and actors all agree that Ted and Rebecca are divinely connected even if they've said many kinda contradictory things about what form that takes.
Even knowing all that, I think it's still possible that T/R will be a factor in s3 in a romantic and sexual sense. I have basically prepared myself to not see it on screen, but every time I watch the actual show I'm watching a show that sets up delicate, beautiful connecting points for these characters with intention and purpose. Which is awesome no matter what. If they don't go the romantic route onscreen, I think we'll still be watching a meaningful relationship that is full of possibilities (especially since s3 canon will end in, like, spring 2022, not spring 2058 or something). Some of the choices they've made are things that I'd probably only write if I was setting up a canonical romance, but if a romance doesn't happen within the show I don't think that means those choices were inconsequential or, worse, designed specifically to torment and make fun of fans. This is a show that is loving towards its audience but removed from its audience.
One of the first posts I made about this show was a straightbaiting joke. That seems extra funny now, knowing what I know. As a queer woman who has mostly been involved in fandoms as a femslash shipper up to this point, I can say that a lot of the shipping culture around this show and around M/F ships in general makes me really uncomfortable. I watch the joy of the show drain away from people as they focus deeper and deeper on "Tedbecca" (even to the point of ridiculing people for shipping other stuff or not understanding why it could be a fun exercise to write fic about people who will never be together in canon...which...what? the queer history of fandom didn't happen for canon-or-bust to be such a prevailing attitude!). I even feel some of that drain myself, being in an interesting place as an enthusiastic multi-shipper who just so happens to love T/R (and want to see it happen in canon) to the point of modding a whole discord about it. I love T/R and I love that it feels like a thing that is real and true in the text, and that is something I've rarely gotten to be invested in textually speaking as a queer woman accustomed to living off little subtextual crumbs. This show makes me feel both privileged and desperate.
The whole T/R thing, and the literal years of suspense it's implanted in my brain, has been a really fascinating journey for me. I can honestly say I've never had a suspended state of suspense and wonder about a single topic for this long before. I've waited for other things for this long, but they've all been matters in my personal life that I had some level of control over. Even things like election cycles take less time than this. I think the healthiest thing to do in this situation is to protect each of our viewing experiences and to respect that we're watching the creation of artists who are brilliant and lovely and fallible. To take what serves us from the text and continue to play with it all in our own spaces.
Watching 3x1 was a fuckin' delight of an experience that reminded me why I love this show and why I'm willing to experience the lows and highs of disappointments and joys in a way that just feels a lot more raw than basically any viewing experience or fandom experience I've ever had in the past with anything.
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ok wait question kinda abt plurality can an alter cause like. gender envy in a way? like the really bad kind where u think ur gonna cry if u cant be that guy immediately. maybe thats closer 2 straight up dysphoria idk. and like if so can i also ask like. how i guess?? like would it be them just wanting their actual body?? asking specifically in a case where theyre either not fronting at all or are maybe cofronting but being like really super subtle about that fast
This seems like complicated situation for you. To summarize what I believe is going on, you are envious of another alter in your system to the point it is causing you emotional distress, correct? And this distress is either similar or identical enough to gender dysphoria that you feel making the comparison is at least somewhat accurate, but you're not sure why it's happening, or if it's even possible in the first place. (If I have misjudged the situation, please do let me know.)
Firstly, I'd say this is possible. You're experiencing it, aren't you? That alone makes it possible; dysphoria, gender envy, and systemhood are all personal and subjective experiences, so the only way to judge how "possible" a situation like this is is to ask if there's a personal account of such experiences, which you have. Perhaps you've gotten some wording or details incorrect, but I'm not worried about that. The gist of the problem is communicated well enough, and I believe you when you say you have this problem, so I'd say yes, this is possible.
Besides – similar things happen with singlets. There are plenty of trans and genderqueer people who want to look/sound/etc a certain way, and who get dysphoria from seeing or being around those that are, in their eyes, living as they wish they could. It's not too terribly hard to believe that the same thing could happen in a system.
Secondly, I can't say for certain "how" this has happened, but I can make some guesses.
If it's something that only pops up when this alter is fronting, it may be a matter of behavior; many actions, both subtle (like the way one stands or takes off a shirt) and not (like the hobbies or career a person has), are seen as traditionally either masculine or feminine, and it's possible that this alter behaves in a way that is usually considered more masculine or feminine.* For example, if you have dysphoria over appearing masculine, and this alter happens to stand in a way that is traditionally considered feminine, you may find yourself experiencing dysphoria over not standing in a way that is "feminine enough" by comparison. In short, the (subconscious) line of thought here is, "They're acting in a way that clearly communicates the gender I feel I am, but I'm not as good at acting that way, which makes me dysphoric."
There's also the matter of... well, for lack of a better term, vibes. Some systems are able to "sense" their headmates/alters to some degree, and sometimes alters can "feel" masculine or feminine. Or, if it's a matter of internal communication, an alter may "sound" masculine or feminine – or, if it's a matter of appearance in the innerworld, an alter may appear more masculine or feminine. There's a lot that can go into expressing gender, even in your own head! If you feel your gender presentation/expression doesn't match your desires as well as your alter matches it, that may be a source of dysphoria. To restate a point made earlier, this is something common for trans and genderqueer singlets – no reason why it couldn't happen to you, too.
Gender dysphoria is tricky as a system, as not everyone may be able to properly present as themselves. Alters who are dysphoric over having breasts may find themselves in opposition with alters who would feel dysphoric without breasts. Alters who find their body's deep voice to be euphoric may be in opposition with alters who find such a deep voice to be dysphoric. So, yes, it may be a case of wanting your own body – one where you can make decisions about presentation and transition without worrying about causing stress or tension in their system. But that's not really what you're getting at, is it?
You were asking about how one may have distressing gender envy – or dysphoria – as an alter. I believe I've answered this to the best of my ability, although it should be noted that I am not an expert on your mind or gender. These are merely theories based on what I know about your situation and the accounts I've heard in both system and genderqueer spaces.
Now, then – why don't we discuss some methods that might decrease your dysphoria?
There are, of course, the classics – voice training, gender affirming clothing, gender affirming hairstyles, packing or binding. There's also using makeup to make your face appear more masculine or feminine, or engaging in specific hobbies that are more closely associated with your true gender, or at least less closely associated with your assigned gender. For system specific tips, I would suggest trying to give yourself a more affirming appearance in headspace – it may take a while, and isn't achievable by all systems, but we've known many alters and headmates that could partly or fully change how they look in-sys, given enough practice of visualizing themselves differently.
You're far from alone when it comes to dealing with gender dysphoria, anon, even if it's from such a specific cause. Why not look up some other suggestions on how to reduce gender dysphoria? Remember, though, you know yourself best, and that means that whatever gender you feel you are, you are that gender, no matter what your dysphoria says.
Hope this helps and you have a good day, anon!
*(Note: I focused on masculinity and femininity because it helped keep my response and explanation as clear as possible, but similar cases could be made for androgyny or other gender related expressions/identities.)
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irishpotato19 · 1 year
Wylde Brothers Headcanons
because I can and I love them
I got tired of staring at the hands on my sketch and trying to draw them, so here's some headcanons for the bros...they make sense to me, idk about you lol
-Holy hell are these two boys so similar but so so different
-Both are cocky and hotheaded as hell, Kurt's mellowed out a bit, but is still cocky and stubborn
-Get serious ego boosts always
-Kurt's an eye roller, literally all the time. Or has super dry comebacks and snarky remarks ready on the fly and tells the worst dad jokes
-Both don't trust people very easily or willingly, and tend to self doubt themselves...they're kind of insecure (especially Mark when put on the spot)
-Both have really good hygiene, I know we poke fun at Mark for being the type of guy to wash his face and ass with the same rag, but come on, look at how clean they are...they actually both have really good sense in fashion and clothes (whether they try that is)
-Both tend to keep to themselves, quite introverted, unless they have to talk to their teams or do something for work...
-Mark spends a lot of time with friends/the metal maniacs, but has a very low social battery
-Kurt spends time with the Teku or in clubs with other racers and people he knows, but again would rather be by himself. I'd like to say he's a social butterfly, but just naturally, not by choice
-Neither one likes to look stupid or be wrong
-Both are very crafty and hands-on, Mark more so than Kurt, but they are both very creative...it's a good outlet for them
-Kurt's at least 6-8 years older than Mark, he called Mark his "kid" brother...I feel like 10 years or more apart would be too much, and 5 years apart would be too close
-But Mark's taller than Kurt by a few inches and holds it over his head
-Both can actually sing quite well. Kurt's a little flat here and there, but has a very soothing voice. Definitely a baritone, but also an alto
-Mark is the better of the two, but hates singing in front of others, was caught one time and totally turned beat red...he can sing lullabys like a god and his accent shows through every time
-To go off of the accents, they most definitely were raised separately by different parents at times. Kurt somewhere in California or on the west coast, while Mark was stuck in New York or Boston areas
-Explains why they aren't very close and have different accents and mannerisms. But they did try for the longest time to stay close, until it got to be too much...Mark definitely missed Kurt, and looked up to his older brother
-Both are softies deep down, very good with kids and pets/animals
-Mark sometimes fakes having a really low gravelly voice, it works for his badboy-I don't give a shit-vibe...but he does get kind of high pitched when pressured or scared or self-conscious
-Kurt is a really good cook and knows quite a few recipes; Loves fancy restaurants and is a health food fanatic...had a red wine stash
-Mark is the opposite and can't cook to save his life, he has tried though, and somehow set the microwave on fire...lives off of pizza joints and bachelor-like prepped meals
-They would both make terrific dad's
-I also feel like they would be good to either a baby girl or boy, but just something about them raising a baby girl would make them ecstatic...they just give off girl-dad vibes
-I feel like Mark would be better at taking care of kids because he still acts like a kid sometimes, and kids like him more, for what reason no one really knows
-Kurt can actually dance, like almost any style...a beautiful ballroom dancer
-Mark can not dance, but will do his best, he doesn't care if he embarrasses himself as long as other people/friends are getting second hand embarrassment from him
-In a relationship they'd both be very protective and supportive, they hate seeing their SO upset or hurt...loving and affectionate in almost every way, but sometimes don't show it because they don't want to be overbearing
-Kurt uses nicknames/pet names like; baby, darling, love, beautiful, something unique to his SO
-Think of Tramp from "Lady and the Tramp"
-Mark uses nicknames/pet names like; babe, baby cakes, doll, sweetcheeks, sweetheart, cutie, love, a unique joke for his SO
-Think of "Thomas O'Malley" from the Aristocats
-Mark would grow a beard at some point
-Kurt would try to grow a beard or mustache, and then immediately shave it off, Markie would definitely laugh at him...Kurt just can't pull off facial hair, maybe stubble but he hates it
-Both get nightmares quite frequently thanks to Gelorum, Mark more so than Kurt though
-Kurt hates needles
-Mark gets phantom pains every now and then where his left arm should be
-Kurt's a Leo
-Mark's either an Aries or Sagittarius
-Mark found a part of SpineBuster that was left over and made a bracelet and necklace out of it, still upset that his favorite car is gone...he put a lot of work into that thing
-He also cuts up his shirts a lot to show off his tattoos, or at least the one side for the metal arm cause otherwise it's kinda uncomfortable
-Kurt's an early 2000's club music man...Pitbull, Flo Rida, LMFAO, just something with a lot of bass and talking about pretty/hot women
-Mark's more rock/heavy metal, but has a type of nostalgia or special place in his heart for Linkin Park, FFDP, and Papa Roach
-Kurt's a suit and tie kind of guy, or matching track suit. He feels like he always has to look presentable, or like a professional in his element. If home by himself, or with a SO he'll lay back a bit and wear a white T-shirt and jeans or sweatpants
-Mark's in boots and jeans all the time, he sees no point in dressing up (unless you count an excessive amount of belts and gloves "dressed up"). But if a situation calls for it he'll wear a nice pair of pants and dress shirt or try to show up Kurt
-Both have put on eyeliner at some point, whether as a dare or joke, or just cause they wanted to see if they could look like Bucky Barnes or Killian Jones at 3am...they just look like they crawled out of an emo cover band
-Both agree no one else can know, this dies with them...someone definitely got a picture though, but they don't know that
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papirouge · 6 months
You're so right about rightoids being less tolerant about feminists and generalizing them all as man hating and insane just because of the posts and blogs of some eternally online ones, but being all "not all trad men!!1!" when it comes to self id trad men being degenerate bigots. And the latter are much more dangerous because they actually go out of their ways to find young girls they can prey onto young and form families to push their racist and insane agendas while the former usually stay away from men (and sometimes the world due to their hikkikomori like existence lbr).
I think it's simply ideology bias since these guys are right wing while most feminists are left leaning (and the few who aren't usually define themselves as political orphans). It kinda reminds me of the time when it was super common for trads to post stuff like "there's nothing more dangerous than a male feminist" usually with the implication of them being predators. And i'm not saying some aren't, but it was quite the spectacle seeing right wing men make these posts demonizing male feminists and other left leaning males, seeing trad/right wing women being like "SO true king" and then seeing these same rightoid males be like "women expire past age 25. If you're not married by 22 you're going to be a lonely cat hag. Men have to take control of their relationships and women have to submit. I want a 18 year old bride I can impregnate and keep locked at home. Modern women are degenerate whores". Like these men kept on showing these women they didnt consider them equals and worthy of respect yet these women thought the left leaning males (whom they usually dont even interact with) were the actual threats. Alright then.
Right wing women can be strange. I just saw one basically defeding right wing men misogyny because of those darned feminists. She said that after so many decades of feminists demonizing men and hating on them, it wasnt surprising men started harboring hatred towards women. As if men havent hated and oppressed and killed and raped women for much longer than feminism even got a name. But no, mean words are much more dangerous and hateful than whatever men have been doing to women for centuries. I really don't get male identified women but whatever.
Yeah, people (whether it's conservative scrotes or red pilled pickmes) acting like female misandrist represented a threat similar to misogyny as so full of it at this point
Like, where are the female mass shooter targeting males? or female raping (young) male to put them at their place? Have you seen women pull out shitty bio essentialists arguments to rationalize rape based on fact they have their biological clock tickling, urging them to rape boys men to get kids ? like men do with their mUh mEn Are WireD tO pLaNt tHeIr sEeDs rapey narrative?
Also if those men truly thought misogyny was as bad as misandry we would see them seethe and whine as much abt misogyny as they do with misandry but that's NEVER the case. They only bring up misandry to shut down women's legitimate grievance against male violence & misogyny. The rest of the time they don't talk about it because they don't care about it and deep down know it's not a thing. I can't legitimately think of man feeling threatened by misandry in their everyday life beside virtual shit going on the internet that wouldn't affect their life if they didn't have a persecution complex to feed and a life. Men don't think twice before going out because of misandrists potentially raping them... Women don't have that privilege...
Oh and I can't be the only one to notice how full of shit white conservative are when it comes to acknowledge rape culture. They will mock every single woman coming up with a rape story and how they're just making it up and how it's not that much of a deal......... until the alleged rapist is not White 🤡 Suddenly those scrotes will pretend caring abt women and turn themselves as the biggest feminists somehow, and go as far as to clown feminists lack lf reaction be like wHeRe aRe tHe fEmIniSts?? 🤪 Or mock White women feeling guit over "snitching" on their non White rapists, as if those White conservatives didn't have the biggest issue with calling out rapists when they come from their own side (i.e lately Russel Brand). They are so freaking hypocrital and I really wish they'd be called out more for that.
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polypd · 2 years
music headcanons for jrwi pcs:
under cut because this got SUPER long
🪶 Jay- probably listened to a lot of classical music growing up, still has a healthy respect for it and knows how to play the piano and violin but she listens to a lot of undersea music with Gill because she likes the sounds. She doesn't really appreciate music too much just because for her it was always a chore, but with Chip and Gill who both express themselves with it so often, she's starting to like it more.
🪓 Chip- probably a lot of very lively, bar/festival kind of music. The foot-tappy kind. He plays an old beat-up guitar that he's had for most of his life and refuses to replace, and he plays a lot of lullabyes that aren't exactly right because he had to make most of them up from memory since Arlin used to sing them to him. He's always humming or whistling something, half the time it's made up.
🌊Gillion- He listens mostly to traditional undersea music, lots of very deep, drumlike noises since those are the ones that travel underwater the best. most of the songs are meant to be sung with large groups of people and dance circles are very common, so Gill sometimes leads the crew in impromptu dance circles. He has done this in random taverns multiple times. He's classically trained in almost every u dersea i strument but will not play unless asked.
👻 William- he listens to a lot of 80s and 90s music because of his parents, but he's started to branch out into pop music but especially the really quiet singers (that i hate). he listens to billie eilish and also tiktok mysic because he likes it. His parents forced him to learn an instrument in Middle School so he plays the flute but he's mostly forgotten how.
🥾Dakota- probably lots of punk queercore, think Dog Park Dissidents (go listen to Dog Park Dissidents). He also definately listens to a lot of videogame soundtracks and dubstep that dont have music, especially when he's overwhelmed. He hyperfixated on learning the drums once but hasn't played them in forever so he probably isn't very good at it anymore.
🔪 Vyncent- Probably mostly videogame soundtracks, the ones that remind him of home. There's definately some games he has to play on mute or he'll start freaking iut abuut how it looks so similar to home but sounds so wrong. His actual music tast was probably inspired by Ashe the most because he was the one who shares it the most. Most of the Greats play instruments but I don't have the space to list that all iut so maybe in another post.
✨ Rumi/Elena- rumi absolutely loves tavern music but is also very good at playing softer songs, which they would play to help peter fall asleep. As Elena, however, they're branching out into trying new things. Music was something consistent throughout most of their identities as a way to express themselves but every time it was through some pre-made character, so now he's having to figure out what kind of music he wants to make. She definately appreciates music for the self-expression and communication aspect of it (something I could rant for a very long time about,) and she holds a deep love and connection because of that.
🪨 Peter- never really listened to music until he met Elena, who plays music to him as a way lf expressing her love. He doesn't fully understand it, but he does think it's very sweet. Sometimes they'll play to him while he's painting, and he usually gives the painting to them afterwards. (gift giving love language mf). Elena sometimes experiments with new songs and asks Peter for advice on them, just like he does with his painting style.
🤖 Thanatos- He was never really a fan of music, not even when he was human. He did, however, act as a metronome for Rumi when they needed one. He also gave a lot of advice about new songs. Rumi went to Oetwr and Thanatos both because Thanatos would give honest criticism and Peter would give honest compliments, so it was a good balance. Sometimes when he's reading the Atlas of Untold Stories, he sees an entry about Elena playing music to Peter as they just enjoy each other's company, and sometimes he can hear the phantom sounds of musical notes from long ago.
💼 Rolan- listens exclusively to Kian's music and a couple of old mixtapes Rand and Kian made for him back in highschool. He doesn't want to try branching out because he's scared he'll hate something, unless it's something Kian and Rand introduce him to. He doesn't listen to it very often, though, because it reminds him too much kf them. There's one song he always has to skip because it's the one he was listening to That Day. Sometimes he plays it on purpose just to remind himself he wasn't crazy. It doesn't really work.
🚬 Rand- His music taste depends entirely on his mood, he just listens to whatever he wants in the moment. Sometimes he listens to Kian's music or a copy of a mixtape he made for Rolan and wonders how they're doing, and sometimes the reminder is too much and he can't stomach even the mention of Kian's name on the radio. He's angry-cried so many times because the radio starts playing one of Kian's songs or a song that he introduced to Rolan and he has to pull over so he doesn't crash because of his breakdown.
🎸 Kian- never actually listens to his own music. Instead, he listens to songs he used to plsy for Rolan and Rand back when he was still teaching himself the guitar. Some nights he sits alone in his room, gently strumming his guitar only to realize it's one of those songs he's playing unconsciously and he just cries.
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encountersltd · 10 months
WISH GRANTERS, WISH TWISTERS, AND WARIO: a slightly messy but totally plausible theory on some subtle interconnected threads in the super mario bros extended universe
i was talking with a couple discord friends (so that makes this peer reviewed) and just out of the blue came up with a way the stories of wario master of disguise and wario world could be connected, and further connected to paper mario 64 and the mainstream mario canon
before we begin this theory contains massive, Massive, MASSIVE spoilers to the story of Wario: Master of Disguise. while it's not a super popular game by any means i don't want to take away the surprises that shocked 10 year old me watching a walkthrough of the game on youtube for ipad 1 from anyone interested so if you want to go in without having the entire last act spoiled for you, do NOT CLICK THE BUTTON BELOW (it also talks about stuff that's in paper mario and wario world but it's mostly stuff that's already discussed in the opening cutscenes anyway)
THIS, you might know, is the form the wishstone, supposedly a wish granting artifact that wario collected over the course of master of disguise, takes once it's put together and about to release the evil demon terrormisu
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and THIS is the main villain from wario world, the evil jewel, who wario has to stop by traversing the hell realm it made from his house
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notice any similarities? purple, blocky rocks with one big eye... 👁️
but they're not just similar looks wise, oh no, we've only just started spinning our yarn
take a look at the opening narration thingy from wario world
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ALT TEXT: Long ago, there was an evil black jewel that fed on the wishes of people, turning their desires into power.
This dark jewel gave birth to many evil spirits who then tormented the good creatures of the world.
Then, just when it seemed like the evil spirits would overrun the land, the Spritelings of the Sacred Forest ensnared the black jewel and hid it away deep within their ancient ruins. END ALT TEXT
evidently it says that the evil jewel did its evil deeds by using the wishes and desires of people (as in greed) for power
and if you've seen the cutscene before the last battle in master of disguise, you'd know that that's similar to how terrormisu manipulated the pharaoh (and perhaps even more hapless weirdos 'cause i definitely don't think that would be her first rodeo) by twisting their wishes and deepest desires and greed
EERILY SIMILAR MALEVOLENT MACHINATIONS, don't you think? and it gets thicker
after you defeat terrormisu in master of disguise, and this is the OTHER big reveal in that game, you find out the creator of the wishstone was goodstyle, wario's magic wand throughout the game and also count canolli's ancestor. goodstyle made the wishstone to house terrormisu and keep her from causing any more trouble
now, why does goodstyle's artifact look so similar to wario world's tricky meanie?
here's a bit of speculation to what's going on there. perhaps the evil jewel was another creation of goodstyle's, maybe intended for the same purpose as the wishstone, that being keeping terrormisu in check, but rebelled against him for some reason or another
perhaps they were angry that they would exist solely to fulfil a greater purpose, house an all powerful villain and then be split into pieces, so as a karmic protest against their creator, they escaped and started enacting evil plots similar to terrormisu's to add some delicious irony?
and now it gets even MORE thick, because now you have to consider that these are taking place in the same world the mainline mario games do! well, it's not THAT clear, cause idk if nintendo has commented on it, but i don't really see much proving that wario's solo games can't fit in the same wacky world of the main mariology, plus them being one world is more fun anyways.
now we add paper mario to the mix
so, yes, mario and luigi paper jam does reveal that the events of the six paper mario games take place in a seperate universe, but
a) the star spirits, the wish granters from paper mario 64, do appear with the main universe iteration of the mario characters in mario party 5
b) the paperverse can be explained as a parallel reality that has similar events (if not exactly a 1 to 1 facsimile) to the main universe, so it's not like it throws TOO many wrinkles into the facade
and what do the star spirits do
they're benevolent spirits that GRANT PEOPLE'S WISHES! but not evil! no loopholes, no monsters, just "here you go son a new nintendo switch cause you wished so hard"
and when you're a society of spirits that grant wishes for the good of the universe, there being two evil jerks out there using people's wishes for nefarious purposes is probably bad for you
so we know wario master of disguise's true villain terrormisu, before goodstyle gets involved, is twisting the wishes of people, the department of the star sprites, for nefarious purposes
and THAT'S a problem™
so they get this guy goodstyle/cannoli to go to where terrormisu lives on the mushroom world to make sure she doesn't do that anymore, but in the process creates another villain that uses the wishes of people for nefarious purposes
and that's ANOTHER problem™
so then the star sprites need to bring in the spritelings, the helpful little critters in wario world who give you tips and help you take down the jewel in the end
star SPRITES. SPRITElings.
are wario world's spritelings are workers for the star sprites, or at least an affiliated faction? it seems plausible if you look at it like that
anyways, the spritelings go make sure the evil jewel can't use people's wishes for evil anymore either
now comes the part where Wario in his infinite wisdom RELEASES THE BOTH OF THEM ON TWO SEPERATE OCCASIONS
but he more than makes up for it by the time both misadventures are all over
by first, with the spritelings' help, destroying or at least throroughly defeating the black jewel so it wouldn't hurt people anymore
and then second, defeating terrormisu, which makes her think twice about sucking the souls out of everyone in the mushroom world and decide instead to go back to the Underwhere and not mess with earthlings (mushroomlings?) any longer
therefore, wario mostly assuredly made it so that the two wish-twisting villains wouldn't mess with wishes for their evil plots ever again
and if the above math is to believed, he did it with the guidance of the star spirits' associates, goodstyle and the spritelings
thusly making sure that both of them would no longer be a headache for the star spirits
therefore, wario was helping out the star spirits handle their nemeses, and didn't even realize it! seems like his selfish plots always seem to have a way of turning out alright in the end
and, umm, since super mario rpg on the snes is also about wishes, i assume geno and the star road are involved in the story as well but i don't know too much about that game unfortunately so that makes this THE END
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lily-janus · 1 year
Rivals (?)
Summary: Logan has a crush on one of the most popular kids in the school, Roman, but fears his mortal enemy, Janus, will get in the way... and he's not entirely wrong...
Pairings: pre-romantic Logince, platonic Loceit (as in they hate each other)
Warnings: some low self esteem talk from Logan, a bit of unsimpathetic Janus towards Logan, food mention (not graphic). Lemme know if there's smth I missed.
Super late but deal with it, for @loginceweek2023 day 3 - competition.
I'm planning to have more chapters for this but they're more Loceit focused so I decided to post just the first part that focuses more on our fav prince and nerd^^
Logan and Janus had been rivals ever since Janus first arrived at the school.
They were both highly intelligent and well read people that did well in academic environments, such as school.
So it was that Logan and Janus were both the top students in their year with almost identical scores, they were both leading the debate team and math league of the school, won similar awards, and so on and so forth.
They were both incredibly competitive so the fact that they had so much in common didn't push them closer but rather did the opposite: they hated each other. They argued over everything, constantly keeping their guard up around each other to try and best each other for once, looking for a sign of weakness or something else they can use to bring the other down.
So it was that, when Logan started developing feelings for one of the most popular kids in school, he just knew Janus was going to try and make a move as well, if just to spite Logan.
While, yes, him and Janus had many similarities, they also had huge differences. For one, Janus was an incorrigible flirt and great at acting, while Logan… well, he was too straightforward and socially awkward for any of that.
So it happens that Janus was at the same theater group as Logan's crush, Roman, while Logan's only interaction with him during school was math class… which Roman spent most of his time doodling in his notebook rather than actually listening in.
Suffice to say, Logan was at a huge disadvantage in this particular competition between him and Janus, not to mention Logan can never imagine a scenario where Roman choses the boring nerd that he is over the smooth and slick Janus that shares at least one interest with him… he doesn't stand a chance!
"But you don't know that Janus is interested in him." Patton pointed out one time during lunch when Logan brought it up.
"That's not the point, he'll do it just to spite me, that's just how he is." Logan said, taking a bite from his sandwich grimly. "I should just give up… even if Janus was out of the picture there's no way 'mister popular' will be willing to go out with me of all people."
"Aww don't give up yet! You haven't even tried yet, he might surprise you!" Patton said encouragingly, smiling.
Logan opened his mouth to say something… when he saw Roman and Janus stepping inside the dining hall, laughing together, Janus smirking proudly.
Right… they just had theater together, they probably had so much fun together they lost track of time…
Logan sighed, taking another bite. "I highly doubt that…"
Then, suddenly, Roman locked eyes with Logan, making him freeze. He turned to Janus to say something, then, to Logan's shock, he moved towards him.
"Hey!" Roman smiled at him when he reached his and Patton's table.
"Um…hello." Logan managed to say somehow.
"Logan, right? We're together in math." Roman said, still smiling.
Logan just nodded. Roman knows who he is!
Roman bit his lip, looking back to where Janus was still standing. "Well I… wanted to ask you something…"
Logan frowned, confused, if Logan didn't know better this looked like Janus… no, that's impossible. He looked at Patton for support, but he just grinned at him.
"Uh… yes? What is it?" Logan asked, trying not to let his nervousness show.
Roman took a deep breath. "I was just wondering if… If you'd be interested in hanging out somewhere? Like a… Date?"
It took Logan a long moment to realize he actually heard that and his mind wasn't playing tricks on him.
He looked behind Roman towards Janus and they locked eyes, Janus looked almost… threatening? Did he want Logan to say yes?
"Logan?" Patton drew his attention and he realized in horror that Roman was standing there, obviously nervous and Logan kept him hanging all this time.
"Right, sorry, I just never thought you'll… nevermind, I would love that, Roman." He smiled at him and Roman slumped a little, looking relieved.
"Really? That's great um… here's my number and I'll… text you the details." He smiled shyly, handing him a piece of paper before running off.
Logan clutched the paper, looking at Patton's grinning face. "Ah… what just happened?"
"Roman just asked you out on a date!" Patton yelled in excitement, grabbing him by the shoulder and shaking him.
Logan smiled, so he didn't imagine it. "I… can't believe it-"
They both turned to see Janus glaring at them. He turned his raging glare to Logan, poking him in the chest with an accusatory finger. "If you do the smallest thing to hurt him, I will end you, do you understand?"
Logan blinked, swallowing nervously. "I… don't understand, I thought you'll-"
"Take him from you?" Janus huffed, backing away a little. "Believe me I tried talking him out of asking you out but pretty boy here wouldn't listen." He rolled his eyes. "All those drawings of you he drew during math… almost made me vomit."
Logan frowned. "You and Roman are… friends?"
"Whatever! Just be careful with him alright?" Janus said and walked away.
Logan tapped his fingers on the table, constantly checking his watch. Of course, he was so worried of being late that he arrived half an hour early and the wait was figurtavily killing him.
Finally, Roman showed up and sat down on the seat opposite of Logan, beaming. "Hey there! You're right on time, of course you are." He shook his head with a smile.
Logan flushed, the way he said it sounded like… he knew him… For exactly how long was Roman watching him?
"Actually I… I arrived here thirty minutes early, you never know how traffic is going to be so I went out early… just to be sure." Logan said awkwardly.
Roman blinked, and Logan worried he came out too uptight and serious. But then Roman chuckled, "yeah that does sound like you, so I'm assuming you had plenty of time to think of what you want to order then. You look really nice, by the way."
Logan had to look away, blushing deeply. "Um… thank you… you too."
While he waited for Roman, Logan tried to think about what to talk about with him. But now, as it turned out, Roman was fully capable of carrying the conversation all by himself, constantly jumping from one subject to another, Logan only managing to put in small replies and smiles here and there.
Logan didn't mind though, Roman's voice was.. pleasant, so much so that he was sure he could listen to it all day.
When their food arrived, Roman quieted down and they resumed eating in a relaxed silence.
"So… It came to my understanding that you and Janus are pretty close." Logan said after a while.
Roman stopped eating, swallowing and putting his fork down, looking a little uncomfortable.
"Oh, it's no problem, really, I was just wondering-"
"It's okay, I know you two don't get along but… well I really like you, and Janus' my best friend so… I was hoping for a small truce?" Roman looked at him hopefully.
Damn it Logan can't say no to that… "Did you ask Janus that, too?" He asked instead.
Roman nodded, chuckling a little. "Yeah, he was not happy, you should have seen his face. But he agreed eventually, though he said he'll, and I quote, 'still beat your score this year' "
Logan huffed. "I'd like to see him try, that slimy snake can keep dreaming-" he stopped himself. "...Sorry, reflex."
Roman sighed. "It's alright, so… that's a yes?"
Logan hesitated, Roman is amazing but… Janus? "Only when we're not at school?"
"Only then." Roman agreed. "Though if you'll try to be a bit nicer to each other at school that'd be awesome too but it's not a must."
Logan sighed, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Truce it is." He said bitterly, though the bitterness melted at the sight of Roman's grin.
"Yay! Oh I'm so happy I could kiss you now!"
Logan was sure his entire face turned red as he almost choked on his food. "Um…" he said in a stroke of brilliance.
Roman suddenly realized what he said, chuckling nervously. "Heh whoops, we can wait for that." He blushed a little.
Logan looked down at his plate. "Yeah… We can wait."
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thecraftymagician · 2 years
Hi! Could I request headcanons about being best friends with Asra? Gn Reader, but not MC. Thank you in advance!
Hey! Yeah, absolutely. I'm sorry if this kind of leans MC in a way, I'm basically just leaving out the plot like the possible ex relationship, and the plague stuff ya know. Asra is super cool and I wish I could be their friend, too! (Makes it a bit off because I like Julian alot buuut.. I can write about convos and make-ups with Asra in the routes in another post but for now let's get on with an awesome friendship!) I'm one of those who kinda falls for my friends like if I like you it's likely it's deep not so much romantic. But in the same vein the things like being able to sit and be together, support, love, hanging around alot, etc if that makes sense? TDLR; I romanticize my friendships even though it's strictly with platonic love so that's how this will be!
Warnings: Platonic goodness, Platonic Fluff!, Route *spoilers* for Asra, minor mention of substance use
Being Asra's Best Friend:
No matter when you started becoming friends or how long it's been you're definitely close. Asra isn't really one to keep those they care about at arms length unless it's necessary. Of course they love to keep an air of mystery buuut they also allow you see right through them.
It's likely similar to their relationship with Muriel where they know just about everything about you. It's pretty easy to learn all about some one when late night talks are a common occurrence. With a mind like a steel trap Asra will look out for things you like as well as don't.
When it comes to any possible triggers for you they stay vigilant and cautious but won't do anything unless you are okay with it.
It's not always super intense or heavy though, quite the contrary. If you like to travel or are open to it in general they are more than happy to invite you on their adventures. Granted it might look like waking up to Asra knocking on your door at 3am telling you to get ready because they couldn't sleep and want to go.
Speaking of which, surprise visits are a thing. Popping by where you work or while you're doing a hobby. You might wake up to them cooking because they wanted to borrow some ingredients for breakfast and figured they'd just cook for two or something.
Traveling is alot of mischief and exploring with plenty of deep talks and games to pass the time.
Of course if you are open to magic they're more than happy to show you some things or even teach you if you'd like.
If you're friends with Muriel too you are welcome at the hut and probably have your own designated spot by the fireplace to cozy up on rainy days.
Is absolutely one of those people who loves to platonic cuddle and nap with friends, you cannot convince me otherwise! If you're not okay with that, it's completely fine they will never be upset over something like that.
Asra is super supportive and protective of you. Anything you need, they're there to do whatever they can to help.
On the flip side, Asra doesn't expect anything in return but genuinely adores if you do like finding things they like or looking out for them. Anything you do is precious to them.
Besides Faust and Muriel, Asra doesn't have too many he can confide in or talk about his past or just feelings in general. They act strong but nobody can be strong all the time. While they have other people there are probably things they feel more comfortable bringing to you. They'll likely come to you for comfort and advice as they primarily mom/dad-friend Muriel and focus on caring for him and Faust while a great listener doesn't always understand.
Okay they won't exactly peer-pressure you BUT this thing on the menu sounds like it's either going to be amazing or awful.. You both have to try it!
Asra is super open minded and willing to try just about anything so if you have any ideas for something new like hobbies there's a strong likelihood they'll be down to try it with you.
So. Much. Sass. And. Sarcasm. But I'm sure you already knew that. Playful roasting without ever taking things too far for you. Lot's of random inside jokes.
Not gonna lie, they'll probably down to partake of the devil's lettuce or some substances with you..
All that being said Asra probably won't be around constantly because, well, that's not exactly their track record even if they do just appear out of thin air practically some times. They're not one to follow you around or smother you too much but will also try not to neglect you. If you need space, you've got it but it might be mutual or vice versa some times.
They're alright with you following them around though if that's something you like to do or of it makes you feel more comfortable.
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menstits · 8 months
is this a safe place to hate k4veh and k4vetham. Its so funny that his fans act like hes the most well written character in the game when hes just a guy with imposter syndrome and mommy issues that got scammed. funny of them also to act like nilou didnt do anything in the story like i think nilou is boring as fuck but at least she paid an important role on the first and last arcs, all kaveh did was argue with alhaitham at the end for 2 minutes for #fujopoints and thats it. also congrats to hkv for being the first gay ship to be implied but they feel sooooo forced bc u can tell hoyoverse is only good at writting yuri bc of past experience
I didn't even know that people were trying to argue about nilou too, you're bringing me discourse the likes of which i cannot even imagine. Like i cannot bring myself to get invested in nilou just because she's boring but objectively she's far more plot relevant than kaveh like bro we were trapped in her dream world for like an entire arc.
In all seriousness though, i don't want to be too much of a bitch because i do have mutuals who like kaveh/kavetham in a normal people manner so this is all about a specific chunk of the fanbase, i'm not making blanket statements like mewchies if you're reading this it's not about you i literally just have seen Things against my will on twitter and want to bitch about it + i'm adding a readmore cause this is becoming long
I don't even think it's like. An issue that's specific to the characters or the pairing. In a vacuum i would have probably felt entirely neutral about kaveh because he's not even an unlikeable character. If i lived in a cave and played the game without knowing what anyone else is doing in another lifetime maybe i would have even liked him. I don't harbor negative feelings towards the people who can be normal about liking a character but the thing is that he is literally just some guy. Like his Thing is that he's just some dude who's in his 30s and is kind hearted to a fault cause then he always gets scammed which in itself is like. A pretty funny/endearing character concept in itself. And i know that him being Just Some Guy makes him relatable to all manner of tormented young adults who are also Just Some Guy as well which is FINE. I get it. We are all some guy deep down. But what bothers me is that . A certain side of the fanbase wants him to be kaeya so fucking bad and will project conflicts onto kaveh that are literally just kaeya's and it's like. I will kill you with a rock. They have very similar conflicts except for the fact that kaveh's are repackaged to be about more mundane things compared to kaeya's and it's so... Kaeya has been there doing all that 3 years before kaveh was even a twinkle in the hoyoverse devs' eye . If you're a kaveh fan you better only ever say nice things about kaeya or i will strangle you.
My OTHER grievance with kaveh fujos which are really NOT even always the same category as the fans doing what i just mentioned is that . They draw him and write him like a cishet woman on the verge of a divorce i don't know how else to explain like i feel like people brought back the insane super masc muscled seme x skinny malnourished frail and womanly uke with an inexplicably fat ass trend from older yaoi full force for these two in a way that i hadn't seen since like 2012 it's so sickening not even in a funny way not even just redesigning him to have different body proportions from the standard twink model like that's good end encouraged but NO they're just literally making him as frail and womanly and vitamins deficient looking as possible and then giving him a scary waist to hips ratio like ENOUGH. ENOUGJ that man has no ass HE HAS NO ASS HE'S SHAPED LIKE A BOOKMARK❗❗
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