a-lone-echoviolet · 10 months
The sudden urge to speed run and practically show everyone I see my ideas is starting to grow
I literally want to animate,draw,write, and crochet at the same time right now. Like I want to finish making all my ideas before they fizzle out and die-
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br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 2 months
INTRO!! (fully updated ver.)
hi!! I’m Broken!! Or charlie or puppi or Basil or whatever the fuck u wanna call me
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And his eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming,
And the lamplight o'er him streaming throws his shadow on the floor;
And my soul from out that shadow
that lies floating on the floor
Shall be lifted—nevermore!
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we are a system!! Be sure to check below for alter tags to make sure u know whos posting if not me <3
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About the au thing. I have a bunch of other aus now too as well so yippeeeeehdbdjshsnhsidh
cool ppl :
please ask to be my fam members i will gladly familyfy you
i might forget ppl so if i interact w u lemme know i’ll add ya
tags for headmates/alters/fictives:
🥀: Zip, He/ They
🍈: Melon/ Mello. He/Him
🌿: Basil (He/They)
🌻: Tryst/Trys (They/Them)
🐚: Cosmo (He/Him)
🪷: Opal (She/Her)
🎠: Millonia (Milo.) (They/Them)
Fanfic info:
uhhh i’ll write short omori fics now?!
I mean no proshipping and typical stuff.
but yeah ships stuff like Heromari, Kelbrey, Sunflower, Spaceheart, Suntan, Cactiflower, Photobomb etc is welcome!! Just send me an ask and i’ll try to answer as soon as possible!! Character X Reader is also allowed! I love doing those heheh… um.
So yeah!!
also u can send prompts and NSFW reqs too (including gore)!! I like prompts and they can be as custom as u want! So go ahead and shoot ur shot guys!! I can also do non-ship/ platonic!! Anything really!!
userboxez (too many basil ones oh god ik):
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woodsfae · 2 months
Babylon 5 S03E16 War Without End: Part One previous episode - table of contents
From the preview image that Tubi chose for the episode I see that Sinclair's back?? My old friend!! As well as our first glimpse at Minbar outside the Grey Council chambers, I believe! It's beautiful: very sculpted in a sort of sci-fi Rivendell way which fits the Minbari's space elf vibe. 
Entil'Zha is being presented with a sacred box, which has waited for over 900 years..in which there is a letter for Jeffrey David Sinclair! Dun dun dun. Prophecy is real, Babylon 5 is a high fantasy as much as it is sci-fi. 
Another prophecy, this one of the sci-fi variety: Babylon 5 gets a transmission of Ivanova calling for help, saying "they're killing us." 
This show gives me so many fanfic ideas and I haven't looked to see if anyone else has done them yet, because I'm avoiding spoilers. So I really don't go looking for info on B5 or interact with fandom works much. But this episode reminds me that I keep toying with the idea of an AU where Sinclair never leaves at the end of s01 and the whole plot plays out with him. I miss him, he got into my heart so fast and I had no inkling he was leaving the show till well after I was attached. 
It's nice to see Sinclair has had Minbari friends in his time running/recruiting/training the Rangers from Minbar. 
Partner just asked me what my predictions were for Sinclair and then when I went on a ramble just stared at me and told me to write it down. So here: my prediction of Sinclair's fate. In a separate post, because it's a bit too much of a tangent.
I've paused for long enough for only being six minutes into, so we're going to move on now, but if you wanna hear meta thoughts on what I think might happen with other characters end games, I could ramble about it.
Ivanova: this recording is fake. my analysis is based on logic: I didn't do it, ergo it is fake. Garibaldi, living for some sci-fi shenanigans: what if it's time travel.
They have Garibaldi positioned poorly before a dark path in the backdrop and it looks like he has one, huge pouf of hair sticking out one side of his head, lol.
Sinclair's back on Babylon 5! Zack Allen is in plainclothes, so perhaps all staff have the option? Or Zack wasn't invited to their special senior staff matching uniforms? 
Delenn being a drama queen. It's one of the qualities they hire for on the Grey Council. 
Lennier: "It must be done or the dream will die, and countless others will die."
o m in o u s
Eight days since the last Vorlon attack, per Marcus. 
Sinclair looks so good in Sci-Fi Rivendell clothes. Eeeek, I missed him, I love it. 
Oh it's Zak? Zap? Zathras? Yes! Zathras! Wow, I wasn't sre he'd be back, let alone that he'd be in shenanigans with DraalPlanet, OR that DraalPlanet would be doing something with time travel! 
And Sheridan! Is also wearing Minbari fashion! Some very snazzy robes over his uniform. 
Ivanova's message from the future is so grim. The captain is dead. "They" are coming in all over the place. External cams: Shadows. The Shadows have weapons lock. Explosions. Seems pretty straightforward and I bet it'll play out exactly like that with no twists. :P /hah
As Sheridan is doubtlessly about to find out, it's always going to be a normal evening when you are asked to swear you trust someone with your life before events can commence. 
Delenn has a powerpoint presentation about the Shadows. And a battle where the shadows were driven from their home, Zha'Dum. But the Minbari were losing at the time. Until Babylon 4 appeared! Delenn says without Babylon 4, they would have lost the war. 
Even while Babylon 4 was in construction, the Shadows attacked to destroy it. And the White Star was there! Delenn says they must go through the temporal rift that Draal is widening, protect B4, steal B4, and send B4 around in time. End Presentation! Everyone agrees with her flawless logic. And because she brought receipts in the form of video archival footage from DraalPlanet's surveillance system: Epsilon 3. 
That I didn't see coming, either. But like Garibaldi, I am so on board for the sci-fi hijinks. 
Oh, Delenn's plan goes farther! She and Sheridan will take B4 on the entire time travel trip and personally fight in the historical fight against the Shadows. Ten thousand years ago, right??? Damn, Sheridan and Delenn are going to stride through time and strike titanic, decisive blows in a war that felled entire species of sci-fi space gods!! That's so fucking epic. 
Ivanova is floating the idea that she was calling for help from an alternate timeline. But Garibaldi thinks it's the timeline they're planning now, where they take B4. 
I'm sure that SInclair's quippy references to Sheridan are super funny, but sadly I do not get the references. 
Zathras is here again. I...don't get Zathras. He's ehh funny. But extremely plot useful! Sinclair is meeting Zathras for the second time, but for Zathras it's the first time. But Zathras is well-informed, because he's very super honored to meet Sinclair and Sheridan, but also that's on the list of things Draal told him not to mention. 
Ahh, this Sinclair has already lived through the destruction of Babylon 5! He's already experiencing the world nonlinearly and is trying to do differently on this loop - damn! Or he's having visions from an alternate timeline but at some point you gotta agreee those are almost the sme thing, structurally, experientially, and thematically.
Time travel requires the use of devices that act as anchors. Zathras is handing them out and they're all being clipped visibly on a belt or sash, thus guaranteeing that someone will lose theirs. Sinclair? 
Aww, Sinclair sees Delenn and Sheridan holding hands and smiled. That makes me wistful for the Sinclair/Delenn endgame that exists in my personal, unwritten AU. 
Garibaldi is due an arc of making good, upstanding decisions and not doing police brutality so it hits extra hard when he blows up with Babylon 5. Or he makes it two more seasons, idk. I wouldn't mind if they lost a few characters and he was one of them.
Especially not if we could swap him for Talia back. I can't decide if I think she (or her personality that got overwritten) will be back or not. 
The White Star has been ugraded with Vorlon skin, so it deflects attacks better, which Sheridan affects to be unimpressed by.
Garibaldi guesses "Hello, old friend," as the password which Sinclair used to lock a goodbye/sorry video Sinclair left for him. Which makes me softer for Garibaldi. That's what I think of when I think of Sinclair, too! 
Oooo, Sheridan's time stabilizer got hit and now he's unstuck in time. Space is big. Hope he lands on something with an atmosphere. Delenn can pick him up later, I'm sure.
Sheridan always automatically turns to Delenn for backup, but Sinclair automatically turns to Ivanova, and I love that. 
Sheridan just time traveled to the future where Londo is the Emperor of Centaur! And it's "just in time to die."
Are they currently losing a war in the future? Perhaps Centaur is now a holdout in the war for existence against the Shadows in an alternate future and Sheridan will be meant to save the future as well as the past? 
So funny how taken aback Delenn is that Sinclair speaks Minbari now. He lived there! Marcus, who was being trained as a Ranger there learned Minbari as what he implied was a necessity. But Delenn is so surprised. Their heart to heart is so sweet. *shipping intensifies*
Back to the future! Sheridan and Londo seems like he's blaming other people for his own support of the Shadows' agenda coming back to bite Londo and Centaur in the ass. "Ohhh if only you'd joined me in collaborating I wouldn't have had to face any consequences!" He'll get everything he ever thought he wanted and learned that being Emperor lost him everything he'd ever cared loved.
That's a pretty good hook and a cliffhanger. And a ton of interesting information was revealed! It's too late for Part Two tonight but I pinky-promise I will watch it tomorrow. I wrote up some predictions after I did a Sinclair one and an other-characters one before I watched...
War Without End: Part Two
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virgilisspidey · 10 months
Nothing's New
Staff-Verse AU
more info under the cut:
More Staff-Verse AU things featuring some character redesigns!!
In the last post I have on Staff-Verse the characters look the same from canon but me and my friend @cursedhue went redesigning!!
And as you may have noticed, Sun, the Wukong that's supposed to be in this AU has been scrapped. Instead you have Swap from a universe where the jttw gang and monkie kid gang are switched.
This part of the song fits well with the whole theme of the AU. Despite the difference between who wields the staff one thing remains the same... Pain.
The AUs featured here now have names!!
Canon - MK's universe
Jade Dragon - Jade's (Mei) universe
Sixth Son - Liu'Er's (Macaque) universe
Golden Cicada - Tangy's (Tang) universe
Crimson Son - Crimson's (Red Son) universe
Swapverse - Swap's (Wukong) universe
They will be tagged appropriately so you know which characters from which universe I'm talking about whenever I post about them.
This is also primarily going to be full of art because I want to practice making comics and such, fanfics are still gonna happen if i'm motivated enough (but I'll spend more time on writing Two Souls)
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neewtmas · 6 months
24 days of Appreciation
Good morning! It's day 4 of 24 Days of appreciation this december, where we shine a spotlight each day on those we appreciate in this fandom!
If you want to submit someone or something (for more info read here), you can do so here or just message me! If you wanna stay anonymous, either tell me or submit on anon.
Appreciation from me:
Today's appreciation is for @givemea-dam-break. I know you're not on tumblr a lot rn, so idk when you see this, but ofc I could never not make an appreciation post about you. I loveeee and adore everything have done for this fandom, whether it be your edits (heart-shattering, wonderful, fantastic, spectacular, the locklyle hands!!!!) or your fanfics. There is a reason why almost everything you've ever written is on my fic rec list, and imo you're in like the top three lockwood & co writers on this site. I'm not lying when I say that Touch is probably my favourite George x reader fic ever (at least top 3!!). Your feedback the fics I write is what keeps me going and it makes me so happy every time! I love that at this point we're also connected outside of tumblr and I get a little glimpse into your life. I just know that when we finally finish the collab fic (one day that will happen I swear lol) it will be the most iconic thing ever written. I am so grateful I get to know you, and I hope you're back soon! ily eden🫂💙
Appreciation from others (submissions):
from anon: Could I possibly submit @krash-and-co for the 12 days of appreciation thing you're doing? She is such a bright, bubbly, joyous person to be around. I love reading her posts because she always has such great ideas and hcs. She's so naturally funny! Her art style isn't my cup of tea, but she's sm better than me and it's super cute!! I honestly could easily imagine a cartoon or animation with her art style. And her writing, oh, don't get me started in her writing, MY GOD, her writing, the first time I read her work, I was awestruck by how similar to Stroud her writing was. Her fics are such a delight to read and her writing is genuinely so impressive. Definitely my favourite fic writer. I particularly adore the AU drabbles she writes because it's so interesting to see my blorbos in different situations. so exquisitely in a way we don't see in the fandom, I could go on and on about how much I love the way she writes. The talent she has is so impressive (allahumma barik), good at writing AND drawing!?!? Puh-lease!!
Show your appreciation and submit someone or something here :)
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mirjam-writes · 6 months
What about you? What writing are you happy about this year?? Is there anything you want to brag about?
Happy Yule, solstice, Christmas, Festivus, (belated) Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and Doctor Who Day! And anything else you might celebrate, or happy Monday if you don’t!
Thank you so so much for asking 🧡🧡
This was quite a writing year for me. I wrote only four stories, but I'm quite proud of all of them. To Love Somebody was my first foray in rare pairs. An angsty backstory for Shadwell, and what made him the way he is. It has an hopeful ending, and I'm quite proud of the structure, and how much I managed to squeeze into the small word count. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun is a short and wholesome outsider pov story I wrote for an event. I was surprised how much people liked it! It was also my first attempt on present tense, which continued in A Stable Relationship, one of my FTH stories for this year (the second one will probably be a bit late, and be completed in January). I had fun writing it, and it turned out to be a good one, and the only one of these oneshots that was Explicit. It was set in horse riding world.
The reason why I wrote only three oneshots, and why my second FTH piece is late, was of course my favourite story of all time: Be Still My Soul trilogy. A human AU story set in the sad moments of Finnish history.
Despite the class differences, landowner Azirafel Fjäll and sawmill worker Anton Crowley have been friends since childhood. The Great War rages over Europe and the Empire of Russia is in the firm grip of a revolution. The echoes of these fateful events carry over to the Grand Duchy of Finland, vaguely sauntering towards independence. Azirafel and Crowley find themselves on the opposite sides of a conflict that will eventually lead to a bitter civil war, tearing the country apart.
Is there a possibility for them to find their own side, or will this be the end of their budding love story?
I started writing the third part in January, and finished it just before S2 aired in July. It finished posting in October, and it's now complete and done, though I'm still commissioning art for it. This story took over my life for over two years, and it's my baby. I've had such a hard time to let go of it! It also has its own blog @be-still-my-soul-fanfic where I posted dozens of posts about historical and cultural facts. The story is written in a way you don't need to know anything of the Finnish history beforehand (my American betas made sure of that). It's a lovestory, not a history lesson, BUT if you want to learn more, there's a lot of extra info available 😅
I think it's the best story I've ever written (and probably ever will). Many readers have agreed, but it's angsty with very heavy themes until the happy ending, so it's not for everyone and I think posting it just when S2 aired cut some of the potential readers. The third part of the trilogy is now five kudos shy of 100 kudos, and I'm hoping it could get past that milestone before new years. 😂 So yeah, my own personal favourite gets the least interaction of them all. Oh well.
I'm gonna sound a bit self-absorbed, but I'm proud I finished it and it turned out even better than I hoped. My dream would be to print a physical copy or to record a podfic of that, but both might be a bit too much work.
For the next year I have two zine fics to finish, and I have applied to a third one. I have one event fic in the works as well, but the FTH story will be the one I'll concentrate until it's done. It's an oneshot human AU which somehow grew limbs and now it's 7.6k words and nowhere near done 😱 That's my holiday project.
Thank you for asking!! I was so delighted to get a chance to ramble myself 🧡 There's never enough chances for writers to gush about their own work because it always feels a bit self centered. That's why I like to wander around Tumblr and give people the perfect excuse to do that! Peek at the #writer's favourites tag if you want to see other fanfic writers sharing their favourites! And feel free to use the tag yourself if I forgot to ask someone (I was very much not organised when going through the blogs and I'm not good at matching blog names with writer names 😅)
I hope you'll have a magnificent new year 🧡
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onlyjaeyun · 4 months
Hey girlie I love your fics so much and the way you write. I’m not the person that should tell you how to write your stories. It’s your fanfic and you do what you want with it but I also think that sometimes writers don’t realize what they exactly put in their fanfics. I’ve noticed in your recent fic that you write a lot about how y/n smokes. It gets mentioned so much to the point that I feel you are romanticizing smoking. You sometimes even put aesthetic pictures of it. Idk if it’s really that important to the story. Smoking is really unhealthy and if someone wants to do that then it’s their decision but it shouldn’t be something that should be romanticized at all. It’s not cool or aesthetically pleasing or wtv. I don’t wanna be *that* person and tell you how to write your stories but I’ve just noticed this and wanted to make you aware of it. Ofc it’s completely up to you what you do with this info. Maybe the smoking is important to the story later idk. This is not hate at all just something I wanted to tell you 💞 this is also the only “bad” thing about your fics I absolutely love everything else I can’t wait for Sunghoon and y/n to finally admit their hidden feelings for each other!!!
hi! firstly, thank you so much for your sweet words, am really grateful for the support and love and glad you're enjoying CH so far!
in response to your concern, i don't really know what to tell you. in no way am i romanticising anything and if the frequent mention of smoking – which is part of y/n's character – makes it seem like i'm doing that, then the constant mention of everyone partying and getting drunk should also be considered romanticising something that's not good for you.
at this point i just wanna say that this is all just fiction and i'm not responsible for other people's interpretation of certain aspects in my story. it's a college!AU and that's why these aspects seem quite normal to me.
in no way am i trying to dismiss or belittle your worries and i genuinely appreciate you coming to me with this, it's just that in my opinion people need to learn how to handle fictional stories and not let it get to them or affect their lives and choices.
when it comes to the topc of romanticisation, i'd have to cut out most of the warnings in every single one of my stories bc talking about it or incorporating it into my story would be romanticising it and i dont think that's the point of writing. (do you know what i mean?)
i am a smoker myself so i guess im kinda self indulging here and i'm okay with that. i'm not romanticising anything and as a 23 year okd woman i'm very much aware of the dangers and risks smoking comes with.
i dont even know where i was going with this, it's just that i understand your concern and i'll try and not mention it as much (tbh i barely ever mentioned it anyway) but that's it.
i hope you dont take this to heart bc i genuinely understand where you're coming from and 100% respect your opinion. this is mine and i hope you understand what i meant by this, take care of yourself 💞
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spnfanficpond · 11 months
New Member Spotlight - June/July 2023
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a little info about them!
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@lacilou -
Other fandoms? - Walker
Looking for in the Pond? - More Sam Winchester stories
Something to signal boost? - I have a TikTok! lulu_dances_with_moose
Pairings you read? - Sam Winchester x Reader
Genres you read? - All
Favorite writer(s)? - @uncouth-the-fifth @thinkinghardhardlythinking @deanwinchesterswitch
@sandwitch-of-solidarity -
Other SM names? - Discord: bean119
OTP? - Destiel, Samwena
Other fandoms? - Hannibal, Good Omens, OFMD
Looking for in the Pond? - Good fic recs!
Pairings you read? - Destiel, Samwena
Genres you read? - All, especially long fics
Favorite writer(s)? - @sobsicles, but it changes every week
@perpetualabsurdity -
Looking for in the Pond? - More Jensen/Dean content 😊
Pairings you read? - Jensen/reader, Jensen/OFC, Dean/reader, Dean/OFC
Genres you read? - Smut, mostly, but really all
Favorite writer(s)? - @luci-in-trenchcoats, @smol-and-grumpy, @supernatural-jackles
@fuiabarcelos -
Other SM names? - Discord: Fuiabarcelos, TikTok: princess_of.hell
OTP? - Destiel
Other fandoms? - Yes! I really like Julie and the phantoms and Taylor Swift.
Looking for in the Pond? - After the show ended I felt that the brazilian fanfic writers (I'm from brazil) disappeared a little, that's when I met Tumblr and AO3. I usually write fanfics in portuguese, but I'm still learning english and I thought that Pond would be a great place to improve it and, more importantly, make writer friends.
Something to signal boost? - In my wattpad profile, there are many stories of the Supernatural (all in Portuguese), but I'll leave here the link to my favorite. I know there probably won't be anyone who understands Portuguese, but google chrome has an option to translate it, in case anyone is interested. Warrior. For fans of Taylor Swift, I made some Sam's wallpapers inspired by her albums.
Pairings you read? - Mostly reader inserts.
Genres you read? - I usually read smut, fuff, Angst. My favorites are Fluff and Angst. I also like Soulmates Au, stories where the reader is some magical being and, my favorite of all, stories inspired by songs.
Favorite writer(s)? - @thinkinghardhardlythinking @princessmisery666 @queen-of-deans-booty @impala-dreamer @holylulusworld and many more!
Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
@ladynightskye -
Other SM names? - Discord: LadyKnightSkye
OTP? - Multishipper with a preference for Dean/Lucifer & Lucifer/Castiel
Other fandoms? - Multiple, but Halo, Far Cry 5, and Fire Emblem currently
Looking for in the Pond? - Kinda just wanna hang out.
Something to signal boost? - Apple Pie and the Apocalypse
Pairings you read? - Most pairings including Lucifer or Dean
Genres you read? - Au, mostly, and smut.
What do you like to write? - Alternate universes are my jam. I admittedly like taking these characters and putting them into fantasy Situations. Also lately I’ve been very into genderbending Dean.
Most underappreciated fic? - Fleur de feu
PurpleEdge (AO3 only) -
Other SM names? - Discord: PurpleEdge
Looking for in the Pond? - I would like to discuss writing stuff and SPN stuff with other fans/writers.
Pairings you read? - I'm not into romantic shipping, but I love the Winchesters family dynamics - Sam & Dean, and John & the boys.
Genres you read? - Mostly Discipline fics, whump, and angst, but I'll read whatever's good.
Favorite writer(s)? - ReaperTownUSA on AO3
What do you like to write? - Discipline fics, slavery tropes, angst, gen, family dynamics, family fluff. I've posted one smut fic, but I'm not sure if I'll do more.
Most underappreciated fic? - No Rest
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - Currently I think I've tried at least once all the tropes/genres that I like. There may be things out there that I'm not aware of, and I hope that being in this community will help me discover them.
@ani-coolgirl -
Other SM names? - Discord: aniciel, AO3: ani_coolgirl
OTP? - Wincest
Looking for in the Pond? - I would just like to expand my readership and makes some friends to share ideas with.
Something to signal boost? - I'm currently working on writing a wincest fic for every episode of the show. I recently started season 5:I'm currently working on writing a wincest fic for every episode of the show. I recently started season 5: Every First Time on AO3.
Pairings you read? - Wincest
Genres you read? - Smut and angst (but I prefer a happy ending), but I enjoy me a good fluffy fic.
Favorite writer(s)? - @zmediaoutlet
What do you like to write? - Angst, plotty drama I'll never finish, smut
Most underappreciated fic? - Cuckoos in Glass Houses
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I'm too nervous to post chapter fics because I have problems with follow through. I have epics in my brain that have yet to see the light of day because I never get past chapter 2!
@foxyjwls007 -
Other SM names? - It's the same for FB and IG
Looking for in the Pond? - To be a better writer and get help putting my work out for people to read.
Pairings you read? - Dean, Sam, Cas reader inserts
Genres you read? - All
Favorite writer(s)? - @lucidlivi, @zepskies, @spnexploration, @littlefreya, @sillyrabbit81, and many more
What do you like to write? - Fluff, smut, some angst, ofc, au
Masterlist? - I have no masterlist. Have only posted one work so far.
Most underappreciated fic? - Veggie Tale
@dawn-petrichor-world -
Other SM names? - Discord: Dawn-petrichor-world
OTP? - Destiel
Other fandoms? - I'm multi fandom, Pedro Pascal characters, marvel, Tolkien and more
Pairings you read? - Dean, Crowley, Castiel, & Sam reader inserts
Genres you read? - All
Favorite writer(s)? - @holylulusworld
What do you like to write? - Mostly angst and smut
Most underappreciated fic? - The Story of my Life (series)
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I have a lot I haven't written yet and I'd love to write. Because I'm feeling stupid an idiot and not good. I think and hope join a group could boost or help me to write. I still don't know how.
@gloriousmooseman -
Other SM names? - Discord: taylorbeans
OTP? - Wincest
Other fandoms? - Doctor Who/Torchwood, Marvel, HP, some rpf
Looking for in the Pond? - Just to meet like minded people and make new friends!
Pairings you read? - Wincest, Drarry (HP)
Genres you read? - I love a bit of domestic fluff.
Favorite writer(s)? - @astolat is a classic!
What do you like to write? - Wincest
@rominaszh -
Other SM names? - Discord: rominaszd.dis
OTP? - Destiel alongside many many others
Other fandoms? - Yes, a lot.
Looking for in the Pond? - Just to enjoy the fandom.
Pairings you read? - Destiel mostly, but anything Jensen Ackles related as well
Genres you read? - All
Favorite writer(s)? - I'm in love with everything I read, everyone is so talented!
What do you like to write? - I write mostly angst but fluff and humor is my favorite.
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I have never written any Destiel fics because I don't feel confident enough to write them accurately and in a way that they deserve, but someday I would love to.
@limeskye -
Other SM names? - Discord: limeskye Other: psmalcolmbright
OTP? - Destiel
Other fandoms? - Prodigal Son
Looking for in the Pond? - To share the SPN love!
Pairings you read? - Destiel mostly, but also other slash pairings on occasion.
Genres you read? - Depends on my mood.
Favorite writer(s)? - @felisblanco
Masterlist? - I've only ever ficced for Prodigal Son before as have always felt the spn fandom is flooded with so many great writers. But who knows what the future holds. I've gifted for other stuff, mostly Prodigal Son and whump stuff.
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That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @princessmisery666, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @katbratsupernaturalwhore and @heavenssexiestangel!
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estellardreams · 6 months
Sometimes I have random plot thoughts on stories that I like reading or am writing and I just wanna talk about a few that keep squirming around in my mind.
Tachophobia AU: Random Idea... In an attempt to stop his friends from reverting Niko back to Sonic, Starline secretly takes them into the facility and starts manipulating them in similar but also different ways. They could interact if he wanted, but it'd be a "Psych Ward" situation.
Imprisonment/Cybernetic AU: I have done a lot of messed up shit to characters before, and this isn't any different. Just look at my Cybernetic AU because jeez Issue 4 went hard on Sonic's trauma. It was actually my favorite to write and draw. I also got all of the work done in FOUR DAYS. (strange record. Was going to see a friend soon and I cranked out 11 pages and finished right before midnight the day before)
I actually wing a ton of my writing, and many plots don't get off the ground unfortunately because of it. So to shoutout some of those abandoned comics... "Not So Different" (A short mini between Canon!Shadow and Cybernetic!Sonic bc I noticed how similar they were), that one mlp x sonic pony comic I only got one page done for and don't have a name for, another mlp x sonic crossover comic featuring the Paradox Prism I only got to the cover art for, and that Imprisonment AU comic I completely forgot about and... Unfortunately abandoned but idk might come back to it.
Shadow Prime AU: I've always wanted to make a comic adaptation of the fic, and I might come around to it eventually once I decide what I wanna do. The main issue is the art style... Do I want it fully colored, black and white, or selective coloring? Not too sure but I'm kinda leaning on fully colored. But I still gotta finish Cybernetic but it's on hiatus due to burnout.
Sonic Cybernetic AU: I've actually wished for a game adaptation of the comic. Or at least... Working models people could use for other games to add them. I just think that'd be neat, but I can't code or model for anything.
Sometimes I accidentally enforce personal headcanons or personal experience to my writing... This happened recently with the "Rollercoaster" fic from the Tachophobia AU (reminder: I just like it. I did not create it. That belongs to @boom-fanfic-a-latta and @the-sky-queen.) Because I unintentionally drew from my own experiences from an amusement park. Although they were exaggerated a bit, they're still oddly close to my original memories. When I was younger, I liked going to the County Fair, and for the longest time I hated fast rides. I'd always panic on them, and my favorite ride was this caterpillar one (it was also slow paced and kinda bumpy). And Niko's experience, albeit shifted to be more like his character, was exactly how I felt on my first fast ride... Absolutely fucking terrified. I also sometimes have a nervous stammer and suffer from anxiety issues, so... I might've unintentionally written Niko to feel similarly to me at amusement parks when I was younger.
Anyway, just some random stuff, wanted to info-dump too. Cool? Okay, bye!
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sl33py-day · 1 year
Guide to Teyvat University!
This is a guide to the Modern AU of Genshin Impact so people don’t get confused and so I won’t forget. I’m posting a lot I know, writing is the way for me to get my mind of things and I don’t sleep much. Also note that the layout of the school is heavily based on my school, the different buildings and classes.
Let’s start off with the dead people. For example, Himmel Venti’s dead friend.
Himmel is Alive and well he just doesn’t go to Teyvat Uni cause he didn’t get excepted into the school. Though he does go to Celestial College that’s a few hours away from Teyvat.
Same goes for Tomo, didn’t get excepted into the school so he went to another. Both do visit their friends pretty often, Himmel visits more than Tomo. I would like to say that Tomo is the reason why Kazuha has an obsession with y/n. Can’t really say the same with Himmel as he thinks Y/n is also cute. Causing Venti and him to have some fights every now and then.
Baal (is that how you spell it?) is the mother of scaramouche, Kunikuzushi, Raiden and the other person. She works at Teyvat Uni as a history teacher.
I said scaramouche and Kunikuzushi. Now I hear you say ‘Bitch they’re the same person.’ Not in my AU they’re not! Scaramouche and Kunikuzushi are Identical twins with different personalities. Kuni is the youngest out of the two and also the most naive. Scaramouche is the rebel one and the oldest. Scaramouche is protective of Kuni but still has that same attitude. Wanderer is not a person in this AU
The unknown god is the principal of the school. Heavenly principals, you can not expect me to not make her the principal of Teyvat Uni. She’s the type of person who doesn’t leave her office unless it’s time to go home. Not many people know her or her name so around school they call her ‘Unknown Principal’
Onto the kids of the game! The kids such as Klee, QiQi, YaoYao, and Sayu. They all go to Tevyat daycare that’s across of the university.
Klee is Albedos sister, QiQi is Hu Tao’s sister, YaoYao is Al-Haitham’s adoptive sister, Sayu is the Kamisato siblings adoptive sister. Paimon is the twins adoptive sister. Yeah a lot of Adoptions but I wanna give the kids a brother/sister. Also can’t forget the cat child that i totally didn’t forget the name. I don’t know who should be her sister/brother. I wanna make it Keaya and Diluc and have her not like them. I don’t know honestly.
The fatui, they are like the teachers. Except Scaramouche and Childe cause I say so. Dottore is the science teacher who people either love or hate no in between. Dottore also is the Teacher of Medical Science class. It’s a class where all they learn are medical stuff and stuff……I don’t want to say what they do since I’m traumatized by it. Pantalone is the Business and Management teacher (I have on in my school so imma add it). Sandrone is the art teacher, Columbina is the Drama teacher. That’s all I can think of right now.
Different nations are just different buildings of the college. Mondstadt, Liyue, Inazuma, and Sumeru are the ones that are already built with the Fontaine building being built. The one big building is the actual school where they go to class.
There’s a whole other building that’s just the lunch room and the library. The library is on the second floor of the building. Even though there’s small library’s in each dorm it’s more of a study area than a library.
Once again there’s another building for the theater and a small cafe in the same building.
It’s a huge school what do you expect?
Of course this is a yandere blog so things are gonna be yandere.
Why am I doing this? I may or may not make a full fanfic that’s in the modern AU and wanted to clear stuff up before I do. Also because I will Do more modern AU stuff.
Request are open until I say so
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kaylatechheart · 3 months
Butterfly Effect AU INFO
Note to others:
LMAOOOO I just discovered someone's attempt of writing my AU (they used the beta names so I'm assuming its before I got around remaking the names and designs or that they didn't bother to research on my AU) BTW while I encourage fanfictions of any kind and creativity is limitless. Apparently this was last updated on June of 2022 so this is made over 2 years ago. However everything about this fanfic is NOT CANON and is completely out of character, out of place with setting, and especially with shipping. (Most are platonic shipping btw meaning no romance only friendship) Butch apparently attacking ppl out of nowhere with a knife (especially not to Bubbles since he sees her as a sister) I'm only pointing it out as some ppl (from the comments I have read) thought this fanfic is canon to my story or think this AU belongs to someone else. I just wanna clear things up in case anyone had came across this fanfic. ALSO: I feel like this kid tried their best with writing a fanfic with limited info (though none of the information + facts that I actually released before 2022 was written in so its mostly lack of research I believe) so please don't give em flack for that thx. NOT CANON FANFIC: https://www.wattpad.com/story/313396260-ppg-butterfly-effect Here is all canon information about my AU (Unless its labeled outdated): https://www.deviantart.com/kaylatechheart/gallery/90037050/butterfly-effect-au
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loremonster · 1 month
Hello! I've been browsing through the South Park fanfic corner and stumbled upon your New Kid Stories....well.....stories. Gotta say, I'm in love with it but noticed your last update was 2020.
I can understand if you've been busy, but I'd just like to ask what happened to the NKS episodes and it's latest, the Holiday Special? Are you still working on it? Have you dropped it? I'm very curious and have grown to love the fanfic and its writing so I hope that you're still working on it. If not, then it's a shame but it was a nice read either way.
Hello dear reader!
So! The current project with NKS is porting it over to Ao3 while doing some editing, rewording unclear narration, shortening info dumps to get to the point, and add illustrations when the mood so takes me.
The Holiday Special is intended to be my victory lap after the other eight 'Episodes' have been moved over. With so much time to think about it, I wanna rework the plot a bit.
There is also intention to write a second season of NKS. I have several stories outlined, pages of notes, and I'm really invested in Dee and their adventures, as well as the shinanigans Eric and the gang get up to.
THAT SAID I'm also trying to build more deliberate rest time into my daily habits, so the ETA on everything is I'll Get There When I Am Well Enough To Enjoy The Writing. That's happening more often, but I don't wanna go back to the burnt out place I was in where just reading over the last chapter I'd written was too big an ask for my exhausted brainmeats. So I'm taking it one day at a time, minimizing obligations and deadlines, and prioritizing my health... mainly because not doing that sent me to the ER twice between 2020 and 2022. Then I spent a year afraid to show my face anywhere, and unwilling to make anything for fear that people who were mad at me would come running to yell at me for not working on the last project I suddenly dropped out of... because of the mentioned ER visits and a full on meltdown.
I've been feeling a little braver lately. More and more I can't focus on whatever YouTube I'm watching because I have a scene playing out in my head ( that started up last month ) and I've been sketching occasionally as well. Slowly, I can feel the Drive building up again, yknow?
Dee ain't the only one who will sprint to the point of exhaustion XDDD I just do it creatively... but its no less of a destructive habit. Rest. Is. Required.
Thank you so much for messaging in and telling me how much you enjoyed reading the stories. I loved writing them. That love is why I wanna improve them during the move to Ao3, in hopes of making it more readable, and adding my artistic flare now that I'm on a platform where I can. :3
Also shout out to @obstinate-nocturna who has been super supportive since I've withdrawn. She is an amazing hooman who has an entire AU she writes where Lyssie has a twin sister which we call the ButtTwin universe. There is some fic to read and art to squee at over at @twonewkidsonesouthpark
Again, thank you for writing in, it was a great thing to come back to when I finally logged back into Tumblr 🥰
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hua-mo-jin-is-a-cutie · 3 months
Vocal Synth Headcanons as of March 2024
I wanna share my new headcanons as they've changed a lot and also I feel like tumblr will either ignore them or appreciate them quietly. These headcanons will include sexuality, romantic attraction, relationships, species, age, etc. <3
Before I get into this, I wanna preface this with how I view the vocal synth world in my head. In this world, vocal synths as we know them, are singers for hire and the engine(s) that they are on are the companies they work for. The companies that made them are their management team. So vocals like Miku and the cryptonloids have large management teams, aka crypton, but vocals made by singular people like independently owned utaus only have one manager. Some singers are just normal human beings, some are robots, some are literal fae, etc. But yea, the premise for all of this is that they are singers for hire.
Hatsune Miku:
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A literal robot. Built in with the personality and intelligence of an adult, but marketed as a teen idol to attract more customers. THE singer for hire at Vocaloid. There are multiple Miku's because she is in such high demand. The one I like to think about specifically is an older original V2 model that has been given more modern upgrades throughout the years. She is in a relationship with Gumi. Non-repulsed asexual, but like physically she has no parts for it so (cough cough I did write wireplay gumiku fanfic cough cough). Bi-romantic.
Gumi Meg Poid
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Human, around 24. In a relationship with a specific Miku. Is a single mother to Ryuto (Gachapoid). Very busy work schedule, but always tries her best to make time for her kid and her girlfriend. Lesbian. A good cook. Fell in love with Miku after singing with her a lot. Lives just outside the city in a little house with her son. Miku has keys to her house, but they don't live together because Miku is required to live close to the studio. She's a high school drop out because she found Ryuto. In this AU I have split up Megpoid (her product name) into a middle and last name. I do the same with Ryuto. The Poid family lol. (but not gakpoid because I don't have strong enough opinions about him to include him in this au. Maybe they're siblings idk).
Ryuto Gacha Poid
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Gumi's son, not biologically. Currently around 7 years old. Kinda sorta half monster/dinosaur thing? Born from an egg (inspired by the light reading I did of the gachapin wikapedia page one night). Gumi saw a box on her way home from school that said something like "please take me home" and assumed it was gonna be like a cat or something. She had planned to take it to a shelter instead of leaving it in the rain. Inside the box was a large off-white egg with green spots. She assumed it was some kind of decoration and was about to walk away when it started to hatch. And out pops a crying little baby boy with little horns and a tail. What the fuck, she can't just leave him there. And thus, she has a kid now. Middle name is Gacha because gumi thought it was silly how she got him sort of like a gacha game. He is able to suppress his monster parts, but they still come out when he's really emotional. Sweet hyperactive baby boy. Probably has AuDHD. Friends with a lot of the other Vsynth Kiddos, but besties with Mo Jin. Lowkey really into hard rock and metal music (because that's what he's good at singing, I will fight people please let him sing more metal).
Hua Mo Jin
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(ough my sweetest baby gorl aaaaaa more people should love you like I do. Some of what I'm about to write is canon from her character info on dsound so) Huamn, 6 years old. Surprisingly very tall for her age (I never draw her tall, but canonically she is like the average height of a 9 year old). Lives with her older sister, Hua Mo Ci, who she received her rabbit plush from. The rabbit plush scares everyone around her, but she thinks it's really sweet and takes it everywhere. She does not like hard foods, her favorite food is peony steamed buns. Autistic for sure. Also has albinism. Very quiet and doesn't talk much, but loves to sing. Does not get hired very often. Besties with Ryuto despite their language barrier. They're both working on learning English. I headcanon that her mother is dead and that she just lives with Mo Ci because it sort of parallels Gumi and Ryuto.
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A literal alien from the planet ARIA. This is the human disguise she takes, but her actual form is kinda blob-like and translucent idk I need to draw it out sometime. Has a younger sister named ONE. In human years she's around 19. In a relationship with Flower. Non-repulsed Asexual (can you tell I'm projecting my sexuality onto the robots and aliens yet?). Her species reproduces asexually so she never really thought about it before dating Flower, but she's open to it. Romantically I'd just say queer. I mean she's not even human and her taking on the persona of a woman was kinda arbitrary. Enjoys learning about humans. Very sleepy, she never quite gets used to earth time. Prefers to wear comfy clothes when she's not performing.
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Again, an Alien from ARIA. Around 15 in human years. More energetic than IA. Participates in athletics at the school she's attending. Socially awkward and kinda shy. Somehow the more responsible of the sisters, she usually cooks breakfast because IA doesn't get up early ever. In a relationship with KAFU. Thinks humans are strange creatures. Romantically a Lesbian, but like in a gender queer way. Really looks up to her sister.
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Human. 100% a lesbian you can't convince me otherwise. Somewhere around 21 I think. Another single mom, but to twins this time. It's a whole story. In a relationship with IA. Somehow keeps attracting otherworldly beings into her life. Xin Hua is her cousin, they're around the same age and pretty close.
So here's her single mom backstory. When she was a kid she used to visit her grandparents for the summer along with Xin Hua. They had would play at the little park across the road (out in the country ya know?) and their grandma would always bring them fresh fruit to snack on. So one day she eats some plums and buries the seeds at that little park. And well she stopped staying at her grandparents for the summer. She returns years later after the death of her grandparents to help clean out their house and she notices that a plum tree has grown at that little park. She takes a break to go over there and have a plum for old times sake and 2 kids fall out of the tree like "Mom!!!" Oopsie, she accidentally created 2 plum tree spirits and now she's got kids.
She is a very tired single mother and still can't really believe that this happened, but she loves them all the same and does her best for them.
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A literal robot. Created with the personality and intelligence of a teenager (16-17. KAF was 17 at the time of recording so KAFU is minor). In a relationship with ONE. Asexual grey-aromantic) Very curious personality. Likes learning things about ARIA from ONE. Very busy work schedule.
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One of Flowers little fae kids. Around 11-12. Very bubbly and hyperactive, def has ADHD. Hyperfixated on plants. Attached at the hip to her twin (I mean like an unhealthy kinda codependency for real). Non-binary, They/She. Some kinda queer. Has a crush on Una. Friends with the other middle school age kids (Una, Oliver, etc.). Not very good at academics, but enjoys science. Has psychic powers. Their life is directly affected by the their tree so if the tree gets sick or hurt, so does she. Is a sleepwalker, often ends up scaring people in the middle of the night on accident.
MEIKA Mikoto
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The other fae child. Around 11-12. Not talkative at all, very blunt when she does speak. Maybe autistic, but could just be antisocial I'm not sure yet. Attached at the hip to their twin (I mean like an unhealthy kinda codependency for real). Non-binary, They/She/He. Some kinda queer. Hyperfixated on insects. Enjoys horror movies and novels. Hime's rock. Holds a bit of resentment toward Flower for leaving them alone for so long, but it fades after they start living together. Has psychic powers. Their life is directly affected by the their tree so if the tree gets sick or hurt, so does he. They prefer quiet study sessions with Oliver and find Una to be a little overwhelming at times. She enjoys learning about astrology from IA once she starts hanging around more often (when her and Flower start dating).
Kaai Yuki
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Human. 9 years old. Poor immune system, often gets sick (bc her voice provider literally had a cold at the time of recording her voicebank). Kiyoteru is her foster parent, but he does eventually adopt her. Really enjoys school and learning. Tutors the littler kids.
Yun Quan
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(if it's not obvious this is my fan design for her) Human, around 8. Tall for her age. Snarky and a rich girl. Very protective of her friends and very mean to everyone else. She's not allowed to wear makeup, but really wants to be able to wear it, so she just has a huge collection of lip smackers lip balm.
Otomachi Una
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Human, 11. Sees gumi as a sort of big sister / mentor figure since they share a management team. ADHD. Hyperfixated on marine life, specifically eels. Since she like canonically has different personas (Sugar, Spicy, and Talk) that all seem very different, I sort of have this idea that she has DID and that those personas her her different alters, but I don't have DID and don't wanna misrepresent it so I'm hesitant with that one. My other idea for it that I lean more toward is that they're her different ways of masking. So like Spicy could be her preformance mask, sugar could be how she is in everyday life, and talk could be how she presents in school. I know I (my autistic ass) have different masks for different social settings. Also Una is really into Scene fashion and 100% drinks Monster. She is in marching band.
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Zombie boy. around 11. Soft spoken and anxious. has a pet bird named James. His whole family is some kinda monster. Self concious about his stitches so he covers them with bandages, but that just draws more attention to him. Does not like going to school or really in public at all. Afraid of water. Close friends with Mikoto and Yuki.
I have more but I've been at this for a while so I'll add to this later lol
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saetoru · 2 years
how are u so good at writing . reveal ur secrets pls . but seriously, what advice would u give ??
HAGDFKJSHDF this is so kind :( to be rly honest, i personally don't have the best relationship with my own writing (as a lot of writers in all realness) so i cant say im rly confident in any advice 😭 but idk hopefully these might help u improve at least—which is always the main goal anyway
i have some advice on writing fics here
and i have advice on writing smut here if u write nsfw
and some more below the cut:
over all i would say that reading all types of media can really help you find a voice in writing—poetry can help you make better metaphors and have a more "deep" / "meaningful" writing voice, reading novels can help you develop an ability to tell stories and build a detailed world, etc. but yeah u can read fanfic, articles, journals, poems, books, wtv u read rly can help u pick up not just ways to develop writing voices, but also you can just learn about the world u know ?? i been reading a few articles about the royal family in the news and its taught a lot about how the inner works of royalty is set up—things that u don't rly take the time to care to know, but in my head as i was reading it i was like omg if i ever wrote a royal au this would be so useful 💀 so yeah, very basic tip, but reading is always number one advice. and again, dont limit urself to one type of writing !! writing is so vast, u can pick up something from any genre of it
also have a certain position / place / set up when u write. i know it sounds kind of dumb at first like okay whats the difference between if i write at my desk vs at my couch but its big !! for me at least. i find that if i try to write anywhere else besides by desk im just more easily distracted and then it cuts my train of thought and my sentences come out choppy and then my flow is ruined. theres actually a big difference in my writing based on location. and having a playlist helps !! whether its of songs with lyrics that inspire you (such as sad songs for angst, romantic ones for something more intimate, etc.) or just plain classical music. classical music has been a game changer for me. (don't ask me for recs i couldn't name a single song or artist if u held a gun to my head LMAONSDFG i just search random spotify playlists)
as far as writing goes, i think its important to start writing when u have a vague ending in mind—you don't always have to have the middle parts figured out, but having an ending can help guide u as u write and pick up momentum and figure out more things to say what the middle part will be to get u to that ending. i almost never write anything without an ending in mind. sometimes its one line and sometimes its an idea / concept of an event that will happen. but yeah an ending can rly help u figure out how to structure a fic !!
figuring out if ur stronger in dialogue vs the commentary portion of writing (for lack of better words LMAO but yall know what i mean—i hope) can also help u !! i think im a bit more dialogue suited as a writer, so a lot of the things i wanna convey, like a character's feelings and thoughts, are shown thru dialogue more often. if u focus more on what ur good at, the other things will kind of come on their own so u can continue—like when i say something thru dialogue that needs some context, the next paragraph might be some background on the character that explains it. which is just basic writing i know skjdhfjgdf but sometimes i just write out like a full convo of dialogue nonstop and go back and actually add the "meat" in between to it afterward. and that's bc the dialogue comes easy to me u know ?? and the commentary / story building in between doesn't, so focusing on one forces me to have to incorporate the other and by then i've somewhat figured out what to write by then. << this method can also rly help u improve ur dialogue too tho if u struggle on that bc seeing a convo just non stop without any background info in between to break it can give u an idea of how it sounds and what the dynamic between two characters is.
also to help with dialogue u can have a convo with yourself out loud 😭 i know that sounds dumb and weird BUT TRUST ME IT RLY HELPS KSHDGDF SOBSOB sometimes u just gotta talk to urself to have a convo flow !! and that way u can also really hear the words and know if they're a bit cheesy or cringe (we have all wrote a cringey dialogue here and there, no shame in it LMAO) but yeah 😭 talking to urself helps
i always suggest breaking things up into scenes that build into a plot. if ur having issues connecting parts of a story, just break it up into scenes. like my shin fic, if u read it (u don't have to for the example dw) but it was like literally like this in my drafts: shin and reader in shop, shin gets upset. shin and reader at home, slight confrontation / sex. shin + waka convo. shin hospital. KJASHGEHF (this sounds so dumb out of context LMAO) but yeah if u do that and then individually write those scenes out, its rly not much different than like maybe writing a drabble, which is far more manageable. and then u can connect them, and boom u have a full length fic !! but yeah that's something that helps me since im still developing my skills to write longer works
also rly discussing characters with friends, reading up on their information, and staying open to discussions that analyze characters is rly important !! we all have our own takes of a character so its okay if they're not always aligning with urs, but sometimes they can help u rly figure out a character and what u feel is their back story and the focal point of who they are—and the more u understand a character, the more describing them and portraying them will be easier. and trust me when u rly feel like u understand a character, the words don't stop, either when ur giving them dialogue or when ur just giving extra back story / commentary.
so yeah that was a bit rambly skhsd im rly sorry about that but i hope that helps a bit !! tysm for the kind ask and it rly did mean a lot to me <3 good luck on ur writing !!
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 2 years
There’s this idea I’ve been tossing around in my head for the past while that’s a little more NSFW then I usually do. I wouldn’t go full into it but it’s something I’ve been thinking of after reading the fanfic: Quirk: Incubus and reading the THOT AU by @rayshippouuchiha (tagged solely so you lot can go and find it if you haven’t, sorry Ray)
But anyway- the AU idea has a Fem!Izuku (which I know but let me enjoy my fem!Izuku writings) who has a Quirk that lets her be able to gather information on people who are attracted to her. It appears above people’s heads. They knew she had a Quirk but not what kind: not until a moment on the bus stop that showed her something. It was WAY to young to discover this sort of Quirk and everyone was horrified.
Fem!Izuku has a few hang ups since then. While she knows the horror was not due to her Quirk but because of HOW they found it, a part of her mind thinks her Quirk is bad. She is in therapy due to the way her Quirk was found and they’re working on it but it’s hard.
Fem!Izuku was still bullied in school because of a ‘useless Quirk’. And Bakugou is still a ring leader, cause her Quirk is weak and thus her helping him means she thought he was weak and blah-blah-blah.
Issue is they can’t go for image insults. One time someone tried, and fem!Izuku…
“What?” Izumi asked, pausing in her packing of her bag.
“You’re so ugly I doubt anyone would even activate your Quirk!” Sneered the boy, smirking as everyone around them giggled. Even Bakugou seemed amused. Izumi stared at him for a second before titling her head up obviously to look above his head. She lowered it.
“Big words for someone who wet the bed until he was six and who has a crush on me. See ya,” Izumi said blandly. The fire truck red of his face made the class gasp dramatically, pointing at the bully.
It makes all those comments stop. Whenever someone tries Izumi just glances up and they shut up. It’s her one form of cattiness, because let’s be real: when you can TELL that people find you attractive you don’t have much shame there.
This AU has it mostly canon in the backstory, just you know Fem!Izuku with a Quirk. And Bakugou isn’t important to fem!Izuku cause he finds her attractive and his true feelings are on display. Fem!Izuku straight up thinks he’s crazy thanks to that. Mostly about the whole 'she is looking down on me due to her helping me after I fell as a child'.
Fem!Izuku still gets taunted at school and the sludge villain stuff still happens as does everything before it. She also gets offered OFA. WHich is here where it deviates:
It's easy to brush off her Quirk as evolving so she can gain strenght the more people are attracted to her, but I also like the idea it sort of... adjusts her to be her version of attractive when she gets it. Which BIG dysphoria moment cause what the fuck. She does get used to it.
But she also notices that flirting does increase her strength and realizes OFA has evolved her Quirk. She also is getting more info to, so wow. Just wow.
I'm also thinking that Fem!Izuku has looked up to Midnight and while she has a few mental hang ups, she is flirty and confident when she wants to be. I think in UA she begins to build a persona like Midnight's. It's cute.
Other random thoughts I had:
-If you ever have seen Villanious, Miss Heed's costume is what I'm thinking for Fem!Izuku here, just with better support for her chest and a skort instead of a skirt.
-I like the idea that Fem!Izuku ends up discovering that she NEEDS to flirt with people in order to function as time goes on. A weekend away and she feels so faint she gets rushed to the hospital who figure it out. So she now has a note in her file.
-Originally I was going with Harem but now I wanna just have one partner for her and I was thinking IiDeku cause that's my drug. But the idea of flirty Fem!Izuku and deadpan Todoroki is fun so... TodoIiDeku perhaps? And I can also add Uraraka to cause IiUraDeku is fun and the idea of Todoroki/Izuku/Uraraka/Iida is fun. (No Asui only cause the more I think on her the more I get bored of her.)
-I want DFO only cause I can add a ShigaDeku crush thing and him trying to woo her to the dark side cause of her dad and Fem!Izuku just being: Oh god why.
-Could this be just regular Izuku? Yes but I love to annoy people with my fem!Izuku since people still get irritated when I do it.
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real-life-cloud · 8 months
:O mind reccing the fics? 👀
Oop I forgot to respond to this 😅 I'm almost certain this is about my tags on the post that was like "ever read a fic that makes you wanna write fic about it?"
I'm reading a fanfic of a fanfic atm and it's soooo good... And incredibly long. Literally the longest fanfic I've ever seen lol. That's part of the reason I even started it, like the summary looked good too but then I read the stats and it had a 1.5 million wordcount and I was like HUH???!?!? I MUST READ YOU!!!!
The Wards of UA by FeckedSpectrum on ao3
And now i will ramble about it teehee
It's an AU of another fic called The Last Resort by hotandcoldsoba on ao3! Which is about Shinsou being sold to this villain organization called The Miasma as a child after his quirk manifested. I've not read that one, and I'm pretty sure it's an unfinished fic? But the author of Wards encourages their readers to read that one as well, since it's basically canon backstory for the Shinou in Wards and is referenced all the time. It's not necessary to read it tho.
Wards is incredibly angsty! Pay attention to those tags and trigger warnings lol. Still, it manages to have a lot of fluff too hehe. It's about Shinsou being transferred from The Miasma to Chisaki, who wants him for his quirk so he can better control Eri. Shinsou becomes sort of a parent to Eri, and they get really attached to each other. The main chunk of the story is about after they've been rescued! They become wards of UA and live with Eraserhead and Present Mic. I'm always a sucker for fics of the four of them as family! It's about healing and trauma and how it's never linear and never the same for everyone. There's a lot of POV changes! And along the way there's a whole mystery unraveling about the Hero Commission and The Miasma. Aaaa it's so good but I don't wanna spoil it haha
I also appreciate that each chapter has a "previously on..." section at the start! It gives you all the relevant info you need for reading that chapter. Which is rly nice with how long this fic is lol. I'm aboutttt 500k in I would say? So not even halfway done teehee. But I would still recommend it!!!
I think about the Shinsou in Wards so often... He's attached to my brain now and l will not let go.. rotating in my head forever....... he's like an entirely different character than canon Shinsou in a lot of ways! He's just been through so much :( I'm constantly thinking abt him as an adult, hopefully doing a lot better mentally and emotionally.. with friends and family and a life..... Reading his POV can be so sad bc his view of things is so skewed and he never truly believes he's safe.. god I love him. GO READ WARDS!!!!!
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