#Brothers Quay
las-microfisuras · 3 months
LOS ÁNGELES no son dorados, brillantes ni luminosos; son grises y caminan entre la multitud que arrastra los pies; entre la muchedumbre, sin color y sin rostro, de los domingos, hacia el fútbol, hacia el concierto mañanero, entre la pálida muchedumbre de los días de fiesta vacíos del mundo moderno. Ángeles grises de la pobreza y el anonimato que nadie ve, pero que muchos han sentido: un roce leve, una ligereza, un estremecimiento en el mar de la multitud anónima...El mundo de hoy no permite otros...Los de fuego y luz no vienen hoy. Sólo los otros, los ángeles de polvo y ceniza.
María Zambrano, Poemas. Edición de Javier Sánchez Menéndez. La Isla de Siltolá
Fotograma de Institute Benjamenta, o This Dream People Call Human Life,1996, primer largometraje de Brothers Quay. Se basa en "Jakob von Gunten", novela escrita por Robert Walser.
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artofthemystic · 2 months
NOT OUT OF THE WOODS YET by Otto Rapp Via Flickr: Created in NIGHTCAFE - Stable Diffusion SDXL 1.0 - New Feature: trained Model for Drawing. Here I trained AI with over 60 images of my drawings, the result of this training is combined with my textprompt. the prompt included H.R. GIGER, BOSCH and BOGOMIL'S UNIVERSE EVOLVED from a botched previous evolve. This time, burned it with 60% prompt and 70% noise! The evolve trail goes back to a actual drawing of mine as a seed image, but I relegated the previous one to the archives. It was basically a repeat of what went before. Lesson learned. If you want variations, then go above 50% with the noise level. PROMPT: "IT LIVES IN THE WOODS" drawing by Otto Rapp at the Cryptid Taxidermy Museum, in post apocalyptic wonderland, in heaven everything is fine by lady in the radiator and brothers quay, stopmotion cinema photograph by H.R. Giger, by Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Hieronymus Bosch, Art Nouveau, intricately detailed, hyperrealism, fantasy, imperial colors; Bogomils Universe
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rheo-tu · 5 months
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The PianoTuner of EarthQuakes (2004), dir. Stephen Quay, Timothy Quay & Weiser Quay
Пересмотр. Чуть ли не единственный проект Терри Гиллиама, где он продюсирует чужой фильм, а не свой/пайтоновский. Стилистика, впрочем, не гиллиамовская: скорее, это "Сумерки ледяных нимф" пополам с кукольной анимацией Шванкмайера. По сюжету некий ученый, психиатр, приглашает на свой остров настройщика роялей. Остров выступает одновременно лечебницей для душевнобольных, где доктор пытается вернуть рассудок странной женщине, скрывающей лицо за черной вуалью. Но что поражает настройщика, так это то, что вместо музыкального инструмента его позвали настроить сложные механические автоматы, разбросанные по всему острову. Теряясь в догадках об их истинном назначении, терзаемый непонятными, но тревожными снами, заинтригованный личностью женщины под вуалью, он погружается в работу и скоро перестает понимать, где заканчивается реальность и начинается игрушечный механический мир... Красивая, отчасти сюрреалистская романтическая сказка с пейзажами в духе Беклина. Даже жаль, что братья Куэй снимают в основном короткометражки - это лишь второй и последний на данный момент их полнометражный фильм.
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cabinetofquay/
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Institute Benjamenta (1995, Stephen Quay/Timothy Quay/Weiser Quay, Germany)
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clemsfilmdiary · 3 months
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Street of Crocodiles (1986, Stephen Quay, Timothy Quay)
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chiennefantome · 3 months
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institute benjamenta (or this dream people call human life), 1995. brothers quay.
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ghostnight · 2 years
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Anamorphosis (1991)
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davidhudson · 11 months
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Happy 76th, Stephen and Timothy Quay.
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rrrauschen · 1 year
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Stephen & Timothy Quay, {1991} The Comb (From the Museums of Sleep)
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chasedbybuildings · 7 months
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k--a--r--e--n · 8 months
Dimensions of Dialouge(1983) - Jan Švankmajer
I’m rediscovering my love for film. This is a short I fell in love with somewhere in my early twenties. I was fascinated by surrealism and the avant-garde. The works of Jan Švankmajer, Brothers Quay, and David Lynch were some of my favorites.
I’m taking the time now to enjoy them again 🤍
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artofthemystic · 8 months
CRYPTID CREPUSCULAR MONSTER by Otto Rapp Via Flickr: Variation of a text-prompt generation in AI Deep Dream. The text contained the words HIERONYMUS BOSCH, H.R. GIGER and ARCIMBOLDO. deepdreamgenerator.com/ The initial seed image was done on Nightcafe, using a detail from one of my old paintings. It has gone through quite some transformations. PROMPT:Crepuscular Old Man Corpse eater, in post apocalyptic wonderland, in heaven everything is fine by lady in the radiator and brothers quay, stop motion cinema photograph by H.R. Giger, by Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Hieronymus Bosch, Art Nouveau, intricately detailed, hyperrealism, fantasy, digital art, Bogomils Universe
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magicmattie · 1 year
Sledgehammer (1986)
music video for Peter Gabriel
directed by Stephen Johnson
animated by Peter Lord, Nick Park, Richard Goleszowski, the Brothers Quay
This music video isn't the only animated one made for Peter Gabriel, but it may be the most famous and memorable. It features a plethora of stop-motion techniques, all set up around Peter Gabriel himself who becomes a puppet in the hands of the animators. There is no use of green screen or computer editing, only trick photography and stopmotion.
The main technique in use here is pixilation, a term coined by either Norman Mclaren or Grant Munro to describe animation where a live human being is manipulated frame by frame, much like a puppet would be. Peter Gabriel spends most of this video lying down on a multiplane set, with objects animated on glass surfaces above and below him. Careful study of the videoclip reveals many interesting tricks that have been used to create special effects since the dawn of cinema- such as darkened backgrounds that conceal rigs and supports, or double exposure. Sometimes, technical 'errors' reveal the set up-for example, in the banana shot, a shadow on Gabriel's face exposes the use of forced perspective.
The animators who lent their efforts to this work created an eclectic combination of mixed media, but two shots in particular showcase their famous aesthetics.
The bumper cars show their teeth in the trademark Aardman grins:
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while the curious wooden cabinet and wandering tools are recognisable as the work of the Brothers Quay:
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There are many references to works of art in this videoclip, but my favourite is this scene towards the end, which could easily be seen as coincidence rather than homage, if one didn't expect Aardman&Quay to know their animation history:
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The furniture crowding around Peter Gabriel in this shot is definitely intended as a nod to the culminating scene of the 1908 film 'El Hotel Electrico' by Segundo de Chomón:
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cabinetofquay/
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sharkchunks · 1 year
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