#Cg raine whispers
multifandomenjoyerr · 6 months
🎻 Raine Whispers CG!Hcs
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○ Raine Whispers — The owl house
● they/them pronouns are used. Not up to debate sorry!
○ ⚠ Petnames, physical touch (hand holding, holding your chin, forehead kisses), brief LORE mention (the collector arg)
!! Spoilers !!
🎻 ; calls you petnames that Eda called them when they were together. Their favorites are Sunshine, rainstorm, suncloud, my baby. Get it? Because their name is Raine?
🎻 ; if you're comfortable enough they will help you with things like helping you get into your pajamas or help you bathe. Most of the time they will help you with basically everything basic. Like sleep, helping you into and out of bed, fix you food, etc etc.
🎻 ; always always plays you their violin to sooth you. Especially bed time. Can't sleep? No worries at all, Raine is here to save the day! They think soothing music will fix everything. At least they hope so
🎻 ; if you guys are out for the day or running an errand they will hold your hand. They hate the idea of you wandering off without them knowing until you wander too far.
🎻 ; after the accident with The Collector they grew more protective over you after the whole ordeal. They insist they are fine, but most of the time they're clingy and get worried easily.
🎻 ; Raine works amazing with pet regressors as well. They make homemade beds that will work best for them. Doggy beds, cat beds, etc etc. They will also get small snacks that resemble fitting foods for whatever animal they regress to
🎻 ; very affectionate as a cg. If you're upset they will hold your chin gently to get your attention. Willing to listen if you need to tell your troubles to someone. They will also give you gentle kisses on your forehead— mostly as a soothing tactic
🎻 ; let's you play with their violin as long as you're careful with it. They encourage you to make music with them. If you wanted, of course
🎻 ; likes putting their hoodies/clothes on you. They personally like it when you take naps together and you end up falling asleep with their clothes on. They think it's adorable
🎻 ; loves any petname(s) you give them. But they prefer baba/bubs
🎻 ; a very gentle and nonstrict CG. What more could you ask for?
🎻 ; Eda is your babysitter when they're away/busy!
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littlehypnone · 1 month
idk if youve done anything like this but um
big rain losing trust in dew after an argument? so later when shes little, she doesnt have her main cg and she goes to find someone else and is sad?
and then maybe later, dew makes it up to her or something idk
im feeling kinda yucky and bad so idk but just an idea ?
i really liked this idea!!!
Rain and Dewdrop don’t argue often. Even when they do, it’s usually something borderline petty that would be resolved easily if one—or both—of them simply wouldn’t not be in a very communicative headspace. They always make up quickly, though, and their relationship is never damaged in the end. It’s always like that and everyone is used to it.
Sometimes, though, complications come up.
This time it was—technically—Dewdrop who was at fault, who started the argument. If only Rain wouldn’t have been as tired and achy as he was, if only he wouldn’t have added fuel to the fire with his words. But no, it didn’t go that smoothly, and so the fire ghoul had stormed off outside to take a very much needed breather, and Rain had returned to his room scoffing and snarling.
Hours later, Rain is overthinking the argument and feeling more and more guilty about the last couple of words that left his mouth before they went their separate ways. This and the pain that is pulsing through his legs that day is a simple recipe for the water to ghoul little, so little she ends up.
Her thoughts aren’t nice and she really, really needs Dewdrop, as usual in her current headspace, but all the mean things he said…she isn’t sure Dewdrop still likes her, and she isn’t sure she has enough trust for him while in her vulnerable state.
She sniffles sadly and fumbles with her phone to send Swiss a short message. A code they have set for when Rain goes little and needs him, but, for whatever reason, can’t get him any other way. Two emojis go flying and Rain cuddles around her shark plushie and waits.
Soon enough, Swiss appears in the door and immediately crawls into the water ghoulette’s bed and lays on his side next to her. “Hi, guppy.”
“Hi, Swissy,” she mumbles. She really likes Swiss and is always happy to spend time with him—big or little—but the argument with Dewdrop still hangs over her, and the fact that the fire ghoul is not there with her to calm down her bad thoughts hurts her. “Can I…can I get warm Swissy cuddles?”
“Of course you can, princess!” the multi ghoul smiles, intent or doing his best to cheer the little thing up, even though he knows he isn’t powerful enough to get rid of all the ickiness. Everyone knows Rain needs Dewdrop for that, but it's hard when he’s the cause.
Rain curls her lips upwards the tiniest bit, just to show Swiss she really appreciates him, before she curls up against his chest and nuzzles into his neck.
Swiss helps her fall asleep with a little spark of calming quintessence, and she naps for a while—all the bad thoughts kept at bay. When she wakes up again it’s to a quiet knocking at the door and she’s a lot smaller than before falling asleep. Her head is all fuzzy, but it’s okay. It’s warm and nice, thanks to Swiss.
The multi ghoul calls out for the person to come in, but he curls around the little ghoulette in his arms protectively. Fiery smell reaches Rain’s nose and she understands it’s Dewdrop who came in. She whines quietly and hides in Swiss’ chest.
“Dew, I don’t think it’s a good time,” the multi ghoul mutters, but there’s no anger in his voice. He knows it’s just how Dewdrop and Rain are, that they’ll be fine. “She’s really small and she just woke up from a nap.”
“Oh, I…Okay, I’ll go…I’m sorry,” he whispers, and even though Rain is so very sleepy and a bit scared of the fire ghoul at the moment, she doesn’t like the tone of his voice. She doesn’t like how small and sad it is.
“No,” Rain says quietly, barely loud enough for Dewdrop’s ears to catch it. “Don’ go, Dewy.”
“Are you sure, my little lady?” he asks and it sounds like he’s moved closer.
“What about me, princess?” Swiss pulls back to look down at her and tuck a strand of her hair behind a little ear. “Do you want me to stay or go?”
“Don’ gotta stay, Dewy’s fine.” She tells him. The multi ghoul nods in understanding and leans down to kiss her forehead before moving away. Rain immediately feels cold and Swiss notices, so he tucks a fluffy blanket right under her chin.
“If you’ll need me send me the code again, alright?”
“Mhm,” she hums in agreement and Swiss smiles softly and leaves. He clasps a hand over Dewdrop’s shoulder on his way and squeezes reassuringly.
The fire ghoul sighs heavily when the door closes. He takes a step forward, twisting his fingers. “Can I sit in the bed with you? I can offer some warm cuddles, if you’d like that.”
Rain nods and wiggles a hand out from under the covers to pat the mattress encouragingly. Dewdrop can’t help but smile; he really doesn’t deserve this sweet creature.
He gets onto the bed and under the blankets and waits for Rain to get into a cuddle position she feels comfortable with and she decides to curl up against his side, similarily to how she’s been with Swiss. Probably so she can be close and warm, but so that she can kept her face hidden in the blanket and Dewdrop’s chest. He throws an arm around her little form and she doesn’t tense up, so he holds her closely.
“I’d like to talk about our argument properly when you’re big again, my little lady,” the fire ghoul says—quietly and softly, no pressure to respond or even hear him in it, “but I want to apologize now, if that’s okay.”
“I’s okay.”
“Alright. Well, then, I apologize. I’m sorry I was being mean and said all those bad things. I was wrong and I shouldn’t have snapped at you, Rainy. I’m very sorry.”
“‘m sorry, too,” the water ghoulette mumbles and Dewdrop frowns.
“What for, my little lady?”
“Was mean, too,” she shrugs and looks up. Dewdrop could just about melt at her big, blue eyes. “D’yoo still like me?”
“Oh, baby,” the fire ghoul whines, hurt by the question alone. How badly he messed up if Rain has such doubts? He feels terrible. “You have nothing to be sorry for, I deserved being mean to, and I will never, ever stop liking you, my little lady. Please, never forget that.”
“Mmm…okay,” she whispers and it turns into a yawn. She definitely needs to continue that nap. “I still like you, too, Dewy.”
Dewdrop smiles so big both his face and his heart hurt. They’ll be fine.
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angelbaby-fics · 2 years
Chosen Family
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Pairing: CG!Ransom x Little!Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Mean family members and a canon referencing curse word!
A/N: Ahh the Ransom feels continue.... I saw Glass Onion recently and I absolutely loved it, but it sure made me miss Chris 😅 so of course I've been revisiting Knives Out now 💕 This is kind of based on a true story with my own family, only I wish I had protective Ransom to come rescue me 🥺😣 so even if that didn't happen in real life, I can just write it instead 💕💕 enjoy!!
The tires of Ransom’s car threw gravel across the driveway as he peeled in, coming to a stop directly in front of the house. He didn’t want to be here a second longer than absolutely necessary, and this was the easiest way for a quick getaway. You’d fallen asleep in the backseat on the drive over, the rain on the windows and the winding forest roads lulling you to dreamland. Ransom grabbed your backpack out of the passenger seat and got out of the car. He circled around to your door and opened it, noticing you wince as you felt a blast of cold outdoor air enter the heated car. He undid your seatbelt and lifted you out of the car and into his arms, while you buried your head in his sweater clad shoulder, desperately clinging onto your nap.
“I know, I know, doll. We just have to make an appearance and then we can go home and cuddle by the fire, you like that?” Ransom said softly in your ear, petting your head against his chest. “You wanna walk by yourself, baby?”
“Mmm…” You mumbled, which Ransom knew meant no. You’d been more little this week, more often. The dreary weather and stress of the holiday season, the fact that the sun was gone by 4pm, all this had you falling deeper and deeper into headspace as winter settled over Massachusetts. Not that Ransom minded at all, but you’d never been so little at one of his family’s big gatherings, and he was anxious to see how this day would play out. 
“Aww, come on, baby, I know you can do it.” He said, attempting to lower you to the ground, but your legs latched around his torso. Just then, Harlan’s dogs came bolting from across the yard. Ransom backed up against the car, trying to shoo the dogs away, not wanting to get dirty paw prints and slobber on his clothes. They growled at him, sensing his rigid energy, before you unclenched your fist from Ransom’s sweater and reached a little hand down to give the nearest pup a pat on the head.“Hello good doggy.” You said quietly with a smile, wriggling out of Ransom’s grasp to better play with the dogs. 
“So you won’t walk for daddy, but you will for a doggy, huh?” Ransom laughed, patting your head as your affection subdued the dogs. They happily trotted alongside you as you approached the big house, and Ransom grabbed your hand, giving it a squeeze before you walked in. “Well, nice of you to finally join us.” A scathing voice floated through the foyer. 
You shifted behind Ransom, slightly shielding yourself from the judgment of his family. You knew they didn’t like him, and by extension, that meant they didn’t like you. Usually you were big enough to hold your own against them, or to stay home alone when you weren’t feeling up to it, but you’d been inseparable from Ransom lately, and when you were still regressed the day of the Thrombey’s annual holiday dinner, he brainstormed all the ways to get you through the event with as little incident as possible. That’s when Ransom shrugged your backpack off his shoulder and handed it to you.“Here you go, angel,” he whispered, “go run upstairs and play with your toys until it's time to go, alright?”
You nodded, taking the bag and running up the staircase to an empty room where you knew you wouldn’t be disturbed, leaving Ransom to face the brunt of his family on his own. As much as he hated having to spend an afternoon with them, he’d do it a million afternoons if it meant you could be spared. 
You dumped the contents of your backpack onto the rug, scanning your eyes over them before reaching for your iPad. You didn’t get much screentime when you were little, Ransom preferring to have you spend quality time with him, so you were delighted to see he’d packed your tablet for you, allowing for a rare opportunity to rot your brain on mobile apps all afternoon. Your favorite game was still on the loading screen when you heard a voice carry out in the hallway. 
“So bizarre… like his little pet.” You heard someone say.
“Honestly, if I were Ransom I’d be so annoyed.” Another one chimed in.
And you felt it. The words hit your core like a bomb, wiping out any bit of confidence and joy you had in your headspace. You knew they probably talked about you and your relationship with Ransom, your big self knew that kind of gossip was inevitable, but you’d never heard it for yourself, especially in such a sensitive state. The words cut through you like icicles, freezing your blood and your body in place.
Little pet.
Was this true? Were you annoying to Ransom, following him around everywhere, relentlessly clinging to his side? Was that why he’d sent you up here all by yourself, to get rid of you for at least an afternoon of relief? The faces of the colorful characters on your favorite app blurred through your tears as these thoughts swirled around your head. You wished you’d never heard them at all. 
Someone else had heard them too.
Ransom had been stomping his way up the steps, already wanting to leave the gathering after just a few agonizing minutes with his mother, when he heard his cousin’s voice from a nearby room, and then his name. He heard the nasty things they said about you and prayed to anyone listening that you weren’t within earshot. As soon as he found you, still sitting frozen on the carpet with tears streaming down your face, he knew that prayer hadn’t been heard. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” Ransom muttered, coming towards you with open arms, but you pushed him away. “No, it's okay, I just want to go home.” You whispered, shoving all your belongings back into your backpack.
“Absolutely, honey, I was just about to say the same thing.” Ransom replied, taking the backpack from you and slinging it over his shoulder. “I could’ve carried that.” You spat, hurrying past him out the door and down the hallway towards the stairs. Ransom sped up to match your stride, wanting more than anything else in the world to get both you and him out of that house as soon as possible. You pushed open the front door, Ransom yelling an emotionless “goodbye” to the rest of the family before slamming it behind him. He reached towards the back seat door to open it for you, but you were already getting settled in the front, pulling your seatbelt across your chest. Ransom got in the driver’s seat, zooming out of the driveway just as hastily as he’d arrived. The two of you remained silent throughout the journey home. You stared out the window with a head full of overwhelming thoughts until finally they got too much and spilled out.
“Am I annoying?” You whispered as the Beemer pulled into yours and Ransom’s driveway.
“Not in a million years, angel.” Ransom answered, confidently and quickly, with all his heart.
“But I heard Joni say… I’m like a pet. And Meg said you’re annoyed by it. Your family hates me.”
“Baby ignore them. They’re idiots and they can all eat shit.” He said with a grin that he hoped you’d return, but once again he was out of luck.
“But… but they’re your family!” You sniffled, finally turning to look at him. . “Not anymore, not after tonight. I don’t associate with people who can’t respect my little angel. You’re the only family I need, babydoll.”
The tiniest hint of a smile ghosted your face when you heard your favorite pet name. Ransom hooked a finger under your chin, lifting your face slightly so he could see it better, and gave you a soft, sweet kiss on your lips. “You are too, daddy.”
“There’s my baby. Now to make up for today, I think someone deserves lots and lots of cuddles!”
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puppys-tiny-space · 6 months
✨Christmas night✨
🎄it's the night before christmas, the night is dark and fresh, rain is hitting the windows and church bells announce midnight. In their nursery a little kid is laying awake in bed, too excited about christmas to fall asleep just yet. They are talking to their plushies excitedly, unaware that their carer is watching them from the door frame. "M knows I'm supposed to sleep but m so xcited! Tomowwow is christmas n we can have yummy rice pudding for breakkie, n den go on a walkie wife mama/papa an den we start cooking! M so xcited for dat, I wove cooking wif papa/mama! An while da food is cooking we watch christmas movies n color! After dindin we finally open pwesents! M so xcited for dd/mama to open my present for dem!" Their carer smiles lovingly and tears well up in their eyes, their kiddo is so precious! "N dats why I can't eep, but I be quiet so mama/papa can have nini times! Is important to west." Their little voices whispering to their fluffy friend ever so sweetly, it melts their cg's heart. They carefully step into their little ones nursery and make their way to the crib, "Hey little prince/princess, I heard you talk to your friend, how about I pick you up after I went to the bathroom and then we can cuddle in my bed and watch some bluey while you fall asleep. I know you are super excited and I want you all rested for tomorrow so you are ready for all the fun! How about it?" Their baby giggles happily and nods while making grabby hands at their cg. "baby I got to pee first, I'll come get you in a second! How about you pick some tiny-stuff to take with you while I'm gone?" Their tiny whines a little but settles down and patiently waits for their cg as they pick their gear. Once their carer is done they pick up their kiddo and carry them to their room in which they cuddle and watch bluey until they both fall asleep peacefully, all cozied up and ready for christmas.🎄
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Fun fact of the day: the car island in Japan only has 15 people living on it
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Raine Whispers age regression moodboard!
hello, this is just a small update that i love raine with all my heart and if anyone took away my bard parent i would kick their shins. raine is my new comfort character and caregiver and i need more cg!raine content now
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kitty-agere-fics · 8 months
Power Outage
Little!Reader X (Platonic)CG!TXT, G/N!Reader
Request Info - - - - Masterlist
Quick Note: Yeonjun=Baba, Soobin=Daddy, Beomgyu=Papa, Taehyun=Appa, Kai=Dada
Taehyun, Kai and you were playing Mario Kart when the power went out. The deafening crash of thunder heard in the distance.
Kai goes over and grabs the Switch, "Want to try playing on the small screen?"
"Sure!" Taehyun quickly agrees.
"I'm gonna have to pass," you sigh softly, "My eye sight's bad enough as it is. When I try to look at that tiny screen after the TV…" You trail off absently. The thunder could still be heard.
Taehyun notices the frown on your face, "Are you gonna be okay, Y/N?"
You nod, "It's just thunder. I'll be fine!" You reassure them, quickly forcing a smile.
The three of you grow quiet as the boys focus on their game. As the thunder booms for a third time, much louder than previously, you whimper.
Kai quickly pauses the game, moving over to you "Y/N," he asks, "you okay?"
"No thunder," you respond softly. "Appa." you reach out to Taehyun with tears in your eyes. "Want Appa toos."
Taehyun comes over to you and Kai to help comfort you. "I'll be right back!" Kai runs down the hall, leaving Taehyun confused.
"Where did Dada go," he asks you, trying to provide a distraction.
Kai re-entered the room with two objects. A blue pacifier with Cinnamoroll on it and a small Cinnamoroll plush. He kneels in front of you, offering the items, which you take, happily. "Thankie, Dada!" You squeal.
"You're welcome, Little One."
Taehyun rubs your back as Kai hums a lullaby and you slowly fall asleep. Taehyun and Kai following.
It was late when Soobin, Yeonjun and Beomgyu came home.
"Why is it so quiet? They didn't leave did they?" Soobin asks.
"If they did I'm going to beat them."
"Hyungs," Beomgyu says gesturing to the three laying on the floor. "I think they stayed in the house."
Soobin laughs and goes over to wake the sleeping trio.
"Wake up, I'm sure you'd all rather be in bed than on the living room floor."
"Hmm, Hyung? What time is it?" Taehyun mumbles.
"Time to sleep," Yeonjun calls, as he walks away.
Taehyun kicks Kai's leg, getting him to jolt awake. "Wake up Y/N so they can sleep in her bed, Hyuka."
"Why me?"
"I said so," Taehyun leaves the room after his declaration, preventing Kai from replying.
"I've got it, Kai. Go to bed," Soobin urges.
Kai nods and stands to leave the room. Quietly, Soobin goes over to you.
"They're little right now," Kai informs his leader.
Soobin nods in acknowledgement. He kneels next to the you, gently shaking you awake. "Hey, Y/N, can you wake up please?" He asks, "I'm sure you'd rather sleep in your comfy bed with a plushie."
"Hmm? Daddy home?"
"Yeah, Little One, Daddy's home."
"Where Appa and Dada?"
"They went to bed a couple of minutes ago. Let's get you in bed, shall we?"
You nod, allowing Soobin to pick you up and take you to your room. Soobin tucks you into bed and attempts to switch on the nightlight.
"The lights no work, Daddy," I whisper, "The rain made it stop working."
"When did that happen, Baby?"
"Earlier, when Dada and Appa and I play Mario Karts. Daddy stay," You request when he doesn't respond, "I no like thunder, want Papas keep me safe!"
"Yeah, I'll stay."
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pttwice · 3 months
I saw u opened ur request box back, welcome back. here to request a SMC going to the park alone (because its right by the apartment) and going bug finding without there unnies knowing and coming back with a cup or box filled with bugs and wanting to show it to there mommies (2yeon) which ends up in screaming and them telling them to release them outside and a very sad moment for the babies
hi chimpo! :) i hope you're doing well 💚
going on a bug hunt
|| little!smc, cg!2yeon ||
"No, Tzu. Gotta be quiet 'cause mommy's sleepin'." Chaeyoung shushed the little as she helped Tzuyu slip her rain boots on.
Dahyun slipped into the hallway closet to grab her own raincoat as well as Chaeyoung's and Tzuyu's. She zipped her jacket up while Chaeyoung put Tzuyu's boots on.
It was the perfect day to look for bugs at the park. It rained yesterday and there were puddles all around. That meant one thing to the littles: bugs!
Dahyun had never had a problem with bugs, but Chaeyoung and Tzuyu had to join Dahyun the first few times just observing when they were bug hunting. While they mainly found earthworms that had to come above ground when the rain was heavy, Dahyun managed to find a few beetles and slugs once.
"Ready, Chae? Got Tzu's boots on?" Dahyun handed Chaeyoung her jacket and smiled as Tzuyu excitedly held her pink pail up. The good caregiver Jeongyeon was, she didn't question Dahyun when she asked her mama if she could put tin foil over the top of the bucket with a few holes poked in it. Jeongyeon just assumed it was for sticks and sand.
"If anything goes wrong, remember the apartment's just a few feet away," Jeongyeon whispered from the kitchen as she finished washing the dishes from lunch.
The littles all nodded and kissed their mama goodbye. Dahyun and Chaeyoung each took Tzuyu's hands and walked out of the apartment. It was slightly chilly, but their rain jackets helped to fight the breeze. Jeongyeon watched from the kitchen window to make sure they got to the park safely before she sat down and checked her phone.
"Hyun, wook!" Tzuyu excitedly pointed at a small dark lump on the ground. She picked it up and handed it to her older sister who just gave her a soft chuckle and a pat on the head.
"Nice one, Tzu. Hold your bucket out and I'll put it in."
Tzuyu held her pink pail out, excited that she'd found the first bug of the bug hunt despite it only being a small rock covered in moss.
While Chaeyoung eagerly flipped over every rock and branch they could in the park, Tzuyu was focused on playing with the "bug" in her pail. She followed closely behind her big sisters and stopped whenever they stopped to make sure her little friend was okay in the pail.
"Chae, I found some worms!" Dahyun called over from one of the slides. Chaeyoung jogged over to where Dahyun was squatting and pulled Tzuyu along with her.
As Dahyun pointed out all the earthworms that were now uncovered, Chaeyoung spotted a little green beetle on a fallen branch. She left Dahyun to her worms, Tzuyu nonchalantly standing by the oldest to keep an eye on her own "bug".
Chaeyoung crept up to the branch and set her red pail down beside her. As carefully as she could, she scooped the beetle in her hands and lifted the foil cover, placing him inside with the dirt and twigs she put in when they got to the park.
"Got lotsa worms, Hyun," Tzuyu says as she sits down beside her older sister. She looks into Dahyun's blue pail and watches as the worms dig their way into the small layer of dirt in the pail.
About an hour of bug hunting later Chaeyoung managed to find another green beetle and an inch worm. She liked the fact that it was so tiny and green. It reminded her of her mama.
"What did you find, Hyun?" Chaeyoung asks as she crouches down beside Tzuyu and Dahyun. They put their pails in the middle and peel back the tin foil covers on their pails.
Dahyun smiles and proudly displays her pail. She's got plenty of earthworms, a beetle, a ladybug, and a few ants. Chaeyoung looks into Dahyun's pail in awe at the ladybug crawling up one of the twigs in the pail.
"Look mine! Look mine!" Tzuyu tilts her pail and first points to the moss-covered rock. "Dis one my favorite."
Dahyun and Chaeyoung glance at each other knowingly before looking back down into Tzuyu's pail, encouraging her to keep showing them what she found.
"Den found dis one and dis one." The second and third things in Tzuyu's pail are surprisingly actual bugs. She didn't touch either of them, but she managed to pick up a little pill bug with a stick and a brown caterpillar.
"Wanna show to mommy," Tzuyu says with a wide smile as she stands up. Dahyun and Chaeyoung nod in agreement and walk back with Tzuyu, holding one hand each as they cross the road.
Once they get back into the apartment, they set their pails down and take their rain boots and jackets off.
"How was the park?" Nayeon asks through a yawn as she crouches down to help Tzuyu unzip her jacket. She helps hang the three jackets in the closet and glances down at their pails. "Did you guys find something cool?"
Before Dahyun and Chaeyoung can warn Tzuyu about pulling the tin foil back on her pail, she eagerly picks it up and picks up the first "bug" she found.
"Wow. That's a cool rock you found, love bug." Nayeon smiles and takes the small, moss-covered rock from the little.
Tzuyu frowns and takes the rock back, putting it back in her pail. "Not a wock, mommy. I gots bugs."
Nayeon tilts her head in confusion and looks into the pail, quickly jumping back as soon as she sees the bugs in Tzuyu's pail and screams. She runs into the kitchen where Jeongyeon is, scaring the poor girl as she clings onto her.
"Hey, hey. What's wrong?" Jeongyeon sets her phone down and looks between a very startled Nayeon and a very happy Tzuyu. "Tzu, what did you put in that bucket?"
Tzuyu takes a few steps forward, but Nayeon holds her hands out to stop her. "No no no. Tzu, baby, please keep your bugs over there."
"Bugs?" Jeongyeon asks in concern. Nayeon just nods and keeps her hand out, hoping it'll be enough to deter the littles from walking any closer.
"Do you all have bugs?" Nayeon asks and lets out a small groan and a whine as she backs up further into the kitchen.
"Why did you bring the bugs into the house?" Jeongyeon asks and cautiously gets up off of her stool. She takes a few steps to cover Tzuyu's pail back up then steps back into the kitchen.
"Tzu wanted to show you what she found, mommy," Dahyun says as she looks into her own pail. "We did too," she says as she points to her own pail and Chaeyoung's.
"Thank you for thinking of us, but bugs belong outside, Dubu." Jeongyeon tries to let the littles down easily, but the frown on their faces is apparent as they stare down into their pails.
"Well then, uhm, how come the bugs in the shower get to stay?" Chaeyoung pouts and looks up at her mamas, holding her pail close to her chest.
"Those bugs aren't supposed to be in the shower, sweetheart. That's why mama has to put them back outside whenever they get inside," Nayeon explains as she stays in the corner of the kitchen as far away from the bugs as she can.
"I know you guys want to keep your bug friends, but they're going to miss all their friends. If they're in the apartment, then they won't be able to play outside anymore." Jeongyeon explains as convincingly as she can.
The littles look at each other and then down at their pails. Not being able to play with their friends does seem awfully unfair. Chaeyoung lets out a small sigh and walks back over to the front door. She puts her rain boots on and takes Tzuyu's pail.
Chaeyoung and Dahyun walk back to the park to let the bugs go, returning with big frowns that make their mama’s hearts ache.
Tzuyu crawls onto her mommy's lap and crosses her arms over her chest as she lays her head on her mommy's shoulder. "Not fair dat the shower bugs stay," she mumbles into Nayeon's shirt.
Nayeon just gives the little a small squeeze and kisses her forehead. "How about we watch a bug cartoon? I'm sure there's something that you can watch."
The littles give their mamas a small, sad nod as they trudge over to the couch. Tzuyu cuddles close to her mommy as she turns the TV on. Chaeyoung ends up on Jeongyeon's lap and Dahyun leans on Tzuyu.
Nayeon turns the Larva cartoon on and after a few minutes of the colorful show, the littles quickly get over the loss of their bug friends. If the bugs in the show were having so much fun, then their bugs must have been having fun too.
Even Tzuyu's rock bug.
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I know you mentioned it before but a Xavier cg fic would be cool. Would he use his power to make little drawings come to life for you? (I had to cover my eyes and ears at the part where we got to see because I don't like bugs. Yuck!) I think he would be nice. and sit and color and draw. :)
Rainy Nights
Xavier Thorpe X Little!Reader (They/Them Pronouns Used)
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Warnings - thunderstorm, reader is afraid of the thunder and lightning, reader has a brief meltdown because of the storm, xavier is the softest, fluff, fluff, fluff <3
Notes - I love this, I'm going to cry over this, I want this, Please send more of this, I beg you! <3
SFW - Please keep all interactions with this post, and this blog, SFW, if you do not comply you will be reported and blocked <3
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Rainy nights were something Y/n couldn't handle, the thunder always too loud, the lightning so random it was off putting, they always put their headphones on, played some music, and tried to go to sleep early. But tonight, they of course couldn't find their headphones, the little hitch in their evening causing them to spiral slightly. Sure, it was only 7pm, lot's of time to search for the headphones before actual bedtime, but the loud booms and sudden flashes of light caused them to tip over the edge, their eyes tearing up as their mind regressed back to a younger state.
Y/n hadn't regressed at school yet, too new to feel comfortable around anyone to open up about their coping mechanism, too scared to be judged this early on in their stay at nevermore. But little Y/n didn't understand the big fear, the whole point of regression was to forget those tedious worries, so in their mind they knew they needed some help, some comfort, from someone who they trusted. So that's how they ended up at Xavier's dorm room door, tears streaming down their face, their pajamas a little disheveled, and their brain scrambling to come up with a coherent sentence.
"I, I'm, I jus', I." Was all they could get out, Xavier doing a once over of their body, trying to find some injury that would cause this level of sadness and scaredness.
"What's going on?" He asked, stepping aside to let them in, making sure no one in the hallway knew he was breaking the rules by letting someone into his room after hours.
"I can' find m'headphones." Y/n sobbed, miming putting on their headphones as they spoke, as if they were actually placing some on their head. "An' i's raining!" They explained, pointing to a window, as if Xavier didn't know the current weather conditions.
Xavier smiled, Enid, him, Ajax, and Wednesday had talked about their suspicions around some of Y/n's behavior, noting their childlike behavior in some scary or stressful situations, all coming to the conclusion that they were an age regressor, just one who didn't feel comfortable talking about it yet. He wasn't smiling because they were sad about the lightning, but because he knew he was getting serious bragging rights for being the first person Y/n truly regressed in front of.
"Would you like to borrow my headphones Bub?" He asked, trying to navigate the situation and calm Y/n down.
"Yes." They whispered.
"Yes, what?" Xavier asked, grabbing his headphones from off his desk, making sure they were connected to his phone, cuing up the playlist he may or may not have made for Y/n.
"Yes pease." Y/n repeated, sitting down on Xavier's desk chair, ready for the scary thunder to be drowned out.
"Good manners Bub." He smiled, placing the headphones on their head, making sure they sat on their ears nicely, playing the music and quickly walking away to gather some other distraction supplies.
Another thing he had made for Y/n was a little art kid, the box under his bed filled with colouring books, crayons, some finger paints, that he wasn't willing to try out now, and a set of beads and string, just a few things to see what Y/n would enjoy. He pulled out a coloring book and the crayons, walking over to his desk, grabbing the other desk's chair and sitting beside Y/n, opening up the book and ripping out a page for himself, letting Y/n join in if they wished.
After a few minutes of calming down, relishing in the thunder free environment, Y/n picked up some crayons, settling on a colouring page of flowers, filling in each little section with a different colour, making it as colourful and fun as possible.
When done they held up the book to Xavier, waiting for him to look at the picture, his eyes lighting up when he saw the artwork, placing the book back onto the desk. "Watch this." He said, his words not heard by Y/n but still uttered anyways. His hand moving slightly as the flowers 'stood' up, swaying side to side like read flowers would, the picture much more colourful and fun than his usual grey and macabre drawings.
Y/n giggled, clapping their hands slightly after he had stopped the flowers moving, Y/n quickly getting back to colouring another picture so it too could be brought back to life.
Who knew a thunderstorm was all it would take for Y/n to open up, and who knew Xavier was waiting with open arms willing to help in the time of need.
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nostalgic-woodwind · 5 months
Mommy and Daddy's Little Panda Cub
CGs! Ming and Jin Lee and Regressor! Mei Lee 🍼
Plot: It's Mei's bedtime. Little scholars need their rest, after all.
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It was a peaceful, yet cold winter night in Toronto. It was also raining. Raindrops made pitter-patter sounds on Mei's bedroom window. Ming had just finished giving her daughter a bubble bath and dressing her in a pair of soft, warm footie pajamas. She was now sitting in Mei's bed, cradling Mei in her lap as if she were a baby again and feeding her a warm bottle of angel milk that Jin had just prepared.
Mei had an eventful couple of days, filled with finals before winter break and getting her first period (for real this time), which happened on her final test of the semester. She powered through and aced her exams with flying colors. Now, she had regressed and was healing from her period, thanks to her parents' TLC (tender loving care).
"Are you feeling better, baby?" Ming asked softly.
Mei nodded and cooed behind her bottle. Ming smiled at this and stroked her daughter's red hair.
"Mommy wants you to know that she and your daddy are very proud of you. You're an amazing little cub, and we love you, no matter what or who you become."
Mei snuggled to Ming's shoulder as she drank her bottle. She rubbed her eyes and yawned, signaling that she was ready to go nini.
Jin walked into the bedroom with Mei's stuffed dog, Wilfred, and a pink, satin-trimmed chenille blanket. He had put them in the dryer to make them warm and toasty. He handed Mei the items, who cooed as her way of saying thanks.
Jin sat down next to Ming and kissed her cheek. Ming kissed Jin's cheek in return. She then kissed Mei's forehead as she finished the bottle.
Mei whimpered and whined after Ming removed the empty bottle from her mouth. Ming softly shushed and cooed as she replaced the bottle with a pacifier that was resting on Mei's bedside table. Mei calmed down as she suckled on the soother.
Ming rested Mei's head on the pillow and tucked her in. Mei snuggled Wilfred and her blankie in her arms as Jin turned off the lights and turned on her nightlight. He and Ming kissed Mei's forehead and whispered goodnight as they left the room.
Mei fell asleep, warm and safe from the cold winter's night.
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mknight0000 · 5 months
Cross-Dimensional Answers Prologue-Ch 2 (Last Legacy)
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A/N: HOLY HELL IT IS FINALLY HAPPENING. I really do apologize for waiting over a year to finally post this. I don't really want to go into it, but it is finally happening. Anyways below are the proper credits and I hope you enjoy it.
Word Count: 2,368
Warnings: Swearing, Potentail poor grammar
Creators: Dev (creator and writer), Ciel (sprites, cgs, illustrations), Hika (bgs, illustrations, gfx), Lulu (writer), and Grace (writer) 
-Carrd Link
When I wake, a coughing fit rises within me. My lungs burn from the lack of air during the split second of paranormal emptiness. As my breathing becomes more steady, I am met with a cool breeze of earth and rain that flows through my partially undone ponytail. Despite the circumstances, my first thought is:
I feel like a mess.
I move from the ground, feeling the cobblestone-tile ground beneath my hands and knees, its smooth, but uneven texture set beneath me. I open my eyes to see endless firefly lights moving around me, the circles shining brightly. The whispered sound in my ears fades when another breeze blows past.
After letting my eyes adjust, I look around hoping to figure out what the hell happened. In front of me, I see a wide staircase leading up to a large, arched window. Crumpled stone walls surround me, exposing the open room to the forces of nature. I look past the walls into the…night sky?
Wait? What the hell? How is it already nighttime?
Still baffled by the sudden jump in time, I look upwards towards the sky to see clouds moving across the purple atmosphere, red-hued moonlight shining bright. As I glance around, I notice iron-chained chandeliers hanging from the parts of the room that still have a ceiling with faint light glowing from the lit candles.
Before I can take anything else in from the scene, a voice whispers close to me. It’s low and hoarse as if stricken by emotions of various kinds. 
“Five years I’ve dreamt of this day…When at last we would be reunited”
Whilst still on the ground, I look to see someone standing above me, looking straight at me. His wavy, dark brown hair blows against his tan skin, giving a clear view of his gray eyes, brimmed with tears. The stranger wears a dark brown, unbuttoned vest over what seems to be a white, peasant blouse paired with light brown trousers. A black, long, velvety overcoat, adorned with gold accents, is draped over his shoulder and a book is strapped by a belt to his thigh.
He looks slightly familiar. I think to myself, though confused about who this stranger is.
“Yet it seems neither fate nor the stars can keep us apart.” He continues, his breathing labored. 
The mysterious stranger approaches me, kneeling, taking my hands into his and interlocking them. My eyes widen slightly, thoughts of confusion still prominent in my mind. 
“I never stopped looking for you, I never gave up,” he says as he presses a soft kiss to my knuckles. 
My eyes widen even more as my face starts to warm, knowing very well that it is as red as a lowering sunset. Instead of the soft wind and his gentle murmurs, all I hear is my heartbeat, pulsing at a faster rate than before.
What in the depths of hell is going on?????!!!!!!!!!
“Oh! How I missed you!” he says with his lips quirking into a slanted grin, pulling me into a tight embrace. 
“What–Oh!” I exclaimed at the sudden action. 
I can feel his body shaking as I hear slight, silent sobs coming from the strange man. To comfort him, I pat his back lightly, but awkwardly, out of both confusion
and slight concern. In normal circumstances, I would’ve thrown this him off of me, but I can’t help but note the tone of great loss in his voice, leading my heart to pull just a little under the weight of the few words he has said to me. Though he is still sobbing, I decided now is the best time to intervene. 
“Um, I think there has been a mistake,” I say genuinely whilst also feeling him stiffen up as the words leave my mouth, “My name is Megan. I think I may have been teleported here with this staff thingy to wherever this is–honestly, I don’t know, just uuuuhhhhhh….who are you?” 
His face moves quickly, positioning himself in front of me. His slate gray eyes, rimmed with tears, widen, snapping to meet mine, and his brow jumps in shock at my statement.
“You-you're not Rime?” he asks, horror and desperation clear in his voice. 
I shake my head back and forth. After his realization sets in, he leans away from me, his face reddened in embarrassment. He buries his face in his hands, staying in that position for a while with his shoulders trembling with each breath he takes. 
At this point, I do not know what to do except sit there, resting on my knees, and stare at him in unrelenting confusion and worry, though, for some reason, not for myself.
….Should I say something?
As I open my mouth, about to attempt to comfort him, he groans, lifts his head out of his hands, and starts whipping the tears from his face. 
“Bloody hells,” he croaks. 
“Are you okay?” I ask.
“I’m fine,” he responds, “Now, what manner of void fiend are you then? Lich? Revenant? Behold with surplus eyes?”
Manner of void fiend? What is he talking about?
My forehead scrunches in confusion as I try to offer up an answer to his strange question.
“I’m a barista…if that’s what you’re asking.”
As soon as I answer, a flash of frustration passes his face. He pinches the bridge of his nose as he softly mutters to himself under his breath, his head slightly bent down. 
After about a minute, he looks back up at me. He’s no longer crying but I can tell he’s just…tired.  “It seems I’ve made a grave mistake,” he states, “Very well. Allow me to introduce myself.”
He shifts a bit further from me and stands. Before he continues, he offers his hand to me to help me stand up. I thank him as I grab it and get to my feet, though my legs wobble the tiniest bit when I initially stand. As I look back at him, he tucks the hand he offered to me behind his back, and bows deeply with a dramatic, noticeably practiced, flourish. 
“My name is Fleix Iskandar Escellun. House unaffiliated. Necromancer,” he declared as he finished his bow. 
My eyes widen at the mention of his last name. “Escellun? Like Magister Escell?!” I ask in bewilderment.
I can tell that my acknowledgment of his last name soured his mood slightly. His face darkens, and as soon as it does. I can see it. That salty glare that Felix is giving me is just like Escell’s! 
He looks off to the side and grumbles at me. “Tch, he hasn’t been called ‘Magister’ since before i was born.” 
“Wait, is he your father?” 
He stays silent for a moment, looking me up in down. He’s clearly sizing me up. 
“Yes, he is,” a hint of disdain in his voice, but then he looks back at me questionally. “How do you even know that name, barista?” he asks, “You are very clearly not from Astraea.”
My heart stops for a split second once the name of the magical land falls from his lips. I had to have imagined he said that.
“Astraea?” I softly ask him, because there is no way I am currently in the land I have spent countless hours in on a computer screen.
No way…If I am in Astraea, then that means that I have somehow been transported to the world of Last Legacy.
I honestly do not know how to react. I should be ecstatically jumping in the air, at least that would be the reaction of any superfan, but I’m not. Instead, my hands are clammy and my breath starts to falter. My heart is beating faster and everything around me starts to become slightly muffled. 
I cannot be in a different world. I just can’t. This is some sick joke…or maybe I’m just dead?
I gather up my courage and ask, “Is this the afterlife? Am I dead? Why does heaven, or wherever I am, look like a video game?”
Felix looks back at me in slight shock and amusement in response to my question. “Is this cesspool truly how you imagined heaven? Mildew, rubble, me–utterly humiliated,” he humors but his lips turn into a smirk saying, “Although, I suppose I should be flattered you discerned anything divine about me.”
His voice is laced with complete sarcasm, except I catch him shyly lowering his eyes. 
Still confused with this whole situation, I ask, “So are you saying this is more like limbo or hell?”
He turns slightly to the side, gets out his glasses, opens a strange book, and starts reading it. There is no way this book is new. Its frayed, maroon cloth cover is embossed with strange markings and a skull at the center. It’s worn with sand-colored pages that look like they’d crumble with one touch. It’s definitely not something you would find at your average book store. 
“Please. If this were a hell there’d be a great deal more fire and at least twice as many rats,” he answers. 
“Now, I must have mixed up my tals and pals when inscribing the spell circle…” he trails off muttering under his breath whilst flipping through the musty, old tome. 
“So to be sure, I’m not dead?” I ask, not knowing what else to say.
He looks up from the pages, his gray eyes looking straight into mine. I just can’t stop thinking about the similarities between him and his father. I can’t help to feel a tad bit intimidated by the glare. 
He responds to my question, saying, “Sleep, and death, and the void all share their similarities, but you are very much alive.”
“How poetic,” I respond as I look around my surroundings, still baffled at the jump in time. 
He smirks at my retort, “Take it from someone who has died once or twice before.”
My head turns suddenly in his direction out of shock, my eyes widening. 
My reaction makes him chuckle, but he returns back to his book reading what looks to be incomprehensible scribbles. I take this moment to try to calm myself down. 
Okay Megan. Remember those breathing techniques Sarah recommended. Breathe in for five seconds, out for five more. In for five, out for five. In…and out…In…and out…
After a few more rounds, my heart calms, and my breathing evens out. 
I may still be in a world full of wizards and mercenaries, but at least I am now calm…for now.  Now, to find a way back to the convention center.
“So Felix, if you brought me here, does that mean you can send me home as well?”
“Oh I can definitely send you back”
I release a sigh of relief, and a smile overcomes my lips.
“Wonderful! Now how-” I start, but he cuts me off.
“Well probably.” 
My face drops with disappointment.
“Probably? What do you mean probably? I can’t stay here!” I respond, my voice slowly climbing with anger. 
“Well first I need the Astrolabe–” he responds but cuts himself off quickly, “er, that ‘staff-thingy’ you mentioned earlier.
“That’s it? That’s all you need?” I ask, hopefulness laced in between my words, “Then you can return me home?”
“Perhaps. Now, where is it?” he questions, looking around for the Astrolabe. 
I shoot Felix an unknowing look.
“Oh well…um... “ I start, “When I went to pick it up it started glowing, but disappeared right after I touched it…so it may be somewhere around here.”
The color drains from his face at my response. Despite his face seeming still, his eyes fill with anger. He opens his mouth to speak, as if he's about to rip me a new one, but catches himself before speaking. 
“Ah. Well…that complicates things,” he states as he pinches the bridge of his nose.
“What do you mean, ‘complicates things?” I werrily ask. The wind blows my partially undone ponytail, causing a chill to run down my spine, uneasiness filling my stomach. 
Felix whips his head around, facing the door.
“I’ll explain after we’ve shed those pesky guards,” he responds hastily. 
“What guar–” I start, but a loud bang interrupts me, causing me to jump.
I look over at the nearby chestnut-hued door as it buckles violently. The only thing holding it together is a few rusty, wobbling bolts. 
“Damn it all. My summoning may have drawn some unwanted attention–Oh and did I mention we may be trespassing?”
I shoot him a glare, “Maybe you could’ve brought that up earlier!”
Felix merely looks at me and takes a deep breath, before making an arc gracefully in the air with his right hand. Seemingly, out of nothing, a black oval appears in midair. Though ripples emerge from the inky black center, there is a faint, but unclear, image that lies within. 
“Hie thee through the portal,” he quickly remarks, making a shooing motion toward the obsidian entrance. 
I stare back at him incredulously, “You want me to get into that? Where does it even go?”
Suddenly, the rickety door splinters and bows as it continuously keeps getting bashed in. One of the rusty bolts springs free, following onto the stone floor. I am fully aware my options are very small at the moment, but I don’t know how much I can trust this man.
“Somewhere safe,” he responds, “Or rather, to someone safe. Now, I’d appreciate it if you hurried. Holding this open is harder than it looks.”
Though every bone in my body is saying to run, there’s something in his voice that seems trusting and if I don’t listen, I may be in more trouble than I can handle. 
As I take a step forward, Felix holds a hand out. My black backpack dangles from his hand by its strap. My heart lifts a bit at the sight. 
Felix can see my apprehension when he states, “Fear not, barista. I won’t let any harm come to you.”
The guards had persevered in their efforts to break down the door, seeing seconds after Felix’s statement, a group of armored individuals bust into the room with a loud crash. There was no hesitation as I hurled my body into the dark portal, plunging into the unknown darkness. 
Cannot wait to start the next part....Anisa my darling.
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littlehypnone · 6 months
ao3 request for phantom dropping during a show and a cg of choice taking care off them after <3
780 words, no cws, little phantom, cg rain
He couldn’t find any reason for it happening, this time. He wasn’t that tired, he wasn’t that overstimulated, he wasn’t that stressed. He just slipped, he supposed, without any particular cause. And it’d all be absolutely fine if they weren’t in the middle of playing a show. That was a bit… inconvenient.
Phantom started feeling fuzzy around the half of the ritual, and got all small by three thirds of it. They were a professional, though, and a very well trained demon with great muscle memory, and that’s probably the only thing that had saved them from Sister Imperator’s reprimand for messing up the show.
They slinked over to Swiss, at some point, and opened their arms, wordlessly asking for a hug. The multi ghoul obliged, of course he did, and Phantom fell into him. As much as they could with Swiss being on the platform, anyway.
The moment was over quickly, Phantom had to get back to playing, but not before Swiss whispering in their ear, “You’ve got this, buggy, just a bit more.”
They nodded and ran back to the front of the stage again. Phantom did well, but the ritual couldn’t have ended faster, and as soon as they got their guitar off and handed it to their tech, they threw themself at Swiss again, needing that warmth and grounding pressure all over them for at least a moment. “Swissy, please.”
“I’ve got you, baby,” the multi ghoul whispered and crushed them to his chest, arms wrapped all around them. “Just the bows left, yeah, go grab Rain’s hand.”
Phantom turned their head, seeing Rain next to them, smiling through the face covering. They smiled too, and took his hand as Swiss instructed, lining up between two bigger ghouls for the bows.
Soon enough it was all over and they were backstage, in the dressing room. They ended up with Rain, the water ghoul taking care of them, and they’d never complain about that. Phantom really loved their Rainy.
They purred at that thought, just when the water ghoul was getting rid of their helmet and balaclava. “Oh, is it that nice, baby bat?”
“You’re very nice, Rainy,” Phantom admitted, blushing at Rain’s responding chuckle.
“Well, thank you, bug,” he smiled, unclasping their vest, “you’re a very nice little ghoul, too.”
The quintessence ghoul giggled, fidgeting with their hands, only separating them to help Rain get them undressed. Once they were sitting on the couch in just their boxers, Rain turned to dig around in Phantom’s bag for some clean street clothes. Once found, he got back to them, cooing at how their tail found its way into their mouth. “Do you want help getting dressed too, or you want to try yourself?”
“‘elp p’ease,” they lisped around their tail, giving Rain their prettiest puppy eyes.
“Hey, now, no need to bring this weapon out!” the water ghoul laughed, making Phantom giggle in return. He crouched down in front of them and piece by piece got Phantom dressed in loose, comfy clothes. Rain saw them nearly falling asleep, eyes glassy and oh, they were so sleepy.
“All set, baby bat,” he announced and ruffled their sweat-damp hair as he got up. Rain then changed too, as quickly as possible, to get his attention back to Phantom. “Do you want to go down to the bus already? Or want me to get someone else?”
“Mhm…” they hummed out, neither a negative nor an affirmative, half asleep. “Bus… you.”
“Gotcha.” Rain picked them up—Phantom immediately curling into them and shoving their face into the water ghoul’s chest—and left the dressing room. Phantom didn’t really register much more of what was going on around. They think they heard Rain asking someone to get their stuff for them, and to be quiet when the rest returns to the bus themselves.
Phantom thinks they were put down into Rain’s own bunk. They patted around and finding a shark, instead of their bat, confirmed their suspicions. It made them purr, loud, and they heard Rain chuckle at them from somewhere above. “Cute. You can hold him, don’t worry.”
“R’lly?” they whispered, hesitantly running their fingers over the plushies teeth.
“Yeah, of course! You’ll hold him and I’ll hold you, what about that?”
“Yes, p’ease,” Phantom sighed, wrapping their arms around the shark. It was a really big plushie, they loved it. Rainy was so nice for letting them hold him!
The water ghoul climbed into the bunk after them, and wrapped himself around the little ghoul right away, making them purr even louder. Rain joined in with his own rumble soon enough. “Goodnight, baby bat,” he whispered, kissing the shell of their ear.
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fairyofjaeyun · 2 years
k j w ➳ chicken nuggets ☾
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[10:36] now playing: only in my dreams - the marías
[warning] mommy kink, cg/l undertones, mentions of abuse, handjob, blowjob, mention of a panic attack, slightly little!jungwoo
2nd person // 2k words
[a/n] here’s an old jungwoo fic cause he’s been wrecking me so bad
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙ ⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙
you huffed as you set down the heavy bag of dog food after feeding the last pet. you smiled at the little dachshund chowing down on his food, making a mess. you run your hand down his thin coat. "goodnight, scrappy. I'll see you tomorrow." he paid no attention to you because licking every last crumb was far more important. hence why you named him scrappy.
"hey, jennie!" you called out to your coworker. she peeked her head out the door. "yeah?" she answered, holding one of the baby kittens. "you think you could close up shop tonight? I'm exhausted." you groaned dramatically. "sure. I still have a couple of litter boxes to clean." she scrunched up her nose and you chuckled.
you gave her a farewell before grabbing your bag and heading out the shelters front entrance. you've been working there for about a year now. you may not get paid much but helping out animals always made you feel good about yourself. and the fact that it was only a 15 minute walk from your house made it extra convenient.
it was damp and chilly from the rain earlier. a slight, calm breeze flowed through your hair. however, the humidity still lingered in the air, making you feel gross and sticky.
after walking a couple of blocks, you heard a faint noise. at first, you thought you were just imagining things because it was so hushed and soft. as if the evening wind whispered in your ear. but as you kept walking, it progressively got louder, sending chills throughout your spine and your hand digging in your unorganized bag for your phone.
you still couldn't make out what it was, and being alone on the empty street made it even more eerie. you looked around until you noticed a small silhouette sitting against the wall of the antique store with their head buried in their knees. it looked like a boy.
you stared, a bit petrified, until you heard an identical noise come from the vulnerable figure. his upper body shaking. you slowly walked up to him, now recognizing the soft noise as sobs. "hey." you said gently. he picked his head up. the dull street lights were bright enough to show some of the feminine features of his face. his cheeks were red and his eyes were puffy from crying, his light brown hair covering his forehead.
then it clicked, he was one of the cashiers at the ice cream shop just a few doors down from the shelter. what was his name, again? johnny? jeno? "are you okay? what's wrong?" you kneeled down to his level, you saw nothing but despair reflecting from his bloodshot eyes.
you've only seen him a couple of times at the shop but he always looked so smiley, like nothing in the world could ever bring him down. it hurt to see him like this even though you never had a proper conversation with him.
he sniffled and rubbed his bare arms after feeling the cool wind. "t-they yelled a-t me." he hiccups. "who? who yelled at you?" you asked. he stared down at his aching legs, his jeans were drenched and sticking to his skin. "my mommy and h-her boyfriend, they h-hit me. I- c-can't go home, I-I'm s-so scared." more tears streamed down his face as his breath became short and unsteady.
you immediately put your hand on his shoulder to calm him. "hey, it's okay. deep breaths." you helped him gain control of his breathing before moving his hair away from his face. "if you want you could stay with me for the night." he looked at you with big, twinkling eyes. "really?" he asked with enthusiasm, like a kid who's just been told that he was going to disneyland.
even you were surprised by your offer. why the hell would you take home a grown man you don't even know? maybe it's because he wasn't his age mentally, he had the personality of a little kid. his voice was gentle and pure, he wore pastel colored clothing, and was extremely sensitive and easily trusted others. shit, he held your hand the whole way home.
you took out your house key, the boy’s fingers still intertwining with yours, then unlocked your front door, revealing your dark living room. after turning on the lights, you offered the young boy some food. "are you hungry? I don't have much since I haven't gone grocery shopping but you can help yourself to whatever you want."
"thank you, y/n/n." he gave you a quick hug, which caught you off guard. on the way home, you had introduced yourself and he called you by your nickname because he thought it was cute. and he had introduced himself as well; jungwoo. you knew it was with a j.
he looked through your cabinets and refrigerator before he gasped loudly, making you turn your head because you thought he was having another panic attack. "chicken nuggets!" he pulls out the big bag of frozen chicken nuggets from the freezer with a bright, toothy smile.
you put a hand on your chest in relief. "don't scare me like that." you said rather harshly. you immediately regret it when you saw his lip quiver into a pout. "I'm sorry." he whispered, focusing on his feet.
"nononono, its okay!" you shouted before he could start crying again and grabbed his hand. "I'm not mad at you." jungwoo studied your panicked expression, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill. "are you sure? you're not gonna hit me, are you?"
that sentence instantly tugged at your heartstrings. "no, sweetie. I would never hurt you." jungwoo slowly raised his pinky, looking at you with big puppy eyes. "promise?"
you had to hold back some tears of your own. not just from sadness, but from anger as well. who the hell would lay a hand on him? sick fucking parents.
you flashed him a genuine smile, hooking your pinky with his. "I promise." he giggled and wrapped his arms around you, snuggling his head into the crook of your neck. "thank you!"
you awkwardly pat his head. "you're welcome, kid." there was short moment of silence as he continued to nuzzle against you. "uhhhh, do you want me to make the chicken nuggets?" you said, feeling uncomfortable yet content at the same time. emotions are weird.
he nodded instantly before clapping his hands together. "yes, please!" he shouted but because his voice was so soft it wasn't much different from his normal tone. "ight. you want them in the microwave or oven?"
"Oven, please. I like em crispy." he then scurried off to your living room to go explore the new environment. you shook your head as you opened the bag of frozen nuggets that were less than halfway gone. all it took was a quick growl of your stomach for you to dump the rest of the bag onto a pan and put them into the oven.
after putting them in the oven and wiping the nugget crumbs off your hands, you went to go search for some dry clothes for jungwoo. you went into your closet and got your oversized sweatpants and a plain tee shirt before finding him sitting on the couch with a pout.
"jungwoo, what's wrong?" he made a small whimper before hesitantly glancing at you. "umm... I have a situation..." he mumbled softly before spreading his legs, showing off his erected member. you couldn't help but stare at it as it twitched underneath his soaked jeans. "are you mad at me?"
"uhhhh..." you cleared you throat. "n-no. you can—uhm— take care of it in your room, I guess?" it was more of a suggestion than an offer. because what the fuck are you supposed to do in this situation? "can you do it?" he whined, palming his bulge.  shit! now what? if it was any other guy, even a close friend, you would've said “fuck no.” but the way he stared at you—practically begging with his eyes—it did something to you.
you mentally took a deep breathe and walked over to him, kneeling between his legs. "it hurts." he winced at the slightest touch. his tight jeans didn't make it any better. "how long have you been hard?" you asked out of curiosity because you don't recall him having boner when you met him a good one hour ago.
"ummm— I don't know. an hour?" you rubbed your temple and grumbled a low "of course" under your breath. jungwoo watched you contemplate your life choices, oblivious. "fuck it." you cursed out loud, and before you could change your mind, you palmed him roughly and he whimpered.
you started massaging his erection with you palm, going in small, circular motions as he arched his back. "y-yes! that feels so good~" he rotated his hips to gain more friction, letting out a painful moan. your core was on fire from the wonderful noises he was making. you slipped your hand down to your clothed clit and started rubbing it through your jeans.
"can you take my pants off, please?" he asked, cutely. you swiped your tongue across your lips as you swiftly unzipped his damp jeans and tossed them onto the floor. the pink heart decorated cotton he wore urged you to smile before locking your eyes on his cock that leaked through his boxers.
jungwoo winced when you tightly gripped his shaft and proceeded to pump him. "oh~ yes!" he moaned. his hand searched for yours and he intertwined your fingers together.
to ease his pain, you decided to take off his boxers and he practically screamed when his naked dick met your warm hand. "yes, mommy!" those words made you pause mentally. it made your stomach engulf in flames because of how angelic yet lewd he said it. it also made everything click into place—he was a submissive and his no good dom fucked him over.
something exploded inside of you: a whole mix of unexplainable emotions. "does mommy make you feel good?" you purred seductively, making jungwoo whimper and nod his head. "yes! you're so much better than my old mommy." you grabbed his chin and exposed his neck so you could sink your teeth into him. you left pretty purple marks all over him before hovering your lips over his ear and saying, "good."
your hot breath made him shiver. goosebumps trailed all over his body as you sucked on his earlobe and continued to jack him off. his member twitched in your hands as he balled his fists. "mommy, can I touch you? p-please?" he asked. his big, mesmerizing eyes pleading at you. you unattached your lips from his ear. "of course, baby." he grinned and placed his hands on your waist, slowly inching up towards your boobs.
he exhaled harshly when he cupped your breasts, loving how they fit perfectly in his hands. "you're so pretty, mommy." he beamed, continuing to play with your boobs. you couldn't resist a light chuckle, a faint blush surfacing on your face. "thank you, baby." you both locked eyes for a moment, admiring each other, before jungwoo lightly pushes down your head to collide with his lips.
it took you by surprise, but you eventually follow his rhythm in a sweet, passionate kiss. he moaned into your mouth a few times from the combination of you jerking him and your tongue exploring his mouth. although, he was the first one pull away. a short string of saliva still connected the two of you. "mommy, I'm gonna cum." you started moving your hand faster, making his hips buck. "cum for mommy, baby." He moaned lewdly before aching his back and cumming all over his stomach and your hands.
he was out of breath, his chest rose up and down in a rapid manner. "good boy." you praised, smearing his juices all over his stomach. "thank you, mommy." he showed off his toothy grin, innocent as ever. then suddenly a short ding came from the oven, letting you know that the nuggets will be done in less than a minute. "perfect timing." you chuckled.
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙ ⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙
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emmatheyoshi · 5 months
Can you do a Little Tangle and Cg Whisper headcannon
Of course!
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��� Tangle would probably regress to the 3-5 age range. She’s just as energetic when she’s regressed as she is when she’s big.
🐺 Whisper is more of a hands on caregiver, often doing most things for Tangle when she’s regressed, despite the fact that Tangle can do things herself. Whisper will often tell her, “You’re too little to do that, hun,” or, “Let me help you. You’re too small to do that on your own.”
🧵Tangle doesn’t use pacifiers, but she does chew. Whisper always has gum or small chew toys on hand because of this.
🐺 Whisper plays peekaboo with her mask. And this is for all the regressors she’s taken care of, not just Tangle.
🧵Tangle is kinda reckless when she’s regressed. If it’s raining/snowing and she wants to play outside, she’ll literally just run outside without any prep. Whisper usually has to chase her down when this happens.
🐺 Whisper has a wonderful singing voice. She’s your go-to for lullabies.
🧵 When Tangle manages to wear herself out, she becomes a bit clingy. She’ll want to be held and snuggled until she either falls asleep or gains more energy.
🐺 Whisper also has a good voice for storytelling. Actually, her voice is good for just lulling a regressor (or an actual child, for that matter) to sleep.
Sorry that there aren’t that many. I’m not too familiar with these two. I will say that I ship them, though.
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shadowlord23 · 4 months
Rainy Days ☔
⭐Cg Steve and Bucky X Autistic Y/n⭐
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Y/n has autism. Based on how I feel when im overstimulated and what helps me. It is different for everyone so please be respectful of their boundaries❤️
No Nsfw
Warnings: Teper tantrum, autistic meltdown, Non-verbal
Nicknames: Da, Little one, doll
Y/n cried as they sat at the window, It wasn’t fair! They were supposed to go to the fair, but Da said they couldn’t now. They had been planning on going all week! They knew that Tony and Nat were still going with their guardians. Y/n didn't get why they couldn't go with them. They had even made sure to be extra good for Bucky and Steve. 
They didn’t even give them a good reason for not being able to go. Steve has claimed it was because it was raining and wasn’t going to stop. Y/n might have gotten mad and started to yell and fight with them, which they were willing to let run its course till Y/n was feeling better, but once Y/n started to get too overstimulated and hit themself, they put a stop to it. Bucky had gently grabbed Y/n and held them tightly till they calmed down. 
After a y/n had calmed down a little longer, Steve asked if they wanted to go sit for a bit, they weren’t in trouble, Bucky had reminded them but maybe sitting for a bit would help them. So that is where Y/n was. They got to pick the spot and were allowed to have their comfort item as they sat and worked through their breathing exercises. 
“Y/n?” Steve asked kneeling in front of them with a small smile, “Do you wanna come talk to us about what's going on?” 
They nodded and Steve picked them up and rubbed their back as he walked to the living room, and sat next to Bucky. 
Bucky smiled at them. “Feeling better boll?” 
Y/n shakes their head, gesturing for their iPad. Steve and Bucky had been taking the time to learn sign but it was a slow-going process. Buck passes it to Y/n, both him and Steve waiting while Y/n writes and selects what they want to ‘say’. Y/n frowned as they struggled to put into words how they felt. 
‘Not fair. Planned to go. Why change?’ The device says as Y/n looks up at them. 
“Because of the weather love. We told you that this morning.” Steve replied gently. “It's not good for you to go out in weather like this.” 
Y/n shook their head. ‘I dress warm. Tony, Nat get to still go.’ 
Steve sighed, “I know they are going still, but they aren’t like you, love.” 
“Yeah, doll,” Bucky runs a hand through Y/n hair, “Rember what we talked about. You have a weak immune system. You can't be out in weather like this for so long.” 
‘I dress warm. Had planned for this.’ They glare at them. They didn't know how to explain what was going on. They had planned their whole week and day around going to the fair. They had planned what they were going to do, and what they needed to do to be able to enjoy the day. Everything was messed up now. Nothing was going right, they had it all planned out, and now… everything feels wrong. They shook their head, flapping their hands. 
‘Wrong, wrong wrong.’ They got down and pulled a blanket close covering their head. 
Steve sighed unsure how to help them. Bucky got down and sat across from Y/n. 
“Im sorry we had to change things so last minute. We just can’t risk you getting sick, love. Do you understand?” He asks. Y/n nodes under the blanket. They understood but they didn't like it. It makes them feel icky.  Bucky watches the blanket before turning on a show he knows Y/n likes and sliding the tablet under the blanket, along with some of their favorite stim toys. 
Y/n stayed under the blanket for some time before pulling it down. Steve was about to say something but Bucky stopped him, shaking his head. After a moment Y/n talks. 
“I-i had planned o-on the trip. E-everything was p-planned, perfectly. I-I didn't plan to stay home.” They pull the blanket close and play with a fidget toy. “I-I didn't plan…” They whisper. 
“Maybe we can plan something else to do today?” Bucky says moving closer to y/n, s that their knees are touching. “If you want we could do a movie, read?” He said gently. Y/n thinks about it before slowly nodding.
“M-maybe we could watch the Hobbit movies? And color?” They nervously asked. 
“Yeah, we could do that. And what were you thinking we would do for dinner?” 
“I-i thought we could get Chinese from that shop we like…s-since it was on the way home…”
“We can definitely order from there!” Steve says with a smile.”They do deliver, lovely.” Steve says as he sits down next to them. Y/n softly smiles and moves so they are being held in Bucky's lap. 
“I-Im sorry da’s.” They say as they curl up a little. 
“It’s ok lovely. It was a stressful morning. Let's get you in some comfy clothes, ‘k? ” Bucky smiles and rams a hand through Y/n’s hair. Bucky stands up with Y/n in his arms and heads to the room. “Im taking my little one to Isengard!” Bucky says with a laugh.
“Da. That’s Lord of the Ring!” 
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royalty-unknown · 2 years
I love love love your works and have read every fic you have made regarding ST. 🥰
I don't really have any specific requests just reader x Daddy! Eddie and fluff
Or reader x Daddy! Or Uncle! Steve
Maybe a thunderstorm scares them and they need emergency cuddles
Or they play hide and go peek and they fall asleep and they search looking for them.
Honestly anything you write regarding ST I will read...
Lastly just wanna say that the skin to skin scene in one of your recent fics was amazing and made me feel so safe and cared for and I love it so much and would love if you added it in again sometime.
Okay. Thanks for being such a good writer and a nice person.
Cg!Eddie Munson x Cg!Steve Harrington x little!reader Requested by: Anonymous 
Thunderstorms and Skin to skin
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Awwww thank you so muchhhh! I really love when I get feedback it makes my heart flutter every time <3 This one I will do thunderstorms! Thank you for everythings and thank you for giving me this request love! 
You and Eddie were at Steve's job, There had been a very bad storm warning so Steve’s boos called and said him and robin can leave at 2:00 pm where he would naturally get off at 6:00pm (I don’t actually know so I just made it the time I would naturally get off) It was 1:30 pm and there was already dark clouds threatening to roar at any second. Steve and Robin were helping their last few customers while Eddie was playing with you in the back room. About 1:55 is when everyone was gone and you could see the small droplets of rain on the store glass and Steve's car. “Ok love’s time to go” Steve said helping Eddie pack you up while Robin shut down the store. 
Once you were packed up you said your goodbyes to auntie Robin and her parents came to pick her up. You and Eddie got into the car while Steve locked up then got into the car driving home, And by the time you three got home it was pouring so steve made sure to get out first and run to the door opening it for you both. Then Eddie helped you out with your bag and you both ran into the house all of you being soaked and laughing. It was warm because the heat was on in Steve's gigantic house. Y/n’s h/c (Hair colored) Hair was messy and tangled (For my black girl audience tangled or knotted are the words) “Oh no! Looks like we have a messy (Or Tangled, knotty, It depends on your hair type <3 ) hair little one don’t we” Steve said “Come on let’s get you a nice warm cozy bath and let's help you comb out this hair of yours why don’t we” Eddie said gently grabbing your hand and walking to the tub.
He made you a nice warm bath as steve got your onesie (The ones that strap in between your legs) lotion (I use cocoa butter), Bonnet or scarf (If you use one <3), A diaper (If you use one<3) And anything else you may need for your night routine. He then got you your f/c (favorite color) towel and eddie a white towel and went into the bathroom, He set the towels in the clean counter and waited for eddie to be finished. He would gently put conditioner in your hair making sure to get it everywhere and slowly parted it into 6 with a hair comb and slowly and gently started combing at the bottoms and worked his way up so as to not hurt you while you were playing with the toys. Once he was finished with all six with you only whimpering once when his finger slipped and it got tangled in your hair accidentally pulling it. He apologized and whispered sweet nothings in your ear. Once he was done he washed you up and picked you up carrying you to steve who already had your towel open. 
He gently placed you in his arms and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he wrapped you in your towel and took you to the room while Eddie took is shower. Steve lotioned you and put your pull-up on then he parted your hair putting them in night time braids (with the hairstuf that you use for your hair) and wrapped it up. He laid you on the bed putting the guards up so you don't fall off and then he went to the kitchen to get your milk, after 5 mins he came back putting the guards down and he laid down putting you on top of him for skin to skin. Both him and Eddie get 30 mins skin to skin time with their little. Once Eddie was out of the shower and got dressed in gray sweatpants and no shirt he gently picked you up off of Steve who was dozing off. 
And once he felt his little one being lifted off his lap he automatically put his arms around your waist as a reflex but once he saw that it was Eddie he let him take you. Him getting up and going to take a shower while Eddie sat on the bed and fed you your bottle while still doing skin to skin, rocking you slowly as you were now asleep. Eddie waited for Steve and once he was done and dressed in the same thing as Eddie but black sweatpants they laid you down and sandwiched you. Both now give you skin to skin. “Good night little dove~ Good night stevie” Eddie said smiling “Good night Ed’s good night little one I love you both” Steve said drifting off to sleep as you both said “love chu daddies twank two gwood night”  You said as eddie reached over and put your paci in your mouth and kissed your paci “Love you both too~” Eddie said going to sleep. 
Word Count: 1010
Hi my Little doves! Please let me know about your thoughts and opinions but in a respectful manner. Again thank you so much for this request hopefully it met what you were looking for if not please let me know! Because I totally forgot that this was supposed to be comfort for a thunderstorm too But I was busy being caught up and in love with the skin to skin sorry! This request was very fun to write and I do hope to receive more from you and others and I will hope to improve as I go and continue writing stories! But anyways hope you're drinking 1-4 water bottles/cups of water and eating at least 1-2 meals a day! Until the next one my fellow Victims~
Your Friendly Neighborhood,
      ☢Killer Bunny☢
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anemodaycare · 1 year
Would it be ok if you did regresser Raine hc
Of course it is! I absolutely love writing for Raine :3
(WAD spoiler free!)
Age Regressor Raine Whispers Headcanons!
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I wrote for regressor Raine a while ago, so this will be mostly an expansion to that post!
As I mentioned, they don't currently have a cg! The closet they've gotten to opening up about it was to Darius
And even then, that was because of a particularly stressful meeting
They refused to show their face for a solid day or two after that
They only came out of their room when Darius swore he wouldn't tell!
They pinky-promised
Now with Eda back in their life, to some degree, they tend to gravitate towards her for comfort
An absolute Mama's kid
Despite their age range being 5-10, they still insist on Eda holding their hand or just holding on to them in general
"I thought you were too big for cuddles, kiddo?"
"Mm.. No!"
They will cling to Eda like a koala if allowed. It makes for quite the site!
After some talking with Darius while out of their headspace, they agreed to allow him to babysit
That is. a rare occasion at first
Little Raine thinks that Darius is a little scary
But that's just the general apprehension of them
Once they're comfortable with Darius, they will drag him to their quarters
It doesn't matter what he was doing before, Raine has something to show him!!
Yes, Darius has been the witness to many little shows
"That was excellent, dew drop," Darius will praise while clapping for them
To which Raine will jump on him for a big hug
In the rare times both Eda and Darius are around, they subtly compete to see who Raine will gravitate towards
It always depends on who indulges them the most
Oh? Darius is giving Raine a new set of comfy pajamas?
Raine is clinging to him for the next few hours until Eda offers them some more toys
They are so loved <3
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