#Electrical engineering jobs
urparking · 22 days
Manipal University Online
The college began offering online courses around 2021. The University Grants Commission (UGC) has authorised Online Manipal University to provide undergraduate and graduate programmes.
The university provides a modernised digital learning environment where you may access all course materials and advanced seminars. This LMS is used by the University for conducting online exams. The LMS even allows students to study on their own through a variety of practice tests and online quizzes.
The online Manipal courses aim to offer complete educational experiences that will help students learn skill sets useful for careers in a variety of fields. 
The curriculum and learning techniques were developed not only by professors, but also by experts in relevant industry. 
Financial Benefits
The university provides simple financing solutions, such as no-cost EMIS, that help students from all backgrounds attain skills and knowledge while overcoming financial barriers. There are also outstanding scholarship opportunities for government officials, defense personnel, deserving students, and those with disabilities.
Benefits of Manipal University
100+ recruiters from Fortune 500 organisations.
No-Cost EMI & attractive scholarships
Real-World Faculty
Jobs that fits the student’s profile
Course Wise Fees
Fees (**fees may vary according to the university's guidelines and rules. Check the Official Website for information)
Online B.Com
Rs. 99,000 
3 Years
Online M.Com
Rs. 1,08,000
2 Years
Online BBA
Rs. 1,35,000
3 Years
Online BCA
Rs. 1,35,000
3 Years
Online MCA
Rs. 1,58,000
2 Years
Online MA
Rs. 1,40,000
2 Years
Online MBA
Rs. 1,75,000
2 Years
Online MBA (dual)
2 Years
Mode of Payment
Open the payment link given in their official website at:  https://www.manipal.edu/ 
Manipal Academy Of Higher Education Students can pay all academic-related fees online.
Students and parents can register on the Student Portal to pay their fees online. 
Once enrolled, students/parents can pay the course cost (General Category only)/examination/re-registration/casual/internal improvement/certificate/transcript charge online. 
The receipt will be created online and delivered to the student/parent's registered email address.
Facts about Manipal University
Manipal University offers over ten completely online, certified degree and certification courses. 
All courses have been authorised by the UGC to be provided online. 
The college provides online undergraduate degree courses such as BCA, BBA, and B.Com, as well as MCA, MBA, M.Com, and MA JMC postgraduate degree courses.
The institution has its own LMS with a variety of unique and personalized features, involving self-learning activities such as online tests, mock examinations, and lectures. 
The exams are carried out online and remotely checked via the LMS. 
The university provides no-cost EMI options for easy payment. 
There are scholarships available for government officials, defense personnel, deserving students, and persons with disabilities.
Manipal University Online Certificate
Earn a UGC-accredited degree, accepted globally
Degree is recognised and certified
Degrees accredited by NAAC and AICTE 
Degree is recognised in public as well as private industries
Equivalence with an on-campus degree
Manipal University Admission Process
The process for applying at Manipal University is conducted online. New admissions begin in January of each year. 
There are direct admissions, and no entrance exams are required for admission. Follow this process to get Admission in Online Manipal University’s Online Courses:
Step 1: Go to Online Manipal University's official website and apply online by clicking on "Enroll Now". 
Step 2: Upload documents and then submit the application. 
Step 3: Pay the application fees. This cost is later reflected in Semester I fees. 
Step 4: If any further procedure is remaining, an admission counselor will contact you and support you until it is completed.
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Electrical Engineering Jobs In India and Gulf | Latest Jobs
Electrical Engineering Jobs In India and Gulf | Latest Jobs
Electrical Engineering Jobs If you are Graduate/Post Graduate from Electrical Engineering and are in search of Job, then you are at Right place. Electrical Engineering jobs involve designing, developing, testing, and supervising the manufacturing of electrical equipment, systems, and components. It includes electrical motors, radar and navigation systems, broadcast and communications systems,…
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I like to think that when the batfamily inevitably runs out of money and jobless Bruce, Tim, and Dick* find themselves in financial need, Steph reveals that she's made thousands of dollars taking odd jobs around Gotham City that we just never saw bc Steph hasn't been in a comic for months. Nobody checked in on her and while they weren't looking she made 6 grand babysitting and playing piano at a local theatre. Bruce has to grovel for enough money to buff out a scratch on the batmobile and Steph is revelling in it. This is the closest she's ever going to get to being a supervillain
*(Cass and Jason don't need money to survive on account of being homeless as kids + Babs funds Cass' basic needs and Damian is on his mom's payroll, same w/ duke even if it's obvs not al ghul money)
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inbabylontheywept · 2 months
A Short Essay on Signal Reflections
The essay nobody asked for, but I've been reading about for around a week, and now can explain very easily and intuitively.
When electricity flows from a region with low impedance to a region with high impedance, a reflection of the signal passes back up the cable towards the source. This tends to make the most intuitive sense to people - after all, the high impedance region is easy to imagine as a traffic jam, and the ripple going up the line is just all the electrons having to slam their brakes. We've seen this before.
However, you get an identical ripple when going from a region with high impedance to a region with low impedance, which kind of mangles that analogy. You don't see traffic jams in regions where the speed limit goes up, just in places where it goes down.
And so for that, we're going to have to break the signal into two parts.
V=IR is bread and butter, but nobody accounts for those in time. Everyone does DC steady state analysis, and this is slightly weirder. So in a line with low impedance to high, you just look at how much V (voltage) you need to push the same amount of current (I). Since R is getting bigger, you now run out of voltage before you run out of current. So all the voltage gets used up, some of the current gets used up, and the current that no longer has enough voltage to get pushed forward can't enter the new material and thus bounces backwards up the line. The reverse happens with high to low. You now run out of current (I) before you run out of voltage (V) because R got smaller and energy must be conserved, so you get a voltage wave that bounces up the line. So any time R changes you have too much of either current or voltage and the extra gets sent back.
There are some weird implications to this! For example, a zero impedance ground would actually be hella noisy because it would accept 100% of the current into it, but reflect the entire voltage signal back. And an infinite impedance ground would eat the entire voltage field, but reflect 100% of the current back. An ideal ground for low noise needs to have the same impedance as the node its attached to.
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callsignspark · 11 months
ah yes, the sweatshirt! this is basically what their sweatshirts look like! add the call signs embroidered on the left arm sleeve and that’s it’s!
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also don’t imagine Mary snuggled in a sweatshirt with Rooster on it. burying her nose in the collar because it smells like him. going to bed and imagining it’s him holding her. even though he just told her that he wants to forget what happened between them. she just goes to sleep and dreams of a world where he wants her back.
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I started a new job last week and I was a bit stressed. My first job was quite boring, mostly paperwork, and that's the main reason why I changed it. But now I'm learning how to design rectifier and inverter cabinets with all the control and protection circuits, and that's what I'll be doing in my new job. It's something I haven't done before, but it's not as hard as I thought it might be. Finally, I'm starting to feel like I'm a real electrical engineer, not just a bureaucrat with an engineering degree. But I'm going to start a driving course next week (yes, I'm 24 and still can't drive, I know it's not something to be proud of, but I hope it's going to change soon) and in October the academic year begins. Seriously, idk how am I going to handle it all - full-time work in a new job, where I still have much to learn, part-time grad studies and driving lessons. How to find any spare time for self-care, for my cats, for social life, for hobbies? I feel overwhelmed, sometimes I wish I was a cat. Cats don't have any responsibilities.
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random2908 · 7 months
At work they seem to think I'm an electrical engineer. I'm just. Just so baffled by this. If there's one thing I'm not, surely it's that.
Like, ok, the mechanical engineers think I'm a mechanical engineer, and that's fine. The bosses think everyone is a mechanical engineer, or can be, given half a chance. They think the actual mechanical engineers--the ones with masters degrees in mechanical engineering--are simply the most experienced, but that anyone else could do their job slightly worse but basically successfully. But the mechanical engineers treat me like I'm one of them in a way they don't with other physicists, trust me with tools that they wouldn't trust others with, one of them even gave me admin privileges to some equipment that they won't give my supervisor admin privileges to. Apparently they thought I was going to be working 3/4 time as a physicist and 1/4 time as a laser engineer when I was hired; my previous employer killed that possibility (the one real concession he got with his threatened lawsuit was that I'm not allowed to work on the insides of any lasers for two years) but that's still how they think of me, as basically one of them. But that's just the mechanical engineers who see me that way.
When I applied I said I had mechanical engineering experience and software experience. I hate software, but you've gotta put that in your resume, if you can do it even a little bit. My supervisor remembered that and took it seriously, and I do actually do some software engineering when I have to, but the bosses mainly don't want me working on software.
But somehow the bosses think I'm an electrical engineer, instead. That I should be a major bridge between the electrical engineering department and physics. That that's my rare expertise rather than (in my opinion) my most embarrassing incompetence, the one thing I try to avoid having come up in job interviews because I can't find a positive spin for it.
I mean. It's kind of good, because the company president sees himself as being an electrical engineer as well as a physicist. So he's like, oh, we have this extra competency in common! And it's also kind of good that the skillset that I'm the least secure about, other people have convinced themselves that I'm good at--although I think that's partly because they haven't really asked that much of me, and partly because I know a bit about rf/mw. But, like, I can barely design an inverting amplifier or a low pass filter and then put it together with large components from a kit (although it'll look reasonably nice if I do, because my soldering is decent). And I've only actually laid out a PCB for manufacturing exactly once in my entire life. But it's, idk, weird. I rarely get anything that looks like imposture syndrome, but I can feel it creeping in a little bit here. (Except, of course, it's justified.)
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urparking · 25 days
Best Universities For Online BCA
If you want a job in technology but cannot commit to being in a classroom for four years, we have wonderful news for you: You can now do your Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) entirely online!
 The BCA is a notable undergraduate programme in India that comprises the basic concepts of information technology and applications. In the end, you'll graduate with the same skills and expertise as your on-campus colleagues, ready to work as programmers, software developers, web designers, IT managers, and other positions.
 If you think that the idea of BCA interests you, then here we will provide you with an entire outline of the course details.  In the next section, we'll go into all of the crucial characteristics as well as advantages of these programmes to help students decide.
Do check out our latest online course related latest blogs and stories at our official website: http://collegecounsel.co.in  
Let’s dive into the benefits of doing an Online BCA:
Flexible and convenient
A notable benefit of doing an online BCA is the convenience and flexibility it offers. It is easy to submit your assignments online through a stable internet connection. 
This flexibility in online BCA courses enables learners to coordinate their academic interests with jobs or familial obligations, enabling a simple and readily available alternative for attaining a Bachelor of Computer Applications degree.
To know more  click here
Cost Savings
Online BCA programmes are more affordable than on-campus college options. Doing an online course can save you expenses on transportation, housing and you can study at the comfort of your couch. Online BCA courses usually provide access to online instructional materials and resources, removing the need for paying for textbooks and other real resources for learning. 
Students searching for an online BCA degree can work while studying, providing financial security and the opportunity to earn while learning.
Customised Learning
An online BCA allows you to learn at your own speed and review course materials as required. This self-paced style helps you understand entirely the concepts discussed. Personalized learning in online BCA degrees allows students to focus on getting particular abilities and understanding areas which align with their career objectives.
Online BCA courses offer an a chance for learners to network with others who share their interests, engage in doubt-solving sessions with trainers, and participate in engaging discussions and tasks targeted to their particular educational needs.
Developing valuable skills
Achieving your BCA online enable you to learn useful skills for todays work environment. You'll develop expertise with the latest technology, tools for online collaboration, and remote work. Employers admire individuals that are willing to learn new skills to work in digital environments.
Expanded Opportunities
Online learning presents educational options for learners who may be unavailable to attend typical on-campus courses. An online BCA allows you to get an acceptable diploma from an excellent university without moving away from home.
Ability to Take on Multiple Job Roles
After finishing an online BCA, you are eligible to work as a data scientist, cyber security expert, web developer, IT analyst, full stack developer, software developer, web designer, computer network architect, and other job positions.
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Top Universities for Online BCA
Thinking about doing an online BCA from IGNOU? It's an excellent choice for a diverse and well accepted computer applications degree! 
You'll be able to study at your own speed, making it wonderful for busy schedules. The BCA programme will provide you with strong fundamental computer application skill sets. 
IGNOU offers the BCA distance learning course as one of 150 courses. The goal of IGNOU's BCA curriculum is to develop the coding mindset, architecture, programming, and machine language skills of the individuals who have applied to the course. The IGNOU Distance BCA programme is divided into six semesters that cover three years.
The total cost of the Distance BCA programme at IGNOU is Rs. 36,000, which is to be paid every semester or in full at once. 
Degree: Bachelors/UG
Fees: 40,000 (*fees are subject to changes as per Rules. For more details on Fees, visit official website)
Eligibility: 10+2 Certification in any particular stream
Duration: 3 Years
Amity University
The online BCA degree at Amity University aims to provide students an edge in their professional lives in IT. 
The college offers a unique option of a choice-based credit structure to encourage personalized learning. The degree programme also includes several case studies and real-world business activities to help students develop a good portfolio. This course is provided using the institute's own Learning Management System (LMS), which has been developed with modern technologies and promises maximum educational results.
The institution offers career support through a variety of programmes, including a specialised career coach providing personalized mentorship for all students. 
Degree: Bachelors/UG
Fees: 1,50,000 (*fees are subject to changes as per Rules. For more details on Fees, visit official website)
Eligibility: 10+2 Certification in any particular stream
Duration: 3 Years
Chandigarh University
The qualified faculty at Chandigarh University developed the online BCA course in order to provide students with an entire degree at par with the standard BCA degrees provided by several colleges. 
This online BCA degree at CU covers all of the basic concepts of IT, including algorithms, programming languages, database administration, business analytics, data structures, and machine learning, giving students practical knowledge with these technologies. To do this, the institution allows students to meet with industry experts on a daily basis and gain hands-on experience through a variety of activities. The course is also placement assisted, allowing students to successfully intern with various top companies to add worth to their résumé.
Degree: Bachelors/UG
Fees: 1,65,000 (*fees are subject to changes as per Rules. For more details on Fees, visit official website)
Eligibility: 10+2 Certification in any particular stream
Duration: 3 Years
Manipal University
The BCA degree provided by Online Manipal University is a three-year undergraduate course designed to address the demands of students who plan on pursuing a career in computer science and information technology using virtual learning. The content of the course has been created with such an objective in mind, enabling students to learn about the most recent technical developments, such as cloud computing. 
Among the most notable aspects of this course are its excellent course content and learning materials, which are intended to meet the demands of a constantly evolving specialised domain in the field of information technology.
Degree: Bachelors/UG
Fees: 1,35,000(*fees are subject to changes as per Rules. For more details on Fees, visit official website)
Eligibility: 10+2 Certification in any particular stream
Duration: 3 Years
Lovely Professional University 
LPU's online Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) degree continues for three years and is composed of six semesters. The course is totally online. 
This online BCA program's curriculum is of the best quality, and was created with the help from professors and industry experts in the field. As a result, the course provides a great combination of academic and theoretical understanding as well as hands-on experience. This course was built with the evolving nature of the industry in mind, leading in a job-oriented exercise. LPU helps its online learners in developing their abilities and skills in keeping with current job and industry trends by offering placement aid along with additional job-oriented activities. 
Degree: Bachelors/UG
Fees: 1,44,000 (*fees are subject to changes as per Rules. For more details on Fees, visit official website)
Eligibility: 10+2 Certification in any particular stream
Duration: 3 Years
JECRC University 
Jaipur Engineering College and Research Centre is a well-known private university in Rajasthan. Online BCA is one of 93 courses provided by the University of JECRC. The university has been accredited by UGC-DEB and offers a BCA gap to the industry-focused faculty. Infra, the university's learning management system is cutting-edge, and JECRC University has established a solid record of excellence throughout the years. 
Degree: Bachelors/UG
Fees: 60,600 (*fees are subject to changes as per Rules. For more details on Fees, visit official website)
Eligibility: 10+2 Certification in any particular stream
Duration: 3 Years
Mumbai University 
The University of Mumbai (also known as Mumbai University) is one of India's oldest and best-known universities for BCA. It has been approved by the UGC and received a 'A++' rating from NAAC. According to NIRF Ranking 2022, Mumbai University positions 45th among India's greatest institutions. 
The University of Mumbai IDOL (Mumbai University, Institute of Distance and Open Learning) is a distance education department of Mumbai University. Admission to all undergraduate and graduate degrees (except MMS and MCA) is dependent on final qualifying examination results. 
Degree: Bachelors/UG
Fees: 12,000 – for first year (*fees are subject to changes as per Rules. For more details on Fees, visit official website)
Eligibility: 10+2 Certification in any particular stream
Duration: 3 Years
For more information, Please feel free to contact us for at: http://collegecounsel.co.in  
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parasolids · 1 year
hard to explain to people like yeah i do pretty much only hang out with guys and i don’t really know how to interact with girls but it’s not out of internalized misogyny it’s because i work in automotive and studied mechanical engineering and therefore rarely see or talk to irl women i’m not directly related to and therefore like many engineers, i also have no clue how to talk to women
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tyrianlynch · 2 years
Guess who bought a whole new Nintendo switch even tho I haven’t had an income in a year and a half 👍🏼👩👍🏼
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placement-india · 2 years
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Apply to Latest Job Openings of Diploma Jobs Employment opportunities in Diploma Jobs for freshers and experienced in top companies, Register & Post Your Resume for Diploma job Vacancies on PlacementIndia.com, Find Diploma Jobs hiring in MNC Companies in India View Details: https://www.placementindia.com/job-search/iti-diploma-jobs.htm
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getoutofthisplace · 29 days
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
Nene gave one of her former students my contact info because he's a recent graduate of ASU's electrical engineering program. I invited him to come have coffee with me at our NLR office. I gave him the tour and introduced him to other electrical engineers. My hope is that he can parlay that into a job. Alternate caption here.
North Little Rock, Arkansas. 5.9.2024 - 9.49am.
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Ontario PNP conducted 2 OINP draws for applicants under the Employer Job Offer Foreign Worker stream on April 23rd, 2024 On the 23rd of April 2024, Ontario PNP conducted a draw under the Employer Job Offer Foreign Worker stream, inviting several NOCs. This Ontario PNP latest draw invited applicants with a score of 53 and a job offer letter.
Illustrated below is the result of the latest Ontario PNP draw 2024 result for Ontario’s Employer Job Offer Foreign Worker Stream:Date of drawNumber of NOI’s issuedScoreApril 23, 2024n/a53
Your Employer Job Offer Foreign Worker stream: skilled trades occupations must mention one of the following NOCs as your primary NOC based on your work experience:
NOC 22212 – Drafting technologists and technicians
NOC 22301 – Mechanical engineering technologists and technicians
NOC 22302 – Industrial engineering and manufacturing technologists and technicians
NOC 22311 – Electronic service technicians (household and business equipment)
NOC 22312 – Industrial instrument technicians and mechanics
NOC 70010 – Construction managers
NOC 70011 – Home building and renovation managers
NOC 70012 – Facility operation and maintenance managers
NOC 72010 – Contractors and supervisors, machining, metal forming, shaping and erecting trades and related occupations
NOC 72011 – Contractors and supervisors, electrical trades and telecommunications occupations
NOC 72012 – Contractors and supervisors, pipefitting trades
NOC 72013 – Contractors and supervisors, carpentry trades
NOC 72014 – Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers
NOC 72020 – Contractors and supervisors, mechanic trades
NOC 72021 – Contractors and supervisors, heavy equipment operator crews
NOC 72022 – Supervisors, printing and related occupations
NOC 72024 – Supervisors, motor transport and other ground transit operators
NOC 72100 – Machinists and machining and tooling inspectors
NOC 72101 – Tool and die makers
NOC 72102 – Sheet metal workers
NOC 72103 – Boilermakers
NOC 72104 – Structural metal and plate work fabricators and fitters
NOC 72105 – Ironworkers
NOC 72106 – Welders and related machine operators
NOC 72200 – Electricians (except industrial and power system)
NOC 72201 – Industrial electricians
NOC 72203 – Electrical power line and cable workers
NOC 72204 – Telecommunications line and cable installers and repairers
NOC 72205 – Telecommunications equipment installation and cable television service technicians
NOC 72300 – Plumbers
NOC 72301 – Steamfitters, pipefitters and sprinkler system installers
NOC 72302 – Gas fitters
NOC 72310 – Carpenters
NOC 72311 – Cabinetmakers
NOC 72320 – Bricklayers
NOC 72321 – Insulators
NOC 72400 – Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics
NOC 72401 – Heavy-duty equipment mechanics
NOC 72402 – Heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics
NOC 72403 – Railway carmen/women
NOC 72404 – Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors
NOC 72406 – Elevator constructors and mechanics
NOC 72410 – Automotive service technicians, truck and bus mechanics and mechanical repairers
NOC 72422 – Electrical Mechanics
NOC 72423 – Motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle and other related mechanics
NOC 72500 – Crane operators
NOC 73100 – Concrete finishers
NOC 73101 – Tilesetters
NOC 73102 – Plasterers, drywall installers finishers and lathers
NOC 73110 – Roofers and shinglers
NOC 73111 – Glaziers
NOC 73112 – Painters and decorators (except interior decorators)
NOC 73113 – Floor covering installers
NOC 73200 – Residential and commercial installers and servicers
NOC 73201 – General building maintenance workers and building superintendents
NOC 73202 – Pest controllers and fumigators
NOC 73209 – Other repairers and servicers
NOC 73400 – Heavy equipment operators
NOC 73402 – Drillers and blasters – surface mining, quarrying and construction
NOC 82031 – Contractors and supervisors, landscaping, grounds maintenance and horticulture services
NOC 92100 – Power engineers and power systems operators
Ontario PNP conducted another draw for the Employer Job Offer Foreign Worker stream:
Economic Mobility Pathways Project (EMPP) candidates invited two targeted immigrants to apply on April 23, 2024, to people who would be eligible for the Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker stream.
We are there for you:
If you want to learn more about the latest draw for the Ontario Provincial Nomination Program, our Canadian immigration consultants can help you out. You can reach them at 750 383 2132 or 928 928 9006. Additionally, you can visit our website at www.aptechvisa.com/ontario-pnp  for further details and updates.
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eduspiral · 2 months
What is the Salary for Electrical & Electronic Engineers in Malaysia?
Find Out About the Remuneration in the Electronics and Electrical Sector (E&E) in Malaysia Malaysia’s exports, which dropped much lower than anticipated in December 2023, is expected to get a boost from an anticipated upturn in the global technology cycle in 2024. Along with other improving global factors, this is expected to bolster the country’s export numbers this year, according to…
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lonesuperhero · 3 months
The dilemma of “mmmmmm- they look really cool though-“ and “but this might fuck up my career chances in the field I want to go into” with facial piercings
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