#Endeavor Timeline
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First ever post on Tumblr yooooo! Also this an OC Sans I finally got out of my head for a very long time. Endeavor!Sans This Concept idea was made by me around December 22, 2023, and of course the Sans is orignally from the Undertale game made by Toby Fox. I also get a bit of help from my discord friend from making this Sans so shoutout to him! (Keeping my Discord friend's identity hid as possible lol). his lore is still W.I.P progress including the reference sheet. Here's the Roblox Version made by the help of my Discord Friend!
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Stay tune for more updates!
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sinnamonpork · 1 year
Dabi getting deaged but its into his teenage self. I want the League(and also Hawks) to deal with this bratty, very explosive teenager who's so different from the aloofness of Dabi they have gotten used to. Oh shit he's crying now? Quick, leave him with Tomura, he'll know what to do. Lmao just the League passing him around like a hot potato because young Touya would cry at the smallest of inconveniences. Everyone thinks they're doing something wrong because Dabi has never been like that - no one knowing his tear ducts are burned shut.
I want a Touya that becomes a blushing mess when he meets Hawks, suddenly turning shy and stuttery - even going as far as to hide behind Mr. Compress - and not making any eye contact with the hero. Normal Dabi is already a simp for the pretty bird. Imagine a Touya riding on teenage hormones seeing the full beauty of Hawks. Anyways, Touya and Toga spend the rest of the day trying to find ways to attract the pretty hero, Toga finding it sooo romantic and cute. Keigo just wants to be freed from the torment of having his crush's teenage self be a total cutie pie - is he doing a mating dance?? - when it is very much illegal to event think about anything nsfw relating to the teen. Hawks is trying to be a villain, but there are some lines you don't cross.
Or on a more angstier note, this happened post reveal and everyone is aware that Dabi is Touya, but it never really registered how bad a 13 year old burning alive really is. 16 year old Dabi is scared and feral from living on the streets, not trusting anyone at all and always carrying a knife around. He startles easily at fires and big forests, memories of pain and more pain coming back to haunt him. I want Hawks to make the mistake of mentioning Endeavor, because in his mind the no. 1 hero would always be a safe space for young kids and the like - forgetting that the person in front of him literally burned alive due to the hero. Just Hawks and the League dealing with a very skittish Touya that is ready to run or shank somebody in the thigh if they get too close, being slapped in the face of what years of abuse and trauma by the no. 1 hero does to a person. Dabi hides it well, but Touya isn't really Dabi yet, is he?
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hey-scully-itsme · 11 days
dipping my toes into the world of crossover fanfic and telling myself over and over that i do not need to come up with a perfect justification for why something is happening in order to write it bc a) it's fanfiction and b) the source material has done weirder and dumber shit
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wallowingprotostar · 1 year
ronan dreamt matthew when he was 3, but he is not 3 years older than matthew?
ronan is 17 for most of the raven cycle and matthew is said to be 15 in chapter 12 of the dream thieves. ronan tells adam that he dreamt matthew when he was 3 in chapter 20 blue lily, lily blue.
then, in call down the hawk, matthew is to be turning 18 in a month, according to declan in chapter 51. ronan is supposed to be turning 19 on his birthday in chapter 38, since this is the year after the end of trc.
declan is stated to be 21 in the prologue of cdth which puts him at 2 to 3 years older than ronan but he really should be about a year older than him considering he's a senior when ronan is a junior in the raven boys and I can't imagine that declan was held back during any of his school years. still, that information makes him at least 19 in the raven boys during his senior year at aglionby!
i guess this stuff is another inconsistency along the lines of it being november in chapter 25 and 53 in trc, and october in chapter 64, with ronan's birthday celebration (his birthday being november 1st) in chapter 33. in cdth it is also november at the beginning of the story, but adam visits ronan the day before his birthday in chapter 38.
so I started this post confused about matthew being 15 and ronan being 17 in the dream thieves alongside the information that ronan had dreamt him at 3 with the possibility of the explanation that ronan had dreamt him already aged a year but after continuing further research I am even more confused. girl help.
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ocymoron · 1 month
And there he stands, Dabi—his big brother— wreathed in flames every shade of blue with this strange look on his face.
His lips downturned and pressed together tightly, trembling. His furrowed brows and scrunched nose. It’s an unfamiliar face, one that he only remembers through cracked doors. No tears fall— they don’t even form, they can’t— but his older brother still looks like he’s holding them back.
“I’m proud of you.”
The air is heavy between them. It feels weighed down by emotions too complicated to name— grief, it’s grief— and he doesn’t know how to respond so he doesn’t.
But it’s fine because his older brother— Touya-nii— keeps talking, voice choked.
“I wish I could’ve known you.”
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class1akids · 2 years
Ch 302 Weekly vs Volume version
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This scene changed to
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It clarifies the timeline, but also shows more explicitly Endeavor’s violence and why Rei became afraid of Touya’s and Shouto’s eyes
The next page remained the same (except for some drawing corrections)
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And finally here, it reflects again the new timeline:
Enji becomes more violent and abusive
Rei snaps and pours hot tea on Shouto
Touya’s incident in Sekoto peak
Rei completely loses it
(See Shouto’s scar fixed)

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chaosintheavenue · 3 months
Random unprompted tip for anyone who worldbuilds: Consider not assigning concrete dates to all aspects of a community/faction's history if you can avoid it, because it'll just set up a ton of avoidable temporal snaggles for future you.
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praise-joko · 7 months
Some tags that I really appreciate from my endeavors at sorting out the timeline.
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You have no idea how much I needed to hear that. Thank you, @alta1r1an . My sense of time sucks, and I've been up to my head in so many numbers they've become meaningless. It wasn't connecting that 43 days is over a month. 6 weeks.
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@mistfallengw2 I get the feeling I'm going to have to (╥﹏╥). I hadn't looked at anything beyond LWS4 yet, but yeah, that year gap between HoT and S3 is strange. You'd think the memorial would have been done long before that.
There's no way I'm going to have a timeline sorted by the time nano starts, but I have enjoyed sharing this process with the community. It's given me some good insights.
When I do decide on a timeline of events for myself, I'll post it for y'all to peruse.
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Do you ever come up with a hilarious idea so you readjust your timeline slightly for it?
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quatregats · 10 months
OH had neglected to mention but I have finished Draft One of The Creative Endeavor!! And am now going to spend the rest of my life editing it lol, but if I finish it before I finish my disseration I'll count that as a win
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nefkyo · 1 year
I really like older drawings of DreamXD where people still didn't know what cc!Dream's face looked like.
Because I like to think THAT'S how c!George thinks he looks like. He's never seen c!Dream's adult face, was never by his side in the battles for the server that scarred it. So now that an actual god stands in front of him, capable to make him live in whatever fantasy he wants, he wants to see his friend. And he sees a young and pristine face, before all the battles, the fights, the blood. A happy face. What he wishes he always had.
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I feel like in a different timeline, if Hori had JUST focused on the Todoroki family drama OR on Bakugo being a cunt then things would have been a bit more balanced. It just feels like he put a lot more effort into making Endeavor a piece of shit who abused his family, realized and accepted what he did was wrong, and actively tries to be better while knowing that he can never truly atone for what he did and his family doesn't HAVE to accept him.
Meanwhile Bakugo starts off as a bully praised for his powers and tells our protagonist to kill himself, then realizes he's no longer a big fish in a little pond and has been surpassed by the squirt he bullied after Deku gets not one but multiple powers shoved up his ass, and there isn't that same catharsis when he finally does (kind of) apologize. It doesn't help that Deku doesn't act as realistically as the various Todoroki members with Endeavor's apology; each of them has a different reaction, but if anything Deku is just happy Bakugo acknowledged him as equals instead of a Quirkless kid who should swan dive off the roof lol.
And I like Bakugo when he's a feral cunt, but it's difficult for me to like. Sympathize with him the same way I do with Endeavor. Maybe it's because I have a father who went through a similar process of acknowledging his fuckups and realizing he isn't obligated to feel forgiveness, but Bakugo doesn't even acknowledge what he did as wrong. He acknowledges Deku is stronger than him but if Deku never got OfA, I really think he would have kept being a belligerent bully and not found anything wrong with it lol
Like I would give a fuck if Endeavor died because he's changed a lot as a character. Him dying after making the changes to try and be a better person/father/Hero/husband would be tragic because there's a loss and feeling of what could have been being cut short. Aside from an admittedly hilarious Hero name, improvements to his powers, and the acknowledgment that he isn't the best solely because of his Quirk and that Deku isn't a useless loser anymore, I don't feel like Bakugo's death has that same kind of quality because he hasn't visibly changed to that same degree. He doesn't angrily yell every single line of dialogue (instead it's like every three or four lines), he doesn't push Deku around because he knows he's got an equal/superior now, and he's patient for 5 more milliseconds thanks to having to work with those kids to get his license?
I like Bakugo but it's mainly because he's this feral asshole that happens to be on the side of the Heroes, despite how easy it'd be for him to become a Villain. But when it comes to development and depth I really don't find him that well-done and if he dies I'm just gonna shrug and go "Aw that's sad. I feel more for Deku's reaction than Bakugo dying in and of itself tho 🤷‍♀️"
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chronomally · 2 years
Hating your high school teacher so much you become a god-king so you can fuck him
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papercutsunset · 2 years
the fact that tiff is kind of a god now is actually terrifying. she should not have that kind of power
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argothiathedreamer · 1 year
I'm gonna sound super ridiculous but bear in mind I am TIRED and should be asleep right now but I have to get this out:
I, in my travels, came across some folks talking about the ages of the Scooby gang in the New Scooby and Scrappy show and most people were like 'college age, 19 to 22 or thereabouts' BUT point of order: Margret 'Maggie' 'Sugie' Rogers is Shaggy's MUCH younger sister, in A Pup Named Scooby Doo Sugie is a BABY she's maybe two and Shaggy is 11-ish meaning Shaggy is around nine years older than Sugie and in the episode Wedding Bell Boos of the New Scooby and Scrappy show, the wedding in question is SUGIE'S, conclusion: Shaggy is at LEAST 27 in the New Scooby and Scrappy show.
Because Sugie would have to be at least 18 to get married.
Boom! Mystery solved. And those meddling kids would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for me!
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arandomnerdsrp358 · 2 years
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Non RP accounts DNI
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