#HPHM Angst
hphm-jeniferltheman · 9 months
Hi!! In response to your new beautiful piece of art and lore, how would Year 6 Jeniferl feel about Cato offering to take her on aerial tours of the castle using his broom? ☺️
Thank you! and Y'know Jeni likes flying, of course she would love to specially with kind-hearted Cato~
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adellovesrowan · 2 years
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abandonment issues
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nicos-oc-hell · 7 months
Day 1/10 of Dimitri Angst - featured @night-rhea
-> next
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jasminediaz · 1 year
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Takeo used to love someone... but she's gone and he blamed himself for that. That's the secret that he hid very well from everyone, even from his sister.
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dat-silvers-girl · 1 year
You're my friend now
Summary: Okay but seriously, Sarahi works on her own at the palace, barely speaking to anyone. The animals are a welcome respite. Thank goodness, the animals won't be her only friends going forward. Barnaby exists.
A/N: I wrote this and other fics while I was bored out of my mind waiting for paperwork to get done. So it isn't proofread, probably nonsense, and mostly written for funsies. If I make art I'll just post it seperately. If I make any.
HPHM Cardverse AU by @ariparri
Sarahi had only been working in the palace for a week when one day she was assigned the stables to clean. And while most maids would groan at that, Sarahi was excited, because it would mean finally being able to see the horses. Ignoring everyone's confused looks, she made sure to sneak some sugar cubes from the kitchen to feed them.
Creatures are friends, and friends are meant to be spoiled with affection after all. The only other time she'd seen the horses was when she was watching them graze, and this one white horse with black hair came very close to the fence and let Sarahi pat him. Sarahi had been wanting to go to the stables since, hoping to make a friend.
She'd come out with two.
The stables… they smelled bad. But that is to be expected when animals are involved, so Sarahi wasn't too bothered. The horses let out some curious whinnys at the new person in their stables.
As happy as she was to be surrounded by horses, Sarahi was well-aware that she would have to finish cleaning up first. There was hay all over the floor, hoof marks from when the horses were brought inside, and the unfortunate consequences of the horses that went number two a little too late.
Sarahi let out a sigh and began cleaning up.
The cleanup took nearly three whole hours. But every time Sarahi would get tired or annoyed, a random horse would nose at her for a sugar cube, or give her an encouraging whinny, which instantly brightened her mood. That white horse she met earlier got most of the sugar cubes, given that it was the one who poked Sarahi the most.
"I'm going to run out of sugar cubes if you keep eating them bud." Sarahi giggled, as the horse ate it's third sugar cube in a row. The horse huffed, and still nosed at her face for more.
"Stars above, bud! Let the others have some too!" Sarahi laughed. She pulled away to feed the other horses before this white one could eat them all.
Most of the horses seemed content with the amount of sugar cubes they had eaten, and had long since gone back to their own food. Except, of course, the white horse, that still stubbornly nosed at Sarahi's back for more sugar cubes.
Sarahi let out an amused sigh. "Oh alright. Don't tell the others, but I saved this last one for you, okay?"
Saying so, Sarahi held out her palm with one more sugar cube, which was instantly eaten by the white horse. It let out a pleased sound, as if it was satisfied about getting the last cube.
Sarahi chuckled. She was never more comfortable than she was around animals. For some reason, every time she was with a group of creatures, one or two members of that group would take to her. Like the one black puppy in that litter near her house, that gray horse named Moor in the University stables that kept trying to chew on her hair, the light brown rabbit in the gardens, and now this white horse in this herd.
As if trying to express his thanks for being treated as special, the white horse nosed at Sarahi's face politely. Sarahi took this as being allowed to let him, which he seemed very happy about, as he let out a soft huff.
"Awww… aren't you just a lovely, absolutely spoiled boy? But you're a good boy! Yes you are!"
Sarahi was so into babying this horse that she didn't notice the stable door open.
"Hey, Dash!" Came a cheerful voice. "Did you make a new friend?"
The white horse, named Dash, looked over to the newcomer and winnied loudly in reply.
Sarahi, however, had all color drained from her face as she instantly realized that the horse she was patting away belonged to Barnaby Lee, the Ace of Hearts. She immediately backed away from the horse and neatly clasped her hands in front of her to appear as small as possible.
"I am sorry. I was just finishing up cleaning in here. I'll leave."
Dash was clearly having none of it, because it prodded Sarahi again to demand more pets. The Ace laughed.
"Aw, but Dash seems to love you already! How many sugar cubes did you give him?"
"Too many… Wait! How did you know I gave him sugar cubes!? Was I not supposed to!? Well… I know I wasn't actually supposed to but he was such a friendly boy and I thought-"
"Hey hey hey, slow down." Barnaby said, as he approached to pat his horse too. "Dash will just take to anyone that gives him sugar cubes. Though this isn't the first time he's let you pet him."
Sarahi hesitantly continued petting Dash. After all, her own fear of talking to other people (especially important people) was no fault of the horse.
"Hey, you're new to the palace, right? Dash let you pet him earlier too! When he was grazing? Yeah, I think he was grazing."
The Ace looked thoughtful, but quickly beamed at the maid. Sarahi didn't notice, as she didn't look at his face, and kept her attention on the horse.
"Say, do you like creatures?" He asked.
Sarahi was startled. "Huh?"
"Do you like creatures?" He asked again. Unlike most people, the Ace showed no annoyance in having to repeat his question.
"Why… uh… why do you ask?"
"Oh! I know I love creatures! Just wondering if you liked them too!" He replied.
Sarahi blinked. Wasn't the Ace of Hearts said to be a tough, ferocious guy? This man seemed so innocent, and sweet. He was still smiling, and patiently waiting for her to give an answer.
Sarahi took a deep breath. "Yes, uh… I do love animals and creatures and all. They're all really lovely. Dash is very polite."
"Right!?" Barnaby squealed. "Dash is my best buddy! He's the dashiest of horses! Aren't you buddy?"
Dash answered with a loud whinny.
Sarahi had forgotten to hold back her chuckle. The Ace of Hearts was absolutely radiating with joy.
"Have you ridden a horse before?" He asked.
Sarahi smiled. "I have! I used to ride a horse from the University stables sometimes, back when I was still there."
"Oh, were you the one riding Moor?"
"How did you- yes, I did ride Moor. He… uh. He wasn't the fastest so a lot of students just ignored him. I felt bad for the buddy, so I wanted to make sure he felt good too. I hope he did…"
"Great, I've been out of University for a week and I already miss him." Sarahi added under her breath.
"I'm sure you riding Moor cheered him up, really!" Barnaby said. "He was always happy to get out of the stables. Have you been riding horses long?"
"Huh? No. The only other horse I rode was when my grandmother took me to a farm once and I got to ride a big brown horse. I remember his name was Blue."
Barnaby raised an eyebrow. "Why would one name a brown horse Blue?"
Sarahi shrugged. "The world may never know."
If anyone told Sarahi earlier that day that she would be discussing her favorite creatures with the Ace of Hearts that afternoon, she would have called them delusional. And yet, this man had somehow pulled out from Sarahi, her bucket list of every creature she wanted to meet, while he told her of his own.
"Unicorns." Sarahi had added. "They're extremely skittish. My father tells me tales of how a unicorn used to eat out of my grandmother's hands when he was a boy. I have never seen any, alas, but someday…"
Barnaby nodded. "Did you know that unicorn foals are golden?"
"I do! And they're horns are just little nubs. I'm sure they look absolutely precious!!"
"Oh you'd love the Abraxan Derby! It's an event in the Land of Clubs!"
"I've heard of it. I've always wanted to see an Abraxan up close. I really want to see how big one is compared to me. And do you need a huge saddle to ride on one?"
"I don't know but I'd love to participate in the Abraxan Derby! I like to think I'm pretty good at riding."
"I'm sure you are, I mean… Dash wouldn't love you so much if you didn't ride him well. I'd probably fall off the saddle. Moor just didn't seem to mind my fidgeting, I think.."
"Well, given how much Dash likes you, maybe he would let you try?"
"Pfff… He only likes me because I gave him one too many sugar cubes. More sugar can't be good for his health."
"Are you sure? Because he hasn't stopped whining for your attention since we started talking."
Dash huffed in response to his rider and prodded at Sarahi's face again. That was all it took to remind Sarahi where she actually was and who she was rambling about Unicorns and Abraxans with.
The maid sighed. "I have to leave now, buddy. Maybe I'll be assigned here again next week."
Barnaby nervously chuckled. "Oh. Right… we were talking for too long, huh?"
Sarahi gave a polite nod. "I must get to my other chores before I get yelled at. I do apologize for taking up your time, sir."
The confusion on the Ace's face was almost amusing.
"What?" He asked.
Sarahi blinked. "Huh?"
"Was me rambling on about creatures getting annoying?"
"What!? No!" Sarahi yelled, shaking her head in disbelief. "If anything, this was the most fun conversation I've had in a long time!"
Barnaby clapped "I feel that way too! That's great! So… what were you apologizing for?"
"Uh… taking up your time?"
"Shouldn't I be apologizing for taking up yours?"
"No! Your time is more important than mine, isn't it?"
It was like more question marks were appearing over Barnaby's head with every passing question.
"Why would my time be more important than yours? Also… how did we go from unicorns to… time?"
"Well, to start it's because you're the Ace of Hearts, and I'm just some maid. And secondly… you're right. Um… how did we get here?"
Barnaby's face slowly broke out into a smile before he started giggling. Sarahi looked around nervously, not sure what exactly he was amused by.
"I just remembered that I forgot to ask your name. What's your name?" Barnaby asked, now that his fit of giggles stopped.
"Oh. I'm Sarahi."
Barnaby beamed. "I like you, Sarahi. You're nice!"
Barnaby tilted his head at the lack of response. "Hello?"
"May I ask you a question?"
"Why are you talking to me?"
"Oh, is that all? Well, I was coming in here to see Dash, and he seemed to like you. So that made me think that you were nice and liked horses. And turns out you like creatures, just like me! And that's great! I've always loved creatures, and it's always nice to meet more creature lovers. The more love for them, the better, right?"
Sarahi turned away and frowned a bit. "I see. It's just that… didn't you hear what I said earlier? You're the Ace of Hearts, and I'm…"
"What? You're just Sarahi, right?"
"I'm just a maid."
"So, just Sarahi. Me being the Ace and you being a maid is important… why? Head's getting a bit muddled."
Sarahi turned to the man to see him so genuinely confused that she wanted to laugh. "You don't think that someone as great as you shouldn't have to interact with or be close to anyone of my level? You know… the maid that just spent 3 hours cleaning up after the poor horses whose lunch didn't sit right?"
Barnaby giggled again. "No, I don't think that. In fact, I can't think of any reason I'd possibly think that. You're nice, so why wouldn't I be nice to you?"
"Huh. Important people usually aren't."
"Then let me be the first to change that." Barnaby smiled, and extended a hand to the maid. "I'm Barnaby."
Sarahi hesitated for a bit, but then decided to take her chances. She shook his hand.
"Sarahi. Nice to meet you, sir."
"Huh? No no no! You're my friend now, why would you call me sir? Just Barnaby, okay?"
"Uh… okay? Nice to meet you then… Barnaby? Look, I'm sorry, but I really need to leave. Heaven forbade me from ever being on time since the day I was born, apparently."
Dash, who had just been an observer for most of the conversation, let out a sad little huff.
Sarahi gave the horse another reassuring pat on the snout. "Oh it's okay, bud! I'll be back next week. Just don't eat all the sugar next time."
The maid picked up her bucket and then looked back. "It was a pleasure to meet you, both of you."
"Same here. Dash and I will see you here next week then?"
"Huh? You'll be here as well?"
"I'm sure it'll be a lot more fun if you have someone other than the horses to look at. And I can introduce you to the other horses too!"
Sarahi grinned at the idea. "Really!?"
"Yes!" Barnaby answered, mirroring her excitement.
"I'd love that! I'm so excited for next week! See you then, Dash and Barnaby!"
Sarahi had already gotten scolded by the Senior maid and gotten her next list of chores when she actually thought harder about what happened at the stables.
"Mama seems to be wrong." She thought. "Maybe not everyone hates me? Maybe he won't drop me? Too early to tell, I guess. But a friend? Here, at the Palace? Eh... Who am I kidding, he won't show up. But imagine… a friend here…"
"You're… you're actually here."
Sarahi let out that thought without thinking as she entered the stables, only to see Barnaby pacing back and forth.
Barnaby noticed, and gave her a big smile and a wave. "Sarahi, hi!"
The maid beamed at him in return. "It's nice to see you again."
I think I have a friend in the palace. I have a friend.
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unfortunate-arrow · 11 months
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Day 3: Accident | HP Pride Extravaganza by @gaygryffindorgal
Cian Jacob O’Donnell was a boy, and then a man, ruled by grief. First, he had lost his mother. Then his father. Then his grandparents. Somehow, despite twisting the young man and making him vulnerable to manipulation, those deaths didn’t break him. No, the death that finally broke him was the death of Duncan Ashe. 
Duncan and Cian had never been a couple, flitting around deeper feelings and acting like there was nothing more than a superficial friendship going on between the Slytherin and the Gryffindor. Both boys were scared of it though. Cian worried that getting too close to another person would lead to more heartache and more opportunities for Duncan to form a stronger bond with someone else, just like the way that Cian’s baby siblings had a stronger bond with one another. Duncan worried how people would react to his feelings for Cian, and was still learning about himself. Despite this, the two boys knew that their feelings were more than friendship… but any chances at acting on their feelings was cut short when Duncan died. 
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gaygryffindorgal · 2 years
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hphm; verna malinda + you’re on your own, kid
“from sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes i gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this”
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carewyncromwell · 1 year
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“I won't cry, for you see, When you're gone, I'll still be Bloody Mary.”
HPHM Cardverse developed by @ariparri​​​​​ // featuring Cato Reese @catohphm and referencing Veruca McQuaid @ariparri
Nearly everyone in the Country of Spades openly mourned the loss of their beloved “Counselor,” the Jack of Spades, Duncan Ashe. He had been very well-liked by most of its people, so even those who hadn’t agreed with him politically or liked him as a person put on a good show of empathy and compassion in the face of it. Even Patricia Rakepick -- who everyone knew was Duncan Ashe’s main rival for power -- spoke very grimly and soberly about the assassination, though there were plenty of people who didn’t believe her act.
One of those people who believed it the least was Jacob Cromwell, a courtier who had been considered Duncan Ashe’s key advisor. The day before Duncan’s death, his mother Lane’s work visa to Hearts had been abruptly rescinded by Rakepick, who claimed that Lane leaving the country posed a threat to national security. Jacob had been so furious that he’d gone straight to Duncan about it, and he wasn’t pleased either.
“Your mother’s not the only one,” Duncan had told him, his jaw clenched with anger. “All visas and permissions that had been previously given have suddenly been revoked, all supposedly because of ‘security concerns.’ Some people have already been arrested on trumped-up charges, to try to prevent them from leaving.”
“Because she’s afraid folks’ll gab about the rotten state of things here, if they’re allowed to leave?” Jacob presumed, his voice pure venom at the thought.
“Pretty much. Rakepick knows the world wouldn’t be on her side in a lot of her positions. She wants to keep this whole thing contained here, in Spades -- even if public opinion isn’t really on her side, she can manipulate that more, if she asserts control here. The less objective sources people can turn to from the outside, the more they’ll have to rely on her and her supporters’ take on things.”
Jacob’s brow furrowed. “But this is overstepping her boundaries, isn’t it? She’s only in charge of the military -- it’s your job to deal with state affairs, Ashe, not hers.”
“Of course it is, and she knows it,” Duncan spat. “She’s gotten really bold, to challenge me like this.”
The Counselor got up from his desk.
“She’s asked me to meet her later tonight,” he said solemnly. “Jacob...I think if your mother has any hope of getting back to Carewyn, she’ll have to find her own way out.”
He paused. His eyes lingered on Jacob’s hand on the desk, but he resisted the urge to take it.
“...And so should you,” he said more quietly.
Jacob’s blue eyes flared. “I’m not leaving you, Ashe.”
“You made this plan for you to leave home because you saw how bad things were getting,” Duncan reminded him. “Don’t play the hero now.”
“Ashe, Rakepick sees you as a threat! If she -- ”
“Your sister needs you,” Duncan told him very sharply. “Your mother needs you.”
It was a pointed blow. Duncan knew Jacob well enough to know how selflessly and unconditionally he adored his family. Jacob quieted immediately.
Duncan swallowed and, clenching his fist as he resisted the urge to take Jacob’s shoulder and squeeze it, he took a step forward, his dark eyes boring into Jacob’s even as his voice grew lower in his throat.
“...Rakepick knows you’re aligned with me, Jacob. You know she and her allies will want to have some sort of leverage over you, to get what they want. Carewyn’s safe from Rakepick for now, but your mother isn’t. And if she has you...well, she has leverage over your mother and Carewyn. ...Over me.”
Jacob looked up at Duncan, startled. Duncan’s face was flushed darkly, but he kept his shoulders very straight.
“Over...?” started Jacob, but Duncan cut him off defensively.
“They love you, Jacob,” he said, his voice growing a little louder as he tried to force Jacob’s train of thought to a halt and redirect it. “You and I both know that if you were in trouble, Carewyn would want to run right back here to save you, and if she did -- well, then she’d be walking right back into Rakepick’s claws, wouldn’t she?”
His dark eyes hardened.
“You Cromwells always put each other over yourselves: it’s what you do. But if you want to protect your family, you’ll have to use that brilliant brain of yours for once and get out yourself. If you don’t, then Rakepick will have the means to catch all three of you. And once she has you, she’ll make you serve her ends -- just to make sure you can never break free again.”
Jacob stared at Duncan for a long moment. Then, setting his jaw, he nodded.
“I’ll write to Mum,” he said lowly. “Tell her to get out now, while she still can.”
“Then you’ll go after?” Duncan pressed him.
Jacob hesitated. Duncan held his gaze,
“...Yes,” Jacob said very quietly after a long moment.
Duncan’s eyes softened. His dark eyes lingered on Jacob’s face, becoming vaguer as they dipped into the creases of his lips -- he even found himself taking a step forward, just to better take in the tiny, charming creases around the other man’s eyes -- the softness of the curl beside his cheek...
“Jacob...” he said lowly.
But it was as though the sound of his own voice had startled Duncan back to life. Pride shot back up through his posture like an electric charge, and he immediately stiffened up again, walls coming up around his heart like an armadillo rolling up in a ball.
“...It’s nothing. Just...be careful.”
Jacob watched Duncan head for the door. Duncan could feel Jacob’s blue eyes running along his shoulder and the back of his head, trying and failing to read his expression, but stubbornly pushed back the urge to turn around. He was afraid if he did, he’d have trouble letting go of that curly-haired idiot ever again.
Because Duncan had meant what he’d said -- Jacob being within Rakepick’s reach was dangerous for all those who loved him and longed to protect him. And with the country falling apart from the inside and Veruca’s safety still in active danger after what happened to Coby, Duncan had more than enough to worry about as it was.
He couldn’t afford to worry about Jacob. He couldn’t be paralyzed with fear thinking of what might happen to Jacob, if things got much worse -- not when he had the whole Country of Spades to consider.
That very night, following his meeting with Duncan, Jacob sent an urgent note to his mother via a courier. The following morning, the whole Country of Spades learned the horrible news of Duncan Ashe’s assassination.
When Jacob received the news of Duncan’s death, he was absolutely beside himself with grief. His reaction to the news, coupled with the message from Rakepick demanding an audience with him, was so out of control that Jacob ended up violently taking his feelings out on all of the guards who had been assigned to guard the Ace of Spades when he went to confront her. After taking down a good thirty men with nothing but his own two fists and the blunt side of a shot gun, Jacob was finally overcome by Rakepick’s chief stooge, a dark-haired man named Kazuhiro Shiratori, and about ten other soldiers providing back-up. As it’d turned out, Jacob hadn’t had any additional shot or powder besides the one currently in the gun, hence why he’d only used the blunt side of it like a club. Many of Rakepick’s supporters insisted the lone shot in the gun was clearly intended for the Ace of Spades. If it weren’t for Rakepick herself intervening and ordering his imprisonment, Jacob Cromwell likely would’ve died that day.
It was nearly two weeks later that Rakepick followed up with Jacob in his cell. When she arrived, she found the prison quiet and still, except for a low, melancholy song echoing down the empty stone halls.
“Our duty first -- love must not lead... What might have been, had fate decreed? ‘Twere better far, had we not met -- I loved you then...I love you yet... Say ‘au Revoir,’ but not ‘Goodbye’ -- The past is dead: love cannot die. ‘Twere better far, had we not met -- I loved you then...I love you yet...”
Rakepick had heard Jacob Cromwell sing before -- she’d heard both him and his younger sister Carewyn sing in passing, so she had no trouble picking out that familiarly handsome Tenor tone, even despite its slight tear-soaked rasp.
He was grieving. However handsome his voice sounded, it echoed with bottomless pain -- the aching and longing of a man who’d lost the love of his life.
It made Rakepick’s eyes narrow that bit more as the prison guard escorted her down the hall toward Jacob’s cell.
“Jacob Cromwell, your Majesty,” the guard said dutifully.
Rakepick looked into the cell. Jacob had been bound with four different chains, each restraining his limbs to keep him tightly locked to the wall. His left sleeve was completely ripped off his shirt, he was nursing several bruises on his face, and his lip was bleeding.
Jacob looked up through the bars at the sound of the guard’s voice. The sight of Rakepick made him violently shoot to his feet, only to be held back like an attack dog on a leash by the chains binding him.
“You!” he snarled.
Rakepick’s expression became a little stonier.
“Hello, Jacob,” she said lowly.
Her eyes flitted to the guard. “Leave us.”
The guard gave a little bow, before marching back up the hall.
“What do you want, you murderous snake?” Jacob spat.
Rakepick waited for him to be fully out of sight before addressing Jacob. Her dark blue eyes were very cool upon him.
“Is that how you refer to the woman who spared your life?” she asked dryly.
“I know what you did to Coby -- to Ashe!” snarled Jacob. “Ashe was supposed to meet with you that very night, when he died -- ”
“A fact that gives me no solace, in the face of his assassination,” Rakepick cut him off in a very crisp, rehearsed sort of voice. “Believe me, had I not been waiting to meet with the Jack at the location agreed upon, I may have prevented his suffering...and yours, by extension.”
“You lying -- !”
“I do lament that things had to turn out this way, Jacob,” Rakepick said a bit more quietly. “Whether you believe me or not, I sincerely do.”
She folded her arms behind her back, pacing absently to the left as she considered Jacob out the side of her eye. Then, after a moment, she spoke again.
“...When was the last time you spoke to your mother?”
Jacob twitched. He glared up at her, but didn’t reply.
“Jacob,” said Rakepick very sharply. “I asked you a question.”
“And I didn’t answer it,” Jacob shot back very coldly.
“Jacob, your mother has gone missing,” said Rakepick. “No one’s seen her in the last two weeks -- the museum has heard nothing from her, and your flat has been abandoned.”
Jacob didn’t react with any kind of surprise. This seemed to be the answer Rakepick had been looking for -- her eyes narrowed, flaring with more fire than ever.
“Where is she?” she said very quietly.
Jacob didn’t respond -- instead he just turned his head away. Rakepick took hold of the bars, her eyes searing at Jacob through them.
“Your mother avoided an official summons from the Court of Spades,” she said sharply. “As you know, that in itself is a criminal offense. And with her visa already having been revoked out of a concern for national security, that now makes your mother a wanted woman, in the eyes of both the military of Spades and the country overall. When they find her, our officers will show no mercy -- unless you give me some information I can use to find her first.”
Again, Jacob didn’t answer. Rakepick’s eyes narrowed that bit more.
“That same information could also earn you your freedom, as well, if you merely cooperate,” she murmured. “I’ve already sent a letter to your sister’s university, telling her as much.”
The mention of Carewyn made Jacob shift slightly on the floor. Rakepick tried to latch onto this.
“Carewyn would be more than capable of advocating for you at your trial -- she more than knows the law well enough to argue a plea deal before the court. Then you can go back to living just the way you did before, here in Spades. Maybe even better than before. The army could use a mind like yours...as well as your sister’s.”
Jacob bowed his head. Rakepick tilted her head a bit, trying to gauge Jacob’s expression. Then, after a long moment, without moving off the floor, Jacob very slowly raised his head again to look back up at Rakepick.
His almond-shaped blue eyes were glinting with spite, and his lips curled up in a very large and cold smirk.
“‘And once she has you...she’ll make you serve her ends, just so you can never break free again,’” said Jacob. “Looks like Ashe really had you pegged.”
The curly-haired young man sharply rose to his feet, the chains rattling loudly in the movement as he got as close to the bars he could.
“Sorry, Rakepick -- but Lane Cromwell is long gone, and well out of your reach. And Wyn is more than wise enough to see through your little game -- no matter what you might tell her, or what you might threaten me with, she will never come back to Spades...and she will never serve you.”
Jacob’s eyes blazed with hatred despite the satisfaction in his expression.
“And once I break out of here myself,” he whispered venomously, “you’ll have no more leverage over my family. And I swear, I will not rest until you meet an end even more painful than the one you thrust upon Ashe.”
By the time Jacob was finished, Rakepick’s expression had hardened, losing all possible trace of compassion.
“...Very well.”
She stared Jacob down for a long moment, her dark blue eyes just as fiery and resentful as his. Then, turning on her heel, she called down the hall.
The dutiful guard from before scrambled down the hall so as to meet Rakepick.
“Yes, your Majesty?”
“Double the watch on the prisoner,” Rakepick said very coldly, “and cut three links off his restraints. I don’t want him going anywhere.”
The guard saluted, before dashing off down the hall. Rakepick shot a look over her shoulder at Jacob.
“If you will not recant your past crimes and help us locate your mother, then your execution date will be set,” she said callously. “I sincerely hope for your sister’s sake, you have a change of heart on the matter -- it would pain me deeply, to have to inform her of her brother’s passing -- ”
“You contact my sister again, and I’ll show you the meaning of pain, you heartless witch,” Jacob spat.
Rakepick sighed tiredly. “You know, Jacob, your brain could earn you the honor and esteem of the world...but your temper really does make you impossible to work with.”
With this, she strode out of the prison.
That spring, across the border in the Land of Clubs, the Ace of Clubs, Cato Reese, was startled by a message he received from a town up near their northern border. An emaciated and exhausted-looking woman had been found collapsed in a heap on the railroad tracks just north of the capitol and had been brought to the local hospital to recover. When she’d awoken and someone had told her she was in the Clubs, she’d asked if anyone could help her find someone named Orion Amari.
“Someone named Orion Amari” -- it was a phrase that could make just about anyone in the Land of Clubs laugh, considering who Orion Amari was. But Cato instead found it very concerning, and he was sure to tell Orion so, when he escorted the King of Clubs on Abraxan-back up north toward the hospital where the strange woman was recovering.
“Madam Sprout’s letter noted that her manner of dress was distinctly foreign,” Cato said thoughtfully. “A worn wool skirt, a pinstriped waistcoat and white gloves...even the pocketwatch found on her was emblazoned with a crest of Spades.”
“That would explain her not knowing my position,” said Orion serenely.
“Maybe,” Cato granted as he adjusted his grip on the reins of his Abraxan steed, “but...well, I’ve seen those sorts of pocketwatches before. The Jack of Spades had one when he came to visit, remember? That has to indicate she’s got to be at least a little familiar with the Court of Spades, wouldn’t it? But if she’s encountered you through the Court of Spades, then she would have to know you’re the King of Clubs...”
“And yet she doesn’t,” finished Orion.
Orion’s steed Tralee gave a light murr. The King of Clubs brought a gentle hand through her silvery white mane to soothe her.
“It seems this stranger has some knowledge of me outside of my position as King,” Orion said, and he too looked intrigued now. “Let us get to the bottom of that swiftly.”
When the King and Ace arrived at the hospital, Madam Sprout led them under seemingly endless ceilings and past beautiful wooden pillars carved to resemble the trees that framed the building’s exterior. They migrated all the way to the far end of the ward, which held the bed belonging to the woman in question.
She was an older woman, likely the age to be both Cato and Orion’s mother, with long blond hair around a heart-shaped face and shadows under her eyes, which shone a bright, almond-shaped blue.
A very familiar blue...
When Orion and Cato approached, the woman looked up. Despite the frailness of her features, her eyes were very bright and alert.
“You have visitors, Lane,” Madam Sprout said kindly.
The name made a strange light of recognition spark to life in Orion’s eyes. Cato glanced at him, but his face was a mask he couldn’t quite read as he walked up to the woman’s bedside.
The woman called Lane smiled at Orion.
“Are you Orion?” she said. Her voice was very soft and oddly fragile, and yet echoed with warmth and hope.
“Yes,” said Orion.
Lane’s expression bloomed like a flower, her lips spreading into a full, relieved smile. She reached out to gently take Orion’s hand in both of hers, even if the kind gesture made Orion stiffen like a lightly startled cat.
“It’s so wonderful to finally meet you,” she said earnestly. “Even if it is like this. Winnie’s spoken so highly of you...”
“‘Winnie?’” repeated Cato, confused.
He looked to Orion for an explanation, but Orion was instead solely focused on Lane.
“Would your name...be Lane Cromwell?” the King asked, his voice very soft.
“Yes,” said Lane. “I’m Carewyn’s mother.”
That strange glint from before took over Orion’s eyes at that name, shining much brighter than before and yet also looking more tense.
“You were supposed to join Carewyn in the Kingdom of Hearts this last winter,” murmured Orion. “And yet you are here. I feel that I should be very concerned, about that.”
Lane’s eyes welled up with pain.
“The army blocked my work visa at the last moment,” she explained.
“Rakepick’s officially shut down all transport in and out of the Country of Spades,” supplied Cato, and Orion glanced at him. “She just shut down the railroad three days ago.”
“I thought she would,” said Lane. “I knew I’d need to show identification to use the train anyway...that’s why I just decided to follow the tracks on foot. I knew they’d take me to the Land of Clubs...even the Kingdom of Hearts eventually, if I just kept going...”
“You went on foot?” said Cato, alarmed. “To do that -- it must’ve taken you weeks to get here...”
“What of your son, Jacob?” Orion asked. His hands were clasped tightly in front of him as he regarded Lane. “He worked for your Jack of Spades, didn’t he?”
Another pained shudder rippled over Lane’s expression.
“...When my visa was blocked, Jay promised to follow up with the Jack of Spades. When I returned home that night, a courier brought me this -- ”
She leaned over to pick up a water-stained, crumpled-up letter, which Cato unfolded and read aloud:
“‘Mum -- your fears were right. Rakepick doesn’t want you leaving the country. Ashe has said there are already others who’ve been rounded up and put in jail after trying and failing to leave.’”
Cato shot a quick glance at Orion. His King’s black eyes had narrowed slightly.
“‘I’ll have to stay in the capitol tonight, to finish up some work for Ashe,’” Cato pressed on. “‘In the meantime, pack your things and leave the Country of Spades, now. It doesn’t matter where -- just run. I know you’ll want to wait for me so we can leave together, but I won’t be home for at least a whole day, and the Ace might get to you before I do. The longer you wait, the harder it’ll be for us all to get out. Don’t worry -- I’ve already promised Ashe I’ll be right behind you, and now I’m promising you. I’ll find Wyn, and then I’ll find you. I love you. Jacob.’”
“Then it’s as we feared,” Orion murmured.
Orion looked from Lane, who had bowed her head to try to obscure the grief in her expression, to Cato.
“I must make contact with Veruca,” he said solemnly. “She’ll want to know at least one of the new Queen of Spades’ targets successfully escaped.”
Lane looked up, very startled.
“Queen?” she repeated, her soft voice incredibly tense and urgent.
Cato nodded grimly. “Patricia Rakepick recently took on the mantle of Queen, in the advent of Duncan Ashe’s death. She claimed it was out of a desire to ‘better centralize noble authority.’”
Despite the stability of his voice, the Ace of Clubs’s disapproval was apparent. Orion, whose face was a bit more stoic, clasped his hands in front of him as he looked out the window, his eyes absently resting on Tralee, who was tied up securely outside the hospital.
“We’ll use the regular channels, to reach Veruca,” he told Cato solemnly. “For Carewyn, however, I may need to be more direct...”
“Are you planning on going to the Kingdom of Hearts yourself to see her?” said Cato, surprised.
“I have sent letters to the university of Hearts, and they have reached her there,” said Orion. “Perhaps if I request an audience with the King and Queen of Hearts, I can use that as an excuse to likewise seek out a direct audience with Carewyn.”
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slytherindisaster · 2 years
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And I hope when you think of me years down the line you can't find one good thing to say
And I'd hope that if I found the strength to walk out you'd stay the hell out of my way
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ovidialee · 2 years
The One: A Druna and Dravidia Crossover Event
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@solasnarealtai​ and @ovidialee​ reunite for a 4-part series!
4 couples, 3 triangles, 2 fandoms, 1 ferret Malfoy
Your favorite Horsemen are back with an HP/HPHM collaboration! 
Launching tomorrow, Thursday 8/18/22 on AO3. Follow on Tumblr here and AO3 at OvidiaLee and wolfofwinterfell for updates, graphics, and a behind-the-scenes Q&A with the authors.
Spot the easter eggs: @nonie-star​ x Merula Snyde, a very peculiar wedding gift from an old acquaintance of Narcissa’s, and the continuation of Jae X Vi’s stories from A Single Daffodil and Under the Table
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nicos-oc-hell · 6 months
Day 9/10 of Dimitri angst
Previous <- -> next
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The Day Everything Changed
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abianeverdecides · 2 years
The Full Abia Khouri Fact List
This is gonna be loooooong so buckle up if you do want to read the whole thing
From now on, if I add any extra facts about Abia, it’ll be added on here
My favorite facts are in bold
Important facts are in italics
I come up with new facts very often, so if you're interested, be sure to check back every now and then
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House/Sorting Facts
Abia was sorted into Gryffindor from the skin of her teeth. She was literally about to be sorted into Slytherin before the sorting hat changed its mind. She feels like that damned hat was trying to bother her due to the fact she has no relatives sorted into Gryffindor, and that it took so long and mentioned the names of all the other houses just to take a 180
Many people tell her she’s too cunning/ambitious for a Gryffindor
She could be considered a hat stall. A second after hitting the hatstall mark, the sorting hat sorted her into Gryffindor
She didn’t feel like she fit into Gryffindor at first, but after showcasing her bravery and chivalry, she slowly started to accept the fact she was sorted into that house
Abia gets along best with the Slytherins, even though Gryffindor and Slytherin beliefs are polar opposites
Contrary to popular belief, Jacob was sorted into Slytherin, not Gryffindor. The prefects and professors/staff are the few that know. People just immediately assumed he was a Gryffindor due to the fact it’s his sister’s house. Abia also doesn’t have the guts to correct anybody though, but some students found out themselves when a professor spoke about him, and the information spread quickly
Family Facts
The Khouri family are known for their beautiful eyes. Almost every Khouri has those eyes that you would love to stare into forever. This is why Abia’s key feature is her eyes
Her family is really wealthy, but it seems as if they exchanged the family’s happiness (especially after Jacob went missing/her father left) for a couple billions of galleons. This is also why Abia has the problem of overspending
Her father was born from a Jordanian man and Iranian woman, while her mother was born from a Lebanese man and British woman. All of which were purebloods, but most not supremacists. The same could not be said about ALL her relatives though, as some aren’t pureblooded and some are supremacists.
One of her uncles was given a life sentence in Azkaban due to being a death eater and using the unforgivable curses. He taught Abia and Jacob Crucio on spiders before his imprisonment, but both siblings don’t want to use it on anybody.
Her Iranian grandmother is from Isfahan, her Lebanese grandfather is from Beirut, her British grandmother is from London, and her Jordanian grandfather is from Amman
Abia’s pureblooded side of her family is well known and respected, though most sides of her families are considered blood traitors or aren’t completely pure blooded anymore due to marriage
Her mother was in the frog choir but, unlike Merula/Merula's mother, her mother just did it because she felt like it and didn't really sing to her children nor give them the interest in singing or joining the choir. But either way, Abia and Jacob do slightly enojy singing, and Abia has a reason to join the frog choir, but she didn't care about it as much as Merula did. She prefers singing alone or in a band.
Her mother is actually very strict and takes parenting very seriously. Though she could be verbally abusive at times, which drifts Abia away.
Her mother is also really strict with Abia in general. Even though she really does care and love her daughter, she doesn't know how to show it correctly. It got worse when Jacob went missing, where she was even about to ban her from playing Quidditch
Her and Jacob are suuuuper close. Even though they fight at times like normal siblings, they won't hesitate to beat the arse of whoever is messing with the other
Jacob and Abia would always sing together and play their instruments (Abia the guitar and Jacob the drums). They started to do it more often when both their skills improved and when Jacob got out of the portrait
Abia's family is a family of overworkers and over-achievers. About every family member has their plate full, with multiple jobs or multiple extra activities at school. This pressure she gets from her family and especially from her mother drove her to become a perfectionist, and test weeks are the worst weeks you could be around her because of how anxious she gets in order to get full grades. It's also why she participates in many activities, even if they don't interest her much (like auditioning for the frog choir); she does it to impress her mother and the rest of her family. The case was similar with her brother.
Social/Friend Facts
Barnaby is always taking her on walks, playing with her, and giving her treats when she is in her animangus form.
Abia never judges her friends for anything unless absolutely positively necessary (like they are innocent perfect beings), but she’d gladly judge a random student (but never to anybody’s face). It’s just her culture.
Abia looooves to make friends, but she loves to spend time herself even more. She’s what you’d call an “extroverted introvert” 😩
Unlike MC in game, Abia and Rowan were suuuuuuper duper close. Though they did drift apart a bit after their circle grew, Abia tried to keep her friendship with Rowan as long lasting and as special as she could after the argument they had in the library. Whenever something happens or Abia heard something, she’d go running to Rowan to talk to her about it. As Abia said, there is no other friend that she could be as weird and as book-obsessed with other than Rowan.
Though taking that to mind, Abia was absolutely shattered after her best friend’s unfortunate fate during her 6th Year. Right as she realized that Rowan was gone, nothing could stop the tears from flowing down Abia’s cheeks. She wouldn’t talk to anybody and even attempted the unthinkable. Though she did eventually heal, she never got over it, and Rowan always stayed with her. 
She has two exes. An ex-girlfriend that she dated in her third year for a bit and an ex-boyfriend that she dated in her fourth year. Both didn't treat her right. It was so intolerable that even though Abia doesn't tolerate revenge, she didn't hold back.
Badeea and Abia are almost always speaking in Arabic together, which sometimes confuses or annoys the people around them since they can't get in on the conversation 😩
Penny and Abia like to sit down and do each other's hair as they talk about the latest things occurring at school.
Abia and Ben play this game where one hides Ben's teddy in the room and the other hunts to find it. Like a game of hot and cold. They like to drag the others into it at times.
Jae definitely helped Abia know how to cook. Without him, she would burn the place down. She's still not the best cook though ⚰
Whenever she needs a hug, she runs to either Barnaby or Penny.
She prefers short dresses over long
She loves the color pink, but also loves all pastel colors
Similarly to her brother, she has a massive love for books. She could read two 400+ page books in one day and still want to read more. Because of which, her favorite place in all of Hogwarts is the library, and when Merula was showing her around Flourish and Blotts, she literally looked like a kid in a candy shop.
She knows how to belly dance and Jacob knows how to do Dabke. #Arabs
She's a massive nature person. If she were to attend Beauxbatons, she would be sorted into Bellefeuille.
Abia plays the guitar. Sometimes she does it so enthusiastically that she keeps playing till her fingers bl33d. Or she pushes too hard on the strings. She sometimes likes to sing as she plays.
If she has to play another instrument, it would be the piano or the violin.
When she grows up, she wants to become a healer.
Even though she is right handed, she plays with a left handed guitar.
Abia enjoys writing her own songs, but she prefer someone else to sing it and not herself.
Abia almost always drinks her tea with nabat/rock candy. More specifically, the ones with saffron. She literally took some on her first date with Merula. If anybody uses nabat wrong, she would explode at you in Farsi while aggressively showing you how to actually use it. #Iranians
She's always messing with everyone when she's in her animangus form, but she also likes to sleep on her friends' laps when she's a small damn kitten. Oh and she loafs a lot as a kitten, watch her watch her. No but seriously, she could steal your pack of chips and start hissing at you if you try to take it away. She would give it back eventually though.
During the summer, Abia is usually dropped off at summer camp/summer school for the first month, and in the next she and her mother would usually go touring in another country for a bit and go to another to see family. Her mother usually forces her to learn the basics of the first language of the country they are going too. She has PTSD from all those flip-flop slaps (PTSD part being a joke)
Almost every Christmas, she stays behind at Hogwarts. Either because her mother is going to America to see relatives or because Abia doesn't want to go back due to "family reasons".
There is this one tree she would always sit underneath. She either just sits there listening to music, reading, knitting, or drawing.
She jumps on the stairs with those slippery shoes of hers expecting not to fall. Spoilers alert: she always falls.
Every Friday, Abia gets a whole dozen of donuts. She usually likes to share, but when she's in a cranky mood, the whole box is just for herself.
When painting her nails, the middle nail is always a different color or style so if the time comes, she could point it at anybody necessary. Fun fact, Merula is usually the recipient of that.
She is really against revenge, but when what the perpetrator did was genuinely really bad, she wouldn't care.
Oh she's a real clumsy fuq. Anything could make her fall or injured to the point its not uncommon to see her with bandages on her knees or cheek for example.
She's really gymnastic, but 97% of the time she doesn't land. The flip could be so cool but she wouldn't even land on her feet.
When I say she doesn't forget, I mean it, be it good or bad. It could be good if she remembers a favor someone did for her, but it could be bad if she remembers a bad moment someone has done. For example, she still remembers and doesn't fully forgive Merula for the devil's snare incident, even though the two end up becoming girlfriends later 😭
Did I ever say she's overly ambitious?
When she's not nervous or flustered, she could be really charming and a big flirt. Flirting back makes her flustered
She's very poetic with her wording. When writing songs or love letters, she tends to use that skill to her advantage.
Side eye 😒
When she's angry, she tends to let her eyes do the talking with the power of her glare. She got sharp eyes and people with light colored eyes tend to have more.. intimidating stares.
She's very impatient sometimes
She tends to be very sensitive during test week due to her perfectionistic nature giving her extra stress. One insult or wrong wording could tip her over the edge and hell will break loose.
After a traumatic situation, Abia goes mute. She doesn't talk at all and only nods or shakes her head. She speaks up on rare occasions though. These periods tend to last differently. Her entirety of her second year was filled with her cold, reserved, and more silent personality. It was the worst year she had as she was dealing with bullying, the devil's snare incident, her crushed expectations of what hogwarts was like, being told her brother was dead, and a certain incident that I may not mention because it's too triggering. She fell into another silent period after Rowan's demise.
Love Interest/Romance Facts
Abia associates unicorns with Merula, which is why her newer patronus would take form of a unicorn.
Her love language is physical touch.
In order, her love languages would be physical touch, quality time, words of affirmation, receiving gifts, and lastly acts of service.
Hugs for days.
She was really nervous on her first date and was more reserved when with her date during the Celestial Ball, but she started to get more comfortable around Merula later on, especially during the Valentine's Day Ball and the festival.
She sends love letters a lot 😩 They're very poetic too because of how many books she reads.
Sneaking into the Slytherin common room just to cuddle with her gf? Yes.
She likes to give gifts often, but as the Arab/Persian she is, she'd keep trying to avoid receiving gifts. If she does receive one, she will still be very grateful.
Even though Merula is Abia's love interest, the latter does not tolerate the former's bullcrap in the slightest. Especially in her first years, Abia really disliked Merula's antics and made it obvious. This is also especially evident in Year 7, and they almost break up in Year 6 when Merula shows a romantic interest in Jacob.
Between Year 4 and Year 5, Abia's feelings for Merula was simply infatuation, sometime at the end of Year 5-ish to current time, her feelings matured and developed into actual true love. It's also a reason why her patronus didn't change till then.
Abia gained feelings for Merula at some point in Year 4, but then lost them temporarily at Year 5 because of her bs. During the time she lost feelings, Abia gained a big admiration and a tiny crush on Penny and even confessed to her at some point. However, since they were both busy at the time, the confession was forgotten and only brought up after Abia's romantic feelings for Penny were lost and hers for Merula returned sometime later and went deeper into actual love. Abia partly suspects that she confused her platonic love for Penny with romantic. After that small confrontation though, Abia and Penny's romantic feelings for each other was never brought up again and they stuck to being best friends with a purely platonic relationship.
Misc. Facts
The reason why my username is "abianeverdecides" and the other name is "So I Am Confusion" is because one of Abia's main features is her getting easily confused and being really indecisive. Her main quote is basically "Huh?"
Abia is mostly based off of my dead best friend. I miss her so much, and when I decided to make an MC, I decided to make Abia similar to her. However, Abia is slowly growing to become her own character.
I was so close to putting Abia in Hufflepuff before I got to giving her her own name and backstory, but I decided against it.
She's the shortest OC/MC I have yet at 5'0, followed by my Danganronpa 2 OC Hanako at 5'1 and tied with my Ninjago OC.
There was so much that was going to be different about Abia. For example, her skin was going to be paler, her hair shorter, and her eyes black. She was also going to be half American half Lebanese, but eventually, I changed my mind. Heck, her name wasn't even going to be Abia.
If Abia wasn't partially west asian/middle eastern, her name would have either been Rose, Giovanna, or Aphrodite.
I made her partially Arab because I found only one other Arab MC and I am Arab myself, and I made her partially Iranian because I found zero Iranian MCs and my friend is Iranian (*cough* @kunihin-art *cough*).
Depending on the way the story goes in-game, I will either kill Abia off early or keep her alive.
If I do kill Abia off, it would either be somewhere halfway/to the end of Year 6 or 7. We'll also have to see where the story goes till I decide her cause of death, but the highest possibility is self-sacrifice. Again, killing Abia off is a major if since she is my favorite of all my MCs/OCs.
When deciding on who Abia's love interest will be, the two characters that made my decision hard were Barnaby and Penny. Both seem like they would be good fits for a love interest, but I decided on Merula at the end.
Though if Abia were to have been in a straight relationship, it would definitely have been with Barnaby.
Abia has unknowingly consumed amortentia twice. Once during Valentine's Day and once at the Three Broomsticks when hanging out with Penny and Rowan. Because of those incidents, Abia both gained massive food trust issues (she would never leave food or drink unattended anymore and won't accept consumables from anybody except the most trusted) and now knows how to easily recognize amortentia.
Merula telling her that her brother was probably dead affected her more than expected. Her and her brother had a massive bond, so being mocked by being given the idea that the only person in her family she enjoys the presence of was dead hurt her terribly and quite affected her psych. Merula never heard the end of it till Abia received a proper apology for everything at some point.
Abia's most evident fears are smelling bad, disappointing her family, getting a mark below O (Outstanding), su/c/de, and betrayal from Merula or a friend.
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dat-silvers-girl · 2 years
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"When the world is on fire... Won't you hide me away?"
"Don't let your cloak fly to me. Do not burn."
I mostly drew this as a way to vent after the two shitty weeks of college, and my desire to hide away and actually be helped by someone through my depression.
Also Rakepick is just my comfort character so I just draw her every time I'm sad.
And since Sarahi gets the things I don't, she gets a place to hide and a professor to help her.
Other than that, this is also one of those things that my Year 7 plot is about. Rakepick agreeing with the decision of keeping Sarahi in hiding, which was put into play when Sarahi agreed, for at this point she was terrified and injured, and wished to stay away from Hogwarts, Merula and R as a whole.
As for the fire analogy: one, the world is constantly on fire figuratively; two, fire was Sarahi's original boggart; and three, I was reading the story of Prahlada, which includes the legend of Holika and her fire-proof garment.
Excerpt from Wikipedia for a lil context:
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I love including Indian mythology even if it has nothing to do with anything :)
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the-al-chemist · 20 days
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Any Happy Little Thought
A/N: Truthfully, Ben Copper was never my favourite of the HPHM cast. But, I can’t help but feel sorry for him — I think he has it worse than most of those kids. So, when I received @eternalchaoschocolaterain’s request below, I had to go for the most uplifting of the choices. Poor boy deserves a little happiness.
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Warnings: angst, references to violence and death of a young person, memory loss, understandably poor mental health.
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The day was drizzly and overcast, but the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom was bright, illuminated with a silvery-white glow, so radiant that it had to be magical.
Nearly two weeks had passed since the first meeting of the Circle of Khanna, and so far, the society had been more successful than anyone would have guessed, in spite of their differences and almost constant bickering. Bill Weasley had proved to be as effective a DADA teacher as any of the six others they’d had in as many years - in fact, he was a better teacher than most - and with his help, they had managed to fill many of the gaps they had in their patchy, disjointed curriculum.
Today, however, Bill had decided to teach them something different, something that they might not even have covered for their NEWTs: the Patronus Charm.
Ben Copper had always been good at Charms. At one point, before he had started to make friends, his Charms lessons had been the only thing he had liked about school. Even after five and a half years of education, it was still the only subject that really came easily to him.
So why, then, could he not cast this charm at all?
He knew that the Patronus Charm was exceptionally complex, famously so. It was the most difficult defensive charm known to wizardkind, with many adults unable to fully master it. Ben wasn’t expecting to be good at it immediately, but he had not expected to be quite so bad at it in comparison to his peers.
Of course, Bill had already been able to cast the spell — he wouldn’t have been teaching it to them if he couldn’t — and it had transpired that Tonks was already capable of conjuring a corporeal Patronus, one in the shape of a large rabbit or hare. At first, the others had struggled, but now many of them were also managing to produce Patronuses that were not just discs or clouds of light, but had the forms of silver-white animals: a dolphin for Penny, a peacock for Andre, a dove for Chiara. Even Barnaby, who had never gotten good grades in most of his subjects, and little Bea Haywood, who was only in her second year, were improving with every attempt they made.
Ben, however, had been trying just as hard, and yet he had barely produced even the tiniest wisp of silver from his wand. As the others continued to practise, he was growing increasingly frustrated with himself. What was he doing wrong?
“I think you might be using the wrong memory,” said Bill, who had clearly noticed that Ben was having difficulty. “It can’t just be any old thing, it has to be something really powerful, the happiest memory you have.”
The happiest memory Ben had. What was the happiest memory he had?
His mind drew a blank. It often did when he tried to remember, had done ever since his second year at Hogwarts, when he had been found trapped in the cursed ice with no recollection of how he had become so. All his memories of that day had been lost, and the more that time went on, the more he had noticed other gaps in his memory from his life before then. Perhaps his happiest memory had vanished with the rest. As for the memories he had from after that…
The cupboard in the dungeons, dank and dark, and filled with the Devil’s Snare that had wound its way around his legs. The piercing screams of his classmates each time they had encountered a Boggart, and the anxiety that tightened like a coil in his chest each time he had opened a cupboard, or turned a corner, convinced that he would be the next person to face their greatest fear. The strange feeling of déjà-vu he had gotten the first time he ever saw Patricia Rakepick, that he couldn’t explain then and still couldn’t explain now. The looks of betrayal on Artemis and Rowan’s faces when he woke up to find out that he had been threatening them without his knowledge and against his will. The great rumble of the ceiling in the Buried Vault and the scent of burnt flesh that pierced his nose once the dragon entered the room from one of the portraits. Rakepick’s wand pointed at him, the green light emanating from that wand towards his chest, Rowan appearing from the shadows and jumping in front of him, her body hitting the ground, limp and lifeless.
Ben’s hand had been raised ready to cast his spell, but now it was shaking so badly that his wand fell to the floor. His head spun as he bent down to pick it up, and it took everything he had in him just to stay standing once he had straightened himself up again.
“Sorry,” he muttered, conscious that Bill was watching him. “I, er… Yeah, I’ll have another think about what memory to use. Thank you.”
It was a lie. There was no memory Ben could use, not anymore. He waited for Bill to turn his attention to Alanza before lowering his wand and sitting down at one of the tables that had been pushed to the side of the room. He wanted to have a moment to himself, to shrink away from the thoughts that threatened to drown him: the memory of Rowan’s death, the guilt that she had sacrificed herself to save him, the idea that she shouldn’t have bothered, that he wasn’t worth saving. He was a coward. He was a Mudblood. He was useless at everything except for Charms, and apparently he wasn’t even good at that anymore.
“You alright, mate?” A voice interrupted Ben’s thoughts, and he was joined by Charlie Weasley. Charlie leant back against the table rather than sitting in one of the chairs, his eyes scanning the room. “This spell’s really hard. I can’t get the hang of it at all.”
Ben couldn’t tell if he was being genuine or just trying to make him feel better. He made a quiet humming noise instead of speaking.
”I think Jae might’ve cracked it, though. Look.”
Charlie nodded his head and raised his eyebrows, and Ben followed the direction of his eyes. Their friend Jae had his wand held aloft, his Patronus swirling in the air in front of him to take a more substantial — if small — form. It had tiny silver legs, a twitching nose, a long tail.
“It’s a rat.” Charlie half-smiled, a glint of amusement in his eyes. “Bill is not going to be happy about that…”
But Jae’s rat-Patronus disappeared almost as quickly as it had appeared, the light it had cast on Jae’s face replaced with a surprised and proud-looking smirk. Seeing them looking, Jae walked towards Ben and Charlie with a swagger in his stride that irritated Ben, but made Charlie laugh.
“Not bad, mate,” said Charlie. “You really had it that time.”
“Dunno what all the fuss is about. Piece of cake, that.”
“Got any tips for us?”
Jae seemed to consider Charlie’s question before nodding. “Yeah. Ignore what your brother says. The thing about memories is a load of crap. I tried it, and it didn’t work. Had to improvise, do my own thing, y’know?”
Ben frowned. Charms were cast with precision, everyone knew that. You couldn’t just improvise a Charm.
“And what was ‘your own thing’?” he asked, more sharply than intended.
“Well, instead of thinking about good stuff that’s already happened, I just thought about even better stuff that could happen. It works, look.” Jae cleared his throat. For a moment, he seemed to glance over his shoulder in the direction of the Hufflepuff girls, but his focus returned so quickly to his wand that it may have only been a twitch. “Expecto Patronum!”
A small burst of white light issued from Jae’s wand, and a moment later, his rat-Patronus had returned.
“Possibility, lads. That’s the secret to happiness. Why look back, when you can keep on moving onwards and upwards?”
“I guess anything’s worth a try,” Charlie said with a shrug. “Expecto Patronum!”
Another raised wand, another Patronus. Though Charlie’s was incorporeal, he had at least managed a half-decent shield, which was more than Ben had achieved. Charlie’s Patronus grew brighter as Bill did a double-take at Jae’s rat and flinched away from it.
Then, both Jae and Charlie’s eyes were on Ben. He sighed before pulling out his own wand.
Something good that might happen. Again, Ben struggled to think of something. When so much that was bad had already happened, who was to say that the future wouldn’t hold something even worse in store? He always had found the idea of the future unnerving. The future was uncertain and out of his control and an endless source of worry. Possibility had never made him happy, only anxious.
Ben shook his head. “I can’t do it,” he whispered. “I can’t think of anything that’s good right now.”
Jae and Charlie shared glances as Ben lowered his wand and his gaze.
“Wow,” said Jae. “Bit rude, don’t you think? I mean, we are literally with you right now.”
“I don’t… You know that isn’t what I meant, Jae.”
Ben looked at Charlie for back up, but Charlie did not back him up.
“Actually, I think Jae might have a point. I mean, we’ve all been through some pretty rough stuff the last couple of years, and Godric knows what else we’ll be up against with the Vaults and the Cabal…”
Jae leaned towards Charlie and muttered, “Mate, I dunno if that’s going to help.”
“All I’m saying is that we’re still here. We’re still trying.” Charlie shrugged. “The fact that we haven’t given up yet is something, right? And I guess… Well, I guess that’s all thanks to you.”
Was it thanks to Ben? Ben wasn’t sure that it was, but Jae nodded his head emphatically.
“That’s right, this was all your idea. The defence lessons, and the name. The Circle of Khanna. That was genius, that was.”
Ben had been surprised that the others had liked his idea for a name as much as they had. He wasn’t going to suggest it at first. After all, would they really want to be constantly reminded of Rowan, of the loss of Rowan? Did they need to be reminded? Ben didn’t think there would ever be a day where he didn’t think about her, about her death, the way she had laid down her life for his. He didn’t think there would ever be a night where he didn’t dream that he was back in the forest, reliving her death. That memory would stay with him forever.
But, then again, Ben knew better than anyone what it was like to forget. He knew that forgetting was far worse than remembering. And so, he had suggested the name. The Circle of Khanna. With a name like that, none of them would ever forget the reason why they had joined together, who they were doing this for.
“It is a good name,” agreed Charlie.
“It’s all good, what we are doing here.” Jae paused, his eyebrows furrowing. “You know, I don’t think I’ve ever really done anything good before.”
It was good, what they were doing — fighting, trying, working together. Rowan was gone, but they were all still here. They hadn’t given up. They hadn’t lost hope. Not yet, anyway. That was how the others were able to cast their Patronuses, Ben realised. It wasn’t because they had the happiest memories, or liked the idea of possibility; it was because they still had hope. If they could stay hopeful, then why couldn’t he? Why shouldn’t he?
He didn’t need much, just one thought. One hopeful, if not happy, thought. It could be anything. Maybe just being here was something. Here, surrounded by bright silvery light that had been created from his friends’ happiness.
“Expecto Patronum!”
This time, when Ben raised his wand and spoke the incantation, something happened. A small wisp of silver furled upwards into the air in front of him. It was only little, and it wasn’t corporeal — it wasn’t even shield-like — but it was at least something.
For now, he would take something. For now, that would do for him.
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carewyncromwell · 2 years
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“You set my spirit free -- I'm happy that you do.”
A love story of two ghosts -- one a reluctant bride from the early 1800′s with a literally bleeding heart and the other a wanderer from the early 1970′s who lost his head upon losing his heart to her -- who, thanks to the intervention of a paranormal investigator named Duncan Ashe, have finally been able to pursue a happily-ever-after together as soulmates, in the truest sense. 
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Meet Bride!Carewyn and Wanderer!Orion! // read the full Haunted Mansion AU! 
lyrics from Don McLean’s “And I Love You So” // colors done with Lunapic
fancasting Sophie Turner and Renan Pacheco as Carewyn and Orion
The Unequal Marriage by Vasily Pukirev ~ Winged Victory of Samathrace ~ Tuck Everlasting (2002)
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