#He finds out from Twig one day and says “Well! It's good to know you mellowed out enough to raise those two into such upright young girls.”
sincerely-sofie · 25 days
Omg I love Ruby
I'm not sure that the person who sent in her origin story quite understands how much I adore this girl. I love her so much. She's my baby. Oh my goodness gracious. She's such a good partner-in-crime for Opal and I can see these two forming an exploration team together when they grow up.
Team Smoke and Mirrors are some of the most well-known scouts there are in the exploration team world— they aren't the best of the best, but they're up there in skill, and Guildmaster Bidoof is always bragging that those two were apprenticed at his guild, and look at how they turned out! Yup yup, he's so proud to have been able to help them get their footing and send such a doggone wonderful team out into the world, gosh!
Chatot retired shortly before the Guild received their application papers, and he's slightly conflicted about that.
On the one hand, he'd like to resume his work and ensure they get a proper apprenticeship— while he's never met Ruby, he remembers when Twig brought a younger Opal to the Guild on a handful of occasions when her husband (Chatot shudders whenever he recalls the reality of who she married) was away on his own errands and she couldn't get a sitter for the day. He recalls Opal transforming into a downy little hatchling of his species during the first visit, and she was always in that form before Twig even came through the front doors on subsequent visits— when Bidoof casually mentioned the significance of this, Chatot was so emotional the rest of the day that he misfiled an embarrassing number of reports. He doubts Opal remembers him at all, but he'd be proud to keep her and her sister on the straight and narrow.
On the other hand, her and her sister are Twig's daughters. He barely survived ONE Twig. The thought of TWO of them being apprenticed simultaneously, let alone on a single team, is nearly enough to make his feathers go gray with just the thought.
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sixosix · 8 months
summary verr goldet and huai'an playing matchmaker, basically
warnings wc 1.7k, this fic is xiao pretty much watching over reader in his very xiao way so if you’re not into stalking elements pls don’t read LMFAO + xiao having a crushhh
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You’ve felt the looming presence of someone watching you ever since you’ve set foot in Liyue.
It wasn’t anything sudden—in fact, no ordinary human being would have noticed it. But you’ve been trained to deal with all sorts of animals, from wild Rishboland Tigers down to slippery Red-Tailed Lizards. You could sense the tiniest snap of twigs and freshly fallen leaves that could have only occurred from an interference.
And having dealt with animals for so long, you can safely conclude that whatever has been following you for the past ten days is definitely not an animal. If it were, it would’ve been some skilled predator that somehow disappears into thin air when you steal a glimpse. The only possible trace you could find is the barely discernible mark on the dirt.
It also helped your Vision gave you the blessing of being attuned to the wind and the shift of air from a heavy presence.
You thought you’d be dead by the fifth day of your stay—murdered by this newly-acquired stalker of yours, but nothing happened. You asked (politely, with a please) this person to reveal themselves and save you both the trouble, but nothing happened.
You even went as far as to throw yourself into the first hilichurl camp you saw to see if anything happened, yet while you were defending yourself against one, all of them fell to the ground limp once you turned back to them. You search for more camps nearby, but they’ve all been cleared—and all of them were freshly beaten as if your stalker made quick work once they figured out what you were up to.
“It’s hard to tell if you’re out to protect me instead of murdering me if you don’t show yourself,” you say to the empty field, hoping for at least one answer, but nothing happens.
You suppose all that matters is that it’s hard to feel lonely with the constant presence.
“You been hanging around Wangshu Inn lately?” asks the man you went up to. It is in case you weren’t alone in what seemed to be the beginning plot of a horror movie. At your reluctant nod, he snorts, “Well, aren’t you a lucky one? Or perhaps it’s the complete opposite if you’ve been up to no good and disrespected an Adeptus.”
You don't understand what this man’s point is. You’ve briefly heard of the term ‘Adepti’ floating around Liyue, but you’re not quite sure if it’s one person or something else entirely. Have you done something to offend any deities in Liyue? All you’ve really been up to is researching the wildlife and tracking down the stalker. 
“What does Wangshu Inn have to do with this?”
“Why don’t you ask and find out yourself?”
You frown. “It would save me hours if you just tell me now.”
“I already told you what I know, kid,” says the man to you, a full-grown adult. “But I suppose I can let you in on one secret: you’ve piqued the interest of someone.”
This man is crazy.
You sigh. You’ve only been hanging around Wangshu Inn for shelter, but the sun is setting a little too fast, and the warm lights and delicious aroma of their food are starting to speak to you—you suppose there is no other way.
Making your way up to an inn has never been more interesting.
While walking, you belatedly realize that you feel the presence of the stranger again. It’s stronger than before, says the winds, and they never lie with what they touch as they fly by.
You also take it upon yourself to ask the merchants and customers alike, calling yourself new and curious as to what they know about the Adeptus lingering around Wangshu Inn.
“An Adeptus? All I know is that this inn is hiding a mysterious secret, but none of us have really gotten to a point where we found more about it.”
A secret.
You’d really prefer if the man you met before weren’t lying, as you would want your stalker to at least be some sort of god than an ordinary human being who has been watching you for no other reason.
You mull this information in your head as you climb up the inn. And then your limbs lock in place once you hear a voice. It speaks to you, for some unknown reason—as if the winds have quieted down to make you listen. You’re not sure if it’s the rasp or the absolute command his voice demands that gets to you, but—
“The next person to come here will ask about me. You will say you know nothing about my whereabouts.”
Then, a new, feminine voice speaks up. It breaks the brief trance you’ve been under. “…Is this the same person you’ve been watching over for the past two weeks, Adeptus Xiao?”
Adeptus Xiao. Watching over…?
Yet when you pick up pace and hurry to the counter, it’s just a woman alone, wide-eyed as she looks at you as if you were the one acting stranger.
“Sorry,” you blurt. “I’m, ah… I thought…”
Were you really just imagining that? No. That’s impossible.
The lady smiles. “I’ve seen you around the Inn recently. My name is Verr Goldet, the boss here at Wangshu Inn.”
“Oh, yes, nice to meet you.” Embarrassed, you choose to stare at the cat resting on the edge of her desk. You wonder if that cat can sense your distress; it’s blinking up at you innocently, surely the eyes of someone who has witnessed what you’ve missed. “My name’s Y/N, and I wanted to book a room…”
Verr Goldet brightens, but you suppose anyone receiving a customer would be, too. “I see. Have you considered the room on our highest floor?”
She hums, then smiles like she's letting you in on a little secret. “You should. If not, then at least consider climbing up the stairs and see the view for yourself. Most of my customers book rooms solely for that reason.”
That does sound appealing, and you have time to spare. “I will; thank you for the suggestion.”
Pleased, Verr Goldet turns to her desk to assumably book you a room. In the silence, you find your voice, “Hey, boss.”
You look up, and Verr Goldet’s eyes are sparkling. “Hm, yes? Oh, your expression looks terrified.” She laughs, sliding a key across the desk and urging you to take it. “I’m just used to correcting people who call me ‘boss lady’. What was your question?”
“Well, I’m pretty new, and—I’ve heard something interesting about this place.”
“There are a lot of rumors about this place. You’d have to be more specific.”
She might either kick you out from where you’re standing or understand what you’re about to say. “Well, ever since I arrived here at Wangshu Inn I always felt like I was being watched over… and then a man I met outside from here told me that there’s an Adeptus nearby?”
“I see. So you’ve met my husband,” she smiles knowingly. “You’re not from Liyue, aren’t you?” You shake your head. “Usually, no one knows about this, but my husband must’ve caught it, too. You’re looking for Adeptus Xiao, and I have noticed that he’s been lingering a lot more recently. More so than usual—I’ve concluded it’s ever since you arrived.”
“Should I be scared?” Because you’re not. Your heart is pounding. It’s a little messed up, but the thought of someone so highly esteemed having noticed you sends a thrill down your spine.
“Of course not. Xiao is the slayer of demons—he keeps Liyue and, most notably, this Inn safe from harm. Of course, I can’t blame your curiosity: no one else has seen Xiao with their own eyes.”
“Am I correct in assuming my stalker could be this Adeptus?”
Verr Goldet laughs. “Why don’t you head up and find out?”
Breathtaking is the first thought that crosses your mind as you finally reach the terrace. You can’t hold back your elated gasp seeing the place from this height—the lanterns, the people, the scenery.
And then you say, “Adeptus Xiao, are you here? Verr Goldet told me you’d be.” She didn’t say it directly, but the implications were there.
The wind shifts as a presence materializes behind you. It’s an all-too-familiar feeling. Goosebumps arise in your arms, and it’s not from the breeze. You turn, and come face-to-face with the most beautiful man you’ve ever met.
Xiao clicks his tongue, his pale skin tinted red. “I did not ask for them to resort to matchmaking.”
“You heard that? So you’re not denying that you’re the one who’s been stalking me ever so creepily?”
“Do not disrespect the Adepti with your accusations,” Xiao quickly retorts, like it’s second nature.
But you now know that one of the Adepti has a little crush on you, so you hardly care less about that at this point. “I’d say that invading my privacy is more disrespectful.”
Xiao’s silence embodies a scolded puppy.
You grin, stepping closer. It widens as Xiao stares at you warily, yet doesn’t disappear. The moonlight brings out the color on his face. He’s beautiful and acting unbelievably adorable. “It’s nice to meet you, Adeptus Xiao. Thank you for protecting me during my stay in Liyue.”
It must’ve been the sincerity in your voice that has him clearing his throat, scrambling for some sense of control again. “It’s—It’s my duty.”
“To watch over one person in particular?”
Xiao glares weakly, caught red-handed. “Do not get so presumptuous.” He says, yet he hasn’t disappeared into thin air while talking to you, unlike what Verr Goldet says usually happens. That alone says a lot.
“It’s hard not to when you look at me like that.”
Xiao visibly startles, losing his calm composure by blinking. “How do I look at y—“
“I think I’ll be staying in Wangshu Inn for a little while longer,” you voice aloud, the grin on your lips never once faltering. “I’ll be in your care, Xiao.”
Xiao cannot, in fact, handle this, as his entire face goes up in flames, and he disappears into wisps of teal and black. You’re not too worried. You can still feel his presence, the way you’re already getting used to.
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A/N OH MY GOD. A XIAO FIC. FINALLY. FROM SIXOSIX. SELF-PROCLAIMED XIAO MAIN... im shaking as i post this like im so nervous. and i hate this. but out of all the xiao fics i tried to write this one has been the one i actually completed without throwing out halfway through
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chiriwritesstuff · 4 months
The Girl in IT - 7. The All Hands Meeting
A Boss! Joel Miller x IT Specialist F! Reader AU
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The LIST │ Series Masterlist
Chapter Rating: E (18+, MDNI)
Chapter Summary: A look into a typical day at Miller Construction Group. Chaos ensues (naturally).
Chapter Warnings and Tags: No outbreak AU, Boss x Employee Relationship, Sugar Daddy Lite, Smut, SO MUCH SMUT, Age Gap, Older Man/Younger woman, So much dirty talk, Office sex, Desk sex, Inappropriate usage of PowerPoint, Tommy fucks around and finds out, No Beta we die like men!
Word Count: 4.4K
A/N: And the hijinks are back! I wanted to try something new this week, and it was the perfect opportunity to showcase all of our fun supporting characters in 'The Girl in IT'! I thought what better way to introduce everyone was to include their commentary, like an episode of 'The Office'! This one is a doozy, and I hope you all enjoy!
#MCG ADMIN 50 members Sarah (HR) Good morning, Team! I hope you're all doing well. I'd like to announce a mandatory All-Hands HR Meeting today at 11 am in Conference Room A, co-facilitated by Tess and me. We'll have a brief presentation, and for those working remotely, please log into Zoom to join the meeting. Following the session, thanks to Bill, we'll have lunch and refreshments provided. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Looking forward to seeing all of you soon! Tommy  Sarah, are you gonna bust your Papi's balls in front of everyone for posting that naughty photo? 💀☠️🪦 Frank (Interior Design) Will there be an opportunity for discussion following the presentation? I'm eager to delve into the minds of SlackGate and understand the motivations behind their actions the other day. Connie (Reception) It's clearly because they're fucking, Frank. 🍆🍑🦪 Frank (Interior Design) Who is? Our fearless leader and our shy girl in IT? Until one of them makes it official, it's just hearsay! Is this meeting a hard launch for a new power couple? 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Sarah (HR) Yes, there will be an open-forum discussion after my presentation but NO, we will not be talking about the events of the other day in detail. Connie, this is a professional space and we will conduct ourselves as such. Connie (Reception) Why am I always being singled out?? Frank started it! Frank (Interior Design) Did I not professionally conduct myself? Geez Connie, I'm not the one sending nudes to our Boss when clearly, he has a girlfriend. Wait. Oops? (Sorry Connie 🤡) Bill (Civil) Frank! What do I have to do to get you to behave for once? Frank (Interior Design) Oh, I could think of a few ways... Why don't you come and find out once you're done handling your bratwurst out there? Sarah (HR) I don't get paid enough for this shit.
"Thank you, everyone, for coming together at such short notice. While I'm aware this all-hands meeting was abrupt, recent events in the past few days have made it essential. Tess and I genuinely appreciate your presence as we address these important matters," Sarah says with a bright smile, handing out materials. "Here's an updated Employee Handbook with a few edits. I thought it would be beneficial for us to go through it together. Are there any questions before we begin?"
"Yeah!" Tommy exclaims from the back of the room, his feet casually resting against the edge of the table. "How long until we get to the part of this meeting where we discuss just how much of a bad boy your Daddy was the other day?"
Tommy Look, I love my brother, I do. He's always so serious, so noble, providing for everyone and all that, making sure we have a roof over our heads. Shit, he's gotten me out of a lot of binds in my life- [He looks a bit uncomfortable and clears his throat, nodding.] ... anyway, it's a rare thing to see my brother slip up like that, you know? Didn't think he had it in him, honestly. It's been a few decades since I've seen his twig and berries, but shit, I know he's packing! He's a Miller, for fucks sake!  [he puffs his chest out a little at that, chuckling to himself] But Sugar? She's been a fucking godsend! Never in my life have I seen my big ol brother act a fool, especially over a woman! What can I say? It's great to not be the fuck-up brother for once! I'm gonna milk out SlackGate til the end of time!
"Tommy," Joel warns through his teeth, glaring at his brother. "Cut it out."
Sarah rolls her eyes in response as she fiddles with her laptop, the projector behind her illuminating with her PowerPoint presentation. "Like I was saying, this presentation is just going to go over the changes we have implemented in the last few days, including proper Slack etiquette and conduct. You would think that as grown adults, we would know better than sending inappropriate images and messages through company property and time," she clears her throat, glancing over at Joel, then to Tommy, who winks in her direction knowingly. "...including those who decide to engage and participate in unsanctioned secret channels-"
Frank's hand suddenly shoots up, his face awash in mock outrage. "I'll have you know, the watercooler channel serves a purpose, folks! When I caught wind of this 'secret channel' gossip circulating among the Nosy Nancies in the breakroom, I was appalled! Who would dare to stoop so low—"
"Frank, you invited me to the chat just this morning," Jesse remarks, casually holding up his phone as evidence. "It's titled 'Frank's-secret-slack-chat.' I thought it was some kind of exclusive club or something."
Frank Hi, [waves to you] is this on? Yeah? Hi. I'm Frank.   Listen, Sarah was getting a little too vigilant about monitoring Slack ever since Tommy sent us a little treat last year [he laughs] so I had to do something about it, you know? [It pans out to Frank leaning against his desk chair, typing away on his secret Slack Chat.] The chat started as an open forum for discussion on the everyday going-ons of Miller Construction Group. Do we just so happen to discuss the private lives of our peers? Maybe. Do we mean any harm by it?  [He gives you a wicked smile] Maybe.
"You guys, you know, the longer I keep getting interrupted, the longer we're all going to stay here in this conference room, and the longer we have to wait to eat Bill's food. You know how he is," She looks outside of the window, the smoke from Bill's grill swirls like a plume as he flips over a juicy steak. "He hates it when he has to serve his food cold. As I was saying, it should be obvious that we shouldn't be sending inappropriate images or photos to one another through Slack or e-mail."
"Hey! It was just one time, and it was an accident!" Tommy retorts, "Besides, it was hardly inappropriate, I was just only trying to show Maria this weird rash I got-"
"What does that mean, anyway?" Connie cuts in, casting a glance your way. "Inappropriate photos? And is there a difference between accidentally sending them or doing it on purpose?"
"Yeah," you shoot her a pointed look. "Sending nude photos to someone who doesn't want them is actually considered sexual harassment," you say, raising your voice a bit and turning in your seat. "I mean, you could get arrested for that, Connie," you add with a sing-song tone, a smirk playing on your lips as you glance at her. "You have nothing to worry about though, right?" you challenge, rolling your chair towards Joel, and taking his hand in his. "Not unless you did send naked photos to my boyfriend?"
Connie Look, I didn't know that Mr. Miller and Sugar were boning. I know how this looks- like I don't believe in girl code or something. I am a girls girl! If Sugar was just forthcoming about who gave her those damn hickeys before SlackGate happened, I wouldn't have sent her boyfriend nude photos of myself! A girl's gotta try, you know? I was only trying to shoot my shot! [She looks a bit uncomfortable, picking at a hangnail.] ... but you have to admit, Mr. Miller is H-O-T hot. God. I love me a graying man in flannel. I always thought to myself, there must be a story here. How does a millionaire who looks like that be single all this time? does he have anyone? is it a sugar baby? does he have a secret love child? I mean-  [she looks over her shoulder where Joel is, arms around his chest as he winks at Sugar. There's a hint of jealousy in Connie's eyes.] Is it true, though? Is it really sexual harassment if I send unsolicited photos of myself? Do you think he's gonna press charges? 
"It's true. Sending unsolicited photos of yourself to unsuspecting parties is sexual harassment, Connie. Not to mention creepy," Sarah winces, shooting you an apologetic smile. "So please don't be sending any photos of that nature to anyone that you work with, especially not in the admin group Slack."
"Yeah, Joel!" Tommy chides. "Keep that shlong in your pants, brother!"
Sarah You would think that working for my family is a cakewalk? Please. I've been diagnosed with IBS and GAD since I started working here five years ago. I sometimes take half an edible just to make it to lunchtime.   [Her head rests on her desk, and as the events of SlackGate unfold, an endless barrage of messages from the admin Slack channel floods her monitor. She can't help but groan in response.] Listen. I love my Dad. I've never really had to worry about his behavior at work before, not like how I have to with Uncle Tommy... but what the hell was he thinking? I can't unsee that! What if Ellie was on that chat? Could you imagine the trauma? My trauma?
"Okay, let's turn to page 12, where we'll go over all the recent updates," Sarah announces, clicking through her PowerPoint. A collective gasp echoes in the room as the slide projects onto the screen, revealing an image – the image of Joel. However, where his exposed package would be, an eggplant emoji tastefully takes its place. It resembles one of those generic memes easily made with a phone app, complete with the semi-imposed words 'Keep Calm and Shlong On!' in big bold letters.
"Shit!" she exclaims, hurriedly pressing the ESC button as she tries to close out her PowerPoint. She slams her laptop shut, the tell-tell sound of a crack echoing throughout the conference room. You hear Tess silently scoff in the distance, and Sarah closes her eyes in embarrassment as the room falls silent.
... and then, all hell breaks loose.  
Tommy is beside himself, his face red, and his eyes filled with tears as he doubles over in laughter, clutching at his middle. "Shit, Henry! When I asked you to do this, I honestly didn't think you had the balls to go through with it, but I so owe you, my man!" he exclaims, enthusiastically high-fiving his nephew-in-law. "This is the best fucking day of my life!"
"Henry?!" Sarah exclaims, her face flushed with rage. "This is what you needed to do in the office at 6 am this morning?!"
Henry's expression crumbles as he witnesses his wife's ire, suddenly realizing that he's just dug himself into a deep hole. "Sarah," he stammers, attempting to regain composure. "This isn't what it looks like—"
Henry Yeah, Tommy asked me to put that meme into Sarah's PowerPoint last night. I would have done it at home, but Sarah doesn't like to bring her laptop home, you know, work-life balance? So I had to make an excuse to come to the office this morning. Was it a dumb ass idea? Yeah, probably. Did I kind of want to get back at Sarah's dad for making my life a living hell? [He looks at you awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.] Honestly, when you're like five beers in, drinking with Tommy- everything seems like a good idea. He dared me, you know? Said that I'm such a simp, trying to always please Joel. Called me a fucking pussy and everything! What else was I supposed to do? Sarah's going to kill me, huh? Do you think that she's gonna ask for a divorce?
"It's a meme. A meme of my Dad's dick pic with AN EGGPLANT EMOJI?!?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??! WHAT DID YOU MEAN FOR IT TO LOOK LIKE?!" she screams, pulling at her hair. "AND YOU, TOMMY MILLER!" she points at her uncle furiously, "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK??!"
"Baby," Henry replies, his hands raised in an attempt to calm her down. "It's just a harmless prank, look—"
"No, you look, Henry! Does it seem like it's just a harmless prank?" she gestures to the room, her eyes wide. "Don't even think about coming to bed tonight. I can't even look at you! How dare you collaborate with Tommy, do you really want to go this way? Because I see you fucking around, and you're about to find out-"
"Oh come on, Sarah! you know these all-hands meetings are dull as fuck, I don't even know why you even bother, no one ever listens anyway!" Tommy exclaims, looking around the room. "Isn't this fun you guys? Come on, lighten up! It's not like y'all haven't seen my dick before! Your Papi's gonna live another day, I think we should all feel as comfortable as we want, fuck the rules!"
"...but Joel's is much bigger than yours!" someone yells amid the chaos, laughter, and banter echoing through the room. Sarah looks around helplessly in a panic, trying to grasp the situation unfolding.
"Hey! I'll have you know that I ain't small!" Tommy yells in retaliation.
"Do you think that this is helping, Uncle Tommy? I'm beginning to believe that the only reason why people don't take me seriously is because of all of the shit that you pull!" Sarah groans, looking like she's at the end of her rope. "I could mention that Tess is helping me facilitate this meeting to scare everyone but she's just off to the side, pretending to not be drinking under the table!"  
Tess [She is sitting off to the side, smiling to herself as the chaos ensues, shaking her head.] I am drinking, because who else thinks it's appropriate to call an all-hands meeting first thing in the morning? I don't even want to be here. It's so fucking pointless, trying to get these shitheads to conform to a set of rules.   [She witnesses Joel storming up to Tommy, his face full of rage and irritation, finger pointed right at him.] This is the consequence of hiring friends and family, isn't it? I tried to tell them it was a bad idea, but who's listening to me? I get it, everyone thinks I'm a bit of a bitch, and well... yeah, I am. Alright, time to rein this in— [She suddenly stands from her seat and walks over to Sarah, who appears to be disassociating into madness.]
"HEY!" Tess bellows, clapping her hands together. The room abruptly falls silent, Joel's hands frozen mid-grab on Tommy's flannel. Forty-eight pairs of eyes pivot towards Tess, a blend of shock and embarrassment spreading across their faces, reminiscent of children caught sneaking cookies from the jar by their mother. "Okay, that's enough!"
Her eyes are narrowed, hands on her hips. "This is what's going to happen. You're going to stop sending each other dick and tit pics through Slack, because as much as it is amusing," she smirks, winking at you, "I would really rather not have to deal with the fallout that comes with it," she shoots a pointed look at Connie, whose eyebrows shoot up to her hairline.  
"The next time someone tries to fuck around and find out? I'm going to take that dirty photo, print a thousand fucking copies of it and stick that shit all over the office. Every fucking inch, every fucking nook and cranny is just gonna be dick and tit central," she paces around the room, placing a warning hand on Frank's shoulder. "As for this secret Slack chat, I'm going to give you all one chance to come clean. If you don't, and Sugar's report doesn't match who outs themselves right now," She scans the room, a smirk on the corner of her mouth appearing in satisfaction. "Yeah, you didn't think that we were monitoring that shit, huh? Well, I'll throw you all a bone: raise your hands if you are in this secret group chat, and I'll consider not docking your pay for insubordination. Your choice."
Frank [Looking at Tess as she slightly stumbles from where she's standing.] Yeah, she's toast.
The majority of the room begins to raise their hands, except you, Tess, Joel, and surprisingly, Frank.
Tess scoffs. "Really Frank? Really?"
"I have no clue what you're trying to imply, and seriously Tess? Are you really going to play that card? Are you going to dock your pay too?" Frank retorts. "I mean, just last night, you were drunkenly telling me that you heard Joel and Sugar-"
"If you utter another word, I'll fire you on the spot, Frank!" Joel shouts from across the room. "I mean it this time!"
Joel and Sugar [Joel wraps his arm around your waist, leaning in to kiss your forehead while gently pushing a strand of hair behind your ears.] There, that's better. Don't hide your face, Mami; you're too beautiful to be hiding all of that, okay? Right, [he clears his throat.] You would think that people would be a little more professional around here, show me a bit of respect— [His gaze shifts to Tommy, who's engaged in laughter and banter with the team, his chest puffed out in triumph. Joel glares at him, shaking his head.] I'd like to think I try really hard to be a good boss. I pay fairly, I allow remote work, and damn it, I take pride in offering the best employee benefits in all of Austin. We even take a company trip to Hawaii every year, for fucks sake! [You squeeze his hand, pressing a kiss to his temple as he takes a frustrated breath.] Papi, if it means anything, I think you're the best boss any of these folks could ever ask for. They don't deserve you. [Joel nods.] Look, I don't know what to tell you. I got the ride of my life that morning, my sweet Mami riding my cock just right, you know? I would have been okay, going into my meeting with blue balls, just as long as Sugar got hers. Your pleasure is my pleasure... but I was just so fucking horny! I started to work out, yeah? Wanted to keep shit tight for my baby, and fuck, I was... what do they young kids say?   Feeling yourself? [Joel nods again, smiling at you.] Yeah, 'feeling myself' or whatever. Anyway, I was in the meeting, and you messaged me, right? saying that you weren't going to be in for lunch? and I don't know if was the disappointment, or if I was just too horny, but fuck. I quickly excused myself and took a quick dick pic in my bathroom. I thought I was in the right Slack channel... so I sent it, and then the guys at The H Group asked me a whole bunch of questions, and then an hour later- Chaos. The messages kept flooding in! Frank was asking about how long I was, and Connie was sending me nude photos of herself- in my fucking office! Wait, what? [Your gaze meets Connie's, nervously seated as Frank goes on and on beside her. Her hands twitch like a possum that just got run over by an 18-wheeler. Yeah. Squirm for me, you think to yourself.] Yeah! And I just sat there, in shock, you know? Like this is the kind of shit that Tommy pulls, and I couldn't believe that I was so fucking stupid! Can you imagine the kind of therapy Sarah's gonna need? What if Ellie saw this?
"Who's up for some snacks?" Tommy calls out to the team, holding a basket filled with rather sizable cucumbers, bananas, and eggplants. "Help yourselves, compliments of Joel!"
Ellie  [at the job site across town, hard hat fixed crookedly on top of her head.] Yeah, I saw it. There is not enough bleach in this world that could ever erase that image from my existence.   [she glares at Sam, who just shrugs.] Thanks a lot, asshole!
"Alright, you degenerates!" Bill booms, bursting through the conference doors wearing a 'Kiss the Cook' apron, tongs in one hand, and a tray piled high with thickly cut steaks in the other. "This steak isn't going to eat itself!" 
The team swarms Bill like seagulls spotting a tasty piece of bread on the boardwalk. Tommy grabs a t-bone with his bare hands, biting into it with the enthusiasm of a caveman.
"Hey," Joel whispers to you, his shoulder gently bumping yours. "Want to help me with something?" You nod eagerly as Joel swiftly guides you out of the conference room, heading towards the executive offices. You giggle as Joel ushers you into the room, pulling you into a kiss, his foot playfully kicking the door shut.
He moves the both of you over to where Tommy's desk is, pushing aside its contents off the tabletop in one fell swoop, the items clattering onto the floor. "Papi, what are you doing?" you ask cheekily as he bends you over the desk, lifting your skirt.  
Joel growls and shoves you down onto the desk, his hands harshly grabbing onto your hips. Your arms scramble to find purchase as you knock over a framed photo of Tommy and Maria, watching helplessly as the image of their smiling faces falls onto the floor. His palm travels across your back, pinning you in place as he fiddles with his zipper with his other hand. "Line item 6," Joel murmurs as his hands begin to travel across the globes of your ass, squeezing and spreading and slapping them until you're so wet you can feel it dripping down your thighs.  
Joel hums in appreciation. "Thats right Mami, get nice and wet for me, okay?" You can feel him pump his cock against you, notching his head at your entrance. "You gonna make a nice mess for me, baby?" he asks through gritted teeth as he strokes through your folds with his dick.
"Yesss," you moan, pushing your ass back toward him.  
Joel pushes into you to the hilt in one brutal thrust as you cry out, grabbing onto the edge of the desk as he begins to pound into you in earnest, his thrusts so hard and punishing that the desk begins to rattle. You squeeze your eyes shut as Joel gathers your hair in his hand, pulling you back towards him. "Fuck baby, I'm gonna come so fucking hard, fill this pussy up and watch as it drips out of you, maybe fuck you again if we still have time-"
You gasp, taking a deep breath as his thrusts become so erratic it pushes you up the desk, lifting one leg onto the surface as Joel angles himself higher, hitting a spot so deep within you that you bite your lip from crying out, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention. You squeeze around his cock as you chase your high, hoping that Joel can maintain his composure long enough so you both can finish together. "No Mami, stay with me, come with me-"
He leans over you, pressing you onto the desk as he grabs onto your shoulders, pounding into you, his breath hot against your neck as he buries his face into it, huffing from exertion. "I'm so close Mami, I'm gonna... Fuck!" He bites your shoulder as he cums in one last brutal stroke, his hands harshly grasping your thighs as you feel his hot spend flow deep into your belly. You rock your hips onto him as his hand goes to your clit, rubbing until you are weak in the knees, your body trembling beneath his. "Fuck Joel," you say a little breathless as you slump onto the table as Joel pulls out of you, his finger probing into you as he pushes his leaking cum back where it belongs. "Come on, lets clean this up and head back before they notice-"
Joel just snorts as he zips up his jeans. "No," he replies nonchalantly as he catches his breath. 
"No?" you ask as you straighten yourself up, frowning at him.  
"Line item six says I bend you over his desk and leave a little souvenir," he motions to the mess on the floor, pens and papers scattered about.  
"He's going to fucking murder you, Joel," you chuckle, pulling him into a kiss.  
"Yeah? Well, he shouldn't have fucked around, because he's about to find out." He simply replies, taking your hand in his. "Come on, little Mami, quickly now, before he realizes we're gone..."
You share a laugh as he guides you back into the conference room. Bill raises an eyebrow at both of you, handing over a plate with steaming steak, as if he just finished cooking it. "I thought I'd save your lunches for last, figured you guys needed some extra time," he says, clearing his throat and nodding towards Tommy, who seems entirely oblivious to your brief disappearance. "You know Tommy, can't resist a good piece of steak," Bill continues, gesturing at Joel. "It's like everything around him disappears for a moment; you could rob him blind, and he wouldn't even notice," he adds with a small smile, placing a hand on Joel's shoulder and giving him a knowing look. "Enjoy your lunch, you two."
Bill Look, I wouldn't call myself a nosy person, but I am perceptive.   [He glances at Frank whispering and giggling to Connie off to the side, rolling his eyes.] Look at them. They think that they're the eyes and ears of this operation, but what they don't know, is that I. Know. Everything. I am a survivalist. I gather intel on all of my surroundings, even if I am surrounded by absolute morons.   [Bill takes another sip of coffee, subtly glancing around him before making eye contact with you, the reader, once more] So if you want to know the real scoop, the real ins-and-outs of this company, and not have to deal with the lunatics in Frank's not-so-secret shit talk club, come to me, I'll set you on the right path. At least I have snacks.   [He looks off to you and Joel, giving a curt nod as he starts to cut into his own steak.] As much as I respect Tommy, he's not the one signing my checks at the end of the day. If there's anything that I value more than anything, it's loyalty. I don't like to play around, hate it when people bite the hands that feed them. People like that need to be taught a lesson. Joel's a good man, and sometimes, we fuck up... but it's how we handle ourselves after the fact that matters. If that means I help out an old friend, well- [he smiles as Tommy walks towards the conference room doors, heading back to his office. Bill smiles out into the distance.]
Taglist: @sarcasm-theotherwhitemeat @gwendibleywrites @brittmb115 @joeldjarin @drewharrisonwriter
@littlebunnybigheartfics @missladym1981 @auteurdelabre @quicax3 @casa-boiardi
@amyispxnk @untamedheart81 @paleidiot @laurrrra @la-vie-est-une-fleur29
@bbiophiliaa @thewiigers (I apologize if I missed anyone, but if you are looking for any of my fic updates, please feel free to follow my updates blog @chiriwritesstuffnotifs!)
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johnwickb1tsch · 4 months
bittersweet ~ a yandere!John Wick x fem!reader sunshine/grump coffee shop AU... Part 4 all chapters
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Winter is making you stir crazy, so on your day off you decide to go for a hike on one of the copious mountain trails around your town. There’s still snow on the ground, and in the middle of the day you seem to have the woods nearly to yourself.
You like being by yourself.
The mountain is quiet, but for the wind in the trees and some determinedly chipper little birds chirping.
You nearly have a heart attack when you round a bend, and there is a large figure in all black. For a split-second you mistake him for a bear, before you realize it’s Mr. Wick.
“Jesus, you scared me,” you huff.
“Sorry,” he says, seeming genuinely apologetic.
“Where’s Dog?”
“I left him at home. Too cold.”
You like it, that he considered Dog’s comfort in the matter.
With a small frown he peers around you. “Are you alone?”
“Yes. I hike alone all the time.”
You hope he will spare you the lecture, even if it secretly pleases you that he is a little worried for you.
He sighs a little. “I wish you wouldn’t. You never know who you might run into out here.”
You cant your head, finding this statement slightly ironic, considering.
“I can handle myself. You’re looking at a junior Tae Kwon Do black belt, I’ll have you know.” The latter you deliver with a sassy grin, because even though it has come in useful on a few occasions, in the real world you know it doesn’t mean shit. You were just a child, and it was a long time ago.
This actually succeeds in winning you what is nearly a full-on smile, for him. “Well then. Remind me not to piss you off.”
The thought is absurd to you. You’re no willowy waif by far, but you can tell right now that this totally fit—and fine as fuck, if you’re being honest—man could snap you like a twig, if he wanted to. You snort in answer.
“I’m sure it won’t come up.”
He levels you with a long look then, that you don’t entirely understand.  
“So…you like hiking in the cold?” you ask, suddenly feeling a little awkward.
“I guess I’m used to it,” he answers. “I was born in Belarus.”
“Oh.” There is no hint of accent in his words. You reason he must have come to America at a very young age.
“And you?”
“I was not born in Belarus,” you confirm. It’s his turn to huff, and your heart skitters in your chest when he takes a step closer. He veritably looms over you, so tall and broad shouldered. You have a moment of clarity in which it really sinks in that you are totally alone out on the quiet mountain with this man, and he really could do anything he wants with you.
The thought titillates more than it disturbs, and maybe you have a screw loose.
“You’re a cheeky girl, aren’t you?”
There is a look in his eye, and for a moment you think he’s going to bend down to you. Crazier yet, you would have let him. But his hands remain in the pockets of his expensive down coat. The weight of his gaze alone is enough to make you feel as though he’s touched you, and you narrowly suppress a shudder.
It’s not because of the crisp mountain wind.  
“So I’ve heard. I don’t like the cold,” you answer his real question. “But I do like the snow.”
He frowns a little. “How does that work out?”
“It’s an aesthetic thing.”
“Ah. Your artist’s eye.”
“I guess.”
“You’re very good.”
It is, in fact, freezing cold out there in the woods, but suddenly you feel warm, standing there with him, basking in his praise.
“You’re kind.”
He tilts his head, his hair falling in his eyes. “Not really,” he says, and it almost sounds like a warning. “But maybe, just for you. Can I walk with you?”
You were enjoying your solo excursion, but you find yourself nodding in agreement, unable to turn down the opportunity to spend time with your mysterious but favorite customer from the coffee shop.  
“Ok. Are you making the loop?”
“Partly. My house isn’t far from the north fork of the trail.”
“Ah.” He must have just moved into one of the insanely expensive mansions tucked back in the woods, you reason.
It’s too cold to stand around and talk, so you hit the trail together. His legs are long, boy are they, but he matches his pace to stay with you. You don’t say much, but you enjoy each other’s company in the outdoors. You follow the line of a steep bluff on one side, old growth trees towering all around. It’s not a sunny day, but still bright from the freshly fallen snow. Later the forecast calls for more.
When you slide a little on an icy rock he makes a grab for you, and suddenly you do find yourself tucked in against the hard line of his side. It wasn’t entirely necessary—you’re wearing knobby boots, and you would have landed on your feet.
But it is endearing that he was worried for you.
The strength in his grip squeezing you steals your breath away. You only manage to get out a wheezy, “Thanks.”
He acknowledges your gratitude with a grumble, releasing you almost as quickly as he grabbed you. You get the sense that he is annoyed, somehow. You, however, know the memory of his body against yours is going to haunt your dreams that night.
Suddenly too warm, you unzip your jacket a little.
When you reach the trail marker for the north fork that will take him closer to home you look at him, expecting to say goodbye, certain he will be glad to be rid of you. But he keeps walking. “I'll get you to your car,” he says. 
“You don't have to do that.” 
“I want to,” he insists. “If you don't mind?” He’s softened again to you, for whatever reason, and you swear his moods could give you whiplash. Having this man to yourself for another mile isn’t the worst way you've spent an afternoon. 
“Ok, if you insist.” 
When you get to the parking lot, there is a shifty pair of guys hanging out in a beat-up Dodge van that might as well have “FREE CANDY” spray painted on the side panel. You look to John curiously, who is staring down the driver with a hard look in his eyes. Even though that look isn’t directed at you, it gives you a little chill.
The man behind the wheel confers with his bearded companion, and they decide to start up and chug away. 
You feel like you narrowly missed a passing danger, like a shark swum past your hiding spot in the reef.
“How... did you know?” 
“Seen them around the past week or so. Maybe promise me no more solo hikes until they move on?” 
“Yeah. Ok.” Maybe they were just two guys down on their luck hanging out in a van…but they definitely gave you the creeps.
“Can I give you a lift home?” He would have miles to go, uphill, in the bitter cold otherwise. 
You pause at your late model Rav4, kind of embarrassed. He drives a very nice black Range Rover, and though your car is a soldier, bless all four of its cylinders, it kind of looks like a piece of shit. “Um...sorry,” you say, moving some books out of the passenger seat.
However, he seems non plussed. 
“No worries. Thanks for the ride.”
You start the engine, letting it warm up a little. He rubs his hands together, blowing on his fingers. “So…do you pick up strangers from the woods often?”
You laugh quietly. “You’re not that strange.”
 He tilts his head in that way that makes you feel unnervingly seen.
“You don't really know me, y/n.”
Why do you feel like he's trying to warn you?
“So... you’re saying I should make you walk back up the mountain in the freezing cold?” 
His low laughter tugs at your insides, making unbidden warmth spread through you.
“No, now that I'm here that really doesn't sound appealing.” 
You dare to wonder if he means here, with you.
“Ok then.” You put the Rav4 in drive. “Where are we headed?”
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nina-renmen · 4 months
Just wanted to pop in and say that I love your writing ✨ it makes my day when you post!
Also whenever you have time and the motivation, would it be okay to have another part to the polar bear reader?
Thank you! Hopefully I’ll be able to keep making these stories!
Part 1
Warnings: Minimum nsfw themes and a bit of fluff, I kinda rushed this so please let me know if there are any mistakes. Constructive criticism is welcomed
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Price wasn’t sneaky. At least with you he wasn’t. Your monster form was more adapted to the wild than his. You were younger, faster. Even though he was undoubtedly stronger than you he wouldn’t be able to use it if you could always outrun him. Your jaws were more powerful than his and yet you surrounded yourself with him.
Sometimes the older male wondered why. If he were you he wouldn’t even spare himself a glance. He’d try to find someone stronger than himself.
“Stop thinking so hard about it.” Y/n’s voice snapped Price out of his thoughts. She laid on the snowy ground, chewing on a bloodied bone from a human she’d hunted.
“Hard not to when spring is coming around.” Price said in a gruff voice. That’s right, mating season was coming quickly. The more he looked at you the more he found himself looking at your hips. Thinking about the way they’d hold his cubs nicely. He wondered if you’re stomach would show or if you’re body would keep his children hidden.
When y/n stood up that snapped him out of his thoughts once more. A growl ripped from her throat causing the male to stand up as well. His muscles tense until he spotted one of his men.
“He’s friendly.” Price put his hand on y/n’s shoulder.
“Looks like you found yourself a new pet Captin. Isn’t this the one that slashed Gaz’s face?” His voice was gruff, almost like Price’s.
“Gaz got his punishment for provoking her. End of discussion Ghost.” Price argued, standing in front of you.
“First soap now you….great.” The unknown man said sarcastically.
“What do you mean by that?” Price questioned, getting more defensive over you. “Nothing! He means nothing.” Another male voice pipped up. It was the man that gave you back your food. Price turned around, looking at soap suspiciously. “What do you two have going on?”
“Spring is coming up.” Ghost said.
“And? You don’t necessarily have a mating season.” Price retorted. Folding his arms over his chest. “But Soap does. I owe him one for saving my ass the other night.”
Price pulled you behind him. “Nobody’s touching her.”
“Oh com’on Captin.” Soap interjected, taking a step toward you. His hands reaching out, letting y/n lean into the warmth of his hands. “You see the way her legs clench whenever she’s around you or me. It’s obvious the little thing-“
“You back the fuck off.” Price grabbed your arm, pulling you away from him. “She’s mine-“
“I’m not anyones!” Y/n exclaimed, tearing herself away from Price’s grasp. “You all need to leave…go back where you came from. Obviously the cold isn’t good for any of you.” Y/n spoke in an urgent voice.
“Y/n wait I didn’t mean-“ Price trailed off seeing your back turn towards him. Leaving the premises.
It wasn’t like team 141 could just get up and go. They were to be stationed there for quite some time. You were going to run into them again. It was inevitable. It snowed one last time just before spring would come by. Y/n was in the cold attic waters, a fish in between her locked jaws as she made her way back to her den. The sound of twigs snapping caught her attention. Turning around quickly the person behind her put their hands up in surrender.
It was that damn bird hybrid.
Y/n narrowed her eyes at Gaz. Her distrustful gaze locked onto him. “I-I’m friendly.” He stuttered. “What do you want?” Y/n muttered as she began walking away, giving Gaz the choice to follow her. To which he did.
“To apologize.” He spoke up above the snow that was slowly growing heavier. “I thought you were a panda or-“
“I get it.” Y/n grumbled as she walked towards her den. “So….you’re not mad?” Gaz asked. Crouching down by your den but not going inside. “I’m not one to hold grudges.” Y/n said as she curled up in her den. The snow had picked up. The winds growing harsher. Y/n looked over at Gaz sensing his unease with that harsh weather. The poor bird didn’t even have any feathers to keep him warm. “Come on…you can lay with me until the storm moves out.” Y/n said, switching into her monster form, moving to her right in other to give the harpy some space.
The man was hesitant. Rightfully so. But nevertheless he entered the den. Sitting a safe distance away from y/n. But as the minutes passed by the den soon began getting cold. And within an hour the two were practically snowed in.
The bear hybrid woke up. She looked over seeing Gaz huddled in a corner. Trying to collect as much warmth as possible. “Are you just going to freeze to death or are you going to come over here?” Y/n asked, motioning the male to come closer to which he did.
His cold body coming in contact with y/n’s warmth. She was like a warm blanket to him. Within minutes Gaz was asleep, his soft snores filling up the den. Lulling y/n to sleep as well.
“Captin…have you seen Gaz?” Soap questioned. “I’ve been looking for the lad everywhere but I can’t find him.” Price only shrugged his shoulders. To which Ghost spoke up. “He left for the forest by the creek.”
Soap glanced worriedly at the Lieutenant. “Isn’t that where y/n lives?” He asked. “Shit…..you’re right.” Price stood up. Grabbing his jacket. “You just let him go?!” Soap exclaimed turning towards Ghost to which he only shrugged. “I’m not his father.”
Johnny scoffed. Following his captain out the building. Who knows what could be happening as of now. You could be mawing the harpy’s face off now. And with the spring rolling by who knows how out of wack your emotions could be.
He just hopped he wasn’t too late.
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stardusthuntress · 1 month
Somebody to Lean On
Crosshair x reader (she/they pronouns; I think, I’m not very good with she/they, this is practice, please tell me if I messed it up!) 
Word Count: ~1.25k, ~4 pgs 
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TW/Summary: reader is depressed/anxious and in need of a shoulder to cry on; no smut, just purely a hurt-comfort fic! 
dividers by: @/saradika
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It’s one of those nights when everything just feels off. 
Today was a day just like any other day. You went on missions with the boys, like always, and then you rested, ate dinner round a campfire, and spent a few hours laughing and relaxing before bed. 
But something was just off. 
Like usual, the bad batch treated you like you were just one of the guys. Normally, you liked that. But part of you had hoped that tonight maybe someone would remember you were a woman, and would appreciate that about you, even if it didn’t get any farther than flirting for a few minutes. But none of them had. 
So instead you took some time to yourself and found a quiet rock away from the group to just sit and look at the stars and enjoy the natural world for what it is. 
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Someone notices you’re gone, no one is quite sure who, simply that they all find themselves looking around at the realization that you are no longer beside them. 
Tech finds you and wants to talk at you, but he doesn’t take it too hard when you tell him “I’m really not in the mood for a chat right now. Please leave me alone.” 
And he leaves, no questions asked. He’s used to it with his brothers, he doesn’t think too much about it, didn’t even look up from his datapad. 
But once he’s gone you kinda miss the company and regret saying it. 
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He returns to the others, nose still scrolling through data. 
Hunter - always a good sergeant - asks where you are. 
Tech quickly fills in, always ready with what information he has. “They said they wanted to be alone.” 
The others know you didn’t really mean that, you’re just having a rough day. They exchange glances, unsure of what they can do for you.  
Hunter opens the conversation, wanting to keep his squad functioning at it’s best, with all its members content. Well, as content as possible, considering this is war… Before they can figure out what to do about it Hunter notices that Crosshair, who was there when the conversation started, has disappeared. He knows that means his brother is looking for you. 
Crosshair traces Tech’s steps back to your hideout.  
You know it’s him approaching. Silent footsteps, as always, no matter how many crunchy leaves you always seem to find with every step. But he makes a point to snap off brittle twigs and spring snappy branches every few feet so you know he’s there and that it’s him. 
Part of you wonders if that’s a habit because he knows Hunter could track it if something happened to him. 
Instinctively and impulsively you prepare to tell him you want space right now. Your voice is shaky when the message is finally delivered. 
He ignores your comment, wordlessly walking over to you, but pauses for a moment a pace away. 
You try to guess what his sarcastically rude comment is going to be this time… When his backpack plops down next to you…And he turns and sits down. 
He faces away, knowing you probably don’t want to feel pressured by an intense stare. But he sits where his hip brushes yours, as he moves to get out his cleaning kit. 
He sits beside you in silence, cleaning his fire puncher for a while. 
Realizing he’s not going anywhere, you eventually start to lean into him a bit. Over the course of a few minutes, it evolves to resting your temple on his shoulder. 
Crosshair sighs and you immediately retreat and mutter a ‘sorry’ under your breath, knowing he doesn’t really like touch. 
But what he does next surprises you… He gets up to adjust, and you automatically retreat into yourself more… Until the shuffling gets closer, and suddenly two knees appear on either side of yours, but he’s careful not to touch you since he hasn’t asked yet. Soon, it’s followed by two arms just above his legs, hands gesturing for you to lean back into him. 
You pause, confused, staring at the hand that gestured to you, brow knitted. 
Crosshair almost never suggested touch nor outwardly comforted anyone. Though, Echo has a few stories from Skako Minor that suggest this isn’t a new thing, simply a very rare one. 
He patiently gestures again. 
You finally look back at him confused. 
He simply looks back, toothpick bobbing, hiding the small smirk in the corner of his lips. Satisfied at your reaction to knowing you are one of the rare recipients of his offer to touch. 
Slowly, he turns you using a soft touch upon your knee. One hand finds your shoulder, the other your calf and he carefully pulls you back into his chest. His touch is so gentle you know if you resisted, even a little, his tugging wouldn’t shift you at all. But you trust him so you let him, even if you’re not sure why you do. 
After a moment of awkwardness you give in to the need for soothing touch and nestle into his shoulder/chest. 
He starts rubbing your shoulder and then your back, slowly, and barely there. 
After a few minutes it’s clear he’s not going anywhere and the intense emotions you were dealing with when he showed up have decided that the coast is clear and they can visit you once again. 
You end up crying into his shoulder. 
He doesn’t say a word, but he also doesn’t go anywhere. He just stays put and holds you. He never asks why. He just sits with you through it all. 
“Thank you” you mumble after a it subsides, drying your tears on your sleeve. 
He just shrugs and continues to pet your hair. 
Your brows furrow. You don’t know why you just cried into his shoulder. But it does feel better now that it’s out. Maybe he deserves an explanation for why you just found yourself bawling into his arms, though? 
But do you even know why? You rack your brain. Surely, there must be a logical explanation for this, right? 
Crosshair, with his knack for reading people like an open book, guesses what you’re worrying about and heads you off. “You don’t have to tell me,” he grumbles. 
You huff a sad laugh, “Thanks… I’m sorry to do that to you though. You shouldn’t have to deal with me when I’m like this.” 
“You’re stronger than you know,” is all he says 
You look up at him, shocked. 
There’s no anger or resentment in his eyes when they meet yours, just a softness that’s so uncharacteristic of the man you thought you knew, but perhaps he’s not as gruff and hardened as you once thought he was. 
You feel the tears welling in your eyes again, a sob getting lodged in your throat, the softness in his eyes something you are unaccustomed to seeing directed at you from anyone, these days.  
“Let it out, doll. I got you.”
And the tears flow, once more. 
When you’re done, still sniffling into his shoulder a bit, he plucks a tiny flower from amidst the grasses and uses it to tuck your hair behind your ear. 
You smile, and look up at him sheepishly. He gives you one of his characteristic half-smiles, and holds you tight, content to just sit there with you for as long as you need. 
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The next day, he’s happy to see that familiar spark of your fiery personality rekindling in your eyes when he wakes you for your watch shift with a kiss on your temple… 
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Please don’t steal my work! I pour my heart into these so if you like it please reblog (don't just like, PLEASE) to share instead of reposting it! And NO dropping it into an AI! That’s stealing my work and feeding it to an AI without my consent. It is not okay to give an AI something you didn’t write yourself! 
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thecuriousquest · 1 year
We’ll Take Care of You!
Yandere Naruto x Yandere Sasuke x Reader
Warnings: Yandere themes, stripping, nudity, forced bath, possessiveness, control, slight manipulation, kidnapping
Reader has no sense of direction and gets lost in the woods.
Checkout my Master List here.
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A snap of a branch is what jolted their attention towards you.
You scrambled towards them, helplessly. “Please, help me! I’m so lost. I’ve been wandering around for two days now. Please?”
What was a supposed to be a two hour hike turned into a two day stumble around the woods. You, being directionally challenged, somehow managed to stray from the goddamn loop of the trail. Stupidly, you left your phone in the car, not wanting to be tempted by electronics. What was the point of enjoying nature if you’re just going to be looking at it through your camera or texting?
You only took two protein bars with you and a small water bottle. You ate both and drank all of the water after four hours of realizing you were actually lost.
The man with blue eyes places his hands on your shoulders. “Whoa, whoa, steady now. Yeah, we’ll help you. Sasuke, take her over by the fire. I’ll get her some water, food, and a blanket.”
Sasuke looks at the blonde with a face that says “don’t tell me what to do, asshole”. He takes you over to a foldable chair by the fire, however. You’re grateful for the warmth, shock from being exposed to the elements wearing off.
Your so filthy, leggings and loose cotton shirt covered in dirt stains from having slept on the forest floor last night. You wouldn’t be surprised if your face is streaked with dark brown as well considering your arms are.
Sasuke crouches down in front of you and studies you. He grumbles a curse as he tries to get leaves and twigs out of your messy hair. “What happened to you?”
Trauma from fearing the worst for two days is what happened to you. After not responding quickly enough, he furrows his black brows at you.
“Did you hear me?”
“I…I was hiking West Owl Trail. I’m not sure how I got off the path. It was just supposed to be a loop. I don’t have my phone with me. It’s in the car. I just felt like something wasn’t right because it felt like it was taking forever to get back to my car. I don’t know. I really don’t. I’m so bad with directions, but I thought West Owl was a good trail for me because it’s just supposed to be a circle!”
The man with marks on his face walks up to you with a blanket, having heard the last half of your rant. “It is a loop, but you have to be careful of the path that crosses through it. That one will lead you towards the mountains instead of the parking lot.”
You could die of embarrassment. God, why were you cursed with this kind of shit?
“I didn’t…I had no…” Words, Y/N, damnit!
“What’s your name?” The tall blonde asks.
“It’s Y/N. Y/N L/N.” What about you guys?”
He hands you a water bottle and a hot dog inside of a bun. “I’m Naruto Uzumaki. This is my friend, Sasuke Uchiha.”
“Don’t speak for me, dobe.”
“Whatever you say, teme.”
You can’t help but giggle at their banter. It puts you more at ease.
“Do you think you could help me find West Owl tomorrow? I really don’t want to chance my way back on my own.”
“I’m not sure if we can do that. You see, we’re spending the week here, and West Owl is on the other side of the of the trail. It would take us at least two days to get you there. You could stay with us, though. Call whoever you need to. We have a hotspot,” Naruto explains cheerfully.
You were put off by their hospitality, but they seem nice enough. You accept their invitation to stay and make the necessary calls to work and family/friends.
“Thanks again, you guys. I really appreciate it. I’m just sorry to ruin your camping trip like this. I mean, you guys seem like good friends. I can’t help but feel like I’m intruding.”
Sasuke pushes your head lightly. “Don’t talk like that. Just, shut up and eat.”
Naruto can’t help but chuckle. “He’s not mad, just so you know. He’s just grumpy all the time.”
You’re still feeling slightly offended at having your head pushed, but you shake it off realizing it was probably in jest. “It’s alright.”
Seeing you finish your food, Sasuke stands up and pulls you from the chair. “I’m just checking you over for injures. Plus, you need a bath. You reek.”
Embarrassment shoots through you upon a man, A GODDAMN MAN, telling you that you stink. What’s even more humiliating is when he lifts your shirt over your head and lets it fall to the ground. His hands go straight for your sports bra as your body finally moves.
A tiny yelp escapes your throat, and you step back from him. “Hey, I…you…you can’t just…that’s…” Why are words so difficult for you to manage?
He can’t help the small smile that tugs at the corner of his lip. You get the feeling that he’s not a man of many emotions.
“Stay still. Like I said, I’m just checking you over for injuries, and then I’ll give you a bath.”
You finally find the correct way to vocalize your thoughts. “I’m not hurt, and I can bathe myself. Please, you can’t just go stripping strangers.”
“You might have an injury or wound you don’t know about. Bites can get infected quickly out here. Also, you still seem like you’re dehydrated from running around the woods for two days on an empty stomach. We can’t have you falling into the water with a current that strong.”
He sounds logical, and you can tell his patience is running thin, but to be stripped and bathed by someone you just met? What about your pride for fuck’s sake?!
“If you’re going to be sleeping next to us tonight, you’re going to be clean,” he tells you with a firm tone that leaves no room for an argument.
You look down and nod. Tears forming, but you force yourself to hold them back.
Sasuke removes your bra, shoes, socks, leggings, and then your underwear. You’re stark naked in front of him and Naruto, and you’re completely humiliated. You miss the look on Naruto’s face, the one that says “I’ll make you my wife”.
Sasuke runs his hands over your arms, legs, and torso. He catches one foot in his grip, turning it this way and that before checking the other one. Heat flushes your body as he goes behind you. He touches your back with grazing fingers. If it were a different situation, if it were maybe a lover stroking your skin like the black haired man, you’d shudder with lust. This is a far cry from a romantic situation though. Instead, you shudder with mortification. His hands trace the backs of your legs as he finishes your examination.
“No ticks, bug bites, or injures. You got lucky. Come on.” He pulls your hand and leads you over to the edge of the river bank. He pushes you to kneel next to him.
Naruto, being the little helper that he is, brings soap and a washcloth over for him and his friend. They dip the fabric into the cold water before adding soap. Sasuke washes the front of your body while Naruto washes the back. You can’t help but shiver, and not just from the frigid temperature.
Sasuke washes between your legs, and you squeak out a soft protest. “I can wash there myself!”
He grips your sudsy chin. “It’ll go by faster if you just comply.” He continues rubbing the insides of your thighs with the washcloth before dipping it in water again and adding more soap.
You huff but stay quiet. Unable to help when you feel something slip in between your crack, you whip around and look at Naruto.
He puts his hands up and gives you a smile. “Hey, calm down, it’s alright.”
They stand you up so they can wash the rest of you. You’re completely defeated at this point, exhaustion making it hard to fight them. You let Nauto wash your bottom as Sasuke washes your breasts. If you don’t think about it too much, which you force yourself not to, it actually feels kind of nice.
They both work the dirt and twigs from your hair, and it feels like you’re at a spa getting a scalp massage. Then a bucket of warm water from being heated by the fire is poured over your head. It jolts you from your comfort, but you’re thankful they used warm water instead of water from the river.
The next thing you know, you’re being wrapped in a towel by Naruto while Sasuke dries your soaked hair with another one. You shift on your feet uncomfortably as they walk you back to the fire.
The ever so helpful blonde gives you a shirt and a pair of boxers. “They’re clean. Don’t worry. I just thought you might want to get dressed.”
Taking the clothes from him sheepishly, you dress by the warmth of the flames before wrapping yourself back up in the blanket. They give you more water and another hot dog.
“You trying to fatten me up?” You ask, attempting to break the awkward silence with a joke.
“Just eat, dumbass,” comes the quiet rebuttal of Sasuke.
You roll your eyes at him. “Come on, you guys know me better than a lot of people now after seeing my bare tits and ass.”
Naruto coughs uncomfortably. “Do you need bug spray?”
“Yeah, that would be nice actually. Mosquitos out here are nasty. I think my repellent lasted until the bath just now.”
After eating your hotdog, you’re sprayed down with a healthy dose of bug spray. You share s’mores with the both of them, and not realizing what time it is, Naruto douses the fire with water.
“Alright, guess we should get going to bed. Y/N, you can sleep with us in the tent.”
You wake up in the morning in such a comfortable position, but the position you’re in makes you realize something. You’re nestled in between the blonde and brunette. With your bent leg draped over Naruto’s thighs and an arm behind your head, Naruto has a hand on your ass while Sasuke is palming your tit.
Shooting straight up, you practically jump out of the tent.
“Hu?” You hear. It’s gruff and groggy, and you’re not sure whom it belongs to, but you don’t really care.
As you walk further from the tent, you hear footsteps approaching you. A strong hand grabs your arm, and you turn around to see Naruto.
“Hey, what’s wrong? Is everything alright? Where are you going?”
“No, everything is not alright! I…you…he…” Get your fucking shit together. “My butt and boobs!” You could die. You really want to die.
He looks severely confused by your pronouncement of body parts. “Is this about the bath last night?”
Oh, fucking hell, they don’t even know they were groping you in the middle of the night.
Taking a deep breath, you tell him, “I woke up to you touching my butt and Sasuke with a hand on my tit.”
He goes as red as you and suddenly flips shit. “Oh my God! I wasn’t trying to pull anything funny! I swear. I had no idea! I am so sorry about that. Please, you have to believe me. I’m not like that!”
You cross your arms uncomfortably, but…he seems sincere. You nod and let him make you breakfast. It’s his way of trying to make things up to you as he put it.
Sasuke retreats from the tent at the smell of eggs and bacon. You watch Sasuke and Naruto talk about something that causes a bold blush to spread across the stoic one’s cheeks. He looks at you and offers an apology. You know exactly what he’s apologizing for, and you accept and thank him for giving you one.
The rest of the week goes by quickly. You’re actually having one of the best vacations of your life. You play games with them, talk to them about anything and everything, pester Sasuke (which is so much fun to the point where you can’t help yourself sometimes), and you’re able to just get away from the world and be yourself.
However, all good things must come to an end, or so you think.
When they say they’re taking you back to West Owl Trail, you don’t even realize you’re going in a completely different direction than when you stumbled into the camp. Hell, you don’t even recognize the different terrain, concluding that you were just so out of it when you were lost. What you seem to lack in common sense finally comes back to you when you’ve hiked so far that you end up at a cabin.
“Guys, is this your cabin? What are we doing here? I thought we were going back to West Owl?” Questions tumble from your mouth endlessly.
You’re only shut up when Naruto places a hand on your shoulder. “You see…about that…Sasuke and I decided it would be better if you stick with us for the time being. You just don’t seem very capable of taking care of yourself. I mean, you got lost on a trail that’s just a big loop. Don’t worry, though! We’re going to take care of you now.”
“I’m directionally challenged. I can’t help it, but that doesn’t mean I can’t take care of myself! I have a job, I pay my own bills, I bathe very frequently, I clean my own home, and I cook and feed myself.” You list off the ways you take care of yourself, feeling as though you’re making a useless case but trying to remain hopeful.
“That’s great! That means you can help take care of the place,” Naruto beams.
You shake your head in horror. That’s not what you meant at all.
Sasuke brings the last of the supplies inside and sets them down before sitting on the couch. “Did you explain things to her?”
“Yeah, she’s really excited about it. Even offered to help cook and clean up around here.”
“What?! No, I didn’t! I want to go back to West Owl! Take me back right now!”
“You’re not going anywhere, and lower your voice. It’s annoying. Nobody will hear you anyway. This is private property, isolated for a good three miles in each direction,” Sasuke orders.
Naruto takes your hand. “Look, let’s try to make the best of this.”
You jerk your wrist out of his grip. “There’s nothing to make the best of. Look, I don’t belong here. I have a job, friends, family.”
“It’s okay. Listen, we’re going to take care of you. There’s no need to worry about your job anymore. As for your family and friends, you can talk to them with us monitoring your texts and calls. You’ll tell them you met some people, and you’re going to be staying with them for a while.” Naruto rubs your arms reassuringly while he explains things.
You’re anything but reassured.
“No…I…this isn’t…you can’t…” Tears brim your eyes and rush down your cheeks as you realize your predicament. These two aren’t just going to let you walk out the door if you try to leave. They look strong enough to restrain or subdue you. They want you here. For what purpose? You have no idea. It could be to fulfill some sick fantasy for all you know.
You try to brush the tears away only to have more fall. It’s a fruitless endeavor, so you give up.
Naruto gives you a warm hug, but all you feel is suffocated, smothered. You want air, some space. Some fucking distance. However, too overwhelmed with what’s going on, your arms wrap around him, not wanting to anger him as you’re starting to fear the worst.
He smiles from the return of affection and whispers softly in your ear, “It’ll be alright. We’re gonna take care of you. You better believe it.”
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literary-motif · 4 months
People Pleasing's Never Good For Your Health
Asirel Cain x Reader
Asirel forgets to feed you.
Warnings: talk of starvation
Asirel, while being the kindest human you had encountered in a while, certainly was not the nicest. He was cold, calculating and gave you the impression that — despite saying otherwise — he wanted to earn your trust and good grace only to exploit you further down the road. 
In his line of business, the selfishness he exuded certainly came in handy. At least, that was what you assumed based on the cryptic allusions he had made about it. It had not been easy to understand what your new occupation for him would entail since he was adamant about evading all your questions about himself, his life, and his work.
You accepted without hesitation regardless, jumping at the prospect of getting out of the chains digging into your skin, shackling you to the wall, and escaping the underground cell you had been placed in. There had been so little stimuli for your heightened senses during your time of captivity that with every passing day, it felt more and more like you were losing your mind, another piece of you chiseled away by the darkness and loneliness and quiet.
It was different with Asirel. 
The mansion you were staying in was large and, despite Asirel’s obvious trust issues, had various people rushing in and out throughout the day. Not that you minded the commotion they caused. On the contrary, the sound of them going about their work made you feel calm. The smell they brought with them, their occasional touch when they brushed you in the hallway, made you slowly leave the rotten cage behind, which had shackled you for so long, and start feeling alive again.
Due to Asirel being so closed off, however, he did not exactly specify what you could and couldn’t do now that you were officially his, well, pet, and you did not want to risk upsetting him so soon into your collaboration. 
What he had asked of you was not difficult to achieve, honestly. Watching over him, protecting him from some humans that might want to one-up him sometime in the future: no problem at all. You could snap all his assailants like a twig. Asirel was perfectly safe with you.
Standing in the kitchen now, the cook behind the kitchen aisle happily chatting to you about their two cats while slicing bread, the thought hit you that this was the happiest you had been in a long while. 
You had your own room, which you could leave at your own volition to roam around the house and interact with people who, surprisingly, did not treat you like a monster or some creature to be afraid of. Of course, there was the occasional employee who would duck their head and find the most absurd excuse to leave the room when you entered, but they were oddly rare. Most of the staff, especially the cook, seemed mildly intrigued by you, treating you as just another part of their uncommon lives. 
It was all rather charming, if not for a very substantial issue you did not know how to raise with Asirel: he had not let you feed in what felt like ages.
Vampires did not need to feed as often as humans did, so much was true, but at least once a week would be nice. Once every two weeks would also be acceptable if Asirel could only arrange for that much, but it had been a month since he had taken you in and ever since giving you his blood while you were still in your cell, shackled to the wall, he had not opened his veins again for you. That was a considerable time to go without fresh blood, and you had started to feel light-headed, occasionally having a spike of agony rise deep within you at being starved. Again.
You had been given next to nothing to eat during your captivity as a way to keep you weak and pliable for your capturers, but now, being tasked with protecting someone, you bitterly wondered how exactly you were supposed to do that efficiently and to the best of your abilities if Asirel did not give you enough to eat to restore your full potential. 
A part of you wondered if he was doing it on purpose, keeping you weak because he did not trust you. Maybe he was afraid of what you would do, of what you could do if you wished, both to him and all the people in his care. But that would be unreasonable. Why get you in the first place, then? What use was a weak vampire? How would they protect him, when they themself were a potential threat if they lost their senses from sheer hunger?
More probable was the thought that Asirel simply did not know better. Of course, he had seemingly dealt with vampires and other beings for a long time during his career, but that did not mean he knew their requirements regarding the quantity of food they needed. 
You had wanted to bring it up, but the unreasonable part of yourself — the mistrustful one — held onto the thought that he knew exactly what he was doing, and did not want you to feed for whatever reason. To keep you weak. To test you and find out how far he could push you until you caved.
You did not dare to ask him for blood he would not give of his own accord, which left you here, leaning against the wall of the kitchen and trying to follow along to Tay’s words as best as you could to distract you from the hunger eating you up from the inside. 
“I know you’ve probably seen a lot of places,” they said, drying the salad leaves, “and I envy you for that. I’ve always wanted to go to Europe. Just imagine the beaches of the Mediterranean. Or the fog slowly creeping around the trees of the German Schwarzwald!”
“Why have you never gone, then?” you asked, eyeing the half-finished sandwich with disdain, “I’ve got some connections, I believe. If you want, I could inquire about the best places to visit.”
Tay blushed, stuttering out a quick thank you before declining the offer. “I mean, this job pays very well. That’s not the issue. I’m just thinking about going on this trip when I get married, like on a honeymoon,” they said, breaking into a beaming grin that would outshine the sun, “but I don’t think my fianceé’s ready yet. I’ll just wait. The Schwarzwald is not going anywhere. Besides, I have the two fur balls to look over, and I— damn!”
The scent of blood hit you an instant before Tay’s hiss of pain did. You inhaled sharply, mouth-watering, and muscles seizing at the acute reminder that food was within your grasp if you only dared to reach for it. 
Mistaking your intake of breath for a gasp of worry, Tay reassured you quickly, cleaning their bleeding finger under the faucet before wrapping it in a tissue, “I’m fine really. I was distracted by the trees and my knife slipped. Nothing to worry about, I assure you.” 
They turned around, shooting you a smile meant to be comforting, oblivious to your predicament. Distantly, you thought that they must have forgotten that you were a vampire, or they trusted you so much not to be afraid to bleed near you since they assumed you had yourself under complete control. You were not sure which of those answers made your heart ache more.
The feeling of hunger was only increasing, and no matter how much you tried to distract yourself by pushing your back further against the wall, you could feel the tread of your control slowly wearing down. You would snap any moment now. “Leave,” you bit out through gritted teeth, the confused tilt of Tay’s head only furthering your irritation, “Leave the room. I’m serious.”
“But I—” they began hesitantly, looking at you with wide eyes that shone with something akin to hurt, “I have not finished my work yet.”
You could no longer contain yourself, rushing towards them with unnatural speed. The smell of blood was all you could focus on, and it was so close you could almost taste the liquid in your mouth. It did not matter that it was Tay bleeding; the person who had opened up to you immediately and tried their hardest to make you feel comfortable in your new environment. It did not matter because the prospect of feeding after being denied for so long was just so intoxicating that it numbed your mind, letting your primal instincts take over. 
“And pet,” Asirel had said after giving you a short tour of the house and introducing you to those under his care who worked in it regularly, “if you hurt any one of my employees, I’ll stick you back in a cage you will never get out of. Do I make myself clear?”
You braced yourself against the kitchen aisle at the last instant, gripping it with strength so crushing you wondered why it did not splinter under your hands. Tay had taken a hurried step back, their back hitting the counter and their hands raised as if trying to fend you off. 
“Leave!” you growled again, closing your eyes to focus on your breathing and drown out the sound of the erratic heartbeat — pumping fresh, delicious blood in abundance — on the other side of the room.
“What is going on here?” Asirel’s sharp voice cut through the haze in your mind, the thought of blood momentarily forgotten as a sense of dread overcame you. “What did you do?” he hissed angrily, moving to stand beside you as if waiting, daring you to move and attack.
You looked up to Tay, who was still standing as far away from you as they could, frozen in shock and fear. Their wide eyes and rigid posture made your heart break. ‘A monster,’ you could see it reflected in their gaze on you, ‘I was befriending a monster.’
“I—” your voice caught on the first syllable. 
“It’s my fault, really,” Tay said quietly, a forced smile appearing on their face, “I was careless, cutting myself in the kitchen. They just—”
Asirel raised a hand, making them fall silent. “I told you to behave,” he said, his tone of voice turning his words into a threat. 
It made you bristle. Still refusing to look at him, you kept your gaze on the sandwich on the counter. The image of food reminded you of the pain cursing through you, the pain he was responsible for. The rage suddenly twisting sharply inside you forced you to take a steadying breath. “It would be easier to behave,” you snapped with as much venom as you could muster, “if you were not starving me!”
A part of you had expected Asirel to laugh at that, perhaps to mock you about how easy you were to break — at how pathetic it was that you were not brave enough to take what you needed for yourself — but he did not. The suffocating silence engulfing the room instead made your skin crawl with anticipation and uncertainty. 
Clearing his throat, Asirel began to speak. “Tay,” he said calmly, but you could hear the underlying tremor in his voice, “Leave. Take a break, it’s alright.”
For a moment, it looked like they wanted to protest or say something, but a single look from Asirel made them swallow their words. They ducked their head and exited the kitchen, leaving the two of you alone together. 
“I did not mean to snap at you,” you apologized in a whisper, but Asirel was not paying you any attention. He was busy removing his suit jacket and rolling up his left sleeve. You glanced at him, a frown on your face. “What are you doing?”
Asirel chuckled humorlessly. “What, you tell me I am starving you and expect me to just move on from that? I know you haven’t known me long, but I would have thought that you at least had some vague idea about the person I am. Now come on” — he held his arm out towards you — “drink. I know you want to, pet. You need to.”
He was right. But the overwhelming need to feed was exactly why you were hesitant to do so. You did not know how far you would go once you tasted blood, and you did not want to risk draining Asirel. “I—” you stuttered, as he kept looking at you expectantly, “I’m afraid I won’t stop.”
“I trust you,” he said without hesitation, “Come on now, I can see you’re fighting to restrain yourself. Give in, it’s alright.” Asirel stepped closer to you, making you fight the urge to take a step back. His heartbeat was even louder now, drowning out everything else. “I give you permission.”
Your resolve broke. Slowly at first, you began feeding, but the sweet taste of his blood in your mouth made you crave more and more. It had been so long that you could not help yourself now, finally allowed to satiate your hunger. 
The soft grunts and hisses from Asirel barely registered as you continued, oblivious to everything but the satisfaction of finding relief. “Right,” he said hoarsely, “That’s enough for now.” You did not stop, too caught up in the bliss to notice his words. “Pet?” Asirel brought his free hand up to tread through your hair, pulling slightly to get you to release his arm. 
With a herculean effort, you let go of him. “Pardon,” you mumbled, licking your lips to savor every last drop of his blood. Admittedly, you felt a lot better. The pain tearing at you had subsided, and you could feel renewed energy flowing through you. 
When you looked back at Asirel, you found him leaning heavily against the counter, trying to catch his breath. He looked pale. A thin layer of sweat had appeared on his forehead and his hands shook as he tried to loosen his tie. “I just need a moment,” he said weakly, and you could see him swaying where he stood. “Just a moment, and then you can keep—”
You pulled up a chair from the kitchen table, grabbing his arm to keep him from falling as you helped him sit down. “Did I take too much?” you asked, narrowing your eyes as you undid his tie and opened the first button of his dress shirt. With quick steps, you walked around the kitchen aisle and grabbed the sandwich Tay prepared, bringing it to Asirel. 
“No, not at all,” he answered quickly, eyeing the food. “I have just had something to eat. I’m fine.” 
You kneeled, catching his gaze. “Asirel, I need you to be honest with me on this, please,” you said firmly, and the  seriousness and gravity of your voice made him pause, “Did I take too much?” The burning intensity of your eyes entranced and confused him in equal measures, making him forget that you had not called him by his preferred title.
He considered your question for a moment, holding eye contact. “No,” he said with confidence, “You did not. It was fine, pet. Don’t worry.”
His response made you breathe a quiet sigh of relief. “Good,” you whispered to yourself. Asirel’s fingers running slowly through your hair brought you back to the present, raising your eyes to look at his somber expression. “Eat, please. You need the energy after the blood I took from you.”
“Why didn’t you say something?” he asked instead, continuing to play with your hair. You looked away, unable to meet his piercing gaze, but he stopped you, tilting your chin up with the fingers of his free hand. “Don’t look away from me, pet. Why did you not tell me you were suffering?” 
“It was not a priority,” you said quietly, “and you seemed to be versed enough with vampires that I assumed you knew what you were doing, so what use was there in reminding you?”
For a moment, Asirel’s gaze softened. His expression turned from his usual mask of being entirely in control of a situation into one of anguish and guilt. He opened his mouth to say something but thought better of it. He exhaled slowly, and the hard look in his eyes returned a moment later. “From now on, tell me,” he said, taking a bite of the sandwich, “I can help.”
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 6 months
10 BL Boys That I Want "Carnally"
aka The Horny List
I was tagged by @my-rose-tinted-glasses @twig-tea @rocketturtle4 and @nieves-de-sugui 🤍 Thank you so much! And sorry I am late to the game! I am lying down with a cold right now... what means I had a little time to think about this list and to respect my own weak heart for bad boys and puppy guys... The heart wants what the heart wants...
Starting the list with one of the softest and warmest bad boys out there right now:
Mhok from Last Twilight
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He stole my heart from the beginning and never gave it back. I guess he will keep it for eternity. And that is totally fine! He has the biggest heart and is the biggest green flag disguised as a red flag that is walking the bl-world right now. I love how he looks at Day, how he takes care for him and how he slowly fell for him.
I guess the second one doesn't come as a surprise when you look at my profle pic:
Boeing from Only Friends
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He is just sex on a stick and I am still mad that he got introduced so late into the show. He would have been so much fun to watch destroying the whole "friend group" piece by piece. I would have watched such a show. Well I guess I would watch a show in which he just leans out of the pool like that for 40 minutes straight and I wouldn't be mad...
On third we have our first couple, because one doesn't work without the other:
DongWook and DoHyun from A Breeze Of Love
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I was so freaking happy seeing those two wanting each other. Those two were in love with each other, not just on an emotional level but on a physical level attracted to each other and the series didn't hide it! It is my favorite bl of this year and the mutual attraction played into it. And those two are just two lost puppies who wants to love and be loved and urgh! I love them!
Going on to an old crush of mine:
Forth from 2 Moons 2
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Yes, it is mostly Pavel, but I really liked this soft bad boy with this rascal hair cut and the tattoos. I loved his whole character and yes in the end I am just a weak girl, because look at him!
One character I wish I could drag out of the screen and keep as my own little prince of his stupid white horse:
Yai from I Feel You Linger In The Air
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He is one of the prettiest men I ever saw and his puppy eyes with which he is looking at Jom and the soft voice whenever he says his name were making me weak in the knees. He is a total romantic and just wants to love and be loved in return. He is the perfect gentleman and loyal till the end. He needs a strong partner at his side to be the best version of himself and when he dances, the whole world stops for a moment.
Coming to a very much new pic for me and it is a pairing again:
Naoki and Yamashiro from Kiss x Kiss x Kiss: Love ii Shower
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I mean Naoki looked like a greek god and Yamashiro was just so sensual in this short episode. I have to confess, I couldn't find a version with subtitles, so I don't know exactly what they were talking about, but in the end, did I really care that much, especially when they started using a language I could understand very good? No, not really. Sometimes I just like looking at beautiful people kissing each other.
One of my long-lasting loves:
Mark from Love Mechanics
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I adore War. I love him so much and I am going feral when Jack & Joker really comes real next year. He has one of the best faces out there. He looks good crying and being evil and of course laughing. And Mark was such a lost puppy prick and Vee treated him really shitty for most of the times, but because I love Vee too, I can't be too hard on him. But Mark, I want to give him a hug... everytime all the time!
And on we go with another recent catch for my eyes:
Phaya from The Sign
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He is such a flirt and he makes it very clear that he likes Tharn and I love that for us. He is one of the people I want to be hold in their arms just like Tharn here. I can't wait for those two to finally give in to their feelings! And for the mystical plot to unfold itself more, because I really want to know what is going on! And I want those two to save each other.
The next one is called Papi Chulo on TikTok and I can see why:
Sailom from Wedding Plan
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The series might not be the best one out there and Papi Chulo might be frustrating for some people, but I loved them both! Lom is such a treat and for most of the times I understand why he acted like he did. And after he came clean with Namnuea he was the best boyfriend/fiancé. And he has one of the best smiles out there and such a cute mole!
Closing this list with the one character I am going feral at the moment whenever he is on screen:
Prom from Playboyy
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He has this pure lust in his eyes whenever he looks at Nont and I love it. I don't know if I would trust Prom, but be sure if this man wants to put on a mask and punish me in his basement I would let him... He is one of my guilty pleasures right now and I would watch the series just for him and his fucked up relationship with Nont.
This was fun! I am so late to the game, I am not tagging anyone, because I know many have done it already and I don't want to double tag :) But if you see this and want to do it yourself, feel free to make your own list and tag me, so I can have a look at your picks 😊
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jinns-anime-shit · 6 months
Imagine you’re one of Yuji’s cousins and you lived in the US until you found out his grandpa died and so you move back to Japan to become Yuji’s guardian but Choso is already taking care of him and won’t let him leave so you have to live with both of them
You and Choso hate each other and are hostile at first but after a night of shared secrets and deep life stories you end up falling asleep on each others shoulders on the couch
And after that Choso starts to do small cute gestures and he smiles his cute awkward smile at you whenever he can because he loves how it makes your cheeks warm and that sweet giggle slip from your lips
And one day Yuji can’t find either of you until he knocks on your door and finds Choso cuddled up on top of the sheet with you under them and his face is buried in your side because he had a nightmare but didn’t want to wake you so he just rested there. Yuji takes a picture and sneaks out before either of you notice
And then later when Megumi is over you hear Yuji giggling about something and showing Megumi his phone. Megumi is a lot more chill and discreet but he does give you a small knowing smirk and you furrow your brows because why is he looking at you like that?
And Choso can’t stop stuttering around you and being flustered. He’s very clumsy and apologizes when he “accidentally” touches your hand when you both reach for something in the fridge but then he asks if you would rather go get dinner at a restaurant
You agree and instead of staying at a restaurant Choso gets take out and walks with you to a park where a picnic blanket is set up with tiny battery-lit candles (because he doesn’t trust the wind)
He awkwardly runs off to a tree and steps behind it to grab a pot with your favorite plant/flower inside. The pot is a simple ceramic but it’s clearly been painted and it’s a sloppy picture of the two of you with a heart in the middle
Your smile is brighter than the moon as you take it and tell him it’s perfect and you love it. He blurts out that he’s in love with you and you giggle, saying that he should at least take you out on another date before deciding that he’s in love, but when his expression drops you immediately tell him you’re just teasing
He asks if you like him as well and you laugh, making him self conscious again, to which you quickly cover by saying “well duh I like you!” His cute and awkward smile bursts onto his face and you giggle while leaning over and kissing his cheek
Yuji and Megumi are hiding in some of the other trees and Yuji is taking pictures of you and Choso while Megumi struggles to hold him from falling. He debates dropping Yuji but decides he might get dumped if he does, and despite finding him absolutely annoying, he’s fallen for Yuji (not literally, he’s got good balance)
But eventually Megumi’s grip gets weak and he does end up dropping Yuji, but he soon follows after as a big gust of wind knocks him off of the branch. You and Choso look over and both run to the boys, only to find Yuji laughing as Megumi’s hair is covered with leaves and sticks. Choso makes sure Yuji is okay while you pluck the twigs from Megumi’s hair. You scold them and ask them what they were doing, only for Yuji to show you the pictures
You look at Choso with a smirk and ask if he knew they would be here, and he sheepishly scratches his neck and admits that yes, he asked them to help him with taking you out on a date. You just grin and wrap your arms around him in a hug, burying your face in his chest which makes his cheeks turn beet red. He smiles again and reciprocates the hug before you pull back and give him a proper kiss.
He’s stunned, gooped, and gagged. He’s frozen in place. He had his first kiss with the most amazing person to ever exist, and now he gets to take you home and hopefully make it under the sheets when cuddling this time, because he nearly froze the other night with your massive industrial sized fan blowing
You live happily ever after, unless Satoru and Suguru are around being the chaotic husbands that they are. At least Megumi can keep Yuji calm (most of the time, except for when Nobara is around)
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goldustwomun · 2 years
false god (e.m.)
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pairing: eddie munson x best friend! fwb! reader
summary: sleeping with your best friend was never a good idea, and though he’s confessed his feelings to you, they were feelings he felt for an entirely different girl. 
warnings: some smut-type-spicey stuff! angst!! a whole lotta swearing because i just loved dropping the f-bombs; some l-bombs again because reader is entirely infatuated with our boy eddie; mentions of drugs and smoking and drinking xx err also possibly ooc eddie because it’s my first time writing him (second time writing so be kind)
wc: 3.2k+
note: this wrote itself, i have no regrets :) entirely inspired by the t swizzle song & it’s unedited for now because I just want it out in the world and my brain hurts too much to read it over xx but likes & reblogs are much appreciated <3 love u alllll 
read part two - part three
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The two of you were never a done deal. There was no handshake, no whispered promise, no exchange of blood under a full moon. It’d only ever been stolen moments that were brushed aside as slip-ups. Blame placed on the drink, the drugs, the look in each other’s eyes. 
How was he meant to resist when you walked into his trailer in that tiny skirt, lips pouting and talking a mile a minute? He was a patient man, sure, had to be when just about everyone treated him like some kind of satanic ‘freak’. But you’d talk, and talk, and talk, and as much as he loved to hear you talk, sometimes (most of the time), he’d lean over and shut you up with his mouth instead of hearing just how much you hated whatever misogynistic prick you’d seen on TV that day.
It was the same with you. How were you meant to keep your hands, your lips off of him and his skin when he smiled at you in that crazed way he always did? With his constantly-flourishing hands and his ability to look at you for not even a minute before he’d deciphered what it was that had been bugging you since you’d woken up. 
To everyone else, Eddie Munson was the guy who was probably in a cult, listened to the devil’s music, smelled of pot (always), and was exactly the kind of guy mother’s warned their daughters about. He wore leather and chains and had tattoos you loved to trace when you were in bed together.
Eddie Munson was all of these things, and more, to most of Hawkins. 
Yet to you – you were certain he’d be the only man you’ll ever love. 
Now you know you’re young, somewhat naive to the world, and definitely haven't lived enough of life to make such profoundly passionate claims. 
But somewhere deep down in your heart, in your soul, in your very being – you knew it to be true. That it would always be Eddie. 
Eddie. Eddie. Eddie. 
And the worst part of it all, the real irony of it, was that you’d yet to find the courage to say just that to him, and though he’d said it to you, he’d been talking about someone else. 
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“It’s Chrissy, babe. I’m telling you – she’s the one!” 
He’d been gushing non-stop since he’d fallen into step beside you, arms swinging with such dramatic ease that you had to duck occasionally just to avoid getting hit. “I don’t know why now. It’s not like we’ve ever talked, not since middle school, at least. And yes, yes, I know what you’re going to say– she’d never be into me. But I’m telling you, she is, she has to be – I just know it.”
He stopped, finally, hands landing on your shoulders to turn you towards him. Eddie Munson smiled down at you, waiting, panting, expectantly, to hear just how happy you were that your best friend had found the one. 
You could only offer him a tight smile and an encouraging squeeze of his bicep before you shrugged him off of you, stepping past him. The ground looked oddly enchanting, what with all of the dirt, and twigs, and stomped-on bugs. You couldn’t get enough of it, really. Well, you couldn’t get enough of anything that’d distract you from the frown that had replaced Eddie’s previous grin. 
He didn’t say anything, only walked beside you, having understood that if he pried, you’d only lash out. And while those fights and arguments usually ended with him inside of you and you screaming his name to oblivion, he had a feeling this time wasn’t like the rest. 
It wasn’t until you made it to his Uncle’s trailer that he finally spoke again. Shoving himself between you and his bedroom door so that you couldn’t avoid the conversation – the catastrophic explosion, more like – any longer. 
“What’d I do?” he asked, confident it was the right route to take. If it was anyone else you were upset with, it was Eddie you’d go to, to rant and complain and curse out. So he knew, if it wasn’t anyone else, it had to be him who’d fucked up. He just didn’t know where he’d gone wrong. 
“It’s nothing, Ed,” you brushed off, trying, failing, to push past him. When he didn’t budge, you sighed, glaring up at him and his stupidly endearing curly head of hair. “I’m serious. It’s nothing, just move out of the way.”
“Why?” Eddie wasn’t usually this pushy, but this time around, he stood defiantly at the door frame. 
“Why? Because I want a fucking smoke, Ed. What’s wrong with you?” The anger was building, he could see it buzzing under your skin as your nostrils flared at him in annoyance. That was good, though. Some emotion, even the bad kind, was better than whatever apathetic bullshit you were currently trying to feed him. 
“You’re not gonna get a smoke until you tell me what’s wrong!”
“I told you– nothing! For fuck’s sake–”
“It’s obviously not nothing if you’re fucking shouting at me, now is it!”
“Whatever Munson. Keep your drugs.” You shook your head, fists clenched like you were readying yourself to punch him right in his face (the face you hated to adore), but instead you spun your heel, snatched your bag off of the pathetic excuse of a kitchen table, and hauled ass out of the door. 
“Hey, hey hey!” He rushed at you from behind, slamming the trailer door shut before you’d even had a chance to think about how irrational you were acting. You think it might be your body’s way of getting you to confess, to just tell him. “God! Stop acting like such a brat. Just tell me, I’m not here to judge you, you know that’s not me!”
You knew you were being unreasonable, you knew he’d know something was wrong, and you knew Eddie was just the person to pry it out of you. You were just afraid of what it’d do to the two of you. 
You were glaring holes into the dented metal of the door, knowing the only way out was the truth. 
“It’s Chrissy,” you said, though your voice was barely above a whisper.
“What?” he asked, still confused by your outburst.
“Babe, I can’t hear you if you mumble you words like tha–”
“It’s fucking Chrissy, Munson, you fucking moron! Chrissy, Chrissy, Chrissy!” you shouted, finally, right in his face. 
And you laughed at how dumbstruck he looked, because you could tell he knew where this conversation was headed. It was a road you’d both avoided for months now, ever since the lines of friends and more had started to blur. 
“Chrissy? I– What? Why Chrissy? What’d she do to you?” You flinched at the concern in his voice, hated that he cared so damn much for you. But you had to remind yourself that care and concern didn’t equate love, and you loved Eddie Munson but he’d never love you back. 
“She didn’t do anything. It’s– She’s– Fuck! Eddie, I don’t want to talk about this!” you cried indignantly, hands flying to hide the emotions so blatantly apparent on your face. He could read you like his favourite book and you needed to rip some pages out before he got too far. 
“Then what do you want to do?” His voice was raw, rough and achingly soft. Eddie’s hands moved to pull your own away from your face, pinching your chin harshly between his fingers so you looked him in the eye. “What do you want to do, babe?” 
Sure, you were looking at him and he was looking at you, but Eddie’s gaze was blatantly trained on your mouth as you gaped up at him, now dumbstruck yourself. 
“You,” you breathed into the slowly shrinking space between your bodies. “I want to do you.”
It was all he needed to hear before he’d crashed right into you. Eddie wasn’t the most useful member of society. He hadn’t yet graduated high school, didn’t have a job, and spent most of his time with fourteen year olds that could probably pass for twelve. But sex, and even more so, sex with you – he knew how to do that, was really good at doing it, as well. 
“That’s it sweetheart, melt right into me,” he urged into your ear, hands shifting from your face, to squeezing your hips, to the heated back of your thighs before he pulled you closer, forcing you to jump into his hold, lock your legs tightly around his waist. 
He walked blindly to his room, one of his hands stretched out to steady the both of you because he couldn’t quite convince himself to tear his lips from your neck long enough to see where he was going. 
“Fucking– fuck!” he cursed when he bashed his hip into the door handle, only for the same offender to jab into your side. You whined into his mouth, brows furrowing in pain, but his fingers rubbed circles into your skin to soothe the ache. 
“I’m sorry, baby, I know– I know, it hurts. But I’m going to make you feel better, yeah?” His voice had dropped into that register that always had your thighs squeezing shut. You could feel his words right down to the pit of your stomach.
 “That’s it. That’s my girl. Isn’t this so much better than fighting?” he asked sweetly, lifting your little dress off of your body before running his warm lips across the top of your breasts. 
“Eddie, please,” you managed to whimper out between gasps and moans. You couldn’t wait, not this time. You need him now, hard and fast, before the spell breaks. 
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” he hushed, then giggled quietly to himself in the midst of stripping his clothes off. “That’s what you’re going to be saying very soon.”
You tugged at his hair for his cockiness, manoeuvring around him to push him back on the bed. “I want to be on top,” you stated firmly, unhooking your bra and slipping your panties down your legs. They were shaking with anticipation but your movements were practised; confident enough that he didn’t notice.
It was only when you picked his discarded band tee from off of the floor that his smile dropped, watching you with pinpointed fascination. He leaned up on his arms to get a better look at you, standing, naked, in his shirt that barely reached midway of your thighs. “Fuck,” he cursed under his breath, hand snaking down his own body to palm at his growing prick. “You’re killing me here.”
“That’s the hope, Munson.”
Climbing onto the bed, knees resting on either side of his hips, you gave into the urge. Your fingertips traced the ink, stark against his flushed skin, across his chest, admiring how it puffed out towards you with every deep pant of his. “Sweetheart, please,” he begged, words barely forming at his lips. 
You were sat, bare, right on top of where he needed you, and as much as you wanted to get on with it, you relished in the feeling. In the feeling of him needing you, wanting you, for just a few more minutes.
Eddie, of course, wasn’t as patient. Not when you were in his shirt, in his bed, skin on display. You were entirely his, in that moment, and he was going to make you remember it. With an easy back of his hips, he had the two of you flipped as your back collided hard with his mattress. He grinned down at you, teeth flashing that deadly smile that told you, you were in for it. 
“I thought I was the one in charge here?” he mocked, caging you in with his arms. Eddie leaned down until his face was barely inches away from your own, hot breath mingling with your own. You leaned up, trying to capture his lips but he moved back in time to avoid the fated collision. 
“Sweetheart,” he mumbled, staring so deeply into you, you were worried you’d combust right then and there. Spill all your secrets and beg for mercy later, after he’d fucked you. “Do you want me?” 
It was the stupidest question you’d ever heard. He knew it. You knew it. But you answered anyway, your words wreaking desperation. “Yes, Eddie, please. I want you, so fucking bad.” 
“Why are you upset with Chrissy?”
You didn’t think you’d heard him right. It was like a needle scratching against a record player as the spinning stopped, and suddenly, all you wanted was out of his arms. “Fuck you, Eddie Munson,” you whispered curelly, shoving him off of you as you scrambled across the ground to shove your underwear up your legs, your dress over your arms. 
He didn’t stop you this time, only watched you clutch your things in your shaking hands as you sprinted out of his room, out of the trailer, and most worryingly, out of his life. 
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You avoided the man known as Eddie Munson like a plague you weren’t too eager to catch. You hid in the girl’s bathroom during lunch, took the long way home or begged Nancy for a ride, even skipped out on work for a week, feigning illness. 
The problem, of course, was Eddie knew your routine, and your plan B for these exact situations, so it didn’t take long for him to catch-up with you after you slipped-up and returned to your usual walk home. 
He stood under a tree, looking entirely calm, cool, and collected. Of course, you could tell he was shitting bricks. That it was a facade he had put up because there were other people on the suburban street you lived on, and he wasn’t looking to draw unwanted attention. 
“Can we talk?” he asked, grabbing your elbow as you walked by him so you turned to face him. He pulled the pair of you deeper into the grove of trees when you refused to answer him, instead staring blankly at a spot on his chest. 
“I fucked up. I know I did. I shouldn’t have brought Chrissy up and–”
“Don’t say her name,” you insisted, cutting him off. “In front of me, at least, just don’t say her name. It makes me want to rip my skin off my bones every time I hear it come from your mouth. So don’t.” There was venom in your voice he hadn’t ever heard before, and he worried he’d slipped you the vial. 
“Baby, please, I need you to tell me. I’m worried about you, about us.” He was entirely earnest when he spoke. Eddie had a knack of being the most genuine person you’d met.
“There’s no ‘us’, Eddie. There never was, and there sure as hell isn’t one now.”
“What are you talking about? Things were fine! They were good! I thought you were enjoying yourself because I sure was!”
“I wasn’t just enjoying it, Eddie. I loved it!” you fired back. “I loved you! Fuck– I love you.” The admission hurt even more as your voice cracked. Eddie’s lips moved around words that weren’t quite making it out of his mouth as he stared at you, slack jawed. You relished in the satisfaction of doing the unexpected, leaving people so completely shocked and surprised by your every move.
But in that moment – a moment you had dreamed tirelessly of, when you’d admit your feelings to one Eddie Munson and the two of you would be forever – the confusion on Eddie’s face wasn’t something you took pride in then. 
“I didn’t know,” he confessed himself, reaching out for your hand that lay limp at your side. You pulled back immediately, not trusting yourself. 
“I know you didn’t. You’re too kind of a person to go on and on about another girl you think is the one, in front of the girl who actually loves you.” You hated saying it, but it was true. Eddie, despite the town’s best efforts to disprove, didn’t have a mean bone in his body. He was annoyingly good, even when he was being an oblivious prick. 
“It doesn’t matter, Eddie. Not anymore. I’m tired, really fucking tired, actually. And I know you don’t love and trust easily, so I know, as your friend, best friend, fuck buddy – whatever we were, that she’s good for you.” The tears were falling freely now and you were sure the place in your chest reserved for your heart was nothing but a decaying pit of black. It hurt, but you knew he was too selfless to let you go himself. 
Wiping aggressively at your tears, you continued, having rehearsed the speech in your head, over and over again, the past week. 
“If Chrissy is what you want– who you want, I mean. I’m not going to stop you. I can’t. Not when I’ll be second to her on your list when you’ve always been the whole damn universe to me. It’ll be hard, because I know you need help with Spanish and fixing the lightbulb in your room – but I can find you another tutor and write down the instructions, so don’t worry about it, yeah? 
It’ll be hard for me, too, but I have Nancy, and Steve, and Robin, and I know they’re your friends as well but we’ll make it work– schedule times to see them separately, or whatever and–”
“Stop talking,” he interrupted abruptly, hands flying to fist his hair as he paced in front of you. “Fuck! Why does it sound like you’re breaking up with me? You’re acting like we’ll never see each other!”
“I don’t think you heard me right, Ed. I love you. Like fucking fireworks and cupcakes and ‘I do’s’. I can’t just be friends with you anymore.”
“Why not? We’ll make it work, like you said, but I can’t not see you, I mean you’re my best friend and what if I lose the instructions for the lightbulb or something, then what? I’m not the smartest, you know that, I’d definitely write my grocery list on that same paper and toss it in the trash or something–”
“Because it hurts, Eddie, it fucking hurts,” you breathed out. You grabbed his hand, resting it against your chest, right above where your heart was currently pounding, threatening to burst free from the confines of your body. “It hurts when I look at you because I know you don’t love me like that. Not now, not ever. We fooled around with each other, and maybe it was a mistake, but we did it anyway, and now I’m in too deep, Ed.” 
For the first time in your friendship, Eddie Munson looked afraid. Eyes wide, nostrils flaring, fingertips gripping the soft material of your shirt. He was afraid because he didn’t know how to fix the mess laid out before him, and his usual methods were moot. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know,” he repeated again, finally, letting go of you as he stumbled back.
“I know you didn’t, Ed, I know it. You did your best– you were the best friend a person could ever ask for, and I don’t regret a thing.”
It was all you could say before you left him in the clearing, surrounded by dirt, twigs, crushed-up bugs and the pieces of your breaking heart. 
You weren’t one to pray, never having believed in a God of any kind, but even if it was some false God with minimal powers and few believers – you prayed he took care of your Eddie Munson. You prayed Eddie Munson made it out. 
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Likes & Reblogs are much appreciated! Hope you enjoyed x
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captain039 · 2 years
The prey
Yautja(prey) x reader
Warnings: Predator/prey kink, sexual, smut, we monster fudging tonight people, ABO, heats, explicit, swearing
(1900s eraish)
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A triggered heat was worse than a normal one, so you found out. You couldn’t find comfort in a warm fire or blanket, couldn’t find comfort in the warm stews your dad prepared for you while he avoided all eye contact. After your mother died he did his best to care and raise you, he didn’t know what to do when your heats hit though seeing as your mother was a beta and so was he. It didn’t effect him as much as it would if he was an alpha, but he always forgot how to act, didn’t want to give you a hug or come near your room saying it was your safe space and didn’t need an old man beta invading it. He was your dad though, your friend on the next ranch over said it was nice to have family members hug you, it brought a different comfort than a mate would, but none the less comfort. She said when she was younger and early in her heats she’d steal her fathers coat or flannel, her mums apron or jacket too and happily fall asleep with them, she’s got a mate now thought and says it’s the best thing for the problems. No man in the town looked at you though. They all mumbled and looked you up down with scrunched up noses. Your dad owned a big ranch too, had a good amount of sheep and cows, horses and chickens, the house was big too, servants walking through the house, food on the table every night. Your mother always said she hated the big space, she would complain she couldn’t clean the whole damn house in one day to satisfy her wifely needs as she put it. She would argue with some of the poor cleaners before taking over and passing out on the couch from exhausting herself. It was quiet without her now, though your father tried to be lively and funny like she was, his jokes failed miserably. So you settled in more quietness, times by the fire outside with him playing guitar while the servants and workers chatted amongst the selves. He’d always invite the workers and servants for a night by the fire most made it, some had family’s, mates and little pups to attend too.
“You ok Miss?” You jumped slightly at the sound of Tommy’s voice by you.
“Yeah course, sorry” you said up straighter crossing your legs.
“It’s alright miss, you were staring pretty hard at the fire, didn’t want ya to burn ya eyes” he smiled lightly making you chuckle.
“Well I thank you Tommy, my eyes are not burnt now” you chuckled glancing to your father who was slowly falling asleep while plucking at the strings of the old guitar.
“Pa” you said and he jolted a bit.
“Hm?” He grumbled making you laugh.
“Go to bed” you ordered and he grumbled, standing up, placing his guitar down and kissing your forehead and saying goodnight before heading to the house.
“You’re welcome to sit a little while longer, I’m gonna get some shut eye, goodnight to you all” you said bowing your head as as chorus of ‘goodnights’ rang out.
You were awoken to the cows making a fuss, you assumed it was a fox or some other little critter teasing the big girls. You grabbed the dusty shot gun, slipped on your boots and headed out.
You sighed still half asleep as you walked by the cow pen and scanned.
“There ain’t nothing here now, why are you all making a damn fuss” you sighed listening to them carrying on and move around.
“Jesus” you huffed looking along the forest line.
“There is nothing there you ladies are just-“ you stopped mid sentence hearing a clicking sound along with a low growl. You lifted your gun quickly, scanning again before the sounds died out. The cows behind you revved up again as you heard a few twigs snapped, you couldn’t see nothing though. No reflective eyes or silhouettes of critters of the forest. The wind gently blew causing a scent to come to your nose. Your whole body froze and locked up, prime alpha. You struggled with moving, you needed to run now. You couldn’t move your damn legs though and just stood. Your knees were weak though, Jesus that smell was heavenly. You felt your body run hot, slick dampening your undergarments, whoever it was triggered your heat, they’ll definitely come now. The mooing quickened as the grass by the tree line moved for an invisible force.
“What the hell” you muttered finally moving yourself to run back to the house.
You slammed the doors shut, slammed your bedroom door shut and got in your bed, body shaking horribly.
You wanted to hide under the covers like a kid. Something was there, it moved the grass, it made those noises, you just couldn’t see it.
Next part ->
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koukaimagines · 5 months
Hello!! What do you think of a scenario where a goofy reader goes quiet bc of yoon says something like “can you be serious for one second? I wish you’d just stop!” bc he’s stressed out. Then reader stays quiet for a few hours and the HHB don’t really notice until yoon catches her by herself and realizes she’s crying and was trying to hide she felt bad about it cue clearing misunderstandings and fluff!!
I think that sounds very interesting anon! Thank you for sending this one in! Yoon is so cute and I love writing him. Cue silly squabble followed by fluff! I hope this is good, I'm still a little rusty after prying my way out of writer's block and this is my first time writing a scenario request in a WHILE. But I had so much fun writing him! So once again, thank you! I hope any Yun fans reading enjoy it too.
Side note- I never know how to spell his name. Akayona seems based off of ancient korea with the names at least so Yoon feels right to me but I'm so used to seeing it spelt as Yun! I'll keep to Yoon in the writing for now, but what do you guys think?
Reader pronouns are she/her as used in anon's ask!
word count: 1402
The past few days have been awfully tense for the Happy Hungry Bunch and the Dark Dragon. Resources have been low and all your faces are fresh in the minds of the Kouka citizens. You’re on the run. Your access to village traders and merchants isn’t as lenient as it used to be— you’re forced to wear your hoods over your heads and keep out of sight.
On guard duty, while you and Yoon weren’t looking, a bundle of herbs was carried off by curious critters into the depths of the forest. Luckily, it was nothing you didn’t have seconds of, but resources being as scarce as they were, it weighed on Yoon’s mind quite heavily. 
“Crap— What were you doing??? That could’ve— ugh—” The young genius clenched his hands into fists as his mind turned upside down, trying to find a solution that didn’t exist. His fists loosened, and he found nothing but the end of his sentence. “That was at least one injury’s worth of herbs. Those plants don't grow around here.” He said, turning his back to you and crouching near his bag. He knew this wasn’t the time for an argument. He himself didn’t quite have the energy for one either.
"Well, at least the animals won’t have to worry about an injury then," you smirk, trying to ease his mind with a cute joke. You smile at the thought of raccoons putting their opposable thumbs to use with a rock somewhere, pounding the weeds the way you see Yoon do so often.
Unfortunately, your joke didn't quite land with him.
“Are you being serious?” He turns to you as he's crouched.
“I dunno, when am I ever?” You chuckle, not noticing how his tone is darker than it usually is when he banters with you. You smile at him in hopes that your expression would make him realize the situation itself wasn’t as dire as he made it out to be.
Yoon’s brows furrowed, and your smile faded. He rapidly shot up from his spot, his beautiful features scrunched in a scowl.
“Well, would it kill you to be serious for once??” He thundered. You blinked, trying to process his tone, why he was so upset— and why at you. His gaze grew more intense at your silence. “This is no time to be joking around! Do you realize that??? We’re already low on resources as it is, and you know with this group, injuries are as inevitable as there are stars in the sky!” 
Yoon bit his lip to try to put a lid on his boiling emotions. This was not the time. He needs to prepare for dinner.
“What’s wrong?” A voice emerges from beyond the tree trunks. Yona hurriedly steps through the beaten path and takes a glance back and forth between your expressions.
“What, are they fighting or something?” Hak strolls in, carrying a stack of twigs in his arm. You stay quiet. You don’t know how to answer that, at least not seriously, you suppose.
“Not really.” Yoon mumbles, turning his back to you once more to sort through the edible flora he’s found throughout the day. “Leave your wood by that trunk, Thunder Beast.” 
Your face feels numb at his answer, and you stare at the small back that never failed to support you and everyone else around him. His words echo in your head as footsteps approach you.
“Are you alright?” A dignified voice addresses you, and you look up to see Kija gazing at you with concern laced in his brow. You force a smile.
“Y-Yeah! Why wouldn’t I be? Yoon and I kinda messed up a bit, that’s all… Some raccoons had their way with some of his herbs.” You mutter, busying yourself by taking some materials the returning group brought back.
Kija eyed you with concern as you set down some dry leaves for kindle, but didn’t pry.
The tree branches rustled as the wind carried night across the sky. The fire lapped at the cold air of the season, and dinner was ready. Scooping some soup into some wooden bowls, Yoon bellowed the signal.
“Okay, good work everyone! Dinner’s ready.”
Six bodies crowded around the pot. Yoon raised a brow at the odd void he felt after seeing everyone present— everyone but you.
“Where’s Y/N?”
His question incited many heads to turn and scan the area.
“Ah… come to think of it, she said she’d be going to the bathroom…” Jaeha noted. “Quite some time ago,” he smirked awkwardly, trying to mask his worry as he noted the different colour of the sky now as opposed to when you spoke to him.
Concern began to shape Yoon’s features. “A while ago? Which way did she go?” His heart and mind began to race. His eyes wavered as he stood, and he set the ladle down in the pot filled with a concoction of gruel and herbs. 
“She stepped off somewhere that way. I’ll take Shinah with me, so you can sit tight, Yoon. I’ll bring your little darling back soon.” Jaeha winked. Yoon felt his cheeks warm.
 “She’s not!—” The pretty boy genius cut himself off as he swallowed his pride. This was not the time to fall for Jaeha’s antics. He sifted through the possible fates you might be subject to while his eyes aren’t on you, and a sudden pang hit his chest. At the same moment, Yoon struck an odd realization. 
Were you bothered by what he said earlier? 
Concern started to blur into frustration, annoyance, and guilt. “God… you idiot! What a pain...” He exclaimed under his breath. “Ugh, I’ll look for her! I need to talk to her!” He blurted, hurriedly gathering a few supplies and setting off towards the direction Jaeha pointed in.
It didn’t take long for Yoon to find you. You were a little ways out by the river. When he found you, the moonlight kissed your tears as they fell. You were hugging your knees as you watched the steady flow of the stream. The young boy clenched his chest in an attempt to quell an ache he knew he caused.
“Hey, Y/N—” He stepped closer to you, feeling his cheeks warm from the awkward predicament he’s put himself in. He tried to gather the words, but they just didn’t seem to want to come out. “You know, I—”
“I’m sorry,” you managed to say. He held his tongue. His throat felt tight.
That was his line.
“We’re dying just to survive— and I’m making light of things, I’m sorry. You were right.” You muttered through your sleeves as you wiped your disobedient tears. Yoon blinked. That’s not what he wanted to hear, and he was sure that wasn’t not the point you wanted to come to.
“That’s— That’s not it, Y/N, I—” He sighed. He set down his makeshift light source and sat down a ruler’s distance from you. “I’m the one who should be saying sorry. I completely went overboard—” He turned his gaze to the river. “I shouldn’t have raised my voice at you like that.” He balled his hands into fists on his lap as he fretted over you dimming your warm radiance all because of him. As silly as you were, your idiocy kept the group smiling on some of your worst nights— some of his worst nights— and was a warmth that was irreplaceable in his eyes. “We might be dying to survive, but— w-we can afford to spare a few weeds here and there.” He spoke haughtily.
His blue eyes shined as he lifted his gaze. He took a few shy glances at you before mumbling.  
“A-At least the animals won’t have to worry about an injury anymore, right?”
You turned to him in surprise. His cheeks were red and he looked away when you looked at him. A smile creeped on your lips— that one definitely landed for you.
"Yeah. Do you think raccoons would grind the herbs the way you do? They've got opposable thumbs, don't they?"
His eyes widened as his gaze returned to you. Your smile was infectious, and he began to feel its symptoms.
"You idiot." He whispered. "Even if they did, they wouldn't be able to do it half as well as I can."
With that, you both chuckled in each other's company before you made your way back for dinner.
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lightvixxen · 8 months
Kinktober day 7- hunter/prey
finally a longer fic! this one is a little over 1k! This couldddd be classified as CNC but i have other plans for that day >:3
WARNINGS: breeding kink, slight degradation, thats it!
Your lungs burned, your breath coming out in short gasps of air. You couldn’t stop, not with him hot on your trail. You ducked behind a tree, desperately trying to catch your breath. Exhaustion pulled at your limbs, your legs hurt from running and your chest hurt from the way your heart and lungs were pounding against it.
You looked around the woods you were in, trying to find Spencer, he was fast, and surprisingly with his tall stature, good at hiding. You leaned against the tree you were behind, a sigh of relief at your short break, closing your eyes you were finally able to catch your breath. 
Then, you hear a twig snap, your eyes shoot open, looking at your surroundings again, you spot him, the dress shirt and slacks he was wearing harsh against the woods colors. You took off, he was too close, and you weren’t done quite yet. 
Of course, it didn’t take long for him to catch you. You couldn’t have gotten more than a few feet before you were being tackled to the ground. There was a distinctive click of handcuffs before he forced your arms behind your back, cuffing you.
“There, maybe that’ll keep you from running, bunny.” Spencer pants, obviously out of breath from the chase you had given him. You both loved it, this is what you did on his weekends off, drive into a desolate part of the woods and let him chase you into it. Great training as well, double win. 
Spencer dragged his hands down your body, before flipping you over so you were on your back, laying on your hands. 
“You're so pretty like this, bunny…completely at my mercy.” This was the scene, he was a hunter, something akin to a wolf and you were his pretty bunny. 
Spencer undid your jeans, he never lets you wear a skirt or dress during these, mainly because he thinks they slow you down. He pulls them off your body, before pulling your panties down with them and stuffing them into his back pocket. He throws your jeans somewhere in the dirt, before flipping you around again. 
He lifts your hips so you are face down ass up. He smacks your ass once, causing you to yelp and jump slightly, Spencer chuckles behind you. He pulls your pussy lips apart, smirking at the slick that had gathered during the chase. 
“I haven’t done anything to you bunny, and yet you're so wet” he says, watching the way it slowly drips down your pussy, coating the inside of your thighs. 
“Can’t help it…” You whimpered, moaning when Spencer leans down to blow on your cunt, before licking a stripe against your hole. 
“I know, baby, just can’t wait to be used, hm?” Spencer asks, sitting up onto his knees, He unbuckles his belt, you shiver at the metallic jingling, knowing what was to come. 
You nodded, wiggling your hips to emphasize how much you needed him. Spencer places one hand on your hip, bracing himself, and with the other he lined himself up with your hole, pushing into you. 
A low moan falls from your lips, Spencer was big, not necessarily in girth but in length, he was tall and skinny, which was a pattern his cock kept. It took everything in you from rocking your hips back and taking him all in, you really didn’t need the punishment that follows it. 
It didn’t take long before Spencer was completely bottomed out, his cock completely sheathed in your cunt. 
“Spence!” you moaned, you were so fucking full and he wasn’t moving, but you could feel his eyes on you, watching where your bodies connected.
“Patience, bunny, we’ve talked about this.”  He scolds you, before he finally starts moving. The pace was slow but deep, enough to pull softs moans that were like music to his ears from your throat. He kept the pace like that for a while, letting your body get used to the pleasure of him being in you. 
Spencer grabbed onto your hips with both hands before he finally became rough. Which of course had your soft moans turning into loud moans and whines, his hands dug into your hips, which you knew were going to leave bruises later. 
His cock was hitting that spot deep in you, you were seeing stars, your brain becoming mush with pleasure. 
“Sir! Oh my god, yes! Yes! Just like that please!” you begged, your eyes rolling back into your head, you were approaching your climax, and fast. 
“Yeah? You gettin close bunny? Gonna cum on my cock?” He asks you, fucking into you at a brual pace. 
“Yes! Can I? Pleasepleaseplease sir! Please!” you begged him, hoping he would let you cum instead of denying you. 
“You can, Bunny, just don’t complain when you get overstimulated.” He tells you, his own moans falling from his mouth, you knew he was close aswell, Spencer mainly got vocal when his own orgasm was close. 
You nodded, a few mintues later white hot pleasure ripped through your body and your vision went black for a few seconds, and your cunt clenched around Spencers cock, sucking him in, your body begging for him to cum inside of you. 
“Good girl, good- Fuck- I’m close, want me to cum in you, bunny? Breed you like the whore you are?” Spencer asks, leaning down so his mouth was next to your ear. 
“Fuck- Yes- yes, Please, cum in me Spencer!” Specer moans loudly, thrusting into you a few more times, before thrusting all the way in you, the base of his cock against your lips, unloading his cum deep in you. You moaned, feeling him coat your inner walls. 
The only thing you could hear was the sound of your labored breathing, a sheen of sweat covering you both. Spencer pulled out of you, causing you to wince slightly from overstimulation. Spencer pulled your lips apart again, watching his cum drip out of you. Collecting it with his fingers he pushes it back into you, causing you to whine. 
“Can’t waste any.” He tells you, before unlocking the handcuffs and pulling you down to lay with him on the dirt floor. 
“Are you okay? I didn’t go too rough did I?” He asks you, worridly, It was weird how Spencer could go from a dominant man, hellbent on getting you to scream, to the sweetest guy on the planet. 
“I’m fine, I’ll just be a little sore for the next day or two.” you tell him, resting your head on his chest. 
“Good” He smiles, kissing your head.
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kay-elle-cee · 7 months
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@jilytoberfest 31 Prompts: Day 26 || 891 Words || Read on Ao3 I took a lot of liberties with this one lmao —
Taking great care not to snap any twigs, Lily slowly makes her way from her troop’s cabin to the dying campfire, sitting on a slightly damp log and wiping again at the residual tears leaking from her eyes.
She knows she’s not supposed to be out after curfew—if one of the camp counselors were to find her, she’d be in big trouble. But the nightmare that startled her awake was also preventing her from falling back asleep, and she wanted to deal with her embarrassment alone and away from her bunkmates should any of them wake up.
What kind of twelve-year-old has nightmares at sleepaway camp? 
Her eyes stare fixedly into the dim embers of the fire as she wills any negative and scary thoughts to burn with them. After a few moments, the oppressive weight of the dreams begin to lift just in time for a rustling on the other side of the campfire to douse her in new terror.
I’m sleepwalking, she thinks, immediately latching onto the excuse should one of the counselors emerge and begin to scold her.
Only it’s not a counselor who emerges from the treeline on the other side of the campfire, but a boy. A boy who looks around her age—with wildly messy hair the color of the night—whose eyes go wide in surprise behind his glasses.
“Oh!” He glances behind him nervously, and Lily uses this opportunity to wipe the last bits of moisture from her cheeks. The last thing she wants is to be made fun of after trying so hard to be alone. The boy looks back at her, and she realizes instantly that she hasn’t done a good enough job at hiding her sadness. “Are you alright?”
“Fine,” she answers with a nod, dropping her eyes from his to stare back into the dim light of the fire. “Just needed some air.”
“This is a far way from the girls’ cabins.”
“It’s midway through camp, so I guess I could say the same thing to you.”
“Oh, well…” the boy looks behind him again, almost in contemplation, before turning and smiling at her excitedly. “Can you keep a secret?”
Lily doesn’t know why she does it, but she nods, something about the boy’s excitement easing that terror that’s gripped her since she woke up. He takes a few steps towards her, throwing one last look behind him before focusing on her.
“We’re going to scramble all the signs around in the common areas!”
Her brows knit together. “Why?”
This seems to have taken some of the wind out of the boy’s sails. “What do you mean why? It’s funny!”
“Oh, okay. Yeah, I guess that could be funny.”
The boy blinks, shifting his weight between his feet. “Are you sure you’re alright? Why’d you come out here, anyway?” Lily’s opening her mouth to parrot her earlier answer and he holds out a hand to cut her off. “And don’t say you needed air—you could’ve just stayed by your cabin for that.”
Well crap. She hesitates, eyes flitting between the boy, the dim fire, and the sliver of moon visible above the treetops. Finally, she sighs, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “I had a…nightmare.”
The boy doesn’t tease her, as she finds herself expecting. Instead, his brows furrow and he nods understandably. “Oh, yeah. I used to get nightmares all the time. Don’t have them as much anymore, but some of the boys in the cabin woke up the first few nights here.”
He nods. “Yeah. The rest of us got up and turned on some loud music to drown out all the bad thoughts. Some of the boys just jumped around to shake out the feelings, and then after about five minutes we went back to sleep.” Tilting his head to the side, he considers her. “Have you tried that?”
“My whole cabin’s asleep…I can’t really…” her face reddens again, and she’s thankful for the cover of night to hide it. “I don’t want them to make fun of me for having bad dreams.”
The boy looks at her thoughtfully. “Well, I don’t think they’d make fun of you, but if you’d rather do it here, I’d be happy to help you.”
Her face is absolutely scarlet now. “Don’t you have somewhere to be?”
“There’s four of us—I can show up a little late.”
She considers it. Considers jumping around to non-existent music in the smothered light of the campfire with this boy she doesn’t know, who’s looking at her hopefully, like he can fix what’s wrong with her.
She almost says yes.
Instead, she shakes her head, an embarrassed smile curling her mouth up. “No, I should get back before anyone notices I’m gone.”
Shrugging, the boy grins. “Suit yourself. But if you change your mind, you can always come looking for me.”
Lily can’t help but to laugh quietly. “Change my mind? We’d be skinned alive if anyone knew we were out this late! Besides, I don’t even know you.”
“Oh right. Name’s James.”
“Well, Name’s James, thank you, but I think I’ve got it under control.” Lily takes a few steps back in the direction towards her cabin before stopping to look over her shoulder, where she sees James watching her with a funny kind of smile. “Thanks again, though. And good luck with your prank.”
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dozing-marshmallow · 7 months
Can you do some fluffy Chris x non-binary!reader where the reader is a 19-20 year old camper on the island, please? ^v^
Sorry If you’re getting too many requests and this is annoying! :(
It’s okay, my love! Your request wasn’t annoying at all, and though I’ve had to temporarily close my asks, you don’t have to worry about it! In the end, I chose to receive them under my own awareness, but I appreciate all the concern!❤️Enjoy!!
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The host wasn’t shy with favourites.
Hence why you were summoned by him on the beach, at a time where everyone else was too tired to strategise.
You arrive, finding the ambient to be carefully idyllic with the swish of the sea and Chris sitting at ease.
His face was dark orange in certain angles from the effulgence of the campfire he crafted not too long ago. Though that was the only source of light in the wildlife nighttime, you can see his eyebrows tilting at your appearance,“Why are you wearing a hoodie?”
“It’s Canada, Chris.” you gently rub your shoulders,“That campfire isn’t enough to warm the entire air.”
“Fair enough.” he reaches over in his sitting position for an opened bag between his feet,“I had some leftover marshmallows. Thought it’d be nice to toast them together.”
You come to sit down next to him on the log, noticing two conveniently thin sticks on his other side,“I’d like that.”
He squeezes a marshmallow from the packet onto the top of a twig and handed it to you. He repeats the same with the other twig and sticks it out lightly above the flames and snuggles against your shoulder,“Talk to me. Remind me how it’s like to be two decades old again.”
“You’re such a funny man, Chris.” you rub your hand on his thigh as you slowly spin your stick with the other,”For one, I finished college, the funniest years of my life. My first year, I didn’t take anything seriously and neither did my friend. During our class tests, we would share an earbud on one of our ipod players and we would leave more than half of the paper blank.” your lips widened upwards as your mind relives the glassy experience of reckless youth.
“Terrible, dude.” clear Chris didn’t feel the same,“I couldn’t care less about academics, but ranking lowest of the low on purpose? You better not be thinking about doing the same here.’
“That’s what my mom was saying after parents evening. So, thanks to her wise words, I graduated, two years before my friend, who’s in catchup school right now.” a laugh forced its way out of your dry mouth after you finished narrating.
“Right now?” he blinked consciously,“An evening class?”
You drew your tanned treat out the smoke for a bite, confirming,“It only seems late because we have no energy left after putting up with your challenges all day and you call it night the minute it’s dark. You ruined our perception of time.”
“Sure did.” his teeth takes a proud dive into his toasted squishy,“Someone’s gotta teach you kids that staying up late isn’t good for your well-being.”
Says him who made the entire second challenge about just that!,“We’re not kids, Chris! We’re adults. We can drink, vote, smoke, fuck. Do all that you can.” the kind of contestants he was dealing with. You hoped that would put things into a new perspective for him.
“Yeah yeah, secure yourself something that pays you at least six figures a month, then come back to me.” he rolls his eyes, fishing another marshmallow out in the fiery centre,“Soooo? Where are your plans for that? You going to work after this? Uni? Apprenticeship?”
You silently shiver.
Only the crackling of the campfire occupied the air.
“Uh, dude?” he waves his hand in front of your wordless face,“Helloooo? (Y/N)?”
Chris didn’t appreciate that,“If you didn’t know, it’s kinda a poor show of manners to not reply when people are speaking to you.”
“I know...” you thought the silence was a better answer,“Sorry.”
“Are you saying that because you have nothing to tell me?”
You nod.
“Oh. Wow.” he wasn’t actually expecting that,“Really though? Like you’ve never thought about what you wanted to do after you left school? Not even when you were younger?”
“Nunca. I had other things to worry about.” feeling awkward, you removed your shoes to allow your bare feet to explore the grains of the sticky sand.
“Well! It seems like another inexperienced troubled thing has stumbled across my path, still not knowing what they wanna do with their lives even if they are too old to go back to elementary.” Chris’ time as an actor paid off in his voice at the pretend moment of theatre,“Why don’t you work for me?”
“And end up paralysed for the rest of my life?” you sneer at his suggestion,“No thanks.”
“Don’t be so down, (Y/N)!” he exclaims, pinching your cheek,“Am I that bad that the first job you assume I’ll give you is internship? Heck no! You can be my assistant, secretary, something. Whatever the title is, it’s not really important, but it won’t be internship. Genuine!”
“I don’t know...” hesitation dresses your tone,“Wouldn’t this be obvious to the other contestants that there’s some favouritism if I worked with you after the show? I don’t want them to ridicule me.”
Laughter from Chris in this context was...a reaction you didn’t wholly list out,“Why do you care about what a bunch of lifelong jobless people think? Besides, it’s in the contract, you’re legally obliged to do any role I may ask of you. I’m the one in charge here.”
You quickly remember Chris by his job. The host. The host with the most.
An accepting exhale longs out between your lips,“I guess you’ve decided my fate then, Mr McLean.”
“Practicing formalities already? Hm.” he dramatically puts a finger to his chin, a smirk tapping on his face,“I think I’m liking this employer and employee relationship between us.”
“Gross!” you guffaw, shoving him jokingly on the shoulder, already having his title shattered in your brain,“We’ll have plenty of time for that once I’m in a suit.”
“Who said I want you in one when it happens?” your eyelids disappear. He did not just say that,“We’re on an Island for God’s sake! I’ll allow you to wear something more casual.”
Oh my God, he’s good.
Oh my God.
“W-We’ll see...” you stuff your stutter with another soft goodie, way before it could get golden.
“You bet I will.” Chris had winked at you there, similar to the flash of the campfire, melting your marshmallow as he did your heart.
Cheesy, but it’s the truth. Your life’s barely started and it’s been signed away to an anticipating celebrity.
Ha! When you’ve already won him over, who needs a hundred thousand dollars?
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