#I am new to Tumblr and I have zero idea how tagging works
paskuda-lynx · 25 days
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Fanart for the fic Desideratum (posted on AO3) by @fianightshade ! Specifically for the chapter 11 'Turning point'. I periodically reread it just to feel the emotional turmoil of the scene again
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flamebringer0 · 8 months
More About Nightwing Powers
I decided I had more to say about this post, so I reblogged it and wrote some more. It seems like when you do that Tumblr doesn't put the post into tag searches, so nobody can actually find it. I'm just going to copy the full text into a new post. I'm sorry if this spams anyone's feed, I just don't understand how this site works yet. I've never actually had a blog before.
Ohhhh damn I just had another thought about this. This is my problem, I think about this stuff all the time and I keep coming up with new things I think are cool, but now that I've written all this out and published it for the whole world to see I can't change it so easily.
It's actually fine though. These thoughts are kind of a mix of things I think are canon but sufficiently non-obvious to be worth stating (All Nightwings have powers at hatching and then lose them), things that are definitely not canon but I feel like it doesn't mess with the story too much to change them (Prophets have a silver scale on their foreheads), and things that are ambiguous and I'm just filling in the blanks (fake Nightwing magic is based on their sense of smell). But there's a fourth category, which is things that I don't like about canon but changing them would basically entail writing a whole new story. I'm pretty sure this new idea falls into the latter category, so I wouldn't really have put it in that post anyway.
But let's explore the hypothesis that Tui T Sutherland and Scholastic collectively lose their minds and give me the rights to Wings of Fire, and also I have infinite time, resources and motivation to make my own adaptation of the story. Then what happens? Well, the first thing is obviously to change animus magic to be something other than total omnipotence, because omnipotent characters are the kind of albatross (tee hee) you don't want around your neck when you're trying to write a coherent story. And the second thing is to make it so the terrible Rainwing queens in book 3 are hereditary royalty and Glory is not, because I've never liked the valorisation of hereditary royalty in WOF (or in general), and that would be an easy way to subvert that. And THEN I would turn scavengers into lizard people, because I am a furry and I think that's cuter than making them humans. Lol.
But somewhere down the list would be the fact that I don't actually vibe with the idea that normal Nightwing seers/mind readers apparently have a built-in power limiter that varies randomly according to the specific individual, and the special gift you get for hatching under three moons is just to have that limiter set to 0. I don't like this because, first of all, the fact that it works like that just doesn't fit into my brain in a satisfactory way. Hatching under zero, one, or two full moons each results in a qualitatively different outcome, so in my mind, the third full moon should also do something qualitatively different. But it doesn't, it's just the same as two full moons but better. And then I'm left to assume that there are probably very rare cases of twice-moonborn Nightwings who have all the power, just because whatever secondary factors there are happened to line up in their favor? Weird.
But the more important reason is, I don't really like the idea of Clearsight as someone who has extraordinary power because she just hatched that way. Nor do I like the fact that the reasons for this are, on the one talon, unexplained (maybe inexplicable?), and on the other, not a function of who she is as a character. I think it would make for a much stronger motif if run-of-the-mill seer Clearsight were able to take down once-in-a-generation chosen one Darkstalker because she's diligent and doesn't believe in destiny while he's entitled and sure of his glorious future. At its core this feeling is actually the same thing as what I said about the Rainwing queens above: I just don't find it satisfying when the hero has some kind of special trait that makes them naturally better than everyone else. A villain can have that, but a hero I want to prove themselves through their own efforts. But that's explicitly not what happened in canon: Clearsight IS naturally more powerful than all the other seers, that's an essential part of her story, and changing it requires basically rewriting the books. I don't love it!
So anyway in the universe where I'm rewriting the books, here's a thought about how Nightwing powers might work. This partially contradicts what I wrote above, but I've decided I'm cool with that. I love contradicting myself actually, and maybe next week I'll contradict all of this again. There are no laws.
Some Nightwings are seers, some are mind readers, a few are both, and most are neither. But aside from the fact that an individual might or might not have these powers, they don't vary in strength from dragon to dragon. All seers have equally strong abilities, and all mind readers have equally strong abilities. But the strength of the abilities does vary: not per individual, but over time. Specifically, the current state of the moons affects the abilities of empowered Nightwings. On a hypothetical "darkest night" with three new moons, all Nightwings are effectively powerless. On the brightest night, empowered Nightwings experience the full strength of their abilities. Seers can easily look down many different paths into the distant future, and mind readers can easily examine any information in the mind of another dragon. Of course, the phases of the three moons are not synchronous. Most of the time, the moons are all in different states, and empowered Nightwings experience abilities somewhere in between those extremes.
Above, I said that the "strength" of Nightwing abilities doesn't really vary per dragon. Strength, as I use the term here, only refers to the raw potential to look into the future or into another dragon's mind. But different individuals do have different levels of adeptness when it comes to applying their abilities. On the brightest night, any seer can look with relative ease into the far future, down multiple timelines, examining subtle ripples of possibility. The rest of the time, most seers can't use their abilities on that level, but a particularly adept one can get closer. What makes one seer more adept than another? Well, it's really just training. If you're someone who, for whatever reason, keeps looking into the future, over time you'll get better at it, just like anything you keep doing. This is what sets Clearsight apart from her peers. She isn't more blessed by the moons than them, because no seer is more blessed by the moons than any other. Clearsight just looks into the future all the time, to a degree nobody else does. She works harder on her visions than any other seer, so her abilities are more advanced than those of any other seer.
There is one exception to the maxim "no seer is more blessed by the moons than any other". The special gift of the thrice-moonborn is that they are exempt from the cyclical waning and waxing of power with the phases of the moons. They hatch on the brightest night, and its power soaks into them and becomes permanently part of them. And so, they live as if every night is a brightest night. They always have the potential to see the ripples that spread into many distant futures, and they can always pluck any information they want out of another dragon's mind. What other Nightwings may train and train for, these dragons do as easily as they breathe.
There are few Nightwings who never dreamed as dragonets about what it would be like to have hatched under three full moons. How different their lives could have been from those of the common powerless Nightwing, or even ordinary seers and mind readers! And not just directly because of what they could see: the thrice-moonborn are almost inevitably beloved by their tribe, showered with attention, and elevated to the highest strata of society. Wouldn't that be nice, think the dragons who could have walked that path but for something as meaningless as the sky under which they hatched.
It's unsurprising that many covet that life, but it's not entirely as pleasant as they imagine. The adulation that surrounds the most powerful Nightwings is instrumental. As laid out in excruciating detail just behind the eyes of smiling dragons, few love them for who they are; many more love them for what they are. They will never have any interaction with friends or family that isn't fundamentally shaped by the asymmetrical power dynamic implied by their abilities. It's easy for a dragon in that situation to become profoundly isolated, especially without support. But the brightest night comes so rarely that most Nightwings who receive its gift will grow up with neither peers, nor mentors who can relate to these experiences. That many ultimately respond in unhealthy, self-destructive ways is a given; that the self-destruction of such powerful dragons often also destroys those around them is a recurring tragedy in the history of the tribe.
But it's not inevitable. No dragon's fate is actually written in the stars or sealed by the moons. It's always possible to choose a different future.
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kaatiba · 20 days
Read & Response Swap!
Hello lovelies! Having finished zero drafting Legends of Mourra, my fantasy wip, I am now working on the actual draft. I do my best work in response to engagement, so I was wondering if anyone would be interested in reading and reacting (to whatever degree or amount) to the new prologue, which is ~1.3k words.
I'm looking for: insight on how engaging it is, what the prose style conveys, how the characters come across, if the style is clunky or overly formal or if it lacks flow, and anything else you wanna tell me.
I know all the above are second or third draft issues, but I can't make myself move on until I feel good about how I'm starting.
When it's due: Whenever! I've got no deadline for this!
How to participate: interact with this post and I will tag you in the tumblr post of the prologue, where you can reply, reblog, DM me, or send me an ask with your comments.
In return: I will do the same for a piece of sfw writing of yours which is of roughly equal or lesser length. If I can't do it for whatever reason, I'll let you know and will be happy to respond to a different piece!
Bonus: if you like this R&R idea, feel free to co-opt it and have fun! Just tag me so I can see the engagement and feel my heart grow three size about it :D
Tagging, without expectation or pressure, those who showed interest in lofm: @poetinprose, @jellybeanswriting, @treesandwords, @sculpture-in-a-period-drama, @thelittlestspider
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kedreeva · 2 years
I’ve been on tumblr since 2012 and following you pretty much that entire time and have never reblogged or posted a single thing under my name. Before that I was on LJ for years and never posted anything. I send (nice) asks to people on anon, and leave (nice) comments and kudos on ao3. I used to interact some on LJ when anon kink memes were a thing. I am a part of fandom and have been for close to 20 years, I’m just not comfortable having any kind of public persona online that people can see, even if it has no attachment to my real name.
I know that the influx of new, young fans and the way they treat fandom the same as other online content creation/consumption is a problem. But fandom has always had lurkers. I do my best to positively interact in the ways that I am able to within my comfort zone, and I follow the rules of fandom etiquette. There’s so much pushback against lurkers now that was never there before, and I just don’t understand it.
It's a difficult line to walk, but there's a difference between going to a blog that has zero posts, zero likes, no header, no icon, not even a note that says "just lurking," and a person that's here to look at stuff that displays at least enough humanity to say "hey don't block me I'm just looking."
And look... yes there's always been lurkers. And there probably always will be. And it wasn't an issue for you or for creators or fandom in general, because it didn't hurt anything before. In just my living memory, fandom spent a while just being mailing lists- so creations/discussion went to everyone. There wasn't really anyone else to pass stuff on to, so it didn't matter if you just signed up and never said a word. Webrings based the spread of creation in the site itself, because everything was small back then. Livejournal had public and private communities that were searchable and creation was based inside of those communities, and interaction was based on commenting - what you're used to doing, and okay doing - meaning community was based in the comments and people linking to various communities. Back when places like deviantart and ff.net were pretty staple major sites for everyone, community formed in comment sections there as well.
And as much as I do love social media and the advent of community messaging systems... it's changed the face of fandom in ways that make lurking - and I do mean straight up no interaction, if you're sending messages and commenting, you're participating - break the links of community.
Look at it this way:
Back on LJ etc, it didn't matter if you, personally, lurked. Or even if 100 people lurked. Creations and community were centrally located. People all gathered to the same stable location (a post, or a community feed) to look at the things, and comment etc so if you commented or didn't, they could still find the creations. Sites like that brought people together. Now? *shakes head* Social media sites have divided us, and AI/Bots/Algorithms are conquering us because we disseminated too far.
Where do you go, on twitter, if you want to find fic? How do you find a conversation about something? Where do artists go so you can find groups of them and their galleries? You can scroll a tag, but anyone can put anything in that. I have literally no idea how tiktok works because every time I go on it, things just start scrolling past and playing videos for me that I didn't click. It's kind of horrifying. Instagram is... god, I don't even know how to classify that mess, but it's not a community. it's a museum. don't touch anything.
Tumblr is... it's not livejournal, it's not deviantart, it's not mailing lists or webrings but... it's people touching real people still, or it has the ability to be that if we continue to fight for it. As much as there are shitshows around here on occasion, it's still largely neighbors passing notes over the fences separating us.
But for as much community potential as it has, with the way it can function - with the way it USED to function, the way I REMEMBER it functioning a long time ago - it still separates us. There's tags, like on twitter, but anyone that tag dives (like me) knows what a hot fucking mess the tags can be, and there's no other central collection.
Tumblr's saving grace, though, is the ability we, the users, have to interact like humans. To share what we can with one another. To create networks that still kind of resemble the webrings of old, where you can come to one location (someone's blog) and find gateways to other blogs the way one page/site used to lead to the next so the separate, divided things spread across the world WIDE web don't get lost.
Except the link gets broken here, when folks just have empty blogs. There's (thankfully) no algorithm deciding what we should look at, but the trade off is that we have to be responsible for that step in fandom again. The way we used to be.
Not to mention that... there was never really a point for bots back in the LJ days. It would have been hard for them to survive because everyone knew at least some of the people. Not that there weren't, but it was harder and not rewarding for them to exist en masse. Now? Now bots use social media sites and users. Here, on tumblr, they follow accounts to make it look like they're legit to search engines. Whatever central account they're using to scam people, it collects the bots and the network the bots make, and uses them to look legit, so they can scam people, so they can spread viruses, advertise porn or whatever they're doing. They're exploiting users here, and they do this by following us.
And the ONLY recourse we have? is guessing that they're bots and blocking them. Because reporting a blank blog won't get tumblr addressing the issue. So, when someone lurks in a completely faceless, anon way, a way that makes them look like a bot, then the people who are being followed are going to learn to treat them like the bots that are trying to exploit them to do bad things.
And that's not on you! It's not your fault that they're doing those things, or that people have to react the way they have to react to curb that nonsense. And it's not your fault that social media wants to separate us so it can sell us whatever it wants and keep us from communicating and forming communities where we can entertain ourselves instead of feeding on their ads or whatever. It's not your fault that the way community functions on a human level has been backed into a corner by algorithms/bots.
But that IS the lay of the land these days. You and I have both been here long enough that we've watched the landscape shift. It's not the net we knew. And that's unfortunate. But it's probably not going to go back to the way we knew once upon a time. So people are pushing back against folks being quiet, because the alternative is to let algorithms win and do the talking for us. To let bots use us to hurt others. To let fandom founder because it's being directed by whatever AI is in charge of telling us what to look at.
I'm not going to tell anyone they can't be in fandom if they don't reblog stuff or make stuff or whatever. Just... that fandom is going to have a LOT harder time existing in this new breed of divided space if we don't reach out and connect and help one another connect to others, too.
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sphnyspinspin · 9 months
[About Blog]
- This is my Transformers fan blog! I usually just draw and write and that’s about it. Considering I have trouble getting new ideas in my noggin I decided to open REQUESTS and ASKS. But I’ll only be taking a few at time—you know the whole OPEN and CLOSED signs will be very prominent. This’ll go for both drawing and writing stuff.
There’s probably going to be more stuff to add on to this so make sure to see if I updated anything important on here like DNI or ASKS and REQUESTS.
— — —
- Homophobic -
- Transphobic -
- TERFs -
- Sexist -
- Racist -
- NSFW -
- Proshipper -
- Ableist -
— — —
1) Can Accept
- Pretty much anything that doesn’t make me uncomfortable. And I can be slow when it comes to checking my inbox so if you like what I do here, you might have to be a little patient. I like it when people just come by to say hi or compliment my work, so don’t be afraid to do so. You don’t need to feel obligated to spare my feelings too, I can take criticism when I need it.
2) Won’t Accept
- AGAIN! NOTHING CREEPY! Don’t ask me about personal stuff please, I’ll update small bits on how I’m doing, don’t be pushy. And don’t send me random links without context or at least a small description, it gives off creepy vibes.
— — —
- Transformers: Rescue Bots : Good God, this show was like the very first layer of my TF hyper fixation—not my biggest fixation just my first.
- Transformers: Rescue Bots Academy : THIS SHOW is my biggest fixation it’s so cute and wholesome and clever and fun it is such a good show I love the characters so much.
- Transformers: Cyberverse : PLEASE—this show is AWESOME, I praise it for the characters, the story, the character designs, the animation, the EVERYTHING(this is where I personally think Soundrod first originated).
- Transformers: Robots In Disguise 2015 : Hear me out, this show is actually kinda funny in a non-ironic way I promise, and the designs aren’t half bad.
- Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye : I have read zero TF MTMTE and I never plan to because I would actually die from dehydration after crying so long; but the fandom makes me laugh and I like the art.
- Transformers: Lost Light : Again I have read zero Lost Light comics and I don’t plan on it; because I feel like I know enough just from the memes.
- Transformers: Animated : This show SHOULD be more popular, and it’s the main reason I have my artstyle today (and please don’t bully me but when I found out my fave characters dies I stopped watching….. like immediately………. I didn’t finish season one).
- Transformers: Earthspark : This show, oh my god, I have a love-dread relationship with it; it has so much care-free positivity, an adorable group of characters, nice designs with world-building being amazing so far, but I know for a fact it will destroy me sooner or later. P.S. it already has
- Transformers: Botbots : This. This…. Where do I begin; oh right, literally the TF fandom parody—like I know for a fact that 85% of the characters’ personalities are inspired by random TF tumblr posts, you can’t deny that.
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1) @transformers-bold-bright-brisk
- My blog for my TF fan Continuity project. Right now it’s mostly drafts and concept art and writings,
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1) Follower Interactions
- I will do my best to answer ASKS because I am terrible at checking my inbox. Also, I’m going to try and reply to comments, but if I stop doing that—it’s not because I don’t like you guys, it’s cause I’m lazy and I usually don’t have anything interesting to reply back with. And please read my DNI, ASKS, and REQUESTS boxes before interacting, thanks. Also ask stuff will be tagged as either #sphny asks (𖦹////𖦹)•*°⊹ or #sphny answers (𖦹0 𖦹)•*°⊹
2) Mutual Interactions
- Hey! If you followed me and I followed you back and somehow we were able to become regular chit chat buddies from either in the tags, reblog games, DMing, and etc. then you probably know me enough to understand my thought process when I talk to people. And if you’re a new mutual and actually want to interact with each other more than same goes for you—read my DNI, ASKS, and REQUESTS boxes. I respect your boundaries, you respect mine—win win. I would honestly be very excited to talk to me people on this platform, I just get a little bit shy/anxious sometimes
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1) Art
- When I post my art I’ll usually tag it under #sphny arts (𖦹w𖦹)•*°⊹. And right now I’ve been posting A LOT of RBA fanart. But if I feel really motivated to draw requests I’ll do my best to draw TF characters from other continuities in my style too.
2) Writing
- What I write consists of drabbles, headcannons, one shots, short-reviews, and other opinions I have that I like to share with the world. And I’ll give an itty bitty irl update just to notify I’m still alive. And they’re going to be tagged under #sphny speaks (𖦹<𖦹)•*°⊹ #sphny alternates universe (𖦹ㅁ𖦹)•*°⊹ #sphny originates character (𖦹▿𖦹)•*°⊹
3) Reblogging
- Oh boy. I reblog a very random assortment of posts. I reblog from mutes, followers, and strangers all the time. I’ll partake in reblog games I tag under #reblog shenanigans which would always be a new uquiz or for picrew challenges it would be #picrew shenanigans. When I reblog art or literally anything I COMPLIMENT THEM IN TAGS! And in the actual text part if I’m super eccentric about it too. And they’ll be tagged under #sphny reblogs (𖦹Q𖦹)•*°⊹
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[Social Media]
- TikTok : sphnyspinspin2006 (There’s literally only three posts to my name)
- Instagram : sphnyspinspin (Barely Active)
- DeviantArt : sphnyspun (I never use this)
- Discord : sphnyspinspin (I’m VERY shy)
- AO3 : sphnyspinspin (I write very little on here)
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jennahbreakers · 2 years
Request Challenge (Ao3)
I am moving my Ao3 Request Series to Tumblr and Patreon (early access and first picks). If you are not familiar with the request challenges I do on Ao3, under the name TheOriginalSinner888, it is simple. I post the challenge, how many requests I am accepting, and you comment your request (including your Ao3 account name if you want a shoutout) by the deadline date posted and I pick randomly which ones I fulfill. As long as they fall within the rules and regulations, they have a chance of getting picked.
Since this is a new platform for receiving the requests, things are going to work just a little differently. I will be posting the challenge to tumblr and patreon and publicizing them on my other social medias. But I will only be picking from the comments to my patreon and tumblr, not Instagram or TikTok.
I will also be accepting extra requests this time over a longer time period. I am still working on larger projects, but doing this helps keep my creative juices flowing when writer block hits me. And I also love doing this series for my readers.
I will be doing six requests to be chosen and fulfilled by February 2023. I will be randomly selecting these requests from comments on this challenge posted on my patreon and tumblr. The deadline will be December 10, 2023, since this is a new platform and I want everyone to have a chance to get their request in. I will then take the rest of December to choose and write and be posting the one-shots over January and early February.
Here are the rules to keep in mind;
Readers may request anything within fandoms I have already written for or from the pre-approved list I’ve added to the series notes.
I will be selecting six requests completely randomly from comments on the challenge post found on my patreon and tumblr, submitted by December 10, 2023.
I will not accept any request that includes overly gross concepts–in my opinion and wheelhouse, no shaming–including snuff, piss, feces, lyrics, diapers, 9/11 etc. I reserve the right to use my own discretion if I’m not comfortable with something put in front of me.
Readers can request gifs or no gifs. But I’ll only use gifs if I can find the appropriate ones that fit the world of the story. I like to avoid using images that plainly show the faces of the models.
Every request will only be a oneshot. No multi-chapter stories will be accepted on this challenge.
Pre-approved Fandoms; Original Works, Harry Potter, Twilight, Teen Wolf, MCU, Criminal Minds (S1-9), Covenant, Mandalorian (but not Star Wars), Batman, Fairy Tales, X-Men, Disney movies, Supernatural (S1-5), Prodigal Son, The Mummy, IT, Firefly, Scream (Movies and TV (but not third season)), Final Destination, Classic movie monsters (Frankenstein, Wolfman etc), Beauty and the Beast, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Wizard of Oz, Uncharted, Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, Bioshock, Pirates of the Caribbean, Jurassic Park, The Suicide Squad, From Dusk Till Dawn, Merlin (TV Series), Charmed (OG), Grimm (TV), Night Shift, MoonKnight, Chronicles of Narnia, TBA.
Pre-approved tags; anything I've already written, Futanari, Poly, TBA.
Banned tags; M/M, snuff, piss, feces, lyrics, diapers, 9/11, Real Person fic, breastfeeding kink, overly gross concepts, any at my discretion TBA
 Thank you so much for being a reader and fan and submitting your ideas. I love to read them, and I love to interact with you guys. If you don’t already follow my social medias, I am @jennahbreakers on tiktok, Instagram, and tumblr. And if you want sneak peaks, exclusive content, and early access, subscribe to my patreon at patreon.com/jennahbreakers. The content is 18+ so you have to type out the url.
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blueberry-beanie · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Mutuals
Thanks for tagging me, N!
1. Are you named after anyone? No, my parents just liked the name I guess.
2. When was the last time you cried? A few weeks ago, but it wasn’t out of sadness.
3. Do you have kids? nop
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Maybe too much
5. What sports do you play/have played? I used to do ballet as a kid (not the serious kind) and have been riding horses for many years (currently again on a break because no money and not a lot of time). I also like playing Badminton and I used to enjoy gymnastics at school.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? I’m often the one to compliment acquaintances about a new haircut or clothing/shoes. I’m not amazing with remembering faces, so I guess I pay more attention to other things. Also I am quite attentive on people’s voices.
7. What's your eye color? grey-blueish
8. Scary movies or happy endings? World is tough enough, at least give me happy endings
9. Any special talents? I asked N and she said: “art, quickness and organising” make of this whatever you like lol
10. Where were you born? in a town in the north of Germany
11. What are your hobbies? procrastinating. Doing this may involve: making gifs, drawing, reading, getting obsessed with musicians and lately apparently German cabaret artists and then curating tumblr blogs about them, collecting cds and music mags and annoying my friends with the most random things I can come up with.
12. Do you have pets? No, I used to have a cat at my parent’s place, but he died last year.
13. How tall are you? 1,68 m
14. Favorite subject in school? Latin. Yes, I absolutely loved Latin and spent so much time and energy studying it and trying to have zero mistakes in my translations. I also enjoyed other languages such as German and English but that depended heavily on the teacher. Funnily I also enjoyed politics and economics, mostly bc I had amazing teachers as well. Music theory and everything that involved maths were my arch enemies in school (and still are!).
15. Dream job? What do you mean I can’t just exist and make art and go to concerts and go on trail rides with cute horseys? Damn. Well, at the moment I really enjoy working at the student radio. Since I have no other good ideas and the involvement there is giving me good chances, probably I’ll end up at some radio station. I’m tagging: @lisanek @swallowedinthestars, @lovewildgreen, @steelfeathersnn, @lovewildgreen, @palebluedream, @there-is-purpose-after-all, @wateryblasts, @threepwillow, @pitchforkhead, @stroyent, @knockmeforsix, @canofstella-fishfilet & you if you’re reading this :)
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chronicxwanderlust · 1 year
get to know the author!
name: tabitha
pronouns: she/her
preference of communication: used to be a die-hard tumblr im's girlie but finally caught onto the discord train a few years ago! still stick to im's for like initial contact/plotting but definitely am reached better and interact more consistently on discord.
most active muse: that would be my bb marley! she's my longest active muse of about...four years now? i feel like it might be longer but that's as old as any of her blogs that i can find! but without fail she's always the muse i have the most inspiration for, and a foolproof way to get myself out of any writing slumps. will say though after really only exclusively playing her for like three years, this last year or so i've tried my hand at so many new characters/fcs and now have so many new muses that i adore!
experience/how many years: when i tell you that i have absolutely zero recollection of how i discovered rping on this hellsite!!! my middle school bestie introduced me to tumblr for sure but how i ever discovered rp will probably forever be a mystery to me, but i think i've been here since i 2011? do not remember if rping on omegle (PLEASE who let me be unsupervised on the computer!!!!) came before or after, but once i was here i started with glee rp (cannot interfere, it's a canon event) and somehow crawled my way to today and into my home amongst simple town rps asdfghgfghj.
best experience: this last year or so has probably given me the biggest giggles that i can remember ever having!!! i had the fortune of meeting some really great writers to brave this madness together and just getting to laugh and bounce ideas and plots off of them and also to have a front row seat to their work outside of what we've come up with has just been so cool and inspiring? like the fact that this is done as a silly little hobby but i genuinely am constantly left just in awe of their talent is just so beyond me!
rp pet peeves: lazy plotters or people who so clearly don't read your intro before just throwing connects out there (usually in order to face chase and it's like babe, if you read my intro i wouldn't have to tell you why x, y, and z does not fit for this muse like?)! i don't mind shipping certain faces together but wanting a ship solely for the faces and not caring about the muse themself is usually so blatant and obnoxious.
fluff, angst, or smut: big fan of both fluff and angst! i generally like more plot driven threads, which i feel usually lends itself to angst, but love balancing out the heavy stuff with something light and fun when it calls for it and def think those can help move a plot along as well! think it's kinda funny that before i was allowed to write smut, i wanted to do so more than i do now that i actually can? it's not that i won't, but it'd probably have to be a ship i really cared about and thought it'd add something to see what that connection is like when they're intimate?
plots or memes: i am the worstttttt when it comes to memes! i start off with such good intentions but usually they just build up in my inbox and i tell myself i should answer them...and then let them sit in my inbox for longer until it's really been too long since i should've answered them and tell myself i'll be better next time. but plots, i live for that shit! don't even need big elaborate ones, like one of my longest rp besties and i usually just send each other little blurbs of an idea and literally could spend forever going back and forth with musings and headcanons for it. 
long or short replies: i look back on like my 2016 rp days and literally do not know how i went from little one line responses to writing novels. like the #pls don't feel like you have to match length tag is v me coded bc i absolutely am not getting out of a response without at least a paragraph. love love love exploring my muses thought processes and reasonings and their inner monologue, which can lead to some pretty lengthy responses, depending on the thread!
time to write: tell myself all day at work that when i get home, it's time to write...and then i get home and i tell myself that it's time to nap instead! i have the most time to write in the evening/night time or during the weekends, and that's when i can get random little bursts of motivation to not wait until the suns gone down to start writing.
are you like your muses: i do like to give my muses tiny little parts of myself, like if they reference a tiktok that's ended up on my fyp, or some weird quirks or opinions, but as a whole, i don't think i'd consider myself too similar to any of them!
tagged by: @waveofstars thank you bb!
tagging: @sinsoakedsaints, @tinytriceratop, @kiplingwriter, + anyone who wants to!
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sitp-recs · 2 years
Tumblr media
A Quickening Hope, A Freshening Glee by @maesterchill
Harry/Draco, Sirius/Remus (2022, Teen, 4k)
Joy comes to Harry and Draco alongside a quickening of heart, and of body, and of breath. Or: The one where Draco and Harry find out from Remus Lupin in a Ministry lift that they're going to have a baby. And Sirius flips out.
“We are a power couple…” Draco mused. “Of course it only makes sense that we would be power parents also.” Harry snorted at that.
Can you believe how many amazing people are having bdays back to back in June? Love to see it but the Tumblr logistics are stressing me out ngl 😂 happy happy birthday, darling Maester and Commander (stealing Tacky’s tag because it’s perfect)! I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy this little gift rec. I love sharing this fandom with you and getting to enjoy your delightful fics AND exquisite art, both for Drarry and rare pairs (which I can’t wait to see more!!). It took me forever to decide how to celebrate your day. You have just gifted me one of the most incredible Sirry fics I’ve ever read, and I still can’t think about it without choking up and feeling my heart burst with tenderness for their dynamics and wall sex. I’ve reread that beauty more times than I care to admit but it would be lazy work to rec it again since my unhinged reblog already took care of it 😂 if anyone’s looking for superb sexy & tender age gap smut, it doesn’t get any better than this!!
I decided to go with your wonderful, feel-good recent Mpreg fic which explores the trope in such a lovely and comforting way it made my heart ache. I know many people are picky about this trope (myself included) and because of that some works don’t get a lot of exposure until they get recced so here I am to give it a special shout-out as one of my favorite reads of 2022 so far! Pretty much like Em, I have the biggest soft spot for tender established relationship and this Everybody Lives AU with Wolfstar + Drarry has perfect joyful, found family vibes, it put a big smile on my face from beginning to end!
Remus and Sirius are both charming and bigger than life - I love their energy, how they balance each other, and it’s quite emotional to see how their fatherly dynamics with Harry and Draco could look like. The idea that Remus’ super wolf hearing makes him the bearer of good news is so clever and sweet! In fact I adore many things this fic comes up with: Drarry’s mental bond, pregnant & horny Draco (also: “kissed him, a proprietary hand still on Draco's stomach” is now my new favourite line, jfc ��), and Sirius’ workshop!!! What a brilliant idea to have him partner up with Arthur to tinker around, I can’t believe I’ve never seen this take before. Em has a fabulous grasp of Sirius’ young spirit and child-like enthusiasm without making him inadequate, it’s so fun to read and I love the affectionate nicknames he has for everyone!
This fic is nice and heartwarming just the way we need it on bad days, with zero drama, just soft, happy ending vibes and I love that for us. Get ready to laugh and swoon over these soon-to-be-parents boys and have fun with their slightly chaotic dynamics as the family grows. Don’t forget to leave kudos and comments, and while you’re at it, why not check the rest of Em’s A+ catalogue? Here’s a fabulous reclist by our @sweet-s0rr0w and more gorgeous art recs by @shealwaysreads to get you started 🙌
Read on AO3
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earthtooz · 1 year
hi earth! i was wondering if you possibly had any advice for anyone who wants to start a writing blog or general tips. if you’re comfortable with it, it would also be cool to know what your writing process is like! you write very well so i’m just curious. thank you for taking the time to read this and i hope you have a lovely day!
first of all, this ask was what got me out of bed in the morning to go to my laptop where i did nothing for like 2 hours.
ANYWAYS I’ve been awake for seven hours now and i still haven’t answered it LOL, but thank u for taking the time to pop into my inbox anon!! so honoured u thought of me 🤭🤭
i’m more than happy to answer any questions u may have!! i’ve only been writing here for like one and a half years but I’ll gladly share some tips for new writers <3
tips for new writers - writing on tumblr in general:
formatting and your writing style is very important!!! people most of the time will like stories that have good grammar and are easy to read, so know your punctuation- duh, i mean, most people know where to put their commas, full stops, and shit, but as even a native English speaker i still need to double check sometimes 😭😭😭
ALSO, figure out if you’re a writer who likes to write with proper punctuation or in lower case like i am rn. people on tumblr don’t care which one you opt for so it’s a matter of personal preference!!
personally, i like to use proper punctuation for longer fics with more plot, and lower case writing for normal drabbles, headcannons, etc, all up to you :3 depends on what i feel like tho, i just like the look of lower case hehe
also, you can totally write drafts on tumblr or another platform - i switch between docs and tumblr. shorter pieces on tumblr and longer pieces on Google docs !!
how to get attention on tumblr as a new writer - the importance of tags:
USE THE TAGS - DON’T BE SHY !!! USE A VARIETY !!!! it’s so easy to get reads on tumblr if you just know your tags. i also will say: be mindful of whether or not you stay in tags bc your post can suddenly just disappear- this has happened to me so many times 😭😭 to do that just search if your fic is still popping up in the ‘recent’ section of the tags AND EVERY TIME AFTER U POST SOMETHING, TAKE THE TIME TO SEARCH IF IT’S IN THE ‘RECENT’ TAGS.
(this part might make zero sense, but if it’s been a couple hours and your post still is not popping up, you can either edit it again, make no changes, and press ‘save’.)
general tips:
have an aesthetic layout.
obviously it’s not ‘essential’, but i always find myself more likely to follow blogs that are pretty or have an aesthetics
it takes so long to do but it’s so worth it 😭 if you looks at the fics that do very well, the formatting it very beautiful and pleasing to the eye.
if you’re struggling with a layout, there are so many inspos available on tumblr, just search up ‘blog inspo’ or ‘layout inspo’ and you’ll generally be pretty successful. if all else fail just go to your fav blogs and see how they set up their blog/navigation/aesthetic!!!
having a set colour for your blog can also look nice and less chaotic. for example; mine is red and it’s my (usually) go-to colour for a lot of stuff. just make sure u like the colour tho ���️
also don’t be afraid to talk to people! AUTHORS LOVE WHEN YOU COMPLIMENT THEIR WORK!! getting mutuals is such a great feeling so PUT YOURSELF OUT THERE !!!!! MAKE FRIENDS 😮😮
my writing process:
i am that writer that likes to have a plot before i start anything, but it’s never complete. normally when i’m going abt my day, i suddenly think of a piece of dialogue or scenario that makes me go ‘hold on. let me write that down’.
for example, recently i thought of a piece of dialogue for an angst fic (that i don’t know if i’ll use) that goes:
‘no i’m not upset that you forgot about our anniversary, in fact, i already predicted you would.’
another idea i had was: you don’t ever want to leave nagi seishiro hungry.
sometimes I get these ideas when i’m in bed like bro 😐 let me rest…
if i feel inspired enough to continue said ideas, i do, but i never force the fic from happening bc then it’ll be mediocre and just… okay. not something i want on my blog 😭
but then i decide the wordlength, how many scenes i want to be in there. for example, my mistletoe todoroki fic i set out for 4k and met my goal. but my itoshi rin Xmas fic only met around 1k when my goal was 2k - sometimes this happens and i cant be mad if i think the story is done there.
it’s never that organised though, if you look at my drafts, it’s a scrabble of words. i jump from scene to scene with big gaps in between that i need to fill in later 😭 but that’s just how i write LOL ! you may be totally different from me which is a-okay :3
then i grind til the fic is done, reread then bam 💪 ! do my usual formatting on tumblr, tags, and then you’ll see the final result!! easier said than done bc when you want to be done with a fic and just post it, you then need to do all the actual presentation of the fic 😭😭😭
anyways yeah, that’s my process summarised lol!! hope it helped u get a little bit of an idea for what the earthtooz blog grind looks like 🫡
so yeah, i think that’s all i rly need to say!! if you wanna follow my advice or not, up to u, but once again, thank u for popping in my inbox anon and asking me!! gave me something to do whilst on my walk 🤭
cant wait to see what you write, always feel free to come back and ask if you need some ‘extra help’, but i believe in you! good luck and have fun writing, and i hope to see u in the tags someday :D
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measlyfurball13 · 1 year
Yoinking an open tag from @bloodgulchblog!
I've never met a tag game that's specifically about fandom, I just had to fill it out.
Tagging @totally-not-an-awkward-okapi and @nitr09-productions and @south-sea and @ow-old-men, along with anyone else who manages to see this between all of the Sonic reblog spam.
Your name: Call me Measly!
Your current fandom(s): Anybody checking my reblog spam knows that I am neck fucking deep in the Sonic fandom right now. Which I must say, is not the lowest I've ever been- one of my prior fandoms was League of Legends, somehow.
How did you first get into fandom?: Deviantart.com baby!! A really pretty girl in 6th grade introduced me to the website, and one day I finally worked up the courage to enter my favorite show at the time (Transformers Prime) into the search bar. I discovered that I was not the only girl in the world who experience the Blorbo Emotions and that blew my mind.
How long have you been engaging in fandom spaces?: Since 6th grade, as mentioned before. However, honorary mention- my mom is actually a part of the fandom old guard. She's been reading fanfic since before I was born. Strange thought, isn't it?
How often do you read fanfics?: About every week, I say. I usually find new stuff here on tumblr, and I troll the depths of AO3 every week and a half or so. (I usually just tend to tear through every fic that's been tagged with my favorite niche character and then get sad about it.)
Top three characters from your current fandom(s):
Anybody who's even glanced at my reblog spam knows that it's all going to be Sonic characters. More specifically, my beloved Metal Sonic, is #1. Obsessed with this funky identity crisis dude. He's the one I'm writing a literal novel for right now, because you can fit so much goddamn angst, mental illness, and daddy issues into this one robot it's not even remotely funny.
In close second is Omega. This is another robot built by the same guy in universe as Metal, by the way, so he's got a similar yet different flavor of angst going on. Omega was hit with the typical "you are what you choose to be" arc that most fictional robots undergo, except his choice was "I WANT TO COMMIT MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF VIOLENCE. AND ALSO MAYBE MAKE FRIENDS BUT DON'T TELL ANYBODY THAT" and that fascinates me deeply.
Number 3 is, uh, idk? Kind of a toss-up. Probably a tie between Shadow (who's the traditional pick for a hurt/comfort character in this fandom) or Silver (optimistic time traveler dude who is just. so tragic sometimes.)
Have you ever written fic for a fandom?:
The longest fanwork I've written so far is sitting pretty at around 44,000 words (it's an incredibly niche crossover between Babylon 5 and Knight Rider). My current WIP (the aforementioned one starring Metal Sonic), however, just broke 50k yesterday and I'm not even remotely close to finishing.
But yeah- I've been writing since 6th grade. Here's my very first ever fanfiction by the way, if you want an idea of how far I've come (or a good laugh.)
Have you ever drawn fanart for a fandom?:
I can count on one hand how many times I've tried. I can count on zero hands how many times I've succeeded.
Share a personal headcanon that you feel very strongly about:
If you follow my Sonic sideblog, you'll see all of my headcanons projectile-blasted at you daily.
Additionally, most of my headcanons are pretty fluid. I LOVE enjoying multiple interpretations of the same character, even and especially if they're contradictory. There's only been, like, two that I've ever been super crazy about.
The one that I'm weirdest about right now is Metal Sonic being some flavor of trans. This is the character that, upon gaining the ability to redesign their body however they wanted in canon, gave themselves long hair, a skirt, and a big dragon alternate mode. If that doesn't scream "transgender" for you, I don't know what will.
And finally, what does fandom mean to you?:
Fandom is a place where I get to share the joy of creation with other people! My favorite thing in the universe to do is "yes, and" people and develop ideas together. My second favorite thing in the universe to do is to encourage creators to tell me more about their fuckin' awesome ideas. My third favorite thing in the universe is seeing people react to my own work. I'm just writing the stories that make me happy, man, so to see people enjoying it brings me so much joy.
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writeouswriter · 1 year
Hi, Hope you’re having a good say.
I’m new to tumblr and looking to write a blog, But I don’t know where to start, Could you give me some tips so I could get started? I have about zero idea how this platform works…
Hello, hello, hope you are having a good a last few weeks, I am sorry I never see asks, tumblr likes to hide them from me, my goodness this has been sitting here a month. If you are still around, and not a bot message, the main tips I could give are just to check out other's posts, follow some people, reblog stuff you like, comment on things, interact with the community, and if you want to make your original posts, just make em, post your writing, your thoughts, tag them with what you think are relevant tags (don't spam irrelevant ones), and don't get too discouraged if they're not seen much because to be fair no one knows how this platform works, not even the platform itself knows how this platform works. I'd say most people are using this like a personal journal sending things and thoughts into the void until one day the void waves back and this is either comforting or frightening.
If you're starting a writeblr and want to post original writing or the like, most people do an intro post to get started in the community, usually with a mix of different details, depends on what you want in it, couple facts about yourself, what you write/will be writing/posting, tagged with things like writeblr intro, writeblr introduction, writeblr community, etc. Some people use the tag writblr I believe as well, and for writing itself, there's any number of tags that could be used, I'm not really up on all the latest ones, intro posts could be made for wips as well, but tbh I'm not the best person to be giving advice. I made this side blog to keep track of writing advice and writing memes and such I wanted to reblog for reference years ago, then made a textpost that by random happenstance/fluke got a lot of notes because often you get notes on tumblr by random happenstance or flukes, and then, spurred on by lust for power, I posted regularly almost every day, often by queue, alternating between original content, writing, humour, and reblogs of other's content, writing and humour, and just kind of fell into a rhythm before going back to the most erratic posting and reblogging possible and just chilling, woe to my poor followers. So maybe others would have better advice/tips as I have no clue what I'm doing here and don't think I ever did, I'm just hanging in the void.
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thecoramaria · 5 months
Hi Cora,
I usually only write reader inserts and really want to try an oc written in first person. I know my tumblr readership might not be thrilled with the change. Any advice on writing or my readership?
I'll try my best but it's been ages since I wrote an oc-centric fic in first person, and I certainly wasn't on Tumblr at the time, and that fic was a spin-off from another fic. (I am also not a writer nor reader of reader-insert as it's like the complete opposite of what appeals to me, so be aware of some bias potentially leaking through.)
So there are two approaches I can see here:
Bring new people on Tumblr into your audience.
Try to find the common ground between what lovers of reader inserts might like about your OC.
You can focus on one or the other, or even try both.
Unfortunately, I have no idea how to bring fans of OC-centric fanfiction into your work through Tumblr since I have zero experience with that. The basic strategy in any scenario really is just to find people creating something similar to your work and engage with them in the hopes that they might like yours as well, or figure out which tags and such they're using so you can use them too. (Basically, if you figure out how people find out about other creators' works, you can just follow the same strategy to put your work in front of the eyeballs of your target audience.) People on Tumblr generally like to see what makes your OC unique as well. I know my beta-reader absolutely adores one of my OCs because they're funny, a kleptomaniac, have a unique backstory, and interesting dynamics with the canon characters.
As for finding common ground, see if you can learn why reader-insert fans might hesitate to check out a work about an OC. Again, I'm not a fan of reader-inserts, but I've heard some readers prefer them because they can't get invested in a story unless they feel "involved" in it. It's why blank slate protagonists are so popular in pop-culture. If your OC is designed to be a blank slate the reader can project themselves onto, then you'll be able to emphasise that, but I get the feeling that's not what you're going for, because otherwise you'd just be calling your OC Y/N.
So here's another approach: I once heard a video essayist say "I don't relate to characters: I relate to situations." Basically, when pitching and teasing this fic to your current follower base, you can focus on marketing those relatable situations, even if they're unusual or fantastical. Most people haven't ever had to pass a magic exam, but they sure as hell know what it's like to have to pass a normal exam! Try to present things in a "Remember when you had to do something like this? Wanna see how this character deals with it?"
Honestly, I'm not too satisfied with my answer, because again, I feel really out-of-my-depth. If any other lovely followers of mine have any advice to add, please do.
I do just want to say though that while I know a lot of my video content focuses on "Here's how you get people reading your story! Here's how you get comments! Here's how you keep your audience coming back!" that is not the be-all and end-all of fanfiction. I make that kind of content because I feel like whenever people ask those questions, they never get the answer they asked for: just something like "You shouldn't care so much about your audience and just do this for yourself."
I bring this up to say that while I think it's great that you're thinking about your audience and all, I hope you remember that they come secondary to your creative vision and your love for this hobby. If you can't get people interested, then yeah, that sucks, but at least you got to do something that you found fun and fulfilling, right?
Anyways I'm going to visit my mum now so I'm afraid I can't proofread this ask.
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kritt-kat · 1 year
hello, my name is blackbirds please call me that!
I mostly write based off my mental illnesses (depression and angxiety and maybe dyslexic?) and my daddy issues!
but on occasion i will have absurd qesions polls were nonsense become your 18th sense, don't ask what the extra 7 are!
you can ask qesions, posibbly share ideas, or just straight up to me in the Qesions ideas and more! section of my blog.
important notes
I have a cat, if you wish to see my cat, I happily send you some pictures depending on how much I like you.
I work at an ice cream parlor, If you have problem with ice cream let me know.
I am suprisingly enhusiastic for a depressing poetry writer!
I DO NOT, WILL NOT, SUPPORT ANY OF THE FOLLOWING pedophiles, homophobic people, transphobic people, raceism, sexism, OR ANYTHING ALONG THOSE LINES.
some stuff about me
My favorite poet is robert allan poe
my favorite artist is henry ossawa tanner
I like bubble gum
I play with cards and draw in my free time
I have ZERO social skills so I may come off as akward
I'm trilingual ! I speak 3 languages!
my pronouns are she/her and I am asexual panromantic!
I like greek mythology!
I like raven mockers! (go check out my poem about them!)
so basically I'm a 19 y/o on tumblr who write poetry and asks weird qesions and is very happy whenever one likes their posts!
custom tags
# a raven mocker has made a new friend # black bird writes # back bird has a weird qesion #do not contact me for I will either be bindge writing poetry or cry my eyes out (hold up I more custom tags I just can remmeber them)
I may add on to this, but this is all I have for now !
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haztobegood · 2 years
How about the same four? The 8s :)
Thank you Lauren!
8 If you had to write an entire story without either action or dialogue, which would you choose and how would it go?
I would leave out action because I love writing dialogue. Sometimes I write entire scenes of just dialogue and then go back to filling the actions and descriptions later.
18 Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end.
The end of Now All The Clouds Been Lifted is one of my favorite scenes. I'd nearly finished the fic, but was struggling with the ending. Then @lululawrence shared a video of Greg James drunkenly talking about wanting to live on the moon, and it fit the characters so well and wrapped up the whole thing better than I could have imagined.
28 Who is the most delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
Niall the goat farming witch in Take On Me. I had originally planned the character to be an little old lady, but when I got to the scene, the idea for Niall just hit me and made the scene so much better. I remember sitting at my computer laughing so hard at his back story.
38 What is something about your writing process YOU think is Really Weird? If you are comfortable, please share. If you’re not comfortable, what do you think cats say about us?
I rewrite my fics. I've seen posts about this on tumblr and people usually tag it as being too much work or that they don't think would work for them. But it did work for me. I am very much a perfectionist and when I started writing, I would get frustrated if every sentence wasn't perfect the first time around. Then I learned about zero drafts and it changed my entire process. Now, I write a zero draft that is a complete mess and get everything onto a page so that I know what I'm working with. When I finish the zero draft, I open a new blank document and rewrite the entire story into something that is readable.
more weird writing asks
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just-antithings · 2 years
i’m a harry potter fan and i get **antsy** about it bc i’m transgender and the only reason i still, **i guess**, interact with the fandom is because I Do Not Control The Special Interest.
that being said, i keep seeing posts from people that are like “i don’t care why you like harry potter! i don’t care if you’re also trans or if you’re neurodivergent or whatever! if you like harry potter, you support jkr because she says that she’s any support of her works as support of her opinions!”
and i feel like i can’t be uncomfortable because i get why they’re saying something like that. i mean, her transphobia has very much affected the trans community, the community in the i’m in particular. it fucking sucks.
that being said, i don’t think its necessarily *that* black and white? idk, like:
1. even if she takes people being in fandom as agreeing with her, jkr doesn’t get a say in what opinions i do or don’t support. i am not a terf because i read fanfic sometimes. she and i don’t know each other. she does not get to say what i do and don’t believe based off of what i read or watch (and i personally feel like her saying that was kind of egotistical and presumptuous).
2. my “support” of harry potter isn’t even really support. i don’t buy anything related to harry potter and i don’t feel the need to. i don’t consume any new thing she makes, harry potter related or otherwise (to be honest, i don’t think of her as a good writer, anyways). the only time i even interact with content relating to harry potter is either on ao3 or tumblr or i rewatch the movies that were gifted to me years ago. she receives zero money and attention from me beyond that.
3. one of my favorite things to do, as a *~fan~* is talk about how much i don’t like jkr and why, how much i don’t like her writing and why, how fucked up some of the stuff she’s made is and why, and what i think could be improved about the series. i think some of these are important to, at the very least, *discuss*—like, i think it’s important to address her racism, antisemeticism, transphobia, homophobia, mysogyny, etc. because just *leaving it* isn’t helpful. the only people i’ve seen do that (though, it might just be bc of the content i interact with) are either former or present fans.
4. i feel like it’s a bad idea to just up and stop being a fan because she’s a terf? i mean. if you don’t *want* to be in fandom anymore because of it, that’s totally fine and i get that. but if every trans person and every person who support trans people just up and leave the fandom, the only people left will be people who don’t have a “side” and terfs, who love to spread misinformation and convert people to terfdom. maybe i’m wrong, but to me that feels like….giving them a space to spread their ideology. i’d rather just continue to be part of fandom and make trans related content (i actively head canon most of the characters as trans and i do incorporate it into the things i make).
5. i’ve seen some people use this as an excuse to be rude towards specifically trans mascs, for some reason? like, i saw a post (one of the “fuck off if you like harry potter” ones) where, in the tags, op wrote something like “idc if you’re transgender and tme shut up” and that’s….certainly a choice.
idk. it’s not really an anti thing but i’ve been having all these thoughts about it and i’ve seen them reflected next to nowhere so i’m having anxiety about still being a fan lol.
maybe i’m just missing something or “the point” is flying over my head but i just. i dont think i’m hurting anyone by enjoying hp and i think that taking out your (general you) aggression towards jkr on fans, especially trans fans, is a bit of an odd decision.
also, sorry if any of this post was weirdly worded or mistyped, i was a bit all over the place as i wrote this. i hope you guys have a good day.
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